Author Topic: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment  (Read 135906 times)


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #60 on: 29 August 2015, 00:03:34 »
 Mechwarrior Mitchell

 Lynx LNX-9Q

 Never gives his first name and no one knows where he got his hands on an extinct mech.


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #61 on: 29 August 2015, 00:12:09 »
No modified 'Mechs to start with gentlemen--use as a reference if you have to, but find a canon 'Mech.  Vonshroom, the GRF-2N is pretty close to what you want.  Tyler Jorgensson, I can't find a Cestus with JJs--sorry.

Warclaw, BattleTechnology #21 was set (in-universe) in 3054--is the Rattlesnake from that year?  Or did it debut earlier and was just reported on the first time in 3054?  If the first, I'm sorry, but it comes too late to the ball game (nothing past 3050).

Oh . . . and gentlemen.  Ladies.  You can put down any rank that you want; however, once we get enough folks, the officers will be elected.  Everyone will basically (regardless of their prior ranks in other units) be a MechWarrior unless and until the CBT Regiment promotes them into a position of authority.

Carry on.


Okay, my mistake on the non-custom configs, it is a bit of a bummer, but I get where you are coming from. If I cannot have the custom Griffin can I switch to a Zeus 9S? That would be nice.
« Last Edit: 29 August 2015, 00:20:09 by Vonshroom »
For The Archon!


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #62 on: 29 August 2015, 01:49:06 »
Arthur Mackensen
Mech: VL-5T Vulcan

Arthur's 'Mech is of unknown origins - his uncle found the chassis while surveying a land-grant in the Capellan March and spent ten years repairing it before he died suddenly and left it to Arthur in his will. Enlisting in the AFFS, Arthur graduated in the lower third of his class and served entirely in the 1st Albion Cadet Cadre and Valexa Capellan March Militia. After his mandatory five years, Arthur chose to go mercenary and hooked up with the CBTers.
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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #63 on: 29 August 2015, 02:57:39 »
How is 600 years of Mech development a narrow period of time?

As for joining the ranks of this unit

MechWarrior: Major Dane "Longshot" Brammidge

'Mech: STN-3Lb Sentinel

Change Made as I wanted a 'Mech to live up to the nickname I've given my pilot. It's Royal Sentinel and comes with a Gauss rifle so it fits. Character Bio pending.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #64 on: 29 August 2015, 09:01:50 »
Brigadier Casey Jordan, formerly of the 2nd Battalion, Red Chasseurs, Taurian Defense Forces.  Brigadier Jordan's family has served in the TDF for centuries- a number of her ancestors fought (and died) in the War of Star League Aggression (AKA the Reunification War) and the Periphery Uprisings.  Piloting a battered but fully functional GHR-5N Grasshopper, Casey graduated from the Taurian Ecole Militaire and was assigned to the Red Chasseurs.  She progressed through the ranks and became famous in 3045 when she lead her battalion against a battalion sized raiding force from the Torutga Pirates.  Having landed on Brisbane, the pirates attempted to capture the large water purification plants located on Brisbane.  With the 2nd Battalion spread across the planets many islands to defend all the possible targets, Brigadier Jordan found herself locally outnumbered by the pirate raiders.  She and her company managed to hold the main purification plant for over a week, while the remainder of her battalion, under the command of her XO Subaltern Gerald Dildine, regrouped and launched a counter offensive.  Caught between the two forces, the pirate battalion fled the planet, having suffered heavy losses.  Brigadier Jordan's company, having suffered heavy damage while holding off the pirates, quickly became known as the Battered Bastards of Brisbane. Brigadier Jordan also became an outspoken proponent for the Concordat to focus its efforts on eliminating the threat of pirates, rather then the Protector's single minded focus on the supposed threat of the Federated Commonwealth.  In 3049 she resigned from the TDF, disgusted with the Protector's unwillingness to deal with pirates who threatened the people of the Concordat in favor of worthless defenses against the non-existent attacks from the Federated Suns.  She then headed to the Inner Sphere where she hoped to join a mercenary company, until the day that the Protector is removed and sanity is restored to the Concordat. 


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #65 on: 29 August 2015, 10:22:51 »

Would probably get along with Filtvelt Native Alexander Dale... mutual hatred of pirates. "Hanse pays for the establishment of 26 March Militias for the Lyrans? And can't be bothered to establish one for one of the few FedSuns regions without one? Damn him to hell."
« Last Edit: 29 August 2015, 10:24:35 by VhenRa »


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #66 on: 29 August 2015, 23:18:55 »
Awesome idea.

Pilot: Cidwm

Terran by birth, Cidwm longed to see the Innersphere away from the plush luxurous living on the birth world of humanity only to be disappointed by his discovery of the cesspool that is the innersphere. He signed on with the CBTers after serving in other failed merc commands now hoping that this one will last more than a forthnight.

Battlemech: MAD-1R Marauder

I'll go lighter on the ride if needed for the unit.

master arminas

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #67 on: 30 August 2015, 00:08:06 »
Twenty-seven recruits and counting!  Nine more and we will have a full battalion!



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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #68 on: 30 August 2015, 09:16:41 »
Well I will have to slightly modify my original character to meet the 3050 time period. Revision, seems my memory isn't as good as I thought. He would be a little older.

Robert Takiro would be a young Mechwarrior (23 or 24, birth date was April 13, 3026) at this time with his family Spider BattleMech. A vintage machine modified to carry 2 Small Lasers in place of the second Medium Laser it has served House Kurita over the course of the Succession Wars. Ni~Tsu supaidā (Sun Spider) is painted in the colors of the Sword of Light regiments with which it has so often seen action. Graduating from the Sun Zhang Mechwarrior Academy this native of Hachiman was forced to flee when hard line authorities descended on his family home recently. The fate of his father (Jon) who is supposedly a criminal of the state and his younger brother (Thomas) remains unknown. Robert now in mercenary service has vowed to return and vindicate his family while proving his loyalty to House Kurita. Callsign Tsunami.

Tanaka Nakamora enlisted in the unit not long after Takiro listing a Warhammer BattleMech among his assets. Secretive and very quiet this Dieron native is approximately 35 years of age. Frequently seen in Takiro's company many speculate he is some sort of bodyguard as one incident demonstrated his martial skill and outstanding physical attributes. Callsign Shadow.

Along with much more on the background I could add transport assets if you wish.  ;)
« Last Edit: 24 September 2015, 05:27:27 by Takiro »

Red Pins

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #69 on: 30 August 2015, 13:13:20 »
Mechwarrior Ronald Meyer reporting!  Catapult
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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #70 on: 30 August 2015, 13:20:21 »
Mechwarrior Ronald Meyer reporting!  Catapult

Might want to specify model number.

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #71 on: 30 August 2015, 13:21:45 »
So as I try to think up a backstory, a thought has occurred to me. Which would be better, the AirMech bomb truck WSP-100 Wasp LAM or the lulzworthy bimodal SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM?
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

Sir Chaos

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #72 on: 30 August 2015, 13:44:50 »
So as I try to think up a backstory, a thought has occurred to me. Which would be better, the AirMech bomb truck WSP-100 Wasp LAM or the lulzworthy bimodal SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM?

When in doubt, go with "lulzworthy". Being awesome is easy; sucking really well is an art form.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
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"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
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Giovanni Blasini

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #73 on: 30 August 2015, 14:41:05 »
When in doubt, go with "lulzworthy". Being awesome is easy; sucking really well is an art form.

Quite true.  Ok, revised submission, then:

No one is sure where Giovanni Blasini got his hands on a SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM.  In fact, while Blasini reportedly is from the Niops Association, Niops has no records of an individual by that name in census records, indicating that this is not his true name.

Before signing on with his new unit, Blasini primarily has flown his Shadow Hawk LAM on freelance jobs for Interstellar Expeditions and the ComStar Exploration Service, both of which have Giovanni an acceptable rating for his services, though he's also built up a reputation for being as eccentric as his LAM.

His Shadow Hawk LAM, the "Spruce Goose", lacks the AirMech mode of the more common surviving LAMs and, as a result, Blasini tends to begin combat in fighter mode, dropping bombs and strafing, before converting to 'Mech mode to continue battle.  However, lacking the quick exfiltration capabilities of an AirMech, once he engages combat as a BattleMech, he is generally stuck there until combat is over.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #74 on: 30 August 2015, 15:50:42 »
Mine is a special needs mechwarrior. :)

J. Andrew Ringe-MacCrabhain: BLR-1G DC Battlemaster

Somewhat frail, and at best only barely competent at the controls of his battlemaster, Mechwarrior Ringe-MacCrabhain sells himself as a sort of freelance "Idea Man" and strategist who operates best from the command chair of his mech providing communications and tactical support. Highly talented as a tactical and strategic thinker and a decent lance or company leader, he nonetheless has a strong aversion to responsibility, making him more useful in an advisory position. Further, his attitude that the Ares Conventions are really just "helpful suggestions" means some commanders keep him on a fairly short leash.

Unusual for a freelance pilot with his own battlemech, Mechwarrior Ringe-MacCrabhain's contracts generally include a clause requiring the parent unit to assign a second mechwarrior to handle piloting duties of his Battlemaster while he concentrates on tactical and communications support.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #75 on: 30 August 2015, 16:09:33 »
You know.... I'm surprised no ones chosen an UrbanMech yet .....

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #76 on: 30 August 2015, 16:17:06 »
You know.... I'm surprised no ones chosen an UrbanMech yet .....

It was my second choice if a LAM wouldn't fly, so to speak.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #77 on: 30 August 2015, 21:12:32 »
Ian "Kid" Kelly is a young Mechwarrior, a graduate of Sanglamore and the eldest son of a minor landholder on Glengarry. He served one tour of duty with the Fourth Skye Rangers before a combat wound pushed him out of the running for promotion in the elite unit. He resigned his commission and went into the mercenary trade.

His BLR-1D Battlemaster is a family Mech, battered from decades of use but in good working condition. Ian often 'overclocks' the action of his machine guns, dramatically increasing rate of fire but also barrel wear and ammo consumption.

master arminas

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #78 on: 30 August 2015, 21:40:36 »
Mechwarrior Ronald Meyer reporting!  Catapult

Yes.  Model number is required--unless you want me to pick one for you?



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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #79 on: 31 August 2015, 12:17:02 »
So be it then,

Mechwarrior Callsign:  "Warclaw"
Real Name: "Fnord-Fnord-Fnord"
Mech of Choice:  JR7-31P Rattlesnake

     Also dubbed, "The Black Prince of the Backstab" by former lance mates, the Taurian Mercenary known as Warclaw is well known for appearing at the least opportune moments for his opponents and mercilessly exploiting weak points.

     Rumors that he has modified his Rattlesnake with a Void signature system or other high end electronic warfare devices have never been proven, and the warrior himself denies such.

     Preferred opponents: Heavy/Assault mechs.

     Preferred tactics:  Headhunting, deep strike, ambush, behind the lines raiding, scout hunting/Counter-scouting.

Known Associates:  "Doc" Agren (Warhammer-unknown iteration), "Blackpanzer" Zi-Long (Awesome 8Q), Cliff "Numbers" P.  (unknown mech)

Damm you  "The Black Prince of the Backstab" just keep them off my backside, while I cut you a hole

Former LC mechwarrior, former Merc, most recently test pilot for Olivetti Weaponry.  Walden "Doc" Agren is a specialist with Warhammers, someone who doesn't seem to understand that a you should not be making jiffypop on the heat vents in the cockpit.  He has been know to take any model and make them twist and shout and way that well, just is right according to many who have watched him run and gun.  Isn't that right, Warclaw?

"Doc" also is a gambler,when you pilot the Warhammer the way he does you have to gamble..  O0
Also carried a Mare's Leg, with him when out of the mech as a sidearm

If possible a WHM-7S, that he had been working as a test pilot on, as they should have been in the field by then.
« Last Edit: 01 September 2015, 21:59:21 by DOC_Agren »
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #80 on: 31 August 2015, 13:35:19 »
That's what, four Warhammers now? I think we should put all four in the same lance for extra face-smashing action. Call them "Hammer Lance"  ;D

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #81 on: 31 August 2015, 14:08:45 »
That's what, four Warhammers now? I think we should put all four in the same lance for extra face-smashing action. Call them "Hammer Lance"  ;D

Kids, don´t go to war hammered.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #82 on: 31 August 2015, 21:22:10 »
That's what, four Warhammers now? I think we should put all four in the same lance for extra face-smashing action. Call them "Hammer Lance"  ;D

Nahh "the 40k" or "GW Lance" 8)

and just remember  "STOP it's HAMMER TIME"
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #83 on: 31 August 2015, 22:16:20 »
 :-[ Sorta embarrassed  that I though that as well.

Also, have we figured out a color scheme? I have a Crab that's just DYING to have paint on it.
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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #84 on: 31 August 2015, 23:09:06 »
no one is sure where he comes from, not sure how old he is. the only thing that is known he has sevred in more combat actions and been to work for every faction in the IS for longer then anyone can think of. He never talks in combat. the only respons is music from the mech. he loves classic music over anything and can be found playing it while wading into combat. one skill he is know for is showing up in placed that mechs where never known to appear in. meuch less everyone on the battle feild swears that he was just next to them one sec ago and the next he just strides out of the smoke to help someone in need and then walks back into the smoke to show up some where else. for some reason he never can be found around base and just seems to show up when he is called. when he shows up to a new unit the jacket he pulls out for his record needs a forklift to move since se seems to have served in combat since before the star leage was formed.
some say he thinks hanse davion is not a god. he once did shot with mad max himself and out drank him. he even fought red jack ryans raiders sincgle handed. we call him THE STIG.
THE STIG REPORTING AS NEEDED WITH A AC10 URBANMECH.(do not ask how he teleports around the battlefeild...he just does)

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #85 on: 31 August 2015, 23:39:21 »
The Stig in an Urbie.  That is fantastic.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #86 on: 31 August 2015, 23:48:01 »
here is my addition to the unit.

Joining the unit as liaison from the planetary defense forces of Northwind, Subaltern McDonald and Warrant Officer Ronin are here on a controversial mission. 
Keep Subaltern McDonald away from Northwind and out of trouble. 

According to scuttlebutt, the Subaltern has a fondness for multiple girlfriends with bad tempers.  Additionally, there are rumors of duels with jilted ex-boyfriends.  Whatever the truth, Subaltern McDonald is from one of the oldest families on Northwind.  Competency testing has shown that the Subaltern has a Gunslinger's touch with his Warhammer's weapons, but a Neanderthal's stumbling when piloting the 70 ton machine.  His Warhammer-7A, however, while a late Star League era relic, is in immaculate shape: proof of a favored son's position

Officially, a liaison to the NCO corps, Warrant Officer Ronin has the duty of keeping his charge, Subaltern McDonald, alive and mostly out of trouble.  Or, at least, out of the news vids.  WO Ronin has an honorable record of 29 years of Highlander service.  Considered nearly ancient by MechWarrior standard, the Warrant's compentency tests proved him to be an agile combatant with his apparently brand new, and personally owned, Wolverine-7H.  Rumors from the Techs report that the Mech still smells new, and of mothballs.  As distasteful as babysitting duty may be, apparently WO Ronin has been well recompensed.  So, wherever Subaltern McDonald is, Warrant Officer Ronin is guaranteed to be close by.

Subaltern Ryan McDonald, NWH: Warhammer-7A

Warrant Officer Steve Ronin, NWH: Wolverine-7H

GROGNARD:  An old, grumpy soldier, a long term campaigner (Fr); Someone who enjoys playing tactics and strategy based board wargames;  a game fan who will buy every game released in a certain genre of computer game (RTS, or computer role-playing game, etc.)

Red Pins

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #87 on: 31 August 2015, 23:55:18 »
Yes.  Model number is required--unless you want me to pick one for you?


Sorry - puke emergency  :o  "LOOK THAT WAY!"  Computer desk came out ok, Just needed time to come back.  Sorry for the confusion.

Lets change it up a bit.

MechWarrior Ronald Meyer, graduate of the Robinson Battle Academy.  Average height, average weight, brown hair, green eyes.  Originally a Wolfhound pilot, he managed to cripple an enemy Wolftrap but lost his own to a Stackpole explosion and claimed the Wolf Trap (a WFT-1) as a replacement.

Veteran Pilot and Gunnery skills, overly fond of Alpha strikes, but since the WFT-1 doesn't have the same laser vomit characteristic as the Wolfhound, settles for middle/long range support.  Likes Thunder rounds for the LRM, sets fires to provide cover (advancing or retreating - preferably on enemy planets, but if it drops in the pot a smoky fire beats being Dispossessed.  Again.) but if a short-range fight is unavoidable with a faster, better armed enemy (ie. Jenner) screams for help, NOW!, since he knows a decent MechWarrior will gut the Mech right away.

When a WLF-2 (Plasma Rifle and MML) version becomes available, I'd upgrade if I could.  If you need anything else, let me know.  Can't wait to read about somebody blowing it up.   O:-)
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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #88 on: 01 September 2015, 00:09:29 »
Must be close to a Battalion
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: The Classic BattleTech Forum Mercenary Regiment
« Reply #89 on: 01 September 2015, 01:02:27 »
34 or 35 if we count Grog's two mechs.

Which means five to six mechs if we want a command lance