Author Topic: Mechwarrior 2nd ed  (Read 11247 times)


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Re: Mechwarrior 2nd ed
« Reply #30 on: 24 September 2015, 08:54:04 »
Was about to mention that hit locations is the optional, not standard rule.  Now despite that I won't entirely disagree that there is an over abundance of math that can change how damage works but again it isn't what I would call complicated math and is math that I was doing by the age of 12*.  Though since I did feel the math was a bit unneeded and bogged down play as mentioned is one of the reasons I did change how Toughness and Glass Jaw work in my house rules so that the math could be done once, before any combat, and never needing to be done again.  I also don't use hit locations for similar reasons but still allow for called shots and if my players ever start thinking they can get away with wearing only torso armor I'm more than willing to hit them with a splash weapon and ruin one or more of their limbs and say they are SOL because they generally don't generate characters with sufficient levels of equipped or connections to get any of the good replacement limbs.

*For context's sake I was no prodigy skipping ahead grades or in any advanced classes.  In fact I was behind a year because of a medical condition.


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Re: Mechwarrior 2nd ed
« Reply #31 on: 24 September 2015, 14:40:38 »
Was about to mention that hit locations is the optional, not standard rule.  Now despite that I won't entirely disagree that there is an over abundance of math that can change how damage works but again it isn't what I would call complicated math and is math that I was doing by the age of 12*.  Though since I did feel the math was a bit unneeded and bogged down play as mentioned is one of the reasons I did change how Toughness and Glass Jaw work in my house rules so that the math could be done once, before any combat, and never needing to be done again.  I also don't use hit locations for similar reasons but still allow for called shots and if my players ever start thinking they can get away with wearing only torso armor I'm more than willing to hit them with a splash weapon and ruin one or more of their limbs and say they are SOL because they generally don't generate characters with sufficient levels of equipped or connections to get any of the good replacement limbs.

*For context's sake I was no prodigy skipping ahead grades or in any advanced classes.  In fact I was behind a year because of a medical condition.

First Let me say that if it was not for your Character spreadsheet there would be no way to play this game  O0 (take a hint GCL).

But the big problem is not the complexity of the math. its the sheer amount of it both in character creation and in game.
while i like that alot of player from games like D&D (I hate it but its still one of the most played) and other RPGs are not use to this amount of math to play out a combat or create a PC.
Now perception is everything as show by Twilight 2013 were the system is great, but the story (and that just the game world story) is bad so the game failed.
So when you get some guys together and they look a 5,000 cp and all the options the first words out of there mouth is "let just play D&D or Star Wars saga etc." then the game needs work.

