Typos about Lone Star from Daryk, which I agree with:
Page 4, second paragraph: "By 2600, its population was in the hundreds of millions; its local industry was burgeoning, thanks to tax breaks and cheaper land than most of the Hegemony; and its agricultural sector was exporting a wide range of luxury foods." should have been punctuated as: "By 2600, its population was in the hundreds of millions. Its local industry was burgeoning, thanks to tax breaks and cheaper land than most of the Hegemony, and its agricultural sector was exporting a wide range of luxury foods."
Page 4, third paragraph: “terraformed heydays” should be “terraformed heyday”
Page 4, third paragraph: “terrain varieties” should just be “terrain”
Page 4, fourth paragraph: “Before its fall, Lone Star had some regions with very pleasant climates and its populations largely concentrated in those areas.” should be “Before its fall, Lone Star had regions with very pleasant climates and its population largely concentrated in those areas.”
Page 4, fifth paragraph: “bottle up its settlers” should be just “bottle up settlers”
Page 4, fifth paragraph: “By 2765, each of these cities claimed over fifty million residents in its soaring skyscrapers and arcologies.” should be “By 2765, each of these cities claimed over fifty million residents in their soaring skyscrapers and arcologies.”
Page 5, first paragraph: “lower-cost alternative” should just be “low-cost alternative”
Page 5, second paragraph: “give “Loners”” should be “gave “Loners”” to match the tense in the first and last parts of the sentence.
Page 6, second full paragraph: “home to Star League Navy’s” should be “home to the Star League Navy’s”
Page 6, second full paragraph: “Lone Star was never able to afford to replace the stations before its final environmental collapse.” should be “Lone Star was never able to replace the stations before its final environmental collapse.” or “Cost prevented Lone Star from replacing the stations before its final environmental collapse.”
Page 6, third full paragraph: “insightful of” should be “likely to incite”
Page 6, third full paragraph: “manufacturers would position” should be “manufacturers positioned”
Page 6, third full paragraph: “placed on the Canopian” should just be “placed on Canopian”
Page 6, fourth full paragraph: “the new, Director-General” should be just “the new Director-General”
Page 6, fourth full paragraph: “at least one WMD attacks” should be “at least one WMD attack”
Page 6, fifth full paragraph: “thirteen years since” should be “thirteen years following”
Page 7, second full paragraph: “population centers was” should be “population centers were”
Page 8, under “Look What I Can Do”: “that would last” should be “that lasted”
Page 10, first paragraph: “influences had prevented” should just be “influences prevented”
Page 10, under “Tips”: “under the clock of a continent-shaking doom” would read more smoothly as “under threat from a continent-shaking doom”
(Daryk, you caught some stuff for the boiler plate sections that I didn't repeat. I wasn't sure if they all appeared on the same pages.)