Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2  (Read 253753 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #120 on: 16 June 2016, 17:24:47 »
Thank Marauder648 for the Rasalhague Dominion wiping out the Draconis Combine's little territory gain.

Draconis Combine Assault
Buckminster, Orestes District
Rasalhague Dominion
19th August 3104

On the 19th of August two Draconis Combine units attack Buckminster and Port Moseby of the Rasalhague Dominion further adding to the contested zone located between the Draconis Combine, Rasalhague Dominion and Lyran Commonwealth.  In the the Buckminster system, the DCS Matsu a huge Yamato class Battleship and her escorting Kyushu class frigate the Shimokita that was also carrying the Third Yokosuma SNLF with one hundred-and-eight Land Air Mech’s in her hangar.

The orbital battle did not last long, the few Dominion DropShips that were able to fight did so bravely but against the two WarShips and their fighters the fact that the Combine units would be reaching the planet was a foregone conclusion.

The battle on ground less so, the First Kalliveri and Twelfth Provisional Garrison Cluster of Omicron Galaxy instead opted to fight a defensive campaign as six DCMS JumpShips arrived in system and began landing troops.

 With the orbital space secure the Shimokita deployed her massed LAM’s quickly securing the world’s main starport despite heavy resistance from the Twelfth PGC before it withdrew behind a shell of Solhama troops who fought until the very last.


Four days later the Dominion’s reply arrived.  Onboard the Shimokita the alert claxons were blaring across the ship, she was on the night side of Buckminster, her sensors relaying data down to the troops on the surface as an operation to secure a major dam and its associated relay stations was under way.  Half the Third Yokosuma was on the surface, the others were in the frigates Mech bay’s being serviced and undergoing maintenance.  The Special Naval Landing Force (SNLF) Regiments were a raiding force, a hammer that could come down behind hostile lines from orbit, not one built for sustained siege and assault operations, with half the Landing Force involved in the assault along with aerospace support victory was predicted within the hour.

Then the sensors registered a huge emergence bloom on the day side at the Pirate Point between the primary moon and Buckminster.


“Sir! The Matsu reports a Leviathan II has just jumped in system and is moving to engage, Tai-Sho Kamimura requests we move to assist and engage.

Tai-sa Shigeto nodded as he strapped himself into his chair, glancing at the 3D holo map of the world.  He had his two dropships with him, both Union X’s whilst the two supply ships were on the surface helping with the assault.  Both Union’s were moving into flanking positions.
On the holo-map he could clearly see the huge red mass of the Leviathan and the smaller icons representing her eight escorts in a picture perfect escort formation as they moved towards the still distant Yamato class battleship that was coming about, both massive ships streaming fighters from their launch bays.

“Our fighter status?”

“Six on-board and ready to go Sir, the Reaper and Tracer are both launching their fighters to add to our screen.”

“Understood. Chu-Sa Rees, can you deploy your forces?”

“All but four are ready to go, but without fighter cover a LAM is not much use in a naval battle.”  The Yokosuma Regimental commander reported.  It was a truth nothing more, LAM’s were at the mercy of any good fighter pilot, they were just too slow, and neither fish nor fowl in a true naval engagement like this.

“And how about a boarding action?”

The Chu-Sa was silent for a moment, glancing at the data about the Leviathan as well as its escorts.  “Punch us a hole through their screen and my men will rip that thing apart.”


“Sir all fighters are away, escort group one and two are in position.”  The warrior at the tactical station reported glancing over at the Rasalhague’s commander.

“Very good, communications?” He said glancing at another member of the command crew.
“Aye Sir.”

“Get me Star Colonel Nils Jorgenson.”

A holo-display sprang to life, showing the face of the commander of the two hundred-and-fifty Elementals aboard the massive battleship.

“Star Colonel, have your troops prepare for a boarding action.  It is my intent to disable the Dragon’s vessel and claim her for the Dominion.”  He said confidently the Draconis Combine Battleship was an impressive vessel but it should be no match for the Rasalhague.

The dark skinned Elemental’s grin was almost feral and he saluted a clenched fist over his heart.  “Aff Star Admiral!”  He said eager to get into battle.

The holo in the command deck flicked off to be replaced by a smaller display of the system.  A practiced eye told the Star Admiral that the Combine ship was taken by surprise by the Rasalhague’s arrival, they’d jumped in system early in the morning, and he could only guess they were on watch stations, not full battle stations.  This was not a determent to the Combine vessel no crew could maintain full readiness at all times, how they conducted themselves in battle would show how competent the crew were.

“Have our fighter’s punch through their screen and eliminate her escorts, guns, target DropShips first and then give me a rolling broadside, target weapon systems and thrusters.  Have Fang and Claw Star’s move to shield our bow.”  He said hopefully if the Rasalhague continued to move the damage the Combine vessel did would not be concentrated in one location even if it did mean their fire would be less accurate.

A chorus of affirmatives rang out and were quickly relayed to the mass of fighters swirling round the battleship.  The eight Vanir DropShips moving into position, a double layered arc across the battleships bow with a hundred miles between each ship, the DropShips forming a flak barrier three hundred miles in front of the Rasalhague as the fighters from both sides engaged.

Star Captain Victor grinned, rolling his shoulders, his Ostrogoth’s sensors showing the DCMS fighters up perfectly. They were wisely sticking with their dropships, which would mean a hard fight, but with only seventy-two fighters protecting her versus the three hundred from the Rasalhague the Dominion forces had the advantage in numbers as well as technology.
“Odin Binary, stick with your wingman and keep an eye on your sensors!”

Victor was a Spheroid, the son of a Kungsarmee pilot who had fought against the Bears but he had not felt the animosity his father had and when he could he joined the Dominion’s military, his testing and Trial of Position netting him a prestigious berth aboard the huge Rasalhague.  In the battle against the Snake’s he’d nearly lost his home and had been assigned to various Aesir class ships but had taken part in another Trial of Position when the Rasalhague was returned to service this time as a Star Commander.  When with native Rasalhague citizens he spoke ‘normally’ but he could understand the Clan’s love of speaking ‘properly’ there was no ambiguity, and it made commands crisp and clear.

“Janice, you are with me, take formation on my port wing.”

“Attention escort group Mauler, this is Galaxy Commander Johan Otiz, engage the fighters approaching on vector 097, Assault group Mangle will engage the DropShips Hanzo and Dragon’s wrath ensure they are not troubled whilst doing so.”

“Aff Galaxy Commander! Mauler group, you heard him, for the Dominion!”  The Combine escorts started blitzing laser and particle bolts as missiles flew between both formations, most missing thanks to the brutal ECM being pumped out, but some hitting with brief flashes and the occasional scream over the comm’s net as multi-tonne fighter became  fireballs.

Mangle was one of the heavy hitting Trinaries, a mixture of Kirghiz and Hydaspes I and II assault boats, they were moving in tight formation noses and wings flaring as they volleyed missiles and barrages of laser and particle light at approaching targets.  It was Mauler’s job to keep them alive so they could pound the Draconis Combine droppers into rubble.

“Mangle One! Yellow nosed bastards, six-o-clock high coming down now!”

Victor grunted as he pulled the Ostrogoth into a hard turn, thrusters flaring as he swung the nose round as bolts of manmade lighting tore through where his fighter would have been.  A snap roll brought him in behind his target, one of the DCMS’s new Koryosha class assault fighters, their hulls gleaming in the reflected light from the planet.

“Lock target.”

“Target locked.” The fighter’s Bitching Betty dutifully replied, the Draconis Combine fighters were big and fast, his was faster, he had more thrust to spend and could turn sharper.  The four Draconis Combine fighters split, two going to port, the others to starboard.

“Janice we’ll take the port pair, Torbyorn, Hudson, take the starboard!”  As their ‘children dueled and danced the two massive mother-ships came into range, greeting each other with missile fire that for the most part was harmlessly deflected either by on-board Anti-Missile Systems and jamming or in the Rasalhague’s case by her flak screen.

The Matsu and Rasalhague opened fire at near the same moment as the range between the two slowly circling giants came down as both ships turned to bring their broadsides to bear.  At these long ranges though the Leviathan had the advantage, her massed laser batteries were built with bracket firing in mind whilst the Matsu was built with mid-range brawling, relying on her armour to let her bully other vessels.  Still the Combine’s ship had superb gunners and the latest firing systems allowing her to score hits with her lasers, gauss rifles and PPCs even as her flank was flayed by the Dominion vessels lasers and PPC’s.


As the battle raged between the two Battleships the DCS Shimokita moved into position at full burn, the 2.5g of sustained thrust was hard on her crew, but they knew even as the ship crested the North Pole of Buckminster that they had to get into battle. 

“Begin...Declaration turn…attention all hands brace for sudden and immediate declaration!”  Operating mainly under computer guidance the six hundred-and-thirty thousand tonne frigate spun about on her axis, her hull groaning under the stress of the high speed turn, engines flaring brightly as the fought against her momentum and inertia, the ship rattling from stem to stern for a moment before the heavy pressure of acceleration lifted somewhat.  “Report!”
“We’re in position Sir! And moving at 1g.”  The helm operator reported happily.

“Damn fine navigation, sensors!”

“The Mutsu’s fighter screen’s all but gone, five DropShips destroy…sorry, all six are gone the Red Dragon just caught a gauss slug.”

“Sir! We’ve just been actively painted by the Rasalhague!”

“Report on enemy ship!”

“Damaged but operable, enemy DropShips are reacting to our presence.”

“Too late, Chu-sa Reese, are your men prepared to do their duty?”  He asked into the communication system.

“We’re always ready.” Came the muffled reply, the Lieutenant Colonel was joining his men; his personalized Screamer LAM would be the first out of the hangar.
“Good luck and fight well.”

“And you my friend.”  The Chu-sa replied the Third Yokosuma SLNF were permanently assigned to the Kyushu-class vessel the Regiment’s Mechs and their warriors were as much a part of the crew as anyone else.

“Sensors report.”

“Sir we’re being painted, we’re in range… but they are not firing?”  He said looking slightly confused an Inner Sphere enemy would be firing their weapons on an enemy as soon as they were in range.

“This Bear has some honour, on Terra in the age of sail; a large warship would not engage a lesser one unless fired upon. The greater vessel could defeat a smaller opponent with ease and it saved a simple slaughter.”  He said explaining what was going on to his crew “he knows we can’t threaten him and he can reach out and destroy us at a moment’s notice.  Signal the Reaper and Tracer, engage the enemy dropships.  Launch the Third!”


“Sir! Enemy frigate is launching fighters, count is at twenty… thirty… fifty!”

“I gave them a chance…guns, destroy them.  Get me an ID on the fighter type and get Fang and Claw to cover our rear.”  Star Admiral Yanos Silva was frustrated, mostly at himself, he’d realized that he’d become fixated on the now wallowing Yamato as his fighters tore at its sides and rear, battering the proud ship again and again as his vessel’s weapons cut into its hull.  He’d discounted the frigate. A small ship like that had no business challenging a battleship.  Still it was only a distraction, soon they would be destroyed and then his Elementals could board the Matsu and claim her for the Dominion. 

“Firing!”  Even as the Shimokita turned to bring her long ranged broadside guns to bare the Leviathan spoke first, the massive Clan battleship not pulling its punches as enough firepower to flatten a city slammed into her bow and forward quarter.

The frigates Ferro-Aluminium armour initially held, but for a few seconds before the Clan’s bright blue lasers melted through and ripped into her interior.  The PPC and gauss slugs were just the finishing touch as the Kyushu shuddered like a wounded beast, flame roaring through her interior, bulkheads melting under the onslaught of laser and particle fire before the gauss slugs impacted a few micro-seconds later and finished what the torrent of energy weapons had started.  The bow section was sheared off, ripped and torn metal giving way, the frigate venting puffs of oxygen and fire into the void before her ammunition stores in the aft quarter detonated, shredding the doomed hulk in a white hot flash.  But fifty-four LAM’s were thundering towards the Dominion battleship, bought time to get to full thrust and close the distance by the death of their mother-ship.

“Sir! Enemy craft are Land Air Mech’s!”

“How many?”

“All of them!”

“Get our escorts back here now!” The Star Admiral snarled, looking at the prize he knew would soon be denied to him.

“Get Star Colonel Nils Jorgenson’s men out of the assault craft.  Attention all hands! Prepare to repel boarders!”  He commanded a LAM attached to the hull of a WarShip could do a lot of damage.

“Hit her upper hull and forwards quarter, if we can get into the DropShip collars we can cause some serious damage.”  The Third was moving fast and hard, the Dominion DropShips were still out of position and the battleship was still firing on the Matsu, the Combine WarShip returning fire as best she could but was clearly in a bad way.

Still with several hundred kilometres to go the Bear ship was far from defenceless, her lasers started tracking, guided by her massively powerful sensors they started firing into the dispersed mass of Combine LAM’s.  More often than not the class-55 naval lasers missed, leaving nothing but a bright after image in their target pilot’s eyes. But when one hit, a LAM simply ceased to be.  Cored through by a weapon that could melt through a battleship’s armour with ease, the LAM’s protection was nothing.

Then the point defences opened fire.  Layered LRMs, ATMs, lasers and PPCs which the LAM’s of the Third returned with gusto, but it was pinpricks against a giant, she was easy to hit, but Mech scale weapons barely scored the surface plating.  The real damage the unit would do was if they could get on board.

“Decelerate…NOW!”  Chu-sa Reese ordered the remains of his unit the Screamer lived up to its name as its power plant roared as it directed everything it had to the thrusters, the transformation mechanisms on the fifty-five tonne machine moving parts with precise grace and fluidity.  Up ahead the Chu-sa could see his target, the huge flared dome of one of the dropship collars, rising over the Rasalhague’s back like a small hill.  With the Screamer’s Mag-clamps active the Mech could only move at fifty-six kilometres per hour, but the system let him walk on the ships hull instead of having to risk jumping or crawling.  Jumping would bring him into the arcs of the point defences and the scores across the Screamer’s chest told the Chu-sa he didn’t want to repeat that.

He’d seen three of his men, their machines wreathed in fire plunge into the hull of the Dominion warship, and around him he could see other Icons of friendly forces advancing on his position although it was worryingly few.

“If we can detonate the fuel supplies in the DropShip ports we can still win this.  We need to get inside!”


“CHARGE!”  The Combine LAM’s advanced, firing at anything that looked important, silencing a few of the point defence batteries by snapping off gun barrels or smashing laser lenses, making their way along the upper hull before the hull shook and there was a scream.


“What the hell was that!?”  The Rasalhague’s commander demanded

“Sir, the Huntsman reports they had a firing solution, one of their missiles just destroyed two enemy Mech’s.”

“Those idiots! They put a hole in MY ship, get the escorts to cease fire before they do more harm than the enemy do!  If they continue to fire they will face me in a Circle of Equals after this battle is over.”  He snapped “helm!”

“Aff Sir!”

“Bring us to green 48, down ten degrees, finish that Combine ship now!”

The Rasalhague slowly turned, bringing her fresh armour to bare along her undamaged flank, ignoring the twenty-two LAM’s crawling along her back like an elephant ignored flies.  Her unengaged guns guzzled power from their reactors, lining up on the burning, listing Matsu.


“Elementals!”  One of the LAM pilots called out a warning.  Ahead of the survivors of the Third the huge docking collar doors to the cargo hangars were opening and Elementals were pouring out, jets flaring as they jumped down.  A mix of Gnomes and Rogue Bears whilst heavier Golems crawled along the hull to take up firing positions aiming weapons at the Draconis Combine LAMs.

“Samurai of the Third…it has been my pleasure and honour to lead you, let’s make these Bear bastards bleed!”  Chu-Sa Kyle Reece slammed his feet down on the Screamer’s jump pedals, the broad LAM thundering forwards on pillars of fusion fire towards the still open drop collar.  He ignored the Mech’s alerts of inbound missiles, the thuds of impacts across its armour; all that mattered was the open iris.  He saw the cockpit of his friend and Aide Sho-sa Elrik Nga ripped open by a Rogue Bear, a black painted brute with crimson painted hands and claws, the pelt of a Ghost Bear held on its shoulders like a cape.  He didn’t see his friend get pulled from the cockpit and thrown into the vacuum of space, he was too busy concentrating on dodging gunfire.

The final challenge would be a two hundred meter climb that he KNEW would bring him into the line of fire of the battleships point defence guns but he had to try.  A dorsal gauss rifle turret snapped round s its sensors picked up a target rising out of its dead zone against the hull.  A quick IFF challenge let the gunners know they could fire.  One slug missed, crushing a Gnome Elemental into paste against the hull of the Rasalhague.  The other though did not miss, smashing into the Screamer’s right rear side, crushing through armour before ripping into the mountings of the LAM’s jump jets.  The sudden loss of thrust threw the fifty-five tonne machine into a sudden left turn which Reese had no hope of correcting, not at this speed.

He smiled and closed his eyes as the Screamer rammed into the open docking port at hundreds of kilometres per hour.  The wreck bounced off the hull, tumbling inside before it slammed into the gantry for one of the dropships loading mechanisms and finally exploded as the remaining fuel went up along with the ammunition for the Mech’s MML’s. 

Heavy blast damage wrecked the gantry which fell across and into the open docking iris but with it being exposed to vacuum there was no fire.

As the Third died to a man the Matsu finally gave up to the inevitable.  Angered at the boarding action the Dominion Star Admiral made sure the Combine ship was destroyed.  With her engines wrecked and armour rent there was little the Combine ship could do apart from die valiantly, her few remaining active weapons firing fitfully under local control, still gamely scoring hits before a massed volley from the Rasalhague’s undamaged flank ripped into the Matsu’s lower belly.  The ship did not die in an eye watering explosion as her primary reactors were hit, more by chance than skill, but starved of power and wracked with internal fires and whole sections open to space the Matsu died slowly as internal fire induced explosions finally broke her back and slowly broke the ship up spreading fragments of her across the system.

Many months later the wrecked hulk would be found but she was deemed beyond repair and instead was broken up for salvage.

A hundred and thirty of her crew were rescued along with eighty-two fighter and DropShip crew and pilots.  There were no survivors from the DCS Shimokita or the Third Yokosuma.  Later that day with the wounded Leviathan still in orbit, elements of the Eighteenth Battle Cluster and 297th Battle Cluster arrived in system to support their brothers on the ground finding a few survivors from the Sixty-ninth Provisional Garrison and the First Kavalleri Clusters which were folded into other commands.  Even with space and air superiority the Rasalhague Dominion are not able to secure the remains of Buckminster until the end of August when the last elements of the Third Yokosuma SNLF and the Eleventh Legion of Vega Regiments were destroyed.  The Rasalhague Dominion victory on Benjamin also cuts off DCMS troops on Port Moseby forcing them to withdraw from that system or face destruction at the face of the Wolves.

Pirate stronghold
Laterus, Periphery
21st August 3104

   The First Robinson Strikers LCT and McKinnon’s Raiders Battalion of the AFFS hot dropped onto Laterus on the periphery of the Federated Suns Draconis March.  For months DMI Agents had been working inside a pirate raider stronghold.  Laterus was known for two things firstly the system had an extensive vane of Germanium, which is critical for the construction of K-F Drives and a toxic atmosphere.  Fighting in the hostile environment casualties was high on both sides with each breach of a cockpit, armour or infantry suit causing a death.  For nearly four hours the elite AFFS troops contest the world against the pirates before declaring victory with the complete destruction of the pirate forces.

DMI Border Raids
Capellan March, Federated Suns
24th August 3104

   Duchess Jaylen Davion disappears from St Ives in the Capellan March.  There is no indication of foul play only that the Duchess and her personal BattleMech, and bodyguard lance, are missing.  Over the coming months the Department of Military Intelligence launch a series of raids against the Capellan Confederation, the Taurian Concordat and the Kittery Prefecture searching for First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion’s daughter but they find no sign of her.  Many citizens of St Ives believe that she had gone looking for her missing husband Duke Tristen Allard-Liao however there is no proof either way Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao, the Duchess of St Ives, retreats further into her Palace on St Ives withdrawing her thirteen year old son Lucian from the school he attended so he could be taught privately in the palace on St Ives.  This withdrawal from public life decimates St Ives’ and the Allard-Liao's reputation in the Capellan March.
« Last Edit: 18 June 2016, 08:51:01 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #121 on: 16 June 2016, 19:24:51 »
that was one full scale battle of the battleline... great job.  I had no idea on who I wanted to win


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #122 on: 16 June 2016, 20:33:08 »
 O0 Great update!  ;D  Clan Wolf showing the FWL they can still take them down at the same time as they are attacking LC!  And great writing Marauder648
« Last Edit: 16 June 2016, 20:49:27 by Shadow_Wraith »


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #123 on: 16 June 2016, 20:47:42 »
Wow, what rough way to go!  Amazing writing DragonCat.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
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"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #124 on: 17 June 2016, 07:32:17 »
I'm honoured DragonCat let me write a bit for his TL, and it seems the combined FWL forces got the door slam on their fingers by the Wolves.  And a new warship huh..interesting!  I also wonder what's happened to Jylen Davion.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #125 on: 17 June 2016, 10:26:01 »
Woohoo! Mayhem and destruction!  >:D

The wolves seem to have played their cards pretty well during the FWL offensives, when I first looked at what was being thrown at them I was a bit concerned that they'd end up taking massive losses in both territory and equipment.

Also great job marauder and DragonCat!   O0


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #126 on: 17 June 2016, 19:52:02 »
Great naval battle.
The Leviathan II shows who's the boss. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #127 on: 18 June 2016, 08:48:37 »
Time to move into September and firstly my thanks to the writing talents of James Tanaga who brings us some news from the Rim Collection

Medical Suite, President’s House
Gilfillan’s Gold, Rim Collection
1st September, 3104

Damien Redburn watched mournfully as Matthew said his final goodbyes to his lover, Victoria crying in his lap. Damien knew it wouldn’t be long now, eyeing the deathly pale form of Karen Able lying on the hospital bed. Ever since she had given birth to her still-born second daughter nearly a year ago, the Rim Collection’s president hadn’t been the same, both physically and mentally. Yet, the last two months she had seemingly returned to her old self.

That was until yesterday’s stroke, he thought mirthlessly to himself, as he watched the younger FedSuns sailor stroke the Rimmer’s hair, while surrounded by the few House Able members who were planet side. It happened while he and Matt were in an HPG conference with the Federated Suns Minister of Commerce and Trade concerning Rim Motors’ recent and very public proposal to forcibly merge the bankrupt Salvatore Incorporated into their growing portfolio.

By the time the two, along with Damien’s own wife and daughter, had arrived at the President’s House, they received the news. Karen Able, Fourth President of the Second Collection, was likely brain dead.

The surgery earlier only confirmed the diagnosis.

It was not his place to watch the final goodbyes of Karen’s loved ones, he judged, as he turned and left, softly closing the door, making his way out of the Medical Suite and into the President’s House proper. His mind wondered as he effortlessly made his way through the residential complex.

“Even heaven weeps for her,” the voice of his daughter jerked him from his thoughts. He found himself standing out on a balcony, soaked, as the rain continued to pour. He shook his head.

“That it does, Brienne. That it does,” he answered before turning to face his seventeen-year old daughter. Studying her face, he knew.

Karen Able was dead.

Hours later, news of Karen Able’s death reverberates throughout the Rim Collection and into Lyran Commonwealth.

Water Gardens
Hiberius, Rim Collection
2nd September, 3104

Congresswoman Megan Hall lay in the hot sands of Hiberius, watching the young children play in the Water Gardens as she enjoyed bathing in the sun. A year ago, she had surrendered her chance to become the rightful president against that toerag tyrant, Karen Able. All for the good of Hiberius and the Rim Collection, she allowed the Able to become the president, trusting in the mighty Mandrills to keep her in check.

And now, with the toerag’s opportunistic death, she had a choice. Support the President’s Council, filled with Able lackeys, and support their decision to make little Victoria Able in becoming the next President and destroy democracy as it stood in the Rim Collection. Or she could lead the charge to Gillfillan’s Gold and forcibly push for real democracy onto the Rim Collection. Something she knew the Old Man would have supported, ironically enough.

They had no love of one another, but she knew the toerag’s father had loved democracy as much as she, if not more so. But to act on this, she would risk the full might of the Mandrills. Their ire on her was not something she wanted, but if she could act quickly, she could force it down even their throats as a fait accompli. That is if she acted quickly in securing the President’s Council and the young Victoria Able…

She mused for another hour on the situation before nodding to herself. Her choice made and now she need to only throw in her dice.

Border fighting
Addicks, Addicks PDZ
Draconis March, Federated Suns
10th September 3104

After the fighting on the Capellan Confederation’s border Prince Burton Davion continues to play the “Warrior Prince” like Davion Princes of history wading into the fighting on the Draconis Combine border defending the world of Addicks from a raid.  The Prince does not shy away from battle instead standing in front of the DCMS raiders protecting the people of Addicks despite the danger.  Burton Davion’s Templar III takes heavy damage while defeating three enemy BattleMechs and two tanks.

Subtlety (McKenna MOD-class Battleship)
Regulus, District of Regulus
Free Worlds League
11th September 3104

The Subtlety Profitable College of Military Arts arrives in the Regulus system and is escorted in by Regulan assault DropShips.  Arriving over Regulus in the early morning of the sixteenth the Subtlety’s commander was invited to the planet’s surface.  Over the course of the day Captain William Leroy-Deitrich and his crew were treated to tours of the training facilities on Regulus and dinner with Prince Lester Cameron-Jones and his family.  Unsurprisingly, like Oriente and Canopus, the leadership on Regulus attempted to convince the Subtlety’s commander that Regulus was the home the Battleship and its attached College were looking for.  Like the previous systems Captain Leroy-Deitrich refused the offer to remain permanently in the Regulus system instead agreeing for the training college to remain in the District of Regulus until the end of the year.  During this time the Subtlety Profitable College of Military Arts works extensively with the people of Regulus inviting trainees from across the District on board the ship.

Take Over
Promised Land, District of Gibraltar
Free Worlds League
15th September 3104

For years the people of Promised Land had been ridiculed and discriminated against by the people of the Free Worlds League.  Due to the planet’s high gravity and the use of genetic engineering to help the population resist the problems it causes on the health of a human body people from Promised Land were often depicted in entertainment vids and stories as being like the hunchbacked goblin creatures of nightmares.  Exports from Promised Land were often charged at a higher rate while the Free Worlds League was happy to use the space stations in the system as trade points between other systems due to the low duty charges.

While appearing to be a loyal world of the District of Gibraltar the government of Promised Land had long been in talks with the Lyran Commonwealth negotiating the system’s path into House Steiner.  Finally the time was right with support from the Hyperion-class Heavy Cruiser the LCS Mitchell Simons the Thirty-second Lyran Guards RCT moved into the system.  There they found elements of the Twelfth Tamarind Militia and the Galisteo, a Unity-class Frigate, which had recently been damaged fighting Clan Wolf in the Tamarind system.

With Promised Land transmitting the systems immediate and unconditional surrender to Lyran forces, the overwhelming firepower the LCAF had brought to bear and a promise of free passage to any other Free Worlds League system the Galisteo and the Twelfth Tamarind Militia both agreed to leave without a shot being fired.  With fighting still occurring on several worlds along the Clan Wolf border the Free Worlds League knew that contesting the system would be a drain on resources they did not need; and considering the contempt many felt for Promised Land and its population of genetically engineered abominations most were happy to see the back of the system.

Unlike the Free Worlds League the new occupiers of Promised Land welcomed the system with open arms allowing the planetary leaders to rule their world as they choose.  Instead of garrisoning the planet and keeping a close eye on the newly occupied system the Lyrans instead garrisoned the space stations at the Zenith and Nadir Points securing access to the system and the space station construction facilities that were Promised Land’s main export.

Glengarry Medical Facility
Glengarry, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
18th September 3104

Baroness von Glengarry Dana Carlyle looked over at her newly born twins as they lay in their cots sleeping peacefully.  As she did Siobhan McCall entered giving her a small smile Siobhan was the granddaughter of Davis McCall, a famous warrior of Grey Death Legion fame, Siobhan was an accomplished warrior and was one of the Legionaries who had refused to join the unit when Dana sold the Legion to the Brewer Family.  Most of the warriors like Siobhan had already left but she’d remained choosing to attaché herself to the Carlyle Family Guard, a non-existing unit before Dana sold the Legion but one that now stood at a full combined arms Battalion in strength.  “How you doing?”  She asked approaching the bed

“I’m good” Dana said in truth she was more tired than she had ever felt “they fought their way out just like wolves.”  She said looking over at the twins.

“Have you thought of names?”  Siobhan asked moving over to the cots looking over at Dana’s son and daughter.

“Vlad and Marialle” she said bringing a surprised glance from Siobhan which brought a smile to Dana’s face.  “They are Marc’s children he was a member of the Ward Bloodhouse it honours him.”

“Do you know if Marc’s unit has been involved in the fighting?”  The young warrior asked even though the Wolves had been attacked by the Free Worlds League recent reports suggested that Clan Wolf units had now struck at the Lyran worlds of Remulac and Savannah.  Initial indicators were that the Wolves would secure both worlds from the Isle of Skye militia forces that had been left to defend them.  If the Clan was successful the two conquests would place Clan Wolf’s border directly against Star League held territory which would no doubt bring further heavy fighting.  Glengarry was fortunately far from any hostile borders.

“I don’t think so” Dana said she wasn’t sure exactly but she thought that Marc’s unit was still on Solaris VII.  With the Solaris Games ongoing she hoped that his unit were still defending the Wolves who were taking part in the competition.

“Well at least these two are little more peaceful than their namesakes” she said looking down at the two babies.

“For now” Dana said she was better at being a doctor and a scientist than a warrior she hoped Vlad and Marialle followed her example instead of that of their father, Dana’s own parents or her grand parents.

LaGrange Points
Gilfillian’s Gold, Rim Collection
21st September, 3104

The JumpShips carrying the First and Second Rim Guards CCT’s jumped into the system and immediately disgorged their DropShips and fighters as they race to the surface. On planet, the Rim Watch and the Rim Lancers act immediately, shepherding Victoria Able and her father to the Federated Suns embassy and promptly go into defensive positions around the complex.

Simultaneously, on Hiberius, the Third Rim Guards CCT launch an assault on the Rim Lancer positions, causing a three-way battle to break up as Fire Mandrills are forced to interfere.

Meanwhile, a plea for aid is sent out to all Rim Collection units and Clan Fire Mandrill to come to Victoria Able’s aid on Gilfillan’s Gold. Able Loyalist forces throughout the Collection begin working with one another to begin building a relief force, much to the ire of the Mandrills.

Launching ceremony
Bradford Memorial Shipyards, Coventry
Coventry Province, Lyran Commonwealth
22nd September 3104

   The first ship to be launched from the Bradford Memorial Shipyards of Coventry slowly slipped out of its berth into open space for the first time.  The LCS Thomas Fredrick Bradford was the first example of a new class to join the Lyran Commonwealth navy.  For inspiration the designers at the Bradford Memorial Shipyards had looked into the past with their new class basing the design on the Commonwealth Light Cruiser of the Star League-era.  Like the Robinson or Davion classes fielded by the Federated Suns the “new” Commonwealth was a modern interpretation of the classic design which made the most of new technology while playing on the strengths of the original design.

   External observers on the Commonwealth class suspect that the Lyrans will add the Light Cruiser design to their current Battle Groups and expand the number of escorts attached to their Mjolnir-class Battle-cruisers.  Observers also note that while the the Commonwealth is not the Battleship that the Lyran Commonwealth need to combat the Battleships fielded by Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon.

Border fighting
Federated Suns
25th September 3104

Following the release of the Sixth Edition of the Unfinished Book, which has been named the Remembrance due to the influences of the Clans, Clans Snow Raven, Nova Cat and surprisingly Sea Fox all engage in fighting along the borders of the Federated Suns.  While the battle against Clan Sea Fox is a simple honour duel between two warriors on Spica the fighting with the other Clans escalates rapidly with Clan Nova Cat seizing control over the system of Rentz while in one of their raids Clan Snow Raven’s Montbatton spars with the Federated Suns WarShip FSS Sword and Sun in the Bryceland system.  The recently launched Mercury-class Battleship is more than a match for the Texas-class Battleship and both commanders are aware of each ship’s capabilities instead of the two WarShips battering each they agree to a series of honour trials.

During one such battle former Snow Raven leader Duchess Sterling McKenna-Davion takes part in an aerospace fighter duel.  The former Khan’s presence on board the Sword and Sun had been kept secret before the battle however in her battle piloting a seventy ton Cutlass Aerospace Fighter shows that her skills have not diminished during her time outside of active combat service.  Following the trials the commanders of the two WarShips agree to give each other’s crews a look inside each others WarShips and DropShips with both sides exchanging their thoughts on each of their vessels.  Duchess Sterling McKenna-Davion’s presence is not too much of a problem for the Ravens as the Montbatton was the former Khan’s personal WarShip during her time as Khan.  After nearly a week in the Bryceland system the Montbatton leaves Federated Suns space returning to the Raven Alliance.
« Last Edit: 18 June 2016, 09:25:53 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #128 on: 18 June 2016, 10:34:12 »
Nice update!  Civil War in the Rim Collection!!!  :))  Prince Burton leading from the front!!  woo hoo!  Thanks DragonCat and James Tanaga for this update!  Keep it up!

Oh, a new light cruiser for the LC!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #129 on: 18 June 2016, 18:43:34 »
A civil war in the Rim Collection, and that is supposed to be democratic.

Would have liked to see the result of a real battle between a Mercury and Texas.
The Lyrans launching a new light cruiser, well that will go well against the BB's it will be facing.
Great update DC.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #130 on: 18 June 2016, 20:48:49 »
A civil war in the Rim Collection, and that is supposed to be democratic.

Would have liked to see the result of a real battle between a Mercury and Texas.
The Lyrans launching a new light cruiser, well that will go well against the BB's it will be facing.
Great update DC.

a BB can only be in one system.  The JF have what four? That is a lot of land to cover.  when its there it has command but there only a few BB's.  having a lot of CL means you can cover more systems.  the hard part is balance.  you need BB's but you need to hit many systems in one wave in war. 


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #131 on: 18 June 2016, 21:18:44 »
Great update again DC.

The problem with that, cawest, is that it's much easier for the Falcons to use their warships effectively on offensive and defensive operations merely due to the fact that they really only have 1 front to worry about and much fewer threatened planets per warship.  Eventually, of course, the Falcons will end up losing due to attrition since the Lyrans have a larger everything building capability than the Falcons.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #132 on: 19 June 2016, 01:33:19 »
Excellent update :) I did wonder how Stirling McKenna-Davion was doing and a new cruiser too!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #133 on: 19 June 2016, 18:42:26 »
Bonus time!!

And time for me to say thanks again.  This time to Vition2 who has created a fantastic looking map for this AU.  It's accurate to the end of 3103 its close to the current map.

I've saved it into a zipped file when you open it open it with paint.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #134 on: 19 June 2016, 19:19:59 »
Awesome and thank you!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #135 on: 19 June 2016, 23:33:24 »
Thanks for the props, and I wish I was proficient enough to make a searchable pdf.  So this is what I can do, glad you like it.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #136 on: 20 June 2016, 01:34:04 »
Awesome map, great job Vition2. [cheers]
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #137 on: 20 June 2016, 07:38:03 »
Superb and very useful map, thanks folks!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #138 on: 22 June 2016, 02:28:21 »
This update was originally smaller before James Tanaga got into it  :D my thanks to a superb story line affecting the Rim Collection and Clan Fire Mandrill.  With the ultimate curve-ball being thrown and me not seeing it until it happened

Also this month had one or two changes as I approached it

Originally a Succession Lord passed over leadership then delayed it
Then an heir to a Succession Lord died then I dropped it
Then the Ravens did something but that's been delayed too

Outskirts of Federated Suns Embassy Complex
Gilfillian’s Gold, Rim Collection
3rd October, 3104

Galaxy Marshal Mandy Hall forced herself to keep from cursing in front of her troopers. On paper, her Guards’ were in an excellent position. The Rim Lancers and Rim Watch forces were surrounded and unable to escape. Moreover, they were positioned in an opened area, easy pickings for artillery units. And the best part? Her Guards’ had total aerial supremacy.
But in the field, that piece of advantage was only as good as a piece of toilet paper, for the Lancers had pulled a rabbit out of their hat and picked to defend the ONLY complex which she absolutely refused to use artillery and air support on. The Federated Suns embassy.

It gnawed at her, even while she reluctantly admitted the genius behind it. Attack it and the embassy security personnel would be “forced” to come to the defense of the Rim Lancers.  It would also put Mandy Hall at odds with the Federated Suns and by extension the Star League Defence Force.  Something she and her fellow warriors were loathed to do.

Yet it also meant the Lancers couldn’t attack as well, for it meant it would force her hand and order the attack. And so an unspoken agreement between the Rim Guards and the Rim Lancers had been formed.

And it unfortunately meant the Lancers were slowly winning, for two reasons. While her units were stuck here keeping the Rim Lancers from escaping, it meant Gilfillan’s Gold militia units were staging attacks on much-needed logistical and security needs in the capital. And second, far more importantly, it meant the much needed quick victory Megan Hall needed had evaporated, giving time for the Mandrills to answer the Lancers plea for aid.

And when that happens, Mandy thought disgusting, I will be forced to recall my forces and withdraw from Gilfillan’s Gold. The only bright side so far was two-thirds of the President’s Council and three-fourths of the Rim Congress were being held prisoner by her forces. That was something at least, at the very least they were a good bargaining chip.

For now, she resolved to keep her watch on the embassy, for it was all she and her forces could do. For now.

RCT Firebase Lost
Lost, Rim Collection
6th October, 3104

Natasha Faraday studied the latest report from Gilfillian’s Gold with a scowl on her face. Heavy fighting had finally erupted around the FedRats compound between the Rim Guards and the outnumbered Rim Lancers upon the arrival of Lancer reinforcements into the system. The whole situation was rapidly escalating. She decided it was time for her clans’ response.

Getting up, she made her way through the Rim Collection Touman base on Lost to the comm center. There, she nodded to the Rim Ranger manning the HPG station. “All channels,” she announced as she folded her hands into her chest and gave her deadliest glare where she knew the holo-camera was.

Moments later, the technician nodded back, signaling to her she was on. “This is Khan Natasha Faraday of Clan Fire Mandrill. I regret to inform the Collection that heavy fighting between the Able and Hall factions within the Collection has finally broken out on Gilfillian’s Gold.”

She ignored the sounds of sucking of hair of those in the room as she continued. “In accordance with our agreement to defend the Collection from any threats, I am ordering Clan Fire Mandrill forces to intercede in this conflict and bring both sides to the table. All Rim Collection forces are ordered to remain at their posts during this time. Any and all who do not will be seen as enemies until this conflict has ended.”

She visibly sighed as she closed her eyes for a moment then continued to look at the camera, her glaze softening. “Clan Fire Mandrill will do what we must to bring peace back to the Collection, but that does not mean we will act as tyrants. We will not trample on your homes or rights as Collection citizens. You yourselves will be the ones to judge those who are attempting to force civil war within the Collection, not us. Nor will martial law be enacted all across the Rim Collection.

“I ask all citizens and civilians in the Collection to go about their lives. For those on Hiberius and Gilfillian’s Gold, I ask you to stay inside if you can and if not, to avoid the conflict zones. Clan Fire Mandrill will work to mitigate civilian losses, but cannot promise Able or Hall supporters will do the same.

“Finally, to our enemies and neighbors across our borders, I ask only this one question. Do you REALLY want to anger Clan Fire Mandrill? If you do, I invite you into the Collection. If you are smart, stay OUT of the Collection. Natasha Faraday from Lost signing off.”

Thirty minutes after her speech, Clan Fire Mandrill forces, under the command of saKhan Jonathan Banacek jump into Gilfillian’s Gold, beginning a cat and mouse game with Robin Michaelson’s Fourth Rim Lancers CCT and other Lancer reinforcements as both proceed to the planet at their quickest pace.

Timbuktu, Rim Collection
11th October, 3104

Leonard Stewart sat watching the ongoing news like a hawk. At the moment, Clint Goldberg of INN was reporting from Gilfillan’s Gold on the now-three way conflict between the Lancers, Guards, and Mandrills. Curiously, his segment for today was on the newer equipment being seen in the conflict, particularly the Lancers and Mandrills.

“Those Snow Fox designs the Lancers are using go hand in hand with our stealth armor beautifully,” his daughter commented ask she drank a cup of tea.

“They’re all just one design, Rowena,” answered her brother, Karl, the design should have been in different configurations to make the most out of it. “Nice to see the Lancers made the Snow Fox into an actual OmniMech though.”

Leonard nodded at that. It was both nice and terrifying to see, for while it meant good things for the Collection itself, it meant his House was now in a tougher position within the nation. Something he long sought to remedy, but currently couldn’t.

“What do you make of that,” he asked his son as he nodded to the screen, where a small four-legged Mechs stood atop a hillside, the eye and pyramid of Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga on the left shoulder and the Fire Mandrill on the right showing where its loyalty stood.

“Some kind of knew ultra-light Mech maybe,” he answered. “Or possibly a new ProtoMech. The journalist reported it as belonging to a point of Amarok’s. Capabilities are unknown, though the journalist reported it was singularly guarding the Mandrill flanks from power armor forces, suggesting it’s likely a power armor killer.”

Leonard nodded at his son’s answer. He was the most technically gifted of those in the room. Then another ‘Mech caught his eye as it entered the screen, causing his daughter to whistle.
“I wonder where the Monkeys were hiding those,” she commented as the camera concentrated on the lumbering BattleMech. Leonard noted the biped BattleMech dwarfed many of the nearby Mechs as the camera zoomed out to show the others.

“They’re Kirghiz-G’s,” Karl informed them. “Weapon schemes of the Kirghiz put on a one hundred ton ‘Mech. Slower than most other Collection BattleMechs, but should be perfect for the Assault clusters. Khan Showers refused to allow Armory Gamma to build them for some unknown reason. Wasn’t expecting to see one for a while.”

“Just like she refused to build those,” Rowena pointed to two lighter OmniMechs in the frame.
Leonard caught his son’s shadow shrugging. “Crimson Langurs I think she refused them while they still had Armory Beta. The Langurs seem a bit specialized in comparison to the Shadow Cats they are now replacing.”  He said the Mandrills changed what they produced more regularly than any Inner Sphere nation he had ever seen.  There were more than thirty Shadow Cats in the Mandrill Touman but now it appeared the Clan wished to add another design at the expense of further Shadow Cats.

“Not like they’ve much a choice. The Mandrills rather build ‘Mechs from their own factories then get replacements from those they don’t,” Rowena replied nastily.

Leonard understood all too well why. The Mandrills had all but turned their noses on the fifty ton Ghost BattleMech the Stewarts had offered. At least their Khan had given the diplomatic answer of her Mandrills preferring OmniMechs to specialized BattleMechs.  In their small Touman an OmniMech while more expensive was more useful to the Clan. Polite way of telling them to go to hell, he thought, though Leonard smartly kept that thought to himself.

Then the next video clip shook him. In the middle of Rim Guards’ Clints, Stingers, and Commandos, an Uziel BattleMech stood out. “That’s unexpected,” Rowena expressed.
The view of the fifty ton Uziel made Leonard Stewart think. Perhaps it was time for his family to intercede. “Wade,” he called out to his quiet son, who leaned against the wall behind the three. “Contact Caldarium and tell them I need to speak to the Rim Assault CCT’s commander.”

His two legitimate children turned towards him, judging by their shadows, as he heard Wade leave the room. “We don’t have enough forces alone to do anything,” Rowena answered, demanding he answer their unasked question.

“Alone, no, but if we unite with the Rim Assault CCT and other units, we might be able to send an ad hoc force the Mandrills would appreciate.”

“Thereby raising our standing even further,” she responded the Stewart family had fallen a long way to have to try and impress one of the Clans.

“Exactly,” he answered simply, smiling as the three again watching the news program.

Lyran Offensive
Dixie Theatre, Halfway Province
Lyran Commonwealth
18th October 3104

   In an attempt to break Clan Wolf’s offensive into the Isle of Skye Lyran Commonwealth units and the mercenary commands Rubinsky’s Light Horse and Blackledge’s Iron Hand strike at Hyde, Lauram, Arcadia and Gienah.  On Hyde the Twenty-fourth Lyran Guards RCT found the 271st Assault Cluster of Clan Wolf.  Despite it being a veteran command the Wolf Cluster was no match for the numbers the Lyrans employed against them.  Despite the odds the Wolves continued to resist the Lyrans for eight days before the last Clan forces were disabled or destroyed.

   The Rubinsky’s Light Horse and Blackledge’s Iron Hand mercenary units move on Arcadia despite their dislike for each other the two units work seamlessly together on the planet’s surface outflanking the Wolves Twentieth BattleMech Cluster forcing the Wolves into retreat.  Following the battle the two mercenary commands come close to brawling over their salvage claims and are only held apart by the commands of their liaison officers.

   Both Arcadia and Gienah are found to be abandoned by Clan Wolf which has shifted its defences towards other fronts.  On Gienah the Lyran forces find Gienah Automotives has been completely razed by the Wolves its civilian vehicle construction and primitive BattleMech facilities in ruins.  Gienah’s economy had long been based on the economy of the worlds around it and while the Lyrans find that the Wolves did not intentionally harm the planet or its people they find that Clan Wolf’s restrictions of inter-planetary movement and trade has completely destroyed business on the planet.  Of the nine hundred thousand population recorded before the Clan Wolf occupation of the system only three hundred thousand people remain the others distributed among the other worlds of Clan Wolf’s claimed territory.  The Lyrans find that the Wolves withdrawn much of their border units to support their drive towards Terra as if to reinforce the point Clan Wolf launches attacks on Cheretan, Dubhe and Wing.  The Lyran and SLDF defenders on the planet are able to force back back the Clan forces but their intent is quite clear.

   With Gienah’s economy compromised by its occupation the population on the planet continue the exodus.  In the space of a year by the end of 3105 the Gienah system’s population is reduced to a mere tens of thousands and is removed from most cartography maps.

Trials of Possession
Clan Coyote Occupation Zone
21st October 3104

Fighting erupts in the Clan Occupation Zones as Clan Coyote engage Clan Hell’s Horses in several Trials of Possession.  The two Clans fight in adherence to Zellbrigen minimizing the damage done to both Clans.  By the end of the year Clan Coyote has seized control over Skokie, Severn, Blota, Rastaban, Wheel and Orkney from the Hell’s Horses.  The Horses do not counter-attack against the Coyotes instead they rotate their units through other systems training them against the established Horde Clusters as the Horses continue their training in the Mongol Doctrine.

Gold Mountains
Gilfillian’s Gold, Rim Collection
23rd October, 3104

Jonathan Banacek grinded his teeth as he pushed forward his old Blood Asp. His forces, eight clusters of Mandrills, were locked in the middle of a three-way battle. To their flanks lay the shattered Lancers; in front, the battered Rim Guards. His forces had finally done it, but at a horrible price. One in three of his Warriors were either dead or combat-ineffective.

Worse, the Mandrills had battled up from the ravines, where artillery fired down upon them. Only the fact Robin Michaelson of the Lancers was now dead had allowed Banacek and his forces to slowly and painstakingly take the upper-hand as the Lancers were hit from both sides at once, eventually being pushed to both his flanks.

Another hit from a large laser reminded him the battle needed to end and end soon. Otherwise, the Collection’s and Mandrill enemies would begin to circle. Once again he cursed in rage at the stupidity of Natasha Faraday, who refused to take the obvious route to victory in allowing his forces to wait until both sides had exhausted themselves. Instead, she demanded he lead the forces in charging headlong into the fight.

The Collection would remember the day the Mandrills answered their call for peace, she had said at the time. And Banacek well knew riots for peace were happening all over the Collection in response to Natasha’s speech the Khan had really roused the freeborns with her words. But was it enough? That was the million-Kerensky question, he judged.

His radio erupted to life. “SaKhan, the Guards have entered the Embassy! Repeat! The Rim Guards are targeted the embassy!” Star Colonel Yu Nevversan reported. “The ambassador is leading his Rats and holding the Guards at bay for the moment.”

Jonathan cursed into his radio before sighing. “Deploy your Makos into the embassy. And help Redburn’s Rats.” The last he added as an afterthought.

He heard his subordinate cursed, then a sharp click. Both men well knew what the order meant. Yu Nevversan’s Makos, the sole Fire Mandrill unit Jonathan held in reserve, would soon be dropping into combat, task to safeguard Victoria Able at all costs. Jonathan knew the Makos would sustain heavy casualties, but Makos were known to accomplish the impossible. He only hoped he wasn’t wasting their lives.

The response to their communications was immediate with the Makos' Fortress-class DropShip diving down over the battlefield.  The DropShip which had remained in orbit had been ready to deploy at a moments notice and that moment was now swooping down over the battlefield its engine flares blasting up a massive amount of dust as it came in low over the ground troops.  From their elevated position the DropShip’s gunners expertly targeted hostile units below with autocannons, missiles and lasers as the craft's pilot moved into position over the Embassy.  From the DropShip's cargo bays BattleMechs and Battle Armour troopers threw themselves into the battle below several of the elite Fire Mandrill warriors firing their weapons as they fell.  Almost as quickly as the DropShip had arrived the craft's engines flared and she was gone accelerating back into the night's sky.  The battle to hold the Embassy would take its toll on the Makos but of all the Mandrill units in the area they were the ones to hold the line; perhaps even more so than either of the Khan's Keshiks.

Six hours later, as he led his Keshik and elements of the Second Battle CCT and the Sixth Mandrill Militia into an attack on Third Rim Guards positions, his radio erupted to life. “All forces currently fighting on and in space around Gilfillian’s Gold, this is Khan Natasha Faraday.” Natasha? Here?! What the hell!

“I bring with me forces from all across the Collection. From Timbuktu and Caldarium. From the Trinity Worlds and Waypoint. From Wiltshire and Qurayyat. We are ALL here to end the fighting on Gilfillian’s Gold, one way or another. All non-Mandrill forces are ordered to cease and desist and to stand down. This is your one chance to remain Warriors of the Collection after this. This is Natasha Faraday out.”

Jonathan shook his head and frowned. Diplomacy had no part of the battlefield. But oddly, slowly, but surely, as Natasha’s adhoc force began to make their way planet side, Lancers not trapped in the embassy begun to steadily withdraw from the battlefield.

Yet, he grimly noticed the Guards begun to pull back as well. Not off the battlefield as he at first expected. No, he realized those his units were facing now fighting on the defense. And he knew why.

Victoria Able.

Their mission was to hold his and Natasha’s forces off while their compatriots fighting in the Embassy could capture the young Collection heir. And because of that, instead of doing the smart thing and allow his forces to wait until Natasha’s reinforcements arrived, he instead kept them engaging the Guards. His honor demanded that much.

Press Offic, AFFS Command
Robinson City, Robinson
Draconis March, Federated Suns
24th October 3104

   Around the room half a dozen reporters stared into their cameras as they tried to compose their messages to the people of the Federated Suns.  Bernie Michaels was one such reporter and he could barely believe what he was about to say looking into the camera he took a second to compose himself and then spoke.

   “Ladies and Gentlemen” he said “initial reports from Addicks have filtered through to us here on Robinson that Prince Burton Davion has been shot and killed fighting against the Draconis Combine.”  He said breathing deeply “Prince Davion had been fighting against the DCMS for the last two weeks and it now appears…” suddenly behind Bernie Michaels the doors sprung open and a sweating bedraggled looking man in AFFS uniform burst into the room.

   “He’s alive!”  The officer shouted out for all of them to hear “Burton Davion is alive!  He’s been evacuated from Addicks and is on his way to a medical facility on Tikonov” the officer explained “the initial message from Addicks appears to have been a plant set by drac spies!”  He said breathing deeply trying to catch is breath.  Bernie Michaels turned back towards the screen.

   “Ladies and gentlemen I apologize for my previous statement it appears to have been in error.  Prince Burton Davion is alive it appears that he is on his way to Tikonov to recover from his injuries.”  He said “it has been confirmed that over the last week DCMS forces have attacked Ingress, Deneb Kaitos, Towne and Murchison.  Although authorities on Robinson have refused to acknowledge it if the fighting continues we will be in a defacto state of war with the Draconis Combine.

Federated Suns Embassy
Gilfillian’s Gold, Rim Collection
26th October, 3104

Damien Redburn piloted his Templar through the battle, his face in a permanent grimace. He was proud of his staff. When the Rim Guards finally attacked three days ago, they had gone above and beyond his expectations, fighting off the best the Rim Guards until help had arrived.
But the cost had been great to the embassy’s security team and those aiding them. Before the battle, it consisted of two companies of BattleMechs, a conventional infantry company, and a platoon of Sniper Suit battle armor. This number was aided by Redburn’s eighty-five ton Templar OmniMech, DMI Agent Winters in her Enforcer III, and, lastly, Damien’s own daughter piloting Karen Able’s own Dire Wolf.

Now, after three days of combat, a mere six Mechs of that number were still standing. He thanked God his daughter was one of them; in fact he knew the Dire Wolf was in the best shape of the forces he led in the embassy. And judging by his scanners, he knew Star Colonel Yu Nevversan’s Makos were just as beat up.

How they had not been overrun until now was beyond him, but he knew this time there was no way they could stop the battered Rim Guards, even as he tore apart a Rim Guards Partisan tank with his three Rotary AC/2 cannons. On his sensors, he idly noticed his daughter destroying an enemy Clint even as she began facing a Firestarter OmniMech.

He shook his head as he continued his way through the battlefield, targeting a Merkava tank. Trust the Monkeys to “gift” Hiberius with that design after salvaging it from the Lyrans during the Kwangjong-ni debacle. Still, the workhorse OmniMech was downright dangerous in the hands of the Rim Guards, a fact he well knew. He forced himself to abandon watching his daughter and concentrate on destroying the Merkava heavy tank he was currently engaging.
An obsolete design, it was still very much deadly in the hands of the Hiberians. A fact well -earned since the Hiberians began their invasion on Gilfillan’s Gold. Only their Firestarters, Kangas, and Maxims were much of a threat on the common battlefield usually, yet teamwork had made their obsolete designs come through for them. If he lived through this battle, he resolved to give a dissertation at NAIS on the Hiberians tactics.

A moment later, he came out of his thoughts as the Merkava he was dueling with was suddenly destroyed by concentrated fire. Not from the air, as he expected, but from the ground.
Glancing down on his scanners, he couldn’t believe what he saw. Turning his mech around, he finally allowed himself to sigh in relief, as his radio erupted to life with cries of joy.

There, a Fire Mandrill Blood Asp stood, with more BattleMechs, OmniMechs, armor, and power armor units pouring around the OmniMech. Judging by the mechs and armor, it could only be Task Force Determination, as the forces saKhan Jonathan Banacek of the Fire Mandrills lead were called. His guess was soon proven correct a moment later as the Mandrill’s junior Khan’s voice piped into his radio.

“Ambassador, as soon as we secure the embassy, get moving to the rear! Star Colonel Spencer Douglass and his Fourth Assault Cluster will escort you out.”

“Agreed!” He answered back. Soon, the embassy was secured and he stood guard as Rim Watch personnel quickly scurried Matthew Davion and Victoria Able and other embassy occupants from the hidden bunker into waiting armored vehicles belonging to the ad hoc Fourth Assault Cluster.
It gnawed at him how quickly Khan Natasha Faraday and the Rim Collection had mobilized the forces she led here. A star from one unit, a point from another. A trinary here, a supernova there. The Collection couldn’t redeploy cluster level units beyond the Khan’s own Keshik and the Mandrill forces already on planet.

The solution? Ingenious! Or so he thought. Create ad hoc clusters from several different units, with those belonging to the same CCT or galaxy serving together to quickly form units that could operate well enough together in combat without overly weakening their home units for the short time they were needed elsewhere.

It came to him then, just after he gave the order for the convoy to move behind the Collection front line and finally into safety. The Khan had sacrificed her own Monkeys for the good of the Collection. Instead of allowing her Clan to become the predominant military power, she instead chose to keep the balancing act within the Collection’s military intact.

But why?

He shook his head. All he knew was that the Fire Mandrill Khan had thrown a giant curveball into what was expected of her. And it was something the First Prince needed to know as quickly as possible.

My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #139 on: 22 June 2016, 02:28:48 »
President’s House
Gilfillian’s Gold, Rim Collection
30th October, 3104

Damien leaned against the back of his chair, deep in thought, as he and the Fire Mandrill Khans awaited HPG connection to be established. The junior Khan acted every bit a former Star Adder Damien expected to be highly practical and very strategic.

The senior Khan, Natasha Faraday, on the hand, he couldn’t figure out, except she was determined to throw curve-balls around. The last was just the biggest of them all, for all he was concerned.

“I still do not agree with your actions lately, Khan” he heard the younger man mutter to the young woman. “Still, I do understand them.”

“If you understand, yet do not agree with them, will you demand a Trial of Grievance as is your right,” he heard the younger woman queried back.

“Neg,” was the junior khan’s answer. “Though I may not agree with your actions in weakening the Clan, they do serve in strengthening the Collection,” Jonathan added.

“Doesn’t make sense to me,” Damien muttered loudly.

“But it does, Freeborn,” the saKhan answered him. “That dezgra Mandy Hall,” he all but spat the name, “executed nearly the entire President’s Council and a good portion of the Rim Congress during the Rim Guards occupation of this world. And while my Khan may be popular enough to become the next President, she resolves herself to not take the position, thereby continuing what she believes to be the much needed balancing act of keeping Clan Fire Mandrill subservient to the Collection.”

He shook his head. He didn’t believe it still even three days after the battle had finished when Mandy Hall had finally surrendered. Why a Clanner, whose loyalty should be with her own Clan, instead chose to strengthen the Collection was beyond him.

Just as it was beyond him by her very recent decision to instead nominate the “hero of the hour,” as the Rim Press was calling him these past few days, as the next President of the Rim Collection. “I doubt my sire will agree to this,” he answered back, bringing them back to the matter at hand.

“You could say no,” was the young woman’s simple response.

He grunted. “Unfortunately for me, I have begun seeing the Collection as my home away from home.” He caught her small smile as he continued on. “Any plan on what to grant the Able-loyalists? From my view, the Hiberians may have lost the battle, but won the war in getting me President.”  He said seeing the two skeptical look on the two Clan warriors faces “well maybe not me” he admitted “but I am someone they could accept.  Someone not affiliated with Karen Able’s rein and not a Clanner.”  He said “as far as the people of Hiberus will be concerned Megan Hall did everything she promised so the people who were loyal to Karen have lost their leader and effectively lost the war.

“We are allowing them to remain Warriors, is that not enough?” Jonathan Banacek answered him acidly he did not understand what these people expected they were entitled to nothing it was his troops that ended the war his troops that saved their precious Collection.
Damien turned his head to face the younger man directly. “Honestly? No.”

Natasha raised her hand to forestall the expected response from the conservative Fire Mandrill Warrior. “I admit I myself do not understand what they truly want beyond protecting Victoria Able and her family,” was her reluctant reply.

Redburn nodded to her as he turned his head back to the holo-projector. An uncomfortable moment passed as the two Fire Mandrill Warriors awaited his response.

“The Collection was finally becoming a true nation, a true House at Karen’s death,” he answered them. Seeing the two Clanners still did not understand, he elaborated. “The other Inner Sphere nations are led by one family.  Steiners in the Lyran Commonwealth, Davions in the Federated Suns. Kuritas in the Combine, the Liaos in the Capellan Confederation.  The Calderons in the Concordat and the Centrellas in the Magistracy.  As far as the Inner Sphere and Periphery are concerned each proper nation must have a ruling House. For them and many others, it’s that simple.”

“If that is the case, what of the United Marik States or the Star League Protectorate or the Clans?” Jonathan rebutted. 

Damien decided not to correct the saKhan on the true name of the Free Worlds League.  Allowing himself a small smile as he caught the deer in the headlights look on Natasha Faraday’s look as she caught on. “Even they are no different, with power belonging to a few families or bloodlines,” she announced a moment later, startling the junior Khan.

“We are nothing like them!” he yelled out in anger despite the Mandrill separation from the other Clans and their obvious differences in interacting with the Inner Sphere and Periphery nations the saKhan was a very proud trueborn Clansmen.

“Are we not?” she asked as she glared into his eyes. “There are Bloodhouses that always gain leadership positions Faraday, Kerensky, Ward, Truscott, Jorgennson, McKenna, Nagasawa, Drummond Rosse, Pryde, Hazen one way or another eventually they end up in power.”  Was her swift and sharp rebuttal to Jonathan before she turned her gaze towards Damien’s own. “You have a suggestion, quiaff?”

He answered her with a nod. “Granting the Able-loyalists their wish would solve a lot of political and internal issues the Rim Collection currently faces, with one being an identity problem.”
He could see they were contemplating it. Mostly Natasha, but Damien also caught curiosity flicker in Jonathan Banacek’s eyes and so continued. “I propose for House Able to become the nominal leaders of the Rim Collection, with power shared between and largely held by the President’s Council, the Rim Congress, the governors, and Clan Fire Mandrill.”

“So we give them what they want and yet we hold the power, quiaff?” Jonathan surmised openly.

“Makes sense,” Natasha answered him. “We give the Able girl a fancy new title and some limited political power, the Collection once and for all becomes a proper Inner Sphere nation with its own House, and the illusion democracy once again flourishes within.”

“Exactly,” Damien agreed. “And now I finally understand why you want little old me to become president,” he commented further, sighing.

Natasha Faraday grinned at him in response, shrugging her shoulders as she did so. “You finally caught onto why it had to be you. Though I had no idea just how the Clans were so similar to your Houses,” she mused out loud.

“So does that mean you will take the job?” she asked a moment later.

“Damnit to hell!” Damien cursed out loud at their amused faces. “Only if he says yes!” he answered, waving a hand to the holo-projector.  Moments later, they were in conference with First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion, informing him of the situation and the proposal to make Damien Redburn the Collection’s next President.

Several days later even as the dust was still settling in the aftermath of the Rim Collection civil war, seven-year old Victoria Able is announced as the first Sovereign of the Rim Collection, with her father, Matthew Davion, and older members of House Able as her regents until her thirteenth birthday. Surprising the interstellar community, however, is the choice of Ambassador Damien Redburn as the Rim Collection’s next president. In his speech, he sends a strong message of unity and reform, gaining many admirers from within the Collection.

Outwith the Rim Collection it is surmised that the internal conflict cost the Rim Collection almost six full military units with several of their high level commanders killed.  Reports suggested as many as ten thousand civilians had died in the conflict along with dozens of civilian leaders killed either in the fighting or by Mandy Hall in her purge of the electorate.  Observers note that with the political fallout created by the Civil War the Rim Collection’s partners in Clan Fire Mandrill are now in a stronger position than ever even with Redburn taking control over the political stage.  They note that while the Clan cannot exert full control over the Collection anyone within the periphery nation would do so at their peril.  Some long term analysts further believe that the civil conflict is not over in the Rim Collection but instead moved to a new stage one that will bring into question just who controls the nation?  The Able family?  The Politicians or Clan Fire Mandrill?
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #140 on: 22 June 2016, 08:53:38 »
wow the political acumen of the Mandrill's is shocking.   gone is the old.   i like and am taken aback at their transformation.
Daniels Avenger                Clan Coyote
General Jennifer Daniels    Galaxy Commander Jim Skyes
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #141 on: 22 June 2016, 11:10:47 »
I was wondering when the DC was going to take advantage of the FS' focus on the CC.  On the other hand I'm surprised that they are attacking from the Dieron prefecture since they're also dealing with conflict on their Lyran front.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #142 on: 23 June 2016, 11:58:35 »
Excellent updates and new Mechs, the Kirghiz G I assume means 'Ground'?  Prince Davion sounds like he had a lucky escape, i'm sure we'll find the extent of his injuries soon.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #143 on: 23 June 2016, 20:04:02 »
I was wondering when the DC was going to take advantage of the FS' focus on the CC.  On the other hand I'm surprised that they are attacking from the Dieron prefecture since they're also dealing with conflict on their Lyran front.

Well the Dracs are also tangling with the Dominion too and with the CC conflict ended the Suns will be swinging stuff back towards them so it seems the Dracs are already trying to juggle too many balls at once.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #144 on: 25 June 2016, 05:25:35 »
wow the political acumen of the Mandrill's is shocking.   gone is the old.   i like and am taken aback at their transformation.

I'd say there's always been a political element with the various Kindraas released from the restrictions of being in Clan space its something that's been allowed to develop.

I was wondering when the DC was going to take advantage of the FS' focus on the CC.  On the other hand I'm surprised that they are attacking from the Dieron prefecture since they're also dealing with conflict on their Lyran front.

Benjamin running the fight against the LC Dieron running it against the Federated Suns

Excellent updates and new Mechs, the Kirghiz G I assume means 'Ground'?  Prince Davion sounds like he had a lucky escape, i'm sure we'll find the extent of his injuries soon.

Yes to both
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #145 on: 25 June 2016, 05:32:03 »
FSJS Centari, Star Lord-class JumpShip
Nadir Jump Point, Terra
Star League Protectorate
9th November 3104

   The development of the Lithium Fusion Battery Mk II had revolutionized travel across the Inner Sphere.  Instead of a JumpShip taking months to travel across an interstellar nation ships with an LF Mk II could travel the space in weeks.  When combining this with the command circuits the journey could be shortened to a matter of days this was how Duchess Sterling McKenna-Davion had made the journey five well placed JumpShips had taken her from the Raven Alliance border to the birthplace of humanity Terra.

   “Sir there’s a signal from the flagship” the operations officer said turning in his seat Sterling realized after a moment that he was reporting to her instead of the ship’s commander.

   “What do they report?”  She asked

   “Sir the Hanse reports that the First Prince’s party have arrived on Terra, you are expected on the planet at your first convenience.”

   “And the Prince?”  Sterling asked wondering if her husband had arrived in system yet.  If he had she was ready to throttle him for his antics on Addicks.

   “On board the Hanse, mam, his JumpShip arrived yesterday he’s currently in surgery on board the battleship.”

   “Inform them I will be over shortly” she said turning to the JumpShip’s Commander “Captain Daniels thank you for carrying me here I suggest you leave quickly there are a lot of ships out there.”

   “We will do Duchess it was a pleasure having you on board.”  The old man replied.

   To say there were a lot of ships in the area was an understatement the area was packed with sips from the various realms of the Star League and from the SLDF itself.  It took nearly two hours for them to get clearance force the Ares Mk IX to travel over to the FSS Hanse Davion II.  Once the craft was clear of its jump radius the Centari jumped back out of the system.

   Moving from the small craft into the First Prince-class Battleship Duchess Sterling McKenna-Davion was surprised to be met by her husband, a heavily bandaged, Prince Burton Davion.  “I thought you were in surgery” she said surprised to see him.

   “My father needs me on Terra” he said motioning towards the small craft.

   “Your father can manage” Sterling said angrily Victor Steiner-Davion had been First Prince of the Federated Suns for decades he could manage another conference.  Burton on the other hand did not look well.  His brown hair had been burnt on the left side while his left arm was bandaged heavily and strapped across his chest.

   “I’m probably going to lose it” Burton said grimly following her gaze.  “The doctors have left it attached to me to keep the blood flow going hoping for a miracle but it’s unlikely to heal one of them said the nerves were shot.”

   “You should have remained on Tikonov” Sterling said she was still angry he had come to Terra there was no need for them to be there too.

   “Nothing more they can do for me wait and see is what they said.”

   “Then why the surgery?”  She demanded

   “Remove another piece of shrapnel from my back.  Cockpit door shattered on my OmniMech fragments flew through the back of my chair.”  The systems of his cockpit had also been affected which had caused the burns and shock to his arm.

   “They are supposed to be armoured” she said deciding that she’d also likely be having words with the manufacturers on Kallon.

   “Not built to take a shard of ferro fibrous armour it missed my spinal column but a couple of centimetres” he said turning around indicating with his right arm.  “If that had happened I guess we wouldn’t be talking.”

   “They can do incredible things with injuries” Sterling said thinking of Burton’s future he had his whole life ahead of him and she wouldn’t let him give up.

   “Hey I know we will see when I return home.”  He promised her.  Soon after they left the Hanse Davion II heading for Terra to join up with the First Prince’s party who were already at the Whitting Conference Centre in Unity City.

Fourth Battle of Incukalns
Incukalns, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
13th November 3104

   The Lyran Commonwealth again try to liberate Incukalns from Clan Jade Falcon this time in the form of the Second Royal Guards RCT and the Eisenjagers Armoured Battalion.  Escorted by the WarShips LCS Yggdrasil, a Mjolnir-class Battle-cruiser, and LCS Adam Steiner, a Hyperion-class Heavy Cruiser, the RCT is able to fight its way to the planet and briefly contest the planet.  In orbit the two LCAF WarShips engage the Turkina’s Might holding off the Battleship while causing significant damage to the craft forcing it to retreat from the system leaving the Jade Eagle

   On the surface the Lyrans find the Jade Falcons have brought in units from elsewhere in their Occupation Zone to secure Incukalns.  The Second Royal Guards take heavy damage over the course of their six week battle on Incukalns destroying two Clusters worth of Jade Falcons in the process.  The arrival of the Falcon’s Nest and three Clusters of troops from Sudeten turn the balance against the Lyrans forcing them to abandon the system once more.  Shielded by the two WarShips the Lyrans are able to escape past the Texas-class WarShip and the incoming Falcons.  However the damage is done with the Second Royal Guards reduced to less than one third of its previous strength.

Elsewhere the strain of the fighting for Incukalns is beginning to show on the Jade Falcons as Lyran Commonwealth and mercenary forces liberate Pangkalan and Hood IV.  On Hood IV the only defenders of the planet are a cluster worth of cadet warriors with none of the Mech pilots over the age of seventeen years.  Several of the cadets are captured by the Lyrans and brought back to the Commonwealth.  While on Pangkalan the Lyrans encounter Armoured forces, ProtoMechs and conventional infantry three branches of the Jade Falcon Touman rarely used to garrison planets without BattleMech support.

While efforts within the Jade Falcon Clan to increase warrior graduates and the flow of weapons continues the Clan is also continuing to explore other avenues for material trading the Pride of New Kent, a Carrack-class Transport, to the Starstrike Khanate of Clan Sea Fox and the Sarna Mercer, a Sovietskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser, to the Coyotes for ground units and aerospace fighters.  Jade Falcon Khan Ruel Chistu also proposes that Harvest trials are held against the warriors of the Sea Fox and Coyotes to allow warriors who wished to fight their chance but both Clans refuse.  Instead Chistu approaches the Loremaster of the Clans Miguel Icaza, a former Jade Falcon, for assistance.  Miguel Icaza allows harvest trials to take place on Tukayyid with approximately two full clusters of warriors from the Ebon Guard joining Clan Jade Falcon by the end of December.  The Jade Falcon Khan also allows the Third Ebon Guard Cluster to travel to Incukalns and fight alongside the Jade Falcons while still remaining under the Loremaster’s banner as a way to give this unit a chance of gaining combat experience.

Fifteenth Whitting Conference, Meeting Room
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
20th November 3104

   First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion led his son Prince Burton Davion into the meeting room he’d been surprised at the extent of his son’s injuries, no-one had said his condition was that bad, already in the room sat Archon Jessica Steiner along with her one year old newborn and sister Ambassador Melinda-Anne Steiner.  As the two Victor saw the Archon’s reaction to seeing Burton but also saw that she covered it very well.  “Archon it is good to see you” he said trying to ignore it.

   “Thank you Uncle” she said smiling Victor had not expected such a warm welcome it had been almost thirty years since they had last seen each other.  Melinda had seen Victor often enough in her role as Lyran Ambassador to the Star League.  “Cousin it appears you have been in a war” she said looking at a sheepish looking Burton Davion.

   “A disagreement with a Combine raider, I’ll recover” he promised her.

   “That’s good” she said looking back at the elder Davion.  “Our nations have been linked for many years I’d like to continue that link.”

   “What do you propose?”  Victor asked cautiously sitting down opposite her Burton with his hurt ribs and other injuries sat down carefully his heavily bandaged left arm showing little life Victor had been injured several times during his career but he’d always gotten luck when it came to lasting injuries it appeared his son wasn’t so lucky.

   “Well” she said glancing at her sister who nodded “I thought our first steps could be Burton accepting my request to become Isla’s Godfather.  Melinda would support her but having a male figure who is strong” she saw Burton wince in his current condition likely the pain she throught “and not going to use her to gain prominence in the Lyran Commonwealth would be useful.”

   “We’re half a sphere away” Burton said quietly before speaking more confidently “but I would be honoured.  I hope I do not have to try and fill you or your husband’s place but if necessary I will help her.”  He said glancing at the sleeping baby.

   “Thank you” Jessica said as the door behind them opened and Commanding-General Victor Focht, of the Star League Defence Force, entered.

   “Sorry am I interrupting?”  He said remaining near the door.

   “No we were waiting for you” Jessica Steiner said neither Victor or Burton had expected the arrival of the Commanding-General obviously part of Jessica’s plan for the Federated Suns to help her nation involved the Star League Defence Force.  Before she spoke further Melinda-Anne Steiner stood up and took Isla from her mother before quietly leaving the room.  “Commanding-General the Star League Defence Force has the same problem that the Lyran Commonwealth has” she said “the Star League Navy lacks a WarShip capable of matching those fielded by the Clans.”

   “That is correct” he said “our shipyards are currently busy with designs that will be able to protect the Inner Sphere.  We have few designs that can bring the fight to the enemy.”

   “Neither can we” she said looking at Victor “but the Federated Suns can.”  She said continuing “the Federated Suns has capable WarShip designs and shipyard space.”

   “Which we are not ready to share” Victor said shocking his niece “understand Archon I would support the Lyran Commonwealth but not the Star League Defence Force, not militarily.”  He said Victor Focht did not react instead he just looked back at the First Prince.

   “Whatever is between you needs to be put aside” she said sternly Victor smiled admiring her tenacity. “We need assistance the Lyran Commonwealth and Star League Protectorate has Clans on their borders.”

   “The Federated Suns also has Clans on its borders” Burton pointed out.

   “Two Clans that have caused you no bother” Victor Focht said quietly “you are both members of the Star League Defence Force mutual defence is a key part of the Star League’s charter.”

   “So it appears is espionage” the First Prince said looking at the Star League’s Commanding-General.

   “Mistakes are made” was all the Commanding-General said.

   “And those mistakes have jeopardized chances of cooperation and reduce the chances of sharing…” the First Prince snapped angrily looking directly at the SLDF officer.

   “There is another option” Burton said calmly gaining surprised looks from all three others.  Burton looked at his father “Indefatigable” was all he said.

   “A drawing board exercise that will likely never be built” Victor said dismissively.

   “It could be built” Burton said indicating he wished to speak further his father nodded “the Star League Defence Force will provide the WarShip Anti-Missile System which will be incorporated into the base design.  You will both pay rates set by the Federated Suns and we will provide you with the Indefatigable-class Battleships.”  He said the Federated Suns would ensure that they received enough payment to make the Indefatigable a reality for the Federated Suns Navy as well.

   “There are still bugs in the WAMS…” Victor Focht began but caught Burton’s look “but they are not insurmountable I am sure we can work it out.”  He said reading the Prince’s emotions which softened as he agreed to Burton’s terms.

   “How long would it take to build these ships?”  Jessica asked neither Burton nor Victor were engineers the best they could offer would be a guess.

   “If we put a rush job on Galax and Hadrian perhaps within two years we could have the first vessels operational and ready for trials.”  Burton said “until then we could spare some vessels to support.”  He said glancing at his father “the Fifth?”  His father raised an eyebrow surprised at his son’s suggestion the Fifth Battle Group was something the Federated Suns Navy had been attempting to form for months and something that the First Prince had opposed primarily because it was an assault force with two Battleships and none of the six ships smaller than a destroyer.  Burton had wished to employ it against the Capellan Confederation but the fighting had been winding down to move the WarShips into position would have started another conflict.  “They could be in place by March perhaps April” the Prince suggested.

   “That would greatly assist in our defence” Jessica Steiner said gratefully.  She would have preferred the WarShips to be accompanied by ground forces but knew when she was ahead and chose to remain quiet.  Her military could handle the Falcons on the ground.

   “I agree” Victor Focht said “the Star League Defence Force will fully compensate you for your assistance First Prince Davion.”  He said the WarShip defence system was a start but the Commanding-General knew he’d have to take further steps to secure the Federated Suns continued support.

   “And you have earned my vote in the upcoming elections” Jessica Steiner said.

   “No” Victor Steiner-Davion said looking at his neice “you have mine.” He said looking back at the Lyran leader who looked surprised “a leader needs to be strong but also has to know when to ask for help.”

Fifteenth Whitting Conference, Davion Wing
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
24th November 3104

   “You did what?”  Burton snapped angrily looking at Duchess Sterling McKenna-Davion.  Their children Luther and Leah were in bed in the room next to them, they’d been brought here with Burton’s parents, so the two of them spoke quietly.

   “They are some of the best doctors in the Inner Sphere they can help you.”

   “The Doctors on New Avalon will take care of me when the time comes” he said barely wanting to admit the left arm that was strapped across his body was more than dead weight.

   “The sooner you start your treatment the sooner you will be able to pilot a Mech again” she said appealing to the warrior part of him “or how about being able to pick up one of your children” she snapped tired of his excuses.  “You are here what harm could it do?”  She demanded Burton nodded slowly “then you will meet with them?”  She asked making sure he agreed with her.  The Prince of the Federated Suns nodded once more he’d do as she wished.

Fifteenth Whitting Conference, Neigotiations
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
25th November 3104

   The Federated Suns and Draconis Combine agree to end the fighting between their nations in talks mediated by the Star League Defence Force.  The Combine will retain control over Deneb Kiatos, Hean and Ankaa which had already been secured by the DCMS.  The Federated Suns continue to control Addicks, Towne and Murchison while an AFFS counter-attack had secured the system of Helen.  The contested system of Ingress is announced as a new Star League Protectorate holding.

Retirement Announcement
Kathil, Kathil PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
26th November 3104

At one hundred-and-four years old Field Marshal of the Capellan March Nathaniel Hasek retires from active service with the AFFS.  Command of the Capellan March officially passes to Duchess Kym Hasek.  As one of her first acts is to announce the First Kathil Uhlans have been redesignated as a Regimental Combat Team and has been assigned the FSS Silver Shield, a Robinson Block III-class Transport, for ground support and transport.  Also during the Duchess’ announcement the First Kestrel Grenadiers has been linked with an independent Armour Brigade taking it one step closer to a full RCT.

Public Disturbance, Cathay
Solaris City, Star League Protectorate
28th November 3104

   For the last six hours Star Captain Marc Ward had worked with to restore order on the streets of Solaris City.  It had started when Andert Radick, a Wolf trueborn warrior, had won the Solaris World Championship.  His Mad Cat III-X had been tasked to join others in trying to restore order on the streets alongside the Star League defence force and so far his BattleMech had taken a beating fighting against rogue mercenaries and angry Solaris competitors.

   Turning a darkened Cathy street he saw a Star League Defence Force Nightsky BattleMech “Star League BattleMech this is Wolf Striker Eight part of the Wolf liaison force please respond.”

   “Wolf” the pilot seethed its massive arm mounted ax swiveling in front of him.  “I am Amanda Stuart and I hold you responsible for this mess.”

   “We are assisting you”

   “Of course you are” she said firing her Mech’s particle cannon striking the Mad Cat’s side torso.  With little room to maneuver he loosed two full flights of ten long range missiles striking all over the chest of the Nightsky.  The SLDF BattleMech launched itself into the air firing down on the Mad Cat with lasers and particle cannons.  These weapons bore down on Marc’s BattleMech burning the Ferro Lamellor armour that covered the Clan Mech.  Now closer Marc opened fire on the Nightsky firing his lasers one of his lasers went wide while the other and the small lasers struck the Nightsky’s leg burning the armour there.  As the Nightsky pilot landed the povited to the right ducking out of the way of Marc’s lasers embedding the ax deep in his Mech’s right leg just above the knee.  At point blank range Marc let loose with everything he had left his last long range missiles and all four of his Mech’s micro lasers added to the medium lasers.  At this range there was almost no chance of missing but the same could be said for the Nightsky its lasers burned through the last structure in his damaged leg severing the limb above the knee.  As his Mech fell forward the Mad Cat III got caught on the Nightsky’s ax dragging the other Mech down with it the two Mechs fell in a heap with the Mad Cat missing a leg and laying face down and with the Nightsky on top of the other Mech neither was going very far very fast.

   Nearly four hours later after peace had been restored to the streets an SLDF salvage crew arrived to remove the Nightsky and Mad Cat from the street.  The salvage crew found that the Nightsky pilot had been killed by one of the Clan Mech’s lasers while Marc Ward had been trapped by the other Mech falling on top of him but was alive and well.  The SLDF offered to return Marc Ward to his Clan following the battle but the Wolf refused instead stating that he was a bondsmen of the SLDF and would do what his new “Clan” ordered.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #146 on: 25 June 2016, 06:50:52 »
Interesting update, a Suns designed BB, the Prince hurt but recovering and a captured Ristar.  Good to see that the DC and Suns have also stopped fighting as well.  Excellent stuff as always!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #147 on: 25 June 2016, 07:41:40 »
good to see the younger Davion getting some leadership chops... or is that chops from this wife for being stubborn

JA Baker

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #148 on: 25 June 2016, 10:30:19 »
Odds of Marc Ward finding his way to Glengarry?
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #149 on: 25 June 2016, 11:38:30 »
3-5 odds
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner