Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2  (Read 253005 times)


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1440 on: 19 June 2022, 05:50:35 »
Brilliant stuff as always! :) Superb writing and world building and the Bears are not going to be happy with being conned out of those worlds.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1441 on: 28 June 2022, 13:06:52 »
Brilliant stuff as always! :) Superb writing and world building and the Bears are not going to be happy with being conned out of those worlds.

Thanks, continuing to expand the timeline and have a bit of fun with it as it expands we'll see where we go

Briefing Room, Spirit of Northumberland
Asteroid belt, Sancerre
Deep Periphery
1st August 3117

   The jump to Sancerre had bought the Spirit of Northumberland and the survivor fleet from the Amaris Empire almost two weeks and still there was no sign of Casper drones.  The fleet had jumped to a pirate point in the Sancerre system near a dense asteroid belt because all of the ships in the fleet had jump drives and transit drives the Calypso, Fearless-class Assault Ship, had been able to lead the entire fleet into the asteroid belt to the hidden fleet anchorage within.  Initially Captain Barnes, onboard the Northumberland, had questioned how they would remain hidden from the drones that patrolled the system but Admiral Schiavon had explained that the Casper drones followed a set patrol route around the system and instead of burning their engines at all times they spent most of their time “coasting” around the system at 2G until their advanced sensors detected a target.  Because of damage the Calypso and the other ships had caused in previous fights there were gaps in the patrol schedule giving them time.  This had allowed the fleet to dock the Fortuna at an asteroid base and begin some much-needed repairs Schiavon had explained that while the base locations were known to the Caspers they didn’t class them as a threat unless they were occupied by humans and so supply and repair bases littered the four systems of the pocket nation leaving humanity with a much-needed lifeline.

   With work being done on her ships Admiral Alessandra Schiavon had visited the Spirit of Northumberland and she had exchanged history with Captain Barnes.  She’d not been surprised to hear that the Amaris Empire had fallen not long after her ancestors had left the Empire’s claimed space Aleksandr Kerensky’s rage had been unstoppable.  She had however been surprised to hear that the Star League army had left so soon after their victory not to return to the Inner Sphere after the multiple Succession Wars and to return not as the Star League Army but as the Clans who had become conquerors instead of the protectors its army had originally been.  Surprise had turned to anger when she’d heard that a new SLDF had been formed and that Star League like the first and like the Amaris Empire Remnant had turned to Casper Drones to supplement their defences.  “So, the same mistakes have been made again?” she suggested looking at Barnes across the round table in the meeting room.

   “We’ll see” Barnes said “so far the Star League has not tried to exert control over its member states instead letting them continue as they always have but should its rein continue, I’m sure changes will come to all member states.”

   “And you said that your nation is a district of the Free Worlds League?”  She asked she was in her early sixties, ten years Barnes senior at least, her black uniform was lined with red which went around the edges of the jacket and down the legs from hip to foot.  On the left breast there was the shark symbol of House Amaris overlayed over the Cameron star.

   “Yes, the District of Lesnovo has fully autonomy under the Free Worlds League government we share mutual defence with other nations but are entirely independent to make our own choices under the FWL banner.  We are part of the parliament and are part of the election process for a new Captain-General.”

   “Where House Marik will remain in command whatever happens?”

   “No, one non-Marik Captain-General has already served in the League’s short history since reforming, members of House Marik are more likely but it’s not set in stone.”  Barnes said defensively.

   “So perhaps we could find a place there?”  Schiavon asked carefully

   “Most likely, the rest of the League will want some sort of access to you but there are plenty of open places for a population as small as yours to fit in.  Khan Furey would no doubt welcome your naval support alone.”  Barnes admitted the three WarShips would be a significant increase in firepower not to mention the wealth the twenty-two Sub-Compact Core equipped ships would bring if they were traded away, this system could be just the find that his mission was sent out to look for.

   “Khan Furey?”  Schiavon asked unfamiliar with the position held by the leader of the District of Lesnovo.

   “Khan Furey is a refugee herself; her people were originally members of Clan Smoke Jaguar which was destroyed by the Inner Sphere.  Her people have settled in the Free Worlds League as members of its people and while they hold onto their identity they have agreed to live by our rules and fit in with our culture.  So far, they have proven their worth to the Free Worlds League which has shielded them from external enemies.”

   “Do you think they’d welcome members of House Amaris?”  Schiavon asked sceptically

   “Technically you aren’t members of that House” Barnes suggested “you carried their name here but your people built your own place out here in the Periphery all by yourselves.  You didn’t follow Amaris path instead you followed something closer to that of the Star League.”  He noted having listened to their history.  “The Jaguars believe they have inherited the true Star League’s legacy through their heritage with the Clans and the First Star League below, I think perhaps they’d look at you in a similar way.”  He suggested truthfully, he had no idea how the Jaguars would react but he had to say something.  Before she could say anything further the comm panel on the table blinked active.  “This is Barnes go ahead.”

   “Sir, message from the Calypso, they have intercepted a distress signal from the Lakota system.  It suggests that four hundred survivors are in that system in a series of bunkers looking for extraction.  They have a DropShip but no way to extract their personnel.”  The comm. officer reported.

   “It can’t be.”  Schiavon whispered looking at Barnes “it’s been more than a year since we’ve encountered anyone left on the planets.”  She said “I can’t risk the Fearless for four hundred people.”  She then said “Fearless is the only ship I could send with a way to get them out, the Frigates don’t have the standing power of their own and the civilian ships would need to dock and manually transfer everyone off a DropShip.”

   “Northumberland could do it, with a little help.”  Barnes suggested “we need a distraction, jump one of your ships into the range of the Caspers and draw them away.  I’ll take Northumberland in, and extract the DropShip, we have two Collars on this ship I can dock them directly to us and jump back out.”

   “Our DropShips are surface to orbit capable only, you’ll have to meet them in orbit.”  Schiavon pointed out.  Because only the WarShips could transport DropShips most of their ships were designed to go up and down between the planet’s surface and orbital docks where the civilian ships could load personnel.  In many ways it was less efficient than the JumpShip/DropShip model employed by the Inner Sphere but it did make the ships quite flexible in being able to jump at any time.

   “We can do it; we have a smaller jump signature than your bigger ships if you draw away the Caspers far enough we’ll be fine.  We have to try” Barnes suggested


   “We have to try” Barnes repeated the words he’d spoken now four days before in the meeting room with Admiral Schiavon.  As promised the Medea had jumped in and gotten the attention of three Caspers which were now chasing down the Frigate buying the Spirit of Northumberland time to enter the system to evacuate the civilians.  Now in orbit over the planet of Lakota the Spirit of Northumberland was ready to evacuate the civilians but there was an issue their DropShip had been disabled by ground-based Drones and couldn’t fly instead the MacMahon would have to be used to evacuate the civilians and he’d have to use the Cemetery Wind to protect them.

   Falling away from the Northumberland the MacMahon was already heading to the surface the old Fortress-class DropShip would be the civilians only hope of evacuation.  “Good luck” Barnes whispered “sensors keep an eye on the Medea and the Caspers we cannot be caught flat footed.  Weapons we may need to support the ground forces so ready the lasers.”


   The MacMahon landed close to the survivor’s bunker and the Cemetery Wind’s eight remaining BattleMechs and six vehicles deployed in an inverted crescent moon deployment pattern waiting for the incoming drones as civilians began streaming from the bunker’s exits.  According to the survivors the Drones were built into UrbanMech BattleMechs and they attacked regularly once they had reloaded their weapons, almost a Battalion of UrbanMechs were expected.  Sitting on the bridge of the MacMahon Expedition Leader Christoffer Trossen was reminded of the old joke scenario of how long an Atlas could last against endless waves of light BattleMechs.  Unfortunately, today he didn’t have an Atlas to counter the incoming UrbanMechs only longer ranged weapons to try and whittle them down.  The Long Tom artillery cannon on the MacMahon’s nose roared to life beginning to bombard the incoming UrbanMechs, this was followed by autocannons, missiles, particle cannons and lasers firing in support before the Cemetery Wind employed their own weapons.

   The weapons of the Fortress brought down multiple drone Mechs as they approached but there were many of them and the first two members of the Cemetery Wind fell quickly under heavy fire from the incoming Mechs.  “We’re two hundred in” one of the bridge officers said “they aren’t going fast enough” another said “autocannon hit on the right side, we can only take too many of those, Commander” another said

   “We need to hold” Trossen said seeing that two of the support vehicles were down as well as a third BattleMech fell.

   “We’re three hundred in, the survivors said there’s just over one hundred waiting, we’re going to be tight.” A crew member reported.

   “Have the deck crews pack them in wherever there’s space!”  Trossen said watching another Mech fall “we’re going to have nothing left at this rate.”  He said “Lieutenant Knappe, prepare to fall back the last group is coming across.”

   “We will be staying behind Trossen; this is unfortunately a one-way trip for us.”

   “Negative, that was not the plan, the Northumberland will begin a bombardment in concert with the MacMahon to cover your retreat MechWarrior.”

   “Not enough Trossen, we all knew this when we came out today, get the people safe and our mission is done.”  Knappe responded as Trossen saw his BattleMech take an autocannon hit high up tearing off one of the Mech’s arms.

   “We’re full!”

   “Knappe!”  Trossen shouted but he could see the MechWarrior’s Mech take another two hits and go down, it didn’t look like it was getting back up.  “Cargo Bay, button us up. Helm, get us airborne when the cargo bay is locked up.  Northumberland, we need assistance, the Wind are not returning.”  Trossen said into the comms.  As the MacMahon prepared to lift off Naval Lasers stabbed into the ground near the DropShip clearing away several of the Drone UrbanMechs.  The weapons of the Spirit of Northumberland were most often used to assist with scientific research missions but they were still capital grade weapons which were devastating against BattleMechs of any size.

   As the Fortress began to rise off the ground the lasers continued to stab into the ground taking out droves of incoming UrbanMechs.  The last members of the MacMahon’s ground defence force were either killed by the remaining UrbanMechs or in the middle of the bombardment, the unit’s sacrifice had saved over four hundred lives but it was still a bitter pill to swallow.  Once back out of the atmosphere the MacMahon re-joined the Spirit of Northumberland and the ship moved clear of the planet below jumping clear before any of the Caspers could return.  Elsewhere in the system the Medea also jumped clear of the system having taken a couple of non-critical hits and severely damaged one of the chasing Caspers.  Once they had re-joined the survivor fleet, they loaded all the supplies they could and began the long journey away from the former Amaris Empire worlds and back towards the Inner Sphere leaving the remaining Caspers to patrol the four dead systems.

House Arano, Throne Room
Cordia City, Coromodir
New Quarter, Fronc Reaches
9th August 3117

   While the rest of the Fronc Reaches was continuing to slip into turmoil and Civil War with little to no leadership coming out of Fronc the world of Coromodir slowly begins to regain some of its long-lost prominence.  Countess of Coromodir Kamea Arano II now sat on the throne of Coromodir she stood as her Chief Advisor Alexander Madeira and Colonel-Marshal Ann Ogbomo approached.  Kamea was a tall woman with jet black hair, she had a red and gold Māori tribal tattoo which covered her chin while her red and gold sleeveless dress showed another tattoo down her left arm while behind her a flag was held high above the throne on it was a Gold Great Cormorant on a red field.

   “Welcome Colonel-Marshal” she greeted the commander of the Colonial Marshals on Coromodir.

   “Thank you, Countess” Ann Ogbomo said bowing deeply her head was shaved bald, the dark skin glistening in the light of the room, she was also tall, almost of the Clan Elemental breed but unlike the elementals she was also lean and athletic.

   “Colonel-Marshal, I am sending your unit off of Coromodir to assist the nearby worlds of the Fronc Reaches.”

   “You do not want us here?”  Ogbomo asked surprised her thick Haitian accent showing her emotions.

   “Of course, I do” she said giving the Colonel-Marshal a disarming smile, “but I believe there are other worlds in greater need than Coromodir at present.”  She said glancing at Alexander Madeira nodding.

   “Colonel-Marshal” he began he was a little older than Kamea with dark hair glasses and a dark well-trimmed goatee and a business suit.  “Coromodir is currently peaceful, we have the home guard present here and Rampart Battalion which will be more than capable of looking after House Arano’s interests in this system.  We believe that your Marshals can, and should, assist the whole of the Reaches Coromodir will help its neighbours.”  He said as Countess Kamea Arano II approached and leaned close to kiss her cheek.

   “A hui hou” she said in the traditional Māori language “until we meet again” she repeated in English “your troops go with our blessing Colonel-Marshal.  Protect the Fronc Reaches.”  She said dismissing the woman.  Ogbomo replied by giving her a short bow then smartly about faced and left.  “We’re taking a risk deploying that regiment away from here” she said glancing at Alexander Madeira.

   “With great risk comes great rewards.”

   “Without foresight or vision, the people will be lost” she said quoting her family motto.

   “And through your vision, the people will Behold our Splendour” he said quoting his own family motto with a wide smile, Lady Arano had a plan now they had to see how it worked out.

Trials of Possession
Rasalhague Dominion
18th August 3117

   Continuing their campaign of taking advantage of the Rasalhague Dominion’s preoccupation with the Draconis Combine and with the newly captured District of Dieron worlds Clan Coyote strike at the Rasalhague Dominion’s back challenging them to three Trials of Possession for the systems of Kandis, Stanzach and Memmingen.  With front line forces previously being sent to the front lines only garrison troops remain with no more than a star of Mechs in each system and the rest made up of armour, battle armour and in Stanzach’s case a cluster of conventional infantry troops.

   On the world of Stanzach the cluster of infantry troopers recruited from the population of the world faced off against a mixed star of ProtoMechs and Battle Armour in a wooded area three kilometres from the capital.  What follows is a classic cat and mouse game between the more numerous infantry soldiers against the fewer but heavier Coyote armoured force only the few are hunting the many.  After nearly a month of heavy fighting with both sides taking significant losses the Coyotes are victorious claiming control over the system thirty-two surviving infantry men are recruited into the Ninth Recon Cluster with the majority given Inner Sphere made Battle Armour suits and the remaining troops trained as crewmen of two Huitzilopochtli AAA Assault Tanks attached directly to the star.

Planetary Assault
Pollux/Devil’s Rock, Talitha EDZ
Star League Protectorate
22nd August 3117

   Continuing their drive towards Terra Clan Wolf launches twin attacks on the Pollux and Devil’s Rock systems with both attacks supported by a pair of newly constructed Thebes-class Heavy Cruisers and several Morrigan Pocket WarShips both are brand new classes constructed to serve the Wolf Clan.  With no naval defences of their own the ground forces are forced to attempt to resist the incoming Clansmen and hope they do not resort to planetary bombardment.

   On the ground the two planetary guard units, the Third Sirius Regimental Brigade and two Special Operations Commands resist the incoming Wolves holding them off as civilian DropShips escape the planet carrying people away from the two worlds.  The Wolf WarShips and their attending DropShips stop and board each DropShip in turn checking them for retreating warriors but find none instead they allow them to retreat.

   WarShips from the Alua Australis and Oliver systems jump in and attempt to assist the ground forces bringing in additional mercenary forces to assist in the defence but the combined firepower against them is too much for the SLDF to break through en masse.  While they are able to destroy the Wolf vessel Adolfus and several Morrigan Pocket WarShips in the Pollux system the SLS Africa and SLS Siberia, two Pinto-class Corvettes originally salvaged from the Fenwick system, are both destroyed in the Devil’s Rock system when they and their assault ships are unable to break through the Wolf blockade.  Instead, the remaining SLDF forces screen retreating civilians and the two systems are essentially surrendered to the Wolves with the forces defending them left to fend for themselves.

   As civilians retreat from the two invaded systems and several others around them unrest and anger quickly spreads inside the Star League Protectorate as neither system had dedicated WarShip defences while worlds closer to the core of the nation, which are not under threat, have heavy WarShip defences. While the political fallout from the retreat hurts the Star League Defence Force and to a lesser degree the Protectorate the offloading of Devil’s Rock and its criminal gangs is actually a relief for the Protectorate Intelligence as the trouble they caused needed to be constantly monitored.  Star League Intelligence Command uses its links to these organisations to secret away several of its agents and equipment on Devil’s Rock ready to be used in a covert campaign against the Clan oppressors.  The debut of the Thebes and Morrigan classes both please Clan Wolf leadership and the victories bring the Clan closer to Terra after recent Rasalhague Dominion gains.

Author note: Thebes Heavy Cruiser (Derlanes) and Morrigan (Nelson) are borrowed from the two excellent marauder648 fan products.  While House Arano... I couldn't not use them some way
« Last Edit: 29 June 2022, 16:34:43 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Major
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1442 on: 30 June 2022, 23:55:26 »
Cemetery Wind's last stand...   :'( they died a good death as long as those were really civilians

wow almost pg 50
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Dragon Cat

  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1443 on: 08 July 2022, 13:42:25 »
Cemetery Wind's last stand...   :'( they died a good death as long as those were really civilians

wow almost pg 50

Well they are people... there will be a couple of waves when they arrive where they are going but they are really a drop in the ocean compared to most Inner Sphere planets population, just as the Cemetery Wind were to the civilian population

Trial of Possession
New Malibu, Qualip
Hell’s Horses OZ, Clan Occupation Zone
9th September 3117

   The skies over New Malibu on the long thought dead world of Qualip were ablaze as DropShips and BattleMechs lit the sky with their fusion powered engines all of the commotion signaled Clan Wolf’s arrival to the battered world.  Qualip had been a world which had benefited from the technology at the disposal of the original Star League and had become one of the victims of the early Succession Wars, a victim of the fighting between the Lyran Commonwealth and Draconis Combine.  All but forgotten by the Inner Sphere the world had been found by Clan Wolf during the initial invasion of the Inner Sphere.  The Wolves had found a bombed-out wreck of a planet with the only real habitable areas around the equatorial coasts and on the islands that dotted the world’s massive oceans.  The land was stalked by creatures that had both been introduced to it during the Star League era and that had evolved there.

ilKhan Ulric Kerensky had seen Qualip’s potential he’d heard of the world through historical texts and after finding it had set about the Wolves using their technology to restore the planet to its former glory, and in turn showing the Inner Sphere that the Clans really were the reborn inheritors of the Star League.  Unfortunately, Ulric like many others had fallen to the Clan system of honour and betrayal and with his death the Wolf’s initial interest in the world had also waned.  With the Wolves moving out of their Occupation Zone and across Lyran Space into the Free Worlds League to establish their Empire the likely hood of any revival of Qualip had been remote, while the system resided inside Hell’s Horses territory, they knew nothing of the world.

Now the Wolves had returned to Qualip with the slamming down of BattleMech feet with the Clan deciding to once more take on the challenge of reviving the world’s fortunes and showing the entire Inner Sphere just what the Clans were capable of.  “I Star Colonel Flavia Sender of the Clan Wolf Watch claim Kerensky’s Vision for Clan Wolf, who challenges me” the Wolf commander called out from her Tomahawk OmniMech as it landed on the planet.  Her radio was met with silence.  “Kerensky’s Vision will become a symbol of all the Clans can accomplish and this city will rise again.”  She stated as other Wolf Mechs and DropShips began to come into land around the battered area.

In the coming months the Wolves would establish a colony in what would become known as the New Malibu area which hosted a deep-water bay giving access to the wider world beyond and had been sheltered from much of the nuclear fallout and radiation.  The Wolves offer incentive's for workers and scientists to travel to Kerensky’s Vision by offering greater freedoms, more credits for their work and additional chances of advancement in their field.  The downsides were that much of the work would include cleaning out irradiated landscapes and radioactive mining equipment that dotted the landscape.

   Elsewhere Galaxy Commander Alaric Ward seizes the Sea Fox trade world of Ideyid in a Trial of Possession in retaliation for Clan Sea Fox’s continued trades with the Free Worlds League which were hindering Clan Wolf’s progress against the Succession State.  With the Sea Fox Clan holding multiple systems the fight is a simple honour trial which Ward successfully wins without the need for serious losses on either side.

Mechbay, Warrior House Sortek Monestary
Buick Mountain Range, Marduk
Draconis March, Federated Suns
13th September 3117

   Deep within the Buick Mountain Range on Marduk Warrior House Sortek had made its home over the last three years carving out a facility within the mountain which could house upwards of three thousand people in an emergency and was completely nuclear and orbital bombardment proof.  The Warrior House could hold off an enemy for months in a siege using the Monestary’s defences to augment their firepower.  An entire underground airfield allowed aerspace fighters to launch from the side of the mountain without fear of being bombed while there were several DropShip landing pads hidden on the surface of the mountain with each able to retract into the mountain.  The leadership of the Warrior House had already sent a request to New Avalon requesting that the Warrior House be allowed to contract companies to build naval defence weaponry into the mountain given the location of Marduk on the Draconis Combine border.
Currently there was a little over four hundred personnel inside the base and the current mission was intended on changing that.  Walking down the stainless steel steps to the reinforced base of the huge Mechbay Warrior House Leader Imarra Sortek approached the four MechWarriors standing waiting for her Leftenants Chang Wong, Jessica Sortek, Cassidy Youngston and Mark Delanty.  Each of them was dressed in the ceremonial hoodless robes of Warrior House Sortek with the insignia of the Federated Suns replacing the one of the Confederated Suns on the arms and on the left breast of their robes.  Under their robes Imarra Sortek knew each had a leather sash that crossed their bodies and on it there was a vibroblade and a gauss pistol intended on giving the MechWarriors a fighting chance on any battlefield.  Every member of the Warrior House was armed from the MechWarriors to the technicians and cooks everyone would step up to defend their home to the last if it came down to it.

   “Good morning to you all” she said greeting them “when we all arrived here you were children, you were sent to our Warrior House to grow up, learn how to be warriors, adults and people of disciple.  Now we are far from our homes and far from the nation we were all born into and sworn to protect” she said reminiscing a little remembering the Confederated Suns, her home all of their home, “however, we cannot remain in the past” she said continuing “your mission is to bring the word, and honour, of our Warrior House.  Like you were sent to us our hope is your actions will bring recruits to our banner and bring honour to Warrior House Sortek.”  She said walking from one end of the line to the other, all four of them were between eighteen and twenty years old far from being fully fledged MechWarriors and members of the Warrior House.  “I do not expect you to fight the big battles that the Federated Suns is presently fighting, your lance will not be enough for that, instead you will travel the length and brenth of the Federated Suns and help its people with the smaller jobs that you find across this nation.”  She stopped walking and turned to look back at the line of MechWarriors “Good Hunting, your personal belongings have been moved to the DropShip, get to your Mechs.”  She commanded them each saluted her then turned and ran towards their Mechs leaving their robe with their technician each of them ascended to their Mech.  Each of the Mechs had been picked specifically for this missing each was either a heavier medium BattleMech or a faster heavy BattleMech.  Chang Wong’s Men Shen OmniMech was the first prepared it stepped clear of the gantry, built to be fast and capable of delivering a reasonable amount of firepower, Cassidy Youngston’s Ostol OTL-8E was next the sixty ton Mech was capable of delivering a withering amount of pulse laser fire which would make most Mechs the same size and smaller worry, Mark Delanty piloted the third BattleMech clear of the maintenance cradle was the pride of House Davion which had been given to the unit, a recently produced Centurion OmniMech.  Finally, Jessica Sortek stepped forwards in her advanced fifty-ton Agrotera BattleMech the Mech’s Partial Wings giving it an almost bird-like Mech moved with the others heading for their Aurora class DropShip which would take them across the Federated Suns in their mission.

Trials of Possession
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
21st September 3117

   Following recent successes by Clan Nova Cat against the Federated Suns the Succession State chose to strike back against the Nova Cats by challenging them to two Trials of Possession.  On the worlds of Ebro and Sherwood they challenge the Nova Cats to Trials of Possession for control over both systems.  Ebro fell in a quick trial with elements of the First Davion Guards RCT being successful against elements of the Four Hundred and Fifty-first Pouncer Cluster.

   On the world of Sherwood Prince Luther Davion twisted the torso of his Dire Wolf OmniMech and blasted a Nova Cat SM1 Tank Destroyer with a full volley from the arm mounted lasers.  Heat rose within the cockpit of the Mech but it bled off quickly, the SM1 was not so lucky the lasers bored through the vehicle’s armour killing the crew.  He then twisted his Mech’s torso in the opposite direction and fired off a volley of long-range missiles striking another enemy Mech.  The Federated Suns company were on top against the Four Hundred and Fifty-first Pouncer Cluster’s combined arms binary.  “Star Colonel Maggie Nostra, this is Prince Luther Davion commander of the House Davion forces fielded against your unit, my people have…” he started twisting the Mech the opposite way and shooting down an enemy Pack Hunter BattleMech “…my people have destroyed half of your command” he said only to be interrupted again by an explosive blast on the Dire Wolf’s left side caused by an autocannon attack.  “Accept my offer of hegira now, or lose your entire command” he said taking the Dire Wolf several steps forward he felt more autocannon shells strike the Dire Wolf’s thick hull he twisted the torso but his target continued its turn running round him.

Luther could break Zellbrigen and call-in support against the more mobile Nova Cat BattleMech but he didn’t want to, if he did it may give the Nova Cats an excuse to extend the battle, while they were far from any population zone there was always a risk.  The one thing that Luther hated about combat was the chance of innocents being injured due to the fighting, he saw so many more options to fighting, he had tried to explain this to his father but in Burton Davion’s words “A Davion serves his people from the front-lines, he leads by example.”  And the great Burton Davion should know he literally given an arm and a leg for their nation.

The rattle of more autocannon blasts to his OmniMech’s left leg brought him back to reality “Screw you then!”  He snapped angrily slamming the leg down he twisted his Mech suddenly in the opposite direction and let rip with everything his Mech had left.  The Dire Wolf’s cockpit became a furnace as the lasers, missiles and autocannons mounted on the OmniMech the weapons were focused on where Luther hoped his enemy would be as it circled his assault Mech.  Multiple weapons missed their target but the majority tore into the speeding Huntsman tearing into the fifty-ton BattleMech battering through its armour and striking its internal structure.

Inside the Dire Wolf cockpit Luther struggled through the heat blinking his eyes rapidly as sweat poured down his face.  He saw the Huntsman staggering about but amazingly still standing.  He readied his weapons again ready to fire against the enemy OmniMech but noticed that it had shut down its targeting systems.

“Prince Davion this is Star Colonel Maggie Nostra, my OmniMech is crippled, my unit is defeated. I accept your offer of Hegira, well battled and bargained; I hope you treat this world as well as Clan Nova Cat has.”  The enemy commander said Luther’s hands were on the triggers he could end his enemy’s life with a single pull of the trigger but he chose not to.  He wondered about the Nova Cat commander’s words.  Under the stewardship of Clan Nova Cat, the Sherwood system had experienced an economic boom often serving as a stepping point for goods traded from Clan Sea Fox to the Nova Cats.  As a result of this position jump recharge stations had been built at both the Nadir and Zenith points and multiple mining operations had been built by the Nova Cats.  Now Luther had brought these back into the Federated Suns but what extra attention would Sherwood get as another Federated Suns periphery world.

Scouting mission
Valencia, Nueva Castile
Deep Periphery
28th September 3117

   Over the decades many Clans had come to the Nueva Castile, some as would be conquerors like the Ice Hellions, others like the remnants of the Alliance of Serpent Clans had come to the worlds retreating from the Inner Sphere having been forced back by the established Inner Sphere Clans, while others like the Goliath Scorpions had come retreating from the Clan’s greatest mistake the Society.  None of the Clans that had come here had been able to establish a foothold, these worlds had become graveyards for the Clans and held many nightmares.

   The world of Valencia was comfortable world with a plentiful water, comfortable tempretures, a slightly higher than standard gravity with a technologically basic but booming population.  The world had been fought over several times by various Castilian factions, between the Castilians and the then invading Umayyid and then Clan forces but the world remained unspoiled and now Clan Goliath Scorpion saved from the abyss by Clan Blood Spirit had returned to the world, not as a conquering force but instead possibly trying to pass on what the Blood Spirits had done for them.

   Both the Goliath Scorpions and Blood Spirits continued to battle the Society in the Homeworlds with worlds regularly exchanging hands or being completely lost in the fighting.  Of the original thirty-six inhabited systems in the homeworlds and five inhabited Pentagon Worlds fourteen of the homeworlds and two of the Pentagon Worlds had been lost while only six of the remaining Homeworlds were held by the two Clans.  Two worlds beyond the Homeworlds Colleen and Arizona were held by the Clans while the independent world of Fasa remained shared between the Clans and the Society.

The two Clans agreed that their greatest challenge at present was the lack of warriors, while both clans could breed new warriors and recruit freeborns from their civilians’ castes but they all lacked experience, something that was in dire need against the Society.   Instead, they turned back to the remains of the Nueva Castile and began looking for warriors of the former Clans both had agreed that none of the fallen Clans would be resurrected instead any warriors found would be added to their own Toumans in Circles of Equals.

Back on Valencia the Goliath Scorpions waited for their scouts to return with news on what was available in the area Star Colonel Patrice Madsen sat in his Timber Wolf OmniMech waiting for the scouts to return.  The sun was slowly beginning to lower in the sky as the first batch of five Boreas Cavalry Hovercraft began streaming from the treeline behind them several armoured vehicles drove behind them at a slower pace.  Over the course of the next several hours sixteen of the twenty-five Boreas returned for several hours Patrice waited for the last group to return, it had been a minor miracle that the majority of the troopers had returned as it was to lose one group wasn’t the end of the world but he waited giving them the chance.  Finally, the last three of the Boreas returned and behind them two entire trinaries of cobbled together BattleMechs with various paint schemes and technology, and several mixed stars of vehicles, armour and infantry.
“I am Star Colonel Patrice Madsen, you are welcomed by Clan Goliath Scorpion, whom am I addressing.”

“This is Connor Rood of the Ice Hellions, what is left of them.”  The other warrior replied Patrice was able to lock in on a Linebacker OmniMech as the pilot’s Mech.

“Connor Rood, Galaxy Commander Connor Rood Quiaff?”

“Aff, I am he, what is it you want Goliath Scorpion?  We are both here surviving but if you want your end to come then let us have at it.”

“Neg, Galaxy Commander, Clan Goliath Scorpion is no longer struggling to survive here.  We have returned to the Homeworlds and are actively engaging the Society.”  Patrice Madsen explained “I have not come here to annihilate your remaining forces.”  He explained over the course of the last few hours nearly two Clusters worth of forces from various surviving Clans had moved into the area but Rood’s forces were by far the largest force to arrive so far.

“Then why are you here?”

“We want to offer you all a chance to strike back at the Society and redeem your names following the fall of your Clans.”  Madsen said making sure he was transmitting to everyone present.  “The Goliath Scorpions have liberated six of the Homeworlds from the Society.  We plan on liberating the entire Kerensky Cluster, each of you has proven your worth by your very survival following the fall of your Clans, our invitation is simple.  Join us, become parts of Clan Goliath Scorpion and return our homes to our Clans, each of you will face a Trial of Position and on success you will return as Clan warriors once more.”

“You say ‘Clans,’ but all I see is Goliath Scorpions.  Who else has survived, who else continues to resist?”  He asked by the sound of his voice he was wondering if the Inner Sphere Clans had returned to the Homeworlds.

“Clan Blood Spirit is also active in the homeworlds.”

“The Blood Spirits survive?”  Rood said in wonderment, believing the story of their survival would be a worthy one.  Madsen remained silent allowing the news to sink in that two Clans remained active in the homeworlds and that they were inviting these sons and daughters of Kerensky to return to the fold.

Off to his left-hand side he saw a Mech, three vehicles, an assortment of Battle Armour and infantry deactivated their targeting systems and moved to join the Goliath Scorpions.  From the right a trio of VTOLs carrying the colours of Clan Hell’s Horses did the same flying over the Goliath Scorpion lines their weapons powered down.  Rood’s forces remained stationary waiting their weapons and systems active, the force he had could do serious damage to Madsen’s force even in their battered state.

“What do you say you Connor Rood?”

“I say my Trial of Position will be here and now Star Colonel Patrice Madsen.  Face me here and now on the mud and among the trees of Valencia.  Many of my people have died here on this world, I will not leave it without a fight.”

“We did not come here to threaten your lives Galaxy Commander, but I will honour your request, if you honour mine.  Win or lose your people will join the Goliath Scorpions.”

“Aff, I agree, well bargained and done.”  Connor Rood said “clear a space!”  He barked into the comm. his voice made it clear that it was a command and everyone listened regardless of what Clan they were a part.

Madsen remained where he was his Timber Wolf facing off against the Linebacker in a one-on-one duel, the Linebacker was lighter and faster but not nearly as well armed as the heavier Mech.  With the others out of the way both Mechs began to move and fire in unison long range missiles and lasers from the Timber Wolf countered by particle cannons and missiles from the Linebacker.  Both of the Mechs took hits as they moved and turned Rood’s Mech was the first to take major damage when one of its particle cannons alone with the entire arm it was mounted on fell from the OmniMech following damage it was a testament to Rood that he kept his Mech standing and moving despite the hit.  Next the remaining particle cannon on the sixty-five-ton design found a weak spot in the Timber Wolf’s armour and one of the over left shoulder long range missile racks exploded following a critical hit.  Madsen continued to move his seventy-five-ton OmniMech the left side of the Mech on fire as his Mech moved.

Missiles, lasers and particle cannon fire continued to be exchanged between the two OmniMechs until one of Rood’s particle cannon shots hit the Timber Wolf’s left knee causing it to explode knocking the Mech to the ground at the same time missiles from Madsen’s Timber Wolf blew through the armour of the Linebacker and cored its gyro.  Neither Mech moved for several minutes and one of Madsen’s MechWarriors called an end to the Trial Techs prized open the two Mechs to find both Mech had been incapacitated by the damage done to their Mechs in a strange twist of fate both had been knocked unconscious by the fall.

Following the battle both had been evacuated to the Goliath Scorpion DropShips in the morning Madsen woke up on a bed in the infirmary and glanced over at Connor Rood who was sat on the other bed with his arm in a sling and his leg in plaster.  “You fought well young, Scorpion.”

“As did you” Madsen said sitting up, he suddenly felt very dizzy thinking he’d gotten up too quickly but it was something more.

“Easy Madsen, you suffered a concussion in our draw.”  Rood said reaching out

“Our draw?” He asked only now aware of the result, he’d initially thought he’d lost but now took in Rood’s injuries he was tall and lean, his head shaved bald, even with his injuries he looked dangerous at sixty-eight years old he was also old for a Clan MechWarrior.

“Aff, we did not defeat each other but you fulfilled your oath my forces have surrendered to yours and will submit to Goliath Scorpion rule.”

“Thank you” Madsen said

“Neg, thank you Star Colonel Patrice Madsen now I can die as a Clan warrior.”  The older man said Madsen didn’t think he had it in him to smile but Rood looked pleased about what he’d accomplished here, he’d kept members of his Clan alive against all odds, and now he was looking forward to fighting for a Clan again.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1444 on: 08 July 2022, 19:22:01 »
Wow, FedSuns got burn with that acceptance speech of Hegira.  The Star Colonel is not wrong.
However, were the people being forced into full caste system or were they living Ghost Bears hybrid model?
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1445 on: 09 July 2022, 08:24:28 »
Well they are people... there will be a couple of waves when they arrive where they are going but they are really a drop in the ocean compared to most Inner Sphere planets population, just as the Cemetery Wind were to the civilian population
Sorry my thought was if the Caspars had gone and was able to Humanoid Cylon or go into Manei Domini style humans.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1446 on: 11 July 2022, 19:27:11 »
Wow, FedSuns got burn with that acceptance speech of Hegira.  The Star Colonel is not wrong.
However, were the people being forced into full caste system or were they living Ghost Bears hybrid model?

Full caste, the Nova Cats are not as enlightened as the Bears.  This story was intentional

Sorry my thought was if the Caspars had gone and was able to Humanoid Cylon or go into Manei Domini style humans.

I considered something like it when I first conceived of the idea but I shelved it, I wanted it to be a little homage but I didn't want to outright copy.

Next update, not a lot happens but still fun.

Private Medical Ward
Risha City, Renown
Victoria Commonality, Capellan Confederation
1st October 3117

   After being placed in a medically induced coma due to her injuries and evacuated to the Capellan Confederation system of Renown Colonel Emma McEvens had been treated by the best medical technicians and doctors the world could offer at great expense.  In a private ward in the city of Risha she woke to see Major Mitch Gitelman her executive officer in the Fronc Household Guard Regiment “Mitch?  Where am I?  What happened? Where are my parents?”  She asked not recognizing where she was.

   “Duchess” he said using her position instead of her rank “You are at a medical facility on Renown in the Capellan Confederation.  There was a bombing on Fronc.”  He said leaving the details to the side for now.

   “We’re in the Capellan Confederation?”  She asked confirming what she’d heard “and my parents…” she said this time not asking a question.

   “Yes, we have been provided sanctuary while you recovered from your injuries.”

   “And Fronc?”

   “When we left it was in a state of unrest.”

   “We left the world when it was in trouble, you do know how that makes us look?”

   “Yes, Duchess” he said “but you would not have recovered there and then we would have been left…” he said not finishing the sentence as they danced around the news that her parents were no longer alive.

   “I understand your reasoning Major but now I’m awake, prepare the regiment, we’re going home and we’re going to sort the mess our nation has been left in.  Then we’re going to put to rest those we have lost properly.”

   “Yes, Colonel, I’ll inform the troops.”  He said saluting her then smartly about facing and leaving.  Colonel Emma McEvens remained in the bed alone thinking over everything she had just learned and thinking about what she needed to do to sort out what had happened.

Planetary Invasion
Gladius, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
13th October 3117

   News had filtered through Gladius that the Jade Falcons and Hell’s Horses were on the move again, the Horses had attacked Edasich, Whittington and Nekkar while the Jade Falcons had targeted three systems of their own Trent, Canonie, and Gladius.  The toughest nut of the three was Gladius defended by several regiments of ground forces and two WarShips which were assigned to protecting Skye’s shipyard.

   In the three systems targeted by the Hell’s Horses although the Clan is able to dominate space with their WarShips the multiple dug in ground force regiments on each planet hold firm and grind down nine of the Horses Clusters forcing them into retreat when requests from the naval command to assist were rejected by the ground force Hell’s Horses commanders.  All six regiments defending the three systems are heavily damaged by the fighting and would likely have been lost in their entirety by orbital bombardment as a result of the fighting Fury’s Fusiliers a small mercenary unit is wiped out.

   The Jade Falcons have an easier run of it.  On Trent the Ninth Lyran Regulars Regiment put up a fight initially but are rapidly broken into smaller units by the Jade Falcons and crushed piecemeal.  Only a single combined arms regiment worth of troops are able to escape with hundreds of civilians.  Canonie falls within three hours with none of the militia escaping.

   Finally in the Gladius system the Jade Falcons come across their greatest challenge with Lyran WarShips and assault DropShips attacking them as soon as they enter the system.  While the LCS Edinburgh, a Coventry-class Corvette is destroyed in the fighting the LCS Helmut Schroder, a Hyperion II-class Heavy Cruiser, and multiple squadrons of Talon-class Pocket WarShips rally to destroy the Jade Lion, a vessel of the same named class of Battle-cruiser, and the Hawk, a York-class Carrier, forcing the Jade Falcons into retreat.  The two Clans find a rump of defended territory that is tougher than others to conqueror and may have to change their strategy.

Weapons Development
Twin Sons, District of Lesnovo
Free Worlds League
23rd October 3117

   For decades before even the Smoke Jaguars had come to Twin Sons the industrious people of the world had been innovators making the most out of their lack of compact fusion engines and of large manufacturing capacity.  Instead of building larger more powerful BattleMechs with built in weapons they built Ultra-light BattleMechs which complemented their firepower with hand-held weaponry which was often short-lived on a battlefield but it gave them something extra.

   With the Twin Sons now under the full control of the reborn Smoke Jaguars and with the Clan working with the District of Lesnovo the hand-held weapons had become less useful with few of the heavier BattleMechs needing the additional firepower and the firepower they were able to mount on the weapons not enough to complement the larger Mechs.

   After years of development and using Clan grade technology developed by the Smoke Jaguar scientists and traded from the Sea Fox Clan the people of Twin Sons had built the first examples of the “Advanced Gun System.”  Designed to primarily complement heavier Mechs firepower this new weapon system was aimed at fitting the heaviest weapons that were able to be carried by a Mech.  Unlike standard BattleMech weapons a weapon mounted on the Advanced Gun System weighed half as much as a regular weapon which allowed the heaviest weapons to be carried by a Mech as external ordinance.  The drawback to these systems were that only a single weapon could be carried in any Advanced Gun System, due to the increased size of the weapons they suffered from a firing penalty and any Mech carrying one of these weapons needed two functioning hand actuators.

   During her mercenary unit’s contract with the Free Worlds League Tassa Kay was able to secure one of these Advanced Gun Systems for her Ryoken II BattleMech.  While her customized seventy-five-ton BattleMech already carried significant firepower she added a Class-10 Autocannon with a single ton of ammunition to an Advanced Gun giving her a short lived but potent additional punch.  This was first demonstrated on Westover during a raid against Clan Sea Fox holdings there during this raid Kay’s Jokers salvaged a Clan built Gauss Rifle which Kay planned on adapting to the weapon system giving the Ryoken II an addition sniper-type weapon to complement its already potent twin Extended Range Particle Cannons.

Trials of Possession
Sea Fox Occupation Zone
26th October 3117

   Attempting to change the course of their conflict with the Clans and gain favour with the other Inner Sphere leaders ahead of the Star League Conference on Terra the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces, Mercenary forces and Star League Defence Force units go on the offensive against Clan Sea Fox targeting twelve systems of their occupation zone with Trials of Possession.  The Lyran Archon orders all worlds targeted to be given the chance to fight a limited Clan styled Trial following Zellbrigen instead of initiating all-out war for the planets.

   Of the twelve systems targeted by the Lyrans and their allies only five are won the others remain under Sea Fox rule.  Of the worlds targeted only on Blackjack and Goat’s Path is Zellbrigen broken in both cases the worlds are targeted by mercenary commands exclusively.  On Blackjack the First Obsidian Lancers break Zellbrigen when trying to counter the Sea Fox push, this results in the Clan pulling in additional troops and pushing the mercenaries off the world.  On Goat’s Path it is the Sea Foxes themselves who break Zellbrigen during a melee between the defenders and Avanti’s Angels the Clan force overwhelms the mercenary command through superior firepower resulting in dozens of deaths in the mercenary command.  Because the Clan force was the one that broke Zellbrigen the commander informs Colonel Marcus GioAvanti that he may salvage whatever he wishes from the planet as a result the Angels are able to rebuild two battalions of their unit before retreating.

   Elsewhere the Sea Foxes abandon the systems of Newton Square, Barcelona and Bone Norman leaving the people on the worlds to their own devices.  The only presence they continue to maintain is a space station at the Nadir Point of the Bone Norman system which is the Sea Foxes link to the periphery-based Ragnarok Union.

   In the Isle of Skye Lyran and mercenary forces retreat from Edasich, Whittington and Nekkar, their units have been pounded on the planet for months by Clan Hell’s Horses and the Skye government could not continue to supply them instead they contract their front lines surrendering the three systems.  Within weeks Clan Hell’s Horses realize what has happened and move in on all three systems the planetary militias remain on the battered worlds but are unable to resist the Horses for long and they become Clan holdings.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1447 on: 11 July 2022, 19:51:49 »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1448 on: 12 July 2022, 07:11:28 »
Its nice to see the story updated! 


  • Major
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1449 on: 12 July 2022, 19:02:29 »
Well then Dragon Cat...  I'm glad I got the right vibe from the story of Cemetery Wind's last stand

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1450 on: 15 July 2022, 11:28:14 »
Excellent updates and AU as always :)
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1451 on: 03 August 2022, 15:17:14 »
When I planned out this update I didn't think about how much "Davion" it screams - so Davion Month 3117 is here  ;D  not even sure if it paints the family in a good light.

The "new" periphery nation is adapted from canon sources (I've moved its story to fit into this one)

Whitting Conference Centre, Unity Chambers
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate   
1st November 3117

   The rebuilding of Unity City had been a priority for the reborn Star League Protectorate as much as building the Star League Defence Force had been.   In the forty-nine years since the rebirth of the Star League the population in the city had boomed to several million with hundreds of buildings restored to full use, hospitals, schools and shopping complexes had all opened while the crown jewels of the city the Whitting Conference Centre, renamed for this Star League after the building on Tharkad where the first elections had been held.  The facility had been fully restored to its Star League-era looks and capabilities, now from the Chambers the Star League Council could monitor anything in the star system and beyond using the dedicated HPG network which fed it.

   Walking through the many corridors of the facility there were multiple external observation decks for the inhabitants and visitors to look over Unity City, First Prince Burton Davion remarked just how much had been done to the city since his last visit.  Much like Royal Davion Palace on New Avalon the Whitting Conference Centre sat beside two rivers one which flowed either side of the complex.  If it was anything like his home Burton guessed there would be a command facility buried under the surface buildings as well as multiple bunkers and escape corridors should there ever be an attack.  “Like anyone could invade Terra” Burton asked himself it was like imagining New Avalon being held by an others hand, impossible to comprehend.  The Wolves, Bears and soon most likely the Jade Falcons were all closing on Terra but they were held back by the massed army of the Star League Defence Force, Navy and the Protectorate Guard regiments, none of them had the available forces alone to break through to Terra.

   “An impressive sight” Exarch Victor Steiner-Davion said coming out onto the balcony joining his son.

   “Father, it is good to see you well, I hoped to see you and mother before I left.”

   “You’ve been here for six days son, I worried that you were avoiding us?”

   “Not at all father, affairs of the state, I am sure you understand having all of this to look after?”  He said raising his arms to take in Unity City beyond.

   “It is a job that keeps me busy” Victor admitted “but my family and home are in the Federated Suns, your mothers as well, we took the position here to safeguard what had been built since the Star League’s founding.  It doesn’t replace our home, even if sometimes I have to make policies that are not popular in the Federated Suns.”

   “No, your reputation has been harmed somewhat by what you have had to do.”

   “I unfortunately knew it would” Victor said “Burton, the Star League needs the Protectorate to remain strong.  If it doesn’t then it all falls.”

   “Today my cousin was elected to the position of First Lord.  She will undoubtably use the Star League’s Defence Force to strengthen her fight back against the Clans and weaken the defences of this Protectorate.  Much of the factories held by the Star League will sell their weapons to the Lyran Commonwealth at cut down prices also bolstering the Lyran Commonwealth’s position.  Much like the Magistracy has increased its power over the last three years.”  It was widely known that the Magistracy had used Star League resources to complete their second shipyard and to build several squadrons of a new type of Pocket WarShip based on the Vengeance-class DropShip.

   “Which is the way of this League.  But with the resources that we have brought together we are all improved.  Has the Federated Suns not seen several new bases built during the recent League’s time which has brought jobs for hundreds of citizens.”

   “And increased their foothold.”  Burton said looking over at his father “the Federated Suns should be for the citizens of the Federated Suns.  Even if a former son of the realm is ruling an ally.”

   “And your cousin is in charge of another state.  Our family have the ability to bring the entire Inner Sphere closer together and in turn make our realms stronger, all three of them.  We just need to keep working within the rules of this League.”  Victor stressed Burton looked at his father surprised, it almost sounded like he wanted to bring back together the Federated Commonwealth with the Star League as its bridge.

   “That dream Archon-Prince is long dead” Burton said using his father’s former rank Victor had once been the first and only Archon-Prince of the nation which was made up of the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth.  “The Lyrans are far from us now and soon if the Clans have their way even you will be cut off from them, just as you are the Draconis Combine.  Father, this League is failing around us, this Protectorate may be going from strength to strength but every year the Clans creep closer first it was the Wolves, now it’s the Bears who is next the Falcons or Horses?”  He asked naming all the Clans moving towards the Protectorate he intentionally omitted the Sea Foxes because while they did have territory near the Protectorate, they were not expansionists and they traded technology with everyone around them.

   “But together we can blunt their offensives.  The Wolves are contained.  The Bears have closed because we couldn’t become involved in the District of Dieron’s conflict with the Combine and the most recent Lyran offensive has been supported by the Star League Defence Force.  Burton, the only reason you do not have more of our people in your territory is because of the unique agreement that the Federated Suns has with the Nova Cats and the distraction the Ravens have with the Draconis Combine.”  Victor argued “this nation holds the Inner Sphere together AND accountable.”

   “Accountable?”  Burton asked innocently wondering where his father was going with this line of the argument.

   “Orbital Bombardment and weapons of mass destruction.”  Victor said bluntly “in the first two Succession Wars the Inner Sphere nations had WarShips a plenty and were happy to use them and destroy multiple worlds.”  He said “the horrors of the first two Succession Wars still scarred many systems “the Clans have added a further element to the mix but the Star League’s presence has stopped the decent into complete chaos.”  He truly believed that and saw his son was not convinced “tell me, truthfully that you haven’t looked at the power your fingertips wield and not been tempted.”

   “You taught us well father ‘every action has an opposite and equal reaction, if you want to pick a fight expect a response.’” Burton said reciting his father’s words at the time his father had said that someone before him had said the same words but Burton had long ago forgotten the name of the other person.  “I know what I can and cannot do.  The Federated Suns has great strength, to escalate our battles beyond where they have currently reached would be to court complete destruction.”

   “You know that because you have been taught to value what you have” Victor said grabbing his son by the shoulders “the other nation leaders perhaps do not.  This Star League is keeping them in check.”  He suggested he left out his other belief that the most recent experience of the wield District of Dieron had shown exactly how badly the Clans would react to an escalation of the violence.

   “My decision stands father, I continue to support this Star League, but you know my reservations about it.  Now perhaps we should put politics aside and see mother before I and Sterling have to leave for home.”  He suggested Victor nodded and the two men headed back into the building.  The cracks of the Star League Defence Force were showing but the threat of the Clans and the fear of what a new Succession War could bring was keeping them all in check.

House Arano Press Conference
Coromodir, Cordia City
Aurigan Collective, Periphery   
9th November 3117

   On the world of Coromodir VI in front of a massive Star League-era fortification which served as House Arano’s residence Lady Kamea Arano stood to address the gathered media.  Lady Arano was in her late twenties with jet black hair.  She wore a green dress with a short leather MechWarrior’s jacket over her shoulders.  “I am Kamea of House Arano, Protector of Coromodir and the Sword of Restoration” on her head she wore the crown of the High Lady of the Aurigan Reaches a long-forgotten realm which was headed on Coromodir and a nation that had once been comparable to that of what the Fronc Reaches had become.  “When I grew up here on Coromodir my father used to tell me ancient stories of the Star League, the first Star League, when the Aurigan Reaches stood with the other nations around it.”  She said pausing a several camera flashes went off “it was a prosperous period when much of the facilities we hold dear today were built and out people reached for the stars around us.”  She said raising her arms the massive facility behind her dominating the area.  “I always dreamed of the prosperity of that era returning and our people moving forwards once more.  The Fronc Reaches have treated Coromodir well but they have also taken a lot from our people and prospered on our riches.”  She explained “now the Fronc Reaches is falling into Civil War and there are only a few chances of its recovery.  I fully support the efforts of its recovery but I must protect the people I can.  Today I am announcing the rebirth of the Aurigan nation as the Aurigan Collective the systems of Coromodir, Guldra, Tyrion, Itrom, Mangzhangdian, Smithon, Katinka, Artu, Gangtok, Sananda and Heliat are now under my protection as High Leader of the Aurigan Collective, we are separate from the Fronc Reaches and only want peace with our neighbours.  I fully support the Fronc Reaches recovering from its current troubles but I must take this action to protect our people.”

   The actions of Coromodir causes the Taurian Concordat to move within a week and take over the systems of Glizer, Qalzl, Aea and Regis Roost which were sandwiched between the Aurigan Collective and the Taurian Concordat.

   With chaos still enveloping much of the Fronc Reaches there is no official word on the official reformation of the Aurigan Collective but actions speak louder than words as Colonel Emma McEvens lands on Detroit with her Household Guard and a mercenary regiment reinforcing positions there.  She declares herself the new leader of the Fronc Reaches elsewhere fighting continues on other planets as the small battered nation continues to try and recover from the attack against its parliament.

Planetary Defence
Chesterton, Axton PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
19th November 3117

   Despite the talk of peace on Terra the Inner Sphere nations were still in a constant state of small-scale conflict with each other and with their neighbours, it didn’t matter how far one was from the front lines a world could face conflict meaning the nation’s armed forces had to keep alert to conflict.  Many people joined the armed forces not for the adventure but because it was solid employment and the status as a member of the nation’s defence force brought with it a status that could not be bought.  In the Federated Suns this was even more true with members of the AFFS being looked up to like the Knights of old Terra and serving the nation being a cornerstone of citizenship within the Succession State.  To serve the Federated Suns and House Davion meant someone would be made for life; if they survived their term of service.

   For others however the service was thrust on them as a duty to the nation like Duchess Leah Davion she as a daughter of the First Prince was always destined to join the Federated Suns.  She had chosen to follow the footsteps of her mother Sterling McKenna, a former Khan of Clan Snow Raven, and become an aerospace fighter pilot which had led her into the position she was in now, in her Cutlass OmniFighter defending a world of the Federated Suns.

   Leah’s fighter along with five others and a Leopard-CV were outbound from the world of Chesterton intercepting and incoming Lung Wang-class DropShip which was heading towards the planet.  “This is Captain Kelly Scroggins of the Sixth New Avalon Guards RCT” the lead fighter of the six which had been deployed transmitting “you are ordered to turn away from Chesterton and prepare to be boarded.”  At the back of the flight Leah was sat in her Cutlass waiting for the next action.

   After several minutes there was only silence from the incoming DropShip before the signal expanded as two fighters were deployed.  “They aren’t responding meaning they are a threat.  One through Four we’re on the fighters were going to make sure they can’t threaten the Arethuse.  We won’t fire unless they do.” She said naming their Leopard CV.  “Five and Six, force the DropShip to change course, if they fire you’ve got authorization to open fire.”  She ordered Leah sat in her fighter six was fighter number Six in the unit and they’d been tasked with taking on a two-thousand-and-six-hundred-ton DropShip.  “This isn’t an invasion force, it’s a raiding party or a merc unit trying their luck, they won’t want us to fight them any more than we do.”

   “Speak for yourself” Leah said quietly, she was desperate to get some action, since joining the Sixth she’d went through dozens of drills but not seen any combat.  The four fighters accelerated after the two enemy fighters which had split up and were trying to make the Federated Suns fighters change their course.

   “Six, you’re with me” her Flight Leader Justin Charters said as the front Cutlass accelerated “stick close Diva, we’re going to see how they react to a flyby.”  She hated the callsign her squadron mates had assigned her she’d gained it because she was apparently the complete opposite of a Diva and too quiet for her own good.  She’d decided as soon as she joined the service she wouldn’t play on her heritage as a member of the ruling house, she accelerated her Cutlass to follow Charters aerospace fighter.

   The two Cutlass fighters approached the Lung Wang which had remained radio silent and had refused to communicate.  Onboard would be four MechWarriors and a crew that were intending on landing on the planet.  The two aircraft approached the small aerodyne DropShip from the aft and flew past the DropShip quickly “cut the nose Diva, just like we practiced.”  Charters ordered “cutting the nose” was an intercept designed to turn away a ship that didn’t want a fight.  So far despite being chased by AFFS fighters the two aggressor fighters had not fired and Charters was betting on the DropShip being the same.  Unfortunately, the manoeuvre would also expose them to fire from the DropShip at point blank range should the DropShip commander decide now was a good time to engage them.

   The two Cutlass accelerated faster than the Lung Wang with one aerospace fighter diving past the nose of the DropShip going one way and then the other diving past the nose the other way.  The Lung Wang didn’t fire instead it continued on its course.  “He’s not taking the hint Magnet; they could have broken communications?” she communicated to her wingman turning her fighter in an arc.

   “There are ways of showing that, no they are ignoring us, right fine they want to be difficult.  A Big X off their nose, Diva, no closer than fifty metres you hear me?”

   “I got you” she said the two fighters began to approach the DropShip from either side as they closed on their target both opened fire with their nose mounted Gauss Rifles the two hypersonic slugs flew past the Lung Wang’s nose missing the target completely in an atmosphere it would have created two trails of disturbed air in front of the ship creating a massive “X” in space the DropShip’s sensors would have done the same.

   That got a reaction as the slugs disappeared into space the DropShip pulled up and turned away from the flight path it was on arcing back towards the jump point.  The two fighters which had been dancing around space with the rest of the squadron also turned away and arced back to tracks that would allow them to re-join the DropShip near the jump point.

   “All fighters, this is Scoggins, break it off we’ll have no fight today.”  The squadron leader communicated “Five and Six, I don’t remember saying you were authorised to use warning shots, nice job.”  Kelly Scoggins said as the squadron turned back towards their carrier “Six, let today be a lesson, remember you can stop an attack by persuading an enemy that it’ll cost them more than they are willing to pay.”  She said Leah sat in the Cutlass watching the DropShip and fighters moving away and thought that it would be nice if every fight would be so simple of an operation, but she also knew that wouldn’t be the case, she still didn’t have a combat victory under her belt but it felt good to have done something about people who could have hurt their people.

City Tour
Marion, Minette PDZ
Crucis March, Federated Suns
24th November 3117

   The world of Sherwood had gained its name from the forests of old England on Terra and its climate was extremely comfortable to humanity.  It had been an easy world for colonists to decide to move to hailing from as far as New Avalon and Belladonna in the Federated Suns and beyond to Terra herself as humanity expanded into the stars.  Marion, the city he now stood in had expanded greatly under Nova Cat rule located at the southernmost edge of the Watling Mountain Range it always had a spaceport but both the spaceport and the city were larger than he remembered.  The Nova Cats had used Sherwood as a trade hub funnelling goods into Sherwood before shipping the out into the Federated Suns and onto Clan Sea Fox’s holdings.  As a result, they had added at least two new runways and nearly half a dozen additional DropShip landing pads as well as massive fuel storage facilities.  Jonas wasn’t sure how the Federated Suns would support such facilities now it was back in their hands.  Similarly, the capital’s mass transit systems had completely been renovated by the Nova Cats the lower tech railway replaced by Star League-era standard electric trains and trams.
He had fought for this feeling for years, he had spent his families fortune trying to see today, but it had not been his hand instead it had been an action by the AFFS which had freed Sherwood from the grasp of Clan Nova Cat.  Now former-Earl Jonas Tyler could see the fruits of his labour and that of his nations and he could walk down the street of Marion, the world’s capital and wear the crest of his family with pride.

It felt strange to be back on Sherwood the world felt different the transit systems were just one part.  The additional civilians who inhabited the changed the feeling around the city from what Tyler understood most of the civilians were non-Nova Cat by birth having been moved here by the Clan to work the enlarged spaceport, storage facilities, mass transit systems and the BattleMech factory which was located on the world.  The Nova Cats had turned Sherwood into a prize one that the Federated Suns had finally liberated.  Strangely as he walked around Tyler noticed that there were murals which had been painted on the side of buildings many of the Similarly, size of a BattleMech most of them depicted Clan Nova Cat BattleMechs, armour, Battle Armour, soldiers and even the nova cat animal defending the people of the world.  Tyler found it strange having never imagined that the people would be allowed to express themselves so publicly under Nova Cat rule.  He wondered how much he had misjudged how this world was being treated for years.

As he walked through the streets, he came across a street market selling various goods as he walked along, he spotted Kimberly Mathijsen running one of the stalls, she was in her sixties now but still seemed vibrant with life as she traded her goods to the people passing by.  The Mathijsen stall was well known for its exotic fruit juices and wines.  “Mrs Mathijsen!”  Tyler greeted her as he approached the stall, she looked shocked for several moments looking at him strangely “it’s me Jonas Tyler.”

   “Welcome to my stall, sir… I mean sire” she stammered over the word almost like it was alien to her.  “How can I help you?”  She asked formally

   “Mrs Mathijsen, don’t you remember me?”

   “My name is Kimberly young man I have given up that name, life is simpler when we accept that.”  She said “now how can I help you?”  She said indicating to the goods.

   “I’ll have this” he said picking up a 750ml bottle of the famous Sherwood’s Green Apple Juice.

   “That will be four Kerensky’s” she said listing the price, Jonas had heard that the world was still dealing in Kerensky’s when he had landed, he’d been given some at the spaceport in exchange for an equal amount of D-Bills.  At the price he’d paid elsewhere he’d have spent two or three times that in D-Bills.  “And watch your contractions” the old woman said smiling as she accepted his coins.

   Jonas walked away feeling strange he’d never known Mrs Mathijsen very well only when his father took him through the market and bought him some juice, but he found it strange she’d adapted so readily to the Nova Cat way of things abandoning her family name.  Family was important, it was a connection to your past and to your children it seemed unthinkable to Jonas whose family name was all that was important.  Like them still holding onto the Clan currency it seemed his world would have a long road to recovery from what the Nova Cats had caused here.  He walked down the street and sipped the cold still apple juice, even with all the things that had changed the juice had not the cold sweet taste was exactly as he remembered.

   Continuing down the street he stopped as he saw another drawing on the world, he guessed it was new by what was depicted.  Unlike the other mural paintings which showed the Nova Cats in various forms defending the people of Sherwood, this one had far darker undertones and had been done quickly, possibly because the person painting it had been worried about being seen, the picture showed a Federated Suns flagpole which had been snapped in half the flag pointing into the ground being torn to pieces by a nova cat animal.  “What have they done to my world?” Jonas wondered to himself looking at the picture transfixed with the image, the artist had skills but it also made Jonas wonder if this was the act of one person or of many.  He vowed to himself as he continued to drink the apple juice that he would return Sherwood to the correct path.
« Last Edit: 03 August 2022, 15:22:56 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1452 on: 03 August 2022, 20:51:39 »
Burton and Dad are not on the same page
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1453 on: 04 August 2022, 08:14:20 »
Unfortunately, Burton focus is on the future of the Federated Suns.  Growing blinder to the what happens else where, will effect the FedSuns.  Its way of the universe.
Burton been difficult with his son, I expect that there will be severe break between them.  It will be interesting if his son turn on the father, he has it coming the way Burton's been lately.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1454 on: 18 August 2022, 09:19:43 »
Time to end 3117 - its taken a little longer than I expected  :-\ but we're here with some changes for what's to come in the future.  The intent of this update is to show the continued adaption of canon to this AU, every new product I buy gives me an idea of how to make this AU better (at least I hope I make it better - but that's up to you lot!)

Weapons Test
Near Riken Minor, Rigil Kentarus
Star League Protectorate
2nd December 3117

   From the surface of Riken Minor, a moon around Rigil Kentarus, six aerospace fighters launched in close formation.  The fighters were too close together to be manned their manoeuvres too precise the six thirty-five-ton aerospace fighters rose quickly from the surface of the moon heading for a rendezvous with an orbiting DropShip.  The spheroid thirty-six thousand tonne Tiamat Pocket WarShip orbited the moon silently the landing bay doors opening allowing the drones to land completely remotely.  Like the fighters the Tiamat was controlled by a drone brain and maintained orbit above the moon standing guard and keeping unwanted traffic out of the area.

   Near to the Tiamat’s orbit two Tug DropShips towed a damaged Behemoth-class DropShip through space in another orbit the two Tugs released the DropShip and turned away raising themselves into higher orbit allowing derelict ship to spin free.  Moments later several naval lasers lanced out of the moon and cut straight through the Behemoth slicing it in half.  In a follow up attack several capital missiles slammed into the two pieces of DropShip obliterating the remains of the wreck.  This test was one of many which had taken place recently but it was by far the most public one the destruction of a DropShip the size of the Behemoth was impossible to hide from public eyes instead the test was a demonstration that Centaur Castle was now operational.  It was also a demonstration that the experimental Casper II Drone Fleet was also now in its test phase, the Casper II system was one intended on supporting the Casper Drone Fleet and would be built up using drone DropShips and Aerospace Fighters.  The Centaur Castle Brian Facility was a stationary defensive position and with the drones which would be deployed from it they could influence the entire system.

   Two weeks later on the surface of Rigil Kentarus in the capital city of Minnesota two men met in a coffee shop near the spaceport as the shop’s tri-vid screens continued to play the Star League Defence Forces’ successful test of “Centaur Castle’s weapons.”  As the two men drank their coffee the older of the two looked up at the screens.

   “They’ve changed the game you know?”  Christopher Grant said looking over at the other man in the last few years he had undergone significant cosmetic surgery so being out here in the open wouldn’t set off too many alarm bells.  There were still arrest warrants out in his name in the Federated Suns for the assassination of Tancred Sandoval.  “Soon everyone will need their own personal WarShip to compete and BattleMechs will be a thing of the past.”

   “I disagree, a WarShip cannot take ground and hold it, they can only obliterate it.  They also cannot take out selective targets, if you want to take out one person use a Mech or a knife instead of capital weaponry, and we’ve shown several times that a BattleMech team can do a job and disappear.”  The younger man Dominic Nostra said in response he had spent five years learning from the current Bounty Hunter and had come a long way from the Rim Collection disgraced Colonel that Christopher had recruited.

   “That’ll be your fight to fight” the Bounty Hunter said looking over at the other man who looked surprised Christopher Grant was only forty-six years old, he was in his prime and could live fifty-or-sixty years.  “I’ve lost the appetite for it.”  He said honestly “the blood and fighting doesn’t interest me anymore, I gave many years to the Federated Suns and I’ve given many years to this, I’ve laid aside plenty its time I enjoyed it.”  He said Dominic Nostra had been trained in the Rim Collection, he had raised in rank to that of Colonel he wasn’t that much younger than Grant but he’d also only been working for himself for three years and his accounts in the Free Worlds League were frozen.  “I have spoken to the others before speaking to you” Grant continued surprising Nostra again “tradition states that when one Bounty Hunter retires the team do too.  Fortunately for you most of them have chosen to remain as part of the command, it seems I've retired a little quicker than most were expecting and they all want to earn a little more coin before they retire.”

   “That’s fortunate” Nostra admitted, the longest serving member of the unit a VTOL pilot named Kafka had served with two Bounty Hunters already and must have amassed plenty C-Bills but she appeared to be quite happy to remain within the command.

   “Yes, you can continue on as if nothing has changed.”  Grant said “and I will quietly disappear.”

   “Good luck, enjoy your retirement.” Nostra said raising his coffee glass as the video screen showed the DropShip being obliterated again, it was a changing Inner Sphere but he planned on making the job pay.
Planetary Invasion, DCMS Staging Area
Awano, Awano Prefecture
District of Philadelphia, Draconis Combine
14th December 3117

   In space three Draconis Combine WarShips were heavily engaged with four Rasalhague Dominion WarShips which had arrived escorting more than a Galaxy of troops which had arrived to strike at the Draconis Combine staging area on Awano.

   Dropping through the atmosphere in his Executioner OmniMech Star Commander Coyle Bekker dropped down towards the Draconis Combine base below.  The ninety-five-ton OmniMech was configured in its alternate K configuration mounting a huge class-40 Hyper Assault Gauss and three six-pack short range missile launchers.  The jump jets mounted on the OmniMech blazed plasma fire slowing the OmniMech’s fall towards the ground Coyle Bekker was not prepared to simply fall instead he targeted an enemy Catapult.  Firing the HAG-40 down towards the sixty-five-ton BattleMech, gauss slugs tore into the upper hull of the Catapult the supersonic slugs pitting the other Mech’s armour as the Executioner closed on it.  The Catapult pilot returned fire with its two long range missile launchers filling the air with thirty missiles several slammed into the falling Executioner causing damage to its legs the Executioner was knocked off course slightly.

   At the controls of the Executioner Coyle Bekker fought the OmniMech keeping it on course he aimed his HAG-40 again and pulled the trigger sending another volley of gauss slugs down towards the Catapult.  Because of the falling range between the two Mechs the slugs were closer packed and flew in on the Catapult causing heavier damage, as the Executioner came in for a landing the Catapult pilot fought to keep control over their BattleMech.  Coyle Bekker brought his OmniMech up as the Catapult pilot attempted to counter the Executioner by engaging the Mech with its four Medium Lasers, three of which burned into the armour of the assault OmniMech.  Coyle smiled baring his teeth and opened fire with eighteen short range missiles showering the other BattleMech in fire, unlike the gauss slugs which did their damage with kinetic energy instead of explosive warheads the short-range missiles were filled with an explosive payload.  The Catapult staggered under the fire as its armour was blown open.  One of the two Long Range Missile racks exploded under the fire while the ammunition stored inside its torso was cocked off and exploded after being hit by a missile.  CASE panels built into the BattleMech attempted to save the BattleMech but Coyle had already decided that would not be happening and he added another volley of missiles to the already crippled BattleMech, the attack shattered any hope the MechWarrior may have had of surviving the encounter and they punched out as the Catapult began to stumble and fall.

   All around Coyle Bekker BattleMechs, Battle Armour and fighters were engaging each other in battles, Clan tradition stated a Clan warrior did not get involved in the battles of other warriors instead allowing them to engage in honour duels with their enemies.  But the Draconis Combine troops were not honourable according to the Rasalhague Dominion’s leaders, recently it had been revealed that it was the Draconis Combine and not the Rasalhague Dominion which had detonated a nuclear device on Rasalhague Dominion soil.  Instead of searching for another opponent Coyle twisted the Executioner’s torso to the right and opened fire with the OmniMech’s short range missile racks, eighteen missiles burst out of their launchers and flew rapidly into the back of a forty-five-ton Wolftrap.  At close range the missiles didn’t take long to reach the enemy Mech and the attack was devastating, as the BattleMech’s rear armour was far lighter than the front armour the damage that was done to the Wolftrap was devastating.  Explosions tore open the Mech’s rear armour the ammunition stored in the Mech’s torso was hit by several missiles and caused a fireball to consume the Wolftrap tearing it to pieces.

   Time was not to be wasted as the Rasalhague Dominion troops continued to assault the Draconis Combine forces at the centre of the assault force Coyle Bekker continued his own personal crusade against the Rasalhague Dominion.  Twisting the Executioner to the right he saw a pair of forty-ton Shillelagh Missile Tank both tanks engaged his assault Mech with their Multi-Missile Launchers thirty missiles flew in on the charging Rasalhague Dominion Mech.  Bekker ducked his Mech to the right attempting to avoid some of the missiles even as he targeted the first Mech with the HAG.  The missiles exploded all over the hull of the Executioner causing explosions but none punctured its armoured frame several more exploded all around the OmniMech throwing sand and shrapnel into the air, Bekker charged forwards through the fire ignoring the damage as the HAG continued to fire.  The Executioner’s Gauss Rifle tore down the side of the first Shillelah the hypersonic slugs flew into the side of the tracked vehicle penetrating the armour in several places causing internal damage.  The second Shillelagh opened fire a second time showering the Executioner with another volley of missiles at closer range the Shillelah switched to using short range missiles and they were more accurate.  Several slammed into the weaker armour on the OmniMech’s back but they failed to penetrate instead they threw Bekker around his cockpit and unfortunately for him angered the Ghost Bear Warrior.  Turning on the spot the Executioner’s missile racks answered the Shillelah’s fire with its own missiles pumping eighteen short range missiles into his target.  Several of the missiles slammed into the same spot weakening the armour enough to expose its ammunition bay Bekker screamed angrily as he marched towards the enemy vehicle putting another eighteen missiles into the target.  It was overkill but he wanted the missile tank dead his missiles slammed into the smaller vehicle several hitting the exposed ammunition storage.  The resulting explosion which consumed the vehicle resembled a small supernova as a mixture of long- and short-range missiles and machine gun ammunition all cooked over obliterating the vehicle in one massive explosion followed by a series of secondary explosions.  Pieces of the vehicle were thrown across the battlefield for hundreds of metres.

   Bekker stood there for several moments watching the Shillelah burn when a particle cannon blast exploded over Executioner’s chest.  Turning the OmniMech Coyle Bekker saw his newest challenger an Awesome BattleMech armed with three Heavy Particle Projection Cannons.  “Finally, a worthy challenger.”  Accelerating his ninety-five-ton OmniMech to the right Bekker targeted the incoming Awesome with his HAG sand blasting armour from the eighty-ton red painted Draconis Combine BattleMech as dozens of supersonic slugs slammed into the enemy Mech.

   The Awesome tracked the running the Executioner as Bekker’s Mech ran to its right-hand side, three more heavy particle cannon shots momentarily linked the two Mechs as the Awesome opened fire again.  The electrical charged bolts burned over the Executioners armour and threw off the Mech’s step Bekker fought to keep the OmniMech standing as it continued to run, in retaliation he twisted the left arm towards his target and opened fire with all three short range missile launchers.

   Explosions rocked the Awesome shattering its armour but the assault BattleMech was ready for an attack and stood up to the beating.  Bekker twisted his Mech’s torso and opened fire with the HAG peppering more armour off the Awesome but it immediately retaliated with three more particle cannon blasts.  Only two of the cannons found their target while the other burned across the ground throwing up sand, the two that struck the Executioner caused more heavy armour damage with the Executioner damaged in the previous battles the two particle cannon shots severely damaged the right leg actuator and locked the left arm in its extended position.

   Unable to aim the arm’s short-range missiles Bekker kept the Mech standing and fired them blindly before turning the torso and blasting the HAG at the target.  The majority of the short-range missiles went wild missing their target while eight of the missiles found their target damaging one of the Awesome’s particle cannons, an internal explosion inside the BattleMech completely ruined the weapon.  The HAG’s follow up attack shattered yet more armour but it did not have the concentrated killer blow that some of the heavier Clan weapons had and the Awesome remained standing.  With its two remaining heavy particle cannons the Awesome opened fire again this time the man-made lightning bolts shattered what remained of the left arm one of the bolts passing clearly through the Executioner’s superstructure blowing the arm away from the Mech’s body sending shrapnel everywhere.  Bekker gritted his teeth levelling his only weapon, the class-forty Hyper Assault Gauss rifle, at his target his Mech was now at a distinct disadvantage.  While the class-forty was a powerful weapon unlike the two remaining heavy particle cannons on the Awesome he lacked the killer punch.

   The supersonic slugs tore into the Awesome shaving armour off the chassis but only causing significant damage in a couple of places Coyle Bekker could see a shattered heat sink was leaking its coolant fluid down the front of the BattleMech as he prepared for the incoming barrage.  The assault he expected did not come instead lasers, missiles and autocannons from all sides came in on the Awesome causing heavy damage to the Mech.  A heavy assault autocannon penetrated the BattleMech’s armour and blew through the engine shielding causing the BattleMech to be consumed by the weapons fired at it.

   Coyle Bekker was about to call out the other Ghost Bear warriors for attacking his target but he remembered his assault on the Wolftrap and the orders from the Rasalhague Dominion leadership to give the Draconis Combine warriors no honour or mercy, they were to be wiped out.  In all four BattleMech Regiments, an entire Land-Air-Mech Regiment and several support regiments were wiped out by the Rasalhague Dominion assault.  In space a dozen assault DropShips and four Draconis Combine WarShips were destroyed as were three Rasalhague Dominion vessels with a fourth vessel the mighty Leviathan 2-class Battleship Rudigen crippled as the Rasalhague Dominion seized the important staging world. 

In the coming days two more systems fall to the Rasalhague Dominion as the Clan/Inner Sphere nation makes it clear to everyone via a broadband HPG message that they know the Draconis Combine were responsible for the nuclear attack against their nation and the Dieron War.  The Rasalhague Dominion made it absolutely clear that the Draconis Combine would never see a lasting peace with them.
Planetary Landing
Penny Marshal Landing Field
Coromodir V, Aurigan Collective
24th December 3117

   The Leopard-class DropShip came to a halt at the end of the landing zone and two Pacifier SecurityMechs moved towards it along with a Routemaster Shuttlebus coming to a stop several dozen metres away from the DropShip.  After several minutes several figures left the DropShip and headed over to the shuttlebus which moved across towards the tower, the hovercraft effortlessly moving over the ferrocrete maintaining pace with two SecurityMechs.  When it arrived three figures left the shuttlebus and entered the facility.

   Soon afterwards the three figures entered the conference room escorted by guards “Colonel… I mean Prince Marshal Emma McEvens of the Fronc Reaches.”  The guard announced

   “Welcome to Coromodir” High Lady Kamea Arano said she had chosen to meet her guest here instead of taking them to the palace and allowing their nearest neighbour to see what was going on within their capital.

   “Thank you, Lady Arano, I am here to inform you that we have put down the rebellion that the Fronc Reaches has endured.  I have taken the mantle of leadership until a new government is elected by all worlds and that Coromodir is welcome to return and retake its place.”

   “As you have taken the role of Prince Marshal, I too have taken another role.  I am now the High Lady of the Aurigan Collective the worlds around us have turned to Coromodir in their time of need, we are helping them.  You cannot force this issue Prince Marshal” she said respecting McEvens position.  “You need to draw your nation back together, beginning a war is not the way.”

   “I am drawing my nation together.  I am opening up a ballot for a new government and Prince Marshal.”

   “And investigating what happened at the Tower of Fronc?”  Kamea Arano asked reminding the other woman of her obligation to find out what happened to the previous government.  Emma McEvens in her mid-fifties was twenty years Kamea Arano’s senior but given the Fronc Reaches perilous position at present she was finding it hard to force anyone to do anything.  While widespread fighting had ended in the Fronc Reaches there was still unrest in several places.

   “Yes, of course” McEvens agreed “and we would do better if you were with us.”

   “We’re with you, Prince Marshal, we’re certainly not against you.  But we will not be re-joining Fronc in an alliance, not now.”  Kamea Arano replied “the three regiments that have joined with Coromodir will remain under my command…”

   “They are Fronc units, their equipment belongs to the Colonial Marshals and to Fronc!”  McEvens snapped angrily.

   “The decision is made; you have the forces to oppose us if you really want to.  But I would suggest you do not, I have several negotiators on their way to Herotitus and Galatea Station we will be hiring several mercenary units to bolster our numbers and protect our worlds from pirate forces.”  Arano warned her.

   “I understand” McEvens replied

   “We will however extend all of the support we can to your nation and provide all the intelligence we can to help you find out what happened to the Tower of Fronc and our people.”

   “I agreed” McEvens said through gritted teeth both of the women knew that there could be serious trouble between their two small nations but for now a peace would exist and each of them would be able to grow as they needed.

Clan Parades
Andrey, Tukayyid
Clan Occupied Space
23rd December 3117

   Today was a special day for Tukayyid the Clans were meeting on the world with dozens of additional Clan warriors on the planet as was tradition the arrival of each Clan began with a parade through the central streets of the capital Andrey with approximately a trinary of troops from each Clan making the journey to the Clan Hall.  On the arrival of Clan Lynx, the parade was extra special and large with dozens of BattleMechs, vehicles and battle armour moving through the street as Clan Lynx brought its entire complement of Bloodnamed warriors to the world.

   At the Council of the Clans each of the Khans and saKhans arrived to meet and discuss the issues facing their Clans often this involved military operations, new technology developments and trade.  But this particular meeting was a special one and would address a problem that was developing within all the Clans.

   “So, it is agreed” Loremaster of the Clans Sandra Ward replied “today, all of you recognize that as a society our Clans must embrace the cultures that make up our Clans.  We have over time accepted warriors from other Clans through the Harvest Trials these warriors deserve the right to become Bloodnamed warriors.  We also have encountered cultures in the Inner Sphere which have influenced us and warriors who have joined our ranks as Freeborns we have to give them a chance to become one with the Clans.”  She said it had taken some time for the Jade Falcons and Lynx to agree to the change but eventually all of the Clans had agreed to the change in Clan policy, some of them would embrace the change whole heartedly others it would take more time.  “When Clans fall or contact is lost with them some of their Bloodnamed warriors are invariably left without contact with the Bloodhouse of their birth and training.”

   “This Council has taken the first step to mend the damage done to our people by the loss of contact with the Homeworlds and by the fall of several Clans since we came to the Inner Sphere.”  She said several Clans had ceased to exist through actions in the Homeworlds and through failed attacks against the Inner Sphere including Clans Ice Hellion, Blood Spirit, Goliath Scorpion and the three Serpent Clans Cloud Cobra, Star Adder and Steel Viper.  “To allow the warriors who fight valiantly for our Clans the honour of fighting for a Bloodname and joining the ranks of the Bloodnamed with the Edict of Severance.”  Sandra Ward said of the two edicts decided by this Clan Council this had been the easiest to pass all of the Clans had members of fallen Clans in their ranks many of them wanting to become part of the ranks of the Bloodnamed.  The Edict of Severance allowed Trueborn warriors of fallen Bloodhouses to fight Trials and essentially re-found their Bloodhouses, starting them again from the beginning.  “The founders of these Bloodhouses will afford their house with prestige based on the warrior’s performance in a Trial with a single victory there will be five slots awarded to that house, two will afford ten and three victories will bring fifteen slots and great prestige to the reformed house.  Once a Bloodhouse has been reformed any serving Trueborn member of the legacy house will be allowed to fight for one of these slots.”  She said explaining all that had been agreed at the Clan Council, given that any surviving warrior would then be able to fight for the Bloodhouse there would be an amount of pressure on the competing warrior.  “These warriors will bring honour to their names and add to our Clans.”

   “Secondly as decreed by this council freeborns who have been accepted as warriors into our Clans will be allowed to attempt to found new Bloodhouses in a Trial of Founding.”  This had been harder to pass but as Clans Wolf, Ghost Bear and Snow Raven already founded new Bloodhouses through their own actions the measure had passed.  “These freeborns will be allowed to fight Trials and found new houses which will bring new Bloodnamed warriors into our society.  Our Clans will accept these new Bloodhouses and honour them with the prestige they deserve based on the performance of the founding member of the house, like the Edict of Severance this will be based on victories in Trials one will equal three, two victories will earn six positions while three will earn nine.  Unlike the reformed Trueborn houses these will be new to our Clans and they will have to wait until sibkos produce new warriors to fill their ranks and gain further prestige.”  The final part had been added on the insistence of Clans Wolf, Jade Falcon, Lynx and Hell’s Horses who did not want a flood of freeborn warriors to join the Bloodnamed ranks “diluting them.”

   “Finally,” Sandra Ward said seeing that the assembled Khans were bored having already discussed the details of this agreement for two days, she had stressed it was important as the details would be broadcast throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery to all clan citizens and to the Succession States showing the changes the Clans were making.  “The Clan Bloodhouses which have unilaterally been founded by the Clans will be fully recognized as houses in their own right including Kell, Magnesson, Mansdotter and Avellar.  All warriors who have already won a Bloodname will be allowed to keep it and retain the honour they have already won, for these houses to expand Trueborns already born within that house will have to fight a Trial of Founding of their own to expand those houses.”  It was one stipulation nearly demanded by the Council that the four Bloodhouses while already established within their Clans of origin would not be allowed to simply expand without any sort of control.

« Last Edit: 24 August 2022, 15:02:38 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1455 on: 18 August 2022, 09:19:57 »
Four days of later on Tukayyid Clan Lynx gathered three kilometres south of the city of Tost.  This had been chosen as Clan Lynx had been founded from Clan Nova Cat and during the Battle of Tukayyid Clan Nova Cat had fought the ComGuards for control over the city of Tost with many Nova Cats dying in the attempt.  In this particular crater an entire binary of Nova Cats had been surrounded and fought for their lives against a numerically superior ComGuard force with warriors of the Star not only surviving the assault but breaking out and returning to Clan lines.  There was Clan blood on this soil already as well as a Clan victory today a freeborn warrior Star Commander Alwyn of Clan Lynx had the honour of fighting for his name’s future.  Standing in the middle of the crater Alwyn’s Dragon Cat OmniMech stood proudly waiting for the trial to begin, the OmniMech was like its sister design the Nova Cat an unpopular one within Clan Lynx due to the reminder that it came from Clan Nova Cat, like the Clan itself.

   At three points around the crater stood a Lynx BattleMech ready to meet the Dragon Cat’s challenge.  As per the dueling rules of Zellbrigen the Mechs would engage the enemy in sequence not engaging the Dragon Cat until they themselves were engaged, the MechWarriors were allowed to move their Mech but only within a small part of their defined areas and not past any of the other trial Mechs as that could lead to Zellbrigen being “accidentally” violated.

   “Star Commander Alwyn, your Trial of Founding begins when you are ready.”  Loremaster of Clan Lynx Star Admiral Chelsea Drummond said around the perimeter of the crater stood every Bloodnamed warrior of the Clan ready to witness the victory or failure of one of their own warriors.

   “Aff” Alwyn replied gruffly the seventy-ton Dragon Cat configured in its Alternate I configuration suddenly spun to the right-hand side the Mech’s legs moving as the torso also twisted suddenly the Mech’s left arm mounted triple Extended Range Large Lasers and its left arm class-10 autocannon exploded into life targeting the heaviest of the three Mech’s arrayed against him a seventy-five-ton Black Python.

   The Clans had been allowed to determine how the Trials were fought by themselves.  As was Clan Lynx Trial tradition it had been decided that these Trials would be fought against three very different BattleMechs one of the class of Mech piloted by the challenger warrior, one of the weight class below and one of the smallest class.  The suggestion being that the MechWarrior would target the lightest first giving them a greater chance of winning the Trial quickly and earning their position, the MechWarrior piloting the lightest Mech would also be the most elite and most difficult to defeat.

   Alwyn had defied the suspicion of targeting the lightest Mech and caught the Black Python pilot completely unaware and while the Mech was moving it was moving quite slowly.  All three large lasers connected with the right arm on the seventy-five-ton BattleMech vaporising the armour there blowing through the internal structure and severely damaging the arm to the point that it would be useless in this fight.  The autocannon thundered over the torso of the BattleMech pitting its armour as explosive slugs tore and rutted the armour mounted there.  The Black Python was far from out of the battle while the damaged arm was useless and the medium pulse lasers mounted there were out of the battle the heavy BattleMech was a duelling Mech with a punishing array of pulse lasers.  These lasers spat out bolts of energy at the running Dragon Cat large and medium pulses of energy burning the armour of the slightly smaller OmniMech damaging the left leg, arm and torso.  Alwyn ignored the damage; the Dragon Cat had been designed by the Nova Cats to take damage and dish it out running at the Black Python Alwyn triggered the autocannon and two of the large lasers again this time trying to manage the heat which the OmniMech produced as the cockpit’s temperature continued to raise.

   Using the integrated targeting computer buried deeply in the Dragon Cat’s torso the autocannon shots and large lasers were all targeted on a single location on the Black Python, the right leg, the lasers impacted first burning away armour and exposing the internal structure then the ultra-autocannon shots followed pounding though the remains of the armour and hammering the structure.  A second round of heavy weapons fire was too much fighting for the Black Python’s pilot and he lost his balance the heavy BattleMech missing its step and crumpling over the damaged right leg mid-run.  The heavy Mech crashed into the ground with an audible bang while heavily damaged the Mech was not out of the right so Alwyn stocked up to the downed BattleMech and aimed his lasers at the cockpit ready to fire if the pilot did not shut down his weapons.  BattleMech combat could be a brutal thing it could last hours as MechWarriors played games of cat-and-mouse or like this in the open it could simply brutal and be over in minutes.  The Black Python MechWarrior shut down his weapons systems surrendering the fight confirming Alwyn’s position as a Bloodhouse Founder. 

Alwyn Stekhnovskii turned away from the defeated Black Python, he had been born in the Draconis Combine outback on the world of Salford.  He had missed the battle for his planet and been allowed to compete to become a Freeborn warrior following the founding of Clan Lynx from Clan Nova Cat’s invading forces.  As he turned the Dragon Cat took a gauss rifle slug in the gut as the second enemy a Stormcrow engaged him, as Alwyn had started the Trial the next opponent was free to engage when they were ready, OmniMechs were the pinnacle of Clan technology and sometimes described as being extensions of the human body with the accuracy of their movements.  The Dragon Cat was a vaguely humanoid design like its sister design, the Nova Cat, it featured back-canted legs giving it a strange appearance.  The gut shot had forced the Mech to lean forwards but it wasn’t out of the fight instead Alwyn brought the arm mounted autocannon up to fire and sprayed a pair of volleys over the enemy Mech.  The shots exploded over the Stormcrow’s chest damaging the armour mounted there the Stormcrow pilot was braced for the attack the fifty-five-ton OmniMech’s legs in a wide stance helping absorb the impact, the pilot turned towards the Dragon Cat and fired four Improved Heavy Medium Lasers.  The oversized and power opal coloured energy beams lashed out at the Dragon Cat three of them burning sizable holes in the OmniMech’s armour while the fourth missed wide.

   In the cockpit Alwyn Stekhnovskii grunted in pain, one of the beams had impacted just below his OmniMech’s cockpit throwing him around and causing his head to be cracked against one of the consoles.  The neuralhelmet he wore had protected him from major injury but he still had felt the impact.  Twisting the Dragon Cat’s controls, he levelled the autocannon back at the lighter Mech and fired by now the Stormcrow was moving at speed running around the crater attempting to make the shot more difficult but because of the size of the crater there was little chance of a complete miss.  Only about half of the autocannon rounds connected with the Stormcrow but they were enough to damage the left leg of the running Mech.  The Stormcrow retaliated twisting its Mech and firing its gauss rifle again fortunately for Alwyn’s Dragon Cat the supersonic slug flew high past the seventy-ton OmniMech and imbedded itself deeply in the crater wall shattering the rock face.

   Taking advantage of the Stormcrow’s miss Alwyn opened fire with all three large lasers blasting away at the Stormcrow’s armour with two of the lasers as they bored deeply through the right arm and torso.  The laser blast which cut across the arm triggered a secondary explosion as it hit one of the lasers mounted there the internal explosion caused a second which blew the entire arm to pieces causing it to fall limp at the side of the Mech only attached by shredded myomer bundles.  Robbed of the majority of its firepower the Stormcrow opened fire with its gauss rifle in response this time striking the Dragon Cat tearing open a section of armour.  It was a slugging match, there was no room for errors or cover to help either Mech cool down instead Alwyn planted his overheating Mech’s legs and opened fire with the autocannon again this time striking the already damaged left leg and left arm on the Stormcrow disabling the gauss rifle there, with no weapons the Stormcrow shut down his Mech’s systems unwilling to engage in physical combat.

   “Two down!”  Alwyn shouted triumphantly his victory was short lived however as the Dragon Cat was slammed by twenty long range missiles which coated the upper surface of the OmniMech even as Alwyn sighted the Cougar OmniMech which was engaging him.  Even before he could fire the thirty-five-ton OmniMech was engaging him with its secondary weapons the extremely accurate paired large pulse lasers both had been targeted on the already damaged left torso consecutive blue/green pulses of high-powered energy slammed into the Dragon Cat destroying the last armour there.  In the cockpit of the OmniMech the temperature shot up as the extra-light fusion engine its heart was damaged.

   Barely able to control the heat up before Alwyn had no choice but to fire only a single large laser with the autocannon suddenly his Mech became the hunted as the Cougar maneuverer to fire its pulse lasers keeping up a near constant barrage as the missiles reloaded.  The lighter OmniMech could move as fast as the Dragon Cat and was not damaged while Alwyn’s Mech was damaged, struggling with heat build up and running low on autocannon ammunition.  Instead of fighting until the destruction of his OmniMech and most likely his death Alwyn signalled his intention to surrender shutting down the targeting system another volley of long-range missiles slammed into the Dragon Cat making Alwyn worry he had left himself defenceless but then realized the enemy pilot had fired them before he had begun to power down, a perfectly reasonable action given the considerable firepower the Dragon Cat still wielded even in its damaged state.  He was victorious and had secured six places within his Bloodhouse for future generations born with his DNA, a century from now Stekhnovskii would be a name which could be as known as that of Kerensky, Rosse or Pryde.  After today Alwyn’s DNA would be added to the genetic breeding program of Clan Lynx creating the next generation of his Clan’s warriors.

   “Arise, Star Commander Alwyn Stekhnovskii, Founder of the Stekhnovskii Bloodhouse” Loremaster Chelsea Drummond said over the radio frequencies.  “Clan Lynx, honour him” she said suddenly through the radio every linked in Lynx warrior said in unison “Seyla!”  While he had been born a freeborn Alwyn Stekhnovskii was now among the elite of the Clans, none of them would look down on his heritage again he had proven himself to his adopted Clan.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1456 on: 20 August 2022, 17:13:47 »
In the attached are up to date Units and WarShips

At the following link is the up to date map on OBT.  Should anyone read this timeline and not be on OurBattleTech, I first ask why  ;D and then say feel free to PM me and I can email it to you directly unfortunately it is too large to attach here (even in a zipped file annoyingly)
« Last Edit: 20 August 2022, 17:19:24 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1457 on: 20 August 2022, 19:55:44 »
Interesting way to secure bloodhouses
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1458 on: 21 August 2022, 14:12:46 »
Interesting way to secure bloodhouses

It's the canon way from Shrapnel short story The Great Reavings
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1459 on: 21 August 2022, 22:05:55 »
It's the canon way from Shrapnel short story The Great Reavings
have not read that one
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1460 on: 22 August 2022, 01:26:14 »
Neither have I. Now I want to read it. :D

Was wondering when this timeline would answer that. Interesting. Now I am getting some ideas.  8)


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1461 on: 22 August 2022, 04:53:01 »
Absolutely superb stuff.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1462 on: 24 August 2022, 14:59:51 »
have not read that one

Neither have I. Now I want to read it. :D

Was wondering when this timeline would answer that. Interesting. Now I am getting some ideas.  8)

There is a two further elements to the two Trials I have picked which is The Trials of Propagation and The Great Reavings themselves

I get the feeling the idea was to foster competition within the Clans two elements I am not using are all about increasing the size of the Bloodhouses and decreasing them (Propagation + Reaving -) I don't need them as my Clans still have wars to fight and Terra to conquer... >:D

The Edict of Severance was created with the same to appease the warriors from the Homeworlds who were cut off from their Clans (works well with this timeline)

The Trial of Founding likewise works the same way as in this timeline allowing a freeborn to compete and win a Bloodname (i.e. their own) back and become part of the elite within the Clan.  (again works within this timeline)

The story outlines how the Clans have adopted it and how each of them have approached the same options (it's a good story and rules explanation.)  The available slots thing described in the story are just for this timeline the canon story uses a slightly different method which I'm not going to spoil here.  I actually cannot remember if a Bloodhouse an be "wiped out" by the Great Reavings method I'll have to read it again, but for now I won't be adopting it so it doesn't have any bearing on this AU
« Last Edit: 24 August 2022, 15:05:41 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1463 on: 24 August 2022, 16:48:12 »
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1464 on: 28 August 2022, 03:57:04 »
Jumping into 3118 - starting with a big part from James Tanaga which sees a nation and a Clan continue their evolution together (I'll have fun with that later  >:D), another part later on in this update is heavily influence by the opening fiction of 3118.  Hope you all enjoy and my thanks too James Tanaga - additions like this are why this AU has kept going as long as it has the support I've had is awesome and anyone ever has an idea feel free to mention it.  There's another impressive fan created project which has previously been referenced and will be again later in this AU (more to come soon)


Fire Mandrill Border Incursion
Kaumberg Theatre, Alarion Province
Lyran Commonwealth
1st January 3118

At the stroke of midnight to inaugurate the New Year, a short HPG signal containing only one word, one name, was sent throughout the Rim Collection and into neighbouring nations. “Natasha.”  To some it was received with confusion to others it was a rallying cry. Upon receiving the signal, the Fire Mandrills and Rim Collection military and security forces struck numerous systems along the Collection-Lyran border acting out plans that had been made months in advance. Their immediate task was twofold: capture all systems within two jumps of the Collection’s vitally important Viborg Fleetyards; And to destroy any and all Fesnyng units along their border with the Lyran Commonwealth, while showcasing six new units; First, Second, Third, Fourth Rim Hussars, Fourth Rim Lancers, and Eighty-Fourth Assault Clusters.

The focal point of the attack was the ten Lyran systems within two jumps of Viborg.  Heavily supported by national militia forces and using the element of surprise to great effect, the Mandrills take all but two target worlds with seventy-two hours, largely meeting only token resistance from shocked or lacklustre militia forces.

On Halifax, the Lyran’s Second Fesnyng and Halifax Militia are caught flatfooted due to the New Year’s celebrations and most personnel are at home or not near to the main base, the Rim Collection border had been quiet recently.  Today Halifax was anything as quiet as the Thirty-first Rim Lancers destroys the largely piecemeal forces. For the remainder of the month, those members that had escaped the destruction of the base are methodically hunted down by the Thirty-first Rim Lancers assisting Rim Militia forces and the Mandrill Watch.  Those forces that surrender are briefly held for questioning before being released while all resistance is put down harshly.

Home to the largest militia concentration on the Lyran border, the Rim Collection deployed four clusters to Florida as it anticipated heavy resistance. A night-time orbital drop by the power armour assets of the Fourth Rim Guards Cluster effectively captured the bulk of the Florida Militia that were in Barracks. Unfortunately, large amounts of militia and Lyran national forces on leave on the planet melted into the local population and quickly allowed a guerrilla force to grow. The primary guerrilla threat would not be put down until the end of the month and finally cemented the Collection’s firm control over the planet but caused the deaths of nearly a thousand civilians.  Even with full control the planet’s pacification was far from guaranteed and continued to use extensive garrison forces to be kept under control, protests and riots are a frequent occurrence in several settlements.  Only the Mandrill’s refusal to use Jade Falcon or Smoke Jaguar-esque tactics saves the world from becoming another Turtle Bay.

New India was the other location where Lyran resistance was expected to be heavy. Again, the Mandrills deployed five clusters. Unfortunately, the surprising appearance of the LCS Thunder, a Hyperion-class Heavy Destroyer, destroys the escorting the York-class Carrier RCS Firestorm before the heavy aerospace and dropship assets of the Rim Collection finally force the battered warship to withdraw from the system and allowing the Rim Collection’s Thirty-second Rim Lancers, Fourth Rim Assault, Fourth Rim Rangers, Tenth Rim Militia, and Second Rim Hussars to land on the planet. In a grueling battle that lasts for most of the month, Archonette Kathy Parks leads the newly activated Stolz Regiment, Fourth Schnelle Kraft, and Second Buena Guards in a spirited defence of the world. Her death during the fighting eventually forced the Lyrans off world, with the survivors rolled into the Second Buena Guards LCT. Mandrill losses are equally severe, with the destruction of the Thirty-second Rim Lancers, Fourth Rim Rangers, and Tenth Rim Militia Clusters. Survivors are absorbed into the remaining two clusters.  Like Florida the resistance movements on New India and popular unrest will continue to take up Mandrill resources for months.

Outside the focal area, the Collection’s strike at Kaumberg, Alekseyvka, and Etiler; the former the theatre capital and the latter two home of other primary militia regimental combat teams within the theatre. At Kaumberg, the recent arrival of the Eleventh Commonwealth Guards RCT, together with the Kaumberg Militia and the First Fesnyng, fight a concentrated and protracted defensive campaign against the Rim Collection’s Smoke Keshik, First Rim Battle, Twenty-first Rim Battle, First Rim Rangers, Four-hundred-and-seventeenth Rim Sentinels, and First and Seventh Rim Militia Clusters. Both sides take heavy casualties and neither are able to gain the advantage.

At Alekseyvka, the Sixth Rim Guards and Twelfth Rim Lancers Clusters quickly destroy the defending Alekseyvka Militia and Third Fesnyng due to the festivities. By the end of the month, however, it becomes clear survivors have already begun an effective guerrilla campaign, intent on making the Collection’s lives miserable as they begin a scorched earth campaign to destroy anything remotely useful to the Lyran military. The Rim Collection forces withdraw from the system at the end of the month having caused enough damage to the world to use up a disproportionate amount of resources compared to the wealth of the world.

At Etiler, the Lyran’ Third Triumvirate LCT fights off a raid in force by the Nineteenth Striker and newly formed Fourth Rim Lancers Clusters, but not before the Rim Collection forces destroy the vitally important weapons and supply deport on the world.

At the close of the month, with these victories, President Redburn announces the reformation of the Rim Collection and Clan Fire Mandrill into the Mandrill Collective while he remains in charge of the nation there is little question about the Fire Mandrill influence on the nation. The Lyrans take stock of their losses and begin to form a counter force together with SLDF forces. Altogether, the Lyrans have lost all ten focal targets and Kaumberg is in danger of capture.

High Council Chambers
Isle of Albion, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
10th January 3118

   In the carnivorous and tradition chambers of the High Council of New Avalon, and the Federated Suns, House Leader Imarra Sortek stood ready to address the formation.  “Lords and Ladies of New Avalon, I am House Leader Imarra Sortek the leader of Warrior House Sortek.  Three years ago, my people were brought to the Federated Suns by a freak accident from another universe, from another nation, with no way back we have dedicated our lives to this nation.”  She said speaking clearly, she had chosen to wear a standard AFFS uniform with no decorations but the insignia of Warrior House Sortek on the left breast the insignia was similar to the emblem of House Sortek which featured an artist’s impression of the Crossroads Prairie on New Avalon where the house had gained its first Barony.  Warrior House Sortek added a pair of crossed swords behind the image all set upon a shield, they had chosen to keep the insignia removing only the gold colouring of the Capellan state on the swords since coming to the Federated Suns.  “Our Warrior House stands guarding the world of Marduk, where we have built a home, the good grace of House Davion and this Council gifted a portion of this world to my people giving us a permanent home and giving you a force of warriors who were fanatically prepared to defend it.  An arrangement I think everyone here is happy with?”  She asked leaving the question in the air.

   No-one immediately spoke so Imarra Sortek continued “I thought so.”  She answered her own question “Warrior House Imarra finds this arrangement agreeable and will continue to guard the Draconis Combine border, but we will not continue as Warrior House Sortek.”  She said “the title Warrior House brings an image which is not popular in this realm, but we will not give up our name.”  She said “instead we will adopt a name more closely related to our current home and become the Order of Sortek.”  She said announcing the change as she spoke, she saw members of the Sortek family who looked uncomfortable by her announcement but she had felt it was important for the leadership of the Federated Suns to know about these changes and raise the profile of her people.  The Order of Sortek defended a world on the border of a large enemy state, they needed all the support they could gather.  The unit was supported by a Household Guard which while not directly attached to the Order’s forces when deployed did regularly exercise with the both the Order’s forces and the planetary militia.  Imarra Sortek’s desire was to see the Household Guard merged with the Order’s forces but they needed time and training before they were ready for that leap and her warriors needed time to accept them as equals.

Kassandra’s Memory, Magistracy of Canopus
21st January 3118

A particle cannons slammed into Schuyler McCoy’s Archer shattering armour plate McCoy twisted the Archer’s torso to track the enemy Ebony BattleMech ran past.  The Malcontents had been attacked, well after they had begun raiding Kassandra’s Memory, the group of Ebony BattleMechs had engaged them and already knocked down two of the Malcontents’ BattleMechs.  The stealth armour made the Ebony’s hard to track but so far, he had tracked down eight of the enemy Mechs who were harassing them while missile equipped armour peppered their position.

“We need to break out of this before we take some serious damage!”  He called out “everyone wheel to the right and pull.”  He ordered to his left Tom Ayrton twisted his Highlander and began to move right, Schuyler pivoted his Mech and tried to follow the heavier Highlander.  Behind him Amanda Cavalcanti’s Cataphract but it didn’t complete the move as two snub-nosed particle cannons targeted the Heavy Mech’s left leg blowing out the knee actuator.  The seventy-ton BattleMech stumbled and fell with a crash.

“Frack!” She called out stumbling about trying to get the Mech back up before she could missiles slammed into its back and two more particle cannons quickly followed “Gyros hit, this thing is toast.”

“Jack, get one of your tanks in here we need an extraction!”  He called out as more missiles slammed into Amanda’s downed BattleMech.

“Negative, negative, don’t do it we’re already taking losses pull the hell out!”  She called out as Schuyler brought the Hatchet down on one of the Ebony BattleMechs tearing it in half the hatchet tore down through the shoulder tearing off the arm, down through the torso and in one strike tore off the leg too.  “I can’t make it, get out of here!”

“Not a chance in hell!”  He said opening fire with the Archer’s short-range missiles peppering another of the Ebonys crippling the twenty-five-ton BattleMech.  “We can hold!”

“Not long enough!”  She replied as an autocannon barrage tore across the side of the Archer one of them striking the cockpit.  “Get out of here!”  She pleaded with him as particle cannon fire tore across Ayrton’s Highlander.

“We’re coming back!”

“Just go” she said as the enemy units were closing in, the Malcontents had taken eight Mechs and four Prime Movers to the planet but they had now lost three of their Mechs and the MechWarriors.

“Move towards the DropShip, fall back!”  He called out seeing an entire company of armour moving in to support the remaining BattleMechs and an additional lance of Heavy Mechs also appearing in the distance.  “Disappear before they have a chance to track us.”  He said glancing at the downed Cataphract seeing it laying immobile as two tanks approached it.  “We’re coming back, I love you.”  He said continuing to fall back blasting at the enemy Mechs with his particle cannon, Tom Ayrton continued to fire his BattleMech’s gauss rifle as the unit fell back into the woods.
Two hours later after a game of cat and mouse the DropShip blasted off the surface of the planet with the Malcontents BattleMechs onboard but it had left behind Schyler McCoy and several of his MechWarriors who planned on rescuing Amanda Cavalcanti and any of the other MechWarriors who had fallen and survived.

Trials of Possession
Crucis March, Federated Suns
25th January 3118

   In the continuing tit-for-tat Trials of Possession being waged between Clan Nova Cat and the Federated Suns Clan Nova Cat seize possession of Symsonia in the Minnette PDZ of the Crucis March.  During the Trial Clan Nova Cat debut their newest OmniMech the Shadow Cat III.  This new OmniMech based on the original OmniMech features an updated chassis and configurations using the newest technology, the Mech’s fixed jump jets have also been removed and replaced with pod mountable variants.  The new design takes the defenders by surprise.

   In retaliation for the continued Nova Cat trials but the strong defence around the so-called Crofton Occupation Zone, which was the name the Federated Suns had given the region of worlds the Nova Cats had taken from the Federated Suns in recent Trials of Possession, had made the Federated Suns look elsewhere to try and curtail the Clan’s ambitions.  As a result, the Federated Suns target the far side of the Nova Cat’s Den in a series of attacks which sees Gebo, Ivaldi, Mersey and Laskarid all taken by the Federated Suns in rapid Trials of Possession.

   The leadership of the Federated Suns believe that these victories will control the Nova Cats ambitions and make them draw back due to the fear of total war but they actually do the opposite.  The actions of the succession state towards the Clan show them that the Federated Suns not only respects the Trials of Possession but they are supporting the Nova Cat’s continued Trials as the two cultures take completely different approaches to combat and territorial changes.  Even after almost seventy years of co-existence the Inner Sphere and Clans continued to have stark ideological differences.

Kaumberg, Kaumberg Theatre
Alarion Province, Lyran Commonwealth
28th January 3118

   The retreat from Kaumberg was in full swing as Rim Collective forces streamed from the surface heading for JumpShips which waited at a pirate point.  The retreat wasn’t being completely uncontested as aerospace fighters from Kaumberg harried them at every turn but the fighters were not what was concerning for the periphery nation’s forces as two Lyran Commonwealth WarShips were bearing down on their position.  With an invasion force in retreat conventional wisdom would have been to allow the Rim Collective’s forces to retreat but the Lyrans had no intention of allowing them to leave without a fight and they had taken the typical Lyran approach to an issue.  Charging at their fastest acceleration rate the LCS Peter Steiner-Davion, an Indefatigable-class Battleship, and the LCS Błyskawica, a Nightlord-class Battleship, surrounded by dozens of assault DropShips and aerospace fighters were approaching.  These two ships were the heaviest in the Lyran Navy and were akin to taking a hammer to crack an egg.

   The Rim Collective vessel RCS Rim Collection, one of their newest Warrior-class Battle-cruisers, broke from the retreating formation first arcing to port as the two Lyran WarShips approached to weapons range.  The ship’s manoeuvre allowed the nine hundred-and-twenty thousand tonne WarShip to engage the incoming Lyran vessels with its broadside weapons array of Naval autocannons, missiles and lasers.  The weapons were concentrated on the closer LCS Peter Steiner-Davion but the 1.8 million tonne Battleship’s heavy armour was far too thick for the ship to be concerned with a single volley from the heavier of the two Rim Collective vessels.

   The Lyran return volley was devastating naval grade heavy particle cannons, lasers and gauss rifles fired by both pursuing vessels the initial gauss rifle slots slammed into the front port side of the Battle-cruiser shattering armour and a weapon’s position but not penetrating the armour.  Moments later the particle cannons followed burning down the side of the ship hitting multiple parts of the ship causing more damage.  While the naval particle cannons speared into the middle of the ship penetrating the armour there causing internal damage.

   The damage caused against the Warrior caused the Battle-cruiser to list slightly indicating that a control thruster had been hit but that didn’t stop the ship returning fire on the two closing WarShips causing more damage to the Peter Steiner-Davion but still failing to penetrate the armour.  The two Lyran WarShips split their approach with the Warrior damaged and clearly having issues manoeuvring the Peter Steiner-Davion moved under the Błyskawica turning to port as it moved to match the Warrior’s course while the Nightlord-class Blyskawica charged forwards still driving on the retreating Rim Collection forces.

   Because they had split up the Rim Collective’s Warrior-class Battle-cruiser was bracketed by the two ships while the vessel tried to defend itself firing another broadside of weapons into the broadside of the Peter Steiner-Davion the Indefatigable-class Battleship returned in kind engaging with a full broadside of its own penetrating the ship’s armour in several place.  At the same time the Blyskawica opened fire on the rear of the ship all but obliterating the vessels engine array.  The ruined hulk of a WarShip continued on its course now unable to manoeuvre and with multiple compartments open to space or filled with internal fires.

   With the Battle-cruiser disabled the Blyskawica continued to charge forwards in pursuit of the Rim Collective force intent on wiping out the invasion force.  Ahead of the Nightlord the second WarShip which had been escorting the Rim Collective force the RCS Firestorm, a York-class Destroyer/Carrier, turned to engage the Nightlord along with its aerospace fighters.  The Firestorm had one chance of stopping the Blyskawica and the captain took that option setting a collision course with the larger vessel.  The captain of the Blyskawica wasn’t ready to commit suicide and continue on a collision course and instead turned to starboard exposing its broadside to the incoming Rim Collective WarShip.  Opening fire, the weapons of the Nightlord sliced through the Firestorm shredding its lighter armour with enough firepower to destroy a WarShip twice its size.  Some of the firepower tore several aerospace fighters from the same area while the Lyran aerospace fighters engaged the rest.  The Firestorm’s actions caused no damage to a single Lyran asset but they accomplished their mission forcing the Blyskawica to change course which had delayed its attack on the Rim Collective’s retreating forces allowing the DropShips to reach their JumpShips and escape the system.


   While the WarShips fought in space around Kaumberg troop DropShips landed on the planet to ensure that the Rim Collective’s forces had retreated from the planet.  While the LCAF reinforcements spread across the planet’s island chains a heavily armed convoy moved into the capital city Stuttgart heading to the seat of power on the planet the House of Lords.  Once there with the colony surrounded by Battle Armoured troopers made up of both the Lyran Royal Guards and the Royal Black Watch of the Star League Defence Force Lyran Archon, and current First Lord, Jessica Steiner headed into the building.

   Inside the House of Lords was a beautiful architecturally Germanic-styled building which had been built soon after the planet’s colonisation centuries before.  Inside Archonette Erich Sheridan stood waiting for her.  Erich Sheridan was approaching one hundred years old but he appeared to be quite healthy his full head of hair was entirely grey now having lost its dark colour, only his goatee maintained a hint of colour.  He wore a dark business suite which had been made along military lines “Archon, welcome home” he said greeting her referencing the Barony which the world had gifted to House Steiner when the world was colonized.  “I could have come to your residence.”  He offered House Steiner maintained a home on the world which was kept in pristine condition despite its rare usage.

   “I wanted to speak to you quickly and ensure the situation on Kaumberg got my immediate attention.  What is the situation?”

   “Archon, my forces held them at bay until your forces entered the system.  When it was clear that you had a superior force, they began to withdraw, my people did not have the firepower to counter them.”  He said glancing over the Archon’s shoulder as another woman in LCAF uniform Erich Sheridan immediately recognised her “General Varnay” he said welcoming Kelly Varnay to the conversation.  While she had been born to the line that betrayed House Davion and tried to eliminate it from the Federated Suns Kelly Varnay had proven over the last decade and a half of service, she was loyal to House Steiner.

   “Archonette Varnay” Archon Jessica Steiner said correcting him slightly

   “Congratulations” he said seeing Kelly’s face twist slightly “maybe?”

   “I’m an officer not a politician” she grumbled; she hadn’t wanted the position but Archon Steiner believed in the idea.

   “You can be so more” the Archon said to the other woman, Erich Sheridan watched quietly as the discussion played out Kelly Varnay was ten years older than the Archon but it was clear who was in command.

   “Archon, I think this is an inspired choice General… pardon me, Archonette Varnay’s Fesnyng and Schnelle forces have revolutionised our defences along the periphery border.  Her vision goes to further reinforce ideas do not always have to come from up high to succeed.  Of course, we need Tharkad’s support and the support of the Navy but Skye has proven that an autonomous region can succeed against the enemies that threaten out realm while we remain loyal to House Steiner.”

   “The Triad and nobility on Tharkad and Carlisle do not agree” Archon Steiner said “despite Skye’s successes and the lack of rebellions in recent years they believe we are welcoming the balkanisation of the Lyran nation.”  She continued raising her hand to silent his protests “I have decided to continue the experiment, with one simple caveat which I want you to both understand.”  She said glancing between them “should Kaumberg or Buena feel the need to go it alone and break with the covenant we will make here I will bring destruction down on your heads that you have never experienced.  The Lyran people stand together or they do not stand.”

   “I understand Archon” Kelly Varnay said immediately she had been tasked with sorting out Buena and revolutionising the fighting forces in that Theatre while Sheridan would be left to continue to defend Kaumberg.  She already wanted to expand the Fesnyng and Schnelle forces debuted in the Kaumberg Theatre to Buena intent on making the defenders robust and mobile.

   “Of course, Archon Steiner, we will serve you as all other Province lords do in the service of House Steiner.” He said immediately showing where he believed the Archonette model should stand on a level par with the Provincial leaders on Alarion, Skye and Halfway.  “We will turn back the aggressors on our borders.”
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 7833
  • Not Dead Until I Say So
Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1465 on: 01 September 2022, 19:39:07 »
Forward Operating Base
Kassandra’s Memory, Magistracy of Canopus
1st February 3118

It had taken Schuyler McCoy and his dismounted MechWarriors four days to walk to the forward operating base occupied by Magistracy of Canopus troops that they believed to be holding the three lost Malcontents MechWarriors.  None of the four MechWarriors were commandos but they had camouflage gear and rifles taken from their Mechs before they abandoned them.  Kassandra’s Memory was a warm world with long days and a lack of weather but there was plenty of shrubs for them to use as concealment.  McCoy had deployed them around the facility and they’d spent most of the last week watching the temporary base and the movement of the troops now they were back together.

   “What have we seen?”

   “They are packing up the eastern flank, they must not be expecting anyone to cause trouble as they’ve taken apart some of the fortifications the troops are down to their hand weapons.  There is still a lot more of them than us boss, it’s easier without the fixed weapons but a frontal assault is still out of the question.”

   “Agreed, thanks Tom” he said the other MechWarrior was nearly ten years older than Schuyler, and would be fifty next year but thanks to modern medicine he was barely showing it only with some grey on the hairs on the side of his dead, they had known each other for years and Schuyler considered him to be his right hand in most matters.

   “They are trying to repair the Cataphract” Faris Scherwiz naming Amanda Cavalcanti’s BattleMech “you can see it from the western side they have it standing in a temporary repair harness.”

   “While it would be nice to salvage it, I wouldn’t call it a priority.  Have they moved it?”

   “Not on its own” Faris confirmed “they lifted it with cranes.”

   “Which brings us to what I saw” Derek Lenihan said, “Schuyler these guys have Ebony BattleMechs and the patches that suggest they are Ebon Magistrate forces but I’m not sure if they are.”  He suggested he was the youngest of the group just a couple of years short of his fortieth birthday but he’d seen plenty combat so they all listened “I saw some of their training drills in the court yard and runs, their sergeant was a lot harsher than you’d expect with an elite unit.  He had them running full drills around the whole facility perimeter with their full kit in the blazing sun.”

   “Play hard, fight easy” Tom Ayrton suggested “they have the equipment that suggests they are, but maybe this is a training mission or some sort of graduation mission.  Giving them some practical experience.”

   “Why would you take new recruits into an elite unit, that doesn’t make sense” Schuyler McCoy noted “maybe they were sent here to the back of nowhere to fly the flag keep the locals in check?  These guys are training but whomever sent them didn’t want anyone interfering?  So, they dressed them up as special forces”

   “They did a good job if that’s the case those Ebonys are front line BattleMechs.”

   “Indeed, so what do they have?  We know they started with eight Ebony BattleMechs, a minimum of a dozen vehicles and a heavier lance but I’ve saw the heavier lance leave yesterday and it hasn’t returned and the at least half of the vehicles are gone.”

   “I think we’re down to five combat vehicles one of them is an APC, the others are support Mechs.  We destroyed five of the Ebonys all three that remained have been under repair for the last few days, they are probably functional or close to it.”

   “There’s a minimum of three guards at the guard posts I’ve seen, sometimes as many as six during a shift change over” the others nodded suggesting they had seen something similar.”  That suggests to me that they’ve got a minimum of twenty-four infantry troopers and an upwards figure of ninety-six.”  Tom Ayrton suggested twenty-four would give them a two-shift rotation, the upper figure would give them a four-shift rotation.

   “I think it’s only two shifts” Faris said seeing the looks from the other three “a girl notices when the same guys are in a post, they have the same habits.”

   “It would go with only one APC and the deconstruction work; they must be preparing to move out.”  Derek noted “if they move out, we can’t take on the mobilized convoy.”

   “No, I agree, we are running out of time” Schuyler agreed “we need to hit them in the next day or two.  Any sightings of our people?”

   “I saw Amanda yesterday walking in circles in the exercise yard.  She didn’t look badly beat up and they at least clothed her.”  Faris said “when she was finished, she was taken to the south side into that complex of tents and fortifications that are there.”

   “We can’t take them on just the four of us, a direct assault we won’t have a chance, even having an idea where our people are.” Tom Ayrton cautioned

   “We’re not going to hit them directly.”  Schuyler said “we’re going to use their work against them.”  He said “I’ve seen vehicles arrive the last few days Prime Movers and other support vehicles some of them taken in equipment.  They are probably here to help with the removal of the base.”  He said “tomorrow we’re going to walk off the road and watch for the next group to come through, we’ll find a choke point and ambush one of the vehicles then use that to get in.” he suggested “once inside I’m going to go for the Cataphract.  My codes and patterns should still be stored in its memory bank, if they’ve cleared it, I’ll use the back-up code.  You three will find our people and get back to the vehicle.  Then when the time is right, I’ll surprise them, if I can take out the remaining Ebonys then you may all have a chance of escape.”

   “If you can’t we’re all dead”

   “No pressure, thanks Tom, I’ll do what’s needed.”


   The four of them walked nearly four kilometres from the base following the roads finding a crossroads with a fuel station and shop.  There were a few civilian vehicles parked not knowing where the vehicles would turn at the crossroads, they had no choice but to wait.  They didn’t need to wait long within an hour two Prime Movers had arrived and the four crewmen filled their vehicles with fuel and used the facilities at the civilian shop.  This far into the periphery there was little observance of protocol.  “If they want to break the rules we may as well male them pay for it.”  Schuyler said “we don’t kill anyone unless we have to.”

   Moving quickly down towards shop Schuyler pointed at the two vehicles “Faris, Tom secure those vehicles.  Derek with me, quick and quiet!”  He called out the two of them half fast walked half ran towards the shop.  The shop was like a thousand others which had been seen for over a century in human existence on hundreds of worlds it was filled with fast foods and other convenience goods which travelers would buy.  Schuyler looked down one of the two aisles and saw two of the troopers hunched over a machine playing some form of two-dimensional game, Schuyler raised two fingers towards Derek who nodded and stepped past walking past the counter where a dark-skinned middle-aged man dressed in a white t-shirt and well-worn jeans stood looking nervous.  Derek looked at him as he passed and shook his head then glanced at Schuyler and raised two fingers of his own indicating he’d seen the other two.  In the end aisle stood the final two guards who were huddled over looking at some pornographic magazines laughing despite all of the advances that humanity had made, and all the light years they had traveled some impulses never died.  Schuyler and Derek looked at each other one more time and raised their weapons.

   “Hands in the air!”  Both shouted advancing on the two men their rifles pointed at them “do nothing and you don’t die today.”  The four men had no choice and raised their arms away from their weapons.


An hour later they were back on the road again the shop owner had been convinced to lock the four ambushed troopers in his basement minus their uniforms.  Schuyler and Derek had put on a show for the shop owner by aiming their weapons at him making it look like they’d forced him to contain the four men.

The two Prime Movers were allowed into the fire base with the Malcontents troops showing their papers at the gate the guards waving them through and directing them to a corner lot of the base.  Immediately the base inhabitants began to load the two vehicles “we’re not going to have a lot of time, let’s get some equipment make it like we’re helping out then quietly disappear.”  He ordered his three lance mates they moved and gathered some equipment helping the base staff load equipment onto the Prime Mover as they did the others returned for more equipment instead of gathering more equipment, they disappeared into the tent city which made up quarters for most of the base personnel.

Schuyler McCoy headed off to the right of the others cutting between the tents until he could see the maintenance cradles for the Cataphract and the four remaining Ebony BattleMechs, it appeared the salvage crew had been able to repair one of the Mechs damaged during the battle with the Malcontents.  While it still had some armour damage the Cataphract looked mostly operational, he hoped it wasn’t just for show.  McCoy wore a Magistracy uniform and decided to try and make it look like he belonged slinging the rifle over his shoulder he walked over to a Tech’s table and glanced over some of the paperwork and notes left, from what he could make out basic repairs to the gyro had been completed and it was ready for a test run.

   “Who are you?  What are you doing here?” someone asked off to his right-hand side Schuyler knew that his disguise would only pass so far and decided to take no chances spinning on the spot he brought the laser rifle down off his shoulder and pulled the trigger.  The laser blast caught the older man, who was likely one of the leading techs on the Mech in the chest and he went down in a heap.  Schuyler looked at the man for a moment then snapped out of it and reached for his radio on his belt clicking the transmit button three times to inform the others he’d made contact with the enemy.  He then grabbed the tech and dragged him under the tech table placing boxes in front of the body to conceal it, beside the Mech cradle he found a coolant vest and pulled it on over his coveralls before beginning his climb up the Mech.  He found the Cataphract’s cockpit was open and climbed onboard the seventy-ton BattleMech it was almost exactly like the last time he had been inside the Mech he reached behind the main computer screen and flicked a few of the controls there hoping the Canopian techs hadn’t questioned their purpose.  He then reached up and to the side finding Amanda’s neuralhelmet pulling it down over his head he smelled sweat but also her scent.  As reached over and began to bring the Mech online, as he did, he connected the coolant vest to the Mech’s systems the vest would keep him alive if the Mech got into a fight.

   “Schuyler… the movers are gone we’re coming to you” Amanda’s voice crackled over the communication frequencies.

   For a moment he was stunned she was alive, let alone on the radio “Amanda what do you mean?”

   “The Prime Movers pulled out; another crew must be driving them in tandem with the one we replaced.  We’re coming to you cover the Mechs.”

   “The Mechs… oh frack!”  Schuyler cursed he glanced at the BattleMech’s computer and noticed that the fiddling he’d done with the computer had swapped it over to his patterns and the neuralhelmet had recognised him.  While the Cataphract was battlefield salvage like all of the Malcontents Mechs it technically belonged to Schuyler McCoy and so he had the techs load his neural patterns on to its systems.  Normally they’d sit in the background and make no difference but today he needed the controls.  “Time to cause some noise” he said grabbing the controls forcing the Cataphract into action.

   The seventy-ton BattleMech stepped forwards its arms flailing out smashing the maintenance cradle to pieces in one move.  He then lined up the torso mounted autocannon and fired a salvo of LB-X Cluster munitions straight into a communications dish shattering it blowing it into hundreds of pieces.  He twisted the torso and fired a particle projection cannon shot into a parked LRM carrier blowing the lightly armoured support vehicle to pieces.

   Small arms fire exploded all over the vehicle with the occasional high explosive shot grenade launcher or short-range missile added into the mix for a fully operational heavy Mech they were of little threat but with the damage the Cataphract had already taken Schuyler didn’t know how much more it could take.  “Status!” he called into his handheld radio not trusting the inbuilt radio on the Cataphract.

   “We’re boarding the Mechs we’ve got a group of infantry closing from the east, we could use some cover!”  Derek called out twisting the Cataphract’s torso Schuyler laid down a volley of fire from all four of the medium pulse lasers breaking up the infantry formation.  He side-stepped the Mech to the right and laid down some more fire cutting down dozens of troopers’ missiles and small arms fire continued to hit the Mech then a flight of long-range missiles slammed into the Mech from another vehicle one of the crews had somehow got online.  Schuyler hit the vehicle with an autocannon round but didn’t disable the vehicle which began to move launching more missiles.  More than half of the missiles missed their target but nearly a dozen still slammed into the Cataphract.

   “I can’t take much more of this… guys” he said firing the particle cannon at the active vehicle missing his shot completely.  Moments later another particle cannon shot fired this time from one of the Ebony BattleMechs.

   “I can’t believe we’re doing this!”  Tom Ayrton shouted as the twenty-five-ton BattleMech ran into combat its particle cannon blazing at the missile carrier.  The fast-moving Mech was too quick to be targeted by the tank and as he ran behind it firing the particle cannon shot into the tanks back before following it up with a kick against one of the vehicle’s tracks disabling it.  The turret began to track but Schuyler finished off its fight with another autocannon salvo.  “We must be the only ones who can turn a jail break into a heist, what the hell were we thinking.”

   “No idea” Schuyler said twisting his Mech around cutting down more infantry with the pulse lasers as he saw another of the Ebony Mechs come online.  None of them had anti-infantry weapons but their size alone was intimidating to most MechWarriors.  A third Ebony stepped forward.

   “I’ve just about got this thing going…” Derek Lenihan said before Amanda broke in.

   “Derek on your back!” She shouted into the radio but it was too late suddenly there was a large explosion from the back of the Ebony.  The explosion exploded forwards breaching the cockpit’s armoured doors and blowing through the front of the light BattleMech instantly killing Lenihan, there was no point even calling to him as the headless BattleMech fell forwards to the ground.  “Oh my god…”

   “There’s nothing we can do, let’s get out of here before they get anything else going, cut to the east as soon as we leave the base we don’t stop until sundown.”  Schuyler ordered looking at the downed BattleMech one more time “sorry Derek” he whispered as the four operational Ebony BattleMechs ran clear of the base all four stopped outside the base and turned firing their particle cannons into the base covering Schuyler’s retreat flattening many of the remaining structures.

All five BattleMechs then ran for their lives in silence both because of the shock at Derek’s death and to keep their radio traffic to a minimum hoping that would make them harder to detect, the four Ebonys had stealth armour but the Cataphract would stand out if a powerful enough sensor suite was turned towards it.  They ran throughout the day secreting themselves in a cave where they could rest and gather their thoughts after the events of the day.  Schuyler discovered that Amanda had been the only survivor with both of his other MechWarriors killed in the initial battle and now Derek was dead as well.  It appeared that every effort he made to defend Whittington either ended up with his people being killed at home or away.  The group stayed hidden for nearly a week on Kassandra’s Memory hiding from the Magistracy of Canopus troops before finally escaping from the world heading for home their newly captured BattleMechs in all.

Clan conflict
District of Regulus, Free Worlds League
9th February 3118

   While there was little evidence solid proof to show that the Clans were coordinating their activities by agreement there was little question when it came to their actions.  While the Wolves were struggling to make an impact on the Star League Protectorate the current change in targets had taken the Free Worlds League by surprise and within days Ariel, Asellus Australis, Asellus Borealis, Gallatin and Autumn Wind had all fallen to a series of lightning assaults by Assault Clusters as the Wolves attempted to isolate Marik and the systems near it.

For years the Clan border had felt so far away for so long but today they had arrived on the world of Sophie’s World.  Now sitting in the cockpit of his ZU-G60 Anzu BattleMech twenty-one-year-old Caden Cameron-Jones waited nervously as the Wolves approached.  The Anzu’s sensors pinged moments later “here they come!”  He called out stepping the sixty-ton BattleMech forwards.  “Give them hell!”  He said pulling the trigger for the long-range missile launcher and particle cannon sending ten missiles and a particle beam towards the enemy a Clan Wolf Thirty-fourth Champions Cluster Linebacker OmniMech.  Less than half of the LRMs hit the sixty-five-ton Linebacker while the particle cannon missed the hunched over OmniMech completely.

On the torso of the OmniMech a hatch opened and five long range missiles fired in return towards the Anzu while both arms fired lightning bolts at the BattleMech.  The particle cannons were about three times as devastating as the one the Anzu carried and they fired at greater range.  Fortunately for Caden Cameron-Jones only one of the particle cannons struck catching the Anzu high in the chest while the other fizzled out overhead, the five missiles fired by the Linebacker missed completely tearing up the ground beside the BattleMech.

Caden launched his forwards into a run launching more missiles and another particle cannon shot at the Linebacker, the Clan Mech dodged out of the way of the particle cannon shot while the missiles caused minimal damage.  Caden had prepared for the dodge however and the Linebacker dodged straight into an autocannon volley which walked its way across the heavy OmniMech’s torso.  Missiles and more particle cannon shots returned fire against the Anzu both slammed into the Anzu high on the torso the first vaporising armour there the second came in even higher slamming into the charging Anzu’s cockpit.

The impact of the oversized extended range particle cannon against the Anzu’s cockpit was devastating, the armour there was melted away in seconds while the combined kinetic force and heat of the man-made lightning cannon burned though the cockpit behind it seconds later killing Caden Cameron-Jones instantly.  The command less Anzu staggered forwards before falling half burying itself in the light sand of Sophie’s World’s surface. Duke Caden Cameron-Jones was the first person to die on the world but he wasn’t the last for hours the Wolves and Regulan troops engaged each other before finally the Free Worlds League troops gained the upper hand driving the Clansmen from the world but the damage was done and the heir to the District of Regulus was dead.

Aftermath, Andrea Moreira Firebase
Tarncredi IV, Tarncredi IV PDZ
Draconis March, Federated Suns
11th February 3118

   In the history of Tarncredi IV Andrea Moreira was a name as well known as the planetary dukes during the Davion Civil War Moreira had been a minor noble woman who had taken up arms to join Alexander Davion’s forces and fought in the final battles for control over Tarncredi IV and to end the Civil War.  The firebase occupied by the victors of the most recent battle were a command which while in the service of House Davion were currently working without command authority Leftenant Laure Bieganski of the Order of Sortek had come to Tarncredi IV to assist in the defence of the system fighting against a Clan Snow Raven raid.

   Now she and the two MechWarriors of the lance were repairing their three BattleMechs.  Unfortunately, MechWarrior Jochen Stuppacher had been killed in the fighting and his Catapult BattleMech was nothing but a wreck.  As thanks for their assistance in the Trial the commander of the First Dragonlords Regiment had authorised the surviving MechWarriors to each select a single piece of Clan built salvage from the battlefield so each of them was fitting these weapons into their BattleMechs.  Laure’s Enforcer III’s Extended-Range Large Laser had been replaced with a Clan made model with an additional Extended Range Medium Laser mounted beside it increasing the Mech’s hitting power.

   Standing away from the lance’s Cuirass Laure Bieganski watched as the Mech’s pilot and a tech continued work to replace the torso mounted laser system with a salvaged laser when she became aware of two people approaching her from the right.  Laure was forty-two years old and had served with Warrior House Sortek for twenty-four years and had remained with the House when it had come to this universe thirteen years before she still believed in the warrior-monk ideals of the Warrior Houses she had learned in the Confederated Suns which was why Grandmaster of the Order Imarra Sortek had deployed her with this lance to screen recruits before they arrived on Murduk.  As she turned her hand drifted to the sabre which hung from her belt out of habit rather than the threat.

   “Leftenant, I am Scott Kelly and this is Charlie Johnston we both served with the Dragonlords but have been given permission by our Colonel to speak with you.  We wish to apply to join the Order of Sortek.”

   “You have jobs in the service of House Davion, why would you want to transfer to another command?”

   “We wish to serve the whole of House Davion, your mission will take you across the Federated Suns.  We wish to train with the best and progress our careers.  Neither of us could afford to go to one of this nation’s prestigious schools we have learned on the job throughout, we wish to bring that to your command.”  Charlie Johnston explained.

   “You do know that once our mission is completed, we will be heading back to Murduk and we’ll primarily serve as the defence of that world.”

   “Yes, but we’ll learn from the best warriors on the Draconis March and join something bigger than us.”

   “I will speak with your Colonel and confirm your attachment to my lance, neither of you will immediately serve as a MechWarrior you will go back to being apprentices that is understood?”  She asked both nodded “assuming your transfer is confirmed I will assign you to one of my MechWarriors and your training will begin.  You will be tested on academic study, BattleMech piloting, gunnery and maintenance.  You need to understand this will be a lot of work.”  Both nodded their acceptance of the terms within hours Laure had spoken to the Dragonlords Colonel who explained that while he’d have liked to keep the two MechWarriors both had lost their Mechs fighting the Ravens and he had no other BattleMechs available at present so he was ready to dispossess them as he had no means of transferring them to another unit.  Both MechWarriors were capable if not stellar Laure hoped that with training the two would become productive members of the Order of Sortek, if not they would be cut.

   Meanwhile the Snow Ravens border raids had been cut short by a Draconis Combine offensive at the far side of the Raven Alliance.  In a coordinated offensive launched with WarShip support the entire Ryuken Brigade of regiments invaded the systems of Tabayama, Suianeer and Kazanka with two regiments hitting each of the systems capturing all three within hours from the Ravens driving back their forces. 

Ruling Council Meeting
Jetheitania, Zeta Atheni
Zeta Quadrant, Periphery
28th February 3118

   It was a wet day on Zeta Atheni and the capitol city Jetheitania was suffering from minor flooding as the planet’s primitive drainage system was struggling with the rain.  This hadn’t stopped the Ruling Council from meeting in their chambers on the outskirts of the city.  The design of Jetheitania City was that the Ruling Council Chambers were located out with the city so not to distract the people from their daily lives.  At this session while the flooding had come up more important was the issue on Zeta Minoris where a viral respiratory disease was passing quickly and according to recent reports had spread to Zeta Parada.  The Speaker for Zeta Minoris Rachal Marchand was speaking she was in her thirties and young to represent a world but was dressed impeccably in a navy-blue business suit. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is important that medicines arrive as quickly as possible to Zeta Minoris, already the death toll on my world is in the hundreds.  In weeks it will be in the thousands.  And now according to reports a similar or the same virus is passing quickly on Zeta Parada.  We need help.”

   “Yes, so do the people of Zeta Parada” Romy Monteiro said standing for her world while Rachal Marchand was young for her world Speaker Romy Monteiro was on the other end of the spectrum and was in her seventies wearing a red velvet dress with frills around the shoulders, it was like something some people would wear to a formal dance. “While Zeta Minoris is already showing hundreds of cases and by the figures, they are presenting suggests community transmission has begun, our world’s still at single case transmission we could stop it quickly if we get the medicines we need.”  She suggested “my planetary council have initiated a social lockdown and are trying to limit community transmission.”

   “There is a DropShip at present taking commercial JumpShip to Buena to purchase medicines from the Lyran Commonwealth.”  Council Leader Ingvar Lofgren the leader of the council said.  The male was in his fifties with a full head of grey hair a black business suit, white shirt and green tie.  “We will buy enough to inoculate all of Zeta Minoris, treat all of those on Zeta Parada and have enough to treat more on other worlds should we need it.  Each world with infected cases should identify those who have this disease and isolate them to the best of their ability until the vaccines arrive from Buena.”

   “And should this virus get out of control what will we do then?”  Richard Madisha the representative of Zeta Shimae V asked his was the least populated and least capable of protecting its population.  “Can I suggest to this council that the Mandrill Collective is closer than Buena…” he began like Rachal Marshand he was young and was willing to take risks the others began to try and drone him out.  “May I suggest that the Mandrill Collective is closer than Buena and we should turn to them for help” he said continuing on “if this virus spreads to the Mandrill Collective, then they will have as much trouble as us, they do not need transmission on the scale of Zeta Minoris any more than we do.”  He said “Ladies and gentlemen while I agree with this council’s previous judgement against approaching the Mandrills, or the lack of until now, but in this case, we may need it.”

   “I strongly object to this course, the vaccines will arrive from Buena before it gets out of hand.”  Lofgren said looking at the others “we have worked this out together up until now and will continue to.”  He said Lofgren’s words swayed the council and kept a deal with the Mandrill’s off the table, at least for now.

   After the meeting Lofgren retreated to his nearby office there a figure who wore a green pants suit sitting in a comfortable red chair.  “I did what you wanted.  Now what?”  He said looking at the woman she was in her thirties she had brown bobbed hair, almost delicate features, beautiful red lips, piercing green eyes and with a green shirt of the same ton as her suit underneath.

   “Now we wait until the other penny drops” the woman said “your DropShip will not be returning from Buena…”

   “There are twenty-four of our people onboard that ship!  The ship itself is worth a great deal to our nation!”

   “The DropShip does not matter” she said quietly “as for your people I am sorry about them, but they are going to be the last that you need be worried about.”  She said “the virus is going to get worse; it will spread quickly to all of the worlds of the Quadrant and the outer stagers of the Cirincus Federation, the Mandrill Collective and Buena Archonette of the Lyran Commonwealth.”

   “Buena Archonette?” Lofgren repeated not being familiar with the name.

   “It is a recent development internal to the Lyran Commonwealth it won’t affect your relationship with them in the slightest, the Lyrans will be scrambling about to counter the virus like you currently are.”

   “Without that DropShip our nation will be on its knees without those vaccines!”  Lofgren said recovering from what she was saying.

   “Yes, it will” the woman said “your nation will suffer Council Leader Lofgren, they will need a strong leader and they will need someone willing to take chances to get you through the next few months.  Someone willing to make a decision that will protect what is left of your nation and your future.”  She said standing up “be strong, your nation will suffer but it will come through this stronger than ever and in a superior position.  That is what you have been promised and that is what we will deliver.”  She said leaving the room leaving Ingvar Lofgren alone with his thoughts.  As promised news of the a JumpShip’s disappearance along with Zeta Quadrant’s DropShip filtered through to the nation in May with the virus spreading throughout the nation’s four worlds and slowly into nearby systems just as the figure had promised, the virus also began showing up on worlds nearby which have trade with the Zeta Quadrant in the Mandrill Collective, Buena Archonette and Cirincus Federation.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Clan Hells Horses 666th Mech. Assualt Cluster
Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1466 on: 04 September 2022, 15:47:12 »
Good update DC, keep up the writing!

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1467 on: 23 September 2022, 19:42:57 »
Tarmac, Auxiliary Spaceport 3
Outpost Aberdeen, Castrovia
Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation
3rd March 3118

   Stepping clear of the Mule-class DropShip Rybicki onto a spaceport’s tarmac it was like the hundred other facilities that Baily Snow Raven had visited during her career first as a member of Clan Snow Raven, then as a mercenary and then as a freelance operator.  There were utility vehicles moving around, fuel tanks and plenty of active machinery.  Several BattleMechs were patrolling around the spaceport while two other DropShips were also landed at the spaceport.
She was thirty-four years old and had been born into Clan Snow Raven destined to become an Aerospace Fighter pilot, then as a ProtoMech pilot after aerospace training had not gone well.  She had undergone the enhanced imaging treatment to pilot the ProtoMechs and had been assigned to a Centaur ProtoMech, unfortunately only a fortnight after her graduation as a pilot she was captured by a mercenary force.  Soon after she and her two surviving point mates had served with the mercenary unit Krecji’s Squadron, a combined-arms battalion, unfortunately combat losses had resulted in both of her point mates being killed and she alone had survived.  When Krecji’s Squadron had passed through Galatea Station she had broken from the unit and agreed a personal contract with the Capellan Confederation to help the Confederation with some development work.  In exchange for Baily’s assistance and the Centaur ProtoMech the Capellan Confederation had paid a pretty sum to Krecji’s Squadron, enough to purchase a couple of light BattleMechs.

   Now she had been transported to the world of Castrovia a jewel of a world in the heart of the Capellan Confederation.  From what she had been told the Capellans had been researching ProtoMech technology for several years which had first begun on the dead world of Necromo.  Looking around she saw that Castrovia was truly a beautiful world with idyllic green hills and trees surrounding the spaceport.  Behind her a transporter vehicle left the DropShip carrying her Centaur ProtoMech which was laid on its back.  In the air nearby there was a thundering sound as a four-rotor engine egg shaped VTOL appeared in the sky with several lifting wires dangling from underside.  Baily watched as they hooked up the ProtoMech to the VTOL and it was lifted into the sky due to the aircraft’s engine nacelle configuration, two front and two rear, the cargo carried under the aircraft was perfectly balanced.  Even as the VTOL and its Centaur cargo began to fly away a civilian vehicle pulled up beside the landing pad.  An older woman with greying-brown hair, wearing a white jacket and navy skirt got out of the vehicle and approached her, she stood nearly a full head higher than Baily’s short frame.

   “Good afternoon and welcome to Castrovia, I am Citizen Doctor Nadda Jerod the leading scientist on Project Aberdeen.”  She said stopping short of Baily.

   “Where is my Mech going?”  She asked casting an eye on her ProtoMech again.

   “To our facility, if you will come with me, we will take you there.”  She said Baily nodded and followed her to the limousine.  The vehicle drove along a short road before turning off the main road down a track until they reached a rock-face, it stopped briefly before the rock face swung open revealing an entrance and tunnel large enough for a vehicle two or three times larger than the limousine.

   Deep inside the mountain face Baily and Citizen Doctor Nadda Jerod stepped out of the vehicle and entered a high military facility with a high ceiling.  There were technicians moving around the facility.  Jerod led Baily to an opening which overlooked a massive hanger on the deck there were hundreds of ProtoMechs in various states of completion.  “What is this?”  Baily wondered looking over the field.

   “For decades we have had teams scouring battlefields recovering ProtoMechs and purchasing them from the Clans.”  Jerod explained “we have been unable to utilise them on the battlefield as we lacked the knowledge that could be gained from a live ProtoMech pilot, until now.”  She said looking at Baily “we want to know how your brain works dear.”  As she spoke two guards closed from both sides and seized Baily’s arms “unfortunately, this may be a little uncomfortable.”

   There was the sound of heavy metal foot prints as something else closed on them and suddenly a shirtless figure with the build of a Clan Elemental but with breathing vents built into and around his neck and metal back-canted faun legs approached.  “Welcome to Outpost Aberdeen young warrior, I am Elika Laban and I will enjoy seeing your contribution to our project.  Your contributions will not be forgotten.”  The near nightmarish character said leaning towards her Baily was reminded of stories of the Word of Blake’s cybernetically enhanced Manei Domini looking at the creature and she wondered exactly what she had volunteered and gotten herself into.

Entrance Jump, Golden Archipelago (Monolith-class JumpShip)
Galatea, Galatea Station
Star League Protectorate
11th March 3118

   The Monolith-class JumpShip Golden Archipelago jumped into the Galatea system and immediately launched a Mammoth-class DropShip, the Marion Fulton, which burned towards to Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission run Galatea Station. Remaining at the JumpShip was a Leopard CV and an Avenger-class DropShips which were also part of the unit. Today the unit’s commander Captain Anthony Steve planned to register their command with the MRBC as Steve’s Steve a unit which would specialize in facilitating the movement of resources from one planet to another. The Mammoth’s cargo bay would be turned over to any customers as would the remaining six DropShip Collars on the JumpShip for transport of any customer’s assets.

When registering his command Anthony Steve concealed from the MRBC that there was a lance of Archer BattleMechs hidden behind a fake wall on the Marion Fulton and company of Battle Armoured equipped marines for security.  These assets would only be used to get the command out of trouble when on the ground.

   The unit’s first contract is to transport a combined arms Battalion’s worth of equipment from Hesperus II to the McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry which is based in the Federated Suns.

Assassination attempt
Marduk, Robinson PDZ
Draconis March, Federated Suns
20th March 3118

   A raid on Marduk by an unidentified combined arms regiment is followed by special forces attack on the Order of Sortek’s command complex.  Analysis of the attack points towards the attack being directed at the Order of Sortek instead of any of the other facilities on the world.  Marduk’s militia works hand in hand with the Order of Sortek to turn the attack aside.  Like the main forces the special forces attack employs top-rated stealth equipment which had been sourced from the Draconis Combine but they fall afoul to the layered defences of the Order of Sortek’s facility.  The facility is built into a mountain, blast proof door follows blast proof door with multiple secure rooms which are full of heavily armed members of the unit’s Household Guard infantry brigade, most members of the Order begin at the bottom and must work their way up before gaining a front-line position.  Sheer numbers turn back the attack with the entire assault force killed, dozens of the Order’s infantry troopers die in the attack but their fanatical devotion to the defence of their facility proves their worth.

Conference Room, Rasalhague (Leviathan II-class Battleship)
Alshian, Alshian District
Rasalhague Dominion
23rd March 3118

   Despite living her entire life as a warrior of the Rasalhague Dominion and having travelled in space throughout her life the new Khan of Clan Ghost Bear, and by extension the Rasalhague Dominion, Khan Angela Bekker hated space travel but it was part of her life and today was a necessary duty.  On board the battleship Rasalhague she was watching the Rasalhague Dominion’s most recent Trial of Founding, since the agreement by the Khans to honour future Trials of Founding for new Bloodhouses there had been three such battles two by trueborn warriors one who had failed dying in the attempt and another a MechWarrior named Ilnay who had founded the Techus Bloodhouse witnessed by saKhan Faulk Lassenerra.

   This was Angela’s first witnessing of a Trial of Founding and the first official Trial of Founding by a freeborn aerospace fighter pilot.  Watching the screens Angela subconsciously rubbed the third and fourth fingers on her left hand which had been replaced years ago following The Clawing Rite.  She and members of her sibko had hunted a Ghost Bear on Strana Mechty armed with only spears.  In order to lure out her prey she had severed the fingers as bait ever since she had rubbed the fingers during moments of thought.

   Now she was thinking deeply as she watched freeborn fighter pilot Svenga piloting a Jengiz OmniFighter, a workhorse one-hundred-ton craft built by the Ghost Bears for the last eighty plus years, flying around some well-placed debris which had broken up the “space” giving the pilots some opportunities to break line of sight and turn the tables on their opponents.  Already Svenga had defeated one pilot and had succeeded in founding the bloodname but now she was intent on defeating a second pilot enhancing the new Bloodhouses prestige coming around the wreckage she unloaded a weapons salvo on the enemy Sabutai shattering the back of the of the enemy OmniFighter and earning her second kill.  With her second opponent Svenga turned her fighter towards the third and last opponent an incoming Scytha immediately the Jengiz was hit by a salvo of large lasers which exposed several armour weaknesses.  As Scytha approached it added in its assault-class ultra-autocannon to the mix shattering the Jengiz armour punching into the fighter’s structure ending its fight.  Showing her warrior spirit Svenga was returning fire even as she punched out of her stricken one-hundred-ton OmniFighter.  Even with this defeat she had won her Trial, even if she had been crippled during the ejection process her DNA would be added to the Rasalhague Dominion’s breeding programs.

   “Aerospace pilot Svenga have you survived? This is Khan Bekker” She asked using the Rasalhague’s communication system with a button beside the monitor.

   “Aff Khan Bekker.” The pilot answered moments later even as a small craft approached the battle site to recover her.

   “You have succeeded today, announce to all on this channel your name which will be entered into our Clans’ Remembrance and become our newest Bloodhouse.”

   “I am Svenga Miraborg of Clan Ghost Bear and the Rasalhague Dominion.”  She announced Khan Angela Bekker could “hear the smile” on her lips as she said her name.  The name Miraborg would go around the Clans like wildfire it was a name that was already in the Clans’ during the Clan Invasion of the Inner Sphere a Free Rasalhague Republic aerospace fighter pilot had flown her aerospace fighter into the flagship of the ilKhan in a suicide run.  The pilot had succeeded in killing herself but she had also killed the ilKhan of all the Clans and halting the invasion of the Inner Sphere for a year and her name was Tyra Miraborg.  Svenga was not a descendant of Tyra but instead she was the descendant of a cousin of Tyra’s nevertheless the announcement of her name would make plenty of noise among the other Clans and the new pilot would immediately be called upon to answer this new attention.

Landing zone
Body 42, District of Lesnovo
Free Worlds League
28th March 3118

   The sky was filled with DropShips and small craft descending through the atmosphere of the world currently named as Body 42.  These DropShips belonged to forces of Clan Smoke Jaguar, the defence force of the district, and of the forces of the former Amaris Empire in Exile.  One of the DropShips had been deployed from the Exploration Vessel Spirit of Northumberland which had landed away from the other vessels.  Now Captain Bruce Barnes approached Admiral Alessandra Schiavon the commander of the Amaris Empire in Exile forces.  “Welcome to Body 42” he said

   “It’s not a very pretty world” she said looking over the landscape the immediate area of the exiles landing around the equator was pleasant enough with fresh water streams and light shrub vegetation near the water.  But beyond that the ground was largely frozen wastes possibly with mineral deposits which the recently landing forces could exploit if they discovered.

   “But it is potentially yours, and it’s drone free” he said looking at the woman while she was ten years his senior, she was growing her blonde hair out since leaving her home space.  She had also taken his advice and removed the Rim Worlds Republic emblem from her uniform’s left breast before today; as today she met Khan Petra Furey, the leader of the District of Lesnovo and of Clan Smoke Jaguar.

   “Yes, it is” she agreed looking around “even this small amount of land will be enough to house our population.  With some surface heaters, and greenhouse gas producers we could perhaps thicken the atmosphere and bring more life to this world, our sensors identified plenty of ice beyond the equator.”

   “Ready to meet the Khan, quiaff?”  He asked looking at her

   “What is that word ‘quiaff?’” She asked not recognising it

   “It’s a Clan word, you’ll want to learn them, even though Khan Furey and her people are former Clansmen and they hold to many of their traditions.”  Barnes explained “they are the District’s little pets, we allow them to hold onto their traditions and pretend they are still Clan while really they are just a bunch of freebirths with delusions of grandeur.”  He said

   “But they rule the district?”  The admiral asked seeing a hole in the captain’s suggestion immediately, the Khan was the ruler of the District and had final say if they gained control over the Body 42 star system.

   “Through a vote, just like all things in the Free Worlds League Khan Furey played the system in our district and won the vote to lead.  She can be removed by the same vote.” He explained trying to assure her that it was not a dictatorship

   “And she accepts that?”  Admiral Alessandra Schiavon asked “in our world your seniority gives you leadership and it is up to others to overthrow you.  The power is granted based on the abilities you have previously shown.  I gained mine by gunning down plenty of drones.” She said proudly even though it was an enemy they had created for themselves

   “Khan Furey gained her position through combat; she won the vote for control over the district.  I would be surprised if she would roll over and give up the position.” He noted the Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser in orbit had been enough of an indication that the Smoke Jaguars would not simply roll over should they be challenged.  “Now to meet the Khan” he said reaching out with his arm showing them the way they made their way through some of the brush towards the Khan’s DropShip landing zone.  On their way infantry troopers and armoured vehicles guarded the path they group made their way through to the Khan’s party.

As they approached the Khan turned to face them Khan Petra Furey was a young woman surprising Admiral Schiavon, these Smoke Jaguars were clearly powerful and it appeared they did not discriminate on age, she nodded a greeting to the Khan who crossed her fist across her chest in a salute.  “Welcome to Body 42” she said greeting them “Admiral, I would like to formally offer this world to your people…”

“Thank you, Khan, the people of…” Schiavon began interrupting the Khan before Furey spoke again.

“Admiral, we are willing to offer this world to your people in exchange for your assistance.”

“Our assistance? We are refugees and this world is uninhabited.” Schiavon pleaded not understanding what they could give them.

“Yes, this world is for now and without your agreement on an alliance with my people it will remain so.”  Furey warned

“My people are refugees; we may have ships but we would never have even gotten this far without the assistance of the Spirit” she said turning towards Captain Barnes.  “The supplies and fuel you provided us with was invaluable.” Barnes simply nodded “we have agreed to share our civilian vessels with your companies, the twenty-two Sub-Compact Cores will be invaluable.”  In the time of the original Star League Sub-Compact Cores were used sparingly on very specialist ships.  While the civilian ships that had been brought here were not very good space faring vessels but their component parts would be worth ten times their weight.

“Invaluable to the company that is able to exploit the technology, my Smoke Jaguars and the people of this district” Khan Petra Furey said she did not appear to be angry or frustrated by the Admiral’s suggestions to date.  “It will also be in your best interests.”

“I am prepared to listen” she said weary from the struggle in their home systems and the trip.

“It is quite simple, should our District come under attack or be forced to act against an enemy your WarShips will assist in our military operations.”  She explained “otherwise they may remain here, though we are willing to offer your vessels repairs and assistance.”

“Those are terms we can agree to” Admiral Schiavon agreed, they would have assisted in the district’s defences without being asked.  “Once we have settled, we would expect a vote within the district’s system of legislation?”  She asked looking at Captain Barnes who nodded.

“Of course, Admiral, once you are settled” Khan Furey said “and what will we be calling this system?”  She asked believing that they would not want to keep the designation “Body 42”

“We will call this system Illion 2 after our previous home world.”  She said Khan Furey nodded and agreed Illion 2 would not be a colony overnight but with the civilian ships they could make enough money to get the colony going and support their people.  Meanwhile with three new WarShips added the District’s defence Khan Petra Furey could move ahead with other plans.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1468 on: 29 September 2022, 12:24:47 »
Some of you may have noticed recently it was posted that JA Baker/Starbug is possibly no longer with us.  I never met him but this timeline wouldn't have become as rich as it is if it was not for contributions like his so the last update is a little tribute going out on the ship he designed, plain sailing to him.

Cache Site #47A
Bearclaw, Society Territory
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
12th April 3118

   The struggle to control the Clan Homeworlds continued between Clans Blood Spirit, Goliath Scorpion and the Society.  Communities, entire cities had been shattered during the fighting with millions killed in the fighting in space and on the ground.  Today Clan Goliath Scorpion’s Crimson Seeker Trinary were engaging Society forces on the world of Bearclaw, once a stronghold of the Rasalhague Dominion, searching for a weapons cache believed to date back to the founding of the Clans.

   “Well, it looks like they beat us to it.”  Star Captain Fiona Hernandez said sitting in her Summoner OmniMech.

   “But they have not opened it yet which gives us an opportunity” Star Commander Edmund Baba the commander of their Battle Armour Star said.  His suit was perched on the seventy-ton OmniMech’s shoulder while the rest of the star were arranged over the other four OmniMechs in their star.  The Crimson Seeker Trinary had gone through many combinations in the past; often reduced to only a star in strength.  Now the unit was a reinforced trinary with the OmniMechs and Elementals working together in a Nova formation, supporting them was a star of ProtoMechs, a star of armoured vehicles and a star of aerospace fighters.  At present the aerospace fighters were chasing off Society craft leaving the ground forces to a fight alone.

   “We will hit them in waves, Mechs and Battle Armour open the door, we kick them get their attention then Liz, you hit them from the left and at the same time Tyla hits them from the right.”  She said bringing in the two sub-commanders no-one disagreed with her they knew she would listen if they suggested something but there was no need the society force, they were arrayed against were inferior in number and experience.  “Attack!”  She called out

   The Mechs ran out of the trees and into the clearing beside the entrance to the underground cache.  Fiona stopped her Summoner first the Elementals launching off the back of the OmniMech firing their short-range missiles as they jumped pounding a Society Septicemia OmniMech Fiona joined them with her large lasers pounding the fifty-five-ton design, honourable combat had gone from the homeworlds a long time ago.  Now it was all about the remaining two Clans surviving against the Society and expanding their sphere of influence.  So far, the Blood Spirits had reformed five galaxies worth of forces while the Goliath Scorpions had four but still the Society claimed control over the majority of the Homeworlds.

   The other Mechs ran beyond her Summoner launching their battle armoured troops as they did.  From the left the twenty-five ProtoMechs ran into the fray adding their firepower to the considerable to that of the OmniMechs and battle armoured troops.  When the ten-vehicle strong star joined the battle, it was almost over Fiona’s targeted Septicemia was on the ground as was another enemy Mech, and three vehicles.  The concentrated firepower of the entire force brought down the remaining Society forces in short order, an almost bloodless loss for the Goliath Scorpion force.  The Clans would do everything in their power to continue to hold Bearclaw but the Society forces constantly tried to counter their rule.


It took them nearly three more hours to crack the codes and break into the cache.  With most of the unit in position above ground Star Captain Fiona Hernandez led a few members of her team down into the facility armed with hand weapons and wearing clothing they’d stored onboard their Mechs.  Although the cache had been lost from contact for centuries the systems of the cache still worked and lights began to come on for them as they entered “welcome to Star League Defence Force Cache #47 Alfa.”  The female voice said as they entered, who had recorded the message none of them knew but they all knew it was one of their ancestors.  A couple of them whispered words as they reached the bottom of the entrance ramp and the floodlighting which covered the main Mechbay came up.  There were three rows each with at least a dozen BattleMechs standing in them, next were several rows of combat vehicles enough to outfit an entire combined arms regiment of BattleMechs and Armour.  None of the equipment would be immediately ready for combat but each of them would contribute to the growing Goliath Scorpion forces.  Walking along one of the rows of Mechs Fiona stopped in front of a Minsk, one of the first Ghost Bear BattleMechs.  “This isn’t a Star League Cache; our Clans formed it.”  She said around glancing to the side she saw a Pollux Heavy Tank and behind it was a Vali Close Artillery Support vehicle.

“Perhaps out Clans refilled it after the supplies the Exodus Army left here were exhausted.  The Mechs here may have been surpassed by new designs but they were still potent.  It would have been wasteful for them to be disassembled.”  Edmund Baba said, he and his point of Elementals had joined them their suits now lacking the missile launchers which gave them their armour piercing punch but they still had heavier weapons than anything the Fiona and the others had.  Edmund’s suit visor was open but his deep voice still boomed through the carnivorous room.

“It is a find worthwhile of our mission” MechWarrior William said he was very young to be within the command, one of the ristars of their Clan, the new generation who would replace Fiona Hernandez and others in time but not today.

“Aff, we need to maintain the perimeter until we can extract everything to the FOB” Fiona said “we’ll take it in shifts to maintain watch and to inspect what is down here.”

“Affirmative, Star Captain, what about searching for artifacts?” Tyla Myers asked her wheel chair joining them.  Her spine had been broken in a Circle of Equals but instead of resigning from duty she had continued to fight for her Clan, even from the confines of her chair.

“We can make time for that as well; it is our duty.”  Fiona Hernandez confirmed every member of the Trinary would be given an opportunity to take some trinkets from the cache on top of whatever else was salvaged.

Landing Zone G6, Cordia City Spaceport
Coromodir VI, Cordia City
Aurigan Collective, Periphery
19th April 3118

   The spaceport beside Cordia City was a hive of activity with a constant stream of DropShips with supplies coming in and leaving.  Coromodir VI was at the capitol of the Aurigan Collective and the most developed world by a long way but with everything coming through the planet even today was a special day walking out of one of the arriving DropShips was a fifty-five-ton Goshawk BattleMech, a Clan built nimble BattleMech capable of speeds near one hundred kilometres per hour and engaging in jumps of one hundred and fifty metres.

   The Mech was painted grey, silver, and black in an arctic camouflage which made it stand out on the dry world of Coromodir on which most forces used forest or urban camouflage.  The Goshawk stayed on the Mech paths heading from its DropShip into one of the hangers provided for visiting BattleMechs.  The crews guided the MechWarrior into one of the bays and a raising gantry moved up beside the cockpit the MechWarrior stepped out of the back of his BattleMech onto the gantry which moved away from the cockpit and slowly descended towards the ground.

   Stepping off the gantry the MechWarrior was dressed in a simple jumpsuit “Colonel Strum Kintaro” he said to the technician who stood at the bottom “the Storm Raiders.  I am here to see Lady Kamea Arano to negotiate a new contract.”

   “Welcome to Coromodir, Colonel, you are expected there is a ground transport waiting for you.”  Strum nodded, he looked at the BattleMech one more time then left heading for the vehicle.  He had negotiated contracts several times in his fifty-eight years with the unit after working his way up from being a simple MechWarrior to commander of the combined-arms regiment but he could feel it in his bones, this might be the last time that he’d command the unit in a negotiation.  Sturm was seventy-nine years old and he was ready for his retirement this place was as far from Kore, the world he joined the Storm Raiders, that he could get and he’d make sure that the unit was well taken care of for today.

Throne Room, Steiner Palace
Triad, Tharkad
Halfway Province, Lyran Commonwealth
21st April 3118

   Within the Throne Room of the Steiner Royal Palace Archon Jessica Steiner said on the throne in front of the two Hauptmann OmniMechs which stood guard ready to engage any hostiles.  Traditionally the throne room had two Griffins standing guard but as they carried long range weaponry Jessica had elected to change them for the ninety-ton OmniMechs.  Both had been configured to be lethal close quarters fighters guaranteeing that nothing would survive an assault against the throne room.

   Today there were no such threats however as Archon Jessica Steiner was meeting with the Commonwealth’s highest-ranking officials General of Armies Sabine Steiner and Fleet Admiral Samuel Wyn-Morris.  “Archon, we wish to change the Commonwealth’s naval doctrine to combat the heavier WarShips the Clans are now fielding.”  Samuel Wyn-Morris began “while the most effective and wise choice would be to employ nuclear weapons against such targets, we do not know how the Clans would react to a mass use of such weapons.”  He explained while on a planet the use of nuclear weapons was frowned upon by every civilized nation in space the rules were slightly different, it was acceptable for them to be used against WarShips but rarely was such methods employed instead slugging matches were more common.

   “We will not become the first nation to test that theory.”  Archon Jessica Steiner answered

   “Of course, not Archon, instead we are suggesting using a different method.”  Wyn-Morris said “instead we propose a different strategy.  The Lyran Commonwealth currently deploys ten Battle-cruiser or Battleship classed vessels, four of these ships are deployed as part of the Isle of Skye’s command and outwith this plan the other six are under our direct command.”  He said the devolved military of the Isle of Skye operated independently from Tharkad.  “Our proposal is that we deploy all six of these vessels in two squadrons with all other ships operating in support squadrons.  With this concentration of firepower, we can overwhelm any Clan WarShip we encounter ensuring space superiority.”

   “An interesting proposal we have employed exclusively assault class designs together before on the ground but in space?”  Sabine Steiner wondered “won’t that leave our other ships vulnerable to being overwhelmed?”

   “Not if we deploy our vessels correctly and have good intelligence backups.”  Wyn-Morris said “my second proposal is that any shipyard capable of deploying Battleships and Battle-cruisers does so.  Any other class being constructed should be completed but afterwards we only construct new Battleships and Battle-cruisers.”

   “An all or nothing strategy” Jessica Steiner suggested “we have ten other WarShips not including scout vessels and Merchant vessels.  They could complete normal patrol and guard duties.”

   “Because some of our shipyards, such as Coventry are incapable of building anything larger than a Light Cruiser we will have a steady supply of lighter WarShips to fill the ranks of our patrol squadrons.  While the Battle-cruisers and Battleships produced will fill out the front-line squadrons and allow us to form other ones.”  He said confident in the plan “this way we can counter the Clan threat and push back any WarShip offensive short of a Rasalhague Dominion Leviathan.  For that we’d need something else, probably nuclear weapons.”  He finished the presentation; the Leviathan was a beast of a design of a WarShip but fortunately the Ghost Bears were the least aggressive of the Clans which operated on their borders.

   “We will try out this proposal” Jessica Steiner said she was a pilot at heart and on at least one level agreed with the Fleet Admiral, sometimes firepower was needed to counter firepower and the number of guns you could bring to a fight mattered, nothing could bring more guns than a Battleship or Battle-cruiser.

Conference Room, FSS Pegasus (Columbia-class Battleship)
New Avalon, New Avalon Combat Region
Crucis March, Federated Suns
29th April 3118

The New Avalon system was always a hive of activity but today there was a special cruise taking place.  The FSS Pegasus and the FSS Courageous cruised through the system heading for New Avalon itself the ancient Columbia-class Battleship and the brand-new Courageous-class Strike Cruiser moved together at a steady 1G acceleration.

Deep within the FSS Pegasus First Prince Burton Davion and Duchess Sterling Davion along with their son Duke Luther Davion stood in front of the collected press of the Federated Suns along with the last captain of the ship all four were dressed in the full-dress uniform of the AFFS.  “Today is a very special occasion for our nation, for the centuries long Succession Wars naval combat fell from people’s minds as the technology was lost.  The recovery of the Helm Memory Core and the return of the Clans saw the return of WarShips to the Inner Sphere.”  Burton said he knew many eyes would have gone onto Sterling at that moment with her history in the Snow Raven Clan.  “The Federated Suns was able to restore many vessels to its fleet which had been held in storage until the time we were able to repair them.”  He said “the Pegasus was one of those ships, she served the Federated Suns into the First Succession War and she has served us for sixty-seven years since her reactivation.”  He said “a ship with such a storied history does not simply go to the breakers yard and fade into history.  It has been decided that the Pegasus, while unable to serve in a military fashion due to age and fatigue, she will continue to serve our nation as a museum in orbit of New Avalon.  She will be used as an educational tool for future generations.”  He said stepping aside to make way for Duchess Sterling Davion.

“For all of the differences that the Clans now have with the Inner Sphere, they too remember and honour the service of vessels which have served for many years.”  She said bringing a different perspective “there are WarShips in the Clans fleets which have been maintained since the days of the Star League and continue to serve in different capacities.  Since I came to the Federated Suns, I like many others have launched an aerospace fighter from this ship’s decks, she carried me to where I could serve the Federated Suns like she has carried thousands of others over the years.  This ship and all who have sailed with her have done so with honour, and they should always be remembered.”  She said standing aside making way for her son Luther Davion.

Unlike Burton and Sterling, he looked uncomfortable in the uniform but knew his duty and had agreed to this “while we cannot forget the Pegasus’ service today, we also celebrate the beginning of a new journey with the FSS Courageous joining the Federated Suns’ Navy.”  As he spoke the monitor behind them activated showing the almost dagger shaped vessel which flew alongside the Pegasus. “She is the first of the new Courageous Strike Cruiser-class, a design which originally is as old as the Pegasus, and is hoped she will serve our nation far into the future.”  He said as the FSS Courageous banked to port and up away from the Pegasus Burton then stepped aside allowing the last captain of the Pegasus to step up.

“My name is Vice-Admiral J. A. Baker, I am the Commander of this vessel, and I have served on this ship for the last twenty years.”  He said “I have led this ship and her crew into many battles and it has been my honour to see many sons and daughters of the Federated Suns serve with distinction from her decks.  Today is a special one for me as I am also retiring from the service of the AFFS.  This old girl and I have done our duty, and we must never forget why we fight, and who we fight for, many people have died for the freedoms we cherish.  It is unfortunate but it is the call that we have all answered time and again.”  He said behind him Luther Davion watched him carefully as the old Admiral came to attention and saluted the cameras “Attention!  And salute!”  He commanded out of reflex every member of the AFFS in the room including the First Princes party saluted in unison the Admiral then did a perfect standing turn towards First Prince Burton Davion.  “To the Honour of the Federated Suns!”  He called out “Long live House Davion!”  He finished around the room the words were repeated quite loudly, outside the room they could hear the chant be repeated by other members of the crew who had been close enough, their chants were then repeated throughout the ship as she made her last journey approaching New Avalon into retirement.


Several hours later the First Princes party visited Admiral Baker’s quarters deep inside the mighty WarShip.  “Sire, welcome to… my home” he said showing them into the group of compartments.  The Pegasus was such a large vessel that the commander, senior staff, and some visitors were afforded a set of compartments which included a lounge, a small kitchen area, bed and toilet facilities.  Entering the room First Prince Burton Davion realized that Admiral Baker’s quarters resembled that of an those that could be found on an old sea going vessel with many wood furnishings and various mementos which the Admiral had acquired over the years each of them was secured to the furniture or into cabinets to save them from drifting around the room when the ship wasn’t under thrust.  “How can I be of service?”

“You’ve given plenty service, Admiral, I just wanted to ask what your retirement plans were?”  Burton asked heading over to one of the couches in the room, Sterling Davion joined him there while their son Lucian continued to look around the quarters.

“My wife is closing down our assets on Galax then she’ll join me on New Avalon.”  The Admiral answered sitting opposite them “I’ve never been one for planetary connections, I like space too much.”

“I know that feeling” Sterling Davion said, she had spent so much of her life in space with the Ravens, she’d tried to stay in the air or space since coming to the Federated Suns.

“A year or two ago we bought ourselves an old KR-61 Long range shuttle, we’ve done her up a little she’s old but she’ll do the job, we plan on visiting some family around the Federated Suns, before going into the Protectorate and onto the Lyran Commonwealth.  My wife was originally from the Commonwealth so we’ll track down a couple of her old stomping grounds.”  He said the KR-61 was an in-system vessel capable of transporting two people from a planet to a JumpShip in basic comfort.

“I will provide you with the Courageous, she’ll need to go on a journey to test her systems, she can be your escort.”

“Thank you, Sire, for your generous offer” the Admiral said looking uncomfortable “unfortunately I must decline.  I have spent forty years in space on various ships of the Federated Suns Navy.  My wife has joined me several times onboard, she wants to enjoy our retirement away from the navy.”  He said “we’re going to dock with passenger DropShips and JumpShips and pay to use their facilities, live a life in luxury.”

“Quite right too” Sterling agreed with the choice, she’d never retire as the wife of the First Prince but she could understand the sentiment.

“Then I’ll offer you a compromise” Burton suggested “ask your wife to delay your departure by a couple of weeks” he said “on New Avalon I have an Ares Mark IX Attack Craft which was gifted to my family by Universal Air.  It’s been extensively modified into an executive transport for two.”  He said glancing at Sterling who nodded “I’m willing to offer you the use of the ship, and allow you to travel in safety and luxury.”  He offered him.

“Thank you, Sire, that is very kind of you.”  The old admiral said smiling at the thought an Ares would be quite an upgrade over their old shuttle and would give them the freedom.  “I accept.”

“We’ll also purchase your old shuttle” Lucian said Burton glanced over at his son “the Admiral can use the money enjoy his time off.”

“Why would you buy the old Starbug?” He asked surprised by the offer

“I agree” Burton said nodding to his son as he stood up.

“As do I, thank you all, this means a lot.”  The Admiral said raising from his own chair meeting the First Prince’s extended hand shaking it.  “I guess we’ll have a new Starbug for our trip.”

“Your service has been welcome” First Prince Burton Davion said “you should enjoy your retirement as should the Pegasus, you’ve both done well.”
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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    • Battletech Fanon Wiki
Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1469 on: 30 September 2022, 16:02:10 »
Thank you for doing that Dragon Cat.  Its fitting tribute.  :'(
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki

