Author Topic: New MkHQ campaign idea  (Read 7873 times)


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New MkHQ campaign idea
« on: 14 March 2017, 20:04:03 »
 Toying with starting a campaign starting in 2784 right after the exodus and seeing how far I can actually run it. Idea being a unit of the SLDF had a delay of some kind preventing them from joining the exodus and going Merc instead of a House unit.

 Hard part is trying to come up with a unit that would not be overblown, but do enjoy my big battles. Really curious as to how fast I will have to start downgrading my equipment etc.

 Say a Tramp jumpship had a part failure of some kind. Carrying 3 Dropships........Kinds not sure yet

 Thought about a mech bn, maybe a armor bn (or smaller), infantry bn (or smaller), aero squadron. So maybe a Lee, Triumph and Condor. If I go Bn each.

 Or Command Dictator for a smaller command with say a Intruder with a company of infantry and maybe a Lion for supplies etc. On board supplies would be pretty hefty almost full loads. I figure this unit was sent out stripping League supply depots etc. Or maybe a ex-garrison of a League depot.

 Any ideas?


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #1 on: 16 March 2017, 14:57:20 »
 2nd Armored Cavalry

Once the garrison of a Star League supply depot and the lightly inhabited planet it was located on, when the vote to join the Exodus came, most of the garrison voted to leave while a small portion voted to stay and uphold the best of the SLDF. As the forces joining Gen Kerensky and the Exodus left, another vote was taken, to join a House or go Mercenary. Since the remaining forces came from every House, the vote was to go Mercenary.

 The ranking Major (now promoted to Colonel) took stock of his new command and it's abilities. Most were veterans of the Periphery and the fight to retake the Hegemony. So experience was not a factor even with the newest members factored in. Support was not a problem. The full garrison had once numbered almost a full Brigade of troops from all branches, now the unit consisted of:

1 Command Company (8 mechs, 4 tanks)
3 Mech Companies (36 mechs)
2 Armor Companies (24 tanks)
2 Infantry Companies (8 plt's)
2 Aerospace Squadrons (12 Aerospace fighters)
1 Support Company

 Transport was not going to be a problem as the unit had:

1 Star Lord Jumpship
2 Tramp Jumpships
1 Command Dictator
3 Union Dropships
3 Confederate Dropships
2 Lion Dropships
2 Intruder Dropships

 The departing forces made sure the cargo holds carried ample spare parts and ammo. Plus the unit had 16 spare mechs and 24 spare tanks to ensure the unit had a fighting chance in what was sure to be a long brutal war with the SLDF leaving.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #2 on: 16 March 2017, 21:36:00 »
It can be done, in the end it is what ever makes your game fun for you.

I started with a half company from 2784 well into the second succession war. 

56th Special Operations Group... "Still on the Bounce"


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #3 on: 18 March 2017, 17:58:51 »
 Col Mitchell studied his force break down. Slowly he decided the Mech Battalion would be a standard 36 Mechs. He would combine the Armor and Infantry into a single Battalion. The current unit TOE:

 Command Company
Cavalry Command Lance
     PLG-3Z Pillager
2X EMP-6A Emperor
     SHG-2H Shogun

    Security Lance
    CTS-6Y Cestus
3X ST-8A Shootist

    Artillery Lance
2X Padilla Artillery
2X Marksman Artillery


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #4 on: 18 March 2017, 18:08:57 »
      Mech Battalion

         A Company
     BL-6b-KNT Black Knight
     ARC-2b Archer
2X TDR-5Sb Thunderbolt
     CPLT-C1b Catapult
3X FLS-8K Flashman
4X SPT-NF Spartan

        B Company
     GRF-2N Griffin
7X LNX-9Q Lynx
2X PHX-1b Phoenix Hawk
2X TBT-3C Trebuchet

        C Company
     EXT-4Db Exterminator
3X EXT-4D Exterminator
     STG-3b Stinger
3X MON-66b Mongoose
4X TLN-5W Talon


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #5 on: 18 March 2017, 18:11:49 »
      Security Battalion

     A Company
12X Alacorn MK VI

     B Company
12X Manticore

     C Company
4X Foot Infantry Plt (Laser)

     D Company
4X Foot Infantry Plt (Rifle)


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #6 on: 18 March 2017, 18:14:40 »
      Support Company

    Medical Plt
1X MASH Truck
2X Cobra (Mash)

    Ammo/Cargo Plt
6X Flatbed Truck

    Coolant Plt
4X Coolant Truck (wheeled)

    Battle Recovery Plt
2X Battlemech Recovery
2X Panamour Mobile Repair


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #7 on: 18 March 2017, 18:17:07 »
     Aerospace Fighter Wing

    Falcon Squadron
6X EGL-R9 Eagle

    Eagle Squadron
6X CSR-V12b Corsair



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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #8 on: 18 March 2017, 18:32:36 »
 All together the unit numbered:

 44 Mechwarriors
 12 Aeropilots
 189 Vehicle crew
 224 Infantry
 219 Space Crew

 Total 687 combat personnel

  89 Techs/Mechanics
  437 Astechs
 Total of 550 non combat personnel

 Spare Mechs and Vehicles carried as cargo

2X THG-11Eb Thug
     CRK-3000-1b Crockett
     PLG-3Z Pillager
4X FLC-4Nb Falcon
4X SHD-2Hb Shadow Hawk
2X ST-8A Shootist
2X WHM-7A Warhammer
8X Alacorn Mk VI
4X Manticore
2X Padilla Artillery
2X Thumper Artillery
8X Von Luckner (Star League)


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #9 on: 18 March 2017, 18:45:52 »
 3 Dec 2784

 The newly named 2nd Armored Cavalry arrived at the Nadir jump point of Olindo in the Federated Suns. Upon arriving, Col Mitchell sent word to the AFFS offering services. On 14 Dec 2784 negotiations began on a contract. The AFFS was unwilling to negotiate a long term contract on a new unit even if it possessed top of the line equipment. So a contract for a Recon Raid on the Draconis Combine world of Conroe was signed. The AFFS "promised" more and better long term contracts if the unit performed well.

 After securing provisions for the long trip, on 1 Jan 2785 the unit departed the Olindo system enroute to Conroe. It would be a long journey lasting almost 6 months. During the long trek, Col Mitchell and his command staff began planning the operation using the provided intel from the AFFS. Since the unit had not yet picked up or arranged for transport of any dependents yet, Col Mitchell and his command staff decided that the entire unit would travel to Conroe and hit the world enmass. Hopefully after this contract the unit could make the needed arrangements to have the dependents of it's members join the unit. But only if the unit could secure a place to call home as space was not a family friendly enviroment.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #10 on: 18 March 2017, 20:54:23 »
 19 May 2785

  The Cavalry arrives at a pirate point 1 day out from Conroe. A small space battle occurs against 4 Combine fighters scrambled to try and possibly stop the unit from making landings. They took heavy damage and fled. Eagle squadron escorted the dropships down while Falcon Squadron stayed with the Jumpships.

 20-23 May 2785

 Landfall is made. Small probing actions against the Cavalry perimeter are beaten back with heavy losses to the Combine forces with no friendly losses. 1 GRN-1N Griffin captured almost intact after a head shot from a Gauss rifle. All told Combine losses were 7 mechs, 23 armored vehicles. Even though the Security Battalion beaten back all the attacks with light casualties, Colonel Mitchell began to wonder if he should, after this mission, recruit and add a Mech unit to the Security Battalion as a rapid reaction force.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #11 on: 18 March 2017, 23:10:01 »
 25 May 2785

 Col Mitchell paced in front of the map display a frown on his face, finally he turned to his gathered commanders "People it looks like we face more enemy than we were led to believe. So let's do the numbers".
"One, we hold good ground and have more than enough stocks to wage a long campaign if need be".
"Two, we have beaten every probing attack tossed at us so far, but it is just a matter of time before they mass for a full scale assault".
"Three, we have identified the 4th Prospina Hussars on planet. We are out numbered right there, but we have the superior equipment and the experience to beat them, but at great cost to ourselves".
"Four, we have thru aerial recon located the main enemy base 150km from us".

  The gathered officers made notes and stared at the map display, finally Capt Gettelfinger, commander of C Company, Mech Batt, spoke up "I can take my company thru the valley south of us, swing wide and work my way towards the enemy camp, and once there try for a little head hunting, would be nice to have a infantry company with us when we hit the base".

 As Capt Gettelfinger traced the route he would take on the display, Col Mitchell slowly sat down "I screwed up by not insisting on our brothers in arms leave us with a company of Hover transports for our infantry. Once this mission is completed, I will correct that lack of judgement on my part folks, I promise".

 The door to the command center burst open as a messenger rushed in "Col scouts report heavy forces approaching us from the enemy base, looks to be a Mech Battalion with armor support! ETA 3 hours, 4 max, Sir".

 "Well people, let's get ready to greet our guests, Capt mission approved, we will delay and focus the enemy on us, good luck and god speed to you all." Col Mitchell stated as he rose and started gearing up. "Boots and Saddles folks, let's not waste any time."
« Last Edit: 18 March 2017, 23:11:58 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #12 on: 19 March 2017, 15:38:29 »
 25 May 2785

 After a grueling 4 hour battle against the Combine forces, the Cavalry emerged from the fight bloodied but victorious.

 Col Mitchell exited his Mech and stood on the ridge overlooking the days bloody battle. For over a mile nothing but smoke and wrecked Mechs and vehicles could be easily seen. He knew his infantry units, though bloodied were scouring the battlefield along with his medics. He did not yet have a solid casualty report on his people and that concerned him, he also had no word from Charlie Company.

 After 20 min watching the recovery efforts, he slowly climbed back into his mech to begin the march back to base and HQ. As he did so, he saw the reason for his communication loss during the battle, a glancing blow from a Gauss round had destroyed his communication system. Traveling at a slow pace, slowly working his way thru the woods back down the ridge he spotted his MASH choppers in bound and wondered just how bad the unit had been hurt.

 Arriving at base, he turned his mech over to the techs and walked to HQ for a complete update. Entering, he walked to the status board and saw the grim tally and his shoulders sagged as a few tears began to flow down his grimy cheeks. 3 Mechwarriors KIA, 6 Mechwarriors WIA, 61 Infantrymen KIA and another 84 WIA, 15 armor crewman KIA and 27 WIA.

 After 10 long minutes, he finally composed himself and turned to his XO who had silently stood close by waiting. "What the hell happened? How did we take such a hard hit?"
 "Boss things got dicey when you dropped off the net, Alpha Company started moving west towards your position when you went off line, that opened a hole and a Combine Mech company poured thru, they slammed right into the infantry companies protecting our artillery but they held strong until Alpha Companies Assault Lance got back and turned the enemy back. But they sacrificed dearly turning them back, we lost 3 Spartans in their push to throw back the enemy."

 "What is the word on Charlie Company?" Col Mitchell asked with a ball of dread in his gut.

 "That is the one bright spot of the day boss, they hit the enemy base and clobbered them. No losses, but we got some shot up mechs coming back in. Capt Gettelfinger says they over ran the enemy artillery support, chewed up their supply and maint buildings and destroyed 8 mechs that were in the maint sheds. He wished we could have captured them but we just do not have the spare pilots and Capt Gettelfinger did not think he could hold until recovery got to him so he gave the order to destroy them in place and withdraw. They are about an hour out."

 With that weight finally lifted from his shoulders, he was silent for a minute, finally he turned to his AFFC Liason "I think we have completed our mission, we know the 4th Prospina Hussars are on Conroe, we disrupted their operations and hurt them. Do you agree?"

 "Yes sir, you have completed mission to the satisfaction of the AFFC, you may boost for orbit when ready Colonel."

 "XO, when battlefield recovery is complete and the doctors say it is safe for us to lift off, contact the enemy commander and tell him he can send his medics to recover any of his wounded we captured. Start tightening our perimeter, alert the Jumpships and Aero command to be ready to escort us to the ships when we boost. Until then, let's get a complete tally of our losses, enemy losses and stat working on a plan to fix our screwups so they don't happen again."


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #13 on: 19 March 2017, 19:32:51 »
 28 May 2785

 Colonel Mitchell watched the last of his command board their dropships for the departure from Conroe. The final tally of the short mission was in and it was costly. With some trepidation, he turned and boarded his dropship, trepidation because he did not know what the future held, but he vowed to make some serious changes in the unit TOE and organization to try and prevent suffering losses like those he just suffered.

 3 June 2785

 Arriving at Saumur, the AFFS Liason officer sent word to his high command of the results of the raid.

 23 June 2785

 Word came back offering a contract to the 2nd Cavalry garrison the world of Swales for 2 years. Subcontract's would be offered as needed to the unit.

 Colonel Mitchell called a command officer meeting to discuss the new contract.

 "Folks we have been offered a garrison contract for 2 years on the planet Swales. I recommend accepting the contract as it will allow us to rest and rebuild after this last contract. The planet is just far enough back from the Combine border that we should get advance warning of any enemy forces heading our way. We can then all get together and work out a new TOE line up to help prevent some of the mistakes we just had, plus train up any new folks we can gather and get used to working out any kinks whatever changes we decide to make."

 "What about our families, sir"

 "I have already had HR work up plans and messages to all our families to join us. I am just awaiting everyone's decision before giving the word to send them out. It will take an estimated 8 months time for most of them to reach us at Swales if I send out the messages today. So what is everyone's vote?"

 The vote was unanimous to accept the contract with the AFFS.

 Colonel Mitchell smiled and nodded to the HR administrator who then spoke into his hand held radio, "Send the messages for our people to join us."

 "Alright folks, let's head for our new home."


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #14 on: 19 March 2017, 19:46:21 »
 12 August 2785

 The 2nd Armored Cavalry begins landing on Swales, their new home, for the next 2 years at least.

 Colonel Mitchell stands on the small spaceport and looks around. "Wow, looks like we will be living on the drop ships for a few weeks." He turns to an aide, "Go tell the S3 to start working comms and find us some contractors to build us a damn home. We need it all, barracks, maintenance facilities, ammo storage, housing for families, the works. Also go grab the Liason officer and find out when that AFFS engineer unit is supposed to arrive to build us a base. I am not going to just stand around and wait on them, tell him I want full reimbursement for every dollar we spend building our base."

 As the aide took off to find the S3, Colonel Mitchell started to halt him and instead grabbed a nearby astech "Go find S4 and S1 and tell them I need to see them ASAP."


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #15 on: 19 March 2017, 20:38:00 »
 16 August 2785

 Colonel Mitchell looked at all his gather officers, "Okay folks, let's get this skull session started. We all know we took far heavier losses than we really should have. I have some idea's in my head, but I want to hear from you all first any idea's you might have rattling around in your heads. So let's hear them."

 Capt Gettelfinger was the first to speak up "Sir, we need Hover APC's bad. They can keep up with or be faster than my own company on deep strikes or raids. I could have done so much more damage if I had those last go around."

 Maj Heather Rivera of the Security Battalion spoke up next, "Sir, I agree with Capt Gettelfinger, we need hover APC's. Also I got big slow tanks running out my ears, but they cannot shift position fast enough to react to a fluid situation. Sure we can beat down any frontal attack, but I need some speedier tanks for those times when the SHTF. Plus I don't know crap about commanding Infantry, I was a mere Tank Company Commander when you slapped the Major title on me, maybe split them off so I don't make a mistake and cause needless losses."

 Maj Janet Avalos of Mech Battalion spoke up, "Sir, I was a company short when you sent Charlie Company on that deep strike. I think we need to put out a call to any ex-SLDF to maybe join us up and activate our reserve stock of Mechs. Maybe split Charlie Company off as a deep strike/recon company and fold the new company into my Battalion."

 Capt Milton Roberts (the senior Infantry commander) chimed in, "No disrespect to Maj Rivera, but we need to expand some. I would like to see us expand to a full Infantry Battalion. We can, if time/money allow create a Infantry training company, we could use them for rear area security if need be, when the full unit deploys or even security of our families when they arrive, while in training. Grow and train our own troops, we got the experience in this unit for that. But if given the choice, I would prefer not to see a company of Infantry split away from the Battalion to go on a deep strike. "

 At the last statement, Capt Gettelfinger began to rise with anger on his face, but a hand held up by Capt Roberts made him pause. "Let me finish Gettel, Colonel, I would much rather have a dedicated company of Infantry set up for just those deep strike missions." With that, Capt Gettelfinger smiled and sat back down with a nod of respect to Capt Roberts.

 Choi Pak (head Mech Tech in charge of all Techs/Astechs and support) finally voiced up. "Sir, I need more of everything. More Techs, Mechanics, Astechs, MASH transports, cargo vehicles, dedicated ammo carriers, the works. We are light on support assets. I am pretty sure we lost some folks that could have survived if we had more transports for the wounded. If I would have had to do field reloads of our units, there is no way I could have transported enough ammo quick enough."

 Doctor Stephen Purday spoke up at that moment "If we expand any, I need more doctors, at least another MASH truck and ambulances. We were pressed to the breaking point trying to treat all the wounded we had last mission. If we had not had the Drop Ships medical facilities to help us, we would have lost a lot more than we did."

 Colonel Mitchell held up a hand, "Folks we would be hard pressed to afford all these changes and additions. We made money last mission, but no where near enough."

 Capt Doug Skeffington, Cavalry Orbital Asset commander added his thoughts. "Colonel, I have been thinking while all of you have been talking. Out of curiosity yesterday, I checked out the listings of Jumpships. There are a couple of Invader Jumpships on the market right now. We could sell our Tramps to say the AFFS, buy the 2 Invader Jumpships and not lose our current Dropship carry total and have money left over for the proposed expansion. Granted we lose overall cargo tonnages, but how often are we going to carry everything with us? The first mission, we had no place to "call home". Now we sort of do so we only need to carry what we need."

 All of this went back and forth for several hours, finally Colonel Mitchell halted the conference "Okay people, I have pages and pages of notes to review, a bunch to mull over, so let's stop for now. I got a ton of thinking to do. Thank you all for your advise and idea's."


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #16 on: 20 March 2017, 23:53:35 »
 4 Sept 2785

 Colonel Mitchell sat at his desk and stared at his 10th draft of the new TOE he was contemplating. All his years in the SLDF he had always commanded just Battlemechs. Commanding a combined arms force was just too new to him. For the first time in his career he was scared he would screw up. The day before he had given the go ahead to sell the 2 Tramp Jumpships and use the money to buy 2 Invader Jumpships. The remaining money was more than enough for the new equipment needed.

 He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes as he ran options thru his mind and some problems he foresaw in each.

 15 minutes later, he opened his eyes. For the first time in days he knew what he needed to do. It was going to be expensive but it should make the unit much more flexible and able to react to almost anything. At least he prayed it would anyway. Finally he picked up the phone on his desk, "Sgt, call a commanders meeting for tomorrow 9am, all the S's there too."

 Hanging up the phone he wondered how his people would react to the massive changes he was about to make.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #17 on: 22 March 2017, 18:59:00 »
 5 Sept 2785

 The staff meeting began right on time as Colonel Mitchell moved to the head of the table and took his seat. Opening a folder, he began reading " As everyone knows we are changing our TOE around, I am going to list the coming changes. We will use our time on Garrison duty to train up the newest members, get used to our new TOE and work out any kinks. So without further ado, he we go."

 "First, we will be splitting Charlie Company away from the Mech Battalion, they will form the nucleus of our new Deep Strike/Recon Battalion. It will consist of 1 Mech Company, 1 Infantry Company carried in 4 Maxim Hover tanks, and a Hover armor Company."

 "Second, we will activate the reserve Mechs to fill out the Mech Battalion to the full 3 Companies."

 "Third, I am splitting the Infantry from the Armor Battalion and forming a full Infantry Battalion while the Armor Battalion will be getting 12 of the reserve tanks to a full 3 Companies of Heavy/Assault tanks but I am adding a light wheeled Company to the TOE of 12 Chevalier tanks we are ordering now."

 "Fourth, Command Company will remain unchanged at this time."

 "Fifth, We will be expanding our Support Company to a full Battalion. A Medical Company with 4 Platoons each with a MASH and 3 Cobra VTOL MASH evac choppers, a full Battle Recovery Company with 4 light Mech recovery, 4 Heavy Mech recovery and 4 Panamour Repair vehicles, A full combat support Company with 8 Coolant trucks and 12 ammo vehicles, also a full on Cargo Company, with 18 cargo trucks and 4 Cobra cargo choppers."

 "Six, we are forming a full training Battalion, 1 Mech Company of 4 Lances, 1 Infantry Company of 4 Platoons and a Armor Company of 4 Platoons. The Mech Company will be using Stingers except for the trainers so it will be 12 Stingers and 4 Night Hawks. Infantry Company will be foot with good old rifles. Armor Company will be using 12 Goblin tanks. This Training Battalion will also serve as our Home/Base Defense Force. While not a full on front line unit, this will free up our major Line units for combat duty."

 "Seven, we are buying the 2 Invaders, the AFFS is buying our Tramp's from us plus we are buying a Triumph Dropship. While we will not be able to carry all our Dropships in one go, I do not forsee having to deploy the unit enmass again soon or not before we find more suitable Dropships for our TOE or have the cash for a new Jumpship."

 "Eight, Capt Gettelfinger is now promoted to Major and in command of the Deep Strike/Recon Battalion. Some of our wounded from the last mission will be promoted and in charge of the Training Battalion units. We have also put out a call to any ex-SLDF soldiers looking for a home to join us, hopefully enough will link up with us to fill out the new commands. Also we are starting a recruiting drive for the training Battalion, recruits will have to sign up for a 5 year hitch with us."

 "Nine, We will hopefully get enough technicians for every Mech and Tank we have with our recruiting."

 "That is all folks, I have copies of the new TOE in more detail as you exit the room for your closer study. Read them, think about it, then we will meet again in 1 week to go over any oversights or concerns."


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #18 on: 25 March 2017, 17:09:27 »
 5 Feb 2787

 After almost 2 years on Garrison duty, training new personnel, doing extensive field problems working with the new TOE and even working out using adhoc Battle Groups using combined arms, it was time to begin looking for a new contract. The AFFS had treated the unit well, so most of the unit members wanted to stay in AFFS employ. Contacting the AFFS about starting talks on a new contract, word came back within a week offering 4 different contracts.

 The first was another Garrison Contact for Swales lasting 3 years calling for a Battalion.

 The second was a Retainer Contract for 5 years calling for 2 Battalions.

 The third was a Garrison Contract for nearby Fairfield lasting 2 years for a Battalion.

 The fourth was a Garrison Contract on the far side of the Federated Suns along the Taurian Border on Caldwell.

 Colonel Mitchell called a senior officer meeting to discuss the new offers. Everyone voted down the fourth contract as it was so far away. Asking the AFFS if the last 3 contracts required Mechs only and receiving a reply that since the unit was a combined arms force, 1 Company of Mechs, 2 Armor Companies and 2 Infantry Companies would satisfy the Garrison contracts, the decision was made to form Battle Groups for the Garrison Contracts. Breakdown as follows:

 1st Cavalry Cattle Group (Fairfield) Commanded by Mech Battalion Commander

 A Company Mech Battalion
 A & B Company Armor Battalion
 A & B Company Infantry Battalion

 2nd Cavalry Battle Group (Swales) Commanded by Armor Battalion Commander

 C & D Company Armor Battalion
 C & D Company Infantry Battalion
 Training Battalion

 3rd Cavalry Battle Group (Retainer) Commanded by Colonel Mitchell

 Cavalry Command Company
 B & C Company Mech Battalion
 Deep Strike/Recon Battalion
 Aerospace Wing

 Signing on for all 3 Contracts the unit began splitting up into their Battle Groups. With 1st Battle Group arriving on Fairfield on 3 April 2787.

 (I will be simulating these missions as MekHQ has no Retainer Contract, nor allows for splitting the unit easily to do missions on different worlds. But I will be fighting any battles rolling up enemy forces for MegaMek.)


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #19 on: 25 March 2017, 17:47:14 »
 May 2787

 The Combine launches a massive invasion of the Federated Suns. With multiple worlds hit at the same time, the Federated Suns is hard pressed to respond effectively. Orders come down from AFFS command for the Cavalry's 3rd Battle Group to respond to the invasion of Royal by the Combine. Boarding the units Dropships begins at once with the unit departing on 18 May 2787 jumping to Sakhara V. On 25 May 2787 the Battle Group jumped for Hoff. 3 June 2787 the Battle Group jumped for Crossing.

 4 June 2787

 The 3rd Cavalry Battle Group was recharging at the Nadir jump point above Crossing when a HPG message arrived that Fairfield was under attack by Combine forces situation was in doubt and the Cavalry's Battle Group was heavily outnumbered. Message sent to AFFS command requesting permission to respond to Fairfield.

 5 June 2787

 New HPG message arrives with Swales now under heavy attack from Combine forces. Colonel Mitchell read the message and his heart felt heavy with worry about the unit's families and trainee's. Now he had 2 Battle Groups under attack with no way to get to them as the Jumpships needed 3 more days to fully recharge plus both Swales and Fairfield would each require a jump back to Sakhara V to put them within 1 jump of each planet under attack. So almost 2 weeks before either could get help from the 3rd Battle Group.

 6 June 2787

 Word arrives from AFFS command with permission to head back and assist Fairfield. Colonel Mitchell made plans to depart at earliest chance. Calling Major Gettelfinger for a meeting, Colonel Mitchell decided to split the Battle Group upon reaching Sakhara V. Deep Strike would head for Fairfield with 1 Aeospace squadron while the rest of the Battle Group moved for Swales.

 8 June 2787

 Battle Group arrives at Nadir jump point of Sakhara V, word is given to hot charge the Jumpships, risky but badly needed. No new word has arrived from either Fairfield or Swales.

 12 June 2787

 Both Commands depart Sakhara V for Fairfield and Swale. Arriving at a pirate point of Fairfield, Deep Strike begins a hard burn for the planet's surface. Repeated messages are sent to 1st Battle Group with nothing heard.

 At Swales, 3rd Battle Group also arrives at a pirate point and begins a hard burn for the unit's base. Messages sent to 2nd Battle Group delivered the worst news from survivors on the ground. Massive casualties to 2nd Battle Group suffered and even worse casualties among the units dependents when the Combine forces hit the unit's compound with heavy air strikes during the invasion. This filled the incoming troopers with a almost insane fury.



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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #20 on: 25 March 2017, 18:03:48 »
Never good to split up a small unit so far apart that they cannot quickly support each other.
Interesting campaign your running. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #21 on: 25 March 2017, 18:32:05 »
 Thanks, the units are not that small plus they are fairly heavy. Oh, I know it is never wise, but there is a reason to my madness. Fighting the battles is going to be a pain though. I have to manually load stuff up.

 Deep Strike Battalion is a Mech Company, hover armor company and a full infantry company (all Vet)

 Rest of Battle Group is almost a Full Battalion of Heavy/Assault mechs. (Vet)

 1st Battle Group has

 1 Company Assault Mechs (Line Vet)
 2 Assault Companies Armor (Line Vet)
 2 Infantry Companies (Line Vet)
 2 Artillery tanks (Vet)

 2nd Battle Group has

 1 Heavy Armor Company (Line Vet)
 1 Light Armor Company (Line Reg)
 2 Infantry Companies (Line Vet)
 1 Mech Company (4 lances of 4 with each lance having 3 trainee's and a Vet or Elite trainer)
 1 Med Armor Company (16 Goblins with mainly trainee's with each Lance having a Vet or Elite trainer)
 1 Infantry Company (4 Platoons of trainee's with a Vet or Elite trainer)
 1 Artillery Platoon (Reg)
« Last Edit: 25 March 2017, 18:33:42 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #22 on: 25 March 2017, 21:08:03 »
 14 June 2787 (Swales)

 3rd Battle Group in contact with survivors on the ground make planet side almost 350km from their old base. Warned that the base and spaceport had fallen to Combine troops. After the short Battalion had deployed defensively, one of the Training Battalion's mech lances emerged from the dense treeline a mile away. Once they were inside the perimeter, a Falcon strode to the Colonel's Pillager and halted, after a few seconds the Flacon's hatch opened and a figure began slowly climbing down.

 "We sure are glad to see you Colonel." Major Sanchez, Commander of Cavalry Training Battalion, said as he slowly dismounted his battle scarred Falcon and tossing a weary salute.

 "Major, I am glad to see you, what have we got left?" Colonel Mitchell asked, not really wanting to hear the butchers bill.

 "It is really bad Colonel. They hit the base and spaceport with at least a full wing of Aerospace fighters and dropped FAE bombs on the base proper. Both C Company Heavy Armor and D Infantry Company were destroyed without a shot. I don't think any got out of that firestorm. The damn Drac's also dropped on base housing and I have no idea how many of our family members survived. My Battalion was in the field practicing against C Infantry Company and D Company Armor. Lucky for us we had a mobile base and the entire transport command with us carrying live ammo for range time once the exercise was complete."

 "We been running and stinging the Drac's every chance we could get while praying help arrived. I got 3 Falcons and 5 Stingers left, 9 Goblins, 7 Chevalier and 4 Infantry Platoons left. Support is all of transport company, 1 mobile repair base, 1 MASH along with about 5 Mech techs, 4 mechanics, 45 astechs, 1 doctor, 6 medics plus about 35 dependents we rounded up who fled the base. We got no armor supplies left and running low on ammo. I got the rest of the troops secured in the old cave system about 80km from here."

 Major Sanchez continued with his report after a seconds, "The Drac's have at least a Medium weight Mech Regiment on planet but they are scattered in company sized formations partially hunting us but also securing thecountryside . At least a Battalion is at the Spaceport. Plus 2-3 Infantry regiments in support. They captured the Dropships left behind except the Intruder and Dictator which I assume were destroyed when they lifted off to engage the enemy landings. I never saw them come back sir. Sir, I am sorry I could not do more for our people."

 Colonel Mitchell felt the bile slowly rising in his throat. Slowly swallowing it back, he finally spoke "You did a fine job in the most difficult of circumstances. It is all my fault for spreading the unit too much. I was overconfident and you all paid the price for my stupidity." Colonel Mitchell turned away so Major Sanchez would not see the tears begin to flow.

 Major Sanchez stood by watching his Colonel quietly sobbing, finally he placed a hand on the Colonel's shoulder. "Sir, I am sorry but one of the family survivors told me your wife and daughter were killed in the attack, I have no word on your son." He felt the Colonel's shoulders tense up. After several minutes, Colonel Mitchell turned to Major Sanchez, the look on the Colonel's face was the look of death itself and his eyes, they burned with a fury the Major had never seen.

 "The Drac's will pay dearly for what they have done. I swear to any and all in heaven and hell, they will pay dearly."

 With this, Colonel Mitchell turned and strode to his Pillager "Let's go gather our people Major."

 Major Sanchez looked around the Landing zone and into the faces of the small group who had come within earshot of the 2 officers and saw that their faces also held the look of burning rage. 3 Union Dropships and a Lion were on the ground. This was not all of 3rd Battle Group he thought to himself, I wonder where Deep Strike Battalion was and what they were doing. Whatever it was, he hoped they would make the Drac's bleed. At least the Lion was chock full of spare parts and supplies.



« Last Edit: 25 March 2017, 21:16:38 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #23 on: 25 March 2017, 21:19:11 »
 I have decided to simulate in writing this part of the campaign as it will be too hard to play all the battles out. And expect some jumping back and forth some as I write/play out the actions on both planets.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #24 on: 25 March 2017, 21:38:41 »
 15 June 2787 (Fairfield)

 After 3 hard days burn, Deep Strike Battalion grounded over 500 km from 1st Battle Groups base. A quick flyover by a section of Aerospace fighters had showed the base and small spaceport in Combine hands. Debriefing the pilots, Major Gettelfinger began to get a grim picture put together. The Triumph was at the Spaceport but looked shot up pretty good. No sign of the Union. At least 5 Cavalry Mechs and 9 tanks could be seen destroyed around the spaceport. The base itself was badly damaged. Worse, was the massive sightings of Combine troops in the area.

 Major Gettelfinger had 3 Confederate, 1 Intruder and 1 Lion Dropships with him. He still had no idea where or if any of the survivors of 1st Battle Group were. Repeated radio calls met only silence. But after studying survey maps of the area between himself and the base, he thought the heavy jungle 160km away was the best bet. There were some deep ravines and rivers in that area. That was where he would head. His hover tanks would be of no use in that kind of country, so he assigned them and his infantry to secure the drop zone. His Mech company would have to find the survivors if there were any to be found.

 Finally he began climbing aboard his Exterminator. Settling into his mech's couch and placing his Neurohelmet on. Opening his radio link to his company he simply stated "Move out". With this he opened the throttle to his max speed of 96 kph and began heading west at a full run, his faster Mechs taking the lead easily.
« Last Edit: 25 March 2017, 21:40:25 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #25 on: 26 March 2017, 14:03:17 »
 15 June 2787 (Swales)

 Colonel Mitchell gave the order for the grounded dropships to head for a large canyon and set up there, the remaining Infantry and Goblins would link up with them there and provide security. Medical was working on all the wounded and there were quite a few of them.

 While he studied known Drac deployments with his senior officers, an aide came up "Sir, recon reports an enemy Mech Company on the way. They are roughly 1 hour out and approaching thru the ravines to our south."

 Colonel Mitchell slipped his holo map to the area the enemy were taking, it was time to start making them pay. "Command Company and all of Mech Battalion, we deploy along here and destroy that company." As he pointed to a box canyon that the ravines would channel the enemy into. "I want the swift Mechs to form up and head south, swing around and cut them off. I don't want any to get away from us and I would like a few prisoners. Let's go to work folks." As he said the last, his senior officers saw the feral expression on his face and they to a person felt a chill run down their spine.

 30 min later, the forces were in place and Colonel Mitchell gave the order to power down. "I want them really close when we engage them."

 Within 15 min, the first Drac Mechs were spotted. 7 min later the enemy Mechs were close that any second they might spot one of the Cavalry Mechs, Colonel Mitchell gave the order as he powered up "Power up and have at them."

 His first shots from his Gauss Rifles took a Panthers head clean off, as he started to shift targets, he watched on the display the next 7 enemy mechs disappear, destroyed by the massed fire of almost a full Battalion of Heavy/Assault Mechs of his command. The last 4 enemy Mechs turned and began to flee as fast as they could, right into 3 Flashmen and 3 Spartan. The Spartans waded right into the enemy light Mechs with the Flashmen providing cover fire. The fight was over in less than a minute of elapsed time.

 "Secure the battlefield and see if we got any survivors. But I doubt it as that was about as an effective ambush as I have ever seen."


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #26 on: 26 March 2017, 14:30:28 »
 17 June 2787 (Fairfield)

 Deep Strikes Mech Company had reached the dense jungle and heavily rough ground the previous day. They had found signs of battle and the remains of 3 Cavalry Mechs surrounded by almost 7 Drac Mechs but found no survivors in the area. They had buried their dead comrades with as much honor as they could. Finally after hours of scouring the surrounding area, one of the scouts picked up Mech signatures but they were faint as though masked by something. Not knowing if friend or foe, Major Gettelfinger slowly approached the area in his Exterminator.

 Just as he was about to call the all clear to his command a figure appeared from what seemed to Major Gettlefinger from no where. "Major, god it is nice to see you guys." As he said this, the figure had turned and waved back to the dense overgrown cliff side. 7 Cavalry Mechs and a platoon worth of troops burst forth from a hidden cave. All the mechs wore signs of heavy combat.

 Major Gettelfinger ordered his scout lance to sweep the surrounding area and set up a perimeter. Once done, he powered down and began descending from his Mech.

 "Is this all that is left?" He asked the first person he got close to.

 "As far as we know sir, we are it. The Drac's must have come in at a pirate point a couple days before the main attack as they hit us with at least a Heavy Mech Battalion with Infantry support right as they started a combat drop right on the Spaceport. We have been laying low as we are out of all ammo and all we have is our energy weapons. Most of the Mechs are really beat up armor wise so we cannot risk a heads up fight. We got 31 Infantry personnel, 4 Techs and 7 beat up Mechs."

 "Dear god, we had over 400 people in this Battle Group." Major Gettelfinger said with a heavy whisper.

 "Yes Sir, we took a horrible beating. They machine gunned troops as they left the barracks areas. Only about a Company of Mech pilots or Armor people even made it to their equipment. But those that did make it, they gave the Drac's hell."

 "Okay, well let's figure out how we are going to get you folks the hell out of here and to our landing zone. We cannot travel at ground pounder speed, that is for sure. Once we get to some open ground, I can call for Hover transports, but we got probably 3 days of walking just to get to an area clear enough for them."

 "More like 7 to 10 days sir. Some of the Mechs trip and they could destroy themselves. Plus we have to carry at least 4 stretcher cases."

 Major Gettelfinger thought about this for a second, finally he said "Well, I guess we will just have to go really slow and easy then."



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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #27 on: 26 March 2017, 20:35:46 »
 18 June 2787 (Swales)

 Questioning the only surviving pilot from the earlier ambush, Colonel Mitchell learned that the Drac's had captured and held about 25 Cavalry personnel and around 120 Cavalry dependents. They were being held at the Spaceport in a hanger. Any rescue attempt would be extremely risky for the prisoners but also extremely dangerous for the rescuers as they would be outnumbered badly. But the thought of leaving them at the mercy of the Drac's was a bitter thought that he just could not bear to live with. His people had already paid a hideous price for his arrogance and mistakes.

 Calling his senior officers for a meeting, he decided to put a rescue mission to a vote. As the officers gathered around, he finally spoke up, "Okay folks, we have learned from the prisoner that the Drac's hold some of our people at the Spaceport. Word is that at least a Mech Battalion maybe more is in that area, plus at least a full Infantry Regiment. I am not going to make this decision alone. We will be heavily outnumbered and the chance of success is low. Let me hear it."

 "Sir, if they have our people, you will have a mutiny on your hands if we don't try. I am already having trouble holding my people in check as it is."

 "We have no choice, we have to make the attempt."

 "I vote we go get our people and if we fail, we at least tried. Plus I want my pound of flesh from the Drac's."

 "I say we go sir."

 With the vote unanimous, Colonel Mitchell finally let a small smile play across his face. It was not a happy smile but one filled with pride. Pushing a button to bring up the holomap, he began laying out the plan he had devised.

 "We have the advantage in one area people, we know this ground better than them. We have been here for 2 years. We know the area around the base like we know our own skin. So, here is what I propose. Command Company minus our artillery Platoon along with the Mech Battalion minus the 2 fast lances, and the trainee Mech Company will swing around Lake Cochran, which we know is deep until it is within a kilometer of the Spaceport fence, we will enter the lake at Sabre River as we also know it is deep enough to hide our biggest mechs before we clear the heavy forest. I figure it will take 4 hours to cross the Lake."

 "Now while we are crossing the lake, the 2 fast lances from Mech Battalion plus the surviving Chevaliers with artillery support will begin hit and run operations on the opposite side of the Base and Spaceport. I want the Goblins and one Infantry Plt plus the trucks ready to move in and load the prisoners when we secure the hanger they are held in. Major Sanchez, your light Mechs mission is to secure the Hanger the moment we emerge from the Lake. We will smash thru any enemy we encounter but your sole mission is to try and protect our people. I don't trust the Drac's to not try to kill our people."

 "Folks we are going to play rough this time out. Gloves are off, if it even seems like a threat, I want it dead. Smash anything Drac you find. I am alerting Eagle Squadron to be ready to support our diversionary force. I don't want no hero actions from the diversionary force. Hit and run folks, try to draw as many Drac's away as you can. I expect the enemy to turn and engage us the moment we hit the base, so I want you to then escort the ground rescue operation. Once the prisoners are secured, we push straight thru the base and head for our drop zone."

 "Any questions?"

 All around him, not a question was raised. Everyone understood the mission and their jobs fully.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #28 on: 26 March 2017, 21:16:13 »
 19 June 2787 (Swales)

 2am Local Time

 Artillery began hitting the main Mech parking area. Alarms began sounding across the base. An enemy Mech Lance began speeding in the direction of the flashes from the artillery firing. As they reached an area 10km from the base, the heavy fast lances engaged the enemy. 2 enemy mechs went down in minutes while the other 2 survived for almost 3 minutes more. the Forward Observers directing the artillery reported at least 2 Companies of Mechs heading towards the fight along with what looked like a full Battalion of Infantry in Hover APC's.

 When the enemy reinforcements reached the 10km mark, the Lake forces began emerging from the deep and rapidly approached the perimeter of the base. When the first Cavalry Mechs breached the fence and opened fire on anything and everything Drac, Trainee Company lit off their jump jets and took off for the Hanger. One Assault lance also headed towards the hanger to support the rescue.

 Colonel Mitchell sighted in on a powered down Stalker a enemy pilot had just entered the cockpit. He did not hesitate, he fired a full alpha strike into the Stalker. Without a pilot at the controls the powered down Stalker began a fall. Colonel Mitchell continued his advance on the enemy Stalker but shifted fire to another powered down enemy Archer. Keying his radio "Major Sanchez report.'"

 "Sir we have the hanger secured, we had to put a few guards down hard as they fired into the hanger. We got wounded and need to get them to Medical ASAP."

 "Okay, call in the ground troops."

 Turning his full attention back to the enemy Stalker, he delivered a kick that destroyed the cockpit. Continuing past the dead Stalker, he fired another volley into the Archer. Quickly checking his display he saw the enemy troops that had taken the diversionary attack bait heading back, he issued orders for B and C Company to continue the advance and destroy the returning enemy. He then ordered the Strike lances to begin escort operations. Command Company would continue destroying anything Combine and supporting the rescue effort inside the base.

 Suddenly a call came over the radio "Colonel, you got infantry swarming towards you, pull back as we advance to support you."

 Colonel Mitchell cursed himself for losing track of the battle near him. He lit off his jump jets and jumped away from the swarming enemy infantry. Command Company had advanced on line with him and began firing on the enemy infantry caught on open tarmac with no where to hide.

 "Colonel, this is Eagle Squadron, 3 enemy birds got off the ground and have been splashed. We are commencing strafing of enemy forces."

 Command Company kept advancing forward past the Colonel. "Sir, focus on the directing the mission, we got this."

 Turning his Pillager, Colonel Mitchell headed for the Hanger, he could already see the Goblins approaching it. He arrived right behind the dismounting infantry. "Waste no time folks, let's get out of here while we can."

 He turned to monitor the fight which B and C Companies were in. It looked like a complete slaughter of the enemy. He watched as a Cavalry T-Bolt pointed his ERPPC directly at the head of a downed enemy Wolverine and fired. His people were fighting with a insane rage. He saw several of his Mechs not even firing their weapons but just beating on any enemy mechs they came across. "Colonel, we got our people secure and we are evac'ing at this time."

 "Roger, we link up at rally point as planned." Switching channels, "Okay people, our people are secure and heading for Rally Point, so let's end this and link up with them."

 At that, every Cavalry Mech opened fire on the enemy, even the ones who were engaged hand to hand. Enemy mechs started falling all over the field. A Spartan tried to launch a Hover APC into orbit with a mighty kick. Another just stomped on one who's engine had been disabled. Enemy infantry littered the field as Cavalry Mechs with machine guns and pulse laser gunned them down.

 It seemed an eternity, but it was only 2:37am. In 37 minutes, 29 Combine Mechs, 15 APC's, 6 Aerospace Fighters and a untold number of ground troops had been killed. Only 1 trainee Mech had been lost to the Cavalry.

 Colonel Mitchell would just have to wait to find out if his son was among the rescued people.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #29 on: 26 March 2017, 21:30:18 »
 22 June 2787 (Fairfield)

 With the link up with Deep Strikes Hover Transports, finally real serious time could be made back to the Dropships. A Mongoose backed by a Talon ranged 3km in each direction around the retreating Cavalry Force. As the force reached 40km from the hidden Dropships, the Hover tank Company reached the force and spread out to help spot any enemy approaching.

 After a tense 14 hour march they reached the grounded Dropships. Major Gettelfinger ordered the surviving Cavalry mechs to the Dropships for repairs. His recon Lances would continue sweeping the area for enemy troops. Leaving his Mech with the techs, he headed for the command tent.

 Major Gettelfinger grabbed a nearby trooper "Make sure the survivors are fed and bedded down, find out from the techs if the big boy mechs can be put back to 100% or not."

 Reaching the command tent, he waved a aide over. "I want 1 Platoon of Infantry and Hover Company to close on the base. It is a long haul so see they have plenty of food and water. Tell the Infantry pukes to snatch some Drac's for questioning, and I don't care how they get the info, I want to know if we have any people being held."


