Author Topic: New MkHQ campaign idea  (Read 7872 times)


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #30 on: 27 March 2017, 00:11:17 »
 19 June 2787 (Swales)

 Colonel Mitchell finally parked his Pillager in his mech bay for the techs to go over. Once he reached the Dropships deck he headed for the the MASH truck at a slow jog. As he jogged towards it only 150 meters away, he scanned the crowd for his son. Reaching the crowd, he saw some families being reunited and some members of his command softly sobbing as the realization that their families were gone hit them.

 Not spotting his 14 year old son, he felt an awful sorrow filling him. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice shout "Dad!!!!" Spinning on his heals he almost lost his footing but he regained his balance just as his strapping young son slammed into him. Wrapping his arms around the young lad, he could not contain the tears of joy any longer as they washed away some of the sorrow. After a few minutes, another wave of sorrow and dread washed over him as he realized he might have to tell his son of the death of his mother and sister. Slowly, he released his son from his arms and prepared himself to deliver the worst news he had ever delivered.

 Seeing his father's face, the young man spoke first, "I already know, mom and sis are gone dad. I had gone for a jog early in the morning and was almost home when the fire swept down the block. Then the enemy Mechs were all over the place."

 Slowly, Colonel Mitchell composed himself, but you could still hear the sadness in his voice as he spoke "Son, I am very sorry for not being here to protect your mom and sister. I never should have taken that 3rd Contract. I am sorry."

 Drawing himself up to his full 5'8" height his son spoke again with full confidence "Dad, it is okay. You had no way of knowing what would happen. But I want to be a Mechwarrior like you, be the best I can be to avenge mom, sis, and all the other people I cared about."

 "Son, this is a hard life, I always wanted better for you than to follow in my footsteps. Are you really sure about this?"

 "Yes sir I am sure"

 Colonel Mitchell finally turned towards the MASH truck and caught the eye of the Doctor "We can load and leave whenever your ready Colonel. All the wounded are stable and ready to travel."

 Turning to his XO, "Load them up XO, let's get out of here and link up with Deep Strike at the Rally Point."




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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #31 on: 27 March 2017, 00:34:48 »
 19 June 2787 (Swales)

 The Cavalry Dropships began lifting off at sunset. Boosting for orbit and the link up with the Jumpship. Reaching orbit, Colonel Mitchell heard the alarm go off ship wide. Pressing the direct link to the bridge he asked "Commander, what is happening?"

 "Sir, we have detected a jump signature not far off. It reads as a Lola warship sir and it is inbound at this time. ETA is really close to our arrival time at the Jumpship. I am ordering everyone to increase boost to try and get us there quicker. Launching fighters now."

 21 June 2787 (Swales)

 "Sir, Lion Dropship changing angles, looks like he is going to engage the Lola. Union 3 is also changing course. What the hell are they doing? Get them on the radio comms!"

 "Sir, they say this is the only way, they will delay as long as they can. Godspeed to us all."

 "Damn them, suicide. Order the fighters to try and cover them best they can."

 Colonel Mitchell could but stand by and watch the unfolding space battle. "Commander how long to Jumpship?"

 "We will be docking within the hour sir, Capt says we can jump the moment all are secured. Course plotted and set."

 "Will they be able to delay the Warship long enough Commander?"

 "Not really, but it will buy us some time."

 Colonel Mitchell watched the displays, not really understanding what he was seeing. Seeing this, the Commander of Dropship 1 began filling him in. "The dropships have placed themselves between us and the warship, they are still burning hard on an intercept course. Looks like the Lion is on a direct course for the Lola, good god, it looks like he is going to ram it on his current course."

 Flashes appeared on the display, the Lola was shooting at the incoming dropships. "Lion hit hard sir but she is still under power. The Lola is changing angles, yep, moving to avoid the incoming dropship but it will also buy us more time. Union hit, engines out. She is dead in space sir. Lion hit again."

 The blip on the display representing the Lion flared and then disappeared from the screen. "Shes gone sir"

 Colonel Mitchell felt the tears once again building, all those brave people. How many more would he lose?


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #32 on: 27 March 2017, 01:11:23 »
Any salvage in this campaign or just lucky to get out. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #33 on: 27 March 2017, 18:12:31 »
 So far, just lucky to get away. The unit was too big and powerful for a start, so I needed to shave it down some. Even in MekHQ the fights were pretty easy. Heck at the rate I saw going, I would be a multi-regiment force within 10 years. The units Payroll alone (which I use for contract pay) was 2 million a month.

 I will have no problems running a large force, way back in paper and pen days before Clan's appeared I had a 5 RCT mercenary force running. Clans appeared and during a marathon weekend with each RCT having a human commander, I watched that force get chewed up and spit out by the Clans.

 But until they add the ability to be able to deploy a force on different worlds I find even Regimental size too easy in MekHQ. Too easy for me to have a full Battalion in reserve so battle damage is easy to repair.

 I am trying to stay close to Canon. Swales fell to Combine somewhere in 2787 but I know my current force could have easily held the planet.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #34 on: 27 March 2017, 18:32:36 »
 24 June 2787 (Fairfield)

 After 2 days, the Hover Company and Infantry Company returned to the hidden Dropships. Capt Cardos, commander of A Infantry Company headed for Major Gettelfinger to deliver his report.

 "Major, we ambushed a Drac infantry Platoon on patrol and took some prisoners. Under rather strong interrogation, we have learned that the Drac's hold no other members of our command. They took some, but they tried to escape and got shot. Our prisoners then tried to escape and got shot. You can court martial me when we get to a safe area if you so desire."

 "No Capt, I told you I don't care how you get the information. The Colonel can court martial me if he chooses to. But let us try to remember who we are and what we stand for from here on out."

 "Yes sir, I will stand with you if the Colonel chooses that option. But I honestly don't think he will, he is a good officer who cares deeply for his people."

 "Yes he is Capt, so let us load up and get out of here, we don't have the strength to take back the planet. We could hurt the Drac's seriously, but not retake the planet. We got a date to keep with the Colonel."

 "Sir are we jumping for Swales?"

 "Not yet Capt, first we jump for a uninhabited system the Colonel's Star Lord data bank held. He will either be there waiting on us or the Star Lord will be to let us know what is going on or where to go next. Lucky for us, the Star Lord still has all it's info from our SLDF days. So let' alert the Jumpships we will be arriving in a couple days and to make ready for jump the moment we attach."


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #35 on: 27 March 2017, 19:08:38 »
 23 June 2787 (System 431)

 Colonel Mitchell was in his cabin trying to focus on the task at hand. That task was not one he wanted to do. Counting the dead, figuring out what the unit still had equipment wise. He tackled the equipment first. The loss of the 2 Dropships and all on board really hurt. The Lion was chock full of armor, spare parts, spare engines, weapons systems, ammo, not to mention all the vehicles it held. But they saved the unit as a whole.

      Current Forces

      Command Company
      PLG-3Z Pillager
 2X EMP-6A Emperor
      SHG-2H Shogun
      CTS-6Y Cestus
 3X ST-8A Shootist

      B Mech Company
      GRF-2N Griffin
 7X LNX-9Q Lynx
 2X PHX-1b Phoenix Hawk
 2X TBT-3C Trebuchet

      Mech Training Company
 3X FLC-4Nb Falcon
 4X STG-3R Stinger

      Orbital Assets
      Star Lord Jumpship
 2X Union Dropships

  Throwing his pencil down, he just could not focus mentally on the task of computing the Cavalry's dead yet. He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer for good news from Fairfield. Twice he almost ordered the Jumpship commander to plot a course to Fairfield, but since no Jumpship from Deep Strike was waiting here, he knew it was bad all around. The agreed on time was 30 June 2787 for either a link up here or for the unit's Jumpships to deliver news of the situation. He just had to wait.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #36 on: 28 March 2017, 05:06:55 »
 27 June 2787 (System 431

 "Colonel, we have jump signature warning." Came the call from the Star Lords bridge.

 "Any idea yet who it is Capt?" Replied Colonel Mitchell

 "No sir, I have the escape jump plotted and ready for an emergency jump sir."

 "Here they come" and a few tense seconds passed "It is the Second to None and the Toujours Pret Colonel. They are riding light sir, I only see Deep Strike Dropships attached Colonel." Capt Newsome of the Always Ready reported.

 "Damn, contact Major Gettelfinger and have him take a shuttle over, I need a report."

 An hour later, Major Gettelfinger arrived aboard the Always Ready. Colonel Mitchell greeted him in the shuttle bay. "How bad were we hit Major and what is the situation on Fairfield?"

 "Sir, 1st Battle Group was basically wiped out. We rescued the few survivors we could find. The planet was taken by the Combine. We found 7 of Alpha Company Mechs and about a Platoon of Infantry. Everyone else is gone sir. What about Swales Colonel?"

 "Let's go to my cabin and talk Major."

 Reaching the Colonel's cabin, he gestured to a chair "Have a seat Major."

 "Swales was captured by the Combine also. They dropped FAE bombs on the base and family housing. We rescued 143 dependents and some of 2nd Battle Group, but we lost most of who we rescued to a Drac warship trying to escape the system. It was real bad Major." Colonel Mitchell watched as Major Gettelfinger absorbed the news.

 "Sir, what do we do now?" Major Gettelfinger finally asked.

 "Major, that is a good question. I think we head for a AFFS planet and try to figure that out then. Right now, I need a list of what we got, both equipment, personnel and supplies."

 "Sir, I will head back to the Second to None and Toujours Pret and deliver the news to my people. A lot of my people had family on Swales. And this is gonna rip them apart." Major Gettelfinger said as he rose from his chair.

 "I know, I lost Trish and Jenny. Shawn survived luckily." Colonel Mitchell said with a sad voice.



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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #37 on: 28 March 2017, 16:51:59 »
Never good to split up a small unit so far apart that they cannot quickly support each other.
Interesting campaign your running. O0
It may never be wise, but sometimes it pays off to do so.  I years ago spilt my command between 2 Battlegroups and endup sitting out the opening of the Clan Wars, good and lucky, in the TC and FWL.  [was able to by the Mechs I needed in the TC and Upgrades packs from FWL, yeah me 8)]  Well in the end the TC based groups stayed there for years, and well endup joining the Calderon Protectorate, as we had been doing work in the deep periphery on Marknick. 
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #38 on: 28 March 2017, 18:10:26 »
 5 July 2787

 Jumping from System 431, the Cavalry made it's way to Rowe (2 Jumps away) on the off chance it was still in Federated Suns hands. The Cavalry used uninhabited systems for the journey as they could not afford to stumble upon a Combine warship.

 18 July 2787 (Rowe)

 Arriving in system, Colonel Mitchell breathed a sigh of relief minutes later when the AFFS challenged them at the Nadir Jump point. Explaining who they were, they were given landing instructions. Landing 5 days later after an easy trip.

 23 July 2787 (Rowe)

 Colonel Mitchell spent 5 hours talking to AFFS officers during his debrief on forces on Fairfield and Swales. Though sympathetic to a point, it was clear the AFFS considered all 3 contracts failures. This greatly irritated Colonel Mitchell, he lost hundreds of good people during these missions. Almost 75% of his command was gone along with over a thousand civilian dependents. Leaving the AFFS Command Building, a ground car took him back to the housing his people were temporarily assigned. He immediately went to his quarters/office where Major Gettelfinger awaited him.

 "Colonel I have a complete breakdown on available combat forces, support troops and current supplies. Here is the list for your review, we need everything."

     Current Forces

      Command Company
      PLG-3Z Pillager
 2X EMP-6A Emperor
      SHG-2H Shogun
      CTS-6Y Cestus
 3X ST-8A Shootist

      B Mech Company
      GRF-2N Griffin
 7X LNX-9Q Lynx
 2X PHX-1b Phoenix Hawk
 2X TBT-3C Trebuchet

      Mech Training Company
 3X FLC-4Nb Falcon
 4X STG-3R Stinger

      Orbital Assets
      Star Lord Jumpship
 3X Union Dropships
 2X Invader Jumpships
 3X Confederate Dropships
      Intruder Dropship
      Lion Dropship

      Deep Strike Battalion
      EXT-4Db Exterminator
 3X EXT-4D Exterminator
      STG-3b Stinger
 3X MON-66b Mongoose
 4X TLN-5W Talon
 4X Infantry Platoons
 2X Beagle Hover Scout
 2X J Edgar Hover
 4X Zephyr Hover
 4X Maxim Hover

 A Mech Company Survivors
      ARC-2Rb Archer
 2X TDR-5Sb Thunderbolt
      CPLT-C1b Catapult
 3X SPT-NF Spartan

    Support Vehicles
 2X Marksman Artillery
 2X Padilla Artillery
      MASH Truck
 3X Cobra MASH
      Mobile HQ
      Infantry Platoon

 As Colonel Mitchell read the list, seeing it for the first time on paper, he realized just how hard they had been hit. Looking up at Major Gettelfinger, he finally asked "How do the people feel and what are your thoughts?"

 "Colonel, I gather there is a burning desire for revenge on the Drac's. But to a person, they will go where you lead. I don't think we have the strength to take on the Drac's right now. I think we need a fairly quiet contract, another Garrison Contract would be perfect. Allow us to recruit new people, replace equipment. How many and how big, that is up to you. But I think we take it slow and easy a few years. Get the new folks we recruit up to speed with our ways and such. Those are my thoughts sir."

 "Thank you for your advice and counsel Major. I will contact the AFFS and see what they offer us, maybe a backwater on the Periphery border. I agree we are not strong enough for serious front line action."


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #39 on: 28 March 2017, 22:44:47 »
 24 July 2787 (Rowe)

 Colonel Mitchell finally after much anguish and hesitation finished the total casualty reports. The numbers horrified him and tore into his heart and soul.

 Combat Personnel

 983 KIA
   52 MIA

 Support Personnel
  488 KIA
    28 MIA

   831 Killed
   427 Missing

 He felt sick to his stomach. "NEVER AGAIN!!!!!" His mind shouted at him, his conscience joined the shouting "YOU WILL NEVER MAKE A MISTAKE LIKE THIS AGAIN!!!!!".

 Colonel Mitchell spoke softly to himself and the units dead. "The combat units will always deploy enmass together. From this day forward, one way or another our dependents and support personnel will always be heavily protected. I don't care if we field a Battalion for hire and drag around another 2 Regiments of troops to protect our people at base. Never again."


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #40 on: 01 April 2017, 16:59:40 »
 1 Aug 2787 (Rowe)

 Colonel Mitchell signed the only contract the Federated Suns would offer at this time, but it was exactly what the unit needed. A nice Garrison contract on the plant Mararn which would free up the regular AFFS unit that usually garrisoned the planet. The Cavalry were allowed to use the AFFS base and repair facilities plus 1 regular AFFS Infantry Regiment and 1 AFFS Armor Regiment would provide base security duties. Overall pay was low but the unit was allowed 80% salvage of any combat plus 50% Battle Loss Compensation.

 Colonel Mitchell was determined to use this time to rebuild his shattered command. He was not sure how he would rebuild the unit's personnel yet. Equipment was easier to replace than experienced personnel. He had almost 4 months to the unit's new garrison planet to figure out what the unit could afford to spend outright on equipment.


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #41 on: 02 April 2017, 12:18:01 »
 9 Dec 2787 (Mararn)

 After months of travel, the Cavalry was anxious to get on firm ground. Arriving at the Zenith jump point, Colonel Mitchell was called to the bridge of the Always Ready.

 "Sir, we have a Jumpship at pirate point about 4 days from the planet. It is not registering any IFF. Scans show the sail is deployed. Orders?"

 "Scramble the fighters and release all Dropships. We might have arrived right in the middle of a damn battle. Order the fighters to disable the Jump Ship if it fails to respond to any hails. Contact the planetary HQ and find out what is going on. We have time to find out before our fighters arrive on station. It would not be wise to shoot up a AFFS jumpship."

 "I am heading to my Dropship, inform all troopers to prepare for a possible hostile landing." With that Colonel Mitchell turned and headed off the bridge at a brisk pace.

 9 Dec 2787 (Mararn)

 Colonel Mitchell's comm link chirped, it was the Always Ready calling. "Sir, message from Planetary HQ has arrived. They say a large Pirate band is on planet. The primary AFFS garrison departed a week ago to help stem the Combine advance knowing we were due any day. The pirates made land fall yesterday, HQ reports an estimated Battalion of Mechs, and a Battalion of armor along with Infantry."

 "Okay, at least we have an idea of what is going on and what we face. Tell the Droppers to get us there ASAP. Have the Intruder go with the fighters and if possible board and take the Jumpship. But abort if you get any signs of the Jumpship powering up it's core."


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #42 on: 05 April 2017, 19:42:10 »
 13 Dec 2787 (Mararn)

 "Sir, Eagle squadron is approaching the enemy Jumpship. Visual identification is a Tramp class Jumpship. They have not cut away their jump sail, but also are refusing to answer any call's for surrender."

 Colonel Mitchell considered his options, but knowing he was in no way an expert in space combat he deferred to his Orbital commander. "What do you suggest Captain, your the expert here, not me."

 "The Tramp is decently armed, the Intruder will be arriving within a couple hours. Either the Tramp surrenders or we forcibly board her and take her. That infantry company has more than enough men to do the job even if they do not know crap all about boarding actions. Would be nice to have a company of Marines trained in zero-G combat on board that Intruder, but we will make do."

 Colonel Mitchell made the mental note of the suggestion. First things first. Get his people on the ground and clean out some pirate trash.

 "How long until we get on the ground?"

 ""We will be arriving planet side tomorrow Colonel. We are going in right on the space port as you ordered. Planetary HQ confirms the space port is secure as is the surrounding area. According to last report, the AFFS Armor Regiment engaged the pirate force about 200km east of the space port and got chewed up badly."


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #43 on: 05 April 2017, 20:15:51 »
 14 Dec 2787 (Mararn)

 Colonel Mitchell stood on the hot concrete watching his forces unload from their Dropships. Deep Strike Mech Company and their armor support Company had unloaded first and was scouting eastward to try and find the pirate force and get a more accurate picture of what they faced.

 A voice behind called out "Colonel!"

 Turning, he spotted 2 AFFS officers approaching. "We are glad to see you guys. I am Colonel Hawkins of the 1933rd Infantry Regiment and this is Major Greely who is in command of the base and space port operations."

 Shaking each of their hands, Colonel Mitchell noted the dirty uniform of the infantry Colonel.

 "Sorry for my appearance Colonel, I was in the field with my men 20 miles east of here checking our defensive lines when I got word of your touch down. I did not have time to clean up."

 "No problem Colonel, what can you tell me of what we face?" Colonel Mitchell hoped it was not too much for his men.

 "We got at least a full Mech Battalion east of here. They got at least a medium armor Battalion in support and possibly an infantry Battalion. We got 4 choppers here scouting their locations. The armor and at least 2 infantry companies are SE of here about 85km away. I got a full Battalion 25 miles from here dug in on a ridge line ready for them. What is left of our Armor Regiment is on it's way back here. They lost over a Battalion when the pirate Mechs overran their lines. This is a big pirate force Colonel, well equipped too." Colonel Hawkins stated.

 Colonel Mitchell had to smile a little as he spoke "That they are, but they are not leaving this planet or at least not the system. We boarded and captured their Jumpship a little over 2 hours ago. I don't suppose the AFFS would let me keep it would they?"

 "I really doubt it Colonel, but I am sure the AFFS High Command will more than compensate you for the Jumpship. I have seen the terms of your contract and the salvage terms are very generous. Plus we received a cargo Dropship a week before the Pirates hit carrying supplies and equipment you ordered. We have the ammo in secure bunkers and your equipment is warehoused right over there." Major Greely pointed to an large warehouse.

 Colonel Mitchell had ordered 12 Chevaliers from the manufacturer before leaving Rowe and was told they would arrive about the same time as the Cavalry to Mararn. He just did not have the personnel to field them yet but it was nice to have them. He just had to figure out how to keep the AFFS from dragooning them into their forces.

 Colonel Mitchell turned as his XO approached, "Colonel, all combat forces are unloaded and combat ready."

 "Well then, let's go run these pirates down. Have Eagle Squadron begin recon flights and find me their landing zone. We take out their base of operations and we can really start putting the hurt to them."



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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #44 on: 06 April 2017, 00:29:21 »
 16 Dec 2787 (Mararn)

  Contact was made between Deep Strike Battalion and the pirate Mech forces. Though well equipped for pirates, they lacked any advanced weaponry so the Light Mechs of Deep Strike's Mech Company were able to nibble away using ER PPC and ER Large Laser fire. Capt Gettelfinger kept his heavier lance of Exterminator's hidden in a wadi while the lighter faster Mech's in his command slowly gave ground but using their superior speed to avoid getting flanked while inflicting damage as they fell back.

  15km behind Deep Strike's battle, Colonel Mitchell kept his heavier forces down below a ridge line awaiting the enemy Mech's to get within range of his heavy forces. 2 Companies of Heavy/Assault and 1 Company of Medium Mechs awaited battle.

 Finally, after 30 minutes, Deep Strike reached the ridge line the rest of the Cavalry was waiting behind. The pirate mechs had finally had enough of the stings and pin pricks of Deep Strike and had throttled up to max speed. Up and over the ridge came Deep Strikes Mechs. Once across the ridge, the light mechs cut right and began making their way northward to where Capt Gettelfinger waited with his Exterminator lance.

 AFFS infantry posted at the ridge reported "Pirate Mechs 600 meters and closing fast Colonel!"

 Colonel Mitchell thumbed his radio mic "Cavalry advance and fire at will." With that, he throttled up his Pillager to climb the ridge. The Cavalry mechs surged toward the crest of the ridge.
« Last Edit: 06 April 2017, 00:34:18 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #45 on: 06 April 2017, 01:06:31 »
 16 Dec 2787 (Mararn)

 As Colonel Mitchell's Pillager reached the crest, he sighted in on a pirate Lancelot about 100 meters away, pulling the trigger, he gave the Lancelot everything his mech could fire downrange. Lasers and Gauss slugs tore at the Lancelot. Both Gauss rounds hit the mechs left leg and it snapped off plunging the running mech into a face first dive into the ridge. He began searching for another target.

 To the Colonel's left and right, Cavalry mechs reached the crest and opened fire on the stunned pirates. The lighter faster pirate mechs did not have a chance. 6 pirate mechs went down in the first volley, several exploded violently taking some pirate mechs down with them.

 Sighting in on the heavier pirate mechs, Colonel Mitchell focused on an enemy Atlas, he pulled the trigger sending Gauss rounds down range as the Atlas reached his max range. Only 1 Gauss round connected hitting the Atlas in the left torso. As he readied another volley, he toggled his radio mic "Missile boats focus on the Atlas. Let's bring him down."

 Over 200 LRM's left their tubes heading for the Atlas as Colonel Mitchell pulled the trigger and sent 2 more Gauss rounds at it. Both connected this time, a center torso hit and left arm. Barely a second later the LRM's arrived and the Atlas vanished behind a wall of explosions and smoke. What emerged seconds later was a wreck, the left arm was gone, it's armor was shredded. Another volley of LRM's went screaming down range. When the smoke cleared, the enemy Atlas was face down and not moving.

 Backing off the crest, Colonel Mitchell checked his displays to maintain control of the battle. No Cavalry mechs were down, a few had taken hits. But the pirate mechs had taken a beating. Already 17 enemy mechs were down, and the tattered survivors were slowly backing up. "Capt Gettelfinger, you may engage the enemy at will." Switching frequencies, "Artillery, start laying down the mine fields. Let's give the poor souls something else to think about as they try to withdraw."



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Re: New MkHQ campaign idea
« Reply #46 on: 06 April 2017, 15:01:37 »
 18 Dec 2787 (Mararn)

 The battle on the 16th turned into a running gun fight that lasted 4 hours. Not all the enemy Mechs were accounted for so some had managed to escape once they reached a wooded valley with some deep ravines. The enemy armor and infantry had also scattered and disappeared.

 Eagle Squadron had located the pirates drop zone and Deep Strike Mech and Hover armor were escorting 2 AFFS Infantry Companies to try to capture the enemies Dropships. On the ground were a Overlord, Fortress and a old Vulture.

 Bravo Mech Company with it's Medium Mechs was also heading towards the enemy drop zone to support Deep Strike.

 Alpha Mech Company was slowly searching the area for enemy forces in Lance sized elements support by AFFS infantry and armor.

 Cavalry Command Company had returned to the Space port to make sure it stayed secured. The Intruder had landed at the Space Port adding it's infantry load to the defense of the Space port. But Colonel Mitchell ordered it back to the captured Jumpship along with the 3 Confederates to support Eagle Squadron in making sure it stays secure. On board the Intruder was 2 platoons of AFFS infantry to the Cavalry infantry platoon on the captured Jumpship.

