Author Topic: Building a mech force for a petty lord  (Read 19521 times)


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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #90 on: 03 April 2017, 10:41:07 »
ohh.. design challenge?

Colt Ward

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #91 on: 03 April 2017, 12:37:18 »
With those being 30 & 35 ton designs . . . are their gyros interchangeable with battlemech gyros?  If that was the case, it might encourage the Barons (or maybe the Grand Duke) to have secondary mechs of that weight.  IE the heir still has their 'super' mech as a heavy or whatever, but the 'men at arms' have Javelins, Panthers, Valkyries, Spiders, Firestarters, Jenners, etc.
Colt Ward
Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104

"We come in peace, please ignore the bloodstains."

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Simon Landmine

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #92 on: 03 April 2017, 12:45:11 »
The various baronies might have a couple as needed, but by mutual agreement they don't arm them.

I would expect that to change very quickly if a civil war breaks out...

"We've just had the call. Get the welding gear out. And that heavy plate. And the crates from the back of Store 7 ... yes, those ones ..."
"That's Lieutenant Faceplant to you, Corporal!"

Things that I have learnt through clicking too fast on 'Move Done' on MegaMek: Double-check the CF of the building before jumping onto it, check artillery arrival times before standing in the neighbouring hex, and don't run across your own minefield.

"Hmm, I wonder if I can turn this into a MM map."

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #93 on: 03 April 2017, 13:00:14 »
With those being 30 & 35 ton designs . . . are their gyros interchangeable with battlemech gyros?  If that was the case, it might encourage the Barons (or maybe the Grand Duke) to have secondary mechs of that weight.  IE the heir still has their 'super' mech as a heavy or whatever, but the 'men at arms' have Javelins, Panthers, Valkyries, Spiders, Firestarters, Jenners, etc.

As far as I know, battlemechs and industrialmechs use the same gyros.

That being said, being on the fringes means they might not have the opportunity for such specialization.
« Last Edit: 03 April 2017, 13:02:34 by Liam's Ghost »
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!

Arkansas Warrior

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #94 on: 03 April 2017, 14:58:23 »
Ok, here we go:

Barony of Ouachita- The barony is mostly rural, with agriculture and timber industries predominating, though some small-scale mining goes on, mostly for bauxite, novaculite, and industrial-grade diamonds.  A few wealthier gentleman farmers and loggers own IndustrialMechs, but they’re rare, and essentially unheard of outside of noble estates.  In the equatorial reaches of the barony there is a vast swamp where locals make their living selling the meat and hides of “swamp dragons”, a local variant of Terran alligator that is rumored to grow over thirty feet long.  Outside of the major cities, the transportation network in Ouachita is very primitive; while some rail lines exist, most ‘roads’ are merely well-mowed trails of grass perhaps 100 meters wide and often hundreds of kilometers long.  Most locals use all-terrain vehicles or, for those who can afford it, hovercraft to traverse the wilderness between cities.
[/size]The barony is also unusual in that most inherited nobility are not mechwarriors; the Baronial family controls three the barony’s five mechs and loans them out for set terms.  The competition to get these slots when they open up is fierce indeed (mos aspirants will have trained for years on family IndustrialMechs while waiting for a slot to open up), and the periodic centerpiece of local political wrangling.  Even within their own family, the Baronial mech is typically given to the candidate most capable of fulfilling all baronial roles, both military and political, rather than any sort of strict primogeniture.  In this way, the current baron succeeded over the claims of two older cousins.
[/size]The baronial castle is actually centered on an ancient dropship, which irreparably damaged its thrusters ages ago during the early colonization of Foxhaven.  It sits on an island in the middle of a dammed portion of the Barony of Ouachita’s namesake river.  Built up around the ship itself are a complex of walls, turrets, and so on, while barracks and repair facilities are located within the ancient ship’s cavernous bays.  Its still-operable fusion reactor is the primary source of power for the capital of Rock Lake, built on the shore of the lake that surrounds the island.  Rock Lake has about hundred thousand or so residents, and is surpassed within the barony only by Graceland, the barony’s seaport trading hub that sprawls across a chain of islands situated near the mouth of the Ouachita River.
[/size]Baron Cameron Leonard is fairly young, in his early thirties, having succeeded to the barony on the death of his spinster aunt and several of her retinue in a plane crash five years ago.  He is aound 1.75m tall and somewhat stockily built, like most of the baronial line (his mother’s family), with light brown hair and beard cut short enough not to get in the way while piloting.  An average pilot, and only slightly better gunner, his tactical skills far outstrip his other martial abilities.  Outside of the cockpit, he is noted for being an avid distance runner, but even moreso for his bookishness.  He owns an extensive library of books on subjects ranging from history, law, and military tactics, to tomes on philosophy, theology, and astrophysics.  Never the most tactful of men, Baron Leonard is considered uncouth even by the standards of his notably provincial subjects.  Indeed, the Baron should be the most eligible bachelor in the barony, but his inelegant manner, distaste for formality, and rather introverted nature have combined to stymie any efforts at courtship.  Local gossip columns nevertheless continually link him to any number of women, including several of his household retinue.  Before his assent to the barony, he had spent nearly his entire life in school, achieving a Master’s in Military History and Juris Doctorate before his twenty-fifth birthday.  He pilots his family’s age-old [/size]WHM-6D [/size]Warhammer[/size] “Jane”.[/size]  [/size]One of his first commands as baron was that the mech be refit from the 6L “Hot Hammer” configuration his aunt preferred to the 6D configuration as soon as possible (which turned out to be when the relevant parts were salvaged from pirate mechs after a raid seven months later).
[/size]Sir Timothy Christopherson-“Tiny” Tim Christopherson is the most recent addition to the Baron’s bodyguard.  Barely 18, he won the right to pilot one of the baron’s auxiliary machines scant months ago.  A small man with blue eyes and a head full of dark hair, Tim stands barely 1.62 meters and weighs only around 50 kilos.  The young mechwarrior is, if anything, even more introverted and bookish than his baron, and an average mechwarrior at best.  Indeed, many wonder how he got the spot at all.  Court gossip is that his recently-widowed mother, the baronial librarian, won her son’s spot through with feminine charms.  For his part, the baron maintains that while Ms. Christopherson is a friend, Sir Tim won the seat on his own merits, and claims to see much of himself in the young man.  Whatever the case, the two are rarely found apart on the battlefield.  Sir Christopherson pilots the baron’s BJ-1 Blackjack “Betsy”, which he keeps loaded with flak ammunition to defend his liege from aerial threats.
[/size]Lady Karmyn Kelly pilots the Baron’s third mech, a HBK-4G Hunchback named “Dianna”.  The Kellys are deeply entrenched in the Ouachita court, with close relationships to the Barons going back decades, but they lost their family mech generations ago.  Karmyn defeated all comers (including one of her own cousins) for the right to follow her father as pilot of the baron’s Hunchback upon Baronet Kelly’s promotion to Finance Minister five years ago.  In fact, her family has piloted the Hunchback as the baron’s bodyguard for close to fifty years, and some expect it to be formally turned over to them in the near future.  A tall woman, she stands 1.85 meters and is built like the proverbial brick outhouse, with grey eyes and a long, platinum-blonde pony tail that hangs to her waist.  She is widely regarded as the best mechwarrior in his retinue.  When off duty, it is common to find her spending her free time at the gym, on her family’s hunting preserve, or playing any of several sports with local amateur teams.  Whether in the cockpit or out, she maintains a quiet, stony demeanor, ever the bodyguard.  While Baron Leonard has tried many times to get her to lighten up and relax a bit, she insists on cold professionalism when in his company, even if technically off duty, and relaxes only around her extensive family or her close friends, such as Lady Taylynn Wright, another of the baron’s mechwarriors.  Court gossip says this is due to some unspecified grudge against him that only her professionalism allows her to overcome.  Alternatively, others put it down to spurned advances, though which of them was interested and which not varies by the telling.
[/size]Lady Laurel Lee is the Baron's second, and a childhood friend of his, who was his cadet lance commander at the Ouachita Military Academy.  She exudes an air of quiet competence, and the baron readily acknowledges her as a superior mechwarrior in all respects, and defers to her expertise in all matters of recon and scouting.  Physically, Lady Lee is an almost entirely unremarkable woman, of average height and build, with brown hair and eyes, and an uncanny ability to blend into any crowd-an ability she has used to foil at least one attempt on the baron’s life.  She pilots her family’s mech expertly, and is an almost preternaturally accurate gunner.   When not in the cockpit, Lady Lee enjoys hiking the mountains of the Barony’s Central Range and participating in marksmanship competitions, with weapons ranging from pistols to longbows to her mech’s large laser.  Her mech “Old Blue” is a MON-68 Mongoose that has been in her family since the planet was colonized, named for its blued-steel coloration.  It has been repaired and refit more than once since arriving on Foxhaven, and was modified to the MON-68 configuration several decades ago.
[/size]Lady Taylynn Wright is the eldest daughter of Baronet Marcus Wright, the Commandant of Ouachita Military Academy, and under whom every mechwarrior in the unit studied at one time or another.  Only after she graduated did her father relinquish his place as the Baron’s second to devote his full energy to the academy.  With her dark hair and entrancing blue eyes, she is already the darling of the court, despite being new to the court and only in her mid-twenties.  Baron Leonard gladly allows her to be the unit’s public face, since it allows him to retreat to the peace of his library a little more often.  While Taylynn inherited her family mech on her father’s retirement, she claims that her younger sister Ashlynn, a cadet at the Ouachita Military Academy, is a superior pilot and will likely soon replace her.  Court gossip is that this is because she hopes to marry the baron and retire from military service.  Outside the cockpit, she is most often found overseeing her family’s extensive agricultural and timber holdings (where she first learned to pilot a mech, driving her own Crosscut LoggerMech by her twelfth birthday) or playing one sport or another with her best friend Karmyn.  Her mech is a Javelin, modified at some point in the past into the JVN-10F Fire Javelin configuration, and is named “James”.[/size]
[/size]Generally speaking, I'd expect the unit's tactics revolve around the lights acting as the hammer to the baron's anvil, either driving enemies into the other three, or flanking enemies that have already been engaged.  The Whammy is used for direct firesupport with the Blackjack nearby screening flyers and hitting anything that closes with MLs, while the Hunchback moves forward and keeps enemies from closing with the Baron.
Sunrise is Coming.

All Hail First Prince Melissa Davion, the Patron Saint of the Regimental Combat Team, who cowed Dainmar Liao, created the Model Army, and rescued Robinson!  May her light ever guide the sons of the Suns, May our daughters ever endeavour to emulate her!


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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #95 on: 03 April 2017, 17:39:05 »
After some consideration, as long as they don't make up the bulk of your forces and all stick to introductory level tech, I don't really have a problem with it. The intent was stuff that was fairly common, but IS General doesn't completely cover that, and modding is practically our national pastime.
Sweet!  I'm going to switch Dame Jessica's Wolverine to a WVR-6M just to make Baron Trent even more aggravated... >:D

Vegam Ranger

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #96 on: 03 April 2017, 19:21:00 »
Time to join the fun...

Barony of Okro

The Barony of Okro is the youngest of the 13 Baronies of Foxhaven. Founded nearly a century ago after the arrival of a small mercenary band called Esha's Raiders crashed on the planet. Upon approaching the planet, the unit's Union had been mistaken for a pirate vessel and shot down by the Grand Duke's own Shadow Hawk LAM, or so the official story goes. After a short but tense stand-off, Esha Yogesh and the four other Mechwarriors lucky enough to walk away from the crash with their 'Mechs mostly intact came to an agreement with the Grand Duke, that would leave the crashed Dropship and the destroyed 'Mechs within the wreckage for the Grand Duke to salvage. In return, the stranded mercenaries would be granted a place within the local power structure.
Behind the back of Baron Rameschandra and his subordinates, several among the older nobility doubt the mercenary background of Esha Yogesh and her retinue, believing them to be in fact former pirates.

Esha Yogesh was granted the title of Baroness and given a vast, but arid Okro region in the interior of the main continent as a fiefdom. A land dominated by mountains, savannah and deserts, Okro had long been home to the Messengers, a millennial sect who openly defied the planetary government and had feld the lands of the Grand Duke and his Barons to live according to their beliefs. Settling in an apparently worthless region, the ducal government had decided any potential conquest of the Okro region as too costly. The unclaimed land was seen as a perfect fiefdom to give to the new baroness and the conquest of the Messengers was made part of the deal between Yogesh and her new liege. Unsurprisingly, the former mercenaries' 'Mechs allowed them to swiftly conquer the few towns the Messengers had founded. The semi-nomadic majority of the sect's members, however, were not so easily subdued and took to the hills. They continue to resist the barony's rule to this day, fighting a decades long guerilla war against the new rulers of the land.

Following her conquest of Okro, Baroness Esha took to developing her new home. A dam was constructed, impounding the Okro river, thus allowing for the irrigation of the Okro Valley and providing electricity to the newly founded city of Eshapolis downstream. The construction of the dam was repeatedly sabotaged by Messenger guerilla fighters, necessitating the construction of Castle Yogesh on the hills overlooking the construction site. When the dam was finally completed eleven years after the initial conquest, the barony was deeply indebted to the Grand Duke. In dire need for further credits to continue her construction plans and fight the war against the Messengers, Baroness Esha was forced to lease her knight Sir Reginald Romero and his Shadow Hawk to the Grand Duke for twenty years. Sir Reginald was less than thrilled to be pawned off for his commander's ambitions and retained a grudge against Yogesh for the rest of his life. After returning home, Sir Reginald tried to stage a coup against the Baroness, only to find himself isolated by his fellow Mechwarriors. Desperate and only with his estranged daughter begrudgingly supporting him, Sir Reginald is said to have an epiphany and turned to the Messengers for refuge. Since then, the Romero's Shadow Hawk has been the bane of the barony's forces, attacking convoys and outlying farms. The last attack lies a few years back and there's hoping that the renegade 'Mech has finally broken down from lack of maintenance.

In the end, her gamble paid off. The Okro valley was turned into a verdant garden, reducing the necessity for importing food from the other baronies and drawing settlers to Eshapolis and the surrounding lands. In recent years, geological surveys have discovered large silver and copper deposits in the highlands along the Greenwater river.

The Nobility

RFL-3N Rifleman
- Baron Rameshchandra Yogesh

Grandson to Esha Yogesh, the founder of the barony, Baron Rameshchandra Yogesh is a man in his forties. As ruler of one of the poorest baronies, his struggle for a balanced budget is every bit as fierce as the fight against the rebellious millenial sect hiding in the hills. He and his husband live at Castle Yogesh, though they maintain a house in Eshapolis. Next in line of succession is his sister Greta and her four children.

HBK-4J Hunchback - Sir Aristotle Taylor

Stationed in Castle Yogesh alongside the baron himself, Sir Aristotle Taylor serves as bodyguard to Baron Rameshchandra on the battlefield and

GLT-4L Guillotine
- Baronetess Isis Turnau

The only living 'Mechwarrior to have trained under Baroness Esha Yogesh, Isis Turnau is among the most experienced pilots on Foxhaven. Now almost sixty five years of age, she spends less and less time in the cockpit of her family's Guillotine. Her son Simon has taken over much of the family's responsebilities on the battlefield, while Baronetess Isis focusses on her role as governor of Eshapolis.

WSP-1A Wasp - Sir Yurik Cen

A stocky man of thirty six, Sir Yurik pilots one of the two Wasps of the barony. The light 'Mechs are the backbone of the barony's fight against the rebel forces. 

WSP-1A Wasp - Dame Lola Clavidio

Dame Lola Clavidio inherited her 'Mech five years ago, when her older brother died during a raid on a Messenger stronghold.

Dame Seong-Eun Kim, the Air Knight

Descendent in direct line from the pilot of the Union that brought the ancestors of the ruling family to Foxhaven, Dame Seong-Eun is in charge of the barony's air force. Two of her cousins have also found their way into the pilot seats of the Guardians under her command, while her oldest daughter has recently started training on one of the two Boomerang scout planes. As the only member of nobility not trained as a 'Mechwarrior, she has been dubbed the Air Knight.

Places of Interest

Castle Yogesh

The stronghold overlooking Prosperity Dam is the seat of House Yogesh and the knightly houses of Taylor and Kim. It also houses the only facilities capable over performing more than basic maintenance on BattleMechs. Two of the barony's 'Mechforce and the entire air force are stationed here.


Nearly 100 kilometers downstream from Castle Yogesh lies Eshapolis, the only closest any settlement in the Barony of Okro cames to being a city. With nearly forty thousand residents, Eshapolis is the economic and cultural center of the Okro valley. What little industry the barony has can be found here. The remoteness of the barony, the low level insurgency targeting the overland connection to the rest of the planet and the already high debt to the ducal government has led the barony to promote self-sufficiency where ever possible. 

Highway House

Build to protect the main route connecting the heartland of the barony with the outside world, Highway House is little more than a bunker. It houses an impromptu maintenance facility for the WSP-1A Wasp of House Cen and the extended family of Sir Yurik. Highway House is both a save haven for any traveller along the savannah road and the only toll station of the barony.

Greenwater Hill

Greenwater Hill is the most recently constructed stronghold. Originally intended as a forward post in the fight against the Messenger rebels, the discover of large silver and copper deposits in the surrounding lands has given the wayward firebase a new importance. While Dame Lola Clavidio continues to hunt down the rebels, plans are drawn up in Castle Yogesh for the exploitation of the new wealth. Perhaps Greenwater Hill will be the key to prosperity for the Barony of Okro.

The nobility may be fleshed out in the next few days. Maybe.

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #97 on: 03 April 2017, 20:18:52 »
Hey, what is our cutoff point for year?
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #98 on: 03 April 2017, 20:21:40 »
Somewhere in the 50s/60s? Honestly I haven't really decided.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #99 on: 03 April 2017, 20:22:59 »
I take it anything beyond intro-tech is irreplaceable?

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #100 on: 03 April 2017, 22:21:10 »
More or less. I expect rocket launchers and dumbfire missiles to appear when the troubles start. Maybe blazers.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #101 on: 03 April 2017, 22:29:42 »
That's funny, 'cause I was actually considering the ZEU-6Y as an option...
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

Colt Ward

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #102 on: 03 April 2017, 22:40:14 »
I looked at some combat vehicles equipped with Rifles as their main gun for tanks and tank destroyers.  Makes some even lower tech versions of Vedettes and Scorpions for Periphery bums.  I have thought Rockets should have been slipped into as a weapon of the past . . . if 'modern' Rocket Launchers are too powerful for the setting, might try the RL (PP) from Op Klondike.  Quite a few fun vehicles and Indis there to outfit run down forces.
Colt Ward
Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104

"We come in peace, please ignore the bloodstains."

"Greetings, Mechwarrior. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Daoshen and the Capellan armada."

Arkansas Warrior

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #103 on: 03 April 2017, 23:29:11 »
That's funny, 'cause I was actually considering the ZEU-6Y as an option...
That had occurred to me too, actually.
Sunrise is Coming.

All Hail First Prince Melissa Davion, the Patron Saint of the Regimental Combat Team, who cowed Dainmar Liao, created the Model Army, and rescued Robinson!  May her light ever guide the sons of the Suns, May our daughters ever endeavour to emulate her!

Colt Ward

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #104 on: 04 April 2017, 01:06:12 »
Jageer of Port Royale and Out-Islands

   One of the first feudal territories on the planet, laid out in the original Compact of Settlement was the Port County.  Unfortunately for that County, the third Count of Port thought rather more of his status than was wise.  He presumed that the Grand Duke was just the first among equals.  The lords of Port had quietly been whispering in their family in the three generations that they were equal to whoever the current Grand Duke was at the time.  He tried to lead a rebellion against the Grand Duke to strip the monarchy of power, also coincidentally the Common Chamber which supported the Grand Duke, and instead have the Noble Chamber granted more control of the world.  The ultimate design was to make the Grand Duke and his family figureheads while the Noble Chamber selected the Privy Council (made up of those with the proper breeding of course) who would oversee the day to day running of the government.

   The sitting Grand Duke,  second to hold the title since the Founding, brought in two lances of mercenary mechs during one of his jumpship's trading trips.  The mercenaries were kept out of sight on royal lands until the Count of Port overplayed his hand on the Navigation and Passage Act brought before the Common Chamber.  The NPA was a transaction tax on established sea ports to subsidize the development of waterways and canals to encourage the flow of trade.  As the two largest ports and much of the most used sea trade routes fell under the Count of Port's control, he viewed the tax as a attack on his economic base to subsidize lesser nobles' weak economic development.  The Count of Port had much less support than he assumed he would have since the issue divided him from some of his traditional allies in the Noble Chamber.  When he left session after making vague threats the Grand Duke set out to make a example of him in a way that would be an example for the generations to come.

   The Grand Duke's retainers put on a display.  The mechs were seen to be patrolling economically vital facilities, new industrial mech and combat vehicle plants.  Armor, VTOLs and infantry were also out in force patrolling the approaches to the Grand Duke's lands as well as holding observation points in a show of force.  Port had his troops out in response, his infantry and combat vehicles were deployed in a mirror of the effort the Grand Duke troops exhibited.  He had gathered his supporters and their military might, a lance of mechs he led with his Rifleman and a reinforced vehicle lance he had smuggled in shipments to his spaceport sneaking by royal customs inspectors.  Four Tiger tanks and a pair of ancient Predator tank destroyers were set up to support his mechs though the crews were green since they had never left the warehouse in Port were they were hidden.  Meanwhile the two mercenary lances entered the coastal waters several kilometers from Port County to travel undetected into the midst of the Count of Port's seat of power.

   The mercenaries walked out of the water into the flank of Count Port's defensive force.  Surprise was complete for the mercenary force with their leading Zeus 6S and Thunderbolt 5S catching a Quickdraw from behind to drop one of Port's heaviest defenders.  Count Port spun his Riflemen around to return fire at the mercenaries while ordering his armor forward while the mechs reoriented to face the threat.  The sudden threat of armor with big guns in the face caused the mercenaries to shift their fire.  A Predator was the first tank to brew up as it lost a tread to crash into a warehouse which caught fire even with AC ammo exploding.  In return the Zeus took multiple AC hits to its torso which caused it to topple forward to its knees.  Captain Cyrus Arteshbod's Thunderbolt caved in the side of a Tiger while moving to encircle the armor's surge.  It was too late for the Zeus, one of the Autocannon 10 shots breached the armor to touch off the LRM ammo to scatter parts of the assault mech across the wharf.  By the time the armor was all destroyed the mercenaries had lost a Whitworth and the left arm on a Panther.  Count Port and his mechs had fallen back into the city while trying to summon any other help.  It was a long hunt among the buildings to keep the Count's mechs from setting up a defensive point or reaching the tower that was Port's fortress.

   When fighting was reported in Port, which was several hours travel from where Port's infantry and combat vehicle militia had been deployed, some forces tried to make their way to the capital.  The majority were convinced to surrender or take a defensive posture on the pending outcome.  Several flying columns of the Grand Duke's Dragoons, heavy infantry carried by hovercraft, were able to race Port beating the wheeled forces of Port to the city.  The Grand Duke's troops secured Sentinel Tower which cut off Port from any repair or rearming facilities.

   With a arm destroyed and down to a single supporter piloting UrbanMech without ammo Port surrendered to the Grand Duke's mercy.

   The Grand Duke conducted trials of the Count of Port and his co-conspirators while also assigning guilt by association.  The third Count of Port was executed by beheading, his heir who had piloted a Enforcer was given mercy as a sixteen year old and sentenced to exile as were his mother, younger brothers and sisters.  The Count's two brothers were also involved in the plot and for their crimes were executed, one wife and her children were exiled with the heir.  Nearly thirty retainers were also sent before a firing squad, involved with the import of weapons illegally used in a effort to overthrow the Grand Duke.  Their families and others were also sent into exile.  The only immediate family of the Count not sent into exile was his youngest brother's wife who was also the niece of the Grand Duke and their single daughter.  The Grand Duke declared the County of Port and its lands were taken in trust by the crown.

   For the mercenaries while the campaign had been successful the material results were somewhat of a disaster.  Their largest mech had been completely destroyed though a few weapons and scraps of armor could be salvaged from the wreckage.  Fire supporting Whitworth had also suffered a hit to its ammo bins resulting in a run-away chain of explosions that destroyed it.  The only County mech that could be salvaged was a Valkyrie which had lost a leg during the hunt of the rebel's troops.  The Grand Duke claimed the remains of the Rifleman and smuggled combat vehicles as his portion of the spoils which left the Urbanmech for the mercenaries.  Unfortunately neither the Grand Duke or mercenaries could find a replacement for the lost mechs and the Grand Duke lacked the c-bills to give the mercenaries for their value.  Original contract had the mercs being paid in ammo, food, gyros and other assorted parts along with a bit of valuable industrial grade gems.

   After some stressful negotiations taking a few weeks the Grand Duke and Captain Arteshbod came to new terms to cover the cost of the two lost mechs.  For the next four years Arteshbod's Immortals would participate in the defense of the planet as well as training the Grand Duke's forces.  When that time came to a end, Cyrus Arteshbod's  teenage son Talbot would  be engaged to the remaining heir of the County of Port who was also the Grand Duke's niece.  The Grand Duke was also renaming Port into Port Royale and the County would become the Jageerdar of Port, to signify the Arteshbods were holding  Port Royale, the sea lanes, islands and trade for the Grand Duke.  As part of their charter the Grand Duke also acknowledge the family's roots which allowed them to dispatch forces off planet to work the mercenary trade.  Finally, following the pending law changes the Grand Duke wrote four undated writs for the House of Arteshbod to use at any point in the future as compensation for being unable to replace the mercs losses.

   With the conclusion of the rebellion, as muted as it was, the Grand Duke with support of the Commons Chamber rammed through several new provisions to the Compact of Settlement.  First, the only legal spaceport would be the one established outside of the capital, all others would be shut down over the next five years.  Second, while the nobility could field their own battlemechs they were not allowed to import any other combat vehicles and would have to appeal for a writ to import a new battlemech.

   The House of Arteshbod have been some of the most loyal supporters of the Grand Duke's line for the simple reason they are outsiders to the rest of the nobility.  Cyrus Arteshbod was initially one of the strong major nobles with a force of eight mechs, mostly mediums, and supported by the incomes of Port Royale and out-islands.  But over the decades since their founding that strength has waned, sometimes due to disfavor of the current Grand Duke and sometimes bad luck.  Disfavor with the Grand Duke has led to them being the first forces sent against raiders when they land, sometimes with a noted lack of support.  For instance the House of Arteshbod quit sending out a team for mercenary work when the fifth Jageer Arteshbod's heir led a lance of their mediums and a infantry company never returned from their tour.  No confirmed word ever reached the family but a tramp freighter's captain did share a rumor that descendants of the executed Count (who had taken the surname Ports) had massacred the Immortals during a corporate garrison contract.  Other mechs have been lost over the years to raiders, though in exchange several have been salvaged.  Currently the Arteshbods have a single from their founding remaining and their enemies in the Nobles Chamber are whispering they are attempting to buy a assault mech that could single handedly defeat any other noble's mech force.

Thunderbolt 5S
   Hereditary mount of the current Jageer, the family's Thunderbolt 5S has undergone slight modification over the years with the removal of the SRM2 launcher and its ammunition, half ton of MG ammo and a half ton of armor (1 point each from arms & side torsos with rest from the legs) to upgrade the Large Laser to a PPC.  The LRM ammo was also moved over from the center torso to the vacant space from the SRM system in the right torso.  A single heat sink filled some of the empty space in the center torso.  As the Jageer's mech it sports the blood red paint job with a single hand with black stripe from the right shoulder down the torso to the leg and ending on the foot as all the Jageer Lance mechs.  It also has the crest of the Jageer centered over that line on the right shoulder.
   Jageer Radcliff Arteshbod has kept the mech in very good condition though recently the Jageer has been reviewing reports about a Steiner variant that jumps since his mech is the only one in the Jageerdar Guard that does not.  Jageer Arteshbod often finds himself in the capital supporting his liege on his Privy Council which leaves the running of his city of Port Royale to the Marshall.

Panther 9R
   Primary bodyguard of the Jageer when in the field, the Panther is piloted by the Marshall of Port Royale whose family was a lance commander when the Immortals called Foxhaven their new home.  It has remained in its stock configuration since the Marshalls over the years considered it a very workable selection of weapons.  The current Marshall, Sasha Hardin, only has daughters to pass her title and mech to when the time comes which will not be long in coming.  While she may retain the title longer, the duty of piloting the mech will be physically difficult for her within the next five years due to repeated line of duty injuries.  Marshall Hardin's oldest daughter has graduated from the Grand Duke's academy where she studied military tactics and administration for her future role while avoiding any social gathering attended by the Jageer's main rival.  Unknown to her daughter, when Sasha hands over control of the family Panther she will concentrate on a intense search for the proper consort for Anastazia who has so far ignored the interest of several of Port Royale's merchant 'princes.'

Valkyrie QA
   Typically given to the heir to teach mobility and fire support without risking them in a slower mech, the current Jageer has no heirs of age yet (oldest daughter is 2) and so Radcliff's younger sister pilots the Valkyrie.  Feeling that the name of the mech, Valkyrie, is quite apt she has taken the image from folklore as her icon.  The crest reserved for the heir was removed from the mech upon the birth of her niece and instead a very stylized Valkyrie is on the right shoulder- but not over the LRM ammo bin.
   Iryne Arteshbod often pilots her Valkyrie on the out islands, scouting the settlements and using her mech's single hand to assist in any local projects as needed.  This has led her to be a very skillful pilot, decent shot with the laser and horrible with the LRMs since she rarely has reloads at hand.  She has personally dealt with several bandit gangs (real waterborn pirates) among the out islands and the citizens there consider her their 'Marshall.'  She attempts to keep out of her brother's sight and thus thoughts to avoid being a piece in the power games of the Grand Duke's court since she is unmarried and distantly related, like all Arteshbods, to the Grand Duke's line.

Spider 5V
   Another candidate for minor tweaks by the House of Arteshbod's veteran technicians, a half ton of MG ammo was removed from the Spider to be replaced by more armor in the chest.  Piloted by one of the last Immortal mechwarrior families with a mech, several were Dispossessed by the massacre and now meet their martial obligation by commanding a combat vehicle.  MechWarrior Harold Holmes Hanson is a large man to be stuff into such a small cockpit but he handles the swift and nimble mech with a deft touch.  His piloting skill often reflects his personal interest in unarmed martial arts which is not a bad thing considering its light armaments.
   Outside the cockpit Harold Holmes Hanson pursues Iryne Arteshbod as part of provincial power games trying to upgrade the status of his island holding of Klondike, a source of raw materials to the rest of the planet.  While not the poorest of the small holders on Foxhaven, they lack industry though they do export volcanic byproducts, guano and tropical fruit.  Most of those products are shipped to Port Royale where they are spread across the planet with most of the profit going to the middle men of the planet's largest shipping center.

UrbanMech R60
   Both UrbanMech R60s are piloted by senior NCOs of the Jageerdar Guard though six different NCOs rotate through on-call duty shifts for the mechs.  Unlike the Jageer Lance they sport a flat black and olive green paint job just like other vehicles that are part of the Guard.  The only way to tell them apart is that one has a '1' on the right shoulder and the other has a '2' painted to that location.  Both mechs are stationed in Port Royale at Sentinel Tower to protect both the port and the person of the Jageer.  The two mechs and several vacant titles held in trust by the Jageer offer hope to commoners who would like to advance their status by gaining renown on the field of battle.
Colt Ward
Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104

"We come in peace, please ignore the bloodstains."

"Greetings, Mechwarrior. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Daoshen and the Capellan armada."

Colt Ward

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #105 on: 04 April 2017, 01:21:57 »
You know, some other inspiration for two of the Barons would be . . .

House Capulet
 Wealthy merchants of the planet, they are involved in some of the most lucrative trade and industries outside of those reserved for the Grand Duke himself. 
Mechwarriors- Rosaline, Tybalt,

House Montague
 A very martial House among the Barons, they provide a lot of infantry troops for the national forces as well as producing the planet's standard infantry rifle.
Mechwarriors- Benvolio, Mercutio, Romeo,

Of course Paris has to be related to the Grand Duke . . .
Colt Ward
Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104

"We come in peace, please ignore the bloodstains."

"Greetings, Mechwarrior. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Daoshen and the Capellan armada."


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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #106 on: 04 April 2017, 02:04:48 »
Barony of Torrealba

Torrealba is the easternmost barony and, thus, sees the rising of the Sun first everyday. In terms of population it is  one of the larger baronies with just over 100,000 citizens within its borders. Torrealba's economy is based on the copper, bauxite and gold mines that dot the region, along with sheep and cattle ranching. The Cisneros family have been loyal followers of the Grand Duke's family since they landed on Foxhaven with them. So much so that the Baronesa Graciela is the Grand Duke's fourth cousin, twice removed. Graciela Cisneros has ruled these lands for the past eleven years since her father's untimely death due to the machinations of her deceased Uncle and his eldest son. Torrealba is the leading supplier of most small electronics and household appliances. The mines still rely on manual labor as they are only a small handful of Mining Mechs on planet. The barony maintains English and Spanish as its two official languages. Their two main issues of concern are controlling the more dangerous fauna that wonder across their borders and the wildcat miners outside her borders who are smuggling the toils of their felonious labors through her territory.

Baronesa Graciela Cisneros: Her ladyship pilots her family's Wolverine-6M, named El Gato Peligroso, which was brought to this planet by her many times great-grandfather. Trained by her father and her Master-at-Arms, she is quite the skilled warrior and tactician. She is currently unmarried and plans to stay that way as she cannot bear children due to her being born without ovaries. She has designated her younger brother, Aladio, as her heir with consent from the Baronial Council of Alcaldes and the Grand Duke. She has already made plans to abdicate her title on her 50th birthday.

Caballero Roberto Villalobos, Master-at-Arms: Roberto serves as the Master-at-Arms and oversees the defensive forces of the Barony as well as the police and border guards. He pilots a jump-capable Thunderbolt nicknamed El Cid and is the Baronesa's bodyguard when out in the field. Though fifteen years her senior, he is also serves as her lover, knowing full well that she will not marry and cannot bear any children. Some would call this scandalous, but not within his or her earshot.

VND-1R Vindicator - Caballero Alfonso Montoya
JVN-10F Javelin - Caballero Osvaldo Mejias
WSP-1D - Dama Rivka Liebowitz

Capitan Karl-Otto Maurus - Commander, Torrealban Guardia de Infantería
Capitan Akane Setsuna - Commander, Torrealban Fuerza Aerea
« Last Edit: 23 April 2020, 10:02:24 by Sharpnel »
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #107 on: 05 April 2017, 14:01:28 »
Barony of Urania

One of the larger baronies by land area but certainly the smallest by population, the Barony of Urania is not technically on the world of Foxhaven at all, but on one of her nine moons, Urania.

Established after the colonization of Foxhaven for the purposes of mining Foxhaven's moons for rare elements, and for serving as an early-warning post against possible invaders.  The first Baroness of Urania, Lucretia Morrison the First, was a former Major and Land-Air 'Mech pilot in the SLDF Army, who refused to join Kerensky's Exodus, and was joined by a handful of fellow LAM pilots.  Arriving in Foxhaven with a dilapidated Danais class DropShip, the Grand Duke of Foxhaven granted Morrison a Barony in exchange for her and her group's expertise in space and microgravity operations.

Today, the Barony is led by Lucretia the VI, the Ninth Baroness of Urania.  Of their original six Land-Air 'Mechs, only three remain functional: two STG-A5 Stinger LAMs and one WSP-100 Wasp LAM.  The Danais itself has not flown in over a century, instead serving as the central fixture of the Barony's operations, with two shuttles serving as transports between the Barony and the planet of Foxhaven itself.  Precious few vehicles have proven adept at being modified to work in the harsh airless environment of the moon, so Urania's defensive forces rely almost entirely upon spacesuited infantry, the three functional LAMs, and two BattleMechs: a STG-3G Stinger and WSP-1A Wasp.  The Barony of Urania also posseses a handful of sealed IndustrialMechs to assist in mining operations, but while rumors abound that the Barony has converted one or two to at least partially-armed configurations, Lucretia the IX has denied this emphatically.

While the Barony's primary landholdings are all on Urania, they do keep a private residence and warehouses adjoining Foxhaven's sole spaceport, where Lucretia's heir apparrent, Drusilla, resides.  The bulk of the Barony's conventional vehicle forces, as well as their conventional fighters, can be found here, as well as Drusilla's WSP-1A Wasp.

Lucretia herself, much like her ancestor, pilots the Barony's WSP-100 Wasp.  While she does, on occasion, accompany her Barony's two Stinger LAMs on patrols, due to the lower thrust of her LAM, she more often flies on private business, or accompanies the Grand Duke in his SHD-X2 Shadow Hawk LAM, serving as his wingman.  As with the rumors of armed IndustrialMechs, spokespersons for both the Baroness and Grand Duke call any rumors of any romantic relationship between the two completely preposterous imaginings of gossip reporters, and that training together in two similarly-performing LAMs is sound tactical and strategic doctrine.

Barony Land-Air 'Mechs and BattleMechs are all painted jet black, regardless of the environments they are operating in.  Barony infantry wear combat uniforms or space suits of a camoflage suitable for the enviroment, usually either urban camoflage for those serving on Foxhaven near the spaceport, or a blend of greys, white and black that blend into the Uranian regolith and break up the pattern of their suits.

Notable Mechwarriors:

Lucretia Morrison the VI, the Ninth Baroness of Urania:  WSP-100 Wasp LAM
Known in Foxhaven gossip circles for the unusual fashion sense traditional for the Baronesses of Urania, Baroness Lucretia is the sixth baroness to be named after Major Lucretia Morrison, the founder of the Barony, and the latest to pilot the Major's ancient WSP-100 Wasp LAM.  Her strong resemblence to her progenitor, as well as her family's isolation on Urania, merely add fuel to the fires of the gossip reporters, which her occasional proximity to the Grand Duke when both are in their LAMs does not help.  While Lucretia is in her fifties, you would not know it by looking at her, appearing to be nearly the same age as her two daughters.

Dame Darla Morrison, Heir Apparrent to the Barony of Urania:  STG-A5 Stinger LAM
The eldest child of Lucretia Morrison, Darla Morrison is, in many ways, the opposite of her mother.  While her mother is reserved and cautious, Darla is gregarious and aggressive, both in the cockpit and out.  Sharing the same complexion as her mother, but the blonde hair of her late father, the 23-year-old Darla pilots one of the Barony's two STG-A5 Stinger LAMs.  An aggressive, skilled pilot, her abilities in fighter mode outstripe those in 'Mech mode, where her skills as a mechwarrior are average.  This is not surprising, though, given Darla drills regularly to prepare against potential pirate raids.  Much to her chagrin, her mother has insisted that Darla spend more time on the social circuit than the past, though Darla has adapted to her new social role with aplomb.

Dame Drusilla Morrison:  WSP-1A Wasp
Drusilla is the somewhat scatterbrained younger daughter of Baroness Lucretia.  Unlike her mother, who lives on Urania, Drusilla has lived planetside the majority of her life, and currently guards their smaller lands near the spaceport on Foxhaven with the meager ground forces of the Barony.  Personable, but unfocused, Drusilla would be a poor choice to lead the Barony, and it's widely believed that she lives planetside more to keep her and the residents of Urania safe from any potential accidents in Urania's harsh environment than out of any strong concern for their miniscule holdings on Foxhaven.  Traditionally, however, one of the chidren of the Baroness has always lived on Foxhaven, ostensibly to keep one potential heir out of the harsh environment of space, but many suspect that this residence serves more to ensure the Barony complies with the Grand Duke's rule, keeping one potential heir a "guest" (hostage) against incursion, which could also cut off the Barony from much-needed terrestrial supplies they cannot produce on their own.

Sir William Marsters:  STG-3G Stinger
The mechwarrior assigned to guard the static facilities of the Barony of Urania, Sir Marsters is a skilled warrior in a difficult environment and unfortunate situation.  Commanding the sole BattleMech on Urania, with little more than spacesuited infantry to guard their ground forces there, Sir William would be hard pressed to defend against any forces that manage to land on Urania, and therefore relies heavily upon the Barony's two LAMs to prevent that from ever occurring.  Sir William is smitten with Dame Drusilla, though the two rarely cross paths, making it unlikely anything will come of his romantic interest, despite their mutual attraction.

Dame Johnette Jenius:  STG-A5 Stinger LAM
Like Sir Williams, Dame Johnette is a decendant of one of the original SLDF Army officers who accompanied Major Morrison to Foxhaven.  Dame Johnette pilots the other Stinger LAM in the Barony's meager 'Mech forces, serving as wingman to Dame Darla.
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-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #108 on: 05 April 2017, 17:53:19 »
North Point
The northern most Barony, North Point is a cold mountainous land with extensive old growth forests. While not a very populous territory, its focus on logging and cellulosic ethanol fuel production has made it a rather prosperous one. Much of the Barony's population inhabit the capitol city of Kirkwall, alongside much of its industry. Castle Kirkwall, in the center of the city, is the ancestral home to the Mac Néill family, one of the older ruling families of Foxhaven. The North Point logging concerns, all owned in part by the Mac Néill family, have also made it one of the largest concentrations of Industrialmechs on the world, with North Point being the main purchaser of Crosscut Forestry mechs.

While Jabir Mac Néill is the legal Baron, the true power in North Point is his Grand Mother, Dania Mac Néill, who despite her advanced age manages the Mac Néill clan with an iron grip. It is through her that the Mac Néill clan (and by extension, all North Point) have become so heavily involved in Foxhaven's byzantine political affairs. Dania Mac Néill had been, in her distant youth, the wife to the brother of one of the previous Dukes. After that duke's death, succession passed to his illegitimate son, rather than to her husband, as tradition would hold given the son's legal status. Dania Mac Néill has never forgiving this slight, and has spent much of her life in schemes to discredit and eventually depose the current Ducal line in favor of her own descendants. To this end she has manipulated many of the other barons to create rivalries and undermine the Dukes control. Always through intermediaries and subtle actions however, to hide the Mac Néill clan's involvement.

Militarily North Point practices a mandatory period of military service for all, allowing it to maintain a per capita military force as large as the other baronies, despite its smaller population. Its military tends towards smaller formations (5 man squads, 5 squads per platoon), and makes extensive use of offroad  and rotary wing vehicles to maximize mobility in the mountains and forests. North Point only possesses five battlemechs, of which only four see regular use.

the WHR-6R Warhammer is the property of Jabir Mac Néill, which he pilots with fair skill, on those occasions when he takes the field. Dating back to the  time of the Star League, it has been lovingly maintained and fights with no sign of its multi-century age. Supporting the north point militia forces are; One Griffin GRF-1N piloted by Lt. Karl Akselsen, a Dervish DV-6M piloted by Sgt. Hugo Ingersson, and two Stinger STG-1R's* piloted by Thomas Kempf and Azar Dahl. All four are of offworld mercenaries hired by Dania Mac Néill, although the mech's themselves have been part of the North Point Barony for generations. (*The Stingers have been modified, removing half their machinegun ammunition capacity to upgrade one machinegun to a Flamer.) Currently unknown to the Duke, North Point has assembled refit kits to convert several of its Crosscut Forestry Mech's into armed variations (roughly comparable to the Crosscut RL and Crosscut ED-X2 (Flamer).), against the day when they will be required for war.


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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #109 on: 05 April 2017, 19:13:04 »
Could I get your setup rules, and are you using Chaos campaign or something else for the rest?
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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #110 on: 05 April 2017, 22:34:52 »
For the sake of complying with typical forum conventions, we should probably move any detailed writeups to the thread on the fan unit board.

helpful reminder of the link!
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #111 on: 07 April 2017, 18:39:23 »
More or less. I expect rocket launchers and dumbfire missiles to appear when the troubles start. Maybe blazers.
If Blazers appear, the Baron of Trent is totally inflicting one on Dame Jessica... >:D

Siegfried Marcus

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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #112 on: 09 April 2017, 12:12:27 »
Medium brawlers with an emphasis on armor and lasers.  Fairly survivable and only two models to worry about.

Code: [Select]
2x Centurion-AL (50 tons)
This is the version with the large laser and the extra armor (11 tons).  Basically a downsized Thunderbolt.

3x Vulcan 5T (40 tons)
This is the version with 4 MLs and extra armor (7 tons). Use similar to the Jenner, but it's more survivable.  Also good vs. infantry.

Replacing one of each with a PXH-1 is probably a good idea.  That would give you a full cavalry lance plus a pseudo-heavy for backup.  You could do that again to get 4x PXH-1 and a Vulcan 5T, but I think that's been suggested already.

Since few people took the LAM, I'll include my other selection.  Everything can fly or jump, so probably best suited to rough terrain.

Stinger LAM - lets you play wing-man to the Grand Duke
Phoenix Hawk
Wyvern 6-N - diverse weapons systems
Grasshopper - heavy mech that can jump
Here is my AU story set in the Free Rasalhague Republic.


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Re: Building a mech force for a petty lord
« Reply #113 on: 09 April 2017, 12:39:54 »
There's still room for a few more Baronies if you want to write either of those up in a bit more detail...

