it's tough to say. As a collective design it has a very poor in-universe reputation, and that probably soured a lot of people on ever giving it a real chance in gameplay. Some of them though are solid designs. The SCP-1O was criminally bad, an ER PPC upgrade with ten single heat sinks (though I guess later it got retconned with doubles?), and deserves every bit of scorn heaped upon it. The 12S though? If you want to park enemy tanks, you use a Scorpion 12S. That thing is just fun- fast, able to use partial cover better than a biped, with two excellent weapons for slapping tanks around (or aircraft), and remarkably tough for its size. Does it shake the in-universe reputation? Probably not, but on tabletop it's a beast.
The tank though? Look, Scorpions suck- in a bubble. But it's a numbers unit anyway. The more you have, the scarier things get squared. Two is concerning, four is a pain in the ass, twelve are reason to reconsider an attack, so on. As such, I'd think it has a solid reputation with commanders, if not with crews. In gameplay, as I said, how many you have probably helps dictate how useful they are to you.