Since the Falcon Remnants have become a thing, I've been turning into more of a fan of the Falcons (which, let's face it, I've always been jealous of some of their toys). The Gyrfalcon wasn't one I'd looked at much, but it has joined that group of "Small Bastard Mechs I love".
It's an odd duck (heh, bird pun) in that it wouldn't work in a Clan force a hundred years prior. It's not a 'one man army' machine- it'll do pretty well at dueling, with a smart pilot, but it's not really great at the role. As part of a combined force, it absolutely shines. But tell that to a hidebound 3050s Falcon, and they'll beat you to a pulp for even thinking such heresy.
It remains, as noted in the article, an absolute favorite to lean on (the 2 in particular) in the Dark Age era- I admit to some faction bias, but don't we all?