Author Topic: 2nd Armored Cavalry  (Read 20848 times)


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #60 on: 16 May 2017, 07:35:30 »
This might be the start of the Kurita Chain gangs...

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #61 on: 16 May 2017, 21:28:23 »
 4 June 2787 (Scheat)

 Colonel Mitchell looked up from his desk as knock came on his door.

 "Come" He said, actually glad for the break from reviewing all the reports.

 The door swung open slowly and his Chief Tech entered the office.

 "Sir, I got some ideas to run by you if you got a few minutes." Warrant Officer Connor Hamilton said.

 Colonel Mitchell noted he carried a large binder tucked under his left arm.
 "Please tell me that is not more reports Chief."

 "No sir, me and the other senior techs have been tinkering with some ideas, but we need to run them by you before they go any further."

 "What are these idea's and what is it gonna cost me?" Colonel Mitchell warily stated.

 "Well sir, we captured a fair amount of equipment that last fight, most will not be combat ready until after this campaign is over, but we think we have some workable upgrades to some of the captured Mechs, for when we have the spare parts anyway, I don't want to use up what parts and supplies we have while a fight looms, except for some of the smaller weapons refits." Chief Hamilton stated.

 "Well Chief, let's here the proposal's." Colonel Mitchell said as he leaned back in his chair.

 Chief Tech Hamilton laid the binder on the Colonel's desk as he said "These are rough drafts, but it might help you follow along with me as I talk sir."

 Colonel Mitchell flipped the binder open and the first page said "BMD-12D "Spec" Bombardier" across the top. "Whoa Chief, I thought you wanted to salvage those Mechs for the parts since they run out of ammo so damn fast and are basically useless from that moment on?"

 "Well the base model, yes sir. I love it's speed and all, but it's current combat profile sucks, but me and the gang think we can make this a premier fire support Mech." Chief Hamilton said as he moved to the chalkboard.

 "What we propose is strip the current weapons out of it, we can downgrade the LRM launchers to LRM-15 and gain a bunch of tonnage. We give it 2 LRM-15, we can add 2 medium pulse lasers, and medium laser. That gives it some firepower up close. We can then slap 6 tons of LRM ammo in it. Now she is a credible fire support Mech. We keep the AMS and everything else the same. We don't use Artemis IV so we can shoot different ammo loads. Mainly Swarm ammo. Nothing else changes, a simple weapons swap. Now we would have fast moving heavy fire support Mech." Chief Hamilton said.

 "Okay, you have my interest Chief, what would we need to make this happen?" Colonel Mitchell asked, his note pad close at hand.

 "Nothing Colonel, nothing but the time to do the refit. We got everything we need in our stocks right now." Chief Hamilton confidently stated.

 "Alright Chief, you have my blessing for this modification. When you decide to do it, is up to you. What else you folks been cooking up?" Colonel Mitchell asked flipping to the next section. On it he saw the heading "ARC-2R "Spec" Archer" printed.

 "Sir, as you can see, I want to modify that ARC-2R Archer we have on the roster. I cannot make her a Royal, but I sure can boost her firepower overall. First we once again strip the weapons down, out goes the LRM20's and the rear firing medium lasers. We slap in 2 LRM15's and add 3 more medium lasers to the front." Chief Hamilton was about to go on when the Colonel raised his hand.

 "Chief, the Archer will not handle that kind of heat load."

 "Sir, let me finish please, next we upgrade the heat sinks to double sinks. We got a fair amount in storage and have been stripping them from captured salvage quality Mechs. I want to put 11 of them in her, that and the weapons changes leaves us with enough spare tonnage to boost LRM15 ammo to 8 tons total, 4 tons per launcher. Once again we don't add Artemis IV so we can fire special ammunition. 32 volleys per launcher. I would add CASE if we had the time or facilities but we don't. Now she can run and gun all day long, and if anyone gets too close, well they got 5 medium lasers to deal with and the sinks to use them all and then return to full rate of fire on the missiles. No more staggering launchers to cool down." Chief Hamilton seemed to really like this design.

 "And I guess we have the items in stock to do this refit." Colonel Mitchell half asked.

 "Yes Sir, we do, it would only take time. But as I said, I am loathe to make these changes while a fight looms."

 Chief Hamilton continued "Next we have the Lancelot LNC25-01 Spec, this refit will give us a fast raider. I want to strip the weapons down, slap in 2 Large Pulse Lasers and a Medium Pulse Laser and boost the armor across the board on her. She will be able to do running Alpha Strikes all day long and need no ammo resupply. This is a easy refit to do and yes, we have the items in stock."

 Colonel Mitchell kept studying the binder and waved the Chief to continue.

 "Next up we have the Longbow LBG-7Q Spec (stands for special). I want to change her to double heat sinks and take them down to 14 of them. That frees up 8 tons of space right there. We change the weapons layout to 2 LRM20 with 8 tons of ammo, once again no Artemis IV so we can shoot different ammo types. Now as a bonus, I want to beef up the close in armaments. I heard how our light Mechs caused all sorts of problems for them in the last fight, so I want to add a Large Pulse Laser in the Center Torso and a Medium Pulse Laser in each arm. Now any speed light Mechs get too close, well she can have a fair chance of making them regret that choice. Again, a simple refit we can do in house."

 Colonel Mitchell looked at his Chief Tech, a man he had known for 15 years, thru peace and war. He trusted this man's judgement without question. "Connor, you know I will accept just about anything you want to do, I never question your side of the house, why are you suddenly asking my permission?"

 "Sir, one, your the CO, two, I never want it said I don't consult with you on things of this nature. Making jerry rigged repairs for battle is one thing, doing all out refits are another. I know you gave me carte blanche on refitting Thug's, Crab's and other easy Mechs to Royals, but these changes, well they change the actual Mech itself to something much better I believe." Chief Hamilton watched his long time friend for a reaction.

 "Well what else you got for me Connor." Colonel Mitchell asked.

 "Wyvern WVE-5N "Spec", once again we swap to double heat sinks, and take it to 10, that gains us some tonnage to play with, I want to swap around the weapons. Out got the normal energy weapons, in goes a ER Large Laser in the Center Torso, we then boost the ammo count to 2 tons of SRM6 and 3 tons of LRM10. She is a fire support Mech, so we allow her to long range shoot all day long. Again a pretty easy refit."

 "Next, we don't have one, but we have run the numbers and it should work out. The Panther PNT-9R "Spec", I want to once again go double heat sinks, we slap 10 of them in there. We remove the weapons and replace them with a ERPPC in the right arm, 2 Medium Pulse Lasers in the Left Torso and a Small Pulse Laser in the head for anti infantry work. She can by no means Alpha Strike, but she can jump and fire her big gun all day long and switch to the Pulse Lasers if something faster gets too close. Then we max out her armor. Again, a fairly straight forward refit we can do ourselves if we get our hands on any."

 "We got a ton of ideas sir, but my big request, is I think we need some CRB-27sl Crabs. I know we have spoken before about stuff like this and you always mentioned wanting to form a Close Combat unit, one that gets in close but has to be able to jump. Well the CRB-27sl fits that bill. Sure the XL engine makes her not as durable, but it allows us to maximize other features. I got ideas for Excalibur version where we strip a heat sink, swap the armor to Ferro Fibrous to beef that paper armor up, remove the AMS and it's ammo, add another ton of either LRM20 ammo or Gauss ammo and add a ton and half of additional armor for 9 tons of the good stuff."

 "I even have a version of the Guillotine GLT-3N "Spec" where we swap to double heat sinks, but put 18 of them in, that gains us some tons to play with, we rip all the weapons out, slap a ERPPC in the right arm, and cram 6 Medium Pulse Lasers in the torso's, 3 each in the left and right. She can engage at range and once things get close rip things to shreds with the Pulse Laser's. If she Alpha Strikes and jumps, well that is going to tax the crap out her heat sinks. But otherwise it is a refit we can do in house."

 "A Catapult design where we go double heat sinks, 12 of them, swap to Ferro Fibrous armor, and add 3 more tons of LRM15 ammo to her. If we remove 1 Medium Laser I can outfit her with 6 tons of LRM15 ammo and still leave her with 3 Medium lasers as close defense weapons."

 "All of these designs are refits we can do in house. No need to ship the Mechs for a factory level upgrade. Average time is 2 weeks start to finish on each Mech. Not counting any problems we did not account for, but me and the gang have studied these plans pretty close and we do not forsee any issues." Chief Hamilton finally walked back to stand in front of his commander.

 "Connor, I love these idea's, but as you said we got a major fight looming and we cannot spare the parts. But, I am going to give you the okay to pick 1 Mech of your choosing but not on any active roster and you and the gang can refit it in your spare time. I do not want it taking away from any other maintenance issues, battle recovery etc. Work out the kinks of refitting a design to your new specifications. Keep up the great work and pass along my kudo's to your gang. See what other designs you folks can come up with."


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #62 on: 17 May 2017, 17:36:30 »
 6 June 2787 (Scheat)

 It was time to face the Combine drop zone. Scouts reported just over a Battalion of Mechs but at least 1 Armor Regiment and a Infantry Regiment defending the enemy landing site. All Cavalry Mechs that could be repaired were repaired. It would not be long before enemy reinforcements arrived.

 At least a full Battalion of the Mechs are fresh, scouts could not get a firm count of the extra Mechs because most were in the enemy Dropships on the ground. Probably survivors from the previous battle.

 Yesterday, Colonel Mitchell decided to send Jump Infantry Battalion and C Company Armor and it's 8 Zephyr Hover Tanks along with all VTOL assets to the far continent to assist AFFS infantry with the Combine forces there. Reports were of 2 Regiments of infantry and a light armor Battalion. VTOL cargo birds would carry ammo reloads, supplies and some tech support.

 On the plus side, Cavalry Jumpships and Dropships were getting closer by the day. Last message was they were at Blandinsville a mere 4 jumps from Scheat. Word had come in that this was a major invasion of the Federated Suns by the Combine, so Colonel Mitchell had ordered the fleet to use extreme caution while in transit to Scheat area.



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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #63 on: 18 May 2017, 11:18:54 »
 7 June 2787 (Scheat)

 The Cavalry moved out at dawn. Both Mech Battalions along with A and B Company Armor advanced on the Combine drop zone. 3rd Grunt Infantry would follow the advance to secure the battlefield and any prisoners. 4th Grunt Infantry stayed behind to help secure Cavalry Base and safe guard the units dependents and non combat personnel.

 Artillery would begin shelling the enemy drop zone once Cavalry units were spotted. Scouts would spot for the artillery strikes. The Aerospace wing was on call for air strikes on enemy strong points and air cover from Combine fighters. But mainly they would try to prevent the enemy Dropships from taking off.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #64 on: 21 May 2017, 15:18:54 »
 7 June 2787 (Scheat)

 The 2nd Armored Cavalry slammed into the Combine perimeter like a sledge hammer ripping a huge hole thru the Combine defense line. Within minutes the battlefield was littered with destroyed Combine tanks. But the Cavalry still paid a price. A Warhammer 7A took a head shot in the first volley from the only Demon the Combine fielded. (Not sure why but the 7A's seem to be head shot magnets, I have had the same 7A take a damn head shot in each battle, dang thing is cursed), several Cavalry Mechs went down dueling the enemy tank forces. 2 to engine hits (damn XL), 1 to a gyro hit and 3 took heavy enough damage to be ordered from the battlefield.

 The Combine infantry proved to be a major pain to clear from the woods they occupied. 3rd Grunt Battalion was committed to help clear them out. Artillery rained down upon the enemy Dropships, as Combine Mechs poured forth. 53 Combine Mechs faced the 71 Cavalry Mechs. Artillery managed to prevent a Dictator and Triumph from lifting off. All the other Combine Dropships lifted off and did not return.

 The Mech battle was all Cavalry though, as they greatly out massed the Combine forces. As they 2 sides closed and then merged, a great furball occurred. Cavalry LRM armed Mechs hung back and fired support while the bruiser's closed and engaged the Combine Mechs. The lighter Cavalry Mechs continued armor killing while the Heavy and Assault Mechs of the Cavalry slugged it out. When the smoke and dust finally settled, the Cavalry had destroyed the first Combine Dropzone.

 Cavalry Losses
All Cavalry mechs could be recovered and repaired with time and effort
2 Mech pilots KIA, 26 pilots wounded
4 Von Luckner destroyed
6 Armor crew KIA
17 Armor crew WIA
2 Turhan's destroyed
31 Infantry KIA
86 Infantry WIA

 Combine Losses
1 Dictator Dropship (heavily damaged)
1 Triumph Dropship (Severe damage)
7 DRG-1N Dragon (none captured or taken)
5 BMB-12D Bombardier (3 salvage, 2 captured/repairable)
8 PNT-9R Panther (2 salvage, 6 captured/repairable)
4 PNT-8Z Panther (1 salvage, 3 captured)
9 WHM-6R Warhammer (none captured or taken)
1 WHM-6Rk Warhammer (captured)
8 TDR-5S Thunderbolt (2 captured/repairable)
11 PXH-1Kk Phoenix Hawk (5 salvage, 6 captured/repairable)

 Colonel Mitchell sat on the foot of his Pillager and watched his infantry bringing in the captured and wounded. He spotted 2 of his infantry escorting a lone prisoner towards him. As they neared, he rose and walked to meet them.

 "Colonel, we captured the enemy commander of the Combine forces." A Cavalry Sgt said.

 "Sir, I am Tai-Sa Derek Kirby of the 25th Deiron Regulars, or what little is left of them. I commend you on this campaign. You outfought us every step of the way." Tai-Sa Kirby said.

 "Well Tai-Sa Kirby, your people fought well. I see your injured, I will have you taken to our doctors and taken care of, as all of your people will be taken care of." Colonel Mitchell stated.

 To the guards, he said "Sgt O'Malley escort the Tai-Sa to the Doctors, he is to be afforded all courtesy as an officer and prisoner of war. Get him patched up, fed and a clean uniform, then bring him to my office".

 "Yes sir, right away Colonel" Sgt O'Malley said while nodding a salute to his commanding officer. Turning to Tai-Sa Kirby, "Sir, let's get you to a MASH bird and back to base".

 As the enemy commander was led away, Colonel Mitchell turned to his XO, "Major, you have the field, I am returning to Cavalry Base. Get the Techs up here and let's get what we can back to base. The sooner Chief Hamilton gets his hands on this stuff, the sooner we will know what we can fix and maybe keep. Bad enough I will have to listen to him complain about all the banged up Mechs we bringing him."

 With that said, he climbed back up his Pillager and began the trek back to Cavalry Base.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #65 on: 21 May 2017, 15:53:16 »
 9 June 2787 (Scheat)

 Colonel Mitchell looked up from his desk as a knock came at his door. Seeing Sgt O'Malley and Tai-Sa Kirby, he waved the Tai-Sa in and dismissed Sgt Kirby. "You can go Sgt O'Malley, I don't think I will have any trouble with the Tai-Sa".

 "Yes sir, but I will wait outside if it is all the same" Sgt O'Malley stated as he closed the door behind him.

 "Please have a seat Tai-Sa Kirby, your looking much better, I trust my people took good care of you". Colonel Mitchell said as he gestured to a chair.

 "Yes Colonel, your people have taken excellent care of me and my people, but please, call me Derek, the rank is still something I am getting used to. I was a Major in the 294th Hussar Regiment of the SLDF before we joined the Combine. I only just got promoted to Tai-Sa before this campaign. I noticed the Gunslinger markings on your Pillager, what unit were you with may I ask"?

 "Fine, then call me Harry, I was also a Major but in the 151st Royal Dragoon Regiment. I formed this unit with people that did not want to leave with Gen Kerensky, but not wanting to join any particular House, we went Mercenary instead."

 "Glad to meet you Harry, what may I ask is to become of me and my men"? Derek Kirby asked.

 "Rest easy Derek, you and your men will be treated as Prisoners of War, I will turn you over to the AFFS for transport until the war is over, once this campaign is over anyway." Colonel Mitchell calmly stated.

 "What if me and some of my men want to join with you? I know for a fact that the Combine leaders do not accept failure lightly and well, I failed pretty bad here and am not real keen on seeing what my fate might be."

 "Derek, I will have to give that some thought, even though I want to trust you as an ex-SLDF Major, I have to think of my command first and foremost." Colonel Mitchell said, but he was intrigued by this exchange. I wonder how many he might be talking about, he thought.

 And with that, the 2 former comrades talked for several hours about experiences and fallen comrades.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #66 on: 21 May 2017, 17:48:57 »
If the Tai-Sa can talk his remaining Dropships into turning coat, I think he'd earn a solid place in the 2nd, as unlikely as at that is...


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #67 on: 21 May 2017, 20:42:51 »
 24 June 2787 (Scheat)

 Colonel Mitchell reached for the phone on his desk as it rang "Yes, what is it?" he answered.

 "Sir, reports have 4 Combine Jumpships arriving and releasing Dropships, they are doing a 1G burn for us."

 "Okay, alert all commanders. Commander meeting in 2 minutes."

 He hung up the phone and looked at the last HPG message he had received from his Naval Assets, it read:

 Activating orders packet 3
 It had an arrival time stamp yesterday on it. So much for timely message traffic.

 20 minutes later he strode into the conference room where all his command staff were already seated. Moving to his chair, he said "Alright folks, you all know why we are here, we got more Combine troops in bound as we speak. We got 10 days before they get here at their current speed. We don't know where they are heading, but I would bet it is to the other continent where the other Combine forces are located."

 He continued "XO, what is our current combat readiness?"

 "Sir, we are at 100% combat readiness in the Mech Battalions. We need about a company of infantry replacements to bring the infantry units to 100% manned, we have 135 astechs who have completed our very basic infantry training courses, but Chief Hamilton threatened to personally stick a grenade in a very uncomfortable place if I so much as think about drafting his people. He has stated it is one thing for his people to help with guard duty around the base but be damned if he will let his people get drafted for full time infantry duty. As you know we use them to mainly guard the ammo, repair, storage areas of the base." Major Jeremy Ping (commander 2/2 Mech Battalion and 2nd Armored Cavalry XO) said, all the while eyeing a smirking Chief Hamilton at the far end of the table.

 "Okay XO, recall our forces on the far continent. I spoke with the AFFS militia commander here before the meeting and he thinks his folks can handle the Combine forces there since we pushed them back to their landing zone. Besides, I want the Cavalry all together in case we have to bug out."

 "Intel, what cheery news you have for us?"

 "Sir, organized resistance on this continent is over. As stated, the Combine units on the far continent have pulled back and dug in defending their landing zone. Tai-Sa Kirby has handed over a list of personnel that want to join us instead of returning to Combine space if we have to evacuate the planet. The list includes:
43 Mechwarriors
62 Armor Crewmen
57 Mech Techs
26 Mechanics
3 Doctors

 "They are all former 294th Hussar personnel. But I advise caution on accepting them into our ranks during this campaign."

 Chief Hamilton cleared his throat for attention.

 "Go ahead Chief say what you want" Colonel Mitchell said.

 "Sir, the Technicians our spooky Intel friend was speaking of are top notch. All former SLDF trained. Heck, I liberated a few of them, on my own authority, to help with repairs on some of the captured Mechs, mainly overriding their security protocols." Seeing a few alarmed expressions on the faces gathered he held up a hand "They were all carefully watched and not one of them came near any of our active machines. I only used them on the captured stuff we cannot field anyway, so calm down."

 "Chief, I do not want any of them even remotely close to our active equipment. Not even to wipe the mud off them. Not during this campaign, and not until we decide whether to accept them into our ranks. Is that clear?" Colonel Mitchell firmly said. It was not often that he publicly scolded his chief tech, but Chief Hamilton tended to push the boundaries some.

 "I understand Colonel, sorry I did not consult you, but I needed those security codes broken for proper diagnostics." Chief Hamilton said, his face reddening as he spoke, whether from anger at being publicly called out or from shame was unknown.

 "Okay then, let us get down to planning how we are going to defeat the next wave of Combine troops."


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #68 on: 22 May 2017, 02:48:53 »
Nice lot of new recruits you have there.
That should build you back up to strength. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #69 on: 22 May 2017, 17:37:20 »
 Actually my unit has grown, if I accept the new recruits, I can field a full Mech Regiment. Current Mech count once everything is repaired is 125 Mechs. But, the unit has to escape Scheat or defeat the Combine forces there for those to matter. ;)


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #70 on: 22 May 2017, 18:42:18 »
 6 July 2787 (Scheat)

 Colonel Mitchell ordered the Cavalry to re-locate to dispersed areas away from Cavalry Base the evening of the 1 July. Work started on transporting additional supplies to the dispersal areas began right after the command meeting on the 24th June. 1/2 Mech Battalion and Jump Infantry Battalion shifted to an area of dense woods where the trees towered over the tallest Mech about 150 miles from Cavalry Base and 35 miles from 2/2 Mech. 2/2 Mech Battalion relocated to the cave system 125 miles from Cavalry Base along with 3rd Grunt Infantry Battalion, Armor Battalion and most of the units support. 4th Grunt Infantry and the Aerospace wing re-located to a small airfield located almost 300 miles from Cavalry Base, the VTOL assets also relocated to the small airbase. All the captured but still damaged Mechs had been transported to the small airfield and stashed in a small mining operation near the airport.

 While the dispersal sites were far from ideal, Cavalry support units along with a small AFFS engineer unit had vastly improved these locations since the Cavalry's arrival on Scheat. Work had sped up during the recent Combine invasion with the AFFS contacting to civilian construction companies to also create dispersal sites at mining operations.

 Though spread out, the no Cavalry unit was more than 3 hours from another Cavalry unit.

 Today these actions paid off as Combine fighters bombed Cavalry base with FAE munitions and heavy bombings. This was followed by a combat drop of at least full Mech Battalion right onto Cavalry Base with enemy Dropships grounding not far away from Cavalry Base and unloading another 5 Mech Battalions. 2 full Combine Mech Regiments were now on the ground near Cavalry Base. Reports flowed into the Cavalry/AFFS command circuits of additional landings on the far continent. At least a Armor Regiment and a possible Mech unit added to the 2 Infantry Regiments already there.

 But the Cavalry had flown the coop already. Cavalry Aerospace Wing attacked the Combine Dropships soon after their landing inflicting serious damage to 1 Overlord and damaging at least 2 Union's. Cavalry Aero Wing flew back to their "hidden" base.

 If the Combine forces advanced upon the "hidden" airbase, they would have to go thru both 1/2 and 2/2 Mech to get there. Colonel Mitchell planned for Cavalry Dropships to land there if they got here in time.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #71 on: 23 May 2017, 00:16:22 »
 9 July 2787 (Scheat)

 Combine forces began spreading out from the old Cavalry Base today. A Medium weight Combine Mech Battalion headed right for the Cavalry forces.

 Colonel Mitchell pulled everyone but A&B Company 1/2 Mech Battalions back into the deep timber. As the Combine Battalion closed on the forest, Colonel Mitchell gave the order to fire at 600 meters. 3 Combine Panthers and a Stinger fell in the first volley, several other Mechs took damage. The Combine forces went to full sprint charging the Cavalry forces. One Combine company managed to make the tree line fairly intact and immediately swamped a Cavalry Stalker, it fell to the pack but took a Combine Phoenix Hawk with it. A Cavalry BLG-1Gb Battlemaster, seeing the Cavalry Stalker fall, charged the Combine company in an attempt to rescue his fallen comrade. At a full sprint he crushed a Stinger, felled in the first volley, like a old beer can. Plowing into the enemy Company, he kicked another Stinger leg clean off and seriously damaged another Phoenix Hawk before he too fell to massed enemy fire.

 B 1/2 Mech began swinging left to take the Combine flank while A 1/2 tried to hold the line. Several more Combine Mechs fell, but so to did a Cavalry CRK-5003-1. As Colonel Mitchell's Pillager arrived on the collapsing flank, he too was mobbed by enemy fire and mechs. Killing 4 Combine Mechs, but badly damaged, he jumped clear as a full lance of Thugs arrived on the scene and began firing on the enemy forces. Slowly, the Cavalry line began pulling deeper into the deep, dark forest with the Combine forces hot on their heels. After 40 minutes of fighting, the surviving Combine Mechs began retreating, as they fled the forest, B 1/2 Mech opened fire on them and not a single Combine Mech escaped.

 Knowing more Combine forces would be on the way, he ordered Cavalry Mechs to drag as much salvage as they could back to the Techs. Jump Infantry Battalion provided security along the forest edge supported by C 1/2 Mech. A and B Company 1/2 Mech pulled back to repair and re-arm dragging 4 Panther and 7 Phoenix Hawks with them. If time allowed, more would be hauled from the battlefield.
« Last Edit: 23 May 2017, 00:18:26 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #72 on: 23 May 2017, 02:09:17 »
I don't think your doing all that bad on Scheat.
1DC mech battalion already gone. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #73 on: 23 May 2017, 18:19:17 »
13 July 2787 (Scheat)

 Combine forces had been slowly closing in on the Cavalry positions since the last encounter. 2 Mech Regiments (minus the one Battalion already destroyed) had closed to within 10 miles of the Cavalry lines.

 Word came to Colonel Mitchell that a lone Mech was approaching the Cavalry lines flying a white flag. Colonel Mitchell ordered the Mech to be escorted under heavy guard to his forward command post (really just a tarp strung across the feet of his Pillager).

 Colonel Mitchell sat in a camp chair watching as the Combine Warhammer 6Rk approached escorted by a full lance of Thugs. When signaled to halt, the Combine Mechs hatch opened and the pilot began descending his rope ladder to the ground. Once on the ground he was met by a squad of Jump Infantrymen who verified he was unarmed before escorting him to their commanders "command post".

 Colonel Mitchell stayed seated as the Combine officer ducked under the tarp. Drawing himself to attention, the Combine officer announced himself "I am Chu-Sa Hokasuma and have been ordered by my commanding officer to come here to discuss surrender terms with you."

 "I am Colonel Mitchell of the 2nd Armored Cavalry and I would be happy to discuss the terms of your surrender"

 Chu-Sa Hokasuma's eyes widened and his mouth slightly opened "I think you misunderstand, I am here to discuss YOUR surrender to the Combine forces."

 "Now why in the heck would we surrender to the Combine forces when we have defeated everything you have thrown at us so far Chu-Sa?"

 Chu-Sa Hokasuma did not see the humor in this and felt his face redden with a sudden flash of anger that he fought to control "Colonel, we have been informed that you and your mean have fought honorably so my commander promises that all of your men will be treated just as honorably. Your equipment will be of course confiscated, but you will be well treated and alive."

 "No offense Chu-Sa, but you and your commander must be crazy to think I would agree to those terms. I mean after all we have already destroyed 1 Mech Regiment tossed at us, and started chewing on your new forces. I seem to get stronger as you folks get weaker. Now I can let you speak to Tai-Sa Kirby and he can tell you how well we have treated him and his people, I will promise you all the same treatment if you surrender now."

 Losing the fight to control his anger Chu-Sa Hokasuma raised his voice some "I have no desire to speak with the disgraced Kirby, you could hand him and his men over to me and my commander will maybe let me personally lead the firing squads."

 Colonel Mitchell finally stood "So just because a brave soldier loses a fight, you all would kill him and all with him? And you think I would surrender to people like you? Take this message back to your commander for me "Come and get us, I would like to field a full brigade before this is all over, your machines will make a great addition to my unit". "There, that is my answer to your commander, you may go now, I think this conversation is complete."

 Chu-Sa Hokasuma did not know how to respond to that last, so he just spun on his heel in the soft dirt and started back for his Mech, Cavalry infantry escorting him all the way. He noticed the 4 Thugs also standing close by, one even tracking his movements with both PPC.

 As the Warhammer slowly turned and began moving back the way it came, escorted by the Thug lance, Colonel Mitchell said to his self appointed guard commander Sgt O'Malley "Bring in Tai-Sa Kirby Sgt". Colonel Mitchell had ordered Kirby brought forward upon being alerted to the white flag.

 Appearing a couple minutes later, Tai-Sa Kirby said "So, me and my men are basically under a death sentence, well it is Major Kirby from now on. Sir, me and my men will gladly pledge ourselves to your command. If you would have us, we will gladly fight alongside you in this fight. We joined the Combine because we were already stationed in Combine space, they offered good benefits at the time, but damned if I will serve the likes of them. I can safely say neither will my men. I will serve at any rank and in any position you want or need me to Colonel. But I would prefer a fighting position if you will have me and my people."

 "It looks that way MAJOR Kirby, I am placing you in command of 3/2 Mech Battalion. It will be mainly Medium and Light Mechs with a few Heavies sprinkled in. I am pretty sure we will not be able to field a full Battalion yet, but we will see what Chief Hamilton and his people have been up to the last few days. Welcome to the 2nd Armored Cavalry Major Kirby. I am glad to have you and I know your people will have no problems fitting in." Colonel Mitchell said with a broad grin on his face as he offered his hand.

 Major Kirby now Commander of the newly christened 3/2 Mech Battalion gladly took the offered hand and silently vowed not to let his new commander or his new unit down.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #74 on: 24 May 2017, 17:48:50 »
 22 July 2787 (Scheat)

 At 0300 a single word arrived over long range radio on a frequency Colonel Mitchell had ordered monitored "Here" was all that was heard. The message was delivered to Colonel Mitchell at 0325 and he smiled broadly as he read the single word. The sealed packet Colonel Mitchell had ordered Capt Gonzalez to open, had been instructions to enter the Scheat system as far out as possible from the planet and standard jump points to avoid detection. There the Cavalry Naval fleet would recharge their drives to prepare for an in-system jump to a pirate point near the planet. The word was to be transmitted when the fleet was exactly 7 days from arriving at the pirate point. Once they arrived at the pirate point, the Cavalry Air Wing would link up with the fleet.

 He leaned back on his cot as thoughts ran thru his mind. Any day now the Combine would have to launch their attack on his positions. Even the AFFS planetary commander was nervous. Just last night he had asked if the Cavalry's Fleet would arrive to evacuate the forces as he did not think the planet could be held, for HPG reports had come in that Scheat was now way behind the Combine front lines and no help would arrive any time soon. The AFFS commander had stated it would be a waste of men and material to continue to resist here on Scheat as the AFFS could use the Cavalry elsewhere.

 Colonel Mitchell was almost convinced that he could hold Scheat against the Combine if they stuck to conventional warfare. But he felt it was only a matter of time before either nuclear or orbital bombardment would occur. Especially since the Cavalry had mauled everything sent their way so far. Only reason the Combine had not done so yet was their warships were probably doing missions elsewhere, but was only a matter of time before even 1 was free to come back and strike.

 So he was going to give the order to make ready to evacuate the planet in the morning. Everything was to be made ready for rapid loading. Anything that could not be loaded within 12 hours of the units Dropships landing was to be made ready for destruction. He would order the units artillery to begin laying mine fields all across in front of the Cavalry lines in the am. Force the Combine to lose time and hopefully machines trying to close with the Cavalry. He would also order 2/2 Mech to close on his position and form a solid line, 3/2 Mech (2 Companies strong of light and med mechs) would be held in reserve. He would have all non mech forces pull back to the intended landing zone the moment the Fleet detached the Dropships.

 It was all he could do or think of at the moment. The moment the Fleet arrived at the pirate point, there would be no rest as the Combine would have to attack if they intended to halt the Cavalry's retreat from the planet. He also would order the Aero Wing to send some fighters into orbit to see what exactly was up there.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #75 on: 26 May 2017, 20:54:32 »
 1 July 2787 (Scheat)

 The Cavalry Naval Fleet made the jump to a pirate point barely 1 day out from the planet Scheat. Only the Triumph, Czar, and 1 Lion made the descent to the planets surface. The rest of the Dropships maintained guard on the Cavalry's Jumpships. Cavalry Aero Wing lifted off from their airfield, one squadron would escort the Dropships to the surface and provide CAP for the landed Dropships, the other Squadron would stay with the Fleet.

 6 Hours after the Fleet made the jump, the Combine Mech forces launched their assault on the Cavalry lines. Almost 2 regiments of Combine Mechs hurled themselves at the Cavalry. 97 Cavalry Mechs stood to face them. The fight would be brutal, as the Cavalry Mechs had to hold at all costs to buy the time needed to load everything that had to be loaded.

 First to go was most of the Infantry, 1 light Mech company, all the heavy armor elements, and 1/2 the support troops. Any Mechs too damaged to be repaired would be loaded as cargo, 1/2 the units consumables would also be loaded on the first transports. The Union and Overlord would be the last Dropships down.



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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #76 on: 26 May 2017, 21:06:13 »
 1 July 2787 (Scheat)

 Colonel Mitchell had planned well. The Cavalry had expended almost 100 tons of Artillery laid mines across their front lines. 8 Mechs whose weapons could not be repaired and 4 Mechs with damaged engines, but with 2 hands would act as "draggers". They would make every effort to drag and Cavalry Mech too damaged to make it to the rear under it's own power to and area where the Mech Recovery units would transport them to the landing zone to be prepped for loading. They would be escorted by 2 Lances of light Mechs.

 (I am representing this by having them take the field but stay towards the rear. I will only advance them when a Cavalry Mech falls and I will rush them forward to make the "recovery". That will expose them to enemy fire. If an enemy Mech falls that I want to recover, I will rush them forward but only claim success if 2 Recovery Mechs make it to the downed Mech and return to my rear. That will represent making every effort to save what I can but not "cheat" the battle outcome.)


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #77 on: 26 May 2017, 21:22:00 »
 This battle is ongoing. But the bot takes forever, the Combine is throwing roughly 180 Mechs at the Cavalry.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #78 on: 28 May 2017, 23:10:12 »
  1 July 2787 (Scheat) (quick update)

 The Combine forces lost several Mechs early on to hitting mines and then massed fire from the Cavalry Assault Mechs. The lighter Combine forces rapidly closed on the Cavalry lines, but they paid a price in their rush. Over 20 Combine light Mechs fell before they reached the Cavalry lines. The Cavalry slowly pulled back and pulled their lines in tighter. Swarm missile armed Cavalry Mechs rained fire on the massed Combine heavier Mechs still trying to close on the Cavalry lines.

 (The battle is being fought on a 180X180 map with the Cavalry in the middle of the battlefield slowly pulling back to the north map edge)

 Over 2 Battalions of Combine light Mechs and some Mediums have reached the Cavalry lines and are causing trouble. The Cavalry big guns have had to cease most long range fire on the Combine heavy elements to focus on the lighter mechs in their midst. Missile armed Cavalry Mechs continue to pound the advancing heavier Combine forces.



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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #79 on: 01 June 2017, 15:25:15 »
 1 July 2787 (Scheat)

 Within an hour of engaging the Combine forces, Colonel Mitchell gave the order for all Dropships to make the landing zone. Even though the Cavalry was exacting a fearsome toll upon the Combine forces, they kept pushing. Volunteer support personnel and techs had deployed to a forward staging area to provide near battle ammo re-supply. As Cavalry Mechs ran low on ammo, they cycled off the line and reloaded. Mainly the missile boats. Mechs too damaged to continue the fight headed back for the landing zone. The slow fighting withdraw being conducted by the Cavalry lasted almost 7 hours. Once the Cavalry had been pushed back to within 5 miles of the landing zone (the battle started 50 miles from landing zone) the Combine forces finally broke off the engagement. Colonel Mitchell ordered all Cavalry Personnel off the planet surface. Colonel Mitchell and 8 other Cavalry Mechs were the last to board the Union Dropship and lift off the planet's surface.

 Of the 97 Cavalry Mechs that started the battle, 31 were destroyed (8 recovered and taken to the landing zone) and 47 had to be sent back to the landing zone as too damaged to continue the fight. If the battle had continued, the Cavalry would have been hard pressed to put even a Battalion in the field.

 Of the 185 Combine Mechs that began the battle, 104 were destroyed by the Cavalry and the rest were beaten to a pulp.

 Of the 97 Cavalry Mech pilots on the front line, 13 were killed, 51 were wounded in one fashion or another.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #80 on: 01 June 2017, 16:11:04 »
 1 July 2787 (Scheat)

 Colonel Mitchell watched the Combine forces ceasing fire and pulling back from the Cavalry lines. He ordered his people to cease fire and only return fire. He did not understand the sudden withdraw of the Combine forces. But as he was trying to work it out in his mind, a lone untouched Atlas appeared advancing bravely towards the Cavalry lines. He watched as the Atlas raised one arm as it kept advancing. Reaching a point halfway between the Cavalry lines and the Combine forces, it halted and the cockpit opened.

 Colonel Mitchell gave the order for everyone to hold their positions and fire as he throttled his Pillager towards the Atlas. As he neared the Atlas, he saw a lone figure begin dismounting. Bringing his Pillager to a halt barely 30 meters away from the Atlas, he too popped his cockpit and began the descent to the ground below. Reaching the ground, he turned and faced the Combine warrior.

 "I am Sho-Sho Takana, commanding officer of all Combine forces on this planet. I take it you are the commander of the forces facing us." The last was stated not as a question.

 "I am Colonel Mitchell, commanding officer of the 2nd Armored Cavalry." Colonel Mitchell said as he sized up the Combine officer.

 "I commend you and your men on their defense of this planet Colonel, I have ordered my forces to pull back and will allow you and your men to depart this planet. I am allowing this to avoid further bloodshed between our 2 forces. Even though I know we would ultimately be victorious, it would cost my forces dearly to do so. You and your men have fought honorably and I respect that." Sho-Sho Takana said.

 "Sho-Sho Takana, I accept your offer. Will you allow my search parties to enter your lines to recover any Cavalry personnel?" Colonel Mitchell inquired.

 "Yes, I will allow you to recover your people. But you may not recover any equipment on the field. This I will not allow. Any attempt to recover any equipment will be met with force. It is now property of the Combine." Sho-Sho Tanaka stated flatly.

 "Thank you Sho-Sho Tanaka, I agree to your terms. Personnel only." Even though Colonel Mitchell would love to recover his lost Mechs, he agreed to the terms. At least he could recover and account for all Cavalry personnel and be allowed to load and lift off unmolested.

 "I will have my people begin recovery operations right away Sho-Sho Tanaka, we will boost for orbit within 12 hours."

 "That would be fine Colonel. My people will not interfere with your operations nor impede your leaving this system. But once you depart this system, you and your force are once again enemies of the Combine. Maybe we will face each other again some day". Sho-Sho Tanaka said.

 "I understand Sir, and again I thank you for allowing me to recover my people and departing this planet safely." With that said, Colonel Mitchell drew himself to attention and saluted the Combine officer.

 Startled by this, Sho-Sho Tanaka also assumed attention and returned the salute.

 Dropping his salute, Colonel Mitchell turned and remounted his Pillager. As he turned to return to the Cavalry lines he radioed his SAR people to begin recovery operations of any Cavalry personnel.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #81 on: 01 June 2017, 17:28:57 »
It looks like the DC forces just ran out of mechs and decided to save face by letting the ACR go.
Another hard fought battle. O0
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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #82 on: 01 June 2017, 23:03:40 »
 Cavalry Losses in last Battle of Scheat

3X STK-3Fb Stalker (1 recovered)
2x GLT-3N Guillotine (1 recovered)
1X OSP-15 Osprey
1X WHM-7A Warhammer (recovered)
3X THB-11Eb Thug (1 recovered)
2X LNX-9Q Lynx
1X GFN-2N Griffin (recovered)
1X SL-1G Sling
1X MON-66b Mongoose
3X PNT-9R Panther
3X PHX-1 Phoenix Hawk
2X EMP-6A Emperor (both recovered)
1X AEM-03 Dragoon (recovered)
3X WHM-6Rk Warhammer
2X TDR-5S Thunderbolt
2X ARC-2R Archer

 Lucky for the Cavalry, most losses came from previously captured and repaired Combine Mechs. But still the losses hurt some. We still lost some precious Royal Mechs. But once all the captured Combine Mechs from the previous victories are repaired, the Cavalry should be able to field over a full Regiment of Mechs.

 The Cavalry have 12 captured Panthers that still need repairs done to them, but they will be refitted to the PNT-9R Spec config and assigned to the Infantry Regiment to provide the Infantry with a dedicated Mech Company in support. Though having no anti Infantry weapons, they will pack a decent anti Mech weapon load with their ERPPC. This could change though. The above is my current thoughts.

 Also captured and needing repairs are 9 PHX-1Kk Phoenix Hawks, I plan to leave them in their current configuration and combine them with the 3 LNC25-01 Lancelot we captured. All 3 will be converted to the LNC25-01 Spec config with twin Large Pulse Lasers. They will form a all energy weapon fast response/strike unit. But within the Mech Regiment most likely.

 The Cavalry will be under going another TOE change with all the new additions and losses. Currently 1/2 and 2/2 Mech Battalions are heavy/assault. I am not sure how I want to re-organize the units. I could keep them as is and form 3/2 Mech Battalion as a light/medium Battalion or I could break 1/2 and 2/2 Mech apart and assign 1-2 companies of heavy/assault to each Battalion and have all 3 Battalions with a light/medium company.

 Also awaiting repairs are 3 ARC-2R Archer, 4 CRD-2R Crusader, 4 BMB-12D Bombardier, 6 TDR-5S Thunderbolt, 2 WHM-6Rk Warhammer, 2 LGB-7Q Longbow, 2 THG-11E Thug, 3 BL-6-KNT Black Knight, 2 WVE-5N Wyvern, 3 CRB-27 Crab.

 Once I complete repairs and refits, I will have worked out the new TOE and will post it up. Any ideas, feel free to post up.



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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #83 on: 02 June 2017, 17:10:46 »
Did Major Kirby survive?


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #84 on: 02 June 2017, 17:14:27 »
 Yes, Major Kirby survived. He will be out of commission for 6 weeks due to a concussion. I lost 6 original members and 7 of Major Kirby's new people. Forced to commit them to stabilize a flank that was being swamped and their light/medium Mechs took a beating from the Combine heavies.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #85 on: 02 June 2017, 17:42:26 »
Ouch... they definitely earned their place in the 2nd ACR, though!


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #86 on: 02 June 2017, 20:19:40 »
 3 July 2787 (Scheat Orbit)

 True to his word, Sho-Sho Tanaka had not molested the Cavalry as they departed Scheat. Colonel Mitchell still kept his forces at a high readiness though. Today was the day they jumped out of the Scheat system. He had ordered Capt Gonzalez to use as many uninhabited systems as possible and if they had to jump into an inhabited system, to stay as far out as possible. Just as the fleet had done jumping into Scheat. There they would recharge and gather as much intel as they could on the systems they passed thru.

 They would head away from the Combine border until they found a AFFS held world. Only word they had was the invasion was a huge one and many planets had fallen to the Combine, but they did know which ones had fallen.

 As Colonel Mitchell read thru damage reports, the jump warning bell sounded. 5 minutes later everything blurred and he felt the familiar sensation of the jump. As his head cleared, the loud speaker sounded "General Quarters, Combine Jumpship close in, this is not a drill, launch all fighters, dropships prepare for emergency detaching!!!"

 Entering the Bridge of the Toujours Pret, he saw Capt Gonzalez near the plotting table. "What have we got happening Capt?" Colonel Mitchell asked.

 "Sir we have a Combine Jumpship with 2 Dropships less than 1000km away. They have their jump sail deployed so I gave the order to launch fighters and the Dropships as a precaution. The Achilles and Intruder are on an intercept course as we speak with the Combine Jumpship. He has not detached Dropships."

 As Colonel Mitchell silently cursed his luck, the radio sounded "Eagle one to nest, we have eyes on the prey. It is a Combine Tramp Jumpship, Dropships are ID'ed as 2 Union Dropships, 1 Leopard and a Danais. Wait, Dropships are detaching from the Jumpship. The Leopard is now ID'ed as a carrier, they are launching fighters, we might need some help over here."

 Capt Gonzalez immediately gave the order for the Cavalry's combat Dropships:
 3 Lion
 1 Overlord
 1 Union

 Over to assist the Cavalry's primary assault Dropships in the coming fight. All others held back to provide what defense they could to the Cavalry's Jumpships.

 (this will be my first foray at space combat in MegaMek. I will hot seat the battle as I know Princess does not do space combat)


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #87 on: 03 June 2017, 00:37:57 »
 Okay I could not figure out how to hot seat. Princess is not up to the task of space combat at all. And I forgot I have 2 Intruders.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #88 on: 03 June 2017, 20:05:15 »
That was kind of the DC to leave a jumpship to resupply you after destroying so much of your equipment.
Hope the battle goes well. O0
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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #89 on: 03 June 2017, 22:32:22 »
 3 July 2787 (uninhabited system near Alnadal)

 (I had to simulate this battle as Princess just cannot cope with space fights)

 The space fight was never really in doubt. The Achilles and 2 Intruders made short work of 1 Combine Union Dropship which suffered SI failure, sustaining light damage in return. The Aerospace wing went after the Leopard CV and crippled it's engines leaving it dead in space.

 The Combine Aerospace squadron blew thru the Cavalry's fighters but ran headlong into the incoming Cavalry Dropships which made short work of the 6 SL-26 Samurai fighters with massed fire.

 1 Intruder continued to the Combine Tramp Jumpship and ordered it to surrender. Aerospace wing joined the Achilles and Intruder in dealing with the 2nd Combine Union. After sustaining serious damage, the Union shut down it's engines and surrendered. The Tramp surrendered shortly after. The Danais then surrendered as it knew it could not escape.

 After boarding and securing the Tramp Jumpship, the cargo hold was found to hold mainly clothing, medical supplies and food stores. The surrendered Union was ordered back to the Tramp and secured by the Cavalry Infantry Company that secured the Tramp, the Danais was also secured at the Tramp Jumpship. The Cavalry's Space Marines boarded the crippled Leopard CV and secured it. Several engineers from the Cavalry fleet boarded the Leopard CV and estimated 6 days to repair the Dropships engines.

 The Union did not contain any military equipment and was basically empty. The Danais held 20 cargo trucks, 6 Powerman and 4 Buster loader mechs. Upon questioning, it was discovered that the Jumpship was returning to Combine space after delivering troops to garrison Olancha but had to make a hasty jump when a Davion Warship entered the Raman system.

 All the Combine personnel were transferred to the Danai for transport back to the Second to None. There they would be transferred to several empty infantry bays aboard a Drost under guard. The Achilles, 1 Intruder would remain with the Tramp Jumpship. Shuttles transferred crewmen from the Cavalry's Fleet to provide a short crew for the captured Jumpship.