Author Topic: BattleTech Long Island II  (Read 175186 times)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #420 on: 30 March 2019, 20:45:12 »
At the Nejiro Space Port customs is checking over three ‘Mechs each undergoing inspection. The owners Tenchi Nomora, Victoria Sabin and Max Pain standby and watch as the customs officers check the papers of the owners and the equipment. After going over everything the officer in charge informs all three they are clear to go. He also informs all of them that they are now under the laws of Nejiro and that any work on world must be cleared with the government. If they chose not to follow the law they will have their equipment impounded and they will end up in jail.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #421 on: 30 March 2019, 20:50:14 »
Hand of the Goddess

Why are you here?
As residents of the Periphery on the other side of the Sphere, we understood what it meant to suffer pirate attacks against our people and the horrors associated with it.  We knew exactly what you were going through and wanted to make sure that they could no longer ravage Nejiro as they did our birth worlds.

Why was your unit picked?
Governor Saganami never shared that information with us, but I suspect that it was the combination of combat experience, multiple capabilities, technological levels, and sympathies for fellow Periphery citizens.

Rate of pay for unit?
As much as I would like to share that, our contract does not permit it. Divulging this information could have legal consequences for our unit across multiple worlds and regulatory agencies.

Are you planning on extending your unit contract?
We have grown quite fond of our neighbors on Nejiro and have developed deep friendships. The idea of allowing them to fall prey to the forces that crave Nejiro is unbearable.  Consequently, we plan to extend our contract.

Can we have access to battle footage?
Contractually, all footage is under the control of the Governor’s office, so it is a matter that you must discuss with her.

History of unit?
We began as the survivors of another mercenary unit that had been all but smashed in an overwhelming pirate raid in the Magistracy. Many of our newer recruits left the MAF because of the prejudice against male officers or couldn’t afford to purchase our commissions.  Others had their own personal reasons.

Unit, personnel bonafides?
Several members of the Hands of the Goddess are graduates of the Canopian Institute of War.  Our senior officers are the few survivors of a small mercenary unit born in the Magistracy that was mauled defending Krimari from a pirate mech battalion. None of the pirates left the world, but we lost most of the unit.

Are you answerable to our military code of conduct?
We answer directly to Governor Saganami.

Who do you report to, what is your chain of command, operational orders, guidelines?
The combined command reports directly to Governor Saganami.  Kiah Franks is the overall commander of the combined commands.  Our operational orders and overall combat doctrine are to preserve the lives of the civilians of this world at all costs.

How did you feel entering the Hilo Power Plant?
We were on guard outside of the plant after we assisted in driving off those who had entered the plant and killed the men and women who worked diligently to keep maintain our standard of living. We saw the footage being transmitted by our first responders and were horrified and sickened by it. The images brought back far too many memories that I had hoped to have forgotten.

Impressions, thoughts, theories about what happened there?
Our suspicion is that a group or individual, who is driven only by their own personal ambitions to the detriment of all others, staged the attack to embarrass Governor Saganami.

How did you capture Caesar?
We learned that Caesar was headed in the direction of our world and we were a likely target.  We learned all we could about his tactics and trained for him.  When he finally hit, we threw everything we had at him knowing of his fondness for distracting defenders with atrocities against civilians. It became known to us that the cruelty of his unit was driven entirely by his will, personality, and the fear that his troops felt for him. We decided that he had to be located quickly and put down with maximum force to protect our population.

How did it feel to capture Caesar?
It was a tremendous relief. On many worlds throughout the Periphery he left behind a bloody trail of suffering and death. The loss of property and life that he inflicted is still not completely known. Up until the attack, we all lived in horror of what he might do to the people once he landed, so we are thankful that his reign of terror is over, and he will never again harm another human being.

What are the objectives of the GSF?
The objectives of the GSF are to preserve the harmony and safety of our world.

Tell us about your reaction to the protests?
It is disheartening that the people we are trying to protect believe the disinformation being propagated by those who have been planning to cease this world to exploit for their own interests.

Tell us about Dr. Musashi?
The Doctor is a humanitarian who chose to put away her sword and protect others through the practice of medicine. After the attacks by ruthless pirates and men of power, she decided that she could protect the people the best by unsheathing her sword once more.

Do you really have Clan personnel working in the GSF, how does that happen, are they in combat with the GSF, did they have anything to do with what happened at Hilo General Hospital?
The attack on the hospital was for the purpose of gathering medical supplies. Indeed, that was all that was taken. No member of our command had need of stealing medical supplies. If they needed anything, all they had to do was ask.

Is it true that weapons testing caused the avalanche in Whistler this past December?
Whenever there is a natural disaster, everyone looks for a villain who is responsible and can be punished. For example, whenever there is a forest fire during a drought, stories go around about careless campers or pyromaniacs accidentally or deliberately setting them. It gets repeated on social media and takes on a life of its own. In reality, the fossil record shows us that forest fires have been happening naturally during droughts long before there were humans. The same has been true of avalanches. Human nature seeks a human perpetrator where there is none.

Many people have objections to the GSF, what is your reaction?
They mean well, but they have been mis-led by those who do not have their best interests in mind.

What is your opinion of the Kokuryu-kai?
They are a group of military and economic elite who see their privileged position in society threatened by regular people, so they hide behind tradition and use violence to protect their interests.

Are they behind actives on planet?
They are one of several factions who are trying to overthrow the Governor and the Great Houses of our world so they can take all that they require from us.

What are your plans to react to the rise in pirate actions?
We plan to expand our units and train to best utilize our strength against this oldest of foes.

What do you know about what is happening in the Combine?
The Combine is currently under siege by two forces: The Kokuryu-kai and the Yellow bird in White Robes that calls itself the Word of Blake. The Kokuryu-kai seeks to take control of the Combine and assert full authority over all citizens.  The Blakists seek complete dominion over all of humanity.

What are your thoughts / opinion about Outreach?
We have not seen war-crimes of this magnitude (perpetuated by the Word of Blake) since the Second Succession War. They have shown us the kind of treatment that we will all endure under their thumb. Image what might happen if you fail to utter the proscribed prayer to the toaster for your breakfast. Would they demand that you dig your own grave shortly before executing you?

How is your trucking business doing?
I am pleased that we have been able to provide valuable services to our local communities at reasonable prices.

My interview with Captain Quentin Bonanno commander of the Hands of the Goddess.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #422 on: 30 March 2019, 20:56:01 »
Kiah’s Hammers

Why are you here?
   We accepted the proposed contract that was presented to us by your honorable governor because it was felt that to help protect a planet from raiders, pirates and thieves and other aggressors was the best and most honorable contract we could accept.

Why was your unit picked?
   That is a question better left for the governor. However I would hope that my unit was hired because it was felt that we could be a positive impact on the protection of this great planet.

Rate of pay for unit?
   I am sorry but the payment terms for my unit are confidential and the disclosure of them might impact my unit’s future endeavors 

Are you planning on extending your unit contract?
   We may have arrived only a short time ago but we have formed strong bonds of friendship with many of you we have come to care deeply about this great world and its people. That being said if an extension to extend our contract were to be presented we would give it welcome consideration.

Can we have access to battle footage?
   For the security of your most honorable planet I cannot release any footage without the proper clearances, however, if you give my aide a list of what footage you would like, it would be my pleasure to elevate your request up the chain of command for consideration on your behalf. The release of any footage has to be weighed against security impact of the planet.

History of unit?
   My unit has a long and proud military background and history. My unit is unique in that we have branched off from the main Frank clan run by my esteemed uncle Jarl Lamont Franks.

My people have been military based for a very long time. Several of our ancestors were the original test pilots for the commando ‘Mech when it was being developed and we are able to proudly trace our lineage back to the most esteemed Black Pearl Angela Franks herself.

Hence we are a multi generation military family deeply steeped in tradition and service. All of my people have attended military school and academy; some have then gone on to other fields of expertise but we are all trained as warriors with a warrior’s code from birth.

After the recent unrest in the Lyran territories I found myself with a desire to break from my home clan, there were many who expressed a desire to join with me and form a new clan. I petitioned my clan Jarl for an honorable discharge for myself and for those who would join with me and we were granted honorable discharges from the LAAF

We are committed to continue forward in a warrior’s life and are committed to retaining our heritage and way of life with honor and we will be committed to bestowing our strong values and pride in service in our children.

Unit, personnel bonafides?
   We are a well-rounded and seasoned unit. As a whole we hold many citations awards and medals and there are several members of our clan who have very high honors but that was all in our past life on our home world. Every one of the warriors that came with me here are decorated to some extent and have extensive combat experience.

Are you answerable to our military code of conduct?
   Well we have a very strong military code of conduct ourselves. We are in the process of learning more about your culture, language and ways. I and my warriors are studying all pertinent military regulations to ensure we understand the differences of our military code and yours if any. This will ensure that hopefully in the near future we do not make any severe or insulting mistakes. The learning process unfortunately dose take time.   

Who do you report to, what is your chain of command, operational orders, guidlelines?
   Well it is not easy to integrate commands from such diverse backgrounds. We all take our orders from the Governor, who is the head of command for all of us.

   All the commanders have gotten together and have appointed an overall commander and have agreed to put certain agreements in place that for security reasons I cannot discuss but all of these things have proven to help facilitate that we merge together and work together better when we are fielded.

However the internal structure of all the commands is still as they have always been, the individual commanders lead their own contingent as they have always done so. Each commander is responsible for their internal structure. All of the commanders are committed to respecting each other and to work together to achieve the goals of our contracts and to protect the good people of this honorable world 

I am proud to say that the lines of communication between all the commanders has settled into one of mutual respect and we are forming bonds among ourselves to ensure that we can work more efficiently together as a combined force.   
My most respected fellow commanders I have come to realize are honorable and effective leaders and their people know their jobs well. I am honored to work with such esteemed commanders

As to our guidelines we are here to first and foremost protect this planet and its people from all aggressors, from the attackers that raid your properties and seal what you all have worked so hard to achieve here and to protect against any aggressors that threaten your livelihoods.   

How did you feel entering the Hilo Power Plant?
   That was a very hard mission for my people and for all of the other commanders’ people as well I am sure. The fact that we were too late to stop the terrorist attack and murder of non-combatants will never sit well with me. We attempted to get to the area and secure it as quickly as possible, however even the fastest warrior cannot outrun a bullet.

   It is my personal belief that the attackers were planning to kill all of those people from the beginning. I believe they planned the murders to ensure that no witness was left to identify them. Such barbaric dishonorable actions are those of cowards and terrorists and I hope that they can be discovered, captured and given the proper punishment for these most grievous criminal acts.

   My warriors and I will continue to morn for the non-combatant’s that lost their lives for a very long time. One of our traditions is for a fire to burn at all times in our great meeting hall in our compound the flame serves as a small tribute to the spirts of all that are lost to us. We have added the names of all the victims we failed to save to that flame and they will never be forgotten. Our respect and condolences will forever be with them and with their families.

Impressions, thoughts, theories about what happened there?
   My impression was that the attackers were brutal barbaric thugs that had no thoughts for those they harmed they were nothing more than terrorists that did not even have the courage to fight honorably against those who were at least skilled in warfare. What happened there was slaughter plain and simple done by cowards who have no honor whatsoever 

How did you capture Caesar?
   We tried to be as prepared as we could for when he himself came to your great world. His reputation for carnage when he does not get his way was very disturbing. We deployed as quickly as we could when information came to us that he was on planet and we concentrated in protecting the population first then in taking him out. Our ancestors were watching that day and provided the right set of circumstances needed to capture him before he could do much harm. His capture was the result of a strong coordinated attack from all the defense forces charged with planetary protection   

How did it feel to capture Caesar?
   I felt relief that such a dangerous, unpredictable, and un-honorable creature is safely locked in a cage.

What are the objectives of the GSF?
   To provide protection for the people of this planet against all aggressors and to uphold the laws that the government has established.

Do you work with the GSF, How do you work with the GSF?
   I will work with any and all groups that help me fulfill the protection of this world as I was contracted to do    

Tell us about your reaction to the protests?
   I completely respect the good people who are protesting. I am discouraged that these honorable people have a negative view of what is trying to be accomplished here. I wish a dialog could be better established with the heads of the protesting groups so that their fears can be addressed and hopefully resolved. I hope that this interview takes steps in that direction. My honor and that of my people are committed to the protection of this planet and of its people.

Is it true about the engagement, when, where etc?
   Well I don’t know exactly what you have heard but yes I am engaged and we are even now planning a very small celebration. The place and date have not yet been decided due to the fact that there is so much going on right now on planet and our first priority is our commitment to the protection of this world. It is hoped that we can have the wedding soon. But it all depends on the stability of the planet.

Tell us about Dr. Musashi?
   She is a vastly skilled and knowledgeable doctor with great honor and great compassion. I recently had the opportunity to observe her at work. Her level of skill, knowledge and commitment to the level of care of those she is treating is the highest I have ever seen. She also has done me the honor of extending to me the hand of friendship. She has the grace to forgive my cultural mistakes without making me feel like a bubbling fool. (kiah chuckles) I hope to obtain such a level of kindness and generosity as I continue down my path.

Do you really have Clan personnel working in the GSF, how does that happen, are they in combat with the GSF, did they have anything to do with what happened at Hilo General Hospital?
   Yes I do have clan personnel called bondsmen in my clan. They pledged to me and they are now members of my clan and we welcome them as full citizens within us.
   The working of the tradition of being bondsmen is complex. I will gladly have my aide send you materials on it for your review.    
   Yes my bondsmen have gone into combat they are fully recognized members of my clan are treated as such.
No, none of my personnel had anything to do with raid at the hospital. I am just grateful that raiders did not excessively harm anyone.

Is it true that weapons testing caused the slide in Saga Chiku this past December?
   No, the slide that happened was natural. I have been told that they are a common enough occurrence when conditions are right. I am having my engineers studying the issue and have sent what recording we have on the slide and the immediate area to the government so their engineers as well can hopefully come up with a plan of action to prevent of at the very least detect them better.
   When the slide happened near our base rescue forces were immediately sent to aid the locals as much as possible. My people also had the advantage of having some of the best search and rescue dogs around. I am proud to state that several men, woman and children that were buried under the slide are alive today because those dogs found them in time. 
   I then directed my personnel to aide in rebuilding efforts. I am pleased to report that almost all of the damage is well on the road to repair at this time.
   And as far as weapons being fired in the area outside of my compound that simple does not happen, my warriors would never discharge live rounds of any kind near a population of non-combatants unless it was in defense of those non-combatants or in defense of our base. If we were to perform any drills outside of our base, which we have not done thus far, it would be with electronic simulation fire.

Many people have objections to the GSF, what is your reaction?
   It is understandable that some would object to a group of warriors coming to their world. It is normal to question the motive of such a group. However I hope that with time the objectors will come to realize we are here to assist and nothing more.

What is your opinion of the Kokuryu-kai?
   They are radical suppressive extremists that would take basic freedoms away from the general population if it were in there power to do so. They are unwilling to work with groups that differ from their oppressive views. 

Are they behind actives on planet?
   I have no hard proof of this but my personal opinion is that they are.That they are trying to stir up trouble for the established government of this great world, they will try and undermine the establishment and curtail if not fully remove the freedoms of the people living here. Living under the rule of tyrants is not what this world needs. From what I have seen you are a proud and noble people and deserve to live your lives as such.

What are your plans to react to the rise in pirate actions?
   We are doing our best to combat these and we are at this time discussing different strategies to battle them. But I cannot give specifics at this time due to security concerns

What do you know about what is happening in the Combine?
   I am afraid that I do not know much more than the rest of the general population, the reports that are coming out of the region are disturbing. Too many innocent lives are being lost in the conflict.

What are your thoughts / opinion about Outreach?
   What can be said about such a horrific act? What happened was the highest level of war crimes that I have ever seen. It staggers me as to the amount of lives lost. Nothing can be said to ease the pain of those left behind. I pray that the conflict is short and the perpetrators are punished in the global arena for their action.

How is your trucking business doing?
   I am pleased to state that it is going very well. We are looking to expand our fleet and we are starting to see modest profits.

My interview with Hauptmann Kiah Franks Commander of Kiah’s Hammers.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #423 on: 30 March 2019, 21:17:45 »
OK so our next game will be May 26 start will be 1pm as normal

Keep you eyes open as mission will be posted.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #424 on: 31 March 2019, 00:30:44 »
OK so our next game will be May 26 start will be 1pm as normal

Keep you eyes open as mission will be posted.
:-\ :'( :bang: :ticked:
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #425 on: 31 March 2019, 01:40:19 »
:-\ :'( :bang: :ticked:

sorry real world gets in the way.

with all the holidays and Grim booked for games this is the best day.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #426 on: 31 March 2019, 10:33:45 »
At the Nejiro Space Port a customs officer is checking over the paper work of Victoria Sabin.
The customs officer looking her papers. “So what brings you to Nejiro Miss Sabin?”
She looks at the officer. “Business.”
He looks up from the screen. “What kind of business?”
She looks him in the eye. “My work is to locate lost items and bring them to the proper owners.”
After going over her paperwork the officer informs her she is clear to go. He also informs her that she is now under the laws of Nejiro and that any work on world must be cleared with the government. If she chose not to follow the laws of the land she will have her equipment impounded and she will end up in jail.

Deep in the woods of the Shinrin Forest, Gunsho Miller’s recon team pick up activity on their sensors. The Gunsho motions for his team to take cover. The team settles in and waits as a ‘Mech moves in to the area. When the team gets it first look at the ‘Mech they all hold their breath. The pearl white Hatamoto scans the area then moves on. After ten minuets had passed the team moves out to rejoin the other recon team and their transport.
Gunsho Miller waits until both teams are on the transport hovercraft. When he removes his helmet his commander looks at him.
“Are you OK? You are as white as a ghost.”
“Shujin we need to get out of this place. Fast!”
“What is wrong?”
“I …. We just saw Sen no shi no tenshi.”
“Come on man that is just a story to scare little children.”
“Shujin. We all just saw it. Here on Nijero.” The other three members nod as one.
“OK you saw a white ‘Mech. But what makes you so sure it is Sen no shi no tenshi.”
“The way it moved like a ghost. It was almost on us before our sensors picked it up. If we were not in our armor it would have picked us up.”
“IF you are correct and this is that “Mech then we need to get back to base and inform the Tai-i.” He turns to his driver. “Get us back to base fast.”
A half hour later the Shujin is in the office of Tai-i Kalakaua giving her the report of the scouts spotting the pearl white Hatamoto walking in the Shinrin Forest. “I will inform the Chu-sa of this. Inform the rest of the command.”
‘Yes Tai-i.”
As she walks to the comms center more under her breath. “Just what we do not need one more Bounty Hunter on world.”

« Last Edit: 05 April 2019, 20:14:41 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #427 on: 31 March 2019, 10:38:22 »
The Arkad Harid

Why are you here?

Why was your unit picked?
Ask the coordinator

How long will your unit be stationed here?
Until ordered elsewhere by the Coodinator or Arkab council

Who decided your unit be stationed here?

Can we have access to battle footage?

History of unit?
Arkab Legions, look us up.

Unit, personnel bonafides?
Hands over prepped standard PR releases

Are you answerable to our military code of conduct?
Define "our"

Who do you report to, what is your chain of command, operational orders, guidlelines?
The coordinator and arkab council, no comment.

Impressions, thoughts, theories about what happened at the Hilo Power Station?

What are the objectives of the GSF?
Ask them

Do you work with the GSF, How do you work with the GSF?
Yes, as on as needed basis. Patiently

Tell us about your reaction to the protests?
No comment

Do you really have Clan personnel working in the GSF, how does that happen, are they in combat with the GSF, did they have anything to do with what happened at Hilo General Hospital?
I don't know, we aren't part of the GSF. Doubtful the Hilo hospital raid was conducted in a highly proficient and efficient military manner.

Many people have objections to the GSF, what is your reaction?
Reaction to what? The objections? The GSF?

What do you think about the Mercenary Units business startups here on Nejiro?
Shows they are trying to set down roots and have a vested interest here.

What is your opinion of the Kokuryu-kai?
We will work with them to eradicate the greater threat to the dragon.

Are they behind actives on planet?

What are your plans to react to the rise in pirate actions?
Preferably to work with the local families and government forces to coordinate strategically and tactically.

What do you know about what is happening in the Combine?
Same as you, the Word of Blake has challenged the might of the dragon in their fit of pique.

What are your thoughts / opinion about Outreach?
A tragic loss of highly skilled and knowledge personnel over a child's temper tantrum. Peace of Blake, indeed. The serpent of Eden reappears.

My interview with Sho-sa Haji Salaam of the Arkab Hand.

« Last Edit: 31 March 2019, 10:42:23 by shadhawk »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #428 on: 31 March 2019, 10:42:00 »

Why are you here?
We were ordered here.

Why was your unit picked?
Above my rank.

Rate of pay for unit?
   We get paid?

How long will your unit bee stationed here?
Until we are ordered elsewhere.

Who decided your unit bee stationed here?
Precentor Martial

Can we have access to battle footage?

History of unit?
   Yes there is one.

Unit, personnel bonafides?

Are you answerable to our military code of conduct?
I am answerable to Com Guard regulations.

Who do you report to, what is your chain of command, operational orders, guidlelines?
Speak to a superior.

How did you feel entering the Hilo Power Plant?
   Never been there.

Impressions, thoughts, theories about what happened there?
Wasn't there, don't know.

What are the objectives of the GSF?
   Idk, security?

Do you work with the GSF, How do you work with the GSF?
If we do, tell em what to do to help protect the compound.

Tell us about your reaction to the protests?

Is it true about the engagement, when, where etc?
Who's getting married?

Do you really have Clan personnel working in the GSF, how does that happen, are they in combat with the GSF, did they have anything to do with what happened at Hilo General Hospital?
Clanners? Not in my unit. (under his breath, "Yet")

Is it true that weapons testing caused the slide in Saga Chiku this past December?
There was a weapons test?

Is it true that weapons testing caused the avalanche in Whistler this past December?
   See above.

Many people have objections to the GSF, what is your reaction?
People have the right to bitch about whatever their hearts desire.

What is your opinion of the Kokuryu-kai?

Are they behind actives on planet?

What are your plans to react to the rise in pirate actions?
Defend my AO

What do you know about what is happening in the Combine?
Just what they tell me in the daily briefings.

What are your thoughts / opinion about Outreach?
Would like to visit someday.

What do you think about the Mercenary Units business startups here on Nejiro?
More power to them. Gotta make some side cash somehow.

My interview with Adept Barry Allen of the ComGuard.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #429 on: 31 March 2019, 10:46:42 »
Dragon’s Clutch

Why are you here?
We are here because we chose to retire here in peace.  When downtown Hilo was ravaged, we felt the need to step in to assist our fellow citizens.

Rate of pay for unit?
Is not something that I am able to discuss.

Can we have access to battle footage?
Since we have no doubt that as the most popular media outlet on the planet, your broadcasts are being watched by not merely the citizenry, but the enemy, we are unable to release information which would allow the enemy to better identify our equipment, tactics, and personnel.

History of unit?
Our core is composed of DCMS retirees, although we have added additional personnel since the operational tempo increased.

Unit, personnel bonafides?
Although we are capable, we are not registered with the MRBC, as we have never been a mercenary unit.  We look forward to being able to put aside this time as warriors again.

Are you answerable to our military code of conduct?
Our internal discipline is administered by Dr. Musashi when necessary.  Thus far in our time on Nejiro, it has not been necessary.  Crimes against Nejiro would be handled on a singular basis.

Who do you report to, what is your chain of command, operational orders, guidlelines?
Unit commanders report to Dr. Musashi.  Dr. Musashi generally assumes command of defensive forces for the estate as needed, and our on-scene commanders coordinate with the other warrior forces as needed.

How did you capture Caesar?
We worked with the other forces on planet to identify his tactics and likely strike targets or routes.  We were honored to work with those military forces to stop him.

How did it feel to capture Caesar?
He set out to hurt our populace and institutions like he did to dozens of other worlds.  It’s a good feeling to stop the unproductive scum.

What are the objectives of the GSF?
The only objective that we are familiar with is the defense of this planet and its people.

Do you work with the GSF, How do you work with the GSF?
We are honored to work with the GSF as needed to defend the planet.

Tell us about your reaction to the protests?
They are disharmonious, but many of them are well intentioned.  It is a shame that there are parties who profit from the tumult.

Is it true about the engagement, when, where etc?
   We have settled on Nejiro.  We look forward to the natural progression of life.

Tell us about Dr. Musashi?
She is a warrior, whether she fights to save lives, or directs us to fight to save other lives.  She chose to deploy our medical and combat personnel to respond to the devastation in Hilo, which started this campaign for the Dragon’s Clutch.  She will stand with us until her death or until the threat to Nejiro is abated.

Do you really have Clan personnel working in the GSF, how does that happen, are they in combat with the GSF, did they have anything to do with what happened at Hilo General Hospital?
It appears that Clan personnel raided Hilo General Hospital.  Other than that, at this time we are unable to comment on this line of questioning.

Many people have objections to the GSF, what is your reaction?
These warriors have come to our world to defend it.  They were not harmonious, but are working to become so, and to become productive members of Nejiro society.

What is your opinion of the Kokuryu-kai?
It is a shame that their dedication and skill must be devoted to creating walls dividing the peoples of Combine space.  They have chosen to remain in the past and deny some of the strength of their own people.  We will remember them with love and sorrow when they have passed.

Are they behind actives on planet?
Some of the actives, yes.  There are other parties involved.

What are your plans to react to the rise in pirate actions?
There will be a response.  I again mention that your popularity is such that the enemies of Nejiro would no doubt be glad to be entertained and informed by you.

What do you know about what is happening in the Combine?
No.  We receive no different information that the other citizens of Nejiro.

What are your thoughts / opinion about Outreach?
A hideous crime against humanity’s legacy.  The Ares Conventions were created expressly because there are actions which an honorable warrior of any tradition must abhor.

My interview with Tai-I Ranmaru Ikeda, Commanding Battle Armor Assets The Dragon’s Clutch


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #430 on: 31 March 2019, 10:50:18 »
Rhode’s Warriors

Why are you here?
Because the governor and the people of Nejiro have been friendlier than those we have encountered in the past.

Why was your unit picked?
Most of us are combat tested, and our leadership is inspired.

Rate of pay for unit?
We’ve so far been able to cover our expenses and make sure that when a fight took place, we were nearby.

Are you planning on extending your unit contract?
If the good folk of Nejiro offer us an extension, then yes.

Can we have access to battle footage?
That’s a question better pitched to the governor’s office.

History of unit?
We’re a newly formed Mercenary unit, still working to fill out our numbers.

Unit, personnel bonafides?
We’re still working to establish our reputation long term as dependable and capable.  Paperwork to register the unit with the MRBC has been sent to be filed, but we haven’t heard back yet.

Are you answerable to our military code of conduct?
As we’re not part of the Nejiro military we are not answerable to the planetary military code of conduct, but we are responsible to Governor Saganami and through her to the people of Nejiro..

Who do you report to, what is your chain of command, operational orders, guidelines?
Tai-I Neville Rhodes commands our force, our general guidelines and policies are to work with the planet’s military forces to minimize any danger and damage to the planet’s population and infrastructure.

How did you capture Caesar?
He was too arrogant for his own good.  Fortunately we got him stopped before he started dropping buildings with people in them to distract us.

How did it feel to capture Caesar?
It’s always good to take out an enemy, especially one without a shred of a warrior code or human decency.

What are the objectives of the GSF?
You would have to ask the GSF, we’re not involved in high level planning.

Do you work with the GSF, How do you work with the GSF?
We’re honored to help the GSF in any way possible.

Tell us about your reaction to the protests?
Someone, probably several someones, wants the governor’s forces to be weakened, and are willing to encourage civil disputes to do so.

Is it true about the engagement, when, where etc?
If there were an engagement of import, I would be unable to discuss it until information is released.  That being said, I certainly hope so.

Tell us about Dr. Musashi?
It would have been easier and probably smarter of her to have kept her head down through all this, but I think it’s better for Nejiro that she didn’t. The lady is tougher than most people give her credit for.

Do you really have Clan personnel working in the GSF, how does that happen, are they in combat with the GSF, did they have anything to do with what happened at Hilo General Hospital?
I can only speak to the Warriors’ situation, we’ve got some Clan-born maintenance personnel under contract to make up some of our support needs, they weren’t involved in the raid on Hilo General.

Many people have objections to the GSF, what is your reaction?
It’s good that the people have the opportunity to express their objections.

What is your opinion of the Kokuryu-kai?
They’re nasty customers and they want Nejiro’s production on their side long term.

Are they behind actives on planet?
We’re not qualified to comment on that.

What are your plans to react to the rise in pirate actions?
Again, we’re not qualified to comment publicly on that.

What do you know about what is happening in the Combine?
Only that there’s a bunch of fighting going on between the loyal forces and those belonging to the Black Dragons. 

What are your thoughts / opinion about Outreach?
   I’m glad I don’t have relatives there.  Other than that, we’re far more worried about Nejiro’s people and doing our best to keep them as safe as we can.

My Time with Mechwarrior Dusty Rhodes, Media Liaison Rhode’s Warriors


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #431 on: 31 March 2019, 16:32:47 »
I'm having difficulty matching up some of the commands here to players. ???


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #432 on: 04 April 2019, 23:24:05 »
At the Nejiro Space Port customs is checking over three ‘Mechs each undergoing inspection. The owners Tenchi Nomora, Victoria Sabin and Max Pain standby and watch as the customs officers check the papers of the owners and the equipment. After going over everything the officer in charge informs all three they are clear to go. He also informs all of them that they are now under the laws of Nejiro and that any work on world must be cleared with the government. If they chose not to follow the law they will have their equipment impounded and they will end up in jail.

Wow and great customs just let unknowns onto planet with no questions about why they are here , or anything?! wow i hope the governor wont regret this fubar

At the Nejiro Space Port a customs officer is checking over the paper work of Victoria Sabin.
The customs officer looking her papers. “So what brings you to Nejiro Miss Sabin?”
She looks at the officer. “Business.”
He looks up from the screen. “What kind of business?”
She looks him in the eye. “My work is to locate lost items and bring them to the proper owners.”
After going over her paperwork the officer informs her she is clear to go. He also informs her that they are now under the laws of Nejiro and that any work on world must be cleared with the government. If she chose not to follow the laws of the land she will have her equipment impounded and she will end up in jail.

Deep in the woods of the Shinrin Forest, Gunsho Miller’s recon team pick up activity on their sensors. The Gunsho motions for his team to take cover. The team settles in and waits as a ‘Mech moves in to the area. When the team gets it first look at the ‘Mech they all hold their breath. The pearl white Hatamoto scans the area then moves on. After tem minuets has passed the team moves out to rejoin the other recon team and their transport.
Gunsho Miller waits until both teams are on the transport hovercraft. When he removes his helmet his commander looks at him.
“Are you OK? You are as white as a ghost.”
“Shujin we need to get out of this place. Fast!”
“What is wrong?”
“I …. We just saw Sen no shi no tenshi.”
“Come on man that is just a story to scare little children.”
“Shujin. We all just saw it. Here on Nijero.” The other three members nod as one.
“OK you saw a white ‘Mech. But what makes you so sure it is Sen no shi no tenshi.”
“The way it moved like a ghost. It was almost on us before our sensors picked it up. If we were not in our armor it would have picked us up.”
“IF you are correct and this is that “Mech then we need to get back to base and inform the Tai-i.” He turns to his driver. “Get us back to base fast.”
A half hour later the Shujin is in the office of Tai-i Kalakaua giving her the report of the scouts spotting the pearl white Hatamoto walking in the Shinrin Forest. “I will inform the Chu-sa of this. Inform the rest of the command.”
‘Yes Tai-i.”
As she walks to the comms center more under her breath. “Just what we do not need one more Bounty Hunter on world.”

Guys did no one else notice we have something going on... our game persona dont know this is happening of course but i would like to know why these mechs were not questioned more.

boy i hope the customs agents that let these guys on planet get fried by the governor
>why where they not asked specifically what they were looking for?
>who there employer was?
i find it very odd that mechs can come to the planet with a "im looking for something" statement and be allowed to just wonder all over the planet with ammo
>if they are doing some sort of salvage don't they need permits and permissions?
no questions as to where they are going and no one assigned to watch them? wow

and what if these "lost things" are not something the governor wants to be taken off planet ?

this is gonna come back to bite us in the butts

surprised all of you are not commenting on this.

side note : i LOVE the interviews !
« Last Edit: 04 April 2019, 23:28:45 by Devondra »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #433 on: 05 April 2019, 05:16:37 »
I was also mystified at how customs officials on a planet that has been suffering constant and escalating pirate attacks just lets a trio of unknowns with mechs just cruise through customs.  I just didn't have the energy to post about it.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #434 on: 05 April 2019, 10:25:47 »
I'm not commenting nor surprised by the actions of the customs officials.  I have seen this scene play out multiple times in my travels abroad. YES EVEN SERVICE MEMBERS MUST CLEAR CUSTOMS.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #435 on: 05 April 2019, 11:10:40 »
you have the correct paper work you can go anyplace you like. It's all in the paper work baby.

 >:D  ;D  :thumbsup:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #436 on: 05 April 2019, 11:11:00 »
“This is Tai-i Kalakaua may I speak with Chu-sa Saganami?”
“Hold one moment please.”
“Chu-sa it is my sad duty to inform you that you have an ISF bounty hunter on world.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #437 on: 05 April 2019, 11:11:45 »
As he moves to the customs hanger that has his Max sees a young man running towards him.
“Mr. Pain. Mr. Pain. I need to talk with you.”
 “The name is Max. What can I do for you?”
“Well Mr. … Max you will need to talk with the local NPO commander before you move you ‘Mech to Lanikai.”
“I know that son. I have made the call and I am waiting on his call back.”
“The why are you here?”
“I do have to check out my ride son.”
“Yes Sir you know that you have to have someone here when you are by you ‘Mech?”
“Yes I do. I have you do I not.” As he winks at the young officer.
“Well I guess so. But you should have put a call into the office.”
“I did but nobody picked up I did leave a message that I was heading to the bay. I know you boys are on the job so one of you would be out here before I got in to my ride.”
“OK but I do have to call the office.”
“Sure you do so why don’t you. The bay has a phone on the wall by the door.”
The two enter and stop by the phone. The young officer calls in.
“So son, is this the closest you have been to an Atlas?”
“Yes Sir .. Max. This this is huge.”
“Yes it is. 100 tons of war machine. Would you like a cockpit view?”
“Can I?”
“Sure. I am just running a systems check so you can’t do anything.”
The both take the gantry to the cockpit> Max gets in keys in a code and the 100 tonner fires up. A voice states that a systems check will start after the engine warmed up.
‘Go on son take a seat.”
The officer slips past Max and sits down. He is awe struck.
“So what do you think of my little toy?”
“I cannot put in to words how I feel.”
“I understand son. It is even more powerful when you are strapped in heading out for combat. But I cannot let you do that.”
“No sir .. Max. I am thankful for you letting me sit in it.”
“No problem son. Hay look the sys check running so do not move.”
The computer finishes its check cycle and reports all systems are green.
“OK son let me back in to I can shut her down.”

A short time later back in the customs office the two are talking with the other officers that are on duty.
“Max here let me sit in the cockpit while he ran a sys check.” The others look on most with their mouths open.
“Look son it was no big thing. A good pilot always runs a sys check after transport to make sure nothing got damaged.”
“But you let him sit in your ‘Mech.” One the others as finds his voice.
“Ya it was only in systems check mode so he could not do anything but sit in the command chair.”
“Guys when we get off shift later I offered Mr. … Max a drink. Do you want to join us?”
The others look around at each other shaking their heads. ‘SURE. If we are welcome?”
With a smile on his face Max looks at the young crew. “Sure all of you are welcome.”

A few hours later at Amber Inn the customs officers and Max Pain are having a great time.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #438 on: 05 April 2019, 12:25:28 »
Everyone fanboys over an Atlas...


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #439 on: 05 April 2019, 13:48:16 »
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #440 on: 05 April 2019, 15:20:22 »
Too slow for my taste.  It's artillery bait.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #441 on: 05 April 2019, 17:52:28 »
No, no, that WASN'T an observation, it was an ORDER....  Now start fanboying, NOW!

We now return you to our regularly scheduled commentary...


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #442 on: 05 April 2019, 19:28:16 »
I wonder if the ISF bounty hunter is after the Nasty Raven Gang.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #443 on: 05 April 2019, 20:01:46 »
Oh, there are no end of people on planet they could be after...


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #444 on: 05 April 2019, 21:28:26 »
Oh, there are no end of people on planet they could be after...

What  :facepalm: this rock  ;D with all the fun people we have  >:D   bounty hunters looking for some here ^-^


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #445 on: 06 April 2019, 01:53:05 »
At the bar of Orla Eyrie.
“Well, well if is not Victoria Saben.”
As the woman at the bar turns slowly around. “Tenchi. So to what do I owe this honor?”
“I just happened to be on world due to business and found out that you were also on world.”
‘So you are stalking me?” as she looks over her glass.
“Not at all.” As he orders a drink. “”I know your likes and figured this would be one of the first places you would stop in.”
“So you are stalking me.”
“Look we both do the same work so why can we not work with each other?”
“First off we both do the same TYPE of work not the same work. Second I do not like how you do your job.”
“What, I do very well. Just as you do.”
“You have no problem with brakeage I do!”
“So our ideas of how to get the job done are different. That does not mean we can to work with each other.”
“OH yes it does. I also do not like your boss. He has the same problem you do.”
“But he pays so well. Plus it is steady work.”
“I know. I was offered the work before you. I said no.”
“Well I hope we are after the same items.”
“We are not my work is more …. Lets say more above board and let it go at that.”
“Works for me.” He looks over at a table. “Well I have to go my table is ready and I know you would not want to join us.”


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #446 on: 06 April 2019, 01:54:26 »
Mino Nakagona ,Arkady Borsakov and Joe Calahan are having dinner at La Parma in the Hilo Hilton when Jonah Saganami walks over to the table they are at.
Jonah looks at the three men. “May I join you?”
They look at each other and Mino offers the open chair. “Sure.”
Jonah sits down. “I am glad to find you all here. I was hoping to see if you gentleman might be able to offer up some information on some new visitors we have on world.”
They look at each other. Arkady speaks up first. “How may we be of help?”
Jonah pulls out a data pad and hands it to Arkady. “We have some security footage of three people that landed a couple of days ago. We are wondering if you would be able give us some information of them.”
The three look over the video on the data pad. Mino and Arkady shake their heads they they do not know these people. Joe with a smile looks at Jonah. “Sure I know of these three. The big guy is Max Pain. Runs an Atlas class ‘Mech. Good bounty and gets the job done. He should be on Solrais in the games they he mugs the spotlight. Loves to pal around, just keep an eye on you lady if you know what I mean” he winks. “The lady is Victory Saben. She is one cool customer been working bounties for some time is is very good and commands top C-bills.” He takes a sip from his water. “I sure would not want her looking for me if I had a bounty on my head. If she is looking for you someone with big bucks wants you.”
Jonah takes back the pad. “What about the other guy?”
Joe looks at Jonah. “That one is a loose cannon. He will get your job done but you will need to clean up after him.” Joe drinks some more water. “He and I were on a job, not working with each other, let us just say I am not very welcome in the OWA due to him.” He looks down then back at Jonah. “With him on world you better make sure your insurance is up to date.”
Jonah puts the pad away. “Thank You. Do you know what ‘Mechs they use?”
Joe shakes head yes. “Last I know of Victoria was running a Candy Blue Thunderbolt with a dragonfly on the left shoulder plate.” He sits back in his chair. “Tenchi runs a Dragon Fire. The one thing for all of them, they make big money so they have done mods to their rides.”
“I will pass this on.” Jonah gets up and starts to go. “One last thing, would you know of a Pearl White Hatamoto?”
Joe spits out his water. “Great, if that joker is on world you people have real problems.” He looks at the other two at the table. “Word has it that that one is ISF. Who pilots it nobody I know of has a clue. It shows up and someone is gone, then it is gone.” Joe looks at all three. “I will not put myself in front of that one for any amount of money. As I said before someone is gone, ALL THE WAY GONE.”
Mino looks at Arkaby. “Joe we would not ask such a thing of you. You already have a contract with us. We also will not sub you out for anyone to have you get in front of that hunter.”
Joe looks at them. “That is good to know. Just my point of view, The Bounty Hunter and that one were to go head to head I sure would not want to bet on who would win. They both more than likely would be dead. So would a lot of other things.”
“Thank You for the information. I will pass this along. I will also make sure that that she understands how freely you offered your help. Once more Thank You.” As Jonah makes his way out he informs the manager that the governor will cover the gentlemen's bill.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #447 on: 06 April 2019, 01:55:12 »
NPO members move in on the different groups of protesters out at Camp Kaki and inform them they cannot stay in this location as it is unsafe due to the avalanches. The can move their location to Ceallach as this is the nearest town. The must move within 24 hours or they will be charged with trespassing in a danger zone.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #448 on: 06 April 2019, 15:10:20 »
Meanwhile in the Arkab compound:

"Hey boss, some one on this rock doesn't like us.""
"Oh, I don't know maybe its been this harassment artillery shelling we've been getting for the last week and half." They both laugh.
" Still no luck in the triangulation to locate or counter battery fire?"
"Nope, not as of yet."
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #449 on: 06 April 2019, 17:23:45 »
Later that night at the officers meeting in the Arkab compound

"At this point ladies and gentlemen we can assume, save it, there are no friendlies here on porkchop.  After dark start moving everything to our prearranged cache points for later use or retrieval. Also make sure that everyone knows their responsibilities if the word is given. Make sure the grunts are locked, cocked, and ready to rock.  "
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."