Author Topic: The Quest  (Read 170478 times)


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #60 on: 08 November 2018, 21:08:26 »
Better hope ROM isn't snooping about...
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #61 on: 08 November 2018, 21:54:04 »
 I hope not also.

 28 February 3051
       Newton Square

  The door to Lieutenant Mitchell's quarters chimed "Open"

  As the door opened he saw Honos at the door and behind him was a member of his Platoon with a pistol on his hip. "Come on in Honos, have a seat." Scott said, to the guard "You can go now, I got it." When the door closed, Scott looked at Honos, he had a feel of defiance about him. Not much, but some. "How have you been Honos, your wounds healing nicely?"

 "I am healing fine sir." Honos said with some stiffness. More than he showed in the infirmary after his capture when they talked.

 "You asked me before if you were Isorla, now that I understand what it is, I can answer you, yes, you are Isorla and my bondsman." The intel officer had told him about the bondcord and Scott had spent an hour working on a simple one. "Here is your bondcord." Honos held out his wrist and Scott tied it on. "I do not understand all your customs, but have learned some about this bondsman custom, I don't agree with it, but I will follow this one.

 I want you to help me understand your ways and customs. If I remember my small briefing each cord has a meaning, one is integrity, another loyalty and then combat ability. Am I correct?" Scott asked.

 "Aff, you are correct sir." Honos said, when Scott had a puzzled look he followed with "Aff means yes, sir."

 "Okay, first lesson learned. You will be my aide and help me understand your ways. As such, I will help you understand our ways. Understand?" Scott asked

 "Aff.......yes, I understand sir" Honos replied, some of the defiance was still there.

 "You will be quartered with the men, you will have to be escorted until such time as you are trusted. I hope to cut all those cords as soon as possible. You will not be mistreated at all. You might wear that cord, but I now consider you one of my men, not a prisoner any more. I would hope that someday soon we can be friends." Scott was trying to break thru that defiance.

 "Yes sir. I hope to have the cord off soon." Scott sensed some of the defiance softening.

 "Now, let us go get some food. I am hungry and you can tell me about yourself."


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #62 on: 08 November 2018, 23:14:53 »
Did Harry find out what the Medium Factory stations produce and what vehicles are packed into the Jumbo before he took off? I can't find it anywhere.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #63 on: 09 November 2018, 01:09:21 »
that is some very big loot that harry found and is getting his hands on. holy crap and what happens when the robes get wind of it and you know they will and try to do something along every pirate group on that side of the IS.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #64 on: 09 November 2018, 05:23:18 »
 The Jumbo was sealed off until they got back to Mackolla and the crew got proper funerals. Not yet, Harry does not know what they build. I have not decided what they will build exactly yet.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #65 on: 09 November 2018, 06:17:21 »
  14 December 3049
       New Avalon

   Harry's ST-46 finally set down on New Avalon. It had been a long journey. As he deplaned, he still had not figured out how to speak to the people he needed to speak to. He had spent months on the journey just trying to figure this out. He was playing outside his league and knew it. He should just sell all the loot and be done with this.

 After hailing a taxi, he had it take him to a nice hotel. After checking in, he decided to try the bold approach. Writing a letter on Hotel stationary:

 To: Quintus Allard
       Mount Davion
       Extreme Importance

 My name is Harry Mitchell CEO of Mitchell Salvage, I have made a discovery that could be of great importance to First Prince Hanse Davion and the Federated Commonwealth. But I need technical help I do not possess with this discovery. This discovery is of such importance that I do not trust sending message via HPG nor speaking to anyone about it but you or someone above you. If interested, room 221 at the New Avalon Arms Hotel.

 Signed Harry Mitchell

 He summoned a local messenger service and paid to have that delivered to Mount Davion. It was a long shot, damn letter would probably be tossed in the trash by some low level clerk. Or he might wake up snatched from bed by MIIO.
« Last Edit: 09 November 2018, 06:26:30 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #66 on: 09 November 2018, 14:18:05 »
   18 August 3049

 Funeral services for all the remains found aboard the Star Lord and her dropships was held today, 363 coffins were all laid to rest. A local priest performed last rites and services for the remains. The cemetery was about 10 miles from the space port on ground that was deemed non farmable but still very peaceful and beautiful. Locals would construct a fence around an area almost a square mile in area. Each grave was marked by wooden crosses but George contracted a local stone mason to create stone crosses for each grave. Once the remains had been removed, George had refueled and powered up the Jumbo and a crew had brought it down to the space port. Every member of Mitchell Salvage including the Scout crews attended the services, all except Mikael, 3 salvage techs and a shuttle crew.

 During the services, the salvage techs went EVA and made their way in thru a service door on the first Scout Jumpship. They then opened the shuttle bay door and the ST-46 slid inside. Not wasting any time, they proceeded to the bridge and erased all data on jump coordinates from the ships navigation computer. Mikael then skimmed the ships log and did the same thing erasing any information he found that he deemed a threat. It took 2 hours to complete. They then exited the Jumpship and proceeded to the next Scout. The sequence was repeated but this time, Mikael noticed that that a copy of the ships navigation log had been made. They had not anticipated this event. This was a major problem.

 Turning to the salvage section leader Mikael asked "Sweeney is there anyway we can make sure this ship does not leave the system but be hard to track down but easily fixed?"

 Sweeney thought for a minute "Yeah, I think I know a way. I will put a kill switch in the field initiator circuit as a hard kill, but as an added safety, I can go inside the cores programming and change a single 1 to a 0. It will cause an abort every time and be impossible to find but I will know exactly which one to change back for proper operation."

 Mikael nodded "Do it, we cannot risk this ship leaving."

  After the funeral services, it was time to get back to work. George and the salvage teams began unpacking the Jumbo to see what they had. The contents shocked even them:

 Cargo Bay 1: 48 Merkava Mk VIII, 800 tons of assorted parts and ammunition
 Cargo Bay 2: 36 Turhan, 36 Zephyr, 800 tons of FF armor, 400 tons assorted parts and ammunition
 Cargo Bay 3: 120 Flatbed Trucks

 It took 3 days to unpack the ships entire cargo load. Special care was used when moving the ammunition. George had the hired construction crew, which had made huge progress in repairing and enlarging the space port to Georges specifications using locally acquired material, build a quick holding area for the ammunition about a mile from the space port. No one in Mitchell Salvage could certify the ammunition as usable. About 10% of the fusion powered vehicles gave them issues starting them up, but some minor tweaks got them going. The trucks had to be hand pushed from the cargo bay as they had no fuel for them.

 George's next adventure would be to head to the Mammoths and really see what they had on board and such.

« Last Edit: 09 November 2018, 14:49:57 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #67 on: 09 November 2018, 15:08:25 »
 15 December 3049
         New Avalon

 Harry awoke later than he expected. After a shower, he headed down to the hotel's dining room and got some breakfast. He figured after breakfast he would do some shopping, he needed some new clothes. After his breakfast, he casually strolled to a local clothing store and bought a few outfits. Returning to his hotel room, he opened the door and strolled in only to discover he was not alone. Inside were 2 men, large men he noted, they both stood as he entered the small bedroom attached to the sitting room.

 "Mr Mitchell I take it?" The larger of the 2 men asked.

 "Yes, who are you and what are you doing in my room?" Harry asked, he thought he knew, but asked anyway.

 "You should know, you asked to meet the man we work for. We are to take you somewhere to meet him."

 "So your MIIO?" Harry was met with stone silence from both his guests.

 "Sir, will you please come with us?" The big guy said. Harry began to think the other guy was mute.

 "Can I change first? These clothes I am wearing are ready for the trash heap." Harry asked

 The 2 men glanced at each other, they had already searched his room and received word from Harry's tail that he went to buy clothes after breakfast "Please hurry sir, our boss is a busy man." With that the 2 men exited the bedroom area.

 Harry took a deep breathe to calm himself, he was about to meet one of the most powerful men in the Federated Commonwealth. A man who could just make him disappear with a snap of his fingers. Harry quickly changed and exited to the sitting room, both of his escorts arose and walked to the door, big guy in front and mute behind him, it made Harry slightly nervous.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #68 on: 09 November 2018, 17:46:11 »
 26 August 3049

  George arrived at the MST Star Lord and quickly headed for the Mammoth dropships attached along her spine. He headed for the Mammoth containing the factories, quickly entering it. As he floated about the crammed cargo bays, he located one of the dismantled factories control room sections. George had never been aboard a orbital factory so he really had no clue what he was looking for. The control room had several locked lockers inside along with 10 crates. He moved to the lockers first and found them locked, okay, he thought to himself, I will come back to you with some bolt cutters. He next turned his attention to the crates, 3 were marked manuals, 2 marked instructions, 1 marked pre-programmed designs, 1 marked non programmed designs, 3 said miscellaneous. The one marked pre-programmed designs caught and held his attention. He spent over an hour shifting the crates to get after that one crate, but finally he had it in the clear.

 The crate had a simple hasp lock on it and George slowly opened it. The first manual he found was titled "Jump Core, Merchant Class Jumpship". George just stared at it, he quickly grabbed the next, then the next, and the next, they all were marked for different Jump Cores. George made a mental list:

 Standard Core

 Compact Core

 The implications of this find shocked George. If this factory was pre-programmed to build each of these Jump Cores, nations would go to war over this. He quickly re-packed the crate and knew he had to get to the other factory control. Exiting the first control room, he shifted to another cargo bay and located the factory control room and it was packed just like the first one. He quickly started moving crates until he found the one labeled the same as the first. Getting it in the open, he quickly opened it, his eyes grew even wider, he felt a fine line of sweat forming, not from the work but the sudden fear he felt rush thru him, he picked up the first manual and read "Engine specifications- Mako Class", his mental tally began again:

 Engine Specs:

 He quickly glanced about and his eyes found the crate marked non-programmed designs. He closed up the crate and pulled one marked manuals. Each was marked "Manuals 1" "Manuals 2" etc, opening it up, George picked up the one that said "Design Specifications and Limitations", the manual was still sealed so as far as he could tell, this factory was never assembled. He kept the manual and closed the crate. Taking the manual he retreated from the Mammoth and headed for Harry's onboard office as fast as he could go.

 Entering Harry's office, George turned and locked the cabin door. Reaching Harry's desk, George sat down and slowly unsealed the manual. Taking a deep breathe he began to read it, as he read page after page, his found that he was almost hyperventilating. This manual was for a fully automated engine production factory that could produce any engine that was programmed into it. And this was a Star League era automated factory, back then he heard things were produced many times faster than today. Since the first factory control room looked the same as the second he assumed it was fully automated also. Combined with the Pressurized Yard, they had the means to produce complete ships up to 250,000 tons.

 George thought he was going to have a heart attack, his heart was pounding so hard in his chest. They had possibly found the holiest of grails in ship construction in modern times. Suddenly he thought to himself in absolute horror "They were all going to die if this got out."

 He jumped up and ran for the hanger bay yelling to his flight crew to get their rears in gear and get him to the surface as fast as he could.

 6 Days later the ST-46 landed at the space port, George ran as fast as he could to the companies operation building. He knew he would find both Tug captains inside, as he passed thru the doors he yelled for both of them. Two separate heads poked out of the small cafeteria area "What's going on George? Pirate attack?" Chris Overly asked in alarm.

 George almost passed out while talking "Gather your crews, and every person you can cram on, arm them all. I want a rapid burn for those Scouts, tell them they are resuming their search but in close to here, when docked, I want you to seize both ships by force of you must. They cannot leave here. I don't care if you have to destroy the ships, prefer not to, but they CANNOT be allowed to leave here."

 "Gale is topside, but I act in her stead when she has to stay aboard Star Lord. What is going on George?"

 George felt faint "No time, just go. Whatever you have to do, get aboard and make sure those ships don't leave this system. Every single one of those Scout crews you take alive are to then be brought back here. Leave only a skeleton crew aboard, only people that have been with us over 5 years time. Leave the Mercs, don't trust them either, not with this."

 "Our people are not soldiers George, arming them is going to be extremely dangerous." Chris said as they headed for the door at a run yelling for their people to load up.

 George looked at the rapidly departing backs and as he slumped to the floor said "It cannot be helped, we all die if one of those ships leaves here. We all die." Neither could hear Georges words nor saw him slump to the floor eyes closed.
« Last Edit: 09 November 2018, 18:06:58 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #69 on: 09 November 2018, 18:46:02 »
 15 December 3049
         New Avalon

 Harry was blindfolded the moment they reached the car parked at the Hotel's entrance. The ride took 15 min from his estimation, then stopped. He was led still blindfolded up some stairs and then he heard a door open, a light push and gentle pull on his arm guided him thru the doorway and he heard the door close behind him. Harry had courage, you had to have it in his line of work, but he would admit to anyone that he was suddenly very afraid. "Let him see please" he heard from a voice he had yet to hear before, it sounded ominous.

 As the blindfold was removed and he shielded his eyes as they adjusted to the light in the room he heard the voice again "Leave us."

 Harry finally got his eyes to adjust and he saw a man sitting in a very comfortable looking recliner but not reclined. "Please Mr Mitchell, have a seat. I believe you have some information for me. Your method of contact was kind of alarming to my security team. But I was intrigued. I remembered your name from your last discovery and my curiosity on what could be even bigger, well what can I say, here we are." The voice had lost it's ominous tone.

 As Harry took a seat opposite the man, he noticed immediately that the lights were adjusted just so that he could not accurately make out the mans face. "How do I know you are who I want to talk to? I have never seen the man."

 Again that ominous tone entered the man's voice "I assure you, I am exactly who you expect to meet. Now if you insist on playing games, well this meet is over and I have important business to attend to. Otherwise, start talking."

 Harry knew he had no choice, either it was Allard or he was going to die "I have in my possession what appears to be a pressurized construction yard, star league era and 2 orbital factories. I also have in my possession, but no where close to New Avalon the coordinates for that appears to be multiple warships from a battle in 2766. I also have found a planet rich in resources almost Earth quality and quantity. I have neither the expertise nor the resources to make use of this discovery, BUT the shipyard and factories are not for sale. But I need help putting them into service."

 The ominous tone had once again left the man's voice "If what you say is true, then you are in very grave danger. Almost to the your dead and do not realize it yet category, Mr Mitchell. I can think of many factions that would kill you and everyone you know to get that information and your "toys" for want of a better word."

 Harry nodded "That is why I am here. We are not soldiers, we are great salvagers though."

 "And where exactly is this planet you found?" the man asked

 Harry shook his head no "That I will not divulge, not yet sir. I am sorry."

 "You got guts, I will give you that. I will not commit to anything without proof Mr Mitchell." The first part had a humorous tone, the second part had that ominous tone again.

 "I will not divulge that information sir, I do and I could wind up dead and all my people die to." Harry said defiantly, but inside he was terrified.

 "A compromise then, I will send a team with you, they will verify your find and notify me if it is true or not. Only then will I commit this nation to what I suspect you want." Harry could not tell what tone that was said in. "I hear you arrived on an old but well maintained Explorer Jumpship which I think has quarters for ten, so I will send a 9 person recon team to assess your find, they will notify me of your find."

 "Sir, there is no HPG on this planet and I strongly advise against using Comstar HPG network." Harry stated semi sternly

 "We have other means Mr Mitchell, there is no love lost between me and Comstar. Are we agreed?"

 "Yes sir, we are agreed. How long will it take you to gather your team?" Harry did not expect the answer.

 "They will arrive within 1 hour of your reaching the space port Mr Mitchell. Now we had better be going, I do have other important details to attend." The man rose but did not extend his hand.

 As Harry turned to leave the door opened and his escort awaited.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #70 on: 09 November 2018, 20:07:09 »
Mitchell Shipyards Inc  better hire a really good security force
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #71 on: 09 November 2018, 20:11:45 »
I foresee "Death Commandos" paying them a visit...


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #72 on: 09 November 2018, 20:53:58 »
I foresee "Death Commandos" paying them a visit...

More like ROM


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #73 on: 09 November 2018, 21:04:59 »
 3 September 3049

   Tug one was 3 hours from the Scout Eclipse when her temporary captain opened comms with Eclipse "Tug One to Eclipse, prepare for docking please."

 "Eclipse to Tug One, we were not expecting passangers, what gives?"

 "We got orders and coordinates to search, George found something close by."

 "Roger Tug One, we are making ready for docking. Back to work."

 "Roger that"

 Tug Two

 About the same time as Tug One, Tug Two opened comms to the other Scout Shadow "Shadow, Tug Two here, prepare for docking" Chris Overly radioed

 "What is going on Tug Two, no one said to expect to jump anywhere or take on a dropship."

 "We got orders and coordinates for a search close by, George found a new lead."

 "Why did he not tell us himself, this is not how you guys have been doing things. I want to speak to George before I give permission to dock with this ship."

 Chris looked at Albert Blaine "I think we got a live one here, make sure the people are ready for possible hostile greeting Albert." Albert nodded and headed for the bays.

 Chris looked at his weapons officer, "Warm the guns Sparky, we might need them."

 Tug Two's comms officer suddenly spoke up "Chris we got a laser lock from Gale, she says they are detecting KF emissions from Shadow!!!!!! Gales says they just died off, like an abort."

 "Albert, Chris here, they just had an aborted jump sequence, be advised I am classifying Shadow as hostile as of now, remember what George said. Shoot first, ask questions later."

 Tug One

 "Tug One, Eclipse here we just got a KF emissions from Shadow and then what looked like an aborted jump. They are not answering any of our hails."

 "Roger that Eclipse, I will notify Tug Two, I am continuing to prepare for docking."

 "Roger, we are ready and waiting Tug One. Any idea what is going on with Shadow?"

 "Negative, Gale is trying to talk to them now, maybe their radio died."

 Avery Whyman looked at Paul Subachi "I think this guy is legit, but don't take any chances."

 Tug Two

 Chris watched as Shadow began a slow spin to try and prevent docking "Helm match and lets show him we are not a normal dropship but a damned Tug, we are designed for this sort of thing."

 "You got it Chris, what a dope"

 "Albert, Chris, Shadow is confirmed hostile, he has started a roll to prevent docking."

 "Roger Chris, I have 20 folks suited up for EVA in case we have to force our way in. Doesn't he know we are salvage folks and this is a Tug? What an idiot, we are designed and trained to latch onto out of control ships."

 "Just remember we are not soldiers nor trained Zero G marines. We are Zero G experts though. 10 minutes to latch on Albert"

 Tug One

 The docking went normal for Tug One, the airlock door opened and Paul led his people aboard the Eclipse
. Seeing the armed salvage techs brought Eclipse's captain to as sudden a stop as he could manage in Zero G.
 "What is going on here? Why are you folks armed on my ship?"

 Paul watched the Scout's captain closely "Captain, for the time being, please surrender your crew for detainment. We don't want to hurt anyone, but for reason's unknown, we must detain you and your crew."

 "I don't get it, we have worked together, I thought I was just as much of a employee as you all. Okay, I surrender my crew and my ship to you." Paul could see the captain was actually hurt by htis action.

 "Thank you sir, once this is all cleared up maybe I can make amends to you and your crew."

 Tug Two

 Tug Two made contact and halted the Scout in her tracks. The Scout was no match for the power of the Tug. Albert sent his EVA people to begin making entry into the Scout the hard way. The rest of his people were still struggling into their EVA suits.

 Someday, they will make a damn Tug designed for forced entry. Albert thoguht to himself.

 Chirs watched the EVA crews begin cutting thru the hull of Scout when his comm officer shouted "Chris Shadow is sending radioing a message to the planets surface.!!!!"

 "Crap, is has to be to the mercs on the planet. Send a message to HQ. Maybe it will get there in time."

 As he finished, Chris saw the first EVA crew making entry into the Jumpship, he saw slashes from the interior and 2 of his EVA crew were pulled out of the ship and floated into space adrift. He shifted his gaze slightly at another crew as they also made entry, then a third crew, more and more EVA personnel made the short journey to the Scout, Albert was pushing them hard. There were multiple flashes coming from the interior of the jumpship. Then they began slowing rapisly as the salvage crews swamped the defenders. Finally after 15 min Alberts voice came over the radio.

 "Chris we have the Shadow, we took some hard losses, these were not normal jumpship crew. These boys knew their stuff."

 "Roger, we got some floaters, begin SAR operations." Chris radioed back, he just hoped his message to the planet would arrive in time.

     Mackolla Space Port

     It was 1530 local time at the Space Port. Salvage Team 3 had stayed on the surface when the others lifted off. Also at the space port were 300 local's hired as labors and astechs. Most were in the large warehouse that held the Turhan's. Since the Merkava's did not have ammunition, and no one wanted to risk the hover tanks, the salvage crews along with the locals had been playing with the Turhans. Large lasers dont need ammo. They had just parked some of the vehicles after their "testing" when a local appeared in the hanger.

 "The metal men are coming boss." The locals had never seen Mechs before the Merc's arrival and that is what they called them.

 Teresa looked up at the announcment "Why are they on this part of the space port." She wondered. Just then the makeshift anti pirate alarm sounded from HQ. Turning to her people she shouted "Everyone mount up in a tank and get fready, I think these Mercs are bad guys."

 Everyone scrambled into vehicles, luckily most had the chance to drive around and shot the things. As Teresa was mounting the closest tank, she saw a huge hand grab the door to the warehouse and remove it and half the roof with it. There stood a Thunderbolt but it suddenly flew back as 27 Turhans opened fire and most hit the close range Thinderbolt with over 30 large laser basically removing the what to Teresa was the entire top half of the mech. A loudspeaker blared "All of you in the warehouse surrender now, we will not ask again."

 Teresa knew the Mercs had 3 more mechs, 2 Firestartes and a Shadowhawk. Sitting in this warehouse was just asking to be cooked alive. She swallowed hard and shouted "Charge!!!!!"

 27 Turhans gunned their engines and blasted from the warehouse, every one of them firing wildly at the 3 remaining mechs, the Shadowhawk was hit with over 15 large lasers and dropped like a rock, 1 Firestarter hit his jump jets but still took 8 hits from large lasers, the 2nd Firestarter began backing up rapidly but fell to the combined hits of over 10 Turhans. Several Turhans began shooting large lasers at advancing infantry, while several actually charged the infantry. The Merc infantry scattered trying to find cover on the huge tarmac but there was little cover to be found.

 As the 1st Firestarter landed on his pillar of fire, several Turhans just rammed into him knocking him over. The Mech fell with the cockpit literally in Teresa's face, she squeezed the trigger.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #74 on: 09 November 2018, 21:50:12 »
And I hope no one has access to an HPG
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #75 on: 09 November 2018, 22:06:44 »
More like ROM
Hence the quotes...  ^-^


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #76 on: 09 November 2018, 22:36:28 »
These were the Mercs that cousin Donald recommended as extra super trustworthy?


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #77 on: 10 November 2018, 03:48:00 »
Not very trustworthy or very effective. Did not even knock out one tank. :D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Sir Chaos

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Re: The Quest
« Reply #78 on: 10 November 2018, 08:42:12 »
Hence the quotes...  ^-^

Ah... those "Death Commandos". The ones that show up while the quotes-less Death Commandos are coincidentally busy elsewhere...
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #79 on: 10 November 2018, 09:43:49 »
 4 September 3049

   Tug One was on the way back to the planets surface with the Eclipse's crew on board, they had also picked up 5 wounded Shadow crewmen and all the remains from the boarding action. Alberts salvage team lost 18 dead and 22 wounded in the boarding action. The captured Shadow crewmen were all zip tied and under armed guard, the Eclipse crewmen were held in one of the infantry bays.

 On the ground, Teresa had found that George had suffered a mild heart attack. Luckily he was discovered within seconds of his collapse and moved to the HQ's small medical facility. MST's only real doctor was treating him. She did not suffer any real casualties, but a bunch of folks had bumps, bruises and several broken bones mainly from the 4 Turhans that rammed the Firestarter, they learned what seatbelts are for.

 She had guards on 2 captured Mechwarriors and 12 captured but wounded infantrymen. What really troubled her was that 18 of the Merc infantry were unaccounted for. She had her people clearing the "battlefield" but under the guns of 8 Turhans crewed her people. The construction company's people seemed shocked at what occurred. Teresa could not trust them fully but she could do the math. Harry hired this construction crew himself, the Mercs and the Jumpships had come from his cousin. She had not tried to question any of the prisoners yet. The Merc commander had been in the Thunderbolt, and he would not be talking anymore. She had no proof but the math added up in her head. This was going to hit Harry hard if it was true.

 To Teresa, their only saving grace right now was that there was no out of system communication and MST controlled all the off planet transport and jumpships.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #80 on: 10 November 2018, 13:13:33 »
 26 April 3050

   The Money Wagon materialized at the systems Zenith Jump Point on 16 April where Harry and the "recon" team from Allard took 2 ST46's down to the planets surface. Harry had been surprised when within 1 hour of reaching the space port on New Avalon a van had sped up to Harry's ST46 and out popped 7 people and about 2 tons worth of cargo. The other 2 members were Harry's escort from earlier in the day. During the long journey, Harry had tried to engage the team in discussion but had been met with the simplest of answers. The "recon" team mainly stuck to themselves during the entire journey.

   Arriving planet side, Harry immediately noted the destroyed Mechs laying off to the side of the runway. He also noticed several tanks moving about. George met Harry at the bottom of the ramp, Harry noticed his friend seemed to move slower than he used to. Shaking hands George answered the unspoken questions he knew Harry wanted to ask "Glad your back Harry, it's been a pretty hairy year. We had some trouble with one of the Scout crews and the Mercs hired to protect the base. We took some losses in personnel, but managed to get things locked down tight. But we can continue this in the Admin building where it is quieter."

 The group walked the distance to the Admin building in silence, every now and then George glanced at Harry with a "who are these people with you" and was met with a slight shake of the head. Entering the Admin building, George led the group to the conference room area.

 It was then that Harry spoke "What did you mean trouble George?"

 George glanced at the people Harry had brought, some of them looked like some serious people, a couple looked like nerds and hesitated until Harry spoke again "Speak freelt George, these people are here to assess our find."

 George still hesitated but continued "You say so Harry, our find is bigger than we thought. On those Mammoths we have the ability to produce not only the shell of jumpships, but both standard and compact jump cores for them and the ability to build intertellar engines of every type that was in service during the Star League. Same for the jump cores, we have complete plans and specifications for every single jump core or engine used during the Star League up to year 2766. The factories are fully automated Star League era, for example, building a jump core for a Merchant will take exactly 2 months, a Monolith 4 months. Engines are built even faster.

 The shipyard is semi automated, so we could expect to complete a Merchant Class Jumpship in 2 months if we have everything available and ready. We have full blueprints for 9 warship designs, every jumpship design as of 2766 and every dropship design as of 2766."

 As George spoke he could not miss the reactions of the "nerds" Harry had brought with him. Some looked as though they had dies and gone to heaven, but every single one of them was shifting in their chairs as though the chairs were shocking them.

 "Before you left you told Mikael to wipe the Scouts navigation computers, he discovered one Scout had it's information copied and had a salvage tech sabotage that Scouts jump core. When I discovered we were sitting on a weapon of mass destruction basically, I got back to the planet faster than I should have it seems and ordered the Tugs to seize the Scouts and detain the crews. One Scout's crew surrendered without problem and I am confident they are innocent by the way, the one with the sabotaged jump drive on the other hand fought, and they were not just regular spacers, more like trained Marines. As we boarded, they sent a message planetside and we had a small battle with the Merc unit hired. Seems they were working together.

 We have the prisoners locked down in a prison we built just for them. We had some infantry unaccounted for but after 3 months, we think we have them all accounted for now. Several turned themselves into local police. A small group tried to steal a ST46 but I had ordered all planetside vehicles and craft when not in use disabled."

 Harry could not believe what he was hearing "So the Mercs AND the Scout crew were working together?"

 George could see that Harry was coming to the same conclusion Teresa had, and then George and Gale had reached the same conclusion. "Yes Harry, we are not trained interrogators, but we got some info from the prisoners, the Scout belonged to the Mercs, they were hired by your cousin to locate and if possible take possession of any finds you made by force if neccessary. If the find was substantial, they were to kill everyone. They did not move sooner because you kept a tight lid on our find, they did not know what we had."

 George could this news hit Harry hard, Harry was all about family since he had no direct family. The thought that his own family, even distant family could do this to one of their own, must be killing him.

 All Harry could say was "My own cousin, I basically paid for the attack on my own people."

 Finally one of the "nerds" spoke up "How fast can we inspect your find?"

 Harry and George just looked at each other and when Harry nodded, George answered "I will have the ST46 take you back up to the MST Star Lord where the Mammoths are docked. Paul will escort you, I am restricted to minimal space travel." At that revelation Harry looked at George for an answer "Had a small heart attack Harry, Doc says my ticker is having trouble with zero G. I'm grounded from here on out."

 "George, I am sorry, I did not know." Harry had just been double kicked. First betrayed by his cousin, then he loses his best tech for space recovery operations.

 Just then the guy Harry called the "mute" spoke for the first time Harry could remember "Might I have some words with these prisoners? I might be able to get more information from them."

 Harry's "big guy" spoke next "I need the cargo we brought unloaded and a secure area setup for it." He pointed to another silent guy who was not a "nerd". "Peter will handle installation and security of the cargo."

 Harry looked at George who spoke up "I will make the arrangements for a secure area, as for the prisoners, you can take them up and have them do a space walk without EVA gear if you want. We lost some good people."

« Last Edit: 10 November 2018, 13:16:20 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #81 on: 10 November 2018, 13:44:35 »
 14 May 3050

  The "nerds" had arrived back planet side showing extreme excitement, they had gone directly to the secure room George had set aside for Harry's guests. After 3 hours, they had emerged. After months of silence from the group, Harry was surprised when it seemed he could not get them to shut up. They pestered him with questions, they pestered George with questions. Harry sic'ed them on Clayton, who Harry discovered had married the local girl, and Clayton spent hours with his fellow nerds detailing all the resource's his survey crews had discovered. The nerds Harry had brought made copious notes.

    30 May 3050

    Peter exited the secure room and spoke with big guy, Harry had learned his name was Kelly, who nodded. Pete returned to the secure room. Kelly found Harry in his office, he lightly knocked as he entered the office and shut the door "Harry, we have been ordered to expedite our return to New Avalon, you are to accompany us. How soon can we depart?"

 Harry thought for a second, it would be another year before he was back. Another year before he could return to his "mission". "We can depart as soon as your packed up and ready to go Kelly. What do you mean you have orders? There is no HPG on this planet. How did you get orders?"

 "Peter, Mose (this was mute) and Dr Garcia will remain here. I will have everyone else packed and at the ST46 within the hour. You were told, we have our ways." Kelly replied as he left the room.

 Harry could but nod his head, he was after all playing in a much deeper meaner pond than he was used to. He rose and called for George. George entered the office "What's up Harry?"

 "I have to return to New Avalon, you have control of the operation. 3 of our guests will remain here. Pete, Mose and Dr Garcia." Harry informed him.

 "Peter huh? Well that computes, what ever they brought causes a power spike every now and then. Mose, quiet guy, but intimidating as heck. Dr Garcia, he is from NAIS, specializes in research of Star League technology. Not a nerd per se, more hands on type of guy. An engineer matter of fact. I can work with them." George took it all in stride.

 "Follow the doctors orders George, I will be back as soon as I can, we leave within the hour." The 2 friends shook hands and Harry began the walk to the awaiting ST46.
« Last Edit: 10 November 2018, 14:11:11 by 2ndAcr »


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #82 on: 10 November 2018, 15:15:55 »
 1 November 3050
          New Avalon

   Harry was exhausted from all the space travel he had been doing. He spent years in space but he could not think a time in his past when he had made so many jumps in so short of time. He was glad to be back on firm ground again, but instead of a hotel, Harry was taken to what he discovered upon entering was the same house he met Quintus Allard in. "Harry, you will be comfortable and safe here, there is a security team stationed around this house. So you know, all communication lines to this house are disabled. I have to leave with the team and make our report. But I will return soon." Kelly informed Harry

 Harry just nodded, all he wanted to do was grab some sleep on firm ground for a change. Once Kelly departed Harry took a long hot shower and went to bed.

 3 November 3050
          New Avalon

   Kelly did not arrive back until today, and when he did, he said to Harry "Harry, get dressed we have an important meeting to attend."

  "Where are we going Kelly? I expected for the meeting to be held here again." Harry responded

 "This house is secure but not secure enough for this meeting Harry, not by a long shot." Kelly replied.

  Once Harry was dressed, he was drive towards what he knew was Mount Davion, as they passed thru the security checkpoints, Harry could feel a small ball of apprehension building in his guts. Even though he had come to New Avalon last year with just this sort of meeting in mind, now that it actually was happening caused him to second guess himself. He was playing way outside his league.

 Kelly, sitting beside Harry could feel the tension building in his charge "Relax Harry, this is the meeting you wanted long ago, well what you found has caused a bit of a ruckus, but just calm yourself."

 All Harry could do was nod as the car entered a huge tunnel leading into the seat of power in the Federated Suns half of the FC. When the car finally stopped, Kelly and Harry exited and walked a short distance to another security check point, here Harry's identification was once again checked and he was handed a security pass that read "Visitor, Access Restricted, Must be escorted at all times" on it. Harry was advised to have it out and around his neck at all times and to not go anywhere without Kelly in attendance. Once again Harry could only nod.

 When the elevator they rode finally stopped, Kelly led Harry to a door marked simply conference room A with a small read light glowing above it that said "in use". Kelly knocked on the door and a voice Harry recognized only from holovids said "Enter". Harry suddenly felt weak kneed. As Kelly opened the door, he had to gently push Harry into the room and shut the door behind Harry while Kelly remained in the hallway outside.

 Facing Harry were 3 men, these 3 men ran the Federated Suns. Harry instantly recognized the man seated at the head of the table as First Prince Hanse Davion, he also recognized Arden Sortek the First Princes right hand, the 3rd man, Harry assumed was Quintus Allard this was confirmed when he spoke "Mr Mitchell, it is good to see you again, please have a seat. We have much to discuss."

 Walking on suddenly rubbery legs Harry shuffled to the table and took a seat across from the 3 giants. He did not know if he should bow, courtesy or kiss the floor. He was WAY out of his league in this room.

 Quintus Allard continued after Harry was seated "Mr Mitchell, may we call you Harry?" Harry nodded, they could call him whatever they wanted "I have received my teams findings of your discovery and I must say, bravo, you have made an extremely valuable find. One that could change the future. Now the question to you is, what do you want or need from us?"

 Harry could not find his voice, it was only made worse when the First Prince of the Federated Suns poured him a glass of water and slid it across the table. Harry downed the water in mere seconds, after which the Prince refilled it. Finally "Sirs, your Highness, thank you for meeting me, it is an honor. Me and my people do not have the expertise nor the ability to fully make use of our find. Nor do we possess the ability to adequately protect this find. We pretty much need anything and everything you can give us."

 Hanse Davion was eyeing Harry the entire time "Harry, I have read of your find. I also understand you want to retain control of the shipyard and factories, what is to stop us from just seizing them?"

 That made Harry almost melt into the chair "There is not a thing to prevent you from doing so Your Highness except for your honor."

 Allard looked at Hanse "I told you he had guts Hanse." Hanse just nodded and then continued "I also understand the planet where you currently operate from was once a part of the Federated Suns?"

 "Yes it was, Your Highness." Harry did not know where this was going.

 "And that you have already repelled one attempt at a takeover sponsored by your cousin who runs Mitchell Interstellar based on Pattonsburg?" Hanse asked.

 "I did not repel the attack, but my people did." Harry still could not get a feel for the conversation.

 "Well there is only one way to start this then, Arden, please make not that on" Hanse turned to Allard "when was your first meeting with Harry?"

 "15 December 3049" Allard replied all the while looking at Harry

 "That on 15 December 3049, by order of myself, Harry Mitchell was made Marquis of Mackolla, to fully develop as he sees fit. Yadda, Yadda you know what all to put in there Arden." Hanse said, as he finished Harry was thunderstruck but Hanse continued. "Now this attack was against a vital faciility of the Federated Commonwealth, how do you want to handle the matter Marquis Mitchell?"

 "Your Highness, I do not know what to say, this honor your bestowing on me is too much. I am but a simple salvage guy. I don't know anything about running a planet. I am in some shock right now, too much too soon." Harry was having trouble processing it all.

 Hanse finally stood "I understand Harry, I thank you for bringing this to us. We will pause the meeting until tomorrow. Think about what is needed Harry, and I will personally see what can be done to assist you." With that said, Harry forced himself to stand and take the offered hand of First Prince Hanse Davion.

 Over the next few days, Harry outlined what he thought he needed and such. He expected resistance to some of his "demands" but he never heard the words no spoken. He did get some strange looks from the men on a couple. Then Harry was informed that the next meeting would be in 3 weeks time. He was to remain on New Avalon and relax. Kelly would remain with him.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #83 on: 10 November 2018, 15:17:24 »

Have they been training up a local militia to crew their tanks or maybe nipped over to nearby star system hire some hopefully trustworthy Mercenaries? Everybody seems very relaxed about security.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #84 on: 10 November 2018, 15:22:05 »
 Since the system is off the beaten path and no one really knows where it is, not really. It is 2 jumps to the nearest inhabited system. This will all change fairly soon.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #85 on: 10 November 2018, 16:21:51 »
 26 November 3050
       New Avalon

 The meeting was postponed but finally Harry was once again entering Mount Davion, this time the security check points went much quicker and easier. Arriving at the conference room he was beginning to know so well, he was struck that even more people were inside as he entered.

 "Marquis Mitchell, we have been waiting on you. Let me introduce these people to you, this is Duke Melissa Sona CEO of Challenge Systems, and this is Innabeth Hicks of Basantapur Fine Metals and finally we have Countess Yeslers of McRae Quik Construct. I have asked them to join us here today." First Prince Hanse Davion said. "Now let us all be seated and get down to business shall we."

 Hanse continued as everyone took a seat "Harry, after listening to your issues, I asked these folks here to maybe help you out. But first, I took the liberty of having my lawyers draw up some paperwork, first the creation of Mitchell Aerospace and Shipyards has been created with you having 60% of the controlling shares, I control 20% of the shares and the remaining 20% are controlled by Challenge Systems. All you need to do is sign the paperwork." The papers were slid across the table to Harry.

 Harry quickly read them, he wanted full control of his find, but also realized that it was going to be impossible. He signed the documents. As he did so, Hanse smiled broadly, Harry thought it was what he imagined a shark would do as he spotted a helpless sealion pup. "Great, now Challenge Systems is going to assist you in getting up and running. Basantapur Metals is going to do the mining on planet for us. Of course as Marquis you get 30% of all revenue from extracted ores. McRae has agreed to assist in the construction of any planet side construction you might need. We have discussed your concerns on security and I have made certain they understand how important this is to me. You, Harry, you control all access to your planet. All dropships will be carried by your ships and yours alone. Any jumpships you authorize to enter will have your lead navigator on board and he, and he alone will have access to the ships navigation computer while on board. He is authorized to wipe the ships navigation computer upon completion. Agreed?"

 Harry was trapped and he knew it "Agreed your highness."

 "Great, now let us adjorn for some lunch, Harry will you accompany me?" Hanse asked

 "Yes, your highness, it would be my pleasure." What else was Harry supposed to say. As they group broke up for lunch, everyone else went to the executive dining room, but Hanse, Harry, Arden and Quintus all went to Hanse Davions office. As they entered the spacious office, Harry noticed lunch sat out on a large table off to the side.

 "Harry, we need to discuss further security with you but more privately. Now Quintus is posting a complete MIIO team on Mackolla to assist in security. We are also boosting our operations on any planet within 3 jumps of Mackolla. Plus, I have not asked yet but am now. What are your plans for this fleet you think you got a lead on?" Hanse asked while he made a sandwhich

 "Your highness, my plans are to find it. What plans past that are in the air. I have to find it first. It has been 300 years basically, stuff drifts and all that. Once I find it, well then I have to determine what can be salvaged etc." Harry was just starting to make his sandwhich.

 "Back to security, what do you need to protect our venture?" Hanse asked

 "Well, I don't have any aerospace fighters. My Tugs are well armed. Ground based, well that has never been a concern for me until now. I would prefer someone I trust and know" suddenly Harry had an inspiration "Like my nephew, he is family but serves in the AFFC. Graduated from Albion. I am not sure where he is at the moment though. I would trust him."

 "What is his name?" This came from Arden Sortek

 "Subaltern Scott Mitchell, I am not sure where he is posted nor his exact graduation date. I have not checked in for any HPG communications, security fears and all." Harry stated

 "No Problem, we can find him. Subaltern, little green to head up some security of this magnitude don't you think?" Arden asked

 "He is young, but extremely bright. Plus he is family." The thought of seeing Scott again filled Harry with some pleasure.

 "Nephew, as in the son of your cousin? The cousin who stabbed you in the back?" This was from Quintus

 "Yes, but Scott was never interested in money, that was his dad all the way. Money is what drove Donald." It still pained Harry that his cousin did what he did.

 "What do you plan on doing about your cousin anyway?" This came from Hanse "I have some ideas of you want." Again Harry had the picture of a smiling shark watching a struggling sealion pup go thru his head

 "Harry, you will have to repond. He is a threat WE cannot tolerate to this secret. Plus have you let it enter your mind that you have no heir?" Once again Hanse had that look about him

 "Highness, that is always on my mind and one of my regrets. But if you would be so kind, I wrote this out last night." Harry removed an envelope from his pocket "This is my will, if anything should happen to me, I have named my nephew as my heir. He is to inherit all of my possesions. If you would please see that my wishes are carried out if something bad does happen to me?"

 Hanse accepted the envelope "I accept your wishes of me Harry, Quintus and Arden will also make sure your wishes are carried out if I am unable."

 "Thank you all. That is a huge load off my mind." Harry silently breathed a sigh of relief.

 "Now let us enjoy lunch. Harry I have read up on your familys service to the Federated Suns back in the early SW years. That service put your family in some financial hardship, I want you to know, I will remember and your family's sacrifice will always be remembered." Hanse said as they all got to eating


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #86 on: 10 November 2018, 16:42:24 »
Cousin Donald has really upset the powers that matter in the fed suns.
I wonder how Scott will react and what evil plans you have for Donald. >:D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #87 on: 10 November 2018, 17:49:17 »
The real question is whether the Scout crew and mercenary story is the real one, or just what they were told by ROM...


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #88 on: 10 November 2018, 19:58:06 »
 4 March 3051
      New Avalon

  The past months had past swiftly for Harry, countless meetings in Mount Davion. He had even been briefed about the Black Boxes used by MIIO after talking with Quintus Allard about the fear for a mis-jump or getting stranded in some deep periphery system. Of course there was a very ominous unsaid penalty for divulging anything from the briefing. Hanse Davion was always questioning about the "fleet", but Harry had already told him all he knew. Harry had even been allowed to send a brief message to George on Mackolla, it did not contain much info just an estimated date to leave New Avalon of March 20, 3051.

 Harry had extensive discussions with the CEO of Challenge Systems, it was decided that Challenge Systems chief engineer and 100 experienced techs would leave Panpour and link up with Harry at Rentz aboard a Monarch Dropship. They would help get the shipyard built and the factories in operation.

 Basantapur Metals would have a full mining operation staffed and ready to go around the same time. They also would link up at Rentz. They would be aboard 2 Mammoth Dropships with all the heavy mining equipment needed. Additional personnel would be hired on Mackolla.

 McRae Quik Construct was already starting construction of 100 prefab buildings for housing personnel. They would be loaded aboard 2 Mules and waiting at Rentz for Harry. A team of 40 would supervise the final assembly on Mackolla.

 This was a lot of outsiders for Harry to consider. But Quintus assured him MIIO would perform full background checks on every person and anyone with any kind of issue would be booted from the team. Harry also knew the population of Mackolla would probably have trouble meeting the labor demands of everything. Now he had to think about bringing folks in for a labor force. Harry was in way, way over his head. He thought sometimes running a salvage operation on a shoestring budget was hard, now here he was trying to learn how to run an entire planet and to do it with utmost secrecy added on top.

 All of the initial costs of this operation was being covered by the Federated Commonwealth. Hanse Davion said it would cover his "buy in" on the new company. For initial security, Hanse Davion had assigned the 325th Independent Aerospace Wing, normally assigned to one of New Avalon's jump points, and 2 companies of Mechs detached from the Davion Heavy Guards RCT along with one of the Davion Heavy Guards Infantry Regiments. They would remain on Mackolla until a credible defense force was established by Marquis Harry Mitchell.

 Harry's head was about to explode when a knock at his office door caused him to look up "Yes". Kelly opened the door and in walked his nephew Scott Mitchell, in his AFFC uniform and behind his nephew stood 2 more men, 1 a huge hulking brute wearing a AFFC uniform with all sorts of ribbons and a slightly smaller man in a naked AFFC uniform. Harry could not help but notice Kelly was keeping a very close eye on this 3rd man.

 "Scott, how the heck are you." Harry exclaimed as he quickly rose from behind his desk and almost ran to the young man and embraced the youngster.

 "Uncle Harry, good to see you again to, now explain to me what the hell is going on." Scott said as they broke the embrace

 "Scott, it has been one hell of a couple years. First who are your friends." Harry said as he extended his hand to the unknown guests.

 "Uncle Harry, this huge guy is my mentor SGM O'Malley, and this is Honos, former Jade Falcon Mech Warrior, now my aide." Harry shook SGM O'Malley's hand and then pulled back some from Honos. He thought to himself, this is one of the invaders of my nation, what the hell, but he re-extended his hand after a split second which Honos also shook. Harry continues his thoughts, first I have security issues already and now I have before me an enemy of my nation. What else can go wrong.

 "Uncle Harry quit stalling, tell me why I and my platoon were ripped from our unit and brought here, on a command circuit no less." Scott was losing his cool, the last week had been rough on him.

 "Okay, you all had better sit down, this is gonna take a bit." Harry started his tale as they all sat down, 4 hours later, Scott, SGM O'Malley and even Honos just sat there with dumbfounded expressions on their face looking at Harry.

 Scott was the first to speak "So, let me see if understand this, you made some finds, got appointed Marquis by First Prince Hanse Davion no less, basically own a planet, control a ship building company with First Prince Hanse Davion no less, and want me a damn wet behind the ears Lieutenant in the AFFC to head up security of all that?"

 Hearing it said in that short of form made even Harry shake his head in disbelief "That pretty much sums it up Scott."

 "Uncle Harry, your crazy, you know that crazy. I would have you committed if the big house, the platoon of serious goons you have guarding you did not lend some credability to this wild ass tale of yours." Scott was still in disbelief.

 Another knock at the door brought everyones head around, Kelly stuck his head in "Sir, I got word that we have a meeting at 0900 tomorrow and you are to bring Lieutenant Mitchell, SGM O'Malley along, the other guy stays here with us."

 Harry nodded "Thanks Kelly" he looked at Scott "Maybe tomorrow will convince you I am serious."

 Scott just shook his head "I doubt it Uncle Harry, I think all the space travel has warped your mind."

  5 March 3051
    New Avalon

   The next day as the little motorcade entered the tunnel under Mount Davion had Lieutenant Scott Mitchell eating his words. But what was still to come would make him pray for forgiveness after some of the things he had thought about his Uncle Harry last night.

 As Kelly and his Uncle Harry got them thru security and the group rode the elevator up, Lieutenant Mitchell found himself developing a nervous sweat. Glancing at SGM O'Malley, who looked as though someone had shoved a steel girder up his rear end, just made him more nervous. He glanced at his Uncle Harry, who was as calm as ever, like this was an everyday occurrence.

 When the elevator opened, the small group exited and proceeded down the hall and turned into a outer office. The AFFC major at the desk just waved them thru "Marquis Mitchell, the First Prince is expecting you, go right in." That simple sentence caused both Lieutenant Mitchell and SGM O'Malley to almost faint, they quickly recovered and checked each others uniforms, only after a minute did they notice Harry standing at the door to the next office with a smirk on his face "You to ready to believe me yet?" and he wrapped on the door as he opened it.

 "Your Highness, thank you again for seeing us." Harry said as he entered the room. Following him extremely stiffly was Lieutenant Mitchell and SGM O'Malley marching properly and then snapping to attention so stiff and rigid, Harry could swear he heard some bones crack from the stress. Harry thought they would both die as the First Prince Hanse Davion approached them all.

 "Harry, good to see you as always. Leiutenant Mitchell, I have heard some good things about you and SGM O'Malley, have heard nothing but good things about you." Hanse Davion shook each of their hands in turn. "Please gentlemen, have a seat. We are awaiting a few more guests, anyone thirsty?"

 Harry just smiled "Why thank you, your highness. Some water would be great." Harry glanced at Scott and the huge O'Malley and smiled again, for they sat at rigid attention looking straight ahead "Scott and the SGM could probably use some too."

 Hanse burst out laughing "Lieutenant, SGM relax please, that is an order if that is what it takes." Both Scott and SGM relaxed about 3 milimeters and then looked as though they got hit with a cattle prod of epic proportions when First Prince Hanse Davion himself poured them each a glass of water and handed it to them. "Seriously, I will have to call a doctor if you two do not relax some."

 Scott and SGM O'Malley had just taken a sip of water and allowed themselves to relax another 3 milimeters when the door opened and Hanse Davion said "Ah, Ardan my good friend, come sit down and I will introduce my new friends."

 The name Ardan, as in Ardan Sortek, Princes Champion, the right hand of god himself, Caused both Scott and SGM O'Malley to stiffen up again. Scott shot a quick glance at his uncle with a "what the hell have you gone and done" look. As the First Prince introduced Scott and the SGM to Ardan Sortek, who shook both of their hands and then grabbed a glass of water and pulled up a chair. As Ardan sat down, he said to Hanse "Quintus and our guest are on their way now sir."

 "Good, it is time to clear some air and get this handled." Hanse said and then he went back to watching Scott and the SGM try to see who would pass out from stiffness first.

 When the door opened again a few minutes later, Quintus Allard was followed by a visibly shaken Donald Mitchell. As the 2 men appeared in Scott's peripherial vision he was shocked to see his dad. Harry sat and watched his cousin, how could this man try to kill him and his people. The SGM had no clue what was going on, but was sure soem bad shit was about to happen, as he was focused on his First Prince and saw the mans face change from friendly to that something much deadlier.

 First Prince Hanse Davion rose from his chair "This must be Donald Mitchell, come sit down, we have some questions to ask you and a few things to clear up." It was delivered smoothly but there was a tinge of something very deadly and dangerous in there also.

 As Donald Mitchell slowly took the offered seat, he then noticed his son Scott and then his cousin Harry. He thought to himself, what have you done Harry to condemn your entire family.

 Hanse Davion began "So Donald, tell me, did you have anything to do with the attack on your cousin Harry's people? Because of you did, it would cause me great discomfort." Hanse Davions gaze was fierce and serious. Scott's stiffness broke long enough for him to look at his father with a "you did what" look.

 "Your Highness, did I do what? Of course not, Harry is family. I loaned him, well leased him 2 Scout jumpships. Why would I do anything like that." Donald thought his heart would explode, what the hell was going on.

 "Where did you aquire the jumpships Donald?" This was Quintus who remained standing behind Donald's chair

 "They were part of the inventory of a bankrupt shipping company. It had 7 Jumpships, 2 were Scouts, I don't use Scouts in my shipping business." Donald thought he would have a panic attack.
 "I want all the details of that sale as soon as you can, broker name, list of ships, their name, and entire employee roster." Quintus said

 "Yes sir, as soon as we leave" if I leave here, he thought "I will have it all to you." Donald was pale.

 Hanse asked the next question "Tell me about these mercs you recommended to Harry here of you would?" It was phrased as a question but there was no mistaking it was not a question.

 "Your Highness, I have used this mercenary band for years, they specialized in corperate security. The group Harry wanted to use had only been around a year or so, I did not trust them." How had he gotten into this mess, Donald thoughtt to himself.

 Hanse looked at Harry "Marquis Mitchell, you have any questions for Donald here?" Hanse said Harry's title to drive the point home.

 Donalds eyes flew open, Marquis Mitchell? Harry had a title? What the heck was going on here?

 Harry studied his cousin, he had been watching him silently since he entered the room. But his ractions to the questions left no doubt in Harry's mind "Your Highness, I have no questions, it is obvious that my cousin Donald was not behind these actions."

 "Okay Harry, Donald relax some, I already have to keep an eye out on 2 guests to pass out, I don't want a 3rd." Hanse said as he gestured to Scott and the SGM "You just happened to get named as the person who called the shots on the attack by some prisoners. We needed to get this cleared up. Quintus, arrange for those prisoners to be brought to New Avalon for questioning at the earliest would you." Hanse was talking friendlier but he still eyed Donald like a bird of prey.

 Donald silently thanked every god that existed with those words, but he barely relaxed. He was in the room with the most powerful men in the Federated Suns. And his cousin Harry was now amoung them seeing how easy he was in their presence.

 Hanse decided to break some tension "Lieutenant Mitchell, how about you tell us of your capturing this Falcon warrior of yours and the incident at the landing zone, I hear it was quite the story."

 What the hell, the First Prince knew about that??? Scott thought to himself. Dear god


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Re: The Quest
« Reply #89 on: 10 November 2018, 20:18:41 »
uh oh, looks like someone has taken an interest.  :(

On the positive side, it doesn't really look like a ComStar operation but on the negative side, it does look like something the Combine the Capellan Confederation or the League would do trying to set up a long-term plan to disrupt their enemies commerce.

If everybody is very lucky it was just a Pirate band looking to infiltrate Mitchell's Transport looking for routes schedules and shipping manifests for raids.