Author Topic: The Quest, Part 2  (Read 180089 times)


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1050 on: 01 October 2019, 18:51:04 »
HPG, Black Box, or both...  ^-^


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1051 on: 01 October 2019, 18:56:23 »
HPG, Black Box, or both...  ^-^

Both... always have a PACE plan


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1052 on: 01 October 2019, 23:10:07 »
     9 July 3068
 Newtown Square

  Major General Bella Bragg, commander 39th Avalon Hussars RCT, had finally received orders on the what to do with the captured Clan Star Adder personnel. Well, not exactly orders, but guidance. She reread the message:

  To: Major General Bella Bragg, Commander 39th Avalon Hussars RCT
  From: Archon Prince Victor Steiner Davion, Marshal of the Armies Morgan Hasek Davion, Marshal Nondi Steiner

  Congratulations on your stunning victory. Your actions reflect on your superb abilities. Official orders will follow, but let me be the first to inform you that you are hereby promoted to Marshal. I have ordered that replacement equipment and troops be a priority.

  As to your captives, normally we would ship them to the Outer March, but we are going to try something different this time around. We are going to actually give the captives some choices.

  A) They can be inducted into the AFFC and assigned to the 39th Avalon Hussars RCT under your command
  B) They can be transferred to the Outer March
  C) They can be transferred to The Protectorate under the command of Duke Jamie Wolf

  This will be the first time we have tried this and we have no idea how it will work out or even how it will be received by the former Clan warriors. Keep me apprised of any issues that arise, because we will face the Clan's for some time to come and we need to figure out how to handle prisoners and such.

  Victor Steiner Davion

  She set the message back down on her desk and tried to figure out the best way to approach the former Clan personnel. So far, they had thrown themselves into assisting her techs in getting equipment repaired and battle ready. It could be a very interesting experiment.


  Brigadier General Christine Andrews, commander of the 1st MDF Garrison Brigade, really wished she was with Duke Mitchell's Task Force, but when she was informed she would be forming a new unit, she had thrown herself into the task fully. While staffing her command, she had labored hard to find the very best warriors and personnel she could lay her hands on. Even most of her "survivors" from the Combine prison camps had remained with her. They had held "trials" for command slots and all of her Battalion and Company command slots in the Mech Regiment were staffed with her "veterans". Her Battle Armor Battalion had a full Star of "surviving" Elementals.

  The majority of her personnel were straight from the Academy on Bamburgh, but they were all well trained. One thing she enjoyed about serving with Duke Mitchell is the lavish equipment he equipped his forces with. Though she only had her Command Trinary and 1 Battalion equipped with Omni Mechs, the other 2 Mech Battalions were fully equipped with Clan armed Mechs along with the Armor Regiment and Aerospace Wing.


   Khan Vlad Ward had received the scathing message from Khan Sullivan Koga berating him about the delay on his transports. This only annoyed Khan Ward, the transports were on the way, they were just delayed when he finally decided to redeploy Omega Galaxy from the periphery border to take up garrison postings along the Federated Commonwealth/Periphery border.

  Omega Galaxy Current Deployment

  Icar - The Dark Keshik, 1st Wolf Guards Grenadiers Cluster
  Chateau - 2nd Wolf Guards Grenadiers Cluster, 100th Assault Cluster
  Csesztreg - 55th Reserve Strike Cluster, 3rd Wolf Guards Grenadiers Cluster


  Loremaster Daphne Vickers had gotten a message from Duke Jaime Wolf relaying a request from the MDF garrison on Persistence asking if one of her units would be willing to spend several months acting as an aggressor force for the new garrison unit. Though she felt she should keep all her forces within the Protectorate for now, Duke Jaime Wolf had convinced her that "getting on Duke Mitchell's good side was always a good thing". So she had dispatched the 2nd Wolf Cavalry to Persistence. They should arrive by the end of the month thanks to existing AFFC command circuits in place.


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1053 on: 02 October 2019, 03:45:05 »
"Marshal Bragg" has a nice ring to it!  :thumbsup:


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1054 on: 05 October 2019, 12:28:40 »
     10 July 3068
  Newtown Square

  Major General or Marshal Bella Bragg, she still thought of herself as her former rank, had ordered all the former Clan Star Adder personnel to assemble on the large parade field. She stood at the podium on the raised platform and looked out across the 2,013 former Clan personnel in neat ranks, with the warriors in front of course. Since their defeat and capture, she had found all the former Clan personnel to be quite eager and helpful. Especially those Technicians, they had helped her techs repair many damaged Mechs and return them to battle ready status. Now she was about to possibly lose their valuable skills.

  "All of you must be wondering why I ordered you to assemble here today, so I will get right to it. By order of Archon Prince Victor Steiner Davion, you are all declared Abtakha. He has also decreed that all of you are to be given a choice in your futures. You are all citizens of the Federated Commonwealth now, with all the rights and freedoms that entails. This is the first time the Federated Commonwealth has attempted this, and I will not sugar coat it for any of you. There could be some rough times ahead for all of you as you adjust to your new positions in life. As such, there are 3 options currently to be offered to every person assembled here today.

  Option A, you may be inducted into the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth and serve with my 39th Avalon Hussars RCT. Which I hope all of you choose to select.

  Option B, you may select to be transported to the Outer March. Since the initial invasion, this is where all the captured Clan personnel have been shipped. They have successfully integrated former Clan personnel into their ranks and helped them adjust to being in the Inner Sphere.

  Option C, you may select to be transported to Sudeten which is serving as the Capitol of the Protectorate under Duke Jaime Wolf, overall commander of Wolf Dragoon's and also the Clan Wolf in Exile enclave there.

  Every person here is allowed to make their own decision on where they would like to go. I cannot offer any guidance as I am extremely biased and hope every one of you choose to stay with the 39th Avalon Hussars. Let me stress again, every person here may FREELY choose their own decision, free from any harassment or threats. I understand this is all very new to you, but no longer are you stuck to a single path in life. You are all off duty for the next 3 days to make your decisions. I have brought in some civilian counselors to help answer any questions you may have. Dismissed."


  Challenge Systems had finally recovered from the Word of Blake strikes on their shipyard complex. They had come back stronger than ever and now had 24 500k pressurized shipyards in operation. They officially restarted Monolith production staggering their production to complete 2 Monolith Jumpship every month. They now could produce 48 Monolith Jumpships per year. Both standard and LF equipped depending on what the buyer wanted.


  Duchess Twyla Mitchell was taking a day from her duties and was spending the day with Melissa, now 3 years old. Twyla was sitting on a small park bench watching Melissa play with several other children like a normal child under the watchful eye of Ann and Delphi, standing several meters away and trying as hard as they could to be invisible. She could not help but smile at their attempt to provide Melissa with a normal life. Duchess Twyla stood and stretched, catching Ann's eye "I am going to take a quick stroll to stretch my legs." She said as she started walking on the path that circled the small park, never noticing the other 3 Elementals of her bodyguard point magically appear and follow her, at a very discrete distance.

  She walked down the curving path, nodding at passerby's, thankful that things were slowly returning to normal on Mackolla.

  Over 400 meters away, on a small rise, Hansen Longmore watched thru the scope as Duchess Twyla Mitchell moved down the path. He had long given up on the idea of kidnapping with the Duchess or the child for they always had Elemental's in close proximity, and before today, they had mainly remained in the large house which was too well guarded. He could not get a clear shot at the child nor the Duchess in their previous locations, but when the Duchess rose and started walking on the pathway, he finally had snugged the rifle into his shoulder. He had the crosshairs centered on the Duchess' head, the extra long silencer made the rifle front heavy and hard to use, but it was a necessary evil if he wanted to live after he took the shot.

  Taking in a deep breathe, he began squeezing the trigger, the crosshairs steadily on the Duchess's right ear. Finally the rifle kicked back into his shoulder with a violent force right as the Duchess nodded at a passerby, but he saw a spray of red and the Duchess dropped from sight.




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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1055 on: 05 October 2019, 12:44:34 »
ohhh man.  that sucks. 


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1056 on: 05 October 2019, 12:50:03 »
i see a bad decision.
Daniels Avenger                Clan Coyote
General Jennifer Daniels    Galaxy Commander Jim Skyes
                                        Omicron Galaxy
Clan Wolf in Exile
328th Assault Cluster(the Lion Hearted)
Star Captain James Sword


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1057 on: 05 October 2019, 14:35:09 »
 :o wow!   I wonder if there is a quick reaction Force nearby to catch the assasin?   That is a twist to the story.  I wonder if the duchess Tyla Mitchell had set aside some DNA for her and Scott to have more children via iron womb?


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1058 on: 05 October 2019, 15:52:20 »
One question to think about.

Is the WoB stupid enough to think killing his wife and father would stop Scott's rampage?

Or is some one taking advantage of the situation?

(Ok, really two questions.)
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1059 on: 05 October 2019, 19:32:16 »
First: Marshal Bragg is doing it EXACTLY right!  :thumbsup:

Second: I'm beginning to wonder if there's going to be anything more than ash left of Gibson...


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1060 on: 05 October 2019, 21:51:16 »
 10 July 3068

  Point Commander Cassandra Perez had been only 3 meters behind Duchess Twyla Mitchell when she suddenly saw the blood spray and her ward fall to the ground. Fearing the worst, Point Commander Cassandra Perez was kneeling over Duchess Twyla Mitchell in an instant. She made a quick radio call that brought immediate reactions across the entire planet. On the playground, Ann and Delphi scooped up Melissa Mitchell and rapidly took shelter, laser pistols in the hands in a flash.

  Sirens could be heard sounding all over the capitol city and the massive Space Port. :Point Commander Perez quickly checked for a pulse, which she found. She gently began probing her ward's hair and found that the sniper's bullet had cut a groove across the top rear of her head but had not penetrated. She was bleeding badly and probably had a fractured skull, but she was alive. Within 5 minutes of the call going out, 4 Bandit Hover Tanks swept into the area and a full Infantry Company disembarked and secured the immediate area with a platoon securing Melissa Mitchell. Within 10 minutes, a company of Donar VTOL were sweeping the area and now a full Infantry Battalion had increased the secure zone to almost 300 meters from the Duchess' position where medics were preparing her for transport.

  At the 20 minute mark, the entire area for 4km around the site of the shooting was secured by a full Infantry Regiment, Mech Battalion and 2 Regiments of Battle Armored Marines. All dropship departures from the surface were cancelled, warships in close orbit closed down all approaches to the surface.

  Just a hair over 1.2km away, Hansen Longmore slid deeper into the small cave he had been using as his base of operations, hidden inside some extremely dense underbrush as a pair of low and slow flying VTOL gunships slowly passed overhead. He, along with 12 other ROM assets had been inserted during the WoB failed invasion. He had spent several months inside the capitol city, only venturing to look for possible hides during the night. A month ago, he had moved his small base to this hidden spot. He felt more than heard the approach of Mechs. He began snuggling deeper into his sneak suit praying it would defeat any sensors they might have.

  Point Commander Cassandra Perez had to lift a medical sergeant off the ground by his collar and threaten to twist his head off until he relented and allowed the 3 hulking Elemental's to board the Bandit Hover Tank for the trip to the Space Ports hospital complex. Once the Bandit Hover Tank carrying Duchess Twyla Mitchell took off at flank speed, it was quickly followed by several more filled with Infantry.

  Ann and Delphi had only relaxed slightly when the full platoon of heavily armed Infantry had finally arrived at their location. Now, they too boarded a Bandit Hover Tank for the quick trip to the Space Port hospital. They had gotten the call that Duchess Twyla Mitchell was alive but unconscious and had breathed a slight sigh of relief. But that did nothing to quell the burning desire to find the sniper and tear him apart with their bare hands.

  On arrival at the Space Port hospital complex, Duchess Twyla Mitchell was rushed inside for immediate medical care. Point Commander Cassandra Perez and the other 2 Elemental's paused as a Anhur landed on the helipad and several techs wheeled out the large Elemental Suits. The 3 Elementals quickly suited up and checked their weapons systems, all thinking the same thing, please let someone try something now.

  Inside the hospital's emergency room, Duchess Twyla Mitchell was quickly X-rayed and her immediate wound cleaned and sealed. She was quickly placed on monitors while several doctors discussed her injuries.

  In the dense forest, Corporal Janice Anderson kept getting a faint hit on her Beagle Probe. "I'm telling you, there is something in that dense ass scrub. It keeps fading away though. But I have the sensitivity set high enough to ignore small animals but it will pick up humans." She moved her Stealth (C) closer to the dense underbrush in an attempt to get a good read off her sensors.

  Knowing Corporal Anderson was his best scout, Lieutenant Griss "Grizzly" Crosby called in the possible target and within minutes a company of Battle Armored Marines had arrived at the location. In seconds, a full platoon was ripping the underbrush apart in an attempt to either locate the target or flush the small animal throwing off the Mech's Beagle Probe.

  Inside the small cave, Hansen Longmore could hear the underbrush being ripped from the ground not far from his hide. He knew it was only a matter of time before he was discovered, so he prepared for his final act. Ever so slowly, he moved the small backpack towards him, afraid to make any noise. Punching in the access code, he set the timer for 20 seconds and mashed the red button while lighting a cigarette.

  Less than 100 meters away, Corporal Janice Anderson's sensors quickly homed in on the sudden nuclear signature, with sudden dread she pushed her throttles to max while calling out "NUKE WARNING EVERYONE GET CLEAR!!!!!" She then engaged her mechs MASC and quickly reach maximum speed. On the ground, the Battle Armored Marines fled the area as fast as their suits would take them. When the backpack nuke detonated, it picked up Battle Armored Marines and threw them thru the air. The primary direct blast only effected an area about 250 meters in all with secondary blast effects barely reaching half a kilometer.

  The detonation of a nuclear weapon sent the defensive forces on Mackolla and in orbit into a frenzy. Faxes were sent to Bamburgh and within 4 hours, 5 Gremlin Dropships were lifting off carrying an additional 5 Infantry Regiments where they would link up with an additional 3 Marine Training Regiments for the trip to Mackolla.


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1061 on: 05 October 2019, 22:14:55 »
Daniels Avenger                Clan Coyote
General Jennifer Daniels    Galaxy Commander Jim Skyes
                                        Omicron Galaxy
Clan Wolf in Exile
328th Assault Cluster(the Lion Hearted)
Star Captain James Sword


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1062 on: 05 October 2019, 22:34:29 »
That is one way to give to middle finger to the people hunting you after you shoot the rulers wife of the planet. In this case glad he did not kill her but not sure what the Arthur was going for if she died would have been a better thing or not for the story and for the duke to freak out at the blakes.


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1063 on: 05 October 2019, 23:33:26 »
 Question becomes how many more of the crazy wobbies on the planet?


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1064 on: 06 October 2019, 00:44:02 »
Question becomes how many more of the crazy wobbies on the planet?
at least a full dozen according to the post.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1065 on: 06 October 2019, 01:58:48 »
One question to think about.

Is the WoB stupid enough to think killing his wife and father would stop Scott's rampage?

Or is some one taking advantage of the situation?

(Ok, really two questions.)

Of course they are that stupid, god, oh god i cant wait to hear the response to this!

EDIT:   Shees, -_- ... i was so excited i posted a reponse before i read further down XD lol
« Last Edit: 06 October 2019, 02:03:49 by Zureal »


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1066 on: 06 October 2019, 07:25:03 »
Good thing the WoB wasn't using a properly shielded nuke.  Of course, he might not have been able to carry it if it was...


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1067 on: 06 October 2019, 13:03:44 »
 12 July 3068

  Duchess Twyla Mitchell was still in intensive care with the doctors carefully watching for any brain swelling and kept sedated until they were sure of everything. The bullet had cut a furrow along the back of her head, opening a serious laceration which accounted for the high level of blood at the scene. X-Rays taken showed no major skull fractures, but they remained on guard for any complications.

  Where Mackolla was almost always under martial law, it was as tight as it had ever been, with movement between towns and cities banned, even the movement within the capitol city was tightly restricted. In 2 days, the units from Bamburgh would arrive in system to assist in sweeping the planet for any other enemy sleeper agents. Using the known blast radius of the small nuclear weapon, MIIO on planet had concluded that it was possibly a Elias, developed by the Federated Commonwealth. Faxes had already been sent to New Avalon for any additional confirmation.

  Several large storage facilities were opened and any Mech or Vehicle that contained either a Clan Active Probe or Beagle Probe were brought out of storage to assist in sweeping for anyone trying to avoid detection. Aboard the orbital stations, security sweeps were already 60% complete.

  With the work halt for the extensive security sweeps, Boss spent the time checking on known Clan warships and designing refits for them, along with that, he knew they had a small fleet inbound of recovered ships, so he spent time working on refits for them too. All needed extensive refits for AMS and point defenses. In addition, as former SLDF warships, most were woefully under armored in his opinion. So he made adjustments for that, cargo space be damned.


  Galaxy Commander Alexia Vickers, commander Clan Wolf in Exile Beta Galaxy, watched as the last of her people and equipment were loaded aboard dropships for the long journey to Sudeten. Avoiding Free World Space, it would take them almost 9 months to reach Sudeten. She still had mixed feelings on the recall, along with most of her warriors, but she had her orders.

  Early Dawn

  The massive combined Fleet from Duke Mitchell's Task Force and SLDF forces had been in system for 3 days recharging their drives. Duke Scott Mitchell was once again going over communications that were constantly routed to him. Today's message's had been light, he pulled the message from Mackolla out of the small pile and opened it up:

  To: Duke Scott Mitchell
  From: Mitchell Aerospace and Shipyards

  New designed Bamburgh Battlecruiser in production. Have enough Harjel for these 3 ships, any way to get our hands on some more of that magic goo? I used the Cameron Battlecruiser as a template to design the Bamburgh. Completion date for all 3 ships is roughly October of this year. Pretty sure you heard, but that salvage operation I called a waste of time seems to have found 4 warships, sorry I doubted you on that. They are currently on their way to Mackolla and I will refit them ASAP. Need orders on what you would like me to do with the 3 new Battlecruisers. You stay safe out there.


  Scott leaned back in his chair, he had heard about the warship find. But how to get his hands on that Harjel stuff, he knew Clan Nova Cat had very little of the stuff. But, Khan West had revealed that Clan Diamond Shark was the only source of Harjel. Wonder what Clan Diamond Shark would want for a steady supply of that magic goo? Plus he knew that Archon Prince Victor Steiner Davion had wrangled a joint venture from Clan Diamond Shark for a Battle Armor factory. Now was as good a time as any for that to get started, Ulvskollen would be a good place for it, close to both Clan Nova Cat and Clan Diamond Shark.

  He toyed with his pencil on a notepad, slowly doodling circles on it, then he stopped and penciled in Bamburgh Battlecruiser to Wolf Dragoon's and then Bamburgh Battlecruiser to Clan Nova Cat. He then sat and tapped the pencil on the pad, lost in thought.


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1068 on: 06 October 2019, 13:23:13 »
more toys for Boss to play with... that could soooooo bad, or it could be good for someone   >:D


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1069 on: 06 October 2019, 13:24:26 »
Scott's thinking in the right direction given what he knows.  That will of course change when the bad news reaches him...

Boss is definitely headed in the right direction with more point defenses and HarJel.

Nine more months to reach Sudeten... I don't know if the universe Vickers finds when she gets there will be recognizable to her...


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1070 on: 06 October 2019, 19:32:35 »
 10-31 July 3068
      Son Hoa

  The 10th Lyran Guards RCT performed a combat drop on the StarCorps Factory Complexes large space port and quickly pushed the defending Infantry Regiment away from the space port as their dropships made their landings along with the dropships carrying the 3rd Lyran Guards RCT. As the dropships settled onto the ground and began disembarking their precious cargo, a hidden nuclear warhead was detonated in the center of the large space port. The initial blast zone swept over and encompassed 2 Lee, 3 Lee Armor, 4 Gremlin Dropships utterly destroying them. The secondary blast wave swept over the remaining dropships killing or wounding thousands of AFFC soldiers.

  As the survivors slowly began emerging from the remaining dropships, 2 Level III's from the 16th WoB Division emerged from their hiding places inside the massive StarCorps Factory quickly overrunning the closest company from the 10th Lyran Guards RCT and driving deep into the space port and among the still stunned survivors of the nuclear blast. In the hour it took to drive off the assaulting 16th WoB Division, the 3rd Lyran Guards RCT sustained over 80% casualties while the 10th Lyran Guards RCT took 45% casualties. The 3rd Lyran Guards were folded into the 10th Lyran Guards RCT which began a slow but steady fight to secure the factory complex, which would be declared secure on 22 July.

  Warned with just enough time to avoid the same type of trap, the 11th Avalon Hussars RCT and 17th Arcturan Guards RCT were able to land not far from the capitol of Xiang and begin a relentless advance on the and into the capitol city. The defending 13th Marik Militia put up a stiff fight, but faced with 2 full RCT's they had no choice but to give ground. The capitol of Xiang was declared secure on 27 July. The retreating 13th Marik Militia was hammered relentlessly by massive Aerospace fighter strikes the moment they broke from the city.


  When the 1st Battle Squadron of the 1st AFFC Fleet reached orbit of Circinus, the Aerospace Wing of the Black Warriors attempted to disrupt the large group of Dropships. In a furious 30 minute dogfight, the Black Warriors lost all 19 of their Aerospace Fighters for the loss of 15 AFFC fighters. The landings went unopposed from that moment. Making their landings, the 21st Centauri Lancers and Gray Death Legion landed in a single large landing zone while the 42nd Avalon Hussars RCT made their landings not far from the capitol of Clayborne Remembered and began their push almost immediately.

  The Black Horses attempted to use their Hover Tanks and VTOL's against the 42nd Avalon Hussars, but quickly found that they were completely outmatched as their VTOL's were swept from the skies by escorting Aerospace Fighters and their Hover Tanks were swamped by the Mechs of the 42nd Avalon Hussars and the survivors were chased down and destroyed by the 201st Light Armor Regiment and 222nd Lyran Recon Regiment in their own Hover Tanks.

  While the Black Warriors armor unit was being destroyed, the Black Warriors Mech Regiment made a valiant attempt at halting the advance of the 21st Centauri Lancers and Gray Death Legion. For 4 hours, they held their ground but they were outnumbered and outgunned. Repeated fighter strikes and relentless assaults by the mercenary commands slowly but steadily forced the Black Warriors to fall back from their prepared positions. The moment they attempted to perform a coordinated withdraw, massive Aerospace strikes broke it up and allowed the mercenary commands to further cause chaos and massive casualties. With less than a Battalion left, Colonel Michael Cirion surrendered the remaining Black Warriors to the AFFC forces.

  Baltazar III

  As the AFFC forces made their landings, the commander of Vulgar Bulgars knew the good times were over. His command consisted of 2 Mech Battalions and he knew he had no hope of holding off the incoming AFFC forces. He never should have taken that contract with the Word of Blake, but he was committed now.

  In a furious assault, Vulgar Bulgars threw themselves at the oncoming 6th Lyran Guards RCT. The elite warriors of the 6th Lyran Guards RCT chewed the mercenary Vulgar Bulgars with very little loss to themselves and in less than 2 hours, the mercenary command was no more.


  Clifton's Rangers defended Fianna against the 2nd and 4th Donegal Guards RCT's. Knowing a head up fight was suicide,  Major Jack "Mad Dawg" Burton conducted a campaign of guerrilla warfare on the AFFC commands. Striking in lance sized ambushes, night raids, Clifton's Rangers could only sting the AFFC forces while losing Mechs on every mission. On 29 July, the last remaining Clifton Rangers Mech surrendered to the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Donegal Guards RCT and the planet was declared secure.


  Carson's Renegades defended Rahne against the 3rd and 4th Lyran Regulars. For 11 days, they out maneuvered both AFFC commands, avoiding getting pinned down to a decisive battle. Able to speed away from the slower AFFC Mechs, it was not until the 12th day that Colonel Rupert Carson made a massive mistake that cost his mercenary command their lives. Making a run from a dense forest to another forest some distance away, Carson's Renegades were spotted by an Aerospace patrol and the warships of 3rd Battle Squadron began firing on the mercenary command from orbit. After 27 minutes, not a single mercenary was alive.

  New Kyoto

  The Crater Cobra's defended New Kyoto against the AFFC invasion. Over a 2 week span, the Crater Cobra's managed to fight a successful delaying action against the AFFC forces, but at great cost to themselves. Now at less than 50% strength in either Regiment, Colonel Shelly Trudeau surrendered her command to the AFFC on 25 July rather than be completely destroyed by the avenging AFFC forces.


  The SLDF 1st Army began their landings on 9 July and quickly overran the initial defense's of the 31st Marik Militia with the 211th Division sustaining 35% casualties in the assault, but the 91st Division took over the pursuit of the 31st Marik Militia. Falling back into Solaris City, the 31st Marik Militia forced the 91st Division to dig them out the hard way. Solaris City was declared secure on 27 July.

  The 103rd and 308th Divisions slammed into the 21st WoB Division's defenses like a sledge hammer but the hammer bounced off the stiff fortifications. When the commander of the 21st WoB Division launched a nuclear tipped Arrow IV against the 103rd Division which inflicted over a thousand casualties, the 2nd Pursuit Squadron, 2nd SLDF Fleet began a orbital bombardment not seen since the 1st SW. For 3 days, the warships of the 2nd Pursuit Squadron hammered the 21st WoB Division's positions and when the shelling stopped, the 21st WoB Division was no more.

  With the planet secure, it was found that the WoB had killed every member of the Solaris Stables and razed many of the factories and customization shops on the planet. Mass graves would be uncovered for years.


  The SLDF's 2nd Army landed and quickly over ran the defending 1st WoB Marik Militia Division in a furious 3 hour battle outside the capitol city of Dormuth. With their defeat, the planet quickly surrendered to the SLDF.


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1071 on: 06 October 2019, 19:59:13 »
if the WoB use to many Nuks.  Someone is just going to put ships in orbit and do pre-planned fires on them, until the ground forces have landed and formed up. 


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1072 on: 06 October 2019, 21:05:46 »
I think Solaris was the tipping point for that, yes.  The WoB is NOT going to survive this...


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1073 on: 06 October 2019, 21:51:22 »
 1 August 3068

  Duchess Twyla Mitchell had been brought out of her medically induced coma on 18 July and she had ordered that Duke Scott Mitchell was not to be informed of the attack on her. She had been briefed on the current state of the security sweeps taking place across the planet. Using medical records and data from secure computer systems, the military was attempting to identify every person on Mackolla. So far, 123 people had been locked down when they could not be positively identified using that method.
  Now, she was home with Melissa but under increased security. Point Commander Cassandra Perez suggested that Duchess Twyla Mitchell and Melissa temporarily leave Mackolla for their own security. After several hours of discussion, Duchess Twyla Mitchell agreed to leave Mackolla.


  When WiE Werewolf, McKenna Battleship and WiE Killing Blow, Vincent Corvette jumped into a La Grange point and burned for orbit, the only Clan Wolf warships in system were CWS Trailblazer and CWS Relentless Pursuit, Vincent Corvette's at the Nadir Jump Point conducting recharge operations. Both ships cut loose their jump sails and began a high speed burn for the planet in a vain attempt to intercept the enemy warships.

  Entering orbit, both Clan Wolf in Exile ships opened fire on the planet below targeting any target their sensors deemed worthy. The capitol city, Tamar City was devastated by the orbital bombardment along with over half of Clan Wolf's factory complexes. Dali, a city on the continent of Amirani was literally scoured from the planet by the ferocious orbital bombardment. After 12 hours of bombarding the surface, both Clan Wolf in Exile ships left the system with not a single word ever said.

  Aboard the WoBS Blakes Sword, Mckenna Battleship, painted in Clan Wolf in Exile colors, Precentor Xavier Bronson laughed at the destruction they had wrought, out loud he said "This should cause Prince Davion all sorts of trouble." He had left the Aegis Cruiser in an uninhabited system in case they ran into more than they could handle.


  Clan Wolf in Exile's 2nd Wolf Cavalry had run roughshod over the Mech Regiment of the 1st MDF Garrison Brigade in the first exercise against them. The second engagement was scheduled for 6 August when they would attempt to take the factory complex from the 1st MDF Garrison Brigade.


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1074 on: 07 October 2019, 00:08:50 »
For one if clan wolf is smart they should know that even CWIE would call for a batchall.


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1075 on: 07 October 2019, 02:29:27 »
I can't imagine Victor won't figure out it's a false flag operation pretty quickly.  You can't move a battleship from the Marian Hegemony to Tamar that fast...


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1076 on: 09 October 2019, 20:09:01 »
 13 August 3068

  Khan Vladimir Ward had spent 2 days touring the devastation wrought by the orbital and limited nuclear bombardment. A total of 4 nuclear warheads had been launched. So far, the death toll was estimated to be 4.7 million people. Sakhan Marialle Radick had been killed and her Silver Keshik destroyed. Alpha Galaxy had sustained heavy losses of over 65%, leaving barely 2 Clusters worth of Warriors combat ready. His Sibko's had lost fully 5 complete sibko's, 3 of which were a year from their Trial of Position. Tamar's industry, precious Clan tech factories transported from the Home Worlds had taken a fearful amount of damage. Khan Ward took a moment to look over Clan Wolf's factory situation across their territory.

  Clan Wolf Factories (Tamar)

  Clan Wolf Site OZ-1 - Destroyed
  W-8 Factory - Destroyed
  W-5 Factory - Severe Damage (estimated time to repair 14 months)
  W-7 Factory (Alpha) - Severe Damage (estimated time to repair 19 months)
  Wolf Clan Site #1 - Destroyed
  Wolf Clan Site #2 - Destroyed
  Wolf Armorworks - Sever Damage (estimated time to repair 17 months)

  Clan Wolf Factories (Weingarten)

  W-7 Factory (Bravo) - Time to completion 11 months
  Wolf Clan Site #4 - Time to completion 14 months (duplicate of Clan Site #2)

  Wolf Clan Factories (Satalice)

  Manufacturing Site 3 - Time to completion 24 months (moved from New Oslo)

  Khan Ward looked to the heavens and cursed whatever god's were above and Clan Wolf in Exile. For the next year, Clan Wolf had no way to manufacture replacement equipment.  Luckily, they had complete plans for all the destroyed Factories, but getting the needed machinery and equipment would be difficult. He had already ordered a complete blackout on any news of the destruction on Tamar, if word got out how bad Clan Wolf was hurt, he would not put it past the Little Prince Davion to take the opportunity to remove Clan Wolf from his borders or for Clan Ghost Bear to make a move.

  But he would have to respond in some way, he could not afford to lose his frontline equipment. Suddenly it came to him, Omega Galaxy, bunch of worthless Wardens equipped with some of the worst equipment in his Touman. Perfect, I will use them to hit Clan Wolf in Exile, plus it will shut Galaxy Commander Stevic Hawker up about not being allowed to fight nothing but bandits. And if they win, well it gains Clan Wolf valuable equipment and possibly warriors. The orders would have to go out and be carried by courier, he could not risk any HPG transmissions.


  Galaxy Commander Stevic Hawker, commander Omega Galaxy, Clan Wolf, had heard of the strike on Tamar, along with all of Clan Wolf. He was furious just like all the Wolf warriors, at first he wanted to lash out at Clan Wolf in Exile, but as the days had passed, his rational side of his brain had taken hold. He knew Khan Phelan Kell of Clan Wolf in Exile, he had personally given Star Colonel Devon Ward and the 11th Battle Cluster permission to strike into Clan Jade Falcon territory during the AFFC/Falcon war when the message that Khan Kell would be striking the planet, the 11th Battle Cluster being the only Omega Galaxy unit close by. No way would Khan Kell conduct such a cowardly strike.

  Like all the warriors in Omega Galaxy, they all were bitter and chafed at the treatment they received under Khan Ward, the crappy assignments, the terrible equipment, lowest priority on supplies, even his assigned Jumpships and Dropships were those captured from the Inner Sphere during the invasion, not a single one had LF batteries. Even the new Coyote warriors had experienced the scorn for being Warden's in the "new" Clan Wolf, the removal of their good equipment and having it replaced with captured IS equipment had just added fuel to the fire.


  For 3 different exercises the 2nd Wolf Cavalry had thrown themselves at the defensive positions surrounding the massive factory complex and each time they had been brutalized by the 1st MDF Garrison Brigade. What they lacked in maneuver warfare or offensive fighting, they more then made up for it in defensive fighting. Star Colonel Jacob had been impressed that the 1st MDF Garrison Brigade had managed to keep his Cluster from breaching their lines. After the savage beating his Cluster had delivered during the first exercise, he had expected an easy victory, now he had to grudgingly admit defeat.


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1077 on: 09 October 2019, 20:19:16 »
At least Hawker is thinking straight...


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1078 on: 09 October 2019, 20:32:34 »
For me, the least belivable thing yet, is that Khan Ward automatically accepts that CWiE SURRELY must have done this. Like seriously!? ANY clan that did that , every other clan would be like WTF!?!?!?!?!?!!? and would want answers emediatly!, I just do not belive they would be like "yep, it was painted in their colors, MUST have done it, no shock at all here, lets go get them!" Just cmon!? We all know it we be far more than what Vlad displayed, even HE is not a dummy and would at least demand a explination in force but not just assume they did this. It makes no sens his response.


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Re: The Quest, Part 2
« Reply #1079 on: 09 October 2019, 21:08:24 »
Or Vlad just responding out of grief and rage not thinking
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

