Author Topic: The Federated Sun's Reborn  (Read 259153 times)

Sir Chaos

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1260 on: 16 December 2019, 14:46:20 »
I see the wobies have spiced up the report to fuhrterly fire up Hohiro.

To quote Gandalf the Gray: "Every story can benefit from a bit of embellishment."
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1261 on: 16 December 2019, 16:03:12 »
While the Combine might prepared to risk a nuke to one of their border worlds, they also probably know that if they push victor enough he'll nuke Luthien. Or worse. And there is almost nothing they can do to stop him.

True but thats already the case given the massive and lopsided matchup between the AFFS and DCA.
What MIGHT stop him is a warning shot that if he pushes any further, the Combine will move into a 'If I'm going down, we're taking you with us' mentality.


 Sure they can hit undefended worlds in retaliation, but he can take out ANY Combine world at this stage. Including the ones that House Kurita's members are sitting on.

All of whom will die gloriously for the Dragon! Such is their duty!

And there are a LOT of undefended worlds the Federated Suns can't cover. The idea is to make the point to Victor that 'you've reached a red line, stop before you drive us over it'.

There is actually a strong Russian school of thought of Nuclear De-Escalation where especially after the Cold War ended and the conventional advantage shifted increasingly to NATO, that in the event of a massive invasion of Russia with Russian conventional forces being destroyed, that they would nuke one of the NATO spearheads (on Russian soil) as a pointed message to NATO of 'You need to back the ****** off or we're willing to go all in' - with the idea that NATO would take its victory of crushing their enemies conventional power and retreat rather than press on into a full scale nuclear exchange.

There is similar logic here in that the Combine are going to show Victor that he has stepped over a line and needs to step back. Victor can either retaliate and raise the stakes to the Combine going into 'nothing left to loose, whichever Warlord hits the hundred billion FedRat casualty mark first wins!' mode, or, back off and stop with the shipyard attacks, jump ship seizures and so on. By making the point that Victor simply cannot protect all his vital infrastructure either. If anything I'd release the nukes to the local defenders to try and counter Victors warships and send most of the Combines warships into the Federated Suns to start blowing up an equal number of Federated Suns jumpships sitting at jump points if Victor doesn't take the hint.

The Capellans died with a whimper, divided from within and without and with far less suicidal people and fanatical populations. The Combine ...


You are right, the DCA is planning a strike. Although where they find the ships from is the issue. However that will be resolved...

Burnt Toast for all! Be interesting to see Victors response and if he gets the message that's trying to be sent. Or for that matter if the WOB can be trusted (snickers) not to escalate WAY past a controlled retaliation op.


As for Nightfire, yeah the AFFS is going to clean the WOB's clock not going to lie, and take out a lot of their vital units.

The WOB were dumbassses to go all in on a fortress world that they could never take quickly, placing their very best units and many of their warships a long way from home like that. Sure between the strike and especially the Clans starting up again the Lyrans are out of the war, but its put their best troops in mortal danger with ComStar just waiting in the wings ... it doesn't actually MATTER if the Lyrans are in the war more than at a token level if doing so costs them THIS much!
« Last Edit: 16 December 2019, 16:04:46 by Chris OFarrell »
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1262 on: 16 December 2019, 22:13:23 »
Combine and WOB have serious logistical concerns, Nuking planets and dropping biological agents aren't going to fix that.  One decisive naval battle and it only gets worse.  Victor doesn't have to reciprocate (he likely will at some level to keep the Sandovals off his @ss), he just has to keep scooping up their jumpships, blasting their shipyards and wrecking their jump points.  It won't be long before food riots, water shortages and what luxuries they have disappear.  Even with the repressive regime and limited exceptions of the populace the combine will fall.  A civil war that makes the one in another Fan Fic "Cloverspear" look meek and kindly and all Victor has to do is continue his "letter of Marque" campaign.

Victor can leave the mech, aerospace and conventional production alone with out jumpships and a bottle neck of dropships they can't leave the planet and those worlds are not like New Avalon in which New Avalon can produce all this hardware and still produce more then enough food for the people on it.  So while the people and enlisted of the garrison are starving all Victor has to do is send 'relief' supplies to those cities not deemed necessary (with escorts) and liberate via food each major arms producing world.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: 16 December 2019, 23:05:02 by Kujo »
For the FEDCOM For the Archon-Prince


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1263 on: 17 December 2019, 04:12:08 »
I wonder when the Black Dragons are going to be so pissed about the incompetence of the leaders they are going to revolt.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1264 on: 17 December 2019, 20:52:51 »
Good it seems like the next phase of this long war is starting up. Hohiro really is a dumbass  isn't he. He won't even question anything that is put in front of him so long as it plays to his Victor hate boner and delusions. Well it is a good thing he isn't the only Kurita around then. Cause if he was the Combine would be completely screwed and fracture into too many pieces which would become a pain for Victor and the rest of the Inner Sphere to deal with.
Fun quest that need more people:

Skywalker For Senator (Star Wars) - Q, Star Wars: Beyond the Republic, We Stand Against the Stars (Gundam/Macross) Crossover, Mobile Suit Gundam: Divided Federation (Civ Quest), The Lords of Ruin -- Battletech/Killzone Crossover, Star War Moff Quest: Lost in Space

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1265 on: 17 December 2019, 22:33:48 »
Problem is that Theodore has jumped off the cliff too. His response to the news about Midway and the status of the DCA Jumpships fleet wasn’t to look to give strategic guidance on how to regroup. Or even to prepare a strategic attack on the FedSuns population or Jumpships fleet to make a point to Victor that he has pushed the Combine too far in the hope of a negotiated peace. Or order all nuclear weapons released and to be used on all enemy warships in kamikaze runs...

No, it was to tell his Admiral to magically make a new formation of warships fly out of his ass - and if he was not capable of this, then by all means he can stick a sword in his gut...

No idea what Minrou is doing these days. Hopefully it will be quietly looking to jump ship with the Nova Cats.
« Last Edit: 18 December 2019, 01:39:32 by Chris OFarrell »
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1266 on: 18 December 2019, 09:50:38 »
3070 - June - Operation Achilles V

June began for Operation Achilles with something of a changing of the guard. Leaving the 3rd Federated Sun's Armoured Cavalry on Quentin to not only hold the world but also begin refitting and rebuilding, the 4th and 17th Avalon Hussars RCT's fell back into the Addicks PDZ to refit and rearm, the 4th heading to Murchison and the 17th to Errai, while Zeta Battalion of Wolf's Dragoons left Asta and headed into the Benjamin Military District. This freed up the 1st Dragonlords RCT and 2nd Crucis Lancers RCT from garrison positions and they joined Operation Achilles V. They were also joined by 2nd, 3rd and 23rd Avalon Hussars RCT's, the 12th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT, 3rd Lexington Combat Guards and most shockingly by Mulvaney's Regiment and Stirling's Fusiliers of the Northwind Highlanders. While the Highlanders had been assured that the agreement that they would garrison Northwind would be honoured they had been asked by the AFFS if 1 or more regiments would consider offensive contracts at extremely generous contract terms. Colonel Mulvaney, always the most pro-Davion of the Colonel's, had immedietly agreed but she had also been joined by Colonel Stirling who wished to keep her unit's skill level up and avoid becoming glorified garrison troops. With these forces the AFFS offensive within the Dieron Military District began to hit it's stride.


While the rest of the Dieron Military Distrct was struck by a number of hammer blows during June, Fortress Dieron continued to resist. The outer works of the mountain fortress had now been reduced to ruins, smashed and overrun. However the fortress itself, carved into the very heart of the mountain remained secure. Entire regiments of battle armour troopers under the cover of the guns of the Davion Assault Guards and the combined air power of the AFFS and their mercenary allies on the planet continued to slam into the defences slowly peeling them back, yard by bloody yard.

Losses amongst the defenders were mounting and while the AFFS could funnel a seemingly never ending stream of supplies and manpower into the attack the defenders had no such luxury. The 3rd Dieron Regulars were now hovering around half strength while the Warlord had functionally merged the heavily under strength 2nd Genyosha into the stronger 1st. He had at least ordered that they be concentrated into the units 3rd battalion with a hope of reforming the unit when the siege was lifted. Or at least that was the public version he was giving to keep up morale. By now even the Genyosha troops are beginning to have to use mothballed and borderline obsolete battlemech's as their own machines break down due to accumulating battle damage.

Across the rest of the planet the light handed Davion garrisons and preparations for democratic elections for the local government swing the mood of the planet heavily in favour of the Federated Sun's over any return to the Combine's harsh repressions. Given the positive stance of the locals the AFFS move up the formation of a Dieron Planetary Guard from sometime in 3072 to as soon as possible. Duke Sandoval even begins to make preparation for a personal visit to the world, or perhaps a visit by his son.


The 1st Sheraton Knights and the 33rd Avalon Hussars are strongly reinforced with 2 brigades of infantry - including 3 regiments drawn from planets with similar weather patterns to Styx. Also a full engineering battalion and a free regiment of light armour is deployed to provide additional scouting - built around a full battalion of the new Musketeer hover tank. With these forces the 2 battlemech formations begin pushing forward again. Using the infantry formations to overrun any dug in positions with support for the battlemech's the AFFS forces take advantage of the hover tanks of the 22nd FedSun's Light Armour Regiment's ability to cross flooded regions and are soon outflanking the Kurita loyal militia.

By the end of June the tide has definitely turned in favour of the AFFS and the DCMS militia have been reduced to a pocket of land around the planetary capital. They have dug in, but with no real armour of their own and under constant attacks it is only a matter of time before their lines are broken and the capital falls. With that in mind the local governor in an attempt to prevent needless bloodshed orders the militia to stand down and surrenders to the AFFS forces on the 30th.


The 13th Sun Zhang Cadre's Tai-sa Vincent Foley abandons the handful of conventional DCMS units on the planet to try and keep the planetary population from rebelling while he uses the predemonantly light battlemech's of the 13th Cadre to tie up the incoming Davion Guard unit. Unfortunately the 4th Davion Guards is similary built around fast attack battlemech's and so can match the Kurita troops in speed - and far exceeds them in strength and skill. The 4th's full aerospace regiment swiftly acheive air superority against the green cadets of the 13th Sun Zhang Wing. Again and again the 13th Sun Zhang finds itself on the losing end of running cavalry battles and the green cadet's frustration at being hammered constantly begins to show. Discipline begins to break down and instead of disengaging when the fights turn against them many of them begin to attempt to drive the attacks home in a vain attempt to win. Losses begin to mount faster and faster and by the end of June the 13th has been reduced to a ragged reinforced battalion while the 4th Davion Guards have lost barely 2 companies of battlemech's - half of whom's mechwarriors will return to active duty shortly.


With the arrival of LAAF garrison troops on Imbros III the Fighting Urukhai regiments jump to the nearby world of Dyev and land on the 20th of June. Finding themselves facing 2 veteran and well equipped mercenary formations with a reputation for hard fighting and with the planet's population at best passively resisting Combine occupation the 1 conventional regiment of armour and 3 infantry regiments surrender as soon as the mercenaries arrive.

Al Na'ir

The defending 15th Dieron Regulars consisted of mostly assault battlemech's but lacked the usual conventional forces assigned to a regular unit after their disgrace on Towne. Against them the AFFS dispatched the 1st Dragonlords RCT, 2nd Crucis Lancers RCT and the 12th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT. The Light Cavalry's aerospace assets along with their battle armoured infantry as well as the huge battle armour formations of the Dragonlords was considered the ideal force to attack the asteroid rich system of Al Na'ir, while the 2nd Crucis Lancers assault and heavy battlemech's are considered a match for the 15th Dieron's battlemech forces.

The 2nd Crucis Lancers landed on the planet directly with elements of the 1st Dragonlords, while the remaining Dragonlords and the 12th Deneb Light Cavalry began clearing the asteroid belt facilities one by one. Meanwhile Tai-sa Michael Warner has concentrated his battlemech regiment on the planet.

Any thoughts that the Tai-sa might have had of destroying the invading Davion troops using his assault weighted battlemech regiment are swiftly dispelled when his initial attack on the 2nd Crucis Lancer's landing zone is met with overwhelming firepower. Even now his regiment is at the bottom rung of the DCMS's supply chain and contains little in the way of upgrades. By comparison the reinforced regiment of battlemech's of the 2nd Lancers and the 2 battalion's of the 1st Dragonlords are equipped with the finest battlemechs and omnimech's that the Federated Sun's can produce. As he retreats from the initial attack a battalion of the Dragonlord's manages to swing in and hit him in the flank pinning him in place for the 2nd Crucis Lancer's counter attack.

While the 15th Dieron does manage to fight it's way out of the counter attack it leaves almost 4 companies of assault battlemech's behind as little more than twisted wreckage while the remaining 4 companies of the under strength command are all damaged and battered, many running low on ammunition. Marshal Anne Sung has her damaged and combat weary troops fall back - while unleashing the remaining battalion of the 1st Dragonlords as well as her own 4th battalion which has seen only light combat to pursue the damaged 15th along with the fresh 6th Crucis Lancers Armoured Regiment and the 2nd Crucis Lancers Jump Infantry Regiment. Harried and pressed by the fresh Davion troops the 15th Dieron breaks for the capital Homai-Zacki hoping to use their urban warfare skills if they can reach it. However after a 2 day running battle with the pursuing troops Tai-sa Warner's exhausted troops approach the city to find the hastily refitted 1st and 2nd Battalion's of the Crucis Lancers blocking their path, having used their dropships for a "combat hop" to get between the Regular's and their goal.

Deciding that the 15th Dieron has had enough disgraces in recent years the physically and mentally drained Tai-sa orders a "banzai charge" so that his unit might at least die with honour. Outnumbered 2 or even 3:1 and with a similar sized enemy force closing on his rear the Tai-sa leads the charge personally. Caught between the 2 AFFS formations the 15th Dieron Regulars is entirely destroyed. With the destruction of their main garrison in front of their very eyes the local government immedietly surrender.

While Marshal Anne Sung's troops are conquering the planet the 12th Deneb Light Cavalry with elements of the 1st Dragonlords are sweeping the asteroids clean of Kurita troops. In bloody tunnel fighting the Yori Mechworks fall by the 27th and with it the last real organised resistance.


The defending 24th Dieron Regulars was known as a hard fighting command that used terrain to it's advantage. For that reason the AFFS has dispatched the veteran and superbly equipped 22nd Avalon Hussars RCT to the planet backed up by their less experienced sister regiment the 2nd Avalon Hussars RCT. With the local planet having little in the way of militia's due to it's particular government style the 24th Dieron Regulars shows again that it's reputation for fighting smart is well founded. They immedietly withdraw from the planet upon the arrival of the Davion forces. The collectives that form the planet's civilian government surrender to the AFFS as soon as the 2 RCT's land. The AFFS troops request replacement with some conventional troops in order for them to pursue the 24th Dieron Regulars.


The 3rd Avalon Hussars RCT finds itself with almost as little of a fight as it's sister regiments finds on Nirasaki. The defenders, entirely consisting of local militia, and with the memory of the excellent behaviour of the Davion mercenary forces who sought to seize the world in '39 compared to the brutal behaviour of the DCMS find themselves with little incentive to fight and die against a front line Davion RCT. They surrender and the planet peacefully seeks admittance to the Federated Suns.

Deneb Algedi

Mulvaney's Regiment of the Northwind Highlanders jumps into the Deneb Algedi system with the support of a mixed brigade of conventional AFFS formations - the CO of which has been told to take Colonel Mulvaney's orders as though they come from the First Prince himself. Ironically the largest source of problems for the invading troops isn't from the limited DCMS militia but instead from a number of Combine nobles holidaying on the world in order to hunt the local Nayaraptor. Feeling it is their patriotic duty to resist the hated Davion foes they take their high powered hunting rifles and use them as sniper rifles against the invaders. For a number of weeks they cause a small number of constant losses to the invaders, but when their specialised civilian ammunition begins to run low they are forced to attempt to raid the sporting goods stores near the spaceport for more and are swiftly apprehended - ironically by a small force of Military Police from the conventional brigade who turn them over to Colonel Mulvaney to decide what to do with them.

Although technically not military forces, Colonel Mulvaney decides that shooting a dozen or so high level Combine nobles and their entourages as insurgents would cause no end of problems and instead hands them over to the AFFS as "irregular militia". They are interned as such and sent to prisoners of war camps within the Federated Suns - which ironically pleases most of them as being treated with the "honour" of warriors.


Unlike Deneb Algedi the resistance that Stirling Fusiliers faced was largely the work of the organised militia. With the example of their fathers and grandfathers fighting in the War of '39 the militia put up a stiff resistance to the Fusiliers and an accompanying brigade of infantry. Colonel Stirling is more than a match for the retired DCMS infantry officers leading the militia, but finds herself having to rely on the AFFS infantry or risk her battlemech's suffering from kneecapping strikes by insurgents. While she is able to crush any militia who are stupid enough to face her in battle, she struggles to deal with those conducting raiding strikes on her forces. She sends word of this to Robinson and is informed that a new infantry brigade will be dispatched to bolster her forces as well as a VTOL battalion.

Pike IV

The 3rd Lexington Combat Guards having been briefed on their target of Pike IV know that the locals have little or no love for the Kurita's but that they tend to react badly to invaders. As such General Marie Stevens divides her command into 2. The first battle group consisting of 4 companies of assault and heavy battlemech's backed up by an armoured and infantry regiment drop at the highlander capital of Stratopolis, while the remainder of her force 3 companies of assault and heavy battlemechs with an armoured and infantry regiment drop at the lowlander capital of Rolfshire. She invites both groups leaders to attend upon her to discuss the future of their planet.

The meeting begins badly and just seems to go down from there. The leaders of both of the factions on Pike IV spend more time shouting at each other rather than negotiating with General Stevens. Which is just what the General intends. She is soon "forced" into the role of mediator and neutral party. All the while the militia standing guard at their posts facing her troops are getting used to the presence of her troops - who are under orders to behave impeccably. They are soon even buying local foodstuffs from the surrounding countryside and helping with any damage that the planets storm brings.
« Last Edit: 18 December 2019, 18:33:14 by Billy Boy Mark II »


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1267 on: 18 December 2019, 13:55:02 »
So Victor wants to bring Theodore to the negotiating table?

And at the same time he sweettalks the People of the DC into abandoning the DC (what is the correct word: disenfranchise???)

I fear that Victor goes too far with this, because sooner or later some of those planets have to return to DC control.
Or, if he keeps them, the hatred in the DC will make Hohiro`s current hate look tame in comparison.

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1268 on: 18 December 2019, 14:30:02 »
At this point, worrying about the Combine hating the Federated Suns is wasted energy.

Because the Combine have proven now, without any doubts in the eyes of the Suns, that the 3050 truce period was entirely an aberration, not a genuine attempt to change. Just the Combine playing for time with the Clans smashing into them, hoping that Omi could seduce Victor into yet another War Of Davion Succession without any trust that can be worked as a foundation for new relationships.

That for centuries the Combine has been trying to take over the Inner Sphere and destroy the Federated Suns and even the so-called 'liberals' like Theodore when you really scratch under the surface, absoloutly live that dream.

Ergo, they already hate the Federated Suns with the burning fury of a thousand suns and so who cares if they add one more burning sun onto the pile. Especially when there is a very good chance of steadily assimilating these worlds into the Federated Suns as it becomes clear that once the weight of the DCMS and knives of the ISF are taken out of play, a lot of the populations will genuinely start to accept and even like living in the Federated Suns!


As for the battles, the continued resistance on Dieron is impressive, but utterly useless. Holding out in the fortress like this might work in the 3rd succession war, but when the AFFS units can (and are) continually resupplying munitions and even spare mechs, rotating out the damaged stuff for repairs and rotating the attackers through so they can get some rest and downtime while the defenders are under 24/7 attack? IF the DCMS troops had a hope of a relief force coming for them and they just had to hang on a little longer, that would be one thing and make sense.

But the officers have to know (and the men too by now) that no relief force is coming. And even that the entire planet which was always restive, is cheerfully embracing the Federated Suns and delighting in the new management. Even for elite units, there has to be a limit at which point they realize its beyond hopeless and either snap in a full scale Banzai charge, choosing to go out on their own terms and hopefully take a few of the enemy with them, or, just throw in the towel.

I wonder when they'll reach that point...

The rest of the attacks are going well. Although it looks like - if my hastily drawn maps are accurate - that its about time for the AFFS to stop, pause, take a breath for a few months to bring up new units, rotate others and consolidate before the next strike. Or even just sit back and watch the Navy sweep through the Combine and relieve them of their Jumpship fleets, patiently waiting for Theodore to scream uncle...
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1269 on: 18 December 2019, 15:49:46 »
3070 - June - Operation Ajax V

The defence of the Benjamin Military District was becoming easier as more and more HPG's were brought back online by the WOB. However it was becoming steadily harder as well as more and more DCMS units were either destroyed or chewed up and the AFFS forces pushed deeper towards the District Capital itself. Iruzun continued to be massively reinforced with conventional units and similar deployments were ordered to Umjiri and Hagiwawa. Worlds deeper into the Combine were stripped of conventional regular formations and even militias.


The grinding war on Donenac finally came to a conclusion in June. The 2 surviving companies of the 9th Benjamin Regulars were now outnumbered to a ludicrous extent. Indeed the threat they posed had diminished to such an extent that Marshal May of the 42nd Avalon Hussars retired his own unit and assigned the 1st and 5th respectively to each finish of a single company/garrisoned city. While a few members of his unit felt that they should finish what they started the Marshal had effectively taken the view that the 9th Regulars had been reduced to a training exercise for the less experienced 1st and 5th Avalon Hussars. Of course with his own unit in reserve.

The 1st and 5th moved in, copying the successful tactics they had seen the 42nd use so many times to reduce each cities garrison in turn. In a week long battle they each destroyed the remaining companies of the 9th with only light losses. Marshal May then spent the remainder of the month (with permission from the High Command) reorganising the 3 Avalon Hussars commands. With the 5th designated as the planets garrison he transferred a number of now battle hardened troops from that unit into the 1st and his own 42nd to bring those 2 units back up to nearly full strength with further offensive operations in mind. Although this reduced the 5th to just over 40% of it's full strength this still left it with 5 battlemech companies, 2 regiments of armour and 4 full infantry regiments as well as 2 slightly over strength battle armour battalions. This was felt to be more than sufficient to hold the world at least until further reinforcements could be sent.


With the locals turning against them the 24th Benjamin Regulars are more than aware that it is only a matter of time before the AFFS forces on planet hunt them down and destroy them. As such they make a desperate and wholly unexpected decision to flee the world at the start of June. Attacking an isolated AFFS post guarding a small mining complex they manage to overrun it's small spaceport during the night and board the single Mule class transport which had landed to load the ore that was to shipped off world. Abandoning most of their remaining equipment they hurriedly forced the crew to blast off and make for orbit, while broadcasting on their black box in code that they would be making for a particular pirate point.

With AFFS fighters and dropships scrambled to chase them the remaining warriors of the 24th Benjamin barely made it to the pirate point an hour ahead of the pursuit. However just as they did a DCA Tramp jumped in to extract them using it's LF batteries. While Benjamin had been loath to risk the precious jumpship the situation had become so desperate for troops that the 4 remaining companies of the 24th Benjamin were not something to be dismissed out of hand. The jumpship heads for Hagiwawa where some battlemech's are being prepared to rearm the unit.

The AFFS forces on planet leave the 12th FedSun's Dragoon RCT to hold the world as a garrison while the 2nd Dragonlord's RCT and 4th Crucis Lancers RCT board their dropships and prepare to launch further attacks. The 2nd Dragonlords RCT and 4th Crucis Lancers RCT leave the system near the end of June, jumping for Irurzun.


The scattered remains of the militia and noble forces on Waddesdon last for nearly 2 weeks of June before finally surrendering. Totally outclassed from the start they have done little other than costing the 6th FedSun's Dragoons time, some ammunition and a handful of damaged battlemech's and tanks that are swiftly repaired.


With the veteran conventional brigade of armour and infantry attached to his forces Colonel Hatfield-McCoy swiftly moves to destroy the last holdouts remaining on the planet. By the 14th of June the last battalion of infantry have surrendered rather than face total annihilation. Leaving the conventional brigade to garrison the planet the colonel readies his 21st Rim Worlds for the next attack.


The 6th Ghost regiment is the primary unit rushed to the world of Umjiri with orders to hold and delay the AFFS advance for as long as possible. To aid them the 6th Arkab Legion is also dispatched to the world along with a wide selection off free conventional forces and militia's stripped from other worlds. The 6th Ghost quickly forms up a task force built around itself - with 4 of the best conventional armour regiments and no less than 7 various motorised and mechanised infantry regiments under it's direct command along with an additional fighter wing. The 6th Arkab is bolstered by a single regiment of light armour and a regiment of jump infantry. The less useful armour and infantry formations are then formed into ad-hoc brigades and assigned to the defence of key locations and cities.

The defensive preparations continue at a feverish pace which is only heightened when the AFFS finally arrive. Leading the way is the 1st Davion Guards RCT and the Davion Old Guards RCT. Also present are the 1st Revenant Guards RCT, 1st Kathil Uhlans, 41st Avalon Hussars RCT, 8th Crucis Lancer RCT and 1st Cunningham Commandos. With 5 of the finest RCT's in the AFFS and an additional 2 battlemech regiments with supporting forces it's obvious that the High Command intend to seize this world. To further bolster the formation no less than 2 conventional armoured brigades and 3 infantry brigades are all assigned to the attack. A large number of naval air wings and assault dropships escort the huge flotilla as well as the 1st Cruiser Squadron.

Leaving the defence of the cities and fortifications to the second line formations the DCMS units on the planet fight a combined and integrated defensive campaign that attempts to preserve their units while also denying the AFFS the chance to pin them in place and destroy them. For that purpose the 6th Ghost has requisitioned or outright stolen almost any vehicle with anti-aircraft potential and attached it to their formation. Even with this flak "umbrella" the 2 DCMS formations are soon suffering from heavy attacks from the Davion air wings.

The 1st Davion Guards, Davion Old Guards, 1st Kathil Uhlans and the Cunningham Commando's keep up the pursuit of the 6th Ghost and their Arkab screen, harrying them across the planet in a series of pitched battles and skirmishes, but the veteran Ghost regiment manages to avoid being forced into a battle they know they can't win. However as these running battles are raging the 1st Revenant Guard, 41st Avalon Hussars and 8th Crucis Lancers begin the systematic destruction of the second line garrisons that the DCMS battlemech forces have had to effectively abandon.

By the end of June nearly half the planet has been secured or is in the process of being secured for House Davion. However the 2 DCMS formations have proven elusive and continue to pose a threat. It's soon apparent that both units have an unknown ability to redeploy just the Davion's think they have them trapped and reappear having crossed impossible terrain. Finally on the 30th of June an aerospace fighter from the 1st Davion Guards Air manages to shoot down the cause of this incredible manoeuvrability. A company from the Davion Old Guards quickly secures the wreckage and engineers begin crawling over the superheavy transport VTOL's wreckage.


The fighting on Hagiwawa actually starts before the AFFS arrive. The 1st Ghost having fallen back twice now in the face of massive invasion forces feels that their actions have been entirely vindicated by the total destruction of over a dozen units who have tried to stand and fight against hopeless odds. However the command group on Benjamin does not agree. They order Tai-sa Kasigi taken into custody and shot as a coward. Along with his XO and all 3 battalion commanders. The ISF and DEST forces on planet with the support of the 27th and 28th Benjamin Regulars attempt to enforce this command. Unsurprisingly the 1st Ghost resist.

While outnumbered nearly 2:1 the 1st Ghost has the edge in experience and find their cause bolstered when fully two thirds of the units they evacuated from Junction side with them. Declaring their loyalty to the Coordinator and Kanrei they open fire upon those attempting to gut their officer corp and are soon hammering the 28th Benjamin Regular's in particular. The Benjamin Regulars are only saved due to the intervention of nearly 4 mixed brigades of conventional and militia forces assembled from a number of worlds which side with them. The fleeing 24th Benjamin Regulars lands on the planet and swiftly is rearmed and joins their fellow sister regiments in pursuing the arrest/destruction of the 1st Ghost.

When the AFFS task force consisting of the 3rd Crucis Lancers RCT, 1st New Ivaarsen Chasseurs, 10th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT and the 1894th Light Horse arrive in the system they find the garrison tearing itself apart. The arrival of the AFFS troops at least brings a stop to the active fighting, although both sides refuse to cooperate. Swiftly realising this the Davion forces deploy the 10th Deneb Light Cavalry to screen the Benjamin Regular forces and the remaining 3 units begin full scale attacks against the 1st Ghost as the most dangerous enemy formation. They deliberately leave openings in the air cover to allow the 1st Ghost to flee the world at anytime. Which they do on the 29th of June. At the time they break off and flee the 1st Ghost has lost nearly 5 companies of battlemechs, of which the majority were lost in the infighting before the AFFS even arrived. Again they take with them almost every trooper that sided with them.

This leaves the AFFS formations free to turn on the heavily damaged 24th, 27th and 28th Benjamin Regulars with only the 27th at near full strength...


The 3rd Robinson Rangers RCT splits into 2 over strength combat commands and lands upon the 2 now almost entirely isolated worlds of Sadalbari and Homam on the 7th and 8th of June respectively. The 2 worlds have been stripped entirely clean of the few conventional units and even militia assigned to them and have little more than a corporal's guard of troops available to put up even a token resistance if they so wished. Which they wisely do not. The only notable point of these invasions are that the Homam combat command is commanded by none other than Colonel Arthur Davion, Duke of Galtor.


The 1st Proserpina Hussars are the linchpin of the defensive forces on the prefecture capital world of Irurzun, supported by the 16th Galedon Regulars and 23rd Benjamin Regulars. Large number of conventional forces had also been assembled and with the 3 battlemech formations concentrated on the continent of South Umbrian - where the capital and largest population centres are.

The 2nd Dragonlords RCT and 4th Crucis Lancers RCT jumps into the system and begins their burn towards the planet along with a large number of free aerospace wings and 3 battalions of attached combat engineers...

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1270 on: 18 December 2019, 15:56:04 »
So Victor wants to bring Theodore to the negotiating table?

And at the same time he sweettalks the People of the DC into abandoning the DC (what is the correct word: disenfranchise???)

I fear that Victor goes too far with this, because sooner or later some of those planets have to return to DC control.
Or, if he keeps them, the hatred in the DC will make Hohiro`s current hate look tame in comparison.

Let's be honest... At this stage the FS and DC have been engaged in a Cold War/Hot War for... What? 500 years? Kurita's and Davion's have died with their hands wrapped around the throat of the other side hoping only to take them with them into death. Entire regiments have gleefully slaughtered each other, while the worlds they fight over burn around them. The hatred in the DC towards the FS and vice versa if harnessed would be a source of perpetual energy. The Kurita's had their chance to make peace. Victor was probably the closest thing to a true friend they've had in House Davion (excluding perhaps Mary Davion who was disowned by her own father for her actions). And they lied to him, tried to bully him and threatened him... This was never going to end with smiles and good cheer. War is the natural state of affair on the Kurita-Davion border. Victor even knows that even if he crushes the Kurita's the odds are that in a generation or 2 his son or grandchildren will have to do it all over again.

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1271 on: 18 December 2019, 16:00:00 »
At this point, worrying about the Combine hating the Federated Suns is wasted energy.

Because the Combine have proven now, without any doubts in the eyes of the Suns, that the 3050 truce period was entirely an aberration, not a genuine attempt to change. Just the Combine playing for time with the Clans smashing into them, hoping that Omi could seduce Victor into yet another War Of Davion Succession without any trust that can be worked as a foundation for new relationships.

That for centuries the Combine has been trying to take over the Inner Sphere and destroy the Federated Suns and even the so-called 'liberals' like Theodore when you really scratch under the surface, absoloutly live that dream.

Ergo, they already hate the Federated Suns with the burning fury of a thousand suns and so who cares if they add one more burning sun onto the pile. Especially when there is a very good chance of steadily assimilating these worlds into the Federated Suns as it becomes clear that once the weight of the DCMS and knives of the ISF are taken out of play, a lot of the populations will genuinely start to accept and even like living in the Federated Suns!


As for the battles, the continued resistance on Dieron is impressive, but utterly useless. Holding out in the fortress like this might work in the 3rd succession war, but when the AFFS units can (and are) continually resupplying munitions and even spare mechs, rotating out the damaged stuff for repairs and rotating the attackers through so they can get some rest and downtime while the defenders are under 24/7 attack? IF the DCMS troops had a hope of a relief force coming for them and they just had to hang on a little longer, that would be one thing and make sense.

But the officers have to know (and the men too by now) that no relief force is coming. And even that the entire planet which was always restive, is cheerfully embracing the Federated Suns and delighting in the new management. Even for elite units, there has to be a limit at which point they realize its beyond hopeless and either snap in a full scale Banzai charge, choosing to go out on their own terms and hopefully take a few of the enemy with them, or, just throw in the towel.

I wonder when they'll reach that point...

The rest of the attacks are going well. Although it looks like - if my hastily drawn maps are accurate - that its about time for the AFFS to stop, pause, take a breath for a few months to bring up new units, rotate others and consolidate before the next strike. Or even just sit back and watch the Navy sweep through the Combine and relieve them of their Jumpship fleets, patiently waiting for Theodore to scream uncle...

Agree entirely with your post on Davion-Kurita relationship. House Kurita see's its manifest destiny as ruling over the Inner Sphere - and to do that they have to plant the Dragon banner on New Avalon. Which no true Davion will ever tolerate. Ergo it's them or us boys and girls!

The AFFS is definitely reaching a stop line. Right now they are just trying to grab a few more key worlds like Irurzun before they have to stop.

Dieron is going to go down as one of those "heroic" last stands that make great history stories but really suck if you are in them. At this stage there is zero chance of a "rorke's drift style last stand".


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1272 on: 18 December 2019, 16:54:57 »
The only notable point of these invasions are that the Homam combat command is commanded by none other than Colonel Arthur Davion, Duke of Galtor.
A good target for Kuritan counterattack.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1273 on: 18 December 2019, 17:31:07 »
A good target for Kuritan counterattack.
Not really they DCMS doesn't have any units near by without hurting their main holdings. And Arthur is in the middle of so many forces getting to him without a suicide attack is next to impossible and even a suicide attack wouldn't have good idea. By the time the Combine has forces to throw away at that planet Arthur would have already moved on.
Fun quest that need more people:

Skywalker For Senator (Star Wars) - Q, Star Wars: Beyond the Republic, We Stand Against the Stars (Gundam/Macross) Crossover, Mobile Suit Gundam: Divided Federation (Civ Quest), The Lords of Ruin -- Battletech/Killzone Crossover, Star War Moff Quest: Lost in Space

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1274 on: 18 December 2019, 19:01:56 »
Not really they DCMS doesn't have any units near by without hurting their main holdings. And Arthur is in the middle of so many forces getting to him without a suicide attack is next to impossible and even a suicide attack wouldn't have good idea. By the time the Combine has forces to throw away at that planet Arthur would have already moved on.

Suicide attack? *readies the Blakist Overture’s of 1812*


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1275 on: 18 December 2019, 19:08:27 »
Suicide attack? *readies the Blakist Overture’s of 1812*

They wouldn't waste their resources on such a minor battle. If it was Victor himself then the WoB would do it but for the youngest brother no they have better targets.
Fun quest that need more people:

Skywalker For Senator (Star Wars) - Q, Star Wars: Beyond the Republic, We Stand Against the Stars (Gundam/Macross) Crossover, Mobile Suit Gundam: Divided Federation (Civ Quest), The Lords of Ruin -- Battletech/Killzone Crossover, Star War Moff Quest: Lost in Space

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1276 on: 19 December 2019, 02:38:59 »
Eh, Arthur has half an RCT in a forward position. Especially if the WOB loan the Combine a division or go in a joint attack, the Combine can probably scrape together enough troops for at least a hit-hold-run operation to smash the RCT and grab Arthur. Especially if they also commit strategic assets like the Sword of the Void and a couple of their warships to cover the force.

It would be a risk, but the Combine really doesn't have any safe options now. And having Victors kid brother in their hands would at least give Theodore a chip to try and play when the peace negotiations come.

Of course, the problem with all this logic is that Theodore and his insane son don't get that they should be looking for a sharp strike back to make the Davions pull back a little, followed by negotiations to secure a peace with the face saving victory to retire behind and desperately try to piece things together. Instead, they seem to be determined to find a way to WIN the war...
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1277 on: 19 December 2019, 02:52:46 »
Arthur if captured would likely be killed, the Combine just can't stop themselves, they may try to 4th Royals him if the situation allows.  However it is next to impossible for the Combine to understand prisoners are a resource (at a minimum) and even if you have gotten the confession and all the information out of them, if you kill them, well it ensures that fewer will surrender and that most will fight to the death to take out just one more snake before they go.

Victor isn't going to hold back if his younger brother is captured, he's already lost one brother, his son is being brainwashed and he knows the Combine.  The best thing the Combine can do is parole Arthur (and any who are captured with him) to the Suns immediately otherwise someone will drive a katana through his belly or remove his head with it (at best).  Thank you.
For the FEDCOM For the Archon-Prince


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1278 on: 19 December 2019, 03:44:11 »
To quote Gandalf the Gray: "Every story can benefit from a bit of embellishment."
Who is this Gandalf the Gray?
The quote was obviously by the Blessed White Robed Blake.

Iron Grenadier

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1279 on: 19 December 2019, 03:56:20 »
So by my count, the FedSuns have either taken or about to take 47 planets from the Combine.

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1280 on: 19 December 2019, 05:23:01 »
My count is 36 worlds in FedSuns hands (I include Dieron in that as basically they hold everything except a single mountain fortress) and 9 worlds under attack (although for instance Capra is about to slide from under attack to in FedSun's hand in the next update as is An Ting). Another 2 Lyran worlds are occupied and 1 under attack.

Operation Achilles has 11 worlds under control and 2 under attack. Plus the 2 Lyran worlds liberated and 1 being liberated.

Operation Ajax has 16 worlds under control and 3 under attack.

Operation Agamemnon (as of May not June like the others) has 9 worlds under control and 4 under attack.

Worse from the point of view of the DCMS is that one Military District capital world has fallen (and 2 are under threat), 2 Prefecture capital worlds have fallen and 2 more are under attack (and 1 more is under imminent threat). Additionally they've lost the "home planet" of the Dieron Regulars, Proserpina Hussars and the An Ting Legions hoemeworld is looking shaky as hell. 3 Academies either lost or about to be lost. Worlds like Quentin, Dieron and Altair's industries gone...

This has not been a good war for the Dragon. Combined with their loss of 11 worlds (1 of which was a major industrial centre and another a hugely symbolic conquest for House Kurita) to the Davions during the early '60s and it's a disaster. 
« Last Edit: 19 December 2019, 05:26:55 by Billy Boy Mark II »

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1281 on: 19 December 2019, 06:07:03 »
More than the worlds though, its the myth of Kurtian supremacy. Its been on the back foot for a while to be sure, but they still had their confidence that things would turn around in time.

Not this time though.

Victor has hit the Combine hard enough and taken enough of their key 'spearhead' units out (and the Combine still have to honor the Ghost Bear threat even if its not that great, reduce the troops enough and even the Ghost Bears might decide to start nibbling, if nothing else to rationalize their borders and get some depth) that the Combine are increasingly finding Victor camping like an ****** CS-Go sniper right inside their OODA loop. He just has THAT much in resources and got such effective premptive strikes into play that ... well. The Combines only REAL hope was to seize the initiative in a surprise attack. Meaning Theodore and Hohiro had to pull a WW2 Japan and actually engage with Victor and negotiate and play into Victors desire for peace and hope that the Combine would come to its senses. All the while quietly preparing for war (with sealed orders) to make the first strike both count and be overwhelming.

Instead, they managed to convince Victor to finally stand up and throw the first punch instead of taking it ... and aim said punch right into the throat.

The Combine needed to take some major to try and seize the initiative and make the Federated Suns pause, but doing so (without going strategic weapons) would require things like;

1. A willingness to trade space for time rather than fighting for every inch of space and wasting units.
2. A willingness to risk leaving key worlds uncovered to concentrate mobile strike forces.
3. A willingness to make concessions to the WOB they are not willing to make.
4. A rational brain in the head of either of the Kuritas in charge.

All of which are missing, meaning they are doing EXACTLY what Victor and his High Command want. So much so Victor can bloody spare troops and ships to go running off and pull the Lyrans asses out of the dumpster fire Peter dropped them into!!

There is a good chance this is the start of a Combine death spiral, like the Capellans fell into at the start of the 4th Succession War, had a 'dead cat bounce' with the FWL in 3058, then finally collapsing over the next decade as Victor kept pushing back harder than they could push forward.
« Last Edit: 19 December 2019, 06:11:02 by Chris OFarrell »
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1282 on: 19 December 2019, 13:03:28 »
3070 - June - Operation Agamemnon V

With his pony express jumpship lines of communication shredded by the Federated Sun's Navy and with most of his HPG's non-functional Warlord Lo Dok To was forced back unto purely his black boxes. Which while able to give him a relatively good grasp of what was going on made coordination over interstellar distances a nightmare. With responsibility for almost half of the DC-FS border he found his ability to react to the Davion's further hamstrung as the month went on and jumpship after jumpship was seized. He also knew that the WOB repair teams were working their way towards Luthien, not towards him. Which meant that his worlds would be the last ones to see HPG communication resumed. A handful of reports suggested that this was not a problem for the worlds seized by the AFFS who's HPG stations were being not only reoccupied but repaired by Comstar.


The removal of Marshal Stromp and her 1st Kestrel Grenadiers RCT, 1st Lexington Combat Guard and 1st FedSun's Dragoons RCT at the start of June did nothing to help the faltering 12th Galedon Regulars. With the 8th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT and the 2nd Lexington Combat Guards RCT still in the hunt they were massively outnumbered and knew that it was only a matter of time until they were cornered and defeated. The end came on the 17th of June when Chu-sa Lynette Cole the senior surviving officer finally snapped at the constant harassing air attacks and running battles and ordered what remained of the unit to take up defensive positions for a final stand.

Hurriedly digging into a rocky ridge the 12th Galedon Regulars found the air attacks against them redoubled. Between the 2 formations the AFFS forces on planet had no less than 8 air wings and almost all of them were soon involved in a 36 hour bombardment of the ridge the 12th had dug in on. For the last 6 hours they were joined by the artillery battalion of the 2nd Lexington. On the morning of the 19th the 2nd Lexington Combat Guards moved in to destroy the battered survivors while the 8th Deneb Light Cavalry ensured that the 12th Galedon couldn't attempt any breakout. Within 3 hours the battle was over and the last of the Galedon Regulars on the planet had surrendered. Although a great deal of ordinance (particularly air dropped bombs) had been expended the final stand of the DCMS on Capra had cost the AFFS little more than moderate damage to a number of battlemech's and a few wounded infantry and armour crews. Most of the 3 hours of the battle had simply been the AFFS troops moving up along the ridge to find and take the survivors into custody.

An Ting

The 7th An Ting Legion, abandoned by their DCMS allies and hammered by vastly superior and better equipped AFFS forces are at breaking point as June begins. Dug in as best they can around the An Ting University and Cerant city they can see the AFFS formations assembling for the final push. When the 4th Federated Suns Armoured Cavalry openly prepares it's full weight of battlemech's to crash into the 7th An Ting's lines while the 2nd and 4th Ceti Hussar's deploy to ensure that they can't break out something finally snaps. The 7th asks for terms. Both to save themselves but also the city that many of them call home and have friends and families in.

Swiftly a deal is reached. All An Ting citizens captured by the AFFS and Clan Sun Jaguar will be released or at least held in relative comfort until the end of the hostilities. The government of An Ting will be allowed to continue - subject to said government agreeing to petition to join the Federated Suns. Similarly the An Ting University will NOT be dismembered and distributed to some other world deep within the Federated Suns. Instead it will have it's teaching staff and cadet force overhauled by the MIIO and DMI before being allowed to continue to graduate classes for the AFFS in the future - in a similar manner to the Tikonov Martial Academy. The surviving members of the 7th An Ting will be tested and those found prepared to serve in the AFFS will be used to form the core of a new 1st An Ting Borderer regiment which will only be activated at the end of the current war.

The 4th Ceti Hussars are tasked with overseeing the transition and garrisoning of the planet while the 4th FSAC and 2nd Ceti Hussars refit and resupply. During this period the 4th FSAC trades a number of it's assault and heavy battlemechs and tanks for lighter and more manoeuvrable units. A number of 4th Ceti Hussars are transferred into the 2nd Ceti Hussars to bring that unit up to a stronger combat ready force for future engagements. Similarly the Clan Sun Jaguar forces on the planet continue to refit and rearm.


With the completion of the first of the newly built airbases at Fort Darwin the AFFS transfers the bulk of it's fighter strength from dropships in orbit to these facilities. Which they are soon using to launch almost constant air attacks at the DCMS formations dug in around Gondovia. With the rebuilt 5th Davion Guards aerospace forces now back up to the standard 3 wings, the Air Cossacks Wing and the Roughriders aerospace forces combined with the 2 independent fighter wings have a slight numerical advantage over the defending aerospace forces of the DCMS. Where they have a major advantage however is in skill and in equipment.

The 11th Ghost's fighter wing is the strongest DCMS formation in skill but is operating at just over 60% of it's full strength. Plus it's equipment has always been somewhat ramshackle due to the lack of long term supply priority for the Ghost regiments. While the newly formed 43rd and 45th Galedon Air Wings were mostly equipped with light fighters such as the Sabre and a handful of Sai's. Compared to the top of the line equipment in the 5th Davion Guards in particular the comparison is extremley lopsided. The AFFS fighter wings also contain a number of omnifighters such as the Dagger-O and Huscarl-O which give them an even greater advantage.

The air above the deserts between Gondovia and Fort Darwin is crisscrossed with duelling fighters. Both sides send out light battlemechs and vehicles to either rescue or capture any downed pilots, but find these and other patrols the target of straffing runs by the enemy fighters if they are given half a chance. For the first 10 days the battle hangs in the balance, but as the month progresses the tide shifts more and more to the AFFS fighter pilots. With a steady supply of new aerospace fighters and spare parts they are more able to absorb the losses and continue the fight.

With their fighter losses mounting and unable to contest the high desert air the DCMS commanders order their pilots to forget trying to hit the AFFS base but instead to concentrate on maintaining a CAP above Gondovia itself on the 16th. This allows the AFFS fighter wings to sweep the desert clean of any isolated Kurita bases and patrols in a matter of 2 days. After which the Hansen Roughrider's mercenary unit moves out on a long sweep through the deepest parts of the desert.


On the 6th of June the 19th Galedon Regulars finally launch their signature attack to break the Screaming Eagles lines. They hit the 2nd battalion of the Screaming Eagles and for nearly 2 hours the Eagles line bends and falls back almost breaking. Just as it looks like the 19th might be successful in breaking the Screaming Eagles into 2 formations the 1st Conroe Borderer's launch their counter attack directly at the advancing Galedon Regulars. At the same time the 3 other Screaming Eagles battalions on the flanks snap forward into a counter attack.

The 1st Conroe suffers nearly 40% casualties in their frenzied counter attack, reducing them from 5 companies to 3, while the 2nd battalion of the Screaming Eagles suffer even higher losses. Yet the 19th Galedon Regulars finds itself caught in a killing zone between the surviving AFFS troops in front of them and the others closing on their flanks. When they finally mange to disengage they have lost over 4 companies of battlemechs and almost the entire destruction of their conventional forces.

Almost as soon as the 19th manages to reach it's dropships it flees the planet and heads for Galedon. The Screaming Eagles and 1st Conroe Borderer's take possession of the planet of Valentina for the Federated Suns.


The first wave of AFFS troops arrive at Matsuida under the command of Marshal Stromp. The 1st Kestrel Grenadiers RCT, 1st Lexington Combat Guard and the 1st FedSun's Dragoons RCT arrive on the 3rd. Less than a day later Marshal Rand-Davion leads his own 1st Crucis Lancers RCT and the 4th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT to join Marshal Stromp's first wave. A final wave of AFFS troops arrive on the 7th, under the command of Marshal Jon Davion who takes overall command of the invasion bringing with him his own Davion Heavy Guards RCT and the 6th Crucis Lancers RCT. Along with his own task force Jon Davion brings 2 full armoured conventional brigades and 5 infantry brigades.

To counter these the DCMS has the 2nd Galedon Regulars, Ryuken-yon, Ryuken-go and the remanants of the 3rd Ghost as well as a host of conventional forces, a mix of regular and militia. The 2nd Galedon Regulars is at almost full strength, while the 2 Ryuken regiments both are at 70% of their full strength and the 3rd Ghost has roughly 2 battalions of mechwarriors - including survivors from the 7th Ghost.

The Davion task forces each take a different target. Marshal Stromp's forces land slightly in advance of the others under heavy air cover and immedietly begin pressing the defensive lines of the 2 Ryuken regiments who have dug in to the south and west of the capital of Mystique Bay. Meanwhile Marsha Rand-Davion conducts a close assault drop upon the green 2nd Galedon Regulars to the north east. His own 1st Crucis Lancers land and immedietly throw themselves at the enemy lines while the 4th Fusiliers conduct their signature death from above attack upon the Regulars. By the end of the 2nd day of fighting the 2nd Galedon Regulars is beginning to come apart and they have been forced back again and again. While they have inflicted losses on the 2 Davion units their own losses are mounting and their morale is crumbling.

The DCMS commanders on planet still have the 3rd Ghost which is still free and could be redeployed to save the 2nd Regulars. However even as they consider it Jon Davion begins landing his own forces and launching attacks against the 3rd Ghost. However he doesn't bring down most of the conventional forces, instead he lands them in support of Marshal Stromp and Marshal Rand-Davion who use the additional troops to maintain their own attacks.

With the 3rd Ghost now pinned fighting hard against the Davion Heavy Guards and 6th Crucis Lancers to the north and north west of the city, the 2nd Galedon Regulars finally collapses under a full scale attack spearheaded by 4 companies of the 4th Syrtis Fusiliers led by none other than Leftenant General Chad Dean. When the charismatic (and some might say mad) Leftenant General is badly injured when his Templar-O is brought down the 4th go berserk and smash into the Galedon Regulars with a fury that the already shaken green unit cannot match.

With the 2nd Galedon Regulars shattered and streaming back into Mystique City the remaining DCMS forces try and break of contact and retreat into the city as well. They are only partially successful. The AFFS forces keep up the pressure on them and the 3rd Ghost for instance has to leave a sacrificial rearguard consisting of what is left of it's conventional forces and 2 companies of battlemechs in order to reach the city mostly intact. The Ryuken regiments similarly face a hard fight to withdraw.

Unfortunately the city proves little sanctuary as the AFFS units give the DCMS forces little time to reorganise. The heavy battle armour formations of the 1st Kestrel Grenadiers, supported by the assault and heavy battlemechs of the RCT don't give up on the pursuit but crash right into the city on the heels of the fleeing defenders. The Davion Heavy Guards and the 1st Crucis Lancers similarly keep fighting right into the city.

By the end of June the DCMS have lots over half of the capital and the 2nd Galedon Regulars already shattered formation has been merged into the 2 Ryuken regiments in order to keep them at least operational (although even now between them they have less than a single regiments worth of battlemechs and mechwarriors). The 3rd Ghost despite requests to receive some of the surviving Regulars are ordered to recruit from the planets Yakuza if they wish reinforcements.

The AFFS forces have also taken losses - the heaviest hit being the 4th Syrtis Fusiliers which is withdrawn from the lines to repair and refit having lost a full battalion in their mad charge and prior combat drop. Leftenant General Chad Dean is medically evacuated to Robinson. However their RCT's and battlemech regiments continue to push the DCMS lines at every opportunity. In the urban combat the free conventional infantry brigades also begin showing their value, infiltrating and holding territory seized by their battlemech brethren. A handful of mechanised infantry formations and light armour units form into columns and spread out bringing more and more of the world under the banner of the FedSuns.

Bergman's Planet/Thestria/Elidere IV

With reports that these 3 worlds have been abandoned not only by the regular DCMS formations but have also been stripped of most of their militia formations in order to bolster the defences of other key worlds, the AFFS High Command takes a gamble and assigns the 1st Ceti Hussars RCT to dispatch a combat command to each of these worlds to seize them. Alpha takes Bergman's Planet, Bravo takes Thestria and Charlie Elidere IV. For once the reports are right. All 3 worlds fall after only token resistance to the 1st Ceti Hussars RCT. First Prince Victor himself sends the 1st a message of congratulations and makes a point of telling them that they have again vindicated his ancestors faith in their formation.


The Wolf's Dragoons return to Misery in June. Having suffered nearly 60% fatalities the last time they came to this world and fought the DCMS they had demanded the honour of it's conquest which had been happily granted. The only condition the High Command had imposed was to add some conventional forces to aid them. In the end these reinforcements wouldn't be required as the mere arrival of the infamous unit promoted the few remaining militia on the planet to surrender immedietly. It was an anticlimactic return for Zeta, but one that the High Command was more than satisfied with.


The 11th FedSun's Dragoons RCT was released from garrison duty on Barlow's End and ordered to seize the world of Arlington in June. Facing off against only a handful of mostly infantry militia units the green 11th took a week or 2 to find it's stride, but was soon able to report that they were in full control of the planet with only a small number of battlemechs damaged and conventional forces lost.

Gandy's Luck

The newest formation of the Draconis March (if not the AFFS now that the 1st Tercio had been founded) the 1st Robinson Chevaliers were thrown into action on Gandy's Luck. Formed from individual companies from various DMM formations they unit had a wide variety of skills. Deciding to take advantage of this the CO of the unit - Colonel Aristide Sandoval-Lee breaks her regiment into it's component companies and deploys them to destroy the few isolated militia units that resist the AFFS invasion. To the most difficult targets she assigns the 1st battalion's 1st company - the "Kentares Chevaliers". Although doing little to help integrate the unit's diverse companies it does prove an effective tactic and the planet is swiftly pacified.


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1283 on: 19 December 2019, 14:02:01 »
im seeing a pac man like effect here  :D ;D 8) ::) >:D
Daniels Avenger                Clan Coyote
General Jennifer Daniels    Galaxy Commander Jim Skyes
                                        Omicron Galaxy
Clan Wolf in Exile
328th Assault Cluster(the Lion Hearted)
Star Captain James Sword

Chris OFarrell

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1284 on: 19 December 2019, 15:00:52 »
Yes, the AFFS has such poor table manners, just wolfing down everything in sight without pause :P
"I, the Baron of Strang, care not for your new names. Clans? Jade Falcons? I call you by your true name: Scum of the Star League, traitors of free will, persecutors of the Periphery come back to lord it over freedom-loving people. Come ahead, you steel-eyed robots! Come ahead and taste what a million like-minded people think of you and your damn Clans!"

-Baron Stepan Von Strang


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1285 on: 19 December 2019, 15:11:24 »
i can see a buffer zone being created with most of these worlds if they are hostile to fed sun rule.  create a at least non militaristic against them, and they could keep whats left of the DC away.
Daniels Avenger                Clan Coyote
General Jennifer Daniels    Galaxy Commander Jim Skyes
                                        Omicron Galaxy
Clan Wolf in Exile
328th Assault Cluster(the Lion Hearted)
Star Captain James Sword


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1286 on: 19 December 2019, 19:26:18 »
99 beers on the wall, take one down.  98 bottles of beer er ah planets on the wall


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1287 on: 21 December 2019, 23:22:46 »
I smell desperation in the air...
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1288 on: 22 December 2019, 01:54:03 »
I smell desperation in the air...
I smell incoming atrocities.
This is Kurita. When desperate, they default to some show of strength/commitment by way of atrocity. Toss the WOB in the mix and...

Billy Boy Mark II

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Re: The Federated Sun's Reborn
« Reply #1289 on: 02 January 2020, 07:52:27 »
3070 - June Interlude - A Kurita Again

Hall of Warriors
New Barcella
Irece Prefecture
Pesht Military District
Draconis Combine

Minoru Nova Cat strode into the Hall of Warriors and only years of training at the Imperial Palace presented his step from faltering as he realised that he was not merely being summoned to a small meeting but an entire assembly of what looked like every bloodnamed warrior within the Clan. The ISF and DMCS Liaison Officers following him had no such training however it was unlikely that they realised that this gathering was MUCH larger than it should have been. In blissful ignorance they continued to march behind him. He strode along the marble floor and bowed deeply before the Khan and saKhan of Clan Nova Cat who along with the Oathmaster sat upon a slightly raised dais at the end of the room while banked seats rose on both sides filled with warriors. As far as he had been aware only the Oathmaster and Khan had been present on Irece but saKhan Karl Devalis was supposed to be on Itabaiana with his Delta Galaxy. Then again given that even a quick glance showed that most if not all of the bloodnamed warriors of Delta Galaxy were also here Minoru's information was clearly out of date...

"You summoned myself and these officers my Khan?" Minoru spoke, trying not to look at Oathmaster Winters who at one stage had seemed like a mentor figure to him but had now grown distant and cold towards him.

"I did Minoru Kurita." Khan West spoke with the gruff rumble that seemed to be the only way Elemental's were able to speak.

Despite himself Minoru interrupted his Khan. "Forgive me Khan. I am not Minoru Kurita. I am Minoru Nova Cat."

If the interruption annoyed the Khan he gave no sign of it but shrugged massive shoulders. "No more. We received a courier from Luthien from the Coordinator demanding that we release you and return you to him. After some debate the Council has agreed. In your heart you have always remained Kurita..."

Given the angry glances at him and muttering from the assembled warriors it was clear that many had taken offence at his father's demand. Worse was that very word "demand". If his time within the Clan had taught him anything it was that the Nova Cats were a proud people and did not take kindly to being ordered about as though mere servants. Minoru feared that his fathers actions might have further soured the already tense relationship between the Clan and House Kurita. When the Khan went on this was confirmed. "This order from the Coordinator, which flies in the face of all Clan traditions and laws, however is the last straw. For too long House Kurita has issued orders and edicts upon us, forgetting that we voluntarily joined our strength to theirs. The full Clan Council has just voted overwhelmingly therefore to end our Clan's alliance with House Kurita..."

This time it was the DCMS Liason officer who interrupted, stepping forward and roaring furiously. "You would betray your sworn liege lord when the Davion dog's stand at the very gates?! Cowards! Oathbreakers!"

Before Minoru could attempt to calm the situation the Khan surged from the huge chair on the dais, taking the steps down in a single leap and before the DCMS officer could do anything more than raise his hands in a futile gesture to ward of the West the Elemental Khan silenced him with a backhanded slap that broke his jaw and knocked him unconscious while sent him flying into the lowest rank of seated warriors. Who were less than gentle in pushing the unconscious officer onto the floor in front of them. The worst thing was that Santin West had clearly pulled the blow or he would have done more than knocked the man out and broke his jaw but would likely have killed him. Not even breathing hard from the sudden attack the Khan turned his eyes on the remaining 2 men in front of him. "We were promised fair treatment. A place of honour. Coordinator Kurita has not kept his own vows to us again and again. Treating us as his servants, not as his allies. Enough. And more than enough. Perhaps it is not the Coordinator's fault truly. The Combine has always sought to absorb cultures and force them into its own mould. Yet we will not fall prey to such tactics. We are disolving any bonds between us and House Kurita and the Draconis Combine. Here and now we do so in the presence of the Coordinator's own son. Take our words back to your father Minoru Kurita."

"You are going to join the Federated Suns!" Before he could think Minoru blurted out the almost accusation.

Khan West gave a mirthless smile and nodded slightly. "We are. We have had discourse with our cousins in Clan Sun Jaguar who tell of a VERY different culture within the Federated Suns. A culture that allows difference and embraces people's right to choose their own paths. Not one of slavish obedience to a single ruler's will and to a mono-culture imposed from a single viewpoint. We will leave the Combine and go to the Federated Suns. We have been promised worlds on the periphery border which will be ours and ours alone. Tell your father that we will honour our past allegiance to the Combine and will not fight in this current war for House Davion... Unless he forces our hand. Go now. And take this trash with you."

Minoru Kurita and the ISF officer were forced to reach down and drag/carry the still unconscious DCMS officer from the room under the hostile eyes of the bloodnamed warriors of Clan Nova Cat, while the Khan watched with his arms crossed. Even as they left the Hall the sounds of an evacuation were already starting around them. Until the now he had assumed the large scale preparations and loading of dropships had been to prepare for the coming attack upon the AFFS that his father had ordered the Clan to take part in but now he could see it was much more than that. Clan Nova Cat was preparing a wholesale move to the FedSun's...