Just found that the curation team at JAXA this month published its full catalogue of all objects that were retrieved from asteroid Ryugu by Hayabusa 2.
https://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/curation/hayabusa2/The catalogue includes 404 particles (individual rocks heavier than 100µg), 33 aggregates (dust) and six "others" (space trash). All objects can be found with high-res photos in a rather convenient database at the above link.
The largest particle is this one at 138.1 mg weight and 10.345 mm length. It is the largest object actively retrieved from any extraterrestrial body other than the moon so far.
Individual data for objects (except "other") also always includes multiple FTIR spectra, e.g. for the above particle for 21 different spots on it. Never really looked at that kind of stuff, but i think for this object they seem to be showing hydroxy groups and carbon-carbon bonds.
The "other" space trash consists of six pieces (two yellowish, four aluminium) likely dislodged from Hayabusa 2 when it fired one of its guns at the asteroid during sampling. The sampler horn caught those pieces and brought them back to Earth. JAXA is considering using the third, unfired gun on Hayabusa 2 to litter on another asteroid in about 10 years.