Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141166 times)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #60 on: 04 December 2019, 01:16:23 »
Job Offers.  (Nicole and Seether)

Quarters, Quarantine Hospital...

"...They aren't going to keep us in this status forever."  Linda Sithers lay on the bunk, fully clothed and atop the covers.

"They're not." Nicole said, "Singer and Trinh already took job offers in the SLDF." she sat at the double-room's desk, a reader-terminal active and her own personal data pad (Coast Guard issue, Nashan 44a pocket-secretary).

Seether snorted, "yeah, 'job offers'...they enlisted."

"Yup. out of twenty five of us , there are fifteen who've already signed up for citizenship with the Wolverines-they're probably being held to see where the rest jump."  Nicole commented, "Except, of course for the seven of us that are barred to enlistment due to medical reasons.  How's the myomer hand?"

"It works, I can even play keyboard like I did as a kid."  Sithers said, "So eight of us won't be getting citizenship."

"You can." Nicole said, "Heard you made an impression on that aviation officer."

"Where did you hear that?" Seether rolled over to look at her.

"I hear things." Nicole said absently, "You've got a clean record, Linda, they want you."

"but they don't want you?"

Nicole sighed and looked over at her friend, and XO.  "Do you know what the psychologist here said about me? he said, and i quote: 'your broken pieces have missing pieces, Minh.'" there were other things the Wolverine medical said, but Nicole didn't want to raise the topic. 

"She did offer me a job." Seether confessed, "I also got a job offer from the Colonials."

"Doing what?"

"You do remember that, in addition to being older than you are, I've also got more time-on-ground doing actual policing?" Seether asked, "I was offered a job working with the Colonials' justice department.  Seems that time spent in OCB before the Blakists hit is worth something to people who don't have a lot of specialist detectives..."  She rolled to a full sitting position, "...and while SLDF won't take you, Colonial Militia will."

"One, Seeth, you hated your time doing that.  I remember what you said about it."

"It was better than Quarantine picket."

"Anything is better than Quarantine picket.  Two, you'd have to learn that weird variant on Greek, or have a translator following you around, which won't make you that effective and you know it."


"Three, it means being stuck 'at the bottom of the well forever'.  going back into space pretty much requires going SLDF at this point, we're both too old to start basic fighter training and everybody, including the Colonials, have a surplus of qualified smallcraft personnel-and they're qualled out on designs we aren't."

Seether shot her a grin, "That's why I turned them why did you turn Adama down? it's not the language thing-you pick up language the way other people pick up songs."

Nicole looked at the floor.  "Religion." she finally said.  "You know their history, right? Polytheistic religion focused on a dozen or so indo-european gods of the mediterranean variety?" she looked up and met her friend's eyes, "The city-state's religion has a very bad history with monotheists."

"And you're still a christian."


Seether got to her feet, and paced the room, until she found the bible brought over from Nicole's shipboard quarters.  "you know, I read this thing front to back trying to understand...I don't see it."

"see what?"

"anything that says you have to keep punishing yourself." Seether told her.  "Nothing in your gospels, mind you, not the editor's notes in the parts after the crucifiction, says you have to keep abusing yourself like you do.  nothing."  She set the book down.  "We're not pre-industrial, Nikki, and nobody here is going to care.  They're not obsessed with monogamy, they're also not uptight about relationships, and we're both getting old."

"We've had this discussion before-"

"Not like now." Seether told her, "I'm tired of having to look for substitutes, and I'm tired of watching you beat yourself up because of a mistake you made when you were a kid!  You changed your body, fine.  we can adopt, or contract with a sperm bank. You can't change it back, I can deal with that. Nikki, we've been dealing with that for decades now."

"What are you suggesting?"

"It's even legal here." Seether told her, "I'm tired of being a spinster.  We don't have rank blocking it, it's not fraternizing, you won't find a better wife and I won't find a better husband."

"I'm not sure I'm ready to be a father." Nicole joked.  Seether reached down, over her shoulders, and hugged her.

"Nobody is." she said, "but face it, we're finally on equal footing here.  More people are going to have issues with us not being polytheistic, than they will with the appearance of sin.  Heck, the Wolvies are more tweaked out with the lot of us having so many religious people, than with whether or not the person in my bed calls themself a man or a woman-they're more worried about whether the relationship will be stable, than who is in the relationship..and we've been stable together for years under conditions most people get divorced over."

"that doesn't solve the prob-"

"It solves my problem." Seether told her, rocking them together and resting her chin on Nicole's shoulder.  "Please? I don't want my Great Aunt to be right about me dying alone.  besides, your Dad and your Sister liked me, are forty-something years in the future, but if somehow we end up back in that when, I don't have to worry about the in-laws hating me or accusing me of corrupting you...and you know my folks liked you."

"as your friend."

"They can deal. It's not like it's that unusual.  Contract with me, Nikki. Let's build a burrow, stake that asteroid belt out, and leave a fortune for our kids, a Rockjack marriage, Partners.  I love you."

"I..I love you too, but I can't give you-"

"Once we're citizens, we can apply for assistance with that." Seether told her, "They do have good doctors with the right expertise.  all I ever needed was you."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #61 on: 04 December 2019, 03:29:57 »
[out of story]

Yah, if you were here for the last half of "Black Jumpsails" you knew this was coming.  heck, given my 'Steiner Scout 'mech Lance' subtlety (if visions of four atlases trying to be sneaky in a fine pottery exhibition doesn't come to mind...well....), you didn't even need the previous story to catch that this would happen.

The Mushy stuff.

ew, amirite?

It kinda had to happen.  Trace Coburn detailed out a summary when explaining just how ****** up Nikki and Seether really are in a response on two? two.  Okay.

Props to him for summarizing it so even I could keep up.  (I'm kinda dim sometimes.)

Believe it or not, this does resolve some of Nicole's issues-well, maybe not resolve so much as shift her focus so she can be a (better) functioning person.  Or at least, so that some of her broken pieces are no longer missing pieces.  Alright, "LESS" Dysfunctional, happy??

"But what about the main plot, Cannonshop?  all this feelings and shtuff are just Icky! we wanna see blood! and fire!! and big, stompy destructions!!!"

It's coming.  Honest.  My main characters had to get their personal shit sorted...okay, sort of sorted... at least I didn't try to PG-13 a nude scene or implied 'Romance Novel' scenes with throbbing er...yeah.  yuck.

Lemme summarize, this was initially conceptualized as an add on to Cawest's excellent "Copeland Salvage" story on the main Fanfic thread, and as a piece-of-sequel for Hotpoint's excellent "Hunted Tribes" stories.  When it gets properly edited, these are going to be sandwiched between 2 or 3 other plots going on simultaneously and cunningly, cleverly, deviously provided by Cawest and Hotpoint (With some minimal additional input from yrhumbleservent).

including some toaster-smashing. Honest, we're going to smash some Toasters, and maybe some Toaster-worshippers.


[/out of story]
« Last Edit: 04 December 2019, 03:32:19 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #62 on: 04 December 2019, 04:51:08 »
What some call "icky romance stuff", some of us call "World building and character development", which, IMHO, always a good thing.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #63 on: 04 December 2019, 18:33:38 »
Riverson 794...

The rest of the SLDF naval guys took to calling him 'R2', a double-play on his former position as RTO for the Coast Guard, and his tendency to over-analyze things like a University Egghead.

"What do you think, R2?"  a Chief Warrant named Gao asked, as Riverson examined the engineering specs on an experimental drive.

"I Think you're going to blow it up." he finally answered.  Gao looked hurt, she'd been keen to show him around, maybe more attentive than he was used to.

"What would you do?" she asked.

He shrugged, "not an engineer.  The theoretical math's right, it extends right into Fuchida's second Corrolary, I kinda would argue that the equations might be wrong..."


he sighed, "We have exactly one experimental phenomena that matches this, and it dumped us almost fifty years into the past with a core broken in three pieces, along with a lot of other nasty stuff.  Some of this is waaay beyond me, but I know who it wouldn't be beyond."

"Who?" Gao asked.

"The Skipper of the Nueva Pueblo III, Nicole Minh." he said, "She knows this stuff, not just the navigation, but the engineering.  I'm kinda like an apprentice with a Journeyman grade in a subset associated to communication. She's more like a Journeyman-Promotable in KF theory and Hyperspatial Physics with a Doctoral in how to bend it in ways the eggheads argue are impossible."

"You keep using that word...'Egg-head'...what is it?"  the guy asking the question is one of the Greeks from the City-State, but he speaks english.

Riverson cleared his throat, "Schmot-guys, eggheads, guys with degrees who lecture for a living or run laboratories, you know, scientists."

"You're not a scientist?"

"Hey, I have a four year degree, that's it, done by correspondence schooling, and I dabble.  a real scientist has those magic three letters hung on their name as a lifetime title, Pee-Aitch-Dee, stands for 'Doctor of Physics', I don't have one of those, ergo, while I might be a decent lab tech and maybe could apply for grad-student, I'm not a real scientist."  he shifted uncomfortably under the look Warrant Gao was giving him, something between disbelief and pity.  "Besides, tweed itches and I look like shit in it."

"and you believe this design will melt the core of the ship?" she pressed him, intensity in her blue eyes.

"Yeah.  It's obvious, right? see here? whoever did your calculations treated a multiplicative function as additive-which made the rest of the math pretty clean, but even I can tell they got the order of operations wrong...******, I need to show you..."

he walked over to a clean whiteboard, and started with the Kearney-Fuchida equations.  "See? it's a multiplier, your core heat will increase geometrically, not linearly, hence..."

"boom." she said, "Or more appropriately, Hisss-melt."

He nodded.  "That's the first problem with the approach, I can tell there's another one, but i don't know enough to identify it."

Warrant Gao looked at his equations thoughtfully.  "Mister Riverson, you do know the most important statement of science, don't you?"

"Um...I don't know-what-"

"Exactly, 'I don't know'." she said, assuming an instructor's stance.  "That statement, 'I don't know' is the basis of any and all real scientific inquiry, the Corrolary implied is the second most important...'Let's find out'."

" do we find out?" Riverson asked.

"Well, we start by you signing this enlistment form." she said, holding out a flatrendering on a clipboard.  "Then, we'll start doing the actual work."

"This whole thing was a job interview, wasn't it?" Riverson asked, taking the clipboard.

"It is. You passed aptitude testing and I think, given your talents, we can prorate your basic training requirements...and get started on credit-equivalency to get your Master's and Ph.D theses out of the way, though I don't think you'll need to buy the tweed coat, you won't be doing any lecturing."

"I still think you need to bring the Skipper into this." he said, as he began filling out the form.

"My superiors are discussing that already."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #64 on: 04 December 2019, 19:07:20 »
well, getting the loonies dealing with the mything wovles....that is going to really get the shit to hit the fan. much less helping ms. ngo do her shit and help them out....ah god....her helping the colonys and the wolvies.....


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #65 on: 04 December 2019, 19:20:32 »
well, getting the loonies dealing with the mything wovles....that is going to really get the shit to hit the fan. much less helping ms. ngo do her shit and help them out....ah god....her helping the colonys and the wolvies.....

you do realize, right now, Lizzie Ngo is about 8 years old, has both brothers ahead of her in the inheritance race, her father is still the Duke  of Kowloon and obsessing on his career in the AFFC, her mother hasn't flipped her shit yet...and a Regent is running Kowloon into the ground?  Liz isn't in a position to do anything yet.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #66 on: 04 December 2019, 19:55:55 »
A drinking Establishment...

Seether brought Nicole  out this time, along with half the remaining crew who weren't already falling into niches or outright enlisting yet.

It was 'open mic' night, something like a mix of Karaoke and live performances.  A Colonel named Bennett was acting as host tonight.

"Well, what do you think?" Seether asked.

"it's nice, Linda." Nicole said, "Like that bar on New Capetown."

On the stage, a Wolverine Lieutenant was doing 'shake bobba loo', the backup band were sober enough to handle a 4/4 beat, and in the cleared area in front of the stage a few off-duty personnel were dancing.

the Wolvie finished his song, and they clapped with the audience.

Then, one of Nicole's marines, Dinh Cham Nguyen, who was still getting used to an artificial leg after the accident, limped to the stage.  He spoke to the band for a few minutes, and passed out some sheets of music.  Nicole couldn't hear what he was saying, but she noticed that Engineer's mate Li Danh Vao was watching intently.

"Something a little slower." the guy doing the EM-Ceeing announced.

Dinh picked up a bass guitar, and adjusted the mic-stand, raising it almost over his head, and angling the microphone down.  "thank you.." he said, testing it.  he began picking a melody on the instrument.

"Love me forever,
or, not at all.
End of our tether, backs to the wall
You give me your hand, don't you ever ask why
Promise me nothing, live 'til we die!!

Everything changes, it all stay the same
Everyone guilty, no one to blame
Every way out, brings you back to the start
Everyone dies to break somebody's heart..."

"I didn't know he could sing." Nicole said, "Four years in tight quarters..."
Seether rocked to the melody as the house band joined in behind him. "I didn't either, and classical music at that."

We are the system, we are the law
We are corruption, worm in the core
One of another, laugh till you cry
Faith unto death or a knife in your eye

Everything changes, it all stays the same
Everyone guilty, no-one to blame
Every way out takes you back to the start
Everyone dies to break somebody's heart
Oh, my lost love, come on back to me!!"

Bennett's 'date' (His wife)'s eyes glistened, "it's so sad." she said.

"Love me or leave me, tell me no lies
Ask me no questions, send me no spies
You know love's a thief, steal your heart in the night
Slip through your fingers, best hold on tight!!"

He finished with a flourish, and limped off the stage without looking to see the reactions in the room.  Nicole looked down to realize, she was gripping Linda's hand with white knuckles.

"has he signed up yet?"  Nicole asked.

Bennett shrugged, "I thought you would know the answer to that."

"no." Linda said, "I don't think he has.  Nguyen's a sapper in his infantry role, and a nuclear ordnance tech, neither job is in real demand, and he's crippled."

"We can probably give him a better leg once he's enlisted." Bennett said, "That one is a temporary functional, right?"

"Yeah." Nicole nodded.  she watched Li-Danh, one of her last surviving engineering snipes, push through the crowd to speak to him.  "Those two-seether, were they 'together' before?"

"Nope." Seether shook her head, "They might be now though."

"She's got a report date to SLDF induction tomorrow, right?" Nicole said quietly.

"Yeah, she does."


Nicole turned and Seether leaned in, stealing a kiss.  "Don't worry about them."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #67 on: 04 December 2019, 22:05:26 »
SLDF Naval Shipyard, Circe system sometime the following day...

"...coolant lines are too small."  Nicole studied the plans on the display before looking up, "he is right, you know.  I don't know how your Tyllium-based drives operate, but this modified conventional core is going to melt into slag in no time if you do what you're proposing with these plans, and it won't do nice things to the LF batteries you've got linked to it either.  Your crew will go a fantastically long way, and wind up stuck wherever they arrive."

she pursed her lips, "or when ever they arrive."

"The simulations don't support that."

"Simulations only simulate what they have enough information for." she pronounced, "It's the basic 'garbage in, garbage out' conundrum that computer developers run into, and why nobody has a reliable weather prediction software after nearly a thousand years of trying to build it...Riverson, you have those engineering books on the Colonial drives open?"

"Aye mum."

she walked over, pushing past an offended engineer-but then she stopped and looked into his face more closely.

"Nelson." she said, "fancy seeing you here, and not proselytizing the benefits of the blessed order or following Blane's shadow around.  Tell me, who is the Precentor ROM in this time period?"

"You know this man?"

"In another life, I executed him on the Konrad-Metis station."  Nicole said, "he was responsible for the detention of half the leaders in the Metis Coalition in 3081, as the ROM overseer of the BTA in the belts. Department was Rho-Gamma...I seem to recall your faction by then was with the Toyama sect...and you were considerably older."  he quivered with sudden fear, meeting her eyes.  "Not quite that man yet." she said, "But you're ROM, Comstar intelligence, 'Regular Operations Maintenance'. How are you reporting back?"

then he looked around the room, fear in his eyes, and opened his mouth.

Nicole's hand shot up, somehow jamming her gloved fingers in his mouth.  "No, no suicide capsules for you, I know that trick."

He fought, and she endured, keeping one hand on the back of his head, the other shoved into his mouth, while dimly she heard voices shouting, arguing...

there was agonizing pain in her hand,and then, there wasn't, because she was waking up on the floor, with a Medtech cleaning the stumps of two fingers.

"Where is he?" she asked.

"He's been subdued and is being moved to detention, we did manage to extract the oral..the hollow tooth, filled with prussic acid."  Colonel Bennett explained, "You recognized him from nearly forty years in the future."

"what can I say." Nicole gasped as antibiotic foam was applied to her ruined right hand.  "Some people have very memorable faces? I knew the man because I've killed him before.  Dad was very disappointed in me for doing it."

"why did you? before I mean?"

"During the Jihad, that's what the Blakists called it, we would capture them sometimes.  brainwashing so deep you can't break it." she shook her head, "we tried at first, our side did. no such luck.  Imprison them, some seem to have a change of heart, to be moderates...then they go and pull a suicide bombing or some other 'act of faith' that kills people.  The worst were the ones who didn't know what they were." the medic wrapped her hand in presersleeve, "He knows though, and now he knows that I know...and that you know.  You haven't let them anywhere near an HPG yet have you?"

"Minh, I think we need to talk privately." Bennett told her, it seemed like a signal to the other Wolverines in the room, and the Colonials.

"is this the part where you explain that the man I...that I attacked wasn't an enemy agent?" Nicole asked.

"No, this is the part where I ask you why you haven't approached anyone for a position, or to enlist, or to demand to be sent home." he explained.  "it's like you're trying to force us to draft you."

she sighed, "I'm ****** up." she said, "Professional military wouldn't take someone with my experiences and the attending traumas unless they were in the kind of desperate straits the Coast Guard was."

"I'm offering. You're a good engineer, you've got a strong grasp of Jumpship operations, your people insist you're some kind of magical super-navigator. I'm willing to offer you a Commission, and I have the Protector's support."

Nicole thought for a few moments.  then she stuck out her maimed hand, "Done. I might have some trouble signing anything for a while..."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #68 on: 04 December 2019, 22:12:15 »
That was nice... poor ROMmie- not!
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #69 on: 04 December 2019, 22:38:55 »
I hope the Wolverines have the regeneration tech to grow her two fingers back...


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #70 on: 04 December 2019, 23:58:46 »
I hope the Wolverines have the regeneration tech to grow her two fingers back...

I can't tell you how bad an idea that would be, except that it's something they've already been told.  (It's the same reason she can't use DNA recombinant therapies to reverse her gender reassignment.)  best Nikki's going to be able to have, are myomer-and-alloy replacements.  (Same problem as the others, really.)  I suppose they could try cloned replacements, but those still require intensive surgery to install.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #71 on: 05 December 2019, 00:22:43 »
Ebon Park, New Circe...

He limped along, carrying an acoustic guitar in a case.  They say "The Blues" come from a place of suffering, hopelessness, and heartbreak.  Dinh Nguyen found a spot with good foot traffic, laid out the case, and he could agree with the sentiment.

"I been down so goddam long
it looks like up to me!
Yeah, I've been down so very damn long,
That it looks like up to me..."

every culture has it, even when the medium of exchange is digitally tracked credits.  He'd been released from the Hospital, had his draft notice in his pocket and about the lowest-grade housing they even have on this world.

It was still better than Hue.

"Warden, Warden Warden
won't you break your lock and key?
Come on round here mister,
come on and let me be!"

He already knew the answer.  nobody fields an army of broken toys.  the spring on the end of the plastic leg, the loose way his trousers hung, those were a warning sign for military recruiters.  The marks of the Arluna flu on his skin weren't as visible as, say, the Skipper's, but with them, was the warning-the advanced regeneration medical tech they use here, would be a death-sentence for anyone and everyone if they used it on him.

Three nights ago, his girlfriend left him to join an army he knew would reject him at the induction center.

They'd be apart, and Dinh was all too familiar with what happens with a long distance relationship.

So, he came to the park, to play the blues, for tokens and change, to let the heartbreak out.

Many miles away...

Out on the foothills of the Clemens range, someone who shouldn't have been doing what they were doing, did it incompetently.  This year had been uncharacteristically dry, but even had it been a nice, average, wet year?  It still would have been a mistake.

In this case, the mistake was hot enough, and the wind was just so right, in the right time of year, in a dry year on this side of the mountains.

it began with a flame, that caught, and spread into the thick layers of shed needles and leaves, consuming undergrowth, then building heat, monoxide compounds, erupting in places like a coal fire-and that may be because part of the geology in this area is coal-rich near the surface.

it's alright, of course.  Miles from anywhere..except the newly tilled and planted farms of the Colonial City-State.  100 kilometers is nothing to a fire that has the urging of the fall winds, and is partially sheltered from the rain...

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #72 on: 05 December 2019, 00:35:37 »
Training grounds, New Circe...

"Hey Zombie, I'm your relief. go get some rack."  Cam traded a dap with Private Lennert, and slipped soundlessly back to his barracks rack.

he finished coding a letter to Trinh before turning in.  Basic was basic, not much different from the infantry training school, except his thoughts wandered as he lay down.

For some reason, his thoughts drifted to Lance Corporal Nguyen, the quiet guy from Hue in his old fireteam.  Dinh was one of those crazy ones, when he talked off-shift, he always seemed to steer or drift to fires, to fighting them, how they moved, what they did.  Dinh had been one of those 'loonies who grew up in forest-fire prone areas on Kowloon, and the guy had already picked up a commendation during ground duty on Kwangjong-Ni for pulling people out of a burning building in the security zone.

"They'll love that guy." he muttered as he drifted to sleep.  Dinh was the guy whose first instinct, when something happened, was to run toward the danger.

That night, he dreamed of fires-the fires from his buddy's rare stories.

it was NOT a good night.
« Last Edit: 05 December 2019, 00:38:43 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #73 on: 05 December 2019, 00:43:55 »
"You know this man?"

"In another life, I executed him on the Konrad-Metis station."  Nicole said, "he was responsible for the detention of half the leaders in the Metis Coalition in 3081, as the ROM overseer of the BTA in the belts. Department was Rho-Gamma...I seem to recall your faction by then was with the Toyama sect...and you were considerably older."  he quivered with sudden fear, meeting her eyes.  "Not quite that man yet." she said, "But you're ROM, Comstar intelligence, 'Regular Operations Maintenance'. How are you reporting back?"
Um ... how? Seriously, how did this guy get from Wolverine space to being a Blakist higherup in Nicole’s time period?


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #74 on: 05 December 2019, 00:56:38 »
Corpsman Trinh...

Supervising the training course led to volunteering at the hospital in the City-State.  Trinh didn't really understand it, only that once the first class were shaken out and training the next wave, she was bored, and someone told her they needed medics among the 'munchkins'.

Working for Coddle was relatively pleasant, and she enjoyed 'clinic duty'-it was so much closer to the kind of work she'd joined the Coast Guard's medical programme to do in the first place.  "Now there's a brave girl..." she said, as she finished wrapping a child's sprained ankle.  she finished by pulling a lollipop loaded with probiotics and oral vaccination formula (colored transparent orange with a fruity taste) from the child's nose-a simple bit of sleight-of-hand she'd been taught by a Senior Corpsman that seemed to hit the right note with both children, and their worried parents.

The worried parent thanked her and took the kid home.

"You've got a gift with them."  another Volunteer, a medical department officer with the SLDF doing civil affairs work, commented.

"Doctor Robertson, it's not hard." Trinh said, "This is the kind of thing we do when we're not enforcing quarantines or chasing pirates, or fighting fires."

"That still seems like an odd combination for a military organization, especially a navy." he commented.

"It's a legacy-the Guard is only military in wartime." she answered, "the rest of the time, depending on station, you can end up doing everything from firefighting to running clinics in areas too remote for other regular services-anywhere that 'technically' borders on a body of water in the Quarantine zone, is within the Coast Guard's purview, along with most of the nullgee areas-so you end up wearing a lot of hats, especially if you're in a skill position."

she began an inventory of instruments and supplies, noting which antibiotics and painkillers were in short supply here.

"And the police function?"

"I got the basic course on Forensic medicine, yeah." Trinh said, "I can run a rape kit, do a fair autopsy, other lab-work, but that's not as satisfying as doing clinical work with live people...They're short on some basic vaccinations here. looks like they need to order a few basic antibiotics too...and burn treatment equipment."

"burn treatment?"

"You've seen their housing, right?" she asked, "one good fire and this place will be swamped. worse than some of the survivor enclaves on Kwangjong-Ni.  They need synthskin, Olex and Dermatex in much greater quantities than their local equivalents, not to mention anti-shock drugs are almost completely absent."

"The Munchk-the Colonials don't necessarily have those technologies." he responded.

"Well, they need them." Trinh said, looking out the window.  "you know what the definition of 'luck' is?"

"The meeting of preparation with opportunity?" he responded.

"Yeah.  no prep plus the wrong opportunity and you have bad luck."  she nodded out the window of the clinic building.  "it's wet here, but that just means when bad luck happens, nobody is going to be prepared..." she turned to face the Wolverine medical officer.

"You are right." he said, "You are also telling me things I already know...getting funding for those supplies? it's..."

"Complicated." she said, "we...we had a Synthskin printer on the Nueva Pueblo III in the sick bay, I presume since your SLDF medical is more advanced, that you don't need it...and these people do.  I also had a supply of trauma meds that are probably too primitive for you guys, but just right for these folks.  some can even be manufactured here using Colonial tech. That should handle some of the deficiencies, but they need more basic supplies.  basic vaccines, pain management meds..."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #75 on: 05 December 2019, 00:57:28 »
Um ... how? Seriously, how did this guy get from Wolverine space to being a Blakist higherup in Nicole’s time period?

uhm, remember, in the prime timeline, Zughoffer Weir was in Blakist service.  so do the math. 
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #76 on: 05 December 2019, 01:33:47 »
100 KM from the start of the fire...

The rainforest canopy hid it pretty well from orbit, but smoke was rising, and wildlife were reacting, fleeing from the root-fire that was clearing dense undergrowth and long vines, occasionally reaching up the side of a titanic fern-tree.

The fire covered 120 square kilometers, but it was growing, hungry...devouring, seeking an opening, a space where the winds can truly stoke it to new heights.

where it found those openings, it Blazed forth, going from sullen smoulder to exhultant shout.

about this time, planetary weather satellites start noticing..something in there. something hot.  something moving toward the new farm areas, and a small band of cabins built as 'personal recreation' by luminaries in the City State...or rather, built for them.  Near a lake that is more like a pond.

The fire doesn't look that significant on the monitoring-the parts they can see are too small, the rise in temperature out there blanketed and concealed.

Of course, appearances are deceptive...

in a pub Near the border of the Colonial City-State...

"Hey Hillbilly, làm thế nào treo nó?"  Dinh greeted an old comrade who was on pass from his training assignment.

Corporal Simon was now Private Simon again, he'd traded Marine Duties for SLDF Infantry gear.  "what's up, Fire-eater?" he asked, "When are you going to show up at Induction?"

Dinh's lips quirked, "Four-Eff." he said, holding out the form.  "I can't infantry no more.  The Intake officer says they have Service and Support jobs, but those don't have a lot of openings.  They gave me  a green card."

"Green Card?"

"Resident Alien status, so I can get a job, but it's a non-voting status. they say they can hook me up with a recruiter in the City State, only see, I'm kind of short of marketable skills."

"So what're you doing out here?"

"Performing." Dinh told him, "Dunno what's going to happen, but nobody wants to hire a one-legged fireman, nobody needs a Demo man, and only people who'd hire a nuke-tech don't need me..." he stopped, and sniffed the air.

"What's up?" One of Simon's new Friends asked, "What's with your friend, Hillbilly?"

"Fire.  There's a fire." Dinh said, "can't you smell it?" He slid from the bar-stool, and limped to the door.

"I don't smell nothing but the-"

Dinh opened the door, and sniffed the air again.  "Fire. big one...that way."

the locals looked doubtful, but Private (recruit) Simon said, "Corporal Brentjes, get the guys and get the truck."

The senior soldier looked at Simon like he was crazy, but then, the sound of beepers went off.

"How did you do that, Hayseed?"

"Ah din'." he answered, "Dinh did.  Come on Dinh, you's riding with us."

The trainees on pass gathered as Brentjes brought the truck around, and then, they piled on, two helping Dinh into the back.

"Why're we bringing him?" Private Dobrev asked.

"He knows more about how to fight fires than ah do, and he's got an instinct...and Dinh here doesn't know how to be skeered.  Three years on the boat with him, ah know for a ****** fact that if'n he says something is burning, he's raght."

by the time they were halfway back to base, the smoke was visible black and inky, with hell-light reflecting off of it.  The fire had reached the crown of the rainforest, whipping more fire into the skies..
« Last Edit: 05 December 2019, 01:38:54 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #77 on: 05 December 2019, 01:51:39 »
Um ... how? Seriously, how did this guy get from Wolverine space to being a Blakist higherup in Nicole’s time period?
  I’m more baffled by how the frak he got to New Circe in the first place.  I’m still behind on the Copeland’s thread, so it’s possible he was a stray the trading-run picked up after Dunianshire (they occasionally get that kind of recruit, IIRC), but other than those trading runs, and occasional covert contacts with Dark Caste Clanners, until the Colonials arrived the SLiE was more or less a closed society.  Fortunately, that very isolation makes it unlikely that he’s been able to report in to ComStar/ROM central and blow the Wolvie secret, but it’s still a bit of a puzzle to me.

EDIT: on the bright side, Dinh just found his niche.  Methinks we’re going to see a massive transformation in the SLiE Fire Service, and maybe even a smoke-jumper contingent forming out of this and his KCG firefighting background.  Assuming he lives through this; Cannonshop has never been shy about killing characters when he feels it appropriate.
« Last Edit: 05 December 2019, 01:58:22 by Trace Coburn »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #78 on: 05 December 2019, 01:57:56 »
  I’m more baffled by how the frak he got to New Circe in the first place.  I’m still behind on the Copeland’s thread, so it’s possible he was a stray the trading-run picked up after Dunianshire (they occasionally get that kind of recruit, IIRC), but other than those trading runs, and occasional covert contacts with Dark Caste Clanners, until the Colonials arrived the SLiE was more or less a closed society.  Fortunately, that very isolation makes it unlikely that he’s been able to report in to ComStar/ROM central and blow the Wolvie secret, but it’s still a bit of a puzzle to me.
I think the implication is that this guy was a Wolvie convert to Blake via the ‘Blood’ feldercarb ... which means she just beat up someone who’s got no idea why she attacked him.
uhm, remember, in the prime timeline, Zughoffer Weir was in Blakist service.  so do the math.
I kinda presumed that was a salvaged wreck, given I can’t imagine the SLIE actually joining ComStar. I was thinking this was a different timeline: in the uptimers timeline, the Wolvies never found the nebula, and were a rag tag band of survivors when ComStar found and swallowed them, or they just found the wreck (if the Blood thing isnt real), whereas in THIS timeline they DID, and they’re too secure, strong and cohesive to be pulled into the Blakist cult.

Trace Coburn

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #79 on: 05 December 2019, 02:01:35 »
I think the implication is that this guy was a Wolvie convert to Blake via the ‘Blood’ feldercarb ... which means she just beat up someone who’s got no idea why she attacked him.
  An innocent man would not have reacted that way to her questions, much less had a contingency-tooth full of cyanide.  He has to have been an agent for someone.
« Last Edit: 05 December 2019, 02:03:24 by Trace Coburn »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #80 on: 05 December 2019, 02:20:34 »

"Name of god, is this what you've got??"  the equipment marshalling was made to deal with urban structure fires.  "what the hells?"

"YOu're saying this is inadequate?"

"I'm saying that, yeah, exactly. Fire engines aren't going to slow this ****** down, you need to contain it, then starve it, and only then are pumper-trucks and a few converted bombers going to do anything...tell me you've got water bombers at least?"  Seether was in full on 'Seether' mode, confronting an officer who outranked her by geometric values.

"We've got some VTOL-"

"Those are spotters, những loại idiot là bạn?" she almost shouted, getting into the colonel's face, "This is a Wildfire, and it's big. small fires don't spawn fire tornadoes.  a water-bomber's big, drops loads measured in tens-of-tons, savvy?  we need to see how extensive this ****** thing is, and you can park the pumper-trucks along the edge of the fields, but evacuate the civilians, and bring up earth-movers and excavation machinery, cut firebreaks, wildfires that get this big and healthy are more like doing construction under artillery bombardment, than putting out a couple of burning houses...dammit, you don't deal with these much, do you?" she suddenly settled down.

He peered at her, then, "no, we don't...what makes you an expert on this sort of thing anyway?"

"Coast Guard also fights fires-wildfires." she told him, "right in the job description at the recruiter's.  I've faced three major ones...we had dedicated equipment and centuries of institutional culture around it, and I did my surface tour in the fifties, some of the worst fires in the Golden Lake region, including ones started by fighting, which is probably more than you have.  Grab Sappers, or Combat engineering units or whatever it is you call them, infantry reservists that can learn fast, scouts, fire-foam dispensers from the airfields for your 'mechs, first we strip every scrap of fuel in a path around it, then we start scraping in, cut the one big fire into a bunch of small ones that we can put out, rinse, repeat.  Otherwise those pumper trucks outside are going to be about as effective as pissing is on an inferno strike!"

"I see why your old crewmates call you 'Seether'." he snarked, then turned to his aide, "You caught all of that, Query Affirmative? i don't have to repeat it?"

"Affirmative, sir."

he sighed heavily, "Now I have to place some calls..."

Recruit Training 3rd Phase base Gloria...

"Simon, who is this guy?"  Captain Tara Rayson demanded.  the Elemental woman was head-and-shoulders taller than Dinh or his friend.

"Dinh Nguyen, ma'am, we used to call him fire eater.  he's an experienced hand at rural wildfire control, ma'am."

Dinh leaned against the truck, watching as vehicles rolled in convoy onto the base grounds.  "Where's the dozers?" he asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Need bulldozers with enclosed cockpits, first you cut the firebreak to starve the blaze or steer it, I'd say..." he sniffed the air, and held up a finger, "if the wind's prevaling the same direction, at this speed here?" he rolled his eyes, "Needs to be about five hundred meters wide along the front you don't want it spreading."  he limped over to the tall woman, "Then you establish your perimeter.  soak the ground where you cut your scrape, real good. won't work everywhere, those hills look rocky and steep, means the wind's going to blow faster, and bad ground for earth-movers. You got explosives? Fire Blankets? portable shelters? gonna need those, too...oh, and axes and shovels..."

Dinh didn't notice, but there were stares at him, his boldness, and what he said combined.  "Come with me, mister Wen. I have someone you need to talk to."

"Aye mum...we're going to need to hurry, that fire's going to move fast."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #81 on: 05 December 2019, 02:27:51 »
  I’m more baffled by how the frak he got to New Circe in the first place.  I’m still behind on the Copeland’s thread, so it’s possible he was a stray the trading-run picked up after Dunianshire (they occasionally get that kind of recruit, IIRC), but other than those trading runs, and occasional covert contacts with Dark Caste Clanners, until the Colonials arrived the SLiE was more or less a closed society.  Fortunately, that very isolation makes it unlikely that he’s been able to report in to ComStar/ROM central and blow the Wolvie secret, but it’s still a bit of a puzzle to me.

EDIT: on the bright side, Dinh just found his niche.  Methinks we’re going to see a massive transformation in the SLiE Fire Service, and maybe even a smoke-jumper contingent forming out of this and his KCG firefighting background.  Assuming he lives through this; Cannonshop has never been shy about killing characters when he feels it appropriate.

Actually, it's from Hotpoint's story, they picked up some Comstar people in that story, an Explorer corps ship that got jumped by Cylons at about the same time they found Nike, iirc, or maybe a touch before that.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #82 on: 05 December 2019, 03:06:21 »
Base Ops...

"Colonel Karlan, this man is an expert at these types of operations."  Captain Rayson said, gesturing to Dinh. 

Colonel Zachary Karlan turned from his window, where the black haze of the blaze dominated everything in sight.

"Expert, huh? where you from, son?" he asked.

"Hue, Golden lake district on Kowloon, sir.  We have fires like this about three times a year.  Your pardon sir, but it doesn't look like you guys have these nearly that often."

Karlan's heavy eyebrows rose up a fraction, his balding pate wrinkling.  "Kowloon...oh, you're one of those Coast Guard people, right?"

"Yes sir, Sir, begging your pardon, but less time on introductions and more getting ready is a good idea, sir." Dinh said, "With due respect sir, you need to pull that Torrent off the plinth outside, put engines back on, and a gigantic ass tank of ****** with high-volume nozzles, and I need a dozen men to go into that and start clearing firebreaks or those grain fields're gonna burn...and we're gonna need every crash-mech you've got for the flight line following us in...and there's some gear we're going to need for the guys on foot."

"what kind?" the Colonel asked.

"Thermal reflective blankets, helmets, gloves, respirators and shovels, sir...and explosives, preferred is Pentex-22, it's electric-fired and heat-nonreactive plastique.  we cut it off from fresh fuel in the direction the wind wants to take it, we can beat this bastard, sir."

"You want to go into that, Query negative?"

"Sir, Yes sir." Dinh enunciated, "someone has to, and I know what to do, based on the fire engines you're bringing in, you don't have a lot of people who do, sir."

"With just a respirator, and what?"

"Shovels, rope, axes, and explosives, sir...and det-caps, of course. once we cut the firebreaks, we can start killing the fire, that's where your bomber comes in...unless you've got some kind of advanced power-suits? the only way we're going to stop it in that rough hill country is with manpower backed by industrial-grade machines."

"let me show you something..." the Colonel said, "This is what we know..."

Dinh studied the map, with the large, amoeboid shape in red denoting the fire.

"Bulldozers here, here, and here." he said, "That ground's flat enough, scrape it clean.  i'd say...four teams of smoke-jumpers here, here, and on this ridge." he pointed out zones, "we need to get a hurry on, sir, I saw some choppahs on the line here, we'll need to use 'em to get in-fast rope down in these places-" he pointed out nearby areas.  "We need to move on this quick, wind feels like it's picking up, and that crown blaze is going to whip it faster, tricky flying for a bird."

the Colonel looked up at the Captain, "That matches the message I got from higher." he looked at Dinh, "why aren't you already in uniform, soldier?"

Dinh sighed and laid his induction paperwork on the desk in front of the Colonel, "Rejected, sir, Four-Eff, Medical. apparently someone thinks it's hard to run with a plastic leg.  didn't stop my Uncle Pol, but we're not on Kowloon or Arluna."

The Colonel reached over, and stroked a fat marker over the paper.  "One Alpha, you're drafted, Sergeant Nguyen. Get your team together. You've got this ridge."

"Aye sir." Dinh remembered to salute.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #83 on: 05 December 2019, 04:27:21 »
an overview...

Wildfires can be as close to a combat zone without being a combat zone, as you can easily imagine.  In a sense, it is the elemental form of battle, a battle against an opponent that is merciless, capricious, violent and all shades of dangerous. 

Like any other enemy, knowledge, information, intelligence and cunning are better weapons than actual weapons.  Like a military enemy, you can bomb it, shell it, but it is still the boots on the ground, taking territory or taking territory back, that wins against it.

Kowloon, being geologically actiive, having lots of forest and scrubland, has a LOT of wildfires, and fighting them is a frequent struggle, particularly in the lowlands below the Ia Drang plateau.

It's a good training environment, or 'straining' environment, for developing infantry that can be thrown into high-intensity combat without breaking.

Within the Lyran Alliance, and for a time during the war against Amaris, Kowloonese troops had a reputation for being almost supernaturally steady under fire, to the point that  Lt. General James McEvedy of the 331st noted during the Eagle's Nest campaign, that troops from the 171st Volunteer Regiment under Tran Truc Ngo would "Throw bodies on an inferno strike to put it out." this referring to their steadiness of morale under fire and willingness to advance against fortified enemies.

the 171st were sent to Elbar, and coordinated with another Royal Regiment, the 90th Heavy Assault, for the recapture of Ft. Running Deer Mountain, (From which, the colloquial term 'Elbar Toothpick' would give them a rather chilling form of notoriety, as upon discovery of a major atrocity committed by the Rim Worlds units garrisoning that site, the 171st set up a number of long stakes, impaling captured Rim Worlds officers implicated in that atrocity.)

Nobody, not Kerensky, or McEvedy, or anyone else who fought along side actual Kowloonese units, would accuse them of cowardice.  It is, perhaps, coincidental that many, if not most, of their units contain what is somewhat unusually high percentage of veterans of wildfire control efforts.

-Nathan Roscoe Hallis,
"Origins of the Fire Eaters; a Unit History."
New Circe press, august, 3055.

"A Sergeant in Motion outranks a Lieutenant who doesn't know what's going on."
-Howerd Tayler, "70 Maxims of maximally effective Mercenaries"

"Skills can out rank rank in a crisis. Regulations are for the guidance of a Commander, they're not absolute."
-Col. Zachary Karlan, SLDF in Exile, 31st Engineers (airmobile)
« Last Edit: 05 December 2019, 06:16:43 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #84 on: 05 December 2019, 04:52:37 »
Nice... the crew will really shine here...


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #85 on: 05 December 2019, 06:33:40 »
21 Days into the fire...

a low haze hung over the clearing, the ash was deep here, warmth radiating upward, springy. coated with suppressant foam.  Dinh stopped, and motioned.  "Lee, Kumar, stop. something's wrong here."

he held out a hand, warmer air on the bottom of his glove.  "It's smoldering." he finally said, "Fuel's in the soil layers, low. the foam didn't block all the oxygen. back up, call it in to the aircrew. tell them to have another foam strike ready on these coordinates."

"You sure?"

"yeah. it's getting warmer. building pressure."  He turned, "get the crew back, now!!"

From where Private Kumar stood, the ground beyond their new Sergeant was...rising?

"MOVE!!" Dinh barked, turning on his heel to demonstrate the motion of 'run away'.

his artificial foot didn't quite turn, so much as drag-the thin layer of foam was scraped open.

the whole clearing erupted, a gout of flame that reached for the heavens wrapped around Sgt. Dinh Nguyen with a hissing roar and a wall of super-heat that knocked two of the squad backward like a giant fist-a fist made of blistering heat, and superheated fragments, like a bomb, or a volcano.

Fire is not to be toyed with, or underestimated.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #86 on: 05 December 2019, 11:28:34 »
If you killed Dinh here, you did it too soon.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #87 on: 05 December 2019, 13:11:29 »
Just thinking.

If you're in a desperate situation, need firebreaks right now, and collateral damage is the least of your problems ... considered using a fusion drive?

A hovering, slowly moving DropShip could totally remove fuel from a wide band by virtue of incineration. And DropShip power ratings mean even the atmospheric buffeting from thermals can be overpowered by maneuvering jets.

Not for the faint-hearted, though ...
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #88 on: 05 December 2019, 13:49:04 »
Just thinking.

If you're in a desperate situation, need firebreaks right now, and collateral damage is the least of your problems ... considered using a fusion drive?

A hovering, slowly moving DropShip could totally remove fuel from a wide band by virtue of incineration. And DropShip power ratings mean even the atmospheric buffeting from thermals can be overpowered by maneuvering jets.

Not for the faint-hearted, though ...

Thermal bloom.  Sure you cut that firebreak, but stuff to either side is going to ignite if it is as dry as being portrayed here.  And there is likely to be a range that is close enough to light on fire, but far enough not to be instantly consumed by the fusion plume.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #89 on: 05 December 2019, 14:06:30 »
Just thinking.

If you're in a desperate situation, need firebreaks right now, and collateral damage is the least of your problems ... considered using a fusion drive?

Personally I was imagining putting out the flames in an area by getting a hovering Raptor to perform an FTL jump right above it. The observed effects of a jump inside an atmosphere cannot be beneficial for combustion nearby.  ;D

"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series

