Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141167 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #240 on: 19 December 2019, 16:42:45 »
Spying is so easy when they WANT to tell you everything...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #241 on: 20 December 2019, 08:52:57 »
Spying is so easy when they WANT to tell you everything...  ^-^

More to do with just how good the Threes are at getting people to talk to them.  Even adversarially (as seen in the Journalist episode) it's like her 'gift', or something.  One is just good at being the voice of authority (or the voice challenging it), Two is good at arguing philosophy/theology, Four is good at coming across as a caregiver, Five is great at being underestimated and barely noticed, Six is good at making people horny, Seven was killed in the womb, Eights are...well, boomer or Athena...

and Three is good at getting information out of people.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #242 on: 20 December 2019, 09:10:08 »
New Circe control...

"Oh, this is bad." Tigh had managed to integrate into the program fairly seamlessly, if being a bitter, sarcastic, grumpy old officer was integration.  That Admiral Adama had managed to find time to be here almost daily was strange enough too.  Between the two old men, the mission control section was a little cramped for Colonel Bennett's comfort, especially with Seether's intensity being so well complemented by the two Colonials.

"She's following book for theoretical first contact." Seether said, "I don't see the problem."

"That's a hostile ship...or it will be once it figures out what's on the Testbed one." Tigh said tightly. 

"Kinda curious...where did those weapons come from?" Seether asked.

"Which weapons?"

"The ones they used to glass their planet. Not to point out the obvious here, sirs, but those are planet-wrecking shipkillers in orbit, and nobody to fight, they'd take decades to produce enough of 'em to do who were your people preparing to fight..I mean, before they started fighting themselves."

"The other Lords of Kobol." Tigh said, "There's a reason we went the other way."

Seether snapped her fingers, "That actually makes sense, my folk even have a historical precedent...though we didn't end up fighting each other.  We got invaded."

"Can they take it?" Adama asked.

"well, the Testbed One wasn't sent out unarmed." Seether said, "She doesn't have the missile tubes, but we put together some decent 'run the ****** away' weapons on her hull.  Should be big enough to slice our lonely lunatic up like hot knives through processed cheese."

"Can we warn them?" Tigh asked.

"Nope. this imagery is three days old, we can't warn 'em...we can only hope Nicole's got the situation under control."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #243 on: 20 December 2019, 09:30:59 »
Testbed One...

The cylon's outer hull opened, and small drones rose.

"Yep, hostile."  Nicole had insisted on letting the robotic ship say its piece, but she'd also had them maintain safe distance using thrusters.  The payoff came when the machine had enough vocabulary to declare its desire to 'cleanse' them, offering this as if killing every organic on board was a service.

"Activate point defenses, weapons hot, helm, maneuver us pattern Juliette, maintain broadside bearing on the oncoming swarm, but keep our shuttles locked down."

"They're good for point-defense!"

"We're better as an integrated whole in, spin up the Colonial drive module, Helm, prep for short-jump."  she prodded McEvedy, "Take up gunnery position, XO, I need the drive controller."

"oh jeez..." Karlan breathed from a secondary gunnery station. 

"Nothing is ever simple... helm, give me control and everyone hang on to your butts, guns, start firing, cluster munitions, blanket pattern with the LBX's."

"Aye  mum."

The cylon drones, which Nicole guessed were purpose built boarding units, hit the cluster pattern of bomblets from their quad-mount LBX-10 autocannons.

"Three...two..." she hit the stud for the colonial jumpdrive control.


They arrived at the nadir point of the Cylon Earth system.

"He's just going to follow us!"

"yes, yes he is." Nicole said, "Gunnery, lay down a low-velocity pattern on what you'd guess is our weakest facing, and stand by." she checked the KF core's charge specs.  it was charged, the LF batteries were also charged.  The weeks spent here had replenished the power nicely.


"Here he comes...have you ever seen what being half in a jump window does to a dropship, Cadet?"


Nicole smiled, "Nevermind a dropship, we did it once to a Baron class automated frigate."  she finished the mental math and tapped it in.  ""

"HE's launching drone-"


Twenty Five Light Years coreward of Cylon Earth...

"-s, captain...Oh wow..."

"Keep. Firing." Nicole groaned.

half the mysterious Cylon, not so mysterious now, tumbled, surrounded by a dozen or so man-sized drone ships that were stunned by the magnetic pulse of the transit.  "Navigator, get our position relative to the planned course, and calculate the position of New Circe."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #244 on: 20 December 2019, 10:36:07 »
Camh Ranh city, North Continent, Kowloon...

"Excuse me, ma'am."  Kristiana opened her eyes in an instant and sat up in the darkness of her hotel room.

the patio door to her suite was open, and in the darkness of true night, she had a visitor.

"Who are you?"

"don't matter.  You've been asking questions and getting answers." the girl's accent was clipped, slurred and strange sounding, even in the pastiche of dialects she'd encountered just on Kowloon. "May I enter your space, ma'am, or would you like it if I just let it known you're an agent of a foreign power?"

"Come in..?" Kristiana's hand slid to the weapon under her pillow.

her visitor stepped in with the uncertain tread of someone unused to gravity, closed the door, and gingerly sat down in the rattan chair opposite the bed.

"Who are you? what do you think you know?" she asked as she sat up, keeping one hand on the pistol, concealed by the pillows.

"You've prodded the dirtyfeets into talking about us, but you ain't come up to the belts." the girl said, "I'm here to invite you to see the real Kowloon, you've bothered to learn our language, which is more than most Heinies would bother doing, and you're asking after old history just a little too much to be a journo doing fluff pieces."

"You're representing...a rockjack perspective?" Kristiana asked.

"I'm here to invite you to talk to people who can maybe answer your questions." the girl said, and Kristiana realized just how young she had to be.

she turned on the light, leaving the firearm under her pillow, to better see her visitor.

"What's your name? what do I call you?"

"Sithers, Linda." the girl said, "From the Sithers coop out by the Boojum belt.  My mission is to bring you out to the belts, let you see my people's real face, so you can go back to your home in the Cylon Imperium and report your success.  Commander Li is waiting at the airport, Ma'am.  But we've got a launch window, so I'd say you need to be ready and down stairs in five minutes."

Kristiana knew when the gig is up, partially from experiences her sisters had during the pursuit of the Colonies.  "How did you-"

"You're too perfect, ma'am.  supermodel perfect, way above what you should be for just a freelance journalist.  Idealized physical measurements, no visible skin defects, you've got actor looks and you don't need makeup to do it...and we've got imagery from your group's zone of influence, so we've got pictures of three or four of you. The speculation is someone's cloning project.  Figured you telling us the score is better than letting Lohengrin or the Fox Teams find out about you...and Commodore Walker is considering your colleague's offer, so this'll be a formal meeting."  The girl got to her feet, "Four minutes thirty seconds, ma'am, you can say no.  if you do, our team's still got to make sure you don't get 'disappeared' by the Regent's people, or have an accident."

"Has there been...anything like that?"

"Nothing for you to worry about, ma'am." Sithers Linda said, "it's been...handled, but getting you out of the line of fire is up a priority bit since the boys had to handle it."

"how long have you been watching me?" Kristiana asked, gathering her things in a hurry.

"Since you arrived at Vin Drin Lap." the girl admitted, "don't be too upset, please?"

She followed the girl down the fire-escape stairs and out a door that was equipped with a motion-sensor that in turn, was disabled.

The car out back was idling and the driver was an older man who waited for a signal.

"What's that about?"

"your decoy driving away, Ma'am, with the bugs they put in your car at the airport."  Sithers told her.  "The regent's goons will follow that, rather than this one, and when they lojack it, they'll find out it's being stolen by a teenager with a record for joyrides."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #245 on: 20 December 2019, 12:37:57 »
Camranh Regional Airfield...

Militia 'mechs and vehicles roamed the grounds.  Most of the civil air traffic was grounded.  Lester Neumann hopped out of his Enforcer and stalked to the Ops building.

"Show me the flight plans!" he demanded.

The clerk shrugged and brought out a stack of the registered flight plans in, and out of Camranh airfield for the last 49 hours.  the whole of it was about twenty pages, one plan per page.

Nothing was displayed beyond the two standard regional flights out of New Saigon to the south.

Ashau island chain, Eastern Sea...

Kristiana had never been on a boat before, so it was a pleasant surprise to discover that riding on a Hydrofoil out of the Camranh Estuary in the wee hours of the morning was not going to make her ill.  Thank you my designers!

The crew were civilians, her 'escort' Linda had been very insistent that this was not a military operation.  Nevertheless, she caught the semi-hidden formalities, the suggested rank relationships, and the discipline under the civilian clothes of the crew.

Not the 'mercenary discipline' of Red's gang in New Saigon, but the hidden steel of professional military.

"Have some, you're looking a little pale." the 'boss' of the boat suggested, holding out a squeeze bottle of Ijero juice.

"Thank you, miss..misuss?"

"Ms. Huyn." the woman was in her twenties.  "believe it or not, most of the time a charter like this heads for the fishing grounds! you shouldn't worry, we're well outside of the Militia's detection grid now-they only watch near major settlements or where there might be something valuable to steal."

"and where we're going?"

"They don't know everything." Ms Huyn told her.  "Your professional detachment covering the fire was quite impressive, you almost had Amos fooled you were really a reporter!"

"I am a real reporter!" Kristiana insisted, "Just...with a very select audience."

"Too bad, your recorded tapes are really good, you've made my world look exciting and interesting." Huyn said with a smile, "You ought to actually submit them to CBS or DBS, we can always use the extra tourism...okay, we're reaching a place where I really have to insist you mute the camera you've got hidden in your lapel there."

"you won't mute it for me?"

"You're not a prisoner." Huyn stated, "You're a guest, so you get courtesy instead of force."

Kristiana caught the underlying message of 'don't abuse that status or it will change' loud and clear between the woman's words.

The boat slid between a shoal of rocks and into a cavern.  For several seconds, they traveled in darkness, and then...


The inside of the cavern was developed, and it was clearly a military base of some kind.

"We don't get a lot of guests here." Huyn apologized, as the hydrofoil slid up to a dock and a pair of crewmen leapt ashore with lines to secure it.  "Fact is, on the books this place was listed as a fuel dock before Stoney shut us down."

"You're Coast Guard?" Kristiana asked.

"Isn't it obvious?  we're forced to maintain a fiction for the time being-that the agency has been closed down and the fire-service is the only remnant planet-side.  AFFC really doesn't pay attention to the orbitals since that's not where the 'valuable' assets are, but even that side of the service is starving for resources and having to maintain the same kind of ridiculous cover...which is why I asked you not to be recording here."

"You mentioned it's a temporary thing?" Kristiana ventured, "I did interpret that correctly, what will change?"

"Patrick Ngo will finish his tour of service in the AFFC, and he will assume his father's duties here, and then, he will clean house and undo some of the more damaging policies that the Regent's pushed into place.  He will also throw the Regent's collaborator in charge of the factories out, and clean that up for his Brother's return."  Huyn explained.  "We're not entirely unable to maintain contact, and Patrick Ngo, the Ducal heir, he knows what's going on here and unlike his Father, he wants to do something about it instead of chasing Glory in a foreign uniform for a foreign king."

"So for the time being, you all play a part, while trying to maintain...what?"

"Everything." Huyn explained, "We're restrained in how we can operate, but operate we do, and operate we must.  We've had to conduct business this way more often than not over the last two centuries, most often to avoid direct intervention from Coventry or Tharkad, the worst days before this one since joining the Commonwealth were under old Allessandro, who imprisoned the Old Duke as a young man for refusing to strip facilities to support his 'concentrated weakness' theories.  the old duke was held in Blackgate Prison for nearly a decade before Katrina ousted Allessandro and ordered the release and reinstatement of hundreds of prisoners of conscience."

"So you're waiting because you see things changing soon."

"Yes.  one lesson of history, is that it's too late to negotiate or hope when the shooting starts in a civil war, and afterward, especially in a situation like Kowloon's, the repercussions for winning can be more devastating than losing.  Kowloon is a single world, and the Regent was appointed from an empire of hundreds of worlds-the fundamental imbalance in resources and manpower are staggering-without the legitimacy of a proper Duke, with a seat on the Estates General, any uprising, even one we can win, is a fool's game...but with a recognized Lord, who can at least demand the Archon's support publicly, and shame them into at least staying hands-off? we can win it without having to fight, which makes rebuilding oh so much easier."

"What would you need, in this hypothetical scenario?"

"Someone to lay out the crimes and abuses before the Archon, and the Estates, who is credible and who can convince them that they have the solution." Huyn explained, "Someone like a decorated, honored and respected LCAF officer, such as the Duke's oldest son.  with that, we can move against Stoney and his croneys without triggering a reprisal reaction from the Commonwealth's military, and given the evidence we're collecting, we might actually have their assistance if he calls for it...we only have to hold out for four years more, beyond that..."

"Beyond that, what happens?"

"Bang." Huyn said, "we lose control here, people will act on their grievances, blood will be spilled, a tyrant will be put in charge, and things will end up far, far worse..." she opened a door and they entered an elevator, that headed upward.  "We really don't want that."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #246 on: 20 December 2019, 16:42:59 »
Now I'm hoping Sithers meets herself...  :D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #247 on: 20 December 2019, 23:29:01 »
Testbed One...

"Holy shit indeed.  That's...big.  There's  a thing about frying pans, and fires."  Nicole stated. 

"It's moving away, Captain."

"Tell me we're recording this?"

"We're recording."

what was causing this reaction?  it was enormous, a hundred kilometers on a side, covered in pinprick lights. 

"****** that's big.  Pull us back, try to get a wide angle shot."

"Should we send a first contact?"

"maybe he hasn't seen us" Nicole stated, "no way, not unless it tries to speak to us first."

The giant turned, either away or toward them, she couldn't tell, then grew smaller, receding away.

"relative velocity'am, that thing has to be doing a dozen gravities to accelerate that fast at least."

"I think we've found our limit." Nicole stated, "Get our position fix, Nav.  That was a big ship... or something.  Whatever it was or is, we're not big enough to be threatening to them, let's keep it that way by not sticking around in case there's something bigger.  In the meantime, unship Marker buoy and begin taking pictures, folks.  we need to know where 'here' is relative to our origin point.  There's a star system here, some of you get on the telescopes and get the layout locally. we've got twelve hours before the KF core and batteries are topped off.  let's use our time efficiently.  More navigation data we gather now, the easier it will be next time."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #248 on: 20 December 2019, 23:45:36 »
They went to Sigma 957? ;)

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #249 on: 21 December 2019, 05:09:29 »
I'm assuming that they stumbled upon the original Thirteenth Tribes sub-light colony ship
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #250 on: 21 December 2019, 06:11:29 »
I'm assuming that they stumbled upon the original Thirteenth Tribes sub-light colony ship

Nope, the aliens from Independence Day, I wonder if they'll cope with a computer virus attack from Nike?
Avatar stollen from motivational posters thread

ChanMan: "Capellan Ingenuity: The ability to lose battles to Davion forces in new and implausible ways"

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #251 on: 21 December 2019, 06:53:03 »
Ship of Light.  :)
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #252 on: 21 December 2019, 07:01:58 »
Avatar stollen from motivational posters thread

ChanMan: "Capellan Ingenuity: The ability to lose battles to Davion forces in new and implausible ways"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #253 on: 21 December 2019, 07:38:40 »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #254 on: 21 December 2019, 08:29:11 »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #255 on: 21 December 2019, 10:32:37 »
The Borg!
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #256 on: 21 December 2019, 11:18:01 »
bound for Spider Moon, Boojum orbit...

The trip from Kowloon took several days in a shuttlecraft.  Kristiana really began to appreciate the convenience of Heavy Raiders and Raptors, though she found the library files in the shuttlecraft were both excellent, and extensive.  Subjects ranging from fiction to history, thousands of books, treatises and tomes were archived for easy reading.

her escort, Linda, had a helmet with the word 'Seether' stenciled on the side, and the girl basically lived at the controls during the trip out.  "Aren't you uncomfortable?" she asked.

Seether shrugged, "Not really.  This is a lot like what I grew up with-if you can't learn to sit still for hours at a time, the belts aren't somewhere you should be."  The faceplate of that flight helmet had projected data from the ship's systems and sensors overlaid in a heads-up display.  "Besides, I don't have to be in the flight couch, it's just that there's not a lot of cubic footage and you're...planetbound."

"Dirtyfeet you mean? You've used the perjorative before." Kristiana replied.

"Yah. it's ethnic." Seether told her, "And yah, it's a perjorative, like Heinie, but maybe not quite so negative...alright, gotta focus here."

"are we docking with a ferry then?"

"Nope, just linking to a Fueller from Jodamson Mining, a shuttle like this has a decent tank, but it burns a lot of H3 getting out of the Well, and while I might enjoy taking the casual route to Spider Moon and arriving next month, you probably want to arrive there a bit earlier.  This time of year, the orbital transition at one gee is a four day trip, later this year it'll be longer, you really timed it right for a quick outing."

"We've been together for two days...I haven't asked, How old are you?"

Seether grinned, "Fifteen next may." she said, "Earth-years, fifteen.  Got my flight cert when I was eleven, Navigator's Apprenticeship is on-going, I'll be rated sometime in July next year if I keep up the pace I'm working in this apprenticeship."

"you're so young! are you a child soldier??"

"If I end up in combat, then someone has definitely left the lock doors open after a dock and everything has gone completely wrong." Seether told her.  "I get where you're coming from though."


"Sure, see, a planet-born will take two years of intensive training to work in space, more if they want to finish what we'd term basic flight qualification.  The dirtyfeet going to Pandora spend four years of school to learn how to do the calculations I learned growing up in a burrow-it's like walking, right? I had to spend a year to learn how to walk in one-gee, but i was able to rig a suit for EVA just a little bit after learning how to use a potty rig. Lifestyle decides what life-skills you're going to have as a child, and that extends to what you're going to be competent doing as a teenager or adult.  I'd be hopeless riding a bicycle on a planet, but not many planet-bound kids who can ride a bike, can manage an orbital transition or handle a fuel-docking.  My cousin Jinna can do both and she's eight...but she'd be on her butt in a gravity well, she'd have crawl everywhere until she learned how to put her feet under her and keep 'em there, and her Dad still can't do it."

"So it's a trade-off."

"Yah Ma'am." Seether said with a nod, "I got lucky-I have talent enough to pass for a Dirtyfoot on a planet, got me in with the Apprenticeship...there we go. drinkin' from the straw..."

the hull rumbled as liquified Hydrogen 3 pumped into the onboard tanks from the fueler. 

"Seems like a dangerous lifestyle either way...and you can't have the numbers."  Kristiana observed.

"Yeah, well, back in the old days-the Rim Worlds days, my folk had a rep for stealing children, like the Faerie folks in some people's myths, mixed with some really nasty propaganda, because we'd 'steal' slaves from the Rim Worlds-some of that's actually true, mind you.  We liberated slaves and we took in anyone we could afford to, brought them out into the black, freedom and safety from their oppressors, and a LOT of the time, it was kids whose parents couldn't feed them or protect them."

"What did you do with them?"

"They became us." Seether said, "we haven't done that in a long, long time, generations even...but there are places throughout the Inner Sphere where those rumours still float around like a bad smell in a life support filter.  We still maintain cousin-contacts in the rest of human space."


"informal.  Belter communities are pretty much everywhere humans are in the Inner Sphere, but most of them are smaller than ours, or deeper in hiding, the Sol-Belters are probably the most advanced, and isolationist-they passed along some medical knowledge that stabilized our birth-rates so we don't have to constantly be on the lookout for 'talent' on the ground, but they're pretty stingy with some of the stuff they have reps for."

"Why is that?"

"well, the official line is diversity." Seether said, "nobody wants to end up like those Inbreds in the Chainelaines, maintaining a viable gene-pool and preventing inbreeding is a constant struggle, especially with the smaller communities, the Metis guys reputedly have a means of preventing it, which is why they don't marry out like they used to...but I kinda think there's a limit there, because they do contract with outies from time to time for ova and sperm.  the real reason, is that they're right smack in the middle of Earthspace, and they've got the Terries breathing down their necks constantly-they can't afford to keep what they have and guard it from the possibility of some outie import saying things where the robes can hear it."

"so there is a common culture."

"NO...oh god no..." Seether laughed, "some common challenges, common approaches's like, there's us, and then there's guys like The Folk, who still recruit the old way, or the jarnfolk, who are weirder than we are, with their kooky 'honor duels' and nomadic lifestyle.  Those guys, their women have a rep for sleeping around for a reason-they don't trade with other Spacer or Rockjack communities for genetic matter, they just sleep with strangers a whole lot, and occasionally 'adopt' foundlings in the old style, see, we have ties to the dirtyfeet here and in a few neighboring systems, family lines on the ground, some rotation between us and Kowloon, for example.  THOSE guys only ground to get laid and trade, no ties, no family lines or connections to the places they visit."

"You have ties on Kowloon itself."

"Exactly, we maintain family ties to the inhabited planet at the bottom of the well, we share a civilization, a culture, religion, history, and family relationship.  We also share economic ties, and some political allegiance, and that latter part goes back to first settlement, when my ancestors brought THEIR ancestors out of bondage on Earth to a world we all thought would  be too far away, too inconvenient, and too much trouble for the Earthers to conquer and dominate."  Linda sighed, "We were wrong, of course. we didn't consider that other people would settle nearby.  Five hundred years ago, this binary system was so far out nobody thought anyone would WANT to come here."

"What changed?"

"People who weren't us, went further out." Linda said, "It's like, you move out into the hinterlands to get away from nosy neighbours, and they moved out there too.  We're kinda lucky because the nosy neighbours still want one gee and one atmo shirtsleeves pressure without effort-planets.  They don't want to live out here, so OUR branch of the family can still live pretty much unencumbered...but, you know, family right? stuck in the Gravity Well, getting dirt on their feet. gotta take care of family, and lots of them can't live out here.  My ancestors chose to stick around."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #257 on: 21 December 2019, 11:42:42 »
Seether at least hasn't changed a bit over the years...  ::)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #258 on: 21 December 2019, 12:28:37 »
Seether at least hasn't changed a bit over the years...  ::)

There's an urban legend that the personality you have by the age of 25 is the personality you'll have for the rest of your life.  It comes from a biological source-the plates in your skull finish joining about then, and your brain 'firms up' and stops making new brain tissue (expanding).

Not necessarily true, mind, but it has some minor basis in fact.  The truth is closer to the pre-medical saying "The child is the parent of the adult"-that is, that a lot of your key characteristics are formed during that period between birth, and adolescence.  This is why one of the popes in the middle-ages commented that "Give the child to the church before five, and they will be christian for the rest of their lives."

essentially, Seether's 'personality' didn't change much, because so much of it is shaped by her culture and, more importantly, standing astride two cultures from day one-the Rockjack culture, and the Kowloonese surface culture.  (one of her parents was born 'down in the well')

I'm not entirely sure, but considering that Colonial and Cylon cultures had those nifty jump engines, AND artificial gravity, means they never developed the kind of microgravity cultures like the Belters of Sol or Rockjacks (or spacer enclaves in the rest of human space) did, which is the indirect answer to Riverson's initial question.  relatively cheap, at-will interstellar and FTL, and the ability to control gravity, means microgravity living really never 'took off' the way it did with Earth-descent humanity.  They never had to 'learn how' the same way, instead, all of their tech was given to them 'by the gods' and thus, lots of angles that people like Seether or Riverson see, would never occur to them in the same way.

the Cylons are learning things from this trip.  Not necessarily just languages or local politics, but ideas they weren't exposed to or never seriously considered are being demonstrated teh same way that a whale might demonstrate swimming to an elephant.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #259 on: 21 December 2019, 17:19:10 »
So were the Rockjacks part of the original idea for Kowloon? Or did they grow organically from the process of creating this worlds culture and history?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #260 on: 22 December 2019, 08:52:41 »
So were the Rockjacks part of the original idea for Kowloon? Or did they grow organically from the process of creating this worlds culture and history?

It kind of grew in organically from the original idea of Kowloon.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #261 on: 22 December 2019, 09:02:09 »
Mission Control, Testbed One, New Circe shipyard...

the mood in mission control was grim, after eighteen hours, the jump out of the Cylon Earth system, there was no transmisions from the Testbed ship.

No way of knowing if anyone survived once the shooting started.

The feed from the last buoy showed half the Cylon super-raider tumbling in the distance, sheared by the shockwave of the jump portal opening.

but nothing else.

"it's been eighteen hours, Sithers."  Colonel Bennett said, "We'll keep monitoring, you need to get some rest."

"I've got stimmies for that." Seether answered a bit more angrily than would ever be considered healthy.

"I'm going to order you to quarters if you don't leave willingly.  If you refuse, I'll have the nice men in power armor escort you to quarters, Commander." Bennett insisted, "you're a wreck right now, no good to us, no good to them."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #262 on: 22 December 2019, 09:38:09 »
Testbed One, Captain's Sea Cabin...

The computer wasn't getting the right results.  Nicole studied the star charts and compared them to what they should be, and with a cold certainty,   "The computer's getting it wrong."

The error was miniscule.  Less than a light minute at over sixty light years.

but it was wrong.

she opened her log, and grasped a stylus.

we either figure out the factor change, or we're not getting home.

It was the problem she'd suspected-that something would throw off hyperspace navigation at extreme distances.

The position data from the buoys,when she lined them up with the predictions based on observed stellar motion, displayed a massive error.

a 'straight line' run back to new Circe would put them somewhere on the far side of Kowloon, and that's a bit more than a light minute out, even factoring for galactic motion and time dilation.

this is the problem I suspected, well, A problem, I suspected A problem with the long-jump concept.  she sighed, we have to solve it, or this whole operation is busted from root conception.

"We need to figure out what the actual relative motion is...and what's altering it."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #263 on: 22 December 2019, 11:02:11 »
New Circe Mission Control, 48 hours after contact with Testbed 1 is lost...

"Doctor Riverson, we've got a signal...but..."

"Show me."  Riverson 794 stepped over.

"This can't be right.  They' the wrong part of the spiral arm!"

"The bend is wrong...but it explains how weak the signal is, and why it's taken so long."  Riverson said,  "Doctor Baltar, got any theories, or should we maybe start reevaluation of our evidence, with this new data in mind?"

The image flickered as Captain Minh's report began scrolling, the images flowed a slow-scans, barely one frame per minute, revealing a star-field and something big in the distance.

"I...have no idea."  Dr. Baltar said after a moment, and began quietly debating himself.

"That's the first step in science." Riverson said, "admitting you don't know.  Now let's see if we can't find out."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #264 on: 22 December 2019, 21:44:30 »
Sophie Marsden Clinic, Visitor's area...

"How's it going, short person?" 

Elizabeth stared, frozen for a moment. "Penny...move."  Elizabeth Ngo rushed past her best friend and hit a grown man in AFFC dress uniform like she was going for the ball in scrub rugby.


"Hey, there..." he scooped the girl off her feet, "Let me're growing out the hair dye? How's the food here?"

"The green jello ain't bad." she was schooling her features, trying to regain the dignity she'd completely lost at the unexpected arrival of her brother.   "Henry with you?"

Pat shook his head, "No, he's going through the fun of Academy hazing and being a nugget-you ever listen to dad's stories about Blackjack?"

Elizabeth shrugged, "only about every time he's home." she said, "They all kinda run together."

"THose stories convinced me I did not want to go to Blackjack...are they treating you alright here?"

Penny, at least, noticed Liz didn't ask after their parents.

"It's just Juvie rehab, Pat.  Yeah, I'm fine.  Aren't you supposed to be on Tamar?"

"Even the battalion S-3 gets Leave time, Lizzie." he said.

"And you're wasting it coming to see me! there's more to it." Elizabeth surmised.

"What. I can't go out of my way to see my favorite little sister?"

"I'm your ONLY little sister!"  Elizabeth countered.

"well, truth be told, there is some business I've got to do here." He said, "Walk with me?"

"ahm...'inpatient!' I need a pass."

Pat nodded sagely and produced a document and a tracking bracelet.  "Like this one? Let's go have lunch, There are some people you need to meet with."


"Lawyers." Patrick said, "I need you to put on your grown-up manners for this, and pay attention, it's important."

From the facility it was a twenty minute drive in a rental Gieneh Stormcloud hovercar to a building in down-town. 

"what's going on?" Elizabeth asked.

"Bad trouble." Patrick told her, "I'm here because there's a problem you need to know about."

They breezed through the security without so much as a challenge.

"Mister Walker, Miss Whyte, we're here." Patrick announced.  "This is Elizabeth-"

"We've met." Mister Walker said, his suit was a few years out of date by what Penny and Daphne had been showing Liz about what was 'current' in trends and styles.  "Your Grandfather's funeral."

Liz nodded solemnly, "yes sir."

"This is Miss Whyte, our head of Personnel Resources." Walker introduced the lady.  To Liz, 'miss whyte' looked not too much older than Patrick.

"Pleased to meet you, with luck, we'll work together in the future."

"I wanted to let you ease in over years, but you need to be aware of every major development." Walker continued, "This young lady over here-"

He gestured at a dirty-blonde haired woman dressed inexpensively, yet fashionably for a middle class traveller, "-is Kristiana Hoffenbakker, and she's been working under-cover with the Loss Prevention department on an audit of your family's holdings and how they've been managed."

it clicked with some of the conversations she'd had with Lady Doons.  "Loss prevention...embezzelment?" she asked.

"and worse." Kristiana said, "oh, was I supposed to wait for things to be properly theatrical?"  Immediately, Liz liked this stranger.

"It's worse than we thought, Little Bit." he said, "we'll still need to work through the legalities,  but we need a real plan of action, and you need to know what's going on and why it's going on."

"have a seat, sir, madam, and we'll begin...'

The presentation took six hours.  By the end of it, Liz was furious.

"I'...that..." she didn't have the vocabulary to express her outrage, her affront.

"We have to do this legally." Patrick reminded her, "Right now, Dad's the only 'authority' and it's pretty clear he trusts what the government is telling him over whatever information comes from the company, I'm stuck for another three years in uniform for the Commonwealth, and we just don't have the force available to break away."

"I'm not sure that's a smart move anyway." Liz said sullenly, "We'd end up having to fight our own guys, it would finish destroying the economy..."

"I told you my sister's smart." Patrick said proudly.

"We need to ease Dad out of the directorship and replace his proxy." Elizabeth said, "That's what I'm here for, right?  not a lot of us, needs shareholder votes-only I'm not in my majority yet, and Mom's got my proxy until I'm eighteen."

"It could be a while." Patrick said, "I know this isn't what you want-I don't like it either."

"I love dad, I love you..." Elizabeth paused, "But it's right there.  Noblesse Oblige, isn't it? we have an obligation to our employees, shareholders, and our people." she looked up, "It's time to grow up now, isn't it?"

Patrick nodded.

"Can't I be a kid a little bit longer?" she whined.

Pat shrugged, "That's on you, Little Bit.  I can't make a move as long as I'm still in the AFFC doing my mandatory tour, your hands are partially tied as long as you're a minor...but being a kid includes getting ready for adult responsibilities."

"We keep in touch?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh yeah." he said, "Miss Whyte, you'll keep both of us updated?"

"Of course."

Elizabeth frowned, as a thought occurred to her,  "Miss Hoffenbakker, I don't suppose you can edit those reports and shop them to some broadcast services, could you?"

"To what end?"

"to make the Regent and his cronies nervous enough to slow 'em down." Liz said, looking up, "Thieves fear getting caught.  maybe get them looking at each other for side-dealing? it might be important later, when Pat needs his cassus belli for removing Dad from the directorship of the company, and maybe for removing the Regent from my planet.  Nothing too damning, just enough to make them cautious for a while yet."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #265 on: 22 December 2019, 21:53:35 »
Oooh… Liz growing up early!  Where's the popcorn?  ^-^


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #266 on: 22 December 2019, 22:58:36 »
a breath before the madness

and we reach the end of 3048.  A crew of Wolverines and Colonials under the leadership and instruction of a Kowloonese from the Sol Belts is 1050 light years from home.

Elizabeth Ngo's people are cooperating with the Cylons to lift a tyrant from Kowloon without rebelling against the Lyran Commonwealth.

she hasn't grown up yet, but the child is the parent of the adult.

and the Clans? they're coming...
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #267 on: 22 December 2019, 23:13:35 »
Fun times.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #268 on: 23 December 2019, 02:11:02 »
The Ngo's always remind of the ancient Chinese curse. "May you live in interesting times."
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #269 on: 23 December 2019, 04:36:14 »
The Ngo's always remind of the ancient Chinese curse. "May you live in interesting times."
My thoughts exactly
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030