Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141081 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #540 on: 04 January 2020, 12:19:43 »
DBC: Face the Commonwealth (With your host, Karl Kaumann!)

"Tonight on Face to the Commonwealth" we have a special guest, a divisive figure, one of the Youngest serving nobles in the realm, owner of one of the largest corporate entities in Lyran Space, and in our Coventry studios this evening, Duchess Elizabeth Ngo, of Kowloon!" He turned to his guest.  "Hello, Your Grace, and welcome to our forum.  I understand your trip here was a bit rough."

Elizabeth was clad in a black skirted-suit with what has become her characteristic white blouse, her hair is worn long and straight, held in place by a hair-clip. "thank you for having me here, Karl, and yeah, it was a little rough, as I told your producer, travel's a little more difficult for me due to a pretty severe case of Transit Disorientation Syndrome, or TDS, I had to make most of the trip unconscious, so it's still Wednesday for me." she adjusts her glasses.

"You took over a world that was on the list of 'basket case' planets, and turned it around in only four years, yet you're not even old enough to have graduated high school.  How did you accomplish so much, in so short a time, at your age?"

"It's amazing what you can accomplish with the right people, Karl.  I didn't do anything but say 'yes' to the right people, at the right time, the elected government that's under my supervision. The People, and  the Assembly, the Courts, the  Coast Guard and Militia? they're the real heroes, everything we've accomplished is on them, everything that fails? That's my responsibility-it comes with the title and the honors." she beams innocently.

"you say that like you're not a hands-on ruler, yet we've got plenty of evidence that you are exactly that.  Care to comment?"

"I didn't say I wasn't, but all the progress couldn't have happened without the wonderful support system my people provide, Karl." she says seriously, "you can shout orders all day long, but if people decide not to execute those orders, you're just very loud."

"As loud as a gunshot?" Karl asked smugly.

"Two gunshots, Karl.  I shot two men, both for acts of Treason against the Commonwealth." she's deadly serious now, "I couldn't and wouldn't burden someone else with looking into their eyes and deliberately ending their lives, it wouldn't be right and it wouldn't be fair-you should never ask someone else to do what you, yourself are unwilling to do.  A leader who pawns off the hard actions or prefers not to make hard calls, ends up hurting the very people that grant his or her their moral authority."

"You're not wearing an academy ring, as an emancipated minor, what is your preferred service?"

"Isn't it obivous?" she asked. "I suffer from TDS, that means I'm never going to be able to command a jump-capable ship, but my Coast Guard is one of the more active Naval forces in the Commonwealth.   Your research assistant already knows my application has been rejected by every military school in the Commonwealth, you already know, therefore, what my ASVAB score is, and you're burning to ask me why.  so ask directly."

"Why aren't you joining the Military, where did you get your exemption?"

she steels herself visibly.  "Karl, you're forty seven years old, you are, right now, seven years older than I will be if I live my maximum projected lifespan...It's out, everyone else knows, you already know.  I have Cholmann's Syndrome.  It affects one out of every five million people in the Inner sphere, rough estimates, and it's one of four chronic illnesses that modern medical science can not find a cure or treatment for.  You have grand-children on the way, if I had children right now, I would never live to see grand-children.  I have only my work as Duchess, and a very limited span of time to carry it out before my replacement has to take over.  In practical terms, I'm living dog years. and like the proverbial dog, when time comes, someone will have to put me out of my misery..." she gives the cameras a softer look, "And it is an automatic bar to enlistment in every nation in the Inner Sphere."

"you seem so...normal..."

"The syndrome is degenerative, Karl, by the time I'm twenty-five, I'll need large doses of powerful antiseizure medications and medical grade narcotics to be...normal, able to function. as the disease progresses, the dosages and compounds will get higher and more potent, until nothing dulls the pain or stops the seizures, at which point, I will be in constant agony and unable even to go into shock. I expect, based on the progression, that I won't be able to function as Duchess by the time I'm thirty five.  That's my 'limit' the time frame I need to fulfill to make sure my people are able to protect themselves and handle their business so that they don't end up in the mess they were in when I took over."  she crosses her legs, trying (and failing) to look at ease, "it works like this, I have an expiration date, I know this, I know that I have to be decisive, if I want to accomplish anything, because I know, without a doubt, what awaits me on the end of my path, and how short that path really is."

"And the Archon knows?"

"Of course she does." Elizabeth said, "She has known for as long as I have.  Part of the reason I've had a hand free enough to do what must be done is that she knows-I'm going to die horribly, and young.  we have an understanding, when I'm wrong, she steps in, but when I'm right, she doesn't tend to permit interference."

"I can't imagine living with that." Karl said, "How do you?"

Elizabeth shrugged, "I do, because I must. I work sixteen to twenty hours a day, I read constantly, I ask questions and focus on my duty.  The syndrome has existed for at least eight hundred years that we know of, and nobody has even found a means for sufferers to face that final stage of the disease with dignity, or in comfort. I know this, I've lived with it, the knowledge is part of me.  In a sense, I know the price I'm going to pay.  My greatest challenge is to make it worth the price I'm going to pay, and that's measured in the legacy I know I will leave behind.  I use my condition as a self-motivator, not as a barrier to action. I can't afford self-pity, or public shame to keep me from doing what must be done."

"What would you do for a cure, though?"

"I'm not sure i would believe in it, first off, I would have to have proof it even existed. There have been lots of 'cures' offered over the last eight hundred years, my uncle Truk, he was offered treatment at NAIS, but it didn't work.  He died insane, and in agony, at thirty nine years old, in a hospital where they kept him alive, screaming until his vocal cords ruptured and he drowned in his own blood.  I've made arrangements, when I get to that point, there is a bullet waiting to carry me home, I won't make the people tasked to care for me, endure watching that. it wouldn't be right.  Can we talk about the Warship now?"

Karl looked ill until the camera was on him, then he fumbles and says, "yes! Your 'Coast Guard' forces captured a Potemkin Class cruiser from Clan forces!  I understand this isn't even the first one!"

"I have great people, Karl. My people do the best job, and it wasn't 'captured', it was recovered, the SLS Belleau Wood was stolen property of the Taxpayers of the Star League, among which, includes every taxpayer in the Lyran Commonwealth.  It had been stolen over two hundred and fifty years ago, and we recovered and repossessed it.  I understand it is on the way to be refit at an AFFC shipyard, and will be recommissioned back into service."

"Much the way the SLS Iowa was given by those same 'great people' to the Draconis Combine?"

"The laws are pretty clear sir, per maritime law and regulations, when property is recovered it goes to the nearest available legal owner, except in cases where ownership is disputed, and then, that's Magistrate's business.  There was never a statute of limitations on SLDF property or equipment. Perhaps after the Archon gets the rest of the House Lords to meet in Council again, and they select a First Lord, they can revise the laws, but until they do?" she shrugs, "Gotta do the right thing, and the right thing, is following the law, it can be interpreted, but I wasn't there to make that interpretation, and Captain Vu Dao was instrumental in both operations, I'm hardly going to discipline one of my best officers for doing their duty!"

"but what about their duty to the Commonwealth?"

"Let me ask you, Karl, do you like being at peace with the Draconis Combine? do you like not having to worry that they're going to attack us?" she asked.

"of course!"

"There's your answer, and it was good enough for both the Archon, and her foreign husband." Liz stated.  "We have one enemy, sure, that may change in the future, but our enemy, the people occupying OUR worlds, the people who stole from OUR people, and then turned what they stole against us? that's the Clans, the descendants of Kerensky's gang of deserting oathbreakers, the people who, by abandoning their Duty and Oaths, plunged all of our civilization into three centuries of fire and blood.  The people who invaded us, bit forty percent out of the Lyran Commonwealth, devoured the Free Rassalhague Republic-an ally of ours?  They are still there.  They must be opposed, and the Draconis Combine opposes them, and that's all that matters in the now.  In the future, when the Clans have been driven from Lyran soil, well, we can be ready for that future, but by then, I would hope, the governments of this, our inner sphere, our Star League, will have come together in sanity, put aside old feuds...and listend to the wisdom Katrina Steiner offered when she made her pact with Hanse Davion.  The Federated Commonwealth is a beginning, uniting against the Clans is a continuation. I may never live to see it, but you will, and your children will-there must be a future!"

"You are very emphatic, what drives this emphasis? what motivates you so?" Karl asked.

"I'm dying.  but I study, I read everything I can lay my hands on, and what I've learned from Professors, fellow politicians, leaders, soldiers...we as a race have forgotten so many things over the last three centuries we don't have names for all we've lost.  we are on the way out of a dark age, we need to keep going, or we, as a species, are doomed. subsistence isn't enough.  People, like your viewers, they deserve to do more than merely survive and subsist, and for that, we need to break the cycle of ignorance and loss."

"there are those in the Estates General who wished to charge you, and your Lieutenants, with treason over the Iowa incident." Karl brought it up again, "there was no guarantee-there is no guarantee that turning over the ship will buy teh peace you claim."

"What would you wish, if a Draconis Combine force captured that Potemkin in Lyran space?" she asked, "What would you deem respectful, honorable, honest, if they did what my people did, here in Lyran space? took a warship, mostly intact and certainly repairable, over, say, Coventry, or Tharkad? would you think it right that they took it home to Dieron, or Luthien, rather than giving it to the Archon?"

he was stunned.

"Trust, Karl. By  treating them with respect, with honor, with TRUST, our boys and girls earned some of that back from them, elevated all of us, all Lyrans, just a tiny bit, because we did not attempt what those critics would have had my people doing."  she taps her fingers on the desk in emphasis, "You get trust by extending it. You gain respect by showing respect.  this is why those qualities are values, why they must be earned, why the loss is so devastating, and why they are so easy to lose. It's easy to be generous, when you have nothing at risk. It is easy to be dishonest when the other person can't fight back.  but to be of any value, you must be consistent when it is not Convenient, when you have to extend trust, when it is risky, or when you don't stand to gain something material by doing so."

« Last Edit: 04 January 2020, 12:49:28 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #541 on: 04 January 2020, 12:58:29 »
What, no cylon questions?  Karl's falling down on the job...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #542 on: 04 January 2020, 13:08:30 »
Arc Royal, July 18, 3052...

On the screen, Elizabeth Ngo was being interviewed by Karl Kaumann. "She gives a good speeh." Morgan Kell said, "Doesn't she, boy?"

Phelan nodded.  "She does." he said emptily.  The Khan of Clan Wolf was fighting a refusal, refusing his removal from the Ilkhanship and the charge of Genocide, and he was here, with the Wardens of the Clan, seeking refuge.  "She still hates us." he said.

"That she does. She despises all of your Clanner friends.  She didn't take a single...what do you call'm, 'bondsman' from those Steel Vipers, even after reviewing their copies of the 'Remembrance'. She put them all on an island with some structures and survival gear, took a General from IG to go fetch them from what amounted to Devil's Island.  She used an interpretation of the Ares Conventions, broader and yet narrower than normal, to be shut of the whole lot of them.  Daphne told me she still hasn't forgiven her own brother, Henry, for, as she puts it, 'Collaborating with the enemy'...that little girl right there, that's the one person with a seat on the Estates and a lot of economic influence, who'd see you hanged for a traitor as look at you, son."

"Small problem." Phelan said.

"Yeah, she's a small problem...but doesn't she just generate the headlines and make trouble for us all?"

Margaret Doons cleared her throat, drawing the attention of both men.  "Elizabeth...will not be a significant barrier to your asylum. OR the Asylum of your followers, Phelan.  I've got her in hand, she understands the nature of the game, and Melissa Steiner will help me sit on her if that's what it takes."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #543 on: 04 January 2020, 13:14:22 »
Karl walked into that interview under prepared on who Elizabeth really was...
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #544 on: 04 January 2020, 13:20:15 »
I think even Maggie Doons has underestimated Liz... I give it 50/50 odds at BEST that Melissa can "sit on her".


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #545 on: 04 January 2020, 13:34:49 »
Karl walked into that interview under prepared on who Elizabeth really was...

Remember where we are.  She's a teenaged lord, when you consider how many (and how often) those end up resembling some version of Paris Hilton? It's a cultural presumption that whatever her image is, she's still a vapid little lordling, moreso with that exemption from service hanging over her.  She mitigated some of that image by shooting two men in the face, but outside of some very high level business circles, most of the media (and the world) are naturally going to be inclined to treat her as someone who isn't serious, who hasn't clocked the time to have the kind of thoughts she expressed.  Of course, that's before she came out on the telly (Holly?) and spoke about her mortality not in angsty teen ways, but like an adult who's grown to accept it.  NOT the kind of thing that a guy like Karl faces across the interview desk.  She probably freaked him the ****** out.

I think even Maggie Doons has underestimated Liz... I give it 50/50 odds at BEST that Melissa can "sit on her".

I won't dispute that directly, only note that Maggie Doons taught Liz how to Lord.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #546 on: 04 January 2020, 13:52:43 »
Hence why I said EVEN she underestimated Liz... Maggie should know better.  When Melissa comes to that conclusion, it will not be a good day for anyone.  I give it even odds Melissa gets there without Hanse nudging her.  He stopped underestimating Liz when she explained about handing that WarShip to the Combine...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #547 on: 04 January 2020, 14:14:50 »
Or Duchess Doons is playing the smart game and underselling her piece on the board. One who is loyal to her and her nation to one that has proven to be of unreliable loyalty and another who is emotionally compromised.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #548 on: 04 January 2020, 14:46:49 »
If she's not the one explaining it to Melissa, it'll be a bad day for her too...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #549 on: 04 January 2020, 15:17:05 »
I can imagine Melissa being confused why all the different opinions on Elizabeth. i.e. Doons, Morgan, Hanse, Rowe, her military and her intelligence services.

Would she trust Doons and Rowe since they have or had personal relationships with Elizabeth or the so-called professionals or her family?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #550 on: 04 January 2020, 15:28:14 »
Good question!  And one only Cannonshop can answer...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #551 on: 04 January 2020, 15:32:16 »
I can imagine Melissa being confused why all the different opinions on Elizabeth. i.e. Doons, Morgan, Hanse, Rowe, her military and her intelligence services.

Would she trust Doons and Rowe since they have or had personal relationships with Elizabeth or the so-called professionals or her family?

pass the ball back to you: put yourself in Melissa's shoes, and ask, "Who do you trust?"

Hanse: because he's her husband, he's a genius, he's a master political operator and maybe the savior of the whole inner sphere.
Morgan: because he's her cousin, was loyal to her, to her mother, is loyal to the realm, has experiences and knowledge and is a master political operator, possibly second in her mind only to her husband. 

both of them love her in different ways, both have proven loyalty.

Daphne Rowe: because she is a subordinate, sworn to her service, with personal experience with Liz.  Less of a personal loyalty angle.
Maggie: even less of a connection to the throne, an economic operator and a political operator, but loyal to the Realm.  Someone Mel has blackmail on if nothing else.

any of these? Here's my money.

Melissa trusts Melissa's impressions more than any of them.  More than Daphne, more than Maggie, more than Cousin Morgan or even her Husband (though not much more than her husband.)

and she's right to trust herself more than her advisors or spouse-she was raised to rule.her relationship with Hanse would not have survived, if she wasn't his intellectual equal and equal to his will-he would have become bored with her, it would not have worked out.

Intelligent, dynamic people tend to be attracted long-term to other intelligent, dynamic people.  Their relationship was close in the Canon, they were not distant spouses who saw little of one another.  Heck, they brought five kids into the world the old fashioned way!

If a woman will have five of your kids, and you aren't inclined to stray? that means you're a perfect fit, a match, equals.

especially a goat like Hanse Davion, who in his pre-Melissa days was doing his level best to be father of the whole damn inner sphere.

He stayed loyal to her, she's loyal to him, but it's a relationship of equals.

therefore, from my seat back here, who can she trust? herself first and foremost.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #552 on: 04 January 2020, 15:51:46 »
In that case, she's not confused at all.  It'll be a BAD day for everybody...  >:D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #553 on: 04 January 2020, 15:53:04 »
I could buy that even with my cynical viewpoint of historical dynastic marriages. Melissa was a young bride raised with service to the state. The old saying of an heir and a spare for each realms and an oops comes to mind.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #554 on: 04 January 2020, 15:56:09 »
On the floor of the Estates General, July 30, 3052...

"Should we forgive them?" Elizabeth stood for the minority.  In the gallery, Maggie watched in growing unease.

"That's the real question, isn't it?  Phelan Kell, adopted into the enemy's camp, became a leader, aided them in attacking our allies and the Commonwealth itself, now seeking asylum with those he betrayed to the enemy, on behalf of those enemies.  Should we forgive them?"

she held up her hand, a knife driven through her palm.  "While the blood of our people flows.  This group of Clan warriors promises they will renounce their crusade, end their participation in war against your neighbours and mine. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, all dead, should we forgive them?"

she pulled the knife out without a wince, and laid it on the podium.

"This is a question that haunts me." she swept the assembled lords and delegates, "I was never supposed to be the duchess of Kowloon.  My brother, Patrick, was the heir apparent...the wolves killed him. it drove my mother mad, she shot me with her service pistol, and took her own life in grief."  she shrugged off her suit jacket, and opened her blouse, displaying the scar.  "I was a child.  Do we forgive them?"  she closed her blouse, and looked reluctant.

"My heart says no." she said, "every fiber of my being screams to hang him for a traitor, to denounce him..." she looked at Morgan Kell, "every fiber of my being is wrong."

there was  mutter among the Estates.

"That's right, wrong.  For those of you with faith, the bible teaches us, well, christians anyway, to forgive those who do us wrong.  There is a reason for that.  IF we forgive only those who deserve it, then we have nothing to forgive, for the deserving have done nothing wrong."

she folded a rag around her hand, "Forgiveness, is for those who do not deserve it.  When you look at a mother who has lost her children, or a child whom is now an orphan, they do not need to be forgiven, for they have done no wrong.  but to move past the offenses, to stop the cycle of retribution, to recognize that on the other side, is another mother, another child, a sweetheart, who will mourn the losses, and swear vengeance? I have lost my entire family to the Clan invasion, my father, my brothers, even my mother are casualties to it.  At Kowloon, this year, people I consider friends sacrificed themselves to stop another invasion.  We succeeded, we could have failed, and maybe we ought to have, but when I was given the choice, to show mercy, or to have the lot of them put down like the pirate dogs they are?  I chose mercy. I chose to forgive them, for they truly did not understand what they had done.  some of them probably deserved it, but a lot of them did not."

her improvised bandage wiggled on her hand.

"There is so much blood, between us." she said, "But I say this...YES.  We should forgive Phelan Kell for his trespasses, and Yes, we should forgive his followers for theirs, for they have come to us, with the courage to ask for that forgiveness.  it must stop somewhere.  We Lyrans pride ourselves for our Morality, our Moral High Ground, and as much as I want to mock that, to point out the hypocrisy of it..." she looked again at Morgan.  "This time.  this time we can be what we would all like to pretend we are, we can stop the insanity before it eats us all, leaving nothing but rage, and blood and fire."

she gripped the podium, "We can forgive them.  It doesn't mean we stop fighting the Clans, but we can forgive the Warden Wolves, and give them asylum with us...and maybe, though they do not deserve it, they can become worthy of that forgiveness."

she released the podium, "I thank you all for this time.  good eve to you all."

and she walked off the stage.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #555 on: 04 January 2020, 16:02:53 »
Did not see that coming.....
Nice to see the knife in hand bit reused, but set me up for the accept warden wolves bit.
Hmmmmm........ warden wolves and cylons teaming up?
“ My Clan honor is bigger than your Dragon honor, and comes in 18 clan flavors.”


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #556 on: 04 January 2020, 16:17:44 »
Maggie Doons is beginning to realize she doesn't have ANY control anymore...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #557 on: 04 January 2020, 16:19:05 »
IF we forgive only those who deserve it, then we have nothing to forgive, for the deserving have done nothing wrong.

Indeed. However, to truly repent, one must make efforts to show it. Total technical sharing, subordination, and use against the remaining Clans are a start.
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #558 on: 04 January 2020, 16:22:41 »
Did not see that coming.....
Nice to see the knife in hand bit reused, but set me up for the accept warden wolves bit.
Hmmmmm........ warden wolves and cylons teaming up?

Does the speech have power? would it have moved you on the Estates General, if you were there as delegate to your world?
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Dave Talley

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #559 on: 04 January 2020, 16:23:09 »
Did not see that coming.....
Nice to see the knife in hand bit reused, but set me up for the accept warden wolves bit.
Hmmmmm........ warden wolves and cylons teaming up?

thinking ten years down the road,
elementals using cylon augmented battle armor......
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #560 on: 04 January 2020, 16:24:43 »
Question: how - in 'game' terms - does a Centurion compare to an Elemental?

I'm suspecting 3MP, no jump, and I'm inclined to treat them as light armour, but with more space for equipment. And yes, I can see heavy & assault Centurions in the works.
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #561 on: 04 January 2020, 16:27:47 »
I'd flip it around... what does a cylon in elemental armor look like...   :o


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #562 on: 04 January 2020, 16:39:01 »
Question: how - in 'game' terms - does a Centurion compare to an Elemental?

I'm suspecting 3MP, no jump, and I'm inclined to treat them as light armour, but with more space for equipment. And yes, I can see heavy & assault Centurions in the works.

I'm told by Hotpoint that it's somewhere between PA(L) and Light, with the larger Praetorian class being roughly akin to a protomech.  (the Praetorians weren't in the pattern that is allied with Liz, they're a Cavil/John/"imperial cylon" exclusive.)  Thing is, with Elemental suits on hand, and analysis going on with her toolmakers, Lizzie is working on a method to up-armor Centurions, and produce centurion-tech derived armor suits for human troops.

in game terms, imagine power armor with Jihad era c3 linkages in 3055, running better encryption than 3075 era Word of Blake.

THAT is the direction she's going for Kowloon's militia/MTM (the planned for 171st Kowloon Volunteers circa 3055.)

For comparison, she's also financed a copying of the two Steel Viper signature designs (crossbow and battle cobra).  Cylon C3 weighs in at about .5 tons, and they get some crazy efficiencies off their ballistic weapons (Ultra light autocannons that can be unjammed in the field. like a rotary,but limited to 2 shot bursts. LAC damage and range bands apply.)

and point defenses for dropships and warships-basically copies of Galactica-era systems the Colonials were using (because the Cylons WOULD have that on a portable/exportable database).

That stuff, the inertial dampener/artificial gravity tech, the 'make your own jump point' KF drive (uses grav plating around the core to generate that nice flat gravity gradient, also protects a core from tidal forces well into the upper atmosphere of most earthlike planets...)

and of course, Tyllium drives. 

The advanced drive tech will be the last released into the general market, only after the computer and networking tech gets good and wide-spread to run it.

That's her plan, anyway.  Lizzie doesn't always get what Lizzie plans for, and she sometimes has gaps in seeing what is going to catch on, versus what is going to die on the vine...

and of course, the Wolverines haven't weighed in yet.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #563 on: 04 January 2020, 16:59:17 »
RE: Elizabeth's speech

That is a very subjective speech because of how it plays on the emotions. How strongly nationalistic are you and even then it could go either way, have I lost someone to the Clans or the Wolves in particular.

Well written because it allows each character to make a justifiable reaction to further the story.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #564 on: 04 January 2020, 17:19:31 »
Any particular reason you’ve moved the Wolves Exile forward five years or so?

Edit: and didn’t Liz’s speech in previous versions argue AGAINST accepting the WiE into the Commonwealth?
« Last Edit: 04 January 2020, 17:22:37 by gladius »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #565 on: 04 January 2020, 17:39:43 »
Any particular reason you’ve moved the Wolves Exile forward five years or so?

Edit: and didn’t Liz’s speech in previous versions argue AGAINST accepting the WiE into the Commonwealth?

Yes, and yes.  The driver for the exile moving forward is simple enough-Kerensky voted for something that outright destroyed an entire Clan Galaxy in a particularly humiliating way, while also losing Tukayyid rather spectacularly (everyone but the Wolves, that is.)  there is a lot more pressure to have him forced out of the ilkhan position, and more invective and venom going over his 'mismanagement' and manipulations, sooner.  everything gets pushed up because of that.  it's a ripple effect.

as was the difference between THAT liz's speech, and THIS one.  Liz here, has influences THAT liz didn't have, and one of those is the realization that Forgiveness is an act of dominance.  It's claiming the authority to pardon, to excuse someone's transgression, and it's an act of dominance in that it is a seat of judgement.  You cannot forgive someone whom has done no wrong.

In a sense, it's about as calculated an insult as you can rightly imagine, if you're perceptive enough to catch it. (Or paranoid enough)
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #566 on: 04 January 2020, 17:41:50 »
I definitely read that speech as ripping Phelan up one side and down the other.  It does make me wonder if she might eventually forgive her other brother after all...

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #567 on: 04 January 2020, 17:59:06 »
I definitely read that speech as ripping Phelan up one side and down the other.  It does make me wonder if she might eventually forgive her other brother after all...
Phelan was politics, not personal
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #568 on: 04 January 2020, 18:22:31 »
But if she treats her brother differently, that will have political consequences...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #569 on: 04 January 2020, 18:33:45 »
But if she treats her brother differently, that will have political consequences...
Only if her brother defects from the jade falcons and seeks asylum.
Her speech covers her brother staying clan.. Unlike phelan and his wolves, her brother is not taking the first step to show the desire to change, thus has not earned a chance at forgiveness. Yet.

