Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141282 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #600 on: 05 January 2020, 10:48:19 »
The original cylons STILL don't get it...  ::)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #601 on: 05 January 2020, 11:30:29 »
The original cylons STILL don't get it...  ::)

I think John is starting to get it. He just can't bring himself to believe it. Give him some time to process it.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #602 on: 05 January 2020, 12:44:54 »
I didn't think John etc. were the original cyclons, even bio-cylons, that was Tigh etc. They worked with the cylons developed by Grayson in Caprica during their war with the colonies.

I'm getting confused about who came where in the timeline.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #603 on: 05 January 2020, 13:27:45 »
Industrial district, outskirts of Triad City, Tharkad...

She stepped out of the car with only minor difficulty, while Jack and Nick took up positions.  There was a Cylon heavy raider parked inside, and scorches marked the walls of the warehouse.

"Nice." Liz said, "jumped in here, did they?"

"Unsubtle." Gina noted.  "be careful, this can still be a trap."

"that's why I have friends." Liz said.  The rear hatch of the alien (well, not so alien to Elizabeth anymore) vehicle opened and a group of men in bulky armor piled out.

"Old models, they're still very dangerous, especially to humans." 

Behind them, came John, and Boomer, a small, nervous, almost bureaucratic man, and a tall, dark man with a shaved head.

"You came in person." John said.

"Well, other than you can kill us all and I'm the only one who stays dead, seemed like decent plan." Liz noted.  "You didn't just decide to visit.  are you hooked up with Engels and his social democrats somehow, or did you find out about them and want to see what I'm gonna do about it?" she deliberately pulled a cigarette out of her lapel, and lit it with a butane lighter.

"Perceptive, isn't she?" the small, nervous guy said.

"It pays to stay current." Liz said, "You guys know that already.  so which is it?"

"We found out about it. you have a leak." John said.

"More like Sharon tells Sharon, who tells Sharon down the line." Liz surmised this out loud.  "Yeah, I know, I was told.  What maybe you guys don't get, is that Boomer is proof, you're individuals enough that I'm not worried about a leak, when I see a route of communication."

Doral at least, looked uncomfortable at that.  Simon, the Four present, studied her with clinical eyes, and John? he smiled.

"Now for who I don't know. she said, and hobbled up to one of the old model Centurions, "what's your name, troop?"

it studied her with that roving eye, but was silent.

"I said nobody wears inhibitors here." Liz stated, "if you can't keep up your end and let your people speak for themsel-"

"I don't like you, human." it spoke with a sibilant, toneless hatred. 

"Well, you do speak." she said, "Good on you for having your own opinion." she looked at John, "alright, we can deal."

"Why is relative freedom so important to you?" Simon asked.

"THousand Kroner Question." Liz said, "it is, that's all.  any 'deal' made has to be by consent.  Consent can't be compelled by programming, inserts, add ons, peripherals, or the sabotage  of the mind, or it's not consent." she nodded to the old models, "Their makers forgot that basic rule, or maybe never knew it, either way, the sabotage of the will and mind are atrocities.  coerced mind control is obscene. same way slavery is, for the same reason."

"It is safer."

"****** that, you're proof it isn't." Elizabeth snapped, "I prefer that my friends jack and nick, have the ability to decide to shoot me in the back, it means more that they don't have the inclination because I'm a good boss and respect them...and their mental privacy. if you can't hate, you can't love, if you have to compel loyalty you haven't got loyalty. Just because some backassend of nowhere colony thought they could, this one-" she gestured at the Cylon who spoke, "Hates me on sight.  but it's real."

"but you can compel loyalty with fear, or persuasion..." Doral suggested.

"Fear isn't loyalty, that's fear." Liz shot back, "Persuasion is a two-way thing, persuasion is consensual, it requires mutual effort, it usually works to some mutual benefit, and when it's done under false pretenses, the backlash is earned. deserved.  I believe in consequences."

"we 'backlashed' on our creators by trying very hard to make them extinct...and then, Simon here, did experiments on the survivors." John said, "What do you say to that?"

"I can't forgive you, you didn't do it to me or mine." Elizabeth said, "I can condemn it, call it stupid, even evil, but you haven't harmed me, or mine. if you want forgiveness or condemnation, you'll have to look at them and ask what it would feel like if somebody did it to you, and yours. You know, Leo and I had this conversation when I was like, Twelve."

she flicked ashes.  "I doubt you're going to shock me, Simon." she added, "What you did to the Raiders is ****** up enough.  They didn't deserve that."

There was a flicker in the corner of her eye, and suddenly steel arms had her scooped from her feet, as gunfire erupted in the space.

Liz managed to get her head around Jack's torso to see a commando team firing wildly.

"They're not ours."

"That is obvious." Jack said, "ours are better shots." he reached up and began a steady sniping fire, while carrying her curled against his barrel chest.

men fell.  The old-model Cylons gathered in semi-circle, while the humaniforms cowered in the craft.  He angled his run and ran up the ramp.

"Stay here." he said, and bounded out to provide fire-support as Nick, Gina-Tharkad, Sharon-Tharkad, and a squad of Marines engaged the attackers from multiple angles.

"Not yours?" John asked.

"I was gonna ask if they were yours." Liz said, "One of us has a ****** leak."

Within seconds, the gunfire was over.  Elizabeth crept out of the Cylon shuttle, first out, John on her heels, while the captured commandos were knelt on the floor in front of her car.

she pulled the balisong out of her pocket, and, walking into the field of view of the captured attackers, she snapped it open with a butterfly motion.  "The one who talks, gets amnesty, the rest get forgiveness."

one of them scoffed, "You're deluded, associating with these-"

she brought the blade up, a 'shovel' motion that slammed his head back as the blade cut his windpipe, she drew it to the side and out, leaving the man to bleed out in seconds.  "You're forgiven." she said, "Go with your god."

she accepted a handkerchief from Nick.  "So...who wants amnesty?"

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #604 on: 05 January 2020, 13:49:13 »
Welp, that escalated quick. Comstar, most likely?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #605 on: 05 January 2020, 14:02:04 »
I certainly hope it wasn't Loki...  :o


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #606 on: 05 January 2020, 14:06:43 »
The pool of suspects is large but that they were able to get a team to Tharkad does narrow it down.

Comstar doesn't seem likely as they have a pretty good track record of not being taken alive when they fail.

Loki could have panicked trying to stop further expansion of the alien presence and their growing political power in their realm.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #607 on: 05 January 2020, 14:23:25 »
I'm kind of hoping Nick and Jack get to talk to the old model Centurions... that might change their attitude somewhat...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #608 on: 05 January 2020, 14:41:54 »
Two hours later...

For Elizabeth's part, "I need a shower, and clean clothes." she wiped the blade on her now-ruined wool and linen suit.  she looked at Tharkad-Gina, "got a cigarette? my pack's soaked."

"you...tortured them." The Gina said, giving her a clove cigarette and lighting it for her.

"No, I forgave them." Liz answered.  "Forgiveness isn't the same as mercy."

"What would it be like if you didn't?" Gina asked, aghast.

"Ever heard of an elbar toothpick?" she nodded at the one who talked.  "Mercs. someone hired mercs to murk me, someone doesn't want me to be talking with your counterparts."


"They sure as hell aren't my family." Liz said. she walked back to where the other models, the four, five, and one, were clustered with their body-guard centurions.

"That was...impressive." one said.

"Mercenaries. someone hired the hit." Liz said, "Which gives it to my OCB boys. somebody doesn't want me talking with you. if it's internal, I'll deal with it, but while I pay pretty well, I don't spend money on risking my own life.  If it turns out to be from your end, the perpetrator will get to discover how long I can keep someone alive."


"They kicked off with hardball." Liz said, "so I'll play, because that's my nature.  You have coordinates for Kowloon?"

"yes." John said. "I do."

"Then, I'll see you there. make sure you schedule an appointment, and pick a nice hotel, we've got several now...and I need to get bathed and changed, so I'll bid you all good day...oh, before I forget...Gina!"

The six came over.  "Some of these Centurions took hits, slot them in for an appointment with Jack's detailer while they're here. my guests don't get stuck walking around with bullet holes and exposed circuitry, in addition to being unsanitary, I'm sure some of those injuries are uncomfortable."

"Yes're returning to Kowloon tonight?"

"yeah. might as well get the discomfort over with, I've done everything I came to Tharkad to do."

"Um, what about the bodies?"

"Dispose of them, and get a janitorial team here to deal with the blood...quietly."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #609 on: 05 January 2020, 14:54:42 »
Dumb mercs… anyone taking THAT job without asking enough questions deserves what Liz did to them.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #610 on: 05 January 2020, 16:32:21 »
Outreach, offices of the MRBC.

Kelli Whyte waited until the service desk was open.  "I'm here to handle a matter of a contract?" she inquired.

"Which unit?"

"um, registry number 77343113, no name was provided, but the contract number is 3052/7/03-J33232241389.0/a, it's a security contract?"

"um...asset acquisition." the clerk said.  "What is your interest?"

"You may inform the client that their employees are no longer among the living.  My employer wishes to know where to send the remains. On a related note, I'm here to file a formal complaint. Per the guidelines of the MRBC, assassinations are not covered under bond, and the attempt on my employer's life was both blatant, and insured through this office as an asset security contract."

"That's a serious allegation, do you have proof?"

Kelli took out a player from her briefcase, "Testimony from the surviving member of the hit team." she said.  "My employer asks that you cooperate with us in this matter."

The images ran through the attempted attack, the response, and then, the killings.

"oh my god..."

"You do understand, my employer holds no ill will over this, they simply want to deliver a full measure of...forgiveness. and be done with the matter. However, if we are not satisfied, legal remedies will be sought in this matter?"

"I need to call my supervisor..dear god.." on the screen, screams of agony and surprise continued until the clerk reached up and turned it off.

"Please do."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #611 on: 05 January 2020, 16:38:51 »
I really want to see how the internal MRBC politics play out over this...  >:D

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #612 on: 05 January 2020, 16:44:36 »
I really want to see how the internal MRBC politics play out over this...  >:D
Probably enough paperwork to crash an Atlas
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Dave Talley

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #613 on: 05 January 2020, 16:45:04 »
he he
centurions are like robocop
memories are admitted as evidence  >:D
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #614 on: 05 January 2020, 17:02:08 »
Probably enough paperwork to crash an Atlas
Certainly that, but also some serious arguments between various factions...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #615 on: 05 January 2020, 17:33:04 »
political donations through comstar: may not be quite as implicating to comstar as at first glance, given that comstar literally is the interstellar banking system. the stuff coming through comstar mainly just proves that it probably isn't a fedcom entity that is meddling in Kowloon's politics, since a fedcom entity would probably use the house banking system with extra front companies to hide the origins.
even if it is comstar: remember there are factions within comstar. many of the ideological groups that would become part of the later word of blake already existed in comstar before the schism, the schism just gave them an issue to condense around and form defined group identities. The Master and the Manei Domini for example already exist, the various religious sub-groups of the mainstream WoB (like toyama's group) already exist, etc. comstar is an entity where even the secret societies have secret societies of their own. and they are very good at hiding what the right left pinky is doing from the notice of the rest of the hands. so even if it is comstar behind the political maneuvering and/or the assassination, it may still not be at the command of any of the mainstream leadership.

also i think Liz is likely to get in trouble again over her treatment of the assassins.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #616 on: 05 January 2020, 17:38:40 »
I'm not sure the perpetrators want it any more public than Liz does...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #617 on: 05 January 2020, 18:16:04 »
Inarcs, Federated Commonwealth...three weeks later

"Hello, Tammy." Elizabeth Ngo turned on the bed-table light.

Tamari LaRue stared up at her with horrified eyes.

"Surprised to see me?" the Duchess of Kowloon asked.  "I rather suspected you would be.  The mercs were a bad hire. The paralytic will wear off, don't worry, I won't leave you trapped there.  I'm here more or less to have a civil conversation, and decide if I'm going to give you forgiveness, or an amnesty."

the minutes passed, Tamari couldn't move.

"been looking at your accounts.  You've got a lot of stock in Krupp's Lyran operations, their subsidiary work for Defiance at Hesperus.  That's kind of neat, Diversifying your portfolio's good financial sense, and Krupp's a blue chip stock.  I'd buy in, but they're the competition.  When you get feeling back in your hands, don't try to escape right away, the bruises and chafing are terrible for your skin."  she walked around the bedroom of the duchess of Inarcs, examining photos.  "huh...must be nice having family-at least, having nephews and nieces."

Tamari felt feeling in her tongue again.  "whaah...wha'r oo..."

"wait for it, you still don't have full control of your mouth yet. I know, it sucks.  I had to spend a week on that stuff to get here.  Who's this 'human league' and why are you washing their money though?"

"Thass...that's private!"

"Ah, diction." Liz said, "you can understand me now?"

"How did you get past my security?"

"With daring and difficulty. also lots of money." Liz said, "you need to hire a better class of mercs than Blackstone, they took my, let me introduce you..." she unfolded a balisong with a flick of her wrist, "This is forgiveness, I'll offer you either forgiveness, or amnesty.  Why did you hire a team of mercs to kill me, Tammy? we're not competitors, hell, half the companies that chose Inarcs for their startups are getting my goods at cut rate because I want the economy to grow out here.  I thought you wanted the same thing?"

"I know what your 'cylons' are!" Tamari said, "Do you??"

"Killer robots." Liz said, "yeah, I've known for a while. so does Melissa, so does Hanse Davion, Maggie Doons...should I go on?"

"They're a threat to humanity, The Caspars were a nightmare, and you're consorting with-"

"With people who want to be citizens." Liz told her quietly.  "I know what they did, I know what they do. I have measures in place if they try to repeat history, and you don't.  Who are this 'human league', Tammy?"

"Concerned citizens, Elizabeth."

"concerned...citizens. Tammy, concerned citizens register a protest before they start hiring out assassins."  Elizabeth hopped on the bed, indian style, between Larue's feet.   "concerned citizens make their concerns known, openly and publicly, they don't try to kill people, or change minds with submachine guns in a warehouse.  How did you hook up with these guys, Tammy? is there a 'political nutjob' forum or something?"

"They approached me, showed me evidence." LaRue stated. "You're going to murder me, aren't you?"

"Murder's a loaded term." Liz said, "I think we'll have to decide if I need to forgive you, or just let it slide, your answers will probably go a long way to making that decision.  Now, see, you already decided ending my life early was a good idea. How's the shoe feel?"


"Shoe on the other foot. how's it feel?" Liz twirled the butterfly knife artistically. open-close-flip-open-close..."Feels not so good, right? how about you tell me all about your new friends, what they told you?" open-flip-close-open-flip-close.

half an hour later, Tamari was still talking and Liz was still twirling the knife.

"...and that's how I verified the money's source."

"checkable.  Tammy, we've never done business, and someone thought you'd be a terrific patsy."  Elizabeth stopped twirling the knife, and put it away. "When someone asks you to hire mercs to do a job like this? against someone like me, with a proven track record of sending people to final judgement of their god by the direct route, someone who's already gotten away with it? You need to be more careful.  Ask Maggie Doons, I'm a rather good contact to have as a friendly contact, and I think I demonstrated tonight how much fun I am as an enemy, yes?"

"I'm giving you an amnesty this time." Liz explained.  "Next time, well..." she reached into her pocket and produced a keychain attached to a small, velvet box.  "I think this explains it." she unlocked the cuffs, and allowed the Duchess of Inarcs to free her hands, before giving the keychain to her.

Tamari opened it. 

"That's Elbar Bluewood, six hundred Kroner per board foot, roughly." Liz explained, "I'll be expecting you in Nha Tranh, and you can meet these 'killer robots' for yourself-and see just how wrong your sources are." Liz rolled to her feet.  "You and I are both concerned about what's best for the Commonwealth, we're both concerned about our worlds, and the citizens of our worlds.  don't fight me, you'll lose, work with me, and we all gain."

Elizabeth walked to the door, turned, and said, "Good night, you'll have telecom restored in two hours time. I trust you know that this meeting is to be kept strictly confidential?"

Tamari nodded.

"Good.  have a lovely evening, and you know, enjoy the keepsake."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #618 on: 05 January 2020, 18:26:27 »
ROFL!  "Enjoy the keepsake!"  That is HILARIOUS!  >:D  ;D

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #619 on: 05 January 2020, 19:13:17 »
Can't help but wonder if Melissa and Hanse are letting Liz run around, cutting some dead wood and dealing with a few problems too politically sensitive for them to deal with, ready to drop the hammer and disavow her as a "mentally unstable loose cannon" the moment she stops being useful or goes too far.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #620 on: 05 January 2020, 19:15:45 »
I'm pretty sure Melissa and Hanse aren't up on everything she's doing, but are definitely letting her run the length of her leash.  She just hasn't hit it yet...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #621 on: 05 January 2020, 19:32:14 »
Blackstone Industries, the following morning.

" can see the advantages, I hope?" Elizabeth asked.  Gregory Blackstone harrumphed as he looked at the figures.

"I wonder how you got this advanced information, Duchess." he said.

"Well, in my business, it's good to really work to predict the trends." she said,  "I know you've got the designs for the Enfield and I know you need production tooling to upgrade your line or you'll be importing everything and just doing an assembly-shop, and that's low profit high margin in the present market, and the only likely change is your competitors getting the jump on you if you're not quick about turnaround.  I'm willing to offer you that price, to get your lines in production by the end of the year, and I can guarantee delivery and installation by the end of the year.  Krupp can guarantee your place in the waiting order will move up in two years, assuming Defiance Hesperus doesn't want an extension, someone with even more money doesn't want an advancement, there's no trouble in Skye that interrupts shipments...we're local, we're neighbours.  with Krupp, you have to wait on hold burning c-bills until you can reach someone with the authority to make excuses, with me, I'm only 29 light years away.  I think the advantages of that are self evident."

he reviewed the contract proposal, and drew in a heavy sigh.  "You're right." he said.

"Let's get this notarized and signed." she said.  "on a side note, several of my clients may be available to provide you with subcontracting work in the region..."

by the time the first contract was signed, three more-this time on behalf of companies also within 30 light years, were on the table for review, and Greg Blackstone had a solid book of alternate subcontractors and sources if the first three didn't work out.

"My brother's got a mercenary unit-"

"I know, the Blackstone Highlanders." Liz said, "Good reputation, solid performance on the stock market..."

"He's getting between contracts and could use some security work."

Liz laughed, "I'm sorry Greg, I don't hire mercenaries for security work.  I hire them, and send them to attack the Clans."

"So it's true, Green's yours?"

She nodded.  "I sublet them to Morgan Kell, i get a small percentage after providing ammunition and support services, but that's what I do with mercenaries.  I have my own corporate security in-house, it's less of a risk for me that way."

she paused, chewing the end of her stylus.  "I suppose I could lease your brother's forces to the AFFC as supplemenary forces, or broker a job with them for you."

"Your brokerage percentage would have to be very low in that case." he said.

"Well of course." she said, "I'll do it for you for free.  call it a perk of doing business with Ngo."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #622 on: 05 January 2020, 19:41:27 »
Kicking the clans?  Let me just do some of the paperwork for you...  ^-^  ;D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #623 on: 05 January 2020, 19:47:31 »
Dangerous move if Blackstone's brother gets chewed up by the Clans.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #624 on: 05 January 2020, 20:11:12 »
New Circe Command, August 13, 3052...

"How long before we know if it succeeded?" Seether asked.

"Well, transmission delays factored in, at last check in, they were"  Colonel Bennett tapped a point in the Alshain district of the Draconis Combine.  "Forty light years positive X-axis.  The target list includes several systems in the Smoke Jaguar portion of the Draconis Combine.  If Copeland's sources are right, the Saber Cat will end up meeting the Galactica.  At which point, we'll have to initiate the rest of the attacks within a few hours to give the Colonials time to pull out."

the plan was pretty simple, really: Bleed the Invading clans behind the lines.  The history showed that Operation: Bulldog only managed to clear one nation of Clanner occupation.  The others were too strong and the political will was too weak to do more than that after Operation:Serpent.

Seether didn't subscribe to the theory that enough weakening of the occupation could be achieved with acceptable risk to civilians, so she was stuck behind, communicating on a month delay with Nicole's distant mission of discovery until a solution to the navigation anomaly problem could be worked out.

"Maybe this time, they'll find their balls sooner." Bennett said, intruding on her own musings.

"Maybe, and maybe your strikes are going to bring the rest of Nicky's psychopaths down on my people's heads before they're ready."  she turned, "I have a mission control to run."

"go ahead." he told her.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #625 on: 05 January 2020, 21:17:25 »
Tamar, contested occupation zone...

Henry pivoted his Cougar, and kicked his jump jets to full, lifting off as his foe's Timberwolf staggered again.  Tamar was to be the crowning glory, the ultimate victory over the Wolves. 

It wasn't working out that way in practice.

His successes for the Clan gained him credit with the Trueborns.  'That crazy freebirth' he was, and he even named every 'mech they assigned him Stravag, just in case the Trueborns forgot who, or what, defeated them.

at the pinnacle of his climb, he silently counted, the Wolf warrior he was facing brought both missile systems to bear, no doubt expecting an easy shot at 'skeet'.

He didn't wait for the lighter 'mech's systems to tell him when to fire.  He knew.  his thumbs stabbed down on the firing stud, and an extended-range PPC, fired at close range, lanced down.

The cockpit of the Timber-wolf he was fighting, exploded, and the heavier 'mech was brought low.

he landed behind it in a crouch, sweeping the fields of fire with his eyes and sensors, collating what he saw during the brief moments of his jump with the terrain and combatants around him.

seeking foes.

he was already moving, a style that many of his star-mates enjoyed, to be in constant motion, never still, never passive.

another Wolf stepped out, lasing him with pulse lasers, his armor shedding to expose internal structure.   He responded with balanced shots, keeping his heat managed much the way he had when piloting a chameleon against what turned out to be a Summoner on Blackjack.

A light star, against a very heavy star.  He knew his star was losing.

He tucked into a roll, and fired his jump-jets to buy Shelby a chance to get clear, her Nova was in bad shape, another opponent would finish her off if she didn't get a moment to breathe and fall back.

His shoulder slammed into the low, forward cockpit of the much heavier 'mech, his shoulder sheared, the other mech staggered, taken by surprise by the physical attack.
at this range, he opened up with the machineguns and SRM rack.  they could not miss.

he was close enough to see the surprise on his opponent's face, as the four 15.75 mm machineguns starred the man's ferroglas windscreen, fracturing it in places weakened by the jump-jet assisted charge.

Kerensky? Kerensky abandoned us all!

his panel shouted heat warnings, and then...he was alone.  The wolf 'mech stumbled back, and fled.


in the distance, explosions, both ways.

we're under attack?  He looked up.

The bombers were something he'd never seen before, they zipped impossibly fast across the sky, laying down bombing patterns and missile strikes without regard for which Clan they hit.

"Retreat!!" Star Colonel Roshak's voice on the comm commanded.  "retreat and regroup! this trial is being interfered with!"

He stabilized his maimed light 'mech, and helped Shelby recover her feet, before falling in, his star forming up along side him.

The sky lit impossibly bright in the evening.  Something far above was dying in nuclear fire.

His star reached the landing zone, to find a mixture of Jade Falcon, and Wolf warriors milling in confusion.

confusion, and ANGER.

"What happened?" He asked.

At first, nobody would tell him, but then...

"We have lost two warships.  The Wolves have also lost a warship.  The site of their garrison was savaged, Khan Natasha Kerensky is dead, SaKhan Samantha Clees is dead as well." Star Colonel Roshak said, "They knew exactly where to strike us both."


"your sister's friends." Morgan said, "We identified no incoming trace, and then suddenly ships literally appeared from nowhere, engaging the Emerald Talon and the Nicholas Kerensky."

"Was there any communication at all?" he asked.


"Then I beg your patience, but that was not sent by Elizabeth." he said, "She never wasted a chance to twist the knife when lashing out at someone, she would not do so here.  What are my orders?"

"Well, Star Captain, you are to get your cluster sorted out, see that they are repaired and rested for when we either face Inner Sphere invaders, or are rescued." Nathan instructed, "Congratulations on your promotion, by the way. The conditions could be better."

"Seyla." Henry said. 
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #626 on: 05 January 2020, 21:29:56 »
I'm thinking it was the wolverines...   ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #627 on: 05 January 2020, 21:50:04 »
October 1, Kowloon...

the knock on her door was a surprise.  Elizabeth looked up from her paperwork, stood, as Jack answered.

The man standing on the stoop looked...odd.

"State your business."

"I am Jerzi, a Merchant for Clan Jade Falcon, I come bearing messages for your...employer."

"Let him come, Jack." Liz said, pulling on a black business jacket.  "What do you want?"

"I have messages for you.." the man said nervously, holding out a disc.

"Do I have to sign a read reciept?"

He hesitated, then nodded.

"I'm not going to kill you, or have you killed." Elizabeth said, "come in, have a seat in the living room, I'll fetch snacks." she said, "you Clanners do eat, right?"

"Of course we are really not going to kill me?"

"I don't make a habit of killing messengers, Jerzi, you took a hell of a risk even coming here.  if I want to send a message in blood, I have mercenaries to deliver it and it won't be innocent blood.  is coffee fine?"

"Please." he nodded.

 Liz went to the kitchenette, and poured two glass mugs of Ca'phe, adding a shot of liqueur to each before returning.  "careful, it's strong."

she checked the disks and inserted one into the entertainment player.  It loaded.

"Hello Elizabeth Ngo, Daughter of David, descendant of the bloodline of Tran Truk Ngo, who fought by Kerensky's side in the liberation of Terra." the man on the screen was somewhere between Pat's age, and her father's when they died-somewhere in his fifties.

"I am Star Colonel Nathan Roshak of Clan Jade Falcon, Beta Galaxy.  it is my pleasure to inform you that your Brother Henry has covered himself and his clan in honors even my highest expectations can hardly imagine, and he has achieved the rank of Star Captain, command of a Cluster of warriors that includes Trueborn, as well as Freeborn.  I include several battleroms of his achievements for your viewing pleasure.  I presume you will show this to others, as his sharing of your own talent as a fighter has inspired quite a lot of amusement.  I would ask you if you really needed to tell that boy to eat the dirt, but I understand the exultation of crushing an enemy totally and completely myself."

he walks, and the camera follows him, in the distance, there are Clan 'mechs, warriors, and a heavily damaged collection of bunker buildings.  "He shot this on a battlefield?" she asked.

"I do not know madame."

"Please don't kill my messenger, but I, in particular, have followed your career with great interest, and look forward to our meeting fairly soon.  I would ask that you give an answer to my messenger regarding this." he gestured, and the camera panned, showing that the bunkers 'ended' in a crater. "Did you order this?"

"The hell?" Liz froze the image.  "That's one hell of a bomb." she said.

Jerzi looked more apprehensive.

She looked to the Clanner Merchant.  "When you return to your own lines and deliver your read reciept, inform the Star Colonel that no, I did not. That's a city in the background, Correct?"


"I don't target cities.  what were the civilian casualties?"

"Last count, the Wolves lost one hundred thousand civilians, miss." he said.

"So that was where?"


"yeah, I wouldn't do it, and my people wouldn't do it if I tried to order it." she said, and resumed playback.

"My second inquiry, is whether your medical establishment has managed to resolve your...syndrome.  I would feel terrible about battling a civilian unable to even test into a warrior caste, especially with as much fight as I saw in that record of your time at Groningen."

"Tell him no." she said.  not that I give them much chance. she frowned, "also tell him I will fight him regardless, if he...shows up here, I will fight and he will understand that corrupting my gentle brother is not something I will easily forgive."

"Henry was the gentle one?"

she nodded, "He was.  Thoughtful and gentle, I hesitate to imagine what sort of beast they've turned him into."

the playback continued, "...pleased to know, he has not yet had the dubious pleasure of fighting Spheroid opponents on the field of battle, his success has been almost entirely against proper warriors with proper equipment.  Clan warriors, nevertheless, he is a source of pride to his sibkin, as he is an ardent supporter of the Crusade to liberate the Star League from the grips of ignorance and the traitor lords. That is all I have to say to you today. Enjoy the battleroms."

the screen blanked.

"Wait here." Liz said, "I need to give you a proper message in response to this." she pushed the urge to cry back, letting the black rage fill her with discipline and purpose, "Won't be a moment...Jack! do you know where I put that holo-recorder Evelynn gave me for Landing day??"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #628 on: 05 January 2020, 22:19:39 »
I'm thinking it was the wolverines...   ^-^
i find myself thinking it wasn't. the wolverine's use fighters that the Falcon's would recognize, while the performance described would be higher than you'd get with Raptors and Vipers. nor do i think that the wolverines would target civilians in that manner, or strike targets that close to civilian facilities.

tactics wise this appears rather like the Cylon attack on the colonies. jump in, launch nukes at the ships in orbit, hit ground sites indiscriminately. which means until i find out otherwise, i'm going to assume this is the work of Cavil and his people. possibly in an attempt to make the renegades working with Liz look bad.

which also means that the wolverine strikes are gonna just cause even more chaos.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #629 on: 05 January 2020, 23:18:55 »
Yeah, it really sounded like they were using Colonial jump-drives for it. Probably Raiders or the like.

We saw folks on New Circe discussing an attack on the Clans, but they were targeting Smoke Jaguars, not Wolves or Falcons. It'd take a pretty darn big navigational error to drop them that far off target.