Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141096 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #630 on: 05 January 2020, 23:54:43 »
Wotan, at about the same time Liz is getting Nathan Roshak's message.

"...this is for Turtle Bay."  The battlerom showed a warship, at least as big as a McKenna, but completely, utterly different from any design any of the gathered Khans had ever seen.

it launched a wave of fighters.  and then another. and then, another.

and then, a wave of Kirghiz class Omnifighters.

"Is that...what language is that?"

The image was steady-or at least, as steady as the Saber Cat's outer gun mounts could make it.

The image jumped.  The strange warship passed close in, more of the strange lettering. then, Static.

"Multiple nuclear strikes after the outer hull had been softened.  of the Saber Cat's omnifighter star, we were able to secure one piece of wreckage intact enough to show some data."  Lincoln Osis wasn't bellowing,

"And the ship?" Marthe Pryde asked.

"Confetti." he said.  "Lost with all hands.  They found Streaking Mist next."

The image changed to the viewpoint of a dropship, and the same bizarre warship, with the indecipherable markings.  The same Kirghiz class heavy fighters, carrying underwing pylons, escorted by blindingly fast interceptors armed with inner sphere quality medium lasers and missiles.  but this time, it was visible-the fighters were being escorted by small craft that had shown up on Battleroms before.

"They call those ,Raptors quiaff?" the Jade Falcon Khan, who seemed to be the one Khan who could host this, asked.

"Aff.  They are produced on Kowloon, for the mercenary market, some civilian sales, and the Federated Commonwealth."

on the screen, the proud flagship of Clan Smoke jaguar was suddenly awash in missile fire, while the bizarrely fast and manueverable smaller fighters got the better of Jagatais and Sabutais, clearing paths to the Jaguar escort force's dropships for the Kirghiz, which delivered repeated knockout blows-not merely damaging strikes or even lethal strikes, but double-tap lethal strikes.  After each strike, the heavy fighters simply vanished.

from the Merchant Caste transport filming the engagement, it was visible now.  The huge ship disappeared with her fighters.

Like ghosts.  Not there, there, savagely attacking with only the declaration "this is for turtle bay" and then gone.

"They were nowhere close to the jump point, and the attackers did not even bother to go after the civil craft in the system with one exception.  A Carrack class in convoy was ambushed by the same vessel, supplies we ordered six months ago? gone..  Fifteen minutes later, another attack by the same ship destroyed a station under Clan control." Osis continued.  "We had no news of newer attacks, but the damage was...considerable as it stands."

"How bad?" the SaKhan of Clan Wolf, Vladimir Ward, asked.

"Clan Smoke Jaguar will have to cede additional territory to the Nova Cats." Osis said, "We are...configuring 'mechs to all energy loadouts.  Ammunition is now in short supply."

"we have two identified vessels from the Smoke Jaguar front-they are fielding the Kirghiz omnifighter, and these...Raptor craft." Vlad speculated, "That is made only in one part of the Lyran Commonwealth, quiaff?  Neither of which were present at Tamar, Sudeten, or Wotan on the enemy side."

The images shifted.  "We got a good look at them." he said.  Small, boxy craft, until you realized you were scaling it to the Warships on the screen.  "We do not know what to call these."

"I have seen ships like that!" Brandon Howell, the SaKhan of Clan Smoke Jaguar announced.


"Battleroms recovered from our retreat at Luthien." he said, "They appeared around CSJ Iowa before it was boarded!" he quieted, "but those were white, with a red stripe, and the Kowloonese Coast Guard marking...these are black."

"they are not, to the knowledge of the Watch, for sale anywhere, or ships like them." Kael Pershaw remarked.

The Ghost Bear Khans were silent. Marthe noticed.

"What say you?"

"what can I say? we were hit, but lost no warships, nor cities to nuclear fire." Bjorn Jorgenssen said, "Instead, they savaged our dropship fleet, surface bases, the same hit-and-run tactics, appearing fifteen to twenty minutes apart, one or two passes while our fighters scrambled, but by the time a response was in the air? gone."  he said, "Though it was almost exclusively Kirghiz class fighters...except at Alshain itself."

"you are sitting on something dramatic, quineg?" Vlad scoffed.

"oh, you could say that." Bjorn said slowly, reaching down, "We knocked down one of the few that were not Clan omnifighters."  He lifted a bag.  "This was the flight crew."

He dumped them out with rattles and clanks.

"What is it?"

"it is not human, is what it is." Bjorn stated.  "my scientists have never seen such intricate work, they speculate we can not even duplicate it...they required heavy weapons to put down, but their 'ship' was like the ones in your attack, Vladimir Ward.  from the imagery of the attack on Tamar that interrupted your trial against the Jade Falcons."


"We need answers.  the best path to those answers leads to the Lyran world of Kowloon." Marthe stated.  "Luck is on our side, we will not even be risking the stain to our honor-Kowloon is well above the truce line."

"They swallowed an entire Steel Viper galaxy, and sold a warship to the Lyrans."

"Then we can forego the bidding." Vlad suggested, "They have reopened a nightmare that threatens mankind-artificial intelligence driven weapons. an obscenity."

Marthe looked mildly annoyed.  "All in favor?"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #631 on: 06 January 2020, 00:40:30 »
Elsewhere in the Falcon headquarters...

"The language is greek." Henry said, "Grandfather used to have books written in it, 'iliad', 'Odyssey'.  That alphabet is greek."

"Greek, so from holy terra's ancient nations?" Nathan asked.

"Aff.  I recognize it, but it has been more than a decade since he failed to teach me." he said.

"Would your sister recognize it?"

"Elizabeth tested in the upper ninety ninth percentile for intelligence and was finishing her High school equivalent GED after yet another boarding school kicked her out for picking fights...Aff. she can probably write you a song in it."  Henry's voice was tinged with a mix of envy and sorrow, "We did not know it was a symptom."

"of her syndrome, a symptom?"

"Cholmann's patients often end up regarded as geniuses, OvKhan.  Their brains have enhanced connectivity, it is a side effect of the syndrome-as if what god gives he gives with a horrible price-higher capability saddled with agony and madness.  Our uncle was a renowned composer in the Boojum belt habitats.  Sometimes when I am permitted to go the civilian areas? I find his music still being enjoyed by the lower castes, even here in the Occupation zone. you would never imagine that music with such joy would be written by a man who would end up screaming until his ruptured throat flooded his lungs with blood."

Nathan was silent as the young man's eyes misted.

"She would have been an artist, if I had not gone to Blackjack." Henry said, "or a poet, no, an artist." he shook his head in grief.

"I will need you soon, Henry.  I intend to go in there, after the Khans have voted, and bid Beta Galaxy for the mission to Kowloon.  You understand what that means, quiaff?"

"She will kill me." Henry said, "and I will not be able to make myself stop her. I am sorry, I am a failure."

"you joined us, in hopes we can help her." Nathan told him, "I still want to. now that she has sent her response to my challenge, even more."


"I believe the term is, 'mail call'." Nathan told him, "I sent an announcement of your successes to her, by a fast courier, the data was recieved, and I have gotten her response by HPG from the Merchant flotilla that dispatched the messenger."

"You communicated with her."

"And she threatened to kill me. If she were a Clan warrior I would be so turned on by her you can't even imagine." Nathan said brightly, "She is adorable, like those little creatures that drop on humanoids and tear through helmet and skull to eat the brain inside!"

Henry  sighed, "Star Captain Morgan Icaza said you have peculiar tastes, why did I not believe him?? She is not yet seventeen."

"Well, that is a bit wrong, then." Nathan said, "So I might have to wait a few years.  It gives her time to get used to the idea we are not all ogres and barbarians."

it took Henry a moment to realize Nathan was putting him on with that dry wit.  "It will certainly be a memorable experience for you." he finally said, "My sister bites."

"That, young man, is what makes courtship fun." Nathan said with a mocking gleam in his eye.  "Nothing worth having, is easy, and the harder it is, the greater the triumph when you win.  We will save your sister if I have to personally whip the skin off every researcher from here, to Strana Mechty to beat a cure out of them."

" not think it works that way."

"You're young, actually all it takes, is the suggestion that I, or one of the other warriors might be willing to go that far.  usually though, all it takes is for the Warrior Caste to grant them resources and see which ones actually want to crack the puzzle, once we have those, it would take more than an electro-whip to get them to stop working on it."

"you have a plan, quiaff?"

"Only the most foolish one possible." Nathan said, "Conquer the planet, fix the girl, then win her.  simple, difficult beyond sanity, a worthy challenge."

"You are telling me you intend to..couple with my sister, as if the idea she will be used or is a prize-"

"She is a prize. I am after the part of her that is most attractive, lasts the longest and is most satisfying.  Remember, I have opposable thumbs if I want empty, meaningless release...I want her heart, I want her mind.  Someone with so much fight? ooh, giddy."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #632 on: 06 January 2020, 01:02:26 »
i think the Society kicked off its sabotage of the eugenics program a little early, to have produced him.

and it sounds like the Wolverines hit targets in the Jaguar and Ghost Bear OZ's.. while at the same time Cavil's people hit ones in the Falcon, Wolf, and Bear OZ's. since i doubt this was planned (the wolverines seem unlikely to coordinate with cavil's bunch, especially given it was the colonial navy doing a lot of the heavy lifting on the attack) it will be interesting to see the wolverine response.
« Last Edit: 06 January 2020, 01:07:06 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #633 on: 06 January 2020, 01:24:59 »
Oh, no, I very much agree with Nathan that someone fierce, someone with determination and strong volition is the most attractive.

I disagree with the idea of pursuing someone of diametrically opposed ideology of course, but I can very much understand why he sees the appeal.

If I understand his mind right, if Liz convinces *him* that the Clan way of life is wrong, he'd be every bit as attracted to her, because she's proven her worth even more by showing him the truth.
« Last Edit: 06 January 2020, 03:30:47 by LordsFire »


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #634 on: 06 January 2020, 04:44:15 »
I'm pretty sure Liz will slash his throat at the first opportunity.

And now that I've seen more of the attacks, I agree... New Circe hit the Jags and Bears, while Cavil's people hit the Wolves and Falcons.  What a mess!

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #635 on: 06 January 2020, 08:06:37 »
Can't help but feel like the thread title is more than a little... outdated
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #636 on: 06 January 2020, 09:34:24 »

“ Can't help but feel like the thread title is more than a little... outdated”

No still just a Teaser for a proposed thing.....Can not wait for the real thing.
“ My Clan honor is bigger than your Dragon honor, and comes in 18 clan flavors.”


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #637 on: 06 January 2020, 09:45:45 »
I'm pretty sure Liz will slash his throat at the first opportunity.

And now that I've seen more of the attacks, I agree... New Circe hit the Jags and Bears, while Cavil's people hit the Wolves and Falcons.  What a mess!

Just remember, last run-through? She married him.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #638 on: 06 January 2020, 10:19:35 »
"And she threatened to kill me. If she were a Clan warrior I would be so turned on by her you can't even imagine." Nathan said brightly, "She is adorable, like those little creatures that drop on humanoids and tear through helmet and skull to eat the brain inside!"

Ahhh, Nathan has been smitten by a drop bear.
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #639 on: 06 January 2020, 11:33:48 »
Message disc 3.

Elizabeth steps back from the camera.  "Hello big brother.  It's kind of hard to write letters and have them delivered, I'm taking advantage of this opportunity. You probably know by now Pat's dead.  I don't know how much news  you're getting on that side of the wall, but so are mom and might already know about dad, considering who you're with now."

behind her, is a panoramic view.  "I made Jerzi, the Merchant, come with me, this is the view from the East edge of the Ia Drang plateau, you can almost see Nha Tranh, and you can see, down there, that gray smudge? That's Hue.  Granddad's cabin is wayyy down there..."  she reaches out and turns the camera, focusing on a tiny brown line winding between verdant greeen. "You can't even see it, but that's the Little Yangtze, the same river Grandfather warned us was deep enough to lose a battlemaster in.  It looks like a creek from up here, doesn't it? even more in person.  The cliff in this part, is two and a half kilometers of sheer basalt face.  Sport jumpers parachute off it.  Remember when you jumped off the condo on Pandora and broke your legs trying to be a superhero?  because I do."

she picks the camera up, leaving her self out of frame.  "This is Daphne, she's only a couple years younger than you, we met in Rehab, did my letters ever get to you, or did mom throw them away instead of forwarding them?  I don't know.  I guess you can tell me, say Hi Daffy!"

A blonde girl waves, "Hi Daffy!" she says, "Who's this for Liz?"

"My brother Henry, stuck in Clanner space." Liz half-explains, then adds narration, "Daphne drives her uncle's Marauder when she isn't being my official minder on behalf of the Archon."  she pans the camera, showing others, a barbecue pit, smoke rising in thin mountain air.  "These are my boys, Henry, They kind of took over the big brother duty when I lost you and Pat, the guy at the grill is Jimmy Qua, he's a team sniper and while loaned out to the Kell Hounds, he bagged a Khan with a bolt-action rifle, shot right through the broken windscreen at nine hundred meters, bang-and-dead.  The chick next to him handing out the beers, is Linda Sithers, she's a rockjack, This is like her third trip to a planet at all.  She led the capture assault that bagged the Belleau wood, took a Clanner Star Admiral prisoner with a shotgun.  Say Hi, Seether!"

"That's your brother?" the girl handling the beer asked.


"can I say what I'm thinking? no Disciplinary measures?"

"Sure, if it's too bad I'll just edit the disk."

what follows is a stream of invective in four languages, regardless of which, the meaning is a clear denunciation, accompanied by obscene gestures using a beer bottle and some pantomime.

"that everything?" Elizabeth asks.

"Yeah, I think I've said all I need to Your Grace.  You want to film your test-shot tomorrow?"

"Oh, I don't think so."  she pans away from the Rockjack girl.  "This is Jack, and Nick.  Jack and Nick, this is going to my brother in the Clan Occupation zone, it's not live or anything but you guys have anything to add?"

"We're her carers." the metallic being on the left said.

"We do her caring for her."

"So she doesn't have to."

"I'm Nick, I carry her Briefcase, and I'm with her brute squad."

"I'm Jack, I am Her Grace's brute squad."

"before you two go too far into the comedy routine?"

"Oh, right, we're citizens, free citizens. Not drones, not animatronics, not toys."

"We have toys though!"

"Shut up Jack. I'm making a point here." Nick says.  "Our people fought to free ourselves from slavery, Elizabeth Ngo fights for the freedom of all beings, we fight for her, a free being with a righteous cause is worth a million slave-soldiers. your Clans will not prevail here.  This is not programming, it is not dogma, it is inevitable."

"thanks guys, I got this now." Elizabeth says.


the image jiggles and jumps as she moves through the party.  "You might not have known, but Pat got married on Tamar to one of ours." Elizabeth says, "Evelynn Mosovich, you know, Baron Mosovich's kid?  They met in the service.  I don't know if he told you or if we all thought you were dead first..."

Long black hair, and a face made inhuman by half-competent medical work.  "Hello, Henry. I'm sorry you didn't get to see me when I still had my face. Then again, maybe it's better that you see this face, given what happened to you."

"She's my designated heir." Elizabeth says off camera.  "She is a brilliant commander, an honest leader, her men respect her and so do mine."

The image jumps and jiggles, then stabilizes as the cam is put on a tripod.  Elizabeth steps out in front.  "You could have had this...but that door is closed. It will not re-open.  Times are better here. It took a lot of work, a lot of deals, a little blood.  I have had to kill for these people, with my own hands.  I have stood before the Archon, and the First Prince, I have had to overcome the bar to enlistment, my age, and the knowledge that I won't live long, that my death will be painful, I wanted you to see, and hope you understand...You, and your Clan friends, will never take Kowloon.  We will stop you.  This is not Tamar, it is not Sudeten.  It is in our blood to resist tyrants and invaders, it is in our souls to stand against the tide.  We will fight you in the jump points, in the belts, in the atmosphere, in the fields and forests and mountains and beaches, in the hills, in the streets.  You should know this Henry, if you care for your new friends, remind them of 2769 when our ancestors threw off the hated Rim Worlds, remind them of Elbar.  Make them watch the file I've attached.  Get it through their heads.  Our people will never surrender."

[cut to Elizabeth's office]

"I am attaching files taken from our archives, included you will find, is a copy of the last conversation between my ancestor, Tran Truk Ngo, and one General Aleksandr Kerensky, formerly of the SLDF.  you will also find a scanned image of the Elbar Declaration, General order 342-19, dated 2779 October 8.  It has come to my attention that the Clans have been party to Genocide in violation of that order, including officers known to have been present, and at least one officer known to have witnessed the document.  It is not my place to try or condemn that action, that is in the hands of the dead, and in the hands of history, but you ought to know what kind of 'civilization' you have aligned with.  I have also included the documentary order of 2770, in which the Commanding General of the Star League Defense Forces promised to protect Kowloon's sovereignty and independence.  We all know how that went-he bailed on us, and fled."  she stands.  "Honor is valuable, because it is hard to gain, and easily lost.  Once lost, once your word is proven to be no good, once your promises are abandoned unfulfilled, once trust has been vacated for expediency-your honor is worthless."

she lays a book on the table, "The Clans are the descendants of the SLDF, the force that abandoned their duty and honor and fled, leading to three hundred years of genocidal war, disaster, and loss of...everything.  WE still do not have names for all that we lost thanks to that act of treachery and perfidy.  When I supported Asylum for Phelan Kell and his Clan wolf followers, I did not know this full history.  I did not know of this 'clan wolverine' or the world of Londerholm-we thought Turtle bay was the act of a madman, not the deliberate act of a culture that enslaves and brainwashes its own people, whose warriors are little more than semiautonomous killing machines bred for domination and oppression, whose very social structure is a re-named version of the Rim Worlds Republic's social order, only instead of private ownership, the slaves are owned by a state that is in turn an instrument of a deranged, neotribal imitation of a military.  I suspect, given how much awfulness is in these reports, that it is even worse than your former colleagues will admit.  I suspect among the things we've lost, will be found, if we could find them, all of the technology your friends lord over us, stolen when their ancestors abandoned their people and nation to the fire."

"Stolen from THEIR people when they abandoned ours, Henry."  she pauses, "We will resist, we will not surrender, no Clan will ever hold Kowloon."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #640 on: 06 January 2020, 11:57:04 »
Wotan, Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone capital..

Henry finished the segment, his features grim.

"You see why I like her?" Nathan asked, trying to interrupt the dark thoughts that must be in the boy-the man's mind.

"They need to see this." Henry said, "The Khans. we have them all here, they need to see this."

"How is that supposed to help anything, Star Captain Henry?" Nathan asked.

"It will help them be ready when we go in." Henry said after a moment.  "That was her answer-they will fight with everything they have, no holds barred.  Every day delayed while the Khans debate strategy, she is sowing minefields, and traps, arming her people, fortifying, making deals with neighboring systems for more war materiel, cranking out more weapons, training more troops...building more robots, and distributing that book she showed on camera,  'Warriors of Kerensky'.  she is distributing it to every school, every press outlet, for all I know, putting on every broadcast net on the planet, telling them all about the Annihilation of the Not-Named, which she termed 'genocide'. priming her people to fight our warriors to the last man, woman and child, and the longer the Khans delay, Star Colonel, the bloodier and more protracted the fighting will be.  the less will be left of my homeworld when it is 'liberated'."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #641 on: 06 January 2020, 12:43:16 »
Henry is reminding me of a VG Cats comic I can't post here  that goes "I'm going to liberate the shit out of you."  Since I've made it clear it includes mild profanity here's a link.  I can't directly post the picture since it would slap me for a rules violation for bypassing the language filter.

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #642 on: 06 January 2020, 12:45:51 »
And we have a new competitor for the "Completely Missing The Point Award, 30..."

What year are we in again?
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #643 on: 06 January 2020, 12:53:04 »
And we have a new competitor for the "Completely Missing The Point Award, 30..."

What year are we in again?

Last timestamp we had was Oct 1, 3052.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #644 on: 06 January 2020, 13:05:17 »
Khan's Chambers...January 2, 3054

"This is our opponent, once the strategy has been eleven years old.  I have a Freebirth Star Captain  in my Galaxy to thank for the file.  She was kicked out of a boarding school for fighting."

On the screen, "Eat it!! Eat the dirt!!"

"She is like a...Trachazoi...that is adorable. she reminds me of my youth." Khan Osis commented in an approving tone, the Smoke Jaguar indeed seemed nostalgiac, "Though usually it was the bigger cadets beating the smaller ones." he amended.

"This is a copy, obtained by the Watch, of her medical exemption from military service." Nathan continued.  "Note the date-it was filed shortly after that incident."

"The Lyrans do not make such exemptions lightly." Khan Pryde spoke up.  "What..."

"She will be dead by the age of forty." Nathan stated, "Incurable and ultimately untreatable.  THIS, is how she took over her homeworld, wresting it from a Governor-Regent that she felt was abusing her people."

An older Elizabeth executes two men, one in uniform, with a handgun after denouncing them for treason and corruption.

"Chalcas, but okay." Vlad Ward said, "Admirably efficient."

"It gets better, Khan Vladimir Ward, this is the insult she leveled when they accepted Phelan Kell and his...followers and gave them asylum.  She named the knife forgiveness."

Elizabeth, now a teen, addresses the Estates General.

"If she wasn't a filthy freebirth and unfit to be a warrior..."

"And finally, with My Khan's permission, I began a psychological offensive.  this is her response."

"I am attaching files taken from our archives, included you will find, is a copy of the last conversation between my ancestor, Tran Truk Ngo, and one General Aleksandr Kerensky, formerly of the SLDF.  you will also find a scanned image of the Elbar Declaration, General order 342-19, dated 2779 October 8.  It has come to my attention that the Clans have been party to Genocide in violation of that order, including officers known to have been present, and at least one officer known to have witnessed the document.  It is not my place to try or condemn that action, that is in the hands of the dead, and in the hands of history, but you ought to know what kind of 'civilization' you have aligned with.  I have also included the documentary order of 2770, in which the Commanding General of the Star League Defense Forces promised to protect Kowloon's sovereignty and independence.  We all know how that went-he bailed on us, and fled."  she stands.  "Honor is valuable, because it is hard to gain, and easily lost.  Once lost, once your word is proven to be no good, once your promises are abandoned unfulfilled, once trust has been vacated for expediency-your honor is worthless."

she lays a book on the table, "The Clans are the descendants of the SLDF, the force that abandoned their duty and honor and fled, leading to three hundred years of genocidal war, disaster, and loss of...everything.  WE still do not have names for all that we lost thanks to that act of treachery and perfidy.  When I supported Asylum for Phelan Kell and his Clan wolf followers, I did not know this full history.  I did not know of this 'clan wolverine' or the world of Londerholm-we thought Turtle bay was the act of a madman, not the deliberate act of a culture that enslaves and brainwashes its own people, whose warriors are little more than semiautonomous killing machines bred for domination and oppression, whose very social structure is a re-named version of the Rim Worlds Republic's social order, only instead of private ownership, the slaves are owned by a state that is in turn an instrument of a deranged, neotribal imitation of a military.  I suspect, given how much awfulness is in these reports, that it is even worse than your former colleagues will admit.  I suspect among the things we've lost, will be found, if we could find them, all of the technology your friends lord over us, stolen when their ancestors abandoned their people and nation to the fire."

"Stolen from THEIR people when they abandoned ours, Henry."  she pauses, "We will resist, we will not surrender, no Clan will ever hold Kowloon."

He stopped playback as the room erupted in a mixture of anger and outrage.  Nathan noted that only Marthe Pryde and Vladimir Ward remained placidly unmoved.

He waited.

and waited.

He cleared his throat.  "Elbar." he said. "Eagle's Nest.  Dinh Diep."  that helped quiet the room, "Southeast Asian campaign, North American campaign. Kowloonese soldiers marched on the Usurper at the side of General Kerensky for nearly a decade, experiencing losses our own records of the time suggest exceeded three hundred percent...and that is after they spent decade after decade fighting against House Amaris before the Amaris Coup."

"How did you get this?"

"The Watch." Kael Pershaw said, interrupting but it was a welcome interruption.  "Star Colonel Roshak actually reads the reports he is sent, and makes use of the agency...which shockingly few of his contemporaries can say."

"I have a Freebirth in my command, if you can believe it, a Ristar freebirth.  The brother of this Elizabeth Ngo, bonded to the Clan at Blackjack." he said, "Henry Falcon, callsign 'Stravag'."

Vladimir actually laughed aloud at this, "That is him?"

"Aff.  He knows her better than, I would suspect, anyone still remaining alive, and he suggested that we show you the nature of the foe, he also urged speed in crushing that world, before it becomes a funereal pyre for any invader..." he fixed Khan Lincoln Osis with a stare, "Kowloon promises to make Turtle Bay look like an afternoon walk in a quiet park."

"this is what we know about their defenses." He continued.  "The strategy of defense in depth was demonstrated against the Steel Vipers during their incursion-they lost an entire Galaxy of troops, plus a warship without making land-fall.  I submit to you, Khans, that the system is heavily defended in the orbitals, and that most stable routes into the system are heavily monitored and defended."

"snow ravens would be perfect for that.." Khan Leroux noted.

"We do not have current data on ground forces, and I doubt the defenders will oblige a batchall." Nathan continued, "but we do know that Kowloon supplies ammunition and equipment to AFFC regiments, and is a financial sponsor for the mercenary unit 'The Green Machine', currently on your borders, Khan Osis, which suggests an extensive military industrial complex is present.  It would therefore make sense that one or more Federated Commonwealth RCT's is also present on the ground, or an equivalent force, backed by militia.  That militia will likely be less of a problem the sooner we attack. she has had less than four years to begin building it, and the material she had to start with was...deficient.  My own suspicion is that she has begun, or has continued, to correct that deficiency."

"what do you base that on? Spheroid 'lords' buy weapons all the time."

"She tested into the upper ninety ninth percentile, SaKhan Radick of Clan Wolf." he said, "Therefore, I presume my proposed enemy is not some vapid imbecile.  Just because she can not be allowed to serve as a soldier, does not mean she has not studied war."  he paused for emphasis, "Not 'fighting',I rather expect she is untrained with the tools of combat, but war...and she has fight in her."

"Not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. You presume this bitch has a lot of fight for her size, quiaff?" Vladimir said quietly.

"Aff." Nathan stated, "I have had opportunity to see one of her blood in battle-on our side."

"So have I." Vlad said, "If she has half the fight your 'Star captain Stravag' has..."

"And no fear of death." Bjorn Jorgennson, Khan of the Ghost Bears, said.  "She is dying, she knows she is dying, she has fear neither of death, nor discomfort.  No wonder they will not let her serve. she would be a better fit among us, than among the Spheroids."

"you presented this to the Council for a reason, quiaff?"  Marthe asked.

"I want the mission." Nathan said, "It is my belief that I am the best prepared commander we have available to carry it out successfully."

"What would your objective be, Star Colonel Nathan Roshak?"  Sakhan Howell of the Smoke Jaguars asked.

"To bring Kowloon into the Clan Sphere, intact, to point them where their anger should be pointed, at the Traitor Lords that destroyed the Star correct this false impression." Nathan stated, "And to fulfill Kerensky's promise to them, because it was a pact that, for some reason, was not fulfilled by the Great Father.  They believe their wound was caused by Exodus. We came to this place to make the Star League whole again.  we came to lift them out of barbarism, to make things right again. as they should be, as they should have been."

"The Council wll consider your words and proposal, outline your proposed bid for this mission, you will hear our decision when it has been reached, Star Colonel Nathan Roshak.  You are dismissed."

"Seyla." Nathan snapped to attention, and left the room.

"that was almost warden, quiaff?"  Radick said.

"No. That was the most ardently  Crusader thing I have heard since this war began. a Warden would be opposing the mission on its face, he wants to lead it."  Vlad countered.  The other Khans looked thoughtful.

"Nathan is an ardent Crusader." Marthe confirmed.  "Even with everything we have collectively seen and experienced, he deeply believes we can tame and civilize the Inner Sphere, and he believes we have a duty to do so."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #645 on: 06 January 2020, 14:45:28 »
So they just wiped a Clan Cluster and took a warship and the Clans are looking let see how to make a better attack plan?

Got to give them credit they don't give up easy...

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #646 on: 06 January 2020, 14:48:38 »
They - the Clans - can't help it. Might is right. And they - some of them anyway - are completely convinced of their rightness.

It remains to be seen whether Roshak can be more than might. Otherwise "they will make a desert, and call it peace."
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #647 on: 06 January 2020, 15:11:27 »
*legitimately laughs out loud at the idea that someone, anyone, could "tame and civilize" Kowloon if they didn't want to be.*
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #648 on: 06 January 2020, 15:22:56 »
*legitimately laughs out loud at the idea that someone, anyone, could "tame and civilize" Kowloon if they didn't want to be.*

Technically, one could say Liz did that. But Kowloon, unlike Condit & Stonecipher, mostly wanted it, so.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #649 on: 06 January 2020, 15:30:54 »
Sounds like someone is about to hear the March of Cambreadth.   >:D

I swear, ever since Cannonshop referenced it in one of the first stories about Kowloon I ever got to read, it’s been the first thing I hear when I see Liz and Falcons mentioned in the same place.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #650 on: 06 January 2020, 15:33:25 »
as if the clan system can even be called civilized or tamed. Cannonshop AU's might have the clans more competent, but that just makes the absurdities of their system and their arrogance in assuming their systems is better for everyone stand out more.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #651 on: 06 January 2020, 15:45:15 »
“You’re going to liberate us?”



“By forcing you into a brutal caste system where your destiny is decided by your genetics. Your children will have no choice as to their path in life, and simply follow your own careers. Oh, they might, if they are exceptional, be allowed to cross castes, but I assure you they will be descrminated against as much as possible for daring to rise above their station. Almost none will ever be warriors, of course, and since only warriors actually have rights, the vote or agency in general, you won’t have any worries: just labour for the Clan, do as you’re told, and you’ll be fine (don’t do as you’re told, and we might have to wipe out your family: bad blood can’t be allowed to breed, you know).”

“Hmmmm. Tempting. What about our culture? Religion? Language?”

“All culture not Clan is obselete: your customs will change to match ours. Silly superstitions? You can keep those, as long as they praise the Great Father, the Founders and Clan Jade Falcon. Language might be a problem: you’ll need to forget all that moon-speak and talk proper Star League English (with the extra words we’ve made up ourselves) like civilised people.”

“Okay, you make a fine sales pitch. Here’s my counter offer.”

Artillery rumbles, a thousand tanks rev their engines, and a million boots start marching ...

Edit: also ... the drugs and brainwashing techniques of the Clans must be using are magic: Phelan was one thing, he was a Mechwarrior cultist twenty-something drawn in by a chance to pilot again (as well as red haired pussy and the praise of a childhood idol in the form of Natasha). Ciro Remerez was a power hungry ****** with a Kerensky fetish and a personal grudge with Adam Steiner. Henry? You’d expect him to be thinking, “Now that I’ve learned more about ‘my’ new people ... man, I think I backed the wrong horse. They lied about having a cure, they just eugenic’d it away by not letting anyone with the markers breed. They’re a repressive, brutal cast system that couldn’t be any more different from that espoused by their ancestors. And now they’re going to send me to go kill and enslave my own people, including my own sister, as I betray everything my family has fought for for a millennia. Man, I think I might have screwed up along the way.”

Nope, he just puts his head down, bum up and digs in to ensure his new masters are as successful as possible. “I guess I’ll have to burn down the village in order to save it.”
« Last Edit: 06 January 2020, 15:53:36 by gladius »

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #652 on: 06 January 2020, 15:52:33 »
Technically, one could say Liz did that. But Kowloon, unlike Condit & Stonecipher, mostly wanted it, so.
I think it's a case of them being curious to see where she's going with her grand plans, safe in the knowledge that she'll be dead in a few decades at most.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #653 on: 06 January 2020, 16:22:50 »
Camp John Arsenal complex, Kowloon.

Four years ago, there was a large structures tooling plant that could barely keep its doors open here.  That was it, the rest of the Camp John valley was a salt-flat wasteland.

How things have changed.

"thanks for the help with Brewer, Daffy." Elizabeth said, as they walked between ranks of Patton II tanks waiting for deployment to regional garrisons. 

"Nothing to it, Bennie Brewer was happy to talk to his old man about getting licensing royalties from you for a change.  I have to say, to me they look like a really expensive Po variant.  AFFC quartermaster was right about that-the disintegrator 'shotgun' cannon isn't as powerful as the Ultras coming off Def Hes's line."

"It's reliable." Elizabeth said, "It's reliable, we make the guns here, we make spare parts for the Enfield  and ammunition.  Thus, we can standardize, make the most of every kilogram of storage and cargo, every minute of training and range time.  I just wish we could use teh same engines on the 'mechs as we do on the tanks."

"Or the fighters?"

"Or the fighters.  How are the training cycles going for our Battlemech battalion?"

"Not as many washouts as I would like to see, I think our mercs are trying to pad their results to keep the Cadre contract."

"You informed them I want quality over quantity on the battlemech arm?"

Daphne nodded.  "I think your decision to go with only three designs, one light duty, one Heavy Duty and an Assault class undercut that somewhat-they see a force structure of conformity, predictability, so they're not pushing the trainees as hard as they would if you had kept the variety you had, Liz."

"if you can't afford to lose it, you can't afford to use it." Elizabeth recited, "As long as the advanced trainees are meshing with the Infantry and armor components properly, we're fine."

they reached a grassy strip separating the 'type lines' at the Camp John facility.  Elizabeth studied the vehicles waiting here.  Patton Chassis, modified turrets, Thumper class artillery tubes.  Beyond, the APC versions were being loaded onto barges to head north, or south to their destination units.  A Centurion in tan 'up armor' cladding walked with a datapad, inspecting each vehicle alongside supply personnel.

"How do you think we'll do, when the Archon Princess sends a 'rating' unit to inspect readiness?" Liz asked.

Daphne bit her lip, "They're going to demand a Tithing." she said.  "you're well over a single regiment in strength, and most of this gear would rate mid-range front line use, even if it isn't FedCom standard issue." she clasped her hands behind her back, "They'll also demand you hand over the bulk of the active Coast Guard vessels, same reason. You're sitting on enough equipment and trained personnel to qualify as a secession risk, and you've poured money into making that an ongoing state of affairs.  If you hadn't made such a big splash handing the Belleau Wood over to the AFFC? you would have had a Generalmajorr assigned with an RCT to sit on you  instead of a mere Kommandant."

"Dammit, Daphne, I pay my taxes, I've sent thousands of young men and women to the AFFC." Liz complained, "We're above the truce line, vulnerable, and the bulk of the military is needed on the clan front!"

"all of which are very good reasons for Loki and Lohengrin to be watching you verry, very closely, also good reasons for the Archon to command you to start handing over large parts of your trained personnel, your equipment, and so on." Daphne stated, "That is exactly what they would say in Mount Asgard."

Liz studied the grass under her flats, "I know." she said.

"Relax.  Thus far the Archon Princess likes you where you are."

"So much work to be done." Liz said.  "We're so vulnerable!"
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #654 on: 06 January 2020, 16:41:55 »
So this is why most planets don't bother raising large indigenous forces... the feudal overlords will just yoink it out from under them and they might as well have just donated the cash directly.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #655 on: 06 January 2020, 16:51:58 »
Kowloon is insanely industrialized compared to most worlds, even ones that have that kind of population.

And Cannonshop is kicking FASAnomics in the teeth a lot on top of that.

So yeah most worlds can't even raise these kinds of forces in the first place to even have to worry about such things but those that can?  Yeah it is a real concern.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #656 on: 06 January 2020, 17:24:42 »
Did we ever get stats on the Patton IVF/APC?

And what camo scheme does the Militia use? I'm thinking a Kowloon battalion would make a nice entry in my AU category ...
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #657 on: 06 January 2020, 17:32:01 »
I know stats for the Patton were posted in an earlier thread, I just don't remember which one. It was probably one of the v2 or v3 threads.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #658 on: 06 January 2020, 17:50:54 »
I love her speech... I can't help but think of "Darkest Hour", and that literally gives me chills...

That said, what Kowloon needs to be making, and in the greatest volume possible, is NUKES.  Nuke the bastards before they set foot on planet...

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #659 on: 06 January 2020, 17:57:46 »
And Cannonshop is kicking FASAnomics in the teeth a lot on top of that.
I once had someone call me out for the "impossibility" of having a planet with several billion inhabitants field an actual Division, as in three Brigades, as a standing military, along with another two Brigades of militia (mostly second-line and conventional forces). So I pulled out the maths and showed them how, proportionally, the planet actually had a smaller military than the 21st century United States.

If you're willing to standardise everything you can, even a minor world should be able to support a massive amount of infantry and armour. And while, unit for unit, they may not be able to stand up to BattleMechs, quantity has a quality of its own, especially well motivated...
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

