Author Topic: A Warrior's Family  (Read 47771 times)


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #300 on: 11 April 2023, 01:44:25 »
Chapter 103

Anastasia met up with Hap and Tasja at the back of the scout car. "So what are the other complications?" Hap asked

"It's not too many. First this system is going to create voids in a sensor's picture. This means if the sensor normally detects something like a group of trees, or a mech size hill or rock it will disappear as I pass between the sensor and that object."

"I don't think that's going to matter to most automated sensor systems." Hap said

"Someone monitoring the sensor may notice though. This brings us to the second point, as you saw it causes anomalies for sensors. A savvy technician will quickly ascertain their system is being affected by an external source. This will compel them to investigate. Therefore there is a likelihood all this does is buy us a little time before the fortress sends a force out to look into the anomaly, which will result in us being detected."

"I think you're putting a lot of faith in technicians knowing their kit, and giving a damn. Just in case though, we'll reiterate to Mags that if the defenders detect us, she'll need to be ready to act quickly and aggressively, which is rarely her problem."

"Right. Finally, there is the small problem that I won't be able to target anything while my system is configured this way."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I'm using my target and tracking system to target sensors, track their frequencies and then respond with a carrier wave that will cancel them. This means my weapons have to be fired in manual mode. I've also programmed it to slightly over power anything it detects, which may also raise my 'mech's heat. Especially if I have to engage multiple sensor systems. This is another reason why I'm not sure I should employ my weapons."

"Of everything we talked about just now, this actually seems like the biggest problem."

"Once we've destroyed the air defense's power generator I should be able to return my 'mech to normal function, so it's only a problem for the first part of the operation."

"The part where we don't have air support."

"Ah yes, this is another potential point of friction. There is a small chance I won't be able to restore my system. Should that occur you'll have to direct Kate."

"Anastasia why didn't you bring these problems up when you first had this idea?"

"I wasn't sure how things would work honestly." Anastasia shrugged.

Hap shook his head.

"You could use a grease pencil." Tasja said

"I'm sorry, how would that help?" Anastasia asked

"You take your 'mech to a known distance range, fix the right arm to 90 degrees at the shoulder and engage a target at about 150 meters. Then you take the grease marker and make a mark on your canopy where the laser hits and where the majority of your missiles fall. You now have a reference point for firing." Hap said.

"That sounds wonderfully primitive." Anastasia said, "How do you know so much about it?"

"We had a guy back in the RDMM who had a Centurion-AH, the variation with the AC20 class Luxor DDX-5. His T&T had some serious problems. Command told him they were going to fix it, and revert his 'mech back to standard Centurion CN9-A."

"The problem was he'd burn through ammo too fast and between the extra AC20 rounds and him having to come off the line to rearm it was generally a headache for command. He preferred the heavier cannon, so instead of letting his mech go into maintenance he just used the grease pencil method. He rarely hit anything with his missiles, but he was murder with that DDX-5. As long as he could qualify at the range, command couldn't make him send his 'mech off."

"You can also just make a mark and then just adjust your fire off of that. I don't know we have a good range here." Tasja said offering Anastasia a black pencil.

"Thank you." Anastasia said gracefully, "See Harold, one of the issues is now resolved, and once more, one of your irrational adhoc plans is coming together."

"You know this is more your plan than mine."

"Doesn't really matter as long as we're successful and everyone comes back, right?"

"Yeah." Hap nodded, "Tasja you guys need any more help?"

Tasja looked over to where Masja and Brant where welding armor plates back to the foot of Joker's Firestarter. "No. I think we're good. You guys should get some rest. It sounds like you'll need every advantage tomorrow."

Hap and Anastasia started to walk back to the main area of the camp. "You want to go find Joker and Mags and build a bonfire? I know how much you enjoy just sitting around with everyone. I'll go get your poncho liner and 'fall into your lap'."

"I don't know. Joker will probably talk nonstop about how he used his Firestarter to incinerate two platoons of jump infantry. Of course he's probably been retelling that story enough now it's two whole companies."

"You could prevent that by telling him, and everyone about the brilliant work I just did."

"You really think I could explain what you just did in a way that would interest Joker, Mags and whoever else is going to be drawn to our bonfire?"

"I think you'll do your best."

"I think I'll just call it a night."

Anastasia looked him in the eye, "What's wrong?"

It was the swarm attack. There was this woman trying to break into my cockpit, and for one moment our eyes locked and I could see that she was as old as you or Mags. Then Joker hit her and her platoon mates with flamers and she was dead. I was just struck by how this woman had hopes and dreams and then she was gone."

"Her hopes and dreams were to kill you and take you 'mech."

"I know. It was just…it's one thing when you're squaring off against another 'mech, and you take them down. If the mechwarrior doesn't eject they'll probably die, we all know it, but at least it's a relatively even match. If they die there is some space between you and them. Even taking down tanks didn't feel like this. It was…" Hap looked at her, at a loss for words.

"Visceral" Anastasia prompted.

"Yeah, I just saw these soldiers get incinerated, I even thought I could hear her scream. It was something the day David was killed and I fought with that tank lance. I think in 90 seconds I had either destroyed or called down fire on three out of four of those less than two minutes I had almost killed twelve people.

"The crew in the tank that was left surrendered, and I let them help one of the other tank crews who had been burned. I think by the time the crew got to them only one was still aive, and he was badly burned. I watched them try to help their lancemate but they realized he was too far gone, so one of them chose to give him a lethal dose of painkillers, and then they all started arguing about it. I couldn't help feel like I was part of that miserable situation ."

Anatasia held up her hand, "Your part in all of these things is as a combatant, just like everyone else. If one steps onto a battlefield in a mech, or drives in a tank, or walks on as infantry they are responsible for their risk to life and limb."

"I know, but it doesn't change how I feel." Hap said, "How do you handle this?"

"I haven't seen quite the same things you have. I feel some responsibility for David's death, but I didn't pull the trigger, nor did I order anyone else to do it. I feel like I put everyone at risk because Comstar is hunting me, but I'm not directly at fault, and I'm doing everything I can to limit everyone's risk. I try not to think too much about it, rather I focus on us, my studies, and training Selene.

"Yeah Mike said something similar about not losing yourself to the death and destruction, but instead working hard and being creative."

"Mon Amour, Mike is dead, nor does that sound like something he would say." Anastasia's look of concern increased.

"Sorry, Tasja and I were talking and I'm doing a bad job of remembering exactly what she told me. Basically Tasja used an inferno round to kill a sniper that was harassing one of the Company's forward re-arm points. The sniper had killed or wounded several of the techs, and I think she had a crush on one of the techs that was killed. Afterward she was nearly inconsolable with rage and loss and Mike told her she couldn't let things like this change her. He suggested she work harder or get a hobby."

"That sounds more like Mike, though a true Mike quote would generally end with a backhanded insult that almost sounds like a compliment."

"Yeah, I'm still not getting it right. I'm worried Anastasia I'm not cut out for this life. I think when we get to New Avalon I'll need to find a counselor."

"Okay, find a counselor, but that doesn't mean you're not fit to be a mechwarrior. You went through the psychological evaluations at Albion, and clearly they felt you were mentally and emotionally capable. There is nothing wrong with seeking mental health."

"We'll see if my leadership agrees. I'll be the new guy that shows up to the unit and one of the first things I'm going to tell them is I need time off to see a psychologist. How's that going to look?"

"If they're smart, they'll think your wise." Anastasia said quietly, "The unit may have a counselor that you can check in with. You're trained in counseling, how would help someone like yourself?"

"Anastasia, I got a four year degree in psychology with an emphasis in family counseling. I'd need practical work with a real counselor, and more training before I could hope to help anyone."

"But you have had some training, what does that training tell you?"

Hap shook his head, "I don't know." He thought for a moment, "Mike might be onto something. Sometimes when you feel overwhelming stress over time you need some stress relief. A hobby or a creative outlet is usually good for that."

Anastasia gave Hap a coy look, "I know another outlet for stress relief."

Hap looked at her confused for a moment, "I don't know if we're going to find a private place, but I could use some stress relief."

"Privacy is not a problem. We have a coyote trained as a guard dog. We'll go to our sleeping area, put Selene outside and 'relieve some stress'. Selene will ensure no one disturbs us."

"Selene can be a guard dog?" Hap said as he put his arm around Anastasia's waist and started to lead her toward their shelter.

"Oh yes. Mags trained her to stay in front of a door and bark if anyone comes near, and Mags knows what it looks like so she'll probably steer her and Joker clear until we're done."

"How'd I miss this?" Hap asked.

"They did it while we were on that 4 and 8s watch schedule for the Phaidin. Remember that one day we came back to the warrior lounge and Selene sat there and barked at us?"

"And when we got Selene to calm down and got into the lounge we found them looking a little guilty…I should have guessed."

"Yes Mags explained it to me later, it seems that even though Mags enjoys a reputation of being wild and reckless, she prefers privacy when it comes to certain aspects of her life. So she taught Selene how to stay in front of a door, and bark if anyone tried to enter."

"Clever." Hap said as they came to the prefab shelter.

"Selene, sit." Anastasia said as she pointed to the ground. "Stay and guard. Guard." Anastasia handed Selene her bone and pulled out a dried beef ration. Selene watched her as Anastasia opened the ration, ripped it in half and gave the Coyote half. "Guard."

Selene quickly finished the meat then sat down and looked alert as Hap and Anastasia stepped over her and entered the shelter.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #301 on: 11 April 2023, 11:24:18 »
    I like the micro-view of a Mech lance and interpersonal relationships and stressors. Looking forward to the next battle.
    Also thanks for the reminder about “Army stew”, been a long time since I had Army stew, seen it on a menu at Korean restaurants a time or two, but it always comes as a pot prepared to feed a group of people.
“ My Clan honor is bigger than your Dragon honor, and comes in 18 clan flavors.”


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #302 on: 11 April 2023, 12:57:45 »
*SQEEEEEEEEEEE* More pages than i have time to read...  :'(
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #303 on: 16 April 2023, 14:41:10 »
Very nice update! Thank you! Looking forward to the fortress operation.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #304 on: 17 April 2023, 01:07:01 »
Well done! I'm looking forward to seeing what twist happens so the plan doesn't survive engagement with the enemy!


  • Sergeant
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #305 on: 05 June 2023, 02:11:31 »
Chapter 104

Hap heard the door to the sleeping shelter open and Selene gave a questioning woof. Anastasia mumbled in French as Hap half turned and saw Mags and Joker stumble into the sleeping shelter.

"I thought I told you guys to go to bed…" Hap detangled his arm from Anastasia, and checked his watch, "We got about four hours before we need to be crossing the wire."

"Oh we actually have some time to sleep, we were just coming back here to fool around."

"I told you we're not doing that." Mags said as she turned her back to Hap and started to undress, "I just…dormir, dormir, sleep." Even though there was just a dim safety light illuminating the shelter Hap could see a few L bills flutter to the ground as Mags took off her bra.

"I thought we lost all their money." Joker said as he started picking up the money.

Mags shook her head as she held up a piece of leather wrapped around a bundle of cigars. She waved it as she spoke quietly in Spanish.

"Yeah those are probably worth more than a couple lousy L bills." Joker agreed as she handed him the bundle and climbed into their bed. Joker put the cigars on the shelf next to their tactical vests and neuro-helmets before following her into bed.

Hap snuggled up to Anastasia. She murmured as she pressed into his chest. Selene yawned and gave a half whine before stretching and walking over to Hap and Anastasia's bed. She jumped up half between them and half on top of them, and tried to get comfortable.

"Non Bebe" Anastasia said sleepily and gave the coyote a half hearted push. Selene moved to the foot of the bed and curled up at Hap and Anastasia's feet.

"I said no." Mags hissed and Joker grunted as Mags elbowed him.

Hap gave Anastasia another squeeze. Hap knew he should sleep, but part of him wanted to enjoy the moment. He was surprised the anxiety of pre-combat wasn't keeping him awake. He remembered the old Soldier's adage, never run when you can walk, never walk when you can sit, never sit when you can lay down, and if you're laying down you may as well sleep. He knew he should sleep, but he wanted to savor this time.

Joker started snoring and Mags mumbled something and then Joker grunted and rolled over.

Hap closed his eyes and settled into a more comfortable position as Joker began to snore again. Part of him knew the very real possibility that in a few short hours one or all of them could be dead or seriously injured, but that always seemed unlikely. It felt more likely they'd complete this mission and in a few days they'd be on the Phaidin headed toward New Avalon. This meant they'd be splitting up soon, at least Anastasia. Hap gave her another squeeze, he wanted to hold on to these moments while he could.

Anastasia's travel alarm went off. Selene looked up but remained curled up as Anastasia sat up and stretched. Hap rolled over and started reaching for his clothes. Mags sat up and pulled the blankets around her as Joker groaned.

"Joker get up." Hap said.

Joker groaned again and tried to pull the blanket back from Mags.

Anastasia looked at Selene, "Where's William? Get William."

The Coyote's ear twitched as Anastasia spoke to her. Selene hopped off the bed and touched her wet nose to Joker's bareback. Joker yelped and immediately stood up. He looked angrily at Selene then at Anastasia.

"Don't be mad at her." Anastasia said.

"I'm not." Joker said as he grabbed his pillow and hurled it at Anastasia. She dodged by ducking behind Hap.

Hap got off his bed, "It could be worse, it could have been her ice cold feet."

Anastasia gasped, "traitre" as she pummeled Hap with Joker's pillow. Selene glanced between Joker and Anastasia, and started barking excitedly.

Hap pinned Anastasia's arms to her side with a bear-hug as Selene stood on her hind legs and put her front paws on Joker's chest and barked. "Hey, you're upsetting Selene." Mags said. "stop."

Hap looked around. Selene sat down and looked between Joker and Mags as her tail swept up the dirt and dust on the floor. Mags shrugged as her eyes met with Hap. Hap glanced down at Anastasia as she blew a strand of stray hair out of her face. "Mags is right." Anastasia said quietly.

Hap again felt a longing to enjoy these moments while he could, but he let her go as he said, "Yeah, we need to get ready."

Within a few minutes the mechwarriors were ready and headed toward their 'mechs. The area for the mechs and combat vehicles was illuminated by a few stadium lights. Hap could see the Compact techs working on their allies 'mechs. Brant met the Coyote Lance at a folding table by the tech's car.

"Sorry boys and girls, I couldn't pull hot chow, but I got instant tea or coffee, and ration bricks." Brant said as he motioned to the cups and square boxes on the table.

"I'll take a coffee. You got a chocolate bar?" Mags asked as Brant pushed a brick and a cup to her. Mags turned the cup upside down and pressed a small metal button and then shook the cup. Hap knew shaking the cup was unnecessary. The ration heating element used an electro-chemical reaction of the chemicals trapped in the double wall of the ration cup.

"May I have a tea and fruit flavored bar?" Anastasia asked.

Brant handed a cup to Anastasia and then selected a bar marked FRUIT and passed it to her. The ration bricks were probably some of the least loved rations Hap had experienced. They were the size and shape of a large bar of soap and were generally considered about as appatizing. It was one homogenous lump of roughly a days' worth of calories. Because they were extremely shelf stable, and relatively small and light these were usually packed in survival kits or used for a lifeboat rations.

Hap could see these weren't quite like normal military rations. They were white and marked "Federated Suns Assistance for International Development (F.S. A.I.D.) Not For Military Use or Sales."

Anastasia either didn't notice or didn't care as she activated the cup's heating element and set it on the table. She pulled off the cup's lid and flipped it over and peeled back the foil that separated the sugar and cream packets from the tea. Shet emptied both into her cup.

"You're not surprised that food was allegedly given by your government for aid or development has found its way to our military operation?" Brant asked.

"Brant, there's a lot of ways these rations could have gotten here." Hap said. "These things are notorious for becoming black market contraband."

Anastasia flipped over her bar showing a stamped date, "It expired last year. Someone in the compact probably figured their poor malnourished people had enough problems and gave them fresher rations. They sent them our way because instead of just disposing of the rations, it pleased them more to show their disdain for mercenaries. That's my theory. If you have another Taurian conspiracy about Federated Sun's hypocrisy can we save it till after the operation?"

"It's not a conspiracy, we got the proof right here. I just wanted to point out the evidence of sloppy accountability or how your government says one thing, but does another." Brant said as he took a cup, activated the heater, and shook it. "Look I know your family has sworn fealty to one of the most hypocritical and I'd argue worst House Lords in the inner sphere, I can't do anything about that, but I can at least make you aware of who you're dealing with."

"Very good. Thank you." Anastasia answered, "But we have a more pressing issue we should be focused on."

"Yeah" Joker said, "We should be focusing on if these rations are still good." Joker opened his ration, looked it over and sniffed it, then tried to take a bite. "These things are fine, they just got hard. That's all that expiration date means. You just got to soak them longer in your coffee." Joker said as he took the lid off his coffee cup and dipped his ration brick in the steaming coffee. "Just make yourself a field expedient mocha, and you're good to go."

Hap activated the heater on a cup of coffee and took a chocolate bar. He gave the heating element a minute to do its work. As Hap waited he looked at Joker's ration wrapper. "I think you grabbed a meat flavored ration, Joker."

"What?" Joker said as he grabbed the wrapper. "Oh damn. I mean it's no big deal, it's like steak and eggs for breakfast with coffee, right?"

"You tell me." Hap said as he pulled off the lid and dipped his chocolate bar in the warm coffee.

Joker took a careful sip, "It's a little salty." He then took a bite of the soggy ration brick, "but at least it's softer."

"How's it taste?" Hap asked.

"Meaty…and coffee…it's fine." Joker said as he took another bite. "You know it's a whole days' worth of ration, so I think I'll just save some for later." Joker said, then dumped his sugar and creamer into his coffee. "Hey Hap, you drink your coffee black right?"

Hap passed his coffee lid with the cream and sugar packets to Joker.

Brant chuckled, "Joker you're always good for a laugh. Well while you guys enjoy your breakfast, Masja and Tasja and I will get your 'mechs prepped. You know, because some people actually have to earn their pay around here."

Anastasia spread out the map and used her mechanical pencil to explain the operation. She started by pointing out their location and where they needed to go. She detailed the path that her and Mags would take to get to the generators. Most of their path was in a draw and it looked like it would keep the two mechs from direct observation from the fortress, but the last couple hundred meters were in the open. Anastasia also pointed out a few of the automated turrets that she remembered seeing on both the compact and the MIIO's maps.

As Anastasia briefed the lance Selene put her front paws on the table and pulled herself into a standing position. For a moment it looked like she had joined her lance mates to look over the map, but then she snatched up Joker's ration bar and disappeared under the table and sat down at Anastasia's feet as she chewed on the dry ration bar.

Anastasia looked startled as she glanced down at the coyote and back at Joker. There was an uncomfortable moment before Anastasia spoke, "Sorry. Do you want the rest of my ration bar."

Joker glanced at the small pile of rations that Brant had left them. All the remaining bars were labeled "MEAT FLAVOR", but there were a couple more cups of tea and coffee. Joker nodded as he took one of the teacups and activated the internal heater.

"I should warn you it has a slightly fermented taste, but I believe the ration still retains most of its nutritional value. The taste is reminiscent of Guignolet."

"What's Guignolet?"

"A cherry flavored liquor" Anastasia replied.

Joker snatched the ration that Anastasia offered him and dipped it in his tea. He used the ration brick to stir his tea as the ration warmed up.

"Did either of you receive any patrol information from the Compact forces? Zhang said he would send it to us," Anastasia glanced at Hap, "however we retired early last night."

"Yeah we saw that you put out a guard Coyote." Joker said as he gave Anastasia a suggestive look.

"No, Professor, no one came and found us." Mags said.

Hap glanced around, "I doubt a runner is coming." Hap pointed back to the map. "Alright, we move here. This is the release point the Compact gave us. From there Mags and Anastasia stay together, but proceed as quick as they can to the generator, which will probably get the attention of the garrison."

"And once they are arrayed and exposed, we call down our air-support." Anastasia said.

"That's the plan." Hap said, "Hopefully we survive. Any questions?"

Joker took a swig of his tea. "Nope, but I can tell you this is good cherry liquor tea." Joker took a bite of his ration, "and that's like eating cherry liquor butter. New best ration."

"Now I'm questioning if I did the right thing by giving you the remains of my ration." Anastasia said.

"No no, I had the Budae Jjigae last night." Joker hit his chest with his fist. "Make strength, good fight. I'm ready to go." Joker took another long drink of his tea.

Anastasia stopped drinking her tea mid sip, "You're suddenly not making sense, and I'm significantly concerned about this ration."

"He's fine, he just repeating something the Compact soldiers said yesterday," Mags said, "but I'm with the professor on this, you need to focus and take this seriously."

"I'm serious." Joker said, "I'm good. Let's go kick some ass."

"Mags, you good?" Hap asked as he took a sip of his own "field expedient mocha".

She nodded her head as she took a bite of her ration bar.

"Alright load up." Hap said.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #306 on: 05 June 2023, 02:11:59 »
Chapter 105

A few minutes later Hap was in his Griffin, settled in his command couch, and had completed his 'mech's security startup process. He watched the monitors as the 'mech ran its startup diagnostics and system checks. The armor sensors looked like they had completed their startup, but they indicated multiple points of damage and cracks in the armor. Hap had seen the armor had been fixed, and he was even more impressed with the work on his hatch. It just seemed the armor sensors hadn't been reset. He'd have to wait for Brant to reset the system.

He glanced around at the other three 'mechs in his lance. Like his they were kneeled, and Tasja, Masja and Brant were working with his lancemates. They were performing all the last minute checks and final things that were required before a 'mech could take the field. Since they were one tech down, he'd have to wait his turn.

"All systems nominal, armor integrity is at 90%" said the female voice of the Griffin's internal systems. Hap brought up the armor sensors configuration menu as Brant jogged from Joker's Firestarter to Hap's Griffin.

"You good, Hap?" Brant asked breathlessly as he pulled himself up the 'mech's rope ladder and climbed onto the Griffin's shoulder. He fished a noteputer out of a satchel and handed the free end of one of the attached cables to Hap.

Hap plugged the cable into the diagnostic port, "I think the armor sensors need to be reset. Everything else looks good though. I appreciate the quick turn on the armor, and good work on the door hatch."

"Too easy, brother. Tasja filled the cracks, and I told her I'd reset the onboards, but we've had a busy night. As for the hatch it was a pretty clean break. You said the jump infantry used a paint gun to 'freeze' the lock?"

Hap nodded as Brant worked on his noteputer and then hit a few buttons of the armor display. "It never occurred to me to try and break a lock with the endothermic spray. Before I saw how it worked, I would have thought it was a clever idea, but she broke the connection arm between the release handle and the locking mechanism, so maybe not that clever."

"Well I held onto my side and she gave the outside handle a good kick. When I felt the mechanism give I was worried it was going to be hard to fix." Hap said.

"Naw, not hard at all. Our Compact friends had no problem coming up with a good piece of steel, and I cut it down, drilled it out, and bolted it on. Believe it or not, the Compact techs I talked to are really hoping we can help them finish this fight."

"Glad to hear they're ready to kick the Cappellans off their world, and I'm even more glad to help."

"I think these guys are just tired of being out in the field, and they can't go home until that fortress is either flattened or flies St. Ives flags, so however you guys do it. They're happy to help."

"Yeah, I can respect trying to get home. I think that's what I've been doing that since I shipped out to Klathandu."

"What are you talking about? You're with McFinnigan's and Sons, your home is wherever the family is." Brant gave him a playful punch on the shoulder before grabbing the data cable from the diagnostic system.

Brant sat down on the 'mech's shoulder. "Give the armor system a moment to reset." Brant said as he squinted trying to find the stars in spite of the light pollution from the stadium lights. "I do miss MacLeod's Land though. I haven't been back in a long time. Where's your home, Hap?"

Hap was watching Anastasia and Masja. Masja seemed to be trying to figure out something on her noteputer. She shook her head and passed it over to Anastasia. Anastasia began to quickly tap the keys. It looked to Hap like whatever modifications Anastasia had made to her sensors was causing problems with the diagnostic system and Anastasia was clearing the errors, and making sure they weren't serious. The two women were laughing as Anastasia worked. Even from this distance Hap was captivated by Anastasia's charms.

"Hap, buddy, you still there?" Brant asked.

"Yeah. I think my home is Hazelhurst now." Hap said as he watched Anastasia smile and hand Masja back her noteputer, "I've been away from everywhere else for so long I can't think of anywhere else it could be. Funny thing is, I've never been there."

"You know I met the Countess of Hazelhurst once."

"Yeah, I was there when she visited for my marriage to her daughter."

"Were you though? I heard that her personal assistant was some type of assassin and you saw the kill order for her and your wife and you thought it was a joke."

"I didn't see a kill order. I saw a weird ComStar memo, and her personal assistant tried to pass it off as a joke, and the countess told me not to worry about it. The Countess also told me she'd address it. Look I had a lot on my mind, and that woman, my mother-in-law, is charming but not someone you can really question."

"The woman I met was pretty charming. I'd consider moving to Hazelhurst, except it's in Davion space."

"It's pretty far from New Avalon." Hap said.

"Not far enough" Brant said as the armor system completed its self-check and showed the Griffin's armor completely intact. Brant got back to his feet and grabbed the hatch, "Everything checks out, you good to go?"

"Good to go" Hap said as he gave Brant a thumbs up. He took one more glance at Anastasia and her Valkyrie and noticed Selene sitting at the 'mech's feet looking up at her. "Hey, can you take care of Selene? She got a hold of Joker's ration and is going to need some water."

"Oh yeah, the Coyote is the only one of you I actually like. Joker's not nearly as funny as he thinks he is, Mags is borderline psychotic, you're a commissioned officer in the Armed Forces Federated Suns, and you know the only thing worse than all of that?"

"Being a noble and an officer in the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns?"

"Being a noble and an officer in the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns. Right." Brant repeated and almost completed for Hap.

"Well, thanks for taking care of Selene, and on that note. I'll see you after the op."

Brant nodded, "Bring them all back. You know, for the sake of the coyote. She seems pretty attached to you guys, probably because she's too stupid to know any better."

"Thanks Brant." Hap said as Brant closed the hatch. Hap was glad to hear the reassuring sounds of the locking mechanism. In a moment Brant disappeared down the rope ladder. After about half a minute Hap could see him standing on the ground and motioning at him to reel in the rope ladder and stand-up his 'mech.

Hap keyed his mic as he brought his 'mech from a kneeling position to standing. "Alright Coyotes form up on me. Coyote 2-"

"I'll activate the electronic counter measure once we're away from the Compact forces. I don't want to interfere with their systems." Anastasia said.

"Banshee 1, this is Coyote 1. We're about to cross the wire."

"Coyote 1, this is Banshee 1. Good copy. I'm proceeding to low orbit. When you have that A2 system down, let me know and I'll come and join the fun."

"Acknowledge Banshee 1. Standby."

"I probably should have asked this before now, but what happens if our little science experiment doesn't work." Joker asked.

"Destroy the generator for the anti-air system, call down air support, and hope there is enough salvage to rebuild our lance." Hap said, and then added, "and yeah you should have asked before now."

"You don't sound too confident, there boss." Joker said.

"No one has given us a straight answer on what we're up against here, but it's potentially some real heavy metal." Hap said. "If the ECM doesn't pan out, we're going to be in for the fight our life. It's not that I doubt the ECM work, but you asked the question."

"We'll be fine Hefe. The plan is solid and the Professor always comes through."

"Thank you." Anastasia said.

"Sorry darlin'." Hap started to stay.

"No, I feel the same way." Anastasia replied. "But I'm still confident we can accomplish our objective."

"Then let's get this over with. Form up into a wedge." Hap Said. "Coyote 2 get in the center. How close do we need to be for your modified sensors to cover all of us? Can they cover all of us?"

"Yes to the later question, and to the former, for the Electronic Counter Measure or ECM to work you need to be within 30-50 meters."

The lance drew close together in a tight wedge as they exited the Compact's base area. After a hundred meters Anastasia came on the radio net, "I'm activating the ECM system now."

There was a moment where Anastasia's 'mech disappeared off Hap's sensors, and then the terrain clutter of hills and trees and rivers disappeared from his sensors. It reminded Hap of how sterile his sensors looked when he was in a large open desert.

It sounded like Joker was trying to talk on the radio but there was high interference and he was garbled. "Hey, Prof…my sensors…lot of…nothin'…" There was a loud pop, and then "I thought only your systems would be unable to target shit." Joker's voice quality got better as he talked.

"Standby." Anastasia said. Her voice sounded robotic and clipped.

Hap watched as the background clutter of the terrain came back on to his sensors. Every few steps it would disappear for a moment, but it would return just as quickly. Everything looked almost normal.

"Your systems should now be functioning within acceptable operating parameters." Anastasia said. "My radio is on a very tight beam, so my voice may sound under sampled and synthetic."

"I thought maybe you were giving up pretending you're not a robot." Joker said.

"Let's keep chatter to a minimum" Hap said as he directed his lance into a dry river bed that led to a deep ravine just at the foot of the hill that the fortress was built on. This was the release point that Zhang had indicated they should use. Hap glanced around and had to take a few steps back just to see the top of the Fortress.

"Alright, we're in position, and we've got ten minutes before the Compact will be at their release point." Hap said, "Coyote 2 and 4, now is the time for you to move up the hill, remain undetected and destroy the generator for the Air Defense system." As he spoke he felt his heart race, he tried to ignore it and not let himself panic.

"Acknowledge." Anastasia's voice still had a flat synthetic quality.

"Cee Hefe." Mags replied.

Anastasia's Valkyrie and Mags Jenner started to move away from Hap's Griffin and Joker's Firestarter. After a few steps the Valkyrie and Jenner disappeared from Hap's sensors. In the morning gloom Hap could see the head and shoulders of the mechs' silhouettes, but they were blind to his Griffin's sensors. His lancemates 'mechs disappeared as they turned the corner and started climbing the draw.

"This looks like a pretty good spot." Joker said, "You could probably hide a whole company down here."

"Yeah. The Compact probably used this area to muster their forces when they attacked the fortress" Hap said. His sense of nervousness started to increase.

"Probably means it's a TRP for their artillery." Joker laughed for a moment, "Suddenly I'm not sure this is a great place to wait around."

"Agreed, but we need to stick to the plan" Hap said

"I thought your deal was improvising." Joker said.

"This is Anastasia's plan, and for it to work, we have to follow it." Hap said as he watched the seconds pass on his watch. Time seemed to slow down as he waited. He glanced up constantly trying to guess where Anastasia and Mags were. He closely watched his sensors hoping to see an anomaly that would indicate where Anastasia and Mags were. He glanced again at his watch. Only a few minutes had passed.

Suddenly Mags Jenner rocketed into view. She spun her 'mech around and fired lasers and missiles as she disappeared behind the terrain. Hap glanced down to see the Jenner's blue indicator appear and then disappear on his tactical display.

"We encountered a vehicle patrol." Anastasia reported. "We've neutralized a Skulker and a Scorpion light tank."

As she spoke the lights around the fortress lit up and spot lights began to search the open fields and tree line near the fortress. One immediately shone directly on the generators.

The light for the Compact channel began to flash. Hap studied the point he had seen Mags on the holo map and tried to mentally calculate how far the tank and wheeled vehicle would have traveled in the few minutes before the Coyotes were supposed to be at the release point.

Hap turned his radio to the Compact channel. "This is McFinnigan-"

"Mercenary, why have you initiated your attack on the fortress early." Zhang snapped, "Was it not made clear-"

"Zhang, recall how we asked for the patrol routes, and you pretended not to have them? Then you said you'd give them to us, but then you didn't? Well we got to our release point early, and I sent out part of my lance to screen and they ran into an enemy patrol. The funny thing is, it looks like they would have met us at the release point if we arrived when you ordered us to be here, or they'd be in the perfect position to ambush us once we initiated an assault on the fortress."

"What are you saying, mercenary?"

"I'm saying after this operation we're going to have a talk and I'm going to figure out if you're just incompetent, or if you just ordered us into an ambush."

"You had better watch your tone, Mercenary or I'll-" As Zhang spoke A Marauder and a Cataphract emerged from the fortress. Anastasia and Mags were now in the open and sprinting up the hill. Hap could see the PPCs and Autocannon tracer fire sailing past the Valkyrie and Jenner.

"We'll talk post mission Zhang." Hap said as he switched back to McFinnigan radio net.

"What the hell is that thing next to the MAD-3R?" Joker asked.

Hap could see his targeting computer was trying to make sense of multiple mix of 'mechs.

"That's a Cataphract. Its chassis is a marauder, the left arm comes from a shadow hawk, and I think the internals come from Phoenix Hawk."

"Are you kidding?"

"He is not." Anastasia said, as she spoke an AC salvo struck the ground just in front of her and a PPC bolt passed narrowly between the Jenner and Valkyrie. "Mags, I suggest we jump, turn sixty degrees for a few hundred meters."

"Cee." Mags groaned. As both 'mech's lifted into the air and barrage of PPC bolts and autocannon rounds passed harmlessly below them. They hit the ground and turned almost in unison and continued to run as another barrage of particles and auto cannon slugs missed them.

"I don't want to jinx this, but I think this just might work." Joker said. As he spoke a Charger came bursting out of the fortress, moved past the Marauder and Cataphract and sprinted toward the generator.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #307 on: 05 June 2023, 02:12:58 »
Chapter 106

"Damn, why'd I have to open my mouth?" Joker asked as the Charger ran to cut off Mags and Anastasia from the generator.

"Something I wonder every day." Anastasia said.

As the Charger moved near the generator the ground exploded around it. "Apparently the generator had vibromines set for light mechs implaced around it." Anastasia added, "This was another minor concern I had."

"Well there's one problem that took care of itself." Hap said as he studied the tactical display. The fortress was built on a hill over a river valley. There were multiple cuts, draws, and terrain features that they could use to even-the-odds. It also helped that everyone was focused on Anastasia and Mags.

"Gracias a Dios por las pequeñas bendiciones." Mags added. Hap could hear the stress in her voice.

"Thank God indeed," Hap said, "Joker, now's the time we improvise. I need you to slip up behind the Marauder. He's panic firing and his heat should be getting high. Send him over the top."

Joker laughed, "That's the one thing I'm better at then BBQing infantry."

"Try not to talk while you do it." Hap said, "I'm going to 'hop and pop' out of this river bed trench and engage the Cataphract. If I do it right they'll think that I'm more than one 'mech and give me more attention. Ladies stay focused on the generator."

"Yes my Armor." Anastasia said, but the synthetic transmission made it hard for Hap to know if she was annoyed, stressed, or teasing him.

Hap jumped his mech onto the bank and landed where he was angled slightly to the rear of the Cataphract. He lined up his cross hairs on the rear right shoulder, hoping the armor was thin and there was something explosive underneath. He sent a PPC bolt followed up with 10 missiles but didn't wait for them to hit as he jumped back down into the trench. He moved down the trench before jumping again onto the bank.

His targeting showed he had hit the Cataphract's right arm and side, but the armor was thick. He took another shot with both PPC and missiles and then disappeared back into the dry riverbed. He realized he was starting to run a little hot as well. He glanced at his tactical display to see that Joker was working his way closer to the two heavy 'mechs.

Hap ran up the embankment this time and as he came up a PPC bolt struck his right shoulder. He had the Cataphract's attention. He was just out of range for the Cataphract's AC10, which gave Hap an advantage, at least for a moment. He sent another barrage of missiles and a particle bolt at the 70 ton mech. The Cataphract started to step toward Hap.

Joker's Firestarter rocketed out of a draw and landed less than a hundred meters from the Marauder and bathed it in flame. The 'mech was already running hot and the arm mounted weapon pods were smoking and the long autocannon barrel was cherry-red. It sent another barrage from its PPCs and autocannon just as Joker attacked. The additional heat from the Firestarter's flamers made the 'mech glow bright red in the pre-sunrise twilight. It went limp as the safety systems engaged the auto shutdown.

Hap glanced over as Mag's jumped over the Charger as it lunged for Anastasia. The Marauder's autocannon hit the Jenner squarely in the leg but the PPCs passed harmlessly under her. The Cataphract and Marauder were too distracted by Joker and Hap to see it, but Mags was too far away from Anastasia to receive the ECM's protection. An automated weapon tower near the Jenner sprang to life and sprayed lasers at the light 'mech. A few ruby medium lasers found their mark and melted armor off the Jenner's chest and other leg.

Anastasia jumped out of the way as the Charger tried to perform its namesake. In spite of failing to connect the charge, the Charger pilot moved swiftly and caught Anastasia as she landed. He punched her once in the shoulder, and she blocked another blow with her arm. He attempted a sweeping kick as she jumped again and landed next to Mags. The Charger relentlessly moved to pummel the lighter 'mechs.

Without thinking Hap brought his PPC up to target the Charger. Then he heard the distinct thumps of artillery. Fear struck him as remembered Joker's comment of the river being a pre-registered TRP. He jumped his 'mech as far as he could away from the riverbed. This confirmed for Hap the Capellans were getting desperate. They were bringing their precious artillery into the fight.

Hap turned mid-air so he could engage the Charger when he landed. Before he could fire an artillery round slammed into the Charger. Mags had jumped away, but Anastasia took damage as she was mid-jump as the artillery round struck. The blast knocked the Charger flat on the ground. The fight was desperate enough they were calling down artillery on their own 'mechs.

Anastasia landed on the edge of a ravine as the Cataphract's PPC and Autocannon finally found their mark and struck the Valkyrie across the upper torso and chest. Anastasia's Valkyrie tumbled from view. Hap glanced down at his tactical display but her 'mech was still cloaked by the ECM. He had to fight the urge to chase after her.

"Generators down." Mags said, her voice was tinged with exhaustion. Hap looked up, she stood next to rock outcropping that almost looked like a cave. The red lights on the anti-air and automated weapon turrets began blinking out. A hundred meters behind Mags the dust and smoke had cleared, but the Charger was still on its back. Hap had to focus on the battle.

"Confirm A2 is down?"

Hap looked around, all the automated systems looked dark, and the automated towers weren't attacking him or Mags., "Confirmed, Anti-Air is down."

"I'm starting my descent now. Coming in weapons hot." Kate said.

Hap turned his tactical display to go from a topographic map to the two dimensional display with reference grids. He hadn't called for fire or air support in so long he was struggling to remember the steps. He wanted to know how Anastasia was doing, and the fact she wasn't talking implied some things he didn't want to think about. Hap exhaled slowly and steadied himself. He had to focus on the task at hand.

"Mags distract that Cataphract, stay in close to him and the Marauder so they can't use their big guns." Hap said as he fumbled through display settings.

"I'm on it, Hefe." Mags said as Hap glanced up to watch the Jenner sprint toward the much larger 'mech.

Hap noted the sun had risen now and the blue dawn was giving way to a bright sunny day. The sun was still behind the mountains, but the Marauder still glowed brighter than anything else. "Joker keep that Marauder overheated."

"What do you think I've been doing boss?" Joker replied.

"Same thing you always do, give people grief. Just get them lined up for Banshee 1." Hap said as he finally got his tactical display to show the grids. Just as he got his tactical display lined up the radio flashed, and the display jumped to show the Compact forces that were trying to call him. Hap cursed as noted the Compact forces were nowhere near the fortress and he was annoyed with this feature of tactical display that he had never seen it do before.

"Banshee 1 this is Coyote 1, prepare for a strafing run, I got 3 mech's in the open, Need you to run a North-to-South-". Hap almost had his display recentered when the proximity alarm inside the Griffin sounded. Hap brought up his left arm and leaned back as the Charger slammed into his left side.

Hap was forced to back-peddle and shuffle his feet to stay to avoid falling over. The Charger's hit stripped armor off his left arm and caused the large armor baffle to fold. The armor on his left torso and center torso also took extensive damage. Hap got his footing and jumped backwards and to the side as he fired. He had to ensure the Charger couldn't hit him like that again.

He could see the Charger had taken significant damage to its right leg from the artillery. He dropped the crosshair and fired his PPC and LRM at the mech's exposed leg. The PPC struck home and Hap was relieved to see the lightning dance around the hip, even as the missiles went wide and struck the assault mech's chest.

In spite of the injury the Charger hobbled to where Hap landed. Hap angled his right shoulder to bear the brunt of the 'mech's physical attack. He ducked under the Charger's right fist as the left caught him in the arm and crushed the armor baffle. The Charger tried to kick him, but Hap managed to shuffle his feet and then delivered a solid kick to the Charger's ruined right leg and two quick punches to its chest. The punches were almost meaningless given the Charger's armor and mass, but there was a satisfying snap as the Griffin's foot broke the Charger's foot actuator.

"Hefe we could use that air-support." Mags said. "I just lost two medium lasers"

"I'm in the pipe. ToT 30 seconds." Kate replied. "Just need to know where you want these lasers pointed."

Hap started to jump his 'mech backwards so he could concentrate as the Charger slammed its fist and delivered a sweeping kick that knocked Hap flat on his back. He braced as he fell and felt the wind escape his lungs. He struggled to breathe as he tried to right his mech.

The Charger took a step forward and raised its leg to crush his cockpit. Before it delivered the coup de grace the Charger turned its cockpit as half a dozen LRMs slammed into it. Hap turned his own cockpit so he could see Anastasia's Valkyrie standing on the edge of the hill. Her mech had two holes in the chest and the left arm was badly mangled. Hap felt a sense of relief as Anastasia raised Valkyrie's right arm and sent a ruby red laser beam into the Charger's shoulder.

"Banshee 1, this is Coyote 2, requesting a strafing run North to South beginning at grid 0501 and ending at 0517 with a return run south-west to north-east centered on grids 0214 thru 1508. I have 'mechs in the open. Adversary 'mechs are Capellan Confederation olive drab and yellow. Priority target is a CGR-1A1 vicinity grid 0512. Danger Close."

"Good copy Coyote 2." Kate said, "commencing strafing run now."

Hap could feel the ground shake and shudder as it was pounded by the lasers of the Stuka. He pulled with all his might to get the 'mech to roll to its feet and got away from the Charger as the Stuka came barreling down. He had just gotten safely away as the Stuka came in low and fast the fighter's wings were lit up with lasers. All three of the Cappellan 'mechs were caught in the barrage.

The Charger turned drunkenly toward Anastasia's Valkyrie. Hap was surprised it was still standing, but before it could take a step toward Anastasia she fired the Valkyrie's laser and LRM neatly shearing off the Chargers right leg. The Charger fell as Kate performed her second pass and again peppered the Charger with lasers, but on this pass she also fired the fighter's LRM rack and sent 20 missiles into the prone 'mech.

"You okay?" Hap asked, looking directly at Anastasia.

"Nothing, a few bottles of wine and a long hot bath won't fix." Anastasia said. Her voice no longer had the synthetic tone.

"That how I feel." Hap said as he looked at Mags and Joker. Both their mech's had taken significant damage. Mags' Jenner had lost its right arm, and there were numerous holes in her armor particularly along the legs and the other arm. Hap could also see the Jenner's engine shielding. Joker's Firestarter had faired better, but most of his armor was melted off.

The Cataphract and Marauder were trying to break contact and retreat into the fortress, and neither Joker nor Mags were in a position to keep up the fight.

"Banshee 1, adjust for another strafe run." Anastasia said, "Corridor north-east to south-west starting on grid 1501 and ending on 0108. Two 'mechs in the open. Priority target is a Cataphract, it's a-"

"Wait. Tight turn." Kate groaned, "Yeah I know about the Cappellan walking Frankenstein's monster abomination 'mech. Starting my run now."

Hap now had a good view to watch from the side as Kate again came in low and fast pounding their adversaries with laser fire. The Marauder raised its arm and the barrel of its autocannon to engage the Stuka but Kate corkscrewed her aerofighter so the energy weapons and autocannon rounds passed harmlessly through the air. The Marauder was then struck by a medium laser and a quartet of large lasers. Most of them struck the chest and torso. One of the lasers found the autocannon magazine and the 'mech exploded.

The Cataphract was trying to turn and get away from the Stuka, but it was caught sideways by the aerofighters lasers and long range missiles. The right arm and torso were destroyed but the 'mech was still up.

"Damn, vector me back in on him Anastasia, just give me an easier turning radius."

"Acknowledge, proceed to grid 1317, and commence another south to north strafing run."

"This is the most amazing air show I've ever seen." Joker said.

Hap tentatively approached the Charger. His sensors indicated it was still partially functional but the mechwarrior hadn't made an effort to get back up. There was gray smoke pouring out of a hole in the mech's chest. Hap remembered how he had been tricked by the Charger when it stayed down after the artillery strike. Hap put a PPC bolt into the smoking hole and the gray cloud turned black before there was a brilliant flash as the 'mech's fusion engine was breached.


  • Sergeant
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #308 on: 05 June 2023, 02:13:35 »
Chapter 107

The Compact's radio channel flashed, and Hap reluctantly switched channels. "This is McFinnigan and Sons."

"Mercenary whore, it is unacceptable how long you failed to respond. We demand you give us tactical control of your air support immediately." Zhang said.

"Zhang, I'm not a Mercenary. I'm a liaison officer assigned to McFinnigan and Sons. I'm also a Captain in an allied nation, and you're a lieutenant. Cut the crap, show some professional decorum-"

"I don't have time for this Mercenary whore representative, you will relinquish-"

"I'm sorry my radio was breaking up for the parts when you said, 'yes sir' and 'please'. I'm going to reset it and see if that fixes it."

Hap switched his radio back to the McFinnigan's radio net. There was the thump of the artillery and Hap realized that it had fired multiple times but he hadn't noticed it until now.

"That was probably unwise." Anastasia said quietly.

"I know you're right, but I'm about this close to punching that guy in the face, with my Griffin's fist.." Hap said. "Besides, we're going to help them, but I just need to teach Zhang that there are consequences for his attitude."

"Very good." Anastasia answered in a tone that implied it was anything but good. "Hopefully no one gets killed while you are teaching him a lesson."

The Stuka made another strafing run and as Kate pulled up the Cataphract exploded from a breach to the fusion reactor.

"Banshee 1, the Capellans need some help, how much longer can you stay on station?" Hap asked.

"You got more ground pounders who need air support to save their sorry asses? I can do this all day."

"Right." Hap said "Let's start with the artillery emplacement in the fortress."

"You know the deal. One of you give me a vector and I'll make your problems go away."

"Joker, hop over the fortress walls and guide Banshee 1 down on the artillery." Hap said.

"Why me?" Joker whined.

"You're the only one of us that doesn't have any internal structure exposed, and if there is infantry on the other side of that wall you're the best one to handle them."

"Roger that." Joker said as he activated his Firestarter's jump jets and sent his 'mech up and over the fortresses wall.

"Banshee I got artillery, in, uh, it's set up in a dirt berm, vicinity grid 0086."

"Okay, Good copy. I'm not set up to dive bomb, so you want to give me an east-west or north-south strafing axis?" Kate said.

"Uh…" Joker said, "wait one."

Mags hadn't moved her 'mech. The Jenner was looking down, it seemed to be resting. Hap started to walk his Griffin toward her. Hap had seen this posture before. It was usually when a 'mechwarrior' just let go of the controls and had to take a moment to make sense of things. When Hap had seen it was because they were shocked or amazed after surviving something.

Anastasia followed Hap as she called out, "Banshee 1, conduct a strafing run east to west from grid 0084 to 0068. As stated, priority target is artillery in defilade, vicinity grid 0086."

"Hey, I'm right in the middle of that." Joker said.

Anastasia sighed loudly "Danger close, friendly 'mechs in the open." Anastasia added.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Joker asked.

"I have been thinking I need to be less passive aggressive toward you." Anastasia said.

"I see him. Joker, get out of my strafing lane. I'm about to go nose done and tail up."

Joker jumped his 'mech up onto the thick wall of the fortress. "Wait there's a joke there, but I need to say something to Anastasia before I can think of it."

"Let me help you" Kate said as the Stuka started another strafing run, "nose down and tail up is how your mom spends her Saturday nights."

"What, no. Damn it. I forgot what I was going to say now." Joker huffed. "Mom jokes are also the worst form of humor you should know."

"Yeah and you should know how to call for air support. Maybe you can ask Coyote 2 to teach you and your lancemates." Kate answered.

"I try to explain so many things to them, what's one more thing?" Anastasia said with quiet exasperation.

"That's why you're the Professor, Kitten." Kate answered

The Cappellan command net flashed again on Hap's radio. He switched the system over.

"This is McFinnigan and Sons."

"Captain Calahad. This is Major Nguyen, we humbly request air support." The Major's voice had an edge of icy annoyance.

"Yes Sir. Banshee 1 is currently strafing the artillery emplacement. I'm transferring tactical control of our air support to you now. My lance is able to enter the fortress now. We'll destroy the artillery and neutralize any resistance they're holding in reserve."

"Thank you." Major Nguyen said coldly.

Hap flipped back to the McFinnigan net, "Banshee 1, move over to the Compact net, and support the Compact forces."

"Roger, I think I at least sent the artillery crew running in terror." Kate said.

"Yeah, I'll burn down what's left of the tubes." Joker said, "What's the situation with the Compact lance? They had assaults, they could have easily crushed the 'mechs we were up against. What's taking them so long"

Hap could see the Stuka come up from its strafing run and bank hard over to the North. "Iit looks like they're dealing with a Warhammer and a Rifleman standing on the high ground." Kate said, "and their being harassed by a couple hovertanks. I see an urbanmech missing a leg. They're moving very slowly and single file, so. I'm guessing they're in a minefield. Oh! The Compact is trying to talk to me. Well, heart-breakers and life-takers, I'll talk to you later when we're Mission Complete.

"Hey boss there isn't much left in the fortress, at least as far as 'resistance' goes." Joker said as he jumped back into the fortress, "At least there won't be once I'm done with this artillery."

Hap was close enough now he could lean his 'mech over and look into Mag's cockpit. "Hey, sister, you good in there?"

Hap could see Mags head was bowed, but as he spoke she looked up and nodded to him.

"I don't think we're quite done yet." Hap said, "The Compact still need our help. We gotta clean out this fortress, and probably slip behind a Rifleman or Warhammer and remind them that a Jenner can be just as dangerous as an Atlas."

The Jenner straightened up, "Lets get this done Hefe. I want to go eat some real food, like a steak, maybe get laid." Mags said, and Joker hooted.

"Artillery cannon is now a pile of melted slag. I don't think there is anything else to neutralize in here. The Capellans are either dead, gone, or in getting strafed. Also I'm with Mags, we need to finish the op, get some real food, and get laid."

"If I see Zhang, though, I'm going to cut him." Mags added, "That's also on my list."

"That's my girl." Joker laughed. "What about you Professor."

"I concur with Mags. I'm ready to complete this operation. I'd also like a Steak with a good Cabernet Sauvignon. I feel I should add, I have a mild headache, and I suspect I may have a concussion so I may apologize for my behavior later.

"So if you have a headache, does that mean-"

"Alright." Hap said. "Let's get this operation complete."

There was the tone of a system entering the radio net, "Alright I'm back. The Compact are going back the way they came, because they don't want to risk going through a minefield." Kate said. "I took down the Warhammer and the Rifleman, and the rest of the Capellan forces scattered. You're to hold the fortress until they can send a force to secure it."

"Is Major Nguyen angry with us?" Anastasia asked.

"Couldn't tell you, but one of them called me a 'mercenary whore' and the Major ordered him off the net. If I knew which 'mech he was piloting I might have accidentally caught him in a strafing run."

"That was Lieutenant Zhang, I believe he was assigned the urbanmech." Anastasia said.

"Oh damn, that would have been an easy 'accident' to make. I'll have to better next time." Kate said. "If you guys are good, I'm going to go back, refuel, have a hot meal and pick up Roweyna. We'll see you at their FOB."


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #309 on: 05 June 2023, 18:27:57 »
OF course, there was an unmarked 'mech onsite...  >:D
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


  • Corporal
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #310 on: 06 June 2023, 09:33:48 »
Great update.



  • Major
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #311 on: 07 June 2023, 08:24:50 »
Really enjoyed the combat scene. Thank you for this update!
Not much salvage withbso many exploding mechs. Maybe the charger, even with a busted reactor?


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #312 on: 19 June 2023, 23:03:09 »
I am looking forward to the next chapters.


  • Major
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #313 on: 25 June 2023, 19:58:17 »
Lieutenant Zhang just doesn't seem to learn
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Major
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #314 on: 26 June 2023, 04:34:46 »
He pilots an Urbanmech. That explains a lot of things.


  • Sergeant
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #315 on: 18 August 2023, 03:14:54 »
Chapter 108

Hap led his lance back to the Compact's FOB just as Kate's Stuka was landing. The Compact had sent a lance of tanks to secure the fortress and relieve them. As they were leaving Hap grabbed the broken remains of Mag's Jenner's arm. The limb itself had been severed by laser fire, so Hap wasn't sure how easy it would be to re-attach, but the medium lasers on the arm could at least be reused. Hap also suspected the conversation over salvage would be contentious so if he brought in "their equipment" it would be one less thing to argue over.

As they walked down the hill toward the road the McFinnigan and Sons tech car pulled into view. The radio immediately began flashing. "Hap, what the hell happened to your 'mech?" Brant asked. "It looks like you let someone take a wrecking ball to it."

"Yeah I got hit by a Charger going full throttle."

"How did you not notice an 80 ton mech running full tilt at you?"

"Don't start with me Brant, there was a lot of going on, and-"

"Yeah, the Professor was down, Mags and I were tangling with heavies and Hap was trying to remember how to call in strafing runs." Joker said.

"Run that by me again." Brant said.

"The plan was for Coyote 2 to call in the air support, so I didn't have my tactical display setup for calling in CAS. Like I said, a lot was going on." Hap said lamely.

"Alright so you need to review some basic Lance leadership skills, but that doesn't explain how a Charger just snuck up on you."

"Wait." Masja said, "Anastasia went down? What happened? Are you okay, Coyote 2?"

"Yes. I'm fine. My 'mech sustained moderate damage from a Charger and a Cataphract, but I'm fine. I never considered a Charger to be a credible threat, at least not compared to other assault 'mechs." Anastasia said. "And then it manhandled my Valkyrie."

"Would you say you got 'mechhandled?" Joker asked.

"Yes. I would say that. I should add, I generally I find your sense of humor to be a spectrum of annoying to offensive, however I do appreciate a good pun." Anatasia's tone was emotionless.

"Really?" Joker asked, "You like puns? Did your mech land on the cockpit when you went down?"

"No. Puns require a certain intellectual finesse, a large vocabulary, and an understanding of languages. When you indulge in puns I actually suspect you might be smarter than you normally act."

"Thanks. I think. Are you sure you didn't take a hit to the meat?"

"As I stated, no. When the Charger engaged me I jumped away and I was struck by the Cataphract's PPC and autocannon. I found myself falling backwards over the side of a ravine. Thankfully I landed on some trees which managed to soften my fall, and ruin only my rear armor.

"I found myself with my 'mech in the prone thinking the Charger would descend on me at any moment. As I got to my feet Mags reported she had destroyed the generator, so I decided to reset my tracking and targeting system so I could contribute to the fight with accurate weapon fire."

"We do appreciate when you 'contribute to the fight with accurate weapon fire'." Joker said.

"Yes. It is the most basic of courtesies one can give her lance mates." Anastasia replied dryly. "So as I waited for the system to restart I found myself considering how this could be my last battle."

"Yeah you get the slop beaten out of your 'mech you start to think that," Joker said. "but I find sometimes I do better after my 'mech's taken a few good hits."

"I was more considering that soon I will be at a research lab and not being 'mech-handled', although I was also considering that I should have followed my mother's strong suggestion that I work in an embassy or other 'cushy' political postings with significantly less life-threatening incident."

"You don't want to be a mechwarrior anymore?" Mags asked.

"No. I find being a mechwarrior quite rewarding." Anastasia said, "I think it's more just the realization that I will not be part of a military operation for quite some time. I suppose I should just be content that we achieved our objective and we all still have our lives."

"And most importantly our 'mechs." Joker added.

"I wouldn't want to be disposed, but I'm with Anastasia, life and operational success are more important than not losing our 'mechs." Hap said. "As long as we control the field at the end of the day, there's a good chance we can repair or replace our 'mechs."

"I've been thinking I'd like to replace my Valkyrie. It's too slow to keep up with the majority light 'mechs, and can't outrun many medium and some heavy 'mechs, and today I was confronted with the fact a Charger can easily keep up with it. The Valkyrie's armor is good, but it doesn't last long against the armaments most medium or heavy 'mechs will employ against it."

"And a Charger will simply knock the armor off of it." Joker said, "Kinda like how Hap gets you out of your clothes."

"Charger will beat the armor off of any mech it catches." Mags said. "Did you see what happened when he slammed into Hefe?"

Hap glanced down at his armor diagnostic monitor. His Griffin's armor was significantly compromised, and he wondered what it looked like on the outside.

"Mags, what happened after I fell into the ravine and you destroyed the generator?" Anastasia asked.

"Hefe, told me to get after the Cataphract. My old man told me that the Jenner can take down just about any 'mech if you run at it full throttle, jump over their head, and alpha strike them in the back. That's what I tried to do."

"I sprinted at that big Bastardo, even ran a zig-zag so he couldn't touch me with his PPC or autocannon. I got up close, jumped over him, spun around and fired everything, but two lasers hit his right shoulder, two hit his left and only three missiles landed. Then he tried to shoot me with his rear mounted medium lasers. The first time he missed, but we started to turn-"

"I like to call that the Firestarter Foxtrot." Joker said.

"It was more of a pequena hilado Paso doble, because I was staying close, and spinning at a double time. I was there in his rear arc trying to give him hell, but then his laser cut my Jenner's arm off, and I was starting to overheat. It helped that William kept the Marauder overheating, but the Cataphract pilot was tearing me apart, and just with two lasers."

"Yeah, that Marauder pilot was a real boot. He was panic-firing the whole time, both when he was trying to hit the girls, and even when I started to tangle with him. I thought he'd either try to back up and use his big guns or take a swing at me, but he couldn't figure out which one he wanted to do."

"I just kept hitting him with flamers and trying to get behind him, but his buddy in the Cataphract was making it real hard for me. At least until Mags started messing with him."

"Then Banshee 1 came down and saved your asses before you completely ruined your 'mechs?" Mike asked as he parked the car between the broken Cataphract and burned out Marauder.

"Yeah, that's when she came in all 'nose down and tail up', but we could have finished them ourselves without her." Joker said.

"I'm sorry, when I rejoined the battle the Charger's foot looked like it was about to have an altercation with Hap's cockpit. Mags had just lost 40% percent of her weapon systems, and her armor integrity was less than that. Somehow you had avoided any significant damage-"

"Because I'm an ace pilot" Joker interrupted.

"More likely it was because no one takes a Firestarter seriously when there is a Griffin and a Jenner on the field." Mike said.

"Hey!" Joker yelled.

"More likely because he didn't receive unwanted attention from an 80 ton pugilist. Be that as it may, Joker, you're insane if you thought our tactical situation was anything other than precarious trending toward disaster."

"I thought you were going to nicer to me." Joker said with mock hurt.

"That was idle thought that was apparently caused by head trauma, thankfully the effects were temporary." Anastasia said.

"Alright well we're on site now to start salvage ops, and I want to get a look at this Cataphract thing before the Compact techs show up and we start arguing over who gets what. Why don't you four try to get back to the base without any more damage to your mechs?" Mike said.

"That sounds like a good plan, Mike." Hap said.

"Yeah, and maybe you can start fixing your mech's when you get there." Mike added.

"We'll see what we can do." Hap said.


  • Sergeant
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #316 on: 18 August 2023, 03:15:30 »
Chapter 109

Anastasia brought her mech to a stop next to Harold's Griffin and the Compact's urbanmech. She kneeled the mech down and deployed the 'mech's rope ladder. Anastasia started the safety procedures for putting the 'mech's reactor into standby. She took off her neuro helmet and placed it on the dashboard of her mech, and cracked open the cockpit to let cool air in.

She took out her leather journal and began to take notes on the performance of her modified sensors. She also wrote down a few additional ideas she had about what it would take to create a true electronic counter measure suite. She was certain if she saw the technical readouts on a Guardian ECM suite she could easily recreate it, or something like it. Especially if she could get someone to translate the Capellan's work into a language she could read.

She sighed as she remembered the military team she worked with at NAIS really wanted the Gauss rifle, even the double efficient heat sinks seemed trivial to the General leading the team. She thought for a moment of Joker causing the Marauder to overheat, and it occurred to her that the General must have never been a mechwarrior, or he piloted something extremely heat efficient like a LCT-1V Locust or a CGR-1A1 Charger. She shuddered as she considered how fast and relentless the Charger pilot had been.

She finished her notes and put her journal away and rested her head on the back of the command couch. Her headache was just a dull ache now. She suspected she had a mild concussion from hitting her head when her mech fell. She sat up and reached back to feel her head and make sure there wasn't a contusion or bleeding. She couldn't feel anything as her hand passed over her hair. She had set her hair into two loose long braids that were resting on her shoulders. It had taken some trial and error to get her hair just right so it wouldn't interfere with the neurohelmet.

She quickly undid the braids and shook out her hair and dug her fingers closer to her scalp to search out any injury. As she probed the back of her head Hap's head appeared as he climbed to the top of the rope ladder.

"You okay, darlin?" Hap said.

Anastasia smiled faintly, "I believe so Harold. I hit my head pretty hard though. Would you be so kind and make sure I'm not more seriously injured than just a slight headache? I may have a contusion."

Hap looked around her cockpit crowded with the additional displays and equipment for her experimental sensor package. "I think you'll have to come down before I can help you."

Anastasia nodded and handed Hap her go-bag and neurohelmet. He connected the helmet to her bag and slung it over her shoulder. He helped her climb out of her command couch and then descended the rope ladder and waited for her at the bottom.

She followed him down the ladder and turned her back to him so he could examine her.

"I don't feel or see any blood or bumps or bruises, but you to gotta lot of hair…" Hap said as moved her hair around, "Loosen your cooling vest and straighten your back." Hap said as he pulled on her vest. She unbuckled her vest and turned to face him. He ran his hands up and down her back as they looked each other in the eyes.

"You're back feels alright, no protruding vertebrae." He looked deeply into her eyes for a long moment, "No weird dilation with your eyes." Hap said as he put his hand under her chin and tilted her head to the side. "No weird fluids coming out this ear," He turned her head the other way and brushed her hair aside. "or this one. You look fine, at least from untrained medical opinion. We'll have the Doc check you out later."

Anastasia nodded as Hap started to turn away. They were so close she was disappointed that they didn't kiss. "Harold, would you help me with one more thing?" She asked.

"Certainly." He said as he stepped closer to her, "What do you need?"

She reached behind his head and pulled him close and stole a passionate kiss. After a moment they stopped. She had unconsciously put her hand on his chest and could feel his heart beating faster, "Merci mon amour, that's what I needed."

Hap gave her a wry smile, "You trying to start something?"

Anastasia shrugged, "More like I didn't want to miss an opportunity."

Hap handed her back her bag and helmet. "Tell you what, I'm going to go check on Joker and Mags, then maybe we can find some place quiet to give you a more thorough physical exam."

"Or skip that first step, and we could go right to the second."

Hap looked like he was seriously considering her proposal. "You and your engineering efficiency." He glanced over as Joker descended from his Firestarter, but Mags was still in her cockpit. "I'm a little worried about Mags, let me just make sure she's okay."

"Suit yourself." Anastasia said coyly. "I've been thinking about how I need to be kinder and more considerate to people, but I'm told that sometimes after a concussion one's moods can change quite suddenly and dramatically."

"Yeah, I thought it was a little odd you were considering being nicer to Joker, but you're generally good to me." Hap said, then reluctantly added, "I just want to talk to Mags real quick. I things got a little too close to her having to eject, and it's really shaken her. Give me five minutes and try not to let your mood shift."

"Me and my engineering efficiency and you always playing the odds." Anastasia held up two fingers, "two minutes."

"Three, and I'll make sure Joker comes with me, he's the most likely one to change your mood."

"True." Anastasia said. She could see that Hap was seriously considering if she was teasing him. She felt guilty as she had seen Mags struggle and Hap's reaction. She wasn't sure exactly what happened with Mags, but it had been a stressful fight for everyone. Only Joker seemed unphased, but Anastasia assumed that was because he was too foolish to recognize how close they had come to dying.

Anastasia smiled at Hap, "Go talk to Mags, I'll be here waiting. I'm glad we're all alive and not much could change my mood."

"Glad to hear it. I won't be long."

"Yes, that is wise." Anastasia set her things down and began to rebraid her hair as she surveyed her Valkyrie. It looked bad, but most of the damage was superficial. The left arm's lower actuator was ruined, but that was probably the worst of it. She sighed remembering the last time her 'mech had suffered this much damage. It was here on St. Ives, and that time they had a full tech crew. This time she was likely going to be helping with patching the armor and fixing the actuator. At least the arm was still attached this time.

Still that didn't diminish her attitude. She was glad they were back and safe. She watched Selene lope up to Hap and without missing a beat he pulled out a meat stick ration and bit off a piece for himself and gave the coyote a portion. Her tail wagged as she trotted next to Hap. Anastasia smiled. There wasn't much that could change her mood.

"Mercenary." Zhang's shrill voice immediately made Anastasia's headache return with more intensity. "You must tell me how you were able to destroy the anti-air systems."

Anastasia turned around to see Zhang standing behind her. "Quality training, taking tactical advantage of the terrain, and using our battlemechs to their full capacity."

"I will not listen to your foolishness. Better warriors than you tried and failed to destroy that anti-air system. I must know how undisciplined and unscrupulous mercenaries happened to achieve victory."

Unconsciously Anastasia tilted her hide to the side as Zang talked. Zhang had blue bruises under both eyes and it looked like his face had been slammed into the controls of his 'mech. His nose was also crooked, but it looked like that was from a previous injury, likely when his Blackjack had been destroyed.

Zhang angrily continued to criticize Anastasia and her companions, and his angry expressions looked almost amusing to Anastasia. She debated how best to respond when, or if, he ever gave her an opportunity. Anastasia considered how Zhang was rude, impatient, and abusive. She had also never been impressed with his skill as a mechwarrior. She smiled as she could hear Kelly McFinnigan in her mind add, "and ye can safely wager, his whiskey is foul too".

The idea of insulting one's preferred drink suddenly amused Anastasia. This reminded her one time her mother made a disparaging comment about Baron Rupert's wine cellar being full of "late vintages, and bad years". Anastasia had assumed it was meant to be a critique of the Baron's "trollop of the week" who was barely older than his daughters. Now Anastasia wondered if it was meant to be a critique of both his preferred wines and his womanizing. Given her mother's penchant for wine and general cleverness, it was likely both.

"Are you even listening to me, mercenary, or were you knocked senseless in the battle?"

Anastasia straightened her head and stopped smiling her headache seemed to grow in intensity. "No." She considered for a moment about how to address Zhang. Normally she'd point out that if his "warriors" were so much better than her, why was she standing here talking after her lance and their air support had routed the Cappellan forces when his champions had failed?

Her father once warned her that being the smartest person in the room generally meant you could win any argument, but logical matches weren't like physical altercations. When you physically defeat an opponent, they generally understand they've lost, but depending on the stupidity of your logical opponent, they may never understand how badly they've been beaten. As a child Anastasia thought she knew what he meant, but it wasn't until she really got out into the galaxy and met some people that she fully understood her father's words.

Maybe it was blow to the back of her head, but she was starting to think that she needed to conduct herself more like a noble woman. Less insulting, less sarcastic, and less passive aggressive. She took a moment to consider how her mother would respond to someone like Zhang. She looked around to get her bearings then turned so she could motion to the mountain fortress.

"Lieutenant Zhang, right now we, our two lances, have denied the Cappellans their last major foot hold on your planet." Anastasia gestured to the fortress, "We shouldn't be overtly concerned with how it was done. We should be celebrating this victory and the establishment of your nation. This is a great day, and you were part of it. You were at the battle that broke the back of the Cappellans, this is something you can tell your grandchildren about." Anastasia stopped herself before she added, "tell them how you were piloting a Urbanmech and stepped on a mine because you were hiding behind mercenaries that you forced into conducting a suicidal frontal assault."

Zhang seemed to consider her words for a moment before he shook his head, "Do not try to change the subject or confuse me with your mercenary propaganda. I've asked you a question, and I demand you answer me, now, Mercenary."

Anastasia exhaled and looked at Zhang defiantly. She remembered now why she was usually dismissive and argumentative with people like Zhang. Good manners usually just invite them to behave poorly. Her father was correct that fools never knew when they had lost, but she was about to give Zhang the sort of argument that would leave deep psychological scars.

Before she could begin Roweyna walked up carrying a large leather briefcase. She was dressed in a smart gray business suit and skirt combo with the McFinnigans and Sons logo embroidered on the left breast pocket. She smiled as she saw Anastasia, but then her expression froze as she looked over Zhang.

Roweyna turned her attention back to Anastasia, "Ah, there ye are, I was looking for you and yer lancemates."

"Are you the owner of these Mercenaries?" Zhang said "mercenaries" like it was an insult.

"Aye." Roweyna said slowly, "I need to speak to yer contracting official or someone authorized to speak to and direct military personnel under contract."

"I know how to speak to mercenaries just as I know how to speak to any other prostitute. Whatever you have to say you can say to me."

"Well I don't much care for yer tone, or yer allusion, but if yer a bonafide contracting officer than I have a few matters we need to discuss." Roweyna pulled up the briefcase and pushed it into Anastasia's arms, "Hold that dear." She said as Anastasia held the briefcase so Roweyna could open it and pull out a thick bundle of papers. Anastasia glanced into the case to see the same combat knife Roweyna had used to kill the ROM agent, the case also contained a thermos and a scattergun that had been cut down to be illegal throughout most of the inner sphere, but instantly lethal at point blank range. There was also a sloppy stack of papers that concealed the rest of the contents of the case.

"Now then, we need to discuss the change of mission and the intelligence that was provided to accompany that change of mission." Roweyna said as began to thumb through the contract.

"I have an issue to discuss with you. Your mercenaries refused to provide air support."

"Aye." Roweyna said as she continued to thumb through the contract, "ye didn't negotiate for air support per the contract, ye requested a lance, ye were given a lance."

"You brought additional forces to the field, and we needed those forces to support us. I demand that you explain why your lance refused to provide air support to us in a timely fashion."

Roweyna glanced up from the contract. Without looking down she began to flip pages in the other direction. "Yer certain you're a contracting officer? Yer able to speak for your nation, negotiate moneys, ye've been granted fiduciary responsibility, and the like?"

"Did I not already answer this question?"

Roweyna looked at him skeptically. She folded back a few pages and handed the contract to Zhang, "Oh ye answered, but I'm not sure ye understood the question, but I'll play yer lil' game. Here is the standard contract rider. As ye can clearly read it describes the services that were negotiated for, which, as ye can read are Operational Control or OPCON of a 'mech lance with a drop weight of 155 tons, suitable for reconnaissance, screening, pursuit, and raids. Time was limited to two weeks, with an option to extend in two week increments indefinitely. You'll note air support is not included there."

Zhang seemed to be studying the contract hard looking for some type of exception or mention of additional forces.

"If it helps the same contract is in Chinese on the next page." Roweyna added.

Zhang mumbled in Chinese under his breath as he violently flipped the page.

"So's yer mother." Roweyna said as she reached into her case and started to pull out a thermos. "Anastasia, ye fancy a spot of tea?"

"What did you say?" Zhang glanced up at Roweyna.

"Oh ye heard me," Roweyna said and then spoke to him in Chinese. Zhang's face flushed as he gave Roweyna a hateful stare.

Roweyna snatched the contract back from Zhang and ignored his murderous expression, "Now back to the matter I actually came to discuss. A member of the Compact forces gave the McFinnigan and Sons lance some intel-"

"I gave these whores that intel."

"Good, that was part of what I needed, a name for the MRB." Roweyna looked over Zhang's cooling vest and then scribbled his name down in both English and the Chinese Hanzi characters at the top of the contract. "Right, so, jest to make sure I understand what happened, members of McFinnigans and Sons requested intel, specifically enemy patrol information and ye, Lieutenant Zhang, refused to give them that information."

"I didn't have it available at the time when they requested it."

"And yet you gave them explicit direction to move to a release point that ye knew would place them directly on an enemy patrol route at such a time when the enemy could be expected to be patrolling that route."

"I can't be held responsible for where the enemy patrols"

"But ye knew the patrol routes and could reasonably expect the enemy would be there."

"It was important that the actions your mercenaries were tasked to perform began before we attempted our assault. I felt the need to ensure your cowardly mercenaries didn't attempt to flee or wait until we were engaged before entering combat."

"So ye did intentionally deceive us?"

"I didn't deceive you, I was intentionally ensuring that these fools accomplished their mission."

Rowyena reached into her briefcase and pulled out a yellowed and dog-eared book marked Mercenary Review Board guide to contracts, and laws and rules of warfare. She flipped several pages and came to a section marked "Intelligence provided by employers to vendors".

Rowyena cleared her throat, "Allow me to read ye a section from my MRB handbook on contracts. 'Upon request an employer' In this case, that's you, as employer of my Mercenaries, 'must provide all pertinent known or supposed intel with levels of confidence of that intel to the vendor.' Vendor is me, and my lance as we're the ones providing services."

"Now it continues, 'If no intel is available the employer should give reasonable explanation as to why it is unavailable and prove due diligence has been attempted to achieve actionable and helpful intel. If a vendor intentionally denies, misrepresents or fails to provide reasonable information that would enhance tactical operations, risk mitigation, or force preservation this can be considered a bad faith action and subject to punishments and fines as outlined in the contract or in Appendix J TAB D."

"If an employer is suspected to have knowingly fabricated or denied intel with the purpose of deceiving, putting at risk, creating tactical failure and/or imperiling the vendor they will be subject to investigation by the MRB. If found guilty the employer will face censor, possible denial of future MRB contracting actions, and the punishments and fines as outlined in the contract or in Appendix J TAB D and TAB E."

Roweyna slammed the book shut, "So, Mr. Contracting officer, I'm putting ye on notice that I'm submitting a formal complaint to the MRB that ye have intentionally denied us intel so ye could put us at risk, potentially create tactical failure, and knowingly imperil us. Do ye think you'll have yer rebuttal ready a'fore I submit this, or are ye going to need the full 90 days? Either way I'll need you to sign and initial a few documents to acknowledge that we've had this talk."

"I think you've misunderstood me, I'm not contracting officer, I said I knew the contracting officer. I shall go get them now." Zhang said as he walked away.

"Smartest thing ye've said to me all day." Roweyna said, "Off ye go, and make sure ye hurry back. I'm already this close to given ye lessons in lawfare. Press me and I'll find a way to have yer wages garnered and I'll be sellin' yer mech for scrap to yer enemies."

Zhang looked like he was about to respond, rudely, but instead chose to turn on his heals and quickly disappear.

"That's right ye little bastard, run along now." Roweyna said under her breath as she pulled out her thermos, and produced two metallic tea cups. The cups were elegantly made to have and had the shape of a Montrose style tea cups. They were made of a dull silver metal with intricate flowers and leaves etched and molded to the cup. "Now about that tea."

"Are you going to submit an actual report to the MRB?" Anastasia asked as she set the briefcase on the foot of her Valkyrie. "Or is all this to improve your bargaining position?"

Roweyna passed a tea cup with warm tea toward I'm sorely tempted, and ye have to understand, it's not jest about us, there are other mercenaries to consider. Jest cause the Compact is now a successor state with a noble house doesn't mean they can push around honest mercenaries. Besides every house has similar complaints lodged against them from time to time. I'm honestly helping the Compact be more credible. Her Grace, the Duchess Candace Liao, can sit at the table with other house lords and compare treachery now. In truth, she should thank me."

Roweyna took a sip of her tea, "Of course trying to murder mercenaries while making it look like an accident is pretty much like planning a tea party for the Kuritans, and when you look at the work Allesandro Steiner this level of deceit and betrayal is merely a social faux pas. But it's a good start for a burgeoning young House Lady."

Anastasia shook her head, "But we took this contract outside of the MRB, I would assume they will ignore our complaint."

"Well there are provisions where a company can negotiate follow-on work under a previous contract vehicle if it's within in a given time period, or the work is related to the previous contracts objectives or mission. It does require me to give the MRB their cut though. Damn greedy wolves always want a cut."

"I still question the wisdom of bringing the MRB into this. The MRB is part of Comstar and their intelligence service is trying to kill me. Further, it wouldn't be surprised if they haven't targeted McFinnigan and Sons for destruction. Honestly it makes the most sense."

"Aye, but I still have a professional obligation to the other mercenaries, besides the MRB rarely shies away from an opportunity to get into someone's business, nor are they hesitant to shake them down for money. I'd be doin' the right thing here, I assure ye."

"Are you sure it's worth the risk?"

"Oh aye, risk." Roweyna said as she closed her briefcase and pulled out a flask and added a splash of whiskey to her tea. She offered the flask to Anastasia, but she shook her head.

"Ye have to understand there are multiple ComStars. First, there is the Comstar ye encounter when you go to send a message using their HPG. That ComStar will tell ye things like "boogety-boo if Jerome Blake wills it we'll send yer message across the inner sphere in a matter of days". These mystical idiots somehow have control of the massive HPG infrastructure and in spite of their jackassery and general asinine methods they actually manage to make it work.

"Then there is the ComStart that I actually interact with, the Mercenary Review Board. These are an army of evil bureaucrats that span the Inner Sphere. They spend their days arguing over contracts, laws, precedence, and how to accurately fill out forms. Sure they may occasionally thank their founder or some saintly member of their order for divine help, but most of their work is spent in administration and law and moving paperwork from one side of the galaxy to the other."

"Like any administrative body of that scope and span they work by the simple rule of, 'we're not happy till yer unhappy.' In other words, they're a massive bureaucracy that ensures that each and every contract contains something to disadvantage both parties, but everyone is content with the money and the labor and due to mutual mistrust, this techno-cult business gets a piece of the profits."

"Finally, there's the ComStar ye keep finding yourself interacting with. I honestly doubted that ROM even existed, except once in awhile my mother would talk about how her and her mates would be doing ah job and run afoul of them, or somethin' would happen and she'd mention how they were a capable lot prone to some nasty skullduggery. I can't figure if they've grossly underestimated you, if ye've been exceptionally lucky, or if my mother has been deceived."

"I have reason to suspect it was the former two. I've been quite lucky, and they underestimated me and sent inexperienced agents who have, thus far, been unlucky or attempted naive or foolishly contrived methods to kill me. It's quite likely the next attempt on my life will come from a more experienced and determined agent. In all probability my luck is about to run out." Anastasia said.

Roweyna topped off her tea cup with more whiskey and mumbled, "I forget to mention the explorer corps. Father thinks they'll run into some dreaded terror beyond the stars that will come to murder us all. But that's not relevant to us right now," Roweyna shrugged, "I'm not certain these three ComStars actually talk to each other in a meaningful way that would allow them to do us any real mischief. At least not quickly."

"Is that a chance you want to take though? I understand the inherent inefficiencies of massive bureaucracies, and I've seen the whimsical and ridiculous ceremonies the ComStar acolytes participate in just to turn on a simple holoprojector. However, ROM should have access to both everyone's HPG messages and the ability to track every mercenary company through the MRB, otherwise they would be incompetent and ineffectual. This seems like a great risk."

Roweyna took a long drink, "I'm a mercenary by trade, love. Risks are part of the business, jest as they are for a good AFFS or AFFC officer. I have to choose which risks to avoid and which ones to accept and mitigate. I often have to use logic, experience, and my instincts to make those choices. I also have a sense of justice, that demands I not let these bastards take advantage of us. Even if it's just one stupid little staff officer who thinks mercenaries are little more than prostitutes. Everyone needs to be reminded we're a noble professionals and deserving of respect, not abuse nor contempt."

Anastasia sipped her tea, "I appreciate your sense of justice, and I concede that ComStar has a sprawling and inefficient bureaucracy but I still question the wisdom of telling them where we are and what we are doing."

Roweyna topped off Anastasia's tea from the thermos than added a splash more to her own cup followed by a generous quantity of Whiskey. Roweyna took a long drink before continuing, "They know where we are, and if they have any people on the ground they also know what we're doing. Me submitting a grievance to the MRB doesn't change the fact there could be a ROM agent among the Compact's forces who could walk up to you right now and attempt to murder you. Are ye sure ye wouldn't like some whiskey?"

"No." Anastasia said, "I think I need to avoid risk and stay sober." Anastasia heard footsteps behind her and nearly jumped as she turned to see Mags, Joker and Hap.

"Oh that's not really avoiding risk." Roweyna said as she emptied the flask into her tea, "Avoiding risk is you hiding in yer auntie's house in a panic room."

"Hey Roweyna." Joker said, "Did you hear how we liberated this whole damn planet?"

"On the flight up, Ms. Berlin mentioned how ye were hoppin' about while she turned the course of the battle." Roweyna slipped the empty flask back into the brief case. "Though I believe she mentioned some rogues managed to break contact and flee into the mountains."

"Well yeah but-" Joker started to say.

"What's that?" Mags asked, pointing to the gun and knife in the briefcase. "You never used to carry weapons before."

"Well my mother always says, 'if a man stabs ye with a knife once, shame on him, but if he does it a second time, shame on you'."

"Didn't you kill the guy that stabbed you?" Joker asked, "How's he going to try it again?"

"Aye, I think yer missing my mother's point. I'd add though, that should I encounter another individual who wants to lay hands on my person, I'd prefer to start the interaction with something more than stern words and broken china."

Mags put her cigar in her mouth and pulled out the shotgun. She held it by the rifle stock that had been cut down to make a pistol grip. She extended her arm to feel the weight and balance of the weapon. "I don't think it'll be a very long fight, but you might break your wrist when you shoot."

"I told that auld pirate, Henry, I wanted a slug-thrower that could stop a fight before it started, and this is what he offered me. I'm hoping once I pull this out I won't have to shoot, though Henry also mentioned I should hold onto with both hands." Roweyna answered.

Mags nodded and smoked, she looked impressed with the weapon.

Zhang returned and looked at the mercenary. He seemed humbled and he only made eye contact with Roweyna. "My commander is ready to speak with you now, and he hopes that you and him can have a serious conversation like professionals.

Roweyna drained her tea cup and placed it back in her case. She then gingerly took the shotgun from Mags, placed it next to the teacup, and shut the case.

"Wait before you go, if you can speak and read Chinese why couldn't you help me with the technical manual?" Anastasia asked.

"I can speak Mandrin Chinese, and read a little, but not what ye needed, now lead the way Lieutenant Zhang."


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #317 on: 18 August 2023, 03:15:59 »
Chapter 110

The fire popped and hissed as the wood burned. The sun was going down and the temperature was starting to drop. Anastasia was tired. She had spent the afternoon helping re-attach the arm of Mag's Jenner. Because she was notoriously bad at repairing armor she was stuck with the task of reconnecting and testing the 'mech's lasers. Most of this was running the wires and power cables, splicing the broken ones and making sure they were properly secured in their trays and conduits. When she was done she found herself helping Mags pull the myomer 'mech "muscle" and reattach it to the arm. It was nearly four hours of work and the armor still needed to be mounted on the armor.

She had multiple cuts and burns and sore muscles, but she felt good about her work. Now she was curled up with Selene on a pseudo-couch made of palettes stacked in front of LRM reload containers. She was happy though, Brant was impressed. He usually found some way to make a snide remark about House Davion, and remind her and everyone that she did a pour job of patching armor. Today Brant seemed genuinely happy with her work.

Anastasia never got more than a few private minutes with Hap, but he mentioned Mags was struggling with how close she came to ejecting. It sounded like there was a series of complex emotions from feeling incompetent, to feeling that even considering ejecting was betraying her father. Hap tried to assure her it was more his fault for ordering her to engage the Cataphract, but Mags maintained if she had been better, or a little quicker she would have prevailed. Hap mentioned she no longer felt invincible in her 'mech, but maybe that was a good thing.

After work was finished and she had gotten cleaned up Anastasia had also found a sweatshirt among Hap's clothes. It was oversized for her, but warm. It was almost like wearing a blanket with sleeves. It was warm and comfortable and smelled faintly like Hap. All of this made up for the fact it had the Albion Military Academy logo embroidered on the left breast.

Hap hadn't noticed that Anastasia was wearing his sweatshirt. At the moment he was standing with the other men around the grill that Brant fabricated. Brant's grill looked similar to the outer casing for a jet engine but he swore he could cook any meat with any fuel. He touted the grill's double wall construction and specially designed grill created a super efficient cooking surface. Anastasia was too tired to care how it worked.

Roweyna and Kate walked up and found their own camp chairs around the fire and sat down and got comfortable.

"Are ye sure we cannot fly back tonight?" Roweyana leaned

"Outside my duty day, Roweyna." Kate said, "I warned you this would happen when you told me you wanted to fly with me."

"Well then ye may as well have a bit of this." Roweyna said as she pulled out another hip flask from a different pocket of her briefcase. She took a swig and passed it over to Kate.

She shrugged as she drank. "8 hours bottle to throttle, when do you want to leave tomorrow?"

"Oh 0800 I suppose."

"Well that gives me plenty of drinking time between now and midnight." Kate said as she took another swig before passing the flask toward Anastasia.

Anastasia took a tentative sip. It was a smokey scotch whiskey. She swallowed the mouth full of alcohol, suppressed the urge to cough, and gave the flask back to Roweyna, "How was your conversation with commander Nyugen?"

"Oh good, good. He explained that there was a mis-understandin' with his staff and he personally took responsibility for it. Claimed he told his subordinate to ensure that ye did not get placed in a position to run afoul o' the enemy patrol."

"And you believed him?" Kate asked.

"Well I've met his subordinate and he's a right nasty piece o' work. He seems like that perfect blend of stupid and mean. So if his commander told him to do somethin' I would not be surprised if he found some malicious way to make it look like he was tryin' to obey when disobeyed."

"That's a very accurate assessment." Anastasia said.

"Aye, and the commander let our techs have a go at selecting some of the best salvage. I think between that Marauder and Cataphract we can build out a Marauder."

Kate gave a low whistle, "That's a pretty sweet deal, but I'm sure I strafed both those 'mechs to scarp. If Brant can resurrect that Marauder from that slag, he's a better tech than he's been letting on."

"I'm better than that vodka swillin' Aerotech you got." Brant yelled from across the fire. "At least I can speak English."

"As long as the armor holds, and the wings don't fall off, Dmitry is good shit in my book. I don't care what he swills or how he speaks." Kate replied as she took the flask from Roweyna.

"We have half o' Marauder back in the Tir na nOg, so once we meet up with father we'll be able to put it into service, or sell it for mint."

"Are you still going to report our mistreatment to the MRB?" Anastasia asked.

Roweyana shook her head, "Nay, it jest wouldn't do. The commander and I had a long talk and I truly believe he lost control of his subordinate and he wanted to make it right. No need for raise the issue any higher."

"What about all your talk of mercenary professionalism and keeping faith with other mercenaries?"

"Anastasia, I know I said some high an' lofty things, but ye have to understand when a field commander offers ye good salvage ye know he's tryin' to make amends. No one died, and we have our 'mechs. If my father were here he'd be tellin ye the same thing. 'Pocket yer money. Take yer salvage, and at least act grateful'."

"Sage advice." Anastasia said.

"How much whiskey did you bring with you?" Kate asked after taking another swing from the flask.

"Enough to last me till 0800 tomorrow, so make sure yer ready to go wheels up by that time." Roweyna said as she opened the outer pocket of her brief case closer and pulled out a slender curved bottle containing a brown liquid.

Brant came by with a tray that looked like it was made of sheet metal. The tray was laden with hamburgers. "Alright ladies, the Compact was kind enough to give us a couple kilos of ground beef and we found some bread for buns. So, we're having a good old fashioned Taurian burger burn. We also got some type of root vegetable like potato that Masja and Tasja are frying into chips." As he mentioned them Brant nodded his head toward the twin techs standing over a large pot full of oil.

Hap walked over and passed a bottle of wine to Anastasia, "I had to trade our ration of beer for this, and I think it's just a red blend, but I thought you'd like it more than rice beer."

Anastasia smiled as she accepted the bottle. She looked over the label it, like everything she had experienced on St. Ives was in Chinese, Russian, but there were small gold letters that read, "red wine" at the bottom and "3025".

Anastasia reached into her go-bag and pulled out a wine key and began to cut the foil. "3025 was at least a good year for technical readouts, lets see how the wine fared."

"You carry a corkscrew in your go-bag?" Joker asked as he took a hamburger and sat down in a folding camp chair next to Mags.

"How else would one open a wine bottle?" Anastasia screwed in the cork.

"Well the one time, and I should clarify this was the only time before today, that I ever saw a wine bottle anywhere near a battlefield Hap just broke the neck off of it and we drank out of our canteen cups."

Hap shrugged as he took the wine bottle from Anastasia and pulled hard, "You've had a certain civilizing effect on our lance." As he spoke the cork came out with a pop.

Anastasia nodded as she took the bottle, put it to her lips, and tipped it high for a long drink.

"I think we've had the opposite effect on Anastasia." Joker said.

She handed the bottle to Hap, "No, wine should be enjoyed from glass, not a steel cup. The steel will chemically interact with the wine and spoil the taste. Glass is inert, and since this is the only potable glass container we have handy I'm using it as a field expedient wine glass."

Hap took a long drink from the wine bottle. "I'm still a little concerned about how hard you hit your head."

Mike brought the tray of burgers over to Hap and Anastasia, "Mighty generous of the Compact to give us some real beef."

"Oh, you think so?" Kate said, "You should see what they had back at the head shed. I think the evening menu was lobster in a cream sauce with capers and Ouzo served over linguini. The Capellans had apparently poached some real choice supplies. Which the Compact found and dispersed as they saw fit."

"To the victor goes the spoils" Roweyna said as she lifted her glass bottle in a mock toast.

"And somehow we still get the scraps." Mags noted

"It's all good." Joker told her, "The fact the Cappellans were saving it up for our victory party makes my burger taste better." Joker said as Masja and Tasja came up with a try of fried potatoes. "Thanks ladies." Joker said as he grabbed a handful then tried not to howl when he burned his fingers on the hot oil. Tasja shook her head as she put the tray down on a large upturned cable spool near the fire.

"You gonna be okay dining on this peasant food while our allies enjoy their Lobster Thermidor?" Brant asked.

Anastasia swallowed a mouthful of hamburger, "I suspect our allies are enjoying Lobster with pernod-capers butter. Lobster Thermidor is usually made with brandy and the lobster is served in the shell. However, no, I'm right where I want to be." She leaned into Hap and smiled, "I'm in good company with good food and drink. We're all safe, and like Joker said this is one of the best hamburgers I've ever had. Thank you for cooking."

Brant looked taken aback, "Alright. Yeah. You're welcome." He took a few steps away, "Hey maybe you could cook Lobster Thermidor for us sometime. Let us see what it's like eat like a fancy noble."

"We'll need fresh lemons, lots of eggs and cream, gruyere cheese, brandy, and of course lobster." Anastasia answered.

"I'll talk to Henry about getting all of that, might be a nice meal to celebrate getting off this rock."

"I'll make you a list with all the acceptable substitutions in case Henry has trouble finding everything."

"Much appreciated." Brant said as he offered burgers to Masja and Tasja.

"I'll not authorize extra money for purchasing food for the ship's mess." Roweyna said, "but I'll offer up the brandy."

"Henry's a pretty savvy scavenger, that shouldn't be a problem." Brant answered as he took a burger and put the rest of the tray on the spool by the potatoes.

"You know for someone who doesn't eat much you sure know a lot about food." Joker said to Anastasia.

"I try to make every calorie count." Anastasia said.

"Not me." Kate said, "I try to eat like every meal is my last, and run it off later if I manage to survive. Although my survival rate has been pretty good so I might need to cut back." Her voice dropped as she added, "little Katey is having trouble outrunning her inner fat girl."

"You consider yourself a connoisseur of military rations, how is that 'eating like every meal is your last." Joker asked.

"I'm enjoying every meal, that's how." Kate said. "Good burgers by the way, Brant."

"Salt, pepper and beef, can't go wrong." Brant said as he took a second one.

Chyou walked into the fire light, "May I join you?"

Anastasia used a piece of hamburger to entice Selene to move off the bench and lay down at Hap and Anastasia's feet. Anastasia and Hap moved to accommodate Chyou, and she thanked them as she sat down and stared at the fire.

Everyone was quiet for a moment before Anastasia offered Chyou a hamburger.

"Thank you my friend, but-"

"Wait, didn't you have fancy Lobster dinner?"

"Our meal was an unpleasant and quarrelsome affair where Zhang attempted to turn several of the other officers and NCOs against the commander. He felt that the Commander showed too much generosity and respect toward you and your company, and encouraged the other officers to join him in his displeasure."

"Yeah I know a lot about unpleasant and quarrelsome meals. They happened every time my uncle came to visit and tried to borrow money from my mom." Joker said.

"Quiet Learnin' disability," Roweyna said as she slouched in her chair and took a long drink, "Yer commander jest let that little shitehawk try to raise a rabble against him?"

"Not for long. Zhang has on several occasions spoken ill of the commander's decisions behind his back. Today he made a malicious comment at the officer's mess and the Commander ordered Zhang to speak plainly and explain his meaning. This led to Zhang to impugn the Commander's leadership and decisions openly. The result is that Zhang has now been removed from active mechwarrior status, and will be transferred to command of an infantry basic training company."

"Your leadership is putting Zhang in charge of a basic training unit? That doesn't sound wise." Hap said

"He will be surrounded by professional NCOs so there is little risk to the trainees. He was also told explicitly that if his performance fails to be satisfactory he will spend his career as an infantry officer with no opportunities to be on mechwarrior status again. This is his last warning."

Everyone was quiet for a moment as the fire hissed and crackled. A log broke in two and Mags used a prybar to catch it before it could roll away from the other logs. She added another log to the fire.

"Damn. Zhang got dispossessed by his own Commander. That's cold." Joker said.

"Aye, I recall once we came to a Jump point and there was no Jump Ship for days. We were in enemy territory and too low on fuel to get to a habitable world even if we wanted to try. One of the crewmembers started similar mischief talkin' about how Father was a fool, and he was going to get us all killed."

"When Father got wind of it he called everyone together and confronted the man and any other would be mutineers. Henry damn near marched the dissenter to the air lock, but Father confined him to his bunk, forbid him from speaking to anyone. If'n he failed to abide by that, he'd be removed from the vessel. When we got to a friendly port Father terminated his employment, cited him for breach of contract and warned him not to use him as a reference."

"Damn, where's 'the family love'?" Joker asked.

"Mutiny aboard a space vessel is no joke." Kate said as she took another sip from Roweyna's liquor bottle. "It seemed every class I took at NAIS on ship board ops at least mentioned that a mutiny was something to be taken seriously. Obviously the focus was keeping high moral and being transparent with leadership decisions, but if that failed…"

Brant motioned for the liquor bottle, "I gotta know, how did the morally upright and virtuous academies of House Davion suggest dealing with mutineers?"

"In the most Taurian of fashion." Kate said grimly, "Aggressively, decisively, but with restraint so that the crew wasn't decimated. Kelly's response would have been textbook, Henry's response…well depending on the circumstances, not to many Drop Ship Commanders I know would have questioned it."

Brant took a long drink than passed the bottle back to Roweyna, "Aggressive, decisive, but with restraint, that's the Concordat's style alright. Maybe there's hope for House Davion yet."

"Or maybe were not so different." Kate said quietly.

"You know, given the choice I think I'd rather be spaced than dispossessed." Joker said.

"That right there is why people think you have a learning disability." Mags said.

"What's next for you Chyou?" Anastasia asked.

"My work and experience for the Compact has been noted by my superiors and Her Grace has been made aware that I was the daughter of landed nobility. I have been told I will receive the title and holdings of my father, but I must still serve in the military." Chyou said.

"Our holdings included large tracts of farming land for rice and grains. Soon I will take leave, find worthy stewards and ensure that the farmers have what they need, lest we create a famine. Once the farming is secure I will return to the army and defend my people while I govern from afar."

"Have you heard from your father?" Hap asked.

"Mother has sent a note that he is quite conflicted and has seen things within the Confederation that has made him question the war and his loyalties. She says the news lies about the Compact, and they have seen for themselves that Maximillian Liao is selfish, abusive, and possibly insane, and his daughter Romano is little better. There are problems caused by the war with the Federated Suns, but the selfishness of the Laios and the brutality of their government has exacerbated the tragedy."

"Do you think he'll rejoin you, maybe help you?" Hap asked, "Could he be one of those stewards?"

Chyou shook her head, "His pride and the politics makes that impossible. He would lose much face to return now, especially now that I have received his title and our holdings. Further, it would create a question of our family loyalty. Were we opportunist that played both sides? Is our loyalty only to our holdings? Will we run back to the Cappellans if the Compact appears weak? No. He must stay where he is, at least for now."

Chyou was quiet again and the fire continued to crackle and pop. Anastasia looked over at her friend and saw a tear streak down her cheek.

"Even if your dad can't come back, does he at least acknowledge he has a daughter again?" As Hap spoke he reached over Anastasia and gave Chyou a friendly shoulder squeeze.

Chyou nodded, "Yes. Mother says that father no longer considers me naïve and impudent, but wise and honorable, and it pleases him . That at least has been some comfort to me."

The conversation turned as Joker argued why losing a 'mech was a fate worse than death, and the other MechWarriors weighed in on what they would do if they lost their 'mech or could no longer pilot a mech. Anastasia snuggled up to Hap and imagined a day when she was quietly governing Hazelhurst with Hap at her side. The conversations continued until the drinks ran dry and the eventually the fire burned down to embers. After that everyone split up to their sleeping areas.


  • Major
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #318 on: 19 August 2023, 17:46:22 »
Nice post battle scenes. Keep it coming!


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #319 on: 23 August 2023, 15:53:15 »
This continues to be a great read. I look forward to more.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #320 on: 02 September 2023, 17:21:03 »
enjoying the chapters, finally caught up. Hopefully more will be coming. There a lot depth with this story.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #321 on: 28 October 2023, 16:45:40 »
Chapter 111
St. Ives System
July 3030

Roweyna stood on the Bridge of the Leopard looking out over the controls into the vastness of space. She didn't know why, but she felt if she was on the bridge, she needed to look out the windows. Hawkins and Kate were going between their instruments and generally ignoring the windows. Sarah was at the Navigation station and equally engrossed in her systems. Roweyna knew that good pilots were supposed to rely almost exclusively on their instruments, but it still vexed her that no one was paying attention to what could be going on outside the window. Of course, they were thousands of kilometers from anything so there was nothing to see.

"How much further till the jump point?" Roweyna said.

"You want that in distance or hours?" Hawkins asked.

"Hours Mr. Hawkins. How long till we arrive at the Jump point." Roweyna answered, "I'll not have ye telling me were millions of kilometers away but were going thousands of kilometers an hour and pretending that it means anything to me."

"Um, it is about a million kilometers." Sarah said, "But we've been under constant thrust since we left St. Ives III, so we are going…"

"Come on Navigator, how fast are we going, and when will we get to the jump point?" Hawkins said.

"Uh…" Sarah started to look at her charts and the navigation station monitors, "Okay, so we're about here, coming up on the last planet in the system, and we left St. Ives III about a week ago."

Kate got up and walked over to the navigation station. She started to press various buttons on the different monitors as she explained, "There's your accelerometer, that is our current speed. Here's your digital star charts. If you press this it will triangulate our location based off of the constellations the ship can see, and here you have direct access to the ship's clock. Speed, location, and timing, those are the three things you need to navigate this or any other vessel."

Sarah nodded, "Okay, I didn't know all that. Whenever you guys ask Anastasia a question, she just seems to have the answer, and knowing her I thought she was using some weird academy math to guess."

"Anastasia doesn't guess, and if you had asked her she would have told you exactly what she was doing." Kate said. Sarah nodded as Kate continued, "However considering you spent most of your time at the navigation blind during our last voyage, it's probably more the Pilot Commander's fault than yours."

"Wait, what? How is this my fault?"

"You're supposed to be training her."

"Damn it, this happens every time. You start sharing a bed with a woman and next thing you know everything's your fault."

"Mr. Hawkins, I believe yer gettin' off topic. I need to know how many hours 'afore we're at the jump point."

"About 12 hours." Kate answered as she pointed to various pieces of pertinent information on the monitors for Sarah. Then she hit a button and pulled a display that read, "Time to location: 12:08"

Sarah nodded as she quickly wrote down notes on her scratch paper.

"I have a few items I need to attend too. When my father's jump ship arrives in the system call me. I'm certain he'll want to talk."

"Too easy." Hawkins said as Roweyna left the bridge.

Roweyna walked down the hallway as she mused. She needed to make sure everything was in order on the drop ship. She knew her father would want to see the Phaidin as soon as he had an opportunity, and he would complain to her about anything he found amiss. Roweyna also knew he would always find something amiss, but she was going to at force him to get creative.

Roweyna opened the door to engineering and slipped into the small control area that overlooked the massive engines. It was little more than a control panel with multiple lights, monitors and dials. Even though the room was soundproofed but the hum of the engines could still be heard, and almost felt. Two men swiveled around as she entered their workspace. She knew the men were brothers, but they couldn't be more different. The older brother, William, was shorter, slim and had a full beard and long brown hair. The other crew members referred to him as "Nuke Jesus" because he looked like the classic Jesus of iconography, and he was in charge of the fusion engine. His brother Charles was tall, stocky and had a military style crew cut and clean-shaven face.

"Alright gents, how much have we improved the performance of the Phaidin? I put up a lot of money to fix the internal wiring and after two weeks, I'd like to know what I have to show for it."

"Uh…" William looked at the various dials and monitors on the table, and then he walked up to a blank portion of the wall and began to write with a dry-erase marker. The wall was covered with various equations, scribbles, notes on things and other almost indiscernible information. William asked Charles for various pieces of information as he wrote out a long equation and put the data in as Charles called it out.

"Well…it looks like we're at 87.2% engine efficiency, which is pretty good, given that this is a centuries old fusion generator, and it was generally neglected till I was hired."

"Aye, that does sound promisin'. How much of an improvement is that?"

"Let me look in the log" William said as he grabbed an oversized green book from the top of one of the consoles and started to flip the pages. He started to write on the wall. After a few minutes he looked back at Roweyna, ".5%"

"5%, That's not too bad." Roweyna said.

"No, point five percent.", William said as he circled 86.7 on the wall and then drew an arrow to the 87.2%

".5? Do ye know much money I spent fixin' the power cabels?" Roweyna asked.

"I do not." William said.

"How am I going to explain to father that we spent several million C-bills to repair this floatin' slag heap and in the end, it only improved her performance by .5%?" Roweyna said.

"I thought we were repairing the electrical system because it was a safety hazard." William said.

"Yeah, the storage locker on the second deck was a death trap." Charles added.

"What?" Roweyna asked.

"The storage locker where we keep all the dunnage, extra cables, paper, linen. You know the big room where we store all the stuff, we can't think of any other place to put it." Charles said.

Roweyna looked confused, "The purser's locker was a death trap? I get things out of there all the time, what was wrong?"

"The ceiling was electrified." Charles said.

"How is that- Why would you think-" Roweyna shook her head, then snapped "How often do ye find yerself walkin' on the ceiling of the purser's locker?"

"Rarely, or more accurately never." Willaim said.

Charles quickly added, "but when we were burning away from that Jump Ship under full thrust and Hawkins decided to fly this bird like an Aerofighter someone could have ended up dead."

"Were ye traipsing about the ship pillagin' the purser's locker while Mr. Hawkins was engaging in extreme maneuvers? 'Cause if ye were, then I'd suggest the state of the ceilings electrification would be the least of yer problems." Roweyna could barely keep herself from shouting.

"Well, no, but you asked." Charles answered.

Roweyna collected herself, "So I did Mr. Calhoun. So I did. Now, if ye'll excuse me I have other things to attend to. Perhaps ye can see if he can improve the engine's performance by more than .5% before Commander McFinnigan sees you again."

"Sorta hard to do when we're underway." William replied.

"I leave it to both of ye to find a way." Roweyna left the engineering area and resumed walking down the halls. She could already hear her father's unimpressed groan as she explained the cost of repairing the ship and how it was admittedly safer, but it wasn't performing any better. He'd understand the need to spend the money and he'd say that safety was always a priority, but he also liked to get a good deal and he'd be happier if the safety improvements had made the ship operate better. Perhaps he would be pleased knowing the ship had less "death traps".

Roweyna passed by the flight deck and slipped into the bay holding the Stuka. Everything was in order including two tons of armor replacement sheets. She quickly walked around the craft and ran her fingertips across the skin of the nose as she walked. The Stuka looked in good shape and everything appeared in order. The new Aerotechnician was proving to be a good hire, and Kate was a welcome addition to the family. Having an aerospace fighter was probably the only reason she still had four 'mechs in the dropship's bay.

Roweyna walked across the passageway to the port side aerobay. She had sold the Karnov to the Compact forces. Hawkins and Kate had convinced her that the Karnov's tilt rotor design was dangerous, and since it couldn't travel in space and didn't have weapons neither of them were interested in learning to fly it. Roweyna managed to sell it, but most of what she made went to buying supplies to fix the Phaidin. As she entered the bay Roweyna was greeted by the MIIO agent tasked to escort the ROM agent Shafer and the mysterious ECM device that the company had captured.

"Ma'am I'd prefer everyone stay away from the prisoner and the asset." The MIIO agent said.

"Oh aye." Roweyna said "We're nearing the jump point and I wanted to make sure everythin' is in order. I'm jest doin' my rounds."

As she spoke Roweyna looked over the agent. He was wearing tactical civilian clothes and looked tired. The MIIO office could only spare one agent and so it had been understood the company would help him, but so far he had refused any assistance. He seemed very young and inexperienced to Roweyna.

She glanced over his shoulder to see a cot set close to the storage container that had been made into a brig. There was a small folding table with cards and a few other items. It looked like he was living and sleeping in the aerobay just outside the physical reach of his charge.

"Thank you, everything's in order here." The MIIO agent said as he physically blocked Roweyna.

Shafer, the ROM agent looked up at Roweyna. Her skin was sallow, and her shoulder length black hair hung down limply. She looked unhealthy, and her shirt was open exposing the bandages wrapped around her chest. There was a small blood stain on one of the bandages. She looked tired but as she studied Roweyna there was a cleverness and anger in her eyes.

"Has the doctor been to see ye recently?" Roweyna said looking at Shafer. Even if the MIIO agent didn't like it, Roweyna had obligations to any prisoners her company had in their care.

"For what it's worth, yeah." Shafer answered, "You're dressed nicely, you don't stink like 'mech coolant, and you don't have that slack jawed idiotic look of the rest of the crew. Do you own this floating trash barge, and all the garbage in it?" Shafer asked.

"For what it's worth, ye could say that." Roweyna responded, "though I'd submit yer mistaken in some of yer assumptions, particularly when it comes to the quality of this vessel and all it contains."

"When my associates come for that," Shafer nodded toward the container holding the ECM device, "There going to free me and make you regret everything you've done. You have no idea what you are up against."

"Yer associates have tried to take things from us afore, and, given the half-assed methods they used, I'd suggest they're the ones who have no idea what they're up against."

"They won't make the same mistake twice."

"Be that as it may, I also seem to recall they tried to kill you, so I'm thinkin' yer chances of survival, one way or another, are better with me, as I have a contractual agreement to deliver you. Further, in my experience, most spies that are compromised don't receive a warm welcome from their agencies."

"We'll see." Shafer said, but Roweyna could see some of the hate and energy seemed to disappear from her expression. It seemed Roweyna's words had some effect on the ROM agent.

The MIIO agent pushed Roweyna out of the door and started to close it, but Roweyna put her hand up. She spoke quietly so only he could hear, "Ye look like shite and that's a dangerous and cunning woman. I got two AFFS officers that could relieve ye, if only for a few hours to let ye get some sleep."

"This is my assignment, and I can handle it." The MIIO agent said as he closed the door.

Roweyna stood for a moment outside the closed door. This was her ship, and she could demand several things, not the least of which was that she not be locked out of her own aerobay. Her father would have never allowed this. She sighed as she started walking toward the crew's berthing areas. She'd talk to Hap and Anastasia and see if they wouldn't come and convince the MIIO agent to change his mind. It suddenly occurred to Roweyna that the MIIO agent never introduced himself, she had a name for the flight manifest, but she was certain it was an alias. Everything about him shouted inexperience.

Roweyna walked through the crew's berthing areas. Most of it looked in order, or at least the doors to the sleeping areas were closed and the wall lockers were secured. There were no strange smells of rotten food, soiled clothing, or vermin so she decided it was good enough. Roweyna looked into the crew's lounge. It was unoccupied, but everything was in order.

She came to the MechWarriors area and found their spaces in a similar state of cleanliness and tidiness. The warrior's lounge was open, and she could hear two people talking softly. The lights were dim, and she could see the back of Hap and Anastasia's heads. They were sitting in the circular couch and watching the holoscreen project the view from one of the ship's external cameras. The screen showed the last planet in the St. Ives system slowly fall away and shrink as the ship flew to the system's jump point.

"I don't know what I'll miss the most." Anastasia said as Rowyena approached them.

"We had an old Sergeant, old enough we'd convince the new guys he was a vet from the third succession war. Hap chuckled. "He probably was, to be honest. He had a really long break in service, but managed to re-enlist before he got too old. He was always complaining about how he could have been Sergeant Major if he'd stayed in. One day I asked him why he came back."

"What he'd say?"

"He hated the circus but missed the clowns."

Anastasia gave Hap a questioning look before her expression softened and she smiled, "I think I'll miss the clarity of sitting in a 'mech cockpit. From there it's simple to recognize enemies and allies. In the academic research community, it seemed like everyone is out for themselves. Most of them are driven by greed and jealousy. They'd turn on you in a heartbeat for grant money or recognition."

Anastasia sighed, "That brings up what I suppose I really miss, being part of a team where the individual knows their survival is incumbent on the warrior to their left and right.

"So, you will miss the clowns." Hap said as he kissed the top of her head.

"Just you." Anastasia answered with an impudent smile.

"Hey! I'm not a clown."

"Allow me to correct myself, I won't miss you, because I'm going to take you with me."


"Eventually." Anastasia agreed, then added quietly "or perhaps sooner."

Before Hap could correct her, she continued, "I will miss the McFinnigan family. Somehow Kelly's inculcated that collective survival sentiment into nearly every member of the Company. Although my experience is limited to the RCT, the techs and astechs were generally indifferent, the air crews seemed to view the 'mechs as garbage they needed to clear out of their Drop Ships, and it felt like most of the Companies and Lances were competing with each other."

"He does that by being generous with bonuses mostly." Roweyna said as Hap and Anastasia turned to look at her and Selene's head popped and swiveled to look at her, "and the fact that since everyone's family is aboard it gives everyone a vested interest in keeping these boats flying and out of weapons range. As for the pilots, it took a lot of work, but father has them mostly convinced they shouldn't call the 'mechs and mechwarriors garbage, at least not to yer face."

"Hello Rowyena, you startled us." Hap said.

"Pardon me." Rowyena said "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I'm jest doin' my rounds, makin' sure everything is ship shape before we get to the jump point. I was wondering if I could trouble you. Would ye find Dr. Les, and ask her to check on our guest, and while yer there, insist the MIIO agent take a few hours and sleep while ye watch the prisoner?"

Hap nodded as Anastasia said, "We offered earlier, but he made it clear that our assistance was not required."

Hap stood up, "We'll grab the doc and see if he hasn't changed his mind. It's been a few days since we talked to him."

"I appreciate it. Ms. Shaffer looks like a particularly cunning and nasty individual who will take advantage of our poor MIIO agent the moment she gets an opportunity."

Hap gently pulled Anastasia to her feet as Selene hopped off the couch and stretched before following them. Roweyna left them and continued her rounds.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #322 on: 28 October 2023, 16:46:17 »
Chapter 112

Roweyna came to the mech bay and found the techs and Joker sitting around a folding table playing cards. It looked like Dmitry was winning, although Joker had a certain earnest look about him which made Roweyna think he was either losing badly or had a good hand and was trying to make the most of it.

She glanced around the bay area. The 'mechs were secured for transit, all the tools and equipment were in their storage locations. She could see the missile crates were properly marked and secured. Mike's old tool cart was in the corner. It had a nasty dent in it where Hap had pushed it over the side of the gantry railing to kill a ROM agent. It seemed the other tech's had reverently put it back together and placed it where Mike normally kept it. As Roweyna started to walk toward it she noticed Mags bent over another workstation.

Rowyena walked toward the young mechwarrior, "What have ye there Mags?"

She glanced over her shoulder and held up a piece of leather that had "JEFE" stamped into it. As Roweyna got closer she could see it was a knife sheath and Mags had sewn up half of it. On the workbench next to the leather tools was the vibrodagger the sheath was being made for.

"Where'd ye collect this lovely piece of kit?" Roweyna asked as she picked up the knife. It was heavier than it looked, like most virbroweapons, and the weight was concentrated in the handle. Mags had wrapped the handle with coyote colored paracord and the blade's edge shone like it had recently been grinded and rehomed.

"Jefe found it. One of those jump infantry putas was trying to use it to break open his cockpit when Joker barbacoa-ed them."

Roweyna nodded, she had heard bits of this story in the after-action reports from their operations with the Compact forces. She nodded as she put the dagger down. "So he asked you to make him a sheath?"

"Not exactly. I asked him if he was going to keep the dagger and he told me he didn't have a sheath for it, so I thought I'd make him one."

"That's a great kindness." Roweyna said, not sure what else to say.

"Yeah, Jefe was talking about how every time we meet some one we give them something of ourselves, and we take something of them with us. I wanted to choose what he got from me."

Roweyna nodded, "I'd wager he was talking about lasting memories that ye all have made from trainin' and fightin' together."

"No, he was talking about his dad's lighter. It's little things like this that are evidence that you're respected by other warriors. People ask you, 'hey, where'd you get that.' And you tell them about the bad ass warrior who gave it to you, and they know you're a bad ass too. It's a sign of honor."

"My old man gave me all my kit, and he told me I could have medals from some army, but any fool could earn those. Instead he gave me a gun. I also got my uncle's belt buckle, a holster from a family friend, and a knife from my cousin. I also have my grandmother's crucifix and virgin of Guadalupe medallion. My papa told me anytime I wore this I would know my friends and family cared for me, had my back, and wanted me to conquistar my adversario. I remember that every time I go into battle."

"Aye, my father calls that 'artifacts of a life well lived'." Roweyna said, "I'm certain Hap will greatly appreciate yer gesture. Father has often asked me, what sort of things I could point to show people that I was loved by family, respected by my peers, and feared by my enemies."

"What do you tell him?"

Roweyna sighed, "I could come up with some empty whiskey bottles and broken China, but little else I'm afraid. Though I've recently come into possession of a knife, and much like Hap the sheath for it seemed to have been lost when the previous owner met their untimely end. Perhaps ye could-"

"You need a badass warrior to make you sheath?"

"If ye have the time and leather to spare."

"I got some extra leather."

"All this talk reminds me though, I had a task for Henry, have ye seen him?"

"I think he was looking for you."

Roweyna nodded, "of course. He's likely on the command deck."

"I think Smythe and Lucas were with them."

"When aren't they?" Roweyna asked as she started to walk away.

Roweyna moved from the mech bay to the personal spaces and started moving between decks. She found herself in front of the storage locker. She paused for a moment before entering the large storage area. She looked around the room. Everything was in order. Her father insisted everything in the locker be organized by the classic military classes of supply, and it all seemed to be laid out that way.

The first section had rations and a few shelf-stable food products, and water purification tablets. Next was the McFinnigan themed clothing, shirts, coveralls, shoulder patches, a few miscellaneous uniform items. There was a small section of lubricant for small arms, and some of the Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant or POL needed for the ship, though the POL for the 'mech's parts was kept down in the mech bays, similarly there was some ammunition for sidearms and personnel weapons but larger ammunition, like missiles and large caliber machine gun ammo was also in a the mech bays. Between the POL and ammo was construction materials and dunnage. There was a large section of personal items like hygiene products, writing materials and batteries. Toward the back were the extra medical supplies, and some small repair parts.

Roweyna surveyed it all for a moment before staring at the ceiling. She wondered how long the ceiling had been electrified and how close she had come to either receiving a bad electrical shock, or even dying. As looked at the ceiling she heard a soft cough from behind her.

"There ye are, mum. We was lookin' for ya." Henry said. "Is somethin' wrong with the upper deck there mum?"

"I don't believe so." Roweyna said slowly as she turned, "The chief engineer told me the roof had been electrified in the locker here, and I was considering all the times I must have been unwittingly cheatin' death."

"The Phaidin is a good ship mum, I find if ye respect her, she takes you where ye need to go. I think some members of the crew had grown overly sensitive to some of her quirks."

Roweyna knew her chief boatswain's mate was probably personally insulted by the demand to overhaul the ship's electrical wiring. The condition of it had been dangerous, but it had also been considered acceptable for so long. There was also no money or time set aside to fix the wiring. He really couldn't be blamed for the condition of the electrical systems, and it was a sadly common situation on many drop ships in the inner sphere.

"Yer right, Mr. Henry, she's a good ship and has never failed to get us where we needed to go." Roweyna said. As she spoke Roweyna turned around to see Henry flanked by Smythe and Lucas. Lucas had the long two meter long 'mech torque wrench balanced across his back and shoulders, it looked like he was struggling with the weight.

"Ye told me ye wanted to hang this on the wall above Mike's photo. Figure we should do it afore yer father comes aboard. He's gonna want to make sure we gave big Mike a proper sendoff."

Roweyna nodded as she motioned for Henry to lead the way. They walked down the passageway toward the galley as Henry spoke, "I thought Mister Calahad did a fine job at Mike wake. Said many stirring things, talked about his skill, hard work, and his generally kind demeanor."

"He toasted the man and said his 'mech 'never worked finer since Mike became his tech, and when Mike gave a man a compliment, he had earned it."

"Aye. Kind an' truer words were ne'er spoken." Henry said wistfully.

"It was also short so we could start drinking sooner." Smythe added. "But I don't know why we didn't hang this thing when we hung his picture on the wall."

"Because on our equipment lists this is as 'Battlemech hand actuator adjustable torq wrench, 2.5-meter, titanium alloy.' What I didn't know was that it was used only for adjusting a Shadow Hawk's hand actuator and it's only needed for some very specific maintenance. Mike apparently kept it around to periodically use a pry bar. We're not currently fielding a Shadow Hawk, and even if we were adjusting the hand actuators is a very rare bit o' maintenance."

"Or knock the head off a man." Smythe added, "I heard he killed a dozen men by sneaking up behind them and then braining them with this thing."

"So heavy." Lucas groaned.

"Aye it weighs over 50 kilograms." Roweyna said, "And apparently only Mike could hope to lift it and use it as a tool. I should say, he didn't kill a dozen men…though he did use it to protect the family on a few occasions… All that to say, Brant told me we this is thing sorta summed up ol' Mike. It's big, powerful, a little misunderstood and special. So I'm putting it on the wall. He defended the family with it. He was a warrior jest as true as fierce as any other in the company."

They entered the galley and Henry walked to a table where he had already laid out tools, the wiring diagram for the room and the ship's plans. He ordered Lucas to hold the wrench against the wall above Mike's photo as Smythe prepared an impact hammer.

Roweyna stood back and looked over the wall of fallen company members. The Tir Na nOg had a similar wall and most of the pictures were the same between the two galleys. Her father had founded the company some 20 years before, when she was not quite a teen. She knew most of the men and women on the wall. She looked long and carefully at each of them. Most of their names she knew, and she had some memory of almost all of them. Her eyes rested on two pictures located over a corner booth.

Henry, Smythe, and Lucas completed their work and Henry turned to the contemplating Roweyna. "Pardon us mum, but this has been some thirsty work, perhaps ye could…"

Instinctively Roweyna wanted to turn down the request. Before she could stop herself, she nodded and fished out the keys to unlock the cover for the galley's taps from her sweater pocket. "Alright lads, one drink, I won't have father think that I'm allowin' this to be a booze cruise."

Henry tapped his nose. "Yer secrets safe with us, mum."

Roweyna pulled pints for the sailors as she put them on the bar as she looked at the booth in the corner. "Here ye are lads."

Henry looked at Roweyna and then glanced over his shoulder to see what she was looking at. He nodded, "Come along boys" Henry said as he led Lucas and Smythe to the far corner of the bar. Roweyna pulled three more pints, and pressed all three into a triangle between her hands and took them to the corner booth.

She set the three pints on the table then put one below the picture of her brother, and the other beneath the picture of her uncle. "It's been a long-time gents." She said as she sat down next to her brother's photo.

She studied both photos for a moment. Her uncle's photo had a small brass plate beneath it with "Llewyn McFinnigan'' engraved on it. The photo was of a middle-aged man standing on the shoulder of a Victor battlemech surveying something off camera. If she asked her father what Llewyn was looking at he'd tell her how he was studying a grand battlefield and then he'd tell some embellished tale of epic combat that he and Llewyn had participated in. It was rarely the same story, and each time Llewyn's exploits grew. If Roweyna asked her mother she'd consistently reply, "That rogue was as always lookin' for a pub."

Roweyna used her sweater sleave to polish the brass plate marked "Richard McFinnigan" as she studied her brother's photo. It was a scene at the beach with both Roweyna and her brother. She remembered the time well. Her brother had gotten leave from the Donnegal guards at the same time she had a break from her law studies. The whole family went on a beach holiday. Her brother was looking straight at the camera and Roweyna was behind him with a big toothy smile. She was looking to the side, probably at her mother. This was part of a larger photo that also had her mother with an equally large smile. Roweyna realized her and Elinor didn't smile like this anymore, not since Richard had died.

There was a small shelf beneath each picture. Beneath Richard's photo was a small statue of a Orion and on her uncle Llewyn's shelf was a Victor and an old pipe and tobacco pouch. Roweyna took the Orion and polished it with the corner of her sweater before putting it back on the shelf next to a wooden rosary. Roweyna had an identical rosary, but she kept it in her briefcase. Her mother would prefer she wore it around her neck, but it would too often remind her of her brother, so it stayed in the briefcase until she needed it.

"Well gents, it's a fine mess I find myself in, and I think ye both know it's yer fault." She took a sip and then set her pint down. "I was jest going to be the company lawyer. That was the agreement. I went to law school, and uncle Llewyn you'd help father run this company, and someday, Richard, ye and Patrick were supposed to inherit the whole thing."

She took a long drink, "But yer both dead now, and Patrick is a drunk. Father's not getting' any younger, and honestly if some jammy bastard doesn't kill him, mother will make him retire sooner rather than later. It's jest a matter of time before I'm doing yer jobs."

She downed half the pint, "and my job too. And I have to tell ye, if this job is any indicator of my future performance leading this lot…well McFinnigan and Sons will end pretty quick. And another thing, jest to add insult to injury, Mother expects me to find a husband and give her another half a dozen cryin' grandchildren like our sisters, Richy." She set her glass down and admired the quarter full pint for a moment, "Like she needs more grandchildren. She must have at least two dozen between our sisters, and when do I have time to find a man?"

She took another drink, "If I'm being fair, Patrick is an amazing mechwarrior and leader when he's sober but he misses ye Uncle Llewyn." Her voice got quiet, "Father misses ye too…I suppose we all do, 'cept maybe mother."

Roweyna shook her head, "Of course Patty's wife doesn't see how good he is. Maybe she does, but she doesn't care for him when he's been in his cups. That's why she's livin' on Donegal with their son. Mother's been trying to convince her to come back to this…vagabond life."

She nearly finished her pint, "Of course once she's back she'll be focused on me, and again I ask ye, where am I going to find a man? Not from among the amadan father hires, no sir. You know the one of these fools that I'd actually consider marriage material brought a damn noble with him? She, of course, used all her charms and noble privileges to trick him into marrying her. It's jest not fair."

"I should tell ye, the closest I've come to any romance was a client that nearly strangled me after he tried to kill our flight crew. If ye see a saint, perhaps ye'd ask him to change my luck?"

The 1MC cracked to life, "Roweyna, the Tir Na nOg is on station, they want to speak to you."

Roweyna looked across the bar to Henry, "Tell 'em I'm comin'."

Henry pointed to Smyth who had to get up and take half a step to hit the intercom button on the wall, "She's on her way." Henry called out loudly.

Roweyna finished the pint, "Well gents, duty calls. It will be good to be talkin' to Father, and let him resume runnin' this armored circus." Roweyna kissed two fingers than pressed them to the frame of her brother, then did the same for her uncle, "watch over me gents." She whispered.

Roweyna stood up and started to leave, "Henry have yer lads take care of these pints, and then" She tossed the keys to the bar, "lock up everythin'. I'll get the keys from ye later."

Henry caught the keys as he nodded, "yes mum."

Roweyna looked over the photos of her brother and uncle again and then walked out of the galley and walked swiftly to the command deck. She used her sweater sleeve to wipe her eyes. She walked onto the bridge and approached the comms station. On the holo screen was Willard, the commander of the Tank Company.

"Well howdy little darlin' aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Willard called out.

Roweyna sat down and tried not to sigh obviously. "Mr. Willard, hello."

"Please Ma'am, call me Charlie."

"I think Mr. Willard will do." Roweyna answered coldly.

"Alright, play hard to get. I like a challenge." Willard didn't seem phased by her cold response, "You surprised to see me?"

"Aye." Roweyna said, "I had imagined I'd be speakin with my father, so perhaps-"

"Before you talk to your daddy, I have something to discuss with you. See he liked what my boys and I bring to the fight, so I suggested we join our companies."

"and he agreed?" Roweyna said. Willard's bombastic style annoyed Roweyna and she knew her father had a similar view. She figured her father would have dropped him and his company off on the first planet they landed on, or just tossed Willard out of an airlock when his personality got too big for the ship's cargo hold.

"You know your mighty cute, when your eyes get big like that, and yes he agreed. He told me he could use more fire support, but he wants to get another Long Tom. My strike lance and recon lance got mauled pretty bad on Necromo, but he wants to just build out the recon lance. He says he has mech's for using as a strike lance, though he likes the idea of having some real fast tanks to scoot and shoot, and he might consider something defensive to protect your drop shuttles." Willard said. "I need you to convince your daddy that he needs a complete armored company, not just some self-propelled artillery and rockets with a few hover tanks."

"Mr. Willard, I don't make it a habit of giving my father tactical advice, and I dare say, he and I have more important things to discuss."

"Oh I know that, but when the time is right, if you could ask him, for me, I'd be much obliged."

"I'm not sure-"

"I wanted to add too, your mother has come back, and I see where you get your good looks. She brought with her a little gal with a child. I think it's your cousin's wife and son."

Involuntarily Roweyna blushed at the compliment. "Mother's back, and she convinced Bonnie to come with her?"

"Yup! Bonnie. That's her name. Your Mother also brought some mean lookin fellas too. All of them got that same Donegal accent as you. I gotta say that accent though when you ladies talk it's something else. It's like half singing, and I gotta say, it can make man go wild."

"Can ye go get my mother?" Roweyna asked, then added, "Charles."

Charles smiled, "Yeah, her and Kelly were talking. They said they'd be on their way up." Willard glanced over his shoulder, "here they are now."

Willard got up and disappeared from view and Elinor's head floated into view as she sat down. She looked off camera and smiled politely before turning to look at her daughter. When she saw Roweyna she really smiled, "It's good to see you love, are ye well?"

"Fine, fine. I didn't expect ye'd return so soon. It's only been a few months."

Elinor nodded, "Well I cut my trip to Donnegal short, not as much time as I would have liked with yer sisters and my grandchildren. I heard about the trouble we were in though, so I decided to hurry back."

"Bonnie came with you, and ye brought Brandon and his lads?"

Kelly sat down next to his wife and put his arm around her shoulder. He looked off camera and motioned to someone that Roweyna assumed was Willard. It was obvious whomever he was motioning too he was trying to get them to leave.

Elinor glanced over her shoulder then turned back to Roweyna, she flashed her daughter a mischievous grin, "I happened to find some help as I was on my travels, I see yer father's done the same. Though I believe the help I've brought will likely leave before they've worn out their welcome."

Kelly shook his head, "I've been thinking about changing our business model, try to get more of those garrison details and protect a planet, or some key cities or infrastructure, and having artillery would help with that…but that man Willard, I suspect if I keep him in my employe-"

Elinor looked at her husband, "he believes he's yer partner."

Kelly and Roweyna groaned in unison, "He'll be the death of us." Roweyna added.

Kelly could only grimace and nodded. "I'll speak with him and get it straightened out, but for now, give me some good news lass. Take my mind off of these troubles."

"I've negotiated with the Federated Commonwealth to escort the prize we took from the Capellans. It's not the most lucrative job, but they've seen to the logistics. We're going to lose the Professor and her 'mech when it's done, but I believe we'll break even, and still be in good standin' with Feds. I also did some work with the compact, they'll might have a planet they need a garrison for. I'm sure we won't have much trouble lining up another contract either way."

"Aye, as long as we can avoid any more complications." Kelly said.

"It's a few short jumps in Compact space." Roweyna said, "I think we can avoid complications."

Every alarm seemed to sound in the cockpit. Hawkins and Kate's hands were a flurry of motion. Sarah looked concerned as she glanced around the navigation station and started changing displays.

"Commander, we've got a JumpShip inbound. It's a couple thousand kilometers off from the jump point, and it looks like it's going to be within 100 kilometers of us."

There was a flash like lightning and then a large ship appeared in front of the Leopard.

"Brace for full stop." Kate said over the 1MC as she flipped multiple switches on her control panel. She pulled back hard on the yoke as Roweyna felt the ship lurch. Instinctively she grabbed the underside of her seat with both hands. For a moment it felt like she was going to dislocate a shoulder, but then she was suddenly weightless. Several papers, cups and personal effects bounced off of the walls and then floated away.

Roweyna grabbed her seat's harness and started to put it on as she glanced out of the Leopards viewports. She couldn't believe her eyes. "What's that?" Roweyna said.

"Complications" Kate said, "Complications that shouldn't exist."

"The scanners indicate it's a Black Lion" Sarah paused, "Warship?"


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #323 on: 28 October 2023, 22:33:23 »
Oh.... fudge. Where is a Ngo Type-51 when you need it?
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #324 on: 29 October 2023, 05:54:49 »
That's something you don't expect to see in early 31st Century.  I guess ComStar has come calling, they're not going to take no for answer.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #325 on: 29 October 2023, 18:04:17 »
Comstar is really interested in their prize if they are risking discovery of this asset.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #326 on: 29 October 2023, 19:54:15 »
Personally, this bit over reaction.  Nothing I've seen so far in the story should add up sending a lost Warship showing up out of the blue / black to wipe out a mercenary company.   Warships is their final card (next to the near SLDF sized army)
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #327 on: 31 October 2023, 09:03:10 »
It can also be that the computer is wrong and he is just looking at a Monolith jumpship or something. With an Avenger.

Or it might not be a Comstar ship. (Who am I kidding?)


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #328 on: 11 February 2024, 04:06:28 »
Chapter 113

Roweyna looked at her father and mother and saw the exact same shocked and anxious feeling she felt. The light for an incoming call flashed on the communications terminal. She pressed a few switches to disable her parents video feed, and merge their audio chanel with hers. They wouldn't see anything, but they would hear everything she heard. From the warship side they'd only see and hear Roweyna. The holo of her parents disappeared. She then hesitantly pressed the flashing button.

A stern looking older man suddenly appeared before her. He had slicked back hair and a high widows peak. Roweyna recognized him instantly as Tempes, a man that had presented himself as a an MRB representative. He seemed surprised to see her.

"Ms. McFinnigan." He said slowly.

"Aye, Mr. Tempes. Were ye expectin' my father?"

"It's irrelevant. Do you understand the circumstances you are in?"

Roweyna studied Tempes face, trying to discern any tells or anything she could use to help her persuade or talk her way out of this situation. Her mind raced and she could feel her heart beating like she had sprinted a marathon. She took in a deep breath and smiled serenely as she had seen her mother do countless times.

Roweyna nodded, slowly, "I understand ye haven't started shooting, so I'm inclined to think ye want to talk. I suspect it's about some of the cargo I'm currently holding."

"Do you have the cargo that was taken from Necromo by your company?"

"Aye. I do." Roweyna said with a shrug, "I'm under contract to move it, but if yer lookin' to make a counter offer, I'd be willing to listen."

Tempes's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Roweyna, "I am willing to extend to you the opportunity to surrender, and hand over your cargo."

Roweyna gave him a skeptical look, "Well that seems quite magnanimous of ye." Roweyna answered, "However that doesn't exactly sound like an offer."

"It isn't. You will surrender the cargo, and if you attempt to run you will be destroyed."

"If I surrender, does that come with any assurances?"

"No." Tempes ran his hand through his hair, "You will dock your drop ship with my warship, lay down all weapons and surrender."

"So to be clear, if I refuse your warship will jest destroy us at yer leisure, and if I surrender yer not guaranteeing ye won't just kill us?"

"It is in everyone's best interest if you simply comply."

Roweyna shrugged, "I'm not the sort of woman that simply complies."

"You will dock with my warship; any resistance will be met with overwhelming force." Tempes broke the connection, Roweyna flipped a switch to bring her parent's video back into view.

"Ye heard all of that?"

"Aye." Kelly replied, "We checked with the jump ships here. No one is ready to execute a jump. Even if ye could outmaneuver him, he'd have plenty of time to ravage the lot of us."

Elinor nodded, "We need ye to find a way to keep everyone alive for as long as ye can. We'll find a way to get all ye out of this. Ye need to make the transfer of that thing he wants take as long as ye can."

"All of us? You're a lot more confident than I am."

"Don't talk back, dear heart." Elinor said, "Yer father and I have some planning to do."

"Ye have a suggestion how I should make things take as long as possible."

"I'd start by inviting him to tea, love." Elinor replied, "Like the tea I threw for those members of the LIC that were looking to purchase weapons. If a nice high tea isn't sufficient I'd suggest ye keep finding ways to not close any deals at least until they've recharged their drive batteries."

"Mother, that's not-"

"Now's the time for you to comply dear."

Before Roweyna could respond the screen went black. She glanced over at the controls to see Hawkins and Kate looking at her waiting for instructions. "Mr. Hawkins, Ms. Berlin, move us into position to dock with the Warship."

"Aye Aye" Hawkins said.

"What does 'tea' mean in this context?" Kate asked.

"It means we're going to host a high tea." Roweyna answered, "The thing Mother is referring to is a long, and as things are often with Mother, convoluted situation where she and some of her Heimdall mates were running a black market to distribute weapons and equipment to other Heimdall cells. The LIC thought they were training and equipping members of the Rasalhague resistance and either wanted their cut, or wanted to seize the goods for their own illicit uses. She eventually made them regret trying to purchase from her.."

"Did your mom just poison them?"

"No. That would have jest brought more attention to her operation. As simple and straightforward as that sounds, I doubt it would work on Tempes either. We don't have much time. For now, jest get us to docking position as slow and careful as ye can…though we'll need gravity to make this work."

Roweyna looked at the Warship as she felt the ship begin to move. Soon she felt the ship's inertia create pseudo gravity as it pressed her into the chair. She cued the 1MC. "Mr. Henry I need damage reports."

"Yes. Mum."

"After this tea, what do you have planned?" Hawkins asked.

"I have no idea." Roweyna said.

"How'd your mother make the Loki agents regret trying to buy what she was selling?" Kate asked

"She arranged to drop off the goods in a field that the Heimdall agents mined, but the mines weren't active until the agents tried to open the container they thought contained the weapons. Instead of weapons they got instructions on how to purchase a map to help them get out of the minefield. Mother and her mates were much richer and long gone before those agents escaped the trap"

"Yeah. I don't think you're going to trick this warship into a minefield." Hawkins said.

"Aye. I wonder what mother was thinking. If I asked her she'd probably tell me some nonsense like, 'if ye can't bring them to the minefield, bring the minefield to them'." Roweyna added. Her eyes widened, as she picked up the mic for the 1MC again, "Mr. Henry."

She waited a moment before he responded, "Yes Mum. The lads and I are movin' about, seein' what broke loose, and looking for injured crewmembers"

"Belay that. How much explosives do we have?"

"Ah…maybe a hundred kilos of plastic and a palette of vibrobombs."

"Gather as much as we have and take them up to the aerobay 1."

"Aye aye, mum." Henry said.

Hawkins and Kate both studied Roweyna hard, "Um, you do know that if you blew a hole in the ship's hull we'll all probably die." Hawkins said.

"Aye. Ye also know Mr. Tempes will probably kill us one way or the other." Roweyna said as she picked up the 1MC mic again, "Any other able crewmembers I need ye to sweep the ship for the injured and any damages. Then report to Aerobay 1."

Roweyna hesitantly stood up and then looked again at the warship that was slowly growing larger.

"I'm almost terrified to ask what your planning with the explosives in the aero bay, but what makes you think they won't kill us once we dock?" Kate asked.

"I'm a silver tongued Irish woman, trust me when I say I can talk my way through that." Roweyna answered "I just need to invite Mr. Tempes to tea, so he can bargain with me like a good honest rogue. Failing that, I'll ensure we take as many with us as we can, and their precious prize is destroyed."

Kate shook her head, "When I flew with Apes I figured her incompetence would result in us not getting paid and me starving to death. I suppose this sort of thing happens to you all on a weekly basis."

Hawkins shrugged, "Well we get put in harm's way at least once every couple missions, but a warship, I gotta say, this is something new. It's pretty rare that I'm personally threatened by a piece of star league era interstellar force projection."

Roweyna asked, "Is that better than starving to death, Ms. Berlin"?

"I suppose." Kate said, "At least it's quick and people will remember how we died."

"I'm leading a Mercenary company, not a death cult." Roweyna said, "I plan to ensure we get out of this situation and turn a profit. That means we need to complete our current-"

Doctor Leslie's voice came across the 1MC, "Roweyna, we got a problem. Shafer, the ROM agent, got her hands on the MIIO agent. He's bleeding to death and she's threatening me with a makeshift knife."

"Does she have his service pistol? Is she still in her cell?" Roweyna asked.

"She's still in her cell, and…oh damn-" The 1MC channel went cold.

Rowyena exited the bridge and jogged to the aerobay. She was almost out of breath when she got to the door. After pausing a moment, she entered the room and stood for a moment taking in the scene before her.

Hap and Leslie were crouched over the MIIO agent as he laid on the floor. There was a wide bloody trail that stretched from the agent to the makeshift brig. The agent was pale, but Dr. Leslie was doing her best to try and stop the bleeding from multiple stab wounds. Roweyna noted several fresh slashes to Dr. Leslie's arms and hands.

At the cell Anastasia struggled with the ROM agent. She was using her body to pin Shafer's arm against the outside of the bars and was trying to pry a makeshift knife out of the ROM agent's hand. The ROM agent was keeping a white-knuckle grip on her makeshift weapon as she swung at Anastasia with her off hand.

Roweyena kneeled next to Hap, "What happened here?"

Doc Leslie looked up at her and shifted her weight back. She brushed her forehead with her arm and spread blood across her forehead. "We were coming up here to check on Shafer and insist the MIIO agent sleep for 8 hours." Leslie looked down at her arm and realized how profusely she was bleeding.

"You want me to dress that?" Roweyna asked.

"No I'll be fine." Leslie said as she pulled her medical bag over to her, "So we got here just after the Leopard stopped suddenly. Apparently, the MIIO agent lost his balance and got too close to the cell. Shafer grabbed him and started to go to work with her blade, or shiv, or rusty piece of god knows what she has.

"It appears to be a piece of band steel that was likely part of this makeshift detention quarters."

"Thanks. Remind me to give myself a tetanus booster later. More Pressure Hap." Doc Leslie said grimly as she pulled out a large square dressing from her bag. "Anyways, Hap and Anastasia charged over to help him while I called it in. Then I saw that Shafer was trying to pull the pistol from the holster, but Hap and Anastasia thought they were fighting with her for the agent. Thankfully she couldn't overcome holster's safety mechanism before Hap and I finally got him untangled and away from her."

Roweyna nodded. "Is he going to make it?"

Leslie shook her head as she worked to apply a bandage to the agent's chest, "If he was in the sick bay and I was setup to give him three or four, or six units of blood right now, and if he didn't have a punctured lung and I'm guessing a shredded ventricle…and if I could get the bleeding to stop…I'd still doubt it." Leslie sighed, "Apply more pressure Hap."

Roweyna looked up as Anastasia wrestled with Shaffer. The women were evenly matched. Shaffer attempted to use her empty left hand to push up Anastasia's chin and dig her thumb into Anastasia's eye. Anastasia slapped her hand away and grabbed Shaffer's hair behind her head and yanked hard. Shaffer instinctively pulled away and Anastasia let go then slammed the ROM's agent head hard into the bars. Shaffer dropped the knife as she fell to the floor dazed.

Anastasia kicked the knife away from the cell as Shafer shook her head and tried to recover. "Damn, Anastasia I'm an unarmed prisoner." Shafer moaned.

"You weren't unarmed. You were trying to escape, and may have killed a man. You had a weapon. Further, you refused to stop resisting." Anastasia said.

"And I'd do it all again." Shaffer said as she touched her hand to her forehead and looked at her hand for blood.

"You should have knocked her out." Hap sighed.

"Yeah leave it to Anastasia to not get the job done." Shafer said as she backed away from the bars and leaned against the wall.

"Keep up the pressure, 'mech jock." Leslie said as she prepped another dressing. "or maybe you should just go over there wipe that smirk off her face."

Hap gave the doctor a questioning look as Mags and Joker charged into the bay short of breath. "We would have been here sooner but-" Joker said. "Shit, our g-man isn't looking too good. Is he alive?"

"Glad yer here." Roweyna said, "You and Hap need to help the doc get him to the sick bay."

Doc Leslie looked up and shook her head, "He's probably about as stable as I'm going to get him, but I'm not sure-"

"If we're going to hand a dead body over to our employer, and I'd like to prove we did all we could."

"Glad I restocked our medical supplies." Doc Leslie sighed as she stood up. "Gents grab that litter off the wall." Leslie turned to Roweyna, "do me a favor and get rid of that woman." She pointed to Shafer. "She's been nothing but trouble since she came on board."

"I intend to jest as soon-"

"No, I mean like now. Toss her out an airlock for all I care. I've been insulted, and now," Leslie held up her injured bleeding arm, "Directly attacked. That woman makes me lose my religion or Hippocratic oath, which is pretty much the same thing right about now."

Roweyna raised a questioning eyebrow, "Ye sure you don't want me to dress that?"

"No. I'll have my assistant fix it when I get to the medbay. Plus I need to take a full round antibiotics and antivirals." Leslie's shoulders slumped, "Sorry, I don't tell you how or your father how to run your company of murders for hire, and I have an oath to do no harm." Leslie looked defeated, "At least make sure she's truly unarmed."

Roweyna nodded as Hap and Joker set the litter down next to the MIIO agent, then carefully lifted him onto it. "Captain Calahad, pass yer wife the agent's sidearm."

Hap reached over and smoothly withdrew the weapon from its holster and passed it to Anastasia. She took the needler pistol, checked the ammunition and ensured it was charged as Roweyna told her, "Lieutenant I'd like you to keep this weapon aimed on our ROM guest, while Ms. Camacho goes into her cell and ensures she doesn't have any more nasty surprises."

"Why me?" Mags asked

"Because yer father often talked about yer uncle who'd compete in machete fights in a blacked out room. I figure that makes ye the most qualified to go in there and see to it that Ms. Shafer is well and truly disarmed."

Mags nodded, "Are you talkin' about Uncle tres fingers?"

"I don't recall the name but given the context I'd assume he was the one." Roweyna answered.

Mags nodded as she started to pull out knives and other weapons and place them on the folding table next to Anastasia. Her hair fell down as she pulled out two long metal spikes from her hair bun, and placed those on the table.

Anastasia motioned to Shafer to move away from the cell door. "Face the wall and place your palms on the wall above your head."

Shafer smirked as she complied. Mags quickly walked up behind her and pushed her roughly closer to the wall as she quickly patted her down. Shafer's smirk disappeared as Mags manhandled her. It became a sneer as Mags started turning out her bed and going through the spartan furnishings of the cell.

Henry, Smythe and Lucas entered the aerobay. Henry was holding a spools of thick yellow and green striped cable balanced on top of a box with explosive markings. Smythe had an ammo cart stacked with vibro mines and two other boxes of explosives. Lucas gingerly carried a box marked, "EXPLOSIVE DETONATORS". The box also had several symbols for explosives and hazardous material. The contents and warnings were also listed in several languages.

Shafer looked over her shoulder, "What are you planning to do with all that?" She thought hard for a moment, "I thought the leopard had a hard stop because of a maintenance problem, what actually happened?"

"I'd prefer to keep ye in the dark, however, I'll have to explain this to the whole crew, and you'll probably overhear us anyways. A warship jest jumped into system."

As Roweyna said warship, Anastasia said "Mon Dieu!" and Mags said "Madre De dios!" almost in unison. Shafer looked shocked. And Henry and his crewmates paused to look at Roweyna.

Roweyna motioned for Henry and his men to continue, "Exactly how I felt. But before I could recover from the shock of seeing a nonexistent relic threatening us, yer man Tempes demanded that we dock with the ship. The fact that our remains are not currently floating among the stars tells me that he desires this," Roweyna motioned to the large shipping container containing the electronic device, "enough to not risk damaging it."

"It could be he wants to ensure Anastasia is actually dead." Shafer added, "Seeing as how she tends to survive, like a cockroach."

"I note that you're not inclined to think they could be trying to save you." Anastasia answered, "I've heard of the cold reception a compromised Maskrivoka agents would receive. Given ROM's reputation I strongly suspect you're in for something similar."

"I'm probably going to live to tell about it. Which is more than I can say for you."

"As charming as this clever banter is, I need to stop it. I intend to bargain for our lives by not destroying the…whatever the hell this is, and that means giving you back to yer people. If I don't have another opportunity to tell you, it will be good to see ye off, we can't miss ye till yer gone, and I hope you receive a just reward for how ye've conducted the mission ye were given."

Shafer looked like she was about to give a rude gesture, but Mags hit Shafer with her shoulder as she left the cell. Shafer looked like she was about to retaliate but Anastasia motioned to her with the Needler pistol.

Mags closed the cell door and Anastasia lowered the weapon as she turned to Roweyna. "I'm not an expert in demolitions, but that seems like an excessive amount of demolitions."

Roweyna nodded as she watched Henry work, "Aye, I intend Mr. Tempes to understand I may jest damage his precious warship if our bargain goes foul."

Henry pulled out a small brass wire cutter and carefully cut a long run of demolition cord, "If that's the case, mum, ye want me to move the missile ammunition from the magazine and wire them in?"

"That would be lovely." Roweyna answered. "I want it rigged to explode with enough force to vaporize that damn thing and possibly damage anything near the Phaidin. I need ye to rig it up with a command detonator set with a deadman's switch."

"Aye mum."

"I'll need a hand grenade as well. Something that fits easily in the palm of the hand." Roweyna turned to Mags and Anastasia, "I also need help with hosting a high tea."
« Last Edit: 13 February 2024, 00:09:47 by HFC05 »


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #329 on: 11 February 2024, 04:08:07 »
Chapter 114

Roweyna was standing in the quarter deck waiting for the drop ship to dock and the connections to be put into place to allow access between her drop ship and the ComStar warship. Henry waited anxiously by the hatch. She felt the drop ship land or be magnetically pulled onto the warship's hard point. There was a moment where she felt weightless and was afraid that they'd have to operate in zero-gravity. The weightlessness passed and the warship started to move and gravity resumed.

Roweyna held a grenade in one hand and a remote explosive detonator in the other. Her heart was beating furiously in her chest. She was concerned her hands were shaking so much that she might drop either device.

The last connection clicked into place, and Roweyna nodded to Henry. He groaned as he pushed the metal lever across the door and released the locks. Henry had to step out of the way as the door was forced open. In a moment they were surrounded by six heavily armed men dressed in black and wearing body armor, helmets, goggles and face masks.

The first man through the door shoved a short-barreled laser rifle into Henry's chest and yelled, "Get on the deck, now!"

More men rushed onto the drop ship. One of them man swiftly approached Roweyna, "Get down, now!"

She smiled demurely as she slowly raised her hands showing the grenade that was missing its safety pin, but she was still holding the "spoon" lever that would initiate the grenade fuse.

"Grenade" several of the men yelled as their weapons came up and they all seemed to aim at Roweyna and the grenade in her hand. Instinctively several of the men stepped away from her and back toward the main hatch.

"Alright lads, settle down and get Mr. Tempes down here. He and I have business to discuss."

"Negative. You're in no position to negotiate." The soldier seemed uncertain what to say next.

Roweyna angled her body away from the man speaking to her, but ensured everyone could see the grenade. She made a show of loosening her grip on the grenade and letting the spoon play out a little. She then held up the detonator clutched in her other hand.

"Aside from the grenade that will surely kill everyone in this room I also have this remote detonator rigged to a massive quantity of explosives around the prize that Mr. Tempes wants. It's set up in a deadman's switch configuration, so if I let go of this device it will explode. I've placed my entire ammunition magazine around it as well. I daresay it will likely blow a hole in this beautiful antique of spacefarin' warfare. So ye tell Mr. Tempes I am someone he desperately wants to negotiate with."

"Ye should negotiate with her." Henry said as he pushed the laser barrel out of his chest and crossed his arms. "Negotiate like yer damn life depended on it, seein' as it does."

"Best hurry gents, my hands are gettin' tired and once I lose my grip…and that'll be all she wrote."

The leader of the group put his hand to an earpiece. He adjusted the mic built into his helmet and spoke quickly. "Alright, Mr. Tempes has agreed to meet with you. Just follow-"

"I think not. Mr. Tempes will come to me. I've prepared a lovely tea and we can sit and discuss business."

The leader looked hesitant but he again spoke into his mic and had to answer several questions. After a prolonged back and forth he finally nodded. "Mr. Tempes is coming down, but he has requested you render the grenade safe and surrender it."

"In the spirit of negotiating I agree." Roweyna said, "But first I'll need to get the safety pin. Mr. Henry please retrieve it."

Henry nodded and walked over to the door that led into the Drop Ship and opened it. As soon as he did Hap, Mags, and Smythe entered. They were also heavily armed and wearing armored vests. They quickly formed a ring around Roweyna as she handed the grenade to Mags.

Mags took the grenade, and pulled a long metal pin out of her pocket. The pin was shaped like a lower case letter "b" with a long pin and a ring. Mags threaded the safety pin into the hole that kept the "spoon" from flying off. She bent down the long pin down and then placed it in a pouch on her utility belt.

"We agreed to 'surrender' the grenade." Roweyna told Mags.

Mags shrugged and pulled the device back out, "Who gets it?"

"I'll take that" said a tall man with silvery hair as he ducked under the main hatch and stepped onto the quarter deck. He was dressed in a black jump suit and carried no weapons, but he had a walking cane. He was flanked by two more heavily armed soldiers dressed all in black. Followed behind them was a middle-aged woman in a green jumpsuit. Her graying brown hair was cut in a pageboy style, and she had the "fragile" look of someone who had lost bone density from long periods of time in zero gravity.

Mags held out the grenade and Mr. Tempes snatched it from her and handed it to the ComStar soldier on his right. Roweyna watched the soldier clip the grenade's safety pin to a snap link on his body armor. She immediately marked the man as a novice because most experienced soldiers and sailors knew how pouches and weapons on body armor could get snagged or tangled, especially on the confined passages of a ship. A grenade attached to armor by its safety pin was a recipe for trouble.

Roweyna turned her attention back to Mr. Kristoff Tempes and the woman following him. "Pardon me, I met Mr. Tempes a year ago, but I do not believe we've had the pleasure. My name is Roweyna McFinnigan, I'm the daughter of the proprietor of this mercenary company."

The woman in green jump suit smiled warmly, "Thank you, may Blake's blessings be upon you and your vessel, I'm Demi-Precentor Dana Myers. I serve, by Blake's good will, as the captain of the Veil of Light."

"Is that the name of your warship, the Veil of Light?" Roweyna was surprised by the woman's cordial attitude. She wanted to learn as much as she could about her as quickly as she could.

"Yes, it was recently re-commissioned though-"

"I'd like to get down to business." Tempes interrupted.

"Right this way, please." Roweyna said as she motioned to the door and started to lead them to the aerobay. "I've prepared tea, so we can sit and discuss this situation like civilized people. If ye believe that's within the will of yer order's beloved founder."

Tempes looked incensed as Myers smiled, "Yes, of course, this is a business transaction, and I believe he would want us to conduct ourselves decently and in ways that encourage culture and the appreciation of beauty."

Roweyna and Henry exchanged looks. Was it possible Myers wasn't completely privy to the situation. Perhaps this wasn't Tempes operation, or maybe she just outranked him. This made Roweyna wonder about the relationship between Myers and Tempes. If she was the ship's captain, what was he, and what was his rank? She could sense Tempes annoyance though and wondered if she could exploit the tension between them.

"Your ship is quite clean and orderly, this isn't what I expected for a mercenary vessel." Myers said.

"Thank you, Demi-Precentor." Roweyna decided to start using the ComStar ranks to see if she could goad Tempes into revealing more of himself, "I can't speak for every company, but in this company we're like a family and everyone has chores and an obligation to clean up after themselves."

"In the explorer corps we simply use military discipline to enforce the standards, but the results are the same I suppose. It also helps we all have our common beliefs in the teaching of Blake." Myers replied.

Roweyna stopped herself before asking if Blake wrote of the proper way to store one's soiled undergarments, but she did add, "We have our desire for money in common, I suppose."

"We really don't have time for this." Tempes said under his breath.

"Is that so? Does yer warship's K-F drive not need time to recharge?" Roweyna asked.

"It actually does. And it will take several days once we get into position to began the recharge process."

"Thank you Demi-precentor, I note we still have nominal gravity, where exactly are we moving."

"For obvious reasons I'm moving the Veil of Light away from the jump point and the common shipping lanes. I've instructed my crew to move us above the orbital plane and then to position us into an optimal recharge distance from the star. By Blake's good will, and the star of St. Ives it should take roughly a week to recharge though."

"Well, then we have a bit of time, although I'm hoping our business will be concluded afore a week."

"I assure you it will." Tempes said darkly.

Roweyna walked into the aerobay. She had explained her plan to most of the crew, and even though no one was comfortable with it, they had all generally agreed to play their roles. The flight crew, engineers and doctor were at their stations. The Coyotes, Henry, Lucas, and Smythe had agreed to be the "muscle" in the aerobay. They were all fully armed. Everyone else standing by damage control stations. Roweyna tried not to shudder as she considered what would happen if the explosives were detonated.

The aerobay had the shipping container brig in one corner, and the shipping container primed with explosives and surrounded by ammunition in the other. Between them was a small table set for tea. The table had a floral tablecloth, and a tiered plate set in the center with small sandwiches, pre-packaged cookies and chocolates. There was a complete ceramic tea service. This was a new one that Roweyna had purchased on St. Ives. There was only two chairs, but Henry saw the problem and motioned to Smythe to grab a folding chair and place it near the table.

Roweyna walked to the table and turned and faced the Demi-Precentors. She smiled warmly as she gestured to the table. "Please sit." As Roweyna sat down Tempes and Myers joined her. Tempes two soldiers flanked them and Roweyna noted the man with the grenade on his snap link stood across from her.

Tempes eyed the cargo container across the bay, "So you expect us to sit here next to primed explosives, sipping tea, while you believe you can convince me to let you all go?"

As he spoke Myers gave Tempes and Roweyna a questioning look.

"I believe our relationship is built on mutual mistrust, but it doesn't have to be based on lethal intentions." Roweyna held up the detonator. "You want what is in the cargo container, and I'm willing to cut my losses. What I'm proposing is you take the cargo container and we fly out of range of this detonator. There should be no need to destroy us, and ye and yer warship can go on your way."

Tempes gave Roweyna a look of cold indifference. "How do I even know this container has what I want."

"Do ye have some sort of expert that can verify the cargo?"

"I'll call up my engineer team, they are the ones that will be installing the ECM suite." Myers said. She motioned to the man next to her and he spoke into his mic as she eyed the tier of food.

"Please help yerself." Roweyna said, She started to reach for the tea, but realized it would be difficult to pour with the detonator in her hand. She looked over her shoulder and motioned to Smythe who was standing next to Henry and Lucas near the cargo container.

Roweyna carefully handed Smythe the detonator and made sure he kept his hand tightly grasped around the lever. "Stay here next to me, and don't let go of that detonator. If ye release that lever everyone dies." Smythe nodded as Roweyna repeated, "Hold onto this with your life."

Roweyna turned back to the Demi-Precentors and started to pour tea, "Now I picked up this tea from St. Ives. It's a blend of green tea and jasmine berries. Do you take cream?"

"Yes, and honey if you have it." Myers answered.

Tempes glowered as Roweyna offered to pour tea for him, "No thank you."

"Mr. Tempes, I feel yer not enjoying my hospitality. Here as a sign of my good will I'll release Ms. Shafer to your custody." Roweyna motioned to Mags who was already opening the cell door.

Shafer walked tentatively toward Tempes who looked at her with almost as much rage and annoyance as he was showing Roweyna. As she neared he hoarsely whispered, "Go stand in the corner and when our business here is complete we'll discuss your failings."

Demi-Precentor sipped her tea "oh that's quite good" she said as she added another generous spoon full of honey. "I know we agreed that I would not interfere with how ROM conducts its business, but perhaps it was the will of Blake-"

"Her and I will discuss Blake's will in private." Tempes responded quietly.

Roweyna noted everything Myers was saying, "So Demi-Precentor, ye mentioned this was an ECM suite, and ye were going to connect this to yer warship."

"The Demi-Precentor has already said too much." Mr. Tempes said, "and given the company you keep," Tempes glanced over at Anastasia, "I'm little surprised you hadn't already figured out what you had. Please don't try to leverage us for additional information or think anything you say can improve your position. Your options are virtually nil and you situation is hopeless."

Myers again looked puzzled, "I'm sorry. We paid this company to bring us this ECM suite, but both of you are behaving like we are going to kill this company. What am I missing? They've done a great service to Blake's work and taken dangerous technology from an inferior state."

"Oh he hasn't told you?" Roweyna said as she smiled warmly and stirred her tea. "I'm certain Mr. Tempes would love to explain why everyone here is fearing for their lives."

"It's not because we have a warship, is it? I assure you we didn't come here to destroy you, my orders stated there was a mission imperative-"

"You need to stop speaking to them like they are trusted agents." Tempes glowered.

Two men in yellow jump suits entered the bay. They looked around confused. Roweyna pointed to the shipping container surrounded by missile crates and land mines. "That container has the ECM suite. Henry will open it up so you can inspect the goods."

Henry pushed a missile crate away from the door, as Lucas moved a vibro-mine and rerouted some of the detcord. They opened the doors so the engineers could inspect the ECM device. They looked skeptical as they had to step over and around the explosives to enter the container.

"I assure ye, we've not tampered with the ECM suite."

"Other than placing enough explosives on it to destroy your vessel and possibly mine." Tempes replied

"Well other than that." Roweyna said as she sipped her tea, "I understand your desire to keep this warship secret, and yer mission imperatives, so I'll assure you that no one from our company will report it, if ye promise not to use the MRB to either starve our company or set us up to be destroyed."

"Kristoff." Myers said as she sat down her tea cup, and picked up her third tuna salad sandwich. "Someone needs to explain to me right now why these mercenaries think you intend to kill them."

Tempes watched the ECM container waiting for the techs to re-emerge, "I'll fully debrief you once our business here is conducted and we are safely aboard our vessel.

"Allow me to explain then." Roweyna smiled, "After we completed the raid the man that hired us and his hand selected hit squad turned on us. He had claimed to be an AFFS officer and when we took the evidence of the betrayal to them, House Davion's representatives told us he was actually ROM. They even offered to pay us to bring this thing to New Avalon. Claiming those men were ROM seemed like a stretch, but here you are, with a Starleague warship and some dozen heavily armed men. Forgive me for our less than cordial reception, but even in the days of the great Star League, rarely did one jump a warship into a system and than make a convincing claim of coming in peace."

"That's fair." Myers said, then put her hand on Tempes wrist. "Is this true? You need to speak to these allegations." Myers looked at Tempes critically, "I thought it strange that I'd be ordered to take this vessel out of mothballs, but the orders appeared to come from a senior explorer corps precentor.." She looked critically at Tempes., "We're my orders a fabrication?"

Tempes brushed her hand off his wrist as the engineers came out of the shipping container. The older man of the group looked at the Demi-Precentors, "Everything appears to be all here, at least as near as I can tell. I'd prefer the explosives were removed."

"So there ye are Demi-Precentor Tempes, yer prize is there for the taking. All I'm asking is safe passage and an assurance that we don't interfere with each other's work. I think we can be reasonable."

"I have a counter-offer." Tempes said as he leapt to his feet, and grabbed Smythe's hand with the detonator, "Kill them all."