Author Topic: New Clan BattleMech Production 2807-2845 from S.gage Golden Century Campaign  (Read 7751 times)


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Hello everyone,

I am starting a forum thread to differentiate newly produced BattleMech from my Golden Century Campaign. These BattleMechs are presented as of 2840 and 2860. Enjoy!


Newly Produced BattleMechs

The early history of the Clans is the history of my campaign. With less than 55 years of history by 2860, the ascendant Clans of the Post-KLONDIKE are no longer a distant memory as they are by the mid-3050s. However, there has been sufficient drift by the mid-Golden Century. With guidance from Historical: Operation KLONDIKE, and Field Manuals: Crusader Clans and Warden Clans, I decided winner and losers from KLONDIKE will coincide with new production.

I used the Clan equipment upgrades in Historical: Operation KLONDIKE, p. 156, as well as the Early Clan Equipment from Interstellar Operations, pp. 95-98, 195, and 216-219. The refit rules from Strategic Operations, p. 188, were only used insofar as new production also included refit kits for existing units.

These early Clan BattleMechs are frequently mixed-Tech “Era Specific” units. Wherever the new production is a step along the evolution for a series of BattleMechs, decisions were made to make the transition organic, meaning I based them upon a newly available, better weapon system, or interpolated based on know designs.

Finally, the intermediate "Clan Prototype" and "Clan Improved" technology were never produced in surplus (given the "waste not, want not" mentality). With better Clan-standard technology available by the 2830s and 2840s, and plentiful Star League-vintage equipment cached for the future, "Clan Improved" technologies were effectively extinct by 2850. BattleMechs featuring these technologies will be greatly vulnerable to attrition. The 'Mechs will have made these rare by 2860; some will have been forgotten by the Clan Invasion.

As a reminder, I am reporting again an evaluation of Operation KLONDIKE results (originally posited here):

(+) Blood Spirit - Their cooperative approach leaves them with early advantages in Clan history, which they share. Their decline, especially at the hands of Clans Burrock and Mongoose, is that much more bitter
Ghost Bear - Mediocre performance, with moderate infrastructural damage. Their lower caste tolerance helped their long-term success
Star Adder - Poor performance, requiring years to recover
(-) Steel Viper - Aggressive performance cost them moderately, but infrastructure and population largely intact, Kinnison’s attempt to kill Winson left a lingering distraction for her Clan

Babylon: (Babylon was a better prize)
(-) Cloud Cobra - Significant losses to ground forces, civilian unrest. Their scientist caste still produced spectacular innovations
Coyote - Moderate performance, reasonably little infrastructure damage
Ice Hellion - Moderate performance, few casualties. However, the civil war fought over saKhan Moore's use of stimulants cost the Clan dearly, including their best minds in bio-medical engineering (even by FM:CC, they could not manage the Elemental phenotype). Still, the Clan's materials scientists pioneered several Clan-standard improvements
Sea Fox - Mediocre performance, harsh in combat, but incorporating Nasagawa's lower caste tolerance, the Sea Foxes rebound well.

(+) Mongoose - Performed well, little infrastructure damage
(+) Nova Cat - Performed well, little infrastructure damage.
(-) Snow Raven - Poor performance, profited from circumstances
Wolverine - Moderate performance, Annihilated

Dagda: (Dagda is a poorer prize)
Burrock - Performed well
(-) Fire Mandrill - Performed poorly
(-) Goliath Scorpion - Mediocre performance, exacerbated by limited conquests after Satan’s Table trap
Jade Falcon - Performed well, but limited involvement. Later culling significantly distracted and made the Clan even more hide-bound
(-) Widowmaker - Moderate performance, but with massive infrastructural damage
Wolf - Performed well, but limited involvement

Hell’s Horses - Performed well, but limited involvement
Jade Falcon - Performed well, but culling/conservative approach distract from KLONDIKE gains
(-) Smoke Jaguar - Performed well, but infrastructure destruction
(+) Wolf - Performed well

Refit BattleMechs are most likely produced by baseline Clans, poorer Clans needing vanguard units, and richer Clans (even for the occasional garrison).

This is a work in progress, so your patience is appreciated!
« Last Edit: 12 June 2020, 15:17:43 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
For the S.gage Clan BattleMech Refit Thread, go here.
For the S.gage Combat Vehicle Refit Thread, go here.
For the S.gage First Generation OmniMech Thread, go here.

(work in progress, thank you for your patience.)
« Last Edit: 02 September 2020, 15:21:09 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
« Last Edit: 05 January 2023, 16:34:42 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Arawn (written in 2840, 2860)

Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: York Vengeance 3
Power Plant: Nissan 275 XL Fusion Engine (IS) w/MASC (IS)
Cruising Speed: 43 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86 km/h
Jump Jets: 5 York "Anti-Grav"
Armor: Yorklite Flow Cast
2 Raven’s Wrath ER PPCs (CL)
1 YorkShield Anti-Missile System (CL)
1 D. Scorpion Snoop 1A (CL)
1 Nebulous ECM (CL)
Manufacturer: York Industriplex-2a
Primary Factory: York
Communications System: York DiplomaTok YI2a
Targeting and Tracking System: York Field View YI2a

The Arawn was born out of the sense of betrayal that scarred Clan Blood Spirit shortly after the death of Nicholas Kerensky.

Khan Colleen Schmitt forged Clan Blood Spirit (+) from an esprit de corps she had lost due to the actions of Amaris the Usurper and the later fracturing the the Star League-in-Exile. A supremely skilled Warrior and natural leader, Schmitt was given command of Clan Blood Spirit, in which she fostered the ideal of cooperation and camaraderie. Her Clan coordinated with and aided their fellow Clans, even during Operation KLONDIKE on Arcadia. But the esprit de corps they had fostered began to shatter after KLONDIKE and the Annihilation of Clan Wolverine.

In the aftermath of the Wolverine Annihilation of 2823, the growing consensus on the Grand Council was Clan Blood Spirit’s generosity and compassion masked its weakness. Indeed, while Clan Blood Spirit was still willing to commit to offensive campaigns, their tactics were more cohesive than the average Clan, honoring duels insofar as dueling would not interfere with their objectives. But Blood Spirit Warriors also attempted to subdue rather than kill adversaries, even aiming their shots at legs or weapons. Tactically, this left the Spirits at a decided disadvantage. Initial raids into Spirit territories in 2823-2824 were highly successful, leading Clans Burrock and Mongoose to intensify their raids into Spirit territory.

Slowly, Clan Blood Spirit retreated back into York and Arcadia, and adjusted their tactics. When the Widowmakers treacherously killed Nicholas Kerensky in 2834, the Spirits knew the other Clans were irredeemably corrupted and no longer followed Kerensky ideals. As a response, Clan Blood Spirit retooled its Industriplex-2a on York to manufacture the Arawn. While Arawn may have meant “exalted” originally, the Celt’s God of War became demonized by early Christians; the God now evokes Death, Revenge, and Terror. The name reflects Clan Blood Spirit’s disgust and many grievances with post-KLONDIKE Clan Society (FM:CC, pp. 21-23)


The Arawn is a 55-ton medium BattleMech. Using a reproduced Star League-vintage Nissan 275 extra-light fusion engine, MASC, and heat sinks, the Arawn is quite cool and can sprint over 100 km/h. The BattleMech mounts a pair of Clan-spec Raven’s Wrath ER PPCs, technology purchased from Clan Snow Raven and used to great effect. Mounting Clan-spec ferro-fibrous armor bartered from Clan Ice Hellion, the Arawn is well protected. Newly improved YorkShield anti-missile system helps MechWarriors stay in combat longer.

The primary weakness of the Arawn is its lack of secondary weaponry, and the vulnerability of its older technology. However, early returns from committed MechWarriors are positive.

Deployment (2840)

Because Clan Blood Spirit is no longer sharing its production freely, the Arawn is primarily seen in Spirit frontline forces. Here it performs adequately. The major resistance to the Arawn is an ethical one. Many within the Blood Spirit Clan are still reluctant to use the newer particle weapons. Others have adopted these, but are still aiming their shots to cripple their opponent’s BattleMech (without killing the MechWarrior). Younger Spirits entering the Touman do not have this proclivity.

Deployment (2860)

When Khan Ceana Boques charged the scientist caste with making BattleMechs more survivable, cost less, maximum efficiency, and able to sustain firepower, the scientist caste identified the Arawn as not being sufficiently cost effective, nor survivable. While the ER PPCs it mounts are able to sustain firepower well, and the Arawn is “efficient”, Khan Boques agreed that production of the Arawn would be reduced. (FM:CC, p.187, “Blood Kite”)

Variants (2840)

There are no production variants of the Arawn as of 2840.

Variants (2860)

The attrition suffered by Clan Blood Spirit 2840-2860, along with halted production, has made the Arawn a rarity. The Clan lacks the resources to resume production and produce new variants.

Arawn (Standard - 2835)

Code: [Select]

Mass: 55 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2835
Cost: 12,364,092 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,570

Chassis: York Vengeance 3 Standard
Power Plant: Nissan 275 Fusion XL Engine (IS)
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h (108.0 km/h)
Jump Jets: Yorklite Flow Cast
    Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor: Yorklite Flow Cast Ferro-Fibrous (CL)
    2 Raven's Wrath (CL) ER PPCs
    1 Nebulous ECM Suite (CL)
    1 Scorpion Snoop Active Probe (CL)
    1 YorkShield (CL) Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer: York Industriplex-2a
    Primary Factory: York
Communications System: York DiplomaTok YI2a
Targeting and Tracking System: York Field View YI2a

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      91 points                5.50
Engine:             XL Engine (IS)               275                       8.00
    Walking MP: 5
    Running MP: 8 (10)
    Jumping MP: 5 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 2 LL, 2 RL                                   2.50
Heat Sinks:         (IS) Double Heat Sink        17(34)                    7.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous (CL)           AV - 144                  7.50
    Armor Locations: 4 LT, 3 RT
                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            0         
                                        Center Torso     18           24       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  8         
                                           L/R Torso     13           18       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     9            14       
                                             L/R Leg     13           18       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Active Probe (CL)                            HD        0         1         1.00
ECM Suite (CL)                               CT        0         1         1.00
MASC (IS)                                    RT        -         3         3.00
(CL) Anti-Missile System                     LT        1         1         0.50
2 (CL) ER PPCs                               RA        30        4        12.00
@Anti-Missile System (24)                    LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 4

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 26
6/5j       3       3       3       0      2     0   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: ECM, PRB, RCN, AMS, -0, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

« Last Edit: 11 November 2020, 16:21:43 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
STG-14G Stag New Production (written in 2900):

In the aftermath of the weapons development, and subsequent Annihilation, of the Not-Named Clan, Many of the Clans participated in a mad scramble to acquire whatever intact facilities and technologies may have been left. This scrambled still continues as of 3062 on the planet Marshall (C:WoK, pp. 108, 113)(note: The former presence of the Not-Named Clan is an extrapolation from a passage from FM:WC, p. 104, describing a dispute over a Not-Named Clan cache).

Some of the production lines for the Stag medium BattleMech, based on the VL-2T Vulcan anti-infantry BattleMech, survived the Annihilation in the former Not-Named Clan's enclave on Marshall. Ceded to Clan Snow Raven after the Not-Named Clan's attocity, production of a new Stag commenced in 2825:

STG-CSR1 Stag (2825)

Code: [Select]

Mass: 45 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2825
Cost: 9,011,750 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,822

Chassis: Endo-Steel (IS)
Power Plant: 270 Fusion XL Engine (IS)
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h (129.6 km/h)
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous (CL) w/ CASE (IS)
    1  (CL) ER PPC
    2  (IS) Medium Lasers
    2  (IS) SRM-4s
    1  Beagle Active Probe
    Primary Factory: Marshall
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel (IS)               75 points                2.50
    Internal Locations: 4 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             XL Engine (IS)               270                       7.50
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9 (12)
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         (IS) Double Heat Sink        13(26)                    3.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous (CL)           AV - 153                  8.00
    Armor Locations: 1 RT, 2 LA, 4 RA
    CASE (IS) Locations: 1 LT                                               0.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     14           21       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  7         
                                           L/R Torso     11           16       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     7            14       
                                             L/R Leg     11           22       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
(IS) Medium Laser                            HD        3         1         1.00
MASC (IS)                                    CT        -         2         2.00
(IS) SRM-4                                   RT        3         1         2.00
(IS) SRM-4                                   LT        3         1         2.00
Beagle Active Probe                          LT        0         2         1.50
(CL) ER PPC                                  RA        15        2         6.00
(IS) Medium Laser                            LA        3         1         1.00
@SRM-4 (50)                                  LT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 0

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 18
8          4       4       2       0      2     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: PRB, RCN, -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, SRM 1/1/0

However, the Raven honeymoon with the Stag would not last for long. Clan Ice Hellion ejected the Ravens from their ceded territories on Marshall in 2826 (the Raven ejection made the provenance of newly developed Clan-spec Ferro-Fibrous armor unclear, too). Just a year later, they began producing their own variant of the Stag, the STG-CIH, in 2827:

STG-CIH Stag (2827)

Code: [Select]

Mass: 45 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2827
Cost: 8,953,750 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,436

Chassis: Endo-Steel (CL)
Power Plant: 270 Fusion XL Engine (IS)
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h (129.6 km/h)
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Ferro-Fibrous (CL) w/ CASE (IS)
    1  (IS) ER Large Laser
    2  (IS) Medium Lasers
    3  (IS) SRM-4s
    1  Beagle Active Probe
    Primary Factory: Marshall
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel (CL)               75 points                2.50
    Internal Locations: 3 LA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             XL Engine (IS)               270                       7.50
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9 (12)
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         (IS) Double Heat Sink        13(26)                    3.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous (CL)           AV - 153                  8.00
    Armor Locations: 1 RT, 2 LA, 4 RA
    CASE (IS) Locations: 1 LT                                              0.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     14           21       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  7         
                                           L/R Torso     11           16       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     7            14       
                                             L/R Leg     11           22       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
(IS) Medium Laser                            HD        3         1         1.00
MASC                                         CT        -         2         2.00
(IS) SRM-4                                   RT        3         1         2.00
2 (IS) SRM-4s                                LT        6         2         4.00
Beagle Active Probe                          LT        0         2         1.50
(IS) ER Large Laser                          RA        12        2         5.00
(IS) Medium Laser                            LA        3         1         1.00
@SRM-4 (25)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 7

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 14
8          4       4       1       0      2     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: PRB, RCN, -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, SRM 1/1/0

« Last Edit: 11 June 2020, 11:10:52 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.

Karack Blackstone

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  • Posts: 1021
Your designs are pretty solid, considering the restrictions you're placing on yourself.

As far as I think, Clan second line is pretty much best as presented in 3055 TRO; while not Omni's, at least decent weapons platforms.

That typed, as far as in setting lore and other considerations are concerned, before the loss at Tukayyid the Clan's most likely wouldn't bother with this approach yet.

The Clans viewed their OmniMechs as virtually unstoppable, and clearly that wasn't the case. Thus until the Truce, this makes not only perfect sense, the various builds you've presented thus far appear to be the most approachable attempts at what would have been tried at the time.

Simply put, this is the best case scenario before the Debacle of Tukayyid.


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  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Thanks man!  :thumbsup:

These designs are not the min-max Clan units we are used to, but they are certainly "Clan", which is what I intended.

There have only a handful of Clan units published with Clan Improved Systems since I read their rules in Interstellar Operations a few years back. So far, almost all the units I have presented date from about 1-2 years ago. My OmniMechs use core rules, and date to much further back.

« Last Edit: 10 June 2020, 17:38:11 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
PUL-2V Pulverizer Upgrade (written in 2900): Please see TRO:GC for the canon Clan-spec upgrade, the PUL-3R Pulverizer.

Officially, Strana Mechty 'Mech Production Facility Beta, the site where the Pulverizer Assault BattleMech is constructed, has always been a Clan Snow Raven facility. Though Clan Snow Raven has jealously guarded Possession of this site, they have bartered and traded its production liberally. This, however, is not the truth. Strana Mechty 'Mech Production Facility Beta began by outfitting the Clans before and during Operation KLONDIKE with upgrade kits and repairs of Assault-class BattleMechs. No longer required to supply all the Clans after KLONDIKE, the facility was claimed by the Not-Named Clan in 2822. There, the Not-Named Clan continued to produce and install upgrade kits until they began production on an Assault BattleMech called the PUL-2V Pulverizer in 2823.

Upon voting to Annihilate Clan Wolverine later that year, the Wolverine leadership fled Strana Mechty for Circe. However, plans to defend, or rather sabotage, Strana Mechty 'Mech Production Facility Beta were already in place. However, the plans were not executed. Instead, with lightning precision, a Special Operations infantry team assaulted the facility moments after the final vote had been cast in favor of Annihilation. The raid was carried out by a team of Ravens under the command of two Snow Raven Warriors, Tina Harper and Steven Crow. (Few records exist about "Crow" before his training in Clan Snow Raven; it is entirely possible "Crow" could have been an alias, as "Crow" is one of the more common Clan Snow Raven-derived surnames.) The facility was caught off-guard, and taken with almost no Raven casualties. Hostilities ended when the Not-Named merchant factor in charge of the facility was shot attempting to detonate the factory. Laborers, Technicians, and Merchants working at the facility were sent for reeducation, but all disappeared shortly after their departure. Scientists and designers working at the facility had working knowledge of the new "enhanced PPC", and therefore deemed too valuable. Most were reassigned to weapons development.

Months after the factory was secured, and new teams of workers were recruited to operate it, production resumed on the Pulverizer.
Clan Snow Raven began manufacture of the PUL-2V in 2824 as part of their recovery effort rebuilding from the destruction endured at the hands of the Not-Named Clan. In 2826, newly developed Clan-standard systems were integrated into the new PUL-CSR Pulverizer, including the Raven's Wrath Extended Range PPC, the first Clan-standard ER PPC.

The Pulverizer remained a common sight on Clan battlefields in the first half of the Golden Century. However, production ceased in the mid-2880s when Clan Snow Raven Scientists identified the Pulverizer as a prime candidate to upgrade with OmniMech technology. The factory was retooled, and began producing the advanced Kingfisher OmniMech in 2887.

Though forgotten by all (or at least almost all) of the Clans, the Word of Blake was able to piece together some of this forgotten history. Their selective production of the PUL-2V Pulverizer was not just a hint or red herring indicating a connection with the Not-Named Clan, it was also an implicit demonstration they knew their adversary. Indeed, in preparing for their Jihad, the Word of Blake selectively produced BattleMechs not only associated with the Not-Named Clan, but also important to the history of the Clans present in the Inner Sphere by the mid-3060s. Unfortunately for the Word of Blake, their cryptic message was not appreciated; the history of the PUL-2V had been long forgotten by all, or almost all, of the Clans.

PUL-CSR Pulverizer (2826)

Code: [Select]
Pulverizer PUL-CSR

Mass: 90 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2826
Cost: 10,374,760 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,160

Chassis: Endo-Steel (IS)
Power Plant: Star League Standard 360 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Forging I9 Ferro-Fibrous (CL) w/ CASE (IS)
    1  (CL) ER PPC
    2  (IS) Large Lasers
    1  (IS) LRM-10
    1  Guardian ECM Suite (IS)
Manufacturer: Strana Mechty 'Mech Production Facility Beta
    Primary Factory: Strana Mechty
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel (IS)              138 points                4.50
    Internal Locations: 3 LT, 4 RT, 3 LA, 4 RA
Engine:             Fusion Engine                360                      33.00
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         (IS) Double Heat Sink        17(34)                    7.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 2 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous (CL)           AV - 278                 14.50
    Armor Locations: 1 HD, 2 LT, 2 LA, 2 RA
    CASE (IS) Locations: 1 LT                                              0.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     29           46       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  11       
                                           L/R Torso     19           30       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  8         
                                             L/R Arm     15           30       
                                             L/R Leg     19           38       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Guardian ECM Suite                           CT        0         2         1.50
(CL) ER PPC                                  RT        15        2         6.00
(IS) LRM-10                                  LT        4         2         5.00
(IS) Large Laser                             RA        8         2         5.00
(IS) Large Laser                             LA        8         2         5.00
@LRM-10 (12)                                 LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 5

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      9    Points: 22
4          4       4       3       0      4     0   Structure:  7
Special Abilities: -0, ECM, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, IF 1

« Last Edit: 11 November 2020, 16:43:03 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
CS-1 Fox Upgrades (written in universe in response to Turning Points: Tokasha by a haughty Scientist Caste historian):

The fortunes of Tokasha have altered the course of Clan history, thrice.

The Ghost Bear acquisition of the Hell's Horses enclave on Tokasha has significantly changed the power dynamics of the Kerensky Cluster. Slow to act and adapt, Clan Ghost Bear has always found strength from within. With Tokasha MechWorks modernizing their Touman, the Ghost Bears appear poised to become a giant within the Clans.

However, this is not the first time Tokasha has shifted the balance of power in the Kerensky Cluster. Clan Mongoose utilized the plant to expand to great effect. The success of their BattleMech forces owed much to the exemplary output of Tokasha MechWorks. Tokasha's shift to OmniMech production in the 2860s almost ended with Absorption of Clan Star Adder. Unfortunately for Clan Mongoose, it could rightly be argued the Mongoose penchant for political combat had overshadowed their prowess as Warriors. Were this not the case, the Mongooses would still be viable, and a successful, aggressive Clan, as the Smoke Jaguars are, would have had far greater difficulty and suffered significantly more damage in the Absorption.

The Mongoose Absorption left Tokasha turbulent, but not to the same extent as Marshall. Since then, several Clans have settled enclaves on the planet. The Smoke Jaguar are not one of these settlers; they traded their gains to replenish their fleet. Ultimately it was Clan Hell's Horses who ended up with Tokasha MechWorks in the vacuum left by the Mongoose Absorption.

Up until this point, Clan Hell's Horses had excelled in infantry and combat vehicle production and tactics, with BattleMechs fulfilling specialized roles. With Tokasha MechWorks and OmniMech Technology in hand in 2868, the Horses revolutionized modern BattleMech design and combat in two short years. The Horses were quickly expanded their 'Mech assets. Their first OmniMech introduce us all to the "Nova" mechanized infantry formation, and what it could do. Even the great Clan Coyote could not ignore this development, and began to restructure their Touman and redesign their OmniMechs. Tokasha elevated a fringe Clan like the Hell's Horses to success in a generation. Their bitter loss of Tokasha has left Clan Hell's Horses again marginalized.

As a minor point, it seems implausible the CS-1 Fox could have been used so extensively during the Battle of Tokasha. While the modern Fox variants still exist, weaponry used in the CS-1 was virtually extinct by 2921 (IO, p. 97). Doubtless this was no oversight, as the quality of the account is otherwise superb. Rather excitement for the subject matter and for the Fox, an important BattleMech in the early history of the Clans, drove the author to their fit of fancy. However, one must not discount the possibility of an overly cutthroat Sea Fox trader placing a few old Foxes in another Clan's frontline forces!

As an aside, the Fox had two factory variants, the latter of which very likely did participate at Tokasha. The first, the CS-2 Fox, began production in 2830. It was upgraded again in 2833 to Clan-spec standard. Here are profiles for each BattleMech:

CS-2 Fox (2830)

Code: [Select]
Fox CS-2

Mass: 50 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2830
Cost: 9,810,000 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,515

Chassis: Endo-Steel (CL)
Power Plant: 300 Fusion XL Engine (IS)
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous (CL)
    2  LRM-15 CIs
    2  ER Medium Laser CIs
    2  Streak SRM-4 CIs
    4  (CL) Machine Guns
    Primary Factory:
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel (CL)               83 points                2.50
    Internal Locations: 4 LT, 3 LA
Engine:             XL Engine (IS)               300                       9.50
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         (IS) Double Heat Sink        12(24)                    2.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous (CL)           AV - 163                  8.50
    Armor Locations: 4 RT, 3 RA
    CASE (CL) Locations: LT, RT                                             0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     16           25       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  7         
                                           L/R Torso     12           18       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     8            15       
                                             L/R Leg     12           22       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
LRM-15 CI                                    RA        5         2         3.50
ER Medium Laser CI                           RA        5         1         1.00
2 (CL) Machine Guns                          RA        0         2         0.50
LRM-15 CI                                    LA        5         2         3.50
ER Medium Laser CI                           LA        5         1         1.00
2 (CL) Machine Guns                          LA        0         2         0.50
Streak SRM-4 CI                              RL        3         1         3.00
Streak SRM-4 CI                              LL        3         1         3.00
@LRM-15 (16)                                 RT        -         2         2.00
@MG (1/2) (100)                              RT        -         1         0.50
@LRM-15 (16)                                 LT        -         2         2.00
@Streak SRM-4 CI (25)                        LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 9

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 15
6          5       5       2       0      2     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, LRM 1/2/2, IF 2

Fox (Standard - 2833), please see TRO:GC for the canon Fox (standard) BattleMech.

Code: [Select]

Mass: 50 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-D-X
Production Year: 2833
Cost: 9,900,000 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,108

Chassis: Endo-Steel
Power Plant: 300 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous
    2  LRM-15s
    2  Streak SRM-6s
    2  ER Medium Lasers
    4  Machine Guns
    Primary Factory:
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    83 points                2.50
    Internal Locations: 4 LT, 3 LA
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             300                       9.50
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             12(24)                    2.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 163                  8.50
    Armor Locations: 4 RT, 3 RA
    CASE Locations: LT, RT                                                 0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     16           25       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  7         
                                           L/R Torso     12           18       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     8            15       
                                             L/R Leg     12           22       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Medium Laser                              RA        5         1         1.00
LRM-15                                       RA        5         2         3.50
2 Machine Guns                               RA        0         2         0.50
ER Medium Laser                              LA        5         1         1.00
LRM-15                                       LA        5         2         3.50
2 Machine Guns                               LA        0         2         0.50
Streak SRM-6                                 RL        4         2         3.00
Streak SRM-6                                 LL        4         2         3.00
@LRM-15 (16)                                 RT        -         2         2.00
@Streak SRM-6 (15)                           RT        -         1         1.00
@MG (1/2) (100)                              LT        -         1         0.50
@LRM-15 (16)                                 LT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 9

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 21
6          6       5       2       0      2     0   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, LRM 2/2/2, IF 2

« Last Edit: 02 August 2020, 21:35:20 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Vision Quest (written in 2840, 2880) please see TRO:GC for the cannon VQ-1NC Vision Quest.

Mass: 75 tons
Chassis: FLS/NC Bergan 1.1
Power Plant: GM XL Fusion Engine (IS)
Cruising Speed: 57 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86 km/h
Jump Jets: 0
Armor: 12SR1 Ferro-Fibrous Armor (CL)
2 Series 1NC Extend Range Large Lasers (CL)
8 JF-NCc Extended Range Medium Lasers (CL)
Manufacturer: Circe Underground Cat Complex 1
Communications System: CirceCat Omniband
Targeting and Tracking System: Ikari X

The Flashman BattleMech encompassed many of the ideals espoused by Clan Nova Cat (+). Speed, ammo independence, the striking ability. With numbers of Flashmen disappearing from attrition, Clan Nova Cat completed restoration of one of Circe’s underground production facilities, and ordered plans for a new Heavy BattleMech with a loadout focused on energy weapons. These new BattleMechs would become the backbone of the Nova Cat Touman for generations: the Vision Quest.

Without the original moulds for the Flashman, engineers had to reverse engineer the chassis. Reproduction of the arm and leg assemblies was successful, so much so that the newly produced moulds could have been used to rebuild and restore salvaged Flashmen. However, the head and torso’s rounded lines were too difficult to reproduce as the factory was being rebuilt. Instead, the torso of the Vision Quest was significantly more boxy. Regardless, the BattleMech that walked of the line in 2828 was well received.


Constructed around an all-energy weapon loadout, and capable of speeds above 85 km/h, the Vision Quest is a cavalry BattleMech with great endurance. The Vision Quest is armed with a pair of new Series 1NC Extended Range Large Lasers, and 8 Extended Range Medium Lasers acquired in a trade with Clan Jade Falcon’s Scientist Caste. The ‘Mech also mounts 12 tons of Clan-spec Ferro-Fibrous armor plating produced in orbit, the armor a gift of Clan Nova Cat’s Circean neighbors, Clan Snow Raven. With very little production of new 375-rated Extra Light Fusion Engines, the Nova Cats used stockpiles of salvaged and mothballed GM 375 XL, previously used in the Flashman. The ‘Mech has sufficient heat dissipation to fire all of its medium range weaponry, or fire its large lasers with a partial volley of mediums, and remain cool.

Deployment (2840)

Clan Nova Cat deploys its upgraded Vision Quest (Standard) extensively. Units equipped with Vision Quests are held to the highest standards of combat effectiveness and self-sufficiency. Other Clans respect the Vision Quest, and a market has developed for them on Strana Mechty.

The Vision Quest is especially coveted by Clan Goliath Scorpion. However, they rarely can afford to barter for new Vision Quests.

Deployment (2880)

Clan OmniMech development has reduced demand for the Vision Quest. Clan Nova Cat is actively attempting to develop their own OmniMechs, though for the foreseeable future OmniMechs acquired through trade and or combat have been sufficient for Alpha Galaxy. Displaced Vision Quests are still eagerly sought by Warriors in second-line assignments, but they are often more valuable to Clan Nova Cat as trade commodities.


The Standard Variant of the Vision Quest debuted six years after the original, in 2834. This variant decreases the size of the Extra Light Fusion Engine to Clan-spec, replaces the standard structure with Clan-spec Endo Steel, but uses conventional plate (as access to Clan Snow Raven’s “gift” proved less reliable than Clan Nova Cat could tolerate). Additional heat sinks were added, and all of these were upgraded to Clan-standard.

(In the late 3070s, the Vision Quest was revisited, but this second face lift of the Flashman was given another new designation, the Sphinx.)

Vision Quest (2828)

Code: [Select]
Vision Quest

Mass: 75 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2828
Cost: 18,852,750 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,696

Chassis: FLS/NC Bergan 1.1 Standard
Power Plant: GM 375 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: 12SR1 Ferro-Fibrous
    2 Series 1NC (CL) ER Large Lasers
    8 JF-NCc (CL) ER Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Circe Underground Cat Complex 1
    Primary Factory: Circe
Communications System: CirceCat Omniband
Targeting and Tracking System: Ikari X

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                     114 points                7.50
Engine:             XL Engine (IS)               375                      19.50
    Walking MP: 5
    Running MP: 8
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         (IS) Double Heat Sink        23(46)                   13.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous (CL)           AV - 221                 12.00
    Armor Locations: 1 HD, 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     23           35       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  11       
                                           L/R Torso     16           23       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  8         
                                             L/R Arm     12           22       
                                             L/R Leg     16           30       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
2 (CL) ER Medium Lasers                      CT        10        2         2.00
2 (CL) ER Medium Lasers                      RT        10        2         2.00
2 (CL) ER Medium Lasers                      LT        10        2         2.00
(CL) ER Large Laser                          RA        12        1         4.00
(CL) ER Medium Laser                         RA        5         1         1.00
(CL) ER Large Laser                          LA        12        1         4.00
(CL) ER Medium Laser                         LA        5         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 2

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      7    Points: 27
5          6       6       2       0      3     2   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: -0, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Vision Quest (Standard - 2834)

Code: [Select]
Vision Quest (Standard)

Mass: 75 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2834
Cost: 18,868,500 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,735

Chassis: FLS/NC Bergan 1.1 Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Purrfection Motors 375 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: 12S1 Standard Armor
    2 Series 1NC ER Large Lasers
    8 JF-NCc ER Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Circe Underground Cat Complex 1
    Primary Factory: Circe
Communications System: CirceCat Omniband
Targeting and Tracking System: Ikari X

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                   114 points                4.00
    Internal Locations: 1 HD, 2 LT, 2 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             375                      19.50
    Walking MP: 5
    Running MP: 8
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             25(50)                   15.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 216                 13.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     23           34       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  11       
                                           L/R Torso     16           23       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  8         
                                             L/R Arm     12           20       
                                             L/R Leg     16           30       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
2 ER Medium Lasers                           CT        10        2         2.00
3 ER Medium Lasers                           RT        15        3         3.00
3 ER Medium Lasers                           LT        15        3         3.00
ER Large Laser                               RA        12        1         4.00
ER Large Laser                               LA        12        1         4.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 6

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      7    Points: 27
5          7       7       2       0      3     1   Structure:  4
Special Abilities: -0, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

« Last Edit: 02 August 2020, 21:44:02 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
MCY-100 Mercury II Upgrade:

In the chaos of the Annihilation of the Not-Named Clan, saKhan Gerek Tchernovkov received a special request for his twin brother, Richard. Working to organize the scientist caste and improve both long-range missile technology and pulse laser technology at the time, Richard asked his brother to bring him samples of whatever technologies the Not-Named Clan had been optimizing.

Seeing the wisdom in his brother's request, saKhan Tchernovkov agreed, and deployed Beta Cluster to Marshall to recover of whatever they could. Landing opposed, the Coyotes were harassed all the way from their Drop site to Marshall 'Mech Yards. saKhan Tchernovkov, concerned for the success of the mission, then ordered all Warriors to eschew single-combat duels. Tchernovkov's orders mark one of the few, notable exceptions to Clan Coyote's devotion to zellbrigen.

With Alpha Trinary providing cover, Beta Trinary attempted to recover an MCY-100 Mercury II BattleMech, while Gamma Trinary attempted to recover enhanced PPCs. Elements of Beta Trinary braved return fire and successfully installed tow cables on two Mercury IIs, literally dragging the pair from the factory. Gamma Trinary attempted to do the same with a stockpile of the new PPCs, but these were situated deeper within the factory.

Gamma was unsuccessful, and all members of Gamma were captured and executed at the orders of the Not-Named defenders. Only one of the two Mercury IIs arrived intact at the Cluster's DropShips. The second Mercury II was dropped when its tow cables were damaged; the Warrior dragging this 'Mech was suddenly, unexpectedly freed from her payload and dropped awkwardly, blacking out. Not-Named forces incinerated her cockpit before she regained consciousness.

Despite heavy losses, the operation was deemed successful. Upon return to Tamaron, Coyote Scientist led by Richard dissected the surviving Mercury II at Drennen Industriplex. Working for two years, Richard personally led his team until they could not only reproduce the Mercury II's moulds, but also upgrade the ER Large Laser with a brand-new Clan-spec Large Pulse Laser.

The new MCY-CC Mercury II became Clan Coyote's de facto light BattleMech until the unveiling of the Messenger medium BattleMech two decades later:

MCY-CC Mercury II (2825)

Code: [Select]
Mercury II MCY-CC

Mass: 40 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2825
Cost: 7,858,013 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,580

Chassis: Standard
Power Plant: 280 Fusion XL Engine (IS)
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Unknown
    Jump Capacity: 210 meters
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous (IS)
    1  (CL) Large Pulse Laser
    2  (IS) Medium Lasers
    1  Beagle Active Probe
    1  Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Drennen Industriplex
    Primary Factory: Tamaron
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      67 points                4.00
Engine:             XL Engine (IS)               280                       8.00
    Walking MP: 7
    Running MP: 11
    Jumping MP: 7 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 3 LT, 3 RT                                   3.50
Heat Sinks:         (IS) Double Heat Sink        10(20)                    0.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous (IS)           AV - 134                  7.50
    Armor Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     12           16       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  5         
                                           L/R Torso     10           15       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  5         
                                             L/R Arm     6            12       
                                             L/R Leg     10           20       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
(IS) Medium Laser                            CT        3         1         1.00
Beagle Active Probe                          RT        0         2         1.50
Guardian ECM Suite                           LT        0         2         1.50
(IS) Medium Laser                            RA        3         1         1.00
(CL) Large Pulse Laser                       LA        10        2         6.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 13

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      4    Points: 16
7j         3       3       2       0      2     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: PRB, RCN, ECM, -0, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Messenger (written in 2845, 2860)

Mass: 55 tons
Chassis: Messenger
Power Plant: Coyote Industrial 385 XL Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 76 km/h
Maximum Speed: 119 km/h
Jump Jets: 7 Lifter Series C9
Armor: B12-4
1 Fortune Finder Active Probe
1 Fuzzi1 ECM
1 Pak-Attak-10 Large Pulse Laser
Manufacturer: Coyote Industrial
Primary Factory: Babylon
Communications System: CI-Com 1
Targeting and Tracking System: CI-M 4

As one of the final BattleMech projects undertaken by Khan Kesar Jerricho, a new Clan-standard BattleMech was commission to replace the aging MCY-CC Mercury II. Keeping with the trend of most Coyote production in their early history, Scientist were instructed to reproduce the capabilities of the Mercury II, but improve its durability. To Coyote Scientist of the period, “durability” was a dog whistle for “bigger”. Few within the Warrior Caste would ever argue with a larger Mercury II; two Coyote adages, “you can’t teach size” and “size matters”, date to this period of Coyote history. By the beginning of Gerek Tchernovkov’s Khanship, the Messenger was already winning duels across the Kerensky Cluster.

(Notably, Khan Tchernovkov’s twin brother, Richard Remer, was not involved with this project. He had been otherwise assigned at the time.)


A surpurb dueling BattleMech with great maneuverability and endurance, the Messenger adds 15 tons to the mass of its predecessor. Designers squeezed Ferro-Fibrous Armor, Endo Steel, and a 385-rated XL Fusion Engine into the ‘Mech. The Engine had to be purposefully designed for the new BattleMech. This 385-engine line started up at Coyote Industrial in addition to the Messenger line. The Messenger is capable of a 210-meter jump, speeds approaching 200 km/h, yet still can mount advanced electronics a quartet of lasers.

The design team, upon reexamining issues with the Mercury II, realized placing the Pak-Attak in the right arm would ease heat disbursement, so they made the weapons layout of the Messenger a mirror image of the Mercury II. Secondary Jade Falcon-designed ER Medium Lasers, taken years earlier, rounded out the offensive systems of the Messenger. The Messenger runs hot with the wrong Warrior, especially when relying on jump capability. Warriors are urged to alternate firing, unless shutdown can be permitted, say upon completion of your duel.

Deployment (2845)

The Messenger has found a home in all frontline Coyote Galaxies, especially Beta and Gamma, as well as Clan Wolf frontline forces. Clan Coyote Warriors rely extensively on the Messenger for mission types requiring speed. Rarely it is also used for reconnaissance, though few Clans are foolhardy enough to not honor zellbringen in combat with Clan Coyote.

Deployment (2860)

Messenger production has all but stopped in favor of Lupus production. The loss of the Messenger is not sorely felt, because the Clan has adapted their tactics and embraces light OmniMechs like the Talaria and Coyotl.

Variants (2860)

One Messenger variant began production in 2850. Clan Coyote’s preponderance of larger BattleMechs allowed the Messenger to focus on the role of ultra-fast (at least by Coyote standards) cavalry and recon, or in the case of the Messenger 2, head-hunting and sniping. Messengers also provided an adequate (if expensive) dueling ‘Mech for Trials of Position:

Messenger (2845)

Code: [Select]

Mass: 55 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2845
Cost: 14,031,323 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,212

Chassis: Messenger Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Babylon MechWorks 385 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Lifter Series C9
    Jump Capacity: 210 meters
Armor: B12-4 Ferro-Fibrous
    1 Pak-Attak Large Pulse Laser
    3 Series 7C ER Medium Lasers
    1 Fortune Finder Active Probe
    1 Fuzzi1 ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Coyote Industrial
    Primary Factory: Babylon
Communications System: CI-Com 1
Targeting and Tracking System: CI-M 4

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    91 points                3.00
    Internal Locations: 7 RT
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             385                      22.00
    Walking MP: 7
    Running MP: 11
    Jumping MP: 7 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL                       3.50
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 163                  8.50
    Armor Locations: 7 LT

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     18           23       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  7         
                                           L/R Torso     13           20       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     9            16       
                                             L/R Leg     13           20       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Medium Laser                              CT        5         1         1.00
ECM Suite                                    RT        0         1         1.00
Active Probe                                 LT        0         1         1.00
Large Pulse Laser                            RA        10        2         6.00
2 ER Medium Lasers                           LA        10        2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 15

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 22
7j         3       3       1       0      2     1   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: PRB, RCN, ECM, -0, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

« Last Edit: 17 June 2020, 12:16:37 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Hermes IIC

By the late 2830s, Clan Ice Hellion's focus on aggressive light-BattleMech tactics brought the Hellion Touman to the tipping point. Attrition, combined with the lingering aftermath of the civil war to purge saKhan Moore and his dezgra comrades, had left Clan Ice Hellion thin. Repair-bay- and Factory-installed refits kits could no longer put large numbers of Hermes Cs back in the field because the supply of Star League-vintage Hermes BattleMechs was dwindling. Mongoose BattleMech numbers were also suffering from the Clan's combat style; the Icestorm simply lacked sufficient punch. Another BattleMech was required.

In desperate need of a BattleMech capable of hitting well above its weight, Clan Ice Hellion ordered Hector MechWorks to shut down and expand their facilities in preparation for a new light BattleMech, the Hermes IIC. Based mostly on SLDF Royal HER-1Sb Hermes, the Hermes IIC makes full use of space- and mass-saving Clan-spec technologies. The 'Mech is armed with a quintet of Hellion FarCharge ER Medium Lasers, giving the Hermes IIC great punch. Additionally, the Hermes IIC makes use of Clan Ice Hellion’s improved MASC technology, allowing the Hermes IIC to achieve speeds in excess of 200 km/h in open terrain. Scientists were also aware of the hazards of set traps to the light Hellion's light Touman; an Active Probe was installed to protect Warriors from ambush, especially by conventional infantry:

Hermes IIC (2840)

Code: [Select]
Hermes IIC

Mass: 30 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2840
Cost: 5,940,870 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,087

Chassis: Hector Chassis Class 10 Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Hellion Force 270 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 97.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 151.2 km/h (194.4 km/h)
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Hector StarPlate Ferro-Fibrous
    5 Hellion FarCharge ER Medium Lasers
    1 Hellion F1 Flamer
    1 Hector Broadscan Active Probe
Manufacturer: Hector MechWorks
    Primary Factory: Hector
Communications System: Hector TelStar
Targeting and Tracking System: CIH Hermes Pro


Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    51 points                1.50
    Internal Locations: 7 RT
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             270                       7.50
    Walking MP: 9
    Running MP: 14 (18)
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             12(24)                    2.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LA
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 105                  5.50
    Armor Locations: 7 LT

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     10           16       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  4         
                                           L/R Torso     7            10       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  4         
                                             L/R Arm     5            10       
                                             L/R Leg     7            14       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Medium Laser                              HD        5         1         1.00
Active Probe                                 CT        0         1         1.00
MASC                                         RT        -         1         1.00
2 ER Medium Lasers                           LT        10        2         2.00
2 ER Medium Lasers                           RA        10        2         2.00
Flamer                                       LA        3         1         0.50
                                            Free Critical Slots: 18

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      4    Points: 21
11         4       4       0       0      1     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: -0, PRB, RCN, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

« Last Edit: 12 June 2020, 21:05:16 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Clint IIC (original - 2830, written in universe 2845)

Buoyed by resources claimed during the Pentagon Campaign, as well as technologies and facilities ceded to them after the Not-Named Clan's treachery, Clan Snow Raven looked toward a program of rearmament in the mid-2820s. Their initial projects, including the Stag and Pulverizer, were moderately successful, though the Ravens lost ownership of their Marshall lines within a few years. Enthusiastic about their initial results with the Clint BattleMech and needing a new heavy reconnaissance BattleMech, but exhausting their supply of Star League-era prototypes, one of the programs undertaken by Clan Snow Raven was the construction of a manufacturing complex on Lum capable of producing a new medium BattleMechs. The complex, Clan Snow Raven Industrial Complex Chi, went online in 2829, and within a few short months had begun production of new Clint IICs

Results on the new Clint IIC were also solid, prompting engineers to upgrade the Clint IIC to Clan-standard in 2842:

Clint IIC (original, 2830)

Code: [Select]
Clint IIC (Original)

Mass: 40 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2830
Cost: 6,810,580 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,010

Chassis: SR 2830/a Standard
Power Plant: Type 79 240 Fusion XL Engine (IS)
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: Andoran Model JJII
    Jump Capacity: 180 meters
Armor: Forging C629/j Standard Armor w/ CASE  (IS)
    1 Type KOV (CL) LB 10-X AC
    2 Series 3n (CL) ER Small Lasers
Manufacturer: Clan Snow Raven Industrial Complex Chi
    Primary Factory: Lum
Communications System: Raldon R1
Targeting and Tracking System: Sloane 220 Lockover System

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      67 points                4.00
Engine:             XL Engine (IS)               240                       6.00
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 6 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL                             3.00
Heat Sinks:         (IS) Double Heat Sink        10(20)                    0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 104                  6.50
    CASE (IS) Locations: RA                                                0.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     12           15       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  4         
                                           L/R Torso     10           12       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  4         
                                             L/R Arm     6            10       
                                             L/R Leg     10           12       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
(CL) ER Small Laser                          CT        2         1         0.50
(CL) ER Small Laser                          LT        2         1         0.50
(CL) LB 10-X AC                              RA        2         5        10.00
@LB 10-X (Cluster) (20)                      RA        -         2         2.00
@LB 10-X (Slug) (10)                         RA        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 22

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      3    Points: 10
6j         2       2       1       0      2     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, FLK 1/1/1

« Last Edit: 15 June 2020, 16:27:49 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Exterminator IIC (2833, written in universe 2840)

Following the death of Anderey Kerensky, Khan Kufahl sank into a deep depression, forcing saKhan Kesar Jerricho to honorably challenge Kufahl to a Trial of Position for Khanship. Losing and thus relieved her from command, Kufahl was free to come to terms with her grief (and her apparent breaks with reality). Khan Jerricho likewise honored Clan Coyote's bond with Star Colonel Kerensky by forging an even a tighter bond with Clan Wolf, and by becoming steward of the legacy of the ilKhan's brother.

Among their actions, Clan Coyote established a breading protocol in which Khan Kufahl's progeny would always use Anderey's genetic material as the gene-father; Clan Wolf reciprocated this bond, always pairing Anderey with Khan Kufahl as the gene-father. The chosen BattleMech of Star Colonel Kerensky was also part of Clan Coyote's stewardship. Salvage and parts for the Exterminator, a heavy scout or head hunter, were available in moderate numbers after the conclusion of KLONDIKE. Clan Coyote soon became covetous of the Exterminator, and began fighting Trials to procure as many as they could. With Clan Coyote’s preponderance of heavy- and assault-class BattleMechs, the Exterminator was allowed to flourish in its intended battlefield role.

By the end of the decade, Clan Coyote decided to begin production of their own new Exterminator, rather than cobble together Star League-vintage parts and salvage. The Exterminator IIC makes use of all of Clan Coyote’s technical breakthroughs, and upgrades range and firepower by replacing the Medium Lasers with Large Pulse Lasers. Though need may have been less important than legacy, Clan Coyote assumed role of custodian of Anderey’s legacy was secure:

Exterminator IIC (2833)

Code: [Select]
Exterminator IIC

Mass: 65 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2833
Cost: 16,497,773 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,045

Chassis: CC Special Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Heavy Force 390 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: Chevron N
    Jump Capacity: 180 meters
Armor: 12NS2 Ferro-Fibrous
    2 CPL 10.20 Large Pulse Lasers
    1 C10-2 LRM-10
    1 ER Small Laser
    1 YorkShield Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer: Various
    Primary Factory: Various
Communications System: AR-12 Sheathed Direction Beacon
Targeting and Tracking System: DLK Type Phased Array Sensors

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                   104 points                3.50
    Internal Locations: 7 RT
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             390                      23.00
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 6 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL                             6.00
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 153                  8.00
    Armor Locations: 7 LT
    CASE Locations: LT, RT                                                 0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     21           22       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  6         
                                           L/R Torso     15           20       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  5         
                                             L/R Arm     10           14       
                                             L/R Leg     15           19       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Small Laser                               HD        2         1         0.50
LRM-10                                       CT        4         1         2.50
Anti-Missile System                          RT        1         1         0.50
Large Pulse Laser                            RA        10        2         6.00
Large Pulse Laser                            LA        10        2         6.00
@Anti-Missile System (24)                    RT        -         1         1.00
@LRM-10 (12)                                 LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 14

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 20
6j         3       3       2       0      3     1   Structure:  4
Special Abilities: -0, AMS, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, IF 1

« Last Edit: 05 January 2023, 12:53:02 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.

Mass: 55 tons
Chassis: CM-H
Power Plant: MONFUS 330 XL Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 64 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97 km/h
Jump Jets: 0
Armor: LyteCast 27
2 Tokasha Mk. 15 Ultra Autocannon/10
2 Tokasha Mk. 4 Extended Range Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Tokasha MechWorks
Primary Factory: Tokasha
Communications System: Beadlink 2020
Targeting and Tracking System: LoricLight Fire

As one of the ascendant Clans in the aftermath of Operation KLONDIKE, Clan Mongoose (+) used the personnel, facilities, and salvage acquired from the Pentagon to build upon their holdings in the Kerensky Cluster. While this may have placed more of Clan Mongoose’s resources away from its capital, it allowed the Mongooses relative impunity to choose its targets and battlefield away from the Pentagon.

Tokasha, Clan Mongoose’s jungle world with a toxic atmosphere, was selected as the site of a massive new BattleMech manufacturing complex. Clan Mongoose invested considerably in the construction of Tokasha MechWorks; the factory was environmentally sealed, yet still one of the largest and most prolific BattleMech production facilities in Clan space. Tokasha MechWorks was capable of producing a surplus of BattleMechs for Clan Mongoose’s moderately sized Touman (moderately sized due to its balance of ground forces and AeroSpace, as well as constant attrition). Clan Mongoose frequently dealt Tokasha MechWorks surplus for political favors.

The flagship BattleMech of Tokasha MechWorks is the Hellstorm, named for the hypercane-sandstorm hybrids of Circe. Its legs and arms are properly jointed, but its torso is flat and delta-shaped, similar but not so wide as the torso of the Mercury II. The Hellstorm is the ideal Clan Mongoose BattleMech, a 55-ton BattleMech used as a skirmisher and brawler armed with direct-fire weaponry.


The Hellstorm is built on the CM-H EndoSteel frame, with adequate protection provided by 7.5 tons of CastLyte 27 Ferro-Fibrous Armor. The MONFUS 330 Extra Light Fusion Engine allows the Hellstorm to reach speeds approaching 100 km/h in clear terrain, which perfectly suits Clan Mongoose’s skirmishing tactics. The BattleMech is armed with a pair of ultra autocannon/10s slung forward laterally on the bottom of the torso, backed up with arm-mounted extended range medium lasers. All variants of the Hellstorm mix lasers with either direct-fire autocannons or particle weapons.

Deployment (2840)

Clan Mongoose deploys the Hellstorm extensively where it expects frontline engagements, on Circe as well as its front-line clusters within the Kerensky Cluster. The Hellstorm also appears within the Toumans of Clan Burrock, Clan Sea Fox, and salvaged Hellstorms are frequently spotted among the ranks of Clans Blood Spirit and Star Adder.

Deployment (2860)

Production of the Hellstorm has recently ceased. It is unclear why the Mongooses would stop the lines at Tokasha, considering raiding has intensified again, this time as a way to hone skill in preparation for Trials of Possession for OmnIMech technology. A new variant may be in development:

Hellstorm (Standard - 2831)

Code: [Select]
Hellstorm (Standard)

Mass: 55 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2831
Cost: 12,046,290 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,790

Chassis: CM-H Endo-Steel
Power Plant: MONFUS 330 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: LyteCast 27 Ferro-Fibrous
    2  Tokasha Mk. 15 Ultra AC/10s
    2  Tokasha Mk. 4 ER Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Tokasha MechWorks
    Primary Factory: Tokasha
Communications System: Beadlink 2020
Targeting and Tracking System: LoricLight Fire

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    91 points                3.00
    Internal Locations: 7 RA
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             330                      12.50
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 144                  7.50
    Armor Locations: 7 LA
    CASE Locations: LT, RT                                                 0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     18           21       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  6         
                                           L/R Torso     13           18       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  5         
                                             L/R Arm     9            13       
                                             L/R Leg     13           18       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Ultra AC/10                                  RT        3         4        10.00
Ultra AC/10                                  LT        3         4        10.00
ER Medium Laser                              RA        5         1         1.00
ER Medium Laser                              LA        5         1         1.00
@Ultra AC/10 (20)                            RT        -         2         2.00
@Ultra AC/10 (10)                            LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 16

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 18
6          5       5       3       0      2     0   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Hellstorm 2 (2832)

Code: [Select]
Hellstorm 2

Mass: 55 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2832
Cost: 12,198,190 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,102

Chassis: CM-H Endo-Steel
Power Plant: MONFUS 330 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: LyteCast 27 Ferro-Fibrous
    2 Tokasha Mk. 13 Ultra AC/5s
    6 Tokasha Mk. 4 ER Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Tokasha MechWorks
    Primary Factory: Tokasha
Communications System: Beadlink 2020
Targeting and Tracking System: LoricLight Fire

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    91 points                3.00
    Internal Locations: 1 RT, 6 RA
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             330                      12.50
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             13(26)                    3.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 144                  7.50
    Armor Locations: 1 LT, 6 LA
    CASE Locations: LT, RT                                                 0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     18           21       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  6         
                                           L/R Torso     13           18       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  5         
                                             L/R Arm     9            13       
                                             L/R Leg     13           18       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
2 ER Medium Lasers                           CT        10        2         2.00
Ultra AC/5                                   RT        1         3         7.00
Ultra AC/5                                   LT        1         3         7.00
2 ER Medium Lasers                           RA        10        2         2.00
2 ER Medium Lasers                           LA        10        2         2.00
@Ultra AC/5 (20)                             RT        -         1         1.00
@Ultra AC/5 (20)                             LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 15

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 21
6          5       5       2       0      2     1   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Hellstorm 3 (2833)

Code: [Select]
Hellstorm 3

Mass: 55 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2833
Cost: 11,931,590 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,279

Chassis: CM-H Endo-Steel
Power Plant: MONFUS 330 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: LyteCast 27 Ferro-Fibrous
    2 Tokasha Particle Special ER PPCs
    2 Tokasha Mk. 4 ER Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Tokasha MechWorks
    Primary Factory: Tokasha
Communications System: Beadlink 2020
Targeting and Tracking System: LoricLight Fire

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    91 points                3.00
    Internal Locations: 7 RA
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             330                      12.50
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             21(42)                   11.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT, 1 LL, 1 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 144                  7.50
    Armor Locations: 7 LA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     18           21       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  6         
                                           L/R Torso     13           18       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  5         
                                             L/R Arm     9            13       
                                             L/R Leg     13           18       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
2 ER Medium Lasers                           CT        10        2         2.00
ER PPC                                       RT        15        2         6.00
ER PPC                                       LT        15        2         6.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 7

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 23
6          5       5       3       0      2     0   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: -0, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
SWF-5W Seawolf (written in universe in 2840)

Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: Dagda AW-3
Power Plant: Pitban 240 Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 32 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54 km/h
Jump Jets: 3 Geotec 650 Jump Jets
Armor: Aldis Plate
2 CW 5-10 LB-10X Autocannon (CL)
2 Sennet Sweep Machine Guns (CL)
2 Strana Mechty Arms Clan Improved ER Medium Lasers
1 Strana Mechty Arms Clan Improved ER Small Laser
1 Norse Guardian ECM
Manufacturer: San Biaggio Assault BattleMech Line
Primary Factory: Dagda
Communications System: WolfNet 1.7
Targeting and Tracking System: Falcon 15 Watcher

In need of an Assault BattleMech capable of garrisoning its holdings on Dagda, Clan Wolf (+) looked to the very mobile but poorly regarded Star League-era RST-4R Rising Star instead of scrambling to procure Highlanders or Crocketts. Production for the Rising Star had ended decades before the Amaris Crisis, so Clan Wolf was not able upgrade their existing stockpile of Rising Star BattleMechs. Instead, the Wolves upgraded a small cache on San Biaggio, and christened the single line the "San Biaggio Assault BattleMech Line". As the production facilities were being prepared, the Wolves looked to improve overall performance of the Rising Star. They also changed the name of the design to remove the taint of its primogenitor. The new SWF-5W Seawolf evokes pride and the honor of Naomi Djerassi in single-handedly Annihilating the dishonorable Kepler Atoll with the aid of seawolves (H:OK, pp. 85-86). In order to cement this connection, Clan Wolf gifted the first Seawolf to walk off their line to Star Captain Djerassi. This was primarily a ceremonial gift, considering Djerassi is a highly traded infantry soldier, and not a MechWarrior.


The SWF-5W Seawolf retains many of the features of the Rising Star, while upgrading its loadout. The Seawolf makes use of the same engine, chassis, armor, double heat sinks, Guardian ECM, com system, and Jump Jets as the Rising Star. However, the engineers realized the faulty tracking system had to be updated in the new Seawolf, and installed the brand new Falcon 15 Watcher. Weapon systems for the Seawolf are also upgraded, replacing the Autocannon/10s with brand new (Clan-spec) CW 5-10 LB-10X Autocannons. Clans Cloud Cobra and Sea Fox also contributed to the new design by trading Clan-spec short-range missiles and machine guns to Clan Wolf, respectively. The Seawolf relies on tried and true Strana Mechty Arms Clan Improved Medium and Small Lasers to round out its loadout.


The Seawolf is not produced in significant numbers. The SB lines simply cannot produce the volume of Seawolves to make this a common Assault BattleMech. However, in its role of garrison on Dagda, where Clan Wolf’s only significant conflict is with Clan Jade Falcon (and the occasional adventurism of Clans Widowmaker and Fire Mandrill), the SB lines are sufficient. Seawolves also appear in Clan Goliath Scorpion second-line units, with the explicit directive these BattleMechs may not be scrapped, salvaged, traded, or sold to other Clans.

Despite the steps taken by Clan Wolf, reviews of the Seawolf are mixed. While the Seawolf may be very capable, assignment to a Seawolf promises most a paucity of combat, and few chances to advance with Clan Wolf’s Touman.


The Seawolf has been upgraded several times in the decade since its debut. Production was upgraded to Clan Standard in 2827 with the blessings of Clan Snow Raven and acquisition of Extended Range Laser technologies from Clan Jade Falcon. Additionally an underwater variant of the Seawolf was also introduced in 2832. Few Seawolves have actually faced significant combat; with low attrition, Seawolf numbers on Dagda continue to swell.

Whether known to Clan Wolf or not, the Word of Blake chose the poorly regarded Rising Star as the basis for their Legacy assault BattleMech as a tacit threat to the Wolves: the Word knew their history. The Legacy even uses the same targeting and tracking system built by Clan Wolf specifically for the Seawolf.

The lines and frame of the Seawolf would also influence the later Clan Wolf Woodsman OmniMech. Presented here are the Rising Star (for reference purposes) and all Seawolf variants:

RST-4R Rising Star (2692)

Code: [Select]
Rising Star RST-4R

Mass: 80 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Age of War/Star League
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/E-X-X-X
Production Year: c. 2750
Cost: 7,461,090 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,751

Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Pitban 240 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets: Geotec 650
    Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Aldis Plate Standard Armor w/ CASE
    2  Autocannon/10s
    2  Medium Lasers
    2  SRM-4s
    1  Small Laser
    1  Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                     122 points                8.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                240                      11.50
    Walking MP: 3
    Running MP: 5
    Jumping MP: 3 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 1 LL, 1 RL                                   3.00
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LA
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 247                 15.50
    CASE Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT                                             1.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     25           40       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  10       
                                           L/R Torso     17           27       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  7         
                                             L/R Arm     13           26       
                                             L/R Leg     17           34       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Autocannon/10                                RT        3         7        12.00
SRM-4                                        RT        3         1         2.00
Autocannon/10                                LT        3         7        12.00
Guardian ECM Suite                           LT        0         2         1.50
SRM-4                                        LT        3         1         2.00
2 Medium Lasers                              RA        6         2         2.00
Small Laser                                  LA        1         1         0.50
@AC/10 (10)                                  RT        -         1         1.00
@SRM-4 (25)                                  RT        -         1         1.00
@AC/10 (10)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 15

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      8    Points: 18
3j         5       5       0       0      4     0   Structure:  6
Special Abilities: -0, ECM, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, AC 2/2/0, SRM 1/1/0

SWF-5W Seawolf (2825)

Code: [Select]
Seawolf SWF-5W

Mass: 80 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-E-X-X
Production Year: 2825
Cost: 8,591,490 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,006

Chassis: Dagda AW-3 Standard
Power Plant: Pitban 240 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets: Geotec 650
    Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Aldis Plate Standard Armor w/ CASE (CL)
    2 CW 5-10 (CL) LB 10-X ACs
    2 Strana Mechty Arms Clan Improved ER Medium Lasers
    1 Strana Mechty Arms Clan Improved ER Small Laser
    2 Sennet Sweep (CL) Machine Guns
    1 Norse Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: San Biaggio Assault BattleMech Line
    Primary Factory: Dagda
Communications System: WolfNet 1.7
Targeting and Tracking System: Falcon 15 Watcher

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                     122 points                8.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                240                      11.50
    Walking MP: 3
    Running MP: 5
    Jumping MP: 3 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 1 LL, 1 RL                                   3.00
Heat Sinks:         (IS) Double Heat Sink        13(26)                    3.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LA, 2 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 247                 15.50
    CASE (CL) Locations: LT, RT                                            0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     25           40       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  10       
                                           L/R Torso     17           27       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  7         
                                             L/R Arm     13           26       
                                             L/R Leg     17           34       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
(CL) Machine Gun                             HD        0         1         0.25
(CL) Machine Gun                             CT        0         1         0.25
(CL) LB 10-X AC                              RT        2         5        10.00
2 (CL) SRM-4s                                RT        6         2         2.00
Guardian ECM Suite                           LT        0         2         1.50
(CL) LB 10-X AC                              LT        2         5        10.00
2 (CL) SRM-4s                                LT        6         2         2.00
2 ER Medium Laser CIs                        RA        10        2         2.00
ER Small Laser CI                            LA        2         1         0.50
@SRM-4 (25)                                  RT        -         1         1.00
@LB 10-X (Slug) (10)                         RT        -         1         1.00
@LB 10-X (Cluster) (20)                      LT        -         2         2.00
@MG (1/2) (100)                              LT        -         1         0.50
                                            Free Critical Slots: 6

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      8    Points: 20
3j         5       5       2       0      4     0   Structure:  6
Special Abilities: ECM, -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, SRM 2/2/0, FLK 1/1/1

Seawolf (2827)

Code: [Select]
Seawolf (2827)

Mass: 80 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-E-X-X
Production Year: 2827
Cost: 19,588,890 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,154

Chassis: AW-3 Standard
Power Plant: Pitban 320 Fusion XL Engine (CL)
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Geotec 650
    Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: CW Dagda Shield Ferro-Fibrous (CL) w/ CASE (CL)
    2 CW 5-10 (CL) LB 10-X ACs
    2 Dagda Model 4 (CL) ER Medium Lasers
    1 Dagda Model 5 (CL) ER Small Laser
    2 Sennet Sweep (CL) Machine Guns
    1 Norse Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: San Biaggio Assault BattleMech Line
    Primary Factory: Dagda
Communications System: WolfNet 1.7
Targeting and Tracking System: Falcon 15 Watcher

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                     122 points                8.00
Engine:             XL Engine (CL)               320                      11.50
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 4 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 2 LL, 2 RL                                         4.00
Heat Sinks:         (CL) Double Heat Sink        14(28)                    4.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous (CL)           AV - 240                 12.50
    Armor Locations: 4 LA, 3 RA
    CASE (CL) Locations: CT, LT, RT                                        0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     25           39       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  10       
                                           L/R Torso     17           26       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  7         
                                             L/R Arm     13           25       
                                             L/R Leg     17           33       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
(CL) Machine Gun                             HD        0         1         0.25
(CL) Machine Gun                             CT        0         1         0.25
(CL) LB 10-X AC                              RT        2         5        10.00
2 (CL) SRM-4s                                RT        6         2         2.00
Guardian ECM Suite                           LT        0         2         1.50
(CL) LB 10-X AC                              LT        2         5        10.00
2 (CL) SRM-4s                                LT        6         2         2.00
2 (CL) ER Medium Lasers                      RA        10        2         2.00
(CL) ER Small Laser                          LA        2         1         0.50
@MG (1/2) (100)                              CT        -         1         0.50
@LB 10-X (Cluster) (20)                      RT        -         2         2.00
@LB 10-X (Slug) (10)                         RT        -         1         1.00
@SRM-4 (25)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 2

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      8    Points: 22
4j         6       5       2       0      4     0   Structure:  4
Special Abilities: ECM, -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, SRM 2/2/0, FLK 1/1/1

Seawolf (Standard - 2832)

Code: [Select]
Seawolf (Standard)

Mass: 80 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-E-X-X
Production Year: 2832
Cost: 19,928,640 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,126

Chassis: AW-3 Standard
Power Plant: Pitban 320 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Geotec 650
    Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: CW Dagda Shield Ferro-Fibrous
    2 CW 5-10 LB 10-X ACs
    2 Dagda Model 4 ER Medium Lasers
    2 Sennet Sweep Machine Guns
    1 Scorpion Snoop Active Probe
    1 CW N Mk2 ECM Suite
Manufacturer: San Biaggio Assault BattleMech Line
    Primary Factory: Dagda
Communications System: WolfNet 1.7
Targeting and Tracking System: Falcon 15 Watcher

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                     122 points                8.00
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             320                      11.50
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 4 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 2 LL, 2 RL                                         4.00
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             14(28)                    4.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 240                 12.50
    Armor Locations: 4 LA, 3 RA
    CASE Locations: CT, LT, RT                                             0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     25           39       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  10       
                                           L/R Torso     17           26       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  7         
                                             L/R Arm     13           25       
                                             L/R Leg     17           33       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Machine Gun                                  HD        0         1         0.25
Machine Gun                                  CT        0         1         0.25
LB 10-X AC                                   RT        2         5        10.00
2 SRM-4s                                     RT        6         2         2.00
LB 10-X AC                                   LT        2         5        10.00
2 SRM-4s                                     LT        6         2         2.00
Active Probe                                 LT        0         1         1.00
ECM Suite                                    LT        0         1         1.00
2 ER Medium Lasers                           RA        10        2         2.00
@MG (1/2) (100)                              CT        -         1         0.50
@LB 10-X (Cluster) (20)                      RT        -         2         2.00
@LB 10-X (Slug) (10)                         RT        -         1         1.00
@SRM-4 (25)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 3

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      8    Points: 21
4j         5       5       2       0      4     0   Structure:  4
Special Abilities: -0, PRB, RCN, ECM, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, SRM 2/2/0, FLK 1/1/1

Seawolf 2 (2832)

Code: [Select]
Seawolf 2

Mass: 80 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-F-X-X
Production Year: 2832
Cost: 19,236,990 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,487

Chassis: AW-3 Standard
Power Plant: Pitban 320 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Aldis Plate Standard Armor
    4 Dagda Model 3.1 ER Large Lasers
    2 Dagda Model 4 ER Medium Lasers
    4 GS-Dagda SRT-4s
    3 Dagda Model 5 ER Small Lasers
    1 CW N Mk2 ECM Suite
    1  Active Probe
Manufacturer: San Biaggio Assault BattleMech Line
    Primary Factory: Dagda
Communications System: WolfNet 1.7
Targeting and Tracking System: Falcon 15 Watcher

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                     122 points                8.00
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             320                      11.50
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             22(44)                   12.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 240                 15.00
    CASE Locations: RT                                                     0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     25           37       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  12       
                                           L/R Torso     17           25       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  8         
                                             L/R Arm     13           25       
                                             L/R Leg     17           33       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Small Laser                               HD        2         1         0.50
ER Small Laser                               CT        2         1         0.50
2 ER Large Lasers                            RT        24        2         8.00
2 SRT-4s                                     RT        6         2         2.00
2 ER Large Lasers                            LT        24        2         8.00
2 SRT-4s                                     LT        6         2         2.00
ECM Suite                                    LT        0         1         1.00
Active Probe                                 LT        0         1         1.00
2 ER Medium Lasers                           RA        10        2         2.00
ER Small Laser                               LA        2         1         0.50
@SRT-4 (25)                                  RT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 7

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      8    Points: 25
4          6       6       3       0      4     3   Structure:  4
Special Abilities: -0, ECM, PRB, RCN, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, TOR 1/1/0

« Last Edit: 18 June 2020, 19:44:51 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.

Hptm. Streiger

  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 968
  • 3d artist, spread sheet warrior, KTF
Rising Star to rule kill them all.

Some great work, especially the fluff you have there


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Thanks man! I have a few more, Coyote and Blood Spirit designs that I wrote (including histories), but I need to improve a little. Should be done with these soon. Thanks again!
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Messenger 2 (written in 2850)

Clan Coyote has just unveiled a radical factory variant of their Messenger heavy scout. This one is anything but a scout. The Messenger 2 replaces the Coyote Large Pulse Laser with an Extended Range PPC, while the center torso laser was moved to the left arm to join the other two. There will be no mistaking the this one for the original, because the hand and lower arm actuators were removed to allow the arms to face the rear of the BattleMech, and the torso has been raised to improve line of sight. Lastly, a low-slung Streak SRM-2 replaces the advanced electronics:

Messenger 2 (2850)

Code: [Select]
Messenger 2

Mass: 55 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2850
Cost: 13,683,658 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,381

Chassis: Messenger Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Babylon MechWorks 385 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Lifter Series C9
    Jump Capacity: 210 meters
Armor: B12-4 Ferro-Fibrous
    1 Tamaron Mk.2EX ER PPC
    3 Series 7C ER Medium Lasers
    1 Tamaron SureStrike Streak SRM-2
Manufacturer: Coyote Industrial
    Primary Factory: Babylon
Communications System: CI-Com 1
Targeting and Tracking System: CI-M 4

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    91 points                3.00
    Internal Locations: 7 RT
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             385                      22.00
    Walking MP: 7
    Running MP: 11
    Jumping MP: 7 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL                       3.50
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 163                  8.50
    Armor Locations: 7 LT
    CASE Locations: LT                                                     0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     18           23       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  7         
                                           L/R Torso     13           20       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     9            16       
                                             L/R Leg     13           20       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Streak SRM-2                                 LT        2         1         1.00
ER PPC                                       RA        15        2         6.00
3 ER Medium Lasers                           LA        15        3         3.00
@Streak SRM-2 (50)                           LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 19

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 24
7j         3       3       1       0      2     1   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

« Last Edit: 17 June 2020, 11:39:37 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Bayonet (written in 2840, 2860)

Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: York Devotion 2
Power Plant: GM XL Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 43 km/h
Maximum Speed: 65 km/h
Jump Jets: 0
Armor: Yorklite Flow Cast
2 Raven’s Wrath ER PPCs
1 Hell-Blast LB-20X Autocannon
1 YorkShield Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer: York Industriplex-2
Communications System: York Diplomatalk YI2
Targeting and Tracking System: York Field View YI2

Sensing Clan Blood Spirit’s (+) KLONDIKE gains were eroding, Khan Colleen Schmitt agreed to commission a heavy BattleMech that began embracing lethal combat in defense of Spirit territory. A brawler was identified as a key need, one with exceptional firepower and sufficient endurance. The Bayonet was loosely based on later variants of the Cestus Star-League BattleMech.


The Bayonet is a heavy brawler with significant firepower and modest speed. The Bayonet can maintain speeds of 64 km/h in clear terrain with a Star League-vintage GM 260 Extra Light Fusion Engine. The engine can be salvaged and rebuilt or repaired from older Cestus models, but Clan Blood Spirit has also spent significant resources establishing a factory to reproduce these engines on York. Use of the GM engine and its size necessitated a hunched torso, similar to that of the Cestus.

In many ways the loadout is also reminiscent of the original. Energy weapons in the arms - Raven’s Wrath ER PPCs - combined with a large central gun in the torso - the Spirits won production rites to the Hell-Blast series of LB 20-X Autocannons being developed on Niles - give the Bayonet significant, killing firepower. Now willing to deploy heavy weapons Clan Blood Spirit have traditionally eschewed, the Bayonet looks to fill a much-needed gap in the Spirit Touman.

Deployment (2840)

Clan Blood Spirit deploys the Bayonet exclusively in their frontline clusters, where they are seeing extensive combat on York and Arcadia, and Zara. The Bayonet also saw extensive combat on Albion before their eviction from Clan Burrock’s homeworld. Like the Arawn BattleMech, older Warriors assigned the Bayonet show occasional hesitance to use its weaponry effectively. However, this is not the case with veteran Warriors of the Albion campaign; these Warriors show little mercy, especially when in combat against Warriors of the disgraceful Burrock, Mongoose, Smoke Jaguar, or Widowmaker Clans.

Deployment (2860)

Khan Ceana Boques’s reforms (FM:CC, p. 187) have identified the Bayonet as unduly expensive, and its reliance on older Star League engines allows a lucky strike to the side torso to cripple the ‘Mech and decide a Trial. With the loss of resources experienced broadly by the Spirits, the scientist caste is unwilling to guarantee the Bayonet can be updated in any meaningful way. Most likely, the silent York Industriplex-2 will be repurposed in the future.

Variants (2840)

Only one variant of the Bayonet exists. The Bayonet 2 replaces the PPCs with a large clutch of lasers won from Clans Jade Falcon and Nova Cat. Additionally, the LB 20-X Autocannon is replaced by an Ultra Autocannon/20, bartered from Clan Steel Viper. After the actions of their Traitor Khan, Clan Steel Viper no longer embraced the esprit de corps espoused by the Great Father; the exchange of technologies including the Clan-spec Ultra Autocannon/20, albeit after the Traitor Khan's treachery, was one of the last acts of camaraderie between the Vipers and their ilChi, Devon Boques:

Bayonet (2832)

Code: [Select]

Mass: 65 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2832
Cost: 12,649,010 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,018

Chassis: York Devotion 2 Standard
Power Plant: GM 260 Fusion XL Engine (IS)
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Yorklite Flow Cast Ferro-Fibrous (CL) w/ CASE (IS)
    2 Raven's Wrath (CL) ER PPCs
    1 Hell-Blast (CL) LB 20-X AC
    1 YorkShield (CL) Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer: York Industriplex-2
    Primary Factory: York
Communications System: York Diplomatalk YI2
Targeting and Tracking System: York Field Veiw YI2

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                     104 points                6.50
Engine:             XL Engine (IS)               260                       7.00
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         (CL) Double Heat Sink        18(36)                    8.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 3 LA, 3 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous (CL)           AV - 182                  9.50
    Armor Locations: 2 CT, 5 LT
    CASE (IS) Locations: 1 LT                                              0.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     21           28       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  11       
                                           L/R Torso     15           21       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  7         
                                             L/R Arm     10           15       
                                             L/R Leg     15           24       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
(CL) Anti-Missile System                     HD        1         1         0.50
(CL) LB 20-X AC                              RT        6         9        12.00
(CL) ER PPC                                  RA        15        2         6.00
(CL) ER PPC                                  LA        15        2         6.00
@Anti-Missile System (24)                    LT        -         1         1.00
@LB 20-X (Cluster) (10)                      LT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 0

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      6    Points: 20
4          5       5       3       0      3     0   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: AMS, -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, FLK 1/1/0

Bayonet 2 (2833)

Code: [Select]
Bayonet 2

Mass: 65 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2833
Cost: 12,631,850 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,089

Chassis: York Devotion 2 Standard
Power Plant: GM 260 Fusion XL Engine (IS)
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Yorklite Flow Cast Ferro-Fibrous (CL) w/ CASE (IS)
    1  (CL) Ultra AC/20
    2 York Model 1R (CL) ER Large Lasers
    4 York Model 1ERM (CL) ER Medium Lasers
    1 YorkShiield (CL) Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer: York Industriplex-2
    Primary Factory: York
Communications System: York Diplomatalk YI2
Targeting and Tracking System: York Field View YI2

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                     104 points                6.50
Engine:             XL Engine (IS)               260                       7.00
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         (CL) Double Heat Sink        18(36)                    8.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 3 LA, 3 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous (CL)           AV - 182                  9.50
    Armor Locations: 3 LT, 2 LA, 2 RA
    CASE (IS) Locations: 1 LT                                              0.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     21           28       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  11       
                                           L/R Torso     15           21       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  7         
                                             L/R Arm     10           15       
                                             L/R Leg     15           24       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
(CL) Anti-Missile System                     HD        1         1         0.50
2 (CL) ER Medium Lasers                      CT        10        2         2.00
(CL) Ultra AC/20                             RT        7         8        12.00
2 (CL) ER Medium Lasers                      LT        10        2         2.00
(CL) ER Large Laser                          RA        12        1         4.00
(CL) ER Large Laser                          LA        12        1         4.00
@Anti-Missile System (24)                    LT        -         1         1.00
@Ultra AC/20 (10)                            LT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 1

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      6    Points: 21
4          6       6       2       0      3     2   Structure:  3
Special Abilities: AMS, -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Wakheon (written in 2840, 2860)

Mass: 70 tons
Chassis: Tbird-1c
Power Plant: Magna 350 Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 54 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86 km/h
Jump Jets: 0
Armor: Tamaron W-1.1
1 Pak-Attak Large Pulse Laser
1 Coyote-Blast LB 5-X Autocannon
1 C 15-2 LRM-15
Manufacturer: Landen BattleMech Production Complex
Primary Factory: Tamaron
Communications System: Landen Tight-band
Targeting and Tracking System: Coyote Hot-Shot

Clan Coyote successfully completed Operation KLONDIKE, taking modest losses while obtaining valuable civilian caste assets, mineral wealth, and restorable infrastructure from Babylon. Initial gains allowed Coyote a quicker recovery than most, but by 2829, mobile ‘Mechs like the Conjurer, Vision Quest, and Fox forced Clan Coyote to reexamine their preference for heavy- and assault-class BattleMechs. Though this vulnerability had not cost the Coyotes significantly yet, Khan Kesar Jerricho realized the Clan’s preponderance on firepower over speed may one day prove too difficult to overcome. While the Mercury II was an adequate dueler, especially for Trials of Position, a fast cavalry BattleMech would be ideal. Additionally, a dwindling number of Thunderbolts and Crusaders was forcing Coyote engineers to look to new production.

Khan Jerricho ordered the scientist caste to address both concerns with a new heavy cavalry BattleMech. As part of his orders, Khan Jerricho also ordered the construction of a new BattleMech line under the direction of Landen (Wolf). His facility, Landen BattleMech Production Complex, was set away from the Coyote capital, improving resource utilization on Tamaron. Initially a grouping of empty warehouses of modular construction, production of the Wakheon (the name of the Thunderbird) began in earnest before its production facility had completed its first shakedown.


The Wakheon is designed to survive and win zellbrigen. As an upgrade on the Thunderbolt, the Wakheon masses 70 tons. It uses a Magna 350-rated standard fusion engine, available from almost unused Magi Combat Vehicles. A few years later, Landen was able to produce its own new Magna fusion engines. The Wakheon also features mass-saving Clan-spec Endo Steel, and an assortment of Clan Coyote’s new Clan-spec weapon systems: one C 15-2 LRM-15, allowing the Wakheon to soften foes at a distance, one Pak-Attak Large Pulse Laser, and one Coyote-Blast LB 5-X Autocannon to exploit any holes in an opponent’s armor. The Wakheon also needs not bracket its weapons fire, running cool even while alpha-striking and running at a respectable 86 km/h.

The lack of significant heat or an expensive and vulnerable extra-light fusion engine, combined with the reliability of the Pak-Attak, allows the Wakheon to stay in combat for long periods of time. Newly improved CASE technology also keeps the Wakheon in the fight, or allows the Warrior to request hegira even after an adversary finds an ammunition bin.

Deployment (2840)

Though maneuverable and sufficiently rugged for zellbrigen, the modest firepower of the Wakheon means it is not highly desired by most other Clans. However, within Clan Coyote the Wakheon is regarded well enough to find it in frontline clusters on Babylon and throughout the Kerensky Cluster.

Deployment (2860)

Production of the Wakheon has been halted for a year in favor of the Xibalba and Lupus Heavy OmniMechs. Production at Landen, along with its sister company Picuris, has been halted in favor of an overhaul to produce a new medium OmniMech currently in the design stages.

Variants (2860)

There are no factory variants of the Wakheon. However, Warriors have been known to request their Pak-Attak be replaced with an ER PPC. Short-range missiles, lasers, and jump jets are common enough to see in the field.

Star Colonel Penelope Rosanske, KIA on Brim in 2843, modified her Wakheon by replacing all the weapons and a little armor for 3 ER Large Lasers and heat sinks. Her Wakheon used Ferro-Fibrous Armor to replace the lost protection:

Wakheon (2829)

Code: [Select]

Mass: 70 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2829
Cost: 7,507,087 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,685

Chassis: Tbird-1c Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Magna 350 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Tamaron W-1.1 Standard Armor
    1 Pak-Attak Large Pulse Laser
    1 C15-2 LRM-15
    1 Coyote-Blast LB 5-X AC
Manufacturer: Landen BattleMech Production Complex
    Primary Factory: Tamaron
Communications System: Landen Tight-band
Targeting and Tracking System: Coyote Hot-Shot

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                   107 points                3.50
    Internal Locations: 1 CT, 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             Fusion Engine                350                      29.50
    Walking MP: 5
    Running MP: 8
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 168                 10.50
    CASE Locations: LT, LA                                                 0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     22           25       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  8         
                                           L/R Torso     15           21       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  5         
                                             L/R Arm     11           16       
                                             L/R Leg     15           21       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
LRM-15                                       LT        5         2         3.50
Large Pulse Laser                            RA        10        2         6.00
LB 5-X AC                                    LA        1         4         7.00
@LRM-15 (16)                                 LT        -         2         2.00
@LB 5-X (Cluster) (20)                       LA        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 30

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      6    Points: 17
5          3       3       3       0      3     0   Structure:  6
Special Abilities: -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, IF 1

« Last Edit: 05 January 2023, 12:54:40 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Spirit Crusader (written in 2850, 2860)

Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: Crucis-SXB
Power Plant: Type 81 XL Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 32 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54 km/h
Jump Jets: 0
Armor: Forging SC12
4 Pak-Attak Large Pulse Lasers
2 Tamaron Short-Range SRM-6s
2 C 15-2 LRM-15s
Manufacturer: Various
Primary Factory: Various
Communications System: Tamaron T-8000
Targeting and Tracking System: Coyote Multi-Trak

When Star Colonel Penelope Rosanske died in 2843, Clan Coyote had lost its most vocal critic of current Coyote BattleMech production. Star Colonel Rosanske, born in 2819, was one of the early Coyote “rising stars”. Her gene mother was Star Captain Susanne Rosanske, a fearsome MechWarrior with a penchant for headshots, had led Coyote Trials to victory many times. Penelope Rosanske had advocated for expansion of the of the Coyote Touman especially toward light- and medium-class BattleMechs, while also arguing for expansion of Coyote military production as a means to support the Coyote’s ever-expanding civilian castes. Her custom Wakheon, Tbird-1c-4.26, was lovingly modified by her personal Technicians, Ania, Shu, and Keller, in gratitude for her efforts.

Rosanske's arguments were echoed by others within Clan Coyote, including Star Captain Daniel Kufahl (probably because of his close friendship and training with Star Captain Marta Kerensky on Strana Mechty). Penelope’s death sent shockwaves through the Coyote Warrior ranks, especially within the Rosanske Bloodname House. Notably Penelope's gene mother Susanne returned to active duty (at the rank of Star Commander) to take up her fallen progeny’s cause. In 2844, Landen BattleMechs was been joined by sister production complexes overseen by Picuris (Thesoliniki).

Additionally, Khan Jerricho reevaluated Clan Coyote domestic production, and found it lacking. The Clan had focused too much on heavy- and assault-class BattleMech refits, or upgrades that merely improved features of antiquated Star League designs. However, Jerricho was unwilling to stray too broadly from the Coyote’s preferred battlefield tactics, concerned a drastic change haphazardly implemented may lose the Coyotes more than they gained. Jerricho’s directive to the scientist caste was to expand production into a medium-class BattleMech to support the Mercury II (itself showing its age) as well as a new assault-class BattleMech that could press the limits of Clan-standard technology. The scientist caste responded with several drawing board designs, five of which are highlighted: Richard (Remer)’s team came back with a medium-class striker with semi-modular design reminiscent of the older Mercury; Scientist Lance’s team presented a 50-ton BattleMech which focused on weapons and armor; Lynn (MacKinnon)’s team presented an assault-class brawler; Sigurd (Salk)’s team looked to Clan technology to manage the Star League-prototype Titan’s insane heat; and Riley (Mendeleev-Meier)’s team offered a 55-ton heavy scout.

Of the many new designs, Jerricho favored the designs by (Mendeleev-Meier) and (MacKinnon), commissioning both to begin production in 2845 and expand the Coyote Touman. The medium-mass design became the Messenger, while the assault-class BattleMech became the Spirit Crusader.


The name Spirit Crusader is homage to the Crusader, one of the Star League-remnant heavy BattleMechs favored by Clan Coyote for its focus on domestically manufactured LRMs. Later Coyote refit kits replaced much of the Crusader’s secondary weaponry with Coyote-produced large pulse lasers. The Spirit Crusader increases the mass of the Crusader to 80-tons. Making full use of Clan-spec structure, armor, and fusion engines, the Spirit Crusader mounts 38 tons of pulse lasers, LRMs, and SRMs. Warriors must keep a fixed eye on their heat gauge until their duel is finished. While the name Spirit Crusader and weapons selection may remind Warriors of the older Star League design, the name is meant to evoke Khan Dana Kufahl's mysticism, while the choice of weaponry was tailored to Coyote supply chains. The chunky, rounded Spirit Crusader does not bear much visual similarity to the original, save for the slight resemblance of the back-mounted tracking pylons, which look like the jump jet nacelles of the Crusader.

Deployment (2850)

The Spirit Crusader has been eagerly received by assault BattleMech Warriors within Clan Coyote. The Spirit Crusader is also freely traded with Clan Wolf, and appears in small numbers with Clans Hell’s Horses and Mongoose. Surprisingly, the Sea Foxes have also recently traded for a binary of Spirit Crusaders. The recent detente between Clans Sea Fox and Coyote bears watching.

Deployment (2860)

Spirit Crusader production was halted in favor of second-line BattleMechs. While there is general disappointment within the Clan, Warriors understand the resources could not be allocated to Spirit Crusader production and production for the new Storm Giant. The remaining Spirit Crusaders in combat are being redeployed to second-line clusters as newer Storm Giants become available. Often, a frontline Warrior will accompany a relegated Spirit Crusader as a way to soften the sting of demotion to second-line or solahma status.

Variants (2860)

There are no factory variants of the Spirit Crusader. Dozens of the assault BattleMech remain in the field, and while modifications are uncommon, they are not impossible to find:

Spirit Crusader (2845)

Code: [Select]
Spirit Crusader

Mass: 80 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2845
Cost: 18,904,800 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,460

Chassis: Crucis-SXB Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Type 81 320 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Forging SC12 Ferro-Fibrous
    4 Pak-Attak Large Pulse Lasers
    2 C15-2 LRM-15s
    2 Tamaron Short-Range SRM-6s
Manufacturer: Various
    Primary Factory: Various
Communications System: Tamaron T-8000
Targeting and Tracking System: Coyote Multi-Trak

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                   122 points                4.00
    Internal Locations: 4 LT, 3 RT
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             320                      11.50
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             18(36)                    8.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 220                 11.50
    Armor Locations: 1 HD, 1 CT, 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA, 1 LL
    CASE Locations: LT, RT, RL                                             0.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     25           33       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  10       
                                           L/R Torso     17           25       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  9         
                                             L/R Arm     13           22       
                                             L/R Leg     17           28       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
LRM-15                                       RT        5         2         3.50
LRM-15                                       LT        5         2         3.50
2 Large Pulse Lasers                         RA        20        4        12.00
2 Large Pulse Lasers                         LA        20        4        12.00
SRM-6                                        RL        4         1         1.50
SRM-6                                        LL        4         1         1.50
@LRM-15 (16)                                 RT        -         2         2.00
@LRM-15 (8)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
@SRM-6 (15)                                  RL        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 1

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      7    Points: 25
4          5       5       4       0      4     2   Structure:  4
Special Abilities: -0, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, LRM 1/1/1, IF 1

« Last Edit: 05 January 2023, 12:54:13 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
HAM-1A Haima (written in 2825, 2860)

Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Honor/York/Mech
Power Plant: York Core 120 XL Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 67 km/h
Maximum Speed: 95 km/h
Jump Jets: 6 LiftMan Jump Jets
Armor: Marble-Tight Standard Armor
1 Norse Guardian ECM
1 Beagle Active Probe
1 YorkShield Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer: Spirit of York MechYard
Primary Factory: York
Communications System: York ilChinnel
Targeting and Tracking System: Beagle Active Probe

Flush from their gains in Operation KLONDIKE, Clan Blood Spirit (+) was rich in resources and personnel. Espousing the esprit de corps and cooperation ushered in by Nicholas Kerensky’s Clans, the Spirits sought to redefine warfare within the Clans. Before the end of hostilities in the Pentagon, Spirit engineers were asked by Khan Colleen Schmitt to begin designing a “pure scout” BattleMech on York. This ‘Mech would be the Touman’s eyes on the field, a true team player, allowing Warriors of her new Clan to avoid more insurgent traps, and hone her Clans skills on the battlefield skills in reconnaissance, area denial, and spotting. Foreseeing the acquisition of more territory and reeducated Warriors from the Pentagon, Schmitt believed her new scout would be an ideal way for bondsmen to prove worthy of advancement in Clan Blood Spirit. The new BattleMech was christened the Haima, literally the sanguine humor, or blood spirit, of her Clan.


The Haima is an early design, and features only Star League-vintage equipment and materials. The Haima never runs hot, as it does not mount offensive weaponry. For a 20-ton BattleMech, its combination of armor (almost 20% of its mass) and speed (maximum 95 km/h with a 180-meter jump) is average. The Haima mounts a Guardian ECM and a Beagle Active Probe, allowing the Haima to disrupt battlefield computers and find hidden infantry. The latter is especially useful, not just to combat Post-KLONDIKE insurgency, but also in Clan tactics. The Haima is also protected by newly produced anti-missile systems built on York.

(Historical note: Infantry may be a thankless job in the Clans, but it played an important role on the Clan Battlefield before the introduction of Battle Armor. Many Clans after the Thamzing would allow Pentagon survivors to join their security forces as infantry, even if the Warrior caste was too restrictive. Subsequently, security detail was also available to Sibling Company washouts. Field infantry was vitally important when not bid away. Infantry could be hidden with ease on a prepared battlefield, be deployed by Combat Vehicles (one of their primary missions in the aftermath of KLONDIKE), focus on Area Denial and capture of Warriors taken as bondsmen, and most importantly, they were often not members of the Warrior caste, so infantry could be treated with impunity on the battlefield.)

Deployment (2840)

Haima duty in Clan Blood Spirit is not often a prestigious assignment for Warriors, but it is a step toward honorable promotion. It is certainly possible to distinguish oneself by running out into combat with no weapons. Many Clans would ignore the Haima, as there is little honor in killing a walking target, but some Clans, like the Mongooses and Burrocks, were disgusted and enraged by both the upward mobility it allowed and the way it mocked Clan combat ideals. Several Clans would not show mercy to these Warriors, refusing to take bondsmen and killing these “Warriors” without hesitation, including summary executions after conclusion of the Trial.

Outside of Clan Blood Spirit, MechWarriors assigned a captured Haima was most often expected to die. Ejection systems are disabled in many of these Haimas. Three separate times Warriors in Clan Widowmaker were actually issued an auto-pistol with a single bullet in the chamber with their Haima in case their assignment was not “successful”. Since the Annihilation of the Not-Named Clan, it is unknown how they deployed their Haimas; what is known is they deployed them more often than any Clan other than the Spirits themselves.

Deployment (2860)

Khan Ceana Boques cited the Haima as the first BattleMech to be retired by her reforms. While the Haima’s line was actually silent since 2827, the decree was symbolic of a renewed drive to spare any and all of Clan Blood Spirit’s dwindling resources.

Variants (2860)

There are no variants of the Haima. By 2825 even within the Spirits, Warriors preferred assignment to lightly armed, ancient Hegemony- and Star League-scouts like the Spider and OstScout, upgraded or not.

HAM-1A Haima (2823)

Code: [Select]
Haima HAM-1A

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2823
Cost: 2,808,240 C-Bills
Battle Value: 394

Chassis: Honor/York/Mech Standard
Power Plant: York Core 120 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: LiftMan
    Jump Capacity: 180 meters
Armor: Marble-Tight Standard Armor
Manufacturer: Spirit of York MechYard
    Primary Factory: York
Communications System: York ilChinnel
Targeting and Tracking System: Beagle Active Probe

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             120                       2.00
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 6 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT, 1 LL, 1 RL                             3.00
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV -  56                  3.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            7         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  4         
                                           L/R Torso     5            4         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  3         
                                             L/R Arm     3            5         
                                             L/R Leg     4            6         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Anti-Missile System                          HD        1         1         0.50
Guardian ECM Suite                           CT        0         2         1.50
Beagle Active Probe                          LT        0         2         1.50
@Anti-Missile System (12)                    RT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 11

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 4
6j         0       0       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: ECM, PRB, RCN, AMS, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

« Last Edit: 18 June 2020, 15:31:29 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Càirdeas/Exsanguinator (written in 2840, 2860)

Mass: 90 tons
Chassis: H&C Albion Model 1
Power Plant: GM 270 Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 32 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54 km/h
Jump Jets: 3 Albion Series 1 Assault Special
Armor: Compound 12A
2 Strana Mechty Arms Clan Improved LRM-20s
2 Strana Mechty Arms Clan Improved SRM-6s
2 Blankenburg Extended Range Large Lasers
1 YorkShield Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer: Albion Armor Works Alpha
Primary Factory: Albion
Communications System: Clan Consult 15
Targeting and Tracking System: Trackman 23

Initially flush with resources, Clan Blood Spirit (+) leveraged its gains to expand its Touman, Possessions, and production after Operation: KLONDIKE. Khan Colleen Schmitt’s increasingly adversarial relationship with Khan Nigel Polczyk (and their proximity) prompted her to focus Clan Blood Spirit’s early intra-Clan operations against the Clan Burrock homeworld of Albion (FM:CC, pp. 21-23, Clan Blood Spirit active on Albion). As part of their campaign, early Clan Blood Spirit tactics did not feature the single combat of many other Clans, rather BattleMechs like the Haima were used to the fullest extent to find hidden traps and identify infantry positions. Schmitt also instructed her Clan to pay particular interest to bandit activity by the late 2820s.

The height of Blood Spirit advances on Albion was winning Possession of part of Albion Armor Works (Alpha) in 2825. Needing a new assault BattleMech and with stopping power but concerned for the killing potential of her Clan’s favored Highlander, Khan Schmitt requested her new scientist caste members to design and construct a BattleMech based on the Highlander, but with a loadout more reminiscent of the Stalker or Crockett. The scientists returned with the Càirdeas (pronounced KAR-dis), an assault BattleMech Khan Schmitt named in hopes of renewing a sense of brotherhood and kinship between her and the wayward Burrocks opposing her Blood Spirits.

With the unveiling of a new assault-class BattleMech on their own homeworld, the Polczyks (and indeed, all of Clan Burrock) were shocked and enraged. Not only had Clan Blood Spirit refused to duel honorably, they had the gaul to target their Clan and homeworld for their expansion plans and use their facilities to their gain. Worse, reports filtered into the Burrock enclaves of extensive attempts to integrate with the inhabitants of Albion they had liberated. Having already called for Trials of Absorption against the Spirits in 2823, the Burrocks began to focus exclusively on the interloping Spirits, even persuading Khan Loric of Clan Mongoose the Spirits were masking their weakness with battlefield maleficence.

Albion Armor Works Alpha became the focus of the Burrock counter-offensives, with hundreds of Trials of Possession fought over Albion’s Blood Spirit colonies, either directly for Possession of the factory, or for Possession of supporting colonies, including factory farms, a local reservoir (which was abandoned in 2829), and the local space port. A second spaceport also had to be established for Clan Burrocks own traffic ferrying production from Albion Armor Works (Beta) and (Gamma) to Burrock forces. Borders were redrawn daily, at times separating the two “nations” by meters. Spirit civilians living in Albion’s enclaves faced ever-increasing hardships, including starvation rations and an outbreak of Albion Protozoal Fever for ten months between 2830-2831. Albion Protozoal Fever was also experienced by civilians in the Burrock enclave, and is believed the result of biological contamination of the shared aquifer.

While the Spirits did not yield Possession of the factory until their ejection from Albion in 2835, the ongoing hostilities and bitterness emerging from this conflict led Khan Schmitt to request a terrifying, upgraded production model, the Càirdeas 2, in 2832. However, the Càirdeas 2 is remembered by another name; the Càirdeas 2 was rechristened the Exsanguinator after the death of the Great Father in 2834. When the Spirits were finally fought off Albion, the remnants of Albion Armor Works Alpha and Beta were deemed too costly to repair.


The Càirdeas relies primarily on standard Age of War-vintage materials for ease of production on Albion. The decision was made early to use fewer mass-saving materials in favor of cheaper, easier to procure standard materials, especially because Spirit access to their Albion enclave was often contested by Burrock AeroSpace. However, the Càirdeas does make use of advances in Clan weapons technology, including use of Strana Mechty Arms Long- and Short-Range Missile Systems. Extended Range Large Lasers featured on the Crockett were also installed; these large systems were produced on site with the chassis. New GM 270 fusion engines, famous from the HER-1S Hermes, were also manufactured on site. The GM 270 gives the Càirdeas a top speed of 54 km/h in the clear terrain near the Spirit enclaves. The Càirdeas is also capable of a 90-meter jump.

The modified Càirdeas, the Exsanguinator, replaced the GM 270 with a York Core 270 XL brought in from York. Using the freed tonnage, the Exsanguinator pairs recently won Polczyk Gauss Rifles with Raven’s Wrath PPCs. However, the bottleneck in engine supply and the desperate shape of the Spirit’s Albion colonies slowed production of new Exsanguinators made in 2833 to 22% of production Càirdeas of 2827.


Both the Càirdeas and Exsanguinator saw extensive combat on Albion. Clan Blood Spirit maintained modest numbers of these BattleMechs until losing their Albion Possessions in 2835. Khan Colleen Schmitt herself had begun fighting in a Càirdeas, and later an Exsanguinator, until the her Spirits could no longer field them, after which time she returned to her famed Highlander.

While Clan Burrock won Possession of many of these BattleMechs, they used their isorla BattleMechs only until the Blood Spirit expulsion in 2835. After expelling the Spirits, Clan Burrock stripped both Càirdeases and Exsanguinators, leaving them in unguarded caches on Albion. Some of these found their way to the Dark Caste. To Burrock and Blood Spirit sensibilities, allowing prized Spirit Assault Mechs the dishonor of finding their way to the Dark Caste was a vicious insult.


Beyond the original Càirdeas  and Exsanguinator, no production variants were manufactured on Albion:

Càirdeas (2826)

Code: [Select]

Mass: 90 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2826
Cost: 9,397,400 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,236

Chassis: H&C Albion Model 1 Standard
Power Plant: GM 270 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets: Albion Series 1 Assault Special
    Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Compound 12A Standard Armor w/ CASE (IS)
    2 Strana Mechty Arms Clan Improved LRM-20s
    2 Blankenburg (IS) ER Large Lasers
    2 Strana Mechty Arms Clan Improved SRM-6s
    1  (IS) Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer: Albion Armor Works Alpha
    Primary Factory: Albion
Communications System: Clan Consult 15
Targeting and Tracking System: Trackman 23

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                     138 points                9.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                270                      14.50
    Walking MP: 3
    Running MP: 5
    Jumping MP: 3 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 1 LL, 1 RL                                   6.00
Heat Sinks:         (IS) Double Heat Sink        17(34)                    7.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LT, 1 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 232                 14.50
    CASE (IS) Locations: 1 RT                                              0.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     29           30       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  15       
                                           L/R Torso     19           25       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  10       
                                             L/R Arm     15           24       
                                             L/R Leg     19           30       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
(IS) Anti-Missile System                     HD        1         1         0.50
LRM-20 CI                                    RT        6         4         5.00
LRM-20 CI                                    LT        6         4         5.00
SRM-6 CI                                     RA        4         2         3.00
(IS) ER Large Laser                          RA        12        2         5.00
SRM-6 CI                                     LA        4         2         3.00
(IS) ER Large Laser                          LA        12        2         5.00
@Anti-Missile System (12)                    CT        -         1         1.00
@LRM-20 (12)                                 RT        -         2         2.00
@SRM-6 CI (30)                               RT        -         2         2.00
@LRM-20 (6)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 3

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      8    Points: 22
3j         4       4       3       0      4     0   Structure:  7
Special Abilities: -0, AMS, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, SRM 1/1/0, LRM 1/2/2, IF 2

Càirdeas 2/Exsanguinator (2832)

Code: [Select]

Mass: 90 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-D-X-X
Production Year: 2832
Cost: 18,859,780 C-Bills
Battle Value: 3,058

Chassis: H&C York Model 1, modified Standard
Power Plant: York Core 270 Fusion XL Engine (IS)
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets: Albion Series 1 Assault Special
    Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Compound 12A Standard Armor
    2  Raven's Wrath ER PPCs (CL)
    2  Polczyk Gauss Rifles (CL)
    1  Nebulous ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Ablion Armor Works Alpha
    Primary Factory: Albion
Communications System: Clan Consult 16
Targeting and Tracking System: Trackman 29

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                     138 points                9.00
Engine:             XL Engine                    270                       7.50
    Walking MP: 3
    Running MP: 5
    Jumping MP: 3 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 1 LL, 1 RL                                   6.00
Heat Sinks:         (IS) Double Heat Sink        16(32)                    6.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 3 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 232                 14.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     29           30       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  15       
                                           L/R Torso     19           25       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  10       
                                             L/R Arm     15           24       
                                             L/R Leg     19           30       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
(CL) Gauss Rifle                             RT        1         6        12.00
(CL) Gauss Rifle                             RA        1         6        12.00
2 (CL) ER PPCs                               LA        30        4        12.00
ECM Suite                                    LA        0         1         1.00
@Gauss Rifle (8)                             HD        -         1         1.00
@Gauss Rifle (8)                             CT        -         1         1.00
@Gauss Rifle (8)                             RL        -         1         1.00
@Gauss Rifle (8)                             LL        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 0

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      8    Points: 31
3j         6       6       6       0      4     0   Structure:  4
Special Abilities: -0, ECM, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

« Last Edit: 18 June 2020, 19:43:45 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
This list of newly produced, early Clan BattleMechs does not include other contemporaries like the Conjuror and Bane, which have been published elsewhere. This list should not be considered an exhaustive source. However, it does highlight some of the early steps and missteps of Clan design and production especially that of Clan Coyote and Clan Blood Spirit. The lost riches of Clan Blood Spirit after Operation: KLONDIKE must be especially painful to those who actually remember.

Most or all of these BattleMechs ceased production by 2900, and have thus been forgotten.


So, what do you think? Comments are welcome!
« Last Edit: 18 June 2020, 22:41:59 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Hello all,

With Friday’s publication of Technical Readout: Golden Century, there is a lot of new production with good backstories. If you want to learn more, here are the links:



I probably will go back and edit or remove extra entires in the future.

"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Hello All,

I have left this thread alone for quite a little while, but I thought now was a good time to pick it back up, for two reasons.

First, I wanted to report back that previous entries to the thread are still valid. There were newly reported early Clan BattleMechs in TRO: Golden Century, and upon re-reading the TRO and the entries here, we will not be removing or requiring serious alterations to the thread.

However, in response to recent reports of "Pueblo Initiative" OmniMechs, it became obvious at least one pair of Clan BattleMechs were being manufactured in the Clan Homeworlds, and were missed by previous entries. These are "upgraded" versions of a few Star League BattleMechs not already reported in TRO: 3055, TRO: 3060, and the like. I am currently researching production, and I will report what I find as soon as possible.

"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Crab C (2835, written in 2840)

Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: Hollis Mark 1A
Power Plant: CI 250 Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 54 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86 km/h
Jump Jets: 0
Armor: TI Ferro-Fibrous
2 CPL 10.20 Large Pulse Lasers
1 CPL Series 2JF Medium Pulse Laser
1 CPL 5.6 Extended-Range Small Laser
Manufacturer: Various
Primary Factory: Various
Communications System: Coyote-Dalban 1
Targeting and Tracking System: Coyote Pak-Trak

Though Clan Coyote’s combat penchant may have developed from the ideals of Khan Dana Kufahl, their strong adherence to zellbrigen away from valuable resources had the side effect of early prosperity. In the aftermath of Operation KLONDIKE, the Coyote’s found themselves with an abundance of Technician Caste, and the infrastructure to lead the Clans in innovation and production. Combined with a strong and inventive Scientist Caste, the Coyotes became one of the most power Clans by the beginning of the Golden Century, and their achievements have continued to this day. However, their continuing success has required the Coyotes to adapt with their fellow Clans.

Coyote tactics primarily specialized in ‘Mech combat, specifically heavy ‘Mech combat. While multi-roll BattleMechs are used occasionally, early Coyote Warriors had developed preferences for particular BattleMechs due to their combination(s) of durability, firepower, or reputation. Coyote combat capabilities were being steadily enhanced by wave after wave of innovations, and by 2830 Coyote factories had already standardized many Clan advances of the post-KLONDIKE years. This allowed Coyote Technicians to outfit Coyote BattleMechs with some of the most fearsome loadouts of the Founding Era.

However, ‘Mech production was an exploitable Achilles heel. In 2030 the Clan was dependent upon rebuilding Star League BattleMechs, or fielding one of their two domestic BattleMechs, the Mercury II (used as a light scout), and the Wakheon. This extensive overuse of old Star League BattleMechs was beginning to lead to attrition and ‘Mech failure, a hazard the Coyotes had in common with the lowly Goliath Scorions and Fire Mandrill. While trade with Clan Wolf or Trials of Possession for ‘Mechs in other Clans’ caches could potentially alleviate this growing problem, Coyote expansion might slow if ‘Mech production was not solved internally.

Seeing the wisdom in expanding new ‘Mech production, even at the expense of weapons and materials research and innovation, Khan Kesar Jerricho ordered the Scientist and Technician Castes to begin production of new BattleMech manufacturing facilities, with each incorporated around an existing research cadre. He also ordered resumption of production for three Star League-era BattleMechs, but with changes in materials and improved capabilities, these three joined a group of Star League BattleMechs rechristened “C” or “IIC”, even if that designation would never been spoken by a Warrior.

The first of Clan Coyote’s C BattleMechs was the Exterminator IIC. However, a combination of the Exterminator IIC’s role and the Coyote reverence for Andery Kerensky meant this ‘Mech would never be produced in large numbers. Indeed more often than not, Clan Coyote gifted the Exterminator IIC to exceptional Clan Wolf Warriors, with a modest number actually accepting the Coyote generosity.

The second Coyote C ‘Mech was the Crab C. Clan Coyote decided to upgrade the CRB-27sl (ER 2750, p. 135), as a means to both showcase Coyote Clan-spec quality, but also to be able to quickly expand BattleMech production and replace over-repaired Star League BattleMechs on the verge of failure. The BattleMech became one of the most common ‘Mechs in the Coyote touman despite its relatively small size.


The Crab C expands the role of the CRB-27sl Crab. The original Star League Royal variant was limited by poor range and average mobility, forcing the CRB-27sl into niche tactical circumstances, like relying on jump jets with short-ranged pulse lasers in heavy or broken terrain, or deployment in large formations utilizing massed firepower. With Clan technology doubling the range and increasing the damage of the large pulse laser, the Crab C is ideal in Trials against Clans on Babylon, including the fast light- and medium-‘Mechs fielded by Clan Ice Hellion, and aerospace assets of Clan Cloud Cobra.

The Fire Mandrills had reduced the size of bulky extra-light fusion engines, but the increase in cost and manufacturing time led the Coyotes to take a different approach. The Coyote began production of CI 250 standard fusion engines, a Clan-designed replacement for the Magna 250. Deciding to remove the CRB-27sl’s jump jets, Coyote Scientists freed most of the mass required to install the heavier engine. Though this engine does reduce offensive capability, the Crab C’s increase in durability is appreciated by most Warriors, and allowed the Coyotes to build Crab Cs at a faster rate.

The Crab C is armed with a quartet of CPL lasers. A pair of CPL 10.20 Large Pulse Lasers housed in the hands of the Crab C is the primary firepower. These are backed up by a CPL Series 2JF Medium Pulse Laser and a CPL 5.6 ER Small Laser. Armor is reduced slightly from the CRB-27sl, but ferro-fibrous is retained as a concession to the heavier fusion engine, and improvements in Clan manufacturing mean the loss in protection is minimal. Heat management was not altered from the CRB-27sl, only upgraded to Clan standards.

Deployment (2840)

The Crab C is extensively deployed in the Clan Coyote touman, especially with Clusters stationed on Babylon. While most Coyote Warriors prefer assignment to heavier BattleMechs, the Crab C is able to outduel most light- and medium-class opponents without impugning a Warrior’s honor. Few Warriors have demanded a Trial of Refusal over assignment to the new ‘Mech.

Deployment (2860)

Assignment to a Crab C has lost much of its appeal since the introduction of OmniMechs. While the Crab C is still an effective fighter, most Warriors prefer assignment to Coyotl or Lupus OmniMechs.

Variants (2860)

There are no factory variants of the Crab C.

Crab C (2835)

Code: [Select]
Crab C

Mass: 50 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-E-D-D
Production Year: 2835
Dry Cost: 4,389,875 C-Bills
Total Cost: 4,389,875 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,677

Chassis: Hollis Mark 1A Standard
Power Plant: CI 250 250 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: TI Ferro Fibrous Ferro-Fibrous
    2 CPL 10.20 Large Pulse Lasers
    1 Pak-Attak series 2 JF Medium Pulse Laser
    1 CPL 5.6 ER Small Laser
Manufacturer: Various
    Primary Factory: Various
Communications System: Coyote-Dalban 1
Targeting and Tracking System: Coyote-Pak-Trak

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      83 points                5.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                250                      12.50
    Walking MP: 5
    Running MP: 8
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             14(28)                    4.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 152                  8.00
    Armor Locations: 3 LT, 4 RT

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     16           22       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  5         
                                          Left Torso     12           16       
                                         Right Torso     12           18       
                                   Left Torso (rear)                  6         
                                  Right Torso (rear)                  4         
                                            Left Arm     8            16       
                                           Right Arm     8            12       
                                            Left Leg     12           24       
                                           Right Leg     12           20       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Large Pulse Laser                            RA        10        2         6.00
Large Pulse Laser                            LA        10        2         6.00
Medium Pulse Laser                           CT        4         1         2.00
ER Small Laser                               HD        2         1         0.50
                                            Free Critical Slots: 26

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 17
5          4       4       3       0      2     0   Structure:  4
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Author's note: This BattleMech was designed by using the combination of the existence of the Night Chanter, and the CRB-27sl described in ER: 2750, p. 135. The fact the -27sl is armed with LPLs, a technology refined by Clan Coyote, made this upgrade more fitting.
« Last Edit: 05 January 2023, 16:40:08 by S.gage »
"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.


  • Lieutenant
  • *
  • Posts: 973
  • The Nova Cat is a subtle hunter.
Black Knight C (2834, written in 2840)

Mass: 75 tons
Chassis: Technicron 1L Endo-steel
Power Plant: CI 300
Cruising Speed: 43 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64 km/h
Jump Jets: 0
Armor: Valiant Lamellor Standard Armor
1 CI Pak-Zap Extend-range Particle Projection Cannon
1 CI 2.1NC Extended-range Large Laser
2 CPL 10.20 Large Pulse Lasers
4 CI 1.2JF Clan Improved Medium Lasers
1 Tronel I Small Laser
Manufacturer: Various
Primary Factory: Various
Communications System: TransComm Alpha
Targeting and Tracking System: TransComm Beta with Beagle Active Probe

When Khan Kesar Jerricho ordered an expansion of Clan Coyote ‘Mech production in 2830, one of the first ‘Mechs considered for new production was the Black Knight. Not only was the Black Knight the personal BattleMech of Clan Coyote’s founder, Dana Kufahl, but the ‘Mech was very durable and capable of impressive offensive output. Adding Clan technology to this powerful Star League BattleMech could only make the Black Knight more fearsome.

However, Khan Jerricho decided to approach the upgrade very cautiously for a number of reasons. Clan Coyote was already producing a heavy BattleMech, the Wakheon, and the Masauwu was nearing the end of its testing. Overuse of Dana Kufahl’s ‘Mech could also diminish the Founder’s legacy. However, if kept in small production runs and assigned to Clan Coyote’s best MechWarriors, Khan Jerricho reasoned the new production would benefit Clan Coyote. The upgrade was approved, and began shortly after the production of the Exterminator IIC.

The resulting Black Knight C was an upgrade of the BL-6b-KNT (TRO: 3050U). Always kept in low production numbers, the Black Knight C has remained a highly sought assignment within the Coyote touman.


The Black Knight C is designed with overwhelming firepower to fight any heavy- or assault-class BattleMech in single combat. Based on the BL-6b-KNT, the Black Knight C reduces armor slightly to allow the addition of an ER large laser, while upgrading the large pulse lasers and ER PPC to Clan-standard. This change allows the sluggish Black Knight C to fight at the range of the opponent’s choice, should they decide to keep their distance, and swap their volleys depending upon heat and damage. At very short range, the Black Knight C can add a quartet of Clan improved ER medium lasers for extra offensive potential, or swap with one of the other weapon systems. The Black Knight C also retains its active probe and small laser for point defense against less honorable adversaries.

The Black Knight C is also rugged. It does not make use of an extra-light fusion engine, nor does it rely on cutting edge Clan materials, instead retaining the original Technicron 1L endo-steel. Heat and moderate armors are the primary limitations of the Black Knight C. Warriors piloting a Black Knight C must balance expedience for heat, and keep a careful eye on how much damage they have taken. Proper bidding and dueling should be sufficient for most Black Knight C MechWarriors to win their Trials.

Deployment (2840)

The Black Knight C has seen very limited deployment in the Clan Coyote touman. Assignment to the ‘Mech must be requested, and is generally given only to ristars. Assignment can be won by Trial of Refusal, however some view this as avaricious above honor for the Clan.

Deployment (2860)

Since the introduction of Clan Coyote’s new OmniMechs, assignment to a Black Knight C is less sought for its capabilities, though it is still desirable for its connection to the Founder. While most Warriors would clamor for Front Line assignment to Alpha Galaxy and wish to pilot a Warlock or Lupus, those desiring recognition as a champion of Dana Kufahl are still eager to pilot the Black Knight C.

Variants (2860)

There are no variants of the Black Knight C. Traditional wisdom is altering the Black Knight C too radically would be disrespectful to the Founder, though this line of thought has been changing in recent years. Warriors are witnessing how often an OmniMechs’ ability to customize loadout to mission requirements has made a positive impact on Trial outcome. This change in values has been building over the last few years, especially since Clans Jade Falcon and Ice Hellion began attempting to acquire OmniMech technology.

Black Knight C (2834)

Code: [Select]
Black Knight C

Mass: 75 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Era Specific
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: X/X-X-X-X
Production Year: 2834
Dry Cost: 8,319,938 C-Bills
Total Cost: 8,319,938 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,399

Chassis: Technicron 1L Endo-Steel
Power Plant: CI 300 300 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Valiant Lamellor Standard Armor
    1 CI Pak-Zap (CL) ER PPC
    2 CPL 10.20 (CL) Large Pulse Lasers
    1 CPL 2.1NC (CL) ER Large Laser
    4 CI 1.2JF ER Medium Laser CIs
    1 Tronel I (IS) Small Laser
    1 Beagle Active Probe
Manufacturer: Coyote Industrial
    Primary Factory: Babylon
Communications System: TransComm Alpha
Targeting and Tracking System: TransComm Beta with Beagle Active Probe

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                   114 points                4.00
    Internal Locations: 5 LT, 5 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             Fusion Engine                300                      19.00
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         (CL) Double Heat Sink        16(32)                    6.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 192                 12.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     23           29       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  8         
                                           L/R Torso     16           24       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     12           19       
                                             L/R Leg     16           24       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Medium Laser CI                           RA        5         1         1.00
(CL) ER PPC                                  RA        15        2         6.00
ER Medium Laser CI                           LA        5         1         1.00
(CL) ER Large Laser                          LA        12        1         4.00
(CL) Large Pulse Laser                       RT        10        2         6.00
ER Medium Laser CI                           RT        5         1         1.00
(CL) Large Pulse Laser                       LT        10        2         6.00
ER Medium Laser CI                           LT        5         1         1.00
Beagle Active Probe                          CT        0         2         1.50
(IS) Small Laser                             HD        1         1         0.50
                                            Free Critical Slots: 11

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      6    Points: 24
4          4       4       3       0      3     3   Structure:  6
Special Abilities: PRB, RCN, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

"WHO PUT 6 ARMOR ON THE RIFLEMAN'S HEAD?!?" - Peter S., while marking damage from a PPC, 1994.
"Ich bin Jadefalke!!!! Ich bin MechKrieger!!!!" - German students on their field trip to Leipzig, 1998.
Until the next Clan Invasion or Jihad, Clan Schrödinger's Cat is and is not Annihilated. :)
Early Clan Refit BattleMechs, Novel Clan Golden Century BattleMechs, Early Clan Refit Combat Vehicles, 1st & 2nd Generation Clan OmniMechs.

