Author Topic: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!  (Read 175981 times)

Trace Coburn

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The old Tribble Emporium (here) has officially outgrown its original premises (heh) and hit the 50-page limit, so we invite you to continue your posting and discussion here, instead!


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1 on: 04 December 2020, 22:22:15 »
Well, that took a while. So any new Tribbles?

David CGB

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #2 on: 04 December 2020, 22:53:03 »
I hope
Federated Suns fan forever, Ghost Bear Fan since 1992, and as a Ghost Bear David Bekker star captain (in an Alt TL Loremaster)


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #3 on: 04 December 2020, 22:56:25 »
Ohh, I get to break in the new Tribble thread.

#653- or #001 depending on whether we're keeping the old count or starting a new one.

Adventures in spaaaaaace!

According to ISP3, there is a space station called Shady Palms, in the Orion Rift. This is a Star League era station, which was forgotten in the first succession war, and the inhabitants died out. Centuries later, settlers found the station, and moved in. (this is outside of the FedSuns, between the Tortoga Dominions and the Outworlds Alliance)

And according to one of the technical books- StraOps?- it is possible to make space stations up to 100,000 tons which are jumpship transportable.

So, AU idea: The First Succession War is happening, but instead of Shady Palms being forgotten, people start moving there- trying to get away from all the nukes and massacres happening in the Inner Sphere.
Jump-transportable Space Stations, realizing how vulnerable they are, start moving away, hitching rides through the Inner Sphere, moving towards the Orion Rift (a nice, empty place with no tempting targets, no habitable worlds, and an astrographic feature to make it harder to track them).

A new nation slowly forms in the Orion Rift, a nation made mostly of space stations and converted dropships, with a few planets including a Star League terraforming project (Mauna Loa), forgotten Terran Allaince colony (New Sierra), a world of outworlds refugees (Murrain), and even an unknown nation with low technology but decent population (New Delphi).

Its a very thinly spread nation, but this is made possible by the large number of jumpships which fled the slaughter of the first succession war to find safety in the Orion Rift.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #4 on: 05 December 2020, 00:10:51 »
I like it, Atlan.

For #654... or Beta-002, as it were...

I find myself considering Ms. Taylor Hebert.
And Tai-i Mercer Ravannion.

And just wondering what sort of connection there might be.
It's most likely, given his total failure at implementing his supposed tactical theory, that he was merely inspired by her, perhaps having found a copy of her tale on an ancient data core. Or perhaps having been one of the many dimensional refugees from Earth Bet and its neighboring universes.

On the other hand, there's Tai-i Sippers, who actually managed the 'bug horde' attack using Jenners...


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #5 on: 05 December 2020, 03:44:59 »

Having secured reasonable assurance from Maximilian Liao that the Capellan border will stay quiet, Duke Michael Hasek-Davion diverts several RCTs rimwards and manufactures a border incident in 3025, thus justifying an invasion of the Taurian Concordat.

He doesn't expect to take all of it, but if he can just secure a couple of industrial worlds he'll cripple their military production, add that production to the wealth of the Capellan March and reinforce his military credentials. There is no way that this can go wrong!

(Actually there are lots of ways:
A: Atomics
B: Biologicals
C: Chemicals.)
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #6 on: 05 December 2020, 06:59:31 »
ya, cause the Bulls have never fought an invasion beyond anyone's estimate of their capacities and they certainly have never used large scale WMD on the invaders (and their own people as needed) as if they were water...  :thumbsup:
For the FEDCOM For the Archon-Prince


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #7 on: 05 December 2020, 07:00:10 »
Alternately it could go very right if he times it for another braindead extended incursion into Canopian space that ties down a significant chunk of the TDF and functionally their entire available supply of jumpships. Or manufactures an excuse for said incursion.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #8 on: 05 December 2020, 08:35:49 »

In 2461, The Taurian Concordat is stunned to find an alien ship piloted by humans calling themselves Naram. Suffice to say, this First Contact has far reaching repercussions for the Inner Sphere.

(Renegade Legion X-over)


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #9 on: 05 December 2020, 19:58:04 »

Just after the Star league traitors left to unknown parts something very weird happened. The event only affected the IS and parts small parts of Perfire nations.
That event was magic showed back up. No one could explain it or why it happened. But it really affected everyone when trolls, elves, drawings showed up. When the clan showed up again things got real for them when they had to deal with magic overpower them and dealing with a troll adept ripping a suit of power armor apart with their bare hands.
Much less dealing with the leader of the Dracs being a true dragon no less.
OK, 8th world showing up later after the star league left.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #10 on: 05 December 2020, 21:04:42 »
658: Into the Bangverse

(Inspired by An Entry With a Bang and Into the Spiderverse)

North, South, East and West of the Inner Sphere, 4 separate polities are ISOted into the Battletech Universe around August 9, 3025.

For Added hilarity, none of the ISOTed polities have knowledge of the setting and/or each other.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #11 on: 06 December 2020, 18:01:22 »
Some what inspired by drakensis's Davion and Davion(Deceased):

John Davion figures out the obivous that war is coming to the Innersphere and that the Star League is a stinking corpse a few years ahead of everyone else.  He works with the Lyran Commonwealth, Free Worlds League and Outworlds Alliance for mutual non aggression pacts, he sells Keynon Marik that having a single front against the Cappellan Confederation would work to his advantage and that getting into an attritional fight with another of the three states representing 'Liberty' and 'Freedom' in the sphere would only harm his goals and since Kerensky is gone House Liao should get his anger (also the Federated Suns is Parsecs away).

House Steiner should be an even easier sell, as Jenifer will have her hands fill taking the collapsing Rim Worlds Republic, and the Combine.  So if she can limit the forces on the Marik frontier while speeding the conquest of the Rim worlds and getting up to speed against the Combine.

Having foreseen the issues coming, John bumps up the 'Preparedness Act' and stores the older equipment, which he offers at scrap plus transport prices equally to House Marik and House Steiner as a sweetener to the mutual non-aggressions pacts with states again parsecs away.

Having two distant states focused on his primary foes, Marik would like be slow going against the CapCon as Marik Armed Forces really aren't the most competent or cohesive even without the provincial infighting, but not getting hammered by the fist of House Steiner makes things easier and they are deterred a bit from slicing upward by Jenifer putting all the old FedSuns equipment on their shared border (I am not going to do anything aggressive but I am NOT STUPID statement).

House Steiner would be advised by John and likely accept it to stay on the defensive against the Combine while taking and integrating the old Rim Worlds Republic.

The Outworlds would get some newer equipment that doesn't quite fit within the Davion Table of Organization and Equipment, some mercs and told either sit it out (as the Combine would base a couple to few regiments from the 'increased' threat) or allow something like Pictirn's legion once the Combine comes for the Federated Suns.

John would use every last moment to build up his forces and seed underground movements on worlds he knows are going down against the dragon.  In fact he will faint that he is pulling off frontline forces for a drive into the confederation (ala actual 1st war).  Boosted militia, irregular formations and small scale spec ops/intel units will make life a living hell for the combine troops to occupy, they will cut logistics and communications and basically slow the Combine down.

Once the first worlds fall John opts for an elastic defense, knowing that once the Commonwealth has some of the heat taken off it they will counter strike and will try to coordinate local counter attacks and the coming counter offensive with Jenifer and make raids in support of Keynon against the Capcon.

Prior to all this all factories will be located in the interior of the FedSuns, literally producing parts and units until the machines are placed on the dropships.  Hopefully the relocation will be completed by the first feelers go out to the FWL and LC for the non-aggression pacts while building new in safe areas.

The Combine will commit an atrocity, it's a given, once that happens the preservation of AFFS will pay even more.  Having been kept on a short leash to save his forces and with his two top foes facing the undivided attention of a roughly equal or stronger state the AFFS will have the opportunity to shine once the Dragon shows it's true self.  John will keep the Capcon in place with the majority of the Capallen March forces and some 'screening' forces while the remainder of the AFFS falls on the DCMS.

Having been drawn in, having been raided by irregulars and having the fleet focus on interdiction of supplies (and having no local manufacturing any more, the factory shells are there, but the machinery is GONE) as well as lot of Assassinations and sniping of senior Kurtian officers the DCMS will be tired, brittle and under supplied.

John's Goal will be to destroy as much of the DCMS as possible, once that happens to raid and destroy it's industry in range.  If he loses 10-30 worlds he will be ok with that, but with his industry intact and most of his state in decent shape (and his allies are in ok shape since they aren't being nukes, chem'd basically WMD on all fronts while his foes get the two front treatment after he gets serious will be particularly the Combine), he will be content to take what he can of the former Terrain Hegemony and pick up of key worlds were he can like Tikonov, Dieron and Outreach.  He would then aim for an alliance with either or both of those he has non-aggression pacts with, even looking to marry Paul to which 'ally' is most supporting of his aims.

Likely not a new concept, but one that I would be interested in, thank you.
For the FEDCOM For the Archon-Prince


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #12 on: 07 December 2020, 00:23:33 »
Shady Palms, in the Orion Rift..

Interesting idea
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #13 on: 13 December 2020, 23:19:36 »
A comment in A Simple Life has made me realize I've been a bit selfish keeping a few story ideas to myself.  Since I'm not sure I can pull all of them off I've decided to share.


-The Long Game-

A mashup of old World of Darkness and Battletech where the Technocracy nearly eliminated or subdued all other supernatural entities but some managed to escape Earth out into the void but nearly powerless.

With little in the way of outside threat the Technocracy starts to corrupt and rot, some go off to become the Clans, others Comstar, most the Word of Blake.

Behind it all are two grand strategists of the Technocracy where they carefully reveal a plot older than any suspect it was all arranged to deliver final victory for the Technocracy.  The Succession Wars, the Jihad, the Wars of Reaving and now the ilClan campaign.

Is this really the final stage of their plan?  Has their goal been to restore the Technocracy or something else?  Or have the other powers somehow survived all this and managed to find some way to prevent this grand plan reaching fruition?


-Sometimes they're true-

Somewhere in the deep Davion Outback on a former Concordat world on a former Concordat base a group of technicians working the night shift.  Odd things happen.

Strange noises get dismissed as the base being old and the wind.

Lights flickering or going out blamed on wiring that needs replaced badly.

Tools not being where technicians left them chalked up to fatigue, pranks, or forgetfulness.

Or are the old stories about the ghosts of Taurian soldiers who died defending the base now haunt it somehow true?


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #14 on: 13 December 2020, 23:29:08 »

On a remote pirate base, something is stirring.  The first few disappearances were chalked up to laziness, or stress, or desertion. as numbers are dropping, it becomes clear something stalks and when the first bodies are found, the scene is gruesome beyond description. 

In the suppressed villages down below, they have a word.


and with each death, with each disappearance, belief begins to grow...
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #15 on: 13 December 2020, 23:32:15 »

There are worse things than the Clans, in the wild places of the galaxy.  Worse than the word of Blake, worse than the Scientist Conspiracy.

There are things that the sight of them is a guarantee of death.

There are teeth.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #16 on: 14 December 2020, 06:49:58 »
I vote for #660, #661 and #662 being done together by Cannonshop and monbvol as co-authors!   :D

Also for future tribble authors, may we should a an upcoming tribble numbering exception #665 and #665a instead of the regular numbering .... who knows what might happen otherwise ..  >:D


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #17 on: 14 December 2020, 13:11:12 »
It is 3050 and Victor Ian Steiner-Davion has just barely escaped being captured by the Clans. He's not the only one.

While on a gap year before beginning her studies at NAIS, Katherine Morgan Steiner-Davion was sent on a morale boosting tour to visit one of the founding units of the old Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces. The Sixth Arcturan Guards had just completed conversion to a Regimental Combat Team and had been assigned to garrison Here.

Katherine was out riding backseat on a patrol when the Jade Falcons landed. The lance she was accompanying would have to undertake a harrowing trek behind enemy lines, fighting their way through patrols of the 3rd Falcon Talon before reaching an extraction point and being evacuated along with the rest of the retreating RCT to Somerset.

Upon reaching the system she would be swiftly shuffled on to a departing jumpship to be moved deeper behind friendly lines. But the jumpship was still on a recharge cycle and would not be able to jump for another two weeks. They would jump out just as the 94th Striker Cluster broadcast its batchall.

The experience changes the young princess. Rather than take political science as she had been intending to, she takes the military track instead. While not as gifted a mechwarrior as her brothers her drive and perseverance see her through to graduate within the top percentile of her class.

idea weenie

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #18 on: 14 December 2020, 16:24:24 »

An Explorator Fleet goes through a Warp Storm, and pops out near one of The Five.

What will WoB be like with a much more technically capable force building them up?

What will Mars be like, once the Omnissiah's symbol is raised?

What will be the reaction the Wolf Dragoons have when the WoB Dropships deliver a Titan to take part in their attack on Outreach?

The other fun is figuring out who the Adeptus Mechanicus will accept as their partner from the WoB factions?


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #19 on: 14 December 2020, 17:03:41 »
665- Victor Ian Steiner-Davion is captured by the Jade Falcons and tests out as a warrior.

Using his claims the Falcons drive toward Tharkad, most Fedcom units don't have the heart to fight their former Archon-Prince

In under a year Hanse Davion and his wife Melissa Steiner Davion, Surrender to Clan Jade Falcon with the one codicil that the names Davion and Steiner are made Bloodnames with the clans.

Victor through shear Victor determination raises to the Davion Bloodname as his Brother Peter seizes the Steiner Bloodname, the brothers lead the assault on Terra.  Having beaten Comstar Victor hat tricks trails of refusals into being IlKhan of the now IlClan of Jade Flacons.  Using his knowledge of both cultures Victor introduces reform after reform. 

While moving the Falcons from radical reactionaries to reformers he challenges the Combine for the genes (and physical form) of one Omiko Kurita.  Having defeated her brother he 'celebrates' an Innersphere tradition of marriage...  Thank you.
« Last Edit: 14 December 2020, 17:05:33 by Kujo »
For the FEDCOM For the Archon-Prince


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #20 on: 14 December 2020, 17:20:40 »
665- Victor Ian Steiner-Davion is captured by the Jade Falcons and tests out as a warrior.

Using his claims the Falcons drive toward Tharkad, most Fedcom units don't have the heart to fight their former Archon-Prince

In under a year Hanse Davion and his wife Melissa Steiner Davion, Surrender to Clan Jade Falcon with the one codicil that the names Davion and Steiner are made Bloodnames with the clans.

Victor through shear Victor determination raises to the Davion Bloodname as his Brother Peter seizes the Steiner Bloodname, the brothers lead the assault on Terra.  Having beaten Comstar Victor hat tricks trails of refusals into being IlKhan of the now IlClan of Jade Flacons.  Using his knowledge of both cultures Victor introduces reform after reform. 

While moving the Falcons from radical reactionaries to reformers he challenges the Combine for the genes (and physical form) of one Omiko Kurita.  Having defeated her brother he 'celebrates' an Innersphere tradition of marriage...  Thank you.

Steiner is already a bloodname in the Cloud Cobras.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #21 on: 14 December 2020, 17:26:49 »
#we all really know what it is but are sufficiently adult to not lean into the joke too much...

-A Devil's Holiday-

Heavily inspired by the Fox, now Netflix series , series Lucifer we see the Devil taking a Holiday From hell on Solaris.  Hijinks ensue where the Devil gets involved with the WoB's occupation, helping the resistance because that's the best way he can get back to his hedonistic lifestyle that he has become so accustomed to.

JA Baker

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #22 on: 14 December 2020, 18:00:19 »

Twas the night before Christmas, 2767, and as the first anniversary of his usurping of the First Lords throne nears, Stefan Amaris is visited by the ghost of Simon Cameron...
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #23 on: 14 December 2020, 18:43:18 »

It's 3050 and for once, the LIC isn't a mostly-worthless clone of James Bond.  As a result, the Fox, that peerless leader Hans Davion, has a bright light appear over his head while sitting on the toilet.

Victor is dispatched to carry a message to the invaders:

"You want Terra? Go right ahead, we won't stop you.  Safe conduct all the way there, just leave us alone until you've won."  along with all the evidence collected regarding Comstar's shennanigans beginning with the NAIS raid and their interference in the war of 3039. 
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #24 on: 15 December 2020, 23:16:43 »

It's 3050 and for once, the LIC isn't a mostly-worthless clone of James Bond.  As a result, the Fox, that peerless leader Hans Davion, has a bright light appear over his head while sitting on the toilet.

Victor is dispatched to carry a message to the invaders:

"You want Terra? Go right ahead, we won't stop you.  Safe conduct all the way there, just leave us alone until you've won."  along with all the evidence collected regarding Comstar's shennanigans beginning with the NAIS raid and their interference in the war of 3039.
Oh that sounds like a good one!


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #25 on: 16 December 2020, 19:12:49 »
#669 The Aquila Rift

Aquila Rift. A region of space beyond the Free Worlds League.
Aquilla-Class Jumpship. A primitive jumpship design which predates the Star League.

Can the two names, so similar, be a coincidence? I think not!

AU Idea: The Rift.

The Aquilla-Class jumpship is the oldest jumpship we have a record sheet for. It was first built in 2148, and the last mention of one was in the reunification war, in 2577-ish, 429 years later.
Aquillas were very primitive. They predated the Dropship and the KF boom, meaning they had to carry everything inside their hull. At only 100,000 tons (because technology wasn't up to making larger ships at the time), they cheated. By having a small KF core, they were able to carry more cargo- and have a jump range of only 15 light years per jump. The Aquilla would arive in-system and move to orbit the planet, where it would deploy either shuttles or dropshuttles to carry cargo and passengers from orbit to the planet and back again.

As centuries passed, Jumpships got bigger, and were able to dedicate more of their mass to the KF drive. (We only have one example of this, the Conestoga-class). Around the time of the Star League, the KF-boom was invented. This allowed a jumpship to carry a dropship on the outside of the ship, instead of needing to carry everything inside. Dropships could also be much bigger, up to 100,000 tons (as opposed to the 5000 ton maximum of dropshuttles).
The KF-boom essentially caused a redesign of Jumpships. Instead of having the jumpship carry any cargo, everything could be on the Dropships. Since the Dropships could move, jumpships stopped moving to planets, staying at Jump points. Since Dropships didn't need cargo holds or big engines, they could dedicate more of their mass to their Jump Core, allowing for longer jumps (up to 30 light years).

Essentially, the invention of the KF-boom and the Dropship rendered all older jumpships obselete. Especially the Aquilla. They were all scrapped in the end.

In canon.

AU time.

Obselete doesn't always mean useless. There are pleanty of older technologies which still have their niches. (I once saw an episode of John Oliver which showed that the USA's ICBM Nukes still use the really old floppy disks as part of their launch process.)

And the Aquillas did still have a niche, as one buisnessman noted. Sure, they were old, slow, and carried little cargo. But with everyone selling them off (what with the new-fangled KF-booms being all the rage), they were dirt cheap. And when a jumpship jumps, it takes a week to recharge no matter how long the jump was. Whether it was 1 light year or 30, it still takes the same amount of time to recharge.
And not every cargo is big. Some places only have small amounts of cargo to sell, so the extra space on the ship is wasted.

And so, the buisnessman recconed, there was a place for Aquillas, if they had short distances to travel and small amounts of cargo to carry. Useless for a major world, or for traversing the Inner Sphere. But what about shipping to-and-from a small outpost? A small planet, not significant enough to get on the maps? A few thousand people, mining in an otherwise uninhabited system. An Aquilla would be perfect for that.

The buisnessman began buying Aquillas which were being sold for scrap, and began repurposing them as supply ships for minor outposts, successfully carving a niche in the Free Worlds League. For decades, he turned a steady profit.

Unfortunatly, small outposts have a bad habbit of either disapearing (when the ore runs out), or expanding to the point where they become a real colony, and an Aquilla was no-longer enough to serve them. As the years ran by, the buisnessman slowly lost customers.

And then he had an idea. Why not go beyond the Inner Sphere, into the Periphery? Find somewhere outside civilised space, where there were pleanty of unexplored (and untapped) worlds?

Sending ships out, he explored the Aquila Rift. It was lacking in habitable planets- but he wasn't looking for colony sites, he was looking for places for mining outposts. And he found several. And he began an advertising campaign, to lure people out to the Rift, looking for adventure and fortune! (and to work in small mining towns far away from government oversight and regulation.)

By the time the Reunification War was over, the Aquila Rift was home to a hundered outposts, with around 10,000 people on each- for a million people total. Far too insignificant to even be put on maps, the region got little more than a token patrol once a year by the SLDF.

By 2700, it was still inconcequential. With outposts on a thousand worlds- almost all airless rocks- an an average of 100,000 people a planet, there were around 100 million people in the Rift- less than a single decently populated world. The Rift was still too insignificant to be put on most maps, and got a single SLDF Aerospace regiment which partrolled for pirates.

The various worlds of the Rift were by no means unified. Each was dotted with independent outposts, each of a few thousand people, usually miners. Each was its own corperate holding, usually sponsered (or outright owned) by a larger corporation. 24 corporations had outposts on the Rift worlds, with a 25th- the buisnessmans own shipping company- handling the shipping of refined metals to the Inner Sphere, and importing various goods.

The various outposts on the various worlds had developed into villages and small towns, and had begun interacting with each other. People visited neighboring outposts, to shop or to meet new people, or occasionally to spy or trade. With the Inner Sphere so far away, they tried to become as self sufficient as possible- it was cheaper to grow their own food in hydroponic farms than to import it from the FLW, for example, and many outposts would also grow a single luxury crop to trade with their neighbors.
While calling the Rift a nation would be a gross exageration, it would be fair to say that there was a small community forming.

And then the Amaris Civil War happened.

The occupation of the Terran Hegonomy meant little to the Rift. Their customers were closer, in the Free Worlds League, the Lyran Commonwealth, the Magistacry of Canopus, and the Rim Worlds Republic.
Unfortunatly, the SLDF war against the Rim Worlds was terrifying. Not only had the Rift companies being selling refined metals to the Rim Worlds (which were presumably now in the Battlemechs occuping Terra), but the Rim Worlds was right against the Rift. The Rift was a prime target.

The coporations of the Rift saw this. And they planned. And they purchased.
Salvage from the war in the Periphery was quietly bought and shipped to the Rift. Designs for cheap Battlemechs- the Wasp, the Stinger, the Locust- were purchased. Aerospace fighter designs were purchased.
Domestically, shipments to the Inner Sphere were scaled back- and when the few shipments still going were intercepted by RWR raiders, stopped altogether.

The Rift had always had a curious industry. Far enough from the Inner Sphere to make shipping expensive, they had always built as much themselves as they could. The 24 corporations who ran the Rift all had their own small industrial mech construction facilities, and quietly modified them to proudcing light mechs. Facilities for making conventional vehicles like trucks and mining equipment were retasked to create tank. The 25th corporation had long had aeropsace construction facilities, to repair the Aquillas, the Dropshuttles, and the Shuttles. It quietly converted some of these to Aeropsace Fighter proudction, and began stationing a few on their Aquillas.

By the time the Rim Worlds was conquered, and the SLDF was on its way to Terra, the Rift quietly bought up as much battlefield salvage from the RWR as they could get their hands on, and had it shipped back to the Rift, to be repaired and put to use as guards.

The corporations of the Rift expected chaos from the newly conquered Rim Worlds Republic. They expected renagade units and pirates. They didn't expect the fall of the Star League, or the Succession Wars.

The Rift was off the maps enough that none of the Successor States bothered with it. A steady trickle of refugies traveled there (especially from the former Rim Worlds Republic), mostly to get as far away from the Succession Wars as they could. A handful of pirates did attack, and were destroyed- often at great cost- by the Rift. The Rift was mostly forgotten.

Until 2865, when the Second Succession War was over, and the Rift judged it safe to trade again. Jumpships began trading with the Inner Sphere.

Social Structure:
Though both parties would be deeply offended by the comparison, the Rift and the Clans have a very similar structure. Both have their 'nation' split between a several competing groups, each with their own philosophy, goals, and military. Both eschew the normal notion of 'who owns which world' in favor of 'enclaves' on each world. Both have a somewhat ritualised method of raiding or conquering enclaves.

Each Corporation is its own entity. It has its own buisnesses, its own Outposts. Its own profit margins. Each has its own military, which is almost entirely light Battlemechs. These mechs are usually assigned to a single outpost, and around 2/3rds of them are mercenaries.

An average planet, by 3000, has around 50 million people. An average world might have:
20 city-outposts of around 500,000 people each
400 town-outposts of around 50,000 people each
4000 village-outposts of around 5,000 people each

Each 'town' might be guarded by a single 'mech (or conventional vehecial), and a 'city' by a lance (of 'mechs, vheicals, or a mixture of the two). (maybe two lances, if it was an important city). This does mean that a single world might have 480 battlemechs, a far higher number than a non-rift world with a population that size. This is because the Rift has a relativly high proudction rate- there are dozens of factores making 'mechs- though they are all Wasps, Stingers, and Locusts.
This is also (out of universe) because each world is deeply divided. A pirate Leapord-class dropship ariving with a lance of 'mechs to attack a city is only gonna be facing that cities guardians- the other outposts arn't gonna interfere.
(Note: this does change if the pirates bring a large force. A Union might prompt the other outposts owned by that faction to lend mechs to help, and if an Overlord arived, the cities might all put aside their differences and work together against such a dangerous enemy. Of course, help often comes with a price-tag.)
(Note: This means that a planet of 480 mech doesn't have 4 regiments- it has 20 lances and 400 individual mechs or light veicheals. These are all independent, even the ones which are owned or hired by the same corporation.)

The various outposts are aways rivals. Sabatauge and raids are common, as it outright conquest. Each outpost belongs to a corporation, and will often change hands as one coropration conquers the outpost.

The 24 corporations scheme, fight, and bicker with each other- and buy and sell to each other. (Buisness is buisness after all). Each makes some of everything the people of the Rift need, or want, and each corporations has it specialties.

(Note: while I won't be going into this in detail, here are a few.
House Gaia is the corporation which sells terraforming. (Terran alliance era terraforming, true, but still terraforming). All the worlds of the rift were lifeless when humans arived, but thanks to House Gaia terraforming (when paid) half the Rift Worlds now have an atmosphere a human can breathe and a temperature a human can be comfortable in. Many worlds even have small forrests. In unbreathable worlds, people live in dome cities, or in underground settlements.

House Aqua is the corporation which specialises in water. Purifing water, shipping water, refining water into fuel, they do it all. They sell water purifiers throughout the Rift, and even to the Inner Sphere.

House Aquila is the closest thing there is to a leader of the Aquila Rift. Unlike the other corporations, House Aquilla has no outposts other than a few space stations. It does not mine, it does not sell goods. All it sells is three servives, and on two of these it has an outright monopoly.
The first serivice is inter-Rift shipping. House Aquilla owns every single Aquilla-class Jumpship in the Inner Sphere, and has over 8000 of them. Litterally all shipping between various Rift worlds is done by Aquilla's Aquillas, on Aquilla's Dropshuttles. They offer the same rates to all customers, and they cover every single world, no matter how small. Even a planet with a population of 10,000 is gaurnteed a ship ariving every week.
The second service is comunications. The Rift is too small for Comstar to bother with, so all comunications are done via jumpship. Each jumpship carries a massive upload each trip, filled with letters, news, and entertainment. This is free and unrestricted.
The final service- and the only one they do not have an outright monopoly on- is shipping goods out of the Rift. House Aquilla has many non-Aquilla jumpships (most siezed from pirates) and these are used to export goods to forigen states, where distances are too long for short jumps.
Each of the 24 other corporations does own a few jumpships of their own, but not many- it has been noticed that if any corporation tries to build a large fleet of jumpships, they start suffering 'pirate' attacks.

House Aquila has a near monopoly on aerospace forces in the Rift. While it has no tanks or Battlemechs, almost every Aquilla-class jumpship has two or four aerospace fighters on board to defend against pirates. (Note: these are to defend the Jumpship and its Dropshuttles against pirates. Planets are left to defend themselves.)
They also operate a handful of dedicated 'warships'- Aquilla's which have been structurally reinforced, covered in armor, and had their cargo bays ripped out to make room for 20 aerospace fighters and lots of LRMs, Lasers, and Autocannons. These patrol the Rift, to guard against pirates or invasion.

House Aquilla does have a jumpship construction yard for making Aquillas. This began as a repair station in 2450, and slowly grew over the centuries, creating spare parts, and eventually building entirely new Aquillas to accomidate the growing Rift, or simply to replace ships which had failed due to age. The Star League was aware of this, and didn't much care- Aquillas being so primitive that every planet in the Inner Sphere could create them at the height of the Star League (if they wanted to). In modern times, this makes them the only known periphery faction with its own Jumpship proudction, and they guard their yards fiercly. Thankfully, the awareness of this yard has passed out of common knowledge, and they keep quiet about its full abilities.

Forigen Relations:
The Aquila Rift has relations with all its neighbors. It trades with the Free Worlds League, the Lyran Commonwealth, the Magistacary of Canopus, the Lothian League and the Illyrian Palatinate, as well as the Coreward Confedecary, the Axumite Providence, and the Union of Samoyedic Colonies. These are essentially little more than 'we sell stuff, we buy stuff' relationships.
Relations with the Marian Hegenomy and the Circinus Federation are more tense. The Rift does like to make money, but they don't like having pirate kingdoms as neighbors.

Story Hooks:
The Aquila Rift is much like the 3rd Succession War, only more-so. Small battles, small stakes are the name of the game. You never see 'regiments conquering worlds', you see 'Lance's conquering cities' or 'Battlemech raiding a convoy'. Raiding is constant, but seldom for conquest. Corporations are forever trying to make money by whatever means they can. Frequently a 'mech or a Lance is hired to, say, burn down some farms to raise the price of wheat, or to intercept shipments of Iron so that another faction can sell their own Iron. A raid on a city to raise insurance premiums, a show of force to lower the stock price of a company, these are the norm in the Rift.

Occasional pirate raids do happen, but are met with the minium force the people think they can get away with.

Pirate hunting does happen occasionally. When this happens, House Aquila will hire out Battlemechs from various planets, train them in teamwork, and transport them to the pirate planet in question. Always with minium force, to save money.

The nobility doesn't ride battlemechs. While (just like in the Inner Sphere) everyone thinks mechs are cool, the social structure of the Rift is quite clear- Money = Power. Battlemechs are just a thing you buy with money. As a result, coporation stockholders (IE: Nobility) never train in Mechs or fight in battles themselves- unless an heir would rather be a mechwarrior than a Stockholder, in which case they use their own money to buy a Battlemech are leave the Boardroom for the Battlefield.

Mercenaries often wind up in the Rift. Down on their luck mercenaries drifting out to the Periphery and disapearing is a sad trope of mercenary life, and in the Rift it happens often- a failed Mercenary company will often pick a planet and hire out its mechs individually to various outposts.

The Aquila Rift is a setting where a single Mech can make a diference. Its one where one guy wandering into town on his Crusader can save a town or conquer it. Its one where an Atlas can take a city.

By 3000 the Aquila Rift has something like 1500 worlds, with a total population of around 50 billion people. Its more-or-less equivlent to a periphery nation like the Taurian Cordant, with more military, but less ability to project force.


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 629
Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #26 on: 17 December 2020, 04:28:02 »
Endless possibilities  8) :o


  • Major
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #27 on: 19 December 2020, 17:46:28 »
Aquila Rift sounds like an interesting place to operate as Mechwarrior Knight Errant
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Sergeant
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #28 on: 19 December 2020, 18:44:16 »
Aquila Rift sounds like an interesting place to operate as Mechwarrior Knight Errant

That was the goal.

I was also inspired by Battletech (the 2018 game). In it, you have all these planets- these small, undeveloped planets- and a suprisingly large amount of force guarding them. I did like four missions in a row on one planet, and I must have taken out more than a company of enemy hardware. And that was a fairly typical experience. With the sheer number of factions, the amount of (low level) military hardware- there was precedent for an entire region like that.


  • Lieutenant
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #29 on: 21 December 2020, 05:34:40 »

There are worse things than the Clans, in the wild places of the galaxy.  Worse than the word of Blake, worse than the Scientist Conspiracy.

There are things that the sight of them is a guarantee of death.

There are teeth.
"Monsters?  Don't worry about monsters, sure they're all around, under the bed and behind the closet door or in that odd shadow.  They're hiding too.  Out in the deep dark are things that eat monsters."
One does not just walk into Detroit

She ignored the dragon, and Freddy Mercury who arrived to battle it with the Power of Rock.