Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 110561 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #420 on: 31 December 2021, 19:54:32 »
"I can't believe that they told the whole planet about this," muttered Captain Bonanno, surrounded by his staff in the conference room.
"Technically she didn't," Dejah Rey, the unit intelligence officer, retorted.
"When you invite all the clan heads, effectively everyone knows.  But it's too late to do anything about that.  I'd like the unit on full alert.  Dejah, normally I'd have you along as my escort, but I'd like you monitoring communications traffic.  I'll bring commtech Argueta to deal with any press issues". Argueta nodded her acknowledgement.
"Niobe, as always you will have command of the unit while I'm gone.  We'll also bring Maxim Alpha with one platoon of infantry.  Leave the rest home so that we'll have room to evacuate VIPs if things go badly wrong.  I suspect that the majority of the trouble will be elsewhere that day.
"If anyone else has any suggestions, please share."  The assembled officers glanced back at their tablets and continued their analysis.
"One more thing; I need a good taylor.  I need to adjust my tuxedo so that I can wear my cooling vest underneath."

[Captain Bonanno will RSVP with the envelope that came with the invitation indicating that there will be twenty-two members to his entourage, and twenty of them will have rifles. Everyone will be well-dressed.]

“Sir why don’t you just get one of the stripper tuxes? You vest and helmet will be at your ride and if things are that bad just a quick tug and you are in your shots.” Lieutenant Ash gives her CO a big grin. “You would have much more use of one like that.” Her smile gets bigger.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #421 on: 31 December 2021, 21:27:19 »
“Shujin looks like I will be need of my dress uniform a lot this winter so I think a second one will be needed, please have someone start working on that right away.”
“Hai Sho-sa.”
“Now who to take with me? This will be a very full month and traveling to and from is out of the question.”

“Inform Adept Wood that her Level II will be my security force for Major Franks and Tai-i Roads’ wedding.”
“Yes sir. May I ask why them? They are one of the lighter units we have.”
“Simple they have worked the most with the GSF and if someone gets twitchy they will fit in best.”
“Understood sir. What about the other events?”
“My normal security team will be fine.”
“Yes sir, I will make sure both are informed and ready.”

“Tai-i will you have the currier take this to Major Franks at Camp Kurawa.”
“So who do you should I pick for the security team for Major Frank’s wedding?”
“Well it is going to be held at Fenikkusu jiin and I know most if not all of them would want to be on hand.”
“Many of the complement for that matter sir.”
“So back to my question. Who?”

“How long do you think we can drag this out?”
“I don’t know. We will do what we can but the longer this goes on the more time they have to find out more.”
“OK I do have help on the way but they are going to take some time to get here. With all that is happening transport is all screwed up.”
“If they take too long they will not have a job.”
“I don’t need to be reminded about that. Have arrangements been made for a fall back?”
“We are working on that. The problem is ware. Not many will be willing to help with what has happened.”
“True and with our other support not returning things are even more difficult. What do we have at this time?”
“Not much.”
“It will have to do for now.”

“OK so we have double checked all the IDs of the Marines and Ships crews and they are all good to go. We will start getting them into the training schools.”
“Good, this is the first good news in a month.”

Nejiro News 1
Parliament was call into a special session by Chiji Saganami so that Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa would have to answer to charges of treason to Nijero. Video, written and vocal evidence was presented and MPs Aina and Osamu Nakazawa will have to defend Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa. If they cannot the Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa will face heavy fines and punishment maybe even having the Shuyona Ichizoku broken up. We will keep following this story.

Hilo TV3
In the special session of Parliament Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa was charged with treason to Nijero. The opening statements from the Mercenary units Kiah’s Hammers and Metal Thunder will be hard for Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa to play down.

HBC News
Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa was charged with treason to Nijero by Chiji Saganami in Parliament. The opening statements show that Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa had contact with units known to be Kokoryu-kai. If the treason charge is proven Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa may be dismantled.

Financial Times
With Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa having charges of treason presented is Parliament many local markets are in a flux. We will be keeping an eye on this. As things change we will post them.

The Moro Sun-Times
Nazakawa Shuyona Ichizoku has been called before a special session of Parliament on charges of treason to Nejiro. The opening show that Nazakawa has been working with Kokoryu-kai forces here on world.

The Tarawa Times
Chiji Saganami has charged Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa with treason. She has said that Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa is working with the Kokoryu-kai. So far all that she has is the word of her sell swords and some other sell swords that were working for Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa that we have come to learn were going to have that contract terminated. So we have the word of a trusted Shuyona Ichizoku vs that of a couple of groups of sell swords … who are you going to trust?

The Dakuu-orianyusu (Dark Warrior News)
So it now looks like your governor is looking to place blame on one of the Shuyona Ichizoku for problems she has made and cannot fix. She has her sell swords and a group of soon to be fired sell swords make up stories to tarnish the good name of Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa to cover her problems. People of Nijero you have to see what is going on.

Shin no wadopuresu (True Word Press)
Your governor a member of the DCMS has charged Shuyona Ichizoku Nazakawa with treason. She links them with a rebel group in the Combine. She has Mercenary troops that work for her and others that were to be fired by this same Shuyona Ichizoku give the proof of treason. She said she has finical proof also but did not give this at the time of the charges. One has to wonder what is going on.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #422 on: 31 December 2021, 22:01:03 »
At 1600 hours, the Ironborn gathered together in the hangar of the 'Mech bay as Euron and Alannah waited for them.  Even the techs and the warriors without 'Mechs were invited as the Colonel had ordered everyone to hear his announcements.

Once they'd all assembled, Euron addressed them all:  "Good, now that everyone's here, I can get down to business.  First of all, I have the distinct pleasure to announce the promotion of two of our members for their exemplary service to the Ironborn."

At this, Anya Tereshskaya approached the Colonel.  "First, our own Beta Platoon tank commander, Sergeant Anya Tereshskaya.  With this, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant.  Congratulations!"  The Ironborn clap as Anya is presented with her new rank insignia.  Anya salutes the Colonel before returning to the back.

"Next," Euron continued.  "One of our techs, Karin Wynch, the sister of our Alpha Regulator commander, Charles Wynch, is hereby promoted to Sergeant and given command of our new Charlie Regulator and her crew promoted to Corporals."  There is more applause as Karin and her crew are given their stripes.  "Better watch out, Charles."  Karin commented.  "I plan on surpassing you soon."  The elder Wynch nodded, accepting the challenge.

"For our next order of business."  Alannah Harlaw spoke up.  "The Colonel and I have revealed to the GSF commanders our new cross-training program.  Whereby we intend to send our Mechwarriors who do not possess 'Mechs of their own to the other units of the GSF.  This period of cross-training will last for a total of 3 months, wherein you will learn their tactics, doctrines and culture for the future benefit of our unit.  You will eat with them, train with them and ultimately, learn from them.  For our first candidate, Isolde Botley."

Isolde enthusiastically came up the front.  C'mon, Hands of the Goddess, she thought hopefully.  Alannah continued.  "You are hereby assigned to Kiah's Hammers."  Isolde's expression faltered a bit.  The Ice Queen?  Damn, considering what Dagmer had to say about her unit, they're gonna put me through the wringer worse than Mom and Meifeng.
"Yes, ma'am!"  She said a bit perfunctorily, trying to show the proper respect.

"Second, Bors Harlaw."  Bors emerged next, worried where he'd end up.  "You will be sent to Grandmother's compound to train with the Dragon's Clutch."  Bors considered this.  Well, at least Miyamoto and Shiro are close to my age.  He snapped to attention.  "Ma'am!"

"Finally,"  Alannah finished.  "Victarion Greyjoy and Freyja Blacktyde-Greyjoy, your destination will be the Hands of the Goddess."  Victarion and Freyja nodded their assent as Isolde mumbled under her breath, "Lucky."

At this, Beryl Greyjoy-Blacktyde raised her hand.  "Colonel?  Am I not to be given an assignment?"

Euron looked to his younger sister.  "Your husband asked me not to give you one because that could take you off the base for an extended period of time."  This drew a few chuckles from a few of the Ironborn.  Beryl looked over at Jurgen annoyed at his audacity.  "Did you have an assignment in mind, Beryl?" Euron asked.

"If that's the case, I request to go to the Loyalty Foresworn."  Beryl said.  "They occupy the same base as us.  So, if my husband has no objections."  She glared at Jurgen.  Jurgen responded, uncharacteristically cowed. "I...have no objections."

"Then it's settled."  Beryl concluded.  "Major Harlaw, if you add my name to the list, please."  Alannah did so, and that was that.

Euron exhaled sharply.  "Well, next item of business.  Lance Captain Botley."  Lorren came up to the front and began his speech.  "As many of you are aware, part of our new contract requires us to send a semi-permanent garrison force to one of seven locations both on and off-planet.  Per the Colonel's orders.  I have been placed in charge of the garrison.  I need 3 volunteers to accompany me to the assignment, one of with must be an infantry unit and one must be a tank unit.  Do I have any volunteers?"  Most of the Ironborn raised their hands, surprising Lorren.  "Right!"  He conceded.  "I'll discuss with you all once the assignment is finalized."

OOG:  Anthony, I need a list of the remaining garrison locations before I select one and the crew for the assignment

Back IG:
"Well, then."  Said Euron.  "On to happier occasions.  As you are well aware, my niece, Asha Greyjoy, who regrettably is still in the infirmary since her first mission ended in her 'Mech suffering severe damage, will be marrying my soon-to-be nephew-in-law, Tristifer Botley, on the December solstice.  Your invitations have all been sent out and the bride and groom hope to see you all there.  And speaking of weddings, the marriage of our GSF Supreme Commander, Major Kiah Franks and Bully Rhodes will take place a few weeks earlier on December 8th.  I would call upon you to share your well-wishes with the two of them as they embark on their new lives and the creation of their own clan here on Nejiro."  There was more applause.  Euron let it go before concluding, "That is all.  Carry on."
« Last Edit: 31 December 2021, 22:05:45 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #423 on: 01 January 2022, 10:47:33 »
Sitting is his office Elisio Tekeda looks over the new duty stations and what GSF units are picking up what station.
The six stations that need the extra security are:
1) Mine (Asteroid)      Winter’s Dream
Goblin Infantry Fighting Vehicle         “Blood Moon”
72nd Heavy Infantry LRM Platoon      Lojnant Reidar Anker         Infantry CO
Sten “Laughing Wolf” Bergquist          JA-KL-1532 Jackal
Vedette Medium Tank (NETC)         Sergeant Yasuda Shihei “Tempest”
Maxim (I) Heavy Hover Transport      “Hunter’s Den”
17th Kobold Battle Armor Infantry Platoon   Lojnant Segol Lundmark

2) Mine            Ironborn
Lance Captain Lorren “Black Lorren” Botley    WVR-7M Wolverine         XO
Po Heavy Tank               Sergeant Major Codd
Striker Light Tank ’58                           Former Pirate Crew
Goblin Infantry Tank (Delta)                        (SBB) (SBA) (SMP)
Rifle Foot Infantry Platoon (D)                        (SBB) (SBA) (SMP)

3) Research Lab      Kiah’s Hammers
MechWarrior Sergeant Trevor         OW-1Prime / C Owens
Sergeant               Elemental Point MG (Alpha)
Karnov UR Transport ’55 (Bravo)      Warrant Officer            (AIT), (SSB)
Gray Death Scout Armor Laser (C)      Sergeant            (AIT), (SSB)
Gray Death Scout Armor Laser (D)      Sergeant            (AIT), (SSB)
Jump Infantry Squad Laser (B)         Sergeant            (AIT), (SSB)
MechWarrior Sergeant Tyson         DRG-1C Dragon
Bandit Hover Transport Hotel         2nd Lieutenant            Infantry XO
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor Laser (B)   Sergeant                  
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor Laser (C)   Sergeant                  

4) Farm            Loyalty Disowned
MechWarrior Talia Wulfe         WLF-2 Wolfhound
Cobra Transport VTOL            Capt. Lady Sean Kai         Platoon CO
Fenrir Battle Armor (Med Laser)         Sgt. Michael Luther
Infantry Squad Jump (Laser)         MSG Gary Gordon   Scout
Infantry Squad Jump (Laser)         SFC Randall Schughart   Scout
Goblin Infantry Support Vehicle (3058)      SSG Mark Lomberg
Infantry Platoon Foot (SRM)          SFC Gregory Thorne
Bandit Hover Transport Alpha Config      1Lt. Mario Andretti         Platoon XO
Standard I S Battle Armor (Flamer)      Sgt. Hans Eisen      (outside)
Standard I S Battle Armor (Laser)      Sgt. Barry Schwartz   (inside side)

5) Power Station      Hands of the Goddess
Sergeant Raj Sighn            LCT-4JM Locust
Main Gauche Light Support Tank (C3)      
Karnov UR Transport BA (Bravo)      
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor Laser (E)   Lieutenant Emely Abreu         CO Infantry
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor Laser (F)   
Maxim Hover Transport Infantry (Bravo)      
Jump Infantry LRM Platoon (A)         
Jump Infantry LRM Platoon (B)         
Jump Infantry LRM Platoon (C)         
Jump Infantry LRM Platoon (D)         

6) Research Lab (Asteroid)   Road’s Warriors
Hikari                  AF1-Prime Arctic Fox
Sergeant               Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor (MG)
Hitoshi                  PXH-1D Phoenix Hawk
Haia                  PXH-1D Phoenix Hawk
Bandit Hover Transport Echo         
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor (MG)   
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor (MG)   

7) Power Station (Asteroid)   The Eagle’s Tears
MechWarrior Cynthia Kappas         CRB-20 Crab
GAL-102 Galleon Light Tank (Alpha)      
GAL-102 Galleon Light Tank (Bravo)      
Blizzard Hover Transport SRM         
Foot Infantry Platoon Rifle (C)         
Foot Infantry Platoon Rifle (D)         

this is what is going on so far.

Yes I picked the last two for the players as they have things going on real world.
« Last Edit: 23 January 2022, 19:32:29 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #424 on: 01 January 2022, 13:21:24 »
The Hands of the Goddess will chose the power station from choice #5.
We will send:
Main Gauche Bravo
Karnov Bravo with battlearmor
Maxim Bravo with LRM infantry


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #425 on: 01 January 2022, 13:37:26 »
The Hands of the Goddess will chose the power station from choice #5.
We will send:
Main Gauche Bravo

the one that is tech crewed?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #426 on: 01 January 2022, 15:20:19 »
We’ll make that the Alpha.
« Last Edit: 01 January 2022, 15:38:58 by jimdigris »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #427 on: 01 January 2022, 15:42:41 »
The Ironborn will take the mine (choice 2).  Defending it will be:
Lorren Botley with his Wolverine, "Black Lorren" with the other three choices to be announced once I've decided who's going.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #428 on: 02 January 2022, 10:38:37 »
“You know that you are next on her list.”
“I am very sure she is not happy that I am not the first one.”
“What are we going to do?”
“At this time nothing. I do mean nothing. Have the others just perform security operations.”
“But with all the events over the next few months we have so many places to strike.”
“Yes and that is just what they want. NO we will sit back for now and see what opens up.”
“As you wish. What about our guests?”
“They will stay here and out of sight. No need to give her anything more then she has.”

“I have been looking over the charges and specifications and this part sticks out and may help us if you work with the investigators.” 
“What have you found?”
“The part about setting up check points and taxing public roads, the forces doing this are no longer under your control.”
“Let me see this. Do we know where these units are now?”
“No but I will have our security people look into this ASAP.”
“Good something I can use. Find them but take no actions I will let her deal with them at the proper time.”
“As you wish.”

“OK so this is how it is going to be for the time we are here. We will be keeping both teams close together. These new jokers are very good and most likely have state of the art gear so everyone is on full alert. They almost got us in our first run-in and that is not going to happen again. We will be rotating out soon and I have replacements to keep an eye on them.”
“If they are so good how can you trust others?”
“Simple, three letters.”
“Out this way?”
“Who do you think took back the Winds?”
“So they will be on rock in a few days and we go home for the Winter fun.”
“Can we stay here? I think it would be safer here even if the new guys find us.”
“If I have to deal with that combat, so do all of you.”
“We thought you liked us.”

“This looks like we are going to be here for a long time. They are setting up some regular tours and staying close to home.”
“True but they have tipped their hand a bit.”
“Part of the groups that have been walking the security tours are the ones I have been looking for. No, we will not move yet but when they get into routine they will get sloppy and then we can move. You will get to look inside and I will do what is needed.”
“OK but that will take time and if we stick around they will find us.”
“Correct so we will use your toys and watch from a far. When they show the first signs of routine we will return.”
“I don’t know.”
“What, it is the best use of our time.”
“Yes but that means that I’ll be back home in time for the winter season and all the court bull.”
“So I will need to teach you how to deal with the lighter forms of combat. Well I guess this is also why I am here.”

The GSF’s second major supplies order will be given to Metal Storm.

Nejiro News 1
We have a report of an explosion in the city of Majuro. Some have said it was cargo from the Vulcan Arms Plant, others say it was an attack by some who do not like the government. At this time the NPO is looking to just what happened.

We have a report from Majuro of a building explosion. So far we have no idea just what happened only that the NPO are looking into it.

Sentinel News
Reports of the explosion in Majuro have people wondering what is going on. Some say it was an accident others think it was an attack but forces unknown. The NPO has officers looking into this event.

The Tarawa Times
Reports of an explosion in Majuro are in many news feeds. What did happen is not known at this time. Some think it was an attack others say accident. Only time will tell.

The Dakuu-orianyusu (Dark Warrior News)
Reports of an explosion in Majuro have been reported. The NPO is looking into this matter. But what happened? Some say an accident others say attack. If this turns out to be an attack, as many think what, is you governor going to do about it? Will she send her sell swords to deal with the ones who did this?

Shin no wadopuresu (True Word Press)
We are seeing reports of an explosion in Majuro across the news. Some of these reports say accident, some say attack. We will be keeping our eyes on this to see just what happened.

“So your strike is ready?”
“Yes Sir, everything is in place and I shall make sure they find what you want.”
“Very good, we now start things off.”
“This will keep all on their toes as you said.”

OK so this ends 68/08  >:D More fun to start 68/09  >:D


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #429 on: 02 January 2022, 13:52:23 »

well just a few more things for august, ok several >:D xp   

ComStar AP News Services 
            received Nejiro System August 3068 

(26 June 3068)

Benjamin (THE DRAKE) - Dieron is under siege thanks to a sneak attack by the Word of Blake. After four months of denial the VotD can no longer hide the true state of affairs on Dieron and Luthien.
Little hope remains of discovering Hohiro Kurita's whereabouts. The acting Coordinator and leader of DCMS forces that engaged Word of Blake troops on Dieron in March is "missing and presumed dead." So says the Coordinator's commanders.
It is this reporters fear that Coordinator Theodore's only legitimate heir is now in the hands of the Word of Blake - which means he's as good as dead. I fear there won't be any attempt to retrieve him from the hands of the Yellow Bird. Such tragic news arrives on the heels of recent information brought to light on Theodore Kurita's deteriorating condition. Languishing in a coma, he can do nothing to help the morale of the citizens of the Combine. 
With both Kuritas missing or out of action, who will lead the Dragon out of chaos? The Lyrans and the Free Worlds League battle on their fronts. We fight the Federated Suns along our own borders. And let us not forget the treacherous Ravens and their Alliance cronies! Or the Black Dragon coup on Luthien, complicated now by unwanted Word of Blake intervention. Or the Nova Cat desertion, which has included the Dragon's only other legitimate - if questionable - heir, Minoru Kurita! 
The Word of Blake has thrown the universe into chaos. As a people we must take up arms and fight. We must call on our warlords to take charge and bring this war to a close.   



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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #430 on: 02 January 2022, 14:08:02 »

ComStar AP News Services 
          received Nejiro System August 3068 

(14 July 3068)

***Travel Advisory, Priority Alert***

Pesht [VOTD] - Notice to all Combine citizens traveling to and residing in worlds along the Federated Suns and Outworlds Alliance border: travel is restricted until further notice. A "high alert" advisory from the offices of Warlord Minamoto warns that travel to worlds within two jumps of the stated borders has been restricted to military traffic only. "For the safety of our citizenry, we ask that civilians refrain from visiting these worlds, as military activity in both nations threatens possible hostilities along these borders. We wish to lessen the risk as much as possible for travelers and residents in the affected areas."
DCMS officials also suggested that residents of the listed worlds purchase extra supplies in case of loss of power, water, and other utilities. "While no attacks are expected or imminent, we are erring on the side of caution because of recent events outside the Combine. We wish to be prepared for any eventuality and hope that this advisory is nothing more than a false alarm," stated Tai-sho Howard Mencio, aide to Tai-shu Minamoto.   
Refunds for travel packages and system jumps may be obtained at your local planetary travel office. Businesses may apply for tax relief for affected areas at their local Bureau of Interstellar Trade offices.   


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #431 on: 02 January 2022, 14:26:35 »

ComStar AP News Services   
           received Nejiro System August 3068   

(15 July 3068)

Galedon V (THE DRAKE) - Citizens of the Dragon, we are being invaded from all sides during this time of chaos. Reports of fighting along the Outworlds border have recently come to our attention; do not be blinded by the Voice of the Dragon claims to the contrary. Outworlds Alliance forces have attacked the worlds of Enif, Tabayama, and the prefecture capital of Galedon V. Not only are these attacks unprecedented, but we have received word that the Outworlds Alliance is in league with Clan Snow Raven, recently seen often along the Outworlds border. News of this connection came to us from several sources who saw firsthand the Alliance's Fist Air Wing using Corax OmniFighters, Alliance produced aerospace craft reported to incorporate Clan technologies.
In the wake of the Nova Cats' departure from their Tabayama garrison soon after the dissolution of the Star League and the bombing of Tharkad, the only defenders of these worlds are their planetary militias. The  Galedon Regulars on New Samarkand and the Nineteenth Galedon Regulars on Bad News have been called in as reinforcements.
Some suggest that the Outworlds border attacks has little to do with the present uprising on Luthien and the Star League troubles, and are nothing more than the Snow Ravens making good on threats of revenge for the destruction of their precious WarShip, the White Cloud. But others - this reporter included - fear that this is only the beginning.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #432 on: 02 January 2022, 14:44:42 »
August 3068 a package with a letter arrives at all GSF (and associated units) bases individually addressed to their Logistics Officers and/or their Quartermasters.   

The package contains a corporate prospectus for Stark Heavy Industries and a catalog of their commercial and military products.

The letter reads...

We are approximately a year out from the completion of our new low and microgravity manufacturing facility. This will free up space in some of our special project labs. In appreciation of the GSF's continuing efforts to curb pirate and bandit deprivations, we are enquiring your interest in the limited production of ferro-fibrous armor, endo steel, internal structure materials, and myomar bundles. Other than contracts, we would require an investment of your time and resources to acquire the necessary formulas and materials for these endeavors.   

We appreciate your time and attention on this matter, as well as a timely response - positive or negative.

Please contact me at >contact details<   

Dr. Nikko Parker, PhD, PhD
CSO Research and Development Stark Heavy Industries, Nejiro Division   

« Last Edit: 02 January 2022, 14:46:56 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #433 on: 02 January 2022, 15:26:40 »
On August fifteenth a bonded personal courier with Governors Palace credentials delivers into Major Frank's hands, a wax sealed plain kiri wood box, with both the Crown's Great Seal of the Realm and Parliament's Paulownia Flower Seal, containing a bronze scroll case embellished with the symbols of the Starfall Koichizoku. The scroll is illuminated and illustrated with the Symbols of the Starfall Kochizoku, Parliament, and the Crown. It reads {translated from formal japanese}....   

                                                                                              Writ Of Summons   

Meiyo Saganami, Governor by the grace of Our Ancestors of the sovereign realm of Nejiro, Arbiter, Head of Parliament, Defender of the Founders Agreement. To our right trusty and well beloved Kiah Lorrien Rosen Franks, Delm Starfall Greeting. Whereas by the advice and assent of Our Council and Our Ministers for certain arduous and urgent affairs concerning Us, the State, and defense of Nejiro. We have ordered Parliament to be holden to Parliament Hill, Yousai on the first day of September, there to treat and have conference with Ministry Members, Scholars, and Peers of Our Realm. We strictly enjoining Command you upon the faith and allegiance by which you are bound to Us that the weightiness of the said affairs, and imminent perils considered, waiving all excuses, you and your duly appointed representative be at the said day and place personally present with Us to publicly swear your Oaths to Us and the Founders Agreement before your Peers and the Members of Parliament. And with the said Ministry Members, Scholars, and Peers to treat and give your counsel upon the affairs aforesaid. And this as you regard Us and Our honor and the safety and defense of the sovereign realm of Nejiro and dispatch of the said affairs in nowise do you omit Witness Ourself at Parliament Hill, Yousai the first day of September in the third year of Our Reign.   

Jitsu-in hanko {official} and signature of Governor Meiyo Saganami
and also by Prime Minister Yagi Miyazawa with jitsu-in and signature

« Last Edit: 02 January 2022, 19:38:40 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #434 on: 02 January 2022, 17:31:07 »
August 3068 a package with a letter arrives at all GSF (and associated units) bases individually addressed to their Logistics Officers and/or their Quartermasters.   

The package contains a corporate prospectus for Stark Heavy Industries and a catalog of their commercial and military products.

The letter reads...

We are approximately a year out from the completion of our new low and microgravity manufacturing facility. This will free up space in some of our special project labs. In appreciation of the GSF's continuing efforts to curb pirate and bandit deprivations, we are enquiring your interest in the limited production of ferro-fibrous armor, endo steel, internal structure materials, and myomar bundles. Other than contracts, we would require an investment of your time and resources to acquire the necessary formulas and materials for these endeavors.   

We appreciate your time and attention on this matter, as well as a timely response - positive or negative.

Please contact me at >contact details<   

Dr. Nikko Parker, PhD, PhD
CSO Research and Development Stark Heavy Industries, Nejiro Division
"...we would require an investment of your time and resources to acquire the necessary formulas and materials for these endeavors".
Could we have an elaboration on what "necessary formulas and materials" are?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #435 on: 02 January 2022, 18:52:52 »
OOG Dumb question. How will her swearing allegiance and becoming a citizen affect the GSF?
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #436 on: 02 January 2022, 18:54:15 »
"...we would require an investment of your time and resources to acquire the necessary formulas and materials for these endeavors".
Could we have an elaboration on what "necessary formulas and materials" are?

Investment ..... money.  xp
formulas  ..... the mix to make said items ..... materials .....  items needed to make said items.  xp

due keep in mind the items are not made in system. so so get the materials you need equipment to get it and the formulas to make them. They are offering some space that they are not using at this time to do the work.

this might be something that the group might want to do  >:D


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #437 on: 02 January 2022, 18:56:16 »
OOG Dumb question. How will her swearing allegiance and becoming a citizen affect the GSF?

It will not. She will now have a double duty.

First as the Commander of the GSF.

Second to Ichizoku Starfall.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #438 on: 02 January 2022, 19:42:00 »
Investment ..... money.  xp
formulas  ..... the mix to make said items ..... materials .....  items needed to make said items.  xp

due keep in mind the items are not made in system. so so get the materials you need equipment to get it and the formulas to make them. They are offering some space that they are not using at this time to do the work.

this might be something that the group might want to do  >:D
Will the equipment I’m importing be of any use in this?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #439 on: 02 January 2022, 19:49:47 »
Will the equipment I’m importing be of any use in this?

NO it is all repair equipment for repairing Battle Armor.

gear to dig up minerals for making the armor, Endo-Steel and normal internal structure is what will be needed. transport will help as well. NO CB will not help as this is all done in low gravity.

getting formulas for the myomar, endo-steel, ferro-fibrous and internal structure will be needed as well.

the group has a machine shop that can take the base armors and structure and turn it into useful sections. Adding to this site may be useful  ;)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #440 on: 02 January 2022, 21:16:26 »
August 3068 a package with a letter arrives at all GSF (and associated units) bases individually addressed to their Logistics Officers and/or their Quartermasters.   

The package contains a corporate prospectus for Stark Heavy Industries and a catalog of their commercial and military products.

The letter reads...

We are approximately a year out from the completion of our new low and microgravity manufacturing facility. This will free up space in some of our special project labs. In appreciation of the GSF's continuing efforts to curb pirate and bandit deprivations, we are enquiring your interest in the limited production of ferro-fibrous armor, endo steel, internal structure materials, and myomar bundles. Other than contracts, we would require an investment of your time and resources to acquire the necessary formulas and materials for these endeavors.   

We appreciate your time and attention on this matter, as well as a timely response - positive or negative.

Please contact me at >contact details<   

Dr. Nikko Parker, PhD, PhD
CSO Research and Development Stark Heavy Industries, Nejiro Division

To Dr. Nikko Parker, PhD, PhD
CSO Research and Development Stark Heavy Industries, Nejiro Division

    Your proposal was presented to our commander and she has authorized me to address this opportunity and convey that we are greatly honored for this opportunity.
    please be assured that we are very interested in this proposal, and with that in mind i have been authorized to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss and solidify the particulars that are needed to be provided for the the limited production of ferro-fibrous armor, endo steel, internal structure materials, and myomar bundles and the requirements needed for our investment of time and resources to acquire the necessary formulas and materials for these endeavors.

    I look forward to meeting to ensure that we can become fully involved in this endeavor without jeopardizing the contract(s) we are committed to already. I would be accompanied by representatives of our legal department to iron out all terms to ensure that this endeavor is a mutual benefit of us all.

with all honors and respect
Gunther Franks
Senior Logistics and Quartermaster Officer 
Kiah's Hammers   


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #441 on: 02 January 2022, 21:54:19 »
            Writ Of Summons   
Meiyo Saganami, Governor by the grace of Our Ancestors of the sovereign realm of Nejiro, Arbiter, Head of Parliament, Defender of the Founders Agreement. To our right trusty and well beloved Kiah Lorrien Rosen Franks, Delm Starfall Greeting. Whereas by the advice and assent of Our Council and Our Ministers for certain arduous and urgent affairs concerning Us, the State, and defense of Nejiro. We have ordered Parliament to be holden to Parliament Hill, Yousai on the first day of September, there to treat and have conference with Ministry Members, Scholars, and Peers of Our Realm. We strictly enjoining Command you upon the faith and allegiance by which you are bound to Us that the weightiness of the said affairs, and imminent perils considered, waiving all excuses, you and your duly appointed representative be at the said day and place personally present with Us to publicly swear your Oaths to Us and the Founders Agreement before your Peers and the Members of Parliament. And with the said Ministry Members, Scholars, and Peers to treat and give your counsel upon the affairs aforesaid. And this as you regard Us and Our honor and the safety and defense of the sovereign realm of Nejiro and dispatch of the said affairs in nowise do you omit Witness Ourself at Parliament Hill, Yousai the first day of September in the third year of Our Reign.   

Jitsu-in hanko {official} and signature of Governor Meiyo Saganami
and also by Prime Minister Yagi Miyazawa with jitsu-in and signature

    Kiah will have her artisans prepare and send a suitable and prestigious confirmation and acknowledgement of the summons.
    her staff will ensure that accommodations and security are secured in Yousai for her party. (Jarred franks, MP Rep, Kieth franks, Clan spokesperson/Press secretary, Jessica franks, Matriarch and all others needed for the ceremony)
    and will make sure her calendar remains clear for this and ensures accommodations for her party is made for the swearing in ceremony.
    (the clothing for the event, pennants and flags in the clan Mon, the formal kimono's and the Tartans have all been made and are ready)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #442 on: 02 January 2022, 22:31:07 »
additional note accompanying the Writ

Your ceremony will take place shortly after the opening ceremony of the fall session (September 1 to November 31) of Parliament on September first (typically open to the public), you and your representative, and your Matrona if they accompany you, will be in the Starfall box, the rest of your party, if any, in the VIP gallery - no weapons are allowed on the floor
« Last Edit: 04 January 2022, 10:51:41 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #443 on: 04 January 2022, 02:54:25 »
“IT”S ALIVE!!!!”
After spending the better part of the last two weeks the Gyro givens in and starts work as a gyro and not a paper weight.
“See I knew we could fix it, just had to show it who is the boss” Ron looks over at Julia tapping his hammer in his hand. “Now it should work.”
“Thanks for the help. That THING was going to get more than some love taps from me real soon.” She gives the Gyro a look that could stop a clock.
“Hay, hay none of that. You just may melt it with that look and after all this time that would not be good.”
“You are right … just that it gave such a hard time.”
“Look we go it running. Now we need the pilot to keep it that way.”

Yes I rolled the bones and 11 gets'er done  ;D
« Last Edit: 04 January 2022, 02:57:05 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #444 on: 04 January 2022, 05:55:29 »

ComStar AP News Services
           received Nejiro System August 3068 

Danger and death threaten Zion Province on every side.
The Capellan Conferderation is under siege, its people coming apart at the seams, as the Federated Suns continues to invade. 
The Chaos March is in flames. Rogue Mercenary armies tear at each others throats, grinding helpless worlds to bloody mire beneath their treads. Our doom could fall from our skies at any moment.
What does Thomas Marik, our wise and compassionate Captain-General, do for us in this, our darkest hour? What do our noble leaders at League Central Coordination and Command do? What, oh what, does the Free Worlds League Military, our stalwart protector, do? 
They withdraw the Third Free Worlds Guard, our only defense, and dispatch it to bolster the Marik Commonwealth's already impenetrable barrier against imagined threats from disgruntled provinces of the Lyran Alliance!   
Enough is Enough! 
The Free Worlds League has abandoned Zion Province. As we are alone, we must now stand alone, relying on our own solidarity to see us through the present peril. 
The time has come for Zion Province to secede from the lie of the Free Worlds League. Independence for Zion! This is the ideal for which we must stand and fight!   

Op/ed from The Zion Intelligencer, 22 March 3068 

« Last Edit: 04 January 2022, 18:25:40 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #445 on: 04 January 2022, 06:37:05 »

ComStar AP News Services
          received Nejiro System August 3068

(16 April 3068)

Danais [SILVER FREE VOICE] - The Public Information Office of the Silver Hawks Coalition Council announced today that the hyper-pulse generator on Shiloh has fallen silent. The Type B station did not transmit any indication of trouble before ceasing transmission, and apparently shut down in good order.
Long known for priding themselves on their independence from modern technology, the citizens of Shiloh have been reducing contact with other Coalition worlds. Their highly sought after wood sculptures and rugs have become scarce (see "Investing in Folk Art" SFV issue, 11 July 3066), and Shiloh's consumption of off-world food stuffs and farming equipment has steadily declined over the past decade in reverse proportion to the number of children being adopted off-world in Shiloh's burgeoning - if unlikely - new export industry. Yet even this new trade abrubtly ceased in recent weeks, adding an eerie quality to the world's suddenly conspicuous silence.   
Given the Shiloh ethic of self-reliance, these decreases in imports and exports can be seen as evidence of growing stability and economic self-sufficiency. Under normal circumstances, it would be easy to imagine that this sudden silence is a goal towards which they have long worked. 
But circumstances are not normal.   
In the face of recent Lyran conquests of League worlds, intelligent people must consider the possibility that Shiloh, has fallen. While professing not to be alarmed at the world's silence, the Coalition Council has asked that any vessels whose routes take them close to the Shiloh system stay alert for any signal or other evidence that may indicate a Lyran presence.   


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #446 on: 04 January 2022, 07:04:00 »

ComStar AP News Services
         received Nejiro System August 3068

(15 March 3068)

Terra [VOICE OF TRUTH] - In what has been described as the largest single naval engagement in recent history, ComStar forces invaded the Terran system. Their attempt to seize the birthplace of humanity lasted nearly two weeks and ended in failure.
The bulk of the ComStar aggressor force was destroyed in space. However, several DropShips made planetfall and an estimated two to three invading divisions gained two temporary footholds.
The smaller assault force attempted to establish a stronghold in the southwestern quadrant of the North American continent. There, the Word of Blake's Ninth Division, under the leadership of Precentor XVII Alice Phuong and supported by elements of the Militia's Tenth Division led by Precentor VII Robin St. Nicholas, decisively confronted and destroyed the invaders, sustaining light casualties.
The major thrust of the Com Guard assault came in the north central region of the European continent. This larger force was valiantly engaged by elements of the Word of Blake Militia Third Division, commanded by Precentor XIV David Fellers, and the Eighth Division, led by Precentor XIII Alex Winningham.
Fighting was heavier and casualties higher in this densely populated region. Faced with defeat, the Com Guard turned their weapons on civilian targets, even resorting to weapons of mass destruction in an effort to maximize damage. The historic cities of Tallinn and Riga were destroyed in the final frenzy of destruction. 
ComStar offered no rational justification for the assault. Observers speculate  it represented a final, desperate bid of the failed and fading hierarchy to reassert control over the minds, hearts, and sacred Institutions of our free people.   



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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #447 on: 04 January 2022, 07:31:57 »

ComStar AP News Services
          received Nejiro System August 3068 

(17 March 3068)

Amity {SILVER FREE VOICE] - Megrez, Cascade, and Togwotee fell to Lyran forces last week. The whirlwind attacks, which analysts believe were launched from the Lyran worlds of Ford and Loric, overwhelmed the Sixth Marik Militia stationed on Megrez. We have received no reliable data on casualties among the military or loss of life among the civilian populations of those worlds. 
What does this tragedy mean for us on Silver, or for the rest of the Abbey District? True, we are not one jump away from Lyran space, nor are we on a direct route to the heart of the Free Worlds League. Nonetheless, we are at risk.   
No one should forget that the Seventh and Tenth Lyran Regulars regiments, along with their myriad supporting units, are stationed on Cavanaugh II. Though it is unlikely they could catch the Abbey District completely by surprise, could the noble Second Brigade of the Fusiliers of Oriente hope to defend the entire district? Even if the Sixth Regiment of the Orloff Grenadiers could somehow offer support from distant Cerillos, it is doubtful even the Golden Phoenix could stand against such an invading force.   
The fall of Megrez, Cascade, and Togwotee, worlds very much like our own, serves as a reminder that no planet is safe in the current crisis. We cannot afford to be complacent, thinking ourselves safely distant from the thrust of Lyran aggression. We must all be vigilant, all stand ready to take up arms in defense of our homes and our families.   



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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #448 on: 04 January 2022, 10:16:31 »
ComStar AP News Services

                                                                                 Question Corner   

Tim (age 10), of Quezon asks, Why is some of the interstellar news so old when it gets here, Why is it out of order?

Well Tim, each Jump is up to thirty light years apart and while the jump itself takes seconds, the necessary recharge of the K-F drive may take up to two weeks. The Nejiro system is three full Jumps from the Inner Sphere Core, and one whole Jump from the Draconis Combine Periphery border. News from the opposite side of the Sphere are as many as eight whole Jumps away, plus travel and recharge time for obtaining mail and news at individual HPG stations may takes weeks to months to reach the Nejiro System depending on origin and priority level. The ComStar AP News Service posts news articles as we receive them, so news originally published at their source in February may post after news originally posted at their source in July.   

« Last Edit: 06 January 2022, 07:18:23 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #449 on: 04 January 2022, 10:47:22 »

ComStar AP News Services
           received Nejiro System August 3068

Today we face a threat to the very existence of our Free Worlds League far greater than any that has gone before.
To date seven of our worlds have fallen before invading forces from the Lyran Alliance. While this is in itself a tragedy, more far reaching in its significance is the fact that these forces seem to be sanctioned by only two Alliance provinces. To the best of our knowledge, Alarion, Coventry, and Donegal provinces have no part in this war. While this may look like good news - that we face only two-fifths of an enemy - it is in fact an omen of a darker possibility. 
That unknown forces used nuclear weapons on Tharkad is a given. That Tharkad City is gone is a certainty, and that the entire world has become a radioactive wasteland is a credible possibility. The Lyran Alliance, bereft of its core, may be finding that the center cannot hold. Instead of a united government making balanced considerations based on the needs of all its provinces, the Free Worlds League may face a loose alliance of independent states - an alliance that may unravel as each province pursues its own goals. The recently reported attacks on Lyran provincial capitals may be evidence of intense conflict. 
And this malady, this fever of rebellion and balkanization, is not limited to the Lyran Alliance. Reports from the Federated Suns and the Capellan Confederation attest to similar instability and outbreaks of violence. 
What must we of the Free Worlds League do in the face of this rising tide of anarchy and war? 
We must stand firm. We, an amalgam of many noble states and worlds, must stay united in our resolve to hold fast to that which is ours; that which makes us who we are. 
Now is the time for the Tamrind, the Regulan, the Andurien, and the Stewart, to set aside differences. Not to forget our heritage - never that - but to stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters of the Free Worlds League. We must as one people turn faces of flint to the forces of chaos that threaten our League, our worlds, and our families. Through our resolve, our commitment to each other and the principles that give this, our League, its life and power, we will persevere. We will weather the storm that threaten us. And we shall overcome.   

- League wide public address by Alys Rousset-Marik, Duchess of Augustine, 1 May 3068   


