Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 109256 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #570 on: 06 March 2022, 19:32:00 »
A pale gray almost white Seeker Class DropShip will land a few klicks from Moro. The Seekers doors will open and the first unit off will be a Black Knight with an Owens exiting just behind. A Tora and then a Griffin will exit next. Out of the vehicle door a Schriltron, Pegasus and Blizzard exit the craft. The last unit off loaded is a Karnov UR, it will be moved so the wings can be rotated to flight mode by its crew. The Black Knight will move to an open area the other ‘Mechs will move off to scout the area. The vehicles will form up and the Battle Armor will set up security. The DropShip crew will setup a command tent.

The next to land will be a white Buccaneer Class DropShip. The first to exit the ship will be a pair Raptors then two Packrat LRRV’s the Packrats will move off to check the area. Battle Armor will form up with the Ghost Battle Armor for security. Next off will be from Winter’s Dream a Sunder, Blackjack Omni ‘Mechsand a Scimitar hover tank. The last items off loaded are a pair of Hawk Moth Gunships. When both are in a clear area the crews will move the rotors in to flight position.

The Black Knight and one of the Raptors will move to the tent and the pilots will exit.
“I am glad to meet you in person Adept Wood. I have read the After Action Reports and you and your unit have done will.”
“Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu Sho-sa. I have also looked over the reports of what is happening on Shinrin and your team has done well also. I hope that with the extra help you now have you will keep things well in hand.” She bows to the Sho-sa who returns it.
“The new GSF unit Winter’s Dream has been of much help.”
“With Precentor Wilkes complements we are to help as you see fit.”
“With what is going to happen around here I think that your unit will be best used as a recon/security force for Moro.” She looks over the unit. ‘I understand that you are a QRF and do not take this wrong but I hope your services will not be needed.”
“No offence taken. We are to help as you see fit. We will be very happy to run security sweeps for Moro.”
“I want you to work with Kashira Yang, he will be in charge of the security force I will have here at Moro.” She signals the ‘MechWarrior to join them. “He will have His Tora, the Griffin, Pegasus and Blizzard. The Shiltron, Karnov, Owens and I will be with the assault force.”
“Very good. If you think it necessary I can have the Buccaneer return to base and have extra forces brought here.”
“I hope not. We should have all the forces needed with what the GSF is deploying.” She looks at the landing zone as the other transports start to off load. “It is best to keep ComGuard forces for the security of Moro, others may get the wrong ideas after all.”
“I understand that, with all that is going on here and in the sphere proper some would think …..”
“Best to not give them that thought at all.”
“We will set up two areas, one for the assault forces and the other for Moro’s security unit.”
“Sounds good this way the crews that will be working together can get to know each other. I will have my people and the Dreams people that were with us setup over in the security area.”
Wood looks back to her people then back at the Sho-sa. “May the wind be at your back.”
“Thank you Adept and may the Gods look after you and yours.” She bows to the Adept then heads back to her unit with the Kashira going with the Adept.

Off a train that will stop not far from the assembly area units from Kiah’s Hammers will move to the assembly areas. A Trebuchet, Pilum, Manticore and Maxim will be directed to the area that units for Moro security are at. The Archer, Raptor, SturmFeur and Striker will move to the area for the assault force.

The last ship to land will be the Phoenix Roost with the other GSF units

« Last Edit: 09 March 2022, 20:47:30 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #571 on: 09 March 2022, 22:55:57 »
"I love it."  Maria said, looking up at the fully restored and repainted Phoenix Hawk her cousin had prepared for her.  "Euron's gonna absolutely hate it."

The Phoenix Hawk had been painted in a different scheme than the other Ironborn machines.  The right half was a bright sea green.  On the right shoulder, the humble Botley minnow was painted in silver and white.  The left side was a brilliant red and on the left shoulder was a black war-horn banded in gold with a gold strap, the sigil of House Goodbrother.  Julia had represented both halves of Maria's family in the design, while the head was painted black with the Ironborn kraken on its forehead.  One had to represent the organization, after all.

"I knew you'd be thrilled."  Julia returned.  "My artists put the finishing touches on it last night."

Maria looked over at Julia.  "So, how's the kid?"

"Kid?" Julia asked puzzled.

"Fuka."  Maria replied more seriously.  "I heard Aeron Drowned her the other day."

"Yeeeaaaahh."  Julia scratched the back of her head sheepishly.

"So,"  Maria pressed forward.  "how'd she take it?"

Julia was uncomfortable answering.  "Well, she cried on my shoulder for about fifteen minutes.  Then we spent nearly half the night talking about it and I shared my own experience of when it was done to me.  I told her to take some time off.  See her parents.  But I made her promise not to tell them about it.  I don't think they'd understand."

"Probably the best idea."  Maria nodded.  "I remember my Drowning.  Popped that bastard Balon so hard he left with a black eye.  Still, I will say it made me see things in a whole different way.  When I got back to Tristan after that, we f***ed like it was our last night on earth.  I think we conceived one of the boys that night."

Julia facepalmed.  "You know, Mari, I really didn't need to know that!"

"What can I say?"  Maria shrugged.  "Death changes you.  Puts things in perspective.  What did you do after your Drowning?"

"Nothing quite so spectacular as you and Tristan."  Julia answered.  "I think I spent the night looking up at the stars thinking about how they were nearly stolen from me.  I wanted to kill the Colonel for about five minutes until I realized he and his family have been put themselves through that for generations."

"Hmm.  Well, enough about the past.  Why don't we talk about your future."

Julia looked confused.  "Pardon me?"

Maria put her hands on Julia's shoulders.  "Your future.  Like when in the hell are we gonna get you married."

Julia groaned.  "Not this again."

"I mean it."  Maria exclaimed.  "I mean, when was the last time you got laid, Jules?  Hell, when was the last time you even went on a date?  You're 35, girl.  You're practically an old maid."

"35 IS NOT OLD!"  Julia responded, annoyed at the insinuation.

"It is when you're not married and don't have a partner."  Maria insisted.  "You need to get out and see people.  You spend all your time either around Battlemechs or with me and/or Fuka.  So unless you plan on marrying your aforementioned kouhai, you need to strike before you hit the big 4-0 and you're too old to enjoy yourself or have kids of your own."

"I know, Mari.  I know you're right, but I don't have time to discuss this right now."  Julia was already tired of the subject.  " Can we just table this until later?  For now, enjoy your new 'Mech.  My shift is ending soon.  I'll be in my quarters if you need me."  She left it there, leaving Maria annoyed and unsatisfied.  Oh, we're definitely talking about this later.  You're not getting off that easy, Jules. 

Translator's note: Kouhai: literally translated "junior".  A kouhai can refer to a subordinate, apprentice, or just somebody younger than the sempai or senior.  Of course, in this case, Maria is referring to Fuka, albeit facetiously, since she knows Julia is heteronormative/"straight".
« Last Edit: 10 March 2022, 00:00:41 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #572 on: 13 March 2022, 19:34:44 »
From the Roost Road’s Warriors will have a Vulcan, Stygian, Musketeer and Bandit will move into the assault area while the Warhammer, Blackjack, Hawk Moth and a second Musketeer will form up with the security forces.
Next off the Roost will be from the Dragon’s Clutch will move to the different areas. Moving to the assault force will be an Owens, Hitman, Demon and Ares. The security force will have a Crab, Tora, Karnov and Bandit. Also moving to this area will be a Medivac Cobra.
LoD will be off loaded. For the assault force the Bargest, Dart, Ajax and Sprit Scout Helicopter. The security team a Von Rohrs, Wolfhound, Yellow Jacket and Morningstar.
Winter’s Dream will have these units will move to the Moro Security area a Strider and LRM Carrier. From the
Buccaneer moving into the assault area will be the King Crab, Marauder, Scimitar hover tank and Kestrel VTOL. Sergeant Ketola will be informed that her Battle Armor is on the Roost.
From the Hands of the Goddess a Victor, Ostsol, Partisan Heavy Tank and Cavalry VTOL will be for security. A Firestarter Omni ‘Mech, a Karnov and a pair of Shiltrons, for the assault unit. The VTOLs will be moved so they can be readied for flight.
Last off will be units from the Ironborn moving to the security area are A Guillotine, Phoenix Hawk, Condor Hover tank and Goblin IFV. Joining the assault force is a Marauder, Demolisher, Ontos and Bagger. All of the assault units have Battle Armor on them.

As the different units form up the two Hawk Moth Gunships will liftoff and circle the area. The Griffin, Owens and one of the Raptors will take up positions to guard the area. The Pegasus from the Ghosts will move out as well. Two squads of Raiden and Kage Battle Armor will be the security closest to the tent with a dozen Inner Sphere Battle Armor troopers as the ring just beyond them.

Sho-sa Kalakaua will have the unit commanders join her at the command tent she will welcome them they enter. “I welcome all of you here today. If you would please have some of your people help with local security and then we can get to work.” The other commanders will give orders to have units form up with the Ghost and ComGuard Battle Armor and other units join in with the perimeter security. “For some of you this is the first time I will be working with you. For others this is our first in person meeting.” She looks at all of the other commanders. “I am here because of the Kokuryu-kai and to assist you in your mission. Kashira Yang will be in charge of the Ghost security force.” She looks over to Adept Woods. “I know that Adept Woods and her unit has worked with you many times before. Her unit will be part of the Moro security force, this is to keep local ….. problems ….. down, it is best that ComGuard units are not part of the assault.”

“I will also point out we are not best suited for that type of mission, we are a QRF/Scout unit and will best serve as that. My people and I will be performing security sweeps after the assault force moves out. If you have an area you want us to work please let me know.”

“What we know at this point is that Nakazawa has mined most of the roads and paths to his Shiro. We also know that he has units dug in at his outer security perimeter. From what the local militia scouts reported the units are most likely Kokuryu-kai and if this is true they follow the old ways. They will see all members of this force as something that has to be destroyed. They will not give nor ask for quarter. If any of Nakazawa’s forces will be on the field we do not know. We also do not know they will act if they are.” She looks around and then at her pad. “Please keep in mind that the Sho-sho wants Isao Nakazawa alive to stand trial for his betrayal. If he should fall during this mission he may become something he is not ….. a fallen Samurai, this will give other followers of the Kokuryu-kai a rallying point. So when we get to his Shiro please keep the damage down.” She looks over the information on the pad of what units will be part of the assault force. “I will recommend that the slower units form the center of the assault force so that the faster units can provide support for them and they can form our base of fire. LRM fire will be best to deal with the revetments. My people are very good at calling in fire. The heavy direct fire weapons should deal with any mobile units they field.” Checking her pad once more. “Last off if they do have infantry do not underestimate them. You all have had units in the training academy they have been doing this for a very long time.” She puts down the pad. “I will not be the commander in the field. That will be Colonel Grayjoy he is the ranking member of the GSF. My command in the field will be my Black Knight, I have a probe to help find enemy units. The Owens has a probe, TAG slave unit the Raiden is best at dealing with vehicles and Infantry. The Schiltron has the B pods and also had a master and ECM. The four fifteen racks will give good fire support and the Raider BA will work as security and fire direction. Last off the Karnov has Kage Battle Armor with TAG and a squad of jump troopers that are trained in calling in fire.”

“MechWarriors Roads and Ito I would ask that your units work on our right flank so that Nakazawa or the Kokuryu-kai do not get a free shot at us.”
‘That we can do, just as long as they keep it light.” He gives a big smile to the Sho-sa.
“Genre …. Duke I would ask that your unit work left flank for the same reason.”

“If things do not go the way we want we have three fall back positions, here at Moro, Zakharovic Fortress and if things are real bad Camp Kurawa. Let’s see that none of them needed.”

“I will also offer that we spend the next couple of days to get to know each other and work on joint exercises. Nakazawa knows we are coming and his people will spot us here soon. So we will let his defenders get twitchy as we take our time. As the assault force moves to his Shiro we should work on our attack plan.” She looks over to Adept Woods. “The security force needs to set AO’s and sweep patterns.” Woods nods.

“Rat one to Raptor one, we got some voyeurs about three klicks out. What do you want us to do?”
“Raptor one to Rat one roger. They MilSpec of Civi?”
“They look to be civi Raptor.”
“Wait one.” Woods looks to Kalakaua. “We have some civvies about three klicks out.”
“Good, scare them off but do not hurt them. Let them report back so Nakazawa has more sleepless nights.”
“Will do.” Woods talks to her recon team. “Let them know you see them but do not harm them.”
“Roger that, we’ll send them packing.”

“Now that Nakazawa and others think this is the force that will be attacking his Shiro we will have the security units move to Moro and the assault force will move off before they get eyes on us once more.”
« Last Edit: 13 March 2022, 21:12:00 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #573 on: 15 March 2022, 17:46:47 »
Contact Report, Flank force three
To:      GSF Command
cc:      Euron Greyjoy
From: Kowalski, Rhodes Warriors

Designated objective taken. 

NOTE 1:  Encountered a platoon of jeeps with one-shot LRM10 launchers of unknown type.
NOTE 2:  Encountered at least 1 squad of elite infantry with field gun.  Majority of enemy forces were as expected.
NOTE 3:  Encountered a platoon of Scimitar/Saracen hover tanks which escaped undamaged.

                 4xTwin LRM20 turrets, all captured.  3 lightly/not damaged, 1 heavily damaged
                 Multiple automated AC/5 and AC/10 turrets, all destroyed.
                 Multiple automated SRM turrets, targeting substandard, all destroyed.
                 Multiple field guns with infantry squads, most destroyed, 2x twin AC/10 and 1x AC/5 turrets captured without damage

        9 Turret Crews, 1 squad infantry, 1 transport truck with AC/5 field gun

                 Vulcan heavily damaged but operational for defense purposes
                 Musketeer/Stygian moderately damaged but available for combat purposes
                 Remaining personnel/equipment fully operational, Ares at 50% ammunition
                 Prepared to utilize GSF forces in addition to remaining turrets with captured personnel under monitoring if needed for bridge area defense, prepared for further scouting or limited combat engagement, previously-enemy turrets all at over 50% ammunition capacity.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #574 on: 15 March 2022, 22:53:55 »
Contact Report, Flank force three
To:      GSF Command
cc:      Euron Greyjoy
From: Kowalski, Rhodes Warriors

Designated objective taken. 

NOTE 1:  Encountered a platoon of jeeps with one-shot LRM10 launchers of unknown type.
NOTE 2:  Encountered at least 1 squad of elite infantry with field gun.  Majority of enemy forces were as expected.
NOTE 3:  Encountered a platoon of Scimitar/Saracen hover tanks which escaped undamaged.

                 4xTwin LRM20 turrets, all captured.  3 lightly/not damaged, 1 heavily damaged
                 Multiple automated AC/5 and AC/10 turrets, all destroyed.
                 Multiple automated SRM turrets, targeting substandard, all destroyed.
                 Multiple field guns with infantry squads, most destroyed, 2x twin AC/10 and 1x AC/5 turrets captured without damage

        9 Turret Crews, 1 squad infantry, 1 transport truck with AC/5 field gun

                 Vulcan heavily damaged but operational for defense purposes
                 Musketeer/Stygian moderately damaged but available for combat purposes
                 Remaining personnel/equipment fully operational, Ares at 50% ammunition
                 Prepared to utilize GSF forces in addition to remaining turrets with captured personnel under monitoring if needed for bridge area defense, prepared for further scouting or limited combat engagement, previously-enemy turrets all at over 50% ammunition capacity.

"Rhodes Warriors, Greyjoy here.  Acknowledged, Kowalski.  Well done."
« Last Edit: 15 March 2022, 23:22:50 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #575 on: 16 March 2022, 16:23:34 »
From:     Kowalski, Rhodes Warriors
To:         Col. Euron Greyjoy

Morale for most of our opponents was pretty bad.  I killed our ECM to advise them that they would be able to surrender and stay in place to protect the holding against pirates and bandits, and they seemed pretty willing to kill the power to the turrets (One turret did it before I really got into weapons range).  Of course, these are outlying forces, but it worked for us.  Good hunting, sir.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #576 on: 25 March 2022, 08:56:59 »
hey gang -

sorry about the late posting, looking forward to seeing everyone sunday  :beer:... will be fielding:

Defensive unit:
Avatar B, 2nd Knight Saladin LB-X , Schiltron B, 13th Marik Heavy Tracked APC (with srm and rifle platoons)

Attacking unit:
13th Marik LRM Carrier, 1st Knight Regulator, Wolverine, Owens C (has proper c3 if the slot is still open jim and tag/bap even if it isn't)

Figure I'll open up a minefield corridor with the L-carrier and use the rest as a fire brigade for wherever the rest of the force hits trouble.

« Last Edit: 25 March 2022, 08:59:36 by Crash99c »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #577 on: 26 March 2022, 00:40:37 »
The Last unit to arrive at the RV point will be The Eagle’s Tears and the transport aircraft will off load them. Units moving in to the Assault section will be a Wolverine, Owens, LRM Carrier and Regulator Tank. Units moving to the security area will be an Avatar, Schiltron, Saladin and Heavy APC. The Battle Armor will form up with the others as the local security.

Major Cranson and a squad of Battle Armor will move to the command tent. The Battle Armor will form up with the other Battle Armor units that are the security around the tent.
“Welcome Major, I hope the flight over was not too bad. Sorry that the protests forced you to take slower transports.” Sho-sa Kalakaua will point to a spot at the table for the Major to take a seat. “We have just finished up the basic plan for the Op. We also had the local eyes for Nakazawa move on. I hope that when they report the units they spotted to him he finds it difficult to eat and sleep.” The force commanders will look over the plan ideas and head to their commands. The assault units will board the Buccaneer and the Security units will take up assigned positions around Moro.

The Buccaneer will land so that the assault force will have a day’s march to the outer line of Nazakawa’s Shiro.

“Scout three to base we have part of the GSF assault force in sight. They are moving on the main road.”
“Repeat that scout three, part of the assault force?”
‘Roger base. We have about half of the forces that scout one reported.”
“Roger that scout three. Keep track of them we will have other units look for the other half.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #578 on: 26 March 2022, 16:02:43 »
Contact Report, Flank force three
To:      GSF Command
cc:      Euron Greyjoy
From: Kowalski, Rhodes Warriors

Designated objective taken. 

NOTE 1:  Encountered a platoon of jeeps with one-shot LRM10 launchers of unknown type.
NOTE 2:  Encountered at least 1 squad of elite infantry with field gun.  Majority of enemy forces were as expected.
NOTE 3:  Encountered a platoon of Scimitar/Saracen hover tanks which escaped undamaged.

                 4xTwin LRM20 turrets, all captured.  3 lightly/not damaged, 1 heavily damaged
                 Multiple automated AC/5 and AC/10 turrets, all destroyed.
                 Multiple automated SRM turrets, targeting substandard, all destroyed.
                 Multiple field guns with infantry squads, most destroyed, 2x twin AC/10 and 1x AC/5 turrets captured without damage

        9 Turret Crews, 1 squad infantry, 1 transport truck with AC/5 field gun

                 Vulcan heavily damaged but operational for defense purposes
                 Musketeer/Stygian moderately damaged but available for combat purposes
                 Remaining personnel/equipment fully operational, Ares at 50% ammunition
                 Prepared to utilize GSF forces in addition to remaining turrets with captured personnel under monitoring if needed for bridge area defense, prepared for further scouting or limited combat engagement, previously-enemy turrets all at over 50% ammunition capacity.

at GSF command

kiah looks up at the war map "okay acknowledge that report and co-ordinate with the Rhodes Warriors to send a field ammo restock  drop if needed , arrange for transport of prisoners' and find out what personnel can be sent to man those captured assets or provide security for the prisoners' to man them. i am not opposed to the prisoners' trying to redeem themselves  for a lighter sentence but we need to keep our men and women in the field safe.

looking at the reports of the transportation of the forces in progress she will also see if any assets can get eyes of the hovers that had bugged out to see where they were going

advise our assets deploying of the platoon of scimitar/saracen hover tanks that escaped so they can keep an eye out if they decide to interfere with our plans

she looks over at her personal aide "our hammers got off okay?" she asks

"yes major they set a new scramble record doing it" the aide looked back down at the tablet he always held

"good, well now we just wait for the fun to start" she nods to the other commanders in central as they all readied for the action to start


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #579 on: 26 March 2022, 20:14:31 »
“Precentor Wilkes this just came in on the supply ship it is Alpha priority.” The Adept hands him a pad.
“Thank You.” Wilkes has the pad scan his thumb. He reads the message. “This is not good. Adept will you please get me the duty postings of the unit.”
The Adept goes to his desk and returns with a different pad and hands it to his commander. “Sir.”
Wilkes looks this information. “Adept get Chiji Saganami on a secure line.”
“Yes Sir.” A couple of minutes later the Adept returns. “Sir Chiji Saganami.”
He brings up the video link. “Thank You Adept.” The Adept closes the office door as he exits.

“Chiji Saganami I will be building a task force to see what happened to a ComStar outpost a couple of jumps from here.” Precentor Wilkes informs Meiyo. “ComStar has asked ..... has tasked my unit as we are the closest. I have started to put forces together to handle this.”
“What can I do to help with this matter?”
“I can use some support.” Wilkes looks off screen for a moment. “Transport, ground and support forces will be a major help.”
“Just give me a list of what can be of use and I will see what I can do.”
“I will be limited is what ground combat forces I will be sending. With all the bandit activity I have had to spread what units I have out and cannot recall them in time for this.”
“I think the GSF and Nijero Militia can help you out on that end. After all the times you helped us it is time we did the same.”
“Thank You. I will need some combat DropShips also. I can cover the JumpShips.”
“I am sure that the DCA will be willing to help on that end. They may even send a JumpShip as well. Ground units will be no problem. After all you have helped them in the past as well.”
“The one thing that might be need but I hope not is medical. I do not have any mobile medical units.”
“I am very sure that Dr. Musashi will be ready to give you the help you might need.”
“Thank You for this.”
“No need to, as I said before you have helped all of us many times before. Do you have any idea of how long you will be away?”
“I will be staying on world. I will have Adept Hay in charge of this operation. He leads the assault level II in my command. If this is nothing more than equipment failure a couple months due to the recharge time if it is more than I have no idea.”
“How large of a force do you want to go with?”
“I will be sending in three level II units plus some technical support. We will be more than happy with any units you can send with us.”
“I will talk with the different unit commanders and see what they can send with you.”

“So what do you think of this attack by the GSF?”
“Well it looks as if they are going to make things very hard on Nakazawa.”
“Very true, they are bringing some heavy firepower to his door.”
“Do you think we can do something?”
“We can try, but he is the one that got the ladies attention and was not ready for it.”
“So what can we do?”
“Try and force them to move things around. Maybe even pull some of the force to cover other places.”

“Kylfings command this is recon two we have a small mechanized force moving south-west along the edge of the forest.”
“Roger recon two. Are they a problem?”
“Negative base, they are out of our territory.”
“Roger two stay on patrol.”
“Roger base.”

“Comms inform Moro of the sighting. It may be nothing but let them know.”
“Yes sir. Zakharovic control to Moro militia, one of our patrols spotted a small armor unit that may be heading your way.”
“Thank You Zakharovic control. We will pass that along to our security team.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #580 on: 26 March 2022, 20:17:22 »
I was hoping to make an unexepected physical appearance at the game tomorrow, but sadly I am currently preparing for an unexpected trip to Wisconsin within the next couple of weeks.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #581 on: 27 March 2022, 10:27:20 »
I hope that Wisconsin goes well and you can come to games again soon.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #582 on: 27 March 2022, 20:15:55 »
Middle of November 3068

Finishing the import paper work the customs officer hands back the data pad. “Everything is good. Welcome to Nejiro.”
“Thank You. I need to get ahold  Crazy Bunny Trucking.”
“They have an office in the main concourse. When you exit this building go to your left and it will be the second building.”
“Thank you again.”

“Welcome to Crazy Bunny Trucking, how my I help you?”
“I have some cargo containers that need to be delivered to Phalanx Arms.”
“We can help. We have been waiting for this shipment.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #583 on: 27 March 2022, 20:17:45 »
Next mission dates

4/24 and 5/29.

stay tuned for more info  >:D


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #584 on: 27 March 2022, 21:16:08 »
On a video call with all the GSF commanders.
“Commands I would like you to help the ComGuard with a mission, they need some extra ground units for this mission. I know this is not covered by your contract but with all the help that the ComGuard has given us in the past we should help then in this time of need.”
“What I know so far is that ComStar has lost contact with one of their outposts they have out this way. Precentor Wilks has been tasked to see what is going on. This mission should only take a couple of months, but as we do not know what has happened, it may be longer. This may not be an easy mission as we do not have any idea of what is happening at the outpost.”
“Please keep in mind that you do have other missions on going and do not have to take part in this. Neither I nor the ComGuard will think less of any command that does not take part. I am not offering any extra monies for this as it will be up to each commander if they will send units. I do not know if the ComGuard will offer any money if you take part in this. I will only state that the ComGuard has helped us many times before and have asked for little in return. It will be a good thing to help them this time.”

Later on on a private line.
“Dr. Musashi, cousin I will request that you go with the ComGuard force as the outpost may need medical help and you have the best full coverage mobile medical group we have on world. I will also ask that you take some units as a bodyguard as well.”

After speaking with the Militia and GSF Meyio calls Precentor Wilks
“I have spoken with Sho-sa Josef and he will be sending an armor platoon and a mechanized infantry company for your mission.”
“Thank the Sho-sa for the units he will be sending.”
“That will not be necessary. Nejiro’s Militia is more than happy to help a friend. I also talked with Sho-sa Kalakaua and she will be sending a lance of BattleMechs and a platoon of mechanized Battle Armor as well.”
“The Sho-sa is most generous with the forces she is sending out.”
“She feels that is this turns hot she wants to make whoever is behind this to feel the heat.”
“Very well I will make sure that Adept Hay is aware of this.”
“Last off the DCA Marines will be sending security teams and some transport for your Task Force.”
“My ship commanders will be happy to know of this. The extra ships will be of major help. Thank you Sho-sho.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #585 on: 27 March 2022, 21:29:24 »
“Kalakaua to base get me Kashira Ho ASAP.” Kono call over to her command.
“Hai Kalakaua-sama.”
“Kashira I need you and your Soji hito on site ASAP. Bring your gear.”
“Hai Kalakaua-sama we are on our way.”

“Colonel how far back are we falling back? How long will we spend to re-arm and repair? As both the Hammers and I have units with internal damage.” Kono will ask Grayjoy.

OK people your next two problems are now in play.  >:D


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #586 on: 28 March 2022, 19:46:32 »
“Kalakaua to base get me Kashira Ho ASAP.” Kono call over to her command.
“Hai Kalakaua-sama.”
“Kashira I need you and your Soji hito on site ASAP. Bring your gear.”
“Hai Kalakaua-sama we are on our way.”

“Colonel how far back are we falling back? How long will we spend to re-arm and repair? As both the Hammers and I have units with internal damage.” Kono will ask Grayjoy.

OK people your next two problems are now in play.  >:D

"We're going to fall back out of range of their Long Toms for now.  I doubt Nakazawa and the Kokuryu-kai will leave the safety of their fortress at the moment.  If they do, they're fools to give up the high ground.  All forces that have sustained internal damage should be rotated out of the combat zone.  If you can replace them with fresh units, fine.  If not, we'll have to do without.  I'm going to scramble my techs and recovery vehicles to get out here to effect what repairs they can, but we need to set up a cordon to make sure that in the event they do leave the castle, that we can make sure they don't go too far.  As for when we make our next attempt at taking the castle, I'll broach that subject with Kiah and Governor Saganami."

"Allanah, it's Euron.  Tell Julia to ready the recovery vehicles and ship them out to my coordinates ASAP along with spare armor and ammo.  Also, tell Suzaku to bring Crow's Eye.  She's on defense detail for the recovery vehicles along with Alpha Platoon."

Finally, Euron calls Kiah and Meiyo.  "Put me through to GSF command.  I need to speak to Chi-ji Saganami and Major Franks.  Attention, this is Colonel Greyjoy.  The enemy force at Nakazawa Castle was much larger than initially believed.  The Kokuryu-kai have fortified Nakazawa's defense with at least a company of 'Mechs, at least a company of dug-in Armor, as well as at least 4 Long Tom artillery pieces, minefields, manned and automated defenses.  They also have built 'Mech hangars into the caves around the castle.  My forces were forced to retreat from the operation area.  While we did take out a few of the turrets, both Kalakaua's unit and some of the Hammers have suffered heavy damage.  I'm going to set up a defensive cordon around the Castle out of the range of their artillery, turrets and minefields and bring in my own techs and recovery vehicles to effect repairs.  I take full responsibility for our failure and will take on the cost of repairing Kalakaua's machines and those of the Hammers from my own armor and ammo stores.  I would like a recommendation as to when we should attempt another assault and if we can possibly get a more...covert force together to take out their railway cannons, which have been determined to be firing from the docks on the far side of Nakazawa's castle, by stealth."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #587 on: 28 March 2022, 21:29:28 »
"We're going to fall back out of range of their Long Toms for now.  I doubt Nakazawa and the Kokuryu-kai will leave the safety of their fortress at the moment.  If they do, they're fools to give up the high ground.  All forces that have sustained internal damage should be rotated out of the combat zone.  If you can replace them with fresh units, fine.  If not, we'll have to do without.  I'm going to scramble my techs and recovery vehicles to get out here to effect what repairs they can, but we need to set up a cordon to make sure that in the event they do leave the castle, that we can make sure they don't go too far.  As for when we make our next attempt at taking the castle, I'll broach that subject with Kiah and Governor Saganami."

"Allanah, it's Euron.  Tell Julia to ready the recovery vehicles and ship them out to my coordinates ASAP along with spare armor and ammo.  Also, tell Suzaku to bring Crow's Eye.  She's on defense detail for the recovery vehicles along with Alpha Platoon."

Finally, Euron calls Kiah and Meiyo.  "Put me through to GSF command.  I need to speak to Chi-ji Saganami and Major Franks.  Attention, this is Colonel Greyjoy.  The enemy force at Nakazawa Castle was much larger than initially believed.  The Kokuryu-kai have fortified Nakazawa's defense with at least a company of 'Mechs, at least a company of dug-in Armor, as well as at least 4 Long Tom artillery pieces, minefields, manned and automated defenses.  They also have built 'Mech hangars into the caves around the castle.  My forces were forced to retreat from the operation area.  While we did take out a few of the turrets, both Kalakaua's unit and some of the Hammers have suffered heavy damage.  I'm going to set up a defensive cordon around the Castle out of the range of their artillery, turrets and minefields and bring in my own techs and recovery vehicles to effect repairs.  I take full responsibility for our failure and will take on the cost of repairing Kalakaua's machines and those of the Hammers from my own armor and ammo stores.  I would like a recommendation as to when we should attempt another assault and if we can possibly get a more...covert force together to take out their railway cannons, which have been determined to be firing from the docks on the far side of Nakazawa's castle, by stealth."

Colonel Greyjoy, Major kiah here my apologies that our intelligence was lacking for this op. i will be sending hammers recovery vehicles to your location as well for restock, repair and resupply.  governor i suggest we set up blockades around the castle both land and sea if possible until we can figure out the best way to deal with those Long Tom artillery and the other defenses they have prepared there fortifications for there treason for some time apparently , blockages take time but can be effective if we can seal it up tightly enough while we adjust our attack  i also recommend a wide no fly zone so we don't have to deal with media and civilians. and if we can set up jammers so that they can only communicate with us , there are possible personnel in there that could not get out safely and we have to plan for that as well. good job Colonel for handling the situation as well as you did under the circumstances.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #588 on: 28 March 2022, 22:28:28 »
On a video call with all the GSF commanders.
“Commands I would like you to help the ComGuard with a mission, they need some extra ground units for this mission. I know this is not covered by your contract but with all the help that the ComGuard has given us in the past we should help then in this time of need.”
“What I know so far is that ComStar has lost contact with one of their outposts they have out this way. Precentor Wilks has been tasked to see what is going on. This mission should only take a couple of months, but as we do not know what has happened, it may be longer. This may not be an easy mission as we do not have any idea of what is happening at the outpost.”
“Please keep in mind that you do have other missions on going and do not have to take part in this. Neither I nor the ComGuard will think less of any command that does not take part. I am not offering any extra monies for this as it will be up to each commander if they will send units. I do not know if the ComGuard will offer any money if you take part in this. I will only state that the ComGuard has helped us many times before and have asked for little in return. It will be a good thing to help them this time.”

Later on on a private line.
“Dr. Musashi, cousin I will request that you go with the ComGuard force as the outpost may need medical help and you have the best full coverage mobile medical group we have on world. I will also ask that you take some units as a bodyguard as well.”

After speaking with the Militia and GSF Meyio calls Precentor Wilks
“I have spoken with Sho-sa Josef and he will be sending an armor platoon and a mechanized infantry company for your mission.”
“Thank the Sho-sa for the units he will be sending.”
“That will not be necessary. Nejiro’s Militia is more than happy to help a friend. I also talked with Sho-sa Kalakaua and she will be sending a lance of BattleMechs and a platoon of mechanized Battle Armor as well.”
“The Sho-sa is most generous with the forces she is sending out.”
“She feels that is this turns hot she wants to make whoever is behind this to feel the heat.”
“Very well I will make sure that Adept Hay is aware of this.”
“Last off the DCA Marines will be sending security teams and some transport for your Task Force.”
“My ship commanders will be happy to know of this. The extra ships will be of major help. Thank you Sho-sho.”

Kiah has a meeting with her personnel letting them know this maybe a long deployment and asking if their are any who would be totally apposed to going on this mission, her people's silence made her proud
"okay then we have worked well with comgaurd  and they have assisted us publicly as well as privately so with that in mind ready the maxim, rotties and fenrir to take the trip with them.

message to  Precentor Wilks from Major Kiah Franks

complements to you sir, i have been informed of your situation and will make available to you my maxim with squad of rotties and squad of fenrir battle armor. please advice the departure time and place so arrangements can be made for the transportation to the loading zone

hopefully all of this is just some sort of cliché and your people are well i may also be able to spare a medivac unit as well if you have need , please advice on this asap

again my complements to you and your command
Major Kiah Franks

(kiah sends a copy of the message to the governor's office as well so that they are advised of what she is sendind and assured it will not impact her contract obligations)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #589 on: 29 March 2022, 01:26:06 »
"We're going to fall back out of range of their Long Toms for now.  I doubt Nakazawa and the Kokuryu-kai will leave the safety of their fortress at the moment.  If they do, they're fools to give up the high ground.  All forces that have sustained internal damage should be rotated out of the combat zone.  If you can replace them with fresh units, fine.  If not, we'll have to do without.  I'm going to scramble my techs and recovery vehicles to get out here to effect what repairs they can, but we need to set up a cordon to make sure that in the event they do leave the castle, that we can make sure they don't go too far.  As for when we make our next attempt at taking the castle, I'll broach that subject with Kiah and Governor Saganami."

“Colonel Grayjoy I have my mobile repair unit in-route so they can do repairs on my equipment, they will need a day to get here and a day for the armor repairs and reloading. If they can have a couple more days they should be able to repair the other damage as well. I do understand that that also gives time for our foe to repair the damage they have taken as well. On the idea that they will not move past the protection of the artillery I think you are correct. They know that those guns give them a major edge. On your idea of a special operations raid to silence that artillery this idea has great merit and I would offer some of my troops but the ones that would be of use for this do not have the weapons to do so. If other commands have such assets they would be great use for this.”

message to  Precentor Wilks from Major Kiah Franks

complements to you sir, i have been informed of your situation and will make available to you my maxim with squad of rotties and squad of fenrir battle armor. please advice the departure time and place so arrangements can be made for the transportation to the loading zone

hopefully all of this is just some sort of cliché and your people are well i may also be able to spare a medivac unit as well if you have need , please advice on this asap

again my complements to you and your command
Major Kiah Franks

Major Franks I thank you for the combat units you are willing to send and if sending a medical unit will not put your unit in a spot, then having the extra medical unit will be of great help. Help I do hope will not be needed. I also thank you for the well wishes for the people out at the outpost.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #590 on: 29 March 2022, 02:09:00 »
On a video call with all the GSF commanders.
“Commands I would like you to help the ComGuard with a mission, they need some extra ground units for this mission. I know this is not covered by your contract but with all the help that the ComGuard has given us in the past we should help then in this time of need.”
“What I know so far is that ComStar has lost contact with one of their outposts they have out this way. Precentor Wilks has been tasked to see what is going on. This mission should only take a couple of months, but as we do not know what has happened, it may be longer. This may not be an easy mission as we do not have any idea of what is happening at the outpost.”
“Please keep in mind that you do have other missions on going and do not have to take part in this. Neither I nor the ComGuard will think less of any command that does not take part. I am not offering any extra monies for this as it will be up to each commander if they will send units. I do not know if the ComGuard will offer any money if you take part in this. I will only state that the ComGuard has helped us many times before and have asked for little in return. It will be a good thing to help them this time.”

Later on on a private line.
“Dr. Musashi, cousin I will request that you go with the ComGuard force as the outpost may need medical help and you have the best full coverage mobile medical group we have on world. I will also ask that you take some units as a bodyguard as well.”

After speaking with the Militia and GSF Meyio calls Precentor Wilks
“I have spoken with Sho-sa Josef and he will be sending an armor platoon and a mechanized infantry company for your mission.”
“Thank the Sho-sa for the units he will be sending.”
“That will not be necessary. Nejiro’s Militia is more than happy to help a friend. I also talked with Sho-sa Kalakaua and she will be sending a lance of BattleMechs and a platoon of mechanized Battle Armor as well.”
“The Sho-sa is most generous with the forces she is sending out.”
“She feels that is this turns hot she wants to make whoever is behind this to feel the heat.”
“Very well I will make sure that Adept Hay is aware of this.”
“Last off the DCA Marines will be sending security teams and some transport for your Task Force.”
“My ship commanders will be happy to know of this. The extra ships will be of major help. Thank you Sho-sho.”

At Camp Haken, Alannah receives the request from the Governor about the Com Guard.  "Yes, I understand."  Upon disconnecting, she calls the personnel office.  "I need to see my nephew Dagmer and Stygg Blacktyde immediately.  I have a request to make.  Also, bring me Master Sergeant Zhao as well."
« Last Edit: 29 March 2022, 19:03:58 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #591 on: 29 March 2022, 02:39:00 »

“Colonel Grayjoy I have my mobile repair unit in-route so they can do repairs on my equipment, they will need a day to get here and a day for the armor repairs and reloading. If they can have a couple more days they should be able to repair the other damage as well. I do understand that that also gives time for our foe to repair the damage they have taken as well. On the idea that they will not move past the protection of the artillery I think you are correct. They know that those guns give them a major edge. On your idea of a special operations raid to silence that artillery this idea has great merit and I would offer some of my troops but the ones that would be of use for this do not have the weapons to do so. If other commands have such assets they would be great use for this.”

A bustle of activity fills the Ironborn hangar bay as Julia loads up the Ordinance Carrier and the 'Mech recovery vehicle.  "Bring a little of everything.  We don't know what everyone's gonna need."

Fuka runs up to her, having just returned from her home in Hilo.  "Nee-san.  You needed me?"

"Actually, the Colonel does, he needs you to take Crow's Eye to defend my recovery and ordinance vehicles here.  Goblin platoon Alpha is going too."

"Is the Colonel in trouble?"  Asked Fuka, worried.

"Yes.  We may be flying into a firefight.  That's why he needs you to suit up and get in his old Marauder.  Hurry.  We're leaving ASAP."

Fuka nodded and left.

OOG:  Julia is bringing 5 tons of regular armor, 4 tons Ferro-Fibrous, 3 tons LRM ammo, 1 ton standard Internal Structure, 1 ton Endo Steel, 2 tons Arrow IV ammo, 2 tons of ICE fuel (for tanks), 1 ton Standard Gauss slugs, and 1 ton of SRM ammo in the ordinance vehicle.


At Moro, Maria is listening in on the transmissions from Euron's group.  "Hmm.  Sounds like little Euron bit off a bit more than he could chew.  Hey, Berserker, tell the other units we might be getting rotated to the front.  Sounds like the frontal assault on ol' Nak's castle has failed."

Jurgen grunted in assent, not bothering to respond to her with words.  He called Anya.  "Tereshskaya, "Matriarch" thinks we may have to abandon the city to help the Colonel.  The attack on the traitor's castle failed."

"I hear the same transmissions, Blacktyde."  Anya responded.  "Until the Colonel or someone above him says otherwise, we stay put."

"But the Colonel might need help."  Maria interjected.

"No, he doesn't."  Anya replied, before adding.  "Unless he says so.  As you were."
« Last Edit: 29 March 2022, 19:03:32 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #592 on: 29 March 2022, 10:31:31 »
While running the patrol circuit they were given. “Holly, do you think that the Recon boys should make the trip south?” 
“Not at this time. You saw the report of some armor moving this way. Also if something happens …. We are to provide security remember Nick.”
“OK, OK but running around this burg is dull.”
“True, but it is our mission.”

“Kashira how bad do you think that first try at the Shiro went?”
“I do not know and will not guess, if the Sho-sa wants or need us she will inform us. For now keep your mind on our mission.”
“Hai Kashira!”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #593 on: 29 March 2022, 11:01:42 »
“Duke I have some tracks moving south-east.”
“Understood Cerberus, what have you found?”
“Looks to be four ‘Mechs two medium and two light. They are a couple of hours old.”
“OK, stay with them and we will join you.”


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    • Winter's Dream Mercenary Unit
Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #594 on: 01 April 2022, 23:23:16 »
Outside of the building which houses Major Franks' ad Colonel Greyjoy's offices there is a small commotion as a utility vehicle pulls up at a high rate of speed, slamming to a stop at the last possible second to avoid running into the protective elements outside the defensive perimeter. Two people step out from inside wearing fatigues indicating they belong to Winter's Dream. They move quickly and with purpose towards the building, and when they are stopped by security they flash badges indicating they are with the 190th SOG. "Lojtnant SjalBrenna and Fanjunkare Lucis. We need to speak to Major Franks and Colonel Greyjoy. We may have a way to help with the Long Toms."
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #595 on: 01 April 2022, 23:33:25 »
Anthony, did the units we sent out on the remote garrison missions return yet?
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #596 on: 02 April 2022, 01:14:04 »
Anthony, did the units we sent out on the remote garrison missions return yet?

You can rotate them back after a month for a different unit anytime you want. You do need to keep a unit at the spot that you picked.

This unit is for if the bug wants to be a problem and I can run one offs for each of the crew.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #597 on: 02 April 2022, 09:31:51 »
Okay. Cool.
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #598 on: 04 April 2022, 19:02:19 »
Major Franks I thank you for the combat units you are willing to send and if sending a medical unit will not put your unit in a spot, then having the extra medical unit will be of great help. Help I do hope will not be needed. I also thank you for the well wishes for the people out at the outpost.

The medivac unit will be  kESTREL VTOL MEDIVAC (pilot 3, medics 4)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #599 on: 04 April 2022, 20:09:00 »
“Colonel Ching, you have a visitor.”

“Oh, send them in.”

In walks Jack. He looks around chuckling. The office looks like a tornado went through it, there wasn’t a space that wasn’t covered in pictures and papers.”

“Ching, I love what you’ve done with the place. What is this, the early papyrus dynasty?”

“What is it now Jack?”

“It sounds like our robed friends are having a little trouble a few systems away. They are stretched thin and are asking for help. A lot of help.”

“How interesting. What do you think is going on?”

“Something about an outpost going dark, or something like that. All I know is that the Precentor is nervous as hell.”

“And what does he expect?”

Any help, especially medical. That’s how serious they are taking this.”

I wonder if it ties into that other problem we were discussing before. You know, I’m feeling a little charitable. I think I’ll send some help to our friends. Can you get us in?”

“I don’t think that will be a problem. What are you thinking?”

“My brother, some power armor for heavy lifting, and some trucks to haul away… well, whatever.”

“ I’ll make the arrangements.”

Jack leaves. There’s a calculating look in Ching’s eyes”

“Get my brother in here now!”

“You bellowed oh shining light?”

“If you wasn’t my brother, I’d have you shot.”

“Love you too, sis. What’s the kerfluffle?”

“The Toaster boys have a little problem with one of there outposts. I want you to go, and you will be taking some of the boys with you. I want you to poke around and see what you can find out.”

“Sounds like fun. I’ll start the prep work going.”

“And I’ll let you know when it goes down. I need you to find out what they are up to.”

“Will do Shi.”

Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!