I've looked online, but can't seem to find dropzone commander stuff anywhere.
Go here :
https://ttcombat.com/pages/dropzone-commander-resourcesScroll down to the "resources " center .
"Buildings-US paper" gives you some easy to print stuff and "buildings" gives more variety
but you have to dig through to find stuff that works .
I've read that some people like to re-scale it by printing it at 66 % , but printing it at 55%
seemed to get a better match to the stuff on Sarna . ( direct door to door height , as the levels are skewed
by artistic details) .
I've been making/using resin and scratch built buildings for years and JUST started using card stock the last few weeks .
It's REALLY nice to carry card stock buildings in a foam container instead of heavy resin models
back and forth from the game store .