Author Topic: Any Players Near Melbourne, FL  (Read 973 times)


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Any Players Near Melbourne, FL
« on: 04 September 2021, 14:36:17 »
Hello, I am looking into getting into the tabletop. I asked around my local gaming store and the told me no one plays at the store. I found that map that said that at least 4 people play the game so I know some people play in my area.  I do not currently have any of the rules or models yet but am willing to get them once I learned people in my area are willing to. If anyone is interested in playing please let me know.

Update: I picked up the Box of Armored Warfare box and convince my ex warhammer buddy to play. I would be open still to find more players in my area to play.
« Last Edit: 03 October 2021, 21:59:21 by WingedHussar88 »

