Alaric tried to invoke the idea of the Falcons being akin to the new Royal Black Watch. Even if they only loosely hold to that, I could see the Falcons staying small for a while, and that might be a good thing if they spend some time refocusing on a new sense of Falcon identity post-Malvina.
I don't want to say the Falcons need a spiritual retreat. But I almost do want to say that, if that makes any sense. A little time spent small, sorting out their new identity, sense of purpose, affirming/reaffirming how they'll behave on and off the battlefield. Not to mention working on their skills as warriors.
If the Falcons came out of this better than ever, with a reputation, warrior for warrior, as being among the best, but small for a while, I'll be happy with that and I could see that being a good contrast to some of Alaric's other forces, which might focus more on growth than building elite units.