Author Topic: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek  (Read 27136 times)


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #120 on: 07 August 2023, 01:54:41 »
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Mobile Base Alpha
Col Scragg office
18 Sept 3030

Col Scragg sat there at her desk flipping a pen up in the air and catching it.  She was bored, per the combat plans that General Chapman devised there were certain objectives laid out for each unit, since her unit took all the objectives in the first day that was supposed to take a week her unit had to wait, so there she was pushing paper instead of fighting and damn it she was a warrior not a secretary.  A week of sitting here making sure damage repair, salvage was going smoothly, talking to the prisoners that have the potential one day of being a warrior for the Federation, and of course this flipping pen in the air, was making her to fall asleep blah.  Her communicator beeped. 
“Sir, Duncan’s Renegades are inbound and will engage the enemy in about 2 hours.”
“Thanks, Lieutenant, inform all commanders that the operation is a go, round them up and head out.”
“Colonel, have you looked outside lately?”

DropShip Zion
Duncan Renegades 4th Combat Group HQ
Col Robert Geddes Private Quarters

Colonel Geddes sat there as the dropship moved through the solar system inbound to Mitchella.  He had been with the Duncan Renegades since the beginning, a close confidant to the leader Duncan Bovet he was against leaving the merc life and becoming a house unit.  In the end though Duncan choice was to follow a childhood friend in his quest of a better life for the little people.  Rules and regulations are what he did not like, but he had to admit since joining this Federation all of the equipment was like new, they also had an influx of personnel into all the combat groups, how this Chapman dude made it all happen Rob was not for sure, but it was defiantly a perk.  As long as he got paid, he did not care who he worked for, just some of those rules pissed him off.
“Attention crew and passengers, we have reached the planet all personnel to their assigned duties, all passengers to your units we will commence the Assault Drop in two hours.” Came the announcement over the intercom.  Colonel unstrapped himself and made his way to the door while opening a com line to his XO Lt. Col. Lisa Able, “Lisa, let’s do the drop by the book.”

10 minutes from Assault Drop
Col Geddes looked out at the computer projected view of the battlefield,
“Renegades follow the battleplan nothing has changed good luck good hunting.”
As the three dropships made their way to the fort the two Aerospace Squadrons launched from the dropship Janus a Vengeance model capable of carrying 40 fighters sadly Geddes thought he only had 12 under his command.
The fighters made their initial run, they were able to take out two Weapons Carriers and a Crab.  Everything was going until the Dropship Sigil had a malfunction in one of the mech bays and a forth of its drop capability went away.  Luckily half of the company had already exited the dropship via combat assault.
But in a move that is standard in the philosophy of Duncan’s and Chappy’s but considered bold and dangerous both of the Renegade dropships moved into the base and landed crushing several enemy mechs that could not get out of the way.
As the battle continued to wage, the strafing runs by the Renegades took its toll on the planet defenses, with each pass more mechs or tanks laid in a heap of damage twisted metal.
The commander of the base sounded the retreat and VTOL transports started to pick up the ground troop to carry them to safety while the Militia moved their tanks up as the rest of the Federation forces poured into the front gates of the base.
Director Benzine, commander of the Alliance Borderers ordered all mechs to engage with the enemy to allow the troops and VIP members to get away.  The tank company from the militia did the same.  With their action, most of Troop H escape but only a forth from Troop F got away along with the mayor of the local town and president of the factory site just outside of the base.  It was a heavy cost for the planetary defenders in the end most of the mechs and tanks were lost along with the crew that manned them, including Director Benzine when a PPC ripped through his Raven torso and head killing him instantly minutes after giving the order to stand their ground.  For the Federation forces, Colonel Geddes lost his Rifleman, but he sustained no injuries, he did however lose three MechWarriors and a couple of fighter pilots, overall though he deemed it a success.
There were two other DropZone landings for the 4th Duncan Renegades Combat Group.  The second one was just 50 miles up the road at an Airbase now just housing some mobile infantry and mechs since most of the fighters were destroyed already on planet.  Captain Jean-Pierre Clement commander of Alpha Company was in charge of taking the base.  The defenders there were bold though and advanced on the DropShip, Captain Clement changed the orders from Assault Drop to landing the ship and un-board that way, the reason being was the dropship can dispatch more units on the ground than the air and with the planetary defenses moving toward them he needed all the firepower he could muster.  As the battle progressed the numbers for the Renegades started to outweigh the enemy. The Renegades artillery pounded the planet’s infantry, with the weapon power of the DropShip the planet defense crumbled.
The other DropZone was about 100 miles southeast in a small town called Marion City, the reason for this Assault was that a major factory laid between the city and the ocean. Major Dave Macllvain commander of the Beta Company dropped out first along with several infantry troops that is when everything started to go wrong.

Marion City
Section Leader Betty Foster

Once high command confirmed that a DropShip was headed to Marion City Section Leader Foster started to come up with solutions.  She could retreat but then they might hang her, she could surrender, rumor was that prisoners were treated very good but that did not sound good either.  The third option and really the only option was to stand and fight.  As the DropShip came into view, she notice it was an Excalibur model with her extensive training she knew that it could only drop one mech at a time in the air but several could exit at the same time once it landed.  She contacted her best gunner, “Ortiz, front and center, you need to pick a focal point on the engines and take that son-of-bitch out.  Everyone else fire at that DropShip now!!!.”
DropShip Rising Ambition
The first weapon hit on the Rising Ambition Lt. McNeany was not concern after the third and fourth one he saw his error and tried to correct course and order the pilot to gain altitude right then a series of AC rounds went thru the engine destroying it causing the massive ship to crash land.  With the crash landing, it caused all mech bays and cargo bays damage to the point that they would not open.  The next round of missiles and lasers caused the ship to exploded killing almost everyone on board.  The survivors quickly made a hastily retreat.

Mobile Base Alpha
Col Scragg office
19 September 3030

All that wait for the Renegades for what, a mix result. She really wanted that factory, and control of another continent, now satellite shows that units from the west of Fort Stewart and the enemy units from Marion are chasing what was left of Beta Company.  With a major storm brewing over head all flights have been canx three days the forecasters said three days of this rain, wind, and hail.
On the other side of the mobile base stood the hospital, it had been several days since Yoofi injury and capture, but she really did not feel like a prisoner.  All the staff treated her and the rest of the Alliance troops with respect and honor. She did notice that there was a sort of segregation of sorts, almost half of the original prisoners were placed elsewhere when she finally got the courage to ask where they had taken them, fearing the worse answer possible she cringed but the doctor turned to her and said, “we separated the discontents with the guest that may be more open into becoming a part of the great experiment.  Both populations get the exact same treatment, the only thing different is when asked about personal or political questions we take more time to talk to one group.  They also get access to the library full of categories of subjects, even the declassified accounts of this war.  Not just the battles but also the aftermath accounts from personal logs made public and local and regional news sources.”
She thought about it then asked one more question, “What if after I am fully recovered, I don’t want to talk about the Federation anymore?”
The doctor walked backed to her sat down at the end of the bed.  “As I see it you have three options, first one is to remain committed to the Alliance idea of thinking you will then be held as a POW, when fully recovered shipped back to the prisoner camp on Kinkaid until the end of the war.  The second option is to declare non-allegiance to everyone in which case after we have claimed victory here on Mitchella you will be released back to the population, as a civilian.  The third option has three paths, first you decide you want to be part of the Federation, depending on what your goals are, you could be place into public service, placed in the militia that we will stand up and stay here on Mitchella, or receive an assignment with one of our units, there are over 20 now fully active with several more on the books.  So ultimately the decision is yours.”


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #121 on: 14 August 2023, 01:54:08 »
Chapter Thirty

Fort Stewart
26 Sept 3030

Colonel Robert Geddes was worried, or concerned at what was happening.  After one of his companies failed in their attempt to take over a town, losing most of the company and dropship.  The enemy was bolden by their success and moved against his remaining forces huddle up in Fort Stewart.  Robert cursed the commander of the Chappy’s Revenge because of her inability or want ability to help him saying weather was preventing her to come to his defense.  That damn diva thinking that she is all that, he would like to knock her down a few and remind her that up until a couple of years ago she too was a merc.  What is with people and power going to their head was beyond him.  With no help in sight and seeing the enemy forces advance on three sides he called his company commanders and issued orders, defend to the last man there is no retreat and no help coming.

The enemy was coming closer, it was if the devil had lit a fire under their ass Robert thought.  He had yet seen the enemy on this planet attack with meaning or desire to fight showing a lack of a backbone, until now.  Then two dozen more radar hits from the east identified them as lights and mediums.  Of course, one of his companies and a dropship was destroyed by this enemy but he did not witness it and from reports it was a couple of lucky shots that did it.  So, he was not impressed, yet.

High Orbit
Regulators Blood
Colossus DropShip
Death Regulators Elite Strike Force

Major Matthew Chapman II waited patiently for Colonel Scragg to answer his hail, he wondered if he was his father would she let him wait. “Sir, the colonel is online.” 
“Thanks Captain patch her to my console.”
“Colonel Scragg we have just entered high orbit, we have notice heavy fighting do you want us to assist, instead of the planned landing zone?”
“Major….Chapman follow your orders land at the predesignated landing zone the town in your path is now undefended thanks to them pushing on the Duncan Renegades spot to the east.”

“Ma’am I am a little concern; I took the liberty to listen in on the BattleNet and they are out number 2 to 1 on three sides.”

“Major, I don’t care who you are, you will follow your orders, I am going to keep you in reserve I cannot have the Generals first born die under my command.”

“Excuse me? I think the channel has static I did not quite hear you.”  With a wave of his hand the communication was terminated.

Captain Hansen looked at his commander even though he was the dropship commander he took orders from the Major.  “What are your orders sir?  You have six-minute window to make up your mind to go help the Renegades or go occupy an undefended town.”

Major Chapman looked at the captain and just nodded, “I will tell you then in five and a half minutes.”

Fort Stewart

This battle was starting to heat up, the enemy was slowly coming into range of his units LRMs.  So was the enemy’s weapon fire.  Slowly the militia came and slowly the numbers started to shift more in favor of the militia.  Colonel Geddes was starting to get nervous now, and wondered if this was his last command.

Fort Stewart
West Wall

Captain James oversaw the west wall defense unfortunately his company and the other company he was charge of was primarily armor and infantry.  At one point, a few months ago he was excited about leaving the merc life and starting a life that his kids could be proud of but, right now as the enemy forces that outnumbered him 3 to 1, advanced he wasn’t sure.  According to his commander the overall commander left them there to die, that was no way to treat another soldier in James’s mind.  His Artillery was taking out their ground troops but could not get a target solution on the mechs.  Then at the top of the ridge a company of light scout mechs appeared and rushed his lines.  He was trying to call shots but there were just too many of them, he ordered targeting on a Cataphract, just as they fired on it the pilot of the Cataphract targeted all weapons on James, the last thing James saw before he was knocked out by weapons fire was the Cataphract going down to its knees.  Soon after that the Longshots trampled over Captain James mech killing him while still unconscious, the west defense was in shambles and what remained of the Renegades retreated behind the wall.

East Wall

Lt. Colonel Lisa Able did not like her odds she looked over to her left side and was comforted by seeing Captain Ramos Ostroc ready to fight. The alert came at the same time it did for the west and south wall the enemy was attacking on three sides.  Her battalion was outnumbered 2 to 1 so she called for a slow orderly retreat to the wall.  Then Col. Geddes interrupted her orders.
“No retreat, no mercy, we attack and win by surprising them with a blitz.”

Lisa hated her commander, when General Bovet announced plans to leave the merc life and join a new nation becoming part of the core units for that nation, Lisa was excited.  She hated the merc life but was only there because she was pushed out of the Federated Suns military for having sex with a private, the girl was hot, but in hindsight was not worth it.  Turned out to be a trap, a way for her XO to get what he wanted and that was a command.  So, she dealt with the merc scum, not all mercs are bad, or scum but Colonel Geddes was and when they became a house unit Lisa thought he would be fired.  Well, now he might just die, hopefully she would live to see it.

“Alright, 1st Battalion you heard the man, lets meet them in the field, artillery keep firing until you are out of ammo then retreat back into the fort. The rest of y’all form up on me.”

As the 1st Battalion moved forward more units of the Longshots moved around the small hill with two companies of med and lights, and three companies of heavies going over the hill, through the light woods.
The Artillery for the Renegades rained down on the advancing units almost wiping out the ground troops and destroying some mechs in the process.  As their ammo ran out, they left the battle field as order, leaving Lt. Col. Able to have to deal with just mechs.  The Longshots just kept coming unlike other units that Able had fought, these guys were just nasty and kept coming.  Continuous firing of her lasers was making the cockpit hot, the enemy continued to press, she kept firing she had killed four mechs but then a lucky shot to the torso and her overheating caused the engine to go into meltdown, luckily the safety system ejected her before the engine blew, keeping her alive but out of the battle now.

Major Ahmad “Zuyi” Kamuzu was in charge now unfortunately he was in bad shape his left arm in his Grasshopper was hanging on by a thread and his armor in his legs were almost gone.

“Renegades this is Zuyi the Colonel is down she is in sector 2721 pick her up and everyone fall back slowly to the wall.”  Most of the battalion was destroyed or damage beyond repair but the ones that could still fight moved toward the wall.

South Wall

Colonel Geddes was in the fight for his life and his unit’s life.  Right now, though it was not looking good his left and right flank were starting to fold and his position was not any better.  Two of his fighters were destroyed and his only way out, the dropships, were still too damage from the initial attack his unit was in a last week.  All four DropShips were grounded but still capable of discharging their weapons.  The Longshots were taking a beating that much was true, and if Col Geddes had backup or reserves, he would be elated but now with almost 80% of his force either destroyed or crippled he started to wonder if surrender would be the best. Something was trying to get through the jamming bits and pieces of words that did not make any sense, Geddes supposed it was one of his men and their dying declaration of whatever they believed in. Then as if it was a dream there was a loud sonic boom coming from the air almost above him.  The sensor showed a DropShip was coming down and coming fast, at first, he thought it was reinforcements for the Longshots, then the IFF showed it was a Federation Ship a Colossus DropShip named Regulators Blood.  Colonel Geddes was dumbfounded for a second, the Death Regulators were not supposed to be here for two more days, and they were supposed to land in another Continent, so how and why they were here was unknown.

Fort Stewart
30000ft above
DropShip Regulators Blood

The Alarm sounded and then the voice of the DropShip Captain came over the speakers.
“Death Regulators, the assault drop is a go, good luck and good hunting we will see you on the ground.”

Major Chapman looked at his command console and saw that the fighting on the ground was worse than he thought, the Duncan Renegades were almost wiped out and even with his troops the Longshots will still out number them.

“Regulators, lets show the Longshots what it means to be a true elite force not a pretender like they are.”  Major Chapman then turn on the exterior speakers as did all the Regulators and played their traditional war cry that sounded more like a bear screaming out in pain as it was dying.

The Longshot battle commander was in shock, first a sonic boom that carried with it an enemy DropShip, now heavy and assault mechs dropping out of the DropShip with external speakers blaring a ugly and scary noise that made him wet himself.

Col Geddes was taken aback he had never heard that sound, he had never heard that sound come out of a mech let alone 20 mechs, never before had he seen what unfolded in front of him.  It was like an action Halo show when they do a slow-motion movement to emphasize a combat move.  It was like all the mechs on the ground stopped and just looked at the mechs dropping from the DropShip as if mesmerized.

The moment was gone when the mechs landed and started firing, blowing a Night Hawk away.  That seemed to awaken the Longshots but something was wrong Geddes thought, they look like they were actually starting a slow retreat even though they still outnumber his side.  Within a matter of moments all the Longshots were destroyed with only two Regulators mechs damage.
“Commander of the Duncan Renegades, I am Major Matthew Chapman we are here against orders to re-enforce you, what is your status.”
Col Geddes sat there for a second to let that statement sink in, the Major said, against orders.

“Major Chapman this is Col Geddes, thank you for coming your entrance was quite different but very effective.  May I ask whose orders did you disobey?”

“We can discuss that face to face in private, Regulators out.”

Mobile Base Alpha
Col Scragg office

The Colonel was infuriated, why is she in charge when no one will die when she wants them too.  How can she punish Major Chapman when his dad is her boss?  These are the decisions that are turning her hair grey.

Prisoner 1228
Hija Yoofi room

Hija watched the Federation news cast with much interest.  The news cast was airing footage of the Death Regulators landing and devastating the Longshots here on Mitchella.  The commander for the Death Regulators gave an interview shortly after the battle giving praise to the overall commander of the operation saying it was all due to her leadership.  All she could think about was his eyes, such wisdom for a young man, the son of the most powerful man in the Freedom Federation.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #122 on: 19 August 2023, 03:34:50 »
Chapter Thirty-One
Fort Stewart
Commander’s Office
Late 26 Sept 3030

Colonel Geddes looked at the Major, taller and leaner than his father he was however the spitting image him in the face, hair, and mannerisms.

“Look, Colonel I do not like what is going on here on the planet with the commander of the First, but it is not my place to voice my concerns nor my grievance, that is up to you.  I will however make sure that if you decide to file a complaint it goes straight to my father, and rest assure it does not matter who it is, if there is a wrong that was done, he will correct it.”  “Also, I neglected to tell Colonel Scragg that two DropShips full of replacement parts, units, and men are five days out.  I am redirecting all of them for you to use as you see fit.  It’s not much, around 40 mechs, 30 armor, and 24 of the newly redesigned Nighthawk PA(L).  Most of them are fresh out of the academy so they will require training, I have already sent a report to my father for an updated battle plan suggesting that your unit needs a few weeks to get the newbies combat ready.”

The Colonel looked at Major Chapman for a few moments then said, “You know you are going to catch hell from Colonel Scragg for this, while I thank you, I don’t envy you nor will I start with the preparations until I know for sure she is going to honor your decision, she is after all the overall commander on planet and you are overstepping your authority.”

Mobile Base Alpha
1st Regiment Chappy’s Revenge
Conference Room
Weekly Battle Movement Briefing

Colonel Scragg tried to stay focused, especially in front of all her Company and Battalion Commanders, but she was still fuming at the gull of the little punk.  Had she known then what she knew now when she babysitted for the General she would have found a way to drop kick Jr. out the window.  The brief continued to move along showing the advances of her troops it was only a matter of time, maybe 2 weeks in some estimates of complete planet control by her troops.  The briefer was rounding up the brief when the monitor turned on in the front of the room with a loud static boom.

“What the Hell?  Who turned that on shut it off” the colonel said a little louder than she meant.

Then a voice started to talk along with an image that cleared up, it was General Chapman.

“Sorry, for the intrusion, pull the stick out of your ass Colonel I order your comm team to push communication to you, besides everyone should hear this.”

She just looked at him. “Yes sir”

“Good, now I have read your report, and the six reports from different sources one was even from the enemy, and while I am happy with the progress you have made, I am very concern about the Duncan Renegades unit, and their situation.”

Colonel Scragg cleared her throat, “Sir, Colonel Geddes has…”

General Chapman raised his hand, a signal to shut up.

“I am not doing this live emergency signal to listen to anything else that has or has not been put in the six reports that I have in front of me.  You all know me, some more than others and all of you know I hate to micromanage, but when it comes to drama or the combat effectiveness of my units I will step in, therefore I am.  Colonel Scragg you still have operational control for the planet.  However, the Duncan Renegades are going to bed down at Fort Stewart for the next three weeks with no interference from you.  The Regulators will be leaving the planet as soon as they are ready, I have urgent need for them elsewhere.” I want all prisoners, whether they are in the position to change to the Federation or stay loyal to the Alliance moved to Fort Stewart, Major Chapman has a use for them.  Also, there are two DropShips with reinforcement parts, units, and troops they are all going to the 4th Group Duncan Renegades to replenish their loses.”  “Is that clear Colonel Scragg?”

“Yes sir”
“Good, just know that our friendship no matter how close will not interfere with the war effort I will remove any friend or relative that is not performing the expectations that this office has.”

With that the screen went blank and she ordered the brief over and everyone out.  While everyone was exiting, she thought to herself six reports, Major Chapman and Colonel Geddes she was sure were two of them, how they sent it without her knowledge of using the HPG she did not know.  That was not the worse part that meant that three other reports might have been from her own unit, the traitor and who, how and why did the enemy sent the general a report.  What did the reports say, “Comm Controller, Col Scragg report to my office at once.” She announced over the intercom, she had to get to the bottom of this.


Hija Yoofi, had read all the unclassified documents about the military units, government, planets, history of the Chapman family and decided, finally write a report, a report that was only about four pages long, did not go into much detail or specifics, clicked on the link located on her compad and hit send.  She was commented now.

Two Days ago

Doctor Thuy was not happy with the conditions his prisoners were in and thus wrote a long detail report and sent it through medical channels to his close friend, the Chief Medical Officer stationed with the General’s unit.

Three days ago

Lt. Commander Alena Shashikanth the Fleet Task Force Commander received a communique from Lt. Colonel Archie MacPhail Commander of Killers Battalion and Command Sergeant Major Bima Eng the Highest Ranking Enlisted member of the Chappy’s Revenge asking her to send the reports that they wrote to Command back on Niles, no questions asked.

Sept 26th 3030

Prisoner 1228, Hija Yoofi, was being escorted to a VTOL. She had twenty minutes to get what little possessions she had and moved to the Tarmac, she noticed though that it was all the prisoners and not just her.  Once she was secure along with some of the other prisoners a Freedom Federation troop gave her a compad with a headset and simply stated that someone wanted to talk to her.  As she placed the headset on the screen lit up and showed a man and what looked like a mech cockpit smile up at her.

“Hello Section Leader Yoofi, or should I call you Arlie Cooper, before you say anything, we verified your claim and welcomed your report.  Once I get back to the fort, I want to debrief you, and find out more about you, Major Chapman out”

Well, she thought, the cat is out of the bag, she wondered if this was the right thing to do breaking cover, but she saw no other way.

ten years ago….
Federated Suns border planet with OutWorld Alliance
Three days after a raid by Suicide Kings

A little girl holding on to her last possession, a teddy bear her daddy had bought her just last week for her birthday, in which a week ago, the bear was new, clean, perfect now with one arm missing, dirty with soot looking like it was ten years old, she was holding on to it and alternating between crying and screaming for daddy or mommy.  Her parents were part of the planetary defense force both killed in the latest raid and even though the ten-year-old knew that because she saw both of her parent’s mechs ripped apart and was staring at them right now though the ashes, smoke and blood that used to be the main street of the base, she still cried out to them. 

A man that was from another unit on the other side of the planet saw her and went to comfort her. As he slowly got on his knees to be at her level he started to talk.

“Hey sweetie, I am Captain Thomilson tell me what’s wrong where is your parents.”

In-between the sobs she just pointed to the two mechs that were twisted together and simply said, “There”

The Captain slowly followed her outstretch arm, his eyes fell upon to mangle mechs, he could see the blood stains running down from the cockpit area, he also recognized the unit symbol and who’s those mechs belong to.  He twirled around and took the little girl by the shoulders, he had not seen his brothers little girl in 5 years, “Arlie,  Arlie Cooper?”

She looked at him half in shock for him knowing her name and half in shock about her parents. “sniff sniff  yes that’s my name,”

“I am your fathers’ brother, I am Uncle Lester, your family, come with me.  My wife and your cousins, Mary and Joseph will take of you.”

Arlie looked at the man did not recognize him but she knew Mary and Joseph, their mother was nice.

VTOL Flight 234
On course for Fort Stewart

Arlie snapped out of her memory and had no idea why that would come back to haunt her now.  She looked out the small oval window at the landscape.  Thinking of how things changed, how she failed at her original goal, and how she was going to correct that.  She drifted off into another memory.

Five years ago
Sakhara Academy
0900 GST
Federated Suns

Arlie stood at parade rest and looked out into the crowd with just her eyes since it was not permitted to move during the graduation ceremony.  She was looking for her uncle and found him with his wife and her cousins.  At 15 and graduating Flight School was a major accomplishment and she saw that what remained of her family was very proud of her.

Later that night at the reception

A tall slender man walked up to Cadet Cooper and did the customary bend at the hip to show respect, even though he was a General.  He straightens back up and looked at her family, “Colonel Cooper may I borrow your niece for a few minutes I have a job opportunity for her.”

The General led the Cadet without a single word to a room that was down a hallway just outside the ballroom.  He placed his thumb on the screen and then placed his eyes on the optical reader.  The door opened with a hiss and Arlie wonder what the heck was going on.  As soon as the door shut and locked a green laser ran over her shutting her communicator off.

“Cadet please have a seat, let me start off with that I have an opportunity for you to avenge your parents, do you want in?”

She sat there flabbergasted but only for a second because then the anger and rage started to swell up and she blurted out. “Yes, sir I want in.”

The initial brief only lasted 10 minutes she was then back with her uncle all she could tell him was that she had a mission with the General and would be gone for some time.  The next day she boarded the Dropship The Judas with the General.  That was the last Colonel Cooper saw his niece.

The mission was simple a female a few years older but an exact look alike minus the hair color and eyes had just started a career as an aerospace pilot in the Outworlds Alliance but died tragically without anyone knowing.  The goal was to take her life over, and be a spy for the Federated Suns, her secondary goal was somehow get assigned to the unit that had killed her parents and kill the leader.

Arlie snapped out of the memory due to the VTOL landing at Fort Stewart, she thought to herself she succeeded in the spy mission but failed in the revenge of her parents since the commander of the Suicide Kings killed himself.  So, what now as she walked with the rest of the prisoners what now what can she do, the history of the Chapman family was similar with General Chapman’s parents being killed by Kurita and she liked what they were doing but why was she here now.

She walked up to the building where everyone was being herded until a young female stopped her, “Are you Arlie Cooper.” “Yes I am.” “Please come with me.”   That was the last time she saw or was with the mass group of prisoners.


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 414
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #123 on: 01 September 2023, 07:40:42 »
Chapter Thirty Two
Fort Stewart
Commander’s Office
September 26, 3030

The female sergeant led Arlie to the commander’s office and told her to sit down that Major Chapman will be there in a second, then locked the door behind her.  Arlie looked around, there was a desk chair and three chairs in front of the desk, nothing else in the room when she thought about it, that was strange there was literally nothing on the walls, desk, floor nothing she took a seat and waited.

Major Chapman unlocked and opened the door, he was still in his Battle Dress uniform he took his hat off but kept his glasses on.  He rolled around the desk and slapped a file about 4 inches thick on the desk.  “Arlie Cooper, some people in the Federated Suns would be happy to learn of your returned from the dead.”

Arlie blinked, “Wait, What?  What are you talking about I was never dead.”

The Major tapped the big file for a few seconds, and she sat there wondering what he was thinking, she had seen halo news clips of him and his father the likeness was uncanny.  In person though he looked taller and leaner muscles rippling through the uniform, but what got her was the way he presented himself, not a cocky ****** like most entitled aristocrats present but an actual working man, humble, smart, strong but gentle.  Then he took off his sunglasses, the blue eyes were amazing, and she fell for him instantly.

“Look, Ms. Cooper this file is your military and personal record.”
“Major how did you ge…..”
Matthew raised his hand to quiet her.
“The Freedom Federation and the Federated Suns are very close; we share almost everything. Although I will admit that there are some signs that show things might be getting colder and not warmer.”
He then waved his hand like he was wiping the screen clean. 
“Look I have read this thing front and back and notice that communication with your handler stopped 8 months ago, now I can rationalize that because of the war, but the General had written you off classifying you MIA possible traitor.” So, you can imagine what is going to happen if I send a communication to the General about your resurfacing.”

Arlie was taken aback but she shook her, “Major, I have sent regular communique about the Alliance the last 8 months all messages are still in my pad encrypted.  I am not a traitor, but I have read up on what your father is trying to do, and I have been feeling a tug toward the hope of what he is building.”

“My father, has dreams, our family has been planning this for generations.  He is a good man, good father, and a great combat leader. So, what are you saying?  You want to be part of the Federation and leave the Federated Suns.”


Major Chapman sat there looking back and forth between Ms. Cooper and her record.  Truth be told he found her totally captivating, gorgeous, desirable but he had to keep a level head.  He wanted to know this woman, but there was a war to fight.

“From your military records with the Alliance you have become a pretty skilled Hellcat Pilot.  Therefore, I am assigning you to the Shawdowhunters, but you will not take part of any mission during this invasion.  My guys fly Lucifer planes right now, so you will need to get up to speed.  First Lieutenant Janis Sanders will be your point of contact for training and such.  Also, I am going to need a visitation from you on a daily basis, when possible, to introduce you to the Regulators way of life.  Don’t worry about the Federated Suns, I will relay all the reports smooth it over with the General or my father will, we will also inform your family of your rescue. Also, we will be leaving the planet soon to an unknown location, hopefully by the time we get there you will be combat ready, and I will know I can trust you flying over me.”

With that Matthew stood up and stuck his hand out, she stood and took it.  Immediately energy was transferred between them, and they knew then that this was going to be difficult.
“Welcome to the Regulators even though it is a strange path that bought you to us, I am sure that you will succeed.”

With that he left the office and had the attendant take Ms. Cooper to the Lieutenant.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #124 on: 07 September 2023, 16:24:16 »
Chapter Thirty-Three
Mobile Base Alpha
1st Regiment Chappy’s Revenge
Commander Office

Colonel Scragg was still fuming, she should have known her friend would side with his oldest child, but in front of her whole command staff.  Now she had to put that brat down a notch and somehow get Lieutenant Commander Hakeem killed without it being traced back to her.  Right now, though she had to plan an invasion with the Renegades and the Regulars out of pocket, she will have to slow her plans down.  She picked up the recent update on a battle happening near the wall that protects the world from radiation of a previous era gone.

Near the Wall

The 2nd Company of the 1st Battalion along with the Command Lance of the 1st Battalion was in pursuit of what was left of the militia that had attacked the main body of the Battalion a few days ago.  Finally, they were in range with two bigger hills behind the enemy and trees for miles. This could be more complicated than Lieutenant Colonel Cressy wanted to deal with.  On top of that politics were getting in the way of business, the meeting in which the main boss interrupted her boss was quite the show.

“Move up slowly, watch for traps, lets finish this.”  Was all she said on the battle net then moved her mech forward in the front of the line as always.  As her unit cleared the tree line there was a small field about 300 meter wide and at the far side tree line sat the enemy, the company moved out, some of the mechs were past the tree line and open fired on the enemy which mostly consisted of armor and mobilized infantry.  The Alliance returned fired and got some good shots in initially, but they were out gunned and out maned.  So, the Alliance ran, and the Federation force continue to give chase.

Meanwhile up North the Killers command lance and one of its companies chased the remainder of the 9th company of the militia into Dalton City.

Lt. Colonel Archie MacPhail marched his command lance and the Death Company commanded by Major Amesbury closer to the city, but he was starting to get worried.  There was no intel about what to expect in the city, he knew that the company they were chasing was beaten down had only a few mobilized infantry units left, but there were unreliable reports of industrial units modded for combat and there maybe turrets in the city.  He decided to have the Death Company move up through the southwest side while his Lance would move in from the west. 

“Killers!!”  Colonel MacPhail announced over the BattleNet
“Our goal is to finish the militia and take this town for the Federation, so remain vigilant move through the city toward the mayor’s mansion and we will” …………………static started coming through the speakers, the enemy has jammed our communication Archie thought, the Commander of the Death Company was very capable and should have no issues following his last command.  He turned to his lance mates and did code light messages on how he wanted to proceed then turned and marched deeper into the city.  About a click into the city and he could hear explosions south of him, good he thought the Major has engaged the enemy, he made a ninety degree turn onto a street called Yansa Drive and his sensors immediately went off showing multiple targets moving his way plus stationary targets on the building.  He then got a secondary alarm of being locked on target, a few seconds later four gauss ammo rounds hit his mech.  Archie then targeted five of the moving mechs not sure if he was making a mistake ignoring the turrets or not but he had to move up so that the rest of his lance could get into range and attack also.  Luckily for him he was in the newest BattleMech model from the Chapman Corporation, a 200 ton beast with heavy armor and heavy weapons.  His Gauss and AC/20 took out two of the mechs that were now identified as mod industrial mechs and damage a third when it fell into a building.  That quad Gauss turret was deadly though even for his mech when another round hit him and took his left arm off.  A slight scent of smoke drifted up to his nose alerting him to a possible fire.  He took aim at three more industrial mechs with his two Gauss rifles and AC/20 and then targeted the turret with his two large lasers, resulting in three mechs damaged with legs destroyed and minor damage on the turret, he flipped the BattleNet on.
“Killers there are quad turrets, and they are armored proceed with caution.” Forgetting that everything was being jammed.

Then the rest of his lance showed up.  All had missiles, and all fired at the turrets.  The turret was able to fire again and like last time all four Gauss Ammo shells hit him, but unfortunately, they all hit the left leg shearing it completely off causing him to fall over.  His lance mates stepped around him continue their attack an Archer and two new mechs from the Chapman Corporation called the Freedom Giver a 130 ton missile boat.  Within seconds all the turrets were destroyed, and the rest of his lance went through the gate.  Farther south the Death Company had breached the wall and move quickly to where the militia was, destroying all the infantry and the remaining industrial mechs were easy to pick off, within ten minutes the town was in Federation control.  At the same time there was an attack on Redan City in which Sanctuary and Eradication Companies from the Killers Battalion crossed the river either by the two bridges or jump jets and moved in the city from the south.  The 5 Quad Gauss turrets were ripping through the two companies, but they kept coming finally destroyed the turrets but, in the process, lost seven mechs and two pilots.  Once those turrets were down the infantry troops and tanks were no match for the rest of the Killlers so the battle ended quickly.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #125 on: 14 September 2023, 09:14:05 »
Chapter Thirty-Four

Mobile Base Alpha
1st Regiment Chappy’s Revenge
Commander Office
October 12, 3030

Colonel Scragg looked at the map of the planet and was pleased what little resistance left was holed up in the capital.  One more battle and the planet was liberated.  News of other planets being liberated and then planet governments asking to join the Federation finally came down on the HPG news wire.  Looks like there were only two planets left of the Outworlds once she took care of the holdouts.  Movement order came down the wire too after this mission her next liberation was the capital itself, Alpheratz curious though the Command Regiment was initially slotted to run point of the invasion of Alpheratz but now the 2nd Regiment was going to assist with herself being overall commander.  What was even more curious was the Command Regiment was taken off all movement notification and was just listed as unavailable.

FNN (Freedom News Network)
Evening News Broadcast
December 13 3030

“Hello everyone, welcome to the show.  In a rare event we would like to say on the day of Eid al-Adha, second day of Hanukkah, and first day of the twelve days before Christmas Happy Holidays and may I wish you well every year.”  The commentator paused for a few seconds then continued. “Now on to some political and war news.  Today the top press secretary for the President of the Federation stated that all but two planets of the former OutWorld Alliance had been liberated, the process of turning all the planets into full fledge members is well on its way.  Also, there was an announcement that exploration of former planets that were part of the Alliance some 250 years ago will start at the beginning of the year to find out what happen to those on the planets and reconnect with all that want to join the Federation.  No one has heard from General Chapman’s office other than statements that he is busy with plans to strengthen the borders from all enemies and to the military is well supply during these months of war. Which in my opinion is great but I also would like to see our heroes from time to time it has been four months since seeing him and that was for the interview done by INN.”  In other news…

INN (Interstellar News Network)
December 14, 3030

“Yesterday, the state-run news organization for the Freedom Federation stated that more conquest will continue into the next year with no end in sight.  The question I would like to impose is how long COMSTAR can sit by idly and let the Federated Suns and the Freedom Federation to continue their warmongering.”

VoID (Voice of the Dragon)
December 14, 3030

“War Crimes continue against our people on the border, this warmongering from the First Prince and General Chapman must stop.  The Coordinator has filed yet another formal request to COMSTAR to interdict.”

CBC (Capellan Broadcast Company)

“Today is a sad day here at the station.  This will be our last broadcast since we are closing the doors and leaving Sian.  With the Federated Sun military just a jump away from Sian and the nation about one-fifth the size it was before 3028 it is time to think about our safety.  If you value yours, we recommend leaving before the Sian has been captured and reeducation camps are set up.  With the Free World League in way of the Duchy of Andurien taking over six planets we recommend the realm of Aurigan Coalition.”


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #126 on: 22 September 2023, 07:50:52 »
Planet Rocky
High Orbit
FSS Lion of Davion
Command Section
February 16, 3031
“My Prince, nothing has been seen at the jump points, the Federation is late.  The Steiners are wanting confirmation of orders, I guess they don’t like being stuck in DropShips for a week.”
First Prince Hanse Davion stood up from the console he was sitting at for two reasons, one to stretch his legs and two to make a point that he had confidence in his friend.  “Fleet Commander, the unit might be late by our estimate but I assure you they are coming and will be here when they get here, they had…” right then the radar tech interrupted the First Prince which was ballsy Hanse will need to make note of who the operator was.
The operator realized who he just interrupted thought for a spilt second and decided his info was more important.
“Sorry my Prince but a fleet is emerging at a unknown pirate point bearing 45 mark negative 59 distance 32186 meters.  It’s between Rocky and its only moon.  Looks like seventeen warships no identifying info yet they are running silent.”

Freedom Federation Fleet
FFSF Accuser
General Chapman room
February 16, 3031
Matthew looked out over the fleet that brought his unit plus those of his kids to the other side of the universe, almost six months of travel, he looked at the closest warship the one that he was very familiar with and wished he was on, The Beast of Terra, his oldest son was on that ship his kids spread across the fleet of seventeen warships. 
‘Sir.” Came the announcement over the speakers in the ceiling. “ message coming in from the Lion of Davion.”
“I will take it in here thank you Colonel” and then Matthew sat down the screen came alive, and Hanse was there and started to talk.
“Matthew you never disappoint I think my fleet commander actually soiled himself, seventeen warships all but three have Dropships attach to them and the use of a pirate jump point, you always knew how to make an entrance.  Glad you finally made it.  I will see you in a few hours down on the ground sending you coordinates to the location by the old city called Cavingwood.  Then you can finally explain yourself on why you demanded me to move up the invasion timeline.”

Next book…  Gateway to Hell the Invasion of Dieron.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #127 on: 22 September 2023, 07:55:27 »
Here is the map of my AU as of January 3031
« Last Edit: 22 September 2023, 07:59:09 by mchapman1970 »


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #128 on: 13 October 2023, 13:17:37 »
Chapman Legacy Gateway to Hell: The Invasion of Dieron

This story is based on my imagination, what happens in MegaMek and MekHQ, and input from others. Any names are based on fiction, and any location is based on MegaMek and Cannon information. The timeline is different and is based on my Alternate Plan timeline, therefore in the cannon articles for any personalities or units may or may not be alter slightly or completely as the story evolves with time.  The start of this Alternate Universe timeline was when I incorporated the Chappy’s Howling Siegers in the late 2700s, but most of the change is not until Hanse Davion is a child and direct contact with him by the Chapman Legacy is spot lighted showing how one relationship could change the future for the good or for the bad. This contact eventually will lead to a creation of a new faction years later, and causes the Fourth Succession War to last longer effectively changing the history of the BattleTech Universe creating an Alternate Timeline.. Farthing distancing itself from the cannon timeline. Plans within plans this story is one such plan and how it unfolded, as with all stories, there will be passion, intrigue, deception, and war.


FFSF Accuser
General Chapman’s Quarters
October 3030

General Chapman eyed his wife while she was getting ready for the day, drinking coffee, and wondering how he got lucky marrying this woman.  A woman of strength, a woman of kindness, but also a woman of pure terror toward her enemies.
“Honey, what do you think of the battle plan for Alpheratz.”
Colonel Nichole Chapman turned from the mirror and looked at her husband.
“Always about the plan.  I am too busy right now putting on my makeup, besides I am not on duty right now.”
Matthew was about to reply with something funny when the comm came alive.
“Sir, a communication packet just arrived, it’s from the First Prince Davion.”
Matthew Sighed looked at his wife, “See I am always on duty hence the reason it’s always about the plan.  Thank you bridge push it down to my quarters. Chappy out.”
Matthew moved over to his noteputer and open the message, First Prince face appeared.
“Matthew, hope all is well, from the reports I have been getting it looks like your nation is growing faster than even you predicted.  The reason for this message is simple.  You owe me, and now I want to collect on some of that.  I am planning to invade the planet Dieron, I have two units from the Lyran Commonwealth. Both commanders know you, and I have two units from my forces both commanders have fought with you.  I want you to bring your regiment and be in command of all the units. Taking Dieron from the Combine will be a major step in solidifying my the new FedCom when my son takes over.  It will also be the start of winding down the war, which was the only way to get the Archon to let me use two of her units.  I am making a final push against the Capellan Confederation and hope that by the end of 3031 to have the nation completely wiped out.  I need you at the system Rocky by end of March 3031 I have sent jump point locations to your navigator since the planet has been abandoned for hundreds of years and has been taking off the star maps.  Like I said you owe me I won’t take no for an answer.”  With that Hanse face disappeared then a list of the data packets for download showed.  Matthew pushed the noteputer away from his body and slammed his fist on the table.  Nichole walked over and put her arms around her husband and said. “When will the payback be enough?”
“I don’t know by dear, I just don’t know.  In my gut I knew not to take him up on his offer of a planet and resources, since I had that already, but it was just so much that he offered, now we are paying for it.  Giving them new mechs from our factory I have no problem with, but this demand is big.  I think though that we will need to stand up the ‘Jericho’ sooner than later along the Federated Suns border just in case the next time he ask too much and gets offended when I finally say no.”
Nichole moved away from her husband.  “Got you, I will make the arrangements with our corporation. I will use the black site that way it is kept from the public eyes and away from the spies that Hanse has in our nation.”
“Thanks Love, I will get on making the necessary rearrangement of troop movements to accommodate this inconvenience, being gone from our nation for a year and a half will not be fun.  I need to contact Ben also.”
Nichole looked back to her husband.  “Mmm  Ben, Ben,  oh yes the son of Jacob they are on Dieron right now aren’t they.” 
“Yes, I need better intel than the FedSun can provide.”

Chapter One
FFFS Accuser
Conference room
Killbourn System
Pirate Point just outside third orbiting planet
February 04, 3031

General Chapman looked out at the table and pride bubbled up from within.  Here sat the Chapman Clan; his wife, all four of his kids, his daughter in law and his sister-in-law.  He tapped a few strokes on the noteputer and a 3D screen popped up in the middle of the table.
“The planet Dieron, one of the most fortified planets on the border and we are tasked to take it.  First Prince Davion is expecting just the Command Regiment, but as you know over the last five and half months, we have traveled using original star maps from the SLDF time insuring that abandoned planets were used to recharge.  Because I did not want him to know the size of the force we are bringing, nor did I want anyone else to know.  President Henry is the only other person that knows we are not in our nation and has done an excellent job keeping this secret.  I told the First Prince that we were moving up the timeline to February due to our intel, he was not happy, but they are there waiting for us. All four of the Elite battalions are going to have specific goals and targets. While I will have the other units from the Steiners and Davion nation focus on different areas of operation.  The Command Regiment will be hitting the Capital and even though there are six full regiments plus militia defending the planet I think we can be in and out as long as the other Four regiments in our alliance do their part, before the other two Dieron Regulars units show at the end of March.  Now I know all the commanders that we will be working with and I have faith that they will live up to the hype.  Nichole has been in touch with our intelligence at home and President Henry has authorized the construction of the new defense platform called Jericho.  This defense system is based on the system protecting our home planet Devils Breath but not as unforgiving and will be human controlled.  I say this only to let you guys know that I am getting leery of Hanse’s demands on the Federation, and if such time comes that the safety and security of our nation is in jeopardy, I won’t hesitate to break ties with Hanse, I hope it never comes to that, but I think we should be prepared.  Now let’s look at the battle plan before we pop in on our allies.”

Four months prior

Military District
Corridor B
November 7, 3030

Ben Jonas walked down the Corridor, like he did every day, only this time it was different.  How so? You might ask.  Well, today he was going to do something he thought he never had to do, espionage.  His family had been part of the Chapman covert operations for generations.  Typically, it was just passing along unclassified information.  Today though it was different, because he knew that the military was planning something big, he just did not have the full picture, but he will soon and hopefully pass it along before he is caught.
Ben was in the server room, which was easy since he had the security clearance, after all he was the senior data analyst for the Dieron Regulars.  After about an hour shifting through the data, he finally found it.  OPERATION BARRICADE he downloaded all the information and then logged out and quickly, but casually left the complex.
Moving through the streets he moved into China Town, he lost focus for a minute thinking about how every planet has a China Town, he heard a noise from behind him startled he turned around, but nothing was there.  Scaring himself was not unusual but now he was focused quickly he moved from one alley to another checking every few minutes for a tail.  After a few minutes he decided it was safe and went home.  Ben went to the hidden communication unit, dialed up the sequence and sent the data packet closing up the compartment his front door was blown up.  A squad of special force agents burst in a second later guns leveled at Ben and screaming at him to lay still.  Handcuffing and yelling secured a new person walked into the room.  The Director of Operations for Dieron Regulars Intel Division. 
“Mr. Jonas what have you been up to? You went home four hours early after searching data for information you did not need to know.”
“Sir, I don’t know what you are talking about, my task was done I was just shifting around reports and started to feel ill so I left.”
The Director looked at his subordinate and shook his head.  “You viewed some highly classified information and all the sudden got sick?  You look fine to me, search him and this place now.”
After two hours of searching Ben’s apartment the agents said that there was no evidence of a data breach and no special communication device in the building. The agents left and the Director turn around and looked at the now beaten man and said.  “Take the next two days to heal up, but we will be watching you. I will see you Monday at work.”
Ben waited for all the agents to leave and glanced at the entertainment viewing station, turning it on to watch the local news he was grateful that the agents did not tear open the casing of that device, hidden inside was the data stick still attached to the black box that was his only way to communicate with his handler.  With the threat that they may be watching and could have put a bug in his house he decided not to retrieve the data stick or expose the highly classified communication device and to call his father. Telling him he will be unavailable for a while to come see him due to the demands of work, code for he has been compromise and to watch the family’s back until its safe again.

Planet Yufu
Zenith Point
Chappy’s Revenge Combat Fleet
November 9, 3030

General Chapman and Colonel Chapman was having dinner while waiting for the K-F Drives to recharge.  Yufu sometime during the thirty-five years of war in the first succession war was lost.  Records kept at the Chapman Compound on Devil’s Breath showed a young but thriving planet, but little record of why it was abandoned, which made it a perfect stop for the combat fleet trying its best to remain hidden.  Him and his wife was having small talk about the good ol days when the intercom interrupted.
“General Chapman communication from TRANSIENT has come in.”
“Thank you Bridge I will take it in here.”
While the message loaded and was de-encrypted Matthew thought upon this amazing device that his family has had since SLDF time.   Back in those days the project TRANSIENT better known as K-series transmitter was abandoned according to public documents, but General Aleksandr Kerensky kept some in service and one was with the Chapman Compound since the EXODUS, now all the Freedom Federation Ships of the line had a box and top operatives on selected planets had one disguised as a working entertainment system.  The message finally loaded up and he read it. 
“Damn it!!”
Startled Nichole ask what was wrong, Matthew moved the noteputer to her and then opened a channel. 
“Bridge, Chapman here I need you to spin up the HPG we need to send a priority message to First Prince Hanse, I will be up there in a minute to send it.”
“Yes sir”
Matthew looked at his wife.  “We will need to do double jumps and get to Rocky a month early, I am going to demand that the Prince gets his force there early too, we will need to strike Dieron before they launch the counter strike into Davion space. This also means that ten warships will have to make it to Rocky separately and slower since they don’t have the batteries for this.  See to it that as much supplies are transfer from those ships if we need to put crates in the hallways then do it.  We have fourteen hours before we are jump capable.”
“I am on it General.” With a playful smile of love and seduction, she patted his chest before they left the room and then split up in the hallway to carry on their duties. “I will come help as soon as I get the message to Hanse my love.”  Matthew said as he moved down the hallway.

Present timeline

FFFS Accuser
Conference room
Killbourn System
Pirate Point just outside third orbiting planet
February 04, 3031

The leadership just finished coming up with a strategic and tactical battle plan for the invasion.  Matthew’s contact within the Federated Suns military confirmed that all players were in route to the planet Rocky and should all be there in about week.  During the briefing Matthew decided to show full force when they dropped into the pirate jump point. All the ships were to run silent and black (no lights on) and CAPS (Combat air patrol) will immediately take off and set up the perimeter.  Even though no battles will be fought here, Matthew did remember that one of the first contracts his ancestor unit called Chappy’s Howling Siegers was on the planet rocky.  How centuries of war have changed planets sadden Matthew and he had hope that the planets in his nation would find peace and prosperity for centuries to come instead of what happen to the planet Rocky.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #129 on: 22 October 2023, 19:28:52 »
Chapter Two
FFFS Accuser
Killbourn System
Pirate Point just outside third orbiting planet
February 16, 3031

The Revenge two highest ranking techs were standing in front of General Chapman giving their mission ready status, at the end of their reports they stood there for any additional feedback the general just had one.
“First I want to thank both of you, Commander MacBeth keeping our ships at peak performance through this journey was exceptional, where you able to finish my extra requirements?”
Commander Wade MacBeth looked right into his bosses eyes and said. “Almost sir, we are finishing up the Patrol Boat Pallas as we speak then all the fleet including the fighters will be black with no identifying marks.”
“Excellent.” Matthew said then he turned to his chief mech tech.
Major Jagger what is your status on this issue?”
Major Homer Jagger looked at his General.  “All mechs, VTOLs, Armor, PA(L) have black camo and all identifying marks removed.”
“Very good men thank you; I know you had concerns about this, but I want to try and mask our involvement in this invasion as long as possible from the enemy and any news agency out there, you are dismissed.”  The two men saluted, and the Major walked off the bridge General Chapman turned to the Fleet Commander but talked to the navigator.  “Captain Moore as soon as Commander MacBeth gives the all clear start the countdown for the jump to Rocky pirate Lagrange Point L4 we are behind schedule and this will take four days off of travel time to the planet.”
Captain Esther Moore nodded her head and said yes sir.

Freedom Federation Fleet
FFSF Accuser registry number 5011
General Chapman room
February 16, 3031

Matthew looked out over the fleet that brought his unit plus those of his kids to the other side of the universe, almost six months of travel, he looked at the closest warship the one that he was very familiar with and wished he was on, The Beast of Terra, his oldest son was on that ship his kids spread across the fleet of seventeen warships. 
The Navigator started to count down. “Five, four, three, two, one all ships jump.  With that all seventeen ships winked out of existence and then re-appeared at Lagrange Point L4 Rocky System.  The fleet commander ordered the CAP to take off and you could see the fighters exit the ship, meanwhile the combine Davion and Steiner fleet was a little left and up from the bow of the Federation fleet.
‘Sir, message coming in from the Lion of Davion.”
“I will take it in here thank you Colonel” and then Matthew sat down the screen came alive, and Hanse was there and started to talk.
“Matthew you never disappoint I think my fleet commander actually soiled himself, seventeen warships all but three have Dropships attach to them and the use of a pirate jump point, you always knew how to make an entrance.  Glad you finally made it.  I will see you in a few hours down on the ground sending you coordinates to the location by the old city called Cavingwood.  Then you can finally explain yourself on why you demanded me to move up the invasion timeline.”

Planet Rocky
Freedom Federation
Shuttle 214
Gravity well
February 16, 3031

Matthew looked down at the planet while the shuttle slowly made its way to the ground.  When Matthew had read his ancestor’s memoir he pictured Rocky as a vibrate rich planet.  Not so much now, even though the air was breathable again and some life has come back to the planet everywhere you looked you can see the destructed power of the nuclear warfare that happen during the first succession war.  Flying low now Matthew could see the craters made by the bombs and missiles it sadden him to see the planet like this.  Then suddenly in view was the old capital of the planet destroyed with ivory and other planet life growing on top of the down building off to the side closer to the coast was their destination.  A pop-up building with several shuttles parked around it and a heavy patrol of both faction eyeing them as the Federation shuttle touched down.

Matthew’s contingent got off the shuttle and followed him into the pop-up building.  Off to his right was his wife Colonel Nichole Chapman and two of his children Major Cheyenne and Major Seth Chapman.  On his left was Lt. Colonel Matthew Chapman II, Major Dustin Chapman and his fleet commander Captain Wade MacBeth.  Upon entering the room Matthew immediately recognized close work buddies when he was an officer in the AFFS and also friends from the Lyran Commonwealth when he had a couple of contracts during the mercenary life before this war.  Then of course in the center of the room was the gravity well of all, the reason why everyone was here First Prince Hanse and his counterpart Archon Steiner.
Hanse looked up and said. “Excellent the Chapman’s have arrived, glad you made it.  Now could you please tell us why we are here a month early, why you brought your whole fleet, and it feels like you are about to do an overkill to this operation?”
Matthew stopped looked at everyone and then looked at his family and nooded to them, they then took positions in key spots and sat down.  Matthew continued up toward Hanse.
“Simply put my Prince your intel is wrong so wrong in fact that if you stayed on your original timeline, you would be over in Dieron kicking butt for sure against just a militia force but would be losing up to six planets effectively cutting you off from the Lyran Commonwealth.”
Everyone started to talk at once and no one was listening.  Matthew continued his approach to Hanse and could tell that Hanse was upset.  He then spun around to look at everyone and raised his hands for quiet.
“Look, I am sorry my Prince but I typically have better intel than anyone else, I happen to have a guy embedded deep in the Dieron Military complex that sent the intel to me.  The Draconis Combine are at this moment gathering forces at Dieron to make a counterattack into Federated Suns territory this attack is known as OPERATION BARRICADE to them, their objective is to cut the ties of Lyran Commonwealth with the Federated Suns, by blocking the pathways of the jumpships.”
All the commanders started murmuring but Matthew continue.
“Right now there are currently six regiments at Dieron the commander of this operation is Tai-sho Palmer Conti.”  An uproar happened from the Lyran side of the room, but Matthew was able to quiet them down. 
“I know all of you have heard of Conti and along with you I wonder about why and how he was put in charge of such an operation.   I can tell you this though they are still in supply mode so instead of waiting for them to come to us we can go and attack them.  This is why I brought nearly two regiments of mechs, three regiments of armor plus three regiments of infantry.  Conti has about a fifth of the Kurita warships at Dieron, it will be a serious blow to them when we destroy the fleet.”
Hanse stood up. “So that is why you brought your whole fleet here?”
Matthew turned to his friend and shook his head no.  “I will tell you this I have ten more capital ships that will be there in about three weeks, they did not have the batteries for back-to-back jumps since that is what I had to do after I found out about the Combines plan, and that is still not half of the Federation fleet.  Ships I have, training the people to operate them has been our nation’s issue.  Also, in case you are wondering I have secured a merc units as reinforcements if needed but they won’t be here until the first of April or maybe end of March.  Anyway, let’s get down to the actual plan that my team has come up with and iron any issues if any before we leave in two days.”


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #130 on: 29 October 2023, 09:05:18 »
Chapter Three
Military District
Headquarters of 5th Sword of Light
February 27 3031

Tai-sho Palmer Conti sat at his desk, pleased with himself about how things went.  A few months ago, when the Coordinator was having his generals commit seppuku he came up with a plan, cashed in all his favors and won an audience with the Coordinator after describing his bold plan the Coordinator loved it, put Conti in charge and gave him seven regiments to play with.  With the 12th Sun Zhang Academy Cadre showing up after their dishonorable defeat, he now had eight units. Of course, two units were still on their way and maybe delayed but the timeline was a firm date.  March 27 the units will jump, and his glory will be greater than the heir to the throne.  What was even more tantalizing was a rumor the First Prince himself was on the planet New Home, the 2nd Davion Guards was there, commander was Jessica Davion.  Rumor or not that is where his unit was going, if he could kill or capture the Fox his glory would be higher than the Coordinator himself.  Since most of the action was spinward of Dieron most of the planets only had militia or a light military presence except for New Home, he decided to take the 12th Sun Zhang Academy with him even though they were barely a battalion now, they had seen war and were thirsty for revenge.  He decided to get some rest, so he left his office but still on the walk back to his quarters all he could think about was the glory he was going to have within two months’ time.

Freedom Federation Fleet
FFSF Accuser
Rocky Nadir Point
February 28, 3031

First Prince was on the main monitor talking to the fleet before he said good bye to head back to the planet New Home.  Where he would meet back up with the 2nd Davion Guards, these last few days Matthew noticed a little rift in their friendship, mostly on his side.  He could excuse it due to the stress of war or balancing being the head of the largest nation, father, and war master.  Although Matthew was starting to think it was something else, hopefully things will calm down after the war.  Matthew started to reminisce about the conversation him and the prince the night before leaving the planet.

Planet Rocky
Cliffs over looking Obsidian Sea

Matthew was watching the First Prince pace like he was a trapped wild animal.
“I understand now why you moved up the timeline but you embarrassed me yet again, I don’t understand, is it your success? Because if it is we can take you down a notch.”
Matthew shook his head.  “My Prince I did not want to broadcast what I knew over the HPG you know that COMSTAR is listening to everything, and our other means of communication is not compatible with yours.”
First Prince swung around and looked at his friend.  “That is what I am talking about, this, this wealth of information and technology and you won’t share.  This planet you have all hidden and shit that has not been touched by all the war in the universe the treasures there and you are not sharing it with me.”
Matthew shifted on the bench seat.  “But I have shared, you have several of my super dropships and almost forty of the Federation’s newest mechs.  Lyran Commonwealth has received several dozen mechs all no charge I might add.  Just because I am head of the family does not mean I can just give out stuff without consulting others, as you well know since the Federated Suns has secrets that you can’t tell even to your wife.”
Hanse looked at Matthew started to say something then stopped himself, rubbed his chin then said.  “I am the leader of the greatest nation in the universe, your either with me or against me friend.”
Matthew stood up.  “Hanse I traveled six months left my nation took my most elite warriors from all fields of combat and am going into combat for you, if that is not with you I don’t know what is.  I am turning in for the night, I suggest you do the same my Prince.”  With that Matthew bowed down, then turned and walked away.

Military District
Headquarters of 5th Sword of Light
February 28, 3031

Tai-sho Palmer Conti just entered his office, he was for a change happy, he noticed a new communique on his desk and picked it up.  Sitting down and reading at the same time.  It was a progress report from the last two units assigned to the operation, both were still three jumps away, about a month away from getting here.  Everything was coming together placing the report down he started to eat his Tamagoyaki, and umeboshi plums.  Sipping on some green tea the alarms went off and he almost spilt it on his uniform.  An aid rushed in. “Tai-sho Conti enemy fleet just emerge at the Nadir point reports are Lyran, and Federated vessels.”
Conti could not believe it.  “Status of the enemy fleet!”
His aid shook his head. “Unknown sir the jump ships sent the message and then jumped, all the message said was a fleet of jumpships and warships with attached dropships emerge with Federated Suns and Lyran markings.”
“Send the Yamato and Azuma Task Force towards them, move the Katori Task force up in-between the planet and the two task force.  Put Musashi and Sokuten Task Force on standby and alert the Dieron Defense Station. Keep all dropship fleets in orbit at this time.”
“Yes sir.”

Davion Fleet
Dieron Solar System
Third day from Nadir Point
Bridge of Lion of Davion
March 1, 3031

Rear Admiral Bulis looked at the status of his fleet, three capital ships, twenty Ares Assault Craft, six drop ships and four fighter squadron.  He was the overall commander though of the other three forces, which combining the 56th Avalon Hussars, 4th Skye Guards and 4th Skye Rangers brought another twenty four drop ships.
“Radar any enemy contact yet?”
“Negative Admiral.”
“Comm any word yet on the Federation Fleet?”
“Negative Admiral.”
The Admiral turned to his XO.
“Captain Obadele your thoughts on this?”
The Captain looked at his information on his screen then to his Admiral. “Either the Jumpships were not able to warn the fleet at Dieron, or we just are not close enough to see.  As far as the Federation, I know our Prince has faith in General Chapman but who is he really? I am not…”
General Skidmore had just entered the bridge to get an update.
“Captain, I have fought beside General Chapman back when he was part of the AFFS and what I know about his people is they are above reproach, so stow it Captain they will be at their destination and will inform us when necessary.”
“Sir, I have enemy contact looks like by present speed we will be in range in  twenty-two hours. Initial indicators are four capital ships cannot tell how many drops ships are attached or what class of capital ships they are yet.”
“Comm send a data burst through the K-1, saying we have made contact.”

Freedom Federation Fleet
FFSF Accuser
Rocky Nadir Point
March 1, 3031

Commander MacBeth was on the bridge of the Accuser, one of the newest warships built in the InnerSphere a massive warship the Freedom Provider battle cruiser chassis was a 2.5-million-ton warship that could carry ten dropships and had eighty nuclear warheads for use against capital ships, and could carry up to six squadrons of fighters. Along with the rest of the fleet he really felt invincible.
The Cadet at the comm station turned and looked at him. “Sir, we have confirmation that the Federated Suns fleet has made contact based on timing I say eighteen to twenty-three hours before first shots fired.”
General Chapman looked at the Commander. “Commander prepare to jump to the pirate coordinates in fifteen hours.  Alert all ships and all fighter squadrons notify the army we will pack up and be in our pods during the battle remember destruction of the fleet and space station is number one outcome of the battle, but getting our forces to the ground is a top priority.  With us jumping on the other side of the moon we will be just a few hours away from initial contact with luck they will still be scrambling to meet us so slipping the dropships to the ground should be easy.”

Davion Fleet
Dieron Solar System
Fourth day from Nadir Point
Bridge of Lion of Davion
March 2, 3031

The Radar tech Subaltern Talu turned to the Admiral. “Sir the four contacts are splitting up indicating that the dropships have detached, and the fighter squadrons have launched. I am reading, Four capital ships eight dropships twenty small craft and twelve fighter squadrons.”
The Admiral shook his head in agreement. “Comm notify the fleet continue to intercept we are not launching our four squadrons and dropships until the last moment.”

Kurita Fleet
Dieron Solar System
Fourth day from Dieron
Bridge of Yamato
March 2, 3031

Captain Gato commander of the Yamato task force and overall commander of this operation looked at the information flowing on his screen.
“Sir, looks like 24 dropships, three capital ships I can not tell if there are more dropships attached, as of right now no fighters have been launch.
Davion Fleet
The Admiral decided it was time, “Launch all assets have the drop ships, assault ships and fighters deal with the enemy fighters Capital ships lets focus on the Samarkand Carrier to begin with.”
Captain Pinhal commander of Clarent Squadron Two and CAG for this mission got the all clear to launch he notified all his squadron commanders and his own squadron and then left the mother ship.  Fighting in space was so different then fighting or even flying planet side, with no gravity per say thrusting and turning maneuvering to gain an advantage was extremely difficult.

Kurita Fleet
“Sir, looks like four fighter squadrons, twenty attack craft and six more dropships just launch from their capital ships.”
“What type of attack craft?”
“Ares Assault Craft can’t not tell what model though.”
“That could be an issue, notify leader fighter commander.”
The Fleets moved into range of their most powerful weapons.
The Azuma a Narukami Destroyer with the Kurita fleet fired first claiming first hit even if it was a glancing blow and took little off the armor of the Davion Destroyer Mjolnir.  The fighters and small craft/assault craft moved closer together while the fleet took shots at each other trying to get a good firing solution.  Davion fighters and Ares Assault crafts stayed close to the rest of the fleet while the Kurita fighters and small crafts rushed out ahead of their main fleet.  As hard as it was for a capital ship to fire on fighters the Davion ships did and a Centurion from the Sword of Light was the first causality of the day.  Six minutes had passed from the first weapon fire until the first of many unlucky pilots were floating in space. 
10 minutes into battle
The Capital Ships edged closer to each other and started to fire at each other and some of the dropships that were close. All twelve Kurita fighter squadrons were now fully engaged with the four Davion squadrons and the twenty Ares Assault crafts.  The Kurita small crafts chose to go up against the dropships.  For every one Davion Assault craft that was destroyed at least three Kurita Fighters was taken out.

15 minutes into battle

Davion Fleet
Davion Destroyer Block II

Commodore Smith saw an opportunity and decided to take it, even though the Admiral wanted to stay together and take one capital ship at a time Smith saw an opening.  “Helm all full intercept course the Samarkand Carrier when in range fire all weapons.

Kurita Fleet
Samarkand Carrier

Captain Gato noticed that one of the Destroyers broke formation and was making its way to him. “Helm make ready ¾ speed turn 45 degrees put the port side in firing solution of the Davion Destroyer.”

2 minutes later

The Mjolnir fired all her nose and left front side weapons several hit the Yamato and several missed but the ones that did hit ended up with several critical hits on the KF Drive and the CIC along with some weapon bay damage.  She also fired on the drop ship Banruu using her right-side weapons and destroyed it.  Unfortunately for the Yamato most of their weapon fire missed.  The other dropships did hit the Mjolnir and were able to damage her sensors.  The Yamato rolled so that her right side would have a target solution and fired which finished destroying Mjolnir Sensors and a couple of weapon bays. Before the sensors were destroyed Mjolnir did get another salvo off getting a lucky shot and destroying the LRM ammo destroying all the armor in the nose.  The Yamato moved to the right to try and protect her front from any more fire.  That was when Captain Gato realized his mistake.  “Helm emergence de-acceleration flip the ship flip the ship!!! Because when the Yamato moved right, the other Davion Destroyer the Lion of Davion came into view dead center. 

Davion Fleet
Lion of Davion

Admiral Bulis watched as the commander of the Mjolnir disobeyed and went right for the Yamato, but it was an opportunity.  “Helm move in to the right of the Yamato let’s see if we can sneak in and fire close range.” When Yamato made a shift and moved toward him at first, he was afraid they spotted him.  The sensor tech on bridge yelled out.
“sir, their sensors are in shambles and they have no armor on the nose!!” Admiral Bulis saw the perfect opportunity. “Helm port side thrusters’ emergence full stop.  Weapons fire everything we can aim for the nose.”
Shots were fired

Kurita fleet

Captain Gato saw the weapons fire from the Davion flag ship. He sent the emergency distress call and called for abandon ship.  As the NAC/30 and Capital AC hit the nose of the Yamato the devastation ripped the ship apart splitting it in the front, for a second the Yamato look like it had grown a mouth and was yawning then the ship collapse on itself and blew up.
Dai-i Kichida on the bridge of the Azuma looked in horror as the flagship was destroyed. “Comm notify all personnel I will be taking over command the flag has been transferred to the Azuma.  Have everyone focus fire on that Davion Destroyer and the Robinson Transport Carrier it has the most damage.”  The Comm was in the middle of talking to the fleet, so Kichida turned to his Sensor tech. “Henshi Nallbani report on fleet. “Sir, fleet is not in good shape most of the dropships are destroyed half of the fighters are disabled and the small craft has about a third of its force destroyed.”
“Helm make plot to retreat and relay that message to the rest of the fleet have the fleet ready itself but first lets try and take out a capital ship.
The Azuma moved into position along with the last Dropship left the Asahi Maru and pounded the Mjolnir all weapons that fired hit mostly on the nose causing ammo explosion throughout the ship and destroying the vessel.  The small craft and what was left of the fighters attacked the Clarent which was the name for the Robinson Transport and took out its sensors and fighter bays.  Although the recent success of this counterattack, the Davion fleet still outnumbered them with nineteen fully functional dropships and the Lion of Davion barely damage the new Kurita commander decided it was time to officially withdraw.

Military District
Headquarters of 5th Sword of Light
March 2, 3031

Tai-sho Conti was pissed off looking at the screen he ran his hand through his thinning hair.  “Sho-sa Libbings you are now in command of the fleet I want all available ships to attack the Davion force before it gets close to the planet.”  Libbings started to say something, and Conti cut him off.  “I don’t care what you or any of you naval jockeys think anymore if I had went with my gut we would have had a bigger force out there I want an investigation when this is all over to find out why our long range sensors did not pick up all the dropships attached to the Warships, I want…”
His second in command burst into the office, Conti was at the end of his patience, everyone just never doing their job.  “Sorry sir, but an emergence just happen, an unknown pirate location.”  Conti looked at the screen where he saw his new fleet commander being brief.  Libbings looked up and confirmed the emergence.  “Sir, nineteen warships of various sizes just emerged at LaGrange five looks like all but three warships have dropships attached thirty-one to be exact they are moving toward the defense station.  Oh, and two of the warships are the biggest we have ever seen don’t know the class nor can we identify who it is. There are no markings every inch is painted black.  It is a good thing Tai-sho Conti that we did not send all the fleet after all, I will prepare the fleet.”  With that the screen went black and Conti finally lost the battle with his rage.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #131 on: 04 November 2023, 07:38:38 »
Chapter Four
Freedom Federation Fleet
Lagrange Point 5
FFSF Accuser

The Fleet emerge at the pirate point all ships checked in, which was a good sign thought Fleet Commander MacBeth.  “Set course for the Defense platform once there we launch the dropships so they can push to the planet.”
“Aye Commander.”
Sensor Tech then spoke. “Sir, we have contact with enemy fleet looks like four capital ships twelve fighter squadrons.  The rest of the enemy’s fleet, mostly dropships are staying close to home in low orbit.”
Commander MacBeth hoped that more ships would engage him here that way the dropships would make an easier trip down to the planet.

Draconis Combine Fleet
DCS Masashi

“Sir, we have a better tactical picture of the enemy fleet.”  Sensor tech announced. “Looks like nineteen Capital ships but most of the ships are fully loaded with dropships.  There are two ships we can’t identify but the rest I have sent to your console.”
Sho-sa Bridgman looked at her console.  “Comm inform command and request that they send the rest of the fleet this is going to get ugly.”

Freedom Federation Fleet
Lagrange Point 5
FFSF Accuser

“Comm inform the Davion/Lyran fleet that we have arrived and are engaging the enemy. Then instruct the fleet to press toward the enemy.  Notify the squadrons to launch in two minutes.  Weapons fire when we are in range.”

The Federation fleet moved closer to the Draconis Fleet and both started firing when they were in range.  Several of the Federation Capital Ships focused on three of the dropships and destroyed them. 

Draconis Combine Fleet
DCS Masashi

Sho-sa Bridgman looked out across the bridge, sparks were flying everywhere one of the beams from the ceiling had come lose, falling it ended up blocking one of the entry points to the bridge. Some of the bridge crew were dead and alert of radiation was on-going.  The enemy flag ship packed quite a punch and nukes, her ship’s armor had been destroyed on the nose and front right side. “Report”
“Ma’am reports coming in from the fleet looks like seven dropships have been destroyed.”
The Sensor tech spoke next. “Hardly any noticeable damage to the enemy fleet sir. They have yet to release any of their dropships.”
“Sir!! The Katori is hailing us.”
“Put Captain Daisen up on the view screen.”

“Sho-sa Bridgman Headquarters has deployed me to reinforce you we and the Sokuten will be there in about two minutes, I hear by transfer Flag to the Katori.  Report Sho-sa.”
“Sir the enemy fleet rolled right passed us but destroyed several ships while moving pass us my ship is barely intact, they also just destroyed the Battle Station with nukes.  The two battleships of unknown chassis are packing nukes and nearly destroyed this ship with one of those damnable things  they threw four nukes at the battle station.”
“Ok Sho-sa gather your forces and come in from behind we will take them head on we must stop them.”  With that the screen went black.
Sho-sa Bridgman murmured under her breath, “He just don’t get it this force is too powerful.” With a louder voice she said. “Comm notify all fighter squadrons to come back around we are attacking the enemy from behind with the reinforcements coming in front.”

Freedom Federation Fleet
Lagrange Point 5
FFSF Accuser

The fleet moved through the enemy fleet like butter, slice and dicing the main goal was the defensive battle station. Once the Accuser and Invincible battleships were in range and had a firing solution, they launched their nukes. All four hit their target at the same time the weapon fire from the battle station hit the two battleships, the outcome was brutally one sided.  While there was some armor damage and minor critical hits to the battleships, the station was destroyed. Fleet Commander MacBeth order the fleet to move on to the next target, another large fleet was in front, the goal was to break through their lines so that the drop ships could detached and start ground operations, that was when the fleet would stop and deal with the enemy fleet. Fleet Commander MacBeth ordered the other federation units to move past the enemy, because his fleet from the command regiment would deal with the enemy fleet.

Counterattack Battle
Sword of Light Fleet

Captain Daisen looked at the screen, half of the enemy fleet was gone, which was good for him and bad for the planet.  Seven Capital ships with their dropships still attached and twenty-nine fighter squadrons were a lot easier to fight than the original size was.  He assumed that the other ships split off to make landfall.

Federation Fleet

Fleet Commander MacBeth saw the enemy ships in front of his fleet and also was alerted about the remnant fleet from the previous battle.  He ordered half the fighter squadrons and the battleship named Wolf’s Claw to 180 and engage the remnant fleet while the rest of the fleet will deal with this new threat.

Sword of Light Fleet

Captain Daisen knew this was going to be a tough battle, he decided to have all his ships focus fire on the enemy flagship the unknown battleship class that was in the middle of their fleet.  The fleets got closer and started to exchange fire.

Federation Fleet

FFSF Accuser rocked, and sparks flew on the bridge.  “Damage report” Fleet Commander MacBeth yelled.  “Sir mostly armor on the Nose looks like the enemy fleet is focusing on only us a couple of weapon bays were damage but no critical hits to us.”
MacBeth turned his attention to his weapons team.  “weapons take out their destroyer nuke them.

Kurita Fleet

Captain Daisen was surprised how much armor that unknown battleship had.  It was the biggest ship he had ever seen and its weapons.  “Sir, their flagship has launched missiles at us, getting a reading on them, SIR!! they are nuclear.” 
“Helm bring us port baring 247 try to minimize our target area, launch counter measures, how many nukes.”
“All of them sir, all ten.”
The missiles came and the point defense system activated and counter measures were deployed, still though four Peacemakers hit their target, it was the end of the flagship Katori.  Sho-sa Libbinga was sitting in her chair onboard the Sokuten and was dumbfounded the battle had just started and the flagship was gone.  She went across the fleet net and took command of the fleet.  She was trying to rally the fleet when her sensor tech noticed that the enemy’s flagship had made a move toward them. “Sir! that ship, it just fired nuclear missiles at us impact in 67 seconds.”
Libbinga was not going to have her crew die. “Launch all counter measures signal the crew to abandon ship I repeat abandoned ship.” This order was the last one she would give.

Military District
Headquarters of 5th Sword of Light
March 2, 3031

Tai-sho Conti was very upset.  His fleet that he was building was just destroyed in a matter of hours.  Only the Azuma Task Force was still relatively intact with the only Capital ship left the Azuma and her dropships and small assault craft, he decided the task force to head to the asteroid belt known as Cornu’s Belt, in order to dock at the mining facility resupply and try to disrupt things until the other reinforcements get here.  Hopefully with any luck Conti thought the enemy would send some ships to chase them.  As far as the dropships fleet in orbit he ordered them all to ground, that way he could move his troops around if needed.  Fifteen days until his other two regiments show up, if they can get to the surface, he would for sure have superior numbers.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #132 on: 18 November 2023, 22:03:45 »
Chapter Five
Combine Allied Fleet
High Orbit Dieron
FFSF Accuser
March 4, 3031

Fleet Commander MacBeth sat in his chair taking in the view.  The operation to go to planet side was about to start, once the dropships started going down the gravity well, he decided to separated his fleet.  The Harber Task force consisting of the FFSF Adamant a Volga Transport with her fighters, the FFSF Hammer a Sovetskii Soyuz heavy cruiser with her fighters and two Gaajian System Patrol Boats will be task to find the missing enemy fleet that slip passed the Davion and Lyran fleet.  The order was given, all dropships were detached from their transports then slowly started to make their way down to the ground.  The FFSF Accuser Attack Wing made their way down with the dropships to provide cover but the Draconis Combine did not offer any resistance in the atmosphere.  All the allies’ dropships landed without issues; all beachhead LZ were secure within the hour.  The Harber Task force then rolled out of orbit and made their way pass the second moon called Nebulos.  Their destination was the Cornu’s Belt, plenty of hiding spots for a fleet needing to regroup.  Fleet Commander MacBeth decided to send the Niles Task force consisting of three capital ships and four patrol boats to the outer most planet, a gas giant with fifteen moons rumors of a spaceport on one of the moons was too hard to ignore. Even splitting up the Federation fleet into three he still felt comfortable especially since the Davion and Lyran fleet were nearby in orbit around the first moon of Dieron.  Plus, the fleet they had to leave behind several months ago should be arriving next month, and General Chapman had informed him an hour ago that a new ally would be showing up within a few weeks with their own fleet.  So, in his mind the space area of operations was secure.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #133 on: 03 December 2023, 13:50:40 »
Chapter Six
Military District
Headquarters of 5th Sword of Light
March 10, 3031

Tai-sho Conti watched as the dropships landed on his planet.  He gave the enemy credit when they invaded, they did it well, two landing sites for Davion, two landing sites for the Lyrans, the other landings interested him more, their dropships were all black, no markings and all the equipment was black, even their uniforms were sanitized. He could not tell if they were different units from the same organization or just one massive unit, Five separate landings for that unit.  He wrote a memo to his intelligence unit to find out who was with the Davion and Lyrans forces.  He then sent a message to his XO to give him the green light and signal the 27th and 12th Dieron Regulars stationed at Ashio to divert from mission plan and come directly to Dieron. With their batteries they can skip one jump and make it here in fifteen days, which will be perfect, their arrival along with the fleet that is on its way will arrive at the same time, his units might be battered by that time but so will the invaders with two fresh reinforce regiments showing up at the perfect time he will crush the invaders.

Freedom Base
600 miles from the Capital
Mobile Headquarters of Allied Command
General Chapman office
March 14, 3031

General Chapman just returned to the mobile Headquarters after defeating the enemy that tried to attack on the east flank, his wife did the same thing to the west.  Matthew thought that both battles were too easy, in fact after looking over the fourteen successful battles in the last four days, either the enemy was not prepared for such a massive assault or their units are all light and medium with a very high green pilots to veterans ratio. There was a knock at the door.
“Enter” was all that the General said
Captain Bri Ritney walked in the office, she was always helping with the admin part of running the war, in which Matthew was eternally grateful for.  She was one of the shortest MechWarrior he had ever served with.  What she lacked in height she defiantly made up in looks and curves.  Which was the problem sometimes since she was almost always slightly out of uniform.  For months he tried to tell her to cover her breast, but she always said they were too big to stay cover that the buttons would just pop so here we are again Matthew thought the cleavage was out and she was proud of it.  Captain Ritney walked over and placed a data pad on the desk, Matthew tried not to look staying focus on his computer.
“What’s this?”  Matthew asked
“It the battle report that you asked the armor commander to make.”
“Why did he not just give it to me then and not you Captain.”
Captain Ritney sighed, “Because he like all men like me.”
Matthew made the mistake and locked eye contact with the Captain.
“I mean you like me too right?” she asked
Matthew cleared his voice and stood up. “I like how you help me with the admin duties while we are deployed, I like that you are an excellent warrior on the field.”
With that she walked out and said over her shoulder. “call me if you need me, I will be cleaning my gun.”
Matthew sat down again and started making his week one report for First Prince Davion.  The Federated Suns units did not see much action in the first week.  The 36th Avalon Hussars Landing Zone was about a day march from the closest enemy city, and the 56th Avalon Hussars Landing Zone was near a port town their objective was to take the port with little damage as possible.  The Lyrans first week even though very successful there was still heavy losses, mostly in equipment. The 4th Skye Rangers took over a port city that was supplying goods to a underwater facility in the Tibet Ocean. They were also successful in taking over a military base in the southern region of the Scales of the Dragonet.  This military base was also a location of a spring water facility, due to the location, up on a hill the Dieron forces elected to stay within the outer walls one of the Dieron armor lances was composed of four Bure II Superheavy tanks. This lance accounted for two destroyed mechs and pilots with seven other mechs severely damaged.  However, the Skye Rangers had three mech companies verses two armor companies of the Dieron planetary militia so in the end the Rangers were able to take over the base.  Matthew already knew that his unit destroyed the enemy that came out to meet them his wife took a company of mechs and armor and greeted two armor and one mech company destroying nearly every unit of the 44th Dieron Regulars, and he took the same size force and went against a mech and armor company destroying the Dieron regulars.  His children’s units were able to achieve their goals with no problems either.  Matthew was just about to look at his older son’s report when a knock at the door jam made him stop.
“Sir, sorry for the interruption but there is a priority one message that just came down from the Accuser.” Captain Ritney announced.
“Thanks captain I will take it in here.”
The screen went from the regiment logo to the Federation logo, then the President popped up.
“General, I hope all is well, news reports of a Lyran, Davion, and unknown force invading Dieron has reached us.  So far, your plan is working, but there are some rumblings in the congress since you have not been seen personally in about five months.  Staying in touch with all the forces via video has helped but I am afraid that if we don’t see a live video where questions can be asked or a live in person from you, your cover will be blown.  I hope to hear from you soon, congress is in session for the next week before their break.”
Matthew called Captain MacBeth, fleet commander.
“Wade.” Matthew said once Captain MacBeth came online.
“Yes sir, how can I help you.”
“I need you to start OPERATION TELEGRAPH we have three days to get it online most of the asset should already be in place.”
“Sir I will start coordinating now.”

Capital of Freedom Federation
Hall of Congress
Main Camber
March 16, 3031

Intern President Malik Henry looked over the Great White Hall of the Congress of the Federation.  It was named Great White Hall because well simply put as he scanned the room it was white.  The walls, pillars, ceiling, were all painted white with white marble tile for the floors.  Even the desk of the congress members was white and the chairs.  The only two things that were not white, the paintings on the wall, still a work in progress, meaning paintings are slowly being added as history unfolds in this young nation. The second was the gravel.  He looked down toward his hand and there was the gravel just resting in his palm.  His mind focused again, and the noise of the arguments came back to him in a rush.  Congress was arguing about the war.  A third of congress wanted to end the war now and hunker down, bring all the forces back to an area that these people deemed easy to defend and wait for the Combines counterattack, leaving a dozen or so planets defenseless. Those planets plus a few others wanted the war to expand and take the war all the way to Luthien.  The rest wanted to end the war but overfund the expedition that General Chapman announce to discover the lost colonies of the old OutWorld Alliance.  While arguing about this the constant thing they all agreed on and wanted to know is where their General was.  The President was about to hammer the gravel in an attempt to put the congress in order.  When a loud whine came across the speakers and the lights dimmed. On the massive twenty by ten-meter video display came to life first the symbol of the Federation showed in a 3D model.  Congress slowly became quiet.  Then the unit standard for the Federation Siegers Command Regiment, formerly known as the Chappy’s Revenge Command Regiment when this symbol showed all the congress stopped everything and sat down. 
The next image was their General, older looking tired, the background looked like a makeshift office in a tent, with the flaps moving with the wind you could see Mechs moving in the background and also you could hear a war going on in the distance.
General Matthew Chapman looked up at the high exalted place where President Henry was.
“President Henry,” then he looked around the great hall. “Ladies and Gentlemen esteem members of Congress I greet you, and on the behalf of the Federation Military I am here to offer up answers and strategies for the next budget bill.”
Whispers throughout the hall was loud enough that President Henry could hear, and he wondered how his General was pulling this off.  Matthew looked at the Congress and shook his head.
“No this is no trick, no AI simulation, no prerecorded scripted.  I am alive and conducting a war to liberate as many planets as possible that we can.  My location is top secret so as long as your question doesn’t pertain to my unit or where I am at, I will answer your questions with about a 10 second delay.  First, I would like to address some recent standard questions.  One, we are still close allies with the Federated Suns and will continue to be close friends until we are not.  Two, yes, the war it seems is winding down for the Federated Suns on the Draconis Combine boarder with that being said it is prudent that we re-evaluated our objectives on that front so that we are not stretch to thin.  Three, building a strong standing army both for the Federation as a whole and for each planet is still a top priority and I have just sent you a packet detailing those plans and the plans to rebuild lost infrastructure on all planets. Four, the Expeditionary fleet is almost fully staff, fully funded and will be leaving Devils Breath orbit within four months.  They have all the information they need and know not to get within four jumps of the Union.  Now let’s answer some questions, the esteem Congressperson from Brasha your question please.”
President Henry was in dumbfounded, first because somehow his General did the impossible, which was pretty standard for him, and is conducting a full live question and answer minus the 10 second delay.  Also, secondly the General had every congressperson eating out of his hand all the anger, the dissolution, the mistrust all gone.  The General did it and he saved the Republic again.

President Manson
Office of the President
Thirty minutes after Congress vote

Malik Henry looked at his General in disbelief.  “So, you are telling me that you had the foresight to have warships that are HPG capable lined up from Dieron to Niles just in case you had to make a call?”
General Chapman looked at his friend, his President. “Sir, for the most part yes, this way we bypass most of the COMSTAR equipment.  Now I am not saying it wasn’t risky I really don’t want COMSTAR to know that my techs on Devil’s Breath know how to operate HPGs. So how did the vote go?”
President Henry smiled and said. “The vote was nearly unanimous the bill passed you have an increase of 15% and fully funded for a year.”
“That’s good news, and unless the Combine does some major counter strike, I foresee the war winding down before the end of next year budget period. Then we can switch to defense spending and Project Jericho”


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #134 on: 13 December 2023, 22:20:32 »
Chapter Seven
FNN (Freedom News Network)
Evening News Broadcast
March 16, 3031

“Today after an unscheduled but very welcome live video feed from General Chapman the Federation Congress voted unanimously to pass the War and Defense Budget for another year.  Ensuring that liberation throughout this region will continue.  General Chapman said that his unit was in the middle of liberation operation but refused to give details on which planet.  In other news the Federation ally Federated Suns has reportedly launched a major invasion of the planet Dieron which is a military district capital for that region and the closest stronghold of Draconis Combine to Terra.  Unconfirmed reports state that seven to eight regiments have invaded that planet with at least nine regiments defending the planet.”

Freedom Base
550 miles from the Capital
Mobile Headquarters of Allied Command
General Chapman office
Second week of invasion
March 16, 3031

It’s been slow going for the allies’ main forces, while they hadn’t lost a battle yet, Matthew noted neither are they just running over the enemy.  The 4th Sky Guards and 4th Sky Rangers will need several days to repair key elements to continue operations.  The 36th and 56th Avalon Hussars are faring better, but the rains in that area have slowed their march down considerably.  The Elite Death Dogs under command of Matthew’s youngest boy, Major Seth Chapman was able to pushed the 9th Sun Zang almost completely off the continent Volteena and are currently engaged in the city San Clemente. His daughter, the youngest child, was also the most ruthless and dedicated officer he had seen since, well, his wife.  Major Cheyenne Chapman and her Elite Death Stallions was the only unit from the Federation to run over the enemy in a Blitzkrieg type of military movement. The 8th Dieron Regulars detachments were running scared moving further north most likely to make their final stand at Fort Shiro, a frozen ancient SLDF base that the Dieron still kept operational. Major Dustin Chapman was in command of the famous Elite Death Stalkers.  Matthew was most concerned with Dustin over all others simply because he always took the short cut, always found a way to win even if it was not the right way to do it.  One day his luck would run out and Matthew prayed he would not be here to see this.  Dustin’s unit was stuck in the same weather pattern as the 36th and 56th Avalon Hussars, so it was a slow go and with the super heavies that his unit had, the ground was not their ally. His oldest child Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Chapman II had the biggest unit of all his children, and he also had a strategic knowledge that rivaled his old man.  His unit the Elite Death Regulators was slowly moving up the southern coast going north.  The goal was for the children to meet up and attack in force at Fort Cross, the initial thought was three weeks but with the weather and heavy resistance that battle was pushed backed two weeks.  As far as the Command Regiment, Matthew had the 2nd mech battalion push north so far, no enemy contact although Tatsuy City and the Dragon Roost in the Tatsuyama Mountain was just a few 100 kilometers away.  The 3rd Battalion was pushing east with no contacts. Colonel Nichole Chapman his wife just engaged the enemy south of the LZ in a city called Chillan Vlejo which was a small port off the south coast of main continent Mataeo.  The colonel came in from the north and encountered light resistance at first mostly in way of light and medium tanks with a battalion of motorized infantry.  The 44th Dieron Regulars fought bravely the infantry hid in buildings and tried to do as much damage as they could.  The 1st and 2nd company moved into the city and encounter two companies of light mechs, even though the 44th Dieron Regulars could move faster in and out of the buildings the heavy mechs of the Siegers pushed through protected by heavier armor and no mandate to keep any infrastructure intact they plowed through the building taking aim at the light mechs when possible, about twenty minutes later most of the town was rubble and the 44th Dieron Regulars was in retreat.  Even with their quick speed several of the Siegers crack pilots were able to take aim and destroy several units.  Colonel Chapman herself killed eight mechs three motorized infantry and two light tanks earning her a Silver Star.

Freedom Base
525 miles from the Capital
Mobile Headquarters of Allied Command
General Chapman office
Second week of invasion
March 19, 3031

General Chapman was asleep when the call from his Fleet Commander came in.  Matthew got up, moved over to the makeshift console, and brought up a very worried looked Fleet Commander. At least it looked like the man was worried it was truly hard to tell with all the static from the interference of all the nuclear missiles used in the initial space battle over Dieron.
“What’s going on Wade.”
“Sorry to wake you..”
Matthew cut him off right there by rubbing his face and then waving at the Fleet Commander like he was trying to get rid of a fly flying around his head.
“Wade we are at war, you are my Fleet Commander report and stop apologizing.”
“Sir due to the interference reports from the  Zenith or Nadir stations have been intermitted, we just received some radar hits from the sensor out on the picket lines  looks like a fleet is inbound from the Nadir.  They will be in orbit in four days.  The Alamo task force is the only one that can intercept this new fleet the rest of fleet is out playing cat and mouse with the remnant of the original Combined fleet.”  Harber and Niles task force are both about six days out.”
“Ok Wade, engage the enemy but if your task force starts take on heavy damage withdraw and wait for the rest of the fleet, all I ask is that you try and do some damage, any dropship destroyed is a good thing.”
The Fleet Commander looked down and then slightly back up again. “Sir this is my fault I was to focus on the fleet hiding from us, I left you vulnerable.”
“Wade intel did not suggest or had any knowledge of another fleet coming I approved of your chase we will be ready for them, our reinforcements will be here soon anyways it will be ok.”
Once the screen went black Matthew’s calmness left him and he threw his coffee mug across the tent, Nichole sat up in bed, “Matthew calm down.”
“You heard the Fleet Commander this is not good we got four days to prepare for a counter attack.”
“Calm down Matthew it will be ok, at least you did not blow up in front of the Fleet Commander, showing confidence in him and not having him fight to the death to fix the problem was a good thing my husband.”

Fleet Commander Wade MacBeth got off the comms with his leader, as he was issuing commands to his XO in the back of his mind he was in aww how his boss took the news.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #135 on: 31 December 2023, 09:31:31 »
Chapter Eight
Space .500 AU from star
Draconis Fleet

Captain Makrodimitris looked at her fleet moving at full speed to get to Dieron In total eight capital ships and seventeen dropships with six fighter squadrons.  She knew though there was a large enemy fleet out here but with all the nuclear radiation from the last battles radar was iffy and so was communication.
“Ma’am a small craft just powered up in front of us and is sending a message.” Said her communication officer.
“Let’s hear it.”
As soon as the voice started talking she knew who it was Sho Sa Kichida acting commander of the what was left of the Dieron fleet.
“Kurita fleet, the enemy is numerous but I have managed to split them in their vain attempts to trap me in the Astro belt 5 AU from this location, I have high hopes that you can get your fleet to the planet and drop your unit off intact.  Sho Sa Kichida out.”
The Captain looked at the radar screen still no contact. “Helm please continue to the planet full speed.” 
About an hour later
“Ma’am contact barring 180 degree -45 angle I have four capital ships no id on them yet but one is really big so expect fighters, cannot tell if they are carrying dropships yet.” Announce the radar tech.
“Go to red alert inform the fleet to target the enemy but we are not staying full speed through them.”
Federation Fleet

Captain MacBeth saw the radar returns of the enemy fleet eight capital ships and a little over a dozen dropships but hardly any fighters.
“Launch all squadrons and attack the dropships, slow down and be ready to roll they will sail right by us we will need to burn to top speed once we yaw in order to stay with them.”
30 minutes later
The fleets were in range and starting firing on each other, the Dieron Regulars at first focused on the Federation fighters destroying five of them in the first salvo they also focused fired on the Patrol Boat on the port flank destroying it with ease.  The Federation focused mostly on the dropship even though a couple of the Dieron regulars’ fighters were destroyed.  The flagship of the Federation fleet focused on three dropships and after the first salvo a Dictator and a Colossus were destroyed.  Salvage ships went to the area and tried to rescue as many of the mechs and amor that they could.

5 minutes later.
With the incredible speed that the capital ships and fighters were going it did not take long for the two sides to pass each other firing another round at any targets.  The federation flipped on end and started to burn against their speed, so that they could pursue the enemy.  Dieron Regulars were pounding the Federation fighters destroying about a dozen. Captain MacBeth orderd to open fire on the enemy’s Capital ships. The FFFS Accuser launched her nuclear missiles four of the seven missiles hit on target destroying the Aotaka and Usugumo both were vigilant corvettes two dropships were destroyed as well. The next salvo four missiles of seven hit again destroy three capital ships the Kagero, Kuwa both Narukami Destroyers and the Ikazuchi a Defender Battlecruiser.  By this time the other capital ships and dropships made it pass the Federation Fleet, even at full burn they would not catch up to the enemy fleet, they pursued anyway.

20 minutes later
Captain Connie Makrodimitris commander of the 12th Dieron Fleet and by rank commander of the 27th fleet also made the call to the overall commander of the mission, Commander of the 5th Sword of Light Tai-sho Palmer Conti. His face popped up on the viewscreen.
“Captain, how goes the blockade run?”
“Sir, I am reporting that we have broken through and are burning maximum thrust we will be there in about six hours.”
“Excellent news how is the fleet though?”
“Sir we lost three dropships and four capital ships, on those dropships was two battalions worth of infantry from the 12th and a battalion of Battlemechs from the 27th. We also lost two and a half fighter squadrons.”
The Tai-sho sat back in his chair drumming his fat fingers on the table.
“I suppose it could have been worse. Do you know the damage to the enemy fleet?”
“Sir they are still in pursuit of us, looks like two capital ships destroyed one is crippled and maybe four squadrons of fighters. Their flagship is unbelievable the nuclear capability of that ship is devastating.”
“Yes Captain their fleet is destructive, but you found a way to break through, of course that is just a fraction of their fleet.  Long range telemetry shows that two task forces that was hunting what’s left of the 5th sword of Light fleet is on their way back to Dieron you should get here in time to see the dropships off to the planet then link up with my task force there you will take over as overall commander, good luck Captain.”
With that the screen went black.

Federation fleet

Captain MacBeth was not looking forward to this call but it needs to be done. The federation symbol spun on the screen waiting on connection with his commander.
General Chapman’s face appeared and looked with a question of hope.
“Captain MacBeth, what’s the damage.”
“Sir we took out several Capital Ships and three dropships initial investigation is that there was men and mech on those ships unknown how many, we are currently in pursuit but won’t be able to catch up.  According to my navigator they will be able to reach the planet before Harber and Niles task force shows up. I am sorry I failed you sir.”
General Chapman shook his head back and forth.  “Nonsense, Captain you was out manned in Capital ships and dropship you did the best you could, link up with the rest of the fleet and pursue them, I just got word that our reinforcements linked up with the fleet that we had to leave behind at the last charging point once they are finish charging they will make haste to arrive in system at the Zenith point.

Draconis Combine fleet
High Orbit
March 21, 3031
Start of the Third week of invasion

Captain Makrodimitris looked on as the 12th and 27th Dieron Regulars dropships split apart going to their separated landing zones.  The 12th was headed over to the Parsonage Region intel suggest that three smaller enemy units were over there, crushing them first would help.  The 27th Dieron Regulars were landing on the outskirts of Ulaangom City the enemy had left that area and moved west, the town will welcome their liberators and fresh food and water will be a welcome sight.

The 27th Dieron Regulars landed just outside the city as planned, and was welcome, but not with open arms like Tai-sho Koutri thought.  There was no party, no parade, just a welcome and the Draconis Combine flag flew again in the courtyard.  Tai-sho Kourtri split his forces into three attack vectors.  He sent what was left of the 3rd battalion southwest the 3rd Battalion was devastated during the incursion battle over half of the Battalion was in one of the three dropships that were destroyed only a couple of mechs survived none of the warriors did though.  Intel had shown most of the enemy forces were due west from the Combine’s landing zone.  So that was why Kourtri sent the 3rd Battalion southwest to secure their flank and avoid the 3rd from being wiped out before reinforcements could be established.  Unfortunately, the Intel for Tai-sho Kourtri was partially wrong, down in the southern area about 50 kilometers from the Combine’s landing zone was two companies of the 4727th Armored Grenadiers and two squadrons of fully loaded aerospace fighters from the 2001st wing of the 56th Avalon Hussars.  The Federated Suns forces met the Combine forces in an open field and devastated them, wiping them out of existence only two mechs and their pilots made it out of the carnage alive.
On the other side of the planet Major Seth Chapman was chasing down what was left of the 9th Sun Zhang, upon hearing that two more enemy regiments were on their way down to the planet he knew he had to finish the nineth off and reconnect with his siblings.  Seth sent his two Squadrons ahead fully loaded with bombs to knock out all roads and passageways in front of the fleeing force.
9th Zun Zhang Academy Cadre
Chu-i Sherry Papi was the highest-ranking officer left in the Cadre. Yet her mech had been destroyed, flying above in a VTOL she looked at the small convoy of fleeing mechs and armor took notice that only two cadets were left, the other sixteen mechs was what was left of the cadre.  She was pondering this as they were making a run for it to the city of Vicuna and the small base located just north of it when the pilot’s board lit up.  “Sir we have inbound looks like twelve fighters.”
Sherry watched as the unmark totally black fighters flew right passed them and started bombing ahead destroying the bridges and roadways ahead of them.  They are trying to slow us down so they can catch up she thought. Then the fighters started strafing runs against her group.  The three VTOLs that were flying above the convoy broke formation and took off at full speed.  That was the last time she saw any of her comrades that were in that convoy.  The enemy fighters slowed the convoy down enough that the rest of Death Dogs were able to catch up and destroy everything.
The 12th Dieron Regulars landed in the parsonage region with no incident, Tai-shu Yawatono Kurita looked over the intel and knew that the three smaller units of the unknown force was to the west with the larger more powerful unit to the east.  His mission objective was to destroy the three smaller units, so he deployed his troops for maximum efficiency.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #136 on: 08 January 2024, 22:56:51 »
Chapter Nine
Command Allied HQ
March 22, 3031

Reports were coming in from several locations about the two new units that landed. General Chapman looked over the reports and was afraid for the first time since this war started that he might lose some or all his children. He could also lose the 36th or 56th Avalon Hussars since one of the new enemy units landed just fifty miles away from both.  He looked at the readiness report and then ordered the 4th Skye Guards 3rd Battalion to hop on dropships and move to the main continent to help the Avalon Hussars.  He then ordered his armor and infantry regiment to move west to help his children. His son Seth was already in transit moving from the continent Voltenna toward his sister’s unit. Which was in the process of moving south to hook up with his other two son’s units at the military base designation MM59B on the map, but his children had renamed it Camp Doom.  The sense of dread moved through the General when new reports came in showing that the enemy attacked on multiple fronts, by the end of the day he should know if the 36th and 56th Avalon Hussars survived the onslaught. Meanwhile, his kids were on the move, not engaging the enemy until they get to Camp Doom.  The general then turned his focus on the fleet. He ordered the fleet that was chasing the Combine’s remanent fleet back to Dieron and then ordered two small task forces to guard both the Zenith and Nadir charging stations.  He had let his pride and eagerness to destroy the Combine fleet get in the way of securing the entry points into this solar system.  For now, let the enemy fleet sit in the asteroid belt. If they wanted a fight, they would have to come to him.

Camp Doom
Chento Mountain Towers Region
Roof of HQ/Comm Building
March 24, 3031

Lt. Colonel Chapman, son of the famous General, overlooked the work that he and his siblings had done over the last three weeks. He then remembered a conversation he had with his father when they first arrived on the planet.

March 11, 3031
Video Conference

General Chapman looked at his son. “Son, I noticed that you requisition building supplies for the fleet.”
Lt. Col Chapman looked at his father. “Yes father, I have discovered a Castle Brain, it’s been abandoned for many years, but with some TLC it can be a very useful base, both for defense and resupply.”
General Chapman spoke. “Were you asleep during all the mission briefs and planning?  We are not staying here, as soon as the Combine is defeated all Federation forces will be heading home and leave the defense of this planet to our allies.”
Lt. Col. Chapman sighed and said. “Father, I know that, but I would like to build a resupply base for us, I also want our dropships station at the base when we are not using them.  It would also be a good place for the air force since there is a runway and the base is centrally located.”
General Chapman just shook his head in a defeated fashion. “I know I will not win this conversation; I will let the fleet know that you are authorize all building materials and defense items you may need.”
‘Thank you, father.”

Three weeks later (Present day)

The White Horse Construction Team had done an amazing job all the walls were repaired, gun turrets were up and functioning, The ECM fields were up and running covering three of the five dropships with mountains in the backdrop and cliffs that made it impossible to attack from behind, the only way the enemy could attack was in the front.  The original designer of the SLDF base had the river diverted to flow around the base, making a good barrier for non-jump jet mechs, and regular infantry.  The river was about 50 meters wide and about 40 meters deep, the main defensible part of the base was the wall on the bank where the base was.  This was about 25 meters tall which Matthew thought would make the average jump jet mech impossible to get up and over.  The wall had many hard points to put gun turrets and he had ordered most of the ones they acquired on the first wall.  The second wall set about half a kilometer from the first wall was the last line of defense before you got to the base building and runway. These walls were only 15 meters high but also had several hard points for gun emplacements. In total the base was about 2.5 sq kilometer, the base went down about 200 meters and had barracks, several chow halls, med facility, communication center, repair bays, and secure landing zones for dropships.  Matthew thought this was a good place to defend and die if needed. 
A big boom sounded in the air slightly to the left of where Matthew was standing, looking up with binoculars he was able to track the last dropship with supplies until after the battle was over. Holding out on this base for several days will be difficult but doable if all his siblings kept with the plan that he came up with.  While he watched the DropShip called Sparrow move down from the outer atmosphere, static on the radio meant something else was about to happen.
“Sir, enemy sited Northeast over a battalion of mechs.  The forward deployed intel team suggest that the other two battalions of mechs and the Armor Regiment is not far behind.”
Evidently the enemy had no clue about this base being fixed up to the point where Matthew considered it a stronghold.
“Roger that CIC launch all fighters tell the company commanders to stay behind the wall for now.”  He looked across the vast base thinking that just about two years ago all he was in command of was a small company of elite MechWarrior’s assigned to top of the line mechs from the war factories on his home planet, now his unit had grown into a re-enforced battalion with a mix of mechs from access the region due to his salvage techniques.  The fighter squadrons flew across the base toward the enemy to harass them with HE bombs three of the four squadrons was from his sister unit the other was from his.  The key was trying to force the enemy through the choke point at the base only entrance.

12th Dieron Regulars
100 miles north of enemy base (Camp Doom)

Tai-shu Yawatono Kurita was frustrated, he had sent his mech regiment ahead to scout for a base so that his entire force could attack the enemy. The problem was his commanders were ambitious a trait that Combine applauds but usually gets lower-level commanders killed if they are not exceptional.  Well, Yawatono thought he had three idiots as battalion commanders.  Word just got back to Yawatono that instead of making camp and waiting for the support regiments of tanks artillery and troops they decided to attack.  To top it off they did not even wait until all three battalions were together, going in waves instead.  If these commanders survive this battle, they will not be commanders anymore for disobeying him.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #137 on: 17 January 2024, 21:56:06 »
Chapter Ten
Camp Doom
Chento Mountain Towers Region
Lt. Col. Chapman Atlas
1715 Dieron Standard Time
March 24, 3031

Matthew was listening to the comms, all the ground units from all four commands were snuggled inside the main wall, those units that were too damaged were behind the secondary wall, close to the dropships.  Due to the needs of the fleet, there were not enough dropships to have a full retreat therefore the goal was to have slow retreat towards the secondary wall that protected the main buildings of the base and the flightline, and could retreat closer to the dropships if needed.  The Federation fighters swoop down and bombed the incoming mech battalion, with the enemy taking heavy damage and the fighters light damage they flew past the base, circled around to make another run.

Dieron 2nd Battalion

Chu-sa Rosa Mohn moved her unit pass the mountain and into the trees just two klicks away from the enemy’s camp.  Her radar lit up and then she saw them four fighter squadrons barring down on them for a bombing run.
“Brace yourselves, we have incoming bombs, keep moving toward their camp.” She announced.
Her unit commander was so damn incompetent the only reason that he had a command was because of his sire name.  The fighters flew over her unit and destroyed four light and one medium mech.  The intel Tai-shu Kurita gave his battalion commanders was wrong.  She thought while watching the fighters circle around for another pass, he had told them it was a run-down abandon base with four small units hiding there, but clearly if they had four fighter squadrons… then she saw the base walls, fully erect walls on the one side of a wide river and only one spot to cross into the base.  Constantly harassed by the fighters they pushed forward toward the main and only gate.

Camp Doom
Chento Mountain Towers Region
Lt. Col. Chapman Atlas
1731 Dieron Standard Time
March 24, 3031

Matthew noticed that the enemy just kept coming, seven fighters have been shot down but about ten mechs have been destroyed or immobile.  Another surprise awaited the enemy when they get closer to the base. Hopefully the mines will slow them down.  Some of the fighters are in the middle of landing and refueling since they had flown in from the other side of the planet to help. The enemy took advantage and moved faster toward the base.

12th Dieron Regulars
3rd Battalion

Chu-sa Bunme Misoi was the commander of the 3rd Battalion. She saw that the 2nd Battalion was almost to the gate just a few more meters till they got to the natural bridge that crossed the river and into the base. With the fighters still focused on the 2nd she ordered her unit to make haste to the gate. Moving out of the tree line her unit was swift and stealthy, about halfway to the gate from the tree line explosions started to happen.

Dieron Regulars
2nd Battalion

Over half her unit was destroyed or immobile but she kept pressing to the gate the mech in front of her had major damage on the left leg and no right arm, the enemy fighters were swinging back for another run and then it happened, an explosion causing the mech in front of her to go down in an instant with missing legs.  Then another and another explosion it finally dawns on her.
“Mines they have mines buried move back move back.  Chu-i Remes move up and clear a path for us.  By the time the Chu-i cleared the path five more mechs were destroyed and his mech was never going to move again.  They continued to press the first mech step on the natural bridge and the onslaught from lasers and missiles from the mechs inside the wall rained down on them.

Stalkers Elite Force
Station at the gate

Major Dustin Chapman was itching to leave the complex and take the battle to them.  Technically they were all separate commanders and equal, but Matthew did have one pip more than the others, he was also older.  Father though had given them all commands with neither of them over the other.  Dustin did not understand why they were hiding, the air force was destroying the enemy, now was the time to move out and finish them.
Major Cheyenne Chapman saw her brother rock back and forth in his mech; she knew what that meant.  Dustin was always the most impatience of the four siblings.
“Dustin, don’t do it stick to the plan.”
There was no answer.  Seth and Matthew heard their sister’s plea and looked over at the gate, only to see Dustin take his heavy modify one of a kind mech out the gate with his three companies following them.
“Chey, Seth cover the hole that Dustin just left give him as much support as we can I will notify the squadrons that we have friendlies in the field.”

Camp Doom
Chento Mountain Towers Region
Major Chapman in his Black September mech
1748 Dieron Standard Time
March 24, 3031

Dustin moved his unit onto the natural bridge and proceeded to overrun the enemy.  Him and his unit was so focused on the enemy in front of the gate they did not notice the enemy moving up from behind.

12th Dieron Regulars
2nd Battalion

Chu-sa Mohn now hated her commander even more as three companies of fresh mechs moved out across the bridge and attacked her unit within minutes all was lost she was one of the last mechs standing until a PPC hit her cockpit.


Dustin looked up afterward his last PPC went through an enemy’s cockpit and saw that none was left standing.  Victory was to be had. 
“Stalker Elite Force this is the 1st Squadron I just picked up a fresh wave of enemy mechs about half a klick from your location.”
Dustin looked out to the location that was tagged on his battle board and got hit with 20 LRMs. Dustin looked at his damage board on medium damage to his torso instead of retreating he order his unit to engage.   The air force was down to two squadrons now, but they dove and strafe the enemy when they could.  The other siblings looked in horror as the Stalkers were slowly cut down.
“We need to change our plans and rescue our brother.” Seth said and he ordered his unit out of the protection of the wall and out into the battlefield.

12th Dieron Regulars
1st Battalion

Tai-sa Mats Storesund saw that the 2nd and 3rd had engaged the enemy and stupidly the enemy had come out to fight instead of staying behind the wall.  It was time to join the battle and his unit started across the forest toward the enemy base.  The closer his unit got closer to the base though he saw the carnage of his comrades the 2nd battalion was destroyed, and the 3rd had been cut into half.  Unfortunately, the enemy had sent reinforcements out to collect their people and then moved back into the safety of the base.
“Regulars retreat back to the tree line we will set up camp there repair what we can and attack again in the morning in force.”


Seth took his unit and retrieved his brothers mech and any other mech or warrior that looked repairable while at the same time fighting off the enemy, Cheyenne had came out of the wall too and helped facilitate while Matthew order all his LRM boats to rain fire down on the enemy for cover.  They successfully retrieve fifteen mechs of the Stalkers and twenty MechWarrior.  Matthew then noticed another battalion coming in to reinforce the enemy then curiously retreated to the tree line.  Probably going to regroup and attack before sunrise.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #138 on: 06 February 2024, 22:50:50 »
Chapter Eleven
Camp Doom
Chento Mountain Towers Region
Lt. Col. Chapman Atlas
0535 Dieron Standard Time
March 25, 3031

The sun was rising behind the base in the east. Matthew looked out at the battlefield to the west and could see the enemy moving up using the discarded carcasses of mechs scattered throughout the battlefield. Matthew notified everyone that an attack would happen within 30 minutes he then called the medical ward.
“How is my brother doing doctor.”
“We got out of surgery about thirty minutes ago, he lost a leg and a arm but the prosthetics are holding and grafting nicely.  He will have to learn to reuse them of course, but he will continue to be a mech jock.”
“Matthew, the enemy has breached the base Seth, and I are engaging please assist.”
 The 12th Dieron Regulars with patched up mechs from the 2nd and 3rd Battalions and the fresh 1st Battalion rushed the gate all 64 mechs and initially over ran the few lances that were there, but about 60 meters in the rest of the Federation mechs moved in. Ninety-eight mechs that had no damage had not fired a single shot met the Dieron Regulars.  Tai-sa Storesund was shocked by how wrong the intel was, they had showed maybe a Battalion worth of mechs, but there was a regiment if not more.  With a look of horror, he saw the precision of the enemy working against his unit slowly pushing them toward the gate.  He opened his net to call a retreat and got nothing but an high squeal of static, jamming the signal he knew most was lost he tried to signal the warriors around him to retreat some got the message and started to run. It was the last thing he did as four sets of LRM volleys hit him. Eighty missiles in total majority hit the mark and he was dead.  At the end of the failed push Thirty Dieron Regular mechs made it back to the camp. MechWarriors for a few hours still trickling in with stories of the Federation just letting them go not wanting to have any prisoners.

Chu-sa Zasedatelev who was second in command of the 3rd Battalion was now the default commander of what was left of the Regiment.  Regiment he thought to himself what a joke, as he looked down at his bandaged arm. They could not even field three companies let alone three battalions.  Zasedatelev walked thru the camp when he eyed movement in the trees over by the mountains, he took of his radio from the belt to call it in when he saw the first lance of tanks and the colors of the 12th.  The rest of the unit was here Tai-shu Kurita is going to be very upset that his one hundred and twenty mech regiment is down to thirty mechs.  With the rest of the unit showing up the 12th was now up to forty-two mechs hundred twenty-three armor and hundred twenty-four infantry.

Camp Doom
Chento Mountain Towers Region
Lt. Col. Chapman Atlas
0930 Dieron Standard Time
March 27, 3031

It's been two days since the rest of the enemy arrived at their base camp on the edge of the tree line.  They had set up jammers that overridden all the Federation signals effectively isolating the units.  All the Federation fighters or he thought what was left were grounded until he could figure out how to take out the AA guns sitting half a klick from the airfield.  Food and water were still not an issue but if this siege goes on any longer rationing may have to start.  Without comms Matthew and his siblings had no idea where their father was in advancing the mighty war machine of the command regiment or if their mercenary friends would arrive.  Time was on their side or was it Matthew just shook his head and sighed.

FNN (Freedom News Network)
Evening News Broadcast
March 27, 3031
“Hi I am Nessa Ford and I am reporting from the renown flagship of the Federation navy here at a Zenith station at an undisclosed location. Fleet Captain Wade MacBeth has granted this news network are rare glimps into the bridge of the most advance warship in the inner sphere.”
She turns to the left and the camera followed her action then moved to her gaze.  The camera focused on the man that was in full navy uniform.  Crisp, clean and very white.  Which in fact did not match with the Captain’s face, if you looked back into the history of mankind and view a warrior from the Denmark region in the dark age period you would find a similar look as Captain MacBeth.  Tall, bald, but a long beard the tips of the beard was just past his muscular chest.

“Captain, thank you for allowing an inside look into the operations of this mighty ship.”
“No problem at all, Nessa specially when General Chapman approved it.” The captain gave a quick awkward smile that spoke volumes in how he really felt.
“So, Captain, can you tell us anything about the current mission?”
The captain looked at the reporter and said.  “We are here on station at the Zenith Charging Station waiting for one of our allies and a reinforcement fleet from the Federation to jump in system. We will then escort the Mercenary group to the planet while the 5th wing of the 2nd fleet will remain on station here to protect the shipping lanes from the enemy.”
“Captain, can you tell us what mercenary organization is coming.”
“They are late, you should find out any moment.  Radar, any sign of enemy or friendly out there?”
“No, wait fleet emergence right now.”
The fleet popped into existence the film crew was still recording and what they saw was impressive. Nine all black warships which included two destroyers, six frigates and one battleship.  The mercenary group was just impressive, Battlecruiser and a Destroyer with the symbol of the Wolf’s Dragoons.

Interstellar News Network (INN)
Today, a reporter from FNN was on the bridge of their flagship when a small flight emerged and indicated that the Wolf’s Dragons are in cahoots with the Freedom Federation armed forces.

Voice of the Dragon (VoTD)
Today we have more proof of the treachery of the Wolf’s Dragoons and the illegitimate government called Freedom Federation.  A reporter from the above-mentioned illegal government took video of a Wolf’s Dragoons fleet meeting up with one of the illegal government’s warships. This brave reporter snuck the video out from the oppressive government to show the universe the evils of other nations.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #139 on: 03 March 2024, 22:56:42 »
Chapter Twelve
Camp Doom
Chento Mountain Towers Region
Lt. Col. Chapman Atlas
1535 Dieron Standard Time
April 4, 3031

For five days the enemy harassed the base with artillery, none of the supply VTOL’s have made it through the blockade.  His father’s forces were tied down in the Parsonage Region about 200 kilometers due east of the Camp Doom.  The supply of armor and missiles had gone dry yesterday so only mechs with lasers were up front.  At the second wall.  Matthew shook his head disappointed, the outer wall had to be abandoned two days ago the enemy finally breached it, with limited firepower and manpower all the Chapman’s kids pulled back to the secondary wall. Half the length of the outer wall and still having fully functioning turrets with the dropships weapons in range now made it difficult for the Dieron Regulars to advance especially with most of their mechs destroyed. Communications out into orbit and space were still iffy due to all the radiation. There had been static mixed with a hint of transmission for the better part of the morning but nothing that was coherent. Matthew looked at the drone feed when it filtered in, the enemy was in worse shape than they were.

12th Dieron Regulars
Base Camp

Tai-shu Kurita looked at his troops broken, destroyed, the only thing he really had left was his company of artillery which fired fifty rounds every two hours. Other than that, maybe a company of mechs and tank if that, could be fielded.  The rest of the forces were all tied up defending towns or the capital, his unit was the only one on the attack and they did not have enough men to attack.

Chento Mountain Towers Region

The region was completely black, Camp Doom had lost power yesterday, and the only illumination was the stars in the cloudless night sky.  The picket line for the Dieron Regulars had fallen asleep, silent was their artillery for the night, quiet was the animal life in the forest so the guards fell asleep.  Sneaking in the tall weeds and grass was a team of five MechWarriors from the Federation who had lost their mechs in the last week.  Moving closer to the sleeping guards they came up and slit their throats at once in unison, and then whispered in the radio back to base that alpha group met their objectives.  A second call by another team of five, one klick away notified the base that beta group met their objectives.  During this time two companies of mechs with all external lights off slowly moved in the field taking a step every few minutes to avoid detection the action took most of the night.  The two five-man teams moved closer to the enemy’s camp picking of an enemy trooper one at the time that were just in the wrong spot at the wrong time reliving themselves.  The sky was starting to get lighter sunrise will be soon, Matthew thought he had been moving his mech beside his siblings for half the night, slowly, and could see the fires of the camp.  His two teams of warriors were about 30 meters from the main camp. Matthew went across the battle net to remind everyone where the ground guys were before the surprise attack.

12th Dieron Regulars
Base Camp

Tai-shu Kurita woke up restless and got out of his cot.  Looking out to this planet’s north seeing the stars and how the future daybreak was starting to creep into the night sky, he sighed and shook his head while he walked toward the head. The closer he got to the dug-out latrine the more the hair stood up on the back of his neck.  Something was wrong, it was too quiet, he stopped even though he needed to use the latrine he wanted to listen, slowly spinning in place he listened and looked out into the empty spaces, then he saw it, movement.  Shit, those are mechs out there he turned to run towards the night watch to sound the alarm when two men, no take that back one man one woman jumped out of the low-lying ditch and cut his throat.  The commander of the 12th Dieron Regulars looked surprised; he knew what was happening, he was bleeding out but how that surprised him, because he never saw them until the end.  Falling to his knees his attackers had already moved on, he was tired and stopped trying to keep the blood from flowing out of his neck.  His hands dropped to the ground, and he finally fell flat on his face, his last thought was he still needed to pee.

Chu-sa Takano sat in her Archer looking out to this planet’s East.  Bored she sighed, always hating the night shift simply because she could not sleep during the day she shifted in her seat, that is when she saw something move out there.  Turning on IR sensors she started scanning the area, nothing but black nothingness, then it happened again, and her computer finally caught the movement also.  Mechs and they are close she flipped on the battle net to warn the Regiment.  She rose to full stance mode from the haul down mode she was in, and all hell broke loose.  Lasers shot out from the blackness of night hitting mechs that were manned and not manned.  Takano no longer bored starting firing her missiles blindly into the night, nothing was being locked onto by the targeting system, she could not understand, then she saw more movement to her left.  She followed the movement she thought she saw but no tracking from her machine.  “This does not make since, what is going on.”
The rest of the unit was finally firing back into the blackness, but the lasers kept coming in from the night, a night in which was fleeing from the sun as it started to creep up the sky. She then saw the enemy, and she knew that this was the end of 12th Dieron Regulars.  Within fifteen minutes all the Dieron Regulars were destroyed, Matthew was surveying the battle site when a big boom sounded from the atmosphere.  Matthew tracked the dropships, and the ID came back as the Wolf’s Dragoons, dad’s reinforcements had finally arrived. Their Dropships landed out in the fields beyond the base. The hanger doors opened and the first mech out of the mech bays was none other than Jamie Wolf.
“Federation this is the Alpha Regiment of the Wolf’s Dragoons, Colonel Wolf here.  We are here to back you up, but it looks like you have taken care of the enemy.  So now we are here to relieve you.  I would like to meet the Chapman Kids and get a firsthand account of what transpired these last few days.”
Matthew switched on the overall net.
“Colonel Wolf, on behalf of my siblings’ units, we stand relieved.  If you follow us into what’s left of the base, we would be happy to tell you everything you want to know.  Over some Dieron wine that we found.
With that what was left of the four units moved toward the base with the Wolf’s Dragoons in tow.  The three Chapman kids and Jamie Wolf exited their mechs and went into the kitchen area sat down drank wine and the Children of General Chapman told their tale to one of the greatest leaders in the inner sphere.  After about an hour Jamie sat back, shook his head, and spoke.  “The Chapman stock is strong, to stand your ground with about five and a half companies of mechs and five squadrons of fighters against a reinforce regiment of mechs two regiments of armor and a regiment of infantry took some balls. Even with the enemy making a fatal error of sending units in waves it was still incredible.”  He sat for a second and then pulled out his radio. “XO send all teams to salvage, salvage everything, give everything to the Federation troops and have our techs help them rebuild.”
The Chapman Children looked at Colonel Wolf then Cheyenne said. “Sir you honor us with this gesture I will make sure my father knows of your generosity so that he may pay you back.” 
Colonel Wolf replied. “Captain the honor is all mine I have heard stories of the Chapman legacy seen holovids about you and your father’s success in battle. Seeing the aftermath of your battle was terrifying, you can simply pay me back by marching with us in four days to the next area of conquest. With my techs and your techs, we should get most of your unit up to speed.  I will keep two companies here with some support units to continue with the repairs and protect the wounded.”


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #140 on: 28 April 2024, 19:48:55 »
Chapter Thirteen
Parsonage Region
Lt. Col. Chapman Atlas
1803 Dieron Standard Time
April 10, 3031

On the march with the Wolf’s Dragoons, several light scrimmages occurred mostly just remnants of Kurita troops from previous battles that wanted to die with honor in combat, so Jamie Wolf obliged them. During the quiet times though, Jamie Wolf would ask questions about the Chapman family that sometimes made the Chapman children question Jamie’s true motives. This was one of those times.  “So, Matthew I am still confused about your heritage.” Jamie asked. Matthew looked at his radio and tilted his head slightly to the right, as if trying to figure out why Colonel Wolf keeps digging into their past.  Matthew figured enough was enough and tried to shut the Colonel down without causing a rift in this newly formed alliance. “Well, my father is building a hall of Military history on Niles, once open it will have all the records and holovids that have been kept on our home planet in a secure site.  Up until now we had kept most of our family history a secret, my father for whatever reason has decided to clear the air about the origins of our family.  Unfortunately, until that hall of military history is open, I can’t say much, maybe father can answer your question better.  All I can say is that as far as I know we had some members of the family leave with the fleet in the great exodus but that is all I really can say.”

Colonel Wolf already knew that much his Wolf net had been investigating this mercenary gone state unit called Chappy’s Revenge for quite some time.  The question was which Chapman was this particular line, and if it was the right Chapman line, Jamie could use this as more leverage for freebirths, showing that natural birth lines can be just as dominating as TrueBorn.

Static hit all the battlemechs at once, the two voices was cutting in and out but the Chapman Kids knew who they were.
“This is Colonel Ni…………tion being over…….losses ……… now.” Female voice said.
“1st Battalion I am s………the…….over.”  Male voice said.

“Colonel” Cheyenne announced first. “Those voices they are our parents, and they are in need of us.”
Colonel Wolf looked at the geographical map and shook his head, we are still about six hours away even if we sent our light units ahead.
“From satellites it looks like your parents are fighting just northeast of the city Casstillo Arratlas with the Aomdri Mountains to the north and the Rouran Ocean to the south it has created a natural choke point.  Your parents have sent in the whole regiment into that region to try and get to you four, and they have been met with heavy resistance and now with enemy troops in the rear blocking retreat even if they wanted to they are trapped.”
“Colonel.” Matthew said “What about air assets. Do you have any on planet Colonel?”
Colonel Wolf shook his head even though no one could see him do it.  “No, the Dragoons are still rebuilding from what the Combine did to us, and even though we have five operational regiments fighting against the right now they are not fully combined regiments we are sorely missing aerospace and armor capability at the moment.  I did check at Fort Doom and nine fighters from the Stallions and two from the Dogs have been completely repaired and armed.”
Major Chapman started to say Cheyenne and Seth when both pipped up and said we are ordering them now to go help.

Parsonage Region
Twenty miles northeast of Catillo Arratlas
General Chapman cockpit
1818 Dieron Standard Time
April 10, 3031

The enemy lines have not broken and now they have been able to move several companies behind his rear guard. On top of that he lost all communication with his wife’s unit on the right flank. He checked his command company, three mechs down two pilots have not responded so classified them as MIA for now, his unit left arm was gone but the rest of the mech was functioning.  Matthew was in the middle of reorganizing the line when nine new radar hits showed on the screen moving fast, he knew they were fighters.  IFF had not identified them yet when the radio call came across.

“Command Regiment. 1st Squadron of the Death Stallions coming hot and fully loaded confirm coordinates for aerial attack.”
“1st Squadron I have painted the enemy on the board take them out, thank you” Matthew replied then watched as the enemy was bombed to hell.  “Command Regiment advance, my unit with me we are going to the right flank to help out 1st Battalion.” 

Right Flank

The command company moved slowly through the broken 1st battalion, General Chapman moved over the hill looking at the destroyed mechs and armor looking for survivors and mainly his wife.  He then saw the remnants of the 1st Battalion they were about a click away fighting a slow withdraw away from the main force, more than likely on the orders of his wife to draw the enemy away. “Command Company move up and take out the enemy.”
The Command company took out the enemy easily and moved up to what was left of the 1st Battalion he looked for his wife’s mech but did not see it. He must have missed it in his dash to help the 1st out he thought. A badly damaged Atlas stepped up from the 1st and its cockpit open the General saw it was Major Azuma she was his wife’s XO.  “General I have your wife here, after she took out six Combine mechs her mech finally went down, with her in it.  I am sorry I picked her up she died next to me, her last thoughts were of you the children and the Federation.  I have it on recording for you.”  General Chapman broke down and silently cried in his cockpit.  He lost one of his best warriors today, the mother of his children, and his lover.  This battle for this planet has turned bitter, he thought.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #141 on: 19 May 2024, 18:14:04 »
Chapter Fourteen
Fortress Dieron
Mount Shanyo
Tai-sho Palmer Conti office
0730 Dieron Standard Time
May10, 3031

Palmer paced his office back and forth; it had been a month since the Dragoons landed and sided with the FedSuns. How was it possible that he was losing. He walked over to the planning table and pushed everything off it, screaming in the process.  Running his hand over his head he saw the computer screen, only two strongholds left with pockets of resistance throughout the planet.  A month ago, he thought he was going to crush the great General Chapman and his upstart Federation.  His children were hold up in a broken-down fort, the General and his wife were being squeezed to death just about 200 kilometers away.  Then everything changed, he blamed the Dragoons but in truth the Chapman Kids escape without help and the Federation still exist on the planet, the only consolation’s Palmer had was that Chapman’s wife was dead.  Which unfortunately made the Federation even more dangerous, their troops fought harder, meaner.  The Stiener scum were about 100 kilometers away from his fortress.  The Federation and Wolf’s Dragoons were about 50 kilometers away from the Capital. Both were heavily defended, and Palmer dared hoping that by attacking the final two fortress on planet that the enemy will be too broken at the end.  The Federated Suns two units were heavily damaged but still operational and looked like they were ordered to deal with any resistance that pop up since they were not marching with the rest of the enemy.

Valley of Blossoms
Joint HQ of Federation and Wolf dragoons
May 10 3031

Matthew Chapman looked at his battalion and company commanders.  What he saw made him proud but also fearful.  They had such hate such anger on their face, yet such a determination that the enemy should run and surrender because these soldiers will never stop.  He looked over at Jamie Wolf and his command staff and sighed.  Then said.
“Look, I know we lost our 1st Battalion commander, she was wife, a mother, a friend, and a great leader we all loved her.  The rest of the time here on the planet cannot be about revenge, we cannot let our emotions get in the way.  This hate, this call for revenge needs to be drained from you.  We have a mission to do and with the help of the Dragoons, we will finish it.  1st Battalion is broken, y’all can barely field a company so I am going to appropriate you guys into my command company.” He stopped for a second and looked at Jamie.
“Your unit is faster and fully operational, so I want you to be on both flanks and circle around.  We will circle the Dragon’s Roost. Now there are only three possible entry points to the base the main door, the secondary door in the back and the Aerospace door on top of mount Tatsuyama Mountain. While my unit hits the main blast doors, I need your unit to move around both sides taking out any missile bays or such and then attack the secondary blast doors in the back.  I am going to have our fleet in orbit bombard the top of the mountain, no nukes will be used, but if we can blow open the bay doors there are squadrons can drop, HE bombs inside.”  He looked back at what was left of his family, this ‘favor’ for the First Prince was too high of a cost, the lost of his wife one son has a robotic arm and his daughter has a robotic foot all from this invasion. He thought at one time he saw war as a necessary evil, one to free people and start a revolution throughout the universe to end this nobility rule and have people in control of the government.   Now he just doesn’t know, the price maybe to high, maybe its time to change policy.

Later that night.

A knock on the door jam and Matthew looked up, it was Jamie Wolf, “Come in Jamie what can I do you for?”  Jamie moved to the chair in front of Matthew and sat down.  Which took him by surprise because what looked like a firm chair ended up not being firm, Matthew watched as the commander of the Dragoons sunk into the chair and saw the look on his face.  Matthew could not resist a small laugh and looked at Jamie.  “Caught you off guard there Jamie?”  Jamie looked at Matthew, “This…is done on purpose isn’t? Jamie said.  Matthew tried to calm his laughter. “Yes, puts people out of their element, and I like to see what they do after that.”  Jamie just shook his head and then continued even though he felt like a little kid looking up at Matthew from the sunken chair.
“Look I like to be positive but there is a chance that we don’t make it out of here alive, I have to know about your family history.”
Matthew shifted in his seat.  “In about two months there will be a museum that will have all that info, of course until I have the grand opening only select people will be able to see it, but soon my friend you will know, besides we will survive the next few days, we have too.”

Fortress Dieron
Mount Shanyo
Tai-sho Palmer Conti office
0810 Dieron Standard Time
May12, 3031

Palmer looked at the view screen.  Multiple infantry regiment size both mechanized and this new thing called the PA(L) which he was told was old SDLF tech. He also saw two armor regiments and almost a regiment of mechs. Moving through the valley like nothing bothered them, all had the Federation colors, he looked at the other camera views and saw that the Wolf’s Dragoons were flanking the mountain.  He reached for the com and was about to order his fighters to lift off and attack the Wolf’s Dragoons when a loud explosion happened, and the mountain shook.  His XO radio in, “Sir, the enemy is bombing us from their fleet in orbit, non-nuclear bombs for now sir.”  They will just have to hunker down and hope the turrets can take their ground forces out.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #142 on: 25 May 2024, 20:13:52 »
Chapter Fifteen
Fortress Dieron
Mount Shanyo
Tai-sho Palmer Conti office
1030 Dieron Standard Time
May12, 3031

Palmer was going crazy, the bombing from orbit had not slowed up and the Federation units just stood there in the valley not moving.  Hi XO turned to Palmer and spoke. “Sir, the above blast doors are giving away monitors showing slight cracks in them.”  More bombs hit the mountain causing plaster and dirt to fall onto the floor of the command center.  Palmer looked at the monitors and the Federation just stood there.  The Wolf’ Dragoons were now at the back blast doors just standing there.  Most of their turrets have been destroyed but at least a dozen of the enemy fighters was shot down. 

The Wolf's Dragoons, battered from moving around the mountain and attacking the powerful turrets, were holding their ground at the back blast doors. Their resilience was admirable, their refusal to engage despite the devastation being wrought upon them was making him mad.

"We can't just sit here and wait for them to pound us into oblivion," Palmer muttered, his voice tight with urgency. "Get a message to the Draconis Combine Command. Tell them we need backup, now!"
He turned to his communications officer, eyes burning with determination. As more bombs shook the command center, Palmer knew that time was running out. But he refused to give in to despair. They would fight tooth and nail to hold their ground, to protect what was theirs against this relentless onslaught. And maybe, just maybe, they could turn the tide of this battle before it was too late. The bombs continued to rain down, Palmer knew that their only hope lay in action. They couldn't afford to wait any longer. It was time to take the fight to the enemy, to show them that they wouldn't be cowed by their relentless onslaught.  Everything broke at the same time, the top of the mountain caved in, and sunlight mixed with construction dust and dirt shown down to the mech bays.  Several people were injured and or dead due to the falling debris.  Palmer looked through the broken class windows and saw the destruction, but the blast doors to the ground remained strong.

“Sir, we have no more defenses outside all turrets are destroyed.”  Palmer stared at his XO for a second and shrugged his shoulders. We are still secured from those troops outside, he thought.  Then loud explosion at ground level then more and more explosions mechs started to tip over, scaffolds fell.  The enemy fighters, they were dive bombing the hole and hitting the forces inside.  Palmar made a decision they were going to open the back doors and rush the Dragoons. They were a smaller force his forces could overwhelm them and escape. 

“Everyone get ready abandon base, open the back doors and rush the enemy.”
Everyone was ready the XO moved to open the doors, but they were jam.  The enemy those damn Wolf Dragoons had somehow sealed them inside.

Palmer's jaw clenched as he absorbed the grim reality of their situation. Trapped inside their own fortress, with the enemy closing in, their options were dwindling by the second. But Palmer was not one to surrender easily.
"We're not giving up," he announced, his voice ringing with defiance. "We'll find another way out of here."
His mind raced, considering every possible avenue of escape, every potential advantage they could leverage against their foes. They might be trapped for now, but Palmer refused to accept defeat.

"Engineers we need to find a way to free us through the back door," he commanded, his tone firm and resolute. "We need to find a way to unjam those doors, whatever it takes."
As his team sprang into action, Palmer's gaze hardened with determination. They might be facing overwhelming odds, but they were not alone. Together, they would find a way to break free from their confinement and turn the tide against their enemies.

"We'll hold our ground," Palmer declared, his voice unwavering in the face of adversity. "And when the time comes, we'll strike back with everything we've got."
With renewed determination, Palmer set his sights on the task ahead. They might be trapped for now, but as long as they stood united, there was still hope for victory.


  • Warrant Officer
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    • MekHQ  AtB style Episodes
Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #143 on: 23 June 2024, 17:27:34 »
Chapter Sixteen
Dragon’s Roost
Tatsuyama Mountain
Governor Office
1500 Dieron Time
May 30, 3031

General Chapman observed the opulent office surroundings, taking in every detail. The rich, dark local wood resembled cherry red mahogany from old Earth, while wall-to-wall bookshelves held a mix of old and new books alongside antiquities from various regions. The elegant ceramic tile floor and floor-to-ceiling windows added to the grandeur of the oversized room, large enough for a battalion of MechWarriors to stand in with room to spare for their commander to conduct a uniform inspection.
Present in the room were General Chapman, his four children, and all the ground ally commanders: General Edward Devlin of the 4th Sky Guards, General Ryan Hawkins of the 4th Sky Rangers, General Valeria Skidmore of the 36th Avalon Hussars, General Barbara Stanton of the 56th Avalon Hussars, and Colonel Wolf of Wolf’s Dragoons. The Draconis Combine was represented only by Governor and Tai-sho Palmer Conti, the sole survivor of their command structure, as most other leaders had either perished in battle or taken their own lives by way of Seppuku.  Despite scattered attempts by Combine units to disrupt order, the battle for the planet had effectively ended after the fall of Fortress Derion.

General Chapman mused over why this man was still alive, when his unit over ran the Combine at the fortress the Dracs fought hard there was a secret passage to escape and about 200 Dracs went into those escape routes, Chapman sent his troops down the passages ways to try and capture or eliminate the soldiers if they would not surrender.  The Dracs fought hard Chapman gave them that, even though the Dracs were no match for the PA(L) verse just their bodies they fought and gave their lives up for a commander that ran.  Eventually they found Palmer, but he was alive and hiding. 
Chapman snapped out of the memory and addressing the disheveled former commander of the 5th Swords of Light.  “Governor, Tai-sho I declare that this planet and all of her residents are now under the protection and rule of the.” General paused for a second and Palmer had enough strength to look up at him Matthew cleared his throat, “This planet is now under the rule of the Freedom Federation, as overall commander of this task force I hereby announce that any personnel of the Draconis Combine military or political arms can vacate this planet with out prejudice, you have a week to get your personal belongings and family out of the system.  There are commercial dropships and jump ships that I have arrange to expedite this.”  The Federated Suns and Lyran commanders were upset and started to raise their voices but the site of the General’s children with hands on weapons and the Great Colonel Wolf siding with the General Chapman shut them up he then continued.  “Furthermore, any of the units out across the planet can leave with their equipment that they can carry including their mechs, but they must be at the designated drop port within 20 hours and stop all hostilities. The only person that will not be able to leave is you Tai-sho Conti, The Archon has requested you in front of her court to answer for your crimes against the Lyran people.  After all Draconis Combine personnel are safely off planet and out of the system I will then succeed control of planet and all its assets to the new Federated Commonwealth my unit will then leave to never return to this place in which we have lost so much.”  With that he looked at his children in acknowledgement of their lost mother a month ago.”  He then looked at the Governor. “Governor I am ordering you to be on the first Dropship out of this system I have a message that I need delivered to Coordinator Kurita, the Freedom Federation wants to start negotiations for peace between both nations.”
With that General Chapman moved out of the office and told the two guards to put the Tai-Sho under room arrest until the Lyran security forces took over possession of the prisoner. Then he marched down the hall with his children and Colonel Wolf in tow, to another room.  Busting into the room the hundred or so reporters instantly became still.  They knew there was going to be press release that is why they are there, most of the reporters came in late last night when the Federated Suns overall commander sent a HPG messages inviting them to the planet. Until today there was no reporting about was going on, about the second week of the invasion all communication was cut, all space travel was band.  One such journalist Rachel Francis from INN was on her first big report very young and pretty she had hope she could catch the eye of someone and land a news scoop, but looking across the sea of reports she realized this was bigger than her.  Everyone including her watched as this tall aging man with five other impressive people following him went up to the stage and sat down.  The first thing that everyone noticed was the uniforms, they were not Federated Suns the guy next to Rachel leaned in and asked what was going on those are not his Federated Suns commanders he had expected.

General Chapman surveyed the room, waiting until his children and Colonel Wolf had taken their seats before beginning.
"Thank you for coming, I appreciate all of you for showing up specially since there has been a media lockdown.  Most of you might not know who I am, My name is General Matthew Chapman and."  the room erupted the reporters started to yell over everyone Matthew just sat back and waited, looking across the room slowly the crowd was silence by the General silence and stair. "Ok now that is done please no more interruptions while I am speaking there will be a time for questions at the end if needed.  Here to my right is my three sons all commanders in the Federation Army from left to right Matthew, Dustin, and Seth to my left is my daughter also a commander in the army Cheyenne and next to her is Colonel Wolf of the Wolf's Dragoons.  My wife was killed in action about a month ago so please pardon me or my children seem down in spirits on this glorious day.  For the last few months, I have been the overall commander of this invasion fighting not for my country but for the Federated Suns, I have done this because of the Oath I had had with the First Prince.  Two units from the Federated Suns and Two units from the Lyran Commonwealth participated heavily in this effort and they should be highly praised for their actions.  Today I accepted the surrender of the Governor and also Tai=sho Conti and within one weeks time after the stipulations that I have handed down are achieve I will succeed this planet to the new Federated Commonwealth and the First Prince will have his planet that he wanted.  As for my command In a week we will leave and go back to our home we lost a lot I and my children have lost a lot, it is time to reflect and see what future holds.  I am sending a suggestion of peace to the Coordinator Kurita and hope that we can work out an agreement. With that I will open up to a few questions.”