Author Topic: Armored Trooper Series PA  (Read 2963 times)


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Armored Trooper Series PA
« on: 16 April 2022, 16:52:54 »
Inspired by the Yellowjacket PA(L) from China Shop, I decided to create my own take on an introductory suit of powered armor that gets the idea of PA/BA going in the Inner Sphere.

The Armored Trooper series of powered armor is relatively cheap and low-tech, intended to serve as basic suits that still manage to render conventional infantry obsolete. AT suits greatly increase the wearer's chances of surviving the battlefields of the 31st century, even when they're facing armored vehicles and heavy weapons, and will allow the wearer to inflict disproportionate casualties against opposing forces; the development of PA-mounted heavy weapons will even allow them to threaten BattleMechs.

The first and most basic suit is the AT-1, which carries enough armor to effectively shrug off hits from basic infantry weapons and lighter vehicle-mounted weapons, allows the wearer to move at a steady 30 kph, and is fully sealed against environmental hazards because you just know some desperate wanker is going to resort to chemical weapons when they realize their guns aren't working. The myomer-enhanced armored gloves are strong enough to inflict lethal damage on soft targets without any loss in dexterity, and may also be locked closed by the wearer so they can remain attached to whatever surface they grabbed without tiring.

The AT-1's standard configuration is designed to meet a variety of battlefield needs, with the arms mounting an automatic micro-grenade launcher and an antipersonnel weapon mount compatible with most infantry small arms, as well as a computer-controlled multipurpose searchlight with dazzler and incapacitation functions and a cutting torch for breaching and utility work. The back-mounted mission storage compartment allows the wearer to carry eighty kilograms of equipment, and multiple easy-access compartments are placed across the torso for smaller equipment such as ammunition, demolition charges, and mines.

The AT-1 is designed to be fully modular and ambidextrous; all equipment can be mounted on whichever arm is preferred by the user or stripped out for more mission storage capacity, while the multifunction searchlight is also available in torso-mounted and handheld versions. Storage space may also be reduced in order to mount additional equipment such as a power pack, extended life support system, retractable parafoil, remote sensor/dispenser system, and laser/shotgun microphones

Finally, the suit comes standard with a vibro-shovel for engineering and sapping work which may also serve as an emergency melee weapon capable of damaging power-armored opponents.
Additional models are in development that will possess jump jets and carry either a recoilless rifle or vehicle-scale machine gun, as well as with equipment such as improved electronics, magnetic clamps for attaching to friendly vehicles, minesweepers, wrist-mounted retractable vibroweapons, and grapnel launchers.
Code: [Select]
Armored Trooper AT-1
Type: Armored Trooper
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown

Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Chassis Type:  Biped
Weight Class: Ultra Light/PA(L)/Exoskeleton
Maximum Weight: 400 kg
Battle Value: 61
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: Yes/Yes/Yes/Yes

Equipment                                     Slots      Mass
Chassis:                                                80 kg
Motive System:                                               
     Ground MP:          3                              50 kg
     Jump MP:            0                               0 kg
    Left Arm:            Armored Gloves                  0 kg
    Right Arm:           Armored Gloves                  0 kg
Armor:                   Standard (Basic)       0      100 kg
    Armor Value:         2+1 (Trooper)                         

Weapons and Equipment             Location (Capacity)   Mass
Mission Equipment Storage (55 kg)   Body       1       80 kg
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount       Left Arm     1        5 kg
Cutting Torch                     Left Arm     1        5 kg
Grenade Launcher                  Right Arm     1       75 kg
Searchlight                       Right Arm     1        5 kg
Vibro-Shovel                        None       0        0 kg
Demolition Charge                   None       0        0 kg
Mine                                None       0        0 kg

Constructive criticism is welcome!
« Last Edit: 22 April 2022, 20:37:12 by Valiran »

Hazard Pay

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Re: Armored Trooper Powered Armor
« Reply #1 on: 16 April 2022, 17:38:42 »
Nice job Valiran!


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Re: Armored Trooper Powered Armor
« Reply #2 on: 16 April 2022, 17:45:39 »
With Armored Gloves, you don't really need to spend any mass on AP weapon mounts.  You can pick up and use anything with a crew value of 1E or less without trouble.


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Re: Armored Trooper Powered Armor
« Reply #3 on: 16 April 2022, 21:38:11 »
With Armored Gloves, you don't really need to spend any mass on AP weapon mounts.  You can pick up and use anything with a crew value of 1E or less without trouble.

I thought it would let them hold two weapons, like putting a laser rifle on the AP mount still leaves their hands free to hold an SRM launcher if they need to.

Red Pins

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Re: Armored Trooper Powered Armor
« Reply #4 on: 16 April 2022, 21:43:15 »
Presenting the Miles, my own version;
Code: [Select]
Miles PA(L)
Produced By: New Clans, Blake Alliance
     Primary Factory: None
Introduced: 3085
Class: PA(L) (300 kg)
Chassis: Bipedal
Armor type: Clan Standard
Tech Base: LC
Maximum Speed: 10.8 kph          Jump: 0 m
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: Y/Y/Y/N
Type: Miles PA(L)
Equipment                                Slots    Mass
Chassis:                                                  80 kg
Mobility:            1 MP/0 Jump
Armor:                      2+1                       50 kg

  Left Arm: Armored Gloves
  Right Arm: Armored Gloves

W & E                             Loc     Slots     Mass
L-Machine Gun              RA        1        75 kg
Micro-Grenade               B         1        75 kg
Mission Equipment        B         1        20 kg

  Originally considered front-line equipment for elite Infantry formations across the Cluster, the mass-produced Miles PA(L) has become something of a basic field uniform of New Clan Infantry regiments since its introduction by Clan Piranha.

  Capable of only moderate enhancement the suit’s primary focus is the survival of its occupant, providing protection from most small-arms and standard A-P munitions, separate air supply, and assisted mobility while remaining light and small enough to be easily portable by non-standard transports.
  With a mission duration of just over twelve hours, the Miles provides an integral Light Machine Gun and versa-tile Micro-Grenade Launcher with a variety of munitions.
  A large storage pouch allows it to carry a variety of items, the most common being extra ammunition or power options.
  Equally popular with the Blakists, Miles are to be expected to be pre-sent in any encounter.

FWIW, I like your equipment a lot more.  A vibro-shovel!
« Last Edit: 16 April 2022, 22:53:27 by Red Pins »
...Visit the Legacy Cluster...
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Hazard Pay

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Re: Armored Trooper Powered Armor
« Reply #5 on: 16 April 2022, 21:49:52 »
Red Pins, your Miles PA(L) movement seems messed up. It says in Max Speed and Jump to be 30 and 0 respectively, but in Mobility it has only 1MP.

Red Pins

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Re: Armored Trooper Powered Armor
« Reply #6 on: 16 April 2022, 22:52:43 »
Oh, thanks.  Its one of the units for a new project, so revisions took the speed away and I forgot to update it.  It should be 10.8, IIRC according to the MML file.
...Visit the Legacy Cluster...
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TRO: 3176 Hegemony Refits - the 30-day wonder


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Re: Armored Trooper Powered Armor
« Reply #7 on: 22 April 2022, 19:44:28 »
So, I just learned that all PA/BA have integrated life support systems capable of operating for twelve hours, and the extended life support module just doubles that capability to 24 hours. In light of that, I've decided to edit the AT-1's design a little by removing the ELS and giving it more storage capacity. It's kinda nice to learn, because there really wasn't much I could change in the original draft without destroying what I wanted the armor to be.

Presenting the Miles, my own version;
FWIW, I like your equipment a lot more.  A vibro-shovel!

 Uh, why are you posting your work in the thread I made to show off my design(s)? Is that a thing people do here? I'm not sure what the etiquette for this board is supposed to be.
« Last Edit: 22 April 2022, 20:37:36 by Valiran »


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Re: Armored Trooper Series PA
« Reply #8 on: 22 April 2022, 19:47:15 »
Things are pretty flexible here, but you have to be polite about it.  That was a fair question on your part, but Red Pins was well within the norms here.

Red Pins

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Re: Armored Trooper Series PA
« Reply #9 on: 22 April 2022, 19:58:49 »
Um.  Sorry.  I guess I live in my own stuff a little too much.
...Visit the Legacy Cluster...
The New Clans:Volume One
Clan Devil Wasp * Clan Carnoraptor * Clan Frost Ape * Clan Surf Dragon * Clan Tundra Leopard
Work-in-progress; The Blake Threat File
Now with MORE GROGNARD!  ...I think I'm done.  I've played long enough to earn a pension, fer cryin' out loud!  IlClan and out in <REDACTED>!
TRO: 3176 Hegemony Refits - the 30-day wonder


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Re: Armored Trooper Series PA
« Reply #10 on: 22 April 2022, 20:42:22 »
Things are pretty flexible here, but you have to be polite about it.  That was a fair question on your part, but Red Pins was well within the norms here.
Was I being impolite? I don't see any impoliteness in my post and it sure as hell wasn't my intention. I just didn't know if Red Pins posting his own design in this thread was acceptable behavior or not, so I decided to ask.

Um.  Sorry.  I guess I live in my own stuff a little too much.
Don't worry, you didn't offend me or anything. I was just confused because I wasn't expecting you to post your own design here.


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Re: Armored Trooper Series PA
« Reply #11 on: 22 April 2022, 21:32:46 »
You weren't impolite at all... again, you asked a fair question (being new).  Welcome to the board!  :thumbsup:

