Author Topic: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned  (Read 19647 times)

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #30 on: 07 January 2023, 21:34:48 »
Well to be fair, Agent Kallus wasn't above killing Stormtroopers on a whim either.
You could say he had a Kallus disregard for life.
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #31 on: 08 January 2023, 19:32:06 »
You could say he had a Kallus disregard for life.
You  deserve a PUN BEATING for that  :thumbsup:
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #32 on: 09 January 2023, 07:54:56 »
just blundered across this, its the coreographed but unused footage for the Palapatine vs Jedi Council fight that we didn't get
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #33 on: 11 January 2023, 15:33:52 »
Great episode today!   :thumbsup:
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #34 on: 11 January 2023, 16:52:54 »
Loved the scoring of it, very fitting for the characters.

I also wonder where they are going with it - redemption or damnation?

And the slow rehabilitation of Count Dokuu continues :D


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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #35 on: 11 January 2023, 21:40:01 »
Loved the scoring of it, very fitting for the characters.

I also wonder where they are going with it - redemption or damnation?

And the slow rehabilitation of Count Dokuu continues :D

I think Dokuu isn't the only toon being rehabilitated, after this episode

excellent Eps3...
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #36 on: 18 January 2023, 09:00:53 »
TAY-0 was pretty damn funny.  ;D
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #37 on: 21 January 2023, 19:33:25 »
The Mandalorian thread brought up the issue of who controls Mandalore at that point in time, and I know some of the lore post RotJ, but I thought I'd check in with anyone who can correct me if I'm wrong and fill in the blanks for me:

- Battle of Jakku 5 ABY, New Republic decisively defeats the Empire
- Empire surrenders, but keeps territory with many stipulations, like no Stormtroopers, no torture, no academies, give up Coruscant
- there are some Imperial holdouts who don't recognize the surrender, who eventually flee to the Unknown Regions and become the First Order
- the New Republic downgrades its military, with many/most systems maintaining their own system defenses instead

- what of the territories of the surrendered Imperials? Do they just kind of go independent? Or slowly fall under the umbrella of the New Republic, but also maintaining their own independent defenses like many others?
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #38 on: 22 January 2023, 02:24:36 »
my understanding is that many of them became part of the New Republic, which was part of the reason that the First Order had so many sympathizers in the Senate. presumably a lot of the regional governors stayed in place along with their political structures, just with their military forces defanged. presumably any world that wants its independence from the local governor could petition the new republic for recognition, but i suspect that as the process went on, that became a matter of committees and investigations, and the ex-imperial voices in the senate dragged things out.

i like that the mandolorian series is revisiting elements of the Legends "imperial warlords" concept by having people like Gideon basically operating imperial remnants like the Rebellion used to. so instead of warlords having multi-planet mini-empires, they're now more like real world warlords, where their survival is largely about avoiding notice from the bigger political entities, and their direct power and control is much more geographically limited, though their influence can extend even into regions where they have no direct dominance.

the outer rim region was notoriously lawless and hard to police even under the Empire, and they had a lot more resources to throw at the problem. and even then they barely had a presence in most sectors, focusing on key strategic planets and deploying token garrisons to many of the rest. (this comes up a fair bit in SW:Rebels) though they also liked to use it to hide their secret projects, using that same remoteness from the more densely civilized core worlds to keep things from the bulk of the populace and the senate.

as far as who controls mandalore now.. no idea. a lot of people are speculating Thrawn, as i once did, but i doubt he'd be able to hide that fact, and its clear that very few know thrawn is still around. if the Ahsoka series had come out already, i'd have contunued to think Thrawn myself, but since we're going to be visiting the planet in season 3, i suspect that it isn't him, since we'd have gotten more build up for that.


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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #39 on: 22 January 2023, 04:05:02 »
as far as who controls mandalore now.. no idea. a lot of people are speculating Thrawn, as i once did, but i doubt he'd be able to hide that fact, and its clear that very few know thrawn is still around. if the Ahsoka series had come out already, i'd have contunued to think Thrawn myself, but since we're going to be visiting the planet in season 3, i suspect that it isn't him, since we'd have gotten more build up for that.
I personally don't think Thrawn is even part of the Empire anymore, between what has come out in the Thrawn novels and the end of Rebels, I feel like he would've gone back to the Chiss once the Empire lost it's power since it seems he was basically using the Empire to try to counter other threats from the Unknown Regions

of course, power corrupts, and maybe Thrawn ended up liking the Empire for what it was, we'll see I suppose with the Ahsoka series
"I'll give the Bears this... they do not care about "being clan" one bit, and they own it." - cold1

"Question: Under zellbrigen, how does one engage Shadow Divisions?
Answer: With orbital bombardment."

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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #40 on: 22 January 2023, 13:10:04 »
technically he can;t go back to the Chiss, he's an exile. he violated their laws, conducted preemptive military operations against what was at the time not an enemy (but which was a potential threat) and was permanently exiled from chiss space. he can never return there. (there is a series of novels spelling out the specifics in fairly high detail)
he took service with the Emperor and Empire with the intent of protecting the Chiss even in exile. and would send the occasional imperial officer to the chiss covertly to try and aid them.

given that Chiss space lies close to Ilum though, i suspect that they might have some problems of their own with the Imperial remnants that fled to that region of space. especially now that it has been confirmed that Starkiller base was Ilum originally, turned into the headquarters of the Imperial Remnant and First Order before it was converted into a super weapon.
« Last Edit: 22 January 2023, 13:15:45 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #41 on: 22 January 2023, 20:01:52 »
given that Chiss space lies close to Ilum though, i suspect that they might have some problems of their own with the Imperial remnants that fled to that region of space. especially now that it has been confirmed that Starkiller base was Ilum originally, turned into the headquarters of the Imperial Remnant and First Order before it was converted into a super weapon.

And then converted into a micro (dwarf) star named Solo.

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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #42 on: 23 January 2023, 01:12:40 »
technically he can;t go back to the Chiss, he's an exile. he violated their laws, conducted preemptive military operations against what was at the time not an enemy (but which was a potential threat) and was permanently exiled from chiss space. he can never return there. (there is a series of novels spelling out the specifics in fairly high detail)
he took service with the Emperor and Empire with the intent of protecting the Chiss even in exile. and would send the occasional imperial officer to the chiss covertly to try and aid them.

BUT weren't those novels "legends" now?  SO does that 'banishment" still apply?
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #43 on: 23 January 2023, 01:34:35 »
BUT weren't those novels "legends" now?  SO does that 'banishment" still apply?

pretty sure Glitterboy is referring to the new novels that just came out, the Thrawn Ascendency trilogy?...I have yet to read them, but I hope to soon
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"Question: Under zellbrigen, how does one engage Shadow Divisions?
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #44 on: 23 January 2023, 17:55:00 »
yep. the exact details of his exile are still a little vague.. some materials (like the comics) present it as "he can never go home', the Thrawn Ascendency trilogypresents the exile as a ploy (made to look real, thus tying into the earlier comics) to learn about the Empire.. but whether he can go back is left vague, and the general sense is that while he remains in contact with the chiss, he's persona non grata with them due to his previous checkered career and can't easily go home.


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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #45 on: 23 January 2023, 18:06:57 »
yep. the exact details of his exile are still a little vague.. some materials (like the comics) present it as "he can never go home', the Thrawn Ascendency trilogypresents the exile as a ploy (made to look real, thus tying into the earlier comics) to learn about the Empire.. but whether he can go back is left vague, and the general sense is that while he remains in contact with the chiss, he's persona non grata with them due to his previous checkered career and can't easily go home.

The novels make it pretty clear he never really learned to play politics nearly as well as he did the game of war. And it cost him because he angered the wrong political opponents, and lost one or two of his most valuable political allies.

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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #46 on: 23 January 2023, 19:35:24 »
The novels make it pretty clear he never really learned to play politics nearly as well as he did the game of war. And it cost him because he angered the wrong political opponents, and lost one or two of his most valuable political allies.

a similar story to his Imperial career, pretty much. if not for Eli Vanto (an imperial officer who becomes his aid-de-camp) and later Arihnda Pryce, even the Emperor's patronage wouldn't have allowed Thrawn to rise through the ranks. in Chiss service he had similar allies who were more politically adept to aid him in navigating the non-military side of things.


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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #47 on: 25 January 2023, 14:25:55 »
Is it just me or did the thingiebob look a lot like the walkers from Horizon Zero Dawn?

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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #48 on: 08 February 2023, 15:46:41 »
Nice to hear Ian McDiarmid crushing it as Palpatine once again.   :clap:
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #49 on: 09 February 2023, 00:53:59 »
Ah, seems we're an episode behind here.

Was just going to comment it was sad to not have Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa.


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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #50 on: 09 February 2023, 14:44:11 »
Ah, seems we're an episode behind here.

Was just going to comment it was sad to not have Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa.
I got up to date, season 2 episode 7, and 8 I liked the revisiting of the senator from Pantora, and unfortunately Darth Sidious is still playing the galaxy and the senate by being several steps ahead of everyone else


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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #51 on: 01 March 2023, 22:08:03 »
The mandelorian is back
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #52 on: 04 March 2023, 10:25:44 »
I never expected to see a Zilllo Beast again.
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #53 on: 04 March 2023, 10:47:17 »
Yeah. I was not really impressed with it
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #54 on: 04 March 2023, 20:59:21 »
Yeah. I was not really impressed with it

Eh... Alien meets Star Wars, I thought the Commando's would have done better.
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #55 on: 10 March 2023, 18:22:13 »
The snow and particle effects were amazing in the latest Bad Batch, and they did a good job making it feel cold too, the shivering that Crosshair did was great
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"Question: Under zellbrigen, how does one engage Shadow Divisions?
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #56 on: 11 March 2023, 10:25:32 »
I think our two Crosshair episodes this season are hands down the best of the entire series.
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #57 on: 11 March 2023, 11:14:09 »
This most recent was very good.
Did the Zillow beast story in 11 get resolved? I don’t really remember.
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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #58 on: 11 March 2023, 13:58:13 »
The Imps recaptured it and took it away to the facility.


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Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Reply #59 on: 11 March 2023, 19:04:47 »
Oh, I was really tired when I saw it. Maybe Ill rewatch that one
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