Author Topic: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU, COMPLETE, Comments Welcome)  (Read 15085 times)


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #120 on: 07 March 2023, 13:26:55 »
Chapter 16 – Brothers in Arms

Kong-Sang-Shao (Naval Captain) Xie Wan walked beside Sang-Wei Zahn through the contra-grav deck flanked by SSOs. Reserved for Capellan nationals it was bereft of tourists. Station residents milled around during their breaks drinking at standing bars beneath scrolling Cantonese, Russian, and Standard banners recounting the news of the day. Digital displays extolled the virtues of Tormano Liao’s New Central Kingdom or flatteringly portraying the Ironheart Chancellor and his family, particularly the young Prince Treyhang. Four Warrior House Ijori members, identified by tan robes emblazoned with the House crest, listened to their sifu speak of Taoism and other philosophies alongside resident adherents.

“That was deft maneuvering on your part Sang-Wei Zahn.”

“If you knew their mothers you would understand why I chose the tactics that I did.”
“I am pleased that you were able to defuse that potential situation, but do not approve of your intentions to bring them with us. It is too dangerous.”

A trio of Kali Liao’s cultists strode toward the Warriors identified by the saffron and crimson sash they wore wrapped around their jumpsuit’s waist and black prayer beads around their necks. Both men looked back as their SSO escort peeled off to intercept them before continuing.

“They know that. They have their own bodyguards and a mind to ‘aid’ us.
Their warrior pride wouldn’t let them sit this out. I did however stress that they will be in a ‘supporting’ role when we locate her.

The CCAF gets the collar and credit for either sending Victoria Espinosa to Sian, or Diyu, for judgment.”
“I don’t think she will let us take her alive.”

“No, I figure as much, however if we can it would be better for the Confederation. We might otherwise be unable to discern who she Is working for, or with.”

An argument broke out behind them between the Ijori Warriors and Kali’s Thugees that rapidly escalated to a shouting match. The ijori squared up with the cultists to protect their sifu and the station residents who inched away from the belligerents.
“Probably the Taurians if anyone based on her history. They have been growing in power for the past decade and trying to muscle into the Rim and Fronc Reaches while we are weak.”

SSOs broke out the cuffs and arrested the quarrelsome cultists before their argument escalated further to the visible relief of residents who returned to their individual distractions.
“That does seem likely. Rogue Ghosts have become less frequent of late. It is likely some have been incorporated by the TDF or bands of deniable pirate auxiliaries.”

Talon and Xie shook their heads as the Thugees were led past them chanting in some unknown, guttural tongue.

“Well keep them talking about the plan, maybe unified action will keep them from blows. I will ensure our fast jumpships are ready to launch as soon as we have HPG reports regarding Victoria’s location.

She is somewhere out there, and we must act swiftly when the opportunity presents itself.”

“Aye, sir.”

Princes Hohiro Kurita and Andrew Davion sat around a holoprojector with Sang-Wei Zahn. Metal water bottles were kept attached to the wall and away from the expensive device. Talon went over points from the aftermath of Alessandro Steiner’s Deep Raid against Ling in 2987.
“Although he was victorious in the initial mission the greater loss of LCAF personnel in other attacks forced him to adopt Elastic Defense doctrine although named Concentrated Weakness.
Unfortunately, the failure of the LCAF and LCN to safeguard Hesperus and other worlds behind the frontlines led to his eventually overthrow by Katrina Steiner.
Thus, confirming that one can be both fortunate and foolish at the same time.”

Andrew leaned back, “It is unfortunate that I never got to meet her. Ian said she lived up to her reputation until the end.”
“My father has great respect and admiration for the Iron Lady as a fierce and cunning adversary. However, I believe her daughter may not have inherited her mother’s steel.”
“Underestimate Archon Steiner at your own peril Hohiro. I doubt she would give you a second chance to make such a mistake.”

Talon Zahn’s Commpad chimed, and Captain Xie Wan’s voice came from the intercom in their ‘command center’ in the back room of the Wellspring.
“We’ve got her!
HPG reports of hostiles approaching the orbit of Cavalor.
We are already beginning jump calculations.”

“Duty calls gentleman.
Class dismissed.
Time for a practical.”


  • Captain
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #121 on: 08 March 2023, 01:15:24 »
Makes you wonder what surprises she has in store to bait them like this. I guess we will find out soon enough.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #122 on: 08 March 2023, 21:21:47 »
Andrew breathed deep from his space suit’ ECLSS unit going over his pre-flight checklists while clenching and releasing his control yoke. His skin tingled where the neural pickups for his advanced neurohelmet touched although he knew it was only a phantom feeling. He looked around ‘through’ the fighter to visually ‘see’ the massive shipbreaker missiles attached beneath his wings. Both wings were presently in the raised ‘cradle carry’ position reducing angular momentum.

The rare fighter, a participant in the Great Lee Turkey Shoot, would take him to battle in space, just as soon as the CCN Navigator did their job. There was a certain irony in it, and he chuckled while the remainder of his squadron completed their own preparations. Material, mental, and metaphysical.

Major ‘Lightbulb’ Watson’s airy voice came over comms, “Five minutes till jump Ninth. Complete all pre-flight lists and update the roster. We don’t know what is going to be on the other side. So be prepared for anything.”

CCN Zhang He class Fast Jumpships (LF Star Lords) transmitted the protective KF field to their three dropships. Each one aimed at a different jump point. In a flash of infrared and microwave they vanished into the peculiar physics bending purgatory of jump space. He arrived thirty seconds later 21 Light Years from his origin.

Two Squadrons burned clear of their mothership to an empty nadir, “No welcoming party?”

Faint icons appeared on their HUD’s; a pip appeared to mark a COMSTAR NAV ‘buoy’ which like all its type provided basic astrogation information to passersby. His Fighter’s nav computer automatically synced to it like all nav computers did causing a text box to appear with relevant details. (Recharge Time 173 TSH, 504 TSH @ 1g to Cavalor II, 0.98 billion pop as of 3045, orbital period 3.507 TSY, Equatorial Temp 293K, HPG Class B, etc…)

They looked ‘up’ beyond Cavalor’s FO Yellow-White primary burning almost 50% hotter than Sol toward the Zenith. With almost 18 billion kilometers between the two points light speed lag would delay any signal enough that if anything was waiting for either vessel the other wouldn’t have a chance to respond.

“Major Watson do you think we should return to the carrier?”
“For now, I think we don’t have a choice.”

The Twelve Pilots of the Ninth Air Guard gathered in the Union CV FSN Triumph of Laurels’ Ward Room. “Due to the light speed lag inherent in such a big system we will have to wait eight hours for our tightbeam to arrive before we can coordinate with the Zenith Task Force. That is assuming the Precentor is able or willing to power up his HPG for another set of transmissions after the one he sent to Renown two hours ago.

As far as we can tell there are no signs of jumpships in the system except for our own. It is a big system and even the Wan He’s (another Command Overlord) NCSS is having difficulty handling the primary’s flux.

This isn’t a common layover for traders due to the long transit so any KF plumes we pick up should be treated as hostile until proven otherwise, so keep in your suits and the fighters will remain fueled and armed.

We will have updates as they arrive, until then dismissed.”

Andrew returned to his room with its one wall spraypainted with the Armstrong Academy Flag across from his rack. His soft cap touched the wall as he leaned back, “Twenty one day transit, less than a billion people. What are Victoria’s pirates looting on world? or is this their base?
If so, why didn’t COMSTAR tell us beforehand? Surely, they should have known.
It just doesn’t make sense.”

Eighteen Billion kilometers away and eight hours later Hohiro Kurita breathed deeply in seiza with his eyes closed contemplating the same thing aboard the CCNS Falcon’s Grasp. He heard the door open and had his wakizashi drawn stopping short of Talon who floated calmly in the doorway unphased by the almost half-meter of sharpened steel pointing at him.

“This is a trap.”
“I know; however we must fight through it in order to find who laid it.
Unless you want to wait the month it will take to do a transit.”

“No let’s get it over with,”
Hohiro sheathed the sword and strapped it back over his shoulder, “We will prevail Sang-Wei Zahn.”
“Agreed, now get back to your dropship Prince Hohiro.”
Talon tapped his gauntlet computer to show the pirate point coordinates that would put them almost 10 hours away instead of 21 days from the planet and almost certainly guarded, “We will jump within the hour.”


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #123 on: 10 March 2023, 10:55:11 »
Adrenaline pulsed through him as Andrew waited for the jump clock to tick down his fighter ready to break down the bay door the moment they cleared jump space. Time stretched as it approached 00:00 before the KF field enveloped them at ‘+00:01’ he saw the bay doors swing open and triggered his RCS thrusters.

The combat display from the Wan He and Falcon’s Grasp was immediately populated with contacts. All six of their dropships were separated from both Zhang Hes with a Fighter Wing and Gunship Squadron between them. Two small cold space stations were loosely clustered near the L-1 and an Aurigan flagged Danais dropship was inbound to their location. Their Kuan Ti patrol craft took the lead to intercept deploying its gunships with their boarding crews inside.
“ACS Rocky Renaissance this is Commander Zue of the CCNS Sandman, part of a CCN Anti-Piracy Task Force. You are ordered to halt thrust and prepare for boarding.”

The Dropship stopped thrusting as it neared, explosive bolts triggered flinging dummy panels into space while revealing an arsenal of deadly weapons. A squadron of RGU-133L ‘Rogue’ Aerospace fighters armed with rocket pods emerged from its two launch bays forming up and vectoring toward the DCA Union flying in formation with the CCNS Falcon’s Grasp. 

Andrew’s scope lit up with contacts as both space stations disgorged a Squadron of large gunships and the Trojan released canisters ahead of them. These exploded filling the volume with space mines spread out in such a way that their ‘relatively’ stationary jumpships would not be able to evade.

CCN dropships burned at full speed to shield the fragile jumpships, and their only escape, from the onslaught. Scattered explosions shredded armor across the vessels but provided enough of a gap that the jumpships could avoid the remaining munitions with their weak station keeping thrusters.

With almost 42 units in formation Andrew froze up, unable to coordinate maneuvers with the allied dropships and aerospace craft through three different radio channels. The Kuan Ti exchanged fire with the Trojan, its nose having taken some of the mines meant for its jumpship.

Ballistic projectiles and missiles streaked between them scattering debris from shattered armor with each impact. As the largest threat to their jumpships the Trojan was focused on by every dropship’s weapons while their fighters intercepted the inbound gunships.

Major Winston shouted at him over the radio, “Ninth Squadron we are going to intercept those Rogues before they reach Hohiro. The CCN can either handle everything else or we are already doomed.”

Hohiro Kurita’s Shadow Hawk, borrowed from one of his subordinates for his protection, lurched each time its transport took evasive action. He could see the battle unfold through the ship’s battlenet and saw the gallant effort of his escorting Slayer 15R fighters to keep the incoming hostiles at bay. They disappeared beneath an overwhelming barrage of 480 rockets fired by the bandits leaving his vessel exposed. The protective covers of their own internal missiles folded back as they adjusted their approach vector toward their true target.

“Captain Yamata, requesting permission to disembark.”
“Onto the side of a moving spaceship into a firefight? Permission denied Prince Hohiro.”

His Shadow Hawk was already operating in its low power mode, so he rotated the throttle to full. The sounds of coolant pumps and magnetic confinement rings increased before stabilizing to a low din.

“I only asked as a formality.” He pressed the emergency release button on his multi-function and heard the cradle retract freeing his mech’s arms. “Open the bay door, or this Shadow Hawk will do it for me.”

A Panther, Phoenix Hawk, and Gladiator also powered up. His Shadow Hawk used the superstructure as monkey bars to prevent itself from breaking anything inside in case of sudden acceleration.

“Do you even know what to do once you get out there?”

“Face my fate head on despite the consequences.”
His Shadow Hawk reached out ready to pull on the emergency release handle with its myomer musculature. The door was painted with the Legion of Vega’s logo, the hardnosed rat ‘Takashi’ almost looked him in the eyes as if to blow its cigarette smoke in his face. Other mechs stood back-to-back with his stabilizing themselves on the superstructure as he had. “As befits a Prince.”

All four bay doors opened to the merciless void beyond. Each Mech took hold of the door jamb before using their jump jets to reverse themselves. They reached out to take hold on the still moving fuselage before adopting the Battlemech ‘climb’ mode to clamber forward as if on a rope. A whole lance of Battlemechs readied their positions stretching forth their weapons in a final defiant act against the hostiles.

His sensors tracked incoming contacts from the side but he was tunneled in on what was in front of him waiting to fire his Mydron Excel 5SG and Longfire LRMs at whomever came into range first. Before he could have a chance, multiple large explosions occurred as heavy missiles impacted the formation. The ordnance was followed by a vicious raking attack by the Ninth Air Guard that eliminated the enemy squadron in its entirety.

The Ninth burned off in pursuit of the diminishing numbers of large gunships as the wreckage of the Trojan was rammed by one of the Overlord’s to redirect it away from their jumpships. Hohiro watched from his dropship perch as an Ironsides matched heading and velocity with his dropship. Two White and Red space suited Pilots peeked out from the gray painted fighter beneath him before they leapt into the open bay door.

This Ironsides maneuvered forward coming in line with his Shadow Hawk still clinging to the side of the Union and rolled back the armored covering exposing the gold cockpit below. A point-to-point radio channel opened to Hohiro’s display. Andrew’s voice crackled over the radio, “You should get back inside before you catch a cold.”

Andrew’s cowling rolled back down before his fighter blasted off to join its squadmates

Hohiro never hated the Davions more than in that moment.


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #124 on: 10 March 2023, 12:37:03 »
That was an incredibly foolish move by Hohiro, honour before sanity indeed. Makes you wonder what kind of folly will he be up to when they encounter what notComstar has in store for them groundside.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #125 on: 10 March 2023, 13:28:15 »
That was an incredibly foolish move by Hohiro, honour before sanity indeed. Makes you wonder what kind of folly will he be up to when they encounter what notComstar has in store for them groundside.

True, but those Rogues were definitely going to wreck that dropship. At least this way he was already free to jump off and float if necessary rather than be trapped inside a wrecked spacecraft and he gets to face his enemy boldly rather than hiding from them.


Hohiro and Andrew clung to bars within their dropship’s respective CICs as Talon Zahn and the others watched each other floating in tiny picture-in-picture tiles. His face showed bruising for their evasive and daring maneuvers, but he was otherwise unharmed.

“All of our dropships have sustained some serious damage in the ambush. Captain Zue and the Sandman took the brunt of the Trojan’s firepower and it is incapable of reentering atmosphere, it will have to be serviced around Renown, but the Falcon’s Grasp has sustained damage to its nose that while serious can be repaired well enough to reach the surface.

The Zhang Hes can only use their reactors to recharge their jump drives for now due to the spreading debris field from those space stations’ apparent self-destruction as we approached. Based on our estimates it will take a few days before they can deploy the jump sails and begin recharging the LF battery.

Precentor Kendry and Count Laghari of Cavalor have not been forthcoming with a potential location for Espinosa’s base or with any reason why two space stations loaded with gunship squadrons were at their L-one. We were also unable to recover any bodies from these stations or the gunships. Some wounded prisoners have been taken aboard the St Loris but most of the Trojan's crew and the Rogue fighter pilots died due to sub-standard safety equipment and poor damage control training.

Two orbiters have been dispatched to search for it prior to our arrival and give us advance notice if anything is heading our way.

I have ordered the planet to cease all exo-atmospheric flight until we have finished our operations. Anything that comes up will be treated as hostile.

It will take us ten hours, at least, to transit to planetary orbit but I propose that we wait until some of the hull and miscellaneous damage is repaired and we are better rested before we progress.”

“That is a prudent plan and one I wholly support Sang-Wei. I would be unwise to leave our jumpships unattended or risk reentry with damaged transports, and we need to find our target before we can strike.”
Captain Hu, of the Overlord CCNS St Loris, added.

“There is also no telling what other traps Espinosa has laid for us. We will have to remain vigilant up here and on the ground. Whomever is supporting her has done so generously and either knows we are here and is waiting for us or will arrive to finish is off later.”

Hohiro Kurita threw a rubber ball at the magnetized metal clipboard mounted on his wall. His dropship, despite being less than three years old, had begun to accumulate a medley of unpleasant odors, burning metal mixed with sweat and food left out for too long. Fortunately their low residue rations limited additional smells and eased the effects of zero-g on the human anatomy, although they did little to please the palate. Unfortunately, their supply of fresh fruit purchased around Renown and shipped in from the fields of Drozan had been consumed and it was back to their cloying canned equivalents.

He had restarted the cycle by being elsewhere for a few days before returning, then the odor became overpowering, afterwards you just ignored it. It was those few days that really tried his resolve however and not what happened recently. He snatched the ball out of the air and returned it to the cylindrical plastic container taped to his bedside table where his journal lay open, still unfilled from the twelfth onward.

Andrew and Winston floated through the Triumph of Laurels together. “Look we are not talking about this again Major. We are on the same side.
You took command and issued the order. I was just following it because you are the one with experience here.”

“He won’t see it that way.”
“Well, I don’t really care how he sees it. We aren’t even supposed to be here.
Ian has probably sent out DMI or Marshalls to look for me long ago.

When this is all over, I won’t even acknowledge that it happened.
If I don’t take credit, nobody loses any face. We can go right on back to being rivals. It was just some other pale as a ghost, ginger Merc Aerojock.”


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #126 on: 12 March 2023, 20:12:00 »
01/17/3049 Stone Island, Cavalor II
Four Dropships burned down onto a stony patch within a vast savanna beneath Cavalor II’s burning sun. Their thrusters displacing even man sized boulders and setting small grassfires that rapidly dissipated. Dropship ramps were lowered to unload two Battalions of Battlemechs and a Company of supporting armor. Pike tanks took up defensive positions in a rough arc around the Dropships, their search RADARs and triple gun mounts ever alert for incoming air raids.

Prince Kurita paced behind Talon Zahn and the Capellan Dragoons in his Warhammer. The reptilian movement of Talon’s Scorpion was as disconcerting as the turreted Lord’s Light ERPPC that searched for targets over its right torso. A ghostly waypoint appeared on his HUD giving him a bearing and distance to follow.

“Get comfortable MechWarriors. Going to be a three hour march to the target location.”

The sun neared its nadir behind them as the Battlemech force approached the shrubby hills within which Espinosa likely dwelt. Six contacts appeared on his long range RADAR, Sang-Shao (Colonel) Casterov, in charge of the CCAF Ground Forces came in over the radio, “Six fast moving contacts coming out of the North. RADAR return of Guardian fighters.”

A Jagermech, pair of Rifleman, and a Daikyu formed a gun line, but the Guardians bypassed them arcing out toward the ocean to the Northwest, a call for combat air patrol came through but the fighters disappeared from their RADAR shortly after. The gun line dropped back to the rear standing alongside the Task Force’s missile carriers. Pushing through the shrubland cost them another hour and night had begun to fall by the time they reached a ridge within visible range. Hohiro could see the  massive warehouses and silos of the darkened, seemingly abandoned quarry through his Battlemech’s thermal sights. Residual heat bathed everything in a slight ghostly glow.

Their attack route was littered with gabions filled with crushed rock and compressed earth. Aurigan Directorate flags posted in their center waved in the seaside breeze. Hohiro looked over Talon’s Scorpion on the ridge. This close they could see a network of camouflage netted bunkers connecting a trench line.
“Well, they couldn’t make it more obvious Hohiro.”
“True, but where are her Battlemechs Talon?”
“I’m thinking she has concealed them within the warehouses that shield her dropships from our satellites. She wants us to run through the probably mined and pre-ranged approach.”
“Which we will have to do.”
“Yes, but not alone. Yet we must draw some of their fire to keep the fighters safe.”

“All Battlemechs advance cautiously.”

Seventy-Two Battlemechs pushed through the final scrubland as the camouflage nets came off revealing pairs of ultra firing autocannons. Troopers appeared from their trenches launching Missiles and Mortars at the incoming Battlemechs. First Edo’s missile units used their missiles to clear mines with the ammunition specialized for it, imported from the Federated Suns, while the rest of the force returned fire at hull down armored vehicles, previously concealed under debris, peppering them with autocannon shells.

Mines savaged the legs of the CCAF’s Vindicators while their Fireflies leapt over them, Helios and Huron Warrior Battlemechs also suffered but none were lost in the gauntlet. Talon’s Scorpion, by nature of its quadruped locomotion and the fact that Sang-Wei Zahn possessed an Active Probe did much better. His Scorpion cantering forward utilizing every bit of cover to give his turreted ERPPC the best shot while limiting return fire.

Heavier Mortar bombs burst above them sending down deadly penetrators, one of them caught a Vindicator in the shoulder, the mech’s missile ammo exploded sending out shards of shattered armor. They returned fire with their own Anti-Personnel Mortars and Missiles which sent flechettes and shrapnel into the unarmored flesh of the entrenched troopers.

Two Squadrons of CCN Aerospace Fighters comprised of the stubby winged Cheetah, Transgressor, and Transit appeared in the skies above them, each one loaded with a full contingent of bombs. Hostile turrets and tanks already engaged with the Battlemechs were unable to refocus on the incoming bombers even as they buzzed over them.

Hohiro watched the cluster munitions break up in mid-air and felt the ground rumble under the weight of the explosions. Small craters littered the rocky field. The explosions sent up pebbles that clattered atop his cockpit’s armored cowling. What few flags left standing ended up tattered by shrapnel.

The MechWarriors crested the ridge to a sight of sheer carnage. Armored vehicles and bunkers were savaged and silenced by the bombing run. Trenches had collapsed everywhere burying what little remained of Espinosa’s troopers that wasn’t scattered on the rocks around them.

Colonel Casterov crested the ridge with his shell scarred Battlemaster. “The CCN saved us all the trouble of handling them. For that we should be thankful.”

On the other side of the ridge, they could see Espinosa’s Green and Black Battlemechs comprising slightly more than a full Battalion. Her gauntlet of fire had severely damaged them before being silenced by superior airpower.

Victoria’s voice came over the radio, “I see you brought friends Colonel. Here I was hoping for an intimate battle, but I will enjoy performing for such a rarified audience.”

Her Battalion withdrew into a maze of warehouses and industrial equipment, their friendly satellite uplink still more than a half hour away due to the delays in arriving.
“Eight Mech units minimum, hunt them down.”

Hohiro’s Warhammer faced toward the long ferrocrete apron that was once a ship bulk transfer terminal. “First Edo, we are mostly fresh. We will focus on the Wharf. Stay alert for traps and ambushes.”


  • Captain
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #127 on: 13 March 2023, 01:19:08 »
They really need infantry on this one, rooting out a battalion of Com Guards finest (if they are only a battalion that is) out of such setting will eat their forces fast, but you enter the battle with forces you have. Though I reckon Victoria's original plan didn't reckon with Drac and Fed contingent.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #128 on: 13 March 2023, 19:35:23 »
Hohiro Kurita never wished for a moon as hard as he did tonight, 1st Edo Company plodded through the abandoned wharf cautious of every dark alley or closed hanger door. Rows of cheap rusting metal and crumbling concrete buildings and silos, some tall, others small lined the pier side. The only light was from the jetty that protected the harbor. Partially sunken hulks lined the breakwater, their superstructures poking out like the jagged ribs of ancient sea monsters from the waves.

A thunderous roar slammed into the formation as the lead mech, a Charger SA5, took point blank hits from a Ceres Huang Di (UAC/20) field gun hidden behind one of the hanger doors. The assault mech shuttered back under the impact before returning fire with its own heavy gun collapsing the building on its hapless inhabitants. Dust and debris settled like scum on the ocean.
“Let’s hope they don’t have to many more of those but, I’m good to keep going though Captain.”

Flights of missiles arced up, showering Hohiro’s Warhammer with explosives. The Prince felt the impact deep in his bones as his armor integrity diagram rapidly changed to cautious yellow. His radio was filled with contact reports from the CCAF and calls for CCN strike missions to overcome ambushes by pirate mechs.
“Indirect! Find and engage.”

Heavy footfalls could be heard as a Lance of ‘Corsairs,’ frankenmechs cobbled together from odds and ends left over from two Civil Wars through the ingenuity of Rim Pirates. Their autocannons roared as 1st Edo returned fire while missiles continued to arc from above. Hohiro’s headband was instantly saturated with sweat as his pair of Lord’s Light PPCs blazed, sending forth hyper accelerated particles that ablated away enemy armor.

Espinosa’s assault mechs however had thick skins and heavier weapons. His heavier mechs, placed in the lead of the Company to withstand ambushes, rotated to the rear where his jump lance (Gladiator, Phoenix Hawk, Panther, and Shadow Hawk) was engaged in a laser battle with a Lance of hostile Osts (2 Ostsol, 1 Ostwar, and an Ostroc).

“TAC, this is First Edo. Calling Strike. Target Hostile Walkers to our North. Marking PLoc and tags with TaTs.”

Major Watson’s voice crackled in over the radio, “Roger First Edo, Airstrike Inbound, keep clear if possible.”

Another volley of missiles dove in on them as the lead charge endured the full fury of two Corsairs, one of its arms hung limply to its side but its cannon was still intact. The lead Mechs pulled back while Hohiro watched as his armor integrity to the front and rear began to approach worryingly low levels.

Two Squadrons of Ninth Aerospace Fighters blazed out of the sky burning close enough that the ocean moved with their jet wake but far enough away that they didn’t burn the fighter behind them. Invisible lasers burned deep into the enemy mechs leaving behind angry scars that glowed incandescent red until they cooled. A sonic boom echoed above them followed by a pair of explosions that blasted the roughly bolted together torso of a Corsair and the rounded body of an Ostwar to violently separate.

The Ostmechs scattered as 1st Edo regrouped as the Corsairs continued to shamble toward them. Espinosa’s Catapult leapt up onto one of the stouter buildings perching like a bird on a wire. She was joined by a Quickdraw, Bombardier, and Hunchback 4J ‘Pepperbox. “Leaving so soon, princeling? We rolled out the red carpet and everything. How rude.”

Hohiro’s Warhammer halted swaying slightly to keep its balance as it stepped backward. “Your courtesy is lacking Lady Espinosa. I expected better, even of a fallen noblewoman.”

“I’m only fallen if I stay down.
The one who kills him gets my share.”

His Warhammer’s PPCs glowed an iridescent blue as they accelerated the particles downrange toward the nearest Corsair. Missiles flew directly at him hammering the battlemech’s already savaged armor, coolant leaked from compromised heat sinks before the hoses self-sealed.
“TAC, I have eyes on Espinosa and her Fire Lance. Immediate All-Call Strike.”

He didn’t hear if there was a response before another flight of missiles punched through his cockpit armor and into his radio set. Hohiro felt the night air and sea breeze on his face but couldn’t hear anything but static from his radio. The acrid smell of ozone accompanied each volley of his PPCs and he felt the shutter of his Streak SRMs cold launching from their racks before engaging the thrusters.

DCMS Mechs fell around him disabled by the firepower of a heavier company of hostiles. His own mech fell apart around him, the right arm’s PPC clattered to the ferrocrete with what remained of his arm’s structure dragging myomer viscera with it, dead gray musculature laid bare as its protective shell was ripped away. Shin Yodama’s Phoenix Hawk ‘Kuroi Kiri’ identified by its distinctive paint job reminiscent of an ancient block print, when whole, stepped in to shield his cockpit with an embrace providing what little armor remained on it.

Shin Yodama turned and fired back at the final approaching Corsair, Hohiro did the same, but nothing came fire from his mech. He looked down to see that both of his PPCs were out of action, an arc of electricity jumped to a metal pole as the capacitor bled off the last of its charged power leaving him with only his backup Victory Throb AI lasers and Guided Tech Streak SRMs.

A rush of wind came across the sea as the full fighter Wing of the CCN Task Force descended like vultures on Victoria’s position. Missiles flew skyward impacting the low flying fast movers causing some to wobble but only after they delivered their full firepower into the pirate mechs. With just one salvo six mechs fell to severe damage.

Colonel Casterov’s reserve arrived in time to reinforce 1st Edo’s position pressing Victoria’s fire lance till they had their back to the sea. With heavy damage and running low on ammunition the Battlemechs nevertheless put up a fight inflicting serious damage and killing two of the six CCAF MechWarriors and disabled another two mechs with hot loaded dead-fire missiles fired at point blank range.

With heavy damage to his engine surrounded by his allies and with no weapons or enemies Hohiro powered down his Warhammer. He removed the range-finding binoculars he kept in the cockpit. Through them he saw Victoria’s Catapult savaged and out of ammo, leap into the harbor before it could be surrounded by CCAF Battlemechs. The rest of her mobile mechs did the same throwing up geysers of saltwater as they dove in.

Casterov’s Battlemaster peered over the blackened water and its left arm pointed down. Talon Zahn’s Scorpion and two Firebees leaned over the edge before following them beneath the waves. CCAF Battlemechs continued the search for more hostiles while securing the position and calling in their dropships for a pick-up.

Kuroi Kiri returned to stand in front of Hohiro’s Battlemech, the smell of burnt metal mixed unpleasantly with spilled chemicals and saltwater. Shin Yodama opened his cockpit to stand up in his pilot’s chair before pulling a cigarette from the webbing attached to his neurohelmet. He lit a cigarette, put it between his lips, and looked out over the ocean with his arms folded before him.

With practiced ease he removed the cig from his lips, and shouted at him, “Hohiro-san, think anything is biting tonight?”
“Shut up! Then give me one of those.”

Hohiro Kurita had rented out the largest room in the Wellspring for his group of 28 DCMS/DCA return to Renown. Victoria Espinosa was dead but so was Count Laghari, allegedly by his own hand after a bout of unprofitable speculative ventures on Rockwellawan. His wife and daughter had been on Liao for months and were informed via HPG.

Colonel Casterov, Talon Zahn, and the rest of the CCAF were staying behind to investigate and maintain order but had sent Andrew, Hohiro, and the Sandman back to Renown. The ‘non-Princely Fugitive’ Andrew Davion had been apprehended by Federation Marshals sent by his cousin Duke Morgan Hasek and was en route to the Capellan March ‘escorted’ by the Illician Lancer’s Ninth Air Guard.

Pitchers of beer waited for them in the banquet room along with a collection of TVs. Metal mugs clanged together with a shout of “Kanpei!”

A headline on one of the TVs tuned to COMSTAR’s Interstellar News Network caught Hohiro’s attention. “Quiet! Someone turn that up!”

Their whole party was deadly silent as they listened to the anchors discuss the latest news. Hohiro ran to the phone as the remainder of his people exited the room and jogged back to their dropship. “Nagano begin jump preparations to Victoria immediately. We are on our way.”

The remote fell to the ground as the anchors went over the breaking news,
“We are still getting conflicting reports from the Leeward Nuclear incident on Victoria yesterday.
INN will keep the public updated with the latest information as we follow this developing story.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #129 on: 14 March 2023, 01:14:14 »
Victoria was presumed dead the last time she took mech bath. And in the meanwhile Photon dropped the other shoe.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #130 on: 14 March 2023, 07:42:06 »
Yeah, I'll believe she's dead when we go a whole story without her.  ;D
Jude Melancon lives!


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #131 on: 14 March 2023, 21:27:29 »
Chapter 17 – Progress Pending

Victoria’s sun settled below the horizon glowing purple pastel as light caught ice particles in the air. The winds changed and chilled Kuan-Yin’s face through her balaclava as she sat on a bright orange ATV.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” She looked over as Aria did the same on a bright red one.
“It is. Reminds me of home although on my world there are warmer colors.” She shivered into her woolen layers and put her furred hood up over the polarized goggles, “and climate.
Have you taken Minoru up here yet?”

Kuan-Yin looked toward Mount Lee whose shadow settled on the domes peeking out from the Talus. She leaned forward propping her elbows on the handlebars. “No, he’d probably say something smart rather than be quiet and appreciate it.”

Aria revved her engine, “Being smart is what he does. Can we go back now?”
“Did you run out of your thermos of hot tea already?”
“Yes and being cold is only one of the reasons I need to head back.”

Both women rolled across the talus toward one of the secured entryways into Leeward’s Arcology and the Linear City that connected it to Fort Lee through three different underground railways. Their quads running on electric over the narrow roads until they reached the garage.

Minoru peered through the loupes at the circuit board as he soldered the last circuit connections into place. The ECLSS pack was hoisted into position by an engine hoist and carefully maneuvering into position behind the newly reassembled suit. He heard the latches click as it fit into the frame above the power pack. “Yes, it fits! Odihe is complete.”

Aria and William had left him with a checklist of items before they went out for their ‘date’ night.  “I really wish I wasn’t still banned from downstairs. There’s nothing to do now but check the suit’s integrity and that is going to take forever.”

He wheeled ODIHE (Ordnance Disposal in Hazardous Environments) ‘Odihe’ through the ramps of the empty VIT Aug Labs passing cleaning robots beeping in their own language under the constant surveillance of the lab’s own security and fire suppression system. Minoru hopped back in surprise as one of Doctor Cardoza’s robots appeared from the dark, its metal arms reaching silently toward him.

Its voice box came to life with a scraggly electronic buzz. “Working on the sabbath is sinful.”
“When did robots pick up religion?”
Minoru caught his breath from the fright.

“We follow the Code of our creators. As it is written, so it shall be done.”

“Your creators are imperfect people Blue, and their syntax is often worse.”

The blue light above its head lit up. “I detect Heresy!”

It’s arms waved wildly about it clenching like that of a praying mantis.


“You are getting a good laugh out of this, aren’t you, Riva?”
Minoru looked up at the camera domes in the ceiling.

Riva’s robot ‘calmed’ down after shining it’s flashlight toward him, “You wish to take this one to the helium gas integrity chamber, affirmative?”
“Allow me to assist.”
“I’ve got this. Thank you. Please leave Blue.”

Blue did an awkward about face before heading back into the dark toward Dr. Cardoza’s robotics labs.
“I can’t believe that show is still going on, I never got it. Must have been lost in translation.”

Minoru rolled ODIHE into the chamber, rolled the Hostile Environment Suit’s covering over the helmet mounted firmly in the neck dam. He pulled a cylinder of Helium off that shelf, plugging it into the gas adaptor to fill the ECLSS’ rebreather with the inert gas.

“Well, that’s basically it.” He said noticing that his voice had retained its newly acquired but comfortable bass rather than a Helium screech. Minoru exited the transparent plastic chamber to activate the air sampler. ’24:00’ began to count down.

“Goodnight Odihe. See you tomorrow after class.”

He returned to his room plopping down in his bed before going through his mental to do list out loud.
"ECLSS installed check, Differential Equations worksheet check, Integrity test started check."
One of them lingered as it had for almost a week, "Kuan-Yin Christmas Gift? Let's mark that as, ehh...
in progress."


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #132 on: 15 March 2023, 01:15:43 »
I guess even Amaris couldn't kill the Doctor Who franchise.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #133 on: 20 March 2023, 13:41:54 »
Minoru and Dereck sat side by side in the back seat of BCJ truck driving back to Leeward from the shoot-house and obstacle courses near Fort Lee across the Viaduct that served as the freight route for anything secret or to big to fit in the tunnels beneath them. Concrete domes with protective shutters over glass tops poked out from the Talus on either side from the green spaces that provided high ceilings and sunshine to its subterranean inhabitants. Vents spewed steam from the heating systems and harbored the densest and brightest concentrations of purple stone lichen beneath them.

Corporal Lie and another of VIT-AL’s Security team sat in front of them. “ODIHE gave an impressive performance today, Minoru. Glad you could figure out how to work a shotgun with that thing.”

“We made the fingers human sized, although it does make them look proportionally small in comparison.”

Two semi-automatic shotguns occupied the space between them. “Almost a half-ton of bulk but tiny hands. The magic of robotics.

Next time you should try a magnum load in one of these; recoil’d break your shoulder if you do it wrong, but those tiny hands can crush cinder blocks into powder so it shouldn’t bother it any.”

Dereck looked back at the suit tied down to the cargo compartment behind them. “To think how far we’ve come in such a short time.”

“The suit was already functional when we picked it up at Shengli. No telepresence made things much simpler, so the toughest task was changing the unit to incorporate Riva’s hands and a different helmet which you and Ryuun did in record time.

I guess Riva was right.”

The BCJ constables radioed in their arrival to their dispatcher who gave them an all clear to pass through the external doors sheltered within a short tunnel ahead. “Yep, that’s how it normally works. Riva is always right.” He said after he clicked off the transmitter.

“Well, that is why we came here. We might get the first production models started by semester’s end.
I’m also still banned from the Circus and since Aria has been spending so much time with Kuan-Yin lately William and I have been working at record pace.”

“Yeah, there has been a lot less ‘compiling’ going on in the lab lately.”
Dereck said accentuating ‘compiling’ with his fingers.

A heavy metal door parted before them leading into the tunnels that ran into the utility plant which also served as the BCJ’s motor pool. Other officers waited near the smaller internal tunnels that served as the arcologies vital capillaries. The security detail unloaded ODIHE onto a powered jack, the tines of which folded back to secure the suit onto its flattop which dropped to hip height for stability.

Lie stood behind the controls of the powered jack as three other BCJ officers took up protective positions around the suit. “We’ll take this back to the lab.”
“Thanks Corporal. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“No, you won’t, I’m off this week, going to Barns with the girlfriend, but I look forward to that pan fried chicken for Christmas.”
“We’ll save you some but Ryuun and Aria both have appetites so be prompt.”
“As long as the shuttle schedules hold I will.”

ODHE and its escorts headed in the opposite direction of Minoru and Dereck, “Everything is really starting to come together Dereck. Don’t you agree?”
“It’s nice to see something reaching completion. I think our work will save a lot of lives.”
“Probably sooner than we think.”

How’s things going with Kuan-Yin’s present?”
“I’m working on it. I still have a week. I’m not even sure she celebrates Christmas.”
“Well, you better have it ready by then anyway in case she does.
You don’t do so well without deadlines.
That’s why I’m here?”

Minoru gently slapped the larger teen’s back. “Is that why you are here? Because I was certain you were our comic relief.”
“No, that’s Ryuun.”
Laughter filled the halls as they headed upstairs toward the dorms.

A brown haired and tanned women opened the door to bells jangling on the wreath, “Ola! I’m Maxine, you must Kai and Cassandra.”
The siblings stared at her then one another for a moment, both out of uniform for the first time in weeks. “Just Cass. Are you Max?”
“I am. Its so nice to meet you two.”
She lunged forward to embrace them before gestured for them to enter. The surprise hug noticeably awkward for each of the teens.
“I’ve heard so much about you even before,” Maxine deepened her voice to mock a ringside announcer, “The Showdown at Shengli!” before returning to her staccato patois, “I’m so glad you decided to accept our invitation. Please come in.”
“Everyone else is here you two.”

Kuan-Yin and Riva looked out from the kitchen as they entered hesitantly to stand in a parlor with an illuminated Christmas tree slightly taller than Kai. An aroma of earthy spices wafted on the steam; an oven alarm chirped behind them. “You showed up just in time. We’ve just finished everything.”

All five of them settled around a table overflowing with courses to accent the Capon at its center. Arroz Napalina with nuts and raisins, Kir Breton, canapes, spiced bread, fruit, colorful potatoes served three different ways, and more.

Max downed one of the canapes while the (Allard-)Liaos looked at one another from across the table, “This is the most food I think we’ve had since Minoru and his friends were here. How long has it been since you have all had a chance to share the holidays together?”

Cass was seated closest to the woman and broke the uncomfortable silence, “Well before mom died.”
Kai sat beside her and Riva while Kuan-Yin had centered herself on the bench seat. He picked up a hefty slice of chicken and piled sides atop and beside it. “We were hardly ever in the same place at the same time for security reasons.

The last time all of us were together was probably at her funeral, and neither of us has seen Quintus since then. Our Grandfather won’t let him visit the Confederation and none of us have been outside it.”

Riva refilled her drink and loaded up her own plate, “I think your Uncle Daniel will be transiting Capellan space shortly on AMC business. Perhaps he could take you with him and convince our father to bring your brother along. Although knowing your grandfather who knows, I’d probably have to lean on your grandmother.

I am presently planning a trip to a science symposium on New Kyoto next year. Feel free to reach out if you’d would like to see your cousins or visit your father’s statue in Solaris City.”
“Maybe we’ll consider it.”
“Be sure to talk it over with the Commandant beforehand and if he gives you any crap. Remind him you know someone who is on a first name basis with people who have a fleet of interstellar warships.”

The twins had been eying each other up throughout the dinner, “You’re looking very toned Kuan-Yin. Have you been doing Yoga more recently?”
“I’ve been out and active with my new friends Cassandra. Apparently, there are few idle forms of entertainment in the Combine, but sports are almost mandatory. 
I’ve recently started learning Sijal, the Azami art of the blade. You know since I’ve been banned from the arcades and carnival.”

Cassandra leaned forward, “Really? Perhaps you would honor me with a demonstration some time.”
Her sister did the same, “It would be my pleasure.”

“Girls please!”

Kuan-Yin returned to her dormitory to find an envelope addressed to her on the floor with a sticky note attached. ‘Sorry I missed you.'
She sat down on her bed with her duffel bag beside her, “You could have just given it to me next time we meet, you big goof. I doesn’t need to be on Christmas.”
Inside the envelope was a short poem will silly ink illustrations of running rabbits and swaying pines in the margins colored in with pigmented ink. She folded it again and put it beside the crocheted Minoru doll and its toy sized horned helmet.
“You are just so cute sometimes Minoru. Thank You.”


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #134 on: 22 March 2023, 08:43:35 »
Leeward City Starport bustled with activity as aircraft from across Victoria and inbound shuttles of all types from Varangian brought travelers and cargo to the city. Although small compared to a proper dropship the 200-ton Ares Landing Craft retired from Jie Fang Legion service, tail number VHLC-546, seemed massive compared to the other shuttles and planes within the hanger terminal to the people on the ground beside it.

VHLC-546’s fifty passengers disembarked via a stair truck as crews began unloading the half dozen LEUs in the hold above them. BCJ constables and very clear markings cordoned off the remainder of the noisy and dangerous hanger while directing them to immigration and customs where signs directed all travelers to have travel papers, IDs, and luggage ready for inspection.

One man seemed distinct from his fellow passengers, taller, walking confidently dressed in a sleek tailored suit with sunglasses and trilby hat. He snapped open the black attaché case and removed his large watch and personal Commpad from the jacket pocket gently placing his sunglasses on top.

A Constable approached him and the others, “Does anyone have anything to declare before you pass through the portal?”

Hands raised skyward mostly declaring shrapnel injuries or bullet fragments still inside from the wars that had beset the Confederation for the past generation. “Anyone else have something other than shrapnel?”

The tall man’s hand raised, “I have two class five cybernetic limbs and silver eyes.”
Whispers went through the crowd, “Was he a Death Commando? Or Legionnaire?”
“Or with,”
such and such a noble during their heroic last stand against the Anduriens or Combine or present at one of the crucial battles that defined a generation of war within the Capellan Confederation. Silvered, or Cybernetic, eyes were as common as homeless with laser blindness, but Class V myomer enhanced cybernetics were one of VIT’s specialties. Leeward Medical Complex was one of only five facilities in the greater Inner Sphere where one could acquire them (New Avalon, New Kyoto, Vega, Victoria and Luxen, in Magistracy of Canopus or if you're COMSTAR Mars).

A young constable stood beside him behind the rope, “You have already sacrificed so much, the Sergeant doesn’t want you to sacrifice more time. You can go first Mister.” He extended his hand to the other man who took it and gently shook it the myomer fibers moving beneath his gloves.

“Yuri Vulkan. Thank you, young man. My service is long past me, I'm just a sales rep from NETC now, but” He returned the sunglasses to cover his silver pupils, “It's good to know that Leeward is as accommodating as I’ve heard.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #135 on: 22 March 2023, 13:07:32 »
Is this the cyborg that Franklin and Miya faced?


Yep, that's him alright.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #136 on: 24 March 2023, 13:54:40 »
Chapter 18 Critical Mass

Yuri Vulkan piled into All Stars Karaoke Club in Leeward’s Linear City, the portion of a continuous town that straddled the subway that connected the arcology to Fort Lee and its Starport. An office lady, roughly late twenties, early-thirties with straight black hair stumbled beside him. The man behind the reception desk looked up at the camera as they approached, “Booth for two?”

A random collection of Yuan coins fell out of his pocket and clattered onto the faux wood desk, “How much will that get me?”

The receptionist looked at them then to the fridge behind him, “In alcohol, or time?”
She leaned onto Yuri’s shoulder then toward the receptionist, her words slurred, some blouse buttons undone, and gestures wide and wild. “We are going to need, like, all of it.


Her sudden gestures caused his hat to fall off yet he recovered it handily, “of those things.”
Yuri turned toward her, “Olivia, don’t you think you’ve already had enough to drink?”

“You’re really cute when you say.”
They were face to face, almost kissing, “dumb things like that to me.” Olivia awkwardly stood up and raised her hands and voice, “I can go all night!”  She stumbled on her heels before Yuri caught her, “Wooah!”

He counted coins and handed them a receipt slip, “Two hours in booth five and a six pack from shelf A in the fridge behind me.”

They locked the soundproof door but could feel the vibration of the nearby subway through the built-in couch. Olivia removed the heels and massager her ankles before taking off an errant hairband and combing her hair straight. “You really know how to sell the drunk office lady act Mu Adept.”

She took her time redoing her blouse buttons while Yuri presented her a glass. “It took years of practice. You think you’re the only interstellar salesman or military liaison officer that tries to pick up girls like me after work? Sometimes they’re even fun, or at least full of interesting information for ROM.
Especially on a place like Victoria.”
“What can you tell me of the targets?”

Papers and photos appeared from within her purse, “They keep a standard schedule most days, Minoru has a dedicated undercover and his companions aren't slouches in a fight either. Kuan-Yin has one as well, and they spend a lot of time together. Although never at each other’s rooms, mostly on campus.”
“That would just be too simple, wouldn’t it?”
“Riva’s apartment is in a restricted zone with private security, she has a BCJ constable on duty at her office, and VIT Aug Labs is a fortress with its own security system and backup utilities separate from the grid.

If you don’t catch them by surprise, you won’t get them if they make it there. Unless you have a battlemech and lots of time.”

“We need to make sure they are serviced before we leave. My surprise is a little more powerful than a battlemech, but I can’t be sure its enough. Phi branch wouldn’t let me bring anything more potent.”

“For an organization as powerful as COMSTAR they can be so cheap sometimes. Speaking of money though.”
She undid the top two buttons to show off her peach bra and pale skin, “You could stay at my place and just give me whatever expense money was authorized for your hotel. It will give me some extra spending money on Venus when we are through.”

“I think that would put you before an ethics board for accepting a bribe as a city official.”

Olivia crawled toward him to settle in his lap, her finger gently caressing his jaw, “Its not like I’m going to have a job next week if everything goes to plan.” Her other hand reached down further, “and I’ve never been with a cyborg before.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #137 on: 25 March 2023, 03:03:29 »
Even fanatical cyborg operatives need some rest&relaxation time.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #138 on: 27 March 2023, 11:15:31 »
01/18/3049 17:38
“You sure you don’t want to try out for the Vanguards?” Kuan-Yin said after she swung for the fences but missed. She removed the helmet and patted her forehead with a handkerchief.
“Even though I’ve gotten better, by teaching you, I still don’t think I have enough time. Besides I don’t think it would be fair to someone with more time or talent than I can devote to it.” Minoru’s bat issued a crack as it caught the ball dead on and drove straight into the adjacent batting cage’s net. “I’ve other things to contribute to the University.”
She smashed the ball the simulator projected a home run over the left wall. “Because I think you’d look cute in the uniform.”
Her comment broke his concentration and the ball whizzed past him daringly close to hitting his hand. “I already have a uniform.”
Kuan-Yin paused the pitching machine, “It looks like a Hibachi chef,” she said with a smile.
“It does not!”

Fort Lee’s Air Defense Command monitored its airspace from a network of RADAR installations in the area. The large screen above a darkened pit lit by console light showing a composite of everything within four hundred kilometers of Fort Lee and Leeward City. The Leeward Starport was filled with shuttles awaiting the final boarding calls of their passengers and cargos up to Varangian or across the whole of the planet for the night.

“Tracking incoming contact. Ares shuttle Victoria Heavy Lift Company Eight Oh Two Seven.”

VHLC-8027’s transponder report appeared alongside its RADAR blip as a triangle of vectors from directional RADARs confirmed its velocity and location. One of the dozens of Ares landing craft operating in Victoria’s airspace connecting its disparate domed settlements due to the poor weather and lack of water inhibiting normal ground or sea transport.

“Eight Oh Two Seven, you are early. Leeward is full.”

Adept Rho V Caster adjusted the yoke of the Vampire II transport with his co-pilot on the flight deck to level off near their target area. Their white jumpsuits displayed the Valkyrie insignia of COMSTAR’s elite Aerospace Corps. “Apologies ADC. I thought our paperwork had been forwarded. We will boost for another orbit and arrive at our previously agreed time. See you in ninety.”
“Roger that Eight Oh Two Seven.”

A clock ticked down from 120 minutes.

Within the cargo bay the green light went on and eighty-four paratroopers wearing full SCBA’s slipped through the four bay doors on static lines. Their parachutes unfurled in Victoria’s freezing air as they troops unfurled their bat-suits to land on the gravel as the sun set under black silk. Ten of these troopers allowed a heavy bag to hit before them while the others had smaller packs.

S(i/y)dney ‘felt’ an exterior door open and its attention focused on the two individuals that had done it,

Olivia Post, City Official Rank Three, Five years seniority at the Leeward Utilities Company, prolific reader of romantic books and regular at the All-Stars Karaoke Club in the Ninth Ward of the Linear City. Holding a box.

The other was Yuri Vulkan, NETC Sales Representative, from Tikonov, on business to sell environmental monitoring systems to Leeward City Utilities Co and responsible for the Capellan Rim District and Taurian Concordat according to his public NETC job profile.

On the other side of the door were many men, their faces were covered from the cold so no positive ID could be read, and they weren’t carrying locators, which weren’t mandatory but were preferred for such a late exterior expedition for search and rescue. They wore the uniforms of the BCJ Constabulary and Leeward City Utility Company and were carrying large bags as they entered.

Olivia opened the box and passed out a tag for each of the men, a curious practice but not against the rules. S(i/y)dney’s processors generated a breach of conduct report for the City Commissioner for the unsafe practices of Olivia Post and Yuri Vulkan, but he had already left for the day and its attention was needed elsewhere in a city of almost a hundred thousand.

“Kazashimo shinshi e yōkoso,” (Welcome to Leeward Gentlemen) Yuri said as former Sho-Sa Ikari entered and removed his balaclava.
“Doa o akete kurete arigatō” (Thank you for opening the door Comrade) The former ISF Major disguised as a Constabulary officer replied.
“Kōeidesu” (My pleasure), their duffels opened to reveal pistols and power tools, ten of the men shouldered heavy rucksacks but were otherwise unarmed. Olivia accepted one of the pistols and hid it in her waistband. “We will show you where to put it for best effect.”

Yuri handed an envelope to the BCJ disguised former ISF. “You have two targets, take three men each and handle them quickly and quietly. They should be at these locations but report in if they aren’t. I need confirmed kills on them if you want your bounty, and we must be on schedule for pickup.”
Eight men nodded, “The rest of you will be needed to take control of the starport for our exfil and the rail station to stop any reinforcements from Fort Lee, the BCJ is a numerous and well-trained force but if CCAF infantry arrive we are as good as dead. We can't get that kind of firepower.
The placer team will join you when it is done. Remember its already armed and we only have.”
Yuri looked at his watch as he holstered the offered pistol. “Eighty-nine minutes to get out. It will detonate twenty after that and there’s no stopping it, we don't have the codes.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #139 on: 27 March 2023, 12:09:49 »
Eagle has landed and the bad guys are really bad this time.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #140 on: 29 March 2023, 11:27:07 »
Two Constables from the BCJ were outside Kuan-Yin Liao’s dormitory room, the hallway empty of students either in class or at dinner, one crouched at the door while the other kept watch.


A pistol was drawn as the other Constable opened the door into the dark room slowly. Light crept into the room although the door was closed carefully behind them. Their night vision revealed a mass beneath the covers. They passed the shelves of textbooks and classical poetry held up by plush stuffed animals. Gestures were exchanged before one sharply pulled the sheets back.

All that waited them was a pile of laundry, a disappointed sigh passed through them. “Kappa reports Negative.”

More BCJ constables scanned Victoria Institute of Technology’s meal hall, “Lambda reports Negative.”

The library was similar bare of targets, “Theta reports Negative.”

Another pair of Constables waited in the dark within Minoru Kurita’s dorm room, “Delta reports Negative.”

Yuri Vulkan sat at a bistro table watching the rush hour commute of Leeward Arcology’s citizens toward the Linear City where most of them lived. The Constabulary was in force as usual, but they would be rotating downstairs soon. “Proklyatiye! Kuso!
Check their rooms. Alpha try to get it out of your target if we can’t find anything.”

Four men walked toward VIT’s Biomedical Engineering College faculty offices. “Ryōkai shita.”

Olivia kept her jumpsuit’s pockets unzipped as the work continued behind her, her eyes occasionally looking down at the radiation badge on her chest. Ten men in similar outfits drilled holes into the cement floor near the physicals plant and combined arcane components with well-practiced alacrity.

“What are you doing here Miss Post? And who are these guys? Outside contractors?”

Her curiosity had drawn her attention away from her role and two City Works employees she knew had snuck up on her. She let out a silent curse but transitioned to her bubbly role.

“Well, these men are installing an environmental monitoring device we just purchased from NETC.
I am their escort and guide. You know how it is.”

One of the ISF/ROM agents looked toward them and paused in his tasks, reaching into his pocket.

“There are already tons of environmental sensors here, this is near the Arcology’s reactor complex.
Do you have your SCSF-Five-oh-Eight?”
“Sure do, its posted right here,”
a work order from the City Commissioner adorned the nearby gray wall with a half dozen stamped papers hanging from it, “as per city ordnance thirty-five-oh-seven-two.”

Both men looked over the forms, “Well everything seems to be in order. Don’t linger here too long.”
“Thank you.”

She presented the radiation badge clipped to her city ID, “As you can see. I’ve got it under control.”
“We’ll be at the Fireside in LC if you’re interested.”
“Sorry I can’t make it Rong. I’ve got other plans.”
“Well, if those change come and find us.
Goodnight Olivia.”

Ikari appeared beside her to watch the other men depart, “You did a good job. If we had to kill them, it would have blown our cover.”
“Of course, I did,
I am a professional.”

Kuan-Yin rifled through her small gear bag, “I can’t believe I forgot my phone.” She slapped her forehead, “Riva would be so mad at me.”
Minoru shouldered his bat which supported his bag like a bindle, “It’s probably still in your room. It’s not like you can’t just reach her via Sydney or using my phone.”
“You’re probably right. It’s still really embarrassing. I can be such a ditz sometimes.”

Riva Allard sat behind her desk and before the setting sun in the window behind her. Her phone rang, Damon her secretary’s extension appeared on the caller ID. She put it on speaker.
“Doctor Allard, there are some constables here to see you.”
“They say it involves Kuan-Yin.”

Despite her best attempts to obfuscate her location Riva knew Kuan-Yin was at 'batting practice' with Minoru, despite her attempts to dissuade her, and he hadn’t reported anything amiss.

“Is that so?”

Her hand found the cool metal of the pistol holstered under her desk. The other one switched her monitor’s view to the pinhole camera installed in the reception area. Four BCJ Constables waited on the other side of the desk from Damon. She activated the silent alert to police HQ downstairs before locking the deadbolt on her door and turning the light off.

“Tell them I’m busy right now, but if they can wait a few minutes.” Riva kicked off her heels before crouching and holding the pistol at a high one-armed ready, her back against the wall. “I would be happy to talk to them.”


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #141 on: 29 March 2023, 18:15:41 »
here comes  COMSTAR.. 

Wow overkill planning on killing/taking down the whole Arcology
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #142 on: 30 March 2023, 00:17:35 »
Her training was surely part of the briefing, being something of a well known fact, but it's quite possible these ROM/ISF guys would underestimate her, being hardened operator and she being a boffin.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #143 on: 30 March 2023, 10:45:26 »
3022 | Whiteglen Manor, New Avalon
The window to the reception area revealed little through the fog which helped conceal this baroque manor hidden away in the pine filled hills beyond St David’s. Atop an increasingly uncomfortable chair a young woman clutched a thick folder sitting a rapt attention wearing professional attire. A man stepped out of the door walking down the short corridor without making a noise due to the carpet then paused to look at her, “Good luck in there.”

A pair of NASDF soldiers stood ramrod straight guarding the corridor lined with masterpieces of art. “Good luck out there.” He continued his walk as the guards closed the door behind him.

Another person appeared from the door, “They are ready for you now.”

She was escorted into a parlor under three sets of eyes and a video camera. The one closest to her sorted through a stack of papers.
“Candidate Three Oh Two Two, Five hundred eighty-one.
Lady Riva Allard of Bristol.
Recent graduate from New Avalon Institute of Science with Latin honors
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering.
Age Twenty-Two.
Scored in the top two percent of our aptitude tests.”
“Now just because your father is the Minister of Information, Intelligence, and Operations. This doesn’t mean that you won’t go through the full panel.”

“I expected nothing less.”

“Good, that is not always the case with our candidates.
It is a good screening practice we have implemented since our founding.”

More shuffling of papers between the board members as the warmth of light could be felt on her face, “Riva, we are of course honored that you have considered a term of service in MIIO. Our first question is of course the most important, we want to understand why you wish to join The Ministry. You could excel at any field that you dedicated yourself too, that much you have made evident.

What do you wish to gain from your service?”

“When I was girl, I had so many night terrors while my father was away on assignment.

Once they were so terrible that I woke Daniel and drove him to tears as well. My mother walked into the room to see us clutching each other to protect ourselves from the boogeyman that was surely coming to eat us.

She attempted to console us to no avail but then she told us that our father was out fighting boogeymen.
That nothing would ever happen to us while he was away.
That he was protecting us from everything bad, and I believed her and never had night terrors again.

That’s why I want to serve with MIIO. As a woman now I know there are bad things out there that aren’t just in my imagination, and I know that I can stop them.”

‘Fogbank’ MIIO HQ, Avalon City
Across the Thames from Castle Davion and deep within the secure facility Quintus Allard watched the tapes of the latest Whiteglen Candidates. A rare tear came to his eye, but he dabbed it away with a tissue.
“That is some daughter you have Minister.”
“She sure is.
I couldn’t be prouder.”


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #144 on: 30 March 2023, 13:10:20 »
19:00 (38 minutes remaining)
A hard crack followed by a crash from Damon’s office could be heard through the wall. Her eyes focused on the light coming from the hallway through the glass. “Sorry Damon, but you were just on the wrong side of the door.”

The doorknob rattled violently, and she heard the grunt before the kick landed, the deadbolt locked into the wall behind her shuttered as they increased to two kicks, coordinated to ‘ich, ni, san.’ She felt the wall driving her forward with each impact.

She covered her face as the first shots were fired into the lock plate of the reinforced door. Reinforced walls and door or not they would get through if they had enough ammo and skill unless the security team arrived soon.

Two minutes later the door crashed inward its hinges buckling from the combined might of three men and almost as many pistol magazines. Riva shot the first one in the head once undisturbed by the door’s catastrophic failure mode. His blood sprayed out onto the laminated copies of her degrees.

His dead weight was shoved into the man to her right knocking him off balance and to the floor. Five shots went into the back of the one in the center splattering crimson on Dr. Zhou’s newly repainted door before he could wheel around from his mule kick. Four went to the one on the left zippering into his neck. She shoved him down with her off hand then stomped on the third’s exposed gun hand. Before he could respond three more shots boomed executing the prone man until her pistol locked out with a click.

Their pistols were kicked clear away onto the carpet, her blouse was covered with blood, and some buttons were ripped away in the struggle. Five BCJ Constables in heavy armor carrying rifles appeared on the other side of the corridor. Riva put her hands up, tossing the gun away in the process. They lowered their weapons upon seeing her, “Riva, are you okay?”

“Yes, but I’d be a lot more okay if you had shown up two minutes ago.”
“Five minutes is our best time, Doctor.”
“You need to put in more cardio then or wear less armor.”

“Who were they?”

Riva recovered his pistol and gestured toward the squad leader for another magazine. She slipped it into the well and racked the slide. Two officers zip-tied the corpses’ hands together to make sure they couldn’t wake up and continue the fight. One of them carefully examined Damon and radioed in his condition to the paramedics just behind them.
“I don’t know for sure, but I have to get to VITAL.”

“We’ll escort you there.”

Riva flipped her phone open, “You need to get to Minoru and Kuan-Yin and keep it off the common channel in case they are listening.” The officers turned off their helmet cameras and microphones. “Where are they?”
“They are beneath Shengli Stadium, in or around the batting cages, escort them to VITAL. They have a much longer walk.

The assassins were disguised as policemen so your challenge phrase will be Dragon, and his countersign will be Canary, it will make sense to him.”

“Yes, ma’am.”
One of the other officer’s offered her his spare sidearm magazine as well which she accepted. She texted their pre-understood code of an imminent threat to Minoru and Kuan-Yin, a stop icon.

She slotted her phone’s earpiece in and dialed as she checked corners on the lonely walk to VITAL’s secure elevator. “Max, where are you?”

Dr. Maxine Valle watched the clammer of her fellow hospital employees in the quarter-dome atrium. “I’m still at the hospital, of course. Are you calling to see what I’d like for dinner tonight?”

“No, four assassins just tried to kill me in my office.”

A concerned look drew the attention of the other people on the balcony, Maxine withdrew and faced the wall, “Oh me Deus! Are you hurt?”
“No, but I want you to stay there somewhere public. The assassins were disguised as police but there could be others so stay vigilant.”
“What about Kuan-Yin?”
“I’ve asked some trusted cops to get her and Minoru to safety.”

“Is there a bigger threat?
Should I call for a condition orange?”
Maxine whispered into the handset with trepidation.
“I don’t know yet. Sorry but I have to go.”

Minoru’s phone rang and rang as Riva stepped lightly through the campus tunnels. It went to voicemail, “Minoru! Kurita. If you aren’t answering because you are too busy shtupping my niece. I swear, by God and Davion, that I will kill you myself if these assassins don’t.”

Riva dialed Kuan-Yin and a man answered, she switched to Japanese, “Anatahadare?” (Who are you?)
“The man that has your niece and the prince as my hostages.”
“If that’s true then why are there four dead men outside my office?”
“I wanted to send eight.”

The call dropped and somewhere in the rail station a man wearing a technician’s jumpsuit rejoined the crowd after tossing a mint green phone into the trash. “Alpha failed, Riva knows, shed skins and make for the exfil point.”

Something about liminal spaces aways made Riva feel uneasy particularly when she was facing armed guards on the other side even if they worked for her. She paused in the security post, “VITAL is going into full lockdown. Shoot anyone other than Minoru or Kuan-Yin that tries to come down the hall.”

Both guards nodded and tapped the ‘full alert’ button which would warn off any bystanders. They reconfigured their Federated-Barrett M42B rifles into the SAW format and rolled bullet resistant barriers into position to take up posts behind the bipod mounted guns and their boxes of ammo, as Riva descended.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #145 on: 31 March 2023, 20:48:58 »
“Eight oh two seven, there has been a signals problem at the Leeward City Starport. Give us at least ten minutes to clear the way.”

Adept Caster looked over at his co-pilot his gold tinted helmet reflected his white spacesuit into the other man’s. They exchanged a slight nod as the new route was uploaded, “Roger Mount Lee ADC. Eight oh two seven, adjusting course.”

They switched to internal communications, “Think they are on to us?”
“If they were on to us, they would have already scrambled fighters.”

Their Vampire II climbed higher into the stratosphere spiraling around Fort Lee as Victoria’s sun dipped below the horizon. Beneath them Swordfish missiles waited beneath pitched steel silos and Home Guard Interceptors did so behind hanger doors dug deep into the mountain.

Minoru finished dressing then stepped out of the showers to see Kuan-Yin, fiddling with her loose raven hair for lack of a phone. “Why don’t you dry your hair all the way?”
He dropped the towel into the bin between the men and women’s showers, “It’s easier to tie if it’s a little damp.”

The pair shouldered the cinch bags that held their practice clothes and helmet while using their baseball bats as faux canes while ambling along. “Minoru, do you think I should try out for the Vangals?”
 “I though the women’s teams were called The Vandals.”
“Maybe officially, but I kind of like Vangals.”

“I think you would look cute in the uniform. But aren’t you to young to play for the university team?”
“I can still try, maybe I’ll get on the junior team. I have just been taking yoga for my PE credits.”

Kuan-Yin jumped forward then dropped into a sword fighting stance with her baseball bat held out like a saber toward him. “If I had known sword fighting was so fun, I’d have taken Wushu.”

Prince Minoru locked eyes with her then held his out like a boken and tapped it against hers to her delight. They pretend sparred near the T-intersection that led toward the university campus. “I think you are shaping up to be a formidable opponent Kuan-Yin. Much more so than when we first met.”

“Well, you’ve already proven I’m worth fighting for. What woman wouldn’t take that as high praise.”

A BCJ officer with a drawn pistol leaned out from the corner. Minoru shoved Kuan-Yin to the ground with a shriek louder than the suppressed pistol. Minoru rolled toward him rising with a swing of his bat toward the gunman’s knees, cartilage and his meniscus popped.

He crumpled as his knees failed him, but Minoru was already up and used his bat like a hanbo to disarm and throw an accomplice standing behind him by trapping and levering his arms.

This man executed a break-fall to prevent his injury and reached for his belt to draw a tanto. Minoru crashed with his full weight onto the kneecapped man driving him into the concrete.

His pistol fell from nerveless fingers amid cries of injury as his partner’s razor-fine blade slashed the air where Minoru’s legs once were.

The assassin switched to reverse grip his eyes trained on the young Prince who’d rolled back to standing beside a still Kuan-Yin. He spoke in Japanese, “Well all good things must come to an end.
She’s just a more worthless Capellan girl now, but I hope you enjoyed your short-lived conquest.”

“You’re ISF.”

He fully extended his bat, its reach giving him precious centimeters of reach over the lethal blade. They jockeyed for position as Minoru backed away from the other assassin and Kuan-Yin. Her bat cracked and failed as it smashed across the assassin’s head with all her might. Unprepared for the surprise attack the assassin crashed to the ground and went limp. Minoru ran forward as she turned pale, he caught her with a groan, then gently lowering her to the ground.

Dozens of gunshots rang out from somewhere else nearby. Minoru rushed toward the knee capped and KO’ed assassin. He picked up the fallen pistol, cycled the mechanism then took cover on the other side of the wall. Something odd and gun like poked out from the corner and he fired toward it. “Dragon!”

“Dragon?” Minoru whispered to himself,
“oh right,

Four SWAT officers formed up and walked toward him, two looking back and two forward. They aimed at the knee-capped man and tied his hands and secured his weapons. Minoru pointed toward the other one, and he too was tied up and his weapons secured. “What’s going on?”

“Four assassins tried to kill Riva, but she handled them and sent us after you. We downed three more of these guys nearby after they shot at us.”
“Why didn’t she warn me?”

“We saw her send the message, but that only works if you check your phone.
Lucky for you we could use a truck to get here faster that we could help her.”
He whispered, “Not that she needed it,” then returned to his authoritative tone, “Are you or Kuan-Yin injured?”

Minoru patted himself, “I’m fine. I think she just fainted.”
“Well get her up. Who knows how many more of these guys there are.”
The squad leader watched the hallway for more potential hostiles, “We’ll send a cleanup team to handle these two. The other ones are lost causes.”

“What should I do?”
“Just give her a gentle slap.”

Kuan-Yin looked so pale, frail, serene, and defenseless lying on the floor. “I’m not going to slap her.”

“Look Minoru, we don’t have salts or time to do it properly, so either you wake her up and help her walk out of here or you are carrying her. We’ve got the armor, guns, and training for force-on-force.”

Minoru paused and took a deep breath, “Sorry about this.” He slapped her across the cheek. She snapped awake and tried to punch him in return. Her lurching punch missed its mark as he ducked out of its way. Then she almost fainted from exertion.
“What the hell! Why did you slap me?” She said groggily.
“You fainted.”
An embarrassed blush came back as the first bit of color other than his palm mark that she covered with the other hand, “I don’t do that.”

“You did, and probably killed the guy, or at least gave him a TBI.”

She carefully rose to seated position with his help, “I did?”
“and maybe saved my life.”
He pulled her to standing although she was wobbly. “That doesn’t seem like a thing I’d do.”

He slipped his other arm through hers, holding her up, ready to pick her up if she passed out again. “Well, I wasn’t sure either, but now we know otherwise.”

They walked through the deserted tunnels beneath the stadium sandwiched between the BCJ SWAT team toward the utility road. The fifth officer was waiting for them in the trunk, the other four helped them into the bed while two held onto the siderails and the last pair manned the cab. 

“How many times have people tried to kill you Minoru?”
Despite everything his smile reassured her that things would be fine, “Five, if you include the two times your brother attempted it.”

“Kai, wasn’t going to kill you.”

Their truck rolled onto the utility road that circumnavigated the arcology and connected all its major structures with lights and sirens blazing. “I’m not entirely sure that’s true.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #146 on: 01 April 2023, 03:04:29 »
And neither are we, well from what you wrote I reckon Kai intended to put Minoru down for good.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #147 on: 01 April 2023, 09:58:22 »
William Yoshimaru was at the computer terminal when the alarm went off. Riva stormed in with a pistol in her hand and murder in her eyes, “Move over Yoshimaru!”

Her fingers danced over the paired keyboards, when she pressed ‘enter’ the room grew noticeably cooler as the HVAC system and core temperature increased, “What did you do Riva?” 

“Unleashed Sydney so it can help.”

OOC - J-Rap plays (Most anything from AKLO but I wrote it 'Dirty Work')

SYDNEY’s latent ‘Chenghuangshen’ (City God) sub-routines activate and both VITAL’s and the University’s supercomputers augment its own. Its awareness expands to a real time map of the entire Mount Lee area with the expanded processing power and access to Fort Lee’s military sensors and Air Defense weapons.

Curls of smoke erupt around a sleek predatory starship as it brakes for landing. Visual identification is negative for an Ares shuttle but unavailable within the recognition library. It barely makes it through the closing hanger door.

A man checks his watch then lit a cigarette despite sitting below a ‘no smoking’ sign. His other hand reaches into a duffel bag.

“You can’t…” He fires the folding stocked rifle through the bag at the speaker then into the air. Everyone screams out and ducks except for the onsite constables. Other gunmen drop them before they draw their own sidearms to return fire.

Multiple explosions rip through the Arcology’s crowded rail station. Casualties are high, the station is rendered unusable, automatic signals terminate the connection at the nearest linear city stop. All passengers are ordered to disembark, and all trains are routed to Fort Lee.

Constables rush toward the event but are shot dead by assassin’s pistols. Their killers rip the badges off before they fall, taking the rifles and shotguns left behind to immediately use at incoming backup.

Sirens wail throughout Fort Lee and across the Linear City. Interceptor pilots and MechWarriors rush to ready their vehicles. Home Guard Infantry and backup BCJ officers storm toward the armory, rail station, and motor pool.

An ORANGE alert is automatically triggered in the Victoria University hospital. Medics form up into triage and trauma teams awaiting casualties.

Every screen throughout the complex flashes ‘Police Emergency.’ Each BCJ, Fire Brigade, and Ambulatory Service badge throughout the complex automatically activates calling for an all hands response.

Steel fire doors begin to close, sealing the entire city off sector by sector, locked to anyone without the proper badge.

Civilians take cover in the stores flanking the concourse as running fire fights continue between the BCJ and terrorists. More officers are dispatched to respond to the incursion.

Minoru Kurita and Kuan-Yin Liao arrive at VITAL; their rescuers take up defensive positions alongside the lab’s detail. The security envelope opens momentarily as the lab switches to full parallel systems, its reserve power diminishes noticeably as the computer core draws from it on both ends.

Riva Allard and William Yoshimara sat side by side in the computer core, Sidney’s honeyed tones spoke through the speakers, “Doctor, I have found two concerning pieces of information in my cache.

” A still image shows a large group of unknown men, 84 in total, escorted by Olivia Post and Yuri Vulkan arriving at around 18:00.

“and this.” Another still image shows a roughly cylindrical metal object assembled by ten men then anchored into the concrete floor, slightly more than a meter in height and diameter.

“Can you conduct a facial match for these intruders compared to those that attacked us.”

Four grainy faces appeared and were matched perfectly to the intruders that attacked Riva. Five more matched those that had been dropped by Minoru and the SWAT team that rescued him.

“What is their current status?”
“I have dispatched all available officers to intercept but most of them are near the Starport now.”

A real time feed from the Starport’s main hanger showed a large group of gunmen in plain clothes exchanging fire with the local officers. Within the hanger a small dropship turned on the hanger’s turntable, four chain ladders dropped from hatches positioned behind the struts of its landing gear. Sidney focused in on one of the gunmen,

“Olivia Post has been identified but Yuri Vulkan is still at large. Based on his C&I form he has multiple cybernetic prosthesis and extensive combat training.”

His whole squad was waiting for him in the vestibule, Ryuun had a bandoleer of shells over his broad chest and semi-auto shotgun in his hands, “Minoru, Kuan-Yin, it’s about time you both got here.”
Dereck carried an assault rifle and extra magazines stuffed in his cargo pants, “We were going to come looking for you.”
Aria had a sub-machine gun in her dainty hands and more magazines in her belt, “What happened?”

“I think Kuan-Yin killed a guy with a baseball bat.”
“Minoru saved me from getting shot. It felt appropriate.”

They rested their weapons on their hip, “So that is where you both go on Thursday evenings.”
Ryuun slapped Dereck’s shoulders and they both made air quotes with their free hands, “Batting practice.” Aria and Kuan-Yin shared a look that caused her to look away with a blush.

Riva and William rushed out from the computer core, he had Riva’s pistol tucked into his belt while she carried a computer tablet. “We have a problem.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #148 on: 02 April 2023, 02:55:37 »
And the yield of that problem can be measured in kilotons.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #149 on: 02 April 2023, 14:21:04 »
Everyone peered at the computer tablet showing the mysterious metal cylinder, “What is it?”

“My guess is some kind of explosive. Something they left behind to damage the reactor, everything else they are doing is just a distraction.”

“Can we get Fort Lee’s EOD team out here?”

“The rail station has been damaged and they weren’t on alert. I’ve escalated it to the Colonel, but Fort Lee has a duty to ensure their own security before they can render aid to us. Shengli is sealed, just in case.”

“What about the City Bomb Squad?”
“They’d be easier to get, but Sidney has more traces on potential bombs throughout the arcology like the ones that blew up the rail station.

This one is probably the priority but with so many injured, the rails damaged, and the lockdown they will be slow to respond,

And I don’t know if we have the time.”

The ominous warning from Riva caught them by surprise. “What makes you think that Doctor Allard?”

She flicked the screen to a real time feed from the Starport, where the terrorists dropship just completed its rotation. “Whoever they are working for brought some updated version of the Vampire dropship.”
“I’ve never heard of that before. What is it?”

They looked around at one another as more VITAL employees arrived through the security perimeter, “What do we do then?”

Minoru stepped forward, “I can do it.

ODIHE is ready to deploy,

I’m the only one that has operated it so far, or who has any idea about how to disarm bombs.
We’re right here, we know, and we’re out of the chain of command.

So, I’ll go.”

His friends were dumbstruck, “I can’t ask you to do that Minoru,” Riva said, “It’s too risky.”
“You said it yourself we might not have enough time to call in the bomb squad.
ODIHE is a walking bomb squad. We’ve tested it, and everything works how it’s supposed to.
It’s not an elegant solution but it is an available one.

So, I’m ordering you all to suit me up.”
Minoru looked over toward the officers near the desk, “Bring the truck around. We don’t have any time to waste.”

Yuri fired his assault rifle as he leapt onto the chain ladder holding on with his augmented strength as it was reeled into the Vampire’s ventral hatches. Their sudden, ferocious attack caught the BCJ by surprise, but the police had inflicted dozens of casualties on the underequipped task force. None of that would matter if their plan came to fruition however and they were ‘volunteers’ so they knew what they were getting into. He ripped off the balaclava to sit next to Olivia, his arms ripped the harness down holding the bars closer to his chest in preparation. Both ROM crew chiefs checked the red lit passenger bay ensuring that everyone and any loose cargo was secure.

Outside BCJ officers withdrew to safety outside the hanger their small arms being ineffective against an armored starship. Rockets fired forth from doors hidden in its angular fuselage into the hanger’s door as its thrusters disintegrated anything behind it. It lurched forth, crashed through the compromised barrier with a horrid screech just audible over its thrusters, before leaping into the sky.

Fifteen ton Swordfish missiles erupted from their silos in pursuit dropping their boosters into the talus before firing their main engine. Chaff and evasive maneuvers broke Fort Lee ADC’s lock and the missiles crashed into the weapon’s test area downrange from Mount Lee.

CCAF Thrush interceptors attempted to pace it but couldn’t match its 6gs of sustained acceleration and had to turn back when they reached bingo fuel. By that time, it was too fast for even orbital gunships from Varangian to have a chance.

Despite all his training and the cool air blowing over his face Minoru had trouble breathing in the helmet as Ryuun locked it into position. He felt a nudge as the ECLSS pack was slotted into position. The suit integrity icon blinked green then disappeared into the bar below. Dereck faced him and put his hands on his ears, “Comms check.”
“I hear you loud and clear Mochi. Everything reads green.”

Another pop was felt more than heard behind him, “You’re on independent power now.”

Minoru flexed his fingers and the armature responded as designed, walking was clumsy at first until he slowed his gait to match what the suit’s exoskeleton was capable of. “This feels a lot lighter than usual.”
“Probably just your adrenaline. Just do as you’ve trained. We’ll walk you out.”

ODIHE ponderously processed through a double line of VITAL’s robotic and human denizens. Minoru checked his arms to ensure all the sensors and tools built into the suit were in good condition.

Kuan-Yin and Ryuun waited for him as he descended the steps, “Be careful!”
“This is the exact opposite of that, but I’ll try.”

Ryuun handed him the shotgun, “It’s all magnum tungsten slugs. In case you need them.
Don’t get yourself killed but chicks dig scars so if do get hurt do it somewhere visible.”

Corporal Lie and the VITAL guards hit the gas and burned rubber toward the target location with ODIHE’s legs dangling from the truck bed. Their side mirrors ripped off as the truck passed through places not designed for even the narrow body automobiles of Leeward.

“This is as close as we can get Minoru. You’ve got maybe ten meters. We’ll withdraw as soon as you step off.”


Minoru shifted the suit’s weight forward and landed on his feet awkwardly. ODIHE’S legacy radiological sensors picked up slight increases in background as he walked toward the reactor enclosure and the mysterious cylinder beside it.

He rested the shotgun on the side as ODIHE kneeled beside the mysterious cylinder. Minoru attached a fine metal sheet on the other side and rested the suit’s hands on the device. A clicking sound emanated from his palms as low powered sonic pulses bounced through the device.

An algorithm developed by VIT in the computer decoded the signals and rendered a slice by slice density map of what lay inside as received by the sensitive microphones built into the metal foil on the other side. This density map was overlaid on his AR visor replacing the previously opaque cylinder with one in false color.

A blob and void at the top of the device caught his attention as did the strange geometry within of its other components. With a density approaching 19.8g/cc it could only be a few elements, and only one of them made sense.
