Author Topic: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU, COMPLETE, Comments Welcome)  (Read 15088 times)


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #150 on: 02 April 2023, 14:38:21 »
Nuclear weapons are a very precise piece of work, so in theory, a good focused strike (like shaped charge) would ensure it goes off subcritically, still it would be bad for immediate vicinity. The news dis say nuclear incident, so possibly Minoru prevented nuclear disaster. Hopefully he also got away.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #151 on: 02 April 2023, 15:08:51 »
Nuclear weapons are a very precise piece of work, so in theory, a good focused strike (like shaped charge) would ensure it goes off subcritically, still it would be bad for immediate vicinity. The news dis say nuclear incident, so possibly Minoru prevented nuclear disaster. Hopefully he also got away.

Yep that was the plan. This climax was actually the inspiration for this entire story. So I hope you enjoyed it as much as Minoru found it mixed.

Riva and the others monitored Minoru through ODIHE’s connection with Sidney. “Excuse me Minoru did you say Plutonium!?”

“Yes, Doctor. This is a nuclear bomb next to the reactor.”

Their faces were taut with fear and uncertainty as the hologram of the bomb’s density map appeared before them beside the video feed. Kuan-Yin hugged Riva who stroked her hair, William rested his chin as Aria embraced him, Dereck and Ryuun gave each other a friendly embrace. “Ride or Die, brother.”

“Can you disarm it?” Minoru severed comms after Riva’s message.

He stood and paced around the reactor. His AR showed him the same symmetrical geometry with precise positioning of each sub-component before the whole thing was bolted to the floor.
“Maybe I’m wrong.
It’s just bad sensors.
We didn’t have time to calibrate them properly and it’s just a regular bomb with a tungsten EFP. A big one but just an EFP.

One I’m way to close to. What could it weight? Maybe a hundred or two kilos?
Ten guys carried it in maybe?”

Doctor Allard’s message haunted him still although he verified the comms were severed,
“No Riva!
I don’t know how to disarm a Nuke!
They didn’t cover that in my six weeks of Sapper School!”

He picked up the shotgun resting on the wall. “Nothing prepared me for this!”

Minoru lifted his head up toward the lights, “Anything from up on high for the Warrior-Sage of Hachiman?

Why me?

Did I bring this evil upon Leeward and Victoria?

This city accepted me. It’s as close to me a Masamori was, and someone tried to kill me there too.

Is it just pointless?”

The barrel pointed toward the cylinder, but he thought about turning it on himself. Falling on his own sword for failing to measure up to his assigned task.
“If I wasn’t here, would this be?
Could I have put all my friends in danger by my mere presence?”

His breath steadied as he looked back to everything that had happened to him since Luthien. Ironheart, Crash School, Capella, and now Victoria.
“No, they knew what they were doing.
They trusted me to make wise decisions and while I may have strayed. This is exactly where I should be.

It’s just a bomb.
Like any other piece of machinery. 
It does what it is supposed to do but it can break, it can fail.

Nothing is certain about the future.
The present is the only thing I can control.
So if I have to embrace the Void, where there is no evil.”

A surrealist state came over him as he aimed the shotgun at the nuclear pit atop the bomb visible in his AR visor from five meters away, “I will do so with both hands and full intention.”



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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #152 on: 03 April 2023, 00:32:25 »
BTW what kind of shotgun would he be using for this kind of work, a regular one or something closer to that Russian 4 gauge monstrosity.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #153 on: 03 April 2023, 04:08:48 »
More like SPAS but it's a slug gun with Tungsten Armor piercing rounds and a 3 inch magnum shell. ODIHE is stronger than a man so it can take that


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #154 on: 03 April 2023, 15:33:01 »
Chapter 19 – Vitality

Intertwining trees reached toward the sky like cathedral vaults within the Northern Quarter Dome at Victoria University Hospital. Minoru Kurita wheeled himself out onto the floor using his left hand, sickly yellow bruises still visible on his legs and arms. His right arm was still slung into a cast and a neural band, microphone, and monocular lens were looped around his ear. A robotic arm raised upward behind him, waved toward the balconies lined with spectators throughout its transverse plane.

His friends, some of his rivals, and most of his VITAL colleagues waited for him on the floor. They surrounded him with affection, even Kai and Cassandra exchanged high five with the hand.

Two of the VITAL roboticists inspected the hand and its mechanisms attached to the wheelchair.
“I see you are adapting to the robotic hand quite well Minoru.”
“I would sooner have my own back but thanks for letting me borrow this until it heals, Lucas.”
“If you insist.”
“Even though I broke more bones this time somehow my fifteen minutes in the ring with Kai hurt me worse than a failed nuclear explosion.”

“That is probably because you remember that.” Kai said behind him, “I expect a rematch. Heal up and keep training. We’ll do a bigger charity match on Solaris Seven and sell it out.”

Minoru nodded then eased himself to his feet tenderly supported on either side by Ryuun and Kai. His voice crackled forth from the speakers. “Thank you everyone for coming out today people of Leeward.
I am very happy to even awkwardly stand in front of you, but I will be brief for both your and my sakes.

I would first like to thank the excellent doctors and staff at the hospital for saving my life, and in particular Doctor Maxine Valle for her zeal in ensuring I stay handsome with just a little scar for the memories.”

The crowd laughed as Maxine blew kisses into their ranks.

“To my friends and Doctors Allard, Cardosa, Smirnova, Zhou and the staffs at VIT and VITAL. Without whom my project and perhaps this city would have been a disaster. They have taught me a lot about myself, and I am privileged to have them.

I think we can all personally verify that ODIHE saves lives now. Right?”

They roared in applause for the little robot suit that could and its operator. Minoru chuckled at the sight of an unfurled banner with a small dog whose barks shatter a bomb.

“When I came to Leeward I didn’t expect to be treated like a hero, certainly I never intended to be one.
My task was to build something that could save lives, not operate it. Not take the fate of a city into my own hands.

Machines are not enough to transform a place; they need people and intention behind them. This city represents something transformative, and you should all be proud of yourselves.

May the winds of Victoria always be with you Leeward, and carry you to new frontiers.”


“Come on slowpoke. You’re going to miss it.”
Minoru crested the ridge, his movements stiffened by the back brace and heavy orange parka he wore. “You don’t have a back injury Kuan-Yin. We should have left earlier then.”
He stood beside her as Victoria’s sun settled below the horizon glowing purple pastel as its light flickered off ice particles suspended in the air. “The refractive…” Kuan-Yin kissed him hard and put her finger to his lips afterward, “Shhh.  Just enjoy it.”


Epilogue Teasers
1 - Franklin and Miya go to a wedding
2 - Strays
3 - The Princes
4 - The Precentors


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #155 on: 03 April 2023, 17:17:30 »
Epilogue 1 – Miya and Franklin attend a wedding.
07/17/3049 | Noius Archipelago, Kaznejoy, Draconis Combine

Almost everyone at the wedding was as colorful as the venue, a tropical island within an artificial sea. Delicate orchids clung to trunks, and flowering bushes erupted in abundance. Franklin Sakamoto hugged the sides occasionally bumping into Shin Yodama, or the other less reputable guests from the Legion of Vega that nevertheless were invited to Kurita Hohiro and Tsukamoto Ayame’s wedding.

Miya Kurita, in a brilliant scarlet and gold Yukata bumped into him on purpose almost spilling his drink. “Now who are you?” She plucked his collar straight, “Mysterious stranger.”
“I’m just the pilot. Looking to pluck off a few tipsy bridesmaids.”
“We both know that’s not true,”
she leaned closer and opened her flower printed fan, “but Ichika has been eying you.” Her voice dropped to a whisper, “I think she has a thing for bad boys.”

He quaffed the last of his beer and picked another off the bar. “You are enjoying this too much.”
“It’s the first time I’ve ever been invited to a family event, of course I am.”

She snapped the fan closed and pulled on his tie as she glided away, “See you around scoundrel.”

Epilogue 2 – Strays
08/09/3049 | St Ives Martial Academy, St Ives, Capellan Confederation

Three Union Dropships bearing the triagonal logo of the Kell Hounds burned out of the sky to land at the SIAMS starport. Two dozen mechs and as many vehicles thundered onto the tarmac and took up defensive positions as a motorcade headed for the academy itself.

Colonel Daniel Allard stepped out of the heavy APC his black cape billowing behind him and boots clacking on the stairs. Caitlin and Phelan Kell follow close behind in their black battledress uniform backed by a platoon of Pit Bulls, from the 1st Kell Hounds elite infantry battalion, carrying stun-sticks and pistols.

The SIAMS Commandant and his men stand at the top of the stairs,
“Colonel Allard, this is highly irregular. How did you get past the detection grid? What business do you have here?”
His tone was adamant “I am here to pick up some strays.” He raised a hand and the Hounds behind him paused, “Are you going to let me pass or are we headed for an altercation?”
“There is protocol to follow. They should have a choice in the matter.”
“The choice has already been made, you know it, I know it too, if they don’t see it, they soon will.
If it makes it easier for the Chancellor to digest, we can beat you up and take them.”

Tension mounted as the two men stared each other down before the Commandant signaled for his men to lower their weapons. “Just get it over with.”

Two squads of Pit Bulls stayed behind at the entrance with the vehicles while another followed them. They found their target doors next to one another and bid the Pit Bulls wait nearby. “Phelen, Caitlin, why don’t you have adjoining rooms? It would make so many things easier.”

“Phelen doesn’t wash his socks.”
“Well, your candles stink.”
“They are premium fragrances!”

“Kids, kids, calm down.”

“You can’t talk to us like that Colonel. You’re our brother-in-law, not our Uncle.”
“Your Uncle is a bad role model and I have children almost as old as you.
Behave or I will bust you both for insubordination.”

He pointed toward the doors, “the mission.”

Phelen walked forward with his sister, “How do you think they sleep?”
She opened the side of her battledress, “I brought a stab vest. You?”
“I’m not wearing a Pit Bull’s helmet for the style.”

They slammed on the doors and shouted firmly. “Cassandra and Kai Allard-Liao, open up!”

Cassandra and Kai opened the doors and rubbed their eyes multiple times as they saw faces in front of them for the first time since their father passed years ago. “Who are you?”

“It is a good thing they were wearing clothes Caitlin.”
“Sure was Phelen. That would have been awkward.”

“Why are you on St Ives?”

Daniel stepped forward, “To take you to Arc Royal. You will start training as a Kell Hound on Monday.”

Kai and Cassandra took a step into the hallway still knocking the sleep out of their faces, “This is some kind of weird joke right sis?”
“It must be, there’s no way we can get to Arc-Royal in three days. It’s in the Lyran Commonwealth.”
“Did the mess serve us expired food again?”
“It tasted fine to me.”

The Hounds looked at one another as the two continued their strange discourse, “No this is for real. Katrina Steiner gave Morgan Kell an open check, that nothing should be denied to him. We already have a LCN command circuit all the way to Arc Royal.”
Their pupils grew strangely wide despite the light, “That would take more than a dozen jumpships.”
“Almost twenty actually, just because the Archon cannot deny Morgan Kell anything, doesn’t meant that he won’t be in Melissa’s doghouse for a while after this. The LCN is using it as a fleet exercise and flex to show off for the Mariks.”

“We can’t leave Capellan space. We’d lose any chance of reclaiming our mother’s titles and her name.”
“That was already lost long ago. If you stay here, you’ll just be another of Tormano’s officers but if you join us, you’ll be family.
We don’t leave our family behind, but sometimes it takes a little longer to bring them back home."


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #156 on: 03 April 2023, 23:15:43 »
Epilogue 3 – The Princes
06/05/3049 | Peace Gardens, New Avalon, Federated Suns

Despite the calm New Avalon summer day and the Peace Gardens were in bloom First Prince Ian Davion slammed another man into the lattice. An envelope fluttered down from the other man’s pocket. “What made you think that was a good idea, Andrew? You could have gotten yourself killed.”

“You would have done it too!”

Ian released Andrew then smoothed the olive green lapels down again ensuring that his Lt Commander’s bars were showing. Andrew knelt to pick up the envelope and return it to his pocket. “Just because you’re right doesn’t mean it was a good idea.”

“Did you ever find the gold thieves? From Glenmora?”

The First Prince turned around to admire a bushy lily plant bursting with life, “No, it’s just another mystery for the Inner Sphere, that may never be answered. All our leads went cold, and we can’t trace it.

I’m sure the Draconis Treasury wants the money back, but I can’t give it to them, and they haven’t retaliated.

I didn’t find anything linking it to Tancred either, but he got wise to my agent and I’m certain it has further distanced him and our sister from me.”

“Would you like me to go to Robinson and talk to Yvonne?”
“No, I’m going to keep you right here for now.
Until I know I can trust you again.”
Ian patted the pocket where Andrew had deposited the enveloped, “What’s in the envelope?”
“A personal matter.”

They stood opposite one another until a hawk overhead let out a cry. “Trust is a two way street.”
“Put an BII agent on me then First Prince.”

He turned and walked around the corner of the hedge maze, “Keep your secrets then brother.”

Once he was certain Ian wasn’t going to come from the other side Andrew sat beside a babbling fountain. He unfolded the envelope which had been sent to him via a Capellan diplomatic pouch although it had an Order of Five Pillars wax stamp on it.

‘Prince Andrew Davion, I hope this letter finds you well however it does.
You do not know me, and I dictate this through a translator so forgive any errors.
Although he would never admit it, I Tsukamoto Ayame of Kaznejoy, would like to extend you the greatest of thanks and abundant fortune for ensuring my love could return to me.
You have my unending appreciation.’

Epilogue 4 – The Precentors
07/17/3049 | Titan Yards, Sol, COMSTAR Protectorate

The vast Titan Yards sprawled out across the orbital volume of the smoggy moon. Three men gathered on the observation deck of the Dante CS Styx as it slipped through the eternal night.

“How was your trip to Mars Precentor Martial Brett?”
“Enlightening, Precentor Naval Zwick.”
“Was that meant to be a joke Photon?”

Precentor ROM Charles Seneca stepped between the two men, “You will get used to it Gregory. Apparently, the Duchess of Tamarind had a wicked sense of humor when she named our companion.

Share with us what you learned on Mars Precentor Martial.”

“I spoke with the Prophet, and he has told me that the Age of Austerity is ending.
Only Audacity can save our Order now.”

Immense vessels of all kinds were encapsulated within the chrysalis of the Cageworks each one adding to COMSTAR’s growing armada. “He has told us to accelerate our preparations.”

Each man folded their hands behind their back as they cleared the smoggy moon to look upon the incomprehensible vastness of Saturn. “Then that is what we shall do.
I will send the message to the First Circuit.”

02/12/3050 | Explorer Corps Core-ward Installation Columbus
The Explorer Corps base was a haphazard collection of former SLDF starport buildings and newly constructed ones to house and supply the largest forward position that COMSTAR maintained beyond the hostile Draconis Rift. Sensors and telescopes of every type floated in orbit or sprawled out over the desolate badlands of this planet.

At one such installation, Adepts monitoring the spectrum received an aberration larger than any they had ever received by at least an order of magnitude. Alarms automatically triggered throughout the installation. “Demi-Precentor! Come and look at this.”

His medallion jangled as he rushed over to the console, “What is it Adept?”
“Something big, something really big, jumped into the system.”
More spikes came shortly afterward, “How many KF-emergence waves did we just detect?”
“Dozens Demi-Precentor.”
“Redirect the RADAR arrays. Give me an idea of what we are looking at here and wake the Precentor!”

Their RADAR returns hours later detected an armada of incoming ships, big ones, small ones, things that hadn’t been seen in centuries.

Demi-Precentor Nathan Bulgar clutched the blue and red medallion hanging from his neck so hard his palms bled, “Blake preserve us.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU, COMPLETE, Comments Welcome)
« Reply #157 on: 04 April 2023, 03:29:33 »
I liked this story very much and I'm glad to see there will be a next one.

Photon as Precenator Martial? That doesn't bode well.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU, COMPLETE, Comments Welcome)
« Reply #158 on: 04 April 2023, 16:43:32 »
That's a very satisfying conclusion to a great story. And nice teaser for what to come. I really like how your Golden Lion stories give their characters depth and lets them grow. Far be it for me to wish ill on Hohiro, he seems like a decent enough heir. But the idea of a Coordinator who is not a MechWarrior but a sapper and engineer is so intriguing. Thank you for this great coming of age story, Alpha!

I'm looking forward to what changes the Clan Invasion will bring, to ComStar, the Sphere and, of course, the Clans themselves. With Photon as Percentor-Martial, I somehow question the chances of a Tukayyid style battle.
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU, COMPLETE, Comments Welcome)
« Reply #159 on: 05 April 2023, 21:10:02 »
This was enjoyable story, I look forward to a lively tale with arrival of the Clans (if they are clans... :D)
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