Author Topic: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere  (Read 5549 times)


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #30 on: 04 March 2023, 14:25:47 »
Like the champions you ARE!  :thumbsup:


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #31 on: 04 March 2023, 14:49:21 »
called him out
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Brother Jim

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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #32 on: 04 March 2023, 15:46:53 »
Liking it !!

TAGged !!


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #33 on: 04 March 2023, 15:53:38 »


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #34 on: 04 March 2023, 17:07:04 »
[The dramatization ends in a transition to images of an artist’s interpretation of the Clans destroying Clan Wolverine as Tex continues the narration.]

Tex: After that confrontation in the Council Chamber, according to Clan records, a Trial of Annihilation was declared on Clan Wolverine and was the first time it had been done to another Clan. All over Clan Space, the Wolverines were hunted down and killed as they were trying to escape.

[A map of Clan Space is shown as lines representing the Wolverines’ escape route to a world that’s labelled as Barbados is marked. Stack continues the narration.]

Stack: The Wolverines gathered as much of their people as they could before making their last stand on a world previously known as Gamma 1551 AW, now known as Barbados. According to Clan records, this was the resting place for Clan Wolverine.

[The camera switches to Tex’s interview.]

Tex: From that point forward, all records concerning the Wolverines were purged and the names of the members of the Clan expunged. The Clans would forever call them the Not-Named-Clan because of the psychological scar it left on them. However, what the Clans didn’t mention until it was discovered by Phelan Kell and ComStar was that some elements of Clan Wolverine were unaccounted for. Moreover, the final battle on Barbados was on July 7th, 2824, just fifteen months before the Minnesota Tribe made their appearance in the Inner Sphere. The coincidences between the two events leave little doubt about the facts here.

[A map of where Barbados was located by ComStar and the distance between there and Svelvik are shown.]

Tex: The time it took the Clans to get from their space to the Inner Sphere took about a year before their invasion started; add this to the time in between the annihilation of Clan Wolverine to the first time the Minnesota Tribe showed up on Svelvik and that pretty much tells you everything.

[The map fades as we see Stack still at the museum.]

Stack: With all the evidence mounting following the history of the Clans being revealed, many experts agree that the Minnesota Tribe may have been indeed the last remnants of Clan Wolverine. As mentioned by Nicholas Kerensky himself, the 331st Royal Battlemech Division was under the command of James McEvedy, Sarah’s father, who did indeed leave the Inner Sphere with Alexandr Kerensky’s exodus. But with that question answered there’s just one remaining, where did the Minnesota Tribe go?

[A map marking the route where the Minnesota Tribe (supposedly) had been from Clan Space to the four worlds they struck, to where they were last seen is shown as Tai-Sho Charles Andersen is interviewed.]

Andersen: I find it hard to believe that the Minnesota Tribe would just vanish from the Universe and not leave some sort of trail. They had to have gone somewhere.

[The camera shifts to him as he speaks.]

Andersen: With everything that’s been found out about them, it seems to me that they are survivors and have been fighting for their survival ever since they left the Inner Sphere with Alexandr Kerensky.

[The camera switches to Fu Sun giving her two bits.]

Sun: ComStar and the Word of Blake had found plenty of evidence that connected to the Minnesota Tribe in the years following their arrival in the Inner Sphere. Much of it was destroyed before and after the Jihad by the Word of Blake themselves in order to cover up the Tribe’s presence in the Inner Sphere. This is probably what led some to believe the letters from Chandrasekhar Kurita that the Tribe had joined ComStar and the Word of Blake in secret.

[An emblem of the Word of Blake and the bloody hand that marked the Jihad is shown on screen as Sun continues her interview.]

Sun: According to him, he discovered that ComStar, instead of losing the trail of the Minnesota Tribe at Valentina, had actually caught up to them and convinced them to join them on Mars. From there, a scientist from the former Clan Wolverine’s scientist caste had secretly been reworking the survivors into becoming a faction within the Word of Blake known as the Blooded.

[Over the image Magnussun’s voice is heard before the camera switches to her.]

Magnussun: When our Clan learned of this claim from Chandrasekhar Kurita and Devlin Stone, we agreed to join in Stone’s coalition against the Blakists to fulfill an oath our ancestors had made when we learned that a Star Captain had allowed some of the Not-Named to escape. The shame he brought upon our Clan that day, made us swear that we would not rest until every last surviving member of the Not-Named-Clan was found and killed. However, despite checking the genetic makeup of each Blakist we killed, we did not find any indication that their lineage traced back to the Not-Named-Clan. Even after their defeat, we still found no evidence of that.

[An image of a Blakist’s dead body is shown on screen with a Ghost Bear scientist checking their DNA before the camera changes to Nadja Nilsson.]

Nilsson: Despite my feelings towards the Clans, I don’t believe that the Minnesota Tribe had joined the Word of Blake. There’s hardly any evidence to even suggest that they did, just something that a Kurita had “supposedly” found in order to get the Clans to join in the Coalition. If they did, then we would have found proof by this point.

[The camera shifts to Noboyuki Tanaka as he was interviewed.]

Tanaka: With respect to the Coordinator and those related to her, I disagree with the notion that the Minnesota Tribe joined the Blakists. From what my ancestor observed, the Tribesman, despite the ferocity of their attacks, were very honorable in their own way. Also, from what I know of Clan Wolverine before their destruction, I could also tell that they had their own sense of honor that would abhor anything the Blakists had done during the Jihad.

[Fu Sun is shown again from her interview.]

Sun: There is evidence, before the Clan Invasion, on Barbados that the survivors of Clan Wolverine had erected a monument on the planet where the final battle between them and the Clans took place. When a ComStar Explorer Corps ship had scouted the planet in 3043, they found not only an arch containing images of the Clans, but scratch marks on it marking the destroyed Clans before the invasion. This tells me that, at some point, the Wolverines learned of what was going on in Clan Space somehow and had taken the time to continue honoring those before them.

[Fu Sun’s image fades to Robert Stack X as he is about to close the segment.]

Stack: While there’s plenty of evidence supporting the idea that the survivors of Clan Wolverine and the Minnesota Tribe are one and the same, the debate on what happened to them is still a subject of debate. Did they circumvent the Inner Sphere to find a new home? Did they settle on worlds close to Clan Space to learn about the events happening there? Or did they join the Blakists only to share their fate? The answer maybe somewhere in the Universe. Someday, maybe they will show themselves again. But the question is, as allies or as enemies?

[His image fades and we then see a dramatization of the Throne Room Massacre as Stack narrates.]

Stack: When we return, did a baby from House Cameron survive Amaris’ massacre of the entire family? If so, where did they go and where are their descendants?

[The dramatization transitions to images of the Star’s End facility where Simon Cameron died are shown.]

Stack: And was Simon Cameron’s death an accident? Or an assassination?

[The image fades as the segment ends.]

End Segment

And that friends, ends Chapter 1. I am actually surprised at all the positive feedback I've been getting on this. I was sure this would be ignored.
« Last Edit: 04 March 2023, 17:10:05 by SulliMike23 »


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #35 on: 04 March 2023, 17:38:19 »
Well done!  :thumbsup:


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #36 on: 04 March 2023, 18:31:06 »
So does anyone have any suggestions for future segments? I wanna cover some events in the Inner Sphere up to recent years of the ilClan Era so that I can do an "Update" section much like Unsolved Mysteries itself.


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #37 on: 04 March 2023, 18:42:45 »
Perhaps the early 30th century attack on the Lothian League? ???


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #38 on: 04 March 2023, 20:11:40 »
Perhaps the early 30th century attack on the Lothian League? ???
Nah, if I want to do a Wanted section I need a recent crime done.


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #39 on: 04 March 2023, 20:55:07 »
Very nicely written!
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #40 on: 05 March 2023, 19:14:36 »
 :clap: :clap: :clap:
Well done..

I will be honest I would love to hear the story of baby from House Cameron
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Lazarus Sinn

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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #41 on: 12 March 2023, 23:30:02 »
Foolish consistencies are the hobgoblins of little minds.


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #42 on: 17 July 2023, 14:57:15 »
Sooooooo.... Still working on this?  :police:
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #43 on: 18 July 2023, 08:30:05 »
Yes I'm still working on this.


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Re: Unsolved Mysteries of the Inner Sphere
« Reply #44 on: 18 July 2023, 17:46:29 »
Glad to hear it, even if my idea was shot down... :)