Author Topic: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.  (Read 18283 times)


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #210 on: 05 May 2023, 16:18:03 »
Our engineer would yield to none in putting down the brew
He outdrank seven space marines and a demolition crew

The navigator didn't win but she outdrank almost all
And now they've got a shuttlecraft on the roof of city hall

And we're banned from Argo, every one.....


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #211 on: 05 May 2023, 16:43:32 »
Our engineer would yield to none in putting down the brew
He outdrank seven space marines and a demolition crew

The navigator didn't win but she outdrank almost all
And now they've got a shuttlecraft on the roof of city hall

And we're banned from Argo, every one.....

"Banned from Alpheratz" almost fits the tune too...
>>>>[You're only jealous because the voices don't talk to you]<<<<


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #212 on: 05 May 2023, 16:44:15 »
That's the song all right!  :D

Here's what I think is the BEST link to it:

And I'll be off to the editing screen shortly (late as I am, sorry!).


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #213 on: 05 May 2023, 17:17:34 »
Our engineer would yield to none in putting down the brew
He outdrank seven space marines and a demolition crew

The navigator didn't win but she outdrank almost all
And now they've got a shuttlecraft on the roof of city hall

And we're banned from Argo, every one.....

Our Captain's tastes were simple but her methods were complex
We found her with five partners each of a different world and sex
The Shore Police were on their way, w had no second chance
We beamed her up in the nick of time and the remnants of her pants.


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #214 on: 05 May 2023, 19:54:34 »
Vincent Kurita is the Coordinator of Worlds at this time.  He had two sons, Theodore is the older one and Ryuhiko would also be alive at this time.  Seems we did not specify which is now in the hotseat.  My vote goes to Theodore.

I just finished my first pass of what's been posted so far, and I'm voting for Ryuhiko.  He'd be the one that could be cut loose to BE a Rogue Prince, after all...  8)


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #215 on: 05 May 2023, 22:57:46 »
also odds are he'd be closer to her own age.


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #216 on: 05 May 2023, 23:07:42 »
So are they now Banned?

and whose shuttlecraft did they borrow
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #217 on: 05 May 2023, 23:16:15 »
Okay not sure how I got Theodore being the older brother but Era Report 3145 confirms he is the younger brother.  But it does not say when he was born, just that it was sometime before 3101(Emi is the youngest and that is the year listed for her birth).


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #218 on: 06 May 2023, 00:53:28 »
That's one way to get access to a genetic heritage ...
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #219 on: 06 May 2023, 10:24:53 »
Something Clever

"You were found…

… in Peace Park.  You left a Mark Seven Shuttle parked on the Star League Monument in Peace Park."  The President wasn't quite as humorous as Victoria had been.  "With one of Vincent Kurtia's sons."

"He was a fun date?"

"At least she didn't think robbing a bank would be good fun," Lori commented.  "Still, on the Monument?"

"It was flat?" Amanda hazarded.

"I have to make it up to the Combine somehow," President Avellar scolded.  "This is coming out of your pay, believe me, but it might have to… how do they say it on Sevon V?"

"Come out of her hide?"

"Yes, that.  There are diplomatic consequences."

"Um, point of order, 'not a diplomat'," Amanda offered  "Also… uh… ******.  Lori??"

"Don't look at me Captain.  I didn't try to stay up all night doing Fission Ball Shooters with the Coordinator and his bodyguards!  Then haul off with his son to hit the town at zero three in the AM, 'requisition' a shuttle from the port, and land it on the ferrocrete tumor… which is still not flat despite your engine exhausts and the weight of a two hundred ton shuttlecraft!"

"It's a dome, innit?"

"Yes, it still is.  The engineers even say it's still structurally sound."  Avellar's eyes twinkled, "So…give me solutions."

"You've been talking to Foster… right?"

"He and I are often of like mind… but no.  Do I give them the note on your ship?"

Her eyes goggled, "God, NO!!!"


"We don't have anyone qualified on Land Air Mechs, do we?" Amanda asked.

"No, we don't, and neither do the Snow Ravens…why?"

"Thirty six of them, practically new in box on Port Orphan, in Cargo 12.  Fill the hydro tanks and spark the fusion toroids and they're ready for use," she almost moaned. 

He turned to the side, "Vincent?"

Vincent Kurita stepped into the room.  "Those will do.  I have… discussed the matter with my son, and the story should be quite amusing.  I'll give you three-quarters book price for the lot."

"Deal."  Then the President fixed Amanda with his gaze again, "You cost us a chance to sell those collector's pieces at a premium, Director Roberts.  Remember that."

"Miss Roberts?" the Coordinator spoke, "You are not to be alone with my son again.  Am I clear?"

"Yes sir."

"I had better be, next time, I might make you come home with us." the Coordinator warned, "I prefer my son to be married in a proper way to a proper Noble, but there are always spaces available in his seraglio for concubines… after some classes in decorum at Sun Zhang."

Amanda caught the underlying threat, but it took Desmond to point out it was multilayered.


"So, Lady Cameron…

… Vincent and I cooked up a way to scare your little…cousin."  Mitchell Avellar was having lunch with Helena.  "The normal means of discipline aren't really available and I can't be seen paddling an officer for sowing her wild oats, even if it could have gone much worse."

"What did you do?"

"Threatened to send her to the Combine," the President stated.  "As a candidate for one of their  concubines…you should have seen the look on her face!" he chuckled.

"You weren't seriously going to-"

"Of course not!!  Vincent might accept it, but getting a quarter knocked off the price of thirty six prime condition PHX-HK1s still in the presenol, plus spares?  Honor was satisfied and we taught her a valuable lesson…and he got a good laugh after."

"And you get the cash."

"AND the Alliance got the cash," he nodded.  "We don't have anyone trained well enough on the specific skills to make use of them, but the Combine?? They do."

"But there was a full battalion plus one extra company according to -"

"I'm selling the other twelve from cargo 12 to Yvonne," he said.  "And I don't have to eat a discount. It's enough to cover fueling and repairs for the Lynnwood."  He grimaced, "We can't afford to keep them."

"Do you know what bothers me the most about this whole situation, Lady Cameron?" Avellar looked old as he said it.  "Besides the fact we let this go on for so long?"

"I can think of a list of things that bother me, but what's yours?"

He sighed, "They're all young.  The Roberts girl was sixteen when she started.  Sixteen! She is barely over eighteen now, but…" he sighed, "Too young." and shook his head.  "She should be in School still!"

“No one saw this one because interstellar distances mean no one had any reason to check if the relocations were anything other than what was listed and there are so many other problems going on.  Even with the help of sophisticated AIs watching HPG broadcasts and sniffing around I missed it because it was simply buried in the monotony of everyday traffic.”

"How are your people finding Roberts' Nest base? You've had them there for months now." he asked, steering back to the topic. 

“It is an excellent base.  My people have had no complaints.”

"I'm going to ask you to detail some of them to bolster at Ruins of Tuesday, and maybe Port Orphan, the Clan's gearing up for the offensive and they're finding that after thirty years of drawdowns haven't left them enough trained staff to handle it-god help us if we'd gone fifty.  The Ghost Bears and Falcons are still six months and eight months from having anything moving in besides supply ships and some fighter wings they can move by dropship on circuits."

“I should have enough people to spare to make it work but yes this could be an uncomfortable year coming up.  We may have to proceed more cautiously than any of us would like.  If we overextend on offensives now the Sons of Plunder could wreak havoc in the back lines.  They still might because as large a force as we have we still can not be everywhere at once.”  Helena nodded.

"I avoided most of the Jihad years, the other succession wars…and now, we're earlobes deep in something." he sighed.  "Does it get easier?  Making the compromises?"

“If you are a good man, no.  If you are a wise man you will still make them anyway because you know they must be made.  But only the ones that must be.  Make too many of the wrong ones like I have and it gets all too easy.”  Helena sighed.

"Then…here's to making the right ones, and living with the nightmares for doing it."

“Cheers.”  Helena grabbed her cup of tea and raised it.


"I'm not going to take…

…your head for doing the intelligent thing!"  Katran Cameron, Basileus and official Final Scion of the Cameron Dynasty stormed.  "You preserved assets, Halford, I should be making you an Admiral for knowing when to fight, and when to withdraw!!"

"Things went badly." Lord Commodore Cecil Halford half-asked.

"We lost the Tokyo over Quatre Belle, and the mission to Sevon V was a failure that cost nearly a brigade of ground forces, and left us with a damaged Texas class." she half-sulked, "We underestimated, and that is on the Intel section, not on you."

He winced, "purges?"

She shook her head, "it would be impractical to keep them from learning from past mistakes-the error was at the policy level, and that level is me, I can hardly take my own head!!"

"What do you require of me, Your Majesty?" he asked.

"Formulate a defensive plan, and formulate an offensive plan." she said, "We will need a year to make up losses, but the Royal Fleet cannot be idle in that year.  We need some victories besides the defense at Grankum, we need to force them to the table..and failing that, we need to have a defensive strategy able to hurt them so badly they will accept a negotiated settlement."

"You are talking defeat."

"I can do basic math."  Her Majesty stated.  "I made some critical errors, those errors have put us out irreplaceable assets and left our supply chain vulnerable, and we are outnumbered-they can conceivably defeat us through attrition alone, now that they know we exist."


"Small Scale.  Focus offensive forces on small-scale raids and strikes to hamper their build-up and confuse their support and supply line, while concentrating our best assets for either an emplaced defense, or a sharp counterattack."  she mused for a moment, adding, "Use only assets we have the capacity to replace quickly for the offensive operations.  No more grand gestures with the fleet until the fleet's fully up and combat ready."

Her Majesty sighed and looked out the window of her throne room at her children playing with staff-serfs in the garden.  "I made a critical error, Halford.  All we have left is to salvage something to survive with."

"You are the inheritor of the First Lord." he stated, "You are the Baslieus.  Your will be done."

Words are Spoken

"In the fall of 3118…

... A conference was held.  A Summit of powers.  There would be consequences for what was decided on Alpheratz in November of 3118.  Some foreseen, others, not so clearly.  Historians may note it, in passing, as a footnote in the brief history of the Republic of the Sphere.  The Slaver's War will be remembered in the periphery long after it has been forgotten in the more civilized core of the Inner Sphere.  But for a brief time, the potential of Devlin Stone's dream would be a fact, and not merely a promise… What could be done, when all work together as one.

-Roberts, Jeffery Lamb, 'The Slaver's War', Sevon V publishing, Raven Alliance

"The release of the 'client lists' savaged intelligence agencies across the Inner Sphere.  You have to understand, Spies don't just sneak in and take pictures.  Sometimes the information requires getting in bed with the worst sorts…or catching important people in bed with kids… a lot of blackmail was aired quite suddenly, and even here in the Federated Suns, some of the perpetrators named in it turned out to be in critical government positions.  We're still prosecuting and finding foreign agencies.  It's caused Prince Henry no end of grief rooting out the bastards…"

-LaFollette, Henri, 'The Secret World of Spies!', New Avalon International Press, 3128

“No sane person wishes to turn a blind eye to that kind of evil.  It is just a sad fact of reality that when you focus on one kind of evil another flourishes elsewhere and there are only so many good people to go around.  It is no wonder that such a thing went on so long.”

-Dubrauch, Gregory, Tikonov Historical Publishing, 3128

"Pursued into darkness.
Looking into the eyes of monsters.
Gaze into the abyss."

Yueh, Chie, "A song of war and Pirates" Luthien Music LTD.

”People ask me all the time how can such things go unnoticed for so long.  I answer with what I call the Langstrom effect.  See back before the fall of the Star League there was an Admiral in the procurement office of the SLDF named Victor Langstrom.  He put forth the theory that the Star League had become such a bloated bureaucracy that the best way to hide something was to toss it in with all the ordinary messages.  Classifying it would actually make it easier to find.  I think we have to face the fact our societies have become much the same with how much we rely on the HPGs and love to generate memos, reports, and studies.  Make it in triplicate any time anyone suggests we’re becoming a paperless society.”

-Causes, Phillipa Professor of Political Science and History University of Atreus, 3128

"The question of Freedom, or Safety can be answered at last… everything the Sons of Plunder did was framed initially as 'safety'.  And they took the freedom of millions and did the most horrific things imaginable for generations in the name of 'safety'.  Open your texts to chapter one-eighteen…"

-Esmerelda Gomez, Instructor on Political Theory, Dante Training Grounds, Raven Alliance (3132)

”Why did I wait so long to reveal myself?  You try spending three centuries and then some watching the worst of humanity fall in upon itself.  Yes I still feel like a coward for it but that is the kind of fear and despair that none of you can grasp.  And I hope none of you ever will.”

-Cameron, Helena 3132

"Yo Ho Ho."

-scrawled on a spaceport bathroom wall, 3135 below the crude image of a bird wearing a tricorn hat.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #220 on: 06 May 2023, 11:01:51 »
"Yo Ho Ho."

-scrawled on a spaceport bathroom wall, 3135 below the crude image of a bird wearing a tricorn hat.

Somehow, ending all of those scholarly reports with juvenile grafitti just seems very fitting.

Thank you for a great story.
>>>>[You're only jealous because the voices don't talk to you]<<<<


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #221 on: 06 May 2023, 11:50:25 »
I gotta admit this story is better than the cannon fictions....


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #222 on: 06 May 2023, 12:00:32 »
First passes complete (if late, again).


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #223 on: 06 May 2023, 12:08:45 »
Great end to a ambitious part of the big story, thank everyone involved making this collaboration happen.
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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #224 on: 06 May 2023, 13:53:27 »
Yo ho ho
 :thumbsup: :beer: :clap::beer: :clap::beer: :clap::beer: :clap:
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #225 on: 06 May 2023, 14:03:09 »
I am a little surprised Daryk hasn't thrown anything at me for the Langstrom effect yet...

Which does bring up time for phase two of my experiment/research:  I do wonder if my writing style is sufficiently distinct enough from Cannonshop's that people can pick out which parts I actually wrote in there.  Might not be with how short most of them are.


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #226 on: 06 May 2023, 14:05:10 »
I bought into that a while back (since it makes SO much sense...  :D).  What exactly are you looking for?


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #227 on: 06 May 2023, 14:23:08 »

Which does bring up time for phase two of my experiment/research:  I do wonder if my writing style is sufficiently distinct enough from Cannonshop's that people can pick out which parts I actually wrote in there ...

Not I.

If I had to throw a dart in the dark ... nope, you said short and those parts are not.  Anyway, I'm pretty good at getting sucked into the story without worrying about who wrote what.  Unlike seasons 7 & 8 of GoT, I could tell ... (6 too, but it's like they some notes to work with.)
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

"We're sending a squad up."


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #228 on: 06 May 2023, 15:08:02 »
I bought into that a while back (since it makes SO much sense...  :D).  What exactly are you looking for?

Just an idle thought I had, of if any the parts I directly wrote were big enough to stand out due to stylistic changes when I was writing them, since you watched me write some you may not be a fair judge.  :P


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #229 on: 06 May 2023, 15:39:33 »
Ah, I thought you were asking for something about the Langstrom effect specifically.  I will say you and Cannonshop have similar styles, and if I hadn't seen you both write, I wouldn't know whose was whose.


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Re: "The Great Captain Roberts Adventures!!" Strategos, Part Two.
« Reply #230 on: 06 May 2023, 15:58:22 »
That was a really nice point to end this sequence of the "GREAT CAPTAIN ROBERTS"-saga! :clap: :clap: :clap:

