Author Topic: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)  (Read 25995 times)


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #300 on: 18 May 2024, 23:18:35 »
Chapter 26 – Cascade

Katya’s forces were arrayed in orderly arcs of alternating trenches and earthen walls reinforced with gabion wall. Each arc intersected in a disorderly looking way anchored by concrete bunkers along the center and ends provided with clear lines of fire over and within the obstacles. Over both shoulders of her Hellbringer was a forward operating base from which half her artillery section operated. Long Tom howitzers hurled their high caliber shells into the fray, safe beneath Anti-Air Defenders and an armored firing position.

Ahead of them were a broad collection of combat vehicles and drones tied through the command van she was occupying and the more powerful and fully staffed comms gear at the airbase. She watched as the Brahmaputra’s SXR-robots fought hard in a grinding open field battle to stymie the advance of Wolf Dragoon’s Zeta Battalion, commanded by General Wolf, and reinforced by Barbara’s Marauder IIs. Precision guided Arrow IVs and Copperhead Shells worked in conjunction with the integral weapons of the units to tear into the assault Battalions. The enemy accomplished their mission as the rest of the force landed near Antares City.

While she didn’t trust the SXR-Brigade but even she admitted that for an open field battle with supporting assets they were serving their role, expendable assault troops. Even the Mongoose’s exceptional Mechwarriors they were not enough to withstand the inexorable advance of Wolf Dragoon’s Delta Regiment and the 21st Centauri Lancers.

Epsilon Galaxy did not rout however, nor did they accept certain defeat when withdrawal allowed a Warrior to gain Glory another day. Hovercraft swept up those they could while the SXR units spent themselves for time and to preserve the lives of valuable MechWarriors. “Foolish Mongoose, at least COMSTAR rid me of Asa Taney.”

She followed the action via the eyes of a Marker drone and keyed in the Battlenet of a now depleted Epsilon Galaxy. “Epsilon, this is Star Colonel Katya Kerensky, I am assuming command of your formation. We tried it your way now you are to follow my plan to hold this planet for as long as possible or until reinforcements arrive.
Withdraw and redeploy the MechWarriors to our overflow location. There are spare chassis available.”

Star Colonel Varyag Manaudou keyed on the same CommNet. “You must be crazy to think that you A Star Adder could be suitable for command of a Mongoose Galaxy. I would sooner charge Zeta’s guns than follow your orders and there are others who feel the same way.”

“If that is your choice, nothing is stopping you from doing so. The Star Adders are assuming control of this operation, and we will not let you stop us.”

“Then you will need to kill me.”
Varyag howled over the Battlenet with affirmations throughout the fanatic Mongoose MechWarriors who refused to subordinate themselves to one of their rival Clan’s Officers. Katya muted the headset microphone, “which Mech is he piloting?”

The comms Tech turned the Marker’s camera and TAG laser to a Shadow Cat making best speed away from the enemy formation. “TAG it and order a Storm (SXR-20) unit to take him out.”
“Can you do that Star Colonel? He is on our side.”
“He did say I would have to kill him. Sounds like a Batchall to me.”

She looked over to the other women behind the consoles within the vehicle who all nodded in agreement. While they had never done so Star Adders had a long history of dropping precision artillery on Mongoose Mechs.  “Aff, Star Captain.”
Katya keyed back into the command as the comms operators sent encrypted comms through the drone to them and back to the robot momentarily hijacking the Brahmaputra’s command signals with a stronger local one.
“If you insist Star Colonel Manaudou. Bargained well and done.”


Two Arrow IVs obliterated the Shadow Cat, guided unerringly via remote control, from the air conditioned vehicle. Shortly thereafter Epsilon and the Brahmaputra’s command authority were granted to her BattleNet Circuit. Katya departed from the vehicle to walk through heavily armored infantry rushing forward with heavy support weapons, ammo boxes, cooling water, and spare power cells.

Her Hellbringer waited nearby. The enemy would soon be upon them, so the formation assumed its final configuration and throttled their engines up to combat power. At her mech’s feet Technicians in reflective heat-resistant uniforms finished attaching the cooling hoses from their 235-Yeti Coolant Tractor to her mech and Tanya’s Hellfire before beginning the recirculation pumps. Both mech’s vital cooling fluids rushed through the tractor, pulling heat from the mech, and transferring it to the Yeti’s radiators and via a secondary loop into the trailer of non-potable water behind it.

Currently they and the other mechs along the secondary arc ran cold but that would change shortly. As she closed the cockpit and its armored shroud afterward Katya took a moment to take control of her breathing before donning her neurohelmet.

“All Star Commanders report in.” Beneath her the ground shook as flocks of Mongoose mechs passed through the lines with enemy mechs in hot pursuit. Her subordinates both new and old triggered their status reports which were passed through the comms van before reaching her.  “Just follow the plan.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #301 on: 19 May 2024, 01:53:10 »
Artillery, such an elegant way to solve the chain of command disputes.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #302 on: 22 May 2024, 12:31:54 »
Artillery, such an elegant way to solve the chain of command disputes.



Steam billowed out of the water trailers like an immense kettle heated by the waste energy from the three Battlemechs (Hellbringer, Hellfire, Shadow Cat) hooked into the Yeti cooling tractor. Katya’s limbs were warming as her cooling suit fought the heat around her to maintain her core temperature. Dragoon Delta Regiment had massed against her three Clusters and the Commander’s panel on her console was as red as the fully extended radiator fins jutting out of her Hellbringer’s back. Updates from her staff created an endless stream of incomprehensible codes to summarize the deteriorating conditions of the battlespace.

On their flanks the 21st Centauri Lancers sought advantage against the Star Adders’ numerous M-class Drones and C-class tanks deployed in concealed hull down positions or with heavy infantry dug into hillside trenches. With the Brahmaputra above maintaining the Battlenet and delivering situational awareness via its NCSS there was no way to mass enough forces to land a decisive blow before it was disrupted by Air Cavalry or Mongoose Mechs. ‘Big B’ was not in the clear however as COMSTAR and the AMC contested orbital space with the Mongoose Fleet Star above. Both sides were nearly spent after three serious engagements in as many days with more fighters being able to engage the Warships with standard weapons due to a lack of missiles.

Her own position was growing increasingly tenuous against her tenacious and numerous foes who had already Annihilated the Brahmaputra’s SXR Regiment (512 units because Scientist). Despite careful preparations damage was accumulating everywhere, supplies dwindled and coolant was drying up throughout Colonel Kerensky’s force. From her command console she could see the telemetry from the cooling truck her triad of mechs were attached to. It was running at the maximum rate and temperature that pumps and pipes could withstand and dangerously low on capacity.

She looked down at the Kinslaughters in her mech’s arms just visually she could see the heat mirages causing swirling turbulence in the white steam gathering around her. If she kept up this rate of fire they’d burn out before she ran out of targets.
“All Star Commanders this is Colonel Kerensky. Begin bounding withdrawal to our fallback positions.
Collapse the flanks onto us, maintain staggered columns, and clear lines of fire.
We are fighting pros they will seize upon every opportunity.

Artillery, smoke three tempo.
Evacuate all casualties and damaged assets to position five.
Infantry, Ammo, and Coolant on position three.
Pods and Plates at two.”

Sixty affs appeared on the console the first green on a console otherwise scarlet with reports and technical faults as she edged closer to the machine’s design limits. Smoke shells from artillery, missiles, and mortars erupted in thick white phosphorous clouds before the main line of defense. Mastiff and Myrmidon drone tanks with their shorter-range weapons reversed under teleoperation to pass between the second line of Chimera and Carnivore manned tanks and infantry desant riders. Those in turn withdraw behind the battlemechs who now stood at the fore in staggered double lines. Dragoons pressed against the rolling backward artillery barrage remaining tight, where their inferior weapons but superior armoring were maximized, until forced to disengage due to battle damage and smoke shells.

Katya and the other mechs kept pace with the slower Krakens accepting a loss of maneuverability due to overheating in exchange for unit cohesion around their formidable offensive firepower while it lasted. Steak Long Range missiles unerringly struck their targets as Marker drones and TAG equipped Mongoose mechs tagged flankers for Semi-Guided Mortars and Missiles from Mad Dog and Threshers. Doctrine for all Clans preached air dominance but against a well-equipped adversary with their own air power artillery and fire support weapons provided an offensive punch that could not be sustained on a Battlemech. Although it was derided as wasteful in ammunition and collateral damage compared to a precision bomb.

By dusk swathes of forest had been splintered, wilderness despoiled by spent brass, glades bore the ugly scars of tank treads and battlemech feet, and small wildfires erupted where battles had degraded into fearsome melees that nature was unable to withstand. Smoke rose above camp as Katya Kerensky washed her face in the stream as white ash fell from the sky to float upon its clear cool waters. Something seemed off about this creek though, she had been here many times while chasing COMGUARDs, but it was much lower than usual. The high muddy bank should not be the result of her cooling trucks refilling their tanks to serve their secondary function as fire apparatus if necessary, or was it?

Katya waved back at her Coregn and others shouting for the Galaxy Commander. She dipped her canteen in careful to avoid the ash, “If anything was wrong upstream someone would have told me.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #303 on: 22 May 2024, 12:47:07 »
Oh Katya, so much misplaced trust in the ability of others to spoil ComStar trickery...
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #304 on: 22 May 2024, 21:39:28 »
Ranna woke to their building shaking and an urge to use the restroom. “Diana, what was that!”
Diana paused for a moment as the sound moved and tremors lessened to a dull tremble easily offset by the buzz of the overhead light. “Tulwar Bombardment Ship.”
“How can you tell?”
“The sound moved, and it was big so it must be an aerodyne dropship. If it was loud and constant, then it would be a spheroid.

Almost all Clan combat transports are of the spheroid variety unless loaded with conventional troops or cargo and since everyone is deployed here it must be something different.

As for the Tulwar Katya probably wanted to keep it under air defense cover so it can lob Land Attack Cruise Missiles at your birthmother and keep her dropships away from Alba.
It likely arrived with damaged fighters that the Quicksilver needed to offload to a ground depot.

If it is anything like last night’s battle, there are many damaged ships, but it is hard to keep an orbital battle going if one part or another does not wish to remain engaged.”

“Hard to believe they are still fighting up there.”

“Plenty of space on the Warships for spare frames and techs to prep them. Fighters are just expensive ammunition in a battle like that, no different than missiles. Their pilots are what make them valuable, and Mongoose SAR is unmatched among the Clans, has been since our early history. If the AMC lets up Mongoose AeroWarriors would run roughshod over us.”

“Where is your team?”
“Airbase security is likely tight right now. Our shuttle is concealed in a nearby valley.
They will gather information while waiting for a lull in the action to make their move.”
“Hopefully before the Sheriff shows up and separates us.”
“This should have been an easy mission Ranna. Infiltrate via HAHO jump, disguise myself to grab you by force if you were turned, exfil, but now we are stuck here…waiting.
All because of your hunch.”
“Those were ROM agents last night Diana. COMSTAR is planning something, but nobody believes us.”
“Maybe they would if you had stayed, but that bridge is burned. Now we need to think of how we get out of this situation before either of us ends up on the wrong side of a brick wall.

I believe you but if Phelen had not told me how a ROM agent helped him, and the Hounds escape the Bears I would find it difficult as well.
Although it is within my expectations, the Watch would act similarly.”

“How did you end up in the Watch anyhow?”
“Now you want to know more about me?”
“Well, I can’t get any more sleep now that flight ops are underway.”
Thrusters howled above them as fighters took off outside.
“My birthmother is a trueborn Scientist of the Pryde bloodhouse. Steel Vipers even though they have relaxed their standards are very strict on trueborns vs freeborns in frontline units, so I already had a demerit and had additionally spent to long with my mother on Tokasha.
I did not test into the primary MechWarrior program instead assigned to an experimental all-female Sibko like our AeroWarriors, which was quickly disbanded and joined with a co-ed Sibko.”
“What happened?”
“There were personality clashes that resulted in cadet casualties far exceeding expectations.
We did not play well with each other as you might say.
Nevertheless, I succeeded in our new Sibko and got a kill in my Trial of Position before Watch recruited me for my other skills. Those were still not sufficient to track down Phelen Kell in Elissa’s badlands though, much to my dismay.”
“You wouldn’t have gotten out if not for him. He said your commander might have done you in on her own.”
“That still doesn’t mean we are friendly with one another.”
“He just takes some getting used to.”
“I would rather coddle cobras.”
“That’s pretty harsh.”
“Just because you and other weak-willed women consider him a rich and handsome puppy dog. A younger version of his playboy uncle doesn’t mean anything to me.
Lieutenant Allard dispenses with all the pleasantries and just gets down to business.”

The door opened to a pair of individuals dressed in dark blue AeroTech jumpsuits and another crouched fiddling who had finished with the lock. “I told you I could get it open Caresh. All these prefabs have the same types of locks.”
“We never doubted you, Mel. now hurry up. We will keep an eye out for the Inquisitor.”

Ranna recognized Diana’s core Watch team, Caresh, Melanie, and Uther. Caresh and Uther kept their hands on the probable Gauss SMG concealed within their tool satchels and eyes low under their caps.
Mel used a master key for Patrol handcuffs to free their hands and passed them water, electrolyte powder, granola bars, and low profile micro-comm earbuds. “We can’t exfil you two yet.
Still too much activity on the tarmac but at least you will be ‘at will’ prisoners until we return.
Min(erva) and Raz(iel) are pulling as much as they can from the comms downlinks but outgoing comms are still locked down so we can’t call for help yet.
Good news is that the Sheriff and his deputies are busy hunting sensor ghosts and dealing with some sensor faults out on the plateau. The Inquisitor is sniffing for saboteurs but has a lot of other tasks on her mind presently.”

Ranna didn’t seem amused by this, “Did we cause these faults?”
“Neg, looks like COMSTAR tricks.”

Even Diana wasn’t certain what to make of it, she clenched her fists, it would be a shoot on sight order if she left this room but her team was in and in comms now so she could assign them the mission. “I don’t think it is a trick, Mel. ROM agents were at the gate last night and tried to kill us. See if Min and Raz can figure it out and keep your eyes peeled. They know we are here and sent that HPG to lure at least one General Wolf to Antares.”

She looked over the Ranna and huffed, “I didn’t want to get involved but since we are in the area of effect, we have to treat them as a hostile force and figure out what they are up to.”
“We’ll update them when we meet up in an hour. Do you have an idea of what they might be planning?”

Ranna lit up with an idea, “Katya said they tried to lure her into damaging the chemical plant like the propagandists said but it never happened. I’ve been there and talked with the security chief, so I know she was telling the truth. They had to carefully edit that reel they released on INN.”
“We will look into it and parse through to find some anomaly.”

Mel pulled out her ruggedized noteputer, "According to the Adder reports no COMGuard units have landed on-world to assist the AMC yet. Most of them are still in orbit around the Dantes.”
“Maybe those transports were meant to pull people out, not land them.
The Two-Twenty Second Division disappeared after Katya refused to take their bait.”
“If they are leaving then they might care what happens on-world.”

A knock at the door signaled time was short, and so was Diana’s patience. They had to move fast while she and Ranna held tight. “We need some kind of evidence that COMSTAR is fighting their own war. See if you can find some.”
“Aff Khan Pryde. We will find something.”
“And Mel if things get bad out there signal Savanna and get clear. Don't come back for us. Ranna and I will find our own way out if we must.”

Mel nodded and set her cap low, eyes on the noteputer as she exited. “We’ll return Diana.”
The door locked behind them as bootsteps were heard on the hard concrete outside.

Five AeroTechs gathered at the paved smoke pit beside the canal exchanging gossip to one another during their 10:00 break period. Within the canal the depth gauges reduced slowly but by the time they finished were noticeable.

If only anyone was looking.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #305 on: 23 May 2024, 00:37:50 »
So they reduced/stopped the outflow of water to increase the water pressure behind the dam.

Come to think, straightforward combat must be downright therapeutic for Katya after prolonged torment by Adam Steiner and then 222th, not to mention all the mental baggage she brought from the Homeworlds.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #306 on: 25 May 2024, 13:10:53 »
A great roar shook the canopy above as another flight of Aerospace Fighters took off laden with bombs rockets, they followed shortly behind by Cruise Missiles lurching away from the sharp lines of a Tulwar Bombardment Ship. All of these threw up great dust clouds from the formerly tamped earth that formed its foundation. An older teen held a small bow and reel, both he and a younger boy carried large baskets with shovels tied to them behind. They picked their way through the shadowed brambles beneath the canopy while dodging stray branches and bogs.

The younger boy leapt over a muddy crick, “Are you sure it is safe to come here Gunther?”
“Do you want to eat something other than old bread today? or not Vico?”
“I do, but this seems dangerous.”
“It’s fine we are on the other side of the canal from the airbase. They’ve been fighting above us for days, if they were going to blow this place up, they would’ve done it already.
Ever since I got some money from Kate and working from Mrs Bakker I’ve been making and setting fish traps. So, it’s about time I show you how to do it.
We might soon have enough for more and I’m going to age out next year.”
“What are you going to do when you leave?”
“I’m not sure yet, depends on who wins the war. I can work in the paper mill and stay nearby.
It’s not like this planet has ever or is presently dripping in opportunity.
At least the Sheriff and Governor handled the mob, that made everything a lot easier.”
“Are you sure she’s the same lady you helped? You weren’t just making that up and did something bad to make a thousand Kroner?”
“I’m sure, Kate, Katya, I didn’t realize it at the time though.”
“Why would she disguise herself though? That’s still weird.”
“The Clanners are weird, but at least they are fair and mostly honest, unlike Nashan.”

They reached their destination, a deep pool in what would otherwise be a small stream now teeming with fish. “Wow! Gunther there’s so many! You are so good at this!”

Gunther put his hand over the boy’s mouth, they were still very close to the military base and even though it was on the other side of the canal it was better to be unseen and quiet while they worked. Vico calmed down as Gunther walked over to the little inlet where his fish traps were exposed along with dead fish trapped inside. “Its dry? but this is a pretty deep spar right off the canal. If these fish are dead, then it has been a while since the water went down.”

It was muddy all the way back to the canal where the pickled trunks of logs that had fallen off countless rafts breached the surface. All very strange and had explained why the fish had been forced to cluster in the nearest deep pool. “Did anyone say anything about the dam today Vico?”

Vico was already shoveling the fish into his basket and shoved the lid on it as Gunther handed him his, “There wasn’t an announcement in the newspaper, the Sheriff has been out in the canyonlands and I heard one of the Dragoons escaped from the INTER-LOGI people, but nothing about the dam. Why?”
“I was here a few days ago and it was normal. Yet, it’s almost three meters low out of the normal seven and there’s been plenty of rain and snow this year.”
“Why would that happen?”
“I don’t know but something is wrong with the dam.”

Months of foraging and collapse had made Gunther keen to his surroundings and there were human tracks nearby in the mud that led further into the forest. He drew the brushknife from its scabbard on his hip and passed his bow to Vico, “Hang on to this for a few minutes, will you?”
“What are you going to do?”
“I’m just taking a look.”

He picked through the shrubs for a few dozen meters and found a cache of large tan bags concealed in a shallow pit within them. Gunther had seen booby traps before having found plenty of caches in the forest that he was not meant to. This one had a collection of directional anti-personnel mines around it but those were easy enough to disable when you found them. There must be something valuable within these bags that might get him a bounty from the Sheriff or a tidy sum from the sale, maybe even enough to get off-world, or set himself up in business with enough toughs to keep competition at bay.

Gunther sheathed his machete and yelled back to warn Vico that there was a threat, but he’d deal with it. He inspected the bags and found no other tricks; the bag unzipped with some force to reveal a suit of armor with a strange insignia on it. A green bird with a sword clutched in its talons, it looked like something from the Clans but not any Clan he’d seen and there were many Clanners that had passed through the system. Within the bag was an incredibly heavy rifle with attached heat shroud and underbarrel grenade launcher. He’d only seen those before in the hands of the Elementals.
“Wow, a Mauser Nine Sixty Laser Rifle. So cool.”

A man’s voice came from the suit of armor, “Whoever is at our cache, we are only giving you one warning. Everything has a tracker, if you take it, we will find you.”
“How do you know I’m here?”
“Our Nighthawks has some of the most advanced sensors on this world. Your proximity triggered its emergency response to my headset.”
“Who are you guys?”
“I am Raziel of Clan Jade Falcon.”

Once more he hefted the rifle, “Raz do you guys have a ship? and are you recruiting? Because I have a bad feeling.”
“Depends, do you have something to offer us?”

The scope came to life showing the forest and its inhabitants in multi-spectral brilliance.
“Maybe I do.”
"Go on."


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #307 on: 26 May 2024, 00:50:23 »
The previous caches the meddling kid found were Comstar, I presume?
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #308 on: 04 June 2024, 12:09:52 »
The previous caches the meddling kid found were Comstar, I presume?

Probably organized crime or valuables caches from refugees or rebels.

A shop-light hung tenuously above Diana and Ranna casting erratic shadows over them with each launch of Bullfrog fighters or Cruise Missiles from the Tulwar. The air inside in the drying shed was dry but still smelled of damp earth and wood from outside. Inquisitor Phoebe had made a grand show of locking them in with a large heavy padlock on the door, but it was nothing a sustained pulse from a laser couldn’t handle. Light from wildfires could be seen reflected in the clouds above showing that the battle was still far from over during their short walk from the main installation.

“At least we are closer to the Mechbay Diana.” Ranna whispered over the general buzz of activity around them.

Diana sat across from her cross-legged upon the debarked logs set against the wall even as Ranna paced. Both were a relief from their earlier joint restraint to the table, although once semi-freed they both could steal a few hours of shuteye while awaiting their fate. “While remaining apart from the main Security contingent. Presumably they sought to confound my fireteam by moving us.”

“There is still an Elemental out there.”

They both saw the shadow of an Armored Elemental standing guard just outside his form momentarily illuminated by rocket engines.

“My people can handle them.”
“When are they coming?”

Another fighter roared off into the black causing a slight tremor in the concrete floor followed by the walls shaking slightly as a missile arced off into the night. Distant rumbles of explosions from far away battles could be heard when the night air was still and the base momentarily silent.

“When they are ready and not a moment before.”

“We have been stuck together for almost twenty-four hours now!”
“This is no vacation for me Dragoon. If we had followed the plan I would still likely be here but in my Nighthawk suit, spreading carnage. Rather than picking at my nails.”

She pulled out a broken emery board from the sleeve, “At least this cage is more spacious and drier than the one Phelen stuck me in for weeks.”

My clothes also smell less terrible,”
she sniffed the sleeve of her stolen MP uniform, “I couldn’t wait to burn my fatigues after we returned to Astrapolis.”
“You were trying to kill him!”
“Capture him.
I was only authorized to kill him if he resisted capture. Even then I was to bring proof of his death back with me. Preferably a hand, so they could take metrics and ensure he was deceased. Heart was also acceptable as was an eye but only if it still had the nerve attached.”
“He said you liked his eyes.”
“Not like that you freak.”

“You sound very stressed for someone who is not awaiting execution for treason.”
“Right now, Katya Kerensky is trying to kill my family! You’re damn right I’m stressed. I want to get into that fight. How can you be so calm!?”
“I’ve long accepted my inevitable death, I have faced it many times, as a girl on Tokasha, in Sibko, within the wilds of Elissa, and upon the battlefields of the Inner Sphere. This situation is little different beyond the company I share.”
She blew the dust from her now smoothed nails and returned the emery board to her pocket. “Do you think you can beat Galaxy Commander Kerensky? Mechwarrior Kerensky.”

“I don’t want to! That’s the problem!
I just want her to stop fighting Maeve!
I’d have trouble if either of them died, Katya is not a bad person like COMSTAR told us she was. Problematic yes, not a nice person, yes, but not evil.”

“Who do you think the real enemy is?”
“ilKhan Leo Showers.”
“By Clan Law, only a Khan or SaKhan can challenge the ilKhan.”
“Is that why you are pretending to be a Khan?”

Diana stood and walked toward the back of the shed, “I am the Khan of Clan Jade Falcon.”
“Well then where are your Warriors!”

Diana reached down and pulled a Mauser 960 up from the floor, with some effort she braced the massive laser rifle complex on a log facing the door, then put a finger to her lips. Ranna dove behind a log just as she heard heavy footsteps on the concrete beside the shed. C8 demo charges surgically breached the sheet metal sides embedding micro shrapnel into the logs and mildly deafened the MechWarrior but not Diana who immediately loosed a burst of microgrenades that blasted the door off its hinges.

Five dark shapes set upon the surprised Elemental disabling his laser with a myomer powered logging hook. Thick chains wrapped around it immobilizing it long enough for a coup de grace to be delivered via a Man-Pack Particle Beam to the helmet.
“You took long enough Raz.” Diana said as she approached the Armored Falcons.
“We had to recover the Nighthawks and confirm suspicions with Savanna. Looks like the canal is running dry so we had her check the reservoir level. It’s elevated from what our intel and local source thinks it should be during this point in the season.”
Melanie returned after a quick walk to a recover a concealed duffel dropping it at Diana and Ranna’s feet. Inside were both Diana and Ranna’s MechWarrior Combat Suits and sidearms. An alarm blared nearby at the sign of the prison break and an incoming air raid. “So, get changed MechWarriors because we might need to cling to your mechs if that dam fails.”

“Right here?”
Diana was already stripping down, “Don’t tell me you’ve gotten shy after all we’ve been through.”
“No, its just…”
Ranna pulled her shirt off and saw herself reflected in one of the Falcon PA(L)'s visors, “Screw it let’s move.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #309 on: 04 June 2024, 13:37:16 »
Got to admit it, Ranna has great sense of dramatic timing when it comes to proving herself wrong.
Shoot first, laugh later.