Author Topic: (Answered) Copperhead artillery damage  (Read 1238 times)


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(Answered) Copperhead artillery damage
« on: 06 June 2023, 17:17:06 »
Copperhead tube artillery rounds are described on page 167 of TO:AUE and page 152 of TO:AR.

Main question is a clarification of intent: Copperhead rounds should function in all ways as Homing Arrow IV rounds, except that the Direct-Fire Ballistic damage on a successful hit is as listed in the table in TO:AR. Is this correct, or was the intent different? (Posting here to establish a permanent reference for conversation in Discord)

If so, suggested errata to be copy-pasted into the errata thread:

TO:AUE page 167: Change
"Copperhead Artillery munitions function as Arrow IV homing missiles (see p. 166), with all appropriate modifiers and rules applied. The base damage values for Copperhead rounds are listed in the Artillery Ordnance Table (see p. 152, TO: AR)."
"Copperhead Artillery munitions function exactly as Arrow IV homing missiles (see p. 166), except that the Direct-Fire Ballistic damage for a successful hit is as listed in the Artillery Ordnance Table (see p. 152, TO: AR)."
You could also have it reference the ammunition table in the back of TO:AUE (page 224-226) instead of the table in TO:AR to avoid the damage values being in a completely different book.
« Last Edit: 05 September 2023, 05:10:32 by Xotl »


  • Dominus Erratorum
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Re: Copperhead artillery damage
« Reply #1 on: 01 September 2023, 22:53:47 »
Errata is being entered for the table on p. 152 to delete the R0 from all Copperhead damage entries.  Does that clarify the issue, or is further text needed?
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Re: Copperhead artillery damage
« Reply #2 on: 01 September 2023, 23:19:27 »
Hmm. I think the important point to clarify is that the listed damage values for the Copperhead ammo is for the Direct Ballistic hit, and the 5 AE damage to other units in the hex remains the same (assuming that is the intended behavior). Simplest might be to change the TO:AUE rules entry for Copperhead artillery munitions to refer to the "Direct Ballistic" damage (or similar) rather than the "base damage", and possibly explicitly mention that the 5 AE damage does not change.


  • Dominus Erratorum
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Re: Copperhead artillery damage
« Reply #3 on: 05 September 2023, 05:10:25 »
I have added such a note to the next printing of TO:AUE.  Thanks for the report.
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