Author Topic: ilClan Era: Second Chances (aka "The Aidan Pryde Initiative")  (Read 1853 times)

Khalus Pryde

  • Catalyst Demo Team
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  • Posts: 38
  • saKhan of Clan Jade Falcon (Terra)
Here is the beginning of a MechWarrior: Destiny campaign that Savage Baron of the Everything BattleTech Discord and I kicked off recently. Set in the wake of the ilClan Trial, this campaign focuses on Clan Jade Falcon's efforts to rebuild their small force of warriors on Terra. Intended as a play-by-post campaign on Discord, this campaign uses MechWarrior: Destiny rules for character creation and small-scale interactions (such as skill test resolutions and small arms combat), but ditches the 'Mech-scale combat rules in Destiny in favor of Total Warfare rules, with matches taking place on Discord voice chat and Roll20 (assisted by Flechs sheets).

Hope you find this interesting!


Second Chances
In the Second Chances campaign, the team plays as Warrior Caste washouts who were present on Terra, having been brought along to support their respective Clans during their struggles to become the ilClan. As the Warrior Castes of Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon are severely depleted from the ilClan Trial, the Clans find themselves turning to unusual methods for replenishing their numbers.

At the same time, an ancient SDS M-5 CASPAR Capital Drone has reactivated from its centuries of dormancy, having detected the arrival of the McKenna’s Pride to the Terran system. Operating under orders from commanders and factions long since dead, the drone slowly makes its way to Terra to dispatch the former flagship of the Star League Defense Force. As part of their first missions as newly-minted Clan warriors, the team is dispatched by their respective toumans to disable the drone and capture it for the glory of their Clan.

Before continuing with the rest of the scenarios outlined in this book, the crew must undergo a series of three Trials to gain a second chance at Warrior Caste status.

Character Creation
The following sections detail the rules for character creation for the Second Chances scenario.

Warrior Caste Washouts
When creating a warrior caste washout character for this scenario, you must adhere to the following rules for character creation:

• Your character must belong to one of the following Clan factions: Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Wolf, Clan Sea Fox, Clan Smoke Jaguar, or Clan Snow Raven. (Regardless of what faction your character is originally from, if they successfully test as a Warrior during their second Trial of Position, they will become a member of Clan Jade Falcon.)
• Your character starts at the Veteran experience level with +1 Hardware point.
• For 1. Childhood, you must pick either Freeborn Sibko or Trueborn Sibko.
• For 2. Higher Education, if selected, you must pick one of the four (Clan) backgrounds: MechWarrior Training (Clan), Elemental Training (Clan), Aerospace Pilot Training (Clan), or Infantry Training (Clan).
• For 3. Real Life, you may select any Clan Only module (e.g., Laborer Caste Service, Warrior Caste Washout) except Dark Caste, Warrior Caste: Clan Watch Operative, or Warrior Caste: Tour of Duty (Clan).

When creating an instructor character for this scenario, you must adhere to the following rules for character creation to reflect your status as a full-blooded warrior of your respective Clan:

• Your character must belong to one of the following Clan factions: Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Wolf, Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Sea Fox, Clan Smoke Jaguar, or Clan Snow Raven.
• (Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Sea Fox, Clan Smoke Jaguar, and Clan Snow Raven Warriors only): Your character starts at Veteran experience with +1 Hardware point.
 • (Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon Warriors only): Your character starts at Elite experience with +2 Hardware points.
• For 1. Childhood, you must pick either Freeborn Sibko or Trueborn Sibko.
• For 2. Higher Education, if selected, you must pick one of the four (Clan) backgrounds: MechWarrior Training (Clan), Elemental Training (Clan), Aerospace Pilot Training (Clan), or Infantry Training (Clan).
• For 3. Real Life, you must select either Warrior Caste: Clan Watch Operative or Warrior Caste: Tour of Duty (Clan).

Mission 1: Second Chances (Clan Jade Falcon)

Mission Briefing
Ravaged by their defeat at the hands of Clan Wolf, Clan Jade Falcon was left with only 128 surviving Warriors on Terra. Cut off from their former Occupation Zone by the Fortress Republic and faced with the uncertain prospect of reinforcements, Khan Stephanie Chistu and saKhan Khalus Pryde made a difficult call—to grant those failed warriors amongst their on-planet personnel—Scientists, Merchants, Technicians, and Laborers—a second chance. With only three months to train for the coming Trials, scarcely a handful of the would-be warriors are expected to rise to the challenge.

Commander's Call
“Alright you surats, listen up! For one reason or another, you all have been deemed worthy of receiving a second chance at your Trial of Position. You all come from different castes, but you all share the same goal: to better the Clan. Some of you will not survive the rigors to come, but those that do will have the honor of calling themselves Clan Warriors. Few get a second chance such as this, so do not take this lightly! The Khans themselves are watching these Trials with eager interest. Bring honor to yourselves and to Clan Jade Falcon!”

Players will earn 5 XP for completing this mission.

• Successfully transfer to the training area.
• Crush any resistance along the way.
• Pass a series of instructor-driven tests.
• Pass a series of marksman tests with a small arms weapon.
• Defeat a warrior in physical combat.

• Pass your tests • Survive in the field • Crush any resistance • Act with honor
• Identify any rebels • Determine the cause of unrest

• Clan Jade Falcon • Warrior Caste • Washout • Constantly Tested • Rebellion

The homeworld of humanity, Terra has long been the dream of every would-be conqueror. As the most-industrialized planet in the Inner Sphere, Terra is a prize unto itself, but for the Clans, capturing it held an even greater honor: the Clan that conquered Terra would become the ilClan—Clan of all Clans—for all time. The ilClan’s khan would become ilKhan, and presumptive First Lord of the new Star League. However, Terra has been the capital of several interstellar empires, most recently Devlin Stone’s Republic of the Sphere. While the Republic has officially capitulated to the authority of Clan Wolf, the recognized ilClan by all Inner Sphere-dwelling Clans—save Clan Hell’s Horses—many of its warriors have become disaffected and without a place to belong.


There's a lot more that Savage Baron and I wrote up in preparation for this campaign, such as scenes for the first mission, and ideas for subsequent missions, but I'm going to hold off on posting them in case one of the players from the campaign stumbles across this post. ;D
« Last Edit: 06 July 2023, 09:59:55 by Khalus Pryde »
"I am the blood of Aidan Pryde. My loyalty to Clan Jade Falcon is above reproach."
Khalus Pryde, Hour of the Wolf, pp. 273

