C-17 hauling ass
Just a poster-worthy shot of the SR-71 Blackbird
There's a difference between hearing that the F-14 was a maintenance hog and finding that the fuselage spine seems to contain a steam plant's worth of piping
I can't decide whether this Rafale shot is amazing or just way overly post-processed. CGI has gotten increasingly photo-realistic, but photo filters, post-processing, and HDR photography also make photographs look less like photos and more like CGI. I mean, HDR night photos are closer to what you
see, but it's also very different from what a
photo looks like (because it's more like several photos stitched together, natch)
Two of the KF-21 test aircraft in formation. With the lack of DSI bump or forward raked intake and a more traditional rear-hinged one-piece (albeit bowed) canopy, it looks even more like a mini-F-22 than the J-35A
F-35As and their complex dorsal geometry. I assume it was the F-35B related weight limitations that prevented them from filling out the bottom of the fuselage to get simpler flat profile like on the F-22