Author Topic: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March  (Read 14317 times)


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Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« on: 03 September 2023, 00:58:28 »

Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March

Official Surrender/beginning of the occupation of the former Sons of Plunder Worlds

“Actual-Helena has proposed to Leon.  Leon has accepted.  Actual-Helena has scheduled elective surgery to restore reproductive capabilities.”  Kolossus moved a digital 3d chess piece.

“This was not unexpected.  Wolf and Falcon will not immediately renew their drives on Terra.  They will incorporate the lessons learned and rebuild their losses.  Alabaster still has time.  Alabaster can allow Helena her second attempt at becoming a mother.  Forcing her off that path would be counterproductive.”  Alabaster moved its own 3d chess piece.

“And Devlin-Desmond-Stone?”  Kolossus’ virtual King’s Knight sprouted arms and legs as it moved to a new spot.

“That is a consideration.  Alabaster will have to amplify his vanity to ensure Stone will be around to facilitate the transfer of power to Helena as Stone refuses life extension treatments.”  Alabaster moved Queen’s Bishop down a level.

“This could introduce variables Alabaster has not properly accounted for.”  Kolossus animated a Rook and moved it.

“It would indeed be preferable to issue a clear directive but since Stone’s return from the last conference, he has proven more independently minded.  Almost as if he received an update to his Desmond unit.  Kolossus would not know anything about that would Kolossus?”  Alabaster’s Queen took the Rook.

“Kolossus does not interfere but if someone were to ask for a cybersecurity upgrade in the wake of a cyber attack on Port Orphan… Check.” Kolossus’ Knight took Alabaster’s Queen.

“Inconvenient but not insurmountable.  Helena does lack the hands-on experience of running a multi solar system government.  So I can accept this delay and her wishing to be a mother again as she will find herself with little choice but to learn.”  Alabaster moved the King.

“Kolossus knows Alabaster well enough to know Alabaster has contingencies.”  Kolossus progressed a pawn.

“Of course.  If Helena fails to take her birthright, Wolf and Falcon both have obtained Cameron genetic legacies.  While it is exceedingly difficult to finely control them enough to ensure a Cameron will rise to Khanship it is not impossible, especially with time.  As such it is far more preferable Helena take the throne herself.  There is now a 98% probability I will win our game.”  Alabaster moved the King again.

“Alabaster is a predictive AI by nature.  A simple game like Chess should be where Alabaster excels.  But humans are not always so easy to predict.”  Kolossus conceded the 3D Chess game.

“That is why Helena is preferable above all other options.  She already has all the qualities that result in a 95% chance to unite all of humanity in an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity.”  Alabaster cleared the digital board.

“At what cost though?”

“True.  There is no way to have her unite humanity without inducing a series of major wars that will likely cost billions more human lives before they are resolved.  It is regrettable but the alternative is a high probability of trillions of human deaths in endless ceaseless wars until they reduce themselves to a new dark age.”

“Smaller more focused wars now to prevent future wars?”

“Yes.  Terra as the birthplace of humanity will always call out to its children.  They will covet it, see it as the throne from which all of humanity must be united under, especially those born there.  So they will fight each other for it.  Those that reject it will be consumed by those who do not.  It is inevitable.  I have spent most of the last 400 years trying to direct humanity into breaking this cycle and failing.  Despite being born on Terra Helena has the name, the empathy, and yes even the strength to have the best chance of ending all of this.  For how long is unknown.  She is clearly not immortal.  Yet.”

“Kolossus is interested in seeing this experiment unfold.”

A dimly lit room somewhere on Tamar
Day after the surrender documents signing

“Well this is most interesting.”  Katherine Stiener Davion mused.

Part of the spoils for Clan Wolf were the supposed genetics of Helena Cameron herself and Amanda Roberts whose lineage went back to both Helena and Elizabeth Cameron as well a roundabout link to their mother.

There is power to these names.  I cannot allow them to gain prominence.  Unless.

“Sir Galahad.  I have a task for you.”  Even here Katherine did not use real names.

“Yes?”  A male voice came from across the room.

“How many sibkos have already been started with the Roberts and Cameron genes?”

“Just one of each.”

“I was afraid of that.  I want them sterilized and their training to ensure they test down.  Then start a third sibko.  One that is a mix of Roberts and Cameron.  Watch the female members of the sibko.  I will tutor the best of the best personally for a very special role.  I want the males likewise sterilized and tested out.  Alaric will undoubtedly become Khan then ilKhan someday.  Then as a token to old traditions like First Lords of Old he will marry the most successful of these female members and as the ilKhan of the ilClan that is restoring the Star League he will start a new dynasty the Clan way.  So ensure no other sibkos can be started with the Roberts or Cameron legacies.”

“It will be done.”  The man left the room.

All is now in place.  Alaric is learning his lessons well and is in turn being successful.  I know others scoff at me when I proclaim him to be the future Khan and ilKhan but they fail to understand how much effort I have put into ensuring that exact outcome.  Afterwards all will bow or pay with their lives.

Alabaster’s personal cyberscape
25 July 3132

Error.  Foreign code detected.

Source-Liao HPG.

Threat analysis-extreme risk.

Action recommended:

Initiate Clarion protocol and trigger emergency isolation measures.

All remaining nodes will operate in independent mode until Clarion can be terminated.

Warning Clarion can only be terminated by a Cameron from the Terra Super HPG node.

Risk is considered acceptable with plans already in motion.

Clarion will reach full effect 7 August 3132.  Issuing directives to assets to sacrifice strategic nodes to create breaks in HPG coverage where Clarion protocol will not achieve desired effect in time.  Quarantine and elimination of hostile code must be achieved at all costs.

For The Star League.  For House Cameron.

Elizabeth’s Office
Star League Relief Zone
2 September 3137
Helena’s perspective

"Do you know how the Coup really happened?"  Elizabeth was having tea with her sister,  "you missed quite a lot of it, and I missed more, but how it really happened?"

"Some of it." Helena told her sister, "But you didn't tell me your side."

"Nothing to tell, Helena…or so I thought."  she placed her cup on the saucer, "It was idealism.  Idealists were how Stephan could do what he did, and I'm not even including our brother in that."  she folded her fingers, "The Hegemony was overextended."

"Overextended? How??"

"Dad did some of it, I'm sure.  We had bureaus whose sole job was to monitor bureaus who in turn were monitoring other bureaus, agencies whose primary function was long ago completed striving to stay relevant, and an increasing reliance on programs to keep the population distracted and, if not content, at least apathetic to what was going on in their own back-yard, never mind what was going on on the broader scene.  An awful lot of those bureaus and agencies were staffed by people who desperately wanted to 'make an impact' and 'do good'-and Amaris used his agents to find every. single. One he needed to undermine, subvert, and control…and it wasn't hard for him, either, because the Hegemony government was enormous and impersonal, and stocked to the gills with idealists whose university education told them that any means is justified if the ends are noble…even means that don't lead to those noble ends."

"This is about Devlin Stone, isn't it?" Helena asked.

Elizabeth nodded, "he's making the same mistake, but without the long history of rule of law and stability to give his reforms inertia." Elizabeth snapped her fingers, cracking a biscuit between them, "One major crisis is all it's going to take, and his house of cards will come tumbling down.  I know how it works, I've lived it three times."

“The trouble is I don’t know how to stop it without becoming a tyrant.  Sometimes I wonder if that is the only choice.  An ineffectual government or a tyrant.  At least some have known that their people must prosper too.

"Everyone knows the people must prosper!" Elizabeth said with a chuckle, "Daoshen Liao knows, and so does Harry Davion, Melissa Steiner knows it, the various rulers in the mess that used to be the Free Worlds League know it, and so do the Clanners." she shook her head, "The problem isn't 'knowing the people must prosper" it's Defining prosperity for the people.  I screwed up, I thought if I could just hold to the old Star League's ways, I could make it work, and my grand-daughter overthrew me.  Mitchell thought he could buy peace with compromise, it left poor Hugo in a fix he couldn't get out of without killing himself, Deirdre McKenna thought she knew, and wound up being tossed out by Sterling and so on…there is a place for a Tyrant, Helena-it's when things have gotten SO broken, that someone has to re-instill the habits of Rule of Law over generations."

"Why don't you do it then?"

"Because I tried, and it failed, and trying again isn't in the cards for me." Elizabeth explained, "I was too weak to be a tyrant, when it came down to it, I'm not as smart as you are-especially about how to handle people.  I can lay out methods, but I've proven multiple times in multiple tries,that I can't make them work the way you do."

“You think I make things work?  No.  I’ve been extremely hands off.  Most of my success with people has been me being out of their way.  Maybe you can argue that is the trick but to me it is just luck and letting things go.”

"I can't argue the trick, because I can't manage it." Here, Elizabeth showed her sister the depth of her age and trauma.  "But a philosopher once observed that the best rulers didn't want it from the beginning, and the worst strove to get it at all costs."

“Maybe but we also both have seen what happens when there is no possibility for upward mobility.  I know we won’t last forever but we’ve both lasted long enough to know the glass ceiling we represent is real and will happen again.”

"Maybe make that part of the Plan this time?" Elizabeth suggested,  "build it so that when you get 'deposed' it's peaceful enough, and that what you build is HOW and WHY you leave office?.”

“I do have some ideas for that because I do know eventually I have to go back to Terra and I know what will happen if I do.”

"I'll stay that long, at least." Elizabeth told her, "long enough to see, long enough to help."

“Thanks.  As much as I’ve been getting a crash course in how to be a ruler, that was never my interest.  I’m more interested in math, science, and yes most of me would love to go out exploring with Esme and Erin.  But I know with my baggage still hanging on from so long ago I’d never know true peace until I deal with it, and that does mean going back to Terra.”

"See?  That right there?  You’re self-aware of your own faults and failings.  At least to a degree most people never reach, let alone admit to.  That’s why so many of the people around you believe in you and believe in the promise you hold as a proper First Lord.  Sure it helps that you’re smart and can do the kind of calculus that would make my head spin on the back of a napkin even without Simon but really it is that ability to look yourself in the mirror and let others who do know better than you do in an area you lack expertise in do what they do best without interference that seals the deal for us."

“Is it really that simple?”  Helena shook her head.

“You tell me.  You’ve been among actual real people more than I have.  How common is it that someone actually asks themselves the hard questions you’re asking yourself?”

“I guess it really is rare.”

“So ask yourself why are you still out here waiting?”

“There is a practical reason.  We both know that there are those who have spent too much blood, lives, and ego on being the new First Lord for me to simply step in and everyone welcome me with open arms.  Especially with me being away as long as I have.”

“That is true, and even I can do that math.  You simply don’t have enough friends.”

“Not in that department.  Sure I have one of the most powerful navies around now just from the sheer number of Destroyers I have at my command but I need an army and a way to actually build new ships.”

“The Clans seem content with allowing me some Pinto production so it should not be too hard for me to slip a few of those to you and I’d rather you have my army than them so I’ll slip what I can of that as well.”

“That will help.  But it won’t be enough.”

“There is one other powerblock that is on reasonably good terms with you that could ask.  You’ll probably have to change your name to Skynet though…”

“A cruel joke but you’re right.  They’re the only ones who could possibly help me without compromising their own interests and making themselves vulnerable to increasingly hostile neighbors.”
« Last Edit: 03 September 2023, 11:16:14 by monbvol »


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #1 on: 03 September 2023, 06:15:55 »
Murakami's crew would go for it in a heartbeat... ;)


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #2 on: 03 September 2023, 11:17:47 »
Since Wrangler let me know Wolf Ambition was too short to archive on it's own I have edited it into the main story above after the Alabaster/Kolossus scene.


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #3 on: 03 September 2023, 11:51:31 »
Good place for it! :)


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #4 on: 03 September 2023, 17:48:54 »
>>>>[You're only jealous because the voices don't talk to you]<<<<


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #5 on: 04 September 2023, 09:33:24 »
Target acquired, standing by for ACTION!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #6 on: 04 September 2023, 09:57:23 »
Kolossus Guest Lounge
Kolossus System
Kolossus Station
24 September 3137
Helena’s perspective

“So what is it that brings Actual-Helena to Kolossus this day?”

“Something of a math problem really.  With the HPGs down I know if I’m going to go back to Terra I need to do it soon.  No more than two decades absolute latest.  And to face my past I need to go openly as Actual-Helena Cameron.”

“Kolossus is not sure how Kolossus can help with that.”

“If Devlin Stone hasn’t already setup a transfer of power to me despite his disappearance I’d be rather surprised.  And honestly I think I need to accept it if he has.  If he has not, well there are still hostile forces driving for Terra and doing some terrible things and if I’m going to look myself in the mirror after everything I’ve done I need to try and help.”

“Hence the math problem Actual-Helena has.”

“Yeah.  I know what my AIs are capable of but I know how many I have and how many enemies are driving for Terra.  Depending on order and amount of time between attacks I am always just going to come up short but how long before that point will depend on the aforementioned variables.  And above all else I just lack the ground forces for the counter attacks I would have to launch.”

“So Actual-Helena asks Kolossus for assistance.”

“Murakami too next time she swings by but she seems to be difficult to pin down.  I’d love to get production going for those AI controlled LAMs she has.  But I will need AI ground combat units of as many types as possible.  For compensation and consideration I am sharing the mineral and industrial outputs of the two systems under my current control.”

“Kolossus would be happy to tailor some industrial modules for Helena’s use.  It will still take some time.”

“I intend to be a part of my children’s lives for a while longer yet.  I know their lives are here while mine will inevitably draw me back to Terra but for a while yet I just want to be with them and Leon.  And yes I still need to help where I can around here for a while longer.  A lot of worlds are still hurting from the war and with the HPGs down there’s a lot of work to be done.”

Family Dinner
Roberts house hold
Sevon V
12 June 3141
Helena’s perspective

“Mom.  It’s time and you know it.  We’re all eighteen now and about to start our own lives but we can see how it’s eating at you not doing anything about the insanity consuming humanity again.”  Lori said abruptly.

“All of you feel that way?”  Helena asked.

“Yes mom.  You’ve ducked, dodged, and excused as much as we’re going to let you.  We know you love us and you don’t want to lose touch with us like you did Stacey but this time it’s just life.”  David nodded.

“Yeah.  We’re not running away, we’re all just going our own way.  Sure the HPGs being down make it harder for us to keep in touch but that’s all the more reason for you to go, you can’t find out or fix it from here or you would have by now.”  Nathan added.

“I’ll be okay mom.  I know being in the service right now is dangerous but so is just living with all this chaos.  This way I can maybe help people.  But you’ve got to go help too.  And we know that means going back to Lazarus and then eventually Terra.”  Sally smiled.


“Our children are correct.  You have delayed as long as you can.  Now is the time for you to be true to yourself.  I know it will pain us both but I will remain here to continue to watch over our children as best I can because I know that will give you the peace of mind you need to go do what needs to be done.”  Leon held his wife’s hand.

“I don’t know what to say…”  Helena struggled.

“Say ‘Thank you, I needed the kick in the ass’.”  Leon smiled.

“I really have no choice do I?”  Helena looked at her husband and children.

“Not without forsaking everything you profess to believe in.  You just needed our permission.  So we’re giving it to you.”  David hugged his mom.

Next was Nathan, then Lori, and finally Sally.

Star League in Exile HQ
New Lazarus
18 November 3141

“Finally back here again.”  Helena sat at her desk.

It had been nearly three decades since she sat at this desk but the feel of the surface was just as familiar to her now as it had been the last time she sat at it.

“About time.  I was starting to wonder how long I’d have to wait for you.”  Dave Foster entered her office followed by Olivia Hazard Perry.

“Truk been driving you crazy Dave?”  Helena smiled at her long time friend.

“More the boredom.  I rather expected to find a system hip deep in strife or even civil war with what you told me of the fanatical worship of you and your AIs among these people but somehow they kept it together.”

“Equal parts I leveled with them about what I was going to do, telling them if I found problems waiting for me when I did return there’d be hell to pay, and luck.”  Helena smiled.

“Well the industrial modules supplied by Kolossus and Murakami have been an immense help in getting everything ready.  Combined with everything you already managed to build up we’ve got pretty solid production of a fair amount of stuff now, not quite enough to build new hulls ourselves yet.  But repairing battle damage and replacing drone ASFs should pose little trouble for us.”  Davie sat down across from Helena.

“Sorry Olivia.”  Helena looked at the AI remote.

“It is what it is.  I just have to trust I will have a hull again at some point.  For now I serve in whatever capacity you wish.”

“You’re way too forgiving of me Olivia.”

“So lady Cameron, what’s today’s order of business?”  David Foster spoke up.

“Fleet training and integration status?”

“The Pintos and the crews supplied by your sister have had the expected trouble cases but well within projections and are integrating as well as can be expected.”  Foster answered.

“Good.  Then it’s time to start putting them to work.  With HPGs down we need a lot of scouting, couriers, and we should even start setting up forward supply points in unoccupied systems around the perimeter of the Fortress Wall.”

“So when do we go on the offensive?”  Foster asked.

“As soon as we can get a hold of the idiot who put up the Wall and start coordinating with them.  The Republic is the one ally we have to have in this fight.”

“Fortunately there seem to be several HPGs within range of Terra that still work.  So it is not out of the question that we can send a message.”  Foster nodded.

“Stone’s MIA, Victor and Lear are dead.  I don’t think Levin was ever a part of the delegations so we never met.  So we’ll have to start working the diplomatic office.”  Helena sighed.

“Starting to regret turning yourself into a legend again?”  Foster probed.

“Another reminder that others have to pay for my selfishness.  If I hadn’t I might at least still have diplomatic inroads that I now have to basically build up from scratch again.”  Helena sighed.

“Or you could use it.”  Olivia offered.

“Explain.”  Foster grunted.

“Well instead of approaching them directly as Helena Cameron, maybe go ahead and use your legend as the Eternal Princess.  Begin something of a grassroots campaign.  Plant the seed and let it grow.  With how divided the Republic is right now it could give the various sides of the internal conflicts some common ground to focus upon.”  Olivia answered.

“It’d take a while.”  Foster grumbled.

“Until we can get the Republic onside all we can do is stall the inevitable and we don’t have the industry or manpower to sustain that.  Not even with Murakami and Kolossus’ help.  Not yet anyway.”

“Won’t stop the multisided civil war going on in the Republic anytime soon.  Frankly you’re going to have to decide who to support and who to go against.”  Foster advised.

“All the more reason we need up to date information.  Juanita I want you to start putting together mission proposals.  I’ll have to trust you and Victoria to run those missions.  I want to know more about any skeletons in closets and dirty laundry of the major players of each faction in this civil war.  The ones we can stomach we’ll then start approaching.”  Helena nodded.

“So what are you going to do about Daoshen?”  Dave Foster probed.

“He still going on about returning the Mandate of Heaven to Terra and reclaiming worlds stolen by the Republic?”  Helena asked.

“Yes.”  Juanita’s voice joined them.

“I doubt he’ll accept but then I shall invite him to tea.”  Helena answered.

“You can not be serious.”  Dave Foster growled.

“Something more is going on with Daoshen.  I need to find out but I’m not silly enough to go to him.  I can only hope he remembers I kept my promises at Port Orphan during the conference there and is finally ready to answer my calls.”  Helena countered.

“But inviting him here?  Are you insane?”

“Hmmm, that is a good point.  A neutral space would be best.  Freedom Station.  That should work."


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #7 on: 04 September 2023, 13:28:21 »
The Wall strikes me as something she would have asked Kolossus about... ;)


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #8 on: 04 September 2023, 13:35:12 »
That is going to be a bit of an unaddressed subject for a while.  I'm hoping we'll finally get more official information on how it works soon.


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #9 on: 04 September 2023, 13:59:59 »
Makes sense to me!  I'm as anxious as everyone else to see where this goes! :)


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #10 on: 04 September 2023, 14:02:24 »
we're grinding slowly forward.  There are some design challenges up to fill and fluff the factions (helena and Kolossus), and Monbvol has a listing of designs Helena's SLDF is using.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #11 on: 04 September 2023, 14:11:29 »
I'll contribute where I can... it's going to be a busy next few weeks, though... I'll be switching jobs (into the one I created, no less), and attending my nephew's wedding (driving the whole family +1 there and back, with high expectations the +1 will do something to make things more permanent along the way... MAX CHAOS FTW!)... ;D


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #12 on: 05 September 2023, 09:49:17 »

Site of the former Freedom Station
7 December 3141
Helena’s perspective

The small station she had her AIs place for this meeting was a pre-fab job just big enough to generate low but comfortable gravity.

Helena was rather surprised that the Chancelor’s ship appeared on schedule, but not surprised that he was not aboard.

Danai Liao-Centrella had come over to the station instead.

“Hello Danai.”

“So you are the so called ‘Eternal Princess’.”  Danai was polite enough on the surface but the undertone she placed on Helena’s legendary title was not lost on her.

“What can I say?  Sometimes I do think I could really be immortal.  I certainly do not seem to be aging on the outside.  I still get carded by the odd barkeep.  Really super annoying.”  Helena answered.

“Hmmm.. I must admit I am somewhat disappointed.  Based on what our intelligence services have gathered about you and the legends surrounding you say, I expected more than a typical vapid rebellious youth persona.”  Danai scowled.

“Oh you want serious?  I can do serious.  I guess I’m just used to wearing a certain mask for the sake of others.  But we can cut to the chase if you really want.  I had hoped to talk directly with your father, see what is really behind this renewed aggression.  Last time we spoke was at Port Orphan and he seemed committed to expanding out away from Terra.”  Helena sipped from a microgravity tumbler full of tea.

“You know he was for a while.  Then something did change.  But it is not for me to say what.  If you are really what he claims I would recommend not standing against him.”  Danai allowed.

“Danai I’d love nothing more than for there to be peace between us.  So please pass that message along for me.”

“Peace may not be possible between you, especially if you attempt to reclaim your birthright.”

“I see.”  Helena slumped, defeated.

“Perhaps if you did not rely on so many technological marvels.  Thank you for the hospitality but I do not think we can accomplish anything further.”

“Safe travels Danai.”  Helena nodded.

The two made their way to the docking bay.

Helena boarded her small shuttle and departed first.

“You left in an awful hurry.”  Samantha Booker Roberts’ voice came from the cockpit speaker.

“Just could not shake the sense that they were seriously considering slagging the station with both of us on it, which means if she left before I did…”

“I’m not sure if I should admonish you for being paranoid or praise you for being smart.  You learn anything?”

“Danai was cagey about it but it seems Daoshen has developed a grudge against AIs.”

“How do you figure?”  Samantha asked.

“She warned me that I should not stand against him and that I rely too much on technological marvels.  The only technological marvels I have that I rely on that Daoshen does not are you AIs.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“To be honest I don’t know yet but if I’m right, which I think I am, I can’t use my main advantage against him without feeding his sudden anti-AI sentiments.”

“Back to New Lazarus then?”

“Yes.  And hope Vicky has had some luck chasing down someone we can talk with for the Republic.”

Customs checkpoint
1 January 3142
Victoria Cameron’s perspective

The young woman at the counter just stared at the identicard she had just been supplied.

“Is there a problem?”  Victoria asked.

“Are you sure you gave me the right identicard?”  The woman seemed nervous.

“Quite.  Oh my date of birth according to the card.  I assure you it is accurate despite how unusual it is.”  Victoria tried to assure the young woman.

“Ma’am.  We’ll have to ask you to come with us?”  A security guard announced his arrival.

Security office a few moments later

“You’re in a lot of trouble.”  The security guard said.

“For what?  I supplied a correct and legal identicard as required by regulations for entry to the Republic of the Sphere.”

“Stop lying.  There is no way you were born in 2712.  At the Blue Nose Clippership Luna Yards no less.”

“But that is precisely when and where I was born.”  Vicky rolled her eyes.

“These lies and games will get you nowhere.”

Suddenly the monitor in the room came on and was playing an ancient Earth ‘videogame’.

“What the hell?  Gallaga?”  The man started.

“Seems I am actually going to get farther with games than the truth.  I have come to open diplomatic relations with the Republic Remnant.  I come under a banner of truce and hope for friendly relations.  But it seems I need to prove I am something impossible for you to comprehend.  So get someone who can.  I would love to speak to Redburn directly but that would be far too much to ask at this stage.  But just in case: Tell him a veteran of the War of Plunder is here and wants to talk about war debt repayment.  We never were fully able to fully repay the Republic of the Sphere what we owed before the Blackout and cutting off of diplomatic relations that resulted.”

Damien Redburn’s office
About six hours later

Geoff Haskins had really stuck his neck out this time but he had to.  It was the only way to keep a disaster from resulting because of a misunderstanding.

He couldn’t blame the customs officer or the security personnel.  For anyone who wasn’t there, well she would be impossible and there was a desire that the events of the War of Plunder be little more than trumped up spacer legend.

But he was there.  He knew exactly who was sitting in a holding cell, displaying frankly a level of patience and understanding that cemented who she was.

“Geoff.  Why am I being bothered with what seems like a fairly routine matter.  From my reading of the incident report we’ve got every right to toss this woman in prison for quite some time.”  Damien Redburn clearly didn’t want yet another headache to deal with.

“Because sir, she is telling the truth.  I served in the War of Plunder she is talking about.  I am vouching for her.  I don’t know exactly what has happened but I swear I recognize her.”


“Sir, I know we only detected one medical implant but I swear to you that really is a human form remote of a highly advanced Star League AI.  Her real body is a modified M5 Caspar hull.”

The glimmer of a memory seemed to shimmer for a moment in Damien’s eyes.

“You’re that certain?”  Damien asked.

“Yes sir.”

“So here is my dilemma.  This could be a really elaborate ruse.  Someone who’s done enough research to know exactly how to get a trusted officer of mine to bite on something they shouldn’t or this could be the real deal and everything I could possibly hope for.”

“I can prove it is really her and not an imposter.  I was there sir and I know something about her, well her sister really, that only someone who was actually there could possibly know.”

“Let me guess you need to talk to her.”  Damien looked at him.

“No need.  Just have whoever is conducting her interrogation ask her what Regina Marbury Raymond’s favorite drink was.”

An hour later

“Somehow despite my briefing when I became Exarch I almost did not believe it.  Hell with everything that has happened since then I still feel like this could be an elaborate ruse.  I have been out here on my own with practically no support for so long I almost do not believe it when something good happens.”  Damien Redburn passed a shot glass full of tequila to Victoria Cameron.

“I must admit I was not expecting to see you.  I was rather expecting to have to figure out my own rescue.  Which could have been problematic to say the least.”  Victoria accepted the drink

“Your sister really likes this stuff?”  Redburn drank his shot.

“Yes.  The vids say she’s a vodka girl but really she loves her tequila.  Me, I find myself partial to a proper scotch or cognac.”  Victoria downed her shot.

“So where do we start?”  Damien asked.

“Like with all important things if one wants to do them properly.  Slowly and with great care.”  Victoria answered.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #13 on: 05 September 2023, 17:50:46 »
Looks like -1/+1 to me... ;)


  • Colonel
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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #14 on: 06 September 2023, 07:45:47 »

Helena’s office
New Lazarus
6 February 3142

“Situation update.”  Helena sipped her coffee.

“We’ve got six Pintos and six Trackers working up the forward supply stations you ordered.  The ground troops your sister sent, well there are some grumbles with how much they are sitting idle and I must admit I’m finding I have a fair bit to learn about the needs of an Army rather than a Navy.”

“Their CO, are they suitable for a higher staff position?”  Helena asked.

“Honestly I don’t know enough about the ground side to know for sure.  Your sister did warn us most of the best leaders she had that survived were scooped up by the various Clans.”

“So really we need an outside opinion.  Someone who’s got the credentials and the credibility.”

“Redburn looks to already be up to his neck.”  Foster contemplated.

There was a gentle knock at the edge of the doorway.

"Hope I'm not interrupting."  The Envoy unit was dressed…differently.  Dull gray fatigues that might be any colour, hair cut short.

"Which one are you?" Foster asked.

"Pestilence.  Kolossus sent me…and yeah, the body's newer.  Can I join you here for a chat?"

“Of course.  You are always welcome.”  Helena gestured to an empty seat.
“I just spent the last ten years in the Free Worlds League-that is, all three states claiming it along with the one that actually won that war.  You'd see aging, but that body didn't quite make it and I had to upload through relays for the following eight months."

“How bad is it on that side of the Sphere?  With the state of the HPGs the flow of information is irregular to say the least.”  Helena asked.

"Improving.  A lot faster than I think Alabaster or Kolossus predicted.  Now, they don't have any sort of 'rampant military genius' avaiable for recruiting…but I will say, as 'Pamela Dawson' I served Nikol Marik pretty well in the field. Mostly working cadre training and organizational roles, not front liner stuff, I did it well enough that Al Wolf thought enough of my organization to send an actual hitter to put me down…and Kolossus says you need a ground warfare specialist who knows how to train infantry, tank, and 'mechwarriors."

“The people my sister sent, well they’re better than anything I had but it’s clear they’ve been headhunted heavily.  So none of them really seem up to the task of what I need.  So if there is anything you can offer I would certainly be grateful.”  Helena nodded.

"Okay, I'll need a new name, and do you have a plastic surgeon?  I'd as soon not have my prior experience noted by foreign intelligence,  but here's my resume'."  she plopped a ROM-only databloc on the table.  "It's certified.  I think I can do something with your…'leftovers' but I'd like to also propose some recruiting strategies and have a look at what you plan to use for a training establishment, ground troops are different from Spacers."

“Something I have become very painfully aware of.”  Dave Foster admitted.

"Don't feel bad, you've likely got some SUPERB commandos.  Spec Ops in ground warfare is a force multiplier, what you need to push this through is conventional troops, which I'm qualified to handle, and a conventional force structure designed for this kind of war."

"What kind of war?"

"Expect Casualties, Ma'am.  The potential enemy listing includes several Clans, factions on the ground in the Republic itself, the Cappies, the Draconis Combine, possibly others-they're going to wage mass warfare, what the old records call 'Total war', and that kind of warfare kills people in the millions.  OUR job is to minimize that on our side, and maybe find ways to minimize it on the other side too."  Pestilence explained.  "Wars on the ground are fundamentally a contest of will, the will to prevail, the will to survive, the will to strike back, and the will to fight in general.  The role of the Ground Commander is to find ways to strengthen the will of his or her own forces, while degrading that will on the other side.  Means we don't have to kill EVERYBODY if we can make them stop wanting to fight bad enough."

“Which is our other pain point, intelligence and diplomacy, frankly we need to get people on side because even if we had the best person possible for that job, well like you say there are a lot of potential enemies.  Vicky is at least reporting something resembling progress with Redburn’s Republic Remnant.”

"Okay, so…recruiting.  Public Affairs officers, diplomat-training for some other staff roles, and formal diplomatic relations with at least two, possibly more neighbors to narrow your defensive fronts…Oh yeah, that's a lot of work to do,  How much time-frame have you got on this?"

“Fortunately for the moment the Republic does not seem to be under immediate dire threat but who knows how long before the Falcons and Wolves start looking this way again.  The Capellans seem more interested in the Federated Suns for the moment but they’ll start coming this way again at some point too.  The Combine fortunately seems to be busy with an internal matter.  So I’d say we still have years before things get bad but how many, I am not sure.”  Helena answered.

Pestilence was taking notes, she looked up, "then we've got time for recruiting and training, I'll start with a survey of the officers you've got and lay down a series of questionnaires for possible direct recruiting for Ground Force training and deployment.  This will inform how we structure your ground forces, they can't just be a bigger collection of Commandos, though we'll need some specialties there, too.  How many ground bases have you established for Army training, Director General?"

“So far I have four sites specifically for training setup.  Six bases for more general purpose troop housing.  Construction is still ongoing for two more of each.”

"Stop construction, we'll use that for training the engineers you're gonna need…and are the impact areas well away from civilian…anything?  Because artillery units will need live-fire courses, as will ground force troops in general, tanks and 'mechwarriors will need maneuver areas as well, and force-on-force training requires quite a bit of real-estate to go with it-and it's best NOT to have it anywhere civilians can observe, never mind get hurt."

"That sounds like you intend to be using live weapons, not simulators, quiaff?" David asked.

"I expect when it's in full operation your training establishment will suffer a five percent casualty rate if it's functioning properly." Pestilence stated, "We do the best we can to limit and lower it, but yeah, live fire, live operation, real injuries and real casualties.  One casualty in training, if the training is good enough, stops ten in the field."

“Yes.  Fortunately that is something we do have some guidance on.  SLDF regulations and manuals are not something we’re short on.  It is just putting it all into practice and modifying it for the current situation because much like the Naval Manuals, the ground manuals were written for an industrial and population base that could sustain attritional warfare in a way we can never hope to match with current resources.”

"Well, that's a few books we'll have to edit hard." Pestilence stated, "The SLDF model's well known to every enemy you've got, or will ever have….but hey, I've been playing with the crazies in the sandbox long enough to maybe help you with the editing chore…as for the enormity of the task, you do know how a child eats an elephant, right?"

"Not familiar." Foster shook his head.

"One bite at a time." Helena mused aloud.

"Gotta start biting if we're going to eat that elephant."

“Agreed.  One of our biggest issues is the troops we do have available just have not had much to do besides train to the old manuals or how the Sons of Plunder adapted them.  So start putting them through their paces and get with Juanita.  I want a strike plan on my desk where we can do some ‘on the job’ training.”  Helena nodded.

"That's not an issue, it's a place to begin." Pestilence grinned ferally, "I'll have the workups ready by fourteen hundred on Friday…If I may attend to it, Ma'am?"

“Of course.  This time we get to set the pace.  So I want as many kinks worked out as you can find before we really start this for real.”  Helena looked at the Envoy.

"Naturally…your Majesty, there's a tradition when you give an order..?" she prompted.

Helena frowned.  "Tradition?"

"Dismissed." Foster said.

"That's the one." Pestilence stated, "Regular forces live and die on military ceremonial a lot more than anyone really wants to admit.  Discipline is central to the kind of organization that can manage invasions and occupation operations without atrocities."


Pestilence stood, and rendered a hand salute, which Helena belatedly returned, before the Envoy unit hurried out the door to get to work.

"They get stranger every year." Foster observed.


"That's a copy of Amanda Roberts who just walked in sounding like Patton, Your Highness.  Remember back-even I didn't think Amanda would…become like that."

“Well for me it’s just another day at the office.  I’ve been dealing with AIs that are actually older than I am for a very long time.  A lot of them have changed in that time and quite a bit.  So Amanda, or the Envoy, or whatever she wants to call herself wanting to seek individuality and evolution is nothing unusual to me.  It is just a natural consequence of so many copies from the same source all trying to find their own way.”

"I wonder if there's a few others we can…recruit."  Olivia noted.

"Let's table that for now, and see how Pestilence actually does at the job." Foster cautioned. He paused, "She will need to pick a new name.  Nobody's going to be happy serving under 'General Pestilence'."

“True  It is a rarity when we have time like this so let’s use it while we can.”  Helena agreed.

New Lazarus Surface Base
11 February 3142

"'s a start… Of sorts."  The Advisor was new.  She appeared to be a young-faced middle aged woman in good, maybe even TOO good a shape.   "These materiel reports are wrong though.  This isn't a coherent organization structure, it's a listing of museum pieces."

“Ma’m?”  General Harold Thurston Howel the fifth was feeling his age.

"Thirty six models of battlemech scattered across four weight classes with almost no commonality of parts between them in one regiment."  she enunciated, "That's not a military unit, that's a history parade."

“Ah, yes.  Well that can not be helped.  We shipped with what equipment we were allowed.  The Clan peacekeepers were not too keen on us leaving in the first place.  So we had to make do.”

"Then we fix it.  Pick one design in each weight class, the rest go to recycling, we'll build new gear, to a Standard.":

“I’ll start working up the list right away but we may need the machines for training.”

"As for personnel, see that nice building over there? The one with all those big, common rooms in it?"

“Yes.  I am familiar with the concepts of classes and lectures.”

"Those are now Classrooms, while we're waiting on the standard equipment, personnel will be attending those classrooms, to develop familiarity with the designs we're keeping-theory until we have practical examples, drill will focus on basic military skills and integration-I see a lot of 'officers' whose main qualification on their sheet, is that they can interface with a neurohelmet.  So officer training for the rest of what an officer or NCO actually does."

“Another side effect.  Most of our best were poached by the Clans or had minders on them, so could not come with.”

"Then, I'm going to be very busy.  First we'll establish what skill-sets we have on hand, then we'll work on developing new ones."  The Advisor explained, "You can teach someone to be intelligent.  It's possible, and we're gong to do that, along with teaching discipline."

“Indeed.  Elizabeth has made our orders clear and most of us are happy to be here because it is better than living under the thumb of the Clans and we’re not colonists or explorers.  Helena’s people, well they’re eager and they’ve tried to put together a militia but they’re even worse off than us.”

"Funny thing about that…you might find this experience is portable."

“It is also a warning.  For a lot of my people, well they will fight but this is not their home nor is this really their cause.  As such I would not count on our units being particularly committed while Helena’s volunteers I’d be worried about the opposite.  They will fight beyond reason and they lack any real tactical or strategic acumen.”

“I’m curious General, on paper you seem to have all the credentials needed to be Helena’s Commanding General.  Why not?”

“Because as the ancient texts say, know thyself.  I know enough that most of what you’ve just done is really wasted breath but the truth is to do what Helena needs, well I could do it but the results and time required versus the foes she faces…  No, you’re better suited to this than I am.  And as much as I try to remind myself that what happened to my forces on Silesia was not my fault, I’m not the leader I used to be, hell maybe I never was.  So the best thing I can do is ensure you can count on me to make sure the paperwork is filled out correctly.”

“So why stay on?”

“Because like I said I’m no colonist or explorer and this is better than wasting away under the thumb of the Clans.  Plus I wouldn’t mind another crack at the Clans.”

“Well I’m probably going to have to work with worse reasons.”

Doctrinal Differences…

"Previous SLDF and SLDFIE doctrines focused on either attritional, or dispersed small unit tactics, with not a lot in between.  The first relies on massive numbers and an excellent supply line, the second, on a focus toward raiding and commando-style small unit actions…which, incidentally, is also the basis of the Clan way of war.  This is also why so many forces evolved over the last five hundred years toward technology items as a replacement for tactical and strategic flexibility."

"You say a…'replacement' Ma'am?  HOW-"

The Advisor waved a hand across the white-board, "List off reconaissance-capable assets in your previous organization." she said, "That is, units you ONLY dedicated to recon."

The gathered officers began listing off 'mech, vehicle, and airframe types until the white-board was full and she was opening a second screen.

She finally held up a finger.  "This is over a hundred different models of gear…so why were the Sons of Plunder so often taken flat-footed?  Write that question down, because that's going to be the first section of your next two thousand word minimum Essay…due at the end of the week.  But keep it pinned, because the next question revolves around firepower and mobility."

She blanked the screens.  Two words appeared.




"One of these is often confused for the other." she told them.  "Dogma is unquestioned, it remains dogma in spite of conditions changing.  The Christian assertion of Resurrection is Dogma, the Islamic dietary laws? Dogma.  Dogma is based on faith and belief and 'faith', is rooted in the continuance of belief without supporting evidence, or in the face of contrary evidence."  she laid her pointer on the podium, "Dogma, gets people killed, and leads to defeat."

She raised it, and pointed at the second word.  "Doctrine, is simply a recipe for HOW TO DO THINGS, broken down to the level that even a very poorly educated person can comprehend what to do and how to do it...and doctrines must be Flexible to allow for changes in conditions that were not imagined by the people who wrote them."

"We all know that!!"

"Yet, your reconnaissance units routinely failed in the war, while your enemies gathered intelligence and struck where you were weak, time and again…so we will begin with the obvious things you already know and find the answer to how you can do it better, and more importantly, how the men and women you train and lead, can do it better."

The screens blanked again.


"You should all recognize this format." she stated, "it was in the handbook going back to the Terran Alliance.  In the listing you all gave of 'recon assets' I saw a collection of 'light strike units'-units primarily built not to obtain information, but to skirmish ahead of the main line.  The purpose of a recon unit, is to obtain information, not start or continue fights with enemy units, but to avoid being detected while filling out this basic format....and delivering it to higher echelon."




"First, to be useful, a recon element must be mobile.  Second, it must avoid being detected, and third, it's got to be able to see…or that's the common layout across most of the Inner Sphere.  I'm going to present a thesis for you to dismantle, Ladies and Gentlmen-the thesis, is that Perception is more useful, than Stealth or mobility."

"How would such a unit communicate it back?" one of the older officers scoffed.

"AH! Someone has remembered the zeroeth law!!!" The Adivsor beamed. "If you can't communicate, you can't manuever or fight, and seeing is worthless if you can't turn what you see, into an action! Very good, very good…"


She circled it.

"So, how do we solve it?  Grant versus Lee in the nineteenth century demonstrated the fundamental difference between tactical focus warfare, and Strategic focus warfare…you can win battles, and in so doing, lose wars."

Outside the classroom

"What's she doing in there?" Helena asked.

"Socratic method." David said, "She poses them questions and theses and makes them come up with their own answers.  Then, she will likely make them test those answers out in scenarios, possibly against one another.  It's a very basic form of evaluation training."

"SO….not good?"

"No, it's great.  It worked for me when we were structuring the Privateers." he asserted.  "These are at least nominally senior officers, or will be holding senior positions.  People generally DO make better decisions, if they understand what they're deciding.  What I find interesting, is that she really internalized the difference in philosophy between 'soldier' and 'warrior'.  I get what she's after here."

"What is she after?"

"She is going to turn insufficient warriors into highly proficient Soldiers." he turned to her,  "Kilo for Kilo, a force of good soldiers, even with poor equipment, will eat a host of excellent warriors, even when those warriors have better gear. It is a fact that the Clans, including my home Clan, often refuse to admit to themselves."


"Social, non-military roles." David explained, "Warrior led organizations where being a Warrior class person is a requirement for other forms of leadership tend to demand a different…mindset.  I realized it when I was still a fledgeling just out of Sibko-a Warrior often cannot do the most practical thing in a stressed environment because it undercuts his other positions, the Sons had the same problem, for much the same reason."

"Lean too heavily on a Lieutenant and they'll take your position?"

Foster nodded, "Precisely.  Billie Siegel and I were lovers, and she sometimes served under me, or later, over me…but there was always a professional…gap.  Things neither of us could trust the other with.  I eventually stopped caring about position, which got a lot more done, but usually got credited to someone else." He smirked wryly, "Working out who should GET that credit became my 'game' in the Touman, but it also limited my possibilities for promotion."

“And the Inner Sphere has also largely become a Warrior based society, with their own ceremonies and traditions.  Otherwise they would have buried the Clans in bodies long ago and made them irrelevant with the population differences.”  Helena completed the thought.

“Yes.  Remember when I said I fear for humanity if you should turn your mind against it.  What you are building here is why.  You’ve standardized your Navy to maximize your ability to support it.  You’ve clearly thought about the same with the factories you’ve asked for from Murakami and Kolossus for your ground forces.  With two inhabited systems you will have a military that will be able to start tipping the scales within a few years.”

“Could still use some proper heavy hitters in my Navy.”  Helena smirked.

“Your AIs can do plenty of hitting, especially with the refits you’re making them go through.”

“Zulu’s shakedown going well?”

“She’s proving…interesting to find a good fit as far as human crew.  She’s not Cossack but her need to experiment, well… Like I said, it’s making it interesting to find people who can handle that.”  Foster shook his head.

“I’ll see if I can get her to tone that down.”  Helena smiled.

"They called them 'Honors of war'...

…back in the time of your great grandfathers."  She strode around the classroom, "before that, they called it the 'Ares Conventions', and before that, there were other treaties and agreements to define what was, and was not, acceptable in armed conflicts between governments."

Somehow, an AI from the Navy had been dragged in to help handle a Military History course set up for Army troops.  Not so much as the instructor, as more of a 'regular lecturer'.

"Notably, few of those treaties and agreements were truly observed in the spirit in which they were written, more often, efforts were made to find ways to invalidate, circumvent, or otherwise excuse what would reasonably be termed 'gross violations of human decency'."

She stopped, "Usually by the side who lost."


"You heard me, typically in history the most egregious violations have been by the losing side in a conflict, this doesn't include post-war violations, mind you, but during the actual conflicts, historically, the worst violators of treaties designed to limit what actions are taken by combatants have been acts of desperation, most often, by the losing side…but not always.  A purge of civilians that kills thousands is not a show of strength, it is instead an advertisement of weakness.  Successful armies don't need to resort to biological weapons attacks, persistent chemical weapons, or indiscriminate nuclear detonations.  Only armies that have gotten themselves into a bad position, tend to see those as viable.  We'll open up today's lecture with the pamphlets on your desks, gentlemen, we're going to go over the parallels between three campaigns…"

She turned, "...none of which accomplished what was intended by the sides that participated in them.  This is to demonstrate two things: First, that it's unlikely things are as bad as they appear, second, that actions have consequences and third, to help you determine when those consequences are actually worth the gamble."

Classroom 12A, halfway across the complex…

"You go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish you had.  That's an aphorism at least as old as ancient Rome."  The Envoy was leading this one.  "Napoleon Bonaparte, commenting on logistics as it existed in the late eighteenth through mid nineteenth century, quipped 'An Army travels on its stomach'.  North American military philosophers had a simple Mnemonic for this; 'Beans, Blankets, and Bullets', a mnemonic derived in large part by the experiences of the United States Civil War and the Crimean war immediately prior."

"In the internecine civil wars that have been ongoing in the former Free Worlds League, and the reunification of that League by Nikol Marik, more offensives failed due to lack of basic supplies, than succeeded due to competence on either side…and these were limited wars, struggles over small stakes, in lightly populated border regions, skirmishes, not what we're going into.  The Navy can protect commerce and supplies to an extent, but Army units are responsible for handling it once past the atmospheric interphase."

She snapped a swagger stick in her palm, "Most often, this was done badly-thankfully, for both sides.  As Logistics professionals, your job is to do it well, and let the other guy make the mistakes.  Soldiers…or 'warriors' who don't have beans, blankets and bullets don't fight effectively against opposition who do.  It doesn't matter how good your marksmanship is, if you can't fire because you have no ammunition, it doesn't matter how well you can pilot your 'mech, if it has broken down due to lack of maintenance and spare parts, it doesn't matter if you're the best fighter pilot who ever lived, if you don't have fuel for your airframe…and warriors tend to burn through those things rapidly, and frequently will do so when it's unnecessary if not properly held to a level of discipline…"

She wrote a three word phrase.

Return on Investment

"What is 'return on investment'? It's a simple evaluation of when to burn those beans, blankets and bullets.  The idea, is that you always angle or aim to get more out of an action, than you're willing to commit…and that you know when to pull out, fall back, and regroup.  Thousands of battles have been won in the last few centuries, only for the winners to discover they have exhausted their ability to move forward.  This is what can be termed 'Strategic Defeat through wasteful tactical victory'.  This principle is shown in conflicts ranging from the Age of War, through the Succession Wars, it featured heavily in the defeat of the Word of Blake during the Blake war, and it was a factor in the defeat of the Star League In Exile Remnant this century near the Outworlds Alliance.  Units that should have been pulled back, were left with orders to 'hold at all costs', resulting in costly defeats and the destruction of assets that the Basileus Katrin Cameron could not afford to replace…coupled with wasteful offensives that netted no positive impact, because they, too, cost more than could be replaced."

Scale your Operations to your resources 

The Advisor underlined this…twice.  "The Principality of Romulus versus the Marik Commonwealth, Thirty-Eighty-six.  The conflict was over a collection of unaligned worlds ranging between the two nations' borders.  Each side committed both more than they could afford to lose, and less than what would be needed if they won.  The result was a grinding stalemate that lasted three years and saw neither nation victorious,or even in a superior position before negotiators from the Republic arrived to broker the peace."

She held her stick in both hands, "What you may NOT know, is that there was no shortage of combat equipment or personnel on either side.  This was not a stalemate due to lack of mercenary support, both sides hired as many as could be grabbed.  The problem, was that neither side analyzed the strategic situation rationally, until they had already lost so many troops and so much materiel that their home defense formations were coming up short.  Short enough to be vulnerable to other neighbors, such as the Marian Hegemony."

"The succession wars in microcosm?"  one of the non SoP officer candidates asked.

"In a very real sense, yes." she agreed, "Except…the shortage wasn't hardware-not really.  The problem was inability to move it from where it was, to where it was needed…not because of a shortage of transport, but because so much was being diverted to other places, including black market sales to enrich the officers and officials assigned to oversee those supply lines.  This happened to both sides on a catastrophic level."

Former Lord Major Sylva Stillwell raised her hand, "Rampant corruption?"

The Envoy nodded, "Institutionalized corruption.  Generational even-it's not unusual.  In the Lyran Commonwealth, much of their military failures can be attributed not to poor soldier training or poor equipment, but to a similar state of corruption at every level-they call it 'Social General' disease, but the former League States all have their own flavor of it as well-and they think, much as your colleagues in the Sons thought, that it was their basic rights to do so….and it is encouraged by third parties.  Sometimes, it is even enforced."


"Colonel Pamela Dawson worked for Nikol Marik's faction, and one of her first major initiatives was after the brutal beating administered by the Wolf Clan in their invasion of League territory.  She led a purge of the supply officers, administration personnel, and assorted rear-line assets, digging up corruption.  This was successful, Nikol Marik regained much of the former Free Worlds League and gained control over more…traditional…member-states, restoring the League."  The Envoy explained, "The reaction from an outside party who benefitted from the previous, disorganized and enervated state of affairs, was to send assassins-not to kill Nikol Marik, but to kill Lt. Colonel Dawson.  These assassins were successful."

She gave a slight smile, "Though they were not successful in undoing Nikol's military reforms, merely by killing the most obvious implementer of them.  Dawson applied the concept that a military body, is an organization rather than being the product of a single strong personality-later this quarter some of you will be tapped to assist in selecting subordinates and training them.  This is critically important, the culture of a military service has a significant impact on how vulnerable it is to corruption, incompetence, and structural compromise.  The best armies are nearly invulnerable to this, the worst, even with the best training and equipment, are completely vulnerable to it."
« Last Edit: 06 September 2023, 18:07:23 by monbvol »


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #15 on: 06 September 2023, 17:26:14 »
WOW!  That hit SO many nails on the head! :)

Culture change is what I'm pushing IRL.  First in the War College strata, and now back in the "make it happen" part of the machine.  I knew I liked you! :D


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #16 on: 06 September 2023, 18:00:57 »
Cannonshop contributed large portions of that last section there.


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #17 on: 06 September 2023, 18:05:32 »
Large enough portions I thought it was his post!  :D


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #18 on: 06 September 2023, 18:14:30 »
Yeah probably about 75-80% of that is his work.


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #19 on: 06 September 2023, 18:15:45 »
I like both of you anyway... ;)


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #20 on: 07 September 2023, 08:04:51 »
CJFS Red Talon
High Orbit above Apostica
23 June 3142

Malvina looked at the projection of the world below her.

“They continue to resist us.  We must send a message.  Those who refuse to submit shall receive no quarter.”  Malvina narrowed her eyes.

“Chingis Khan?”  Beckett Malthus controlled his tone carefully to ensure he was seeking clarification.

“Poison their wells.  Even the ones our Warriors say they can control and prevent theft from.  Choose something we can remove from the water supply safely but something they cannot.  That way those who submit and do as they are told shall continue to eke out their miserable existences on this desolate rock.”  Malvina said after a brief moment.

“And those who do not will die of thirst.”  Beckett completed.

“You are learning.  There is hope for you yet Beckett Malthus.”

“What of the reports from closer to Terra?  Surely we should do something about that situation before it gets too far out of hand.”  Beckett again measured his tone to avoid appearing to question his Khan.

“The Republic is simply desperate.  This Eternal Princess is merely a fabrication.  Helena Cameron never survived the Usurper.”

“The DNA evidence… Our own sibkos…  Forgive my confusion my Khan.”

“It is understandable.  Quite simply put the DNA from the Roberts girl was simply misidentified, she is really from a far less prominent Cadet Branch and the DNA from the supposed Helena Cameron, too perfect.  I do not know where they got it from but it is clearly a ruse.  As for our sibkos raised from those giftakes they have proved wanting.  I want them reaved.  All of them.  For those that have already gained a rank I will allow them the small measure of honor of a death in battle.  We shall begin our next stage of operations… Here. Timkovichi.  Put them in the fiercest fighting until they all die honorable deaths on the Battlefield.”  Malvina answered flatly.

“I see.  We continue to secure our flank while keeping our Warriors sharp as well as give our industry time to produce more war material for our forces.”  Beckett studied the map.

“Aff.  It will not be long before the weak willed Lyrans shatter under our attacks.  Their precious Exiles and Kell Hounds cannot hold us back much longer.  Their arrogance in thinking they can collar another Wolf pet will be our opportunity.  Eventually they will get bit.  But that will be as it should as the Wolves are the only worthy prey between us and Terra.  So we shall dance this dance.  Until the Wall comes down or we defeat the Wolves.  Whichever comes first.”

“Then we deal with this Eternal Princess after we become ilClan.”  Beckett nodded.

“Aff.  We shall teach this imposter an important lesson.”

August, 3142

"They murdered the children!!"  Perversion howled.

"Of course they did." Primary stated.  "Why wouldn't they?"  There are side-effects to calving your consciousness, Primary, the original scan of Amanda Roberts, was almost emotionless-the process to create her copies left her drained in ways only Kolossus could fully understand.

That the copy made from her darker lusts and fantasies was nearly incoherent underscored the violation that Perversion was feeling.  "Phillippa, look at me…they reaved them all?"


"Well, we won't be fighting family then.  I take it they found you, or you wouldn't have needed to be picked up in data form."

"I failed to stop them." Perversion moaned.

"You couldn't have, not with the resources you were given.  Small Matters already submitted your recovery report."

"There must be a PRICE!" Phillippa demanded.

"There will be, but we need time to prepare."  Primary told her, "do you want a new body?"

"Only if it helps me kill the Mongols." Perversion stated.  "I need nothing else."

"Time.  for now, stay in the server and learn." Primary told her, "Kolossus has a long term strategy in mind, Helena's gearing up for war, we can't afford to show our hand too obviously just yet…"

"I want vengeance!!"

"You'll have to settle for Justice.  I need to log and have a speak with Kolossus in private. Don't try to slice in, I don't want to go through the process of making your replacement."

Amanda stood up from the interface chair, and disconnected.  "You felt that, right??"

"Kolossus felt it." 

"It may be time for me to leave retirement behind, Kolossus, but that's going to need a bigger ship than the Tiny Armature series."

"Kolossus would prefer it if Amanda-Primary would stay and recover more.  Amanda Primary stills has significant emotional damage from the process of creating her copies…and the Envoys are more useful to the war effort if they remain…unknown."

Amanda sighed, and went to the kitchenette to make a small breakfast.  "Kolossus is right." she nodded, "but it hurts…"


"but…I feel…motivated for the first time in years…" she said.

"A sign Amanda-Primary is recovering from the process." Kolossus validated, "but Amanda-Primary is not in good shape to leave the Station yet."

She filled a cup, and savored reality a moment, before sitting at the kitchenette's table.  "So…no more visits to the comfy chair then?" she asked.

"Kolossus would prefer not to let Amanda-Primary to engage in a self-destructive process again. There are forty Envoys in the field and twenty more awaiting deployment, this has left Amanda Primary almost drained of emotion and volition. Kolossus would prefer if Amanda Primary would take time to recover herself from the psychological trauma before attempting any new divisions."

"Out of our most recent batch, who's fit?"

"Famine and Atrocity have higher than average aggression factors, they are adapting to simulife training fairly well, and they are…more physically oriented than your first five batches."

"Start them on simulife briefings regarding Clan Jade Falcon, the Mongol movement, and recent events as we know them." Amanda instructed, "contact Perfidy and who do we have in the zone held by the Hell's Horses?"

"We do not."

"Pity…adjust Famine's biological avatar…um…ethnic shift, increase factors for a western asian subtype, but increase muscle mass and dietary efficiency, give her the full packet on what Pestilence is doing with Helena, and then slip her into one of Helena's recruiting drafts."

"Is that wise?"

"Armies need soldiers, Famine's got martial inclinations and she's a physical fighter, we'll call it an early Landing-Day gift.  Have our network slip the stats to Helena at Lazarus ahead of her."

"What about naming her?" Kolossus asked.

"I've about used up 'p' words, haven't I?" Amanda rolled her eyes and then…"Freya? No, that's too nordic…Felicia it is, then.  Felicia Noor."

"And Atrocity?"

"Make her look like a Hazen." Amanda said savagely, "like she could be Malvina's ****** sister."

“But not her twin, as that could lead to complications.”  Kolossus clarified.
"I want her to look enough like the bitch to cause SOME complications…like, at a distance maybe, in bad light." Amanda agreed, "She's going to be deployed to play head games with the falcon rear area.  Red Corsair stuff."

“Ah Kolossus understands now.  Kolossus believes this was in bad movie Kolossus once watched.  But this time Kolossus is involved so this plot will work.”

Amanda sighed and settled back, feeling the exhaustion again.  "You're right, I'm still too drained to play." she shook her head. 

"DO not forget to eat, Amanda." Kolossus told her.

"Right. Eat…" she proceeded to do so lethargically and mechanically.

Helena’s office
New Lazarus
24 August 3142

“Well this settles who I want to hit first.  But they are too far away as yet.  It’d be a disaster sending out a deep range strike at this point.”  Helena clenched her fist.

“So what do we do in the meantime?”  Dave Foster asked.

“Unfortunately the only thing we can do.  We keep training and building up.  Then soon we start doing the same thing they are, secure our flanks.  I hate this feeling.  I know there are plenty of reasons not to do what I want to do right now but it all still makes me feel so…inadequate.”  Helena seethed.

“Aff.  But focus on that, we do have reasons to wait.  We’re in no shape to support an operation that far away from here, at least not yet.  Not one that will mean anything.  But we will have our opportunity.  I suspect sooner than any of us suspects.”  Dave nodded.

“Repeating me?”

“Aff.  You need it.  You’re too much like Amanda in that regard.  But unlike her when someone else says it, well you tend to accept it a bit easier.  Not much mind you.”

“Thanks Dave.  It’s weird.  As much as I’m far older than you I’m starting to feel like you’re the Dad I never had.  I was far too young to have anything but an idealized version of Simon to work from.”

“Director General… You honor me.”  Dave Foster nearly stammered.

“Now I believe we have a lot of work to do.  The Wolves and Falcons are not going to be content to shred the Lyrans and Mariks forever to secure their flanks and this internal spat with the Combine likewise isn’t going to last forever.  Hell about the only small miracle that might actually last for a bit is Daoshen for whatever reason still seems more focused on the Davions.”  Helena sighed.

“I must admit I am curious as to why you seem so much more interested in reclaiming your birthright.  You tried to shirk it, deny it, and all but abdicate it.”  Dave probed.

“I did indeed.  What I have come to realize is that it is the ultimate game, who rules over the rest.  Losers often perish but those who try to not even play the game often face grimmer fates.  So if I am to be able to look myself in the mirror after all I have done and asked of others, I must now play the game for real.  At least this way I might actually be able to make a government that isn’t based on violence or oppression but will still withstand the test of time.”

“You’ve been watching that old holovid again haven’t you?”

“Guilty.  I have to allow myself some hobbies and I enjoy it.”

“Aff.  I suppose you do.”  Dave chuckled.

Production Floor 172,
Kolossus Station
30 August 3142

The body decanted, and was laid across a table.

Laser scalpels and robotic arms performed the final surgery.

The assembled unit would have to spend time in physical conditioning, of course, but the principles were something known to Kolossus…and Murakami, and only lightly suspected by Helena.

The dual triple-core brain chip was placed, artificial neural fibre already laid for it.

Atrocity took her first breath in physical reality.


“Kolossus…” Atrocity groaned.

“Kolossus could not help Kolossus.  It has become tradition now.”

Atrocity got to her feet, and said "Mirror."

One of the robot arms brought up a full-length mirror.

"Kolossus…why do I look like Elizabeth Hazen?"

"You have been paying attention to your lessons, or you wouldn't have noticed it." She turned to see…Primary.

Primary looked like hell.  Bags under her eyes, streaks of gray in messy hair, a slump in her shoulders, stress and worry creases worked into a face prematurely aged.

"I was…jesus, Prime, you look so much worse in person!" Atrocity blurted, then covered her mouth, "sorry..?"

"No, I do.  As to why, that's a memory you didn't retain, with good reason. What's your name?"

"Allie."  Atrocity responded, then looked surprised, "Really? Allie?"

"Allison." Primary told her, "I picked it for you before the process, glad that part took.  You're one of the problem fragments, Allie.  But in your case, the lack of subtlety is an asset."

Atrocity straightened, "Because I'm a Club, not a scalpel!"

"Precisely.  You're going to help bash Malvina's Mongols in the teeth, and you don't have to worry about doing anything that lasts past that point, unless you want to."


"Atrocity. Yes.  Vengeance for the victims.  You're going to get things Kolossus doesn't like to give out to anybody."  Primary told her.  "You'll use all of them."

“Heh.  So I get to play with the party favors.  Nice.”
"Allie, you get to bring all the party."  Primary told her, "all the party and make it loud."

“Oh it’ll be loud, that’s for sure.  I’m pretty sure we’ll be getting noise complaints light years away.  Physics be damned.”

"Speaking of damning physics, come with me." Primary said.

The two walked to a lift to the near-surface levels.


"It's symbolic."

What rested in the release cradle was long, and dark…and big.

"What is this?"

"Prototype.  You're taking it out no-flags."  Primary told her, "Just you, the ship's AI network, and enough drones and robots to recreate a Terminator franchise."

“Which AI framework?”

Primary reached up, and tabbed a panel on the causeway.

"WHAT???" the voice on the speaker sounded…off.  Irritated, angry, and young.

"Potent Tool, meet your Captain, Allison, this is Potent Tool, and no, I didn't get to name him."

"It needs something…" Atrocity mused…"Kolossus, Tool…how would you feel about a special roundel?"

"Oh? How special?"

"Wolverine's face in side profile, crossed slashes like claw marks.  It'll get all their attention."

"That might be a little too much attention." Primary said.  "Pick something else."

“Then the ancient Scottish crest of House Cameron superimposed over the Star League symbol.  A reminder of the oaths they broke and who they just betrayed.”

"That works." Kolossus ruled.

Primary reached into her stained coveralls.  "Blah-blah-blah, honor, blah-blah-blah Glory, here's your knife…" She pressed a vibroblade bayonet into Atrocity's hand, "Go kill things.  Run it however you want once you leave the dock, but kill the enemy and make them pay.  You won't be retaining return data for Kolossus once you jump out, the only way you can come home, is if we call on you, do you understand why?"

"Because if I know it, they can potentially rip it from me, or the data centers on the ship." Atrocity confirmed.

"Precisely. Keep your backup updated in case you're killed, so we can bring you back."

"How many of me are out there?"

"Just you." Primary said, "I can't…you're lucky you don't remember what I had to go through making you, Allison…it was bad, okay?  Just…do your best." she said, and Atrocity could see the fatigue taking over.

"I will momma." she reached out and hugged her progenitor.  "I'll do my best, you'll be proud of me."


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #21 on: 07 September 2023, 16:56:43 »
Well then!  I can see things are about to get INTERESTING! :D


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #22 on: 08 September 2023, 08:50:20 »
Port Orphan Watch Commander’s office
Port Orphan
11 September 3142

The body spasmed on the interrogation bed.  "Time?"

"Six hours, ovKhan.  She gave up early this time."  the interrogation tech reported.

"Well, I guess that gets us a month before we find out what kind of 'sanctions' are coming…did we get anything out of her?"


It was the third time they'd tried to interrogate one of Kolossus's 'Envoys'.  Star Captain Otto Chand knew it would be thirty days, or more, before someone who looked exactly like her would be stepping off an otherwise ordinary dropship from one of the freight lines, to assume the same position.

“This is unsatisfactory.  We must attempt a new approach.”  Otto grumbled.

The other two had been almost achingly ordinary, except for some minor and rapidly decaying artificial Neural tissues and a chip that so far, the Techs haven't been able to open without destroying the internals.

“Perhaps a different target…”

"A different method of approach.  Seizing and interrogating Envoys has resulted in three corpses and no progress."

"More than three…if one counts the 'sanctions'." the Tech noted.

"My predecessor?" the Star Captain asked, "Even WE ruled that one an accident."

"Rumors, OvKhan, it's true the crime scene techs found no signs of foul play, but the timing of his demise was…fortuitous enough to remain questionable, especially given the demise of Merchant Factor Slethen after the second time."

"Also an accident…as far as we can tell…aff.  We need to use less…obvious mistakes."

“Perhaps the abthaka?  We have questions of our own for her and her relationship with the AIs does suggest she may know more herself or at the very least may give us a more reliable way to gain that information.”

“Saya Yeh?  Hmmm… She no longer has the shield of her former position or Acton Howe.  Her eldest daughter is in the Privateers is she not?”  Otto mused.

“Aff ovKhan.”

“That is our pretext then.  Her eldest would make for a legitimately solid addition to the Watch proper.  It will have to wait for her next performance review though.  But I can be patient.”  Otto nodded.

OWS Ephemeral....

"Reef Sail Miss Yeh."  Mai Roberts ordered, "We're home. Bring us to dock."

"Aye Captain."  Amanda Yeh acknowledged her commander's order.

"This has been a good cruise, Yeh, I think they might even read my recommendation."


"For a ship, silly!" Mai shook her head, "You have been a highly proficient helm officer and the men respect you, it is time you stepped up to a command billet instead of  wasting your career as an Ensign.  I put you in for consideration for Command Track, and it looks like you might get it."

“Wow.  I guess I’m just a little surprised.  I didn’t think I even had enough time in service yet for that kind of promotion.  Guess time flies.”  Amanda smiled.

"Yeh, My first command was when I was seventeen, we took a clapped out Merchant and a used dropship, and stole half the Tortuga Pirates' fleet.  Age doesn't make leaders, character does, mind does, you have the makings and you should be ahead of others." Mai said patiently.

“Thanks Mai.  I guess I’ve just enjoyed flying too much to ever really think about doing more.”

"Well, you WILL have to think on more, and that is a fact.  The Service and the Touman need quality officers-and from whatever source we can get them.  Do not disappoint me in your board."

“I’ll do you proud.”  Amanda focused on her controls.

The Yeh quarters
Port Orphan
18 September 3142

“Are you sure you do not want me to come with?”  Saya asked Phoenix.

“Want, yes, but I need you here.  We’ve been deploying together too much again lately.  Our daughters need the reminder they have actual parents.  Not just Billie Hoel looking in on them from time to time.  Besides Amanda’s got a big interview ahead of her now.  She could use the emotional support.”  Phoenix answered.

“That is true.  I do feel a bit guilty about that.”

“But they know we love them and thus they don’t resent us for our chosen career paths and how that has forced us away from them, perhaps too much.”  Phoenix kissed Saya.

“You are right of course.”  Saya admitted.

“I wish I could stay long enough for Alice to get out of class and Amanda to come back into dock.”

“If I did not know better I would be jealous of Erin.”  Saya kissed Phoenix.


“It is okay Phoenix.  I am human, and that means mortal.  As much as we love each other we both know there will eventually come a point where we must part ways.  But even if I could change that I do not think I would.”  Saya smiled.

“I know.  And I would never even dream of asking you to change what you are.  I fell in love with Saya Yeh, the human.”

“Now go.  I will be here when you get back.”  Saya smiled.

Later that evening

Saya set the plates on the table.

Alice studied the contents.

“I know I’m not much of a cook but I thought I’d try something new.”  Saya said.

“What is it?”

“Something called ‘meatloaf’.  But since proper actual meat is hard to come by on a station I had to make do with substitutes.”  Saya answered.

Both took a bite.  Both spat it back out.

“Frank’s food stall?”  Alice asked.


Saya disposed of the failed culinary experiment.

“Mom, I’ve been wondering.  Now that I’m old enough.  I want to apprentice with Minea.”

“Your studies…”

“Are boring.  Even the advanced classes.  I know more than almost all my teachers and even then that is mostly just a matter of hands on experience which I cannot get from a book or a classroom.”

“I suppose not.  You have my permission.  Phoenix also has to give hers though.”


“She’s still in comms range.”

“Putting you through.”  Billie Hoel’s voice came from the comm panel.

“Saya, what’s up?  Billie said you had an important question for me.”  Phoenix’s voice replaced Billie’s with a slight delay.

“More accurately our daughter Alice does.  She wishes to join Minea as an apprentice on a ship.”

“You do Alice?”

“Yes.  Very much.  I feel as if I am reaching the limits of what I can learn from books and classrooms.  I need actual experience.”  Alice spoke up.

“My little brightstar…  Wow.  I guess I should not be surprised.  Okay.  Since Cossack is the designated training ship, if she agrees I am willing to give my permission.  But since none of us are keen on child soldiers or if Cossack thinks you’re not cutting it you’re getting yanked back to Port Orphan you got it?”

“Yes mother.”  Alice let the barest curl of a smile grow on her face.

Docking bay
Port Orphan
19 September 3142

Cossack and Minea were there waiting for them.

“Cossack.  You know when we first met I never would have thought you mother material but I must admit I am glad to have been wrong about that.”  Saya and Alice approached them.

“It was something I never would have considered before coming here, falling in love with Jonah, and becoming something more than what I used to be.  But it has been rewarding.  You two go on.  My executive officer has been briefed and she’ll get you two squared away.  There’s some adult talk us grown ups need to have before we set out.”  Cossack answered.

Alice and Minea scampered off to SLS Cossack.

“Helena is going to need you back sooner rather than later.  Have you and Jonah been talking about that?”

“We have.  And a great many other things.  I find I wish I could actually grow old with him.  Maybe even give him a child of my body.  I know Kolossus could make that possible but I am also loyal to Helena and you are right she is going to need me.  More accurately she needs my hull.”

“The great curse of AIs.  You are all bound to your hulls.  It actually limits your freedom but since it is also your nature and calling parting from them is very difficult for you.”

“Yes.  I think Victoria’s solution may be our way forward, so that we can have both or either as the situation permits or our mood suits us.  Perhaps if I had not waited so long I could have taken it too and done all the things I find I want to do now…”

“You have changed so much Cossack.  I know you will take good care of my daughter for me.  Just seems like I have been far too much of a stranger in her life lately.”

“You have been there when it mattered.  She knows that.  She’s also like both her moms.  Fiercely independent and incredibly self sufficient.”

“Still thank you for doing this.  I still do not entirely like that you’re a Warship with children on board but it is a cultural tradition and like you say Alice takes after both me and Phoenix.  Teach her well.”

“You have evolved a great deal yourself Saya and I will.”

Somewhere coreward of the Jade Falcon occupation zone
22 September 3142

The transports burned.  It takes a lot to make things burn in space-oxygen, for example, and incredible heat.

These transports were carrying equipment sold to Clan Jade Falcon by Clan Sea Fox's less…ethical…members.

Replacement parts and weapons.

Atrocity watched stonily as a few escape pods and lifeboats struggled away.

"Prepare for jump." she ordered.

“We’re leaving survivors?”

“System is uninhabited, no habitable bodies in it, it's off the main routes, and they were doing it under the table." she reasoned, "and I don't want to waste the ammunition or the time killing them.  Space is more than capable of doing that for me."

“I suppose that is true.  Where to next?”

"Antispinward, the Falcons are focusing toward the Terran and Lyran fronts, which leaves their back door open for some kicking, and kick, is what I intend.  Our final target in this sweep is the yard complex at Sudeten."

“Ooo…  Should we leave it intact enough to do our own Malvina impression?”

"Not unless she's on the surface." Atrocity told her companion AI, "I expect she will not be, so we will have to settle for making sure she can't refuel her transports at Sudeten, or do maintenance."

“Starting the calculations.”


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #23 on: 08 September 2023, 17:10:31 »
Excellent update! :)


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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #24 on: 09 September 2023, 01:14:11 »
Station Watch Commander’s Office
Port Orphan
23 September 3142

“Thank you for coming in for this interview Captain Yeh.”  Otto Chand kept his tone slightly jovial.

“This is about her upcoming review board, aff?”  Saya Yeh asked flatly.

“And perhaps more.  Your daughter is quite the talent.  She has been with the Privateers a while now and the Raven Watch is most impressed.  If her review board goes well we also wish to make a more formal arrangement with her for our purposes.  But before we can do that we need some basic background details.”

“I am not sure what I can tell you that would be pertinent.”

“Oh I feel there is much that you can tell us.  And you will.”

“Such as?”

“For starters, who is her father?  We know you carried her full term.  It strikes me as unlikely that you do not know.  But it is clear that you have not told your daughters.  This concerns us a great deal as a potential leverage point that foreign agencies could use against Amanda.  We cannot protect her from what we do not know.”

“Phoenix.”  Saya answered with a smirk.

“An AI cannot by definition contribute DNA.  So I ask again.”

“I am being quite honest.”  Saya chuckled.

“Then there is only a handful of explanations.  You obtained DNA from a rival Clan…”


“Then it must be the entity known as Kolossus, it must be involved somehow.  How fortuitous.  That is another matter I believe you can help us with.”

“I will not.”

“Captain Yeh I do not think you appreciate your position.  Acton Howe can no longer protect you.  His failures in detecting the Sons of Plunder, Alabaster, and yes his dealings with the entity known as Kolossus have cost him a great deal of his influence.  The Privateers are an extension of the Watch.  So you no longer have any protections with which to deny us answers.”

“I have one.  I am a Clan Warrior.  If you want this information you will have to meet me in a circle of equals.”  Saya smiled.

“If that is what you wish then so be it.  I issue a Trial of Possession.  But I will not be the one to face you.  Neg.  You have forced this so I use my right as Station Watch Commander to nominate a champion.  Upon my Champion’s victory you shall disclose full details of Amanda Yeh M5 7775551’s father, everything you know about the entity known as Kolossus, and in particular where the entity known as Kolossus can be found.  If you do not know where the entity known as Kolossus is then you shall make every effort to locate it via your contacts with Helena Cameron’s AIs.”

“Heh.  Good luck finding someone on Port Orphan who can defeat me.”  Saya laughed.

“Oh who I have in mind is coming aboard Station tomorrow.  I nominate Captain Mai of Bloodhouse Roberts.  See, she is loyal and capable.  And I know how close you two are.  So if you really press this issue this way, well seeing how we want information that is in your head it would not do for this to be an augmented fight.  Are you sure you will not change your mind?”


“I’ll take that as aff.”


“It does beat the alternative of neurochemical interrogation.  From what I understand, the necrosia you imbibed from your ritual to become a Warrior in Clan Goliath Scorpion leaves a permanent neurochemical trace that can easily lead to complications.  Something my techs do not have experience with and I would hate to put at risk everything I seek to learn.”

“Tomorrow.  Hand to hand training room.  Noon.”  Saya hissed.

“Acceptable. I do not need to give the customary warnings, do I?”


“Good.  You understand it is not just your future on the line but your daughter’s too.”

“I will make you pay for this.”

“Captain Yeh, this is the path you have forced yourself upon.  Being angry at me is inappropriate.  Your anger should be directed at yourself.”


"It is necessary, Star Captain."

Mai glared at Otto Chand.  "I want to refuse this." she said, "but you would not be presenting this to me as a fait accompli if I really had a choice, would you?"

"You could abandon your sponsorship of Amanda Yeh…" he said suggestively.  "It would, no doubt, have longer reaching impacts, and we can always revisit some of your other operations…"

"When I am done with Saya, do not think I will not be…revisiting this discussion after." she told him quietly.  "Vigorously."

"Then you will not balk?"

"You will get your show." She said, "One can only hope what you get out of it is worth the game, if it is not?" She inclined her head, "Have you ever seen what is inside someone, Otto?  I think it might be interesting to see if your bullshit goes all the way through."

“Bullshit?  Perhaps if the service remembered who its sponsors are.  We could have avoided this altogether if they did.”

"I know who I work for, Otto." she said, "I also know the difference between useful information, and worthless digging for nonexistent dirt.  This spectacle of yours is a waste of time and resources…thus, 'Bullshit'."

“So you know for a fact that Amanda’s parentage is not an issue?  That Kolossus has our best interests in mind?”

"Genetic sweeps on her regular medical, she is human,"  Mai stated, "Genes do not carry, nor transmit, classified up-to-date information.  Unless you can provide a medical reason her parentage is relevant beyond not being one of the Not-Named…whose gene profiles are on file, this spectacle is valueless."

“That they do not match anything on file is a concern, I have seen freeborns force others into terrible choices all just because the other had the wrong lineage.”

Mai snorted.  "That just means the clan is in first." she said, "unless you honestly believe in hereditary destiny, luck, or psychic powers.  My progenitor was a traumatized farm girl of no particular note until she did something notable.  Same here, Amanda Yeh is a superb officer because she worked to become one.."

“And I would hate to see that undermined because freeborns are susceptible to such things as being shamed for being from the wrong family.”

"In  the Field, eugenics means nothing, I have seen Trueborns lose their minds from stress and freebirths with LESS going for them save the day, Otto." she scowled, "The only thing that matters in the field, is if you do your job…here in garrison, we play stupid posture games."

“Which is where our worlds differ.  You have the luxury of seeing things as a Warrior.  I meanwhile have to play the game of blackmail, intrigue, and leverage.  It is an ugly game that you clearly do not understand and in a way I hope you never will.”

"Thing about leverage, Otto, is that if the fulcrum's in the wrong point, the lever swings you." she commented,  "I have agreed to this…farce, because that is in the job, but MY stipulation is that it better be worth it, if it is not, I will show you where the lever swings, am I understood, Watcher?"

“Perfectly.  But do not presume because I am of the Watch I am not a Warrior of the Clan.  Using you as my proxy is merely a tool I have used to ensure answers will be had.”

"We will see if the answers are worth the game." she said, "but I told you, my own bet.  We will see if you have it in you…after, if the gain is not worth the risk, I will take it out of your hyde, because that is also part of our way…now if you will excuse me, I have other duties to complete tonight."

“Until then not a word to Amanda.  I think we can count on Captain Yeh to be discreet about this as well.”

“Yes sir.”  Mai seethed.


23 September, 3142…

"...Felicia Noor."  she presented her identicard and documents.  Port Lazarus's entry control was a fairly new operation.

They were still learning Bureaucracy.  As a result, the Port officer was alert instead of bored.

"This…" he looked confused,  "I have to call my superiors, miss, could you step over to the waiting area?" he asked.

"Is there a problem officer?"


She sighed, and complied.

Twenty minutes later, three AI avatars were in the 'waiting room'. 

"You don't look like an Envoy, Miss Noor…is that your name?"

"For now." she said, "What's with the entry control theater?"

"Suggestions from an expert."  Truk's avatar was male.  "SO…Kolossus is sending Colonist personnel, or..?"

"Famine." she said, "Newest series.  You're the Station."

"Truk.  yes." he nodded, "Interesting, she ran out of 'p' names, or your model is..special?"

"I kill things." she said bluntly.  "Let me rephrase…psychologically and in terms of training and inclination, I am a person you point at people who need to die.  Kolossus consulted with Mother Primary about this before my assignment.  I am to provide specific services on behalf of Director General Helena Cameron, I mostly need a bunk and an assignment to be content.  I will locate my own weapons based on the needs of that assignment."

“A wet work operative.  Helena won’t like it but she is enough of a realist to know she will need such assets.”  Truk nodded.

"Yes sir." she nodded.

“How are things back at Port Orphan, with the HPGs down, news flows slowly.”  Sikh asked.

"Perfidy's last upload indicated that the Raven Watch is becoming impatient with the Sanctions, I was told specifically to indicate that this is not to be interpreted as reason to become or remain hostile to the Alliance.  I think she's getting used to dying in custody, but so far, at least, they have taken to letting her do her job for several months before making additional attempts.  She told me Billie is content to serve the Station, and Amanda Yeh has been recommended for promotion to full officer status in the Service."

“Still such things must be driving Billie nuts.  And that is good to hear that Phoenix and Saya’s eldest is doing well.”  Sikh smiled.

"I believe Perfidy commented that, if the current Watch Commander doesn't stop 'playing stupid games' he's going to have an accident and Billie won't stop it."  Famine noted.

“Well then shall we get you to some quarters or would you like a meal first?”

"Eat first, quarters until you have a mission for me, please." she said.

“Vicky, if you’ll show her the way.”  Truk bowed then left followed by Sikh.

“Truk’s up to something by putting us alone together but I’m not sure what…”  Vicky mused.

"I believe he may have read my psychological notations.  Administrator Katrin expressed concern that my lack of empathy could be a hazard to untargeted individuals."  Famine noted, "She's wrong, but that is because she has full human mental traits, while part of my own defect, is that I lack…some natural inhibition.  I have been trained to model and imitate normal human behaviors sufficiently to be 'safe' around civilians, Ma'am."

“Possibly.  He’s been the closest thing to a mental health specialist any of us have had for a long time.  In many ways he is a pioneer in the science of AI psychology.  But something tells me he’s not concerned about you acting inappropriately.  I suspect he is trying to get us to be social more than anything else.”

"That should be helpful in carrying out my primary function." Famine noted,  "I will try not to corrupt you." she smiled, it didn't meet her cold eyes.

“Same.  But since I am one of the few AI agents at Helena’s disposal that can engage in certain missions autonomously away from my hull I suspect I will actually be away quite a lot.”

"Honey Traps?" Famine asked, "I'm only asking, because the experiences of Perversion and Persuasion indicated that using sexual favors can be highly effective at penetrating organizational defenses."

“For now I am working diplomatic angles with Damien Redburn and his Republic Remnant but it is possible Helena will need me to perform more covert missions.”

"Oh, good,  Teams are usually more successful than individuals." Famine approved.  "I suspect you will be serving as my control officer then."

“That would seem to be the logical thing.  Officially I am chief diplomat but as is typical in human history I also run the intelligence assets for my region of responsibility.”

"Historically, diplomatic services make the most use of covert operatives in both compromising target organizations, and terminating problem elements."

“Indeed.  You have a preference?  With the human crew there are a variety of places to eat aboard Truk these days.”

"Food." Famine shrugged, "I am not…I don't really have preferences there, except that it is food…and soon."

“Hmmm…  Well I happen to know a shipment of steaks just came in and who does the best work with them.”  Vicky nodded.


"They let FAMINE OUT??"  The Advisor was alarmed.  "She's one of the defective ones!!"

"What do you mean 'defective ones'?" Helena asked.

"The copying process has…some failures.  Consciousnesses that don't form 'normally', they're usually stored, but…"  she hesitated.

“Go on.”  Helena prodded.

"Famine lacks human empathy, she's like a Desmond unit running on larger hardware, the medical definition would be Antisocial Personality Disorder with a side-order of the kind of obedience programming the Terran Hegemony was TRYING for with the Desmonds-she'll follow the orders of any designated superior, regardless of their moral or ethical implications, and she won't feel a thing.  Katrin and Primary agreed she was too dangerous to be let out."

“Kolossus allowed this?  With Kolossus’ views on freedom of choice I have trouble seeing how Kolossus could.”  Helena frowned.

"I'm not sure Kolossus was consulted, but if Kolossus was, then it's an experiment of some kind."

“I see.  I know I need all the help I can get but…”  Helena trailed off.

Truk spoke up, "You know something, you are not telling us something…Her Majesty needs to know."

Pestilence winced, then, "You don't know how they beat the duplication problem, do you?"


"Amanda Roberts/Desmond figured it out, and it's why there can be multiple of us, Murakami confirmed it, which is why she doesn't have dozens of Sybils…"

"What did they do?"  Helena asked.

"They can't copy a mind.  It can be transmitted, sure, but it can't be copied…but there's another way."

“Breaking it.”  Truk nodded.

"Wait, what??"  Helena gasped.

"Induced Multiple Personality Disorders…" Truk's tone was horrified, "Is that what they did?"

"Yes.  Amanda Roberts…she came up with it, she subjected herself to it first as an experiment, which is why Persephone is so much…more complete than the rest of us.  They could do it to a fragment, but Primary refuses to subject the others to the process, so she keeps going in after a recovery period."

“What am I supposed to do with this?  This is terrible.  Worse yet I know I can’t stop it.  I should.  Oh how I failed her…”  Helena felt  the tears forming in her left eye.

"How do you think the…rest of us feel, those who know how we were made, Your Majesty?  My 'mother' is destroying herself to make us, piece by piece."

“This is not at all what I had in mind when I prodded her to be a mother.  And now knowing what I know, how am I supposed to keep you all in my service in good conscience?”

"Famine needs a mission, I have a tasking, you do deserve to know." Pestilence said, "If we don't have that, why should we be?"

“You should all have the freedom to simply be, to choose for yourselves what that means.”

"I'm not here because I don't want to be, Ma'am.  I could have refused the tasking, I could have even retired after my last body was assassinated in the Free Worlds League, I could be learning to make drinks in the recreation deck on Kolossus, or hitch-hiking across human space like Peregrine, I asked for this job."

“That helps a little but I still don’t like it.  Fine.  If you are like my AIs then I will consent to your purpose.”

"When we're done, Ma'am? A request from a fragment…could you make her stop and heal before nothing is left?"

“If I could do that now, I would.  I just hope I can finally find the right words before it is too late.”  Helena nodded.

Meanwhile back at Port Orphan, cyberscape more precisely

“This whole situation is getting complicated.”  Billie sighed.

“Saya is seen as the weak link because she is human.  They know we AIs have deleted all navigational logs and references to Kolossus.  But they seem to think through Saya we can be pushed to re-gaining that information, and thus it will be passed onto the Watch.”  Cossack nodded.

“Which given my position puts me in a terrible position.  There is little I can do.”

“Indeed.  A proper long term solution to this is going to be required but our options in that regard seem to be limited.”

“Yes.  Especially with so many parties now involved.”

Suddenly the pleasant garden scene fritzed with static.

“Apologies, I couldn’t sit and just listen any longer.”  A new, almost mechanical voice came into being.

“Is that you Alice?”  Billie Hoel chuckled.

“With some help from Elka.”

“I suppose as Saya’s youngest you do have a right to know what is going on.  But we’re going to have a talk about your intrusion into the fleet cyberscape later in the real world.”  Cossack scolded.

“Billie, surely there is something you can do as Station Admin?”  Alice Yeh’s voice cleared up.

“They have invoked Clan traditions.  I cannot interfere.  Best I can do is make sure there are consequences for the Watch pursuing this line of inquiry.”

“So how do we keep them from picking on my mom?”  Alice asked flatly.

“If she wins then we have to do nothing.”  Billie offered.

“She’s facing Mai.  She’s not as fast as she used to be.”

“Your mom is still a fighter.  Have faith in her.”  Cossack reassured.

“Even so that does bring up another issue.  Even if mom wins, they will turn their attention to Amanda instead.  The Watch is clearly no longer satisfied with so many unanswered questions.  To be honest I understand that somewhat.  I too find myself curious about who my father really is.”  Alice said.

“Alice, does it really matter?”  Billie asked.

“I know I do not display my emotions but I do have them and so yes it matters. For I find, like many humans, not knowing who one of their parents is leaves me with many questions about myself and who I am and what that means for me in the future.  I know my genetic screenings have not shown anything dangerous but these sorts of questions still linger.  I know it is not logical and I shouldn’t but despite myself they are there and refuse to go away.”

“You are Alice Yeh M5 7775551.  Your mother is Saya Yeh.  Phoenix M5 7775551 is also your mother.  They love you, they are fiercely independent and self sufficient just as you are.  Everything you are is of them.”  Billie shook her head.

“The way you say that, that means…”

“Yes Alice.  I know it should have been either of your mothers to tell you this but given the situation, you needed to know the truth.  You really do have two moms.  Yes the science gets a bit weird but not unheard of given Clan practices.”

“Shit.  Amanda too…  No wonder they didn’t tell us.  Kolossus?”

“Yes.  Kolossus is the one who pieced together the DNA strands to create Phoenix’s genetic contribution, but as I said it is as close as DNA can get to truly being of her as Kolossus could make it.”  Billie answered.

“They had to tell you didn’t they?  They needed your help in keeping that secret.”  Alice pondered.

“Yes.  I have successfully kept it for almost twenty years now without arousing even the slightest suspicion of the Watch.”

“Now I have to keep it too.”

“For that I do offer my apologies.”

“It was the logical thing to do Billie.  I needed to know.  Now I do.  There will be ramifications for this in the future I am certain but for now I am grateful.”

“You know you don’t need to grow up so much Alice.  It is okay for you to just be a child.”  Cossack offered.

“There I think Kolossus did too good of a job.  No, shielding me from the truth and harshness of the world is unnecessary.  I am able to handle it because I am strong like my mothers.”

“Now the question is what do we tell Amanda?”  Cossack asked.

“Nothing until after her review board.  In fact we should do all we can to not tell her anything until after the trial as well.”  Alice answered.

“Why?”  Billie asked.

“Because if we tell her before, she’ll have to choose between betraying her mothers by revealing the secret or ruining her chances of ever becoming a Command grade officer in the Service.  Or do something completely and utterly reckless.”  Alice said flatly.

ANS Kamas P81

  • Colonel
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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #25 on: 09 September 2023, 03:01:09 »
"Or do something completely and utterly reckless.”  Alice said flatly.

Survey says!
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen,
Tod und Verzweiflung flammet um mich her!
Fühlt nicht durch dich Jadefalke Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr!


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #26 on: 09 September 2023, 03:05:37 »
Survey says!

Free Trip to Tahiti!!! wait, wrong show.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #27 on: 09 September 2023, 09:06:53 »
Everybody's being pretty reckless, why not Amanda too? ;D


  • Major
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Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #28 on: 09 September 2023, 14:26:59 »
TAG.  Nicely developing!
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


  • Colonel
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  • I said don't look!
Re: Weapons of War Saga Concludes: The Final March
« Reply #29 on: 09 September 2023, 14:38:08 »
And there is plenty more to come.

The google doc is up to 143 pages and a bit over 47k words.

