Author Topic: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons (Pic Heavy!!!)  (Read 45411 times)

Lyran Archer

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #60 on: 02 October 2011, 16:44:29 »
 O0 Great batrep! Love the campaign!
LCAF German Expeditionary Militia Kampfgruppe Panzerfaust: 1 Overlord class DropShip, 1 Fortress class DropShip, 2 AeroSpace Fighters, 4 BattleMech Companies, 1 Vehicle Company, 1 Infantry Battalion
Motto: STAND (behind a hill) AND DELIVER (indirectly via spotter)!

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #61 on: 02 October 2011, 20:52:41 »
After payday, the Widows are in decent financial shape (305WP).  They'll have enough resources to make it to Formalhaut. 

Stacy's Zeus: Right torso armor still has 8pts of damage.  LB 10-X slug ammo replaced. 100% ammo.
Jacob's Uziel: 100% armor.  Light AC/5 ammo replaced.  100% ammo.
Francine's Griffin: Repaired reflective armor at 100%.  LRM-15 ammor replaced, at 100%.
Calvine's Battlemaster: Armor and ammunition both at 100%.
Kristofur's Marauder II: 17pts of damage on left arm, 8pts of damage on right arm, 2 points of damage on center torso, 5 pts of damage on left torso, 24pts of damage on right torso, 8pts of damage on right leg, 2 points of damage on left leg, 2 points of damage on head.  Heavy Guass Rifle ammunition replaced, at 100%.

Eirene's War Dog: Armor 100%.  Gauss ammo missing 6 shots, have 26 shots left.
Orrin's Dervish:Armor 100%.  9 shots of LRM-10s in each slot left.
Ramirez's Archer: Armor replaced, at 100%.  LRM-15 ammunition replaced, at 100%.
Henderickson's Trebuchet: Armor at 100%, right arm LRM-15 ammunition replaced.  Left torso LRM-15 has 2 shots left.

Wyatt's Wolfhound: 100%
Neil's Firefly: 100%.  19 LRM-5 shots left.
Halle's Cicada: 100%
Madison's Locust: Armor repaired, 100%.
« Last Edit: 02 October 2011, 20:56:06 by Alex Keller »


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #62 on: 02 October 2011, 21:43:08 »
 that could have gone really badly considering how much firepower both sides possessed! great batt rep.
"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #63 on: 02 October 2011, 22:53:24 »
Yes.  It could've been a rout if the Widows would have been able to pursue the Shadow Hunters, but Berith was able to extract his people without losing anyone. 

The player controlling Stacy said that she's going to be more aggressive the next time around.  For the moment, both sides are left to lick their wounds and prepare for the next moment of destiny...


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #64 on: 03 October 2011, 00:03:39 »
That was.... almost anti-climactic.  When the Widows clustered up in the center with Stacy as the Blakist advance began to slow, I figured on a good deal of blood being spilt.  Guess it's an example of just how durable the Celestials are.  And man, wow!  Headshotting that Nightstar seems like it probably saved the Blakists some significant pain. 

Conditional Feral FTW

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #65 on: 03 October 2011, 12:20:13 »
The Celestials are super durable and it showed here.  Tomitaki's Grigori took a heavy duty gyro hit, two engine hits and lost a hip actuator.  Still managed to limp off the field.

Also, the Widows were going after their objective to get one more kill.  Once the Grigori and Deva retreated they had accomplished most of their objective and just needed to take down one more unit.  Unfortunately for them, the Seraph and Archangel have a ton of armor and crits didn't hit anything of importance. 

This was just the first meeting between two legendary elite units.  Both sides had an opportunity to feel the other side out.  You can be sure that the Opacus Venatori will be much more dangerous the next time around...


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #66 on: 21 October 2011, 09:53:07 »
Thoroughly enjoying this  [rockon]
Go to red alert!
Are you sure sir?  It does mean changing the lightbulb.

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #67 on: 21 October 2011, 16:58:03 »
Mission# 8: TOUCHPOINT – Formalhaut (-300WP)
0842hrs – Abandoned Mining Complex, Cape Hollum
Formalhaut, WOB Protectorate
21 August 3073


“Say again, Madison.  Can you confirm?”  Stacy’s voice was short and clipped, an audible indication of her irritation at another mission where she seemed to be walking into a trap.

“Confirmed.  Two Protectorate Level IIs,” Madison replied over the communications channel.  “That’s six heavy Battlemechs and six heavy tanks.  Standard WoB Protectorate colors.  Looks like they’re waiting for something.  But it’s hard to see with all this fog.” 

Stacy grimaced.  Another Blakist ambush.  Time to turn this one around on them.  She removed her gloved right hand off the ‘Mech’s control stick to flip a switch next to her communications radio.  “Widows, looks like we’ve got a fight on our hands.  Wyatt, take your recon lance back to the dropship and make sure we’ve got a clear path.  Command and Fire Support lances, form up on me.”  Resting her hands back on the controls, Stacy powered up her Zeus’ throttle and advanced forward, taking care not to trip on any unseen dirt embankments in the fog.  Looking down at her primary monitor, Stacy could see six fusion signatures about a klick away.  Stacy keyed her communications system again. “Madison, you said six BattleMechs.  Where are they?” 

No response. 

A yellow flashing light on her radio caught Stacy’s attention.  A direct transmission via laser.  Stacy toggled another switch.  “Captain, we’re being jammed,” said Eirene Rondema.  “I’m getting heavy EM interference on all communications channels.”

“All right,” said Stacy.  “Fan out and let’s make this quick.  Be on the lookout for those ‘Mechs.” 


Black Widows:
Command Lance
   Capt. Stacy Church (1/2) ZEU-9WD Zeus-X
   Lt. Jacob Kincaid (2/3) UZL-2S
   Kristofur Blaine MAD-4S Marauder II
   Francine (3/3) GRF-6S Griffin
Support Lance
    Lt. Eirene Rondema (2/3) WR-DG-02FC War Dog
    Orrin Fletchter (2/4) DV-7D Dervish
    Michael Ramirez (3/4) ARC-8M Archer (5 points of random damage)
    Max Hendrickson (3/4) TBT-7M Trebuchet
WoB Protectorate Militia
Level II Alpha
    Renly Baratheon (4/5) KGC-005 King Crab
    Brinn Matthiason (4/5) CRK-5004-1 Crockett
    Joyce Nagala (4/5) HGN-736 Highlander
    Aaron Janin (4/5) ST-8A Shootist
    Lindsay Odessa (4/5) THG-12 Thug
    Thomas McAffy (4/5) LNC25-04 Lancelot
Level II Lambda
    Rhino (4/5)
    Rhino (4/5)
    Rhino (4/5)
    Rhino (4/5)
    Burke (4/5)
    Burke (4/5

#1 Point to prove (Reward: 300WP) – Cripple/destroy half of Protectorate Militia - SUCCESSFUL
#2 Survive! (Reward: 250WP) – At least two Widows force exit off unless clear field of opposition - SUCCESSFUL

Landmines: Protectorate pre-selects six command-detonated hexes
Light Fog: Apply a +1 MP to enter each hex
Off Board Movement: Up to half of Protectorate Militia may use off board movement
Forced Withdrawal: Militia are operating under Forced Withdrawal
Condition Feral – Dragoons get either piloting or gunnery bonus by automatically losing initiative for that turn.  +1 to all Dragoon consciousness rolls. 
Salvage – The winner receives salvage only if first objective is attained

Game Setup:
Cape Hollom has a wide open field next to the water, with the mining facility behind some rolling hills.

The WoB Protectorate Militia assemble a line of defense between two hills with the abandoned mining complex and the sea to their backs.  Unknown to the attacking Black Widow Company, a line of landmines sit six hexes in front of the Rhinos. 

The Black Widows enter with Eirene Rondema and Calvin Magdaleno taking the left flank, while Francine, Max Hendrickson and Orrin Fletcher take the right flank.  Movement is slow, thanks to the light fog that has settled in from Cape Hollum.

The Widows close the gap, while the commander of the Blakist Level II begins to sweat....  The Widows are taking full advantage of Condition Feral. (-2 bonus to gunnery skills).  The Wobbies are taking careful aim at a single target down range...

The trap is sprung!  The rest of the Blakists enter the battlefield on turn 5.  Stacy Church, Jacob Kincaid and Michael Ramirez turn from the center to face the new threat.  But not before Eirene Rondema's War Dog is torn apart by combined fire from Rhino LRMs, Burke PPCs and the half a dozen Battlemechs behind her.  She loses engine shielding and suffers an engine hit, but somehow she survives the onslaught.  That's one tough battlemech!

Meanwhile, the rest of the Widows and Rhinos spar at extreme range.  Francine scores a lucky hit against the southern Burke and immobilizes it, while Max Hendrickson's scores a luck critical hit against one of the Rhinos to immobilize it. 

Calvin Magdaleno boldly uses his Battlemaster to shield Eirene while she recovers.  Calvin and Eirene team up to blast the advancing Shootist, coring into internals on both his arms and a torso.  That's a forced withdrawal there!  Calvin's Battlemaster soaks up some damage, reduced by his advanced reflective armor.  Fortunately, he dodges the Shootist's deadly AC/20. 

Stacy and Ramirez use their weapons at long range to force the Highlander into a piloting roll.  He fails and falls down! 

The Rhinos move out, leaving the immobilized vehicles behind.  They're firing at extreme range and not hitting very often. 

The Blakist Lancelot moves forward to help the slower assaults get better targeting information.  His mistake.  Ramirez's Archer and Jacob Kincaid's Uziel slough off several tons of armor, scoring two engine hits on the left torso. 

The Blakists continue their push against Magdaleno and Eirene Rondema, but they hold firm. 

NOTE - We switched locations... And here we see the dark lord Ozzie, commanding the battlefield.  Ozzie apparently does not take kindly to mercenaries.  He pounced on Eirene Rondema's War Dog from out of nowhere, batting it back several feet.  The War Dog is the black object on the carpet in the top left corner next to the TacOps book... 

Back to the battle at hand...  The Widows combine accurate fire into the Highlander.  A missile hits the gauss rifle as it is firing, causing a 20 pt explosion that cores out the rest of the arm and right torso.  More laser and PPC fire cores out the rest of the center torso.  (Highlanders need CASE)

The Blakist Lancelot retreats, leaving the Thug vulnerable to flanking attacks.

Eirene Rondema's War Dog suffers a gauss rifle explosion.  She attempts to make a run for it while Magdaleno provides covering fire. 

With the arrival of the Fletcher, Francine and Hendrickson, the Widows score critical hits to both the King Crab's side torsos, touching off rounds of LB/20-X ammunition on each side!  Both arms go flying off as the 'Mech falls down, the pilot unconscious from neural feedback.  The pilot dies as his 100 ton monster crashes to the ground.   The Thug fails a simple piloting roll and falls down.

The rest of the Wobbie tanks are trying to come to assistance but the fog makes them very slow indeed. 

Here we see Calvin Magdaleno's Battlemaster making a run for it.  He's sustained moderate damage to his armor, but no internal damage.  Meanwhile, the Blakists aim to make the Widows hurt.  They are desperate for a kill.  Anyone will do.  They single out Max Hendrickson's Trebuchet for annihilation.  All remaining vehicles and 'Mechs target the Trebuchet.

Hendrickson is battered by salvos of concentrated LRM and laser fire.  But the worst shot comes from a PPC shot to the head, which vaporizes all the armor off the Trebuchet's head and goes into internal structure. The 'Mech also suffers a damaged shoulder actuator and internal damage on the right torso.  Fortunately for the Widows, Hendrickson is unharmed.

The Crockett is now the main target for the Widows.  A lucky missile shot from Orrin Fletcher's Dervish touches off the rest of the Crockett's autocannon ammunition.  The warrior fails a consciousness check and falls down.  Looking for vengeance, Hendrickson walks up to the fallen Crockett and gives it a swift kick.

The Thug is the last Wobbie standing.  Alone and outnumbered, the Thug makes a final charge at Ramirez's Archer before he is dropped by Jacob Kincaid.  Ramirez takes out the retreating Lancelot.

The remaining Shootist and Rhinos retreat, ceding the field to the Black Widows.  The legend of Stacy Church grows...


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #68 on: 22 October 2011, 02:44:04 »
Awesome battle report!  All fear Dark Lord Ozzie! ;)
Fan Fund the SC-V-1 "Vampyr" ScavengerMech!!  Why should the combat pilots have all the fun??


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #69 on: 24 October 2011, 08:47:38 »
This report seems like a study in contrasts...  Stacy Church (aka E) gets scarier and scarier with every fight, to the extent that this match looked like the Widows are fielding Luck as an official modifier (how many sweet/random ammo crits did they get??) in addition to Condition Feral.
Oh, I forgot to ask - what are Blaine's P/G specs?  or is that unknown?

Whereas, the WoB militia may regret surviving this debacle should any LoM/MD/OV members have questions.... with C3i and a serious weight advantage, yet not a single finished Widow mech?  And, what, half the level II as good salvage?  Me think that Mr. Baratheon's family honor will be quite besmirched, degrading his name sake

Well, regardless, masterfully played by the Widow player

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #70 on: 24 October 2011, 10:12:28 »
Yeah, the Widows were fortunate in that the light fog prevented the WoB from closing the trap quickly and catching them in between the wall of assault vehicles and assault mechs.  Instead, the Widows were able turn around and destroy one side.  Napoleon would be proud. 

Kristofur Blaine is a 3/3

Next up is a big battle vs. the Opacus Venatori, who will be much more prepared and fielding more dangerous variants for their omnimechs.


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #71 on: 25 October 2011, 02:14:31 »
wow man very nice, also the wob cheated using that Nuke cat.
"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #72 on: 29 October 2011, 19:57:56 »
wow man very nice, also the wob cheated using that Nuke cat.

Wait...the WOB cheated? Naw, they can't have done that.

Nothing to see here...
Physical attacks for Griffin GRF-1DS (Bot1)
Punch (Right Arm) at Summoner Prime #2 (Jade_Falcon); needs 6, rolls 10 : hits (using Punch table) HD
Summoner Prime #2 (Jade_Falcon) takes 6 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, <<<SECTION DESTROYED>>>,
*** Summoner Prime #2 (Jade_Falcon) DESTROYED by damage! ***
Critical hit on HD. Roll is 9; 1 location.
<<<CRITICAL HIT>>> on Standard Cockpit.

Precentor Ollie

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #73 on: 29 October 2011, 20:31:14 »
Lovely game and just gets lovelier with every battlereport.  I am officially a fan! [rockon]
Clanner, I accept your challenge to a duel...with my friends.

Stacy Church

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #74 on: 03 November 2011, 18:22:59 »
Bring your best, Venatori. My Widows and I have a beat down to deliver.....

- SC


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #75 on: 06 November 2011, 03:37:37 »
Repeatedly the best and most entertaining BatReps on here.  Keep it up!

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #76 on: 07 November 2011, 01:06:48 »
Mission# 9: TOUCHPOINT – Procyon (-800WP)
1304hrs – Plains of Gold
Procyon, WOB Protectorate
19 September 3073


“You said what?” asked an incredulous Jeremiah Youngblood. 

Stacy allowed herself a smile as she heard the young mercenary captain’s excitement bleed through the radio.  “That’s right Captain.  I want us to advance.”  Stacy throttled down her Zeus and twisted her torso 30 degrees to the left so she could get a visual on Jeremiah’s bright blue, grey and yellow Phoenix Hawk.  The large blocky form of Lieutenant Rodney Klatt’s hulking Awesome partially blocked Stacy’s view, but she could still see both ‘mechs carefully picking their way through a light smattering of trees and deep snow.  “We’ve got the numbers, I like the terrain,” she continued.   “We’ll form a battle line here.”  Stacy twisted her ‘mech back to the right and waived her Zeus’ right arm back and forth.  “I want separation out to either side,” she ordered. 

“Acknowledged,” replied Jeremiah.

A new voice came over the radio.  “As ordered,” said Eirene Rondema.  “I’ve got sensor contacts 2 klicks ahead.”  Stacy could see Rondema’s War Dog stepping out of a pocket of deep snow.

“All right people.  Stay in formation,” Stacy replied.  She toggled her primary display to bring up a satellite link giving her a top down view of the battlefield.  Her ‘mech’s computer chimed in with a soothing female voice. “Satellite link… established.  Active radar… engaged.”   With a few more touches, Stacy had an excellent view of the advancing enemy forces.  A King Crab led the enemy advance.  The large assault machine had something familiar about it, but Stacy couldn’t quite put a finger on what it was.   Had she faced this commander before? No time to worry about that now, she told herself.  The enemy ‘mechs soon started running and Stacy had more pressing matters at hand.  Precentor Arian Fellers had lured her unit and the Crescent Hawks into another trap with rumors of atrocities and mass killings.  It was time to teach these Blakists a thing or two about killing.  Shoving her throttle forward, Stacy's Zeus lurched forward into a loping run, eager for the coming battle.


Black Widows:
Command Lance
   Capt. Stacy Church (1/2) ZEU-9WD Zeus-X
   Lt. Jacob Kincaid (2/3) UZL-2S Uziel
   Calvin Magdaleno BLR-4S Battlemaster
   Francine (3/3) GRF-6S Griffin
Support Lance
    Lt. Eirene Rondema (2/3) WR-DG-02FC War Dog
    Orrin Fletchter (2/4) DV-7D Dervish
    Michael Ramirez (3/4) ARC-8M Archer
    Max Hendrickson (3/4) TBT-7M Trebuchet
Crescent Hawks
    Capt. Jeremiah Youngblood (1/2) PHX-7K Phoenix Hawk
    Lt. Rodney Klatt (2/3) AWS-9Q Awesome

Level II Alpha
    Kari Marita (3/2) KGC-008 King Crab
    Bryn Rivenschild(2/3) GM-R-PR30 (C3i) Grim Reaper
    Elizabeth Rodriguez (4/2) GUR-3G Gurkha
    Cassius Montague (4/3) MCY-102 Mercury
    Portia Thomas (3/1) CRB-45 Crab
    Jacqueline Norman (4/4) CRB-45 Crab
Level II Alpha
    Precentor Arian Fellers (3/5) AWS-10KM Awesome
    Kevin Fitzpatrick (4/5) TDR-10M Thunderbolt
    Vanessa Huygens (4/5) BJ-O Blackjack OmniMech
    Regular Crew (4/5) Pinto Attack VTOL
    Regular Crew (4/5) Pinto Attack VTOL

#1 Termination (Reward: 500WP) – Cripple/destroy Precentor Fellers’ Awesome - SUCCESSFUL
#2 Point to Prove! (Reward: 900WP) – Cripple/destroy half of enemy forces - SUCCESSFUL

Deep Snow
Forced Withdrawal: All units are operating under Forced Withdrawal
Condition Feral – Dragoons get either piloting or gunnery bonus by automatically losing initiative for that turn.  +1 to all Dragoon consciousness rolls. 

Game Setup:
The Plains of Gold are flat with a smattering of light and heavy trees, with isolated pockets of deep snow.

The Black Widows form a battle line.  Stacy Church and her command lance hold center, while Lt. Rondema's support lance hold the right side and Capt. Youngblood takes the left side.

Capt. Jeremiah Youngblood and Lt. Rodney Klatt of the Crescent Hawks

The Blakist advance. 

Both sides continue their rush to battle.  The Black Widows maintain formation, while the Blakists seem less cohesive despite winning initiative.  The Venatori and WoB Militia forces seem to have command issues as Precentor Fellers outranks Demi-Precentor Kari Marita. 

As the forces close to extreme range, Kari Marita is able to pull the rest of her Level II into formation.  The Venatori will seek to flank on the left, while Precentor Fellers advances down the right side.

Lt. Jacob Kincaid scores first blood for the Widows, as his accurate Light AC/5s score a hit on Fellers' Awesome at extreme range. 

Capt. Jeremiah Youngblood astonishes everyone with a huge 270 meter jump into cover in his new Phoenix Hawk.  The widows combine to pour more fire into Fellers' Awesome, scoring more hits on the right torso.  The Blakist riposte is off mark.

Kari Marita's Venatori continue their flanking attempt, but are also unable to hit at extreme range.

Precentor Fellers advances with his small mixed Level II.  The timely arrival of his Pinto Attack VTOL flight discourages Capt. Youngblood from any attempts to jump over Fellers.  Youngblood scores a snub-nose PPC hit against Fellers, while the Blakists combine fire on Jacob's Uziel.  Fortunately, the one heavy PPC that hits is a glancing blow, doing minimal damage to the medium mech.

Meanwhile, the Venatori and Widows clash at range.  The Widows concentrate fire on Jacqueline Norman's CRB-30 Crab while Francine's Griffin and Eirene Rondema's War Dog attack Cassius Montague's Mercury.  Cassius Montague returns fire on Rondema.  (Note - Montague has a weakness for women and must make a roll to determine whether he is aware that the War Dog pilot is female.  The roll is less than 10 so he suffers no attack penalty.)  The rest of the Venatori concentrate fire on Michael Ramirez's Archer.

Despite a large movement modifier, Francine's snub-nose PPC vaporizes the Mercury's right arm thanks to Condition Feral attack bonuses.  Rondema's Gauss rifle and large pulse laser punch completely through the small 'mech's right and center torsos.  The mech scored a medium laser hit to Rondema's right arm, then fell to the ground, a useless hulk of metal and myomer. 

The rest of the Widows, most notably Stacy Church, are able to pour fire into Jacqueline Norman's Crab, scoring internal damage in the torso and both arms, forcing a difficult piloting roll for the young mechwarrior.  She fails her check and falls down. 

The Widows are not without their own casualties, however.  Michael Ramirez goes down after Bryn Rivenschild scores a critical hit on the cockpit with his ER PPC.  Ramirez is down and out, and all attempts to contact raise him on the radio are unsuccessful.   Elizabeth Rodriguez uses her Gurkha's sword to shear off armor from Max Hendrickson's Trebuchet.

The Widows cede initiative again to gain gunnery skill bonuses, yet they hold their line while the Blakists remain divided. 

Jacob Kincaid scores major damage to the Blakist Blackjack, while the Blackjack Prime's weapons score moderate damage against the Uziel.

Jeremiah Youngblood, Rodney Klatt and Calvin Magdaleno combine fire to punch through Precentor Fellers' right torso, destroying the Heavy PPC and dropping the right arm holding a Snub-Nose PPC.  They also score an engine hit in the center torso.  Fellers must retreat due to forced withdrawal rules. 

Demi Kari Marita convinces the WoB attack helicopters to take out the War Dog, as her ECM is disrupting the Venatori C3i network. The flight of Pinto Attack VTOLs score several hits against Rondema's War Dog.  Marita's own heavy PPCs miss, while her light AC/2s and medium lasers score hits. 

Elizabeth Rodriguez's Gurka scores more hits, but the return fire from the heavy War Dog and several other Widows is devastating.

The Widows cede initiative again.

Jacob Kincaid's light AC/5s are able to punch through holes in armor opened up from the last exchange to score critical hits to the Blackjack's left hip and right lower leg actuator.  The WoB pilot is unable to stand and takes more damage on the way down.  Francine blows past in an attempt to take down Fellers' Awesome.

Portia Thomas moves her CRB-45 into the Widow's defensive line in an attempt to draw fire away from Rodriguez's Gurkha, but she is outmaneuvered by Stacy Church. 

Thomas scores some big hits on Rondema's War Dog, but Stacy Church's attack through the rear goes deep into her internal structure, putting her XL engine at risk.  Thomas scores some big hits on Rondema's War Dog, but Stacy Church's attack through the rear goes deep into her internal structure, putting her XL engine at risk.

Jacqueline Norman is under forced withdrawal, but that doesn't stop her from taking a few long range shots with her ER PPCs.

Elizabeth Rodriguez goes down despite Kari Marita's attempts to shield her.  She takes damage falling down and is unconscious.  Kari Marita's heavy PPCs do not flame out (they flame out on roll of 9+ after two consecutive firings) but they fail land hits again while her light AC/2s score hits against Rondema's War Dog.

The Widows cede initiative to gain Condition Feral attack bonuses.

The Blackjack pilot fails an attempt to stand and takes damage.  Deciding to live to fight another day, he powers down.

The Pinto Attack VTOLs cover Precentor Fellers' escape as he uses evasive movement to avoid any significant damage.

Portia Thomas is unable to escape as her engine is destroyed when she loses her right torso to combined LRM and laser fire. Rondema's War Dog takes even more damage but refuses to go down.  Kari Marita's Heavy PPC finally scores a hit against the War Dog.  Meanwhile, Bryn Rivenschild is deadly in his Grim Reaper.  His ER PPC, ER Medium Laser and LRM-15w/ Artemis IV completely shreds the front torso of Max Hendrickson's Trebuchet.

Capt. Youngblood isn't about to let Precentor Fellers escape!  He lands another well placed shot on the Awesome's center torso, coring out the durable assault 'Mech and achieving the final objective for the Widows and Crescent Hawks.

The Widows win initiative with a roll of 12.  With the loss of Portia Thomas' Crab, the Gurkha, Mercury, Blackjack, and Precentor Fellers' Awesome and with Jacqueline Norman's Crab under forced withdrawal, Kari Marita makes the call for retreat.  Both Pinto Attack VTOLs are called in to pick up Portia Thomas and Elizabeth Rodriguez.  Recognizing that the Widows have taken considerable damage as well, Stacy Church has her widows withdraw from the battlefield under the withering fire of Kari Marita's King Crab and Bryn Rivenschild's Grim Reaper.

Rivenschild makes the Widows pay at long range, scoring hit after hit despite the extreme temperatures his firing is causing.  His performance was the only bright point to an otherwise bleak Venatori performance.

Orrin Fletcher's Dervish takes some heavy damage from Bryn Rivenschild's Grim Reaper as he provides covering fire for the retreating Widows.

Kari Marita reflects on her failure.  Berith will not be pleased with her performance, though she is far more disappointed in herself for letting the Widows escape her once again...
« Last Edit: 07 November 2011, 01:22:52 by Alex Keller »


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #77 on: 07 November 2011, 04:49:21 »
Nice hunt down from Youngblood on the retreating Awesome.

And Marita's inability to hit anything with those HPPC's really blunted the force of the WoB thrust through the thick of the fighting, for sure. 

What's the status on poor Ramirez, by the way? 


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #78 on: 07 November 2011, 05:38:30 »
wow, that was INSANE
"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #79 on: 07 November 2011, 12:24:56 »
20 September 3073


SUBJECT: Damage Report and Current Finances

1. Capt. Church, I've compiled the cost estimate of repairs as we are outbound aboard the Freedom.  You will find our current finance statement at the bottom line. 

2. ZEU-X - Light armor damage to right torso and right arm.  Blue Shield Project system reduced damages and system is now operating at 100%.  No ammunition replacements. (7 LB-10X Slug shots left and 9 LB-10X Cluster shots left.) Estimated Cost: 100WP.

3. UZL-2S - Moderate armor damage to all front locations. No ammunition replacements. (35 shots left for each Light AC/5.)  Estimated Cost: 30WP.

4. GRF-6S - Light armor damage to right arm and right leg.  Damage reduced by reflective armor. No ammunition replacements. (16 shots left for LRM-15).  Estimated Cost: 30WP.

5. BLR-4S - No armor damage.  Replace RAC/5 ammo.  Estimated Cost: 3WP.

6. WR-DG-02FC - Heavy armor damage to center torso, right torso, left leg.  Critical internal damage to right leg.  Light armor damage to right arm, left arm and head.  Ammo replacement for OS SRM-2s and Gauss Rifle.  Estimated Cost: 69WP.

7. DV-7D - Moderate armor damage to center torso, right torso.  Heavy armor damage to right arm and right leg.  Internal damage to right arm.  Replace LRM-10 ammo.  Estimated Cost: 36WP.

8. ARC-8M - Light armor damage to right arm and right leg.  Critical damage to head. Replace LRM-15 ammo.  Estimated Cost: 66WP

9. TBT-7M - Heavy armor damage to left torso. Light armor damage to center torso.  Critical damage to right torso.  Replace LRM-15 ammo.  Estimated Cost: 36WP.

10. Lt. Rondema and Lt. Kincaid are fully recovered from minor injuries sustained during battle. 

11. Michael Ramirez suffers from a concussion and second degree burns to his legs.  He's listed as probable but could return to battle in a month. 

12. Current Warchest: 1230WP. 

XO, Black Widow Company


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #80 on: 09 November 2011, 12:58:14 »
I am astounded by Rondema and her War Dog's durability.  It seems like every other battle sees it ravaged, yet nothing permanent. Just astounding.  Also amazing is how cheap her repair is though...after all that, it's only 70% of SC's mildly battered Zeus-X?

Props to Mr. Kincaid.  Seems like he had a solid and high-damage battle, punching above his weight class consistently.

Gooooo widows!  woo... think they need a cheering section soon

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #81 on: 09 November 2011, 20:18:53 »
Rondema and her War Dog took a beating.  I'm talking 80-90% armor loss on the center torso, right torso and left leg, and just 3 points of internal structure left on the right leg.  Fortunately, the leg was the only place with internal damage.  Under the Starterbook: Wolf & Blake repairs, that damage is not sufficient to be "crippled" and so we only had to pay to repair a damaged heavy mech (60WP).  Rondema was fortunate that Kari Marita's Heavy PPCs missed four times (60pts of damage) at medium range as any more hits would have gone internal. 

Stacy's Zeus is super expensive to repair.  Even though the Zeus is just 5 tons heavier than the War Dog, it's an assault so the base cost goes up from 60WP to 80WP.  Then we have to factor in an additional 20% cost to Stacy's Zeus because of the quirks/fluff rules.  Apparently, a Blue Shield Project system makes everything more difficult.

Kincaid gets a lot of hits in, but he hasn't really made as many kills as say, Stacy or Rondema. While he did get the kill for the Blackjack, he was fortunate that the assault machines of Calvin Magdaleno and Rodney Klatt punched some big holes for him. Rondema was credited for the Mercury and Gurkha, which she mostly killed herself. 

The next battle is the final touchpoint of the game.  Rigil Kentarus.  All the Widows.  All the Opacus Venatori. 


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #82 on: 10 November 2011, 10:33:41 »
Well, those are the rules, and sometimes they work mighty fine for you!  And also fate in the form of Marita's awful luck in shooting.

I guess for Kincaid, i got the impression he started hitting early, and kept up a consistently accurate fire throughout the rounds.  Ofc he didn't actually kill much.... his highest individual weapon damage is, what, 6?  His Uziel is definitely a heavy scout/harasser, not much to be worried about by itself.  I did think he played a nice attrition role. 

I look forward to the blood, savagery and chaos of Kentarus then.  Currently stockpiling toasters for the celebration/ceremony to follow

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #83 on: 11 November 2011, 17:08:21 »
Kincaid almost always hits.  He's got a 2 gunnery skill and with Condition Feral, he typically has a -2 to-hit bonus.  He also gets -1 bonuses for his Actuator Enhancement Systems for the Light AC/5s and the Medium Pulse Lasers get a -2 bonus.  The Streaks only fire when they hit.  So basically, he's going to be doing damage.  Where he suffers is that most of his hits are relatively light.  Under the TacOps critical hit rules we're using, you need a to roll a 9/10 to get a single critical hit (as opposed to an 8 ) and there are bonuses to rolls for weapons that do more damage per shot.  So heavy weapons like Gauss Rifles or Heavy PPCs are going to have a much better chance of getting a critical hit.  That's how Stacy and Rondema get more crits and kills.

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #84 on: 12 November 2011, 20:57:21 »
Currently playing the final Wolf & Blake showdown on Rigel Kentarus...  Wide open terrain at the bottom of a volcano.  Just two small line of sight blocking hills.  We temporarily finished up tonight after completing turn 5.   Lots of excitement as we've already got a couple 'mechs down.  Predictions?

Command Lance
   Capt. Stacy Church (1/2) ZEU-9WD Zeus-X
   Lt. Jacob Kincaid (2/3) UZL-2S Uziel
   Calvin Magdaleno BLR-4S Battlemaster
   Francine (3/3) GRF-6S Griffin
Support Lance
    Lt. Eirene Rondema (2/3) WR-DG-02FC War Dog
    Orrin Fletchter (2/4) DV-7D Dervish
    Kristofur Blaine (3/3) MAD-4S Marauder II 
    Max Hendrickson (3/4) TBT-7M Trebuchet
Recon Lance
    Lt. Wyatt Rolfe (2/3) WLF-4WA Wolfhound
    Niel Gibson (3/4) FFL-4DA Firefly
    Halle Yost (2/3) CDA-3F  Cicada
    Russel Madison (3/3) LCT-6M Locust

Opacus Level II
    Precentor Berith (1*/2) C-ANG-O Archangel Invictus
    Demi Kendali Moris (3*/3) C-PRT-O Preta Invictus
    Mi Tomitaki (3*/2) C-GRG-O Grigori  Luminos
    Rufus Black Bear (4*/4) C-GRG-O Grigori Invictus
    Havalah Cazer (3/3) C-SRP-O Seraph Invictus
    Achillius St. John (4*/1) C-DVA-O Deva Invictus
Venatori Level II
    Kari Marita (3/2) KGC-008 King Crab
    Bryn Rivenschild(2/3) GM-R-PR30 (C3i) Grim Reaper
    Elizabeth Rodriguez (4/2) GUR-2G Gurkha
    Cassius Montague (4/3) BLF-21 Blue Flame
    Portia Thomas (3/1) LNC25-04 Lancelot
    Jacqueline Norman (4/4) CRB-30 Crab


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #85 on: 13 November 2011, 02:28:39 »
I'm thinking the Widows will lose the Griffin, Marauder II, Trebuchet and most of the recon lance, at the very least.  Blakists.... For some reason I' m feeling the Deva, Seraph and a Grigori  will go down, and the Lancelot, Gurkha and a Crab won't last long.  Beyond that? No idea.
I'm thinking at least 2 pilot deaths per side, though...

Overall winners: BW by a narrow margin, through grit, CF and being awesome


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #86 on: 13 November 2011, 06:46:57 »
Precentor Berith in a last act of defiance overloads his reactor causing the volcano to become active killing everyone but the Firefly.  :D

OTOH I think Berith and Stacy duke it out one one one, Stacy wins but just barely.  The War Dog survives but is in bad shape, the recon lance gets nom'ed and only the Firefly survives.  The Uzeil and the battlemaster explode killing both pilots.

Of the WoB - the Deva and Seraph survive but are messed up, of the other Level II the Blue Flame is legged but survives and the others are either head capped or crippled.
Fan Fund the SC-V-1 "Vampyr" ScavengerMech!!  Why should the combat pilots have all the fun??

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #87 on: 13 November 2011, 21:07:43 »
We finished up to turn 8 as we are now down to moving single mechs during initiative.  More 'mechs are down, and nearly everyone is running hot as the volcano has erupted and we've got liquid hot magma spouting up from the ground and a big earthquake this turn. 

All I can say right now is that it is really close.  Both Berith and Stacy Church are still on the field. And if someone doesn't gain an advantage soon, the whole floor is going to rupture...  Probably the most intense game I've ever played.   

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #88 on: 21 November 2011, 17:35:54 »
Here it is.  The final scenario in our Wolf & Blake campaign.  Enjoy.

Mission# 10: TOUCHPOINT – Rigil Kentarus (-1000WP)
1117hrs – Mount Krakatoa
Rigil Kentarus, WOB Protectorate
30 November 3073


This has to work.  C’mon, Berith.  Where are you?  Stacy flexed her gloved hands once more and used her forearm to wipe some of the sweat from her brow.  The inside of her Zeus’ cockpit was sweltering.   Her coolant suit was working overtime just to keep her core temperature at a healthy level.  And the fight hasn’t even started yet.  Outside, Stacy view of the volcanic floor was partially obscured by venting steam from the earth below.  Every once and awhile, the ground below her would briefly shake.  Mount Krakatoa is coming to life.  Through the haze, Stacy could make out the black and red ‘Mechs of her two lieutenants to either side.  Kincaid’s Uziel paced back and forth, arms tracking invisible targets out ahead.  Rondema’s War Dog stood motionless, occasionally reshuffling after a minor tremor shook the earth. 

Stacy took a moment to collect her thoughts.   For nearly a year, her small band of warriors had been hounded by Berith and his Opacus Venatori.  It seemed like every week another contact of hers would disappear, never to be heard from again.  Well… no more.  Stacy had sent out a call, practically daring Berith to come and fight her.  Stacy had chosen an active volcano floor both to shield her unit from Blakist aerospace fighters and to prevent Berith from calling down additional troops.  If Berith wanted a fight, it would have to be both small units going toe to toe.  Berith seemed like the kind of psycho that would accept such a challenge. 

Stacy’s radio crackled to life.  “Captain, I’ve got something,” Rondema reported.  “Multiple enemy contacts.  Bearing Zero-Two-Five.  ETA thirty-four seconds.”     

“Roger, I’ve got visual,” Stacy replied.  She could see the unmistakable form of Berith’s hulking Archangel in the distance.  More Blakist machines seemed to emerge through the rising steam as they filed into the caldera.  “All units, advance and engage!”  Stacy pushed her throttle forward and her Zeus’ engine thrummed as nearly eighty tons of metal and myomer propelled itself towards the enemy.  Stacy could see the enemy start to run in formation as they became aware of her Widows. 

A new voice greeted her on her radio.  It was cold and metallic, utterly devoid of any emotion.  “Stacy Church.  I’ve come for you.  You will not escape.”  Berith.  Stacy mentally braced herself and re-gripped her controls.  The voice continued.  “Your troops have fought well, but it is time.  Power down and surrender to the Will of Blake.”  Berith’s Archangel disappeared behind a large rocky outcropping.

Stacy thumbed her microphone as she throttled down to a walk. “Never!  You’re gonna pay for what you have done.  And I’m here to collect.”  With that, Stacy toggled her weapon safeties off, and all hell broke loose.


Black Widows:
Command Lance
   Capt. Stacy Church (1/2) ZEU-9WD Zeus-X
   Lt. Jacob Kincaid (2/3) UZL-2S Uziel
   Calvin Magdaleno BLR-4S Battlemaster
   Francine (3/3) GRF-6S Griffin
Support Lance
    Lt. Eirene Rondema (2/3) WR-DG-02FC War Dog
    Orrin Fletchter (2/4) DV-7D Dervish
    Kristofur Blaine (3/3) MAD-4S Marauder II 
    Max Hendrickson (3/4) TBT-7M Trebuchet
Recon Lance
    Lt. Wyatt Rolfe (2/3) WLF-4WA Wolfhound
    Niel Gibson (3/4) FFL-4DA Firefly
    Halle Yost (2/3) CDA-3F  Cicada
    Russel Madison (3/3) LCT-6M Locust

Opacus Level II
    Precentor Berith (1*/2) C-ANG-O Archangel Invictus
    Demi Kendali Moris (3*/3) C-PRT-O Preta Invictus
    Mi Tomitaki (3*/2) C-GRG-O Grigori  Luminos
    Rufus Black Bear (4*/4) C-GRG-O Grigori Invictus
    Havalah Cazer (3/3) C-SRP-O Seraph Invictus
    Achillius St. John (4*/1) C-DVA-O Deva Invictus
Venatori Level II
    Kari Marita (3/2) KGC-008 King Crab
    Bryn Rivenschild(2/3) GM-R-PR30 (C3i) Grim Reaper (LRM-20 to LRM-15 wArtemis, add C3i)
    Elizabeth Rodriguez (4/2) GUR-2G Gurkha
    Cassius Montague (4/3) BLF-21 Blue Flame
    Portia Thomas (3/1) LNC25-04 Lancelot
    Jacqueline Norman (4/4) CRB-30 Crab

#1 Hammer (Reward: 700WP) – Cripple/destroy half opposing force - SUCCESSFUL
#2 No Quarter (Reward: 900WP) – Cripple/destroy all of enemy forces - Failed

Earthquake - Earthquake (Strength 4) on roll of 10+ after 2nd turn
Eruption - Eruption on  roll of 6+ after turn 6.  10 pts damage, 2 pts heat to each 'Mech within 2 hexes.
Forced Withdrawal: All units are operating under Forced Withdrawal
Condition Feral – Dragoons get either piloting or gunnery bonus by automatically losing initiative for that turn.  +1 to all Dragoon consciousness rolls. 

Game Setup:
The bottom of Mount Krakatoa is flat with a couple of small hills rising from the floor.  The floor is surrounded by an impassable rocky wall, with an exit to the east and west.

Yes… we had a soundtrack going and it was awesome.  Want a taste?

TURN 1 (Widows surrender Initiative for -1 bonus to gunnery)

Stacy's Black Widow Company waits for Berith and his Opacus Venatori.

Berith's Opacus Venatori enter the caldera.

TURN 2 (Widows surrender Initiative for -2 bonus to gunnery)

Both sides advance.  Berith is keeping his forces in tight formation, hoping to use the principle of mass against the Widows.  Stacy Church elects to split up, hoping to flank.

TURN 3 (Widows surrender Initiative for -2 bonus to gunnery, -1 bonus to piloting)

Stacy Church orders her troops to take cover. Kari Marita (King Crab) and her Venatori split off, while Berith's Opacus maintain tight formation.  Jacob Kincaid scores first blood for the Widows as one of his Light AC/5s hits at extreme range against Havalah Cazer's Seraph.

Stacy and some of her Widows sprint to take cover behind a rocky outcropping. 

Halle Yost (in the Cicada) makes a bad decision.  The bulk of Berith's Opacus turn to pour fire into her Cicada.  Halle's ER PPC hits Marita's King Crab but her mech is savaged by PPC and laser fire.  Her mech suffers catastrophic engine damage and she hits the deck.  Opacus Venatori get the first point. 

TURN 4 (Opacus Venatori win Initiative, thanks to Berith's +2 Initiative Bonus, Widows still have -2 Gunnery -1 Piloting bonus)

Blakists continue to stay tight in an attempt to mass firepower, while the Widows regroup and snipe at extreme range.

Both sides maneuver around the hill.  The loss of Halle Yost seems to have stalled the Widow's flanking attempt. 

Lt. Wyatt Rolfe snipes at extreme range with his trio of Light PPCs, sheering more armor off of Marita's King Crab.

The Widows are able to snipe at Tomitaki's Grigori at extreme range. 

TURN 5 (Opacus Venatori win initiative, thanks again to Berith's +2 bonus.  Widows still have -2 Gunnery -1 Piloting bonus)

Both sides cautiously advance as they are reluctant to enter certain kill zones of overlapping fire.  Stacy Church is so far able to prevent the bulk of Berith's forces from overwhelming her while her troops are split up. 

Eirene Rondema in her War Dog scores a lucky shot with her Large Pulse Laser and vaporizes all the armor protecting the King Crab's head.  The rest of her weapons score on the left torso.  Orrin Fletcher adds more damage.  Kari Marita takes the damage and fires back.  One of her sabotaged Heavy PPCs flames out, but the other one scores and inflicts heavy damage to Fletcher's Dervish.

Jacob, Calvin and Kristofur Blaine team up on a Blakist target.  Jacquelin Norman's Crab is brutalized by LRM and laser fire. She loses nearly all her armor on her left arm and two torso locations.   

The Word of Blake fires back.  Havalah Cazer's Ultra AC/20 hits Jacob Kincaid's Uziel and scores several critical hits.  One of the slugs finds the Streak SRM-6 ammunition.  BOOOM!! Kincaid auto ejects to safety, but his Uziel is out of the fight.  Another point for the Word of Blake!!!  Stacy has to be worrying now....

The Venatori attempt to protect their flank from Widow predations.  Stacy Church is nonplussed as she and Francine combine fire from multiple angles to tear at Portia Thomas' Lancelot. Thomas remains standing... for now.

TURN 6 (Widows win initiative and maintain -2 Gunnery, -1 Piloting bonuses)

ERUPTION!!!  Mount Krakatoa has awakened.  Two molten jets of rock spew up out of the ground, dealing damage and heat to the surrounding 'Mechs.  The damage is particularly heavy to the tight Blakist formation.  Berith certainly wasn't expecting that.  Mi Tomitaki's Grigori Luminos takes lava to the head and takes critical damage to the torso, losing a jump jet.  Francine takes a molten rock to her head's armor as well. Many of the Blakist machines were already running hot.  Havalah Cazer has to make a shutdown roll, which succeeds. 

With the volcano starting to erupt, Berith orders his forces to spread out.  With an Initiative win, Stacy presses her flanking attack while Calvin Magdaleno and Francine retreat to cover, leaving Kristofur Blaine's Marauder II to bear the brunt of the Opacus assault.

Kristofur Blaine takes a beating, but his heavy war machine is still standing.  Several of the Opacus 'Mechs have difficulty hitting due to heat issues.

Norman's Crab takes even more pounding, losing an arm (and ER PPC) as she is caught out in the open.

The light mechs from the Venatori attempt to deflect the Widow flanking attack but they run into stiff resistance.

Cassius Montague's Blue Flame scores a large laser hit on Stacy Church, but his 'Mech suffers from a gyroscope hit and he is unable to maintain his 'Mech's balance from the huge damage caused by Church and the Firefly.  His 'Mech falls down, taking more damage and a piloting hit.  He's under forced withdrawal.  Score one point for the Widows!

Russel Madison uses his Locust's extreme speed to catch Portia Thomas offguard.  He pumps two Medium Lasers into the rear and gives the Lancelot a 4pt kick for good measure.

TURN 7 (Widows cede initiative, -1 Gunnery Bonus)

The eruption continues!!!

Francine takes more damage from the molten geyser and she fails a piloting roll, doing twice the damage to her 'Mech due to it's Reflective Armor. 

Both Rondema and Fletcher suffer from a sudden geyser that appears between them.

More damage and heat for the Opacus Venatori.  Tomitaki's Grigori Luminos has real heat issues and is nearly immobile. Berith takes some molten rock to the cockpit.

After maneuvers, Berith's Opacus continue to spread out, while Stacy's scuffle in the rear turns deadly...

Berith charges forward and lights up Francine's Griffin.  His Capacitor Charged PPCs still do significant damage to the Griffin, despite the reflective armor.

Meanwhile, Kari Marita charges into battle, completely uncaring about the total lack of armor protecting her King Crab's cockpit.  It is revenge that drives her.  One of her Light AC/2s catches an ammo bin in Fletcher's Dervish.  CASE saves the 'Mech, and Fletcher makes his consciousness check.  The return fire from Rondema and Fletcher is enough to scour away all the armor in the King Crab's left torso, leaving Marita vulnerable to her own ammo explosion.

Stacy's battle in the rear has turned ugly as fighting devolves into hand-to-hand combat.  Elizabeth Rodriguez scores a hit with her Gurkha's sword on Russel Madison's Locust.  Stacy gears up and absolutely tears into Portia Thomas' Lancelot.  Her Heavy PPC misses at close range, but her lasers and cluster LB-10x shred the lighter 'Mech.  With one solid kick, Stacy tears the leg off the Lancelot putting Thomas out of the fight.  Score two for the Widows!

TURN 8 (Widows cede Initiative, -2 Gunnery Bonus)

EARTHQUAKE!!! With a roll of 10, all pilots must make a piloting roll.  Both Calvin Magdaleno and Havalah Cazer fail, with Havalah falling into a level 1 fissure. 

Molten lava compounds Magdaleno's problems...

Havalah falls into a fissure.

More eruptions!!! It's getting crazy now.  Surely Stacy must be reconsidering her plan to fight here.  Will anyone make it out alive?  Maybe that was her plan the whole time...

Magma spews out of the rocky outcropping and down onto the Widows.

More heat and damage problems for the grudge match between Kari Marita and Rondema and Fletcher.


Turn 8 Summary:
Widows score another point as Norman's Crab takes more internal torso damage and is under forced withdrawal. 
Lots and lots of 'Mechs miss as the earthquake adds a +4 to-hit modifier.

TURN 9 (Widows cede Initiative, -2 Gunnery -1 Piloting Bonuses)

Another Earthquake!  More Magma Destruction!!!

Things are getting really bad here, thinks Calvin.  Maybe it's time to get up and move.

Neil Gibson (Firefly) and Max Hendrickson (Trebuchet) jump up on the outcropping, but they cannot escape the magma!

Achillius St. John's Deva has it's rear armor completely stripped and damage goes internal.  He loses a heat sink.

Both Fletcher's Dervish and Bryn Rivenschild's Grim Reaper are unable to stand in the earthquake. 

Cassius Montague is unable to keep his four legged Blue Flame standing when he has a broken gyro.  Rufus Black Bear's Grigori also takes a spill.

Berith has ordered a general withdrawal as the volcanic floor is shaking and breaking up.  Russell Madison scores a couple back shots but he falls down from the earthquake. 

By this time, Stacy Church has doubled back around.  She shrugs off some damage from Rodriguez's Gurkha and absolutely unloads on Kari Marita.  One of the LB-10X pellets hits Marita's cockpit, taking out her sensors and giving Marita a +2 to-hit penalty.  The King Crab is under forced withdrawal.  Marita curses as one of her Heavy PPCs flames out again. AGAIN!? The other does reduced damage to Stacy's Zeus as the Blue Shield Project is still operating. 

TURN 10 (Widows cede Initiative, -1 Gunnery Bonus)

Thankfully, no earthquake.  But more eruptions!

The once dormant volcano floor is now awash in molten lava.   Several Blakist mechs are already leaving.  Rufus, in his pristine Grigori, attempts to engage his Supercharger but rolls a 2!!  On the next roll, he rolls a 12, delivering 2 engine hits and putting himself under forced withdrawal.  With the 6th Blakist 'Mech crippled/destroyed, the Widows have achieved one of the objectives.  Unbelievable!

Achillius St. John's Deva scores a critical hit with a Gauss Rifle, coring Niel Gibson's Firefly. Another point for Opacus Venatori!

Havalah Cazer and Francine trade shots.  Francine props herself up and snaps off a Snub-Nose PPC against Cazer's Seraph.  Cazer is having difficulty hitting due to the extreme heat her 'Mech is operating under. 

Bryn Rivenschild takes more hits from Eirene Rondema and Max Hendrickson.  He's lost an LRM-15, but at this close, all he needs is his ER PPC, Medium Laser and SRM-6 to savage Rondema's War Dog.

Berith and Tomitaki add additional fire into Rondema's War Dog.  One of the PPCs scores a critical hit against the War Dog's Gauss Rifle.  It explodes!... causing two pilot hits and taking away Rondema's best weapon.  Rondema counts her blessings as the rest of her heavy armor holds up.  She's under forced withdrawal.

Elizabeth Rodriguez continues to pursue Stacy Church.  Fortunately for Rodriguez, Church misses with everything but a ER Medium Laser.


The eruptions continue...

Elizabeth Rodriguez suffers an engine hit when molten rock scores a critical hit to her rear center torso.  Not enough to put her under withdrawal, but enough to think twice about her continued pursuit of the Black Widow's commander.

More damage to Max Hendrickson's Trebuchet as some molten magma eats at his engine shielding. He's under forced withdrawal. 

Berith and Tomitaki suffer more damage.  Heat is perhaps the worst of it, as it reduces the Grigori Luminos and Archangel movements to 1/2 and adds +2 to-hit modifiers.

No one is safe.  Both Calvin and Kristofur are hit with more lava.

As Berith attempts to run away, he is suddenly surrounded by several Widow BattleMechs.  Russel Madison's Locust takes two Medium Laser shots to the rear torso, while Rondema's Large Pulse Laser carves more armor.  Berith turns and blasts Madison's Locust to scrap with a Heavy PPC. That's six kills for the Blakists and their objective achieved!!!  But Kristofur Blaine's Marauder II still has a shot....

Uh oh...

ER PPC Headshot to the Archangel.  Berith is down!!!  Repeat, Berith is down!

TURN 12 (Widows cede initiative, -1 Gunnery Bonus

With all objectives achieved, both forces move at full speed.  The volcano will surely blow at any time. 

Demi-Precentor Kari Marita takes control of the situation and orders the rest of the Opacus Venatori to retreat.  She calls in a rescue VTOL for Berith.

Both Havalah Cazer and Tomitaki grudgingly oblige.

A courageous team of Seventh Kommandos are at hand to pick up the downed Widow pilots.  The 'Mechs will surely be lost... 

Stacy Church is the last to leave the field.  She takes one final look at Berith's fallen Archangel.  It's over. 


Or is it???

« Last Edit: 22 November 2011, 01:02:53 by Alex Keller »


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons (Pic Heavy!!!)
« Reply #89 on: 21 November 2011, 19:33:46 »
An epic ending to an awesome campaign, and a great set of AARs.

Here's hoping you and the lovely lady conspire to do this again, or continue it!