If real, I dont think it's for me, but I am amused by with. In the life of Battletech I've accepted that not EVERY mech is going to be for me. Just...dont buy it if you dont want it. There'll be others down the line. Dont piss in someone else's cheerios because you PERSONALLY dont want it.
I agree with this, but to a certain point. I believe most of the people have a valid complaint here, as Urbanmech LAM was nothing but a meme and a joke, while there are actual mechs completely without a miniature or waiting for an update in aesthetics and plastic.
I personally I am not one of these people, as the mechs I was interested in got updated in Clan Invasion kickstarter.
But I do have selfish reason why I am against this release, if it is real thing and not a prank.
Randall Bills has used almost every opportunity in the live con videos and podcasts for the last few months to mention how he has pushed for Shilone ASF to be distributed to every Clan Invasion backer.
It has been a known situation since Shilone was announced that it was distributed only to backers that participated in Wave 2 and a limited number of Wave 1 backers in US, Canada and UK. Rest of the Wave 1 backers got shafted. Randall himself addressed this in one of the updates in Clan Invasion kickstarter, said that CGL will look into how to distribute Shilone to every backer. Since then not a pip on this.
Here we have CGL spending money and resources on a meme/joke and previously spent money on resin art pieces for whatever reason, instead of sending out Shilone ASF to the several hundreds of Wave 1 Clan Invasion backers that didn't get it. (actual number unknown, CGL knows how many backers they had for each wave)