Author Topic: Mercenaries Kickstarter Discussion 6: the 1st 3rd Star League conversation  (Read 119614 times)


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If real, I dont think it's for me, but I am amused by with. In the life of Battletech I've accepted that not EVERY mech is going to be for me. Just...dont buy it if you dont want it. There'll be others down the line. Dont piss in someone else's cheerios because you PERSONALLY dont want it.

I agree with this, but to a certain point. I believe most of the people have a valid complaint here, as Urbanmech LAM was nothing but a meme and a joke, while there are actual mechs completely without a miniature or waiting for an update in aesthetics and plastic.

I personally I am not one of these people, as the mechs I was interested in got updated in Clan Invasion kickstarter.

But I do have selfish reason why I am against this release, if it is real thing and not a prank.

Randall Bills has used almost every opportunity in the live con videos and podcasts for the last few months to mention how he has pushed for Shilone ASF to be distributed to every Clan Invasion backer.

It has been a known situation since Shilone was announced that it was distributed only to backers that participated in Wave 2 and a limited number of Wave 1 backers in US, Canada and UK. Rest of the Wave 1 backers got shafted. Randall himself addressed this in one of the updates in Clan Invasion kickstarter, said that CGL will look into how to distribute Shilone to every backer. Since then not a pip on this.

Here we have CGL spending money and resources on a meme/joke and previously spent money on resin art pieces for whatever reason, instead of sending out Shilone ASF to the several hundreds of Wave 1 Clan Invasion backers that didn't get it. (actual number unknown, CGL knows how many backers they had for each wave)


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I'm honestly surprises this is drawing heat considering how popular the meme has been on this same forum. Once again speaking as someone who has never been a fan of the meme, everyone needs to relax. It's knee jerk reactions like this that killed battlechat.
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Rob Bendig

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New players who buy this without understanding that it's not something they can immediately use on the table (at least without purchasing an additional, expensive book) will be left disappointed.

To that point, the Shilone and Visigoth Salvage Packs are really not immediately usable on the table either. Granted there are rules if you go deep enough but they aren't going to be apparent to the new player.


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To that point, the Shilone and Visigoth Salvage Packs are really not immediately usable on the table either. Granted there are rules if you go deep enough but they aren't going to be apparent to the new player.

They're not sold on the mass market. The Urbie LAM pack will be. Big difference.
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Ray has been talking on discord and saying these probably are not a game store product. They will most likely be CGL store and should be considered as the same category as the aerospace fighters game and availability wise
« Last Edit: 07 March 2024, 17:39:23 by shivanwurm »


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Ray has been talking on discord and saying these probably are not a game store product. They will most likely be CGL store and should be considered as the same category as the aerospace fighters game and availability wise

That alone changes my opinion on the pack. I still think the joke is outplayed, but if they're meant for the more-experienced crowd and won't be disappointing gifts for kids, then I've got less problem with them.
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MarauderCH IIC

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I'm honestly surprises this is drawing heat considering how popular the meme has been on this same forum. Once again speaking as someone who has never been a fan of the meme, everyone needs to relax. It's knee jerk reactions like this that killed battlechat.

It's getting heat because the list of units I want to see in plastic is LOOOOOOOOOONG and this unit isn't on it. I'll still buy one but there could have been and endless number of units I'd buy more than one of!


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It's getting heat because the list of units I want to see in plastic is LOOOOOOOOOONG and this unit isn't on it. I'll still buy one but there could have been and endless number of units I'd buy more than one of!

There's nothing saying that another 'Mech or Force Pack was cut so they could produce the UrbanMech LAM Salvage Box.  Some 'Mechs like the Hornet just won't ever make the cut to be produced in glorious grey plastic.  Personally, I'm just hoping to see the Bombardier, Champion and Hussar in plastic so I can finish my Snord's Irregulars First Company  :wink:


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I'm honestly surprises this is drawing heat considering how popular the meme has been on this same forum. Once again speaking as someone who has never been a fan of the meme, everyone needs to relax. It's knee jerk reactions like this that killed battlechat.

Morbius was a popular meme.  Doesn't mean people actually wanted to see the movie.
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In regards to the "this is dumb, I wanted something else," this doesn't mean you won't get what you want.   If anything, convincing Catalyst that this is a bad idea could actually make it less likely you'll get what you want.

Think about it.  You don't want someone to go, "Hey, this mech is quirky, but has a lot of loyal fans, why don't we put up a web exclusive or something for it?" and then have someone higher up say, "Oh heck no!  Do you remember all the complaints we got when we didn't that urbie LAM? Forget about it, and do another Madcat."
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In regards to the "this is dumb, I wanted something else," this doesn't mean you won't get what you want.   If anything, convincing Catalyst that this is a bad idea could actually make it less likely you'll get what you want.

Think about it.  You don't want someone to go, "Hey, this mech is quirky, but has a lot of loyal fans, why don't we put up a web exclusive or something for it?" and then have someone higher up say, "Oh heck no!  Do you remember all the complaints we got when we didn't that urbie LAM? Forget about it, and do another Madcat."

Please - PLEASE - do not tell people they're not allowed to voice their opinions.
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I didn't want something else, I wanted this to not be a thing because I hate this tired played out stupid meme.
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In regards to the "this is dumb, I wanted something else," this doesn't mean you won't get what you want.   If anything, convincing Catalyst that this is a bad idea could actually make it less likely you'll get what you want.

Think about it.  You don't want someone to go, "Hey, this mech is quirky, but has a lot of loyal fans, why don't we put up a web exclusive or something for it?" and then have someone higher up say, "Oh heck no!  Do you remember all the complaints we got when we didn't that urbie LAM? Forget about it, and do another Madcat."

On the other hand they can go "Hey people like buying stuff based on stupid memes and jokes, lets do another one like that.", pushing something else, more worthwhile game-wise that people are looking for, further down the pipeline and later in timeline.(hopefully).


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... it's weird that I've have vocally disliked the meme and apparently one of those most chill about this... I mean, the Mimic Outhouse has a mini...
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... it's weird that I've have vocally disliked the meme and apparently one of those most chill about this... I mean, the Mimic Outhouse has a mini...

Until I see a GAZEBO Mini....
AGENT #575, Vancouver Canada


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So here is my take on the Urbie LAM.  I don't want to here from TPTB any mor that LAMS don't belong in the game.  You can only remove them and bring them back so many times till you look like you are full of it.  You can only tease so many times.  At this point after TPTB removing them and then bring them back again that argument no longer fits with the reality of TPTB's actions.


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... it's weird that I've have vocally disliked the meme and apparently one of those most chill about this... I mean, the Mimic Outhouse has a mini...

Who produced that mini, though?

So here is my take on the Urbie LAM.  I don't want to here from TPTB any mor that LAMS don't belong in the game.  You can only remove them and bring them back so many times till you look like you are full of it.  You can only tease so many times.  At this point after TPTB removing them and then bring them back again that argument no longer fits with the reality of TPTB's actions.

That's another part of this that annoys me.  If they want to bring LAMS back, then do so.  Don't resurrect them with a lol-meme product that looks like an April Fool's gag.
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"I think I've just had another near-Rincewind experience," Death, The Color of Magic

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That's another part of this that annoys me.  If they want to bring LAMS back, then do so.  Don't resurrect them with a lol-meme product that looks like an April Fool's gag.

And we're 3 1/2 weeks till that comes in.

It kind of makes me wonder, how much did the Pandaria joke cost Blizzard over the life of Warcraft?  From the Mercenary Hero in The Frozen Throne to Mists of Pandaria itself.  I wonder how many were cursing the joke team from so long ago.
« Last Edit: 07 March 2024, 22:38:08 by Charistoph »
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Who produced that mini, though?

That's another part of this that annoys me.  If they want to bring LAMS back, then do so.  Don't resurrect them with a lol-meme product that looks like an April Fool's gag.

This is like the 3rd LAMS have been brought back.  FASA did it in a story once and CGL has done it twice now.  The LAMS don't belong in the universe is a Lie at this point and that is them that people are going to demand more LAMS and tell them they are wrong when they say LAMS don't belong.  Because they keep bring them back by choice.


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Until I see a GAZEBO Mini....

I’m pretty sure that exists in both monstrous and mundane form.


  • CamoSpecs
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This is like the 3rd LAMS have been brought back.  FASA did it in a story once and CGL has done it twice now.  The LAMS don't belong in the universe is a Lie at this point and that is them that people are going to demand more LAMS and tell them they are wrong when they say LAMS don't belong.  Because they keep bring them back by choice.

Yeah, that ends up being the sticking point for me. I mean, how many people would lose their freaking minds over a LAM pack? Instead of some really great looking P-Hawk, Wasp, and Stinger LAMs, we get... an Urbie.

That being said, I have no knowledge of anything that may be happening behind the scenes, so I'm at the same level as everyone else only able to speculate based on the image seen earlier.


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In discord Ray said the thing holding LAMs back is the same thing holding aerospace plastic minis in general back, dissatification with the aerospace rules
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I really hope all the complaints here doesn't lead to Catalyst no longer trying fun things like this again. That would be a much greater lose in the long run than a little dev time spent on something silly (and fun).
Personally I don't think the complaints will weigh too much on their minds, as others said: sales is the king.
So if it sells well, nice.
Besides they let Herb run loose on Apr 1 at times with fun releases, they won't stop with the fun.
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This is like the 3rd LAMS have been brought back.  FASA did it in a story once and CGL has done it twice now.  The LAMS don't belong in the universe is a Lie at this point and that is them that people are going to demand more LAMS and tell them they are wrong when they say LAMS don't belong.  Because they keep bring them back by choice.

I guess I missed the hate for Laser Anti-Missile Systems.


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They generate too much heat. :tongue:
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"I think I've just had another near-Rincewind experience," Death, The Color of Magic

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Adrian Gideon

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So, a few points on the Urbie LAM.
  • It’s 100% non-canon.
  • It’s real and a joke.
  • I hear you, those of you that don’t like it or raise issues with it. I fought that fight. The meme won. We’re in the minority. That’s ok.
  • The Urbie salvage box SOLD like crazy. So did the lance pack. So did the company pack. Let’s not forget the plushie. You don’t have to like it. But any money towards BattleTech means more money toward things we do want.
  • This concept was first released during the Clan Invasion KS on April Fools, and there was an overwhelming demand for this mini to be made.
  • Side note, this is not a sign that LAMs are on the way. There was never a “Phoenix Hawk vs. Urbie” LAM question.
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Hi, it's been a long time since I catch up...

What's the latest forecast on shipment? Summer?


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*Mod Notice*

Mods, can we get the LAM discussion off into its own thread? I mean, the Urbie LAM was one thing (and it’s not even part of the Merecnaries KS), but it looks like we’re gonna get into a whole LAM thing and it doesn’t belong here. Thanks.

Per Ray’s request, discussion of LAMs in general has been split off from this discussion:
« Last Edit: 08 March 2024, 17:55:47 by ActionButler »
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So, a few points on the Urbie LAM.
  • It’s 100% non-canon.
  • It’s real and a joke.
  • I hear you, those of you that don’t like it or raise issues with it. I fought that fight. The meme won. We’re in the minority. That’s ok.
  • The Urbie salvage box SOLD like crazy. So did the lance pack. So did the company pack. Let’s not forget the plushie. You don’t have to like it. But any money towards BattleTech means more money toward things we do want.
  • This concept was first released during the Clan Invasion KS on April Fools, and there was an overwhelming demand for this mini to be made.
  • Side note, this is not a sign that LAMs are on the way. There was never a “Phoenix Hawk vs. Urbie” LAM question.

Roger, Ray. Thanks for weighing in.
BattleTech is a huge house, it's not any one fan's or "type" of fans.  If you need to relieve yourself, use the bathroom not another BattleTech fan. - nckestrel
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Weird, why is my question about shipment moved to the LAM thread?

Unless the mods want to ship me a LAM box, which I more than welcome...