Author Topic: Project Aphrodite  (Read 7358 times)


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #90 on: 03 May 2024, 20:09:04 »
Are the Canopian catgirls & mermaids genetically or surgically modified, or both?
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #91 on: 03 May 2024, 20:12:23 »
They are the result of cybernetic prosthetics as seen in a time of war companion which showed a pic of them backstage.


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #92 on: 03 May 2024, 22:24:38 »
Thanks! Couldn't recall. Not necessarily better ...
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #93 on: 04 May 2024, 21:16:40 »
Engineered humans that could live on a non-terraformed Venus?  Not even the Terminator could live on Venus (maybe for a few hours).


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #94 on: 04 May 2024, 21:22:54 »
Engineered humans that could live on a non-terraformed Venus?  Not even the Terminator could live on Venus (maybe for a few hours).

This was a in universe rumor/conspiracy theory, thus the giant Hyperspace squid that eats jumpships. 

What would be hilarious, if we found out Myndo Waterly collected these type of stories. It would in part explain why she was so fast to except Fotch's fringe 'the invaders could be aliens that had eaten the SLDF in exile."   
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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #95 on: 04 May 2024, 23:13:34 »
Anastasius Focht: "I'm not saying it was aliens ..." :)
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #96 on: 05 May 2024, 10:03:25 »
And more often than not, 31st-century Inner-Sphere, humans are the result of genetic-engineering from the Star League, or before, that was lost to time. Their benefits are that they are adapted better to life in space; they can live in zero-gee and not lose bone-mass*.  Genetic-engineering looks to be 21st century technology.

*One problem is the plethora of Earth-like worlds in Battletech-cannon.   Why genetically engineer?  Perhaps it was a pre-Star League phenomenon or all the current Earth-like worlds are the results of extensive centuries of terraforming? 


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #97 on: 05 May 2024, 10:23:38 »
I think it's a "why not both?" situation... genetic engineering AND terraforming for belt and suspenders interstellar colonization! :D


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #98 on: 09 May 2024, 21:33:15 »
Trying to learn a little more science here; What is the benefit of changing Venus' spin? 

At the time I wrote about Project Aphrodite, it seemed reasonable that a faster spin would help even out Venus's post-terraforming day/night temperatures and give a more normal day-night cycle to colonists. It didn't seem reasonable that 120 days of sunlight would produce survivable temperatures, given contemporary studies on tidally-locked planets around red dwarf stars. Further...

Still that seems easier to solve with the giant solar mirrors than going to the effort of changing the spin. 

...mirrors were vulnerable to failure. Natural planetary spin couldn't be collapsed by hackers or, say, Amaris hoping to incinerate SLDF fleets.

However, the sheer rapidity of Project Aphrodite (and Lowell) meant that both were accomplished with brute force and massive ignorance. Venus would continue to suffer from an extremely hot crust, which was harder to cool than a stripped-away atmosphere. Solar illumination levels remained challenging. Solar mirrors had to remain in use to battle the two heat sources while the Terran Alliance (and later Hegemony) throttled back on terraforming efforts because much better planets were available just a hop, skip, and Kearny-Fuchida jump away.

Subsequently, improving exoplanet modeling has shown my theory about Venus needing a fast rotation was off-base. In fact, an Earth-like Venus stays globally coolest with very slow rotations as stated in this long study.

Do humans have a problem living on a planet that has such a long year, or was it mission creep of what the Star League teraformers could do so they did it? 

It was the Terran Alliance that spun up Venus. It seemed to make sense in the 21st-22nd century, when vast fortunes and vaster automated, almost von Neumann-like industries made world shaping possible. Smarter, more nuanced terraforming approaches seemed unnecessary.

Speaking of that are grav decks on ships/stations standardized to spin one way?  Or does it not matter which direction a grav deck spins for generating artificial gravity?

Ships with more than one grav deck will typically have them spin in opposite directions (clockwise vs counterclockwise) to balance gyroscopic forces. Centripetal force doesn't care about the direction, just the velocity and radius of the spin.

Speaking of planets spinning we always think of planets spinning on an East/West axis with the poles at top and bottom.  Could there be a planet where the planet rotates North/South with the poles rotating instead of being static?

By the definition of rotational poles that's not possible. Rotational poles are where the axis of rotation of emerges from the planet. If you took Earth, halted current rotation, and then started flipping it old north pole over old south pole along, say, the prime meridian, the new north and south poles would be defined at 90 degrees east and 90 west longitude at the equator because that's where the new rotational axis would be,.

There have been some extremely tilted planets in BattleTech, like Uranus and Inglesmond.
Mike Miller, Materials Engineer

**"A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything." --Wash, Firefly.
**"Well, the first class name [for pocket WarShips]: 'Ship with delusions of grandeur that is going to evaporate 3.1 seconds after coming into NPPC range' tended to cause morale problems...." --Korzon77
**"Describe the Clans." "Imagine an entire civilization built out of 80’s Ric Flairs, Hulk Hogans, & Macho Man Randy Savages ruling over an entire labor force with Einstein Level Intelligence." --Jake Mikolaitis

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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #99 on: 12 May 2024, 14:02:22 »
I looked up Inglesmond:  I like the map, but I don't agree with it being ice-capped, year-round at the equator due to its axial-tilt.  For at least a month, twice a year, the equator should be as warm as the tropics, which would be enough to melt any snow or ice.

As for Venus, even the link posted, it's more than likely Venus had about the same amount of water Earth had, just maybe 10% less than was absorbed by Earth when Jupiter fell in, disrupting the region past Mars, (6AU), causing water filled asteroids to fall in.

I've also read reports, that, Venus never had any water or rain to begin with, but, they have found granite on the planet, which is an indication that there were liquid-oceans in that's how granite forms.


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #100 on: 14 May 2024, 17:51:32 »
I looked up Inglesmond:  I like the map, but I don't agree with it being ice-capped, year-round at the equator due to its axial-tilt.  For at least a month, twice a year, the equator should be as warm as the tropics, which would be enough to melt any snow or ice.

I didn't make up the idea on my own, it was from exoplanet simulations. Equatorial icebelts tend to develop on watery, Earth-like worlds with tilts above 54 degrees and Earth-like insolation (or instellation, if you prefer.) This has apparently happened on Mars, which doesn't have a large moon to stabilize its spin from Jupiter's influence and can be flipped to 60 degrees tilt every so many tens of millions of years. Bonus reference.

Consider Inglesmond seasonal insolation by region. North pole:

  • Gets about 100% daylight for 25% of the year (summer), when the north pole is aimed straight toward the sun
  • about 0% daylight for 25% of the year (winter), when the north pole is aimed straight away from the sun
  • about 50% daylight (day-night cycles) for two 25% periods (summer, autumn), when the north pole sideways to the sun

In total, the average northern hemisphere sunlight is: 100x0.25 (summer) + 0x0.25 (winter) + 50x0.5 (autumn, spring) = 125.

The South pole is a mirror of the north:

  • Gets about 0% daylight for 25% of the year (northern summer)
  • about 100% daylight for 25% of the year (north winter)
  • about 50% daylight (day-night cycles) for two 25% periods (summer, autumn)

In total, the average southern hemisphere sunlight is: 0x0.25 (summer) + 100x0.25 (winter) + 50x0.5 (autumn, spring) = 125.


  • Gets very low obliquity sunlight (less than 40% of what the north pole is getting) from the north 25% of the year (northern summer), like it's Earth's arctic region
  • Gets very low obliquity sunlight (less than 40% of what the south pole is getting) from the south for 25% of the year (north winter), like it's Earth's antarctic region
  • about 50% daylight (day-night cycles) for two 25% periods (summer, autumn)

In total, the average equatorial hemisphere sunlight is: 40x0.25 (spring) + 40x0.25 (fall) + 50x0.5 (summer, winter) = 85.

Another difference is that when the high-tilt planet's equator gets the sunlight overhead (50% of the year), it is getting it in day-night cycles. This differs from the poles, which get their sunlight directly overhead for an unbroken season. The peak temperature experienced by the equator is thus lower than peak experienced the poles. Meanwhile, the equator spends half the year at very low angles to the sun, like Earth's polar regions. The equator just never really gets that hot.

Yes, the poles get a good cold soak for 25% of the year, but their total sunlight is higher than the equator's.

Hence the smart folks with supercomputers showed that high tilt, Earth-like planets could develop equatorial ice belts, and Mars has shown some evidence for such a belt in its history. I cribbed Inglesmond's notes from them rather than pulling the idea forth from my buttocks.  :cheesy:
Mike Miller, Materials Engineer

**"A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything." --Wash, Firefly.
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**"Describe the Clans." "Imagine an entire civilization built out of 80’s Ric Flairs, Hulk Hogans, & Macho Man Randy Savages ruling over an entire labor force with Einstein Level Intelligence." --Jake Mikolaitis

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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #101 on: 14 May 2024, 18:15:11 »
Brilliant work, Cray! :)


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #102 on: 15 May 2024, 17:55:21 »
I didn't make up the idea on my own, it was from exoplanet simulations. Equatorial icebelts tend to develop on watery, Earth-like worlds with tilts above 54 degrees and Earth-like insolation (or instellation, if you prefer.) This has apparently happened on Mars, which doesn't have a large moon to stabilize its spin from Jupiter's influence and can be flipped to 60 degrees tilt every so many tens of millions of years. Bonus reference.

. . .

The article on Mars states, "May have. . ."; the ESA isn't sure there were ice-belts at Mars' equator, however, Mars differs that it receives twice as less solar-radiation and, has a thinner-atmosphere. And due to solar-evolution, and depending on when those ice-belts did form, could have received far less sunlight than today.

The equator on an axial-tilted world would experience two-summers, per year.  I'm not sure how far away the world is, but, a G7 is cooler, so, I don't know how hot the summers would be, but, at the topics, you're looking at at least 85F per day for probably 1 month per summer with the remaining two-months increasing and decreasing rapidly.

Inglesmond, being a water-world, would retain a lot of heat from the long, polar-exposures and would heat up the ocean, and distribute that heat, through-out the planet. 


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #103 on: 17 May 2024, 08:30:00 »
Inglesmond also a chain of equatorial continents to build up and anchor the ice belt.
Mike Miller, Materials Engineer

**"A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything." --Wash, Firefly.
**"Well, the first class name [for pocket WarShips]: 'Ship with delusions of grandeur that is going to evaporate 3.1 seconds after coming into NPPC range' tended to cause morale problems...." --Korzon77
**"Describe the Clans." "Imagine an entire civilization built out of 80’s Ric Flairs, Hulk Hogans, & Macho Man Randy Savages ruling over an entire labor force with Einstein Level Intelligence." --Jake Mikolaitis

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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #104 on: 18 May 2024, 01:14:29 »
Thank you for the response Cray.  I learned something today.


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #105 on: 26 May 2024, 18:57:45 »
The best was to terraform-Venus, is to fire a giant-laser that disassociates the oxygen from the carbon, thereby changing the atmosphere from a greenhouse to an ice-house, and the carbon is good for the soil.  Then, fire hydrogen-beam to associate with the oxygen to create water. Remember, I'm only using 23rd-century technology.

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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #106 on: 26 May 2024, 19:23:19 »
 :huh:   I'm pretty sure BT doesn't have lasers of that scale and capability at any point.  Maybe if you're importing 23rd century Star Trek technology, or something.
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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #107 on: 26 May 2024, 20:50:59 »
The best was to terraform-Venus, is to fire a giant-laser that disassociates the oxygen from the carbon, thereby changing the atmosphere from a greenhouse to an ice-house, and the carbon is good for the soil.  Then, fire hydrogen-beam to associate with the oxygen to create water. Remember, I'm only using 23rd-century technology.

Dissociating carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon requires an epic quantity of energy and creates a situation where the superheated carbon and oxygen are happy to react into carbon dioxide.
Mike Miller, Materials Engineer

**"A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything." --Wash, Firefly.
**"Well, the first class name [for pocket WarShips]: 'Ship with delusions of grandeur that is going to evaporate 3.1 seconds after coming into NPPC range' tended to cause morale problems...." --Korzon77
**"Describe the Clans." "Imagine an entire civilization built out of 80’s Ric Flairs, Hulk Hogans, & Macho Man Randy Savages ruling over an entire labor force with Einstein Level Intelligence." --Jake Mikolaitis

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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #108 on: 26 May 2024, 21:07:38 »
Dissociating carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon requires an epic quantity of energy and creates a situation where the superheated carbon and oxygen are happy to react into carbon dioxide.

You mean "planet on fire"?


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #109 on: 26 May 2024, 22:46:03 »
The Genecaste are fun, but definitively don't exist in universe (the recent Clan Spaniel sourcebook explains the origin of that conspiracy theory).

That's such a shame. The Genecaste were a nifty little addition to the fringes of the BattleTech setting.
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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #110 on: 27 May 2024, 16:49:03 »
Except, why go through the trouble of giving the creation process in the first place? If Genecaste were to be a fairy tell... why stat them in the first place?

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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #111 on: 27 May 2024, 17:06:29 »
Yeah, I'm a fan of BTU being a human saga and the gene cast have always been once human.
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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #112 on: 27 May 2024, 17:28:50 »
Same reason Nebula California gives stats for a lot of things... ;)


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #113 on: 27 May 2024, 17:40:40 »
Except, why go through the trouble of giving the creation process in the first place? If Genecaste were to be a fairy tell... why stat them in the first place?

The Interstellar Players books were always meant to be in-universe conspiracy theories divorced from "canon." There is no Illuminati directing the overall fate of trillions, the Manei Domini weren't based in hyperspace, and Irian doesn't control the interstellar war economy. These groups and associated rules are presented for players that want to take their campaigns out of the canon universe.

We had a huge argument about this about a decade ago that it would be pointless to rehash. If you like the Genecaste in your version of BattleTech, then by all means use them. But in the canon universe the Genecaste are just a rumor based on a weird version of a kids' show.

Same reason Nebula California gives stats for a lot of things... ;)

Yeah, different concept, same result. "Here's some stuff we thought of that doesn't really fit in, but you might like to read and use anyways." The rules equivalent would be Arcade Operations. Not every product is serious.
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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #114 on: 27 May 2024, 17:56:15 »
Heck, technically, all games are non-canon.  Except for those very rare convention games blessed by TPTB and subsequently written in to canon...


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Re: Project Aphrodite
« Reply #115 on: 27 May 2024, 18:15:10 »
The Interstellar Players books were always meant to be in-universe conspiracy theories divorced from "canon." There is no Illuminati directing the overall fate of trillions, the Manei Domini weren't based in hyperspace, and Irian doesn't control the interstellar war economy. These groups and associated rules are presented for players that want to take their campaigns out of the canon universe.

Not to refute you, but I must issue a small correction that may peel back some of the curtain: The Interstellar Players books are a mixed bag of what's real and what's fake--but COULD be real, if we wanted it to be. These were provided with the option for gamemasters and players to take what they want and play with it as if it belongs in the universe. The rules were provided, regardless of canonicity, so they can be played with. Some of it, as we've seen, WAS canon, even if it wasn't exactly as presented in the IP books.

But we also used these books as a way to float the ideas to the fans, to see what they responded to best, and thereby consider what we might do in future products. Had the Genecaste really resonated with the fan base, we might have seen more build-up of that angle in the canon universe, for instance (Randall was hopeful, as they were his baby.)

We had a huge argument about this about a decade ago that it would be pointless to rehash. If you like the Genecaste in your version of BattleTech, then by all means use them. But in the canon universe the Genecaste are just a rumor based on a weird version of a kids' show.

Basically, yes. That's because they didn't feel like they resonated as above.

Yeah, different concept, same result. "Here's some stuff we thought of that doesn't really fit in, but you might like to read and use anyways." The rules equivalent would be Arcade Operations. Not every product is serious.

Hell, all my April 1 and Halloween projects are made that way. And several ARE canon, anyway.

- Herb

