Author Topic: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks  (Read 1039 times)


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Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks
« on: 19 January 2024, 14:59:52 »
 :mafiosi: I've got a fever, and the only cure is … More Quirks

Where once Transits where fluff'd as being kind'a large, and oversized maybe doesn't make sense when the map scale is well above meters, might one try Poor Performance to substitute?

Transgressors seem to be Cramped; Might it also have Atmospheric Flight Instability?

How 'bout paring the Cheetah down to Gas Hog? Atmospheric Flyer seems to be too-too, soooo leave it unbalanced?

Please do chime in …
The Ancient Egyptian God of Fractional AccountingAnimare Tai-sa Shikishima
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Re: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks
« Reply #1 on: 19 January 2024, 15:13:38 »

With each quirk having a counterpart?
Herb: "Well, now I guess we'll HAVE to print it. Sounds almost like the apocalypse I've been working for...."

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Re: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks
« Reply #2 on: 19 January 2024, 15:24:09 »
 :smilie_confused_dontknow: Not strictly necessary, but it's the way to bet …
The Ancient Egyptian God of Fractional AccountingAnimare Tai-sa Shikishima
I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.

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Re: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks
« Reply #3 on: 24 January 2024, 20:15:34 »
Spheroid Dropship:
Walker (time frame)
The Walker quirk reflects that the Dropship can use its landing legs to move one Battletech hex every (time frame).  While performing this move, the Dropship cannot perform any loading or unloading of cargo (this includes people walking on and off the Dropship).  To reduce this time, take the Dropship's current mass, divide it by the Dropship's max mass, multiply that by the planet's gravity, and multiply that by the time frame.

So a Mule (11,200 tons) that has landing legs capable of performing a Walker (15 minutes) maneuver, has 7000 free tons of space, and is on a planet with 1.1 G.  So the Mule Dropship masses 4200 tons (11,200-7000).  So 4200/11,200 = 0.375, multiplied by 1.1G = 0.4125 * 15 minutes = 6.1875 minutes to move 1 Battletech hex.

Not tactically useful, but if you need to reposition the Dropships at a Drop port it is useful to be able to move the empty Dropships around.  You just can't load cargo to or unload cargo from them while they are walking around.  You also want to have local guides for when the drunk crew have come back and are trying to find their Dropship, "Dude, where's my Dropship!".

(Aerodyne Dropships don't need this Quirk as they have wheels)

Dropships (all)
Collar size (tonnage)
Some Dropships have poor integration with their KF antennae and a Jumpship's KF links, forcing the Jumpship to devote more of the field than would be normal for that Dropship's mass.  So the Dropship might only mass 20,000 tons, but it needs a Collar with at least 30,000 tons capacity.  in the inner Sphere this might not be an issue, but in the Periphery where that Merchant Jumpship has been tooling along for over a century without decent spare parts . . .

Collar Capacity (tons)
Not all collars can handle a 100 kton Dropship, either due to technology, age, or poor maintenance.  This is the actual maximum mass that a specific Docking Collar can handle through a KF jump.  Terra-made Jumpships might be able to handle 150,000 tons (so even a 10% loss in capacity is still better than the Inner Sphere), Inner Sphere Jumpships might only be able to handle 120,000 tons, while Periphery Jumpships might have 50,000 tons or less in capacity.


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Re: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks
« Reply #4 on: 24 January 2024, 21:25:23 »
The Walker idea is interesting, but I'd charge tonnage for it (a LOT of tonnage).  The others, not so much...


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Re: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks
« Reply #5 on: 25 January 2024, 02:13:10 »
The Walker idea is interesting, but I'd charge tonnage for it (a LOT of tonnage).  The others, not so much...
No extra tonnage, just make it slow enough. By default spheroid landing gear must already have the capacity to bear the weight and adjust the landing legs to the surrounding terrain.
Herb: "Well, now I guess we'll HAVE to print it. Sounds almost like the apocalypse I've been working for...."

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Nebula California: HyperTube Xtreme & Nebula Confederation


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Re: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks
« Reply #6 on: 09 March 2024, 00:21:00 »
For ASF:
Compact Spaceframe

Works just like the Compact mech quirk for mechs.

For Small Craft
Compact Spaceframe

Same as above, but for shuttles massing 100T, essentially allows 2 to be carried in one bay.


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Re: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks
« Reply #7 on: 09 March 2024, 12:10:31 »
Warship Quirk

Turret Mounts.

Turret mounted weapons can be mounted on Broadsides, Nose, and Aft locations allowing ships to fire into the two adjoining arcs of fire.

Turret mounts though add an additional 25% mass to the Bay.


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Re: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks
« Reply #8 on: 14 March 2024, 12:10:30 »
Warship Quirk

Turret Mounts.

Turret mounted weapons can be mounted on Broadsides, Nose, and Aft locations allowing ships to fire into the two adjoining arcs of fire.

Turret mounts though add an additional 25% mass to the Bay.

They have the Fore and Aft Arch Bays for this.

It allows those and broadside events to happen. There isn't a 360* "swing" on a 2D map.

And as such, there can not be turrets. As you can't Center Mount except Fore or Aft Arches only.

The tech would be massive if it did happen.

And then if you got a Turret locked, you'd have to turn your WS around, for what?

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
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idea weenie

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Re: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks
« Reply #9 on: 14 March 2024, 13:19:18 »
Warship Quirk

Turret Mounts.

Turret mounted weapons can be mounted on Broadsides, Nose, and Aft locations allowing ships to fire into the two adjoining arcs of fire.

Turret mounts though add an additional 25% mass to the Bay.

Combine that with the ability for those turrets to be damaged if hit in the expanded locations.  So a ship with a Fore-mounted Turret get a weapons critical hit in the Fore-left area.  The Turreted weapon in the Fore would also apply as a potential candidate.


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Re: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace Quirks
« Reply #10 on: 18 March 2024, 23:01:08 »
- Compact Supply Storage : Units with this quirk contain 50% more food and drinks then they normally would, allowing for continued long term field operations.
- 1 Point

- Ease of Production: Decreases BV by 20% for the purposes of determining production rates
-- 1 point

- Enhanced Safety Measures: Ejection and escape measures for this craft are more extensive-ejection seats deliver their passengers safely to the ground, able to walk it off, while life-boats contain twice their normal supplies.  Enables pilots to re-roll any ejection, and doubles the support time of life-boats and escape pods of units with this quirk
-- 1 Point

-Hanger Queen: A vehicle, Battlemech or ASF with this quirk is not more difficult to repair, but does have a complex and complicated methods of servicing that requires more investment of time.
Double the amount of time spent on repairs and maintenance of this unit, and triple it if the quirk is taken twice.
-- 2 Points/3points

-No APU: This design's fission/fusion reactor cannot be started without the aid of a hanger umbilical or a power cart.  If shutdown by overheating, there is enough residual charge to attempt one restart.
-- 1 Point

-Volatile Energy Cells: This design's energy weapons make use of capacitors that are volatile and can overheat explosively.
-- 1 Point per 5 Damage of weapons affected.  Affected weapons explode like ammunition if overheated.
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idea weenie

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Re: Heretofore Unknown Aerospace 'Tech'
« Reply #11 on: 19 May 2024, 23:11:50 »
More of a tech rather than a Quirk, and mainly for CASPAR setups:

Onboard Limited Self-repair:
1) Figure the mass of an Unpressurized Repair Bay that is large enough to repair the vessel.
2) Add 25% of that mass to reflect an ARTS augmentation
3) That is the total mass needed for a basic self-repair ability.

Assume a 1 million ton CASPAR unit.

1) An unpressurized Repair Bay large enough to hold a 1 million ton Warship will mass 25 ktons (2.5%)
2) ARTS will increase those 25 ktons by another 25% (25,000 * 0.25 = 6,250 tons)
3) The sum is 25,000 + 6,250 = 31,250 tons

Essentially you pay 3.125% of the mounting vessel's mass and you get limited self-repair ability.

Note that this mass allocation is just for the repair equipment.  You still need the repair parts to do the actual work, and hopefully the computer was programmed with the necessary information.

(Got the idea from Starfire where one of the random events is a Berserker waking up.  It has self-repair and small craft/ordnance construction abilities, in addition to being able to multi-target easily)