I remembered a rule about how ECM (Guardian, Angel, Clan Standard, or Watchdog) gives a defensive +1 to-hit modifier against anything inside the single hex the unit mounting it, is currently in. TMK, its still an active rule.
Wonder if I can use/exploit that a bit.
At range, it can fire the PPCs, MMLs, and the Thud and not really care (much) about heat. Up close, drops the PPC and either fires both MMLs or one MML & the Thud. Not meant for TACs outside of the Thud for anything smaller than itself, but slightly makes up for it in the AdvTC it carries. So it gains accuracy shooting out, while the ECM degrades anything shooting at it, as not many ASF mount a probe (let alone a probe+AdvTC combo) that would counter it.
Aurora EWAC Aerospace Fighter
Mass: 75 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 300 XL
Armor: Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
4 ER Medium Laser
2 Light PPC
2 MML 9
1 Thunderbolt 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-X
Cost: 11,987,594 C-bills
Type: Aurora EWAC
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 75
Battle Value: 2,133
Equipment Mass
Engine 300 XL 9.5
Safe Thrust: 6
Max Thrust: 9
Structural Integrity: 0
Heat Sinks: 15 [30] 5
Fuel: 400 5.0
Cockpit 3
Armor Factor (Heavy Ferro) 248 12.5
Nose 76
Wings 61/61
Aft 50
and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV
Thunderbolt 10 NOS 7.0 5 10 10 0 0
2 Light PPC NOS 6.0 5 5 5 0 0
2 ER Medium Laser RWG 2.0 5 5 5 0 0
MML 9 RWG 6.0 5 5 5 5 0
2 ER Medium Laser LWG 2.0 5 5 5 0 0
MML 9 LWG 6.0 5 5 5 5 0
CASE FSLG 0.5 - - - - -
MML 9 LRM Ammo (26) FSLG 2.0 - - - - -
Thunderbolt 10 Ammo (12) FSLG 2.0 - - - - -
MML 9 SRM Ammo (22) FSLG 2.0 - - - - -
ECM Suite FSLG 1.5 - - - - -
Targeting Computer FSLG 3.0 - - - - -
And yes, its based upon something.
Cookie to anyone that manages to figure it out.