Author Topic: feeling bit down miss my little bestie  (Read 1192 times)


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feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« on: 05 February 2024, 22:46:00 »
well few weeks ago i found the crow that adopted me dead ...i did not know how much i got attached till it stopped coming by...
about 8 years back i moved into my place and had habit of leaving windows open...after about 4 months this crow started to sit on my window sill and would just sit i started talking to it and it became sort of a two way conversation between us then one day it started to bring me gifts mostly bottle caps dont know why but funny so every now and then i would give it a treat it was particular to granny smiths dont  know why so we would sit at the window have an apple talk and then go about the day...funny thing was it would not just lunge for apple but would take it very gently and puff up like a foose ball and eat it slowly now and then it wanted its head scratched
weird...miss the visits miss the conversations and miss the meals with i am feeling bit blue

any one else had something like this?
you sure cannot out run death...but sure as hell you can make that bastard work for it!


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #1 on: 17 March 2024, 21:17:47 »
It's sad to hear your story. Try raising a new type of pet. Maybe it will help you feel less sad.


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #2 on: 17 March 2024, 21:49:36 »
My deepest sympathies.
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These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #3 on: 26 March 2024, 20:13:33 »
My sister used to have several parakeets when we were roommates.  One of them got very sick one day, and you know how birds are - even gentle birds will attack a sick member of the flock, it's kind of instinct for them.  Anyway, one day I noticed the commotion, and went and found the sick bird at the bottom of the cage.  I got it out, and since my sister had no money at the time, I took it to the bird specialist veterinarian.  After they injected it with an antibody I kept it in a cage in my room so it could recover in peace. 

I did that for about 2 weeks.  So my sister used to sometimes let the birds out and let them fly around.  This one parakeet - Harley was its name, it was a harlequin parakeet - would always fly right to me and land either on my shoulder or on the back of my chair and sit with me.  It wasn't hand-raised or anything.  It wouldn't let my sister mess with him either.  But it knew.  It knew I saved its life and it just always gravitated toward me while it was alive.  Birds are fascinating like that.
« Last Edit: 28 March 2024, 10:23:19 by rebs »
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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #4 on: 26 March 2024, 22:55:39 »
I understand this.  End of January my cat died.  This was a cat that my wife and I adopted from hanging around our garage in our condo back in 2011.  We were told that if we didn't give it a $2700 operation to fix a heart defect, he would only live another 6 or 7 years.  That was 13 years ago!  Its already been a hard 6 months.  Lost 2 friends in Oct, dad in Nov, uncle in Dec.  I loved them all but dang I miss that cat.  We were just two old men watching TV at times.  At this point I am stuck yelling at squirrels that are raiding the bird feeders.


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #5 on: 26 March 2024, 23:27:31 »
I'm so sorry. About twelve years ago, my longtime dog passed in his sleep. He was probably seventeen years old, and had a good life. Still, that stung so deep. Every morning when I would wake up, I'd come out of my bedroom and he would jump up and run to me. I'd kneel down and we'd put our heads together while I petted him and he licked me. I miss that little guy every damn day of my life.

There's something so very pure about a relationship with an animal. When they like you, there's no guile. It's a pure thing, that trust and affection. Again, I'm so sorry. Peace and love to you.
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The Once & Future WiseOldNovaCat


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #6 on: 27 March 2024, 08:37:33 »
I'm so sorry. About twelve years ago, my longtime dog passed in his sleep. He was probably seventeen years old, and had a good life. Still, that stung so deep. Every morning when I would wake up, I'd come out of my bedroom and he would jump up and run to me. I'd kneel down and we'd put our heads together while I petted him and he licked me. I miss that little guy every damn day of my life.

There's something so very pure about a relationship with an animal. When they like you, there's no guile. It's a pure thing, that trust and affection. Again, I'm so sorry. Peace and love to you.
the best description of a relation ship i had heard
you sure cannot out run death...but sure as hell you can make that bastard work for it!


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #7 on: 27 March 2024, 19:07:27 »
That's still really cool that you had a crow that came by with gifts.  Hopefully someone new comes along soon. 


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #8 on: 27 March 2024, 19:58:13 »
doubt it it had no mate but had friends... and it never had company when visiting i wish it had...
still it was funny when it wanted to have its head scratched...
it did same thing my friends parrot would do to get would tap the perch tilt its head and look at you...and kept doing it until it got the scratches...still dont know where that crow picked that from
you sure cannot out run death...but sure as hell you can make that bastard work for it!


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #9 on: 27 March 2024, 20:06:27 »
Crows are actually very smart and observant birds.  I remember my dad telling me when I was a kid that they could even pick up and mimic words.


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #10 on: 27 March 2024, 22:39:21 »
My wife's cat died a few years ago. She loved that cat (named César). He had kitty leukemia, & we think he got it because he was a partial street cat (this was in Ecuador, where there are a LOT of stray animals, especially cats, in the streets). Anyway, after he died, her niece (future cat lady in training) found a kitten that looked almost exactly like my wife's old cat. So we adopted him. We are looking into ways to bring him to the US once my wife's immigration visa goes through...

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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #11 on: 28 March 2024, 10:35:44 »
doubt it it had no mate but had friends... and it never had company when visiting i wish it had...
still it was funny when it wanted to have its head scratched...
it did same thing my friends parrot would do to get would tap the perch tilt its head and look at you...and kept doing it until it got the scratches...still dont know where that crow picked that from

I'm glad you had the experience of making a friend of an animal that you helped to save.  And truly sorry for the void it left in passing.
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"Thou shalt not create a machine in the image of the human mind." ~ The Orange Catholic Bible, Dune, Frank Herbert


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #12 on: 28 March 2024, 10:59:02 »
I'm glad you had the experience of making a friend of an animal that you helped to save.  And truly sorry for the void it left in passing.
i never saved just sat one day on my window sill and it just went from there...
it seems that animals just adopt me at random
you sure cannot out run death...but sure as hell you can make that bastard work for it!


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #13 on: 02 April 2024, 21:56:41 »
Are you sure it's the same crow?  My mom feeds about a dozen crows a day in her front-yard. She buys peanuts by the pound.   There's also a squirrel;  that will eat walnuts out of your hand.  And this was all my fault; in 2021, I noticed a paraplegic-squirrel, dragging it's hind-legs, in her yard.  Then, she fed it, named it, "Gimpy", and so this all began.

There was a stay-kitten that found me, bleach-white, that they tried to give away, but he escaped the pet-store and came back months later; he would sit on the garage; the dogs would bark at him, and then walk away because when they got close, they couldn't see the cat anymore; the cat was thinking, "Stupid-dogs".  Anyways, he adopted me and that was twenty-years ago.  He passed away last year.


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #14 on: 02 April 2024, 22:33:33 »
Are you sure it's the same crow?  My mom feeds about a dozen crows a day in her front-yard. She buys peanuts by the pound.   There's also a squirrel;  that will eat walnuts out of your hand.  And this was all my fault; in 2021, I noticed a paraplegic-squirrel, dragging it's hind-legs, in her yard.  Then, she fed it, named it, "Gimpy", and so this all began.

There was a stay-kitten that found me, bleach-white, that they tried to give away, but he escaped the pet-store and came back months later; he would sit on the garage; the dogs would bark at him, and then walk away because when they got close, they couldn't see the cat anymore; the cat was thinking, "Stupid-dogs".  Anyways, he adopted me and that was twenty-years ago.  He passed away last year.

not very many had one white tail feather tip

and cat sounds like mine 35 years this day not sure who adopted whom...
started simple enough she was a kitten an started following me in the morning and in afternoon when i was still going to school on the bus...after about 2 weeks she just followed me inside the home and had been there since...she is gone now 25 years plus...
tbh to this day i had never heard of a cat willingly to jump in a tub while one is soaking or in a shower and heavens and hell below if she was not allowed to join you ...loud yowl would go on...and on...and she would give you attitude...if she did not get in the tub or shower with you...especially with me....she loved the soak time i am in the tub she gets in planted herself on my chest stretch and purr up a storm

i also had budgie parrot ...would eat breakfast with me and insisted on drinking tea so i would pour some into a saucer (only once by accident he landed on rim of hit cup of tea),,,and fights we had over crust of fresh bread with butter were legendary...i was 5 and it passed on when i was slept in a cage but it used to fly around the house but loved to ride the shoulder and nibble on your ear...and it was strange it would fly to cage to do its business...
you sure cannot out run death...but sure as hell you can make that bastard work for it!


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #15 on: 03 April 2024, 17:04:33 »
Not too many cats like water; I used to have to wash mine in the shower because he'd come home looking like a reverse-skunk. He used to meow like, "WTF are you doing to me man"; the worse part, was he'd shiver afterwards even when I made the bathroom really warm with a space-heater.


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #16 on: 03 April 2024, 20:46:20 »
i think mine fell in love with the tub when she fell in and found out water was not cold but hot she was about 3 months old at the time
and the extra attention she got with towel and hair drier helped...
she would not do it with any one but me
funniest thing she ever did when she learned stream is not hot water tub...she looked so betrayed lol
sorry i should had said she loved walking with me ...i think only because if she got tired i would grab her and put her in back of my neck with paws hanging in the front ...thats usually when purr concert began along with ear licking
she was an unusual cat jealous too...which is funny because the cat she was jealous of became her best friend lol
lol funny thing is she also learned to use the toilet...her litter box was very rarely used she prefered it after she figured out how to flush
you sure cannot out run death...but sure as hell you can make that bastard work for it!


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #17 on: 07 April 2024, 21:03:58 »
i never saved just sat one day on my window sill and it just went from there...
it seems that animals just adopt me at random

You never know if you being there helped it in ways people wouldn't normally expect.
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"Thou shalt not create a machine in the image of the human mind." ~ The Orange Catholic Bible, Dune, Frank Herbert


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #18 on: 08 April 2024, 21:50:40 »
And my mom's going nuts with the crows; when I stopped by on my bike, she told me not to upset the crows!

i think mine fell in love with the tub when she fell in and found out water was not cold but hot she was about 3 months old at the time
and the extra attention she got with towel and hair drier helped...
she would not do it with any one but me
funniest thing she ever did when she learned stream is not hot water tub...she looked so betrayed lol
. . .

If a cat is used to water when they are a kitten, maybe, they can adjust?

And my cat would meow at me when I sprayed him with the shower-water, like he was saying, "What the **** man"!

And pic-time!!!

Ralphie in the tree, waiting for her walnut she'll take from your hand:

D.C. (Damn-Cat), when he was 19.  He had feline HIV, so his eyes were always infected(he got in a lot of cat-fights) and white-cats get cancer on their ears; it's benign, but it would grow like a claw and he'd rip it out with his paw, so, there'd be blood splattered on the wall. I got it removed, but it comes back.   I got a soft-cone for him, so it would heal.


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #19 on: 08 April 2024, 22:42:34 »
got to love them both...
baby squarel i raised was fun
sadly it got eaten by a feral cat in my neighborhood,,,it was 4 years old
my school teachers would get annoyed when it would not stay home but would ride my back pack and would refuse to stay outside the got used to just sitting in or napping inside the shoulder bag when in class...on a way home it would either tun next tome or ride in top of back pack
its fave was a brush and if it wanted attention it would drag it from the bathroom to whatever room i was in or my mother was in...fall would arrive and it would spend the winter inside in its cage...yes i let it loose and it also had fights with my budgie over crusts of rye bread with butter i think it was mostly play fighting since in the end they both would eat the same crust at same time without issues
funniest thing was when i would find these two asleep in same nest

btw the gray ones are bit more dumber than their european red variety at least thats what it seems to me
you sure cannot out run death...but sure as hell you can make that bastard work for it!


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Re: feeling bit down miss my little bestie
« Reply #20 on: 10 April 2024, 22:00:48 »
The grey squirrels are native to the Southwest: less-predators, maybe;  Ralphie will eat right next me, as if she didn't have a care in the world: my cat never went after the squirrels, but rats, mice, spiders, and even a humming-bird once, were fair game; and he'd eat them; I'd find heads and tails under the patio-table. Spiders, he'd eat them when they'd run across my bed or when I'm working on my truck, and get a terrible look in his face.

