Author Topic: Again some problems with the repairing rules and the equipment availability  (Read 214 times)

Mostro Joe

  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 467
I have some problems with other contradictory rules in the campaign Operations book. Someone I would like to talk about with you.

In pag.51 of the CO book, it is said that during a campaign new equipment and personnel must be searched and found. And I think that's clear and logic.
In the "Procuring equipment and personnel during a campaign" sub-chapter there are a lot of interesting rules to find personnel, equipment and ammos. And even the times these parts need to arrive at destination.

The problem is in another chapter, in pag. 200, where rules deal with the Maintenance, salvage & repair management of your force.
It is said that to repair a unit, you have to chek if a replacement part is available. There are tables, even an interesting faction availability table, and that's is anyway mandatory step to proceed with reparations.

But... if pag.51 has given yet rules to find replacement parts, why I have to roll again? And if replacement parts or personnel must be brought on planet, how can they now be readily available? Suppose you are on  an hostile planet, how can you immediately find new aerospace pilots, mechwarriors or soldiers like it is said you can in pag. 203???

yes the chapter says that if you want, you can stockpile your replacement parts (pag.202) but these are anyway contradictory rules. You have to roll to find parts, and await their arrival, or you can just roll and magically found a new foot platoon?

if these rules are intended like a more detailed and realistic version at pag.51, and a more "simplicistic" version  a pag. 200 to deal with the same matter, why they are on different chapters?

I think that if I have a stockpile I can use the replacement parts without rolling to see if I can find the parts. And I think that if I have no replacement parts in my stockpile, I should try to recover them on the wreckages of the battlefields (if I'm lucky) or I can target an enemy stock to pillage it. And if nothing works, I should locate them extra-planet awaiting their arrival. And so the rules in pagg. 200-203 seems really weird. Or redundant anyway.