Author Topic: Tyrant Assault BA (or 'Cloud Cobras giving into a meme')  (Read 328 times)

AngryButler with a KNIFE!

  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 495
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Tyrant BattleArmor
Type: Tyrant
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown

Tech Base: Clan (Standard)
Chassis Type:  Biped
Weight Class: Assault
Maximum Weight: 2,000 kg
Battle Value: 647
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: No/No/No/No

Equipment                                     Slots      Mass
Chassis:                                               700 kg
Motive System:                                               
     Ground MP:          2                             160 kg
     Jump MP:            0                               0 kg
    Left Arm:            None                            0 kg
    Right Arm:           None                            0 kg
Armor:                   Stealth (Basic)        3      420 kg
    Armor Value:         15 (Trooper)                         

Weapons and Equipment         Location (Capacity)   Mass 
Gauss Rifle                   Right Arm     1       200 kg
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount     Body       1        5 kg 
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount     Body       1        5 kg 
LRM 3                         Left Arm     3       105 kg
LRM 3 Ammo (4)                  Body       1       100 kg
LRM 3 Ammo (4)                  Body       1       100 kg
Micro Pulse Laser               Body       1       160 kg
Improved Sensors                Body       1       45 kg 

"Snake? Answer me Snake. Snakeeeeeeeee......!!"

On the opposing hand, a full five-man point of these is a walking LRM15 battery for EIGHT turns. Which is enough to give almost anyone nightmares.

Oh, and there's that APGauss too...
« Last Edit: 09 March 2024, 17:27:59 by AngryButler with a KNIFE! »
I love my Wiesel XII. Yes, yes I do.

