Author Topic: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus  (Read 5417 times)


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Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« on: 10 March 2024, 16:22:23 »
In the late 3050s, omnimechs were the hot new thing in the Inner Sphere and everybody was trying to build their own.  As the Free Worlds League was on the opposite side of the Sphere from the Invasion Corridor, they had no first-hand experience with omnimechs and no stockpiles of salvage to draw upon for reverse engineering so it took them a bit longer to get into the game than everyone but the Capellans.  And in 3058, the first natively-built omnimech in the Free Worlds League marched off the assembly line, the P1 Perseus.

Original Field Manual: Free Worlds League art

TRO 3067 Art

Debuting in Field Manual: Free Worlds League and then getting reprinted in TRO 3067, the Perseus is a 75 ton design based on the longtime flagship mech of the FWL, the Orion.  Since I don't have access to Field Manual: Free Worlds League I don't know if there were any variants added in 3067 but as shown above the art was changed (for the better, IMO).

To power the mech, a 300XL engine was used, the same one used in the upgraded Orion and many other mechs across the Inner Sphere.  This gives the mech the average Inner Sphere heavy mech's movement profile: 4/6.  In order to give the design additional tonnage for weaponry, an Endo Steel chassis was also used to save weight.  While these choices did result in the Perseus having a staggering 39.5 tons of pod space (the most of any Inner Sphere omnimech until the Hauptmann appeared two years later), they also meant that its interior was already rather cramped before any of that pod space was utilized, especially in the side torsos.  Fourteen tons of standard armor plating give the mech near-maximum protection, only falling one point short on the center torso and three points below on the arms.  A pair of double heatsinks were hard-mounted in the engine, giving it a base dissipation of 24.  If quirks are in play, the Perseus has Good Reputation (not relevant outside of a campaign) and Anti-Aircraft Targeting.

And that leaves us with firepower.

The Prime is a very odd duck.  It's clearly influenced by the Orion, with a class 10 autocannon and both Long and Short-Range Missiles backed by medium lasers, but that's where the resemblance ends.  The FWL's then-new Ultra 10 autocannon occupies the right arm, fed by a two ton ammo bin in the right torso.  The left arm features an LRM 20 with Artemis IV and a Medium Pulse Laser, with the missile pod also fed by a two ton bin in the right torso.  An SRM 4, also with Artemis, occupies the Center Torso and is fed by a one ton bin in the Left Torso.  Both side torsos are protected by CASE, so in the event of an ammo explosion you'll have a mostly-intact mech delivered to your enemies as salvage.  And then for the weird part: four ER Medium Lasers mounted in the legs.  You'll see that a lot, because this mech uses leg-mounted weaponry often.  An ER Small Laser balances out the last half ton.  This configuration can run quite hot if you let it.  If you ever found yourself in a position where you performed an alpha strike, you'd be at 19+movement heat.  Fortunately, however, this heat is from a large number of fairly low heat weapons, so it's quite easy to tune your heat output each round in order to keep things manageable.  Just watch out for close-range fighting since your leg-mounted weapons have a limited firing arc and you'll need to pay attention to which lasers you fire if you want to kick in the same round.

The A configuration takes a less generalist approach and focuses on fire support with twin Artemis-equipped LRM 20s, one in each arm, fed by a four ton ammo bin in the left torso.  For backup weaponry, it possesses two Medium Pulse Lasers in the center torso and one Artemis-enhanced SRM 6 in the right torso, fed by two ammo bins, one in the right torso with it and the other in the right leg.  CASE again protects both side torsos and the leg-mounted ammo bin is joined by a TAG while a Guardian ECM sits in the other leg.  Significantly cooler-running than the Prime, this variant will only generate movement heat on an alpha strike.  The TAG is kind of a weird feature, given that this is primarily a long-range fire support mech.  Rather than making use of it regularly, it seems more like something defensive that's used to discourage enemies from trying to get in close less they find themselves targeted by semi-guided LRMs from the Percy's allies.

Now we get to the B variant, and it's a doozy.  It's armed with a Gauss Rifle in the right arm, two Large Pulse Lasers in the left, an ER Large Laser in the left torso, and a head-mounted AMS for defense.  Two extra double heatsinks are not adequate to help with this mech's heat burden, generating 6+movement on an alpha strike if the AMS activates.  That's not huge, but it's also not a great amount of firepower for all that heat.  What's worse, this configuration shows the FASA-era AMS rules in its loadout, with two tons of AMS ammo stored in the left leg, while the Gauss Rifle possesses only a single ton of ammo.  This time around, there's no CASE for protection.  Hard to say what the point of this variant is, the weapon load doesn't really work well together and the Gauss Rifle just doesn't have enough ammo.  If possible, drop the superfluous ton of AMS ammo to give the GR more.

The C variant returns the Ultra 10 to the right arm and this time it's accompanied by that other Marik ballistic weapon from the late 50s/early 60s, the Light Gauss Rifle, which sits in the left arm.  Backing these guns up are a trio of ER Medium Lasers in the legs (two in the right, one in the left), a Streak SRM 2 in the head, and a rear-mounted Medium Pulse Laser in the center torso.  The two extra heatsinks used on the B are retained here.  The autocannon has three tons of ammo with two in the right and one in the left, the latter sitting next to the Streak 2's ammo, while the LGR is fed by a two ton bin in the left arm with it.  This variant lacks CASE, which is a very bad thing if you're carrying a single Streak 2 launcher.  This variant does have good heat management, with a running alpha strike of all the forward-mounted weaponry leaving it heat neutral.  You'll have to start shooting that rear MPL if you want to see the needle start pushing up.

The D variant feels like a slight remix of the Prime, with an LB 10-X AC in the right arm, an LRM 20 with Artemis in the left arm, and an ER Small Laser in the head, but then things get changed around.  There's an ER Medium Laser in the right arm with the AC, an SRM 6 with Artemis in the right torso, and two more ER Medium Lasers in the left torso.  A Beagle Active Probe and a Guardian ECM occupy the right and left legs, respectively.  And then things get frightening, because this mech has two tons of LB 10 ammo in the right torso, three tons of LRM ammo in the left, and two tons of SRM ammo in the center, and there's absolutely no CASE to be had anywhere.  Heat management is doable, you'll only gain 5+movement if you alpha strike and as with the Prime there's a lot of low-heat weapons to allow you to tweak things.

That's it for the variants that showed up in TRO 3067, but Record Sheets 3067 Unabridged added three new variants during the Jihad to show off new tech from that time.

First up is the E.  A Gauss Rifle sits in the right arm again like the B, but thankfully this time it's got an appropriately-sized two ton ammo bin.  The left arm has a Large and Medium Variable Speed Pulse Laser.  Firepower is rounded out by an ER Small Laser in the head, an Improved One Shot SRM 6 in the center torso, and a rear-mounted ER Medium laser in the left torso.  And oh yeah, it's also got a pair of Vehicular Grenade Launchers taking up space there.  I might be wrong, but I think this could be the first and only canon mech to mount VGLs.  At least they give you a few options, depending on what kind of grenades you choose to load in them.  A Beagle also sits in the left torso while the remaining three tons are devoted to Communication Equipment to let it function as a command mech.  This is another variant without CASE but the GR's the only part that explodes so it's not that big a deal.  Heat's pretty reasonable.  Ignoring the three one-shot weapons, you're looking at 1+movement heat if you fire the rear-mounted ER Medium.

Next comes the P, which for those of you keeping track makes it the P1P.  That's more P than I really like in my battlemechs.  This variant is geared for short-to-medium range combat, something of an oddity among Perseus variants.  A RAC 5 sits in the right arm with a standard Medium Laser, while a standard PPC and an MRM 20 sit in the left.  A TAG sits in the head, a Streak SRM 4 in the center torso, and a Guardian ECM in the left.  Four ER Small Lasers mimic the mediums from the Prime by sitting in the legs.  Three tons of RAC ammo sit along the one ton of Streak ammo in the right torso while two tons of MRM ammo sit in the left.  This time, CASE protects both torsos again.  Heat also returns, with an alpha strike boosting you up to 12+movement if you fire the RAC at full, but yada yada lots of little guns to manage your heat with.  Just drop the PPC if you're close enough to use the ER Smalls and you're fine.

The final variant is the W, which undoubtedly stands for Word of Blake as it packs a C3i in the Center Torso.  Making use of that C3i is a Gauss Rifle in the left arm, an ER Medium Laser in the head and two more in the left torso, and an LB 20-X AC that's split between the right arm and right torso.  The autocannon is fed by three tons of ammo, one in the right torso and two in the right leg, while the GR has two tons of ammo in the left torso.  There's no CASE, but this mech is heat neutral on a running alpha strike.

And that's it for the configurations.  Unique among omnimechs found in the Inner Sphere, this machine did not get any new post-Jihad variants at all.  And there are definitely some questions about what's happening with it, since Kali Yama Weapons Industries built it on Kalidasa, which joined the Blakist Protectorate during the Jihad, got liberated, ended up in the Republic of the Sphere, went independent during the Blackout, joined the reborn Free Worlds League, was conquered by the Lyrans, was then conquered by the Wolf Empire, and last I heard the Sea Foxes were doing something with it.  And what all that adds up to is that by the IlClan Era, I haven't got the slightest idea whether or not this mech is still in production.  The time during which the planet was under control of the Wolves in particular would have been dicey for this mech- given their reverence for the Great Father's mech, would they have seen the Perseus as something to be similarly respected, or as an inadequate successor that needed to be erased?  Beats me, and if there's any canon information about that it's not in a book I own.

All in all, the Perseus is a good mech.  As I said at the beginning of the article it had the most pod space of any Inner Sphere omnimech when it debute, and it also had the second-most armor, beaten only by the Sunder.  It's got some wonkiness due to having only five slots free in each side torso, and some of the variants, the B in particular, are just kind of WTF.  But for the most part the configs range from "not bad" to "pretty good" even if there are none that really jump out as spectacular.
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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #1 on: 10 March 2024, 18:09:45 »
Nice article. Not sure why they named it the Perseus; it generally looks like variants to the Orion. They could have done like the Draconis Combine did with the Firestarter Omni (and a few others I can’t recall at the moment) and just made the Orion-Omni.

The leg mount weapons also seemed like an odd placement; not sure what the thought process was there.

Protection wise it seems like a solid trooper heavy. I’ve just never been able to get over its look; to me it’s uglier than the Orion, which is saying something.


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #2 on: 10 March 2024, 18:57:12 »
The only reason I can think of for naming it "Perseus" is that they just love naming mechs after Greek heroes and didn't want to start reusing any until they'd run out.
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Liam's Ghost

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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #3 on: 10 March 2024, 19:19:42 »
While I was toying with making configurations for the Scorpion Empire (Yes, the Scorpions have the Perseus), it occurred to me that the cramped torsos might actually work in the mech's favor, since it means that most every configuration is reasonably well suited to carrying mechanized battle armor without compromising its own firepower. Even the strange fascination with leg guns works in favor of this. It makes me wonder if that quirk of the Perseus' design was intentional.
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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #4 on: 10 March 2024, 20:10:09 »
While I was toying with making configurations for the Scorpion Empire (Yes, the Scorpions have the Perseus), it occurred to me that the cramped torsos might actually work in the mech's favor, since it means that most every configuration is reasonably well suited to carrying mechanized battle armor without compromising its own firepower. Even the strange fascination with leg guns works in favor of this. It makes me wonder if that quirk of the Perseus' design was intentional.
curious. how did the Scorpions get them? did the WoB facories they took over have a line for them? (the way that they got the Grand Crusader/Star Crusader and Nexus/Star Python?)

Liam's Ghost

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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #5 on: 10 March 2024, 21:27:10 »
curious. how did the Scorpions get them? did the WoB facories they took over have a line for them? (the way that they got the Grand Crusader/Star Crusader and Nexus/Star Python?)

I assume they were part of the blakist cache the Scorpions captured before they moved to Nuevo Castile, so they probably aren't producing the design, but they have some in service.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #6 on: 11 March 2024, 04:34:16 »
Field Manual: FWL just comments limitations of the small size of the bays and offers no more info on why 4 fixed endo per side torso with XL that hampers it so. Just adding "flavour" I guess.


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #7 on: 11 March 2024, 07:10:58 »
 The B needs to be understood in the context of mechs like the Tempest, it is using the Gauss Rifle as a heavy gun backed by Large Pulse Lasers for brawling at short range. The lack of an extra ton of ammunition remains problematic. Adding the AMS remains weird, but I assume that it was designed with TRO 3055 templates in mind.


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #8 on: 11 March 2024, 07:36:40 »
Its partially flavor, but its also partially construction. Considering they're building an "Omni-Orion" then its sort of surprising that you can't mimic the Orion by putting an AC10 or bigger weapon in the just won't fit. Heck, even the AC5s are a tight fit.

OOCly, its taking up 7 of 12 criticals, which means no large weapons there, you can only fit 1 Double Heat sink in the location (since two will require 6 slots).

But I will point out that the FM: FWL does explain why its limited.and talks about not being able to mount Gauss rifles and large ACs anywhere but in the arms (and its even tight there). The heat sinks are mentioned as well.

So its fluff, but its logical fluff.


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #9 on: 11 March 2024, 09:24:45 »
The E is very much a command mech, designed to keep a high-ranking officer alive and working that Comm Gear. Most of the weapons are geared towards quickly eliminating a headhunter at close range, while the Gauss Rifle is a compromise for commanders (and players) who can't handle the idea of a mech whose primary job doesn't involve shooting every turn. That, and sometimes salt flats really do happen.
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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #10 on: 11 March 2024, 16:26:25 »
If the clans have the primary factory it'd be intreasting to see a clantech or mixed tech Perseus IIC omnimech.
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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #11 on: 11 March 2024, 16:36:06 »
I assume they were part of the blakist cache the Scorpions captured before they moved to Nuevo Castile, so they probably aren't producing the design, but they have some in service.
looking at the MUL.. they have it in the Jihad, early republic, later republic, and dark age eras. this would seem to be in keeping with the idea that the scorpions absorbed some from the star League Huntress garrison and then picked up more from a WoB cache. there is no mention of them in the ilclan era for the mech in the MUL, but they haven't gotten around to updating the imperio's faction page for ilclan era yet in general.

honestly, i could see the Imperio retiring the design now that they have full factories producing Omnimechs again.


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #12 on: 11 March 2024, 17:57:40 »
The lack of variants after 3078 is surprising, considering it was in constant use over multiple factions from that point on as well. Especially since there's really no reason for it to have gone out of production either.

I wonder if it just got forgotten about.


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #13 on: 11 March 2024, 18:21:26 »
I have no idea.  Even omnis that were explicitly no longer in production, like the Hauptmann got new variants.  Heck, even the walking toilet seat Arctic Fox got a new variant.
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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #14 on: 11 March 2024, 19:29:56 »
Good Article! It was interesting machine to see on the field, but I was really not fan of the lack of CASE.  One these was part RPG campaign, this thing was hard keep from getting criticed out existence. (Mini needs a replacement it was not very posable...)
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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #15 on: 11 March 2024, 20:00:29 »
Yeah, a lot of minis from that time were locked in one pose.
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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #16 on: 11 March 2024, 20:45:24 »
While I was toying with making configurations for the Scorpion Empire (Yes, the Scorpions have the Perseus), it occurred to me that the cramped torsos might actually work in the mech's favor, since it means that most every configuration is reasonably well suited to carrying mechanized battle armor without compromising its own firepower. Even the strange fascination with leg guns works in favor of this. It makes me wonder if that quirk of the Perseus' design was intentional.

That's a great point that I never realized until you mentioned it! FM:FWL was one of the first FMs made, and it also had the introduction of the Longinus and Achilles BAs. With no other Omnis/salvage available to the FWL, this would have been the ONLY BattleMech BA carrier for a few years.


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #17 on: 11 March 2024, 20:58:39 »
That's a great point that I never realized until you mentioned it! FM:FWL was one of the first FMs made, and it also had the introduction of the Longinus and Achilles BAs. With no other Omnis/salvage available to the FWL, this would have been the ONLY BattleMech BA carrier for a few years.
The Free Worlds League Militia has always been about integrating its strong infantry branch with its mech forces. That is why attaching Artillery to infantry battalions made sense even in the 31st century. The reconfigurability of omnis was simply a secondary benefit. The Owens and Strider were natural additions.
Note: I am also a defender of the Blackjack Omni.
« Last Edit: 11 March 2024, 21:00:28 by Minemech »


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #18 on: 11 March 2024, 21:35:14 »
The Blackjack Omni complements the Perseus quite well in a lance.
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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #19 on: 11 March 2024, 22:00:43 »
While I was toying with making configurations for the Scorpion Empire (Yes, the Scorpions have the Perseus), it occurred to me that the cramped torsos might actually work in the mech's favor, since it means that most every configuration is reasonably well suited to carrying mechanized battle armor without compromising its own firepower. Even the strange fascination with leg guns works in favor of this. It makes me wonder if that quirk of the Perseus' design was intentional.

I would think it was intentional, but I think that bonus is more of an OOC thing, than a ICly thing, because the same book that gives us the Perseus that almost screams "mechanized Battle Armor" also gave us the FWL BA platoons being 5 squads of 4 troopers each, making the use of mechs in standard formations problematic.

FWIW, FM:FWL states "All line and battle-armor infantry troops use mechanized transport assets, most often armored personnel carriers such as the Maxim or Taurian-produced Maultier. Many also use infantry fighting vehicles..." (pg 20 FM:FWL).


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #20 on: 11 March 2024, 22:26:43 »
 In general lore the FWLM and AFFS compete heavily in their infantry branches, and you can always expect if something goes for one, a few books later something else will go for the latter. Sometimes the fluff for the AFFS side is more than a little over the top, but that arms race is very real and an interesting part of the lore.

 The Perseus was likely designed before the League transitioned straight into SG ammo, so it has an oddity in Artemis equipped LRMs for its year. Since the Bardiche uses a NARC Beacon, I am wondering if the League will reroute itself that way in the future. I do not suspect it is interested in LRM BA as its armor and mech branches handle that well.



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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #21 on: 11 March 2024, 22:55:02 »
The Free Worlds League Militia has always been about integrating its strong infantry branch with its mech forces. That is why attaching Artillery to infantry battalions made sense even in the 31st century. The reconfigurability of omnis was simply a secondary benefit. The Owens and Strider were natural additions.
Note: I am also a defender of the Blackjack Omni.
iirc the FWL gained the blackjack Omni before they got the perseus.. Irian Technologies was one of the companies they teamed up with LAW to design it, and LAW gave out the specs to Irian. (it's noted as the first Omnimech the combine licensed out the production for, and it went to Irain. though apparently.. not the plans for the version that could connect to clan weapons pods)

no doubt that partnership was part of how they developed the Perseus.
at some point they also got production of the Strider and the Owens. also by Irain Technologies.
so the FWL had other Omnimech BA carriers.


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #22 on: 12 March 2024, 00:16:58 »
According to TRO 3058 Upgrade, Irian didn't actually get the rights to build the Omni-jack until LAW was destroyed during the Jihad.
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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #23 on: 12 March 2024, 07:04:24 »
 The Firestarter omni was also exported to the League early on, which they seemed to have turned into a Phoenix Hawk alternative.
« Last Edit: 12 March 2024, 07:10:26 by Minemech »


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #24 on: 12 March 2024, 12:56:18 »
The Perseus is a pretty versatile chassis that can carry effective configurations. It has the pod space and armor to mimic/replace a lot of the League's preferred heavy and low end assault mechs. I too wish this one had been revisited with additional configs; it is held back by having to showcase the new equipment from the FWL FM.

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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #25 on: 12 March 2024, 13:27:52 »
If/when the Perseus does get brought back into focus with new canon variants, I have my fingers crossed for some C3 variants carrying the C3 Slave and the C3 Master. I think that alone could cause some FWL players to want to break out a Perseus or two. The FWLM just doesn't have very many C3 'mechs (particularly C3 Master-equipped machines) to pick from.

I think a couple new Perseus variants with C3 could breathe new life and interest into this machine for the new era. It would certainly open up some more options for building a FWLM C3 equipped lance or company.

Obviously there's nothing stopping someone from doing this already with custom configs. But I know a lot of people who rely on standard configs for various reasons.


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #26 on: 12 March 2024, 18:55:38 »
A nice and balanced review of the Perseus. It's a solid design that suffers from some poor config choices (much like the Gargoyle or the Loki). I think the configs are am interesting reflection on the fractured nature of the League itself.


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #27 on: 12 March 2024, 20:23:23 »
Love the concept, hate the mini. It's massive work to customise to non-prime configs, and looks ... bleh. Would love a new revision and a plastic mini, I'd field lots then.
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* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #28 on: 12 March 2024, 22:01:32 »
f quirks are in play, the Perseus has Good Reputation (not relevant outside of a campaign) and Anti-Aircraft Targeting.

I see Easy to Maintain and Anti-Aircraft targeting.

Which makes sense, since it shares its Targeting and Tracking system with the Orion.


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Re: Mech of the Week: P1 Perseus
« Reply #29 on: 13 March 2024, 22:32:13 »
Love the concept, hate the mini. It's massive work to customise to non-prime configs, and looks ... bleh. Would love a new revision and a plastic mini, I'd field lots then.
Amen on that.  :drinking01:
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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